~.. j=:' ... r. .. , -' ' --..:-.2L=,--•::,v,-4.-.:141t: ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PUBLISHED BY WHJTE:ir. CO. n N. • hall (. IWO.. 000 • ' tut Atno3, TR= irraza - r, ntrr rood TO PONTTUX 017107. it2,lST • 7 1U:, perantim MI; ekly, in advance)--- -•• • CAo o•. o Clabs, at a maimed rate.; • Cff OF ADI7ICATIIIBOI AGREED UPON B TI c pyrresyszn PBXS& On Soar , e,HOLiturs of Nonpareil or lets) one -- on ••• On • Plito re, each ailditkinai Memnon. •- 0,10 De one week....--- Do. two weeks.— —• --•-• 3 4 ,0 De. three weeks.__ LCO DO. one month.__...... kr.* Do tear 7,00 W. three sitentha••• • 9JOO llio. , goer months •. ...... --• 10,10 De.aiz monthA• • • 10 • 00 Stant;• twelve months-- •—• • • 10, 00 011.11 (6 lines or lees,) per anninn• 10,00 , One Square, changeable atpleanare (per an num) exclusive of the paper.•-- ...... 22.00 Por each additional square, In pened over one month, ; atme ly eate r eac halfh add ce. tional enure Imeruld =der the Year , AdvertNements exceeding a icuare, and not over : fifteen lines, to be charged as :square and Shalt Pablithers nos accountable Mr regal advertisements beyond the amount charged Inc theltpablication. AMmatelng candidates for efßee, to be charged the seine as other advcrusernente. Advertisements SIM marked on the cog' for a epee. led munber of iniertionr, will be cootinned till forbid, and payrnentexacieJ accord: • The pnvileges of yearlyedvertisen will be confined rigidly to their rgralsr Mathes!, and all other adver. neements not penalising to their regular barium., as agreed kr, to be paid extra. Ali advertisements (or charitable msUtatione, fire ~appaalea ward. townaldp and other nubile mesdnge, and each like, to be charged halfprice, payable etrictly In advent.. sleniage imam , to be charged A/ cents. Death nodeea inserted without charge, =less aoeom. panic,/ by funeral invitations or oblroary notices, and when en accompanied to be paid for. Render advertisers, and all others sending totem u. k.tloos t or reqpiting notices designed to call an el, 1103 to Furs, Soirees, Concerts, or any nubile . enter rukwts, where charges aae made for admittance— all Apace. of private amociatione—every notice de. signed to mill attention to private anterpnses cal o alt led or intended to promote individual Interest, ean on ly be Inserted with the undentandlog that the} amen 1. to be paid for. If Intended - So he inserted in the 10. cal column, the same will be charged at the rate of not less than 10 cents per Bishop 4r Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Talent License Petitions, l 9 seen. Legal and Medical advertisements to he ehergid at fall poets. Real Estate Agents' and "Aactioneen , advertise ments OM to be cleared under yearly rater, but to be allowed diecount'of thirty three and one third per cent from the amourt of Mlle .33ILY en 2 IN DAILY P 1.13111 One Square, three hasertions• •‘•••--,-• • • 41 SO D. each additional interuon••• 37 •01113315111/11313 13 111113320 rain. One &PM., (10 lines.) one , nacrtion-----50 eta. Ds. cub additional thsertion••-23 All transient advertisements le tie paid in ad ranci WHITE lE.CO, Gazette. L HARPER Post ROIPPM. BIDDLE, Journal. JAMES - P. DARR dr. CO, Chronic], FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWD EN, flattery. JAMES W , ' BIDDLIs Am erican. 1111hfil RAIN.% Evening Tribune: Prrenteaku, Dee. 1,1310. CARDS. ILSOLDM., ENGLISH Ir. J3M , ,TETT, ntree. EN} GLIB!{ Wholesale Groe re Co -' Ve r liierchente end deal ~ "d ore to Produce and Pitt. ::itt . g u n u nt t.. No. n Wood et, between eland • .1. HENRY, Ulnorney . and Comma"tor at Lam s Cincinnati, Ohio. Caliendo. in Southern Ohio: E and Indiema, and in Bentnelry, promptly and ear. tally attended to. Commissioner Mr me Btato of Penn syl . &e. van's., for taking Depositions., acknowledgmarda, lien ro—Hon. Wm. Doll & Son Cards, Chant, & Carothers, Wen. liars, Esei., Willock . & Dash. airS G E L E rc e Lt, No. Zt liood street iittsbn F re * h. myl 1110111 M PACTOILY tEATULTONSTEWASIT.mmuIietarer o r Heavy hirtings, Checks, dr.,.Rebocca otroot, city o ghenT. novls-ollro ' (successor to «rphy Loss,) Wool Eteal • or and Commissios Merchant, for the ule American Woolens, Liberty, opposite sad at. febl7 wit. Exam, Balumore. L. Z. BLCIILYL, LOWLID trzuz, phil,d, 0. c. recerrxon. roes JPIELIZO BUCKNOR, Tobacco ' Coamanica Mao. ..chants,4l North Water se, & 10 North Vilareca, n0v.30.0f ~a. I.OT. WY. I,IIMII. HARDY, JONES do Of, (successors to lawns& Jones & Co.) Ckrmauscon.and Forowardir. Plnun. dollar. Plitaborgh nfinantionsied Ooodti iTnantrorth P. - • Wa- 11.11olity. arrc - ii. WILLIAMS 6 CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Etat tomer or Wood tud Third meats, htal Prrrstuts • Pt. • W. P. JQ4R MILL, grcesool so ulna= e. ; TIitPORTEIt & Dealer in French and American Pa- Der Ificogingaand Borders, Window Shades. Fire loud Prints, kn. Also—lVriting, Printing and Wrap ping Paper, No. PI Wood street, between Fourth s rva and Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa. ” — febl3 1114.11„8 IlikTifiliCkzy a Co., wboirgronsc m "gl' - mission Merchants, and &Wen In Frodues,Plos.o6 Water, and 107. Front areas. fittobaratt: nova ' •A. CABO : • „agent far tbe lake Erie and of Idlakigan Line to Beaver and the Laket—Olde • on the corner of 'Water and Smithfield it.. in.' Tam S. Dilworth-- ---.• —Joseph Dilworth. T B. DILWORTH & CO., Wholoesla Grocers, and Agents for Hazard Powder Co., No. 27 Wood at., Pittsburgh. de&y IOED 4 DILWORTH. 1 S. DILWORTH Co, Wholesale 0 24.. rs, P lim du i r i = p Co owtr aLm Merchants, end d ents for Pittsbauxh. Co . of N . No. 27 W*ll .; TO/IN TOWNSEND , Douggin atm Apoutwary n, ag No. 45 Market at, three doors above Third at. Pap: burgh, will have constantl f y on band seleeted as; w .. ont eta. beamed resheat ldethelnesOvhich he .11 eel ea the won 'amenable tame Physicians unding eiders, will be promptly attended to, and sap. plied with uncles they may rely open as genuine. ...%Physlelans Prescriptions wiU be accurately and piwared from the beat materials, at any how of as or nicht Also for wile, a large ateek of Mash and good Petit; pOn'lull JMIN WATT, (successor to Ewalt & Gabba rd Molest!. Grocer nod C0M191440111 blaresou dealer la Pridnee cad Piusbargh hlsoofsatares, cor ner of Lib's% and Rand arse Pittsbn . b Ps_ f. TAXES A. HUTCHISON, Ir. , Co.—Sneeessers to I Di LOWiJI Of ,Untadson Co&Commission Merchants, - sod slums of-the St. Louis Swims Sugar Refinery. 0..0 must and 93 . frbut greats, Pittsburgh. JOIN H. MELLOR; Wholush, and Rota &War in Music and Musical Instruments, &book Pools, Paper, Slates, Steel PUN Qaills, hinters' Cud; and etasionery generallyifia 81 Wood stelttsborirh. Mr• lino busk or taken in trod : . ser.ls Inc TO= 1 Co.—Dealars 1 46' eashe a i hide• t i""L k.r. 767 Liberal at Nt4.l . . -.. Ixr At IL II'CUTCIIEON, IVloalestale Grocers t!ea-. IV len in Prodnie, Iron, NailkOlone, and bonylikartafneinres tenerally, MA Liberty et Pitt. borirk. • d“. 2 • ATTOR YAT LAW, Bstiler, Pa WILL also attend to collections and all other bul gy noes entrusted to hi= ,o Butler and Armstrong attantle4Fa. Refer so • - 'I. &R. Floyd, Libeny aL W. W. Wallace, do Juries -do / Pittsburgh. U7Bay deo., Wood et. j jan7 I . PETTIGREW tCo" STEAM , BOAT AGENTS Orrsciisorsa AurskCo, oeCE 'r 49 Water street. & 11. MITCH/IL TWICE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, RECIIFYING TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. , Also—fesporters of Sods Ash and Moulin Powder, No.loo Liberty st., (opposite Sall NW Plus burgh. oertrt 1011111 D.•WTr2 • • VaVID lireLltbia33 • 'Wick t EIVANDL=S, (summary to¢ d J. D. y .•1071ak,) Wholesale grown, pomading and Conun(aaLon 21nrehaata dealers )n Iron, Nail., G 144 43 i.."" .414 Pittabaret ltraoraatarts generan Ton... or Wood and Wafer mreons. Pittsbmin. W -10 : 3 4 • ALLAtEl, stone and - Id • $ l, - • tag endAtansnent, No. 244 Liberty.st., nonz the mar 22 t t r w. wid.BON, Watelles,JowofmliajUVT6 . l - ‘, •and Mdil.M.Gooda cornet of Marketond =l. 6 . 6 britb, r.. N. 11..—Watehen nad Clock. I' noniron. deal DOWPA—Commoisaoa and For•rardinli Atelehant, Na. On Front et tame,' Wow .0 WM Meat- fob% axanrof 2,lailiet adForth sta. angn MIZAII2IIII. NICHOI/ 7 MAITLAND. SELLEIIB & NICOLB, Produce and Generel Com minion Merchants, No. 17 Liberty at., Pittsburgh. Linseed and Lard Oilh . VON / 3 ONNGORST, & Co., Wholesale cop. ten, Forwarding . and Commisslon Merchants, in Plttibergb Manufactures and Western Pro dace, haverentersed to their new warehouseAold stand) No. if, center of Prom st. and Chancery Lana. A. H. MAIGLIIIII rLOGICAIa. Classiest, scut Bandsy &Soot lekoellers,and dealers In al/ kind s of Writing, ." . . 04 Wai , Pine Pyles, N 0.79 WeOd street, be. I mess Founk and Diamond alley, Pritsbargh, Pa. febl.l r ru dsEY &MM . , Wholesale Gwen and Co Bulb n Merchants, sad dealers In Produce. No. 3 es= A. Lux, WOOLDEALER C 0611111241113 tderobara for .1. of Adscrlean Woolen Good., Lamm street, ~,). wit ,31.41• t IT MEM S. =Met. W. /I WWW)WAILD LITZ SLOLLIET. "iIT.K. 11.10ALEY & CO, WkoMugs Grocers, II TT nod 20 Wood street Pittsburgh. covt7 HARRISON SEWF.LL, Coma senor at Lam.—Of. above Smithfield. 1300.17 T B. CANFIELD, (taro of Warren, Ottityl Commis.. raalutrw ' t. P .T " Afttrilg a irl= Pearl Ash, and Western Produce 'irerocraliy, Wata Ma, batman azdthleld sad Wood, PLWbar66. op Ir.[ E PITTSBFR BUSINESS CARDS. W11...1-117. ••• • • • • ...... ZOB2l B. COSGLV. W. 11. IVOODWAID. --SLUM 11••• LIT. DAGAIXY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Gr /OP. eors, Vi Marker at, Philodelphis. ary Pittsburgh Alkali Workio BENNE7T, BERRI & CO, Alanatantarert of Sui• A,,a, Bleaching Powders, Nutiatie anc Salphinic Acids Warehouse No —, Was, sine, below Ferry. nor:91) Frederick Brunt. Georro Reiter. BRAUN k REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug b. Aisitoorocir of Liberty and Pt. Clair meets, Pitt. • • John A. train. N. S. Skinner. nBRIG SKINNER, Forwarding and Own , Merchant., No 2 !dulcet s4Pittebaryth. .94 A. MeANULTY & CO , Forwarding and Com Pa.. mission Mamba:lts, Canal Limn, Pittsburgh unr2. . P'=lZ - 4`2,°,'7, - .'Z buift4 - _ B CIIO6NAIKER & CD, Wholesale Druggist., . No di Wood meet, Pittsburgh. uP4 TWIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Droggiah and deal aIPjW oo in d Dy . re Stara, Paints, Olls, Varnishes, de, No treet, one door South-of Diamond Alley 4.4 • UN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer dN and Wood otmete, Samba,. h. TOUNSTON & STOCKTON, Dookvenom Eliot •nd Sayer Manufnctorera, No. 44 Market 4tr Sinaborgh. -- John Floyd. Richard Floyd. Jin R. FLOYD, Wboleash Grocers, Commission . Merchants, and Dealers to Produee, Ro od Church Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and Birth street., riusbargh Ps. nor TAMESDALZELL, Wholeaale Grocer, Commjasion Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No 21 Water at, Pittsburgh. 194 KIE& & Forwarding and Coratanston Fier. chatts, Dealer. in Produce and Pittsburgh mans, utnetared articles, Ga.nal Stain, near 7.1 t at. apt L"v WATERMAN, Whole. e Grocer, Forward 1,,,, an u d .,. C0m , mission Merchant, Deer Its rim and et l',oot n. ures and Produne„Neo 3 Water st. sto4 Wm. Miller, Philad. C. W. IFtieketson. Pluaburgh. ILLER ft RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and Importers of Brandin. Wines and Behars, Nos. WU and 1711, corner of Liberty and Irwin 'MGM, Pitts bargh, Pa. boo, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ike. , con stantly on hand. apt John APCIPL James D. APGIII. ' Walter C. Roe. It A cGILLS ROE, Wholes.. Graters.d Commis /Y.l sion Merchants, No 104 Liberty' St, Pittsburgh .4 4 AT HOLMES tr. SON, No filarkst. seernidoor from corner of Foarth, deafen Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Note. and Specie. [ErColeletions made an all, th e principal nun thine : hoot the United States. • • II DUCKMASTER, Aceratual-016ee. Fourth at-, . laird door above Smordlold, south side. Conveys:rid/4 of RH kiado done with the secatest cere and legal aeouney. 'Mee to Real Estate ermined, &e. IPLIZZ DILL, PITTSBIIGEL, PA. VESNEEDY, CHILDS Is CO, Idartaraetsrers of CIL very supertor 44 tinseling, Dupe: Chain, Cot= Twine and Datuna.H. 3 D '1 Vesnvias Iron Works. EWis DALZELL A CO. Mannfacurren of at nixes Hoz, Wirer, Boiler Iron ens Nails or the lies crudity. Warehonao,l4 Water sad IC3 Front meet. Ann - • Lithographic Establishment S WAL SCHILTGILMANN, Third .t, opposite the O Post-Odiee s Pinabargia—,ll.p., Landscapes, liill ben4 Showbilis, Labels, Arehimetural and Machine DraMugs, Emmen and Uniting Cards., he., tog - raved or draw non atone, and printiod is colors, Gold, Bronze or Black, in the most approved style, and at We most reasouable purees. oattaty JHARRISON SEW ELL, Counsellor at Low.—(S. .• Sea on Fourth st 100. Smi!blehL uovi-ty WhTateul• - I:frtmgnas, n h. 1 CHIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist. and deal t/ ar fa Dye Stnifs,Palati, O Vamish - fcs,k.e., Nn.o3 Wood area, one door Broth of Diamond Alley s Pius burgh. puff TODN D. DAVIS, Aucthoneer, comer nth and Nal I . streets, Pittsburgh. JtiIINST I N ar FroCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Manufacturers, N 0.44 Market st., Pitts burgh. fed JOU, Flom Rzeltaan norn. T & FL FLOYD, Wholesale Ginter..., Commission blerebants, and Deale, or Produce liowiti Church Buildings, fronting 0,, Liberty, Woo d mod fhb meets, Pinaburgb, Pa- oirri TAMES DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, commismon Aletchant, and dealer in Produce road Pasbugh bruutecturea .N 0.24 Weser sr, Pittsburgh. Janie T SWEITZER, Attorney at linw office' U s opposite St. Charles Hotel, Plusbidh, will also anew' prourptly to Collections, to Waskteree, Fayette and Green comics, Fa Elsetowel, Bell & Co., REFER TO ' Church & Carothers, Prusbanth. 11l T. Blonut, 0 k W. lIALLBAUGII, Wool Merchants, Deater in Flora and Prodate generally, and Forwarding nd Commission Merchants, N. 53 Water at, P,u4 birgh. AVEZAJIDgeII A ITORNEY AT LAW—OZee, on Fourth =reel above Wood. - mill/ DAVID C. TUTTLE, AITORNEY AT LAW, and Commlasioner for Pennsylvania, Pt. Lords, M. All oomanatecatipas promptly anawervd. oelta.l7 Li S. Wan nun • • R.N. Wan rm. • . W. B. Waterman. L. 8. WATEII.IIIAN & SONS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commleslon.and For. warding Merchants; dealer* In all tunnel P&P. G & Etienne, Mannfaciared anion', and Agent. for nle of Richmond and Lplehbarg kannfaciared Tobacco. mrl O 11A0.8LitITT s WHITE, DRY GOODS JOHBERS, NO.IOI WOOD STREET, 1101 - SVE In mare, and will be eortruntly recetving Ja. daring the semen, a large and well selected as ortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which they nil sell for each or approved credit Western Merchants are maned to examine our Lock. met .01431LVAIN b WILLLIOIO, NO: 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS for the sale of RODA ASH tr. BLEACH. ji INO POWDERS, have now to store, and wJI continue to receive, tuft supplier of the following well known brands. velmprans,^ "Titnants,u and "Jar row,. which they odes for sale at market rates. traßttner, JOHN H. HANHIN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Low, and Commit- Manor far the State of Pennsylvania, St. Lonis) ?do, (late of Pittsburgh.) Rafereneca—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton t Miller, M'Candleas & McClure, John E. Parke, !Rosana & Semple, hicCard & King. augl4.ly S. B. Bashliald.•—••--••••••Georgo Richard. • • BIIIEIPIELD & CO., 117110LESALY. and Retail Dealers in Grocene• Ye' and Dry Goods, and Commission Idereh.ts, No. 220 Liberty o, Pitubargh. nide T. ft Baird J. P. Sterrett. • BAIRD & ITERRETT, •,9 TTORNEYS and boons ellen at Dave—Foorth et, 4.1. between Smithfield and Grant, Pittsburgh, Pa. jell • Jolus B Largo. LARGE & FRIEND, DAA T #l ilt/an:VS AT LAW, FO6llll ttrect, near Gram. 64 JAMES V. swan, ATTORNEY AT LAW-01Leo on Fourth street, between Southfield and °mot, Ptusburgh. - A.LEXANDEtt. PIIANK.I.III, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office an FO,Unt etteet 11. Pittsburgh. inshl JOHN oliPA0141! dlo FORWARDING k CONMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Ban Peon strut, Pittsburgh. tarn_ .1111/L8 DAVIS dIV. CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. n 7 Market, and 64 Commerce et, Philadelphia Advances made, by either of the above, ott consi4.o- menm of Prodnee to either Mime. 7 - tinervtAx.roarim s ion ,, FORASEAUPING COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 1 .11211613101 r, WOULD reapeettnllY aolien the • consignment or gy flarrishurgh freight, from Westent Merchant., they are prepared to receive any amount. LlPP ell Section Boats running night and day, the freight ill not he detainedi aa they will unload noel, boars at feb26-din flarrisburgb, Peb.2o, Ira Ilirsey—•Androw Fleming H. IL latoring.. HERSEY, FLEMING M. CO., all kinds o T.U.rs , Trusonlogs, No la Wood st, door from Fifth, Yateburga. Reference—:dean. Wm. A. Hill & Co, Butters. JR.= • Smith me, GROB.OZ W. 6141TE1 £ CO" BIt.EWERS,IDALTSTERS AND HOP DEALERS,. Pat OM; Pitta.gh. • spri. Benjamin Pantxt.-- Bakeorell. PATTON & DAKNAVELL, TTOHNETS AT LAW—OEfice to TtlehmAirall, Grant It , near the Court Hoare. teb2 , J. D. Willis.. —John Nutt, J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., W H A LY'- nra ' rtL E ll l7l • A cu l ut t ie r tor M n I li Y ergi ß tmT, l T S tr alum in Contar g r P r indnee and rmtburch atanm ° t a' areo, corner of Wood and Filth anent, Pittsburgh. ntrA, titrayfogle•— —A. . Con e. DRZYPOCILIC & CLARICE, EaOAWARDING AND CONDIIISBION MERCH ANTS, and Doges, in ‘Vandow than, Waite d, to. No Ind tlanond at sort/ W2ll. He JOHNSTON, OR WARDING tr. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 112 Second nu railcard!. rar2l AZIRISTRONO & OROZ Pas COballtsl3loti MERCHANTS, and Detuers to Pro dace, No le Menet street, Pittsburgh. terra PrfratiVlCali — trfErC — Cv — OWlllNG AND AXLE FACTORY. teal., SOUR, 3011:11' ZONIZEI & QAIIIIO, *MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister stied, plentgh steel, steel planet amp, ermen„ond eliti In synods, hammered Iron axles, sod doalelLf 2004 I table &sung% ire engine lamps, and comb trts attune ;rally, comer °Moss and Front MI .r.brtr, J. D. WILLIAM 3 & CO., INTHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. Fge t' If warding and Commission Merchants, Dealer.. Country Produce and Pittebutgh Manufacturea, ner of Wcrod and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Marsh 12, /Ain SPring• 11:14, Sts•l, and 1 Works. nOLEISIAN, HAILDIAId h CO, hlannOnturer• %._Coach uldOne Stolen., Hammered Axle Snelnc and Plough &eel Iron, gur. Warehouse . Water and Front &nem.. Pntstmo.lt. Alm, dealer. in Coach Trim...no and hlalleato Cuttings. TCANFIF-LD, nto of Warren, Ohio,) Com !. ...don and Forwarding Merehmit, and wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Bolter, Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally. Waterstreet, street, between Smithfield and WoOd, Pittsburgh. sp4 NELLUZII & ANTELO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Irflaeral advance, made on ennugnments. itnl4-602 NKA_TIaiEW_ . WILSON, Pont - wit .//t1 Miniatt LI mi cornv . oryost °Mee kl,ey J. &J. Tarnow, Commission disiohants. No. 31 Old Levee st, N Orleans, keep constantly on baud a largo assortment of Brandies of th e follow ing brands, which they offer for salearson. for J. J Durand & Co. Bordeaux, Yu: blaclorY, 'Cron& J Du rand k Co,Lahelts J Durasa CSoonAl.Jean Louis, tra, Au; also. Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines to euks and eases, selected with care by John DA rand Er.:Cot besides Champagne Wioe and Sweet Burgundy Port. fetti-Iy• NOTICE. THE partnership heretetbre existing ander the fine of A & C BRADLEY, is di b the decease of Mr. C Bradley. The business willssolved y be earned an by A Bnulley, who will settle the business ofithe late firm. RFALOVAL—A BIWA. hos removed km Foundry Warehouse from Noll 2 Second street, to No In Vood Street, between First and Second outer , ,to the ware house lately occupied by 0 A Berry, where he will keep eobatantly on hand a general assortment of Cast ings, Orates, Stover, Conking drones, a, iii 3 • lavotratlon. TkIE heretofore eniztlog between the subscribers, in the ohm* of Cowbible, Burke & CO, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Alta.,. Burke & Barn. will wale the bownew of the concern, for which purpose they are anthon zed IC we me newt of the coricem NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, Tilt NIAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated the mrelve In the nu ne of BURKE k. BA REFS.. for the onions of manufacturing Pare Proof Safer. Vault Doors, de. to., at the stand of .he lam firm of Constable, Burke deo, where they will be pleased to receive the psi• age of the C101111[12.11 of that house and their frien d.. EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. In reonna from the firm of CAnstabla, fluke A Co , I with smeary pleasure recommend Al . Burke Dames to the eonfulettee of my filer...ls and the public. Feb I, IMP. NATHANIEL CONSTAIILE The Milt/ due Fee /woe.a co. of Philadelphia. DIRECTORS.--Clarles N. B.cker Dart, Tobias Wagner, Damsel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, titta W Itschals, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° E. Done, D”td'D. Drown, Morris Patterson. Cusaksv N. Basics., I' resident. Castles G. 11.ctey, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetoal or Hunted, on every descr.non At property in town or solitary, at rates on low as are consistent an. security. To Company have referred a large contingent Fund, whlCh with their Capital and Prenuums, safely Invest ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The use. of the company, on January 15t,1849, as publisktd -agreeably to an art of Assembly, more as fellows Alartgotes 41 [Leal Estate 81,047,4X4 04,734 iii Temporary Leans 96,001 in r4tocks . • 51,30 38,6411 37 • T 71 Attlee their incorponsuon, • penod of , IP Team, they have paidaperards Mane million four hundred thous• and dollars, basses by Gre, thereby lifferillirg evldence of the advantages of insurance, as Well as tae ebliitl and dirposition to meet with promptness CI liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marl-illy °Ace N E corner Wood and - Aists Life and Health Isauswace. Trl/R Mutual Life and tleatth Inshraneis Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the lotion of Pennsylvania, March, It4B. COnic: perpensw. Capital, 5100,000. Rana town Titan .12 toucan.. yaws. Conan, and full 5.13 per cent lower than the usual rates of Life Inauranee, as the following cont. pun. will show. Thus, a pence of th e age of .711 In suring for 5141/ for Itfe. mast pay In the Girard 51.36 Pentsylynta,E2A, Penn bleat:tat, 82,35; Equatable, EY,O4; New Er4lnd, et,as ; Now York Slit. Al bion, 62,itt; Luc aml Health, Philadelphia, Dtancrota—Samvel D. °meth, Cuarles D. Hall, WI P. Boone, Robert P. Klng, Chula P. Hayes, XL W. Ltaldann, di. M. Reeve, 01. D. Chas. 0. U Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Darker, E. It Butler, Edwinß. Cope. President—Patent D. Orrick, {flee Pre.. dent—Beet P. If.tr4; Sceretary—Erncts lilackburnr. application will ba received, and every informattoo given by SAML. FAH:sib:STOCK, Aga Othen, itommercial Rooms, [Mt., of ocMdly Wood and Third ass, Pituttturgh FIRE AND MARINE INIS [MANCE. frIlE INSURANCE CO. Ot North America smll 2. make permanent wad Insurance on pro. perry In Du cUp nod meinity, and rn shipmeas by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sera Toe properties tit this Companyare well inverted, and fannsh wvo il. able land for the ample indemmtr or all Persons Rho desire to be proceed by in.ramee. so ii Wsl. P. /ONES, Agent, 44 W.., st. lIICALLTII INSURANCE, at Pittabsurgh. The Spriag Garden. Health Insurance CO., OF PLILLADELPIIIA—CAPiTaL sloOcak, NSU RES Male. ead Fenori.• th.. I. and Lou, aren•mned teiekner Aceidont, by an immediate Clearance of from El to !LI per week, for one, tare,three. or four years. The method of effecting WI lecurence, nod the manner of awarding tric sick Clocrence, m ill be full; ciplained by the Agent. A person ran mama again. Siekithse or Accident which mil detain him from Ms ordinary barge,., . follows, eon • Far .ne year, by paying 4.411, and ruder ti3llPeereek. ,e'or two " - 4 " rm . area " " 6 F. ix roar " " " " 6 Or , fora period of Poor years, the mom of 614,40 paid risi molly, will secant SO per meek while wet. L'sety . .pecessary information will be afforded on the .abj eel of Insurance generally, by LecklES DURNO fr. CO, Agenk, elel7slBm Odeon !holdings Tri• Pennsylvania Company Fes. beizaescs oil Una ASO Cia,rtme Anemias. TIL 3 Rest Life Insurance Company is the U. Mates. I neorporated March IR, 1612—chai ter perpetual. Cop: sal 3500,040-11.11pnid too slant unthort.d the undersigned to receive appli cations for ineruarme, on which pOliCiel will be according to their proposals and rolls, which will be made known to appliel.ts at ins office, No. uni Wood street. sell li RO. COCH It AN. VIRC B OA RD PRITif al/ hinds, find and r Les, - lop., both of French importation, at IV P frIARSHALL'S Paper Store, miir, Wood rt. bccn Ith and Diamond elle p T . HE mbs oilier refers for lune a lon. and splendid Raton. rot of resewood and mahogany gr ce and Ac tion Pion., with and without Coleman'. lebrated Bohan Aaaahment. The above Instruments Ore war routed to he et, all to any manufactured in this noun try, and will he , sold lover that any brnegla Oen, the East. F. BLUSIF., No 112 wood st, 2d door aboac Sth N. 11:—City Bane will be taken at par for a few of he above aseerune. a t my 2 r 11 — TM ilds iiir — ilifilGiiiiiirViraiai. THIS Is to certify that I have Cpl tle%c L ri l ts " lar the ' sa l t r irlentin C g?i: Pamut Diaprabgro Filter, for am els ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, N. Walter SI Gibson, 342 Broad vray, N. VI Oct. 10,1849. We have N ovels luting-one of the above articles at the tame of the y Works for three months, on tnia, and feel perfectly sue in that it is a useful invention, and we take pleasure in reeommending them an n a. fat aniele to all who love pure water. Orders will Ls thankfully received and promptly executed. m , tl2 LIVINGSTON. ROGGF.N A en ---- TV. - .llS.l7iii:,.k.ii :3 - FT 11007 nti. a. .. - Igurs are still engaged in the ,bane business, client TV of Wood engaged hied streets, humors!, ahem we are prepared to do any work to our line with don patch. IVe our work personally, and satis faction will bgiven in regard to as Otill/ICIIS and din totality. 111.1 k Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub nontial!y. Books in numbers orold Looks bound care fully or repaired. Name. put on book, in gilt lectern. Those that have work in our line are Molted to coll. Prises lots. mr.lo.tf O AO — EIX.S MANUFACTURED TOBACCO/ I_7'R John Rucker fin 1 . L Dudley preaduni ibe P L. Dudley Vs; Sne Ihre-lbs; A Thom. Ps: J o hn A Lewis It, MIMES , llama & &teller b'h; Robert Mord+ lb.; The. Metcalf L`s; 011 Car Ruth WI; Danielhi unrivalled S's; R King lb.; rtekwlek a's: hamatilnelho; Wm SIMMS.; Diehard Hahrev G NV glop{ sbl A D Tyree iteti A /stereo Cm Wm Miner lb!; Ilan m x C0.;6 NVm Spottswood lb. The above, includingma of .be moat pooulm Lynchburg and Richmond Tobacco, on em, Moment hem numuketurers ' end for -tale by 1., 3 WATERMAN, rebNbif di Water and de Front pt. g==lMl . . TUST received and for sale, at No HO Pe ,. .ond creel, 1,1 • larao and splendid assortment of DMA Lard aa Camphoric Lamps, wluell wilt he sold at tho km. of mutant prawn for cosh. The attenttoo of dealers Is mxpectrully solielfed. mr2s 901,0H0N SCIInVF N RAW AiiieWrioinfei W. R. MURPHY J. 31. BURCHFIELD. THR Retail Dry Goode butinette heretrtnre conduct. ed by W. IL Murphy, at North Ea ,t corner Fourth and !attract us, Mut:wish, art!l hereafter be corned on by the new Gnu n( . MURPHY et BURCHFIELD, tvtle respecifally solicit a continuance o( the calls of the old customers of the establishment, and the public In general. A large and carefully refueled sto-k of Genoa will &twit), be kept on band, and every in ducement aliened in the way of low poems. N. 1.1.—W. R. MURPHY will canon. the Wimle• sale business, as heretofore, in the rooms Up kit sirs, mutat,. from Fourth at. m l _ norga Cough 'Syrup. HOSTE who ore a's Morgan , . Cough S t imp can eon. scientinusly recommendlL Freer the Evening Tribune, Feb. Sc, Ufa/ Mansards Comm Siach—We ran coneeientloasly recommend this medicine for cough as it has cured os of a Most aggravated clack. It is a very diffbrent Afrair from the ordinary patent Medicine. If you Savo IL ea/ try et. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ••• • • • JON doorORGAN, Druggist, mss Wood .r ,below Diamond eller. OUT Snooloolor.ed.dmdkebooLoo i100 re b0n 0. ritzr0,..t.,:;:,, ,.. :4 ., Tg wash, tr.g BMOi Pork on npyrnakie ten.. & JONES , Propriewm, Canal Dears, neat 70 ft Wfi=EMM PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING.; PRM 17, WO. - - • • A man by the name of RUEL CLAPP has engaged with a young manof the name 0(8. P.Townseod ' and use his name to pot up a Sarsaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend' Sather arilla, denoroloa n ting H GENUINE. Ongouth.ete. s Tho To wn end is seno doc tor sod never war, but was formerly a worker on rail. roads, canals, and the like. Vet ha flames the title of Dr, fur th e purpose of gaining credit (or what he is noz. lie is acrd,, ig out cards heatied "Trick. of Qoacka , in which he rays, g i v e sold the use of_ my name for B 7 week. I illv a S. P. Townsend B• 500 If he will produce one single solitary proof of this.— This io to 'caution the public not to be deceived, and phase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. uc Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having on it the Old Dr. 4 likeness, hi. family coat of areas, and Wards- mare arras, the coat of arum . . . Old D, Townsend ls now about 70 yrors of me, isn4 has lung o f the een known cm the AUTHOR arid DrottO. VER ER GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was compelled to as manufacture, by whic h means it has been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had proved tts worth and known its value. This Guano AND U.vatlMUlSto PuirommVulls Is rusaufactured on the largest scale, and Is ea/led for throughont the length and breadth Mike land. Utilise young S. P. Townsend'., it Improves with age, and never changes, but for the beueri because It Is prepared no %menu/Lc principles by a rmetallo man. The highest knowledge of . - hentimry, and the latest drocoverles of theA7 have all been brought Into re q ti uision In the mmu &Mara ot the Old Dr:e The Sanapar la root, It Is well kmarn to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro perties which are inert or useless; and others, which, retarneil preparing it for use, predate ferments. tine and acid, which Is inJarious to the system. Some tf the properties of itarsaparSla are so rolatilo that hey entirely evaporate and am lort In the prepara tion, II they ale not preserved bi a setentille process, known only to those experienced in Its manufmtunt. Moreover these volatile pnocipleskwhich °Sin va por, or as en exhalation, under heat, see the vary es sential re vue exhalation, the ro ot, which gives to It all value. The GIC/110131X. OLD DA JACOB TOWNS! SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; Mat all Me inert ptipcsica of the e. r. antenna root ate fin: removed. every thin; capable orbecoming acid or of fermentation) is extracted end merited; then every particle of medical virtue i. no.. ~,c1 in a pore and concentrated form; and thee it la rendered n apably of losing any of its ealuable are healing propel ues. Prepared in this way. Ala mace the most powerful aeon! in Na CURE OF INNUMERABLt DISEASES. I ever on y a:de In ita fa•or be Mts. WOOSCLI and children. We find it doing wonders in the ease of Consualptaon, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Pdes, Costiveness, all Cutaneous nape Bens, Pimple., Blotches, and all adeetions arising from IMPURITY OF THE Itgidsmades a marvelloua a:Meaty to all complaints arising tram Indigestion, ham Acidity of Ms Bien:inch; from unequal elroßanon,determinanon of bleod to the head, palpitation of Me bean, oAd feet and cold,handa cold aloha and hot gashes roar Die body. It has not bad ita equal in coughs and coldat and proowto. eas7 rixpeorration, and gentle perspiration, triaging uric. toe awe lands, throat, and every other part. Rat in nothing is ma eZetnGll:e more manifestly seen and acknowledge:4 than us all kinds not stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTIS It work, wander. in earns of guar albs. or white., Falling of the Womb, Obatriebdt, !impressed, ar Pala tal Mena e, lorgalarity at the menstrual period., h ad the its, and is effectual in rUrIIIS ml farina anIC Rule bey Diaeasee fly minoring ono:ructions, and regula ting me r , enerul system, it gives tone and and to the sveLbe body, and cares tonal of NERVOUS DL aYfii AND DEBILITY, 01. , and thee prevent. or relieves e greet var.). other direr... as Spina/ krithnou. Neuralgia, St. Vitus Donee, Epileptic. For, Cor.gultione, de- Is nor this, then, roe rilatheraa TOO Pat-INF:rim", Num? . , 11,1 eln — a,W;flll77 La send's mintier article Th oneyg man's liquid to to be' COMPARED WI T )! TILE OLD DIVS. because of the timid Fact, that the one is incapable of Detoncrathin and NEVER SPOILS, while the nth. er DOES; it sour; ferments, an& blows the bottles containing it into fragments; sour, azid liquid ex ploding and damaging other gouda! Mthrt net tone hoe. rthle compound be poisonous to the system! What! put acid tato a aystem already diseased with acid! What ca.. Dyspepsia bat acid! Do we natali know, that when food wars in our stomachs, what ft en pralocesl—flolulence, heartburn, pa/pitation of the heart., liver complaint, thus..., dysentery, cholle and corropurta of the blood! What is Scrofula bat . acid bum. to the bail! Mat produce. all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Shin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum,Erysipelas,Wbite Swellings, Fever.Soree, and all ulceration. internal and eatemall It is BOW.. M ender heaven but an acid substance, which soars ; am g i thus spoil. all the Balls of the body, more or len. %Mot causes . RhetunausEd but a sour amd Sold, which insinuates mei( between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating andudhuning the tender and delicate tissues upon which it acts! ho ornery.. diseaaes, of Mapes my or the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all thoilment. which atilt. hum. nature. Now,. it not horrible to mate and sell, ar.d Infinite ly worse to use this MEMO • .. uSURINO, FERMENTING ACID "COMPOUND , - OF S. P. ToWNsEND and yet he would fora have 0 anderatood that Old Ja• cob Townsend's Genuine Ongtual Sampanlla, is an imitation of hu inferior preparation!! (leaven forbid that we. should deal In an ankle which would bear the most distant resemblance to S. P Townsend's artielul and which should bring down upon the Old Ur. such a mounistn load of complaints nod nominations from agents who have told, and pur chase. who have used S. P. Townsend'. Fermenting- Compound We wish It understood, beunse it is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's ankle and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven•wide apart, and infinitely dissimilar' that they are unlike In every par neut., haying not one single bang to caramel,. It Is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to poor balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor into the crushed and broken and to banish inbred. ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND his SOUGITT and FOUND the opportunit and means to bring his Gunn UNIVERSAL within the Snitch, and to thn knowledge of all who nand 0, that they may 'corn nod know, by joyful no. perinnee, mown:inns r rowan no num.: Fur wee by J. KIDD Cu., Who 1.4.14 Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SSIITII, Dirmlll bait, Dr. 1.3 A RGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, FOth ward. Ii %V. GARDNER,th ward, l'instnireb spill I oh:A GlikPLAlPFE.Anothrr cure perfoT,bed by JY., using the inigtnul, only true and genuine Liver Ammon, Brown co., 0., March 00, IPI7. Mr. S. I;. Sellars—ln April last my wife we. anion. ed with Liver Complaints, nd bed the advice of two physics., who tried various remedies without cepro ducing of good effect. Laving heard of' your le brated Liver Pills, I concluded to give them a fair trial. I purchased one hoz of Mr. Boon, of Aberdeen, and gave them according to the directions, by which she was &rosily relieved. I procured a second boo, which entirely cured her, and she now enjoys Cocci lent heoldb I have used them myself, and pranounce them the best foully medicine I ever tried. You., to., Manion Bum., Prepared and sold by IL E. SELLERS, 67 Wood an sold also by Druggists generally in the two cities Male Roller.' Vermarng.. IT lIAS NEVER, a.lugle swan., failed to ex pal Worm. CA.. Comm linens, Va, July 113i7. Mr. It F. Kellen: ti ou will recollect that when we were in Pittsburgh, in November last, you prevailed on U. to try to your Yermtfuge., to feet its virtues. We did se, and through the winter we sold what we Par chased, which gave it s lalr repo nt nen. In May lam we pure..od mere which was dirroved of imolai. ately. We then ordered ' more, which reached us on the 17111 of the prevent month, and on yeaterda we .1d the last of two dos. bottles. NVe find it so y val. untie a medielne, that every person of a family to have it in theth pommel.. Those who have purchased It woald -be perfectly willing to give eettificat. et Its excellency. Out of the quantity we have vended, it has never, in • tingle 1113E111Mfailed to expel worms. Your hued, War. C. Max.. /r. Co. Prepared and meld by A. P. SELLERS, 07 Wood st, and sold by Druggists generally in the two eines. fetal Ilellama , Imperial <Magri ayrap• Tilli , must be a preparation of mach merit, when so many Cl our own citizam willingly and volvela, tiv <envy to he contrive propenicy.' An aaad and highly respected ettime, slier wing espressed his nproou ot very popular cough remedy by taring, - ri is worth its we ight in gold." An editor of one of oar daily papers mates In a note-9 always keep it le my house, and would not, on any account, he ' , Rhea' n" An old country man say•—.l um satisfied, altar trial of three or fear years that it Is the best cough. medicine !km. ever toted, either le ihs Old or New. World." If you have a cough, get a bottle and try it; it cows hot de cent. mod — lllfroinglet and Cast loan Balllng. I.W.subseribers begave to inform the public the -11 they have obtained from the East all the hue and :Womble :c designs (or loon flailing, both for houses ana cemeteries. roams wishing to proem hand. 110560 pattern. will plea. call and exanune, and Judge for then . ..elves. Ilaling will be famished at the Mort est notice, ar.d in the best manner, at the corner el Craig sad Rebecca nrcau, Allegheny Cl aspilvdtf A. LAKOA7i KNOX. . . . . .f . • . , . , . .. - . t, .. • - • • - ~..„.,,---,_,- -,.. _ , ...., ,- - -- ‘ j a_.... , , ,, ,, , -.L.,,, t ''••-•' -,,r.....'z' - ' - ' ---.---.." - .a.• - •• '''-,,:--,- -- tr... -- fr.ff..7_- , ..717.= . -"- -, ...r.•,... , ..;.. , .- 4. , ,•-„--,:,- , -';-:---,-,,,,.;- •—,,..-- - F.,-,1 .% • -. ..',+:7,_.. , , , ,•••*-7. , -;*;41 , ,,.. • • ~ .. .. . .. . . .„ . , • • .., ; . • . . - , ! 0 - ' OVILY i ~..... •- , , • , GAZEirn.,..........„..._ MEDICAL. To Mother. and P lan Tm mbwriber hos jest received • largo supply Dr. F.. PRATT'S ARTIFICIAL NIPPLES. The without exception, the only article certain to ford relief and cure sore or cracked Nipples; and from lir parucular ronstruction they will prove involute de s when the Nipple. ere inverted or an any meaner defctive. Dr Pratt'. Patent Breast Pump, a new invention rey for the relief of painful and sore Breast., find•tendeif with milk; they are far superiot to 7 pow in oat. Dr. Pratt's Patent Nursing Dottie, which is fast sto 'erred tug—when introduced—all other kinds. Dr. Pratt's Copping Apparatto, the most simple and le neatest ankle in use for Cupping. For tale, wholesale and'ihtnil, by tura D E SELLERS, 57 Wood at PLLOOLAPIATION. TTNOW all men who are sick and afflicted with dia ll ewe of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumetio pains to back or iambs, atiffioints, old form running ulcers, he that diey can be cured by taking the Pe troleum! Yon may,tallr about lee-lima a nstrum as much So you Ideevr, but this does not make It so, for we proclaim in the face of an honest community, that it has virtues which are not contained to any other remedy. The man who Is racked with pain and sal. fanna from disease. can for filly cents, act mile( from any of the Ma ennumepomd above. Reader: it costa very little to make a trust. This Petroleum lane mix ture—no compond, put up for the pamese of imposing on the community; bat nu n remedy elaborated by the master band of nature, and bubbles op from the les. sons of our mother earth to it. original purity ; and of fers to .offering bumani y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap cure. It has cured Pees allr other medicines have failed to render any rehef. It has oared Rheumatism of lona standing, and of the wenn am/ most painful character. It has eared Cholera Idarbas by onetwo dews; It has cured old cases of Diarrhea, In whi ch every other remedy b as been of no avail. As a local remedy In Lorna and meld., it .en then any medical com pound or ointment that know of. wll core chit blame or frosted o w fet, in a few applic ati o ns, undoubt ed testimony dm be furnished attic troth contained in the above statement by calling on Salnuellll..Kier, Canal Basin, 7th street4or either of the agent.. Keyser hlcDowelfi comer of Wood street and Virgin Alley; FL E. Sellers, 77 Wood sweet, D. A. EIS lint d D. h 1 Curry, Allegheny city, am the agents. nand' OAOTIj' JACOB jD. Fri .4..1 06w , Nassau at, Nes TOWNSE. , York au. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL .C 24 Cr armor EIEZTHEJ TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA MESCELUMMS PIK Moab/Its Works and Foundry. mr - rmsoutro, PA. TWIN WEIGHT & Co., alopreparal to build Cotton SF and IVoolen Machinery of everi description, such as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Meads . , Warpam,Spoolers, Drawing Frames, Looms, Cimd Grinders, &o. Wrought . Iron Shafting turned; all aims of CaM Iron, Pallas and Hanger, *rifle latest pauerna, slide and hand Lithe., and tools of all kinds. ' Cu m slide every description furnished on short notice. ?summit cads townier for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing,ste. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas. P n' arm ' a i r i n c ' eo l . l , Y Lib o arty " atrel, a or t ili h roa l v V e protpt Zeit: So, Refer to Blaekstnek, Bell ew e J. K. Moorehead & G. K. Warner, John Irwin tr. Seinaaittaburab ; 0. H. Warner, Steubenville. lento THE AB.ZONETEX. r(THE anewon ante pobUo to ompecmicy tined to die following certificates: Ma. 3. Reente—flesiOr Meted • eternity of Gold weighed by your drew:neer, I And the reettit proves zoutinatmment correct; and recommend the Ina Or II to p those going to California. as the best method for ob. mining the real value of Gobi. Beep. yearn J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pitteburgh, Mush 0, 1840. Si Prrintraex, March 7, IBM Nt Eatuo—Dear Sim Raving examined the 'Virea menufacturcil at your room, I do not hesitate to commend it to the cue of Mow gentlemen who are about removing to California in in arch of Geld , It FiV“ close approXillitiOn tO the specific grarl tY Of Metals, and will cermenly enable the adventurer to UcertAin when hi a placer is raiding Gold. marlV re.o*r. . R. hPCLINTOCI. • • yNDTA RUDDER CLOTIUND—JUs received forth° I. California Erpediuon,' a complete aseor.ment of Gum Elastic Clothing, pantie ranging from IMP to 111,50 for cult of coat, p and haL For sale at the India Rubber Depot, No a' Wood at. dee= ' J.ln II PHILIJPB — fan= Drink Workel'or HE abteribar offers for gale, the STEAM BRICK T 'WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising • Steam Engine, I Boilers, dhloold Machine, capable of nountfactunng wpm Preseed Brie. Coat of dry clay, ill taken from the pm per day; with three acres ot land on the Allegheny riva, on which am kilns .d eheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shoreln des, Oran. Ming requisite to com mence operations at an hours notice. Price, Ineluding the patent right to sae caid machine, $7,000--arms of payment made cosy. Without the land, 81,000. For particulars, address HENRY MERRITT, augg7-dtf Nielle Monongahela floune. fiIIACKLMTT'ds NO. D 7 IVOOD CTRERT, "ET AVE now in wore'. l argo juid general assonment JUL of DRY IatODS. which Wisy oSer to City and County Merchants at reduced prices; and which they will sell as at at Indecent.ts to each buyers. or for approved ere an I . WlGHBAlAltManaraMorer of all kinds et cot- The . loft pod 1•00/1011 1111101111ery Alleibeny N. above work• being now in (all sad mimeos:el op oration, I sin prepped to eremite osier. with ell.paleti for all kind. of inwhinery In my low, each am willows, pcker', .prewlers, cards, grindmi, pia/does, raiiways, drawing fram speeders, ituassils, looms, woolen cards, double ore ngle, for merchant oi country work, marm,loc ko, Ac., slide and hand lathes and tools to eta 'ere. All kinds of Malting made to order, or plans po en for gearing factories or mills at remonable ehaoga. Rutz Co--Kennedy, de Co. Blaekmock, /Sell A Co., King, Pesinock Co, Jas. A. bray. BENNETT • BROTHER I cIueenrswARENANUFACrURERS, e l rminfillakin,{llmar Pitts barggit)a t ) Pa. Offid, No. 37 Wats". u,' Atstant Narks: and Wood, Pstubsgr€A. • fiWILL constantly keep on hand a good wort tent or Warm otter own manafactirre, and superioroualny. Wholesale and country titer• chants are respectfully Invited to call kmd ex. mina t h anel ad we aro derensuccd to set chuper haaccor before been ofcred to the pub lic. ErjOrdors sent by mat accompanied by the cash or nod reference. null be promptly atunded to. rare NEW COMM IPAOTOII-17-.. ALLX•II.. 4.. WHITE! CO, would respectfully aroma puha that they have meted a Mop on Meektietereen Federal md Sandusky strata. They are now malting and are prepared to romaee orders ter every description of vehicles, Comae, Chant's, Ca roaches, Buggies,Phatons, the., hr. , which from their long experience in the mannfacto re of the ahem work, sod the they have, they feel confident they ara enableato do work on the mat remnable term with, Mae wanting article. in their line. Paying mated.; Stanton to the alums of cam. rtala, and having none hat competent workmen, they have on !minima in warranting their work. We therefom ark tho mention of the piddle to thin mazer. N. B. Repartee done in thus best meanly', and no the most reasonable teens. . . Thomas Parkinson, Nllll N g r uo°24 l l7grtf.L2Va — llitut; limes Castings end B. Works generally. Coots of Ferry mid First omits. TIIE eubserlber, liaskiLmehaseel the Factory of manes Puterma, Jr, at as above stand, mould respectfelly inform Ms friends and Me psalm tees be is prepared t. Cu ..uy oiler. to his line, an the Most reseoneble term. and with dispatch, mid will feel grateful for their p nage THUMAS FAMED:WS. Prttsbergh, Jana, 1 . HAVING disposed of my eetahllskment to Mr. Thomas Parkinson, I take the hberty to so ft en (or Mat the patronage of an fr iends and the public., feeling confident that any Mew. conferred will be duly apprectated and promptly attended to. JAME-LI 'PATTERZON, Jr. Pittsburgh. J.. 1, lesitt.—(wn)-42m RHIT and shoran:7. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay • able in Clneinnati, Loutaaille and ESL Lots, put based on the moat favorable terms. ItoLMFB a lanNa. all. t. soma. /.11. AMMO& OA WIG la ATKINSON, trIM22II Won •511, Maack - it, P 11111.1116 ek../NTINI.IE to manufacture all koala AIa,ER, TIN ANDSIIELT IRON WARE. Black moth Work. Steam Roam Wilt to order. - • •• • . Special attention Fivett to steam boot wort. line on bands a nne amorunentof CAPP. , and Brum , Kent. Tin Ware, d.e. tee. Steamboat Cooklng Stoves, Portable Forces, various suet —a very convoment ar uclo for stearnbitaits, Calltbrula emigrants, or rail road companies. iVe would ...Wally invite steam boar men and others to tall and sea our cruel. and pne. beton parch..na el sewbsrn r1:17 M:113 HAS inst raturnad from the Eastern Clue., and I . ng a large variety of aea.sonable oods, to sateelt he i r spectfully invites th ants and pedlars. No ot Wood at *""' of fmenlh MGM TIAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHLLADELPIIIA, 1.1 NEW YORK. DOS CON AIANEWORLEANB GENERAL AGENC Y AND CON N IMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN In wholesale and retail stores, .d.other respectable business, to act Book-keepers, Saler men, Porters, Bar-keepers, Walters, Fairatrs, Coach men, Car Agenta, Book .d Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of business, die. We have at all times a large number of goal situations on hand, which pay from WO to 11,000 per .num. Thone me want of mum.. of .y kind would do well to pre es a call, aewe hare agenp in each of the above ei nes, which will enable to to place every applicant in a suitable Mutation at the shortest node,. We More a large acquaintance in all the above. named cider, watch we trust willenable to give entire avatar lion to all who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR re TATMAN, N 0.69 Second at, N.B.—Faunas livi between Booth and Gay. ng is any p art of the U. State and wishing to abode a situation in Baltimore, or. `. they of the above cities, will have their wants imme diately attended to by addremong us a line, I peat-paid) an by an doing they will carted both trouble and ez. petite, which they otherwise would incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves. Addrees, TA TIM@ A TAYMAN, N 0.66 Second street, Baltimore,lild Judd , . Medicated Liquid Cattalos aims a ndoubtedly the best preparation ever dim J„ covered, for dressing Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chli biaim,yrukes, or my gird of fresh womds, also la corn Atpples a remedy onegoalcd. This article le intended for family. one, md s hould b • !mod in the possession of every family iu the land Methawes who are In constant danger of Injury t• their persons through ateidant and the Improper or carobs.. nen of tools, will find Wls article to be Invalu able to then, and Wier a fair trial will consider It ln dispansablsl It 0 excellent substitute foe adhesive piaster 0 , all kinds, without any of its inconveniences, mud I. • medicated as to allay altpain Immediately and mue perfectly. A very little applied any where pn the e.ef.e ef the skin, Immediately forms a arm, - saiooth coatleg,. very mailer to Um natural cuticle, of 'OM. Skiel mhiela may be freely washed with water and soap, without any In- Mry to the wound. The article a freely wed aiut highly raeownwded by the most eminent ph ysieissis of New Eaglwd, and other parte of the country. For side ONLY by It E SELLERS, 57 Wood st ID7N. B -,The trade supplied rd tbo onannfaetureri pewee. teb4 ICpNCIORAPHIC EINCYCLOPMDIR OP SCIENCE, LITERATURE, le ART) SYSTEMATICALLY arranged by G. HECK, with !irk hundred quarto elect plates, by the molt CH. tam bed anima of Germany. The Tort translated end edited by SPENCER P. -BAIRD, A. M., M.D., pmfcipfor of NIIIIIIII.I Soloed. to Ihelbmon College, Carltile„Pw Tee(lconographic F.ncyclimedia will be published 03 36 Reno each contiumng 30 plates and to pagan of letter tress, issued in convenient port olio, le which w til completed, wise here can theyir copies In perfect order nn hen can he boa nd. one pot Is published retry month, at the very low place of 61,00, Mee will coed.° all lovers of Illertle. in the most beeutiful and practical form, how.. sr scanty their means, to become subserlbera to the ork. Subscriptions taken for the whole work only. From the Port. The work should nen be eoirPlel fo r a moment veldt any of Mu 'trashy or populuzly scientific publications of the day. From the Haw YorkTnune. The eXeccding beauty of the pl ate, reconuinerda them to the attentieu of the lover of art. Froth she Literary World. A executed solid work, of sabotnatial value. The I irodcaloo of this work Integenem etew uhou among our school and other Ilbrartes,publie and pet. um, ...not fail to be productive of a dvantage. Prom the Washington (D. C.) Union. We eannol too highly recommend thew ork. The engravings are in 131 c hlghezt Nye of art. No work boa ever 13313101.1 been' published In this country se splendidly Illustrated and the printed mower Is of an equally high l older t teleist the work for families. SIX NOS. of this Invaluable Encycloptella are now publulted and ready for autmeriberr. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD. Rookeeller and Importer, 63 Wend st, melt (Ayer I-Fourth sr, near Weed.) Magnin-end - Assalsoicasa roW TAMES V. LOCK WOOD, Booksel, er a tdlmporter, 101 Feurm slim., a few doom eaat of Wood, ham 63 Wood street,) tom for aala- London Arelutectural Magazine, 3 vol., re,-- Wood's Tresthe on Rail Roads, 0 Tod Life nod Zif tinter of Waehionth, to ',A., tßro.—SPexk'v Life and 4% rinngs of Frazkltn, 10 yole, royal 800 Ilistory of England; Pacterialedidon; 4 Val., royal See. ee-ldbakspeorel Palatial edition: 3 volorood Sim. JA3IO/9 D. LOCKWOOD, ;WO 104 Youth et TRANSPORTATION. wi,s4VAIW.MA= T . Mia 1850. SgA mzu coos Tim ou, commaL B Df GI/ AAV JOIPREZE. WAGON LINE, ' Pittsburgh' and • PhLtadslphis. A 8 the besseess ois iksi=catial is at.. ye 6closed for the Genoa, we would inf.m the pa lie that we ha. Mid inntight GO COcuiloga Wagons Into re wquidd.ouyi his pow*. forward GOOpoands ily, (cOUrtneneing on filo the:Nth inst.) AC. Worths' Philedelphse dolly a Emil train for Chem. benberg, and the Wagons tra.licg day and night, muses the del eery or Goods in five days. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, GINGHAM &DOCK, No. rm Market street, no.lo Philadelphia =3=l MIMI Dm. iftw. EXPRESS WAGON LINE • •• PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPFILL •Tout Ave Days, (Sundays excepted,) conning My THE bile 1. and Night. restrtfully lo t trm o l thae n thlV...ne 4 prevrous winters7will raTn ". comm ' ence running on Monday,' the Nth of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia andChandursburgh daily each way with the HMI Tram, and from Chow berabargh withrelays of bones running day and main. We are papered to forward 6000 lb. weight daily by the above Line. Apply to D. LEECH & 00, Pittsburgh. or to—HARRIS & LEECH, No a Soule Third meet, PhilaCulphiu nov2o.dd ItZLIAINCE Flint DAY LINZ, ta tUx CONTIMACI 07 MMICILL.I.).I.I:I ',LRAM RITLI MCP AND C 1112•1317, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by this Line are marred In th mail train to Chambershorgh, and are immediate• Itl loaded to Wagons going tilight and day through to daburgh. The hens. aretstationed every lb mile. whieh urea the prompt- ' delivery of goals within die time promised. . . The Wagons will leaveoar warehouse daily, Mac. days excepted.) elk o'clock, P. M. p a assured that re co mo geode he thro takg en pera nt each day than can he puttetually carried ugh.; JAMFIS M DAVIS k CO, 117 Market greet, Ptatledelphla. /MIN MWADEN & CO, Canal Bruin, Pittabarga. JOHN IIIeFADM a. co., PorwmEnnu k Co • M0t...”, Canal Basin, Pam ono, Plttabargh LAME M. DAVIS & CO., Roca Factoaa Ann CoX 20311011 Mangum =7 Mutat, and 54 Camara ec Pailadophia. ViaTl,XdWlrr mmedre=a",'Clitgßabe.rner:ro; UNION LINZ. WINTER ARRANOELMQT. 1850. pas subscribers, having to successful opera nd P tloa an El:lmes - NY agoo Line between eittsbareh ahiladelphia •rdhinepared to receipt (or eltWO lb. freight deity. Eacn.way deliverable through io days, Sandays excepted. • - HENRY ORAFP a CO, Pm! Basin. Pi usburgh. DUTILLE lIIIMPUREYS Ir. CO. an.tdial • 107 Shirker gib Phil'. aikt=lBM.Milin Xanhantst . Traasportation Line. Por the Traosportation of 111.11.11•11%. LOD .021.• taco 'Tr:racoon TO OE, .37.11“.• a= ULM VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANA TI L O k. ROAD, Wariest is-dappin TIME—In Days. Rates of Freig ht Cerny* to as any other responsible Line. C A MeANULTY k Co., Proprietors, C•211/11aain Peom st, Pittsurgh. cen—RostMOFLRILL , Co, Baltimore b . CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. , lEIZBI.OII.II3TEI , IAi7A It , 17.1C101.1T LINE i Eeclusively ter We arms= dauon of tha WAY PREIblifT BL :NUS Betanten Pittsburgh, glainvllle, Johnston Hoill dayabargh, and ell enteral ie.- ulanun. — fillippen by WM Line can d sa dnd depend upon ha, log Weir goods promptly forma d sad &livered at any wins an the Canal or Rail Ro at fairemes for freighe JOAN MILLER, Proprietor. U CANAN 3 Johnstown, JOIIN MILLER, Hollidaysburg C A ISPANULTY ACO Paul RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LLN/Bn ."1850, To TIM M23,01TAT103 01 sancndaran lIMMIII PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA IN PROPRIETORS of this old csuddialad and Om. Portable Dll,l Una, are nba , fatly unf and cove goaTiV7opl7;itio7loliiii - iirrdiha Pingmuch meretiett their facilities, their room storage Is mope aniteomplete. No transhipment tikes place an thu Lint, the goods being pat into semi.. portable boat., are not distubed mini arrival at their dmthontion,—lbus avoiding hand ling at the three points of Johnstown, Hollidaysburg, and Columbia. No charge made for receiving or forwarding, or ad• vancing charges. All geed, forwarded promptly, end upon as fair Imes as by any other Liee. Our neighbor linaa differ aa to their responsiblioy. We have,lor the lent 16 years, been "The Reliance Line," 411 kayo never forfeited oar inlet and we think we have earned the privilegeof now changing oar name to the rrhonrwe cf .The Rsereonsha URI." JOHN IidcFADEN ADO, Canal !hunt, Pittsburgh. JAMES .11 DAVIS & CO, non 217 Market et, Piallaclelphlc lakelBso, Rittlia EILPREEG WAGON LINE • TuROGGII IN MMM rruE nobscritiera, having caspentled their canal op -1 erasion, until the opening of the Spring Navies, non, have established as FA - press Line by Railroad.d Wagon between Philaitelthiaand rttuburgh, b 7 which they are prepared to forward CCod pounds each day, and receipt for the delivery or the same in 5 day. They beg leave to assnre their friends .d the pals lie that their arremssmonts regarding rates, regularity despatch, c.not tail top. emisfatuon to all who favor dimwith their commands. TA SPFE3 it O'CONNOR, comer Pena and Wayne sts, Pitubcrigh. THOMAS BERRIDGE, Market insect, rhiltatelphm_ • I adorn and Antiq.na Furnitara JAZZES W. WOODWIGLL, 83, Tium, Sr., Err:m.4mm J. pubfff It f•• th i c st i t n iTcalr:! ' pined spring stock a ' FURNITURE, the largest and mogysuicil assortment ever offered tor sale in this city, comprising several sc. of o rnament, AI.O•ANT, W.LNOT, carted, ornamental and plat satiable tor Parlors, Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which will be sold at the lo wer prices. Persons desiring 'Plirgintre of any description, an spectfully invited to call and exam.. his stock, which embraces every description, from the cheapest and plainest to tbe . most elegam and costly, of which the following comprises a pew Tao a Teta Sofas; Tate n Tete Divans Conversation Chairs; Elizabeth'. Chunk Reception do Louis XIV do Ezteasiort do hold &none; What Nots; Toilet Tables. • Louis XIV Commodore; Dyke of York '.. Couch; 63 BM. with Plaids and Halo-cloth mters; 00 Divans, do do do, 40 dos Mahogany Porto, Cicnity; 10 Rosewood do dot 12 a 111 k Walnut do do; 40 Cane Beet 4 " Mahogany Rocking do; " do Pinmi tiortils; dot Marble Top Denim Table.; 1 . 0 do do Wash Stands; xa Mahogany Bedsteads; 10 do Wardrobes; 18 11Pk Walnut do; • 8 Chem , do. A very large assortment of Common Charts and oth. or Plinth., too tedious to matrtion. Fr Steam Boats furr.hed on the shortest notice. A avian prompily attended to. P. S.—Cabinet Maker. ean bosupplied with all aorta of filahog.y, Walnut, and Veneers, az considerably redsced prtect. fchlk 21 , COILD dr. CO., 4 (Successors to ht 'Cord & King) Fashionable Ha • Cantor of Mod and /4Ai Streets. PARTIULAR attention pall u, oar Metall Trade. Citation= can rely urron getting their Hata and Caps from our eatahlislonent of the tar atarino&ta and toottaxantrar, of the 1.0.250 r ems% and at the seal PRICII Coantry blarthants, purchasing by wholessie, ars respectfully invited to call nod examine our Swat as we can say with confidence that tut regards qr.-7n house I and ramsn, ihiladelphia. t wal not sailer in • comparison withfebl7 any P prrri - n3 ton inrerfti.m, nal ikorg . . Second Session of this Institutioni - under the care of Mr. and Mn. Goanorm, for the pnt academie year, will commence on this day, Mo nday, se Febeacry 19th, in the some baildings. No. 'ti Libmiy street Arrangement, have been made by ardeli they will Walk to famish young ladle. facilities equal to way in the West, for otnammg a thorough lineash, Clawl mil, and Umamental education. A fall coarse of Phi lsophlul and Chemmal Lecture. mil be delivernd during the winter, illustrated by appal - mew. The de. pntlmants of Vocal end lowrumental Music Modern Lunguages, Dramas and Palming, will oach . be order theca= of a competent Professor. By elate attention to the mond and intellectual improvement of their pi. plls, the Principal. hope to ment a contlimatlon of dm liberal patronage they have WM.. enjoyed. Foe ter fables- m t circular sir apply to the Prinmpals. atespratt etios. , Pricast Soda. Ash: - . .30 w CASKS will .berth armee, direct , from the; JO manufacturers, ma New [hipline, pet etupal Ams, Beedicie, /melee, and Austria, which will ea. sold, on ant eel, M the lowest market pp e, by .1; W AII/CHE ric LTRLT., ; MOM MI L/betty D.They will also receive large supplies durbigtbet smug via radidlelphia and Baltimore. A. A. EASOX 48. CO NO. 60 Market street, are daily receiving new and:. desirable Goods from em lending manefactendi of thls eoanny, end of the latest let,ortationa The, fecilltice which they enjoy, in bong connected with al , bout. in the cast enables them to purchase good. at ths lamest 'siltation, and keep their meek fall aad de eirehle at all imagoes. They ha. • atm assortment of Mame Kerplar Goods, to whist. Ikey .011elt Um early satention of *el: Meads 444 Qs 'skis. jAKIJNAKEID(IIII: SAJNITIEL IteFEE•Linr, VirAtiIIFACTURER OF CAST STEEL. and Na.l LLL and N 0.3 American Bauer Steel. Also—Best Cut Merl Files, of all Uses; and Blacken:LlM and Shoe Rasps, alien's on hand and far sale, either uh 4 l'Ed• g ld le en i Sten the Iron el Work.? Sta Olflare or s BOLLALINS eek/11th Ward, or UM* oL BON, No 4: ,f,ll - 1 of Wood meet, FltMhoceb. mrelktlen OLHOOLAM. We, the underaigned, having used, web entire sat. !election, the Cut Steel and Files made by Smut/ Melfelry, at his Eagle Steel Works, to this city, take Omura In reenmmeeding them es eq.] in quality to tiny ever used by o. ' of foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, March 13, LEO. 0 57 II SHOENBERGER & Manufamarer. of Iron and Nail.. Pittsbe k. Pa. KNAPP & TO TEN. Iron Founders and Mechiniate,Pittaberrh, Pc COLEMAN, MAILMAN & Allintratuarare of Springs, Axle", Spring Steel and Moms, Putsburph, Pa. • FA. W PABF.II., Engine Builders and Machine Card rdimisfeens --rms, F A ltt i s t l= ii Pa. Bran Pounder, Pittabargh, GRAPE. LINDSAY & CO, Manufacturer. of Iron and Nails. Pittsburgh. PA JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Builder Pittsbroutt, Pa. W W *ALLAcz, Marble Mannfecturer, Maehlne and Engine null! er, Pittsburgh, Pa warsituus ratstu. somas HAM{. VII. a.4asr PADDIES". HANNA Is Co., (Successors to Halsey, Hanna & Co.) ANKERS, EXCHANGE DRONERS, and dealers B in Foretell and Domestic Exchange_ Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specio—DruMl street, nearly opposite Me Dank of Pittsburgh. Carnint mo ney received on deposite—Sight Checks for stir, sad collections made on nearly all the principal points In the United Dates. M==l Advances made on eonsignments of Produce,.l4 • • Haus on liberal terms. e. o2 ' lIiLODYON Ifilpf, THE subscriber hosing received a ew and beaudfal instmment Ciallsad n "hlelodeon Piano,• from the factory of Mind , k While; Clneinneti. It ha. the elegance of exterior of a Piano Forte, and la pos sessedof a tone at once sweet and powerfeL Its peat advantage, however, omelets in the rapkitty of ais emaciation, which enables the performer to ex. omit upon it the most William planotansic. Altogells• er, it may be called the best reed instrument ever In. vented. Cell end examine. HENRY KLEBER, at Woodwell's, Sole Agent for March A White's manufacture. P. S.—Also, .evetal new and very line Melodeon.. _mitt Uownal,Chronlek. and lidcro ny BrlldesbureßriaEinrigrairmraotory. rpm subscriber Informs his fri.inalt and the public' 1 that at his extensive utabilehrtieut, (capable of employing from rwo to three hundred workmen, and where he always keeps a large timber of the best machinists engaged,) he I. prepared to executo,ln the beg manner, sad with great despatch, all order. tor :BILL WORK and COTTON and WOOLEN MA CHINERY,' of every dateriptLan. For the workman lido and style of his Machine., be would refer to the ' et:menses marinfeeturers in the Western and Southern Stoles, as wed as Am Middle States, who are now op erating them. He has recently made great 'improve meats, both in the style and plan. of his Machinery, Which will be ferroshed at reasonible priers ti op. plying to ALFRED LENK ' ntr6.9ns Etidetburg. a. THE E g ?h u e Printing aE rs ite ' r ''t oll long 'he A e g slUst a c t eart "- i catenates Mill, In dile vicinity, will be at all tunes well supplied w ith the different sires of Paper, of It, !tenor quality, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. . Any aim or quality will be manufactured to order at effort umtco. A H MGLI3IIk. CO, (Smemon of Elliott tr. Englia,) Int= No TO Wood meet • DISSOLUTION. .tout Partnership heretofore exl ging benntem Dhoti L d & English, in the Book and Paper Mummery:or., tasolved tho 11th Inat, by mutual consent The inizes. will be continued at the old stand, N 0.71 Wood street, under the Inn of "A. H. English & by whom the butines• of the former partnership mill be nettled. PAILLUEL ELLIUTT, &set A N. ENOLISH. 1150. • 1150. /SPRING DRY ROOM Virasow receiving our regular sepplies of Do me mestie and Foodge DRY GOODS, which,. alb prepared to sell at the lowest market prices to essh buyereund prompt business men. We would ask the attention of City and Western Merchants to our it. ck, believing we can offer =gay Inducements lo porebass from us. SHAG KLErr & WHITE, feb2l Dry Doodc - Inhhors. PP Wed st UZaZ=UZ A . LEXATIDER A. DAY, corner of the Diamood sad Market sweet, no, prepared to otter, at the low est market prices, a choice assortmem of Bilk., of the beet cualitles and newest Ogles. Best blank glossy Gro de Rhine, of a celebrated manufacturer, warrant ed not to cat In wearing. /Baca Bowed, rigid Bak . ; Cory rich. flick fled SiLks and Satin Do Cherie., i s Cchoice colors: Chameleon, Gro do Bike., Satin de hem., and Tare Satins. ALEXANDER A DAY, g 0 Market rt., mat ' Northwest corner of the Diamond IMILLING OPP AT RMOVOMG ALEXANDER & DAY, corner of the Diamond and Market street, are now selling or, at solaced prices, their stock of Winr Goods, consi sting of Shawls and Ladies , Dress te Goods. in great sanely. Also—Blankets and Flannels, Cloths, Cassimesatarlo ens. and a fall assortment of teary Cotten Goods. Coaddent that better harasses cannot be bad else. here, we invite the ar.entlon of buyers. ALEXANDER 4}, DAY, 75 Market steel. =Sten nerd 11 natal SLOE OF Me 01000 ears OF TBI sintrue, rim perorate or Krog's Evil, Rheumatism, Obeinate Cuts ton; Pantiles or ?estates an the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tester, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pallof the Home and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltier; hipaptona, Sciatica or Luabago,--and diseuea arising from an iniudicions use of Heronry, Ad. tites or Dropsy, Exposure ar imprudence m Life; Also—Chrome Constitudonal Disorder,, At. In this preparation are etrongly concentrated ell the Medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, meal:deed en* the most effectual aids, the MOW salutary prodactioms, the most potent simples of the vegetable boadom,• and It has been en fully tented,. not only by patients them. wlves, but also by phrucians, that It has received Neu unqualified recommendations and the approba. non of the public; and has established, on us own merits, 1 reputation to WI.. and 11114 Cf fat lope. 'nor to the various compound. bearing the emu of • Pedvaparilla Diseues have boon :and, such as are cot famished in the retards •f time rase and what It has already done for the thousands who have used It to capable of doing for the nuilionssia; oi tiering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strong Mean the formula springs of life, and lofcees new vigor throughout the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OP SCROFULA. The following sulking, and--as will be wert—per , mant mettle of an Inveterate ease of &raffle, nom. mend, itulf to ell al:utterly aflietedt Beau... Sande: Gentl Sorrurosr, Conn., Jan.l, ISM emen, Sympathy for tiro atlas. ed Induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effectad by your Sarsaparilla, in Me ease of my wife. She was severely &Rimed with the f3crofnla en differ ent .; ens 'of the body', the glands of the neck were grenny enlarged, and bar limbs mach swollen. liner euffeting over a year and finding no relief from the remedies need, the dileaso attacked ono leg, and ha• low ilic knee auppunned. tier physician advised it should be laid open, which was doetirot without any parlament benefit In Ws sitcatiou We Mani of. and were induced to use Sande Sarsaparilla. The firs borne predated . de cided and favorable effect. renew lop her more than an ypreseripilon she had ever takes and before ahr, rued am bottles—to the astonishment and delight-of her friends—she found her health quite restored. lib now over a year mince the cue was of reefed, asd her health remain. good, .bowing that the disearo was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our to: abbots are all knowing fathom facte,and Mink very nighty of Sande Sarsaparilla Toms with respect, JULIUS PLEB. Pausal from • letter received from Mr. N. W. bias. I. riea gentleman well known In LoalAatin co, Va.: ' l Gentlemen I have cored aI to 'up) . amine with your of aof scrofula. mos/111a, w fahmo ee c ily.: crocked wi t h Scrofula, and ' "roan, truly, • I N. W. BARRI& ' "Fredericks Hall, Va., nt, IS, /64.1. Same 9112UP•1114.1.-11 seems altettelentriCCUell• ry to direct attention to an article so well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, but patmats often who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, era Induced to try worthleaecompounde beating the name, hot contaltung Stile or none of the virtue of this valu able tint; end we think we canna. [enter a mato benefit. our readere than In directing their attandon to the advertneeme tof the Mauro Sands, In another eatinual The bottle Ins recently been enlarged le held a quart, and those who wish a really good article will lad concentrated In this all the medicinal Value or We root, The erpenence of thousand, kap proved its efficacy In caring the Casious diseuca for which it is recommended; and et the present limo mare than any other, perlispel is thin medicine suedh to prep.. ring 110.11ymern for a change of tenon—Moue feu. nil, Sept. ISt. krepered and sold, wholesale oad rood!. by A.:11. D. SANDS; Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton eine; corner of Willie., New York. Sold eh* -by Drug gists generally throughout the United States and Can. oda Prieffil per bon:tittle bout. fluid. A For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., H. A- FAIINESTOCH CO., and EDWARD FENDERICLI ' Pittsburgh. Al a, by Dr. S. SMITH, Bridgwater. tdelodrodhs.T Jas Ilsosawita. ICrOCION MONTAGUE; or a young Cbri.tir .111. Qua= a Narrative by an the Earl y tam/ eta Moravian Mismonarm by C. B. Mortnneri ea o ta me. voL, Modern Lumens,. and Literary Men, being • vor. end Gallery of Literary Portraits. by Wargo tillfillare reprinted entire from the London coition, one large 12 mo Tel, Dime. Dictionary of Machine.. ae No 8. Uirio Zielligle;tho !Owl. Reformer, by ItcYD Who; 1 vol 18 ino, myelin. Anecdotes forthe Ymmg, or Principles Illiaraled by Fut. compiled by Boy D Oralthi s ,cllB coo inn* Wanting. to Yoath, mggeged y the Risiary of re. minable Denote. charact.na HY Robert liutoal 1 Vol 18 coo, myylla. For saliby • • HOPZINS, wi : 48 ri APO Itiiidiggh row* meet. VOL XVII. NO. 214 MISCELLANEOUS HERSEY, FL ➢IING & CO. RAVE FROM THE MANUFA • ERN MANUFA Whlto Flannels, W W. • Red do - do Tallow do • do Brown do do Black Sadllel33. Steal relied do /Rao do 2=3 URTAA, AND AT BEEF REab. PRIMA Btu Drabs; . Blue Deming Pone/ Cononade% aft an offered at notary prism Roza Lonna 11:111xling. Cheeks and Wm, Mr he TVlkfooda. Red Paddig, monde', Vert Padding, Baelasm, 7 iikredr,••l•lnsandor Dra b Liner,RWWs Drab Serge, black do, • d and worrudt Drab do Black Cassinter. Faney do Fancy Tweed. Super Meek. Mead Clotb. l Sneer Brown do Soper Green do Supe.Twilled do Soper Work Doe Skins. .Super Drab ClasMacre. Super Brow% do Soper Black do Suariet do Cabronna Blanket. Blank and White Tape; Bunk Tw ist, and path 141 Lin 4 Stout%d cords r4O l do • Linen superior snider Silk rimed Vesalnirc Enact Satin do Brown Maud 13&g Saks; Botrons, Cravats, ke., to. • house, No UT Wood.. • • Hlae do Drab do Grain Daegnnr. Brown Drilla; At the hrnanfaetarers , Pluabureh DEES leave to Ingena his friends anaeiatom, withal LP he &Jost receiving his new ming stock of Goodas domPrhdeg, as anal, all the newest and most fashion 'tsciette=gg Cied tst e X e d ' l,lr s ree i rece ee ani ' le trita e g; for gentlemen's wear. for spring arid Jame, Rhein` impassible to describe the beauty, quality, or quantity Of the mock, the proprietor hope* all who ars us want e , 4 l lood ; :heap, fashionable, sod wall made *lethal the Alleghenles him etheat ea oil, r e th er:lllTh% IL 4" side e The readymadedipartment ts very aztmi Oaf• redo all tastes. Hall mad contractors, country merchants, and all who parches!, largely, are particularly Mailed az. amine the sleek before purching, as particalar at- tention Is paid to the wholesale as has hens Ist shit estab lishment. Every ankle in the tailoring line made to order tn the moo feehin.bns .4 beet manner, at the ehortest notice. nn2ll • oks for solo by A. H. Engllak i Os. No 79 Wood strost. fr[lS Pre•Adamue Earth; Contribederts to Theelop. cal Science. )3y John Harris, LLD., President of Chestnut College,. author of "The Great Teacter„o The Great Comoussion," &o. The Greet Col:minden ; or the Christian Chetah Constituted and Charged to Crone the Gospel .to the , Votid. BM° Roo./ Aarria , D. D.; author of "Mu. mon," "The Great Teecter,” &e ,with an introductory Essay, by RE.. William It. Wintmeo, D. D. __ Wave; or the Charms of the Nile. By William The Mercy Bean Thoeghu Bea/Bested by the Lord's Prayer: By Gardiner Spring D. D, Pastor of the Fmk Presbyterian Church, Cl oy of Nets York, The anent of the Atonenlent in Its relation to God mud the Universe. homas W. Jenkyn, President of Coward CoCollege, London. Moo Primeval; or the Conatitution and Primitive Condition of the Haman Being. A contribcdon to Theological Beier.. By Rev. John Harris, D. D, ' President of Chestnut College. The Church* in Earnest. By John Angell UM% author of "Toe Church Members' Guide," rte. The Elements of Poßdeal Economy. By Francis Worland, D. D., President of Brown University, and Professor of Moral Philosophy. Republioan Christianity; or True Liberty, as ex hibited In tbe Life, Precepts , end Early Disciples of the Greet Redeemer. By E. L. Magoon, author of "Proverbs for the People," "Living Orators of Mani- Ca," he. Sketches and Rambles. Dy J Headley. _ Proverbs for the People; or Illestratlons of Prat". eat Goolines% Drawn from tho Book of Wisdom. By Leittasoon. apll C - Plota r g r o 61 'b c entle t trilato lk adt P rZYJ2. &mous et lb . IL of Willans With. By P. Kennedy; new edition. kletedrs of the Life and Writinfs of Thomas Chal- Lrs D. D. D. By his son In law, Rev. Wil li am Donna L. sots "fetches of Minnesota, the Now Ragland at the WeskWith incidents of therel in that Territory daring the Emmet of 1i49, in two pans. By E. le. ISeyostrar, with • map. thinciples of &torsion . ; PollticalPhilowithry. tool 1.2m0. The Fairy Dook,lßtu mated with eats Olt wood. By Adams. Spark's American Biography, 10 voleltmo, 730eita pet volume. The-Whale and his Captors, critic Whiteman's Ad. Cventures and the Whate's Biography. By IL T. heereta, with engravings, ardente. Redhorn, nest Voyage, being the attar bor eon. fenlens and reennlagenees of the son oft gentleman In the =mina canine. By Herman tdelyllie, mailer " TITZ T , Ltn=:ll/intareht or Lives of hien DU. !rintli,t4 . le . .he o r r ey c aLli v i e sgly ,. of Engl a nd, inva fp r r a teeir L. L. B.B.Bent n on . ltan s ei and f,;ret.Vl73; A. II ENGLISH & CO, Bummers of ELLIOTT & ENOLIBEL, No. Wood U. Powdert Powder! 160 KEGS Du Pout's FPFG Rile; 10 tit kegs eo do do, .. • •. 40 do Hadley MI. FFFO Mat; MO do F, FF. he, Blardng; 1000 do Laflies Eialth's ase'd Maims; 400 do do Mining. extra; MO do do do N Y ftlde; 300 do do do doterlean Lb; 100 and f. keys do do; 10 eases canalater do dog 10 do do Prairie Elhootler 10, do do Duet do; bbl. Safety Fitee.—lo magazine gad to az vo; all of which Ispfered to the tied° on the 010111 tremble term. Daltrentble u W hoofs of the day. Th.goelity eod ....icy of the Canister P_03961/ li onhy the attention of sportsmen. ep2 J. C. BMWELJ.., Agent. A PUYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY* HAVE FOUND NOTHLNG TO EQUAL VIM^ 131ncestmo, Va., March 8,11050. 1471 LR. E SELLEES—I base disposed of all Ide Cough Stray and [Aver Pala you tent ma, and 19 dot of the Veranflage. I have used ell your Family Medicines m my family, and have also ymaerthed Wren In my yraouce; I am very much pleased Aid, them, and have found nothing to could them. Send me 8 dos of your Veratifuga, and 10 dos each of the Liver PRI. and Cough Symp. Respectfully yam, iEstreet of Let.mr.] T. T.Jacsson. Those highly ponies medlar.. may be had of the proprlctor,ll E SELLERS, 57 Wood st, and Druirgista general to the 'too ranee and vicinity. a • Door Boob: Ness Books: AT HOLMES' LITEIISRY DEPOT, Third *dad, er pupa the Post Obrar:— Era St. Cal-, by P Riau= Esq Matubsfy Call , bay Id s guirm, MnEllia LAWN Linn Are, Sto 3U7 Pa Diutiossary of Marbabies' Enid.. Work, sad Enka:rim& rt d Willard Aloutruxr, or Sus lent Oulu of Scrim, (aam tt. PDr Valeutdm..ad nub. dialamorphears Tb. So of au Fell., by R .11 Curtis. Lai Itiomsa's Fritudsh.y, • SLury of Donis:slid Lik Hurts and Hum, a Story by Mn Ellis White /matt, by iirrtsu bukin• 31ahomat and bi. Surersaurs. by Wohnro Iniss opt SislVACtitiku. COUT4o u bb b ol i o 4 lll:2:l4teo n zi i ppon:f tits Vol- Skoleht Alitcogiobo Now Eagload o f t it s Woo4by E 8 8 .7...wbb ..p; .1 .01, Clothand Papa. Life sad Correspoodeoct or Roboot Snemy, No lb and , or Paseo Cron am Book of LIG Thuty, by Lozartioo. Mm•ln OLIO and Wl.lop at Th. Choloaro,D DAT Dow W Room, D vat I, do b. Poo solo by H. HOPKINS, aid No 73 Apollo Haan,. Fourth K. THE SACRED 11AR5IONIST. a now calked= of Church Maxie. Edited by George IGagslcy, A. Dior of Social Cbolr, Juvenile Choir, ice, Az. Sabbath School Gems of Music and Poetry, designed exptessl ant y for the Sabbath School; by J. A. d A new Treads., on Astranomyl and the Dm Of be Globes, in two parts. Containing iutronomica .and ether deSnitlong motions and positions Mine suryncion and phloem Kepler's laws End Theory of Gravitation, Refractien,Twilight, and Parrallai, Connections, Pe nods, Distances, Phenomena, and Megnitodee of the Heavenly Bodies composing the Solar Symms., k.c.i also, so tam:mice collect on of the most useful Prob. iem.l Da the Use of the Globes. Illustrated by a son. - able variety of E.cloples, designed for the Use of Ligh Schools and Acatennes. By James Mclntire, M. D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy In the Central High School, o Baltimore. Deck and Port, or Incidents of a Crane in the United States Frigate Congress, so California; - with Skethites f Rio !m tre etro, pans., Lima, Honolulu. and !Ma Francisco. By Rev. Walter Colton, U.S.N.; of Ship and Shorn, &a For isle by A. H. ENGLISH & Stionswors to ELLIOT Si ENGLISH, ap3 No. IH Wood ruse. • April Etymalams anal New Swats. AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Tome Sinner, opposite the Port Moo. GOVZS 1:1111 Book, fer..drill ' dartain'e " r " ' do! • Ladies' National do do;, liolden's Dollar do • Blackwood's ltegaslo__,e for February . . • Itrbite Jacket, or the World In a blan.ofAVar. flan , Mau Melville'; cum work.---Bahomet and Ills Sae. tenon. by Wealth:lg tri Irving; .vol Ear land Poultry Breeder; with twenty flee accarsue ea. intlring.--ArtJoiroal, for February and March— ' %Yellin...a and Calhoun's Speeches, ln. pamphbn WM. Darts CeOPerfield; by Dickene....-..Tee &Aorta Family; a Comedy,-..-Eaplenetione and Meaty of the Reeneeter Knocking. --Con Cream. or the Biek Gil Blom by Lover.--Sohn CashabLeyst=iiii Historyof Pe:Oen:de; b y _ nuttier. o Urinary of Mechnolen Patton Wort sad En4(yedr• luei . Vert li-ii•••Darlt Eames of History; by •P. ad. Ohnukaparidneataaaant Coarse. ratI . y , IITIFLO T SMI2 ; It .i -Tha e thCatm. Seer land, to the preparation of thou work. They the now offered to the Schools of lb. Calico entice, ender the Auvirlemi revision of D. M.-fiteese, M. L. L. 8., late Superintandent of Public Wools, la Qs Cllyarid County of New York. I. liteseberellsaitery of Knowledgm If. Clai Drawing and Pervert:rem Bo ld Elemente of Natural Phileeophys IV. Bold Bain's Chemistry and EJectricity-- • Y. liarnilm&a Vegetable and anneal Phyakeltqlll I. Chamber& Menem of Zoology, with plates; - VII. Paces b;entents of Geotogy, gleam:ed. It ia well known dam the original pain:thereof th em wrse commend Mums Chnotberty of Edinherall) are able' to the best talents in the preparation of their Woks, and that it is their prattle* to deal &Way with Me pallet. This, series will not &samba the - s expectations thus itheitat. They ere eat. mentary works, prepared by &whom in every way ca. pah le of doingttonee to their respective andanakiaw, and who have evidently bestowed upon them the-ne ecstasy Unto and labor to adapt theta to their pare.. reeetnatena .thent la teachere mid pitmans will confidence. The first mined voltam, in Me Itemise a teersher of the ravager drums, might famish um exhaustible food of ameeement and imorttedert.z . To.. pettier, they would constitute a rich neaten to • faro.. By- of intelligent children, and Impart a Mina nal knowledge -(Vermont Chronicle. Yoblwited by A.S. Dunn & CO New Vorkl and for sale by A. mitts & co. mao Nom Wood at beta toesal• Dy ei6.141
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers