ATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA, THURSDAY, \ MAY Sng Gon Fin to the Smoky City and inchlentaily witns Rams between St Logis and Pitabure Wa the ndenigy ; ation Bogongh, to | hese g aed F Ww A MELios 5 Ling, the chairman of the sirens Leommitles, made & report and i We } aedures on meion of Pripdibl 3 Si x pa omg an excellent addition ‘don and Clearfield Telophine Con The instrocted 8% Move ne of their | Probert, the chairman of the fire and ; polive committee, reported that oun Jeaked so that i was practic useless and the water comisny was in. structed to repair sune at once was alo ordered that all (tested every two weeks by the sires : [commissioner and the chairman of the 2 fire and police committee. Chairman Pringible, of the finapee committee, reported that it was not deemed advinable 10 hold a special sec. | matter Yo tha people at the general ple | tion in November. The usual list of de {fective sidewalks were cossed and dis cussed und the asaal action taken. The i #ireet commitle was empowered to fix 1a grade for A. R. Fryciiond, the Meth. (odist and the Catholic church. £3 Adjourned to meet Monday evenis | pext at 8 o'clock sharp. a new ue STORE. PN SE SA | Sohn A, Gane win Opes a First Class : Pharmacy on Mage Avenue. Joba Gaon, a wellknown drogeist has leased the room now oooapled by iL Goldstein a8 a clothing store ard will : x io £ than he id | Boon we the nevessary alterations ¢ ean, Aheredb as be made, The place wilh be thi Poe Suh [Gunn's intention to bave a find pharmacy in every respect and carry usually found in an up te-dat Fstore. Heisa druggist pf ability, 8 geotie EHR Who | wil be man of character, An ad ey hin | soctaily and in & b Ing been engage (ings for about se : ‘known Te the peog : and Usa he will Ce ito be ready for hin prix. : Adyortined Leivios The folowing leliers i for in the Patton post oft weeks soding Saturday IM. E Bush, Thomas K Kelly, Mrs. Plorence Motion Milter, Gast Noven, Andro Mrs. Annie Thomas, Andrew 1s Foreign: —Jozet Miko. Persons calling for ti Rs ot will plese may that they st, mowicien and impeessnstor, cappear at Firemen's Hall on T ar Evening under the susploes los Unonedl, Young Men’ « Inativote ES ihe past 3 LORY a Ex Ee water plog pear Mellon's oid sore | that i it piags be | tion for & bond jesus but to present the = ; ah prominends and was so situated thin : The wite where the bullding stood was first orn piel as & residence Lemky, Prorat vated and equipped with the latest ned imost approved fixtores. It is Me Vike LO Hs sabi aE Bon ~Xrthnr Love, the smbwat hima. wii of Marea «fd Donnelly made wm basiness oof Elon bie Bail Herman Jones, of Ebvnsharg, ote of the leading candidates for conutly | superintendent of schools, was looking | after interests in Patton on Saterday. wo Mra Rodwet Moo stith, wie a hospital ia Phila oO Weeks retarted 5 & Zht mach improved Shs Fu8 Pn wilisine Order, we Mondatery of SE wih all ie 3 % gronad noticed a ig. Te he Bre wn ; Flaite thar wahing could be done to stay its pr was Re sang fre main buiigl fanned When the Bi ee spsait fare was + The priory was a three sbory brick structure and was erected in the earlive Fa in 1846 had been torn down the building Cwiieh burned was built in ta stead aad acditions were made from time lo seore of vistors, The priory stood a quarter of 3 mile from St. Benedict's Catholie charek, of - ‘which the Very Rev. Emeran Singer, the prior, i» also the pastor. Two other priests, the Revs Stanislaus The Corsi has teen hammering at Mossmer and Armand Reithmeler, are “also stationed there, as well iay brothers. The building stood on a he wind bad a good sweep at it. Father z id ad Privie by Lo fruataney, who was assistant riow Gialliteln, the It ba osraler 3 Fun A euliaon) thst bat ne FRC priory will Rg Live Nn TRANSACTIONS Ny REALTY gies Dy This Bod wf the Coonty Thi hanged Bards Rew idx, wv Fran ATR ie Laer, s Frandis eri, {a fall snd eomplete line of everything E Wy $12 et ux to : townshi »o% Fachariah Mostt of to Frank (erin, Vider tow nhip, Wesley Lansberry Lanshery, y Sud Tors ¥ Bennett dannadly, Susqueban i £5 Simon Litsisger feartiobd township $1 Manning to Andrew Man. wang township, 81 3 x to augh, $3,500. Philip cin ef ax to the Slavieh > Harnshars, #9 on Weds seday : Hoey be Beater by sfears aod fig : there will be no Platform A switch will be run to the moar from the main : yard master and the other by the tele. After the original priory built : time until the priory was quite a large Mrnclare, with accommodations fora a8 hires : it aor” thes fental Ball of the This Tinte 1t 33 Said to be a Sare Tha ng. sd BIG BRICK STRUCTURE 1 Will be Erected an Fant Mugee Aviva the Site of he Prasimt Sapiryisery’ pe tie Bear unt New Felopraph OMe av Wall i in - Prddalt Snetiog bn After waiting is vain for many moons, Patton is at last to have JA mew anion stating Lost ren snr With the importance of the town. This annoupcemint bas been made soften, and as often proven ta boas ounard, thst even this information is lisbie to be taken with 2 grein of sait Bis trae this time Aad the BRIER ina plsiiion to slate 2 Frou ; $1 % % For almost years we : Save. worked incessaz iid up a goal Cash, One Price Business. and w ceded beyond our own expectations. You m vy? Well eur store is always noted for the | goods, most complete stock and fairest prices for ya riven of any store in Northern Cambria. = Hn OUR SALE OF MEN'S ing is phenom enal so far this year, We offer yo od all wool suits as low as 88 30 and the hand-fi dd all won! dressy snits at $10.00, drr.30, $12.50 20h ; = wo Ud SVR nS NAA Say DAL OUR BOYS’ AND CHILDREN'S tri complet e indeed and the m 81.50 0 $171.20 reaches the hi chest trade or st r the écononiy | b HAYETS, is very « 3 eon courLETe STOCKS s. She Trunks, Bags and an ant be found here, finished ot yell or mae Tones te ns {with be saversd with stset Etsame dewign A noth rt thi ng i £ Hg We handle wil p truck he HIB pie {os remember a Made” goods. No “scab electreity : ; The freight station will be erected o Ran “tbe site of the powsent supervisors’ - ait : office and will be shout 0x3 feet Ny. If you buy of us # Morag denn t's reliable. Come and see y ds Fh _ eople wlio have not been in Ye habit of trading |b There will ba ten track at the “yY» ¥ the station and the tracks between driveway. Another puildiag will be erected al. most on the sie of the present tele graphofice. It will be 0x18 feet and will contain three offices. One will he med by the snpervisor, one by the raph operator. The present super. THE CRITIC AL EVE visors’ office will be moved to the other side of the street aiid used for & tool soon detects any little thit 2 wrong with a watch. If your WATCH or CLOCK has that tired feeling, it needs the attention of our repair man. We can restore the ‘most debilitated Watch or Clock to strength and nsefnl. ness. The removal of ¢ clogged | Ee —— (dust, the repair and adjustme: at of wheels, and the regnlat- ng of the entire system will not cost much, AR in all, the station and its sur roundings will be such as will be a leredit to the town snd the Courier ‘heartily congratulites the railroad offickiis on their good judgement, sven if they did take a loag tise to decide to give us what we are entitled to. this thing in seeson and ont and of soaree i» natoraliy gratified that ite tabors Have at boost bean crowned have wie Hund way we mourned b how ius Glory, balslaial, “This is the sought sed All work guaranteed. Me init Fal Rade hewn, The Mothodiat society, who for about 4 gear past have been covupying the Baptist chareh, will move this week to ww hush where % wiki be By ead | i Bd oan pleti fof > fowiat ball Preaching services: at 100 a m. and. 7TH pom Satday whi Eoworth Ls age Hh 8: Te 1 will spforial snd A eordial extended fo all to WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLE Eyes tested by the celebrated “ Retinoscople Test and glass correctly fitted. Lenses clinnged, free off charge, at any tne, in spoctucios soil by me that cost $2.00 and ever J. C. SNYDER, Jeseeler and Optic Lue 3 mea ied SEG $ fh Ea Lx bd aad ¢ rosaleds 15 cits ta You Are Fine Looking, a suit that hts Day the ladies when yon are wea hat is the paly kind you get from us ts froan $12 np. Even B76 sults are squal b phy wr le Wives Lgl Eh Etleily ia hee 3x og Tak The New FPletegraphes, Se 5 ¥ d ¥ & Ting waoraal Alen ion 8 Tar Lhe of goods is put tae 4 3 ; bo { weit Be abede no. I vag Ts advertisement of Perell's studio on the he ih 5 ue la I you bay ghith page. Mr Peredl ia an sxoep | Fhe Seni Beand alt ri, 3 will wash, and ; ; , TIE ie sal artist in Bia dee and 18e short 2090 ade | time be bas been liere has taroed wi N ufa ng I Pa nts : work that bas been the admiration Hundreds of i Ane reser naw shiregbed all who Bave seen it. There is » longer any reason hr anyous going to ; She elty tas ure fine ge
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers