LIST OP LIGTTSIIIS MAINING in the Pittebetrgh Post Mee, from the JAI IM to the 15h of April, MOO. Pentane calla% me Thom mill please. say they inn advertised. Ladles. Liet. Adam &inner Adeline Allen Sarah A A Eliza .Tane A bernestby leaVl allll , n Jane Ad Cathessi.e Alexander Ann Andem. Na.cY Annxtrong Louisa BatalaillatitildaStioes A Brame Virginia Baer Mr. Janteallßarbal . IlannytilS rown !it.) , Barber Sarah Bowe' Eweline Bitriand Maryann Hades Elizabeth Drank . Julia U Barton lobelia Beek Alariati 5 Brew Julia/ Barrel Leonata att rinia Mary Brad : Pratieneeldurk A E eaty 8 J W ivy B BUBO' 111X11 Anil ' 4, iiii.MAnitry 'Anna Lan* Sarah Cal ' wine Mary Coari.loo M S Cot.ll ELIA S C 01... • Sarah Coulter Lavinia Camphel Jane Co• land Sarah ACoock C R Chutnitoe Rosa Ca Catharine Crawford Charlie Clifford Ann T C r ors. Mary ACripp• Elisabeth Et!2i2ll=l Dawkins C Mary/Doy M Donee Liza Duna n Margaredi Dannelly Kate L. Davis Mary Din end Barbary Dann." Mary Derain, Ann Do I . Danphy - 13iidgel Da canna MN EaaleriMnirti'da REisnond Sarah E , lirrn F Ewer' it M Edward EMI EVIL. Ann Eddy Eu!alreita }Award Ellen E•ansEhaabath 11 Evans hlra Owen Feeny Brik t Fielober filathildariuter Fame Fenlousti Disabils W Foster Mrs Fergus. &Win Semite Madame Fermin Doily R Distill. Kate FecOcsita Rae:let Id.ry licogenald liridgeiFostei Rebecca I Mug t GulirgSam CalhAG ,, n ' I .C" reth Gluena.l jt Greenlee Ann Gallagher En. Gil Ingnam CA Grreort Gertrude Gnetan Luerezia Gi 11ekaG Gnhan annoy "thurAllnu meth... Mira ti. 7 Ginestord hies A Gillmore II D • Hackett Martha Harris Harlin , A IWI Merl lab !Wanton Kass Han ' Howell Maria Hata Mam o ma Hane de y Vlsabeth Holton 'Alin* HArwrr Ally Al H•ogarman MaryHuabs Mary Hartley Noah Healy Mary Hell Sarah is. 2 r e „ Mary Jane Hunter Jana Al al Hawkers Rasher Ilerriag Anasndn Hunter MA Inas Kaulla Jenkins /alio Soles Nancy Johnson Susan K K a " Sarah Kelly Anne Kramer Maw )( eye. , yo T gi Edirne hlr. Kynooh Ann Kearney hire Klar Jane nI Kramer E laabeth Kennedy Miry Knock,ltrr Ann Urals* Mary Little Naryhrm'aLry Mary J Lamb Ltri/gm Lsrms Lawry Ann M Leaner Ann 111 Mason Nancy Merton Catlin Morgan Muy Manion Mr. Means Anna Marro= Misses Marks FJlen Meal) Mann L Moffat Mra Mahoney Ellen hl lichen Mgrat liana. Nary Maloney Ann AlirNinon Ellen IlltloorarSarah Malley Caen C Nlller Ram] Marry Agaa Magog' Eleanor Miler Mary P Marry Ann Marshall Mary A Motes Hannan Main Hannah, • Ma M'Calt Aaebel M'Ortigan Marnt till.esse Bath's hreunly Mns J M'Conrin Margt FASLeaser RachelA M'Connrek S hrhioresuThessahlUxren M B M'Cadrlen Ann M'Kcc 'Bhp. M'Alillen Hester M`Doassil hales Mliennon Anna M'Qaten Mary! M'Gnire Scour Wgeogh EirLdnet Mitoberra Jane 11 . G.h. Sarah MrKeever Sarah Nelgan 1110 linbt N 120113120 0 Ort Mulls 0 Parkbil Mart. •Pearce A. Poileek Mrs Palmer RH. M Perim. Mary P Poor Nanby Fusel Mory Perry Mrs R Prosper Jane PatOrrsonNancyßPhelan Mr. Ray Flulh Rine EJielb Raga ?dares Rankine Ellen:dnaßichards Ann AI Rodgers Ellen luitins Retina Robinson Mrs Wißonliefellosrlz 'Reynold% Ann Robin•on Nancy itodeob•agb Line' Reary Nary NC Rose linrina Jane illt•Gie Miss Rees !dory Ann ROOO Sarah Roeh Elirth Ii M Rico Mn Thos Montt oWlnar.Prd Bands Ellen Smith Lissie Flag. Ana Sherlock Ellen Smith Isabella II Sutton Caroine Simonton Jane :Smith Er. • Stephens Sarah hI Skeen Mr. Win Smith SUSIIIS Speer Barbara Sinclair Morn' A Spore , ' Mn Stephens Amanda Sall* Ann hlaryt Speer Isabella Stargras Mary A Smith Lorene Suedgrass Mar B Stewart Elz Smith Mary A Stone Mrs II L Stewart Men Jas T Taylor Sarah Truby Isabella Terrier Francis TealdaleDclia Tyrrel Michel Turner Martial IMECTIZEI Warnock Agnes WbitneZieth Williams Clharrte Weeks Anne White Ilf.sin Wirtz Maris Is Welsh Cathne Wheats. soft Ws CWillianss Elath Welsh EI Wilson Lydon • • Young Lacy Ann Zimmerman Frances Clestioinesei Lb[ Admenln hew osgobt Anderson Rummel Adams Rohmt A lt er Simon Anderson Thos Adams John' Aldridge ARrownAnderson Jno T Atk'ason John WAllen ?Jaren Arnold Robt Agin John All.n Edward Arnold Wm 5 Abegg /smolt Allan Jaws ; Armstrong Jams Agnew nes U Aisles. Chest.. ArmstrongThos Agnew J P A-Co pher Armstrong Wm Angson Robt Andersen R-Mert Armstrong Joseph Alex...der A Avery Rev Wm Bradford Steph BBrown George µmany John W ' Bennett Julio L Dimon Nanoloon raun Alex Baird Wm Loran Blood Kennedy sllmos MIA II Hambrick Edwd Mosley Robt Bromation Daniel Bantler John Bill Samuel Braddock Paul ildwin Billingelsy John Bria n en Bamford Rob! Binger Wm Brennan Joules Bacharsish Edon! Bags Wet Boston Jobs or Bailey Wm Watley R Morrie Bniley Robert Blakey Wm Brian Myles A Bay Joint Dolor Robt Eranar.P. Batts Jacob litikoffiker John Ilninron Joseph Bosomy kGo ritonElmnine Job, Briaben Lewis Bows DClllaekTlvanni s Brigham W Barnhart Levi - Illavk A Draken Wm Lam ty Jacob Inset - Wm A Bradley Thomas Barton Saint Black Wm Breen is Ilastum Wm Black John Breen RolitAl Barry Wet Boland Edward Brice Wm 9 m Barry }Beheld Bolen Beni Bris Thomas Dir. James W Baden Ronan! B Media James Rome. Copt Chastloot Thema Dragmlen Lori Berney John ROker k Brotberaßraner J J Barker F C Boston Jacob -3ronnton Alfred Barker Wm Boyle Barnard BM. Simnel Bell James Boyle Owen Bryant Joacph Bell John Boyle John BanknerJUottpaill BenhanLeandr EBoyle CantJamesßmoks David Benson David • Boice DR J 5 Byrn e EderaStl Bedard P 9 ono Was _ yr Joseph Berard Wm C Bodo¢ Thomas Barkley W Seidler Bear? Etortand James Byers Jame. Beckley Daniel Bolingerabrahamßork Win Bonaire John Al Brown Joon Byrne Daniel Berlin Tommie* Brown R L Byrne Pon, Benediet Capt Bev/Rowe TlenMas Barns Philip - Bendel St hl MOM, Jame D ui Ilarm ie eils of • Begga Joseph P Brownßrown James Darn R Byrne Joseph II Callaghan Mehl Clark Owen Coo Beni Calhoun IL Clinnin Geo Cowan Bobs Ea q Coen Jno 1) Clarke J G ' Coward Mich! Calhound Jos Clapp Rev if. Covers Abm Carvill Wm CM Ilogh Coniston B Al Carly Henan, Clarke Chas Craig Walton 41. r., W..", Clarkey Rev Jo. emit Henry Cameron A Coleman Laigs •Craig Wm Carnahan Jno B Coats Nelson Crawford Jo Cougher Joshua Colcluser D EEsoCrenng Pink Carson Joseph Collin David Crispin Cater H Camp Wm Collagen Jno C,Jley Gr. .. Carmichael II f Collar John CroasenJ & I Carnahan LI II Collins John II Crickart Sarni Casaday John Coffin Geo W FA:IC:Nye Mabel.' Carroll Char Collini David FanCrohan Ands.' Could-11es Colo John eftAge•riler i Cartwright Jaa Cooper Jos Crawford Jacob Cowley David Coghaaa Jno Crayons Robt Coaghey Joshua CODkilltin Capt Craig FAinand Carron ouch! Cionloahton 11 Cressler Wm •Cayeaargh rat • Cobt Froreneo Crofton J 8 Gallon Wm 'Cannon Jon Cronin John Csslndelisor C Condon ha, Cronin John Cowland Se' net Condo Jno 4 Croce Henry ' Carymitsr Thom Conway Than Crocker .1 P Esq Ca k atell Messrsa.n.roeiti , il a l , r o o . oLa t cag eii. Ch evy E Cook John , chd Groom Jowph Chevalle Combs Abel Crayon Gamey Cburnaidonos Copeland Jail , Cunningham J W Chapman Ward Conwell Geo Cullen emir Chadwiet Jos Conners Wm Cartier Henry Chad= W C Co o iha Abel Caner /as Cromin John Cok Wm Cards Henry Chives Joseph Comdell Cunning on Mr Chardon Taos earthling L Curio Tim Charlton Joreph Coo J.. Cartissi Church lilesui J'hiroyn Canis. Henry a. Co Corey Chas W Culp Wm Clipningsr Isaiah Cotton Thew Cottbus It A. Co Clarke J Dawdoon sarti DrSera Petry Donnelly AV pencil, Palmer t Wpm Dm Z Doagnerty Mehl Co Delaney Elichl Downs Stimut D Daiwa John thlany Pam Donoanholab Dan Dalull H Waken John DoifJostioa Daimon Den/ P Deem 11 Donaghy nos Davison Wro Detvriled Alex 8 Donley Caa Dothey Albert L Deiely John Deoglan Thee Caps W Diehl Chrl.ti.n Dole= Hiehl Darner Jacob Denning J/30 H Dodsiohn David J V Dean Wel U lhyden John C II W crews Jos Eaq Doagan Peter lip r DenseashAl PanLP . Darboravir A J Dania E D • DonaagOy Jahn Davis Chas Ditrinini Jelin U Derail Win Darla David Dexter Caps U 5 Dann hug Davis Jae Dickey Win Poo Duncan Win Davis Jonathan Dillenboak Dr 8 Donaltav J C Dui. Chu Dillon Mengel Dwyer Palk Davis A J Dixon alinnere Duna Walter Deena Dan Dickson bitevnut Use J.. M N Dillon Mathew Duvall avid In Dickson Colton Eakins D W Fev Enull John numb Janus 0 Early Michael Edaranis Wm Elba Calvin A }ikon Mish s el Elliott Wm k: Edmonds Ilia. EhaD John Ellin. Th.... Edwards Jenkins Ellison Amami Ellis M Eastland John. natant lobo Eliot limes • r Fahnestockllen 6Flelds 1. ACo Foca" !arab F•rtls Janina D Fisk Wm Footohn Jr Fagan J • Fink Art Co Wm L. Fantleroy David Fleing IlamptonFoulks E Farrnb James Flac m k John P Frits John H Patrick Robert Fleming Wash•tn French Davld Fallacy George Flower Geo MD Francipena AG Farley Smith Flynn Friel Patrick Velger Enish Fobes Jelin Franklin Wdlisd Vertical John Fox Alain E Freeman Doman Fisher or EG Ow•ForsTM L.E Erna George ens Fortino .annanM oore Fels Fonane Luke Fo E'er Fell Fredartek Folgainble names Fields! teo Rev Forty /On Fink II& Co, Fez Richard Esq oury Geo W Gibson Jas Grirge DennenainD Gage Me .; Wass Wm Wm• Gel Wm rrah fill.her Fele/We Gloss SaanelJe Grose John D Gereghty hilehaelGteam. H GoOrge4oeoh Drng ?Mei. • Gehhfeat Ger, abaft Chas WGlasatord Antltr Gray S Gal mray.Sam tilmo Chart. Sr Graham John Gal inter Franeisfloald Sohn Graham John B ;,`" . Getahlitton B Gray John GIB ;heart Ile." 0041111 Er Erlritif Gray Jame( Gat rim. Chart. Gordon Wm Gray Wm R GM a John Gould Samuel Graham John Gal lord Edward GUT!. MEC. Gear Eder cu ri.n Die firma Junta Graham Grafton!! Gat ea Cornell. Graham Philip Gannett IVat Gib ...Gamy, Grant James Gaming Wm Gib Gram John D car t Abraham Gregor , John Gradßiehatil Gilt' John Gram, W R Gruber Adam GU 4 Rohm, Grannie C W Gibbs Thom. Cibi Jom FA, Grier Henry C Gitlam E & Co oan Jimes Gnltth Pat Gibson John GIL .6 Alexander Grall Richard 1.11 Lew i a Dr Robt Holate. David 1.1 Owl 1)C Hathaway Hided lioldwa Enoch yta !!!ty. Chap A pont. J.Goh Z ao diron P llays Akitalt Hogan Jna .an. ten Bernard Hays 30Hoy Owen n Boys S &Co Howard Wm N m, t /lima Wm T Howard LC erood Jan A /lays/ Iluerard Abner am mond Hugh Heaney Herd Hopkins Chas am I Jas Ileiby . John Hoop. J N a. in Geo homing H E.q Ilaward Johnson am mil Jo. Henry Jacob Hobbs Geo 11 an, la 'rhos blood Cap/ B Bona/on& Robin. am am Henry /I . ltelik . in f. H eon .... ns :an Ssm Huey Wm Hook Prancis , i len Mehl Heisler D N HowelerC at Lon Owen Henderson W S Hopper Wen rY y A D Herring Ch. Howard Jos %V no mod Jae A Berk. John M Howes R. S • • • . .. . . Harp er Ham. I lerhne Fredk Hopki. J. Heal and Th. PEI John Howes Rea Jno Ilia Henry Ili. J A Erg Hughes Hea l Hart yell EIC "IlilblTr Henry Etulloston AVna Hans on Hem Iltrehev Park Hu. John 11.1 in Thor C 1101 A F Hunt D D • . . letehd Ildl FunforJ C }Jason Jun Hart! trU C Fag Hill Anson F Hugs. Thus Hasa: I Mind lint Adam. Gashes Jo. Gans el Geu Man Jacob Hunter David Hard • Joint Holmes G N Dr nunou mon Garin um Sam Hoffman Johu C Hunter I , sm Ginn , rt atom Milady Alex nolmn Matt a..eudder Esqllollinennvonh G. Homo:Lull Jiro Garai d fro Harsh John Huth , iss Jae in 346 A Irun inn F Invln David Mon inn A Ingram Ch. Irvin J.y B gall I Bernd Jarvis Thos Johnson N Jones Jesse Jaekse , n Kam Johniann The, Joan. David 0 Jeffers Thompson John... C A lone. Fern Jury Van Johncon N J ones John A helmet John.ton I..rnh /one. Engird F Jorry n Joh n 4ephe Jane. Joh . W nnou m Rev J P lo im am David II lume Jentiis David Kearnt Thomas Keeney FII Knee John' Yenned y James Kennedy James Alamefe her Jos Kelly .Is ones Fon Kmpen Thee li Kennel y Peter Nair. 1 , 0. U Kirertn Wm Yenned s Peter Kelly John King K FIN Kennel y Dean] IDierr James King Wm II kennsA , Samuel Karr D D Kennedy James ' Yenned y ',lt Kelly James F.) Keough Martin Kelly James Kramer Jonnthnn Retinas John Karr John I) Rev Kenna's Somnel Kelly C L Keats Cant Kelsh Jr .ten Kelly Deasy Knowles LevereO Kerman Mitn II Ktllbreath King John II Ketches I Wm J Ktmage 'lleums Lehghttr Samuel Long Henry Lee Wm II Laumrani.Parriek Law Henry M Lewis John Larnhati :Joseph Lawrence Wm Lemon Palnek Canners r Geo Wleakan Edward Len Wm Fon Ltwron. Jos II Ulan Joseph I earer It F Ewa Lay Wm Leebh Thomann I.onergan James Laughlin Uriab Len * Wm Lorg henry Lames 'I 'homes Lent: /moot, Lone. W4l ',SIM. Dormer D II Lockhan Isaiah Lawler T. lua Leonard Reuben Lockard Rachard Larkins/ nhn Leakon John 6 Long Henry Lowish Bader Logan Robed Morgan II 'al Int. Metier C G Morley W Macke.ll I teary Mulholland N P glonnfort •Wm Manning I glebilMunro Huth MorMae Chas H M.A. re ter Miller John Morgan Tho. Mallen mdey %Vol Morgan Jul Mineola Jc On ?Aachen A D Marengo Frlunn R Malvehill no. Mitchell Thou Moore F G Fog Malim Th. w Mitchell Andw Moore Jacob Era Madam Ti ma J M , teholl Sam Morrow Woo Alneknll Wen Mlilet D Moon Thor. W Marthall lV N Mdler Blued FIN Moore Sam D Martin Chi , MM . Monahan Chu Murdock W I Marlin SO a Marge, Wm Mallen /au Mason Mot on Mob John Mien Denre March Deo Ed Monroe Jan M Mullen Andw Mahe,. Jib Morgan Geo A Cohlocra Jacob Dr Marheset 3 •Z Moon h. Mullen Hugh !Haswell Taros Alonoomern Miel Munn John Marks Coot land Morley Jno Myers G T Moysenklin tM Morn. Mr Mullen A n4lr Mather. Jr .0 Moreau Wen Mullver Pal Marks itarii U Morgan Beni htuUig. John ?deolion re ter Morton Geo Rev Murry Win •etoo Geo' Mauna Geo Murphy Jno Rao Alevirshow , Win Moms John R Murphy Ram Meagher M lel! Atone Jos lr Murry JII -Menem Jai A Moltrial G IY Murphy Alto Mellon Rog er Morris Ando. , Murray Jos Melvin Wet Morris Rob, Murray U V. AtUliesn Th oo Moreau Jno Millie. J. :Col Morris Albeit McAllen Tao v McFarland Jno McGrew R hicAnonr David McDonne! Daltil• McHugh. hitch! McAllister Am McDermott Pack McFarland Wm MeMee Ikrod McDonald Wm MePenh; Imitc Merman Ales hicDornald Patk &McGee! H Meßrumry J t o Trot McGinley Derail hleßride lea McDonough Rich McGraw Hugh GcCalloing h Aleintovh J a. McGicary h Mc- MeCullough. ThoohleEllivcc Jno Cartncy McClelland it McHenry Edwd Mc Ilenryslark W MaCalloughillughlticllteratne Geo McHale Michl hicCartyJno McKie David McGrady Jno McClintock 0 mi Shia Kew° Rota hicGinnem Win areCoorcv Robt McKee David McGowan Jno hicClorky Jae at hicßuiter A MeGuy Leeten hieClnre Thos McKee Taos Mc:Vence T 51 McCulmid Tb 04 McKaine Joa McVay Surd MgClarin WO, Maltribbin los 11 MeNickle Win Mellaabind Jo. Mclicancy Park McNatnee Corea'. McCluilmn II P Meliaoghbn Jno hf Olathe hl 610Clurc W McLaren W K hicTeague Hugh McCleary Sand Meiguity Francis Itichlorrow Park McCormick J 4.1 McLaughlin AleshlaNcel Jot McCurry Henry McLaughlin Taos Mc Mullin Jan ' ./de.Crealte Jos hicLain Hugh McNeal Calvin kleCraclien Jai, McLain Jay McMahon /no McFarland W H McGanniele D • hinßotiert• Wm McFadden Rohn kleGoire Sarni B McCown deo Mcritudy Ju Nelson Jas Neill 'l' Nock Wra Keeley las Nichol« I. H Nolan Path Nablo Richd A Nye 13arnabas I) Nicholas A Notion Geo Nob. Isaiah Nolan Pala Neilly A Norton Thos C Norris J. Negley %V C Nis con J. Norman J A Nelson A Norton F. A Norris Haley Newton Orrin Nichols Win Olney Jone Ottley Wm O'Neill O'Donnell /al /no tin/onnor Jo O'Brien Them . Onn B A Otte B O'Reagan &lend Oliver 0 B O'Rielly Thos T &Donne! I. Owens Joe O'Brian Mien! Or.l El O'Neill A rtlio O'Continr Dennis &Ned Mark O'Neill Mr Owens Wm Papiek 3 1 Patterson Jk A P, lank Johannes Piston W Thos Patterrin Robs Planet Rob! Parry Jo. Pete* Alfred Phillips Jno II Patebill Hugh Peebles Geo E Porter Anthony Padden lasi• Peires Inn l'orter Jobe Q Paitley Sarni Perry Gen Palter Rawl Patton /no ' Perry Wm II Porter A Patchett Ha Mr Perry F Penner Mielil Part las I Peebles .1 M,Eue Posta Noah Paean Lewis Peacock It ni PM. Pack Patterson W C Pettigrew W J Price Jno PartersonA no Peers Thus Price Ale. M Patterson Geo W Phillip. Jno Pelee Darid Parket Sas II Peale, Jos Precis' Jas Parket lea ' Pile Thos Pyle'J as Porker ftflwd Pipe. Geo P4rvianeo Stud A Paiterscoo las Phillip. Rica! Parket Erman C Phillips Saint Quinn Peter , Ralles Win. Reed Hugh Brown Edged Rank lose Reynold. Oliver Roberta Mark Rettig. Peter Reed J d Rooney Jas Rankin Cho Rod Snail W Robinson tae timimy Wm Is Richards Jocob Robinson Hebron Raymond P Ilitrxll Win Robinson Toes C Rapp Rohs Rice k tiro Robinson Chrier Rummell 11 H Ridenour M Robinson Jno. Rhea Dan! Richards Wm J Rodgers Saml Rankin Martin WRichardson HT Rodgers Dennis Renter Mr Rinehart Albert Robertson/1S Rey Restos Isaiah Richey F M Robinson M Reese Emo Riddle Win Robinson M V Roves R W Rite Jeremiah Robertson Levi Rent6sld Sainl S Richards Den' Ribinson E G Reehill Pharins ItualeySyltanuslißugers Jno H Redwood 100 Richerdson Alex Robinson Jos Reese 'rhos Rig( Jo Rollers keno Redttreake A S Roberts Jos Knoell II F Hewett Cho Roberts nos Russell C Reynolds Roe II Roland Jno D Salver Wm Skinner Win Sumton•Jus II Samuels Nathan Stilton /as Steele las Sonata/ivy Davi Smith Wm K Stafford Henry Salmon WJ D Smith /no P Stevens Frances Sanderson W D Smith Gen Stoat nos Scott Thos . Smith a Johnson Stevent lil.vcrison Jrn• S Scott Jts. P Smith Duni on AV E Scott Gen Smith Wm Stevensen G K Scott Alex • Smith H A Stewart Jae Scott Absalom Smith W C Stewart Jim D Scott J Smith, klurphy &Stout Chris Scott 11e.,. Co Stout Rohl Searian Wm Smith Jun Stvelifield W D Scott Jima Smith Jo. Rev Strain Thos B Reuel Alan, Smith WII Metro Alenen Scott lan Smith Sarni Straiten Jas Jr Severance 1., Simpson Thus Stone A &rams, Thos J Simpson Jno A Sutton Ben) Rad David Simpson Thos .1 Sully Rut Shannon Jan Simon F Sutton Joan Sharp Jno Small Relit Sullivan !Richt gh.a.alfeary Snyder A I' Swaim Gideon Shaer David Sproul W Riche Sash/dm Joshua Shore Wm Sproleue J Spencer W P Shank Cast Speaker Peter Stetting Jno Shockileg &but Speer Semi SKerman Jno Shields Arthur Steer Alesitia Slossum hI II Shatart Jno Sheppard RblW Stulton Jae Shlacy Danl 81airring Casopit . Taw J. Taylor Douglass What' Aaron It Taylok Jno Ttunapson /no W Towner llogh Taylor Shelby Thom. J Toner WMr Tarsart Ino Thomas • Toner A R Talbott Ch. Thompson Jon II Tower Bats 0 Taylor & Rock- TbolnproaDlOesßTopper 71. '0,1,11 Thompson!. Tolbert Chu Tgar Wm 'Tliomptop Sam! Toole Wm' aylor Thos Jr Tilton hitch! Tulsa Mehl Teasdalo Th. C Titan J. D Tonks UM. Rev Tilton /no U Urmletwooa k Bel V. Riblwo 11l P Viol. Diehl Vega Geo yilwn J II Vander...l R R Dtadersleer A Q. Vrevey Geo Valrh l V %Wove lll.lebior Vellelly Wm Wear P • Vaughan leo Vine. Wen Vardy Ueher V Weher David Wells A - Welch Wal.l. Whllehend Wen Will Jae C . . Walsh Polk White nni Wise Nl' Weastatr W If II white Jno Wilt Ins Wm W Walker A White 81l Wipple If Wallace Wm Wheeler Wm S Wilett Unsh Walker Jos Williams 011 P Wietliff Drerd Watson M S Williams Col A OWilrooyerDavidll Warner Henry • Vi'illtenis Joe Winters Them Watson Hold William. Danl A Wilk team Frank Wult Wm NYlntera:llitah I WlPisomon W W Warren SashW WilliatmLimiumM Miklos Jas 'Watson B Williams Rev JnoW.llm Cher Wet , Jas Willisms Lewis FW.lmot Johnson Watkins/no Wl , sonJon A Wind , . Jo. Woolson That 0 Wilmallolit Wood Jo. Walla Wm WilmoJa• Wood Vera jr Ware Henry Wilson Wm woo!ley Edwin D Watt Rohr Wilma A r Co Woodward lien I , Warnork 11. Wdson Jae Perry Woods Trios W..m010. Wilmn J Wood Lora Jr w.,‘„ Wm Wilson - Wm Wthibt Jo. w elch Wee Wilson Henry Wroe JA . - Wesiei &brahi Wills& L. Wright W L Weaver David Wlrgald Dent Wynne Mehl Welch J. It Walesa Willie G Wright Jss 11 Wenner G%V Wiekeres.sllS Wells Abraham • Vain Prier Wang Rob! A Young Peter Yates Etta W Yocum Beton Vann El B Ziglar Bosnabaa Zoller Jacob Zimmerman Saml laltl 1.. Agent of the Cotree Mill. 'O9 orehmais^ A drain'rs of Shaw, deed Meehaoies•Lodgo No 9. I kits of Cal. George Giliscio. Ocean Wave pivWon, Sous of Temperance. Pott Duquesne " Pittsburgh Lawrenceville SAM% dosnuußa, P. M. Prrtstritou, April 19,1'.30 uOMMERCIAL PITTSI3URUII }MAW) OW TB.ADIIC aRn 1112LCIIL.Tell cumaxa. COMMITTEE FOR APRIL. 1411,1 HALM, • • •WIL IL I ? T.... 1.1. 1100111..0 Orrlce, Pmzeunoir Tuteday morning, April 18, 1..?50. Tie weather, having moderated, was dear and liessent donna yesterday, and in a general way, fair drglee °declivity prevailed in the market. without Source,. any very extensive operations in any arti. cis. Q locations generally present no ettuido &amour lard repari. FLOUR—Prone was offered on the wrumf yesterday, 110 we beard of no brat hand trannetioim. The usual sales tor good Ohio brands are s4,oiielt;42 i bid; rates of some choice brands dour, from store, have been sold at 1it.741/4,e7j V bbl, by the small lot. BACON—Sales of IX hhds bacon at, for hams Bjc; Wes he, and shouldem at de IP lb. GROCERIES—Every thong is quiet. N 0 Sugar i• firm, el:rill* for fair to prime. Sales in small lots of Molasses were reported to Ul yesterday, at MSc on oat IN.. Rio Coffee:la without movenolot, and may be quoted, on noxierate lots, at a range of 120/13ifill4c 4. b. GRAlN—Considerable quantities of Whorl have bran bough In by no:lers, at 950100 e bu, winch to diaates to improvement Sales aol bus Corn was re ported to os at 4.5.245 c d'bu. Toe supplies of Oats ate fair. with sales .33051 c ♦ bush. No Wes of other Grains. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rivag.—There acre 5 feet G 'mer in etenn last evening, ARRIVED. Caleb Cope,M urdock, lever. Michig., Bele, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Illonongabola Gay. Fashion, Peebles, Fdirabetti. Atlantic, Parkiron, Brownsville . Bionic, Jacobs, Biownsville. lkaver, Gerd., Wellsville. Camden, Remit - mks.. 3lcKeesporis Lake Erie, Clark. Beaver. Belle of the West. Jame.. tlt Lou,, James Nelsen,, Whey Fort Pail, Miller. Niuhville. ellsallis, Vim,. Din l e'r.`" Jenny Land. Galiaaher. Zanesville. Cinclnnsu, Kounta, anucionsit Kentucky, hlaeleen, Louisville DF.PARTF.D. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. ?Sic!span, lines, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Mononrehela City Camden, McKeesport. Fashiun, Peebles, Elizabeth. Bahl, /neat, Brownsville. Stlaaue, Pubsson. Gordon., ‘Vellsville. .Keystone State, Slone, Cincinnati Lake Erie, Clark, Brow,. Units MeLane,Connal, Wheeling. BOATS LEAVING THIS BAN' WABASH—Cinderella, 4 r. v. LOUISVILLE—Generce, r. v. ZANkIiVILLE—Jenny land, 4 r v. ST LOUlS—Bella of tho Wo•, I. • • v.. ST. LOUlS—Paris, la •. tr The fine eine Cinderella, Captain Ilaslet4's•tilpos4- tively leave for the Wabash River, his afternoon, at 4 o'clock, IX= rrn da hotisa Work. A p!riavant and permanent sttusucti, and good wages given Lnquire at tins AXiee. aPIIL Ir 11E Annual Electron far. Martacer• nr the Western Penn.ylvania Iloopttal. wall be iko:den to the Rooms of the hoard ortrud, ou *Psesday, the 16th instant, at 3 o clock P. 51 The Contributor. are requested to attend_ aplo PAIN BARTER. r•eereOrry Orphans' Co.;. Bale CPIiIIFU ANT to an order of the Orphans' Court, held at Plttaburgh. on the lit day of April, A. D. InSO, cili be exposed to public ale. on the tbeh day of April. I:C,U, at three o'clock Y. AL, on the yeoman, all that certain lot of ground •Imate to the rity of Fittaborgh, and described . follows, in %mu—Beginning on the north side of Seeond at, at the distance or forty scree fret enatararilly from Gant an thence by the line of Aon !2ellivart!s lot, and parallel with Grant. romp three tt. u. a three feet alley cominon to persona owing Idt. OP. either side, thence by anal alley and parallel with m1:114 at. twenty nevelt fee., to the line of William Animal.' lot, thence by the nail ice of Wm Arthar. , lot, and parallel with Grant et et forty 'hie. feet to rterond street, thence slung Second at. twenty myee het to the place el beginntex. Terms of Sale—One hundred dollars no be paid upon delivery of the deed, the balm. in two equal pay. er enta ot air and ten years respectively from the dote of sale, with inlerut paysit4e arnattaby, and to be se cured by bend and mortgage on the premise. For bather particular, apply to G E Appleton, Acortnll at law, tooth street, or to the anderaigned, ROBEILT DUNCAN, Gonad'. of Ann Alcoa to ehrtsu. 1 Wendt,mtnors apn.daphtt _ lOLDSO AL. f 111URCIII. CAW-MI .R a. CU here re.mrsved to \o:7 Wsocr bconr.,, Wood & rtrt. to w. Low. fonuerly .corted by iludy. J.., 3. Co 5p3,1111 lloBlatT IIeKNIGHT, TTOR.NEY AT LAW—Office on son g, s „1, o f IL Fourth et. Letwevn Cherry alley la ud Grant st. a&dttlitcsvens AZW CLOTH 11,TORIE J. D. STUART it CO., of Philadelphia, will in.. CY • on the Ist of April, an enure tow .rock of moms. CASSIMEKES, VESTINGS, And TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. at Paategi puees, very low At cash, at No. 116 Wood at, mit lo Mc Ifenn•'• A aelion House apt-dkestiT IL JOHN MARTIN respectfully .nonnces m the clusena of Tataburgh, that he Lae permanently cared lurnseif in ttus etty, fur Itte purpose of pra hledicine and Surgery, in all ay various branch es. His offset is on Follfitt street, No 109. Hestdence Na 79 same at. 1-d&Atr3seT Q . 11. 7110LAtSai—li bbls prof, for sale by CI. .p . 4 WIL.SON'k EINsEE° OIL —IU bbl. for sale by ap4 . J B CANFIELD L'IALEHAINJS-4U b. and 5 b.. for Gllid by apL J B CANFIELD Q,COAR-10 olds N 0, or ask 03 , S J DCANFIELD SUO&R, ST J. 10:11, ice-124 /Mt N o ttugar; 30 to• Fox's otarch: 211.!, Cluotied Landing Ohir day aO.l fur @Ale ty `p3W5l BAGAL.F.I( & Cu F 0 II PARLORS--Chantots and Corn Colored Wall Paper, for handsome rooms, can be found as the Paper Warehouse, do en Wood st. ap3 . W. P. MARSHALL. f IOFFEE—Int sack. Coffee, on coomkomemantl for kf sale low by -iapil C II ORANT ..---_... TAR -50 bills Tar, , store and for sale by - 0 npi in II GRANT .20 a c ti 6 A15.74-';l•L'`," and °a l tel n lZll ' ,V6lr l 11313TTLE Y CORKS.....31. g i mes superior Velvet, for 1,1 sale by Ispn] J RIIII3 a CO LACES AND EDOINOIII. AA MASON tr. CO, do Merkel street, between . Thirdand FDrth, are no w eDeted: 4 cartoons all widths Itobinet Lwes and Edging.; 1 do do Linen de do; 4 do assorted du do; net, Ashburton, Loom thread, Smyrna, inea . het, and swiss, malting the MOO complete assortment ever offered in. this make, npl rr INSF:ED 011..-50 bbl. tiotbrso , o, in p order. • J... 1 For onto by opt F.LLERS rone NICOLS I /411 7 -414iblos - 1 - 4:lo — des; prime, for YR. by apl SELLERA d NICOLS S C. HAMS--20 Uerce• Duffield; 30 do Evans k Swills; I 0 store and forsale by [apt) SELLERS & NICOLS MATIKFALF.C.- blots Large-No No t 3, Naas; ' Di do , do, for oat. by apt JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO BACON SHOULDERS—Just nig and foi•sts by 8 4. W ILIRIDLUOIL so ;'..., No 1162 d arse f'l IC. oltii-100,000 oo:soon Jigars rod rsold, sadfini %.1 by 'hoo 8 4. W.IIARBAUGH BOroL,C,BaU.TTEK-3.rb2bls trish;ltlll,Tallia‘situtiaAltisisdi— y — 6h ' m OVZi JAhl ES D. LOCKWOOD, fhook miler and Importer. 104 Fourth street, a foss dome east of Wood strect, (tate 63 Wood streett. _ aol WOOL-4 bal. on ecnxigunero, r i ailde by rt. v ri9 Poif A J a'"l. "T46l7:ate co us N. Of' O. MOLASAES—MO bbis oak cooperage, lot ale by • sp I BURUFLID . OE., AVILtiON & CO N. 6-4OCIA:k--ZW&WdiTtirtme, for y apt - DURO/11MM WI I-40N a, co rILABIFIF.D SBOAII-13 Met reed on con k./ sigioncni, per Mesmer Silas Wright, and far W. by t.Ol UURIIIIIDOIK WILSON &CO C 1 OSUMI; a Sketch of a Ph plicalin Dol escription u: l Universe. By AlesimiterVon Ilundt. 2 volltna. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. By J. P. Kennedy; now edition. Memoirs of the Life and Writing. of Thoinn. Chid. oiceen. D. By his .on in law, Rev. William Henna L. L. D. 30 01. Sketched f Mimes/Its, the New England of the West, with incldenis of lifted ht that Territory during the summer of 1e49, in two pane. By E. S. Seymour, with a map. Polere Principle. of Moral and Political Philo.ophy vol Igmo. The Panty Bunk, Ilhotrated with cute on wood. By Adams. Apiaries American Biography, (0 rots Plato, 73 cents pe The olume. Whale and hie Captor,, or the Whaleinsn's /W -yman,es and the Whate's Unogruphy. By 11. T. Cheerers, with engravings, 03cent.. Itedhurn, his Firm Voyage, being the odor boy: con. (elisions and reminiacences of the son of a gentleman hi the merchant service. By Herman Melville, author of “Typee." "Onion,' tee. ' The Modern British Plutarch, or Lives of Men Div. tinguishcil in :he recent history of Ignigland, for their Ta 1.. It. Mao en. Virtue, Ain. P. e. , or Achievemenon hants. By d W. C. Taylor. . Bruit and for side by A. 11. ENhusit A CO, Successor. of ELLIOTT & MULISH. No: Ti, ivooa rt figaftl. as:. a supenor r roc'd and for kola ay &MIIMITiIIIELTREF, •••-". " %TART 411AVINti .I , lAl' • fc,i; or smo ro Nr.LO . ITCH-sa 'or sale by C fl GRANT LOCAL MATTERS. ILIETORTZD FOR TRY ern:s=mm DAILY GAZETII Working Men's Convention. This convention met, yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at Wilkins Hall. It was organized by calling Mr. H. K. It. D mare to the chair, and art. pointing Meson. Kinkead and Williams as Sacra lutes. A motion was made and carried that the report• ere for the preen present, be invited to teats at the table. The list of delegates from the different trades was then celled over, and the members, on an• swer,ng their names, were admitted to their mats. The following trades were included in ibis list, ni: Tailors, Ladies,Shoe Makers, Turners, and Copper Smiths, Paddlers and Boikn, Printers, Saddlers and Harness Makers, Count Makers, and Chair Makers. A motion was carried that all persons present belonging to trades not represebted by regularly appointed delegates, should be admitted no stema beer upon presenting their names. Several gentlemen then presented their names as representing the trades of Watch Makers, Blacksmiths, House Carpenters, Pattern Makers and Boot Milker. A committee of delegate., Imus Elizabeth Bor ough presented their credentials, and, were ad. milted to mate. Oa motion, a committee Was appointed, con sisting of one member from each branch repre rented,to report a permanent form of organization for the nneonlatlOn. On motion, the delimit. from each trade op. pointed their own member for the above corm! tee. On motion, an oddreas of the committee to the Working Men of Allegheny Comity was read to the meeting. A preamble and resolution. were then read, and,on motiou, laid on the table. A motion was then made and adopted, to ap• point a committee of five to draw op .a Platform or Principles" tor the pepoefiltiOrh. Messrs Thornburg, Mark., Smith, Watlion,and Iteete, wore appointedaa the above committee. On motion, • Finance Committee of five ems appointed. Mr. Thornburg stated that he intd made meetly ill the motions, and been placed on all tho com mittees, no far, he requested the chair particular ly, to excuse him from Mi. committee. The eornmuice immediately proceeded to lift a zollecnon, and reported 55 49 ctx Oa motion, a committee of three was appointed to draft an address to all branches not represent. ed in tiniCongreLs, urging them to send delegates to the next meeting. 0.1 in;Lion, adjourned oil 71 o'clock in the even PROCEEDINGS IN COUNCILS. A apetal meeting cf the City Councils was held last mew, for the porpow of taking Into coosidr, reqn the report of the Fseance Committee. la the abesencsa of the Pr...idea; Mr. Edgar wars called TO the Chair. Thr roll being called, the reading of the minute. of the last meeting was, on motion, dispensed with. Mr. Ltivren,e, Chairman of the Finance Com• mutter, presented a report from the majority, ac companied by au ordinance, entitled ordi• ranee (or erection of a Stoking Fond, and m pro vide fn the gradual extmetnahment of the debt of the city. • The first section authorizes the City Trensorex sod the Chairman of the Finance Committee for the time Limns, to receive the cocoon eat apart by this ordinance, to purchase the funded debt of the city, as bonds, convinces of lino, dec., marked "Sinking Fund" and not to be re..issued. The second section appropriates the IVIMEIO.II derived from the" Business Tar," to the Sinking Fund, to Le applied as ordained in the first sec yen. It also aprrelnistes the CorAtion Tax of 5 mills on the dollar, and lurch other services as mey, from time to time, be appeased and paid into the Oaf Treasury, a appropriated as Winter :- Ith Payment of the ordinary current expenses of the city. 2d. Payment of salaries of coy officers. '3d. Payment of the ordinary current expense■ of the city, CitillluVel of the cost of grading and paving public streets and alleys. The 3rd section sets span the designnted reve nue lobe applied faithfully to the extinguishmeet of the funded debt of the city, until the same, be fully discharged according to the requirements of the recent net of Anse mblyv The lth newton authorizes the coy Almeria,. annually, at the time of making out the city du• plicatesxo emcee e taz of 3 mills on the dollar, on al property new liable to be "reseed sod taxed fir mirparntioe purposes, which shall L. kept se parate from other tales, and nhall lie called the • Improvement Tea," which is, specifically appro priated fur paving nod repairiog•streets, Innen nod alieye, and for constmeting and repairing newer.. Mr. Black presented a report from the minori ty, differing essentially from the majority report. Oa motion, the reports of the majority and m:- nerdy were accepted. On motion. the majority :report was read a se cond time. On the second reading the certified copyof the set recently passed by the Legislature •• as' ordered to be read. (Mr. Black tendered hia revienatton as member •C the Finance and Sanitory committee/4 On motion, the minority report was then read a rood time. A motion was made that the ordinances of rho majertly and minority reports be published. with the ant of Aeserubly, and that another meeting of council. be called to take Goal Retina upon them. Agreed to. After the transaction of tome unimportant buti• news the Select Council adjourned. In the Common Canned toe bill was kid over. It was agreed teat it might be published In Rey of the papers which would do it gratin. COURT Or' QUARTER SESSIONS. Mommr, Aprll 15, 1550 Conn. vs John McConnelly. There were two, WILIen growing out of this core, the one between . the Commonwealth and John McConnelly, The other between the Commonwealth and Alexander Morris. The Attorney General appeared far Com• monwealin, Black for defendant—McConuelly. Alex. Morrie, a colored man, sivorn.—Wan etntch by McConnelly with a snow ball upon re• monttrating with him, was knocked down by him with o hue of iron. . John McConnell) , aworn.—Saw a boy strike Morris with a allow ball. Mom, turned back, and Save ore a hick in the back. I struck hlm, hot finding him the atroageet, took • poker and his hint with it. Thomas William. 11W0f0.—Saw Morrie kick litleConnelly ; the latter then took a bar of Imo to debad himself. Judge McClure stated the', in usage( this hied, the law lees, that au assault would justify a bat. tery. With regard to the coats, the jury would deride ea they thought proper. Verdict—Alexander Morris guilty, John MoCus nully not guilty. and Mortis to pay the costa. (kart sentenced Morris to pay n fine of 61 emgs. ml the costs. Com. alt. Thomas U. Fowler. In.lietment, as seen t.dd beiterty.—}lamihon We the prosecution Mellon for defence. The proteeutrix la a German wore., and a ten ant cf the defendant. It appeared. from the eel. deiii.e, that Fowler, in company wall Barker, a CAL atahle of the Fifth Ward, attempted to make a tkatraler tar rent, when the pros:envie resisting, alit was ranch and maltr ea ted ler the A largo number of nrimennen were examined on bulb side.. 'rho jury returned n verdict of guilty. Ecotone., wee deferred till to morrow momiog. • Corn. ve. John and James McMaster,. Indict. meat, Conspiracy to Defraud. Shale, appeared for prosecutor, Magritte for deem.. The indictment contained two counts 4 one laid under the common law, the other under the 20th section or the statute or 1812. A number of witneares were examined for the prosecution, from whose testimony it appeared that &judgment bond had been passed from John filedasters and Scott, to JamesM•sters, with out cooaideration, and that under this bond exeto. lion war had. Court ah.iurned. Fias.—A fire broke out, yesterday morning, in the General Taylor Coffee Noose. ,The engines were promptly on the ground, and the energetic esertiona of the firemen checked the dames be• lore any material damage was done. I iSitaCICINCr ACC .—A 111th, bay eras thrown from a bone, to Pine Township,On Saturday last, and his loot ratebing in the stirrup, he was drag. gad by the frightened animal nearly ikquaster of a mile. It to aupposed that he will not survive. He isellofl 01 the Rev. John SMP.ey. Taumz.—Tie Serious Footily.—This new comedy, which has had an unprecedented ma at three theatres in New York, Sum been got up by our enterprising manager, and will be produced to night, with a powerfoi east. Sec advertise.. meat. Hum COYCSIIT.—Thu colleen comes &Nide evening, at Wilkins Hall. It promises to he a brilliant affair. The services of some of the finestresident talent in the city have been voltin. wend Coelho OCCIIIIOII, and, from all ma hem. lhere'will be ■ highly fashionable audience. Knoll:me WilieS• 11111:41.• Stud CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Itl; . S. ht. Kroc—Allaw toe MI express to you my hear ell thanks for the great benc,fit I have received from tut article called PETROLEUM. or Roca Ott, of which you ate the sole proprietor. I had ecru'on to am it about the tat of January, in a violent attack of Rheumatism, winch was very painful, !lying about from place to place, accompanied with much swelling, so as to keep me jn constant MIL.. I used the Pe. Velem. externally, a few applications of which re- moved nil pain, and every symptom of the disease. I ern now entirely well, and would take this occasion to recommend the Petroleum to all who may be curer. or under the agonizing pains of Rheumatism or kin. drat! dotes.. (Sonedj Omens Wroun, roar Perry House, Pittsburgh. see general adyerusement to another column. tablet WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL iioo,ooo. J. Firma', Jr, Sec`. I U. hlstkart, Jr., ?nut. Will insure' against all kinds of risk., FIRE AND MARINE. LL losses will he liberally artastod and promptly / - 1_ paid. A o w n iaged by Directors who are wall k to the community, and who are determin ed by pr pines and Itherality to maintain the char acme which they have assumed. ar offeriny the beet promotion to those who Garin, to be Insured. Drakennts—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, N. Ifolmea, Jr., Wm. B. llama, C. Ibmceo, Geo. W. Jaukson, Wm. M. Lyon, las. Lippincott, Thos. IL latch, James hPAuley, Alex. Nimlck, Thos. Scott. Denim, No. 39 Water street, lyevehouse of Spank k. Co.. an calm) Pittsburgh. 104410 ENCOULLAGN. DOSS. INSTITUTIONS. CITIZENS' INSURANCE, COMPANY, , - - Of Pltt•burgib. C. O. HUSSEY, ... . n t MARIZB,Sseto. allice—No. Water street, in warehouse of C. H. GRANT. THIS COMPANY is now prepared to insure all kinds of rot s, on. bosom maoulactones, goods merchandise in store, and in tannin An ample paaranty for the ability and integrity of the Institution, is afforded in the character of the Di. reCtoll. who are all cilium at Pittsburgh, well and favorably known tribe community (or their prudence, Intelligent, and latearity. Dtca.mvs—s . . U. Horsey, Wrn. Dag.ley, Wm. Lim f Welt, Brililt, ittlel D. Meg, Edward limmltnn, Z. Emmy, S. Darrmath, S. M. Kim [Journal and Post copy.] SPAPFORiI MESS FROM PITTSBURGH TO 0010. DV Pass' Brusorosy AND Pact.. Lim, connecting DI with Living.", Fargo a Co's Gmet Esteem and Western Ernie,. Phis errangenienl will afford on. .nreamed meth°. lot forwarding saleable packeges of Geo. Silver Ware. Jewelry, BANK BILLS, ClE. ' itc. to the Lake. and from thence to any of the clues east or went from Erie. Particular atien• non will be paid to COLLECTING ACCOUNTS arid mating purehvres for those who with to economiae their time, and save the extreme of personal atiotiltert to bett•ess at a distance. Trusty and competent mestenger. will always aceonipany the express. Leaves Pittsburg:, every Famaa moraine, 0,101 fat tier notice. G M MARTON, Agent. Monongahela Roue. IM/11.0113. Aloes.. Rill & Corn'. Ellul.. lll llhl Wm. 51 Wei!ece, al firm Wallace. Lyon Co, Pitts; Jonah King, Esq Arm of King, Poonock & Co, do; N. G. Parts Esq., [kliegs' Geo. C. N. Recd. J. D Esq, R. Cads+lll, E. Babb., and C. 111cSparlen, I.lvingslon, Fargo & Co, Doialn. wells, Donor Geld & Co., No. 10 Well sl, N. York. aplo42vr Boats for solo by ♦. 8. English t Co - No 79 Wood street. rgGIE Pre Ada.. Firth; Cookibutiolla to TbaUinlll• eel 'Science. By John Harris, D. D., President of Chestuat College, author of "The Order Teacher," "Tee Great Commission," he. The Great Commission; or the Chilistian Church COMllltled and Charged to Convey the Gospel to the .Ye rid. By the Iter. J. Hauls, D. IL, author of "Mam mon," 'Me Great Tesetter," he ,tiruti an introductory Essay, by Rev. William R. Minutia, D. D. Wirage; or the Charms of the Nile. By Willmar Purmaa. The klercy Seek Tholghts Su ii. by the Lord'. Prayer. By Gardiner :spring, D. it, Puler of the Bret Presbyterien Church, City of New York. The event of the Atonement In B. relation to God and the Universe. By Thomas W. Jenkyn, D. D, . President of Coward Colkge, London. Man Primeval or the Constitution end Pronnlve Condition of the Haman Being. A contribution in Theologica/ Referee. By Her. John Harris, D. D., r of Chestnut College. The Church in Eurwst. By John Angell James, anther of "Tee Church Members' Grade,' tea The Elements of Political Economy. By Framcis Wayland, D. D., President of Brown University, and Prothuor of Mond Piulotiophy. Republic. Chrtstiaruty ; or True Liberty, as ezf hawed an the Life, Precepts, and Carty Disciples of the Great Redeemer. By C. L. Mignon, author of "Proverbs forme People," "Listing Orators of Amori• ca." he. Sketch. and Rambles. By 1 T. Beadle,. PlP•ellse for the People; 0,111u...0ne of Preen eal I.:online., Drawn from the Book of Wisdom. By K. L. Magoon. spit BIeOURDICA PumaMar* Warslums% Adjoining oho Piwburgh Boni, on 'Third :tree. 'IIIIOSE persons who drier to save (torn twenty five to thirty per 0.14. b.tchasuar Furniture, •re respertlally roasted lu call at,_ My warehouse, 'where will be fauna • Largo send anal selected monk of the most approved style of workmanship, both modern and moment, soil calculated to please the taste of all those who drum either eh-tar:nor volistan tial Footnote. Ilaving determined to dispose of toy present enure .reek. at very reduced prieca, I feel confident that them who desire arty article to my line, will not 1.1 of being suited. mr2s.a A. MeCURDY. A PEIES/CIAN , II2WATIMOISE• "I HAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL THEM. Bssearstato, Va, March P, IPSO. MR. RF. SELLERS--1 have disposed of all the Cough SiTup and Liver Pills you sent me, and IP des of the Verrnlfuge. I have used all your Family Medicines in my family, and have also prescribed them in my practice; I am very much pleated +oh them, and have found nothing to equal them. Pend me P iloz of your Vermifuge, and lu nor each n 1 the Liver Pills and Cough Syrup. Respectfully yours, [F-stracl of Lela, T.T. Jams.. Thn,e highly popular med:cmee may he hid of the proprle tor, R 67 W., and Druggists generally se the taro cities and REMOVAL. P.. 4. S. NELSON a. CO., have removed to No :19 Wood meet, opposite the St Charles Hotel. The, have also changed the at) leof their 6rm, and the business beearned en under the name and elyte of ..reetley h Nelsoneo POSTLEI t NELSONS, Manufactarcos of Cant :deal sad Hammered Skov et., :dyad, Mote, flay and Manure Fische Solid Box Gun Bowls, de. Moving t i the sho a t works, they eau supply the!, friends e...lice and lowes, price. the market will afford All ant ele• made ache best materials and latest style. Moo ch...wishing to porch.. will find it to th eir adran• tate to entrains their stack before purchasing else where • aret•lna CO-PARTNERSIILP T HAVE token WM. CARR mm portneiohip me in my notion's, which will from his dam be cornea on under the lime of "John Parker IL Co." March Ist, InJO. JOHN PARKER. =l2ll crone PAkidlia dr, C 0.,. Intolerde Grnms, D./era in Predate, Foreign Winer, Inc , .ls Old Monongahela and Recii;terdf IV/atey. No. 5, Commercial Rom, Lamar arm, men Piusbarah, Pa GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., DEALERS IN ZICTIMIGE, COIN, BANK NOTILS, rio. et Fourth street, neat door to the Dant of Pitts burgh. rrotil-gas SPRING FASIIION. LiTHIS beautiful atyle or HATS le now fit rcrred, and vial be introduced on Sat urd uy, ?throb :id, by Me CURD & CO, lebed iblre and id villas lo ‘,.., ro N n o t r i th „ rivet of WOMI. 9 Le vtantariher, *gent for the above old wel respen. t heir Company, mil home ['alleles on Butldinira and heir cement?, and en vbiptrients of hierebtualwe by Swam Boat. and other vesvela ar.l W. P. JONT.S. Powdeld Powderi 160 l i rltr U it ' d ". xt " F dr 40 do Lilo FFI , O Iliac; too du F. Fr. .4d, Blaniod; Imo do La & ard'd Blasting; 000 do to do Mining. extra; do do du N Y stifle; noo do do do Amman Me; loftond ) 'tog. do ' do; to ens,. coma., do' do; to do do Ptairie IShootirs: 'lll do . do Duet do; 3 bins Safety Pose.-In teapotoe and to or. ne; all of which le offered to the trade on thn moat erablo tern.. Deliverable of all Imre of the day The noway end nanny of the Cenehter Powder le worthy the attenunn of sportsmen. •113 J. C. BIDWELL, Age t. W•llPapor Warshaw,' ivra 47, MAIKKE.T STRELT. between Thi r d and 1.11 Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS PA!, MLR would respectfully call the attention of his Mend. and customers, to his present onienaine and general strait ofmerehundire. It will be loundto com prise cent d .scription of American and French Wail Paper and Border Inc Psrinra. Halle, Dining Rooms. lied Chambers, Countinn Reemedke., ranging from Igi cents to Ed a piece. ito event a Meerut) , of prices and qualatee eau homily fail to soil the circunrstumes and taws. or purchasers who may favor with their patronage, the old established allnn on Market street! tnrladdat Pommy'Tanta Rail Read. PROPOSALS will be reemsed at Ltlatraville, Indi ana county, omit th e Mk of Anti next, for grad ing the Weseere Division or the Pennsylvania Rail Hoed. The work to be contracted for ge. bea three short Tunnels, a number ol Stone Brid and Culverts,wld some eery heavy elm/colons end embankments. Fer farther Infoimatinn apply to EDWARD MIL LEE, EN., Asaociale Engineer, at Bleirsville. J. EDUAR THOMPSON, Chief Engineer , Department. Natalia Rail Road, / Philadelphia, March V1,1E.10. mr274Apts Mourne' and Poet eopy.l EAGLE EIMUILE WOBJII6. ...stun. WTI UT VIDMUND WILKINS, No. IN Iherty es, head of Wood, Plushy rah. Monuments, Burial Vaults,Tombs, Head Stones, he. Mantel Pieces, Centro and Piet Tops always on hand and made to ord.. N. D.—A choice selection of Drawing' on hand.. 44;1340 STEAM BO:ATS PITTSBURGH AND LOVISVILLIC Nail Hai STEAM PACKET LINE. vNOOIIRAGED by the liberal patronage extended to all regular and well conducted Lines, Ste own ers of C. following Sze steamers have at-imaged theta, lute a Line bstween Pittsburgh and Loedreille. ' Ono of the boats will positively leave Pittsburgh an every MONDAY, ,WIDNIMIer, .04 PLID4T Eriensio, G oteleek—full or not fall. The best boat of the Line will start on Monday, Febraary Ste Genesee —• •• Captain T. Moore. Amera Z. Taylor.•-• • " ALLuear. ' Hamburg " J./Cline - cher. Flamer Benedicx, o W. Ebbert. For freight or passage apply to febtl-Xm GEO. EL MILTENBFROFFt, Age REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CIP/CIDNATI, Ciptain ThisWlL pl LtaX Kounz.. sendid bolt was built by the owners of the steamer Isaac Newton, end °the's, for the Cincinnati and inshurgh Packet trade, will leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in pLne of the New land, No. 2. For freight or paean; apply_on bond, or to B 1111,TEN BERGER, Alit - PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKET. The aplendid fast running steamer LOUIS hfeLANE, W. B. Commit, muter, (having undergone a Moe. °ugh regal%) a rm hereafter a* a regular panket barmen Pittsburgh and Wheeling,. leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning% at 9 o'clock. For freight er pa rage apply on bond, .'to rand W. B. WIIIIILER,Agent. SIOAOBIOALIELA ROOTS:. SIM Only 73 allla• Staging. Via Brownsville. and Cumbetland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Fax to Bahrmon— • • • --• MO Co So. Pnmanahrtma•—•-- 10 CO TlLL'grtlf,,°°.ral:Tatkthep.rewer., the e Baltimore, , 32 hours; time to Philanelpol ' a, r lo hour:. The evening boat leaves daily, incept Sunday es. eningsj at o'clock. Punengers .by leaning on the 'evening boat, will coon the mountains in stage. nest day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at the Mee, Monongahela House, or ot. Charles Hotel. J. MPAIOIIIIPM. A cent The entirely new and splendid stranter WASIIIPIGTON. . W. Martin, master, will leave for the above and all Intermediate landing. on Thursday, the IBth inst., at IP. M. For freight app? to _l,lO 0 It MILTENBERGER Agt n "P''ntl2V47r,ND, Gallagher, a ll will leave for the vs and all hnermadiate port. on thin day, ibe lath Inn, 4o . elock ,P. M. For &sight or pawago, apply on board.mule FOR LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, & ST. LOUIS. The fine neer light draught stenniet ma KENTUCKY, Maclean, .ter,'. will leave for the ye and all intrrmeldiate ports on this dai, thy Ihth Ape', al g &elan& S. M ' FOR NASHVILLE. The splendid steamer FORT PITT, Miler. master, ardl leave for above sod all intermediate porta on this dab he leA, Inst.., at 10 o'clock, L For freight or passe., .ppiy oh tamed. Tba aylendld steamier PA RIP„ Smith, master, NsIII leave for the above and intermediate portion this day, 1.36 lath loot. at 4 o'elcoh, P. M. For freight or passage ePPIT nn Marl. ay"' FOR THE WADASH. - . Tba splendid meaner CINDERELLA, Capt. James H. Maley, will Nave as maks'Ode., an tki. dap, die tnth April, al 4 o'clock. D. M. . Fo . r o l l r 3 eight or patinae alig i lT :wr on b o okril io c ism r to ~,,, FOR ST. LOUIS. MThe fine . reamer SCHUYLKILL, Lambell, master, will leave for the bole and all intermediate ports thia der, at 10 o'clock. A. AL For freight or paasage, apply on board, or to sol 3 GEO IA 111ILTENLILRGER. Act The splendid hat steamer AMAZONIA. Melinda, limner, will leave for the hove and all toterowdlata ports en Friday the 13 . 1 istat„ at 4 o'clock, P. M. For !refight or postage apply an board, et to .03 I J C PINTIGRF.W. A. FOR NASHVILLE. The plendid ntennter I:F:NEVA, Wilkins, Ma., Ina leave fa, at , nve aria Intesmrdnue porn, •n dark day, the 13th bun J. W. BUTLER it. 8130 . Aarin• ' The splendidcram. MT. VERNON', Koontz master, ortil lease for the atm. and all intermediate ports on this day, the MA Wilt, at 10 A. M. For weight or passage apply oo bpayd. •pl 2 FOR LOUISVILLE:. The ypleadid warner JEFFERSON, Johnetea matter, a 111 Icier Pn the abalre and lel hatctmeglaate ports ou dd. day, April Nth,at ID A. hI. mete THE AMERICAN RACING DEPOSIT BANIC. IMIZEIM The proprietors beg to aware that Lbey hive opened Maws for Eltreepotat es, upon the system which has nb .d large • abate of the poster rapport ta . England ad alearbere, by whieb to opportunity is uteaded to all el ars of obtaining, (wooed ing to dm 0 CUM or suolioation clench ' ) a interest in the greet epuntiog cants of all peas of lits art rid where lime Rule; B. practia d. A. will be sea by the subjotoed partieAre, Ord eubserib ere to the'erhetne mw proposed by .6 America Rasing De pool Bak may; by ta small motley of ono dotlar,goin • earn or Mt/A I the ...tardy of bile investment honey sdreoltle- Ma by the gouger. of unquestionable Trustees. opportunity mill be afforded of ersoularagiu all Rae. of it:actuate in Amer . = ad elrewheec, to wArch • soft telect tune tolsrconsta between the Entry of the homy as he day of mooing, I. aatle the proprietors to fill the ca rious clews • . The Barteretakes now *pa tot:attic( Vi.. Chums be the Great Get", Han, Epsom, EngUnd—to be ran sa the 21th day of Mna,lBdo, ander caul. rintendeue of the Stewards of lb. krifith leakeyClab. :. ! - 7G; !Ai ; 3 1 A .g"i Sabo Dole Do'e. Dols. Dole. Mk Dela. Clue A. 411111 do 100,000 50.000 25,000 15,000 10 00! ° H. 000 00 100,100 00,010 Z,OOO 10,000 10,000 C. 20000 10 100,000 50,00 25,500 15,000 10.010 0 D. 23,010 5 50,019 2 3}010 10,500 7,50.1 6,1141 C. 01000 I 10,110 5,000 2,500 1.500 LAO The uombsr of horses rowed az upwards of otoo. The drawing of thie Ihneriske will take place pobliele en the 111th dey of beer, ION!. the day ea whieh the reee tli be I.—the places-dhow. Wog all duly atoseuared ay esed rert.vezasol; when the names of all the horses coterod II s allotted votottre the Stibseribtr. in I ach elan . mod au tiv. 30th day of lune nut, by wide!, time ,co lt of the ree• Intl be artown. the pure seal be distriboted; the held, of of the mate of the whaling hors. in Cins• A.^ receivng • Prize of amp*, that of the wood 155,000, .to, warder.* 00th the above Scheme_ .;t tide &string. ell ;e:Lbleiribgre will be admitted eft pro. !twitbelr nostiben. To redeemer! of the PM, fire rustad will be pees, dm afro:diog etery manly to the subscriber. and thepublic. Indepsodeufs the oboe, the proprietors hva opened 13 came Ulu, by which aeildetired bet, feecordiog to the sate of the odds.) may be obtained lo all the gnat ruing amW mid, eo will be wed by a mon deeded proipecthe for varded to ell ethuribus, the holder of Roy (aeon. hued, Le the above Sweepoultes, nay hove the rain of a too tideeeb'e sum whether that Hone wive or lilt A emulation of 10 er net., to aim expos., wed be dedueted on psyrnent of ell Prism Ley farther lake...ion esettred will be eluded by the, Beer tag, idly.Auldba/O Math..., al the cube. ea awn —to whom all applications W /geneses, cod other comma. into.., are to be oddressed poet paid; Ind ell remilluceo, either by Bator Pete to be made, la rev,. f o r ... e h our. tweed Certilks me will be forwarded. directed. . - • - • Liam of Horn+ entered fur M. Jon, on 4 all other R • f Immo:um, ma, b mom at the a 6 w. , ./FAd FREEPORT ACADEMY TE undersigned Committee would wmonnee to the public that they hove procured the services of the Rev. M. RYERSON, a graduate of PAneetan College, as Principal of an Academy, to be located in Free- Poo, ATIIIStiOng county. The Principal will nee every mean, in hie power to eamblinh .a reputation for the School, b paying a etTiet Wendell to the Intellectual and moral training of the youth committed toils care. The Course of Wady will be all the Branches usu ally mash' In similar Emanations, Including the Greek and faun L.angneges, and the Methennanet. so fat at rosy ne necenary to enter College. Also the higher Manche. of en .11oglirh Education, such an Natural Plallosephy, arrangedy, ae: The abv studies 'All be aside, two charges, Sadi l Alb per Sesaloo of 21 weeks. The School will REFERF commence CVSon the tat of Nay, 1550. /V Rev. A. Alorander, D. D., / PI tocraora In Prlneeto .• Samuel Mlllur, D. D. S Tor.duglcat Seminary J. Carnahan; D. D., Pre al Princeton College. Jno. McLean, D. D, V. P. tt Joel Stoneroad, Florence, Pa. • W. A. Breed, Steubenville, O. George Gordon, Frankfort Sprinfl, Pd. Coramvoz—A. W. Lane. A. Ralston, Beni Weaver Wesley Boorman, Wm. Moorehead, Wm. Mar illy, Robert Morris. John Trimble. FREDERIC RALE% Freak. C. G. .930•DV1• R•G , ) , .-4.41 , 29.11•1 M PIT IS WATER OEILE, ICKTADLIMIIRIEET, 'DV EDWARD ACKER, KI. D, Phillipsburg, wpm D sits the taws attester, an the Ohio over, Era Ir.. row., Po. A 01116 AT 13A110AILE,, TAVERN STAND FOR SALE, situated in the J - 1. Town ofJororoon, Groan co,Pa. Toe haildinica are a large Frame llonee and a Store Room notched. Stabling to osmium:iodate seventy horses. Abuedenee of water convenient. I will ozehanso said property for • sman Farm, mutated not more than fifteen miles from Pittsburgh. For former ;particulars engem or JAS. P. JACK, Jack's Ron, ori this Bracer Road; or CHARLES NEE. HAN. on the premises. - • I:torneauodForetgn Lachange, Bank Notos,jtiold and Silv e er, Bought, Sold, and• Exchanged, At the Ex•henge and Betaking Boos. of HILL & CO, No. el WOOD man, 2d door aVoue Founh,(aanaide,) OBTEMZEI sterling Bills, soliible diem:anilines to the Old conon7, for side In mos of it and operate.' • Wares' allowed on dine depoilie or par Tanda or enirenee. oatf-ordm.9 IM!!!1=21 MILE andersigned hams obtained from th e Beerier, 2, LAM Tenementary On the,eamt6 of Hugh Boyd, hue of Wilklembergb, decested,liotice is hereby elven to all persons hems claims rikalnet said esuuts.te present them to either of the subscribers, rot settle ment, and ell persons Indetord.-are required to nuke Immediate payment. JOSIRP II STONEN, ) , WILLIAM BOYD, Wlltms towniblh April 4, 1810. [apd.w,lise3 HOUSES, LOTS. EZELIZZi TIIREE ACRES OF LAND situate about 3 miles Went the city, near the resmence of Ray. Richard Lee, on the Cimensbnegh Turnpike; .ilablo for coun try Aksw—Foor. Hundred Acres of Land, situate in Franklin townellip, about Id ales from Plusburgli near Franklin Road. This will be divided to suit pur. chm , . There la an excellent Miami. on It. Atao—A 1,01 of Ground near the New Basin, Sc.. rah' Ward, being ICO feet square, on which is a two story Drink Dwelling Douse. For pattietdurs and terms of elle enquire of DAVID D. BRUCE...Attorney at Law, Fllth at. bethi Wood and Smithleld. 1111VDSOME STORE, en Market stair, balm & A Thin! .4 Fourth drat", at proatt oecupied by Eh: Thomas Whit,. • try Goode Store. Attu—A long yell genhed ROOD: in the ereona gory, nest door to Mr. Dun Mereentile Cailere. This rt.n 111 yell siNtaled, turf imitable for a main! oloon or drademy, oreendd be tsalreniently trreaged .doable E D. OAZZ.ISI, • • tr Otrace, Third et, orer the Port OSee. For Sale, A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, with • fine ba•emetn, story, imitable for a Grocery. The house is substantially built, and is 24 feet front by 9$ bet deep, running back to ao alley. It Is now occu pied by four famtues. Terms very reasonable, and payments made easy. A. Id. WALLINGFORD. tltE hIANSION HOUSE, and part of the Ground. known ni Rosedale, on the bank of the Ohio rio. er. in Manchester, mall ba rented low, as o private re sidence. The situation Is one of the roost bramilol on the Ohio river, and the Ground% are ornamented with Shrubbery, Grape Vines. end Flowers, sod planted woW the choicest Emit Trem roe terms apply to no 9 GEO. COCIIRAN • M 3 Wood at A MUCK DUILDING, .10 feet, three atone. A iigh, with Err ine, tee; located in Ilitruingbant, isamtaitately below die Ferry. Enquire of ISOLLNIANS & GARRISON, Fitttimreh Founder • THE Dwelling !Inane, corner of Pride end Bluff gr. Eighth D:urd, now occupied by inyreli. Penes• mon given at illy time. ; Thts is one of the moat plemmat revidences about the cornc Al warrounded by fine yard and garden; la foie from the smcky aimoephere of the city below it, and is only fifteen minutes walk form the centre of business. JAMS WoodUHAN, =2l — Keener knil Fourilt fro - rx-r-Th. wore crifilareaiirdoortTgirt, J. will be tented low to it.good tenant, and poss e s. won given immediately. For term, apply to turibalif WALTHIt BRYANT. Libertyst. THE Dwelling House, Third, aboae Swillethid, now occupied by Rev. My Rakewell. Also—For one or more yearn, some israe Lets of Ground, In the Ninth W•rd, on and near the mar, suitable for Lumber Yards. Enquire of JOHN AL DARLINGTON, or of mrs-tf 0. DARLINGTON. Fourth at. THAT Ism and commodious DWELLING HOUSE on Webster street. near Peat:lth, at present mou nted bP Mr. A. Vauktrk. Possession rem be given on the let Apra. Ingram on the premises, or of M. B. LOWBIE, Wylie st, near Chatham. "VIM Imp three story Break Warelmam, on Wstei, below Ferry street, roosting from Water to Fins Irtel. on reasonable terms. rusecasion given imme diately. Empire of reltlLlf MMM la• THE enoserlber wlil sell or vent tile very deri• table Country Recidenec, la Ak I egheny eny, owed on Ohio Lane and Ailegheny Avenue, area of the Common. The house is a lalf-,doablv brick bu,ldiult, la complete order. There is a Car. riage Howse, &noble, and Good water On the Irroanda, which comprise two acres, well improved, containing every descripunn of Fruit Also—a idinng house and emote house. Po-session given during the month March. JOIDI GE.IIIIART. Banding Lots. F OR PALE on airy liberal term .— Fifty Nine Leta of Ground, situated on Penn, Wayne,and Bikes.. mid the Duquemt Weir, according to a plan to be seed at this whet where terms and cond.,ns will be made known. jant3 A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. ad Liberty street. between O'Hara and Walnutatreets, Fifth Ward, at prearni o,n4pied by the subscriber Poasessiongiven on the lat April. Enquire of Wild IF WhL BU NG. 141 Libbrtp at. VATTILBEE - REAT ESTATE . GSTVEINNWR - VUT I' FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground citrate on Penn street, between Hay. and Matbnry street., ailioining the boo. and lot nova occupied bp Richard dl b , having front of 23 feeL and in depth 150 feet, wnll b. sold on favorable term.. Title unexceptionable. Ea • quire of C. O. LOO3I I S, 4th at, near Wood. octM•dtf WILLIAM BIGHT DIGS leave to inform hi. friends and customers th at be Iv sort receiving his new ,pring stock Of Gonda, compnsing, as usual, ell the newest and moskfrolnon. oble Myles of Cloth., CaMilner!, fancy Vevouga. cot. on and linen earraner staffs, an I every article suitable for gentlemen's wear for sights and summer. It being impossible to describe the beauty, quality. or quantity of tor stock, the proprietor hopes all who are to want of good, cheap, faellsoliats, end well made clothes, will give Dim a call, so {here is no Meek this aide of the Alleghenies Mot can compare with it. The ready made departritent is very extensive, adep led to au towel. Rail road contraegen, country mere/mots, and all bo purchase largely, are penteularly incited to ou trun., the, work before pottnasin, purdetilar *t itian is paid to the wholesale business in lline estab shwent. • • '.gry article in the tailoring line made to order In the mein inehionabie, and bent manner, at•the shortest truer. mrl.l INSULLANC/L. FIVE DFLAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY. INSU. RANCFNCOMPANY.--Oftee North Room of the leharige, Third street, Philadelphia. Fin. law onaacs —Buildings, Nrrebandiso and other pruiterty, in Town and Coontry, insured against lam or darn*, by fire. nt loam., rate of premium- Mauna Itimagisee—They also Insure Car• goms and Freights, ferric:tor ea .1011Vrile, under open or special !whole', as the aasured may desire. lets, Temerarestremoo—'They aloe leisure march oath.e transported by Wegene,Rail Road Can, Canal Boats aittlilteern Boats, of rivers and lakes, on the moot hbotol moms. DIRECTCho—Jomph If. Son!. Etiomnd A Mnier, John C Dom, Cohort Horton. John R Conon, httimo• • . • , el Edward., twas r raiment Derlingien. lease R Larip 11 ni Falwell. John Newlin. Dr R N Roston. /es C Hand. Thoordsilae Peelient i II -tones Moors. Henry Sloan. 11a26 Cour. Genrge - llercll. soeneer llbe rims 'idly, J G Jelinson, Wm Hay, Dr 8 Thome, John .9eiteve. W e i Eym, J r . LIRECTOII.B AT PITTOBURriII—D T Plorgen, Hugh Craig, robe T Levan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Mena. 9 Newrous, Seely. Kr Office or the Coroputy. No. 42 Witter street, Pineberge. lien V.lll P. A. MADEIRA, Mt. , Ilonnett; Bonnets! OFEY! AT MURPIIT h lIIIRCIIPIF.LTYS. this morning—China Pearl, Cohere. Florence Braid, Chip. (Dish and Whitey Fluted Braid, and other styles ot Fauce Moneta AIm— ',FLOWERS AND CAPS, In great earlety,and at eX. ceed in lenagly low nets. PPent! • . enett •I. low its SI cents. wOSt JOHN LTONS, NO. 9 STATE STREET, BOSTON, Arent foe Coins eta Beroorry. of Pr qty ass Englund. HAVING spent nearly • year In the various Res cord Offices, National Library, he., during his Isle visit to England, investigating claims for nerd in Ibis country, and twain secured efficient and re. spoustble Agents Lond on and blitorbester, he es popeyed to afford all necessary information and ad vice to persons who seek to recover their property in thee country. J. L. keep. a list of the Rabb of England Dividend Boots, which may ho esarnined for fiti crate, or - 4 tor cacii letter of the Alphabet. Reference, to Boston: _ • C- 11. F. ADAMS. Not.ty Pubic ]AMPS WELD, IiENDVK. MAY, F?q;. IM2cVVkI AMI:KICAN - 130L0. 71•• arm Coins, Davila Eagle. and Gold Dotlars • ran VMS AT Tin EXCLIARGE ARD BASKING HOUSE A. WILKINS & CO., E CoruNER OF MARKET & TWEE STREET: , Pittsburg!, mPI A CARD. EORGE t 6 ARNOLD & CO. have opened an G EICUMIO. Ounce, N 0.74 Fourth street, next door to the Bank of Piitaburgh, and are prepared to trans. act, onleasenable IetTILI, any baseless in their line that maykie entroonil to than. Kackiance, Coln, /lank Notes, he., taught and told. Collecouna made in all the poncipal cities and towns in die United Plates. Orpoetten received in par fonds and currency. They reapectfully twitch a abate of the custom of. the huatnras commonitY. tot2l-49_ I ral the t.thrri or .:vision thee. of Allegheny Coon :L. ty: No. 133, hilenh Tenn. 1130. In the matter of the Petition of Wet. Robinson, Jr.. Yiviudect of the (thin end Pennsylvania Rail Road gorothinv—and The View of the Mayer Road:- Mid now, to wt,: March 94 183u—Report of View filed. confirmed nisi, and ordered that notice of the gli , r be given, by three weete publication In the Rally American, Journal, Gaelic, and Port. By the Com. ' 54 Celt:Red form the Record. GEORGE R. HAYS. Pro C ALIPAILLNK I,I,— Itn , pasrs Bert ßlantets, manufactured expressly for the Califor nia trade. For sale by HERSEY, FLEMINO k CO, rarld-Or 107 Wood street BOARDING PLEASANT RCltilnlS:in a pleasant put of the city convenient to Num., suitable , for smarmed is dti n ed gentleman. front April lot. Alto, boartnng fo a gg gentlenten. thin ntSnn. Mtn MI BARNUM'S - HOTEL, NEW TORE, Broadway, of Broadaxe tone, Tina extensive BMW, has been leased by Ike subscriber, and hat been completely refined in dm most elegant manner. Law eddltione are now being made, which, when completed, and make IX the must extensive 1101e1 in New York. Ins the determi nation of the proprietor, do make it equal, In every re.' apart, to any other Home In the United States. halm cnon is the tomt desirable and central In the city, be ing In the fashionable part of Broadway, convenient to all the pantie buildings, places of iMusement, and henna. Grateful for the liberal patronage received from his western friend., while at Cumberland, Md., and more recently at the Wedded Hoard, Cleveland, - Ohio, be respectfully solicits a renewal of their patron. or, for Ms new establishment. at New York, and begs to num theta that every effort on his part shall be gram to adminlater to their comfort and pleasure. A. B. BARNUM. New York, Mach, 1631X—Itar28-3. Bakutetat Honnatal A E ULL R otl ndtr i ti r terF?o b l i e n :c P e rirltq,thae and R s= of Bonnets, now open at the north nut earner tooth and Market Silents, by 'MURPHY fr. BURCHFIELD. Also , ..Fate Flower and Bonnet Caps, of flew and hejlansi at les. ;ilisTait — ti A A. MASON & CO., Market IR., between 3d and PL. Otb, havejast Ice% and are now Lind, feast, 3? - eases Bonnetu among which ate Jenny Lma, a*?? , Florence and eleisa Pedal Braid, Lnens, English Dlose ambles, Rough and Ready, nada ate, an 3 'le""r7j7*'f'9JlPtea t t er' on hand Rad - Irlfrioleobyt.k.lloOT—oll 1 I KIDD &a r . ottaltt7• tr i bw, c y co .. r apt BACON—, VW. tbn II am.J.ul out 0Y amotnl 91,Nat Ms Stealth's's as tsel Iw eides,.bs sale br • .1. esums lacciLs'• • ki!BCELLA.NEOIiK lOUNCILF-819V.11. EIVEISEMIn t VITIM Sobseripe'r oven for zalien un usually large cock .of Everblooselega Kama this sewn, eentairVr its Port of.- Monthly Heuer.; Bourbon Rows; .eMette. Vitun6 Pit. Mr, and Moils Hoses, of many Isamu.; Monthly Ver. benakof thirty Fachwas.Cautellta .Taponfeas; Caetus Geranirons• as,• seventy iirt of the mast rare sad ahowy varieties in cultivation. Omsmenuil c , auts; Shrabbery, Evergreens Grime Vises she cel brated Eastolf Itarpberry; Strawberry Plants daps: rants and Rhubarb ts, , he. Orden by mil us Prosburgh Post Office, or Isft at ear stand In the Di a mond, on market days, (where cataloger. may be bad,) will be promptly attended to. . mitOtkitratrtOT JAMES WARDWP. -A F O BITANN UffEIPiIIa — POIL 110 or • •SPORTING PORTRAIT CEEB.. El offices, George street, Plymouth, manages beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that the next Dionbution of Portraits of Race Her.., will comet'. those entered for-the forthcoming Grand Natioual—Derby Racm the number IX 'hares to be limited to WO each elawL Fancies. member EIR, second class ditto LS. Early opplmadon in the an appropriated shares is necessary. A party mbscolb thr for more th an one share ban the thence Gigolo/au an equal number bonuses. Those members who draw the 'venous Portraits' Will he presented with the fol. loenlog soma:— Pottraltrf Ist class boaeses SI dine Winner, or Float llorse 1.10.000 1111.0e0.. Second Rona— , 10,00 0 8,000 Tblrdllono PAO 41/00 Divided amongst Starters— 8.000 3,000 - Non-Starters -8.000 3 1 1 = Thera are bonasee in eneh elass,that being the number of Lorne entered for the race. The Thawing will be conducted upon the same legitimateprinciples as those which characterised the late St. Lodger and etberProceedings. Foil particulars of the result will be sent to absent members immediately after the de- Oman, that each may know Ws position. Sabacribeea_regirtered end scrip rd ea to teipt of it reminancr. Hills of Exchange, d Drafts, Bank Notes, !cc., addressed and made payable to the Managing Directors. W. JAtilk It CO. Fire per cent. commission to be reduced On the o— ..... mrie-sm {Mien. ALE DRUGGISTS, corner of Pint old TV Wood siree.,orer for sale,on favorable. terms: 100 bid. Whiting; 50 lb. Curb. Armloads; . 60 do Alum; 300 do Amato:ludo; 300 do Dye Wood.; 600 do Crude Tarim; 25 do Lampblack; 500 do Liquorice Roo; 20 do Vett. Red; 31.0 do brat blow, 8 do Camphor; 130 do Red Przelpluatir, 10 do Spam Brown; 130 do Calomel Amer.:: 20 do f ellow Ochre; 'M do do Eng; 10 do brims:oat; OW do Bucher Leave* 8 do Cloves; . do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Mom. Flowery, GO do. Sump. de. 14 emus Ref. Bosom 2no do 0.01.001 d o i ID do Castile Soap; MM do $ ol Roarer; 15 do Prussia; 1310;• .J:4l Soldllts Mixture . 10 do. Calc.Maaneria; WO do Pow'd Phobia* . 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do SUp.Elml 5 do do Yellow; 100 do do , G.Arabis sdo Am. Vermilion; do do . Liq. Row CO reams Sand Paper; 120 do do ;Maw Vi bugs Sicily Some 2:0 do do Af.C.iyamiu. 25 lodes Dottie Corks; 230 do Palphie; 75 oz Sulph. Morphia; MO d 6 Bor Tbu • IMA lb. Cape Aloe.; 200 do Tamarinds, IWu do Ili•Chrom Porash;lso do quick,Silver 2200 do Pink Root; 2.30 do. Cirauge Pee: 1500 do Turkey Umber; 73 do Coehineal; 1•MO do Cream Tartar, 20 do Ilyd Potash(, btu do Tartaric Aoki; CO do Mae* 110 do Um Um; 25 do Grenville Lein. ' f0h2.0 dri.vriairr LEr Toast.. or • sins Minus is not more repel sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow dueu edleeth. Rpm.. have these it is their own fault—. they can, for two shillings, buy .an article that INA/ make their breath pare and sweet as ifs Spiry 44 it Arabia. It cures diseases of the Gums, spongy or lacerated, and far tlie - Teeth it is unequalled, removing the toner s fastening the teeth In the grans, sad clean them orb.. the sew, etas/routs North. Such, reader,.are the properties of Spnes's Amber Thoth Paste, ad, without praising at ourfelves, beer what tine of our most respectable and scientilia Der: tints, Mr. E. Field, of New 'York, says r tit have both used and analined this beautiful and !so Patrol. Maiden (Jones , Amber To9th. aste,‘ • G can recommend it an pcssessing all the iticselnar ed for it' Reader, we can say no to counties, only that if you try Pus once you will be well please I. It is pot op in beaudfut English China Stu, for 21 cents. Sold by the Ag.t, WSL-JACESON, EC Übe o street, Pittsburgh. - naraalsewT LE,r• ALL WAIL CITIZA. AA mammy IMALTIPI ua the follovrang are the act/tat qualitlea of a3a bottle of reatts's Coral flair Itestoraure. If they dostat. 0a wont they cermet there Licht}, respectable eltireaa who have tried lc— Mr. Geo. Becket, 41 Elskat, Nem York: Mrs. klatilda Reeves, Myrtle ak, Brooklyn. Mr. W. Tompkins. 2.1 King as, New York.' T 1,,.. Jackson, Montonrs Island, near Pittsbm 11. E. Callen, lase barber mum-boat S. America. And room dant a hundred Others otate, though this Anal suffice, that it will force=the hair to grow on die head or face, stop it (slung off, strengthen the Sr Its,. removing scarf and dandrufrfrom the roots, making tight, red, or gray hair usame a fine dark look, sad 'retinae dry, b arah or very hair moist, soft, clean and beasitital,a very, very !mg time. Sold by the•Agent,AVAl. JACKSON, SP Liberty ,ati Pitmtiorgh.. knee XI, and one dollar. cortalrewT gp - Loco:ions axe note Was Chemical Soap cause, a free pe tt, • nil a the same wee molifies,„softens, and whit s the akin, tuft the texture and beauty of an taint's. • hickory, SALT Knauss ale Son* arc goon not on/ Healed, but cured by its use, as arteast seven 1 by.. Tinos in New York knew, who use ,tt iatech easete_ and and it unfailizto—ag also pogilaw, Lltancitss, FRICILDS, or any other skin dig,: sue. The reader Is assured that this to no owlets pulled ri.tmci, Al one trial will prove., I fetid MI. aerate at least SO persons cured of Sou Ileac, Soso Laos asp Boaz Loam.--: ay it, and use it, and the readerrig ,age wand I would out cruelly sell it for the above sinless I tunes to bit .111 stare. Those who are liable be . - . • Cusco, Caareen, oa Clue. Assn, gill fin cure. Any one affltetedwith any of the above, ...epic,- i barr diseases, Will find this ell and even more (A Intim bl e pniptiti.C.l)lll.l I Etat. • But, reader, the mores nre flooded 'vies lmit ado., and be sure yen wet for JONES'S halloo CI .6.1 Soap. Sold by W Al. JACKSON, pp Liberty street, Ibmberst augG:eld IFEIW 'HARDIN ARK: HT KM... • SIGN OF TIMPLANE ANDSAW iro. 78 Wood theist, Pita-dbluT b. ifCHER AND LAUFhIAN, I.Porx. nod n. aka In Foreign end Domestic HARD WARR. ip . varieties, are now prep red a to rell as low and on as rearonable terms as can be porch that elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and tie public xenerally, to tl and examine our stock, which consist, to part of dNtt't_s and FORKS, POCKEI%and PEN iffildiW, SOIS.fitHIS, SHEARS, R15K011.1, House Trinutungs, each as Looks, Latches, Hinges and Screw, toBether anti every article venally kept in Ilaws..-4 bin We Invite the attention of Carpenters and Itecbania quendly to our namtunent of Tails, which tare nevi ..electnd with great CDR, and which we Sal ii.termin. 14 to seller. as to tire autisfaction. ardite.tatT LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGlafigrU. SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They are not aware how frightfully Wane. It it to the skin! bow coarse, bow tough, how W. - low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin cm: : pears alter cmint tircpuredchalk: De sides it is ivjanous, contain:Mg large quantity of Lead! We hays prepared a beautiful vegetable tacitly which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY Warn:. It is peefeedy innocent, being purified of all dele end mu qualm.; and it imparts to the skin a nuntral,tmal. thy, alabaster, clear, being whim; at the same nem . actingas a cosmetic on the skin, making it sett and . tmooth. Sold by the Agent, Whl. JACKSON, SO Lib eny st, Pittsburgh: Pnce 25 cents., analtd.twT Yroportylas Atilostrosy Gley for rail. TtlE subscrtbers after for sole a number° chorea Lots, situate in the Second Ward, frourina on th• CommonMlMl, 011 easy term. 1111:11LITO In • W. O'll. nonrssoN, Any at Lam, SIC air It or of JASROBINSON. an thoDresima. 0v17,dk...(7 -- J. lIAMILISONVIEWELL,'" • ATTORNEY AT LAW, L 01110 STATE COhIMISSIONER fur takincDecre. einem, Acknowledgments of Deeds, Ac. Other—Fourth atreet, Knuth, Smithfield. • moi.derwT • . . • — IIIISEADIWATth i isii.N. litliantlMATln3l. TIIII - AhIERICAN RHEUMATIC DALSAMS fINEW remedy lately discovered In lite Vegetablai Kingdom—a sure and henna.= emu for all Rheuisane Complaints, such as • Inflammatory, Chrdnic, Acute andAlercurial Rheoutausen Gout, Lumbag.o, Spinal Affections. &.e ' • • This medicine-has long been sought for. It has been stud that Rheumatism could not be cured; but there is' - it remedy desiguul by native for the cure ui everydia- - thsa the hamar; spacial* euidect 10. At re medylit has been found that cures Rheamsdisiu of the • out form—one of the most valuable vegetable pm. ductious of the earth—the greatest and most important discovery of the age, and a wonderful bleasiag to the Inman faintly. It cures without a teiceniagor debitila ling, and renews strength and vigor to the whole ay.. 1031. illuts eared, dunes the past three menthe,- over 500 cases that wend considered incarible. Certificates of the curativeproperties of this Sac& eine can be seen by calling on the Agetall. None genntne.nniew pus ap with an engraved ;abet upon the outside-wrapper, signed by the prop ri etor, TURNER. Buffalo., N. Y. Sold by R. SMTSEX corner Third and Market st,l'ltts Sold !leo by G. F. THOMAS, . Noloo Main at, Ciueinnail, O. feb7.dfciartintS NEDIGAL AND BDROICAL ON'l7lO/4 . No. 65.DULMOND ALLEY, a ima few doors below Wood Moot, to- - , words market • - DD..iioowx, having boon - ' 7 / • tegultuly educated to tho tutdleal cc prOfesalOO, and been for ions time t r t l l. " =o P u T c ll 6 o= rdw p a g l ' llatta P grarhlert tis d . ' et g r=o , elrylenco pt:colloriy. quality ansoluounli denoted to study &treatment of those complaitanAdunttnomaka ems he hla hod more practice and hat cured more pr tents than eon curt fall to the lot of toy orients. me titiouer) amply quali4en him to allot airwomen of. npeedy, pereannout, and satterootory cure to oil Olicted nehh.dellut• dlncues, nod a:1 dames mining - thorn (mm. Dr. Drown would inform those Meted wiih pirtiate diseases which have become chronic by time or. •g• permed by the use of any of the common entre:as of the day, that their complex:tureen be radically andthorj mighty cared; he having given hie earefel attention to dm treatment of such nastiest.' atieceedvd Inbondreda of instances in curing pawns ofjntlanunation of the neck of the bladder, and kindred disease. which often 1 . 481112 from those eases where others have oat 'Wigged them to hopeJ cis despair. IfercuticulariP/nnwstmck übase been lone and unseecessfallY treated by ether. to consult him, when every ,satisfeeti , ria willbe space them, and their ear, treated 10 • eux.u/Atiormigh ant — Litelligent manner, Rented!"7. • eßgnenes, mudy,and investigatainviihich fats impovailne i.thote engaged in ceneral enemies r raaarcart to sly@ to one elan. dales.. . . irrillemla or Btipturs.—Dr. Drown also Wells par sees sigic wah !term& to call, akha hoopla cAn'cs prim altar N C iron w this due's'. Skin distaxsi awe ato,apopm, Bred Chrrnr".2giiarts.of either sea living at. distance, by ,i n ting their disease . in wriung, giving ILIUM symp toms, can obtain medicines with direction for oak by addressing . T. DROWN, M. D, ;oat aaderkeloa- . intlno. 6l Diamoaa alley, opporttorha sYsoSilp Itasorawrx—r.Drows newly dlscosirodire; Sy rOf Rlxestmalism is speedy and combs remedy lot • that p troule. It never falls, • - • • ee and Primo Consulting Dooms, No.1111)* - mood allay, Pittabargh, Pa. Tha Doom Li always at howls WPM* can no on% • . U=gL3 •Ikfru RN:IY k. DU noure.LD Dave received II Ism nasortmenl Repka's Cotton Bummer We et for Men and lloye,gewell known for durability of cplo and wear, Alms , Wcol Couleur:l;4l4d Toped B, a - great variety of nylooood Orslit;es... • Versons wanting any SnideSu ttas line Fitt to like ly la e t mated at dm north eut carper of Fauna .4 Coaxal klete4rtioba.othere, will remember W. kfarPbVe. Wrolesale.ll.taft Op rtnirs--et.Parma , ' 1 . . . t .......4.,....1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers