: Reade township, $40. ; i John H Giwwgow to James Camp. 3 Jobu Lunde ot ux to Charles oo | Swanson, Patton, $850. Paul Kreitzor to Jobin Shulek. Cor. roll township, $25 Benjamin F. Beers #t ux to James | : Campbell, Reade township, $1,650. Matilda Moelle to Beajamin F. Boers, | Reade township, $1,600 Fred Bland et nx io Elina Soknd | bell, Reads tvraship, $550. 2 Lh I. Lather 6b ax to BA Clearfield townehi sy oe, Carty, Ashville, sos Sheriff of Cambria conn ¥. KE Scanian, Barr township, $550, "Richard Rewwinger ox ux to Bernard Belawinger, Atlegher, § township, $800. Simon Ligioger ot ux to Bernard Litzinger, Clearfield township, 86 ®1 Thomas Barnes et ox to John Petrik, AL | Barnesboro, $25. {Hastings Buliding dod Lo us F tion to Daniel Nichol, Hastings, | wd fon John GE BEE Se x tia. 3 : J. Lathe ge eit Reow Basivogd Shaws, On Friday after soon and night, May bo pa Big = will ap ; pesir in Patton, His ! show to appease here wit ¥ crowd be 2 tracted. Hon pouting in the tented shaw, chrous ® sssoctatad with our earlier : iT i Fo Incident in Ih ErEnaport 36 Teo town to town. H {Over two hand Brubaker Ll company ier Frode : ¢ iek Artis, Carroll tow nahin, $10 | Brabaker Coal ¢ sapany ¥ 0 Hie mon Link etal, C areal! lows | Augustine Miler, exeentor to w ih ont Ban al corapan | township, #00. Andy Mannion et ux to W, EB. | Laatzy, Carroil to snship, $2,500, Simon P. Hoover vt al ta Patrick ; Eeuy eb ux, Carroll townstip, is. gi Elizabeth: Gray to Michael Gray, | : inna township, $1. David Lantay et ux bo Prank Lastay, | \ . Elder township, $1,100, David Atherton ei uk to Juha Browa, , $75. Max Frick et ux w HL Troxell, § Rando trwosip, fo ried eb nx to Frank Tro a : Pung, Fatuted Prociag Preanings to OK BEX Yridey, Sy we Hon, dan, Kerr, who | Biew minke ; : ad 'Y Donnelly wi ont for Altoona om | | aerobate A | Taandut + on buon is 5 ok Basenan ha frat LE ui aviary of bas : The Fe tind Mpsotag ou lar sirost par ; will leave theshow groonds Friday, May through tha principal strsote of Patton, | It is claimed by the Messrs. Welsh to iby a fifteen ear show. : Wena Pais A REA LISTS, mong the speeldl features to Ried Welsh BB others’ the fret large ratlrond | ; and donbliess a large HE : There is a fascing The th A Visit of Weis UW Judge A. 3 Koorer. of Some set Comnty, Sa ai ‘Yatirenting “nd Emportant Cane a of Yalu rie {ial Land in Oneation.. pinion i Come se Vater. honrd 3 an interesting” and importas oly tase at Ebenshu : Bugis ad Soeot Finkeueehon. oh the plaintiff, fir the sabe of ight sores of valuable cont lund aripll township for $100 an acre, & February 8, 1990, be wet aside on 4 ih ground of fesnd. The plaintiff ai Late, af leven o'clock and will ps be one of the most elaborate aod ors | state pageants ever offered for review : hat when the agement was for the sie of the property | pamety the defendant. ook the papers and Ed, — 1 in the pircas pErfHrmanos Proper gas epinion inter will be the recaarkable if pai SF LaBas family o the Welcome Hx TE b romps of mid-air perform: A Hada . Gallet he’ "a tamonx cake- wg . Miss Mannie Fore $10,000 equine feature, sixty perform. ng horses in the ring at one time, STs Seid Sencral spvaialiois will pastiel-| | pate in this great arenic jubilee. The | price of admission will be 25 cents to all ™ 00 uence. Sp Lea. 5. Good Is Enjoying a Well Karte ¥aantion in the South. The Mexican Herald published in the | in & recent imae: “Geo. 8 Good, one of tha best known ing arrived in the city yesterday with | dow, "goats Ed shett and the new it trailed sad performed by one man, | | Mr. Jobin White. Besides the above acts all Kinds of { slorwrm, wire walkers, gymnasts, leap- | i City of Mexico, contain the following i wells ei rant re | sm Kitamura Royal impeca Japanese i his wife to escape for & brief SOAROH | of fro new Methodist pastor, in ; ia one of the ‘enjoyable A Jarge Pesto ty Eten to him and his | Fae welcome to bis pew vercd by § Rene ‘past responded | Good says that while be remains here Btilwell road. “Mr. Good bas just Rushed the work | on the El Paso and Northeastern from | AER: with Mexico, At present the Rock sland is simply making use of the Northeastern ander a trafic contract, but it Is predicted that the tine is not jisip of road entire, YMr. Good's latest contract ia the | butlding of a branch from the North- ‘eastern up into the newly opened coal ne of Dawson, New Mexico, oi though a stranger in Mexico, his son. ' some time, where he and his futher, | Loin bat ¢ Ehurch, the weil Xnown El Paso to Santa Rosa making the | from the demands of his business. Me. Ch, A link which connects Rock Island with | El Paso and by way of the Central Al : ‘indaw, Louis P. Church, resided herve weeks ending | : _ Albert Smith, Miss Delly M. Sir i | Persons Salling § for the shove letters WeBRIDE HEARD ron re Former Weil Keown Partouite Masing . Nuwar five Hime tt. The following concerning a former | will-known resident of Patton, is taken from the last imine of the Jobin | | robe Press: by hin wife SPS Mary scp} friends in Johmwonburg. Prof. Mo | ae ber Th wen win of | ihe Nanh of Cambris Hh iy eight Acros This week we how our sod consignment of nd-made ready-towear Suits that we wrote yo ak 3 or 4 times before, Sa NEW COLORS. N EW Ww EAVES, NEW PRICES. Some Ele gant Suits at $10.00, $12.00 ap to $20.00, We are se : g A new tie Rere teday eal ed the Coranation. It is selling rapidly in all the cities. few toc, oH RSIS Br Seka or SAA los sultry weather, a foe ass Men's Stocks for nent, 250. An elogant showing o 5 SH 2 AG HAA id A ei spd dm Our new straw hats are in. They re nen } Last year we Satrodaced the ¢ Shirt Waists. too. This year we will show big assortment. 5¢ to $1.50 gach, Mothers we have added a big assortment of | | tows’ Shirt Waists at 40c, 500, 75¢. Ages 3 to A SARA AAI ES Best line of Ladies Sine Oxfords and Shoes own. Any price you want. Our Corona Pat. Leathe Oxford at $2. 75 for Ladies i is the finest Shoe we he ever shown. The price is $2.75. ~~ Union sade goods sold here, Always the Price 1s one—to all. Trade here, save money, NCR nai fotolia as Bie ios a dh oe THE KEYSTONE CLOTH | - TRE ONE PRICE STORE. ectly Opp. Bar k. | THE CRITICAL EYE soon detects any little thing wrong with a watch. [If your WATCH or CLOCK. has that tired feeling, i it needs ij ie. attention of our repair We can restore the ten| DAT debilitated Watch or —- Yt Clock to strength and usefa an So Na aihy 3 bin speck ‘pleasure of fistening to his ® ud are fully convinced, while those who | a yer Sears him apt Haabilay ts bth eur te arches. (cliosen profession, consequently the | Presa predicts still greater laurels be his portion of this worlds foods. Drifting Win the Tied Jas. M. Gillies, of Patton, and Miss Ella Puckiner, of Punzsuiawney, were _anited in the holy boads of matrimony | many of the suits soll for $10 to 12.50, at Pittsburg on Toesday, October 1st, | 1901, by EC. Anderson, Euq., of the (far distant when it will acquire this Fourth ward. The Coviaem aims to, be up-to-date, but it frankly eon that this news item escaped. its notice 1 extend con- uutil now. However, we gratulations and best wishes. Advertised Totten. + May 18, Ho the Academy of Masic at Atlantic but owing to the fact that the | The following letters retain uncalled | for in the Patton post office for the two the Seal Braod shirt, it will wash, and Ey [Rome marie beter fing. d | ness. The removal of clog | io of the entire system will not cost much. at the rumor that he Bax come down! Marys. Mr MeBride Is ill a young -— ito take a hand in the building of the man, bat fall of life and energy in bis 3 * 3 & : the repair and adjustment of wheels, and the regulat- = All work guaranteed. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES, Eyes tested by the oslebrated * * Retinosvopic Test” and glass conely fAtted. Lemtee chased, frug of charye, st any Us, in Spuctasius veld by ne ¢ Sha cout 42.00 and ovur, — is the only kind you get from us; {only tailored suits, from §10 ug, Even our ©, $8 asd $7.50 suite are ‘equal tn We are the Centre for Hats. Hats for the Man, Pe Hats for the Youthtal, Hata {or the Boy. The Seal Brand Shirts. Every piece of goods is put to the test bathre it is made np. ZIf you buy |
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