lITISBURGH GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO E=EMI TUESDAY MORNING; APRIL 15. 1650 up-Ammar:sus are earasszty requited %OULU/ to item favors before 5 r. la, and as early In the dor u rarbesble: Aflrerdoesseau not maned for a_sp - Cad sloe sill Invariably be Shames% mil ordered mu. .117110 Norm Aisoror.—Aftertioe• mews ru ms btozino to dm Nati AorMern rod Vatted fjure, Plaidelplaiktemired 61 , lulled from this °Zee: ssFdireanun Dias GLlNlSTL—Advertimsente sibeerie. far flue paper, will be pm:sired and Surrassied lirem t6L ogee. • _ 04rrimanaavia Coaninowlwirßasetiption s in this a& sable *par, will In reed and Wawa& • 131 "1 11 Alcinces.--thabscrlvione and advertise- Mute 1, Ws parer received sad forvrerded free of Chugs fie= this °Mee. Oats sad W - big Coessty Oen. srustsen. IN ammo of the can of the Chalets., the Whig and ...Me Comas Commlueo of Correspond mice me et the Coon Haan. The (skewing mole nen adopted „to cod That the Whig and Antimasonle voters Ile mai Election Districts of Allegkenyfonmy ; b y e, end bemby reneenee to meet at t , itel nasal ' plums clectlennorn Say, be is day idlers than and there to elect two delegates to MN Convention to be held at the Coen Howie, eoWeekcsday,the kb day of Jane, at 11 o'clock, Dahl Getennuiem• to snake the *seal and necessary issanimatimm (or the ng October Electimm. end. also eppolnt Gm delegates to represent the County Inthe,StsteConsentiem to be held trt the city of Meeks, on Wodandayoke 10th day of lane.. between primary memings InOtp Townships to be held between the boars et me and five o'clock. (except bo Pint and them In tbeWards ughs between the la clue e''lrk amt = Boro DS, Chapman. , Ine. E. P , ALA Piontam4Beenataries. Term Prams, • Pinaterght; April In. fast iCTBEF: NEIT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS Tztacsaerrtic NEWS, Tag Tatorr—ltoo.—Our readers will And some obserraitotta on this subject, In one of Snake ktteta, publisbed to day. • The Baltimore Patriot say., that the sections of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, now advertised for letting, embrace the entire line, hot previously under menet, excepting, only, the part which 111 , 111111 the issue of whatever action may grow ort , of the controversy with Wheeling, respeeting the mice by Grave Creek and Fish Creek. This noes. tins meet be decided, at latest, by the Ist of Ore Whet eext, under the provisions of the net of Un gisia,pussed with a view to its speedy determine ties: Whatever may be the decision, the Pa tter la awned that the work cannot be greatly delayed thereby, and that if the line heretofore adopted by the Company be matened, the whole mad will be opened in the atimmerof 1852. A correspondent asks us where the Eastern ter reply, we can only say, that as far as our inform". don extends, it. is an undecided vacation. We gaintisof the Western Railroad is to be located. In believe it has never yet come formally before the Board; other questions of more . pressing import. .ante haring hitherto occupied their attention. We promme, liciwever,-for the present, at least, that the terminal will be some where to Alleghedy city. 'The company will ecareely undertake the construction of an expensive Railroad Bridge aerima the Allegheny, until the road to finished, sad earning money. Tin Boma tusalsot.--Our neighbors of Cin cinnati are complaining of the smoke nuisinoe.— This has led ■ manufacturnig company is that city, to anthettin the editors of the Cincinnati Quetta ** etrer aroma offer A undrai dloYar a. to any one who will attach to the boilers or chimneys of thee aumufactory,an apparatus that wdl consume the smoke which their operations make neccasary, or la any meaner suceessfolly remove the smoke natures., without interfering with their machi nery. They submit their expensive boilers to the ' acperiment—their stack-t—their premises vowel ,ly-,requiring only that damage shall mot be done, or impediments be left to the proper operations of their machinery. This $5OO is offered as a reward for the (agents Ity 'that shall attain the end tamed at ty re. seeable vet of tha apparatus to be applied, will be paid In addition. Tale is thenainif a liberal offer, and we trust that it PM be speedily taken up and success mown the effort. If Cinolunatlhas ryas Inn to complain, melt Pittsburgh hasaxmch mere cease Who will, then, reap ea immediate re ward of fire handrail dollars-by inventing a make asicistunalt Tasting, Yea= Taincrellis trioarir" l. -nt tuna prosperomi newspaper, hal been greatly en larged and improved. hls now published in the tjustur form, In Imitation et the London . papera , We rejoice bailee this evidence of its prosperity. tica Floarrrz...-The May number dais unique and racy medical periodical is on our table. Dr Divan writes With a sharp pen, and without much reverence for theories, old or new, which be thinks wrong. This--Dumber (=wins several sharp, paper., and keeps up the interest excited by thaw which preceded it. So lu, the Senate of this State bu cot acted open the bill repealieg the act of 1E47, in relation to kidasppine. We hope that Lady will lot the matter sleep. When the people want that law . ieyealed, they will ask for it. Nine tenths of the people. at ?Tent, are In favor of its remilining to active fore° onthe estate book. "The Post asses GOT. Johnston for exercising tbe rawer of the 1/00, f r t he rdont the Veto Message, adrra will La% c tAta arav epuelttelveevldect , bo for lien, i het rielrine Or the power, in this in . ,lance, won st.i.olu!ely ca. cruel,' to save the ena.tituEna Iron Infractioe . sod the people from a pose invasion of their rigid, -Due the Poll let its readers see the Veto Message, or is it afraid of Its powerful exhibition of LoecCorx depravity?, PROW PHIL ADELPHLA. Ccirresiondeare auto Pi4ibargb Gazette Pattaniuuthi, April 10th, 1830. It that doubtless vilify your readers, to learn that our energetic . President of the Pernthylvania and Ohio latlrond Company, Qeneral Robinson, .Imannucedeirin motions the whole amount of Ma Bonds of tho Cities of Pittsburgh and Ake 'igheny,on term highly favorable. Tors will azure the completion of your rest weatent work with out delay. is I 11112 informed by the President of the Central that the Board of Directors have ordered the wM of the heavy work of the line, (Including the hoonWn portion of it,) to be immediately pet under munch The President Infonni me 'that the whole line, with the exception of some twenty Lay miles, will be entirely completed by the Fall of UM. Thiele glad news, and will have a ten dency to. enhance the ratite of every ram of pro peity In your already grent city. The general impression tent *that Pittabergh will experience mach greater advantage from her railroad =nen eons, than any other ally on the line, as she will gums bath the eentio. and diverging point of the , several iina, bringing to her the ;anion, of the Lake ohm* as well u of the Great Western ILI. urn; besides having immense markets opened fur her teanothethring prodeetemr, in all directions. Tie deaths* of Plustenosh la Just he/tinning to be thee' shadoired, and you need the thought of seeker, before your epitaph hi taus population of half a million within the cot. paneled distrlOlS of the . Smoky . Clip. The Hain. ad/Lailres4Ceneelalon praired,asal toraptoleam ai Wire; but kW portions of the cowry was nprenethed, and theruwu Weer no man. midisidayed by Thom arho composed it. TOW' city hid act, I believe, 'v.2111100 representative pre seat. I gambled upon the energetic Engineer o the Pennayintoia and Ohio Railroad Company, S. W.4l.abertit..Eag., in the greet, yesterday: he left to day for Harrisburg h, to mg. for your city, sob, on Ms arrival, will commence his labors with all of has accustomed energy. No man boa done so mach to advisee° the Interests of both the Central and Ohio Railroad, as this gentkman, and be des serves the warm thanks of both Philadelphia and Pittiibough, fa his delusion to their intetesta. BOLiOCIO, bale, is olceedinglV active. Altoge. that, ft has been one of the moat preeperbus sea snits ever known in tthts city. The above . are lined with goods, and crowded with customers. Money ta abundant, and 012 every side one peen nothing but ?evidehens'of prosperity and enjoy. meta/rho weather is the only thing which bolting band, it being &hood Wintry herr, to day. 0011. Johnaod, veto of the Apporthonment HUI : meets with decided apptenl this env the Gov. Arcot keret. alive to we interests cede, I . • 'OA& - The Wa l aington Union is paying Mean. as and Web deservedly high emlimentidot I , lkelz mute Is IhaptWear exigegicl4iitthe canal. a lia$11;IIOTON Camaraderies ado Parana GaTlM'a• . WAIN . Envrron, April 12, ISSO. flonafacts regarding:the Iron Thaslness of th'i tutted [Mate.. • • • Nearly a taunted. ago, I commenced an abstract of a memorial from Pennsylvania, printed by Mr. Mater Butler, containing valuable informs , Bon meaning the production ninon in the Uni ted Suter, and the Influence of the present tariff upon the supply and price of that article, and ainsequeolly upon the intends of thorn who are, engaged in thebualneas. I now reams and con.' elide the synopsis then begun, end hope that the Intonate( the subject to many of your readers, will, in your judgement, justify me in occupying the nemeses . ) , apace for the purpose. The memorial states, by way of illustrating the fluctuation in the price of iron in foreign marketa and nicotine inour own,under an ad valorem tariff, that the one million of tons of iron, which we con sume in a year, would have cost in the British markets, in 1543, 311300,000, and in 1516 up wards of 344,000,000 i that in to ray, the price ban newly trebled in 53121 . years. Before the revolution, England imported a few thousand tons of pig iron from this country, chiefly from the colonies of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. So early hatlUsr great iron interest be• gun to develope itself. Tho only competitors of Greet Britain for the put seventy, years, in the production of bar iron, has been Bassin and Swe• den, and the cost Miran form those countries, in' British markets, from 1752 to 1542. has varigd (rota $6O to 5130 per ton. The average from 17:50 to 1826 was about 5100 per ton. But even with the substantial p:Iledi011 of each high prices as these, the British government, dosvn to ■ very late period, imposed a duty onlinported bus, of from 123 t o $32 p ee too. That is, in brief, they 00 P. - ed a prohibitive duty, as long as thi'ar own manu• Caesarea needed any protection whatever, and whew that nee-unity ceased, thhy attack cliche deny, as an eximple of flee trade to other nations- Now, what a contrast to this wise, gateau:Lan. like, prudent, and practical course of policy, is furnished in the conduct of our government to. wards this great national intent! The American producer of pig and her iv., paying the lugheaf wages known in the world, is compelled le corn. peteitinder a low and shining duty, oath the man• ufacturers of n country in which the price of iron has varied for ten years past from 39,50 to $25 per ton for pigs, and from $22 to 563 per ton or bus. At the present moment it is alleged British bar iron can be laid down ' New York, Phila delphia, New Orleans, or any other of oar sea ports, tor $35 per ton, duty paid. According to carentl eatimater, 500,000 tone of iron are annually produced in the Baited States. The vast business connected with this branch of industry give. rapport to 250,000 persona, and quires an expenditure of 520,000,000 a year in wages. kiln Nil activity of business, in previous years one hundred pounds of iron have been consider. ed the average consumption of each individual of our population. It is estimated that had co dis turbing rause intervened, it would now have been equal to two hundred pounds for each :per son. 'think, however, that this is an extrava gant estimate. In 1847,am price of pig iron in the United States: was 330,00 per ton, and 750,000 tons were consumed. Yet high an were there pricer, all the old stocks were swept off, and there Was an estimated deficiency in product ion, of 100,000 tons This deficiency was co doubt caused by the change in the tarlfrind apprehervuons cf the cf fact dad calor.* duties—apprehensions that have been "sully realilsed. In 1849 the price of pig iron was upon the average, under $4O, and bar iron about 330. Yet consumption tell oil at Ices , one third, and prodectiori one hell. At the do.e of the year, stocks were rapidly accumniating, and the imponationa were augenecting, at a rme which seemed almost to threaten the extmcf.on of this great department 'of notional industry.— There were supposed to be 300,0.0 tons of iron on the American market in November last, and the quanuty ban no doubt increased since. An that year it has been tasted upon good antcorityi that the opentuons to all the var.ous branches et the iron manufacture consumed Ices of the products of gertenl industry, by sl2poopoo, than daring the last preceding year of prosperity, 1817. WArtumarcx, April 13 Moth of rho Clerk or Um Ilourgo—C anal dato• road oontoot for' t!to orlce—rTh gialinimisra claim —lnvestidat4orox. Ron. Thomas J. Campbell, Berk ofthe 11,use expired to day at five o'clock, after a very brief but digressing illness. His family was not to ,at. 'andallei upon him, ex 1 learn, thrg have not been brought here this session. Mr. Campbell was formerly • Whig member of the Ilonae irom Tennessee, and in 1647 was elected clerk by the roma of bit party friez?., lie was re4eleeted in January last, owing to the divisions of tho oppo. site party, and through the desertion of their Mg. aler candidate by a portion of its apothem mom. bees. He was .a courteous, competent, and Op.. right public officer,kod so far on I know, has the, charged well the trusts reposed in him, except as to the distribution of the inferior effaces within his controL The coatis has already began far the profita ble and important office he filled. I hope the Whigs will manage pmdently, nominate a suita ble person, and adhere to him oath an election be effected. They may - rely upon thin lac!, to knot eater, they, by u.nly and coargy prevent n, .0.1)4 caxrabi Wit twerp Item <d ace <am yeabE. of soprernsaY is tba.l3."r g atam of tee Musa. Mr. Campbell's death at thin time, is a great public mufti-tune as well er domestic calamity. In the evil times ripen to bah we have fallen, Ufa not impossible that whale weeks may be coossuned in the attempt La ' nice! a successor, and that the miserable encases of lass December and January will lot repeated. it may ha assumed for an absolute certainty, that each will be the ease, neere the wishes ef tLe Sainte. ern members be deferred to in the re-election of a successor- to the deceased otheer. The (Uphill claim has again been before the House. Thd Committee of inveetiguien have asked fora definition and extension of their pow• era. This might have been forseen cat the com mencement of proceedings upon the case. no extreme and fasthilons was the delicacy of the House, when this meet discreditable Janie first came before It, that ribbed; chose to ray a word or make a mgge•tinn in oddition to What was vouchsafed by Me. Toombs, the personal friend Of the gentleman principally implicated in the trans action. The committee VMS reared on the motion cf Toombs, and was sent out witlanut powen or dearly prescribed forietioax—lt tins come back to the House for tlem. The answer of &int . body was curette* prompt nod deceive. Whig. and DeIIIDUZLII united to confer upon the commir tee sunk ample authority as will leave iknotbing to ask for on that *core. The Whigs in Particular exhibited theft wollingriers to favor the meet scything investigation r by.assisting to vote down propositions for extendlog the enquiry into other acts under the present and put admiuittratioos ofa aintilarly imepicious diameter n imposition eertainly reuonable and jut in imelf, brit . which, ii happened, found no favor with the autocrat!, who,bowever, strenuous in ferretiog ont [Utter people's peccadilloes, prefer keeping those of their own &tends remarkably 'tidy. Hon. Mr. litiCennad,:whirse iateaded:deinutate relemrdta yesterday, will remain here fat nnmo day'.lustre. • piton mirousnxrao. Cotrespousenes of the Pittsburgh Gault, April 12. The Conn:Mum, of Conference, appointed by the Houses on the Beek Bill, base not yet made their Report though it is geoendly endeartood that they have agreed open a compromise that will probably be seeepted by both Houses. The HOUse portico of the Committee were deposed to be a little ultra at first, and held oat very stoic bernly for acme lime, in favor et the Ire . &arc nesthstren upod" the issue and circulation of pew. This, I understand, they brave now rebo ot:lllM' ed. The next most troublesome question was in rep:4 to the individual liability upon de. pates. But this, too, 'I believe, bus been given op by thi parties favorirm it. I presume the bill will dot materially dilTer from the ram in which it paned the Semite. • No actioa luusyet been takee to either House upon the new Apportionment Bills read by Meson Butittp, Packer; and Savory. ImMediately after the veto orate former Dill. It is probable that this subject will come up again on Monday. What mama the LOCOIOCOO will ultimately pursue can. not sow be ascertained. They threaten very loud, about going home without peuelug either a Dew Apportionment, 11.0 General Blinking, the Genend Approptituor, or any other of the impeav tact Bills cf. the Berrien. This, however, la all gneconade, end will only frighten the verdant and unwphiiticated. Those who have watched the coons ol ;Legielation it a proximity that p -seen ded ell enchantment, know better. As the Yan kee poet very appropriately expresics it— "It slot a itioltin kind o• caul° That is ketched arida motddy corn!" The bill which originated in the Senate foe the appointment of eommlulonera to investigate the ad'airs of the Bank of Snagnehanna county basal so paned the Home. In the Senate yesterday, on motion . ofidr. Pack er, the bill from the House, entitled an act Or de fraying the expenses relative to the investigation in the case at the Freeport Aquednet, was: taken op, wad rend a second and third time, and par • RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO THE RE• DUCTION OF POSTAGE. Mr. Haslet rem] in his plane the following pre amble and resolutions; which were also taken up, read a second and third time, passed, and sent to the House fur concurrent.: Wen.. The Poet Office Department having been establinhed lbr the benefit and convenience of the people, mod not tus • sonree of revenue, it is the duty of the Government to reduce the rates of Twinge on letters to the lowest practical point, and to permit newepapete to circulate through the tennis free of postage in the COLIOnti in which they ore respectively published; the impdsitcori clench postage on the letter being unjust,naNual, and amounting fn fact to direct and urthensome tax upon knowledge. Arm muwass.s, The exprlence of the put s in both Europe and America, has clearly proved that low rates of postage have not only greatly bacraus. , ed the amount of mail matter, hot also augmented the revenues of the Post Office. AND wuness, Since the reduction of the rates of postage, bilb4s, the revenues of the Depart.. meet have been amply sufficient to defray all the expenses attending the transportation el the mails, besides leaving in the Treasury, on the 30th of June Mot, a surplus of 0691,732 20, which, at the end of lite present fiscal year, it is oonfidently expected; will be increased to one million of dol. lars. Therefore, &mica by Me Senate and Howe d Repot sr,nrutteer of rho Commonwealth J Penn.ryloonie an General Awerally wet, That the reduction of the prevent rotes of postage to a 111ligH0 rate of two cents for a loner weighing one hall au ounce and two cents for every additions) half an ounce, prepaid, and the free transmission of newspepers through the made, to the counties in which they are respectively published, would, it is believed, afford aufftwent revenue to sustain the Post OF rice Department, and greatly promote aid extend its usefully.. &Joined, That our Senators and Represents lives In Congress be sod they are hereby request ed to are their influence to prorate the passage of a low providing for the redaction of the rates or postage to the standard indicated to the thee going reset:Won. &solved, That the Governor be and be is here- - by nquentod to cause aeopy of the foregoing pro. amble nod resolutions to be Eirtrarded to each of the Senators and Expreseattuives in Goegress from Pennsylvania. Various Henn amendments were then taken up and concurred in Nothing of importance was done in the House. Mr. Grier offered an amendment to one of the bills to repeal the three hundred exemption Isar, but the House refused to consider it, by a large majority. The Howe also again refuted to our pentl_tho rules to take up the Montour County Mod orate day was taken up in the considers• tion of amendolenta to Senate bills. In the Senate, to day, on motion of Mr. Hugns, the hallo authorise, the trustees of the Constitution al Presbyterian Congregation of Douala! town ship, Westmoreland comity, to sell sod convey contra real mate, wan taken up, passed, and Suit to the Rouse for concurrence. , Mr. Skinner, of Northampton, read in place bill to incorporate the Farmers' sad Mechanic• Sank of Easton, which was referred to the tom natttee on Beaks. The remainder of the day in this body, was occupied with ;nitrate bills. In the ,Honer the bill to consolidate the Mu .hal cad f'ranklin Colkerr, parsed Baal read. The Revenue bill was also considered in Cora- - Lnitlees of the Whole. Mr. Wi1115011., of Reeks, made &A-erg forcible and amusing speech, whelt creved 'greet laughter. He took op the hems of the bill—the license for 1110W11, brokers, ece..., and compared them as objsMe of taxation with the •obetaotlda now taxed in the country. He thought :hat those who wonted to see the elephant should ,psi for the eurlositi, instead of the hud workitg . farmer, SZMO good might thiiie gordot of them. The bill In stilrpeeding. Tae Hoes,, refuted to take up the bill to elect proteruncg attorneys—there not being two thirds is Cover of it to suspend the rule. Tbrfollowic; b4l, which wan introduced try ND. Dante, hough et n general character. is thototht be of special interest to' the peop!e of Al. !reheey, from the tact, that its parsage woo eoL .cited only from that cleaner. It has passed both Hooter, and lam not sure brit it has already been signed by the Governor. But whether it has or not, IL Will of ourse meet with no opposition in that nearer, so that it may now be taken as the law of the land. A SUPPLEMENT . to an set relating to the cora. mencoment of actions, paned June tiirteee, one thousand eight hundred and thirty Ws. Sec. I. Be it everted Scow* mod Yaws Reprranualiem of Ao - Comitmon:ooalth of Prom aohisiliti, in General Aatrostilv met, and it as korsby exacted by the cioitherifyff Ike rams, That, in sit oases now pending. or .hereafter to be brought in any Court of Record in thin Common. wealth, to enforce the payment or ground rent km a id owing upon lands or tenements held by virtue ormty lease for life. or any - term 01 year., or in 1-e, the lesioe, his helm end assign., shall hoer a full and co mplain remedy thetetar, by ac tion ricovenata turning the lessee or lessee.. W. bur, or their Lein, executors. admlnistratort, or nmigne, whether the said premieres oot of which the rent mums, be held by deed. poll, or other wise. COBDE N. T.n.oms SW Tons.. Corrtepowleuce of the Plttabuga Gamma. Ntur Mix, April 11, IBM In general mown theta It a great dearth, just now, a% we urn neither disposed for summer pleasure, nor inclined to continue our winter aronserneeta The annual dinner of the Atierican Dramatic Fund Association was given last night, ohne Astor Lime, Dr. C. Co!den, Esq., In the Choir. A very large milleceon was taken up, and the fund will soon become available. It has now property to the value of 51,500, though only two yearn in existence, and will anon be able to ex• lend a helping band to those who, after a brief re awn Or gayety, generally fall into the most ne• eviteinius circumstance.. ' Immigration this year does not promise to add so liberally to our population, an daring 1919. la aim month of March the German immigration, via Havre, WILL only 246, against 714 in the same time loot season. The whole number of emigrant . ships which have left Eneope,thheyear, le Aileen, of which about hal! are from London. The peace. fat condition of continental Europe, and the in : creased prosperity Of the laborers of Great Bri tain, is a satisfactory explanation of the diminiah , ed flood of population seeking nor shore,. A Chinese lady, Miss Ewan Yekgo, ham jail lir rived here, and means L. make the grand ! accompanied big showman. She le one of the t real analgesics of tbe Celestial Empire, and has• toot only three tactics long, so that her pedestals I look no Meech they. Sad been sharpened out. She ii s a ttended by n Professor of Music, and the chop I sneer ' sad will give one "at home,' in a few days. The Tribune of this day contains the details of Mc negotiation of the "Plitabiargh and Allegheny bond,, by Col. Heldman, with Meaner. Winslow. Lanier & Co. Tuella hinds are looked upon with groat favor, and have already been taken to • coosiderable extent (or EoMpeea Investment—all will eventually go abroad. The long time they have to run, (25 years) and the clause making the principal and Interest payable here, places.them nt coca upon the same footingtas New York stockt, ezoept that Pittsburgh pays one per cent more interest. Our own city stocks are rarely en. er sold, and the new loan comes at on opportune time for parties leeching a safe and prods late In vestment. The retest which the oaks was made, le of course not 'sawn; but if It brought only 85 per cent, it cold wall. Wail Street is a curious placate borrow money in, and a good slice Is al. Ways taken:Ml . 6y the broker. no matter how able the aegotimatot a loan may be. Fancy !docks generally, are dull, and bolder, desirous of sell ing. • All sound mocks sell at fall prices, and Penurylvania clone at 921. MI kinds of cor poration beads are in better reptue since the law prohibiting corporations from pleading num peened. Many large louts like those of the Erie Co. and the Bade. [liver road which sold below par, to the taco of legislative enactments, are now legalized. The way to evade a law which nays bonds shall not be lased below par, is this t the company bemoan money, mi gmekbonds u col lateral sunray, the lime expires, and the tecuri- yls sold, and the law evaded - by pawning, not Wag the bonds. Mr. Chinon ix pushing on t;a. to repairs of his two expliniog squadron with nil diligence, arid hen abandoned all' hope of obtaining a dealt of seamen to man the vessds. The letters giving reason to think Ste John Franklin is in existence, are now rather discredited, and are generally sup posed m allude to the 'Plover" exploring ship, sent mit by the British government, to 'examine the coast aloog Sebring. Straits . , The now what. inggromids, upon the North West shore, will this season be explored still further, and!! our whale men do not disoover the lost navigator, he will not be found. Cotton continues dull, and prices range full Under those of this day week. Breadstuff'' are atiU active, and there iv considerable speculative demand, based upon a aupponed short steel: of door; good Michigan can be had at 5 121 a 529. Whiskey sells at 23 0 291. Pork remain• as ba kers quoted, say at the neighborhood of 3.10 for mess, and SS 31 for prime. Lard in firm, bul l la cot meats noashange. Iron is dill' at 521 cash for pig, and a :tale of bars has been made as Ina: , as 539, 6 mouth.. Tobacco is In active demand at 101 l prices. aroccries are dull, and for cone particularly; there is • small demand. Steam ere dull: sales of old clover at 6i, and new 6 (3 7. The Rev. W. Philips, of Mcrcersburg, Pa., hat received and accepted • call from a congregation In York Pa. Patine. were introduced into Ireland by - Su. Sohn Hawkins, who obtained them at Rants Fe. Franz Cattier, the great violinsi, has arrived at linens. The ammeters Ohio, Falcon, and Isabel, arrived at Havana on the 4th inst. Six vessels from the East Indies and China are. rived at New York on Monday. Lien, the greet German pianist, was lately married to a rich Russian widow. Qa•'eu Victoria has 'given up her iuteutted vist to Large guaninee of anal are shipping from New estate, Englend, to Caltfernia. The Queen has milled a ttenalon on Mrs. Bee sy Moore,4he wife of the poet Tom Moore. The United States frigate Raritaa, wen to se from }lnvents, about the fah tuatara, for Flailed° phi.. The German populetion of St. Latins, estimate .1 20,000, have ten Protestant Churches. • Several deaths of cholera had 00CUTOli el Sai rapcisvale,La., on the 20th ult. • Theodore Frelinahuvien was unanisnou elected President of Itutger'a College, New ler aey, on the 9.1‘ Tie New York gas light company has drelor ed • dividend of fire per cent. for the six main ending first of Febmary last. Power,' atatne of Calhoun, for the e , ty of Char 'estop, la daily expected in New York, fro, Gen. J. K. Hammond has been luvited by th City Council, of Charleston to deliver a eulogy o the late Senator Calhoun. U. Excellency the Peruvian Miniater wlb U- L:cd States, arrived at New York oh Tuesals in toe toestner Gentpa. A far at Ithica, N. V. ma a., 9th, dettroveS four or Ave esianlishmeuts, with the Erie teletraph office. Tha Secret U. S. Agent deepstebeillo Human , was allowed $lO per day while in service, besides travelling expenses. Tight sleeves are again in fashion. Between he aboalders and elbow, there ie worn a doob rem of boll.on fringe. IV-Urn pia..—lvo medicine ever earned for Spell • higher reposition in so . MOOrt • Limon, has the Liver Pill, &scorned sad •ornyeurodair by Dr. tirLane,,l Vitgatia. Although hot • than time comparstlitny before the public, It has already earned for tuella decree of popularity hitherto umorpnred. The de. mood for them has becothe Winnow. Mears. Kidd& Co. the propribioro of the medicine, who etude in Pluabursh, <ORM, of Fourth and Wood streets, are constantly receiving orders which they find it almost snarly impossible to supply. The popularity of these Pills le not confined to any Pnelenlor section of the eroudn'Vrhe demand being central, from the North, South, Chet, sod Wen. Tie troth Ic to &nose It more common In all quarters of the United States than that of the Liver. And there Pills an the ten remedy ever yet discovered for Hepatic derangement cr Fur salt by J. KIDD& CO, N• 60 Wood June •PlYrdenirS LOGAN, WILSON'u. Co Iso WOOD STRUT, ABOVE Fll7ll, I.IIPORIEESAP CCTLEIV I dtt A* tie attention& taip: PAMIR SPRING STOOK. Which they think will compare foTorahlT. /AU: in error *A theatre:l, with that of any other hoe* either hero or in Panctom Loma 3agoAa. —rzeptreo :4 J. W.l‘etly Wfiliau attaet, N.Y., and for sale by A. Jayne., No. 70 Foana atreat. "flus .111 be (baud a deligoital ela of beverage fupctiiay lad parLicellarly br stet 11,001 t. Batta's Daostic—Art improved Chocolate prepar non, betnie a eambinatera of Cocoa unn ianocerd, cgorming and palatable, ddbly recommended pew Warty for uwands. Prepared by W. Baiter, Doren, ter, Mnsa., and Gan Silo by A. JAlrca=3, at ece Pet roar ware. Na. 78 roam. et mcbt I Issprovsiossista as Dontlater. DR. O. 0. ESTR4INS, Woof Busion, 1. prepated mane . ..ire and ItLoci Tana In Terl,ole and part Quers, upon Suction or Aunnsphenc Suction PlNtes. r......CTULD IN In. NUNUTiv, 0, hem the nerve t. exosed. Office and res;dence nest door to the N•T or'sp at., Foos@ street, PittTburrh. Rareo ro—). 11.101 , Fadden. F. 11. Eaton. tali DR.- D. RUNT, v... WWI.. Cortatt otltnartl. ' and Decatur. ..txrtarcen . net-dicta A.IOURN7- , AN COMPOSITOR wanted at RI tZ oet. apIG EC:7IEIM WE have 10 toos lee for rale, to arrival Bealers and Hotel Bayport, +Nal had a to their advantage to call en 4YCONNOR, ATKINS & CO , apta Canal Basin, Labetty to. BEWICELEY ACADEMY. ACLASSICALAND COMMERCIAL BOARDING bCIIOOI. FOR BOYS, It [mice from Pittsburgh, Rev.Jir Ern S. Tuvega,A. Prtnespal. The rain:anal Sesatop will continence onWe'ditesday, !guy Terma-1176tier Session of 6 menthe. Pat Circular., empire el the Prineipai, Sowlekley Bottom P. 0.. Pa., or of Mowry Joan Irwin Ir. Son., 11 Water ttreCt.or Messrs. T. 11. Nevin to Co. No. I% Liberty amt. Patabureh. ,1111,dia• - upAscoms DERMONS—Sermons tor t pulpit, by rit II II It.betub D. 0., L. L. D., for by IittPKINS, avin 73 Abolto Itotlmbra, l'oarth .t. • ___ _ RICA—'I,OOO,OOO Steam Ptessatt Uric.le of the L. qvalityl also 200.000 of Common Brick, for vs Eaualre of (Apia) 1i1..1.1h10'.1 ABUY WANTED— moat lto a rood reader. I owe at this oflires. brie Lrinir•ll:a W. Ltme. for pate 1.7 kiIIILIIRIDOK, WILSON t CO apli Watt r Motet. B ULK yes •Ito.ltlotg; pp. bar., Ica .31c lq spLi LIORIIKIDNII. WILSON ke' • YEAOS4 wo. Drted Yeachen for gate I. loge. contignmenl, by 1013 RIIYV RVIA/1111-13 Ws for gab by npls UMW, 51/I.I7IIFIA'S & p OfASII-10 corks firm .on, for role ' AMY, MATTHEWS it CO r, PA HL AAHES—'IO orkr Jam reed. eonelgomrn 'Of sole by (i 9131. HARDY, JONFA aCO finit.tACCO-10 had. LW Tabaneo jut landing, r• 1, sale by [ITU] . 111111DV, JONE 3 & CO BACON L1A.515-3 cults last landing, for .alo by apla HARDY,JUN}4& CU L — -- ARI 3-40 kegs yd.x landing, and f or aisle by ayld HARDY, JONES &CO ' ug - App — ,R - s=r2 iiriihkTrad L..),-J..t reedll 4 ..a far nada by (gal CI II GRANT OUISVILLE MUTE: LlNG—luu Lela (melt bum', Crap's/ par Gruver, for rale bp' C H GRANT BROOMS -447 dos Broom for sale by aptS WICK & MeCANDLESS BAYARD having Ode day associated with boo his e ye, D st, Bayard, will oontinue the L.ellthee. hilde, and Oil bluntness, under the style of Jo4n e r ,y.rd Son, in Ws buildings, corner of Petiolaud Walnut oireetk In the Filth Ward. They would In. vim the attention of purchasers to their well selected smog of RocOcn Leather now being received, consort tag of New York and Ltaltimore hole Leather, and Leather and hloroceos of every description, together d ap s de cry variety of oar own math/femme ark:— Spat/lab and 131wghter Pole, Upper, Kips, Calf Shine, IlasdasF waning, Bridle, and Baths Leather, Seating, Lace Leather, atm ac. Alen, Tanners. Oil and Cur rives' Tools alba Mat quallty. Allot which ortll be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. WADDING—A fresh supply reed from th e month de nudes Mowers by WICK & hicCANDLESS ---------- DATENT BLACK—ROO be ham ree IDd an & Coale for sale by • J No DO Wood wee: SALIikATt/F—ZS cask. Clevelend Salem. I. mile by aped WICK 4. aIeCANDLLISS PICELED PORK-4 t mike. a very euperlor Ude day received, and for node by WICK& MeCANDLEB9 • I"THE SNEKTIII3-301 dos pbtera, for sale by S solb WICK & bIeCANDLLS3 I)E&KL/I—jaat received, and fay nala by apla WICK k tdcCANDLESS VlN.Epirt—" b""{bI;Igi'IISIaCANDLESS ANVASSED lIAMS-340 Canvassed dams toe'd C for ..le by . WICK & McCANDLESB MOULD D ANDLES-+ll7 bosex maw , Mould (land es for ten h win( NeANDLFAS p°T.,t,l"-"'" g • bit prime Ground .ep; for sale by N Qi cATI VP TARCII—CI • 11. b f • a 8.0 • for role by opls WIC & AIoCANDLEAS RYE FLOUR-33 brio reed els day, for role by avls WICK It IdoCANDLE9H VARIEGATED song -41. bra , or oh. by WICK t FIDCANDLESS IlliglOVAL T l L E PTV. i ra ' srrs i !? '"Y al mr' fi r ras hi' lllZ P" AV d SHOE MANUFACTORy.lo " Nrchlamet olec r eb tag doers abase Wllll, where he bps on hand a very lame of /300111 AND SHOMv of his own sannufeetere, velneh kw will sell hewn than can be p crammed to the city. pAEIEL 5p13411.3 -nem UOXEo ro, Yale, brbolegale awl mall, by n .1 w P MARSHALL NA sated, AGood ry YO het UNMAN, ea Pe:rem. el D Donee, w ho had eomie crinri ln ence. The bee eelerencee Reelled. Apply al No 114 Market or. =M=MMMM= r MAGNETIC TELEC HARI. szarva'RED a TICLEO/lAN/an I.OE. Tif r.. PITTSDIDIULI DAILY GAZETTE CONriftESSIONAL. \ValinincrroN, April 15 State—lo the Senate to day, Mt. Foote ellen eda reecdation for the percher. of 1000 copies of the/ debates in the California Convention, tehiiii as adopged. A tiordber of petitions. and various rep nis from , romittees were offered, but none of general in. Mr. - Dickinson moved to take up the Deficiency Kevente BilL The motion wee curled, and the bill taken op Mr. Dickinson hoped that the Senate would be *blew got through with the bill to day,aud it mita important that n should. The bill is still under ennsidcration House—To the House, after the reading of the journal, the Speaker feelingly end eloquently an trounced the death of Mr. Campbell, the late clerk of the House. He spoke briefly, but nobly of tho faithfulness of Mr. Campbell la his official capaci ty, while clerk of the House. Mr. Gantry, of Tennessee, made some appro priate and touching remarks in reference to the deemed—eulogizing his character no one of noble bearing to every respect. The-usualreaolutiona of respect to the memory . trim deceased were then adopted, after which hu liouru adjourned till to morrow. Sr. Loom April 15. Vu were yeroerdoy visaed by a revere snow oral. It eorroneterd. about ball pert eight 11).. clock in the morning, and continued until five o'. clock, I'. hi. The ground was coveted with anew, to the depth of seven or eight inches. The weath er to day is cold, foggy, and disagreeable. TINALOF THE MONTESQUIOUS. Er. Louts, April 16. The trial of tho Montesgmons is drawing to close. Mr. Bates commenced his argument f the defence on Saturday, and was most <toque In his appeul to the Court end Jury. lie wdl co. elude to dry. The Court liciuse wag crowded duringthe dry—the eentit being obolly occupied by the lashes. ==! Sr. Irma, /46115. Oar latest ISCCOUOtI trom St. Joseph, state the several companies of California emigrants are do mutilated there, and that thing. in that quark are in a distreming condition. Much sielmea prevails, principally Diarrhoea, which has curie °fru great number. The backwardness of th season adds much to their suffering, as they ar compelled to break• in ripen their stock of provi sloes Several have returned to their homer. FIRE IN LOUISVILLE ,Lootsviu.r, April 15. The wholesale poem/ store of ()Tarawa and Morton, won destroyed by fire on Saturday oven• log last. All their boots were destroyed. They had just commenced bitelnes t , and had a very large stock on hand. The COMIniMiOO ball. of I. M. Clark son, ed• noting, urrm partially burned; the contents, how . ver, wore saved in a damaged mate. The build ng belonged to IL Birch. A large three . story house, built last peer, was also burned. The mock sold buildingn aro astlmnicil at 15 $20,000, partially insured., Lortsvitts, April 15, 1 briO. The river is falling. this evening, with eight water in the channel. The weather is very ply not, since the snow last earning. The fire on Saturday night was not p'deatrnet< tree as at first reported. Ten thousand dollatii would cover the lon Two more area occurred yesterday, bm w of little wmaequence. A neer° slave gabbed a white man is the tit yesterday. ' MECMIIE=I Sr. I. n., April I Tr...tattoos, to day, wore light, owing, in a peat mermen., to the disagreeable weather, which checked out door oprratiooft. Maur—Flour ts dull; pales 300 bbl• at f 5 1265 25 per bbl. Grain—Wheat Martini:Los active, arid, sales of 43244 - AtilinaiBt2op , crinii'Confet4thasire la donssad, but sales are wafted to retail lots at 490 for Coro Wd rlr. p...rlbir for Ont. provirionales 3130 pieces balk Pork at 24e Wi shoulders, 34e for sides, Asa 41c for brim; Isle. 49 cis bacon shoulders at 3.; sales of clear side. at SI 6.5 per 109. Choice hews aro sold at 31e per lb. Whiskey—Bales at 22:, per taco. Hemp—Saler, of 5 lo BTU Nile. at 5516005.99 per tort. The tendency ts downward. Lard—Sides sit Sri 60 per 100 tb. CINCINNATI MARKET. April 15. Flour—The Jewand n moderate, and priers at. changed. Sale. 114 1541 - 55 per bbl. . Grain—There I. a apeculative movement In Corn, and the market ie firm at 40c per Au. Whiake—Sales at IP{ c per gallon. ['atrialooa—The market la quiet, sod we he. of au transactions worth reproilog. Grucetlea-5101Ittlell is siilleuinc. Sugar I. firm, rit 4 Icalle. Coffee shows 1(1.11311..r0Veli (eel lug, with aalm of 50 bags KM at Ito per The river has Isilen If inches In the:last 49 ho. and still receding. The weather is clear and p giant. uuenswoon GAUD EN Two naliat loiostr the Caty, on the Ohio Rimy. 1111 a tlummer iietle.• having and gone repair. L toil improvements, adding much In his former beauty, Is now open for visitots. lee Creator, Tem perate Dlinks, kept 4.1 Uki in are Paktum Iche attention Is part , colally invited to v large collection of ever bl.mtng plant. of all v.:wetter, ollually found in greenhowses, tarn, the choicest kinds of onnuel dowerlng planit owl dui:llls will be ready tot eelotery the Ist of May. The Steam Boat will cowm unn en, Fing from its foot of Put tercet to the Iferdrer, the let day of (lay Two line. of Onnulduses ere now rummy from tb Old Allegheny Bridge. Gard,s kept on tempernor firlhetine., and rimed on Sunday. apt.s-d3t. Proposals tan Coal, Ell•sk, and Ltross SEALF.D PROPOSAL.; for denvertne to the stores of the Works of the Pittsburgh Gil Company, 120,r00 bushels of Bituminous Coat, 30 Of 0 bushels of Sleek, and oho for all the Lime rahleh will he requir ed for the use of the works for one year will he re ceived et the Office of the Company until Wednesday, the Nth inst.', et tro'cloek, P. ff. The above MCI!, i• auto Le of such quality nr,l delivered at such times and 111 rank quantities ss shall be approved of and al ter:tett. The standard of oo:upstart°n for the coal and slack to be 74 pounds per bushel. to be adthrersotl to•Thes. Itakearell. Preateent of the Company, and endorsed "Propmal Mr Coal," "Stitch" ar "Lime," ar Ma 0., may be The payments In be made monthly, mtalmng dupe nettles menrity for perlOrl.llo, ur enutract. • IL-did J MES , dI CIIRIAJ'Y, Treasurer. Boys. Wear. MllarllY k IitIRCIIPIRLD, at north east corn. of Fourth and Marker sta, have received an a sollment of Tweeds. Merino, thirsiments, Whom. Maas and Satincits, of fancy colors, sash as ate Gram Ilrowooind new styles of boys' mixtures; ol a variety of styles of Cotton Goods for toys' Weft oleo, Evan% Luce. awn Luisa Maori.° of emits. color* follusis' wear. ant* • Proposals Lt, be received by the Subscribers for the .1 livery of from fifty to onn hundred *boom be els of Coal at their warehouse during the 55000 arming fA lbs to the bushel; rho weight to he it. reTatilned by the collector's return at the WPigh lock. golf disc TAAFFE: tk. °WYNN( I it N° . G. 54 , BOOT S. $4 10 nE twbaeriber if nom manufacturing ut bcacla rri NUINNER SWOT, of gond mammals and were Manseip i .1 Me very tom price of et 40. • 'No6 Harter at. second door from Water IL aptlilto cO Yd • Pittsburgh City Flouring (Formerly the Phanlx Cotton Famed, /at rd wa, torolecrttl 1r... most Fresh tround Family Flour; CO COM Marl; • • dot- tato Flaeri• . . Brat:and Menai Chapped Orals tor hems an/ cows, for sale It WILD/Anil & NOBLE -_ • BlUirratte r*i•at 3.1 1,, As 4. 4 V 4 CASKS rit the above Celebrated brand and WO teet,direet froui the manufacturers; tdo ea; a nary on the way from Now Orleanv, gad CA ooled baba neat week : and:ll4 sill vhorlarrive via Balturnite per . hip, Juniata, ilberlapedlip i =pia. Cu., add Allitieovtileh will be cold on arrive , a; the lowa...marker price fur amid: or approved bill.. . , W is M 1111CHELTREN, a i It No leU Men) , or. GREAT IRE ORTANT CHEMICAL DISCOVERY: . . • cuemtca. vdimutiTion' From do Vigsraps Kiagelsra, to repel Diseases! Dr. Gursott's.Extrart. or Yellow Deep and Mossaparilla. Cocas consumption scrofol• etyripelss, go o• tompliintat SireCtio.. 01C01111 ay philia dropsy., senors, offset.. of the bladder and kidney..mercurialcor rupt horror., rush of blood to the head, fever and .goo, female complaints, Rental debility, ytp,, loss of twpeute, headaches colds, costiveness, gravel. night Owes., cholle, organic alfeetlona, palpitation of the heart,. bliss, pains in the side, chest, back, 3e. 'lts infollible in all diseareshattaing harr an int pire sta. octio blood. or Irregular action of the gm tem an the Vegetable. Kingdom, pa.Af. , dim Beibd be. dopopned plants and barb•: eangemnl to oar ddrdtbm - Ilene, and adapted to the can of disease.; and to the vegetable kingdom don the reason al man, as well all the instinct of animals, torn far intldctes to pain. The Syrup in a scientific compound of the moat vat-. made plants in nature, entirely free from deleterious and enervating mineral substances, and se it expels direase from the system, Imparts Tiger and strength in* &corresponding degree. ChRTIFICATF.S. An extraordinary case of derofula, Eryripelaa and lil t et& cured by the sole: ore of Dr. tthysottla Com pound :syrup, Yellow Dock and Nantparllla. Beemthsls. Plea. 37, 1819. Da. Demure—kin I tender my Wenner tbthks tor the great benefit I have derived from the use of your valuable syrup. I Steve been lthubletivery bad with a scrofulous we, which made hs appearance on my Ohio 1 did not pay much attenhott LO tt at fink sup potting it to be nothing but an eruplthe that appear on pen.° t o tares. It finally began to increase, .dllt spread to the back part of the head. I applied to a phyticiart, who •tsanded me all to Ito purpose. I bad tried every thing that coulelbe. tried. I seminar Syr up of Yellow Dock end Streapertlthe and concluded to use It, tee I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I . . benefit your :trap. and from di s y ste m, of one ',lne r t could teen ment change in my continued to welt until I was a well man. I net* feel hke a new person; my blood is perfectly ettased and (tee from all heparin., There Is not a question but that year nearly ditGOVertd eantrOiLlld Is far superior to any strimparilla sneer tom Cold This certificate Is at your disposal to ptibinat ii you like. nail any one you mar refer to rue I shall be hap py to give. lb., all tbe information I eau about my case, are. I remain your obedient servant, Gionon G. Jones:on. 11l Market nreK. The hest female medicine known. The Extract of Yellow Dock nod Sarsaparilla is a positive, speedy, • ar.d pormaneld care for all complaints Incident to FEMALES. Its mild, alterativeProperties tender It peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate eonstitMlon of the female. I , It unrivaned in Ito edema upon such discus, av incipient consumption, barrenness, lea nnhoeu. nr wino, irrcaalar menstrentoon, incontl ncrec of none. and general prostration of the system. It in n edistcly con that distressing nervous• new end Imsitailv so common to . th e [rennin frame, mid imparts an energy and Imoyancy Waurnosing tOry vie graterul. WeAtaric evidence on file which .i.doccs not mennety to Recommend this medicine in tamped [4,01•:t. who have not her, bleared with off etinno. ent , Lartra [lnn, or Falling of the Womb, of yeare' standing, eared by Itr. Gaya/era Extract Yellow Dock. one aloreapatills, liner every oth. known temedFliie been triederelloot relief AYstotinuton, Ohio, Feb, This verifies that toy wife, aged try y ears , h a , !melt •ufletitig under the above complaint for five I.l.—llearly all of that altar confined to her bed. I base for tour years eonstantly employed the beat end. real talent that retold be procured In this armors of the country, vanhout any benefit whatever. I have sire putchaved every tramutarnt recommended for the cure al such diwases. all of which proved worthless. In the spring al 1,4 r. I we. induced by my, friends to try Dr. Gnyvatt's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, which was used for four ramtbs. After she had used it tor about to weeks. it was evident to all that she mug improving ur , and from this time she improved rap.• Idly, endgained flesh sod strength, until the disease 1•1118 rnumly removed, and she is now enjoying mast excellent health. WA!. hIONFORT. We tieing neighbors of Wm. and Julia Monfort. know that the shove statement, ns le the sickness of Mts. Monfort. and as to the core being effected by Days... Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, to be strictly ... JANE EDDY. SAKAI! POWERS. Groat Guru of Cocilutraption. Ii.O.ILTON, January 2.1910 Mr. Bennett—Dear Sir: The great benefit which I have danced Born your Extract of Yellow Loeb and etermparilla. Inducer me, a. an net ofjlatiCe, to mate the followingsteleincto: After e:tang for two yours born general deblliT, which finally terminated In consomption.l wk. glren up by my herniae and physicians as waseyond Me wed of medicine. Au a last resort, I induced to try lour Extract, and har:rigused but two bottle., Re cordnlg to your directions, I am entirely well. woad thereon, eameelly reYomori.d your unequal led Gempannit to the afflicted who desire agnswerfal, plena:Mt and insfe.xemody. Gratefully your friend, M. WAITF.. 11BfillitattbiMehlablerwpot up in large square butter 'cOntaleing ageargottand the carat of the syrup blow, nett a grace, with litialtriften signature of 9 P lice - eon the smaide wrapper. POO ,. Si per bottle, or WI Gnu le fora:. • • • • It is enl4 by J. D. Part, Cement' Footle end Wel nutetreett.Cineeetsti, Ohl., General Agent for tt Saw and tl'est, to wham ell ardent meat be addrese Caner k tiro , Ear, W. P. Judson & W m; & Cluorons. Crusting - ulna; Abel Tor &Immo., thrum hlik,Toorandu; Dobort Roy, Wel born Raferigt, Calleorburm L. Wilcox, Jr . burgh, couter of Almat street and Ibn Diamond. sw Goods 1 . 1 Hew Goods II CLEAR TIIE,TILACK Neu, Sprang and &amen Dry Goads fan 16-.13. WILLIAM L. nussuLL, ~. ... Wom.eseLa and Retail Dealer in British, *French, and Amerfeen DRY GQODS, Marko' mrset,-berween third end fourth," elan of Of me Dan lime, kis Jun commented mettle and opening one of the most rich. eplendtd, and extensive meet a of Sprint and Summer Dry Goods ever offered for rale In the Weston country. All of these Impelled Goods are fresh opened, and received per the lea steamers from Prance and England; as. also Dish Linens, Imported direct from Belfast, nil g bleached. and warranted the pure Miele; these Linens me all imported by the mthweriber, and are all pro. dat.yorrowarratited. Also, irtshLinea Damask Table Cloths, the very teat mane:mow; nod Irish I.lneu Deeds of ail kinds. imported dimet from Italian by the subserilicr, end will be foetid the real Elll2l' ' Meth, DELF-`,43 GOODS. New at) le etch ; Turk 051a1P, nil colon, splendid goods, blank Tart Satin. nil ththes, rich Bede; black glace Sills, all colors, lots importation; French Rid Slaves, all colors. the beat plaid bieek Armored, per last Ereneh steamer, new style painted Barer% splendid good. Also, a superb and large toelg of aside black Brassels Lace, for trimming Indict' dresser, very sea good. plain Barcena in alt colors, extremely low. bethitiral good. bleu* teilk Fringe, all widths and prices, very G t:C2Pj French Lawns, new myth., pee laid French weather; plain black Gee Dc Blithe, high lustre, .therb goals; block figaredGro De Rhine limeade, nen gniod. French and English Cashmere. new mica, hthinikbil •D". splendid figured Owl., goods far hail drethe. nub embroidered Se•lf• Malls for evening dres es; Seems Editing and Inserting. the best imparted; Silk Tomes in all colors and qualltithr, new style, plain and than •lfirk'd black Ilareers,ell pricer; printed Lawns, new styles, a ri l , 'or cent. per yail; Baum, de Lain., • new ani. for ladies , decives. Also, • largo end salsa) stock now my!. spring Bonnet ItlLarins, the very best posed, all new. Cantnn crape Shawls, all <Moro, fresh from the Cus tom House; Turk Satin Shawls rplentlid goods, le all rotors, per lam steamer, beautiful changeable Klee& silk Bhawls, (mall imminent:. •' white embroidered Carlton Crepe :Them!, superb goodej green embroider ed Canton Crape nbawlr, splendid goods; Lapin's French made Ftultraidered Thibet, tlned Importation; Paris punted Cashmere Shawls, all prices and quell ties; summer Cravats and Scarfs in creel ea rietY: French workedCepes, Collars, and Cod's, it large 11,7011.12.1 A Largo Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. 50 bales unbleached blush., from 5 to IV cents pet yard; 15 cases bleached Muslin& 11.0131 4 to lei 0.31.1 per yard: cases Irish Linens. imported airs. from Iletisst; II bales Ttekina. tram i• In 25 rents per yard; cases blue DAD. bum S to Ili cent. per tat& be. aides a full as•-ornnent of Summer Cloth. Al.& Cos ...ere., Tweeds, Stamens, and Kentucky Jean' 50 cases dark Calico; (.1 eOlored, from :1 to 151 CPII per ykrs; scaseslloyi & Sap.' Dosbalt Prints, he r.. :a; 3cak.:a~~;;:.~a a~o~ei~ ~.~~,., inn ly Al., ilon.ekeeto Goods nf all kinds, very clamp; li•les Kailas Crash, Goes rg to DI MAO per r yard; beside. a largo stock of Check and Shirting 'Stripe. Aleo, Clinton Flannels, all colon, end goal. des, at low prices Fed, saline. and 'yellow Flannels very cheap; leloorhod sad unbleached Drillings, full ent; 5 ram, blue Merrimack Galicoes, en. minely low black and .bleriched Table Diaper*, all ode.; hin d's eya Diapers, all prices and nanlities, very cheap; colored Garnbries, a full woionment, cheaper than Yvan 3 baleisilurlaps, railn rod to 23 ets per yrd. A iso, a large snrek °recline Tabin Diapers Mariner.' PA1t4 . : 4 0L9: !kA1!.4g0t,,? The largest end most splendidstock of ever opened by any eve house in Minthargh, it this day received, and are all of the newest French styles, wLich, for Incline. end beauty, cannot be surpassed, As we hove it large lot of these Yaramla, they will he sold cheaper than vny other house in the City can at. ford to .ell the stone quality of goods. The Ladies are respectfully invited tnesaruine these Pares Is, es they will find some of the richest and newest styles eves imported from Europe Theta 'ralloie are all of toe siehest and most fashionable colors, and ere wonky of the attention albs ladies. All of the above goads will be cold off at prices fat helot , attY boos. tbe and In order to rove this feet, t lit he public will please call and Melt p them goods, and compare diem with any other house in the elle, and he convinced of the above assertion. Toe nahamiber would heresay m his numerous tamers and the public tn general, that there are two other bee hive 'torrs in market etreet, an:tending to °err with the Rig Bee Elm, which is alone the only elelfrannt sod far lintel Dry (;941,11, establishment ceigliiouni and fir limed Dry 4 L estehllthmept Pit hihurgh. The oubsenber would therefore soy to all purchasers of Dry Goods, either wholesale or retail, that the Big Bee Hive, MI Market meet, between Third awl Fourth. Is now opening tho lorgeGs richest and nanit splendid swot of miring and rammer Dry Gods ever offered for sale in Pittsburgh BOPINGI'BI BphiNfail ! . • N.., Rm.o sea lb..SO—The lergeet rind mow fashion. abler nek of Hornets aver opened to this city. to jeet received at the vitae( the Big Bee Hive. Ott Market netween Third and Fourth Street,, where Dry GOOOIt of every desetiption are selling cheaper than e n, other house in the city. 'The pabile will plea., take notice that there are two ether bee hive clot.. on hlarket RM., who pretend' to compete with the Hip Bee Hive, between Third and Feerth streets, where the piddle will find,at all thees,the largest and newest styles of pry Gcroati,freati opened. er Pleme lake edict, thee the Store is between Thud and Fourth streets, sips of the BIG BEE HIVE, where Thy Goods of every- description are selling euesrsa than at any other house In the city. apl3.d3ns' L. BU4SEI L . . - - - RYE FLOUR—ILO kids celebrated Eastern brand., lust received, and for sale bY JOHN aIePiDEN fr. CO epl3 Canal Basin. Penn at, Pittsburgh. kLERATUS-2(leaskslast (r sale by la • 1 , 3 J DILAVORtIf kCO TANNMIS* 01L-40 Ms to yaw tor RT We by 1.03 J R DILWOH et. CO r RD-40 kg,. No I Ludinfibre.4 OW see by npia , a 8 DILWORTH &CO 1 . 0 Id eberta Y . H OP Black T e+n tP eaddles ' Co CR dg;' sta r e, nnd UGAII.-731113ds N. O. P.aaar, pprime far sale by S 3 J S v!Lw . Man & co A i r °LASSES—ISO brls toi it by apla • I 8 DILWORTH & CO ClOtrlp-40 &riga y"'" U PS r l:3l4k i* O b iTll &CO C°FFEE—M bag' P PTZ,V,yr.Vilnt ' 47 apl3 t 44 Liberti On,t. TARCII-10 bat' 1. L Wood's Pearl SW< b ns. r OceiTed, and Or sato by A CULEE thON VMS BbARD PRINTS-410 Bird Baud Nona a -; AMUSEMENTS. Breath maaufaetare, frau 25a to It 2 eaeh. Wade - P MARZBABL, - - _ TH EATRE! /Ea , Kum kop Una. and Manager C. S. PORTE ' II fL VITRIOL—SO carboy. on bend and far aale be r(ITRIC ACID-10 lbs just reed and for sale by mess or aorstasto. •p 12 - 'r r KID " C° I gt o ",,gg,4fdtAV:. ' .. .: . I • 0. 11 crY (for colored persons). •• -ZS 44 Deon tv,„ 4 7, c.jula lif• at 71 o'clock. fIYANIDE. POTASSIUM- 8 lbs Co sale by •pitl , I KIDD& CO rIREOSOTE-8 lb. jun reed, (6 , .11e by lJ .pU J KIDD&CO PIRM OF TURPENTiNE-34 brie in prime.° er for sale by A co Pt e ti r ri o ESTOC r : w ag: .. 0 0 . n a Tn y , 71 .3 ...%/i .o ptl i t e l 4 6l l 7ll . Pibrn . the . new era,__ B6/1100$ PAnniA.r., --- AL SODA-13 cuts F,aglisb. for mak by ■• 12 B A PAHNIESTOCIC CO hOAP-73 imore finoTariegamd and Masa, nn Balt On consignment, for We by - ' MA: , II A FAHNESIOCK &CO ' ' m rI ... EPCTRE BRIDEGROOM VI DriCIONG*WDERZMOrpatte.-il cuts , for, T° 9" I ' de w . ith Me sale by - • B A.FAII.NESTOCK kCO I mi,1,,,4, 3 Mr R Johnston 0 ODA ARM—YO auks of • aapMior brand en and, i Dick°P . "--- Mr W P Braila A 7 and tor sale by BROWN & KIRRPa . TRICK 141,101 n ,11) WASHINGTON HILL, PITTSBURGH, hales of W. N. Sark Hops rse'd this day, :132 & 139 wood *trait, Intrave Fifth. al o 4 d for seer Bil9WNic KIRKPATRICK sp'endid ..eilablishineni Is now A'lre fed for D AISINSL7S v . has on h.nd and for ule . YirltimblYJmonseil ,lot' , CO.CON, .ethurest, Exalbsuono, ke, For Um.. apply to- - .. JOAN SHOWN d: KIRKPATRICK JOHN A FITZSIMONS, : =Wool ti. TOBACCO-15 kegs Gedge's No a mist on bond 1! sp tO4ok sad far sale b BROWN dr. KIRXPATNICE_,!: • r Steubenville Water Worka:' , PITTSBU RGH MUSEUM. - DROPOSALS swill be received by the Water Works APOLLO 'II ALL ~,1ir01711.T.1/ Comsat... ol iho T ooo o o reo o e s ooroodl To_ , 00 g._oo• PENC DAlLlfrom 9t012 to the laming; :1 to 3 the alkh day of April, at it o'clock, PAI , for romommoil A_./ us the allernoon; and from to 19 o'cloak in the. east iron pi pe s , as fellows, to Win-15.5 pipe* 5 inches , 7 , . bore,' feet lood.weilth. s s eadtM. br", ct'2. • Err Admittance 513 cents; Children under(! years es for 0 inch pier: 94. 5 * halt price. • • ' • • V rate • weighl.g each fal pounds, Vila to delivered omp of stops, sleeves, ko. Orte half to b before the 10th of July, the b a lance on or before the 10th of September. .Teslhdrrind delivery at Steubenville to' be at the expense ot the contractor; forsehich, security will be required.. • Fayol<in as follow= MO dollars m eult, upon the delivery of the vacant of pipe, and the balance it one year mom the completion of the con tract, with interest. Address Steubenville Water, Works Committee, LOUIS WALSER, Chalets, .pia errr UACOY—i6I p¢ce~ i¢r~ ree'd, ana (or uli tip D .pll _J B CANFI W. TAll.4lirlibrls Tallow last reeld.ind (or sala by apll J 13 CANFIELD ______. yOUNGIIVERiNTIMPERIAL, AND G. P. TEA— en half chests Y. H. Tea; - . . • Da do G. P. Tee; • IS do Imperial diN 20 caddies Extra Ma Y. .Tam au do G. P. and Imp, reels, and for isle br apll C II GRANT BCACK TEAR-70 half cheats d Poncho% Tartan. yftlit• so siylea• , • 19 bt cheats loose black, for gale by son . C H GRANT - APPLE TREES. T AM now prepared to famish Appla Toms, }NM the well known Nurseri of Jacob Dream. The rrees will be delivered at the 'wharf at Pittsburgh for .115 per hundred. Person wishing good thrifty trees Amalfi !mom mole orders coon at the Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sigib apjl _ 8 N WICKERPII4* FLOU—I9O Flan loot rce'd. end for sale by eri Water unreel. ' ii.ARIPIED hUlihit-13 hods Criiihi r dPigar, iaei timer - Fred, and for sale by • , apll fIUItDRIDGE, WILKIN & CO_ S. sustruvux, en.) (L. NVESSSIVILLS, I. A• WESTERVELT & SON. , BOOKS-I.o' doiltlone's No Mon Dioornsj- Wr.1.. ,. 1t r .0 1ilti n g . Sy i r i l? VEISI t i , TIAN BLI N D hitlitlir w; ' , .60 dor common —,. do •do ' lust Den nrtiele in thrir r, n:"., 1ii, 51 .17:4,,1d5, 'A..° l'a 'B4 . "tli.m., , ” dt :g r ! , !..S Py. , ' .. A . CITLY,E,FS6N, Minutest; also;alNo..PG hi km street, second mem . -- • ' " , t , t.unitY . - entrause Lit the Diamond, Ventdan Shutters made to QCOTCII HERRING-42) blur No I. order, and old blinds nuttily repaired.- 6;110 1,,, , ~ 60 boa sealed, just reeilveti, '-- lapin ~.t. CULBItELTSON rIORN COLORED CRAPE SHAWLS—PIais and I t jembroidered, at More of MURPHY & BURCHFIELD. aria N. E. corner of Fourth to Market ma. B.J. of Indigo. ON Thursday, 15 th Instant, at IL oleloet,est the WarehousesO'Donnell' Wharf, Balumare. 11:0 Semen. Carttees'F Indiß Steel impanatlon. Cate. lagers and samples ready day,previette, W G HARRISON npludtd X OTII3M. nonE undersigned having purchased of O. A. Ray, ard, the Sleeve Saw MCI on the Allegheny River, above the Arsenal, ate now prepared to WI all bila of lumber of uty size and length, from GO O. downwards. Boat Siding, Deck Plank, tinnwales,.Toist.t. exultingly Trianers,Deards, &e., on the shortest none.. Laths B. J. W....L. 6 W, ST , P... 1 " constanly au hand. Orden; teemed end any Inform • j of Pit:shovel. *Con given by X Wighttaan, corner of Water and SRIMOSSIA J. INETILKUILI. at.oo. a r . Llbeny meats, or R Denison, No 110 Liberty wee% fIOMMISSION & FORWARDING ItERGHANT4 and at the office of the rain.' • /a No 67 Levee, and No 6 Ninth Commercial 'meet,- spltbdbot WIWITMAN & MORRISON • ' • • ' Rcrusl&N&—Eßa s:s dse ell & ll,Pe Benna day e & Co, St. do. Lonivr; tt, uncs Todd. : • Jame.llLebmar,Clathunti 3 O; •C Et Grant,' littshargh; Pa' Jelin ISt 11.1detturn,PW.hurelphla. Shirting 11US/iik• Sad 1011 h Cuss.. 111rURY/11( fr. BIIIaCtIFIF.LD are prepared to far = oak their elletartieril and batter. generally with the very best make of the above goods, and will do se at the old priers, notwithatseding the advance of cask I , Nome extra nee BOSOM Urea,. vearmsted pore Tax, ' , ~m , lately received; also, a supply of Llama Table Cloths, "•' • ' Darpera' Crash, tae''Baa° received. ' WALCFAPER—TF. P.(Maesnabl, Ls 'eminently as Itordered Towels low no IS dents .per dosen, or . TeCel•III. from .the largest , Maunfeetorirsiln °I arra, a piece, m north en" roarer °f Fount' and ' New York. sea ' Philadelphia, an also from French Market sta. , apt° ' ageneks, the newest and mmt Improved styles of Par. TO Lot, . . per klabglows, together with Borders, Flea 'Board BIG" DWELLINGS ea are of B. TD' ~..,°. .. Prints, aritTester Tope For indent %Wood 0, be. tweets and' Cor streets, AlicKheil, P.'".". ." " Fourth at and Diamond allejr;lmeeeMor to H. . Y C. IIIIL) Mr.. Apply to tkUt.' SCHOYEIt, krlo • ilo Second street 7'i i7ICLAYI CiinnlnfkiKES. in Metal- ETTS, received on consignment, and for sale as Om manufacturer's 'mama., by apto Waaisa 2,000,'000 rrz.VelnK.,°mo R . 27,5 the Potuhut A h ,nd litoEdeek's Field Plan: NOl,ll. Ferraorm IfMing to supply the MOS Can Obtairt 1114 titer information on application to Ethan. Lodutp,, or 10. THOMAS EL HOWE, President -- Pinsbauth, April 9,1850. ' aplo-de t 0 . 15 TX!. AO IP 0 IX II s; VilrOlir3 Al EaCHANPIS MAOAZIOE for April; (Ain dea , Peareeileania Roil Riad. - 185 a. Contento—New York and Erie HaLwaYiIifpROPOSALS' will. bis received et the °Mice otille Comniereial Sketches with. Pert and Pencil; The effeet r Ohio arid,Pertntylvanin Rail Rend Company.M of Commerce in Aboll.hing restrictions open the Trans tae city of Rhin I,vithi,idiy, the 24th day Meer Property; The An roomy and Philosophy of Bank- .of Ap n i. 1•30. f o r , thr, ocading, end At,rotary of inti Tberredoetioo of Hanle New Teri - indbarn. Y.' Dail Read, from - Allekbeny city to , the month of 111# ka I Co_ rteooT7. l twarerl—morta l Fmk • Heaver: a'distathete , of Sweaty feu , Drawings Trade v. Pratt.. Tarioo, or Slnetares upon the ro• • the work be let , 00, seen port of the Seereutry Cl Tomenrrof the United States L., in piush,,,,h,fesena toeca pierfonstotho for IPi9, relating to Commerce,Extension of the Eds.: on-applicaunarte Solomon W. bseberis,: Cider sten Empire In Me East, rre. fe.• 1 , Engineer: and •informanon may be obtained at shy DLACK‘POOD, for Match IS ; 9. timed the dice of Edward 'Werner.'Resident ECLECTIC 'hIAGAZINE,' to. April, at. Holmes. rar er of the Eastern Dietitian, New Brighton, Settees Literary Depot, Third sued OPPoellathe Post Office. topaupe, Pa. The work in worthY Of the alien.., , lion of toed contractors._ • ' , The illeading and Masonry sago listeinoOlamliathe Trn^. .00rrigoOd •be !taro 10 inrOIIZI . flatniCL. eopoly,Ohi"..l.ll be let at Palm, on . WetinealsYs a. that b- bus declined Matinees in favor •f hts Son, Eli dare map,. • . - • • , ,• P. M. Davis, who will conthure the Auction and Con- y o m or o r a n Hoard of rgmelor t.• '• ourOon business It the old stand, corner of Wood and „ .1 4 4 . • , how, frou,NgsA AL L . Firth surds and for whom he !world solicit a cotton MIL.C..TLICKEHAta erflrtileati - eilifor his - bare ornei nfthelibend patrofilp he bestowed pp on the horse. JOHN D. DAVIS, take them away._ ~ UEO. MILTFNLIERUEIti April Mb, lean. ' . • • al Prod street P. Ere DAVIS, •• "TARDY, JONES CO. have motored to tko..-141 (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS) : .1/1 1 L Front Matto of Wood. ap9 Canter zeta Blau b lob ' AUCTIONEER AND CO2IEI3EIOI INEECtIANT, , , Enhh , " Dna, and Erwte, A NOTIII.R large at a mann aer wean sea sons . Bleakets,'wery 'heavy, Jost rend from .rayed. IX - r ILL snake Wee, an ',betel Leann, at rar,eiga nod 'biamstotturiat ComiwaY, Par rale bl - • • • e Y Domestic hlcrebndire, Real state; Stock, - ' ' • • iftwoEY,FLEM CO, •', Er., and hopes, by expe ri ence and close attention to • it 9 Latrine., to Mohr • eantiaseamat the support..d DReiIicSATINETTerTia Iraq patronaire so liberally extended to the forager !teem. 13 the Matinfacuret, and be sale as th 6 Alatitifarnit4 April bib. LAW. ap3 ' ••. HERSEY, FLVIIIIN6Ik IMACKLIETT i WHITE, - - . .IaOALE LEAGOEI — HIR — TINO cirEcus, No. let, WOOD STREET" leff AVE Instate and are reeeteiser 'Clarke Steck of _Lk. at the Alartfacturer's lowest price . . ...,, XL DRY GOODS,selected with groat um far the '.1. 1 ' - - 11 .F.L 9 ,EL F"MING.k C• 4/ western trade, and to which they junta the attentlen . l ....., nimp* d , Bag , . • b of ray and western merchants. Gloat Inducements:Mar 'AYE removed - to Vil'arebonse,Nd.'SfS Water of alleged to Gab buyers. . (snli I - .Uvbetweee Wood and Market, where will be Yep' )AWN— re"aariftrtargredeer.,""jeurree'''gred'pe 1 . 1 " ‘-'d 1:10 o ls. r u 4l i i r he ' d• n-' grti t nEr ' g ;o n d i' ll ' eitX; rl lL: tweeter Hibernia. for sale by . r Nrarranted of the best qualityist Mc lowest rico& , ape JAMES A BuTo IPPON' & CO AD. JOHN RIMY, of the late finned Tassel &Rasa isitiEF.34--t_uy, bas e re . bk.,. j u ,,,, ti e d. .,, 4 t o , _haring parehued •an imasest in the its6,;vtlllays Vrate !!),_ Llf 9 1 ) 0 CANFIELD . urge of the Warchease, and will devote his ensue 11 - Wfrßg=4 iiiii - .11,,i - ii., -- , iiiriiia - .ii - 6,r T iro...the "' l 'd . " . /. end emi l," "l° '" der "4 :: irsato by Npq .1 B CANFIELD '',.. el.w. 1 th1q",.. 6 h , .. 1 .i1l un •iid all 0.41- . .torao may MM . . woo thew patron • .. TOlli r th-16 kepi?. 6 twist, Gedita brad, met ' ' ' DROWN. 'MILLIS'S & ClO., - from steamer Ifamberg, and for &le by ap3 Ini • " en Water at, Pinslisskls so JANES DALZELL s. '-•- RD °I l. L-'s .....- ty A .ILRDDIL—ID brie receiving frem steame r Led) , limn, and l'er sale by • JAMES DALELL'TWIN , ;VAT! theme removed Mar mascot FOR SALD- 7 4eirate .931ALLTRLYCK.haLLEM,! .o .YYtid• td the opposite vide dr LthtnY hL well tomebtdoend good travelers- .lopeire .07-‘l3t ' LUGLYDE, 115 Wood et ' ' • N. Xy 0. SUGAR-rie bride N. O. Sour_ , now laudlng, and ror ..lo by MILLER it.• lUCRETSON O 8 WAYNE IRON IYORESWALIPIGIIST- - :-; ' • DAILEY BROWN & CO. hue raiment to Nulte UGAR MOL ' A I SB ."d oc -" l b i - 71 . :170 - irso " tP ter at, Id, a"- "'CI" ' t',114• •• • n.''4*6.ll"'". 0 Mcdonnell in MOTO and (r .lo by - '• CIO MILLER & RICRETSON. KEG BUTTER-11 kyr Butter au COW inunientoind for rule by [ape] MILLER & RICIEETSON. OIIINOL -b9 M SninaleiTeTrali ape MILLER& IIICKETSON. WE& IC WINE -400, eula B. ICIVIne recd, S for Mk by [rye] MILLER & RICRETSON. 0 A I.T-100 arc. No. I Starer - 70n Si , • MILLER & RICRETBON.II R AC° ' l lyt, ro • Ltee ' llw i lt l e 'l n e tt 4ft rt 0 n 5 SCGAItti htids N. 0. Baur jun lantf — rins rain sdo nikller.Brorru &H. s ,6,itdok oeasner Joferson, and for sale by - do pm. Shoulders, forlit * by - ape Itif °LASSES-00 Eris N n• • • Water ante/ Fenn eta, .11.1. for see Ly lapel &loftiest teed an. 8 & W HAAB/WON /10888 E-10 bap Rio Cone!, rent ute fee sole by -.ape nry Amei _ . • 8L HA RBAU GH SV CU. rPe?a,in= ". e e z n e.nlg; I M=Mt?Mi H . PELTS—IWO Sheep Pe In Com and -r _tale y sM W HARBAIIGEL. IRASII—Common and good qualltieg Jost reeelood, and for solely 811ACKLU1g k WFIITE. OITON DrAPSß=Browiiikd bleiegedlugsiord, C Dotneet, and Mager pgramynorrii FANCY CAIISIMERES--A large enactment dare mon fadionable min, and lively eelere,lertte m_vlng by lIIIACKLETT k. WHITE VLI, T YADDi KGFEy LT. ding. rreviven by SITACKLF,TT LIKENCH clArrrit*-13 cases beef make% block r and Brown French Limb.. WIMIIIIt , d .P9r,edirY 'SHACK - LETT& WHITE COTTON BATTING-38 bales Not: • YO bake F•MiIT Cooing in . ISAIAH 111Citpr a CO Wooer , and Front it. more, fur the trir CA'rA LAJNIAW 1 E-10 popes ILYtatanii Wine on rotnignmcnt, and for sle tor • MILLER & iticirersoN. • BACON-1e emli assort% now landing from stesatee J,3 csn. Or ea . o by ISAIAH DICKEY k CO LARD -39 brt• sod 1 uereo No 1, now badial .ps siesmot Genes We tor e 'by ISAIAH DICiirEY & CO 'DEATH EltsS sae*. now sadtne, and far by r sp9 10.61A1 l DICKEY At CO bt Is itot recd and f r sale bo7 fo fi l i ßl3ll4Fi t ilLi? BUTT..dat,TZAt' 1,--4.11LD CANDLES—iII jut Med. JI2.6.NFIELD. GOLDEN SYRUP-16, bris for sale low, to, cdose' consignment, by XAMVIDALZEII.4 spa LCLWater_st: VlR4 B l3lllClfionstan y n JA SUNDRIES-- - 20 - biritsirunr,• 0 e ems CUtOOl I alrobests eltalla las; 6 half ehests_packeddo; btl'becied Pestles; 3 brit Citiler - Vinegsr, - . 10 bill @alerting ~ 10 bzsVmetegated • • 30 don Patent Etna Wasitboonisi idol assonod Pinkies; dal Psis), Tomato.; • Percale by • 1 11 WILLIAMP, spa Corner Wood and FlO6 sts. BUTTER—II bit Flub 1071t7rt reed .nd fo• sale by Evil J B CANFIELD v EIZPlint night of a new comedy called the Ssa... . . . . .. . Qvle. Tomas Mr Taylor Aminidab (;fe a t W I' Smith hlriTornms '• Ntr. Era!! Mr. Ormsby De teufne .. • .. --•!dr. Nichols a. S. masaa,L . 6z, 7111.11VGIM. , - WHOLESALE DRY: GOODS A.' A. MASON & • literket Streets botgoes. Third h Veurtb PlSpbmrgh Pa 3VOIIIaD respectfully call the en cation deity and' country merchants, to one of the most eXteitiliga oeks in the gantry, compriutho • aver Penmen Hundred Cases and Paekages of Foreign and Domes- Ise Dry Goods, eonsisting, in pats, of sOli cases best style Calleoc 100 -n Bleached Muslin all grades; ' 40 •-n Semmes Sniffs arid Cottonsdes; • , 30 n Mulls de Laths, • ln lawns - and Mulles; " Patinetts and Tweeds: Cann. , Cloths; and bales orTie.ings, anteks, Au: 3UU " Brown Muslin , Together with the man extensive.assortment of Imported Goods in this mute!, possestthg the most - ample facilities for the triarriellon of their business, and one of the paruters'berng constantly in the eau.. .merkets, thus presenting every ldrertege enjoyed by uswers houses. They believe 'that they can offer , greate r inducements to Intro gnu gene rally, in styles, ,ipintlfies, and prices, than any cute., market. Nato -goods constantly arriving: •Merehents intending par. chasing Haw, are pesticidal? solicited togamine their assortment. [spill' A A MASON ADO COFFE43 balm thisdaY reeMo - itid veje by E— told _ • . ARMSTRONG ir CROZEK F LO ap U tR - "! PZEVilii . g 1 — ICI' 600 v ., usamminc-T;trie_ t:=TLI TAR -40 bile ea 4antl, d tor se by spit CULBERTSON O, MOLASSES-40 bry in stem and for .aln by a•l9 ' • A CULBEIMMiN IJOAS--.41. Wad. prlaustl Uirgar Is store, end for sale by ' CULPEILTSON! SHOZ—igkgs asserted Shoi,en tonidigud far - salver spl2 i • 7 , A CCLERRTSON EVAN J. HEURV, (formerly - of Beaver county. PA) 'Attorney and Columnar at Law: °Mee, lag Main strap, Cnseinnati, 0.. Collestians and all other pro (saunas) business, growl)) , .1M carefully attend: - . . Bo~nota s Bats, B. PALNIEB,'No 103 Mashei streel,4e,prepan. R ed to aces very great 'edemas= to boyars of straw & Millinery Goods, orevery-desertptians Bit *took consist. or every &drably style of Plain and - Fancy Straw. Braid,..Gitop. French Lace' and other Boum: ...fenny Lind; California, Round and Top flats; &rElisses.nad Wants.. • - Boys , May In great Variety. Men's - Leghorn, Straw, Braid, China Pearls. and Sultan tile: R ib bons, flowers, . Bonnetai...BiltarandOther AA LARGE and comfortable' OFFICE, r and' it. ai- Quirts; soma Rooms In Wareham= No Oa Soneaj E; • donitable location tor bnatness. Enqalzo at the D•CUN-30,0111 lb. If. wxxl Shoulders, direct Al from Smote House for We by . np3 JOHN WATT et CD, Liberm au- I Alitiif L• md kw do - do; ' fdr jabs by L WATERMAN alr. EONS Fl-.,EATHERS—IS al prime, in nem and tor We by 4 , 5 _LB WATERMAN & BONS', / UNTO/ FOR.BALIS-1.0 few long, w top, handwimely, mode new ly and sow. ' ‘,/ J•SCHOONIA ' 41 Wood co .ei plagMa7 l ; TIITCII-31) eels for sale by . • • r apS I BCIIOONDIASE.I CO InTOSE PlNlC=Fire!lsitals jait — ree , e'sThlri .ps • SCHOONNIA KER't. T AHD OIL- T IR tr . qullty kr sale I s ova . SCIIIIONITAYM &CO Ykalibl, r.ll Vlll-1.-1 Ms for saW by u - r r•ta c CIitUDS; SALT IVIIIIF3I sias arrire:!ial fm . rale 1.1 • ISAIAH DICENT kAXV , Water soni From en 11 ACON-..-Fs 4 casks Alden 4 do 4 do Ilalos and Alasldert. • . . 3 do UV • 10 anti* on mower 4, ao . - ota, tor Webb . 4 1SAIAll DICKEY t' CO, e, 'Water and Front IE4 trimll 2 / :"3 " ' 3bf Dia dui to arrive and feria). bY ap3 . ~. t 9ttAll JHCYES ft CO. lUMM bbls ui anklA., NDICRS4,;); VFATHERS-41 alto to arrive oo tionova. So! all ,. .1: UT toPSI ' • ISAIAH JIMMY a cot D FISR-12 tea on band and for sale by C - ISAIAH memn.e. C 0,. .: Wit.. and Front mt. 1 M; 1 ? 13 ;4 FEVIHERS.--13 inck• live pose, prtmeq H., He'd on csasignment. tor •ale by. • • GEO COCH RAN. la W.H4 norrori YARN—Dospt _Yarn. Minaltettite3o Etocomy; 1066. llama& Candlewick . altebibis, fox sat. to • • , .01 • 1711000C11111,14:' A RE FORKS—Ssirelerrn Y mato by 'NA SL upe FA rior i CUCORA DI. rill: . ( WIGAN Obt-1.13 lb. inn lb. Teed and (creels fil 1..), I KIDD & It o a tix; r ecti.kiba refiaerl, tar :11:11usk: PLOW. ..1.00 MO for JAI* V im k, 03 I=llO3T co.. to onrra:on Wnn•. Wel fie ISATALI DICNRY & CO M2;M "3 'riot, k CO
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