: are peter one would not expe “thers was more use for r than there is at present prices sre asked for hand ie, but the girl who Is an bt at fine sewing may provide hero ith bea: tifa) garments at the oxpenge. There Is nothing that adds more 10 a girl feeling of self-respect than to that slic is daintily clad and that ber lngerie is above reproach. It is it necessary that a great amonnt of should be spent to accomplish | the girl is a dainty needle . Let the material be of the best , then do away with machine j ye, and in their place t at) hemstitched role With | ge fhe rolled edge the finest of band made tucks and the well. stroked zath- the girl who is making reads for marringe there ig Bo Work more will appreciate the beauty of the : that she his accomplished. ! : Home: made garments wear twice 8 long as those that are bought ready 2 made, and a trovssenn may be provid | ed for a much hiss sum if the bride elect will make her own lingerie. “Flannel skirts sre mow gored and = finished at the font with a mffie, which be embroidered in sik or simply finished with a row of briar stitching top of the hem. For winter ther these skirts should be made of | ol fiznnel, | but every wardrobe contain at least two of these skirts made of the sik and-wool el for cool days in the spring F Summer. EB and-embroldered collars and yokes Are mony the ‘myast fashionable of ¥. and any amonnt of hand sewing is used fn the trimming of pwns and walsis. _ French nots ave much used, snd sare of all kinds are so trimmed anil work that one cin but | wonder if the sewing machine is to be & yells of the pst before generation rows to woman girl who Is en expert needle : wre Ba Always an opening. especially st this season, when 8 hi msde garment is looked upon ost with disdain, will tench her (laughter the art of be 8 fine nesdie-woman, and she Flannel Onis seldom trouble ns sow. as satin knickers, with detachable pel Jluings have taken thelr place, y those who still cling to the petti- in preference to knickers choose genans and line it with washing silk with an ioterlining of mannel. De tails such as these depend on the taste of the individunl, Fancy may tus riot in the matter of ightgowns. These garments at the mt are perfectly lovely, The pire shape 1s still in vogue and tC is quite lovely made of silk, with the ole and sleeves of lace. A useful rment in this shape may be made In j in. Jawp or very fine nainsook with & big roand sailor collar of lace or some fine embroidery. Regarding colors, pinks and blues the prettiest for night wear; but, ree, every individual woman ¢ particular color, and she can bows of it. Most French white, especially in a _ u. whereas a good many Amer are e devoted to black sik under- Very often ope can pik up a very retty French pattern in inferior ma- rial which tan be copied at home in better fabrics. Many nightgowns are now eut like peignoirs, befrilled and __beribboned all the way down. For real simplicity white silk of mus nighigowos are trimmed with turn. over collars, finished with beadings and fine silk hemstitching, tying in a pow In the front and showing some ‘wonderful hand tucking It is {ag well to remeber that it is use lesm to juvest in Indifferent fabrics and bad workmanship, even though the pattern chosen be an elaborate Glee : oo Washington Star, go i German Women Not Cyeling Enthusiasts, In a land where wives apd maudens : eet ad- vanced views on “feminism.” and yet the most comprehensive and, jt goes without saying. serious, book on the progress ‘of women has Just been pub- © jished., apd is causing much discus “glon in Germany. Amid many pon- i ~dderous explanations, it is a relief and a surprise 1 find the bicycle selected as an effective agent in emancipation. Only a few years ago ‘the bicycle was] spoken of with 1iteral horror by Ger: an ‘Women of all classes as the sub- {it was very bad for him. 1it is not surprising that the Germans | . | have pot taken up eyeling with enthuses | The wise mother | ton girl was asked, | effects in millinery. {of the “crushed” varlely, and over { each colored petal rests another petal tice the piano A up one sort of pedal for an ‘plained some years ago, came in. It might be very good for them, be would add gredgingly, but However, {asm, in fave of the Jaws which pre. wail in some of thelr towns. dismount at the crossroads ‘aiid pot less quick—London Globe. Chine or var siik parasols ars ually these silks are used as a cenire, surrounded by a wide border of solid color tucked raffets, parasols. have thelr ribs tipped in ivory. : the strikingly novel effects. Aniong geen in the test showings i$ a sun shade of taffeta of effective design, ‘which when raised In the light pro- | duces § sunsetiike effect from the our jons blending and weaving of is colon ing. sttractive than this, and in the future | Bands of narrow satin ribbon roach { ing, usually to match the lining and pat gewest trimming leas CGrassoloth parascls promise contre of the parasol. This it Is pre dicted, i& to have count of its novelty. Bordered creations seem to reign $0 preme in parasol land this your. fiver Azais. Rilver is the dominant note in many new gowns and promises to bevorae as ubiquitous as the oft-repeated gold of last year. Probably we shall come in time to the bronze and copper ag in régard to matters sartorial and wo distic, but at present the orate for the fair white metal bas goread like an epidemic through the world of fashion, | to our gowns and repeating i In HUT | the Blood do Not only sre we introducing It headgear, but we are cramming our our occacional tables with counties silver miniature representations of jewelry. Jers’ windows are {ull of silver and enamel buttons, or even lovelier pees mens in the nouvesu ari designe and each werk seems to bring forth sowe- thing more beautiful-New York Com mercial Advertiser. AA A YN Frocks Wounded by Rpurs. much about the bottom? a Washing: “Ob, that! It comes from the cavalrymen's spars” she replied. where, and the spurs on thelr boots have an unhappy way of catching women’ s frocks.” SHR The lightest fects in hal decors. with finely cut rhinestoney oF smallest spangles. Large oval pleces of polished mother of pearl form the ceatre of many de signs worked in pearls vn fancy gold Jace and stray crowns. Among the floral novelties in the Hue of hair orpaments is a large, delicate: ly tinted orchid, sprinkled with cul rhinestones to represent dewdrops, the wide hapds and glossy finish that large hats of It have the appearance of be ing formed of the finest satin riblon, For youthful and slender wearers bodices fastened at the back continue in favor and are counsplenous amelg the designs for spring and summer How on view. Linén trimming on cloth gowns are A distinctive feature of the latest models. The linen is In openwork design or slroidered in self or trasting colors, With fow exceptions the handsommest of the spring wraps and bodives are adorned with collaraties, fehus berthas of lace or Mexicaa work in white or «i A Topepdhur i violets, and a violet sulle, oh draped. The elt front bas & « any hp id of white penis apd white algvettes 5. The latest thing in white evening shoulder wraps is made of fancy chic fon or crepe, half a yerd wide apd pearly two yards long, and bordered all the way round with a pully edge of white maribou. “Veiled” roses are among the softest The blossoms are CON dni Lag 8 « a ait i £5 rail Cera WR by RE ei Ry of mousseline de sole in white or a n lighter shade of the color of the rose, rei rs i bis pupils, be suid, since eyeling it is for bidden to go faster than the omni | buses. and every one is compelled to Under such conditions walking is pleasanter C pInes. among the smartest of the season. Us| This fucked taffeta idea is one of the most used of the sesson. Very modish parasols have a centre of tucked taf feta, and srousd it a border of ehif fon or similar diaphanous stuff, Mietal-tipped ribs are not used this | geason xcept Tor the least expensive roonis with silver frames and covering | “One meets thems every. in Satin straw is now made in such! old music master in the suburbs com- | j : i wwhie ds the effect of bajancis The most desirable ones. which hus the : : 2 formation of Walir waves as they ren in towspd sbore lines of forme with especial spferpnie to fhe refraction of waves ob headinnds and in Lays and to the formation of surf Waves break as surf, be concludes, fot so much on account of a retards tion of the base of tae waves by its friction on the bottom. sesumed. ax op accoant of the absence af water in front of the advanciog | Ee Rome of the scientists have ately oni been considering the guest fon Whether the swinging of our arms is to help , az in walking or running or 1s a hakit | inherited from our supposedly four fonted ancestors. The conclusion is The against the gat named theory. MOvAIBents of the legs rend to give the body a rocking, rotary aiotion on 8 Yel. tien] avis, aud the aros wach swing. ing in unison with the Jog on the ob posite side, give a contrary motion, : body. to be Among the most popular of the sexson. | POET is capable An idea just introduced thix season ! 8 16 have pleats roaning dowa each | © ‘section of white to match the wide | white border and the material of the i OR AERA SAS SO FARIS. 3 on at equal distance, are among the { one-half ; Towing prt. A pew ipcsmicscent Sectrie amp has recently been brought out which makes the elesiric bon adele Tor ©ity and suburban Cars a pakeibility. Toe pew Inmp is known as the ties” and consists of a Dlament in the form of 8 compact cohival helix, with a maximum diameter of perhaps fmeh, making it persnible 10 the lamp in a headlight One or lamps of fairiy-rwe x i anil iE those of Bi of B00 feet on a clear, dark pizht Professor Ww. Tv. Campbell. the Db Lrectar af the Tek Observatory, in wad wide yogue on ac 1 tions and photographs mle | Sumatra last rs AR ii + thon ax the ATIRGS Pie boards : dn the hood incense WwW fh the al “How do you get your frocks torn #0 3 Eatmosphitic prosure Ahminabes but Drateh faruitore as well as every de | scription of eunlinary article and ave | even threatened with a return fo silver Added to whith the jewel | ¢ Ceti the carbonic sid Cblonad 1 earti's ernst, Lave made hy gpdergrouad Waters, and ewing tions are the butterfly bows, sprinkled | than Prey ¥ draws | raven of L enliar classes and ix considered wholesome, ig the West Indies it is sometimes in} ming by party seat from iat olssrraltory 10 Ady ihe toisi pelinee of the sug in sey, says that the gohe eral conclsion to be drawn te that the coronal stroéture sur sun i made ap of mater. vory finely divided, elected In peihalily it fhe surface of the sun with goent © honiis tiow, faut AE We have ri or apecied, fw Bhs ‘ sors, With eolipa Lis. Recent observation show: First, that the faeaity of axing €Xygen poses by of ihe blood 3 Rt a5 ike et aria the contrary. jooriased (ax wax altitudes atiaineds] geromd, up to 8 load Aves pot follow { pasew-on the oli the luverse ol this pitrogvn contained feline Uae 2 oweiutl £4 opr Hae. it rollows % thiod, the SE roe and eedapes ross | the fourth, the total quantity of go tude: fifth, ths quantity of oxygen at o exrhanie $e the nititude. Men sometimes dream of wealth stored deep in the jow the Teach of miners, buat oo cording to the statements of Professor C B Van Hise. at the Denver meeting of snorinone ert 3 bps the American Association for the Ad - vanceinens of Sclency, thers ie Little op no ground to believe that valuable me i tallte deposits lke very deep io the Kueh deposita, he sald, to the pressure on the rocaa at great depths, the Waters are confined to a shell pear (he surface. W ith few exceptions, i nthe third thousand | Sond, sand feet than amd poorer yet in the ® The Papays Tree of the East, The papaya tree flourishes all ever tropical [odia, fia fruit Is greatly prized by both Ew ropean and native, as weil for its edd io Bie as for i1& medicinal qualities the United Rtates i is Roown as the | papaw er pawpaw and wrongly identd | fed with the small tree and fenit of that nates, which is of the engtnniap ple family. and is found growing 18 the Middle, Western and Bo Kratos Aerardis to midern ow ope ers the papara is domesticated ia In ; and is debit begs shores af {x 4 & TR IITY O05 the Gull of Maexiou tn y Tadd * # Pe Portunrnese 4Y in 98 Lg iv £30 Hl asny ery af Addie aig 5 x i vy Bg WAS intresiured Tien While % REAL, TIE den ? arms io og ani orang. : soft. yellowish and sweet, and tains numerous small black seeds ar rapeed In five langitndinal Bucs slong the centre cavity. They bave a pleas ant pungent taste, pot unliie mmostard seed, The ripe fruit has a Havar pe to ftseif. It is eaten hy all bailed and eaten as a vegetable India. when green. it Is cooked by the tha natives in their curries and is also plekled. It is usaa'ly, however, eaten raw, when Tipe, with alt. and Is {| ranked among the finest ot Eastern fui. d:ferent ¢ as ix often | the | TROT candies | a4 preserves hy cutting fF the Dest tries straight ain stil of tEack 160A distance | } up the results of the observa. ; the voundity the | 3 pound, This wl mn the | PE the contpited © thie Jaw of Lv a {1a Jo a pu wt oF Ler, they Brioging | { Thinguubeb-—"11"% 8 Patter role pover aw ta those wha were dey pane 8 aw | i acid 16 the blood increases | ore deposite become 18 lean to repay working below 30m feel, : Xine mines in ten. raking the word am i a wile, ave poorer lu the gecond thon | the Grst thousand, : fraps Ireibl to Ceylon | wo ¥ aghe td ol SOD Fotis ml Connectiont are sending in Alt 1 En the thelr wits to make cxcuses for delay. The sree pug girly Selight i chewing, hos gone up from seveaty five cents { pound Inelds of six menthe wistle the price of éear, masm som are not made at all for foar that sone cin be produced, distinetion fromy the trees. fd fengrant and of A scarcity of trees in the Mab of the famine. 1'7ior to ithe tli pony of I for thelr own UE wads every soar fn Merch and seiure all the mood puzgers that were fond | hanging from the trouks or mb, Be fram thn cisions in the eilthy bark aide of the tree, fhe gum for pexts Fouted. The pulp industry spoiled all those of The sath to Be ponverted inte salphite poip fof fay geek atber fovoxts Tarither the pontew of itavel sad Boo De BONY fore they eume inte full -mtpply of Um RreW ECAroR. ans price daubled meide of a year As the Dew freed pew orchards if aft tos themaeelves ino Tey TRATE the fronbie ints the Woeis six tome is a nelson, whith, © year with anotier sells a NERY i ng pat Being fn mere than fone tone ounce of which bk spoken for at §L | pont Tex vesrs agn the large de alirs in Boston hod Ly Maine and eaEng cantid secu al from Pasty to ry onty oan is a pound, and then akiog @ } and pavting the Brice up 3 {great distress Tefets af 3 cosine bogies Thin pony | the middlemen will ser Bo onpUrTanity Ct make a corair In gam, BE ATH Ha ‘ Tae ve Chrimniag Huarity. aenileinan of the East feels sid. oot of politeness to give one i the answer TLR Wl Prove Dost agves | ahie. An English traveler reports fran i northern India the result oidained fran intelligent unstives by repeated nguitive “Is it far ta Gilg ¥” “Nol Wonk far your Riglhiness. > “Ome or two Ros?” “Yeux your Righuess.” “isn't it three “11 may be Fou nr “Is that wiat 3s "yy tay Tags iy Op RE your fess.” "The why hd you easy iowas ane “7 en “Ta please your highuess.” “Raw what ia the peal diatanoe pony Bighess pleases. Fon. Ata < mgaireg of ai, 4% tog up ews iy ¥ Bigiiness Hoey Ligh ¥ Pplles. “ADY 058s or my “Fenty. Fu ur Bf 8 pas p¥ “Plenty, Tour sgrardy the list They wers Uevarything. things to be brought thee Bho of plenty tu ak. ei nad ter being ooiasicaally soures hut ing came. Then they finaly § the oficial nonin. Wi Bere are the ay 3 x 2 wea fiehaesd,” aml 30 a RANE weak d # Cheek % re Was plenty franad redid de Ni BEE “aE geawig Sie oa * Ci NR A 15 wa ogee, may pattern + botan | Ww wit. xn Si 4 GR Daas You ood 5 Ke yr voi Ba, vi Lie BY Wiha hie Jean Vallvai has the avis cours The modern Vallean a cont After a heroiw apvanad OU ware fs Vin carve uf dened too twenty years ment. fn deta fur they fmprison told his Ute story and swors that he was Innocent. A clever lawyer em phasized the resemblance to Hugo's hero and the court acquitted him New York Herald to E106 a While the harvesters can build op taking site of this curry af your soe CoP kd he The RR eww ¢ AARRLNe 18 3 bat. © | and. having been jarred loose, is slow- | > » : tw way towand the valley | tion of Edward IV. cost twapence wikiie | twice dhiat amount insured an squally that shook | fhe Santa Yaes Valley, a line af | : Susan cation, the shape of a long ellipr teal CHT hat four the ApPLATENCe af $ and it fa Dire tha an katy hat a good od furrow, was peticed L view of Bd ; will cost as mach as the whole corongs eg of a sproce gam y w FEogland this your. | i A The drogglets ard crody dealers in ny, has re ecntly discussed the traps. | the manufacturing oitins of Massaelin er thes the lombertien AD $ sngor jobbers. Who | Bondie He. Susil ihe sorioe gun oot- put of the county, are at the end of | ‘the amibar tinted | sels, Camel as the facies 4 quotations on whet ix called sehool | The 1 Latsreen ondinsry famtors | gam Hes in the fact that the latter Ja | folly two yours of gge before it faken | % *horefore Hare eater beuefit to the | pennine Diack proce so woods ie the vadse | time Wien “the large pulp pills were built there | was no rouble hy securing the goo pofuscionsl harvesters | | Baving retal i, args tracts of forests The cosiom was fo go through the | HEE AR ef fore the hunter seturned 1o the rand sone Bie meade several in Arad Tron these wilings erop was har By oy oe Sold, sold and vosold, Bound, hosed, hound again, With edare and tops of oid; Or sptakied of plain. The poems in veilom, The Jdrames 10 Ard together thei el ‘em, Oy sepurate, or Reeited and acted And bellowed and spouted, Extracted, redncted, 5 amatears shouted; A hod For someone's review. Trimmed, twisted. srsnuiated To sin every longoe, Pruned, ror, expirgaged fA oft for the yiong.} Fb Juiuedd, iltpmtrated And turned mts nr Crivicised, emondaiod! And read? Goodues kuows? ies ~lotdon Puss. tie hae all the meds | ern lioprovements. "Life, ia pin} says” paper, and the pum pickers ware Toroed away (rom | dave when she's saying sud for several years be | bearise. the the cone to selisn the owrers of the pulp mills Tho harvest sf gum fn Maioe Is about ome fo Toy sixty oents : tine entieetans will | : fore tong" | seh a poor excuse of a man’ : “Well, | pone” : perfectly nme” 3 down.” | anything rash?” | going ta beip him. You don'i suppose i Lodger the | i Ted—Tou can pellovs only half what Nad Bure, bot which hatte” ry i. wage, Trrodie, dwindle, Bitie war, How 1 wonder tire snd pe. nN gt \ ir i Landon South. “You hortdd child, you have been Sets “Omiya menthtul, suntie. and f put It afl Baek in the jar again” in seeking new stock, fnvade the gran | Brooklyn Life nrepsryes before they are in gon] oon | Jitlen amd the man wih the hatehet | and freeclimber ix driven still deeper | he satisfied to lay up In benvenl— hompaon says he remrds. RIS wother lg law ss a perfect Treasure” wre tie sie be does-dbe Rind be'd The Smart Sot, Bien Ont Aunt" to make my will Tone” {eagerly “Hahert rio going SINE ENeeh Soe Aunt” Iraneh Pranalatms. Antara dien Maroy! —~{hienge News Mediggir—1 find Us a good rule never 10 jit 8 man when he's down to Bit 3 man wien he's got yon down” —Philsdsinhin Press fithel’'s pother told The groeer send her § Oressed Turley, mii wien it arrived the ttle miss wiki “Mama, the turkey fan't dressed at ali; it's Cileagn News, “Po ga think that Mise Strong wilh make oa good wile! Med - wmausredd of { Uinbbey, wonuln't say. that, wots ide She'll try to make him a good hubby. - Philadelphia Prows. 1 “Quick, George” the wife BE mt | | "hurry to the caby: she's trying fo | swallow Ber ratte” “1 hpow Bn" replied the hushsnd, calmly. “1 want Ber to get ahemd of Bultkin's baby, who swallowed a button.” ~Ohlo State | Journal sfohn® she whisperad, “thers 8 against Kay the plano and strock several “Yau don't say. IR go right ghd he, “Rash? Why I'm glans from Gia Fan SRI FemoYe That without fsuisiauon, Yhiladelphia Press. G1 2 wrt for § Pal the Santa Yuex River prens wi ww the wmik | » 4 aloe the grain dedd above oie garger | the tow bins from cornet ID CUTneY : the ob 4 Is siding away rom this PALE | ho erevisse | i do yor of ths fated. i hese xi OO omspoied af : we ther | opinion iving | down an ently conviction, he was col i ashamed of izing were gener ral Bars fie answered without hesitailen that | ne had. whereupon there was veleniout | | applause. The frst workiigman wih When the case came up for trial be RA LE BAIA WO Fac is Sliding Deownwant. covenant with graln. restdenors, granaries, asimals and res: Weary Irae iv sak #31 . After the recent earthquake newly paw ie Evy Le shave within Hye aor seumpiader of UW % qu inches a weed, TH se bl ag iw rwelve feet while al Lhe | food ; send Bsipdeed ep Ma oz in Westutinster be wie of fhiyaes, the working ee nd ever puldished thal working classes though they ditleded other ocuuniries du Fe Ts 0 Lae lf England those of Deiitg spoke after Mr. Mill's adission &a iy sid elieers that the working ciassos wanted friends, not datrerers. Mil won his election. —Goldwin Sith, in the Atlantic Monthiy. : : Knocked out. { with the Governor of . 1 called on him at Bik own request th see about sn sppoinrment, sod | hind no sooner let go of my Bod thes but for a bar, 14 act we secretary to a State Con | toe, aml my first move was fo wit d 1 on the ehsirman’s wr iter Twas ont of a job © fhrvien 8 “what Kind of a prercler is he?" | *Wonderfal, sir. Tod-*The half sou don’t be | | intesed another chance of getting 3 1 think § shall save Attentive Nephew | - 5 hat you mizht as weil retire fo 8 ’ | ponptey st oie. 1 have tried ton 8 = : i i a IMarent ooasin . ; ; Wie id Mate | 10% different cccustons, 1 I weer marcy iy -Simkine? He's | ever marry that pousg Sm Ins ay for the Land of my daoghiter and sae A poor excuse 18 better than {ooo ce he had te Jive for 100 to t said a paeelling man to nie the other day, hat the condactors on all Ploride i padirosds which ross | ¥ crossing. C complinient to the viver 2 aeecunt of but you just bet Lonel. | gee the interest manifested hy [ passengers’ aR soon as th ue is burglar | the parler, «He just bowped | name It On this land the | * LIE «vied C pail a bhallpeuny, fp WH chistly | classes 4 the | frou Ts So ret he duwn 1 plamped on his plug hat. | tris $0 make dxenses for § ales gave the appointent to wome eles The iron entered hie soul as that i hot squashed under iy weight. My pext misfortune happened ina railroad offics” eoptinged {91 tind called ta see the 2 patent brake. He thought » ah 1 was told and bis signatures i setitract wonld have made 8 mi of uve. hut 1 sat downy on bik lu and he srdored the ont of his offer. : “1 might have been a sticoems pot 1 End Deen @ Hall an #1 Was once eut to New York te i | 4 capitalist on mining mative Tie was ready fo go In with three fonr of ue to develop 8 mine, and ast become iptoreatad in my inlk A the imps, whoa 1 fell hack inte & and of conres it was the one holding bie har. He let go af that wine ax 1 “f ponld toll vou of the war a Sens for faroed me dewn for mashing plug, snd of a Caliinet officer Who ran | ine our for the same thing and sitting down on hats law lost me friends M influence Hime aml agai. Pre tried to help it. heaven knows, bot the B Are ever there and it seoms Pro videnes had @ in for me that way “If you've zot a boy growing op and want to make anything of him. ik hime-warn hivs-omake it his motto weatohwand te spare the hate. Ye i may rip a man’s cant op the back, Iw {Bin op on the stairs. borrow Bix knife or lug off his over~al and He'll fo you. bat if you evr sit down on bis and if 4 King called upon: me to ak Sawn an my ping Td give him the 3 an oll paid, He all right to newars fh dog but is a good deal righter 3 o Laware of the ather fellow's hat. Preirodt Free Prosg. 7 VS SANFL Sh i ————— Hamage 10 the Suwanee Rives. “It may Bot be generally Nes the Suwiaties River are nstriened to call oul the name of the stipes 8 the tain Is This must be a delicate the world wide | well, for it is “about as Ey arpiae a Cstresan aw you could see anywhere Indeed it is dot at the place where [ crossed much more than 3 good wised It 1s wonderful. however, 19 call sat, Everybodys seetis to know i the song and to suioy seeing the place, : Lpnaitraetive aR a jooksl tr mee, which wy John, don’t do 3 wpb insnine sur Jy sentiments as the LORY eXIIRsns el Philabedphia Pablle EE Various C orasniion Prices, Tt would be diflenit © say what i world be 108 (ior of # Des Set foam | which to view the coronation procession i $ ¢ E Near Unaard, Cal, the beet sugar eons | TF adward VIL i tre, 18 a moving Sveacre field that ie of ; v erdered a fot of] | | dents are silting down the valley. This: * in sn Springville Hil Dees which to “assist” at the copom when Bdwand L was srovwned the price wan hail a arching: whaly farthing safieed in Edward ray woe Kibwand HL rich ay which wo are told A really good west seas well given” good view of Edward Vis procession. Since then the wice had gone ap wy pences, shilliogs, crowns and guiness card VIL and hin splendors sion of all the Edwards that went he fare him. ~Lamion News, 35 Anyi vr Tablet ti ‘Peter he fireat. or the {reat when he Head I 8 siuphuiiling ot cupied nlding wideh is 3 af Buckinghany ox erionk (0g The odd X ork wa Tor voars 4 midet ol the WR Market eomipemernied his stay in Ensland, but this was des straved by a fre a long tine ago 3 Now Bowever, the Russian Agricud Pst Aavtatin studying avie¥ standing : fini Pei i we Pxepnd & EE vii spoentiy visited the wiarket, have -ypnested permission fo restore this ed The Cattle Market C4 eoprdiatiy acceded thy the wt recognising the pateioiic intentions ro the Lassian ayricaltrisis New York Herakd Human Nature. Wo marvel at the ignoragee of our neighbors, but our own shortcomings are attributed to a poy wemory.~Washingtos Test.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers