3A EA GL ENA SEI ON ni A rng AI SAI 1 sis 538 pas niger who i" oo Bator | have his fingers in the 2 door when the 4 the door cannot | to be left out. ig the office of Gov- nf a citizen of the United | € age of Net ees than | 1 role for centuries, 835 new. have been opened since | Bates took Charge of the OO children sre attending and hondreds of thou ing admission. These the report of the! trail was obliterated by the tragiping {and the dust of north maving herds of { bison. He Abe were hires or arty The “telepathy” of the seer as indeed to have come range of realization. Register condemns the oqua salute” which zed At religious ath. “rixty that - Trouble ahead!” oe and sti The Yators fre ie trouble with Benedict his Bostages are given. There | ims upon his heart, his time, hig | le must consider obligations ; He is a mortgaged he 1ay be ever so good a no use of spending much edict, for he can get it ever Indians were encountered, by his sense of direction throngh be | fogging dust clonds, when his pony } attempting to get to Mis feet In fromr | of jt. This wounded hunter was 8 young Sioux, with a4 broken shoulder and other injuries got In a mishap of hich Sansiate 5 of waving | | hesitated. His duty to the company 4 and the kupowledge that the fnjumsd man's tribesmen woukl, sooner or later, | return to look for him, were balanced | | further injory under the hoofs of the =! his xcheduled time at Carl was swinging forward toward | meet him on the pony trail | advance with suspicion, and hitched | | Bonnet, | motioning the Sioux to wheel and ride and waved his arms up and down 1 Carl Jearned that bis situation was one ji coming on to cross the river, were Already he was halfsurrounded upon , | his left, and the river: full (n the spring 1 flood, was roaring upon his right. once to the river, Bot to attempt £ross | ng. but fo sink saddle and bBlankels THE WINDS AT PLAY. Thon many das he winds are bn st And they have swept the sky Clear of + 7 have « WEDS the sk : oy With. wild delight they yell as on they Across the trembling deep. barred their bois | Ppp the sleeping ocean into foam, y strip the tossing tree Sudely drive drive belated » aderers home, n, courtesies to rovalty | No rr for them {rom deen to evensong in rained woods high rion) Bins The dry len vou piroueite. Ag ly whirl of scarlet and of gold! % Whilst down the rivulet, Full 5 te Brim, the russet spoils and re: Are to the ovean sped. The golden elms to mother bond, The revels wax apace, The forest seems to dances from end te end, : The beeches interlace’ And for the orchestra fo this mad crowd The winds are piping load. ~F. B. Doveton, in Westminster Gavetle By. Franklia Welles Calkins. IAS NB : SE : party of Bloux rode inte the vailey the express rider saw that he had the race | of bis life before him. Presently, as dost overhung the pear bufls tn feent +X friend. Carl Yon Eps, was In his younger days, a Yider for the pony express He rode between Big Sprites and O'Fallen's stations on the Patte Biver. It was dangerous ground, the common huntigg rrovnd of the Bioug, Cheveaoes. Pawnpees Arapahoes, and several other hostile tribes, One afternoon in the late fail his passed several hunting parties of Indians in the distance, but they were not sirong enough or were ton busy with (heir hunting fo attack, aml Oar] escaped the usual perilons chaze to be expected when The messenger was making his wav | shied ai a Hmp and battered Indian, the chase. For. a moment the express rider against the possibility of his death of | tratoping herds, eaulees emptied in long Ant iike Ales -uposs the river-fiatz i along before then i rider, probably But seeing that the wounded hunter ¥ could not ries 10 his feel, Carl's decision was quickly made, and the : | deadly enerny was picked up and ¥ given-<much to his azionishment | doglitless—a seat behind the ls ger's saddle. Charl was but a few minutes Dehina | AF Fallows, where the Indian was graombiingly | taken in and fed and cared for! until he recovered. Little was jearned | i from the 1aciturn Sioux except that! t | his Dakota pame was, Bear Bonnet translated, Bome months afer. lovg aller the hunter had returned to Bis people O'Fallon's when an Indian rider ap || petted, coming cut of a hlufl coules to The messenger eyed the Indian's { a pistol holster forward. Then as the red man drew near, with a sign of ! friendliness, Carl recognized Bear “How.howT" shouted thes messenger, alongside. But Bear Bounet halted with an emphatic motion, signifying. in the sign language, “Halt there! The messenger drew rein, apd thers passed a rapid colflugquy, mostly in the sign manual, between the riders of extreme peril. Bands of Riong stretched ont for a mile or two pars! lel with hia trail. and some of them were just beyond the river bluffs Bear Bonnet urged him to turn a: | cession of sago-bushes fiited by oss 3 mevessary for Bes: Bonne! to shew a if peed be. but Bot come too near! Carll took a revolver from his holster apd ving riders was strefebed for half a and then go into hiding upon one of tin shore. The Indian sald he would swim the! miesgenger's pony across the river hin e- | self, and would retarn the anions] to] | is owner when the danger had jrassed, “Heap Ogalallas,” suid Hose “Comp EO—-COte §0--COIne colo, git" Carl, scanning the Hlufe now not had appeared; ny he animal was willow fringed Islinnds pot far from | of him, he Jet his pony zo af fon spend. Yer ke was hardly swariy of will riders when the bh The Todians seamad pot to notion Jip | at first; they was have thonels thet two of their own riders Were scurrying Carl mw foted that Bear Bonnet was no longer rid ing with Him Beck to peck. The Slonx had dropped 3 the rear. The tneswenrer gay hi filx neny an sp TOving slap pon 8 neek : poyoie, couldn't keep the pee hw thought, his own riers bearily welgur. #4 animal must be wuperior fo he ine dian stove He meade the most of de previous moment shen the Ogalallan seemed to be considering bis identity Then the Indie recognized Bim ¢ eine from the domire ageous Dikota in the rear, aud with tremendous ons Buen ing from Nosed their os in purest iL. : The waslicnt ravons of Pony Craik wore six miles sway, He Koew thei intricate windings of those canon-ONre | and IF be eonld renel them far enough in sdvansse, there Wak same chance fo dodge his mere there, He leaned wil torwind. and his “Fpanish eke lors” songht his pony’s Sanka Tho responte wis running whivh Tesmbied th Rianne rosh of 8; teed antelope. Artoss two milen pe oi I tast clear aiassnhes, Be | heard the whine wp of the Bisa, A pro. Hows by fhe wind, Peosanily the fy. | £ rider looked belied 15 see what hae ca af Bear Bouner, With sens surprise be poled thee ais Brat and Peasual fndonrent of the Indian's oles Hmbed bogekskin kad been after sorveet. Bear Bane: Wak fot ground, bur to what end wis disn thins Ziy i DE os haze? ? Apparently the thoueh: i Bees $1 1¥. perhaps, sein to be tak «Hy very in the chase, 3 easily et that Th srbEnt Necome Bostils band in downright sirnes Very well, tet him take care of hinixelf twiriedd the exlinder to see that Us az percussion caps were in their places In the meantime the string of law mile on the messengers Jeff, There were more than a hondred in pursuit, according to the messengers jadgment, and a farge squad of the foremost ere cerialaly riding poses as Bes! ax his ows. Ahead of him. three miles away. the bluffs met the river: a mie bee rond thelr rise lay the wazheats of Pour Creek; and still a mile and a kaif! Beyond the oreo bis all desoetded io the stage silicon in whe valley of the Platte, Carlsposy t ready made a shan : pistol te Tear. Chendred yards or so to cipite if Besri § Bonnets bor kekin with en Tom ars spell faew dowaw A allen of sis x when the Blawg! 3 nereaver welzited ay nail | bag pd a heavier sad chan the tn. tions weed Des pits this handicap the Fel aerads fhe Ba {the abeidrine bles x Ww nH tho ‘1 & faint vell of dust above the hing th lands io front. Hie danger wow lamis x nent, but bis duty to his compspy andi fae to the mail service was above tho | te consideration of pewsonal safety, He i must, as heretofore, “ride it ous Cat ull hazards. to the Sioux for having ridden abead of his fellows to warn him of danger. But fo Bear Bonaet's urgent counsel he shook hia head lu smiling negative, and slipping to the ground, tightened ‘hig saddle cinches. The Indian followed suit, Then, to Carl's surprise, the ‘Sioux, mounted upon a swift pony, rode at his side and between bimself and the blulls. : Boon there were other Rioux to en gage Carl's attention. The swarm con- ing towssllstbe rives were Ogalallas, | flerce fighters, and the most implacable hostiles. The messenger rode swiftly, ut at first beld his horse In eareful reserve, Jeting 3 with sirewy eyes, as i i iim. Bear Bonnet was now ip wget & ¥ Polamdsy Carl owe ould now: have ed Gr Pte the river for the slender : exeape by SW ming across, The young messenger felt grateful chan of | His horse had made a *p tendid run a bacawand glance Best Bonne was within Bfty pares and was easily aid ing the pace. The mesrenger’s hope now was that be might reached Pony Creek ean ¢ GE tine cover from whaleh he might the Indians unt help shoeld ests arrive—a hope slender enough at fest At the level of the bial the forepost| Sioux were swiftly bearing {o upor bls trail. Under his legs Carl eauld feel the sharp heaving of his pony's fimks. The animal was steaming wei, and panting like a wolf run to earth. Tard only wondered that the gallant bay had pot dropped in that terrible sinin- inz up the Biull, Again the express rider looked be ose hase, bot more thay thirty paces £4 hat wan pininly givin ay Cart east i i speeies from the North Jarrow to the strive. Winderingly, the messenger swung the muzzle of His But bis quick eyes noted the arrow of his pursuer. H passad to Bin right at eo wide an angle {that Be gave sn Inveluntary hoot of dericion. The Indisny upon his left i poted the shof, and yelled encourage | | ment fo their fellow, Again, as Carl was about to fire upon him. Bear Bonzet let iy an arrow, and | tr passed, like the former, far upon | the messengers right Tostantly the fiving borseman divined that those bow shafis were lanpehed with ne Bostile purpose. Bear Bonnet wanted him to {urn to the right--to ride to the mouth of Pony Creek’ Theres, the exprees rider korw, were a frail which | pay Bigh- tote.” 1" foamy in at the month of the mals. canon, and so passed hy easy stages ‘along the river blo® toward the stage an old buffalo ford and station. The routs was at least as ‘near as the pony trail, but the diteh | Hike canon wad so steep that {1a des cent wonld test fhe courage of any. rider logs than reckless, Harned Ba Bagging horde toward the abreast of ihe |™OUIR of Pony Oreck. And now he lesned forward and separa oe animal Happy, Neverthelows. ih, be wax a treet emninge, With a life in atweurity spent. He found * twas bux bot To be wholly forges, ‘Canse he poder vpbeggied 2 vent, reves BAT Nuaningion Bar. rR Not Well Dons. *Rhe's aw lolly speck up” waaefuily 1 meyer saw any one muke a worss batel of tryiog (0 ap Biladelpbla Balle tin. Hepariee. “That pir] esa’ 1eik § Bittle Di “Ia that so?” #5 nee the whole sveiing was ‘Ne aod iT had 1a propose tn er to get ber {0 Lite dilflerepcs need the danger make fo him al thsr moment! He: bom dae desperate brat of epeed, 80” foal berole fort to gain Boling BOVEY, The crowd of Sons vow fu wuted | meant their fepannh wiioh shilling Sra BE 8d ie nerve Rin ave the pr he k inks of fanen® : 3 ose RE Jeasr son of thelr neck as hin own wing Bat opon Me ponds hack afd the trained animal on derstabdingy fle pereseity, avery muscle i8 a las ranting. booken as well pay hat TBs, Pires Abd to Antonelli. Tse Wn aps TO + Bod tr There's nuly Whee Rged H Boia Ww CR pars i Bbapduonme babiing ‘huastiing hither and thither, sul a thon Ceamd Bed ove other things Somnon {enonghl on the ltr Uancomehidres things C3 psyebalogical offecte whieh deaden to | Bome extent the eg of dlstatios, and P iy shorenst. On the ¢ LC pauniry mile. to the avevape poTIAN wis da Bo (Rete for the artiste aed “T Baws observed a corious thing | sbour distances” sail a thoughtful | eitizen yesterday, “and 1 have heard MANY ersobs comment on fhe same thing. Mt | have pever seen apy satis. factory explanation of it. In feet 1 {suppose pearly every porsei Wie hie bad an opportunity fo cofiirast condi tionk xg they exist in olives with the § more open conditions in rar] sections i bas oborrved the same thing At suy rate. most men are foclined fo regard thw ¢ity mile as somewhat shorter than the cotintry mile. OF courses, (here are many (hinge which will sraggest them. selves in explanation of this matter if we think about It seriously. sod yet they are vot at 211 satisfactory when We weigh the profiles susiytically. “Suppose we walk the distanens ; Along the Nae of the city mile we tnd : . i miny things which will crowd Inte Medyatre trae. The only thing “he sald | ¥ 28 . ve apiml plotares along tha way, previy foade diepliys in show windows, ng. en Sad wollte whieh Sraduce a selien of retteeryme sti, the oliy mile id posping. band, the ABET 5 5 aor ii i i he 7 Lem Aes po SORIY In fag PuSwiness aly i : Bye trunks aod strained | rare spurt ot Corl 43 pot again josk lee I hied antl} bie roeliby beast was harled { Criek. sroised and dizer. the fallen rider! picked lmself up, 10 ste Biz gallant wony ving. heels up and stone dead, in! the Bottom of a8 dry ran. The mall sags bad been torn from thelr saddle | fastenings and lay St the edge of the | Lis hy In the same { Bonnets Iaick Rin, hunpohes piss w Like a ho he fawn the megroat slaps: weal inoa whirling mare. i oui ; Rianx leap from bis saddle thrust a) Toad rape af him, tnd hen swung bis | jocaepsd mail bags spon the seaming pony's Back Ar tan a of She 5 ily Briel pode of Gitee be wan A ed 11} Shad mgr He he Zod down the egnon. the ox. : sess rider Joaked back to see Bear Bennet brea Biz how and Sbiz Hae wud upon the rank of ; 2 disel her Hue : lay Be if sranaed Ne a fall from bis horse ¢ unning and | 3 go an 3 ( ¥ Aiohes and wash and gulek soceession, And pow 3 #0 { opal young Rlonx-he Lad paid a debe, tof gratitnds at » fenrfid rier ta hime welll : Ths messengers new mount jumped it Beles in perilous \ 3 4 i vies of astonished seresches hroke oul Hiheve the A and ts the vedr, anid the | bolas and arrows of his purstert | I kposked up spurte of dust qpon tb smbankments as he fitted by them, | Nor did the Ogalallies fall in daring. | ixto the canon in a yelling rout But in a twinkling Carl bad dodged | behind a projecting spur and turned | his sew dling meant apon the old baal frail. With each touch of the eosfibenee, and In a 2 Lepur tho express vider fell a growing | siaute or two of | i running be knew that be had ander him a puny as fresh and swift aly that of por wild rider in the claws. | N ! Jada In point of fact, the Indians dil nat | chase him much beyond the month of | { Pany Creek. In five minotes or less: after leaving the eagon-and mach | drew rein at OG’ Fallan's Takead of his scheduled mingte-be 4 Poe pat inoadl that taue felling fudny | \ SS ; (Be put ’ X { ment Prior fo pial farnaaiiny.. how When the story was todd fo the boss | af the station and hig men, they said that sormerhing handsome should be done to reward that “Sam Pateh oft % Rianx ™ They Beld his nativ at the > iin . bot io =e t =e ¥ : a 1 at Res 33 Hon «0 Asked The WHORE G6 the Keohiel hoa, batating, hotunr He PRT FAD OE | i % % BY ane ia r @liey liste { das TELE Os Wa, wold hinwsel? come Tor iL fen dh gar kil hiss. Tirn Fs cain disappeared from herd ane Bight nod roo ether A ’ that tthe Brave fine Native Spa rraws. $V Rhos aed Rip ALATTOW 48 ofien ERT BALIN ENNTTOWS are # of weed seeds, peel EBOwWn as fend but Bis anly lawely that the relation fa : re has been dersanst; pureed. The fate spurrowsy the ruenl districts of thed nited Bates As a grous they sf them refive to the South during the winter, their places are taken by other In a garden within a month they will sometizes ( destroy as much as nmaety per cent. pf such weds gs prrean grass amd ragweed © Weed seads forns more than aif of thew foud for the entire year, and during the coider months of the year it sonatitutes: about four-Gifths of the fol of many species. Move aver, twenty Sve per cont, of their food consists of insect pests, which is no mean showing for a graminiverous ‘group, especially when compared with i the crow blackbird, cowbird, catbird and redwinged blackbird, which range ten to sweaty per veut-Gountry fe the (host abueda ny and widely dis | sibured of the small bicds inhabbip ug VRliomd woman Ts are cousiantiy present! Lan enti earnd Jagd for sltbough many A RS OR HAI AE Chinn Ine, Dan ledetery ¥ Ceaver--TRteeit Fy headlong oto the vast diel of Pay ; Honseliald Foam bos. Foosball fant yeas 3 “In Some of Be 4 owe BE (i Ler Tara Ie Ta owe CER b Bey EC a % Bre 3 why Lee gros NO nn imsmarntion, my iad” x ate for you New York Jeurnal ; a A a ye The Hamiag Prukiiem, House Agent “Have you any chil Siren v7 ¥ Hogse- Hunter + "ex EY Greet and House: Agent. waa have or via any chidren Ling, sa A? they are Sis Uasyen pathetie, Soaking tales Ble very 2asay. stories.” “Yen; that shows Jue shrewdness. IL Pod ania. ¥ Rlors peal sow ROY ae was laaf Hise Wanhin ston Sar He Had. . aa Le a EF “3 ave t Xi ans ren ER ot sh Katt, Tm gob nuter. ® "x hunters dn “* —— NA ou Fk suds, ma'am ithe. 5 i ¥ amity Fis wamrlew, Not the Maden Bind, “She's net Ww buat vga d cab 4g ad or, ne “as po mission in He | suppose?’ “Of, I believe dhe clainis to have ore but It's soothing of any npoerd ance, = “What is It7 wan happy, 1 uadesstand DV -Ohivag Newsy, A Stadio Secret, “Sometimes,” sighed the weiry papa, As be pried in vain te quiet the tarbua- ent Infant, 0 wish 1 was a photogra- plore” “And why? nonchalantly asked mamma, as she turned to another - cliapter, “Hecause a photographer seemns fo be the wnly man on earth who can make a baby look. tient whe it doen't ‘wish to." i ®40 5 Coplay an bmpor ihm tm pines iaty received Wh laren : aitin ns arsumed, | tance in ihe county {hetwren a diy a ) ® | for waiking purposes has bat life Taker with it, Gar, sell pw wor dar in XFL : : Pant ploame mie dopuarter sn PH Sed hep thuadered over the stops and ig ! : ; 1 i 4 5 # & ro Rw iais RISQTYRRER Doser ale idenlly Teadgew, giretel, RPesiinr aver enmnmien view af ait thews pave bholagidal | processes rian part fo determining gander tae difhere “Rut Jere ix the particular thing 1 roahd Hike fo call yobr attention Fle sity mle will De mide in minch pig the than the conpiry wile. As a role a wean will walk 8 sills in (he IRE in a bBirdn of 1h time it will { take Hm © { Ordinarty it wold seem (Bat the shoo wank be an ihe ate foe G { peuch to arrest nis attention, to sto) walk 8 mile 1 the 2RGBITY. There is Bigs apd th consdiie Ale time. In the eomnitry the way Bs clear and ther is Cpethins: far a maa fa do Bay hustle Par Big destimatien. OF saves the sind posutries 8 pornos Tosbs dlawrgesd G0 she BOWE | J Woman Jents = He Lal good aidewallic and the PHY of the willing Is Belior lu the OF Decanse Iter 1a mnt sn himvy. Bat the mam ad o. 0 rpwwered Wak ay so Mats} | {i i aa : : {anita | TERROR far ihe slioater hme resisived, Tr if rele fess ite @ a , : alive = ACHR quite; fr my ont Rg tg teand i rie shimaius which the dirty pedestrian rodeives Sec the saeitenaent dromsd des Every i beddy is ong as a beepinerk Eo Le ¥ ng. There ix Boiss : and ® i e, atl Oy wpite of the Tact that Chik sHeatian In grrested, dnd nt spite oF Tudme Boag ped + ated somethisd Sonnt by Cyeew and wees going fb onnosite shie BEL IR aEie at dAeiars at crossings sug cars aod vehicle of ¢ Nn yodeatr nn i worked : gp tan auliker STEER wsatament de the thine thee dom i Come A Ne hen : of distanws gud males it smerny so mnel shorter fo the city than Lin the eonuntyy. Aud exdiietient is fhe (thing which covsex 4 Daan th TAIRA ; mile in the city in just twotlieds of the tine pocititod fo walk the sie diss 2nd the Jiferspde med A pared street “New Orleans Tlavs oie His Hard Look, Tt i= not angsadl for peovens indict eld for orig in this Batadicton plead goilty, but very sehlam doo i® hapten that a prisoner vos adele (oat he hus been vighily scdwd Is oe peiled to enter a ples of nor guilty. Such ag nedident opcuros] Bete Be epltly. £2 wean desiped to make 4 rest case iD order to seeare a rating Da fhe A» ! pellais € one an 4 kooily legal prone Te A mition, A certain olor! dpdividasd “Pur he fs always celine bard laek | *i A : a : Celia was in the toil wan seldened te fofgrnish Cramework for tbe lwsge He I seas exiaried covet for arrnigns Jever, fhe peoseoniing oF cpr teak The i prefantion fo revnarks O70 canes Yaa are going to plead not gaily” Bn 3 iN Ca plea was essential ny ender 1a take i the i rar hefare the higher vaury The response Was 8 sgrprise aml boson har deconesre Co far thy ation {pes anal the count were ahead with he rest pioceedi % prisoner Jesiared: “Tee Pogpraneg da Te seftieagisdsd Beery an’ This PUOS TA gislved the ontpbined mapdussive the prassegtng offfese aud wade] asignnd w repvesent the a fo inden the (atler to wane ty plead pot guilty. AR Re was »led {ross the sort rosin be shook bie Cohead Gublegsty and mura: “¥ Podida't want vw do dt tall right. case ee milly Pant RKoow what they're Sheed 1 deal” Washington Repaid. At a certain ball in the country the other evening a gentleman undertook Eto dngreduoe a cotapanion to a young | but somewhat stout lady whe seemed “rast wo mission tp wake sone good to Le pluing for a danee “Noo thanks, old fellow: 1 don’t care to owalty with a cart.” a A Tart” is understood in the dis criet referred WO 4% a partner whe does aot do her share of the dancing but Has to be drawn round. A few evenings later the same young Clady. who had overheard the conversa tion. beheld the young wan seeking . an intreduction and asking if he might have the boner. ete. “No, thank you” she replied; ! ray be a cart, but | am not & Sunkey: ! cart" Tit-Blts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers