re Be SN hb by a Falling Tree sad ® pally I Imjued. oe Sogligoon is the Case mas 3 Whe cot the Trew ‘wad Bis Eee rad 1 Bi Bled ut SE Law ropes Allison, the well: haces ; aod Anal} | arrier of Be. Bh he ied ° ow hours inter, 2 friving # team, bringing ibe Patto a, when the accident oe- oes Chest Urork from the oid - He was brought to Wwe the office of Dr. VA Mur er remuved Lo the residence Rhody. where he died at mix) Ser, of Sohmsiows, WES Tr FE A Rette and Dec ¥ = ung teeting my od] i Lim $0 term. An : the facet tat Lhe the road aad plac ¥ him in 8s morning al S16 i elock ww. ber and her tone Mr Allison was shout 35 years . of oh : worse, her dosth tele ex [any tine, Sister Barlisra was ef age and was a native of Hust agion i 0 county, this state. He bad been mm Oambria Ban fora din rE ia : i and Inter engaged § in Fh baie EE (peas He purchased the Hols Rhody ship. and 1 th foe Rlowin, ir of Chas, Rbooy abonal four yours ago aid ham eondacient the Game BVEY Soe. ‘He bad the sonkract for carrving the mall from SL Lawrence to Patton and return for about two years past fund of Inte had been doing the work : Sownebip, and : eight hildven, Fonngest hatng bat six efaks oli Harry Allison was a gemal, compan jonable man, whe hig 8 best of frente ‘shroaghout the north of the ooaniy, Hl wi norirely Fear ; y festive; ; Min « virtnes si out promi. f he Bad them Lin como wk ¢ of te human ewioy are BW irereds oF frou dd wie susivess $iw WIERSSTED Pk Flos ne Floss Pruabet Font ERaphi fi EE kiiy Cmenlaoning. ie the uel rountey PEFR 8 Strack bit an the sight side | § Ten stat Bt date’ a iol be however, and o Patton wilt support & good tear if at the yr proper effort is made to conduct it dips the peal, along safe snd conservaiive Phuen Pd; Ww. A 4 sisters: Mary, wife of Philip H og, of UCnrrolitown, Jostina, wife of T. x MoMuasters, of _Martinsiurg, rity | Josenhiue wile of © dr. if Csrraddtown: Peter merit; Mastery I ci Swine of {Orphan + sexlom, Lowell, Mass. 0 Yaa Arte Sip and Bae. © Her father, Paul Yahoer, died Now. Go : 5 Sali antesmhent Rs Defoe by Twonly Yolow : Tear Malia Bubisird- Ry Ee XN E aeeR, prinsipal of he schools of Eoensburg. - a Rand to bea oli Foy taken SEE ie el gn hut aii 0 he had ime A ot she following etiid- { Johnstown, vad flo sis stated that be ines, As to its benefits thers tan be Mrs W_O. iti ot Ciadlitein, or hehrd any out He was yutional er saw Ne foreigner out and so teatified and also 0 coming with the team. o town J story array and Major . him to bring the " aud pend a doctor. A. fled to visiting the scene 4 stated that the hen In diameter Alon, wis 8 dead of the tonal road told of ‘bringing All. | i ; wn in bis wagon and stated i out the man who cut lo Mr. Mellon saying: Squire, is the man who i now, Slay who was sup e chopped the tees down, t for and gave his testimony 4 ve Sharony, an interpreter, be was working for John Dan. nd that the latter told him to chop tree OWE; he wanted it out of thie 8 afraid I wold blow: gue toi to stop hafote the tree fll 8 statement that was in r ‘some “time and then 1 t in a verdict charging gross se on the part of both Par. no question, and there ix no one wid i will be benefitted mors than the bos (deceased st Ubest Springs. The thse ness men. As a drawing card for peo. ple from outside towns it ls without a peer. The largest crowds Palton ew ‘entertained were here io attend bait | ames, and they spent money here, Oo. ever) ; prrchass: of & worth of goods, ‘ | mont, a well a% 8 drawing card for the The Pian projected for this season a ‘Yo organise an association and acl shares at $5 eheh, 8 TOANY 88 oBn oe. dispowed of, but not less than one hun xl This would give the manage ent $500 to start business with, in. ‘clone the ball park and erect grand ‘stand and bleachers. While the divi. | dends would probably net renke any wr individual wealthy, at the sued time it woald bi the best investment Lhe bus fees men cond rake There are a number of men is tuwn who have Agreed 1 to “sake Soy or five ¥ rv pay or The s sooner Lie fa dove the Bett er it will be for all concerned. The season is wide open now, players must be signed, santa, gnaper snd board of directors elected and the time to Yget in the push’ is the present. What do the basiness nen, Who w il be the real beneficiaries Susucially. think of the projet? Let ow hear from vou DEAYH'S HARVEST The Domb of Sida Barbara, Taree spd Sidi Ueowws hag ter Barbara, 2 5 By & nna is your or ber ae. Dscpatnd | wn 14, BANG WAR Ag in St. Mary's took the vows oH She tanght in | thie : Asan inducement to trade here ie merchants could agree to give an ad. mission ‘ ticket to the ball ground to The funeral took plase Tuesmley afternoon froen the late home of the guies were in eharge of the Ebensbiry eilge of Odd Fellows to which be be longed. Interment in the Lloyd oom elery, Ebenshury. WANG NOTES. bse: ike 41 Haalicgs has Prewn Setiind- Cae, erative Rare ka Palion. : The strike at the Sterling No. % mine #t Hastings has been settled. A aon ference way held by J. Lo Mitchell, the operator, at that place Toesday with Presideny Gliday snd Vice President Wiison, of District No. 2, President ‘McPherson, Secretary Treasurer Mo Taggart, Vice President Sinclair, of sab-district No. 1, sad Barnard Rive, National board member. X projonjped wemion was Bed in which sll mestioned took an active part. The conferusce lasted frome Sp or to 10030 bom Wile iwhich It was atnpoanoced that Mr, Mitehed! hand sigan the soa ; sleige was of. A maw mecting of the mivers und dasorors ! 4 Pires woe of fn crssing the ad visabil Ey of starting a CO-DpRTative store. * Tie plan bas been under advisement by the labor | ters fiir some time ast, bat no det wedion has ag x CL fbn most in favor in the formation of wn stork company 10 be chartered unsler ‘the laws of Peansylvania and the stock 10 be sold to anyone who wiale ik Preaidens John Mitchell, MW. ol AL bal a farther with Pre . lengths spesch. 3 permease. WW. H Sandford, of this place, moved to take up the question of the saperin. tendent’s salary. The late law on the Tema Snnvestion with Al Bis point the only real excile ment of the conpmtion octarped, when aimpated 1 the salty of the Mr Leahy made the serve ie, | bat it did oo goo snd the work of the convention proceeded. Om motion of H 8 Eadsiey, o | Westmont, the convention desided fo retain the temporary secretaries aa subject was rent, wad in avcordanocs therewith the salary was fond a8 81 416 per anon, oa motion of Janes Camp bell, of Hastings Nowmioations for superintendent were thew called forsnd HS Endsley, of Westmont, «(®ered the name of Heman T. Jones Harry 5 Betgler was sominasted bv HM. Trout, of Adams township, The voting wa vive vas, and 157 Ballots were cast Or done, to 187 fr Beguder The Puticn director wee divided in their pha Masses. Langhe Muormy, Mellen and Hobbard voting foe Bender and Massrs Sagdlond and Tower for Jones. Ther ave ity thie sehiced districts § the coaniv, yl Fiche of the vite of Joliostows, with 318 i aed aid were sot exept Rweniy i WEDDING BELLE he Misniage of 4 Papua Foidg Hastiogs Laat Werk A very preity wadd tml fost. Wednewlay Borgent Mr ‘Hetisgs, when Mary Paterh to Jarses Hanter 0 Mr Hermit Xd at & Boma Ein the bridal pasty left fie Palion, where they will take pp ther fatuis eesbciance, The voung couple are well . kaows, amd Lave the good wishes of «Mail ordess for Job printing receive many frionds in 1 oir new sphere. and see how pertetly they fic For almost ¢ years we have worked incessantly build up » good 4 Cash, Ose Price Business, and we ha succeeded © bey ond sur own expectations. You may ask Wel our store is aiwavs moted for the bestg 3 goods, most complete stock and fairest rices for li 3 given of any . % orthern Cambria. 8 oe B 8, 5 A AR TASS aS rs op SAAT ak OUR SALE OF MEN'S r this year. We oifer you &8 zo apd the hand fh suits at poo, 811.30, $12.50 nd 59 wine and see you THE CRITICA LEYE soon detects any little thing wrong with a watch. If your WATCH or CLOCK has that tired feel ng. it heads the attention of our repr ‘man. We can restore the most dehslitated Watch or Clock to strength and useful ness. The removal of clogged ™ dust, the repair and adjust ment of wheels ¥ & £5 and the regudate Shel A aw Sh avrsed an f the 2 entire SY REE will LOL COST mia. All work guaranteed. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPEQTAULES Eyes testo] by the celebrated Hatiowespic Test ©! aud glasses ones Sited. Leow changed, free of charge, al any thos, In speeiadien sold phat oval 22.00 and over, J. C. SNYDER, 4 Jeweler and ¢ You Are Fine Looking, Ae BEY We are the Cenlre for Bats. ¥ a Eowill wash, and FoR ‘Nufangi Pants. Hundreds of the Be SER pL wear thao, Just nade ; CORA al She was careful and prompt attention sb the | __Sabeeribe for nd advertise in the on taken Back to Carrolliowa in Decem- : Cov RIER office. Send in your ordors. | { Patton ( COURIER, MIRKIN & KUSNER, ‘Good Building.
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