~~W:yv .f4~i• ~ i r'~[c~ - ;fir?'-'~.~ y~.~~~'lR;,-~Yr-i~:_~~:~.~y:-t^' PUBLISHED BY WHITE:di CO. b. IC. wunia) umrt. CLIXIM B/11,21061% TIM UTWT, MT DOOR TO par 11121161. ter Weekly, In advanee).......... •••• kW . 4 Do. • Chew, at a mlusel may CI OP •OVLSTIfIIIBI AGREED UPON UT Ti d PITTIOWIZGIU PEL/I. Doe nom 4.110 num of Nonpareil sir WO_ em• I One Sou re, each additional Memnon. • • Do. on. /0. - .Do. two ••••• 3,00 lb. Are. tucks.— .. •.. ••••• •Aa Do. we month.----•—• 0 • 0 2 Do. Web menthe--•-••••- 7 ,..2 Dr. three Mentall••••• *--• • •-• Do. tsar mouths • 10M1 Do. sir 110:0 (Do metre months-- • • 1001 • Standing Card (Onus or Ina) per anstsa• /DPI • Or, changeable /Okinawa Oa r nua rMasi. et the paper--• ......• Per euh additional saute, lose ned em enamel:lloi um for snob additional "Qum twendander Me year ly rates, half mite. Advertisements exusdlne • ...aux. 8 " 0.1 ere. Ohs°o nneto bti be cbarged to a moilil and ahal Publishers not immutable for teeodurnainna f. nte beyond the um= eliamed Orr than punnet:ism. Announcing candidates Mr ace, to be charged Om same as orb., advertisement. Advatisernama net marked an the army (era speck led number .r Iliterdank .1 11 be urntl.nell tIII forbid, and paymentemuud secant • 'ho pnvilego=ty Weathers wtil be siminal rigidly to th atbe a rer, and all other edver• thiarle9tl not pertaining to their mess bssiness, as agreed Or, bibs pidd extra. All adireniumula for charitable tuttlationa Ira enrapsalaa ward, lonian. and mbar public meet ings, end sash Me, to be charged balfprice, payable strictly to I.IIVSLIO4 Muter - maw to be changed SO man Death rodeos lammed erbium charge, union accom panied by funeral invitations or ointavy notices, sad when so asennapanted ni be pond On. &gala advcrusers, and all others tending norm. Uranus, or reimbing notice' designed to call atten d.. to psus, Polices, Cone esU, or s pablis mar a= whine charges are made (of adrolltanse— of private usoeinzions—every notice do. signed to call auemtion to private entsrprisen nebula. era a intended to promote individual lauruytanoe y be Warted with the understanding that tbs same tell be paid for. If intended to bei nuerud la the la cal column, the same will be charged at the rata of not less than 10 eenu per We. . Indio or Piet Nonce. to be obArged triple peke, Tavern License Petitions, Ste ' Leval and Medical advertisements to be charged at fan ;mn. Rest Emma Agents' and Auctioneers' aelva rtise • menu not to be Masud ander yearly lates;bat to be allowed disown; of thirty Wu and one third per eau. from the amount of s t WILT oR TIL4WISZ7.T 1311 DAUM Pain& • One Squirlyibtne Lasertiona• • —• • —111 . 60 Do. each addltlanal ineeNon... 37 •DrcresnitalO LII RIM! MI. . . . One Bombe, DO lium) an. 'mamba. J. lb. each Widoetal =Jerkin. -.45 All uwairtit advertivbsszts b be pall in irtbande. WHITE h. CO.Oar.sue. LALARPER, _Port. RIIBT 11. RIDDLE, learnt. , JAMES P. DARE S CO, Cambia FOSTER t HUMMER, Dirrtobl. /OS. SNOWDEN ltartury. JA MEI W. DIDD LE, Mamie an. HIRAM WPM Ebbing Tribune. Parnaux, Dee. I, CARDS. ••n. t :nun, mos I. Emu. :EINGLISII it. BM* NETT, Nut ktoglisll, Gall•eber Paz ° 2 " l " .l. 2=7: m . bawl 6601/011163p $O. 37 Waled st, between ad ma 3.1 A MIS. 0611 J. 11)3NRY, &Waal and Caucailar gam,. Clubman, bib. Callecticaui In Scanlan Ohio, an to Indiana, and In Kantaaky,Virmatly and cam folly asiandad io. Cainaniactimaz faitilaia of Pann rylaania,, fan taking Dinaaltiana, aalaaawkitpienlai Nana sia—ficas Wen DO Son, agenim, Charon it Carothena Wm. Eg.. Wllleak di Davin ain EORGE COCIULAN Cel osea ladast Merchuu,No.fiwoodstreet-Pinsb 110111:11 znaays 11 . 10 TORT. IErIZON STEWArroaszetttankr at Hem Stinky, Meeks; ta, itabear.•=elty • egbeny. • WM, (niepesaor 7177.M24 mi. 'arra, Salmon. . r. scczapa, rrtrwaia saatir, node ' 9." 'uN I L IWIrit,.= Z4 &lL e• Colemisrror Mn. cra2ts, 41 tiortlr Water 4 & U Nortttrarra. 16. - .IIIW JONES ii , op, (103M047tai";704 . I Jam & Co.) Commetas stelFormat= ue..ft. alum, &salon; la •Tittsbirsti Manafinual mo Vi'ss. IL 1171111aate.--- •—•-•1:11. MAW FL,IIWILLIAIIII da CO.. - BARIUM AND actuarcut moms, ' North East saran at Wool and TWA . 4 na. dant W. rpMAW. • (iCCCILAM m 111JMIMI C. arcr,) IMPORTS& & Dealer in Raul and ainerieaa J, per Hangings and Boardess, Insane, anadas. Fin award Piiniaara. Aso—Wrthap, Mang and Wrap. pia & Paper, N. ar Weed atreet,fietween Foal* Wei alerniand alley, wen Aro, Pinelaunk, Pa. . =WE lIICILif i t ey saw alcama slir=lisauajki.. • =Was ta e rr;da7a " . l / 2 76. 1 . 1 "iniart6roOr of VT. Ram & & DILWORTH CO, Wbeiaast• Orem., and . Routs for Rawl Finn's. Co., Nr, ft Wood .t„ 0113114. DILIMII32. DICLIIOIIII. 0. DILWORTH lt Cr, Whaled& Orme* Pro. rjPßoblr dare and C0M11128111131 Ifferckaats, J=A Rims Bawd Palau Co. of N. Y., No. V Wood e; ei. red TWIN 11. TOWNSEND, W.: mai ' No.is Autos tia. thaw 4.... — atta a maga, will have comrwaiy oa ksa a watt samosa samosa Oats bat and brawn Nobsiatohithighlo wia sell oa Ow mart Tossowalo wrow. Masada. equilair ado., will In promptly aunadest to, u 4 .p. plied with artietathop msy may aim op gaits& ...Ti n :Macias Peraons al. bowtenratsly a& pmwed lama be kat atawals, asap kis. a I . Of Abe far = L a kap stook el bon ca pa Auld WI. 1.13 irr:PN WATT, (successor Us •EssalS filebbarsi Wholssate Gunn and Genuialssioa X 1114111,91. in Produce and Pinsburgli M • •• •• sor cerer Lib. sad Hue •• • • Plumb As. ell j AMES A. Euntarsox, es.--empolsors umehlson as OR. ConAlikoa Nrtelganth mul No. 45 wnA=Of lA o =L o a m r b e as ßu , s Mew l '`let'. A 1011td IL MELLON, Wk.:duals and trail dialer t/ in Mania acid Mains! Instmaants, Selma Bona Paper, Mates, Beet P_cas,li, Mann' Cada and Etadanary generally,Tia al Wood et4llttdbargli. AIM Run !media or taken in undo. seen alq:01 - 1.-1 , 7rvrirfP vetinciacmTom rtaTamor & IdVIITCHEON, Whole:win Chew. dar in Product, hen, Nails. and Pius. Ninaliannfaetares ginßrally, LEI Libery in, dsell ATTOILMMT AT LAW, Pa . . . aloe 'mad to cased.= aad all other had, emulated to hlai In Ballor act Annum* P‘ l.l e lt r At i r, l . ll .. l 7 11. IV .W W. W ace, do 2woll Marshall do Plllatoirgh 0, gay A Co, Wood at. laid OO : g ar T V I M r 0 T W At Orna on AL Au.= k Co, 04131 Raß Watsr enW. W. & siTomovraza, wnot..ALE ogocsas, seenrYiNo MITT a TILL.E.R2, and WINE BM LIQUOR idlatCH- .4. ALo—Nei•ortretyrs of S o o pdpao Aat a a zd s n‘ I W 0.4 No, isp ses9l D. WIGT4 DAVID 1, 76 W iali " d_Wbalasal• Om JVCANDJADj4 li e saatmars ta &J . D. n. 11 %,4 84 ,, Comtism:a X•rekints, dealers talroa, Uonom Yana, and Madam& Idaaduainia pal mull ar Wood tad Wats. suer; Pitttberil. Nv„i-- •• . - 7.di woe • ,c• • obit Patabllataputt, N 0.944 Mari al at" Om aanaL MAI w. W tan Wial.c.sp, Jimarie uk ila : corner of = it, t f ,7 1 ; • ra. N. B.—watebea Ana ase4 YCI tu"'" Tal"14• 2 ? -- commumos market vim.. 16921 Front si. bases* Wood s. . , souse,. of Matkol L. 4 Found res. i" 24"111,1111" W1ZE39 .8 . "TM MIX =BOA 11111 T h, Ai d 12. lNi S i thtion lionlantot i ko r r'. Lab= et, piusbiuo6 .. no, Lamed end Lad Oda F. von Bosemourr Oro. ° l.rn Pittsbetares aad 14' ra ki g awe We remand to tkair mirobue,(old imuka) No. t comer of now .1. and Mammy Lana. H. 4401.111111 • CO. =LOGICAL, 41•040.1, sae • Sudsy Selma Beitsellers, and i daidars Is all Maki 01 Writing, I d n u fgrati g lo . . r 79=m 4o... ; pm. bill Fourth - Tr? Ipesttl . & YfiBT. MatsuLi than mai ...Nig merchants, tad dulsn II Trout& No. 3 &pane,. 001. Dm 8. Cosalntim Moishast Pa 6. Amenesa Wagon Goods,Llbuly WIG ►inb. If N ALSAISI 10E1 IL 0311111a1r5 WAS. 111000W1IS ILtil ILLGAIST. I =GALIN 41 CO* Muttonls thrzt tad 11 WOOS won PinsbargL JHARMON &MILL, Coalman lIILAWOf . 1u an roaa st., &arra fanahlald. y (111 of W (W wk. C= • otos Yervardlig to Wossare 11.01.“11 Chessih r.w o r ri w taaj wetly b•twes ajk I=6Z 'PRE PITTSBURGH DAILY BUSINESS CARDS. .......... ,•• 40E11 R. CCNIAVIL W.6 RL NOODWAIA. ..... ... ak•A.L.R. AGATAY, WOODWARD & CO, Wlolesale Gra can, No CU Martel acTobiladelhia. Pletabsigh liVarks. n INN= BERRY & CO;Alumfaxtum of Sala D AA, innatigng Powder!, Iduriatie Imo 23111phstie mid& Warehouse No—, Winter street, betcrar Ferry. shaviGlf Mr. RAUL,. W nale . 43 7 m Retai Re l i ttrug. gr...., corner of laberty h and St."lr sums, Pin. ap4 : ~ . ~ ( .. 1 ~ s ,~ d TR~R~RS'fT li: I'r.•~ ~ ..c.!a'T.;[S.t~ Cd. MeANULTY At CO, forwarding and Coss, . minion ?animals, Canal Bum, Pituborgb n H. HAN% %Tholesala Grocer, Com:minion and V. Forwarding Merchant, No. 411Vuer ar., Pim- SCHOONALAKER & CO, Wholesale Dros • No IN Wood street, Plus • argh. or 4 TORN D MORGAN, Wholngle Druivrin, and dee . er in Dye Bluffs, Paints, ON, Varrushoo. de, No. 113 Wood strut, O. door South of Dianond PIM/mush. stp4 JOHN D. D !XIS, Auctioneer, corner Nh and Wood menu. Psttaborgh. al4 TOUNSTON & STOCKTON, booksellers, Printe.ro, tf and Paper dianufactutets, N 0.44 Meeker meet, Pittsburgh. 'pi John Eloyd.Blehud Floyd. y E. FLOYD, Wholesale Groieri? Commission a , • Merchants, and Dealers In Prodiesaßound Cherish Bolldlera trended oo Many, Wood and Binh gnaw, rluebergl, Pe. sad - TAMES DALZELL, Wholes. e Grocer, Commission Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No V Water• Pittsburgh. a. JONES. For•rxrdmg an. e•mmorsion; or. chews, Dollen in Produce sud Pittsburgh mum metered articles, (lewd Bear, ed.* 7 th 11. 11;t ai ri eoloadiasioa litt e Talt, G Deferin " "lits . barih Manufactures and Proda t ee, Nos.lau r and Of Prant Wm. Millar, PMlnd. C. W. Rickets., Piusb,rgh. %AILLERi MCKESSON, Wholesale Grocer.. and Mi. Ilrnadies. Wines and Sellars 'No. 1731=1174, corner of Gabon) =I Irwin MM US: Pms bnrgh, P. Iron, Nail., Cowan Yams, to. , eart• suintly on band. sP4 Sohn WWI. .1113.1 D. hVGIII. - ----Walter C. Roe. MWILLS A ROE, WholeseleGroeers and Commis sioraderelisuts,•No 194 Liberty Et, Pittsburgh EAHOLTiIfO &SON, N 053 Market st. second door froze corner or Forinh; deem in Foreign lls o and role Bif Exchange, Certificates of Depont, Bank Notes end Specie. Colak • made on all the prima ipal eines 'throughout the United States. N Auneaucts—ollee, Fourth at., Conndoor above Smithfield, south side. Conveymeing of all kinds done orili the g re a test cm and legal secure/3y. Titles to Keel Estate exandood, Ate. ,P 142111 Rum., prrzespaEl, PA. rf ENNEEDY, CHILDS A. CO., Ilanatattaret. of TM sopektor 44 Sowing, Comet Chain, Cotton Tama =id &Wino. " ja70.1) LTOS Works. l i EWIS 1.11134,1 holler Lo n 131x t a r tnuer a b. l Wisselto:se; St ;Islet ' .4103 Prom out •tree janl, Lithographic Mita:aHahn:mat OF WM. gekIUCIIMANN,IItird at, opposite tho Post•Othre, Pittabargh—bl Landseapa, 8111- hetVirbllls, Labels, Arehiontaral and Machine Dra Badness and Totting Garda, engotied or ton on stone, and prinv,d to colors, irrunro or Moak, in tho taw approved sole, and at the 1120•1 ressoonable paces. ectitt.ty HARRISON SEWELL, Cooloaner at Lavr.-01- JSea ea Footl at &tam Saab/dial& Ito.elty _ StAttIONMAXER & Co., Win . la — wale Ormolu, I/ NA Id Wood mt. Mobs h. 1011 N EL MORSIAN,WhoIcsaI• Dr . t. owl deal t/ or in Dye Srato.,Palats, ORB, Vami them, do., Zi0.93 Wood met, ono door Booth of Diamond Alloy .P I. A t = AnettOriller, corns Fi4h and V 1 clod or r; ttfC - &, Bootee len, • FO B , and Paper fdanstrartaxers, No. 44 Market tr—, PCII- .13 b. „um. • - LZll — -Pi •s, • .oe 0 Mtn. Calitatia ton blereturne, nod Dealers In Prot Ince, Ito and • }Willing% fronting on Liberty, Viood - and eta Pittabagb, Pa. ^- 7 . ♦ ", . • 'male GI.. tr, CC •••••• • Mat chant, N o dealer In Proda. awl Pivatonrgh No. SI Water .t, Pitsbn,rg. 11a16 J. a MM. Charles H r ich ca Trilralas attend promptly m Waahl again, Vilma catiOreart condo% Pa. REFER TO Illaekstaak, Bell & Co, Church kill-krothets, D. T. Marna. . 0 &W. HARBAVOU, Wool Merchants, Dooley CI. in Mon and Produee geneally, mod I array im •not Onsmiselon lternhanne, No. al water a., P 44 ALZWIDICIL AfTWA — TIGSM, A ?MINES AT LAW —Codicil; on Faanh street Jai, *Dove Wood: mrlo ' DAVID O. TIITITLE, A TTol2ifiT AT LAW, 'and Commissioner for JOll, Pransylvartio, 8L Lnla, Mo. All communications promptly arammod. «tl3-11 & SONS, GROCESA, Oommilorlon and For- M.mhtsitin dealers MAU hods of Pro dote & Phubargb Atansfastared Articler and A rem for ado of likkomod and Lem:laws done. tared ort •EIAOHLNITT Day GOODS JODBEII3, NO. 101 WOOD STR-Err, H.LVE la ware, and will be on nears-A:4g dating the saason,a lute and well gateau:4 .Is wonstant of Staple aad DIMITY Dry Goods, which day will WI for cash or approved credit WelaCTI2 Merchants are Invited to examine rm eaaat CHM aeILVAIM & WILLIAM!". NO. 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS for the sale of SODA ASH BLEACH AL. POWDERs, have now In nom and v 111 eothinoo to native, mil veyplie• of the following V/ 01 hooves breed. "Alwyn:LA" "Tenants; u,d t rove," wltleh they offer for vale at market rum • a 19.12•1 JOUBI U. UAIIKIX. A TfORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis -11. Honer &r rho State or PeardylVaAll, 81. Lome; Mk, Hata Of Pinabarek) lefinntses—Pittaborgar Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton & Miller, 31"Candless & McClure, Job. E. Parke, Elasalla & Ilmaple,MeCord &El • . ..21411 I D. &Dag& U. B. U. OLESALE and Retail Dealers In Groesnes )and Dry Goods, and Commission Merchants, e.2loLlbarty 0. Pittsburgh. nun H. Baird J. P. Slenytt. DAIRD le STERILE:TT, A ITORNETS asel Counsellor. et. Laer—Preirtb et, between Maltedsld am! Orem, Pittsburgh, Pe. J*l6 Jaya 11. Large ... C. Friet.d. LAY/01 & 7/BIZIIII7, LI. A 16- TTORNEYS AT LAW, Youth street, ne es Oran' jytf .JAIIIIER F. KITILII, ATIORNEY AT LAW—Offwe 'an Fo•awk nmet, between SennbAeld and Omni., Pattbragb. • io 4 . : • t : A77tikNEY AT LAW —Ottice ou Fourth strect, Pittsburgh. Mt roux itteranza FORWARDLIO & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canna Basin, Pena strett, Pitiabwet. we JAMAS DAVIS le CO, • • PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.127 Market, and M Commerce at.,ladelpkfe. AAvaneee made, by either of the there, on consign• meets of Predate to either Helm mrd FORWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS WOULD reepectfally galled conalgament of ilarrisburgh freight, from Werson Merchants, aa linty are prepared to receive any Katona*. Lino and Beeflan Boats running nigh* and day, the freight will sot he dehdaed, as they will unload such boats at all bow. feb2a4at Barriaburgh, Feb.llo, I Its limey— •••Audrear Fleming K. K. Flaming. usaszar, wx.x.nuto a. co., n 05131181110 1 ,1 hIERINIANTS—For the ule of Do- X./ mostle,Wooten, ud Cotton Goods; also, dealers in all kiwis of Tailors' Tstatudega No 107 Wood et, dth door from Mt, Pittsburgh. Befereato—lldessio. Wm: A. 180 t 00, Bankers. 6earg• . _ --• Me* eigOaChE & CO.. B 7` 1.A 4 73T.ZS AND HOP DEALERS, ; 1 u . ,pZ William Banners . ll. Deniamin .DATTON & BAILMWELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Mee In Tilghman Hall, Oran st, near tha Coat Home. lebn J. D.W111.1011. ..... • • --John Haft.. a. D. WILLIAMS & CO., HOT sra eLE A. RETAIL FAMILY UROCERS, s:g and Commission Merchants, and .Yir. rumin Constry_ Produce and Pittsburgh Mannfiur tame (mar of Wood and Firth streets, rinseura h. nide J. .C. SragIoglo•—•••• • • • • zazirrior. a. mums., ERWARSINO AND COMMISSION 'MERCH ANTS, and Dealers in Window OW as, White &S. NO IDS Second it tuft N JOIENSTON, x 'CIORo US SeWAßD cond M. Yltlslmil& Sl INO & COMMISSION . 3 IEROILANTai ARLMIRTAIONG & CIVOZEB, nom:mimes MERCHANTS, at 4 Ihminas Pm doeo,No MUM gUeet, Pitt abumb. 11W111 AND rniaty ie • • 101 20 1% •0 010 . JOIE= 0.171110, aad bligte E 1 44 .11tme1, tool p ° I.cni!=e, coach zwia .T . ...4„.waz s :ed Iron I &env , : doste i ndlt in. rtrally, ears,. atlas, =rent Pitil4l J. D. WILLILSU Iff. VITROLESALE ANA RETAIL GROClato i r ; nVT vrarehrtg And Colandsalon MeretAu, o r w naux_Prodnee and Pittsbargh l. Msanfactalls, to- e ood and Fifth Imes, Pillsb.re , Pittsburgh, March IA UM Duquesne Myriam, Axle, Oust, end ;sem Works. COLEMAN, MAILMAN tr, CO, blanufaeraren of Cooeb and ELIO. 'llrdiegs, Hammond Poring and Plenigh Steekbron, Ae. Watehcase ea Water and Weal atreeta Also, dealer. in Coach and Malleable Cason DOW T 13. CANFIELD, (late M Warren, ODIN) asuals e, non and Fannudise Merchant, and wholesale , dealer in Western User. Cheese, Bader, Pot and Pearl Ach, and Western Produce generally. FFeur street, between Smithfield sad Wood, Pine:du:eh. ape 1111180111 1 tc AMTMLO. GENERAL COMMISSION DERSCHANTS, tcruber.i ad.arma made an conaignmeatn ianl443m ,ommenmeffleal MATTREW PrILSDN, Portrait and Ministate Painter.. Rooms, earner of Poet Oirma Alley and Fear* street., entrance On FOarth near Market. deetkitt J. & J. Tard•s. Commlodes Distrehasso. :11. Old Levet at, N Orleans, toes constantly on 11 band a lima assoronent of Briladbes of the follow ing brands, which they offer for talc as stoats for J. Durand & Co. Bordeaux, at= Mar r. Errand. I Da rand & Co, Larochslie,/ Damn, Corm., Ade h tom i io ta:en, • L Bleed's, A de Mood and &r; also, Anchor Gin, Ekodoanz Red end White Wines in cask. and eases, selected 'nth ens by John Deland &;Co; boobies Champagne Wine and Sweat Bargandy Pon. febl-lye /NOTICE:I. THE parmershlp heratontre existing coder the film of A fr. C BRADLEY,io diesolveu by the decease of Mr. C Bradley. The bushmse will be carried on by A Bradley, who will cattle the besides. of the lase firm. REMOVAL—A BWILST has removed his Foundry Warehouse from No Second moot, prNo 10 Wd od motet, between First and 8.004 Meets, to the wan. hope lately recopied by 0 A Berry, where he will keep constantly on band a general asserunsotof Cast. lop, Orates, Stoves. Cooktos Steve*. 2 m. ilt3 MeerutJam TBB eolansterettip heretofore existing between the ettbeenbent, the LIMO of Constable, Bette & CO, Bride day &wind by eternal consent. .blesare. Berko & Barnes will mule the tamineekof the concert!, for which purpose they DM an authorised to am the name of Ike concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EUND BORER THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have We day associated 'homely. in the name of BURKE A BARNES. for the permwe f manufacturing flim Proo(Befos, Veep Deem ke, Re, at the stud of the Ism hem of Constable, Berko Leo, where they will be pleued to receive the patron. ego et the mummer. of that helm and their fnenda EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARYN. lit retiring from the Arm of Com:able, Berke k. Co., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke I Barnes to the confidence of mylsiends and the public. Feb 0,1840. DLATBAIGEL CONSTABLE. febl3.dif The Franklin Ft. /num= Co. of Pitila.dolpAia. I DI N. Ducker, Thomullast Tobias Wegner, Samuel Went, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W Richards, Moe lecni D. Lewis, Adolph,' E. Bone, David B. Brown, Morris Patterson. Cum. N. B.c.it. President • Charles G. Banker, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or county, at rams as low as are sionsistent with security. To Company huve reserved • large contingent Fond, which with their Capital and Presentees, scaly Maul ed, afford ample reaction to the law. • The assen of the company, on Junuy let, 18/0, as published agreeably to . act of Assembly, were se follown,vir Mortgages Real Estate gipt7,4.17 41 44,1114 tel Taut ran Loans 96,001 SS 111,MO SS Cuh, te. hd,Bol 111,379,4211 71 &nee their incorporation, a period of 1 9 Tura, they Aare paid upwards of urn million fear hundred %hoar and doLlare,losses by Los, thereby affording evident. of the advantages of insartsee, as well as the ability and disposnion to meet wish promptness all lisbill • GARDINFJIWPF I N, Aamt, mart-dIT Mee N E owner Woad asd 3d nu mud lifendili—tisem ranee. HE Mama' Life arid Health Insurance Com pan? f of Phitadelphle, lama prated 'by the LeesMune of Pennsylvania, March, PH& Cbaner perpetual. Capital, 11100,000. Rene ;own max AM Moon ved CaX1.1.7, and fall de pet cent lower than the ward Wes of Life lavirsael, ea the following eon• parison Rill show , They a }anon of the age of 3) in. miring for SIM for life, mew pay in the Girard 1112,311 Pennsylvaniii,Cl,3ll, Perm Memel, Itla 2 Edaltable , 111,M; New England, SRA Haw York 1112,34 Al. Wm, BMA Life .a n.atn.Philadelphin, Durnmoza.—iSamotl D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. F. Haoue Roben P. King, Charles P. Hayes, IL W. Baldwin; pe M. M. Reawe, M. Chu 0.8. Campbell, Lewis Coor, L. Rodman Barker, F.ll.lloler, Edwin • B. Co President—Sautanl D. Orrick; Vice Press . P. Kim Beerr.tary—Franele Blackberna apPlicationa will be received, and every information given by BAHL. FAHNESPOCE, Am, Odlee; Commercial Rooms, corner of Wood and Thud eta , ?Wishing), VIDE AND BIABINNI INIDDIAX OIO . ir LIB INSUKANCE CO. at Nosh Amends Irifl A mak. permanent tail lisibed Imamea on titio. = i v it vitisdry 6 td co tblymt‘t by E rn are well tble Wad for tba ample indoroanY .1 Pao= mho d sera taloa prorated by Instran A eo. =Alt.) JO V/± l - 1 --- ' """". HNAL TH INSIIRILICS, at rittaburgbA the Spoing Garden Reelth lontrante Co, J;LF...e.WialiP.F.P PMA— aiiirAtt l ittl e entV o ranee of (rem IP to le per eat, for one, two, d•rea or lbw year.. The me th od .of 'cleans this lasaranee, and the mammy of awarding the cob allowance, will be folly exploited by the . Afoot MIII.II. A perwm eu byn re tattiest Mohair. or Accident labia will dotaiataa , from his ordinary bminese, follows, aim For ono year, by paying SASS, and remiss p/ week. For two " " 4,1‘ 1 , • • 4 . • For taco " • V,113, • • I • For , r • • LW, • • 11 " Or, f ors period of fair Zen s, 0... of 514.40 pci4 normally, will seems Se per great , while stet. Ever! necesmry infonestion mill be afforded os the 'thi." of I°'."l7,LCTlituii4V& delreldm Odom The P•aasylvssiA Oompaaly Fee Immo= on Lame szo °Ammo Azaramt. THE first Life lemma° CompsAy in the U. Stales. Incorporated March tO, 1812—ettu ter porpeOtal. Capital 11003,000—0 U paid in. Haring ambormed the Inderalsood tA receive appli. mi., for inserance,or which policies will be lamed. according to their proposals and Term which will Oa made known to applicants at his dice, No. 14 Wood erect. aptl GEO. COCHRAN. FIRE: MIA RD PRINTS—Of all Dot am Lest. To o4, bra i lla w ino p =t e t r, toreo Wood au bet'o 4111 .1A Diamond ahs 7 II E sabeeriber offers for •sale • largo and splendid anortment arose-wood mod mahogany grand An loon Pianosovith and 'without Coleman's celebrated Annan anackment. The above Imarnments emote:- mated to be equal to any otanufactanrd in this corm try, and will be told lower than any breaght the Eut. E. BLUME, No wood so, deer above Stk N. IL—City &op will be taken at par ter a few of ke above usoitment. nty2 V. B. ..., sae Brtaratatt Water. TIM I. to cenify that I have epi 4. pointed laViliptOch Roggen i M. leele Agents for the rale of.lanine. l'atent Die Filter, for the eig nese( PiuMargh and Allegheny. JOHN 01/3110111, Agent, for Walter DI 01b50n,340 Broadvra). N.Y! 10, 1f413. [ We have been using' one of the above article• at the seer ofthe Novelty Works for three months, on tn.!, sod feel pertecdy sattsfied that It is a asefel taunting dwe take pleaure in recommending them as • am fa; article to all who leen pore Irate, Orders will be the oltifday received tim0z,541.41,7,4EN C co LIVING a, W. & J. , Moot Htndt.ra. wF. ate stillengagrd in the abovelasiness, earner of Wood and Th ird stream, Pittsbargh, where we are prepared to do any work is our line with des patch. li'Ve attend to oar work personally, and saes faction be given in regard lin neatness and da ;ability. Blank &oks ruled to any pattern and booed sub stantially. :looks in number. or old book. bound cam fully or reirai..erl _Names pat on books In gilt letters. Thosa that Wive work in oar lino are invited ine to call. md OfY -840 t oholVeNkUmFts; PL E ILIor ;amines lb. P L Dadloy ils,i Jesse Mara ibis A Thomas Ws; John tr. Loofa lb.; Honest Melia I' Sr, Robert Morrld lb.: Tilos Metcalf nri Omar Dm lb.; DardePannrivallosi d* it Cog lbe. Pickwick Vs; LantartLeo ' lb.; Wm Brolth,Pa; Richard Hewer ltiL (./ W King Tis; Alf; ZIT, lb.;i A Jac k son 60i Ilan & Coo Fa; Wm Spotiowaid lb.. The above, Incioding Dome of Me mart popular Lynchbarg and Slehrsond brands, Tobacco„ on coo ligament he mennfastarers, t ingiVic T lAT AN, fe l tritf 31 %Valor and di From we 1.. SIPAI LAMPS! JTU received and lon sale, at NOIIO Second minim, a arch and apiendld amortment of Field Lard agr i l e pheno Lamm which will be sold ai lb. low ,en a ris prices for cash. The elution of dealers is golly solielted. MAN SOLOMON SOFFOTRIL ..„ • IA an MiliallOS/P116211T. . R. MURPHY J. Ai. BURCHFIELD. ri V IIE Retell Dry Goods buttons heretofore conduct. ed by W. IL - nervily, at NorlltEart comer Fourth end gullet sts, Pittsburgh, TAU hereafter be carried an Grthe new fare of MURPHY & BURCHFIELD, Who respect:ally solicit • cootie... of the calls of the old easterners of the estabnahntent, and the pabllo In general. A Nags and carefully 'elected ewe of Geod. will always be kept on hand, sod *very ln dues:neat offered to the way of low prim. N. i rata r MIRPUY will onnusac the Whole bhchnNtt. as heretofore, bo tho Naas Up Weirs, cation. from Fourth st. Qua[a eylay. THOSE who use bforgan's Cough Erma eett eou• selentionly recommend From the Evening Tribune, Feb. fO, INA blonosn'a Cows Evan—We east emmekatioarly commend dd. medicine for coughs, as it has eared es or a most aggravated street It Is • very different a air Hem the ordinary patent medicines. If you have a e old try It. 1 'reeved and told. JO wholesa PdOle and remit, by - JOHN D. ROAN, Omagh ; wad Wood mt. 1 door below Diam , War. *ley eee rill 1E eabeoribera Wing bar lama Seurkeheanary tre prepared. at all Wass, ae Wad , . bdat ane amok • Park on rt.:mat& MILL ILIZR k. JONES, Proprietor'', Canal Hash. MU ?Lk et BURGH, MONDAY MOICAL. To Mothers alga the nedi teal Profession. THEeabseriber but lust received a large repot) , .1 Dr. E. PRATT'S ARTIFICIAL NIPPLES. They are, without exception, the only article certale of • ford relief end gale sore or cracked Nipples; end floes their particulonstrution they will prove invitee . ble when th N ipple. o re Inverted or in any manner defied.. Dr Pratt's Patent - Breast Pump, a new invention expressly for the rellef of painful and sore Smuts, when &steadied with mill; they are far 'superior to any new in use. Dr. Praus Patent Dinning Dortle, fast se peered ing—arbett Introduced-0 1 other kinds Dr. Prattle Cupplog Apparent., the 9est ample cud the neatest article in eel for CppploF For sale, wholesale and retail, by bbdb R E SELLERS, 67 Wood st PHOOLARIA`. TI NOW all men who are sink and maimed with 'bo ll ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheametic Palm in back or limbs, affjoints, old 1101,,, running W... 1 at, that they can be cured by taking the Pe. Unlearn! You may talk about Its being a nostrum as muck as you please, but this does not make it so, for we postai= in Me face Man honest community, that it has cisme which are not contained us any other remedy. The man who la ranked with pain and suf. tenng from Meese. ran foe any cent. get Wiof from any Mum make above. Reader: h come very lithe to make a tnal. This Petroleum is no mix ture—no command, put op for the ;Inmost of imposing an the community; but tt le a remedy elaborated by the master hand °lnstant, and bubbles althorn the bo som of our motheedarthin its original parity, and of. fen to naming Initial* y • temly remedy, a certain and cheap cure. It bay cured Mies lifter other medicines have failed to render any relief. It has cared Rheumatism of long standing, and of the worst and mom painful character. It bee cored Cholera Mottles by one or two dine.; st has cured old wee of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy Mu been Mao avail. Ate a local remedy in buns and !malt., It Is better than any medieal corn ponnd or ointment*** know of. .tfwill cure chil blains or frosted feet, Ina lbs , appllealians; undoubt ed testimony can be tarnished of the tooth coaine in the above statement by calling on Samuel nt Kierd, Canal Basin, 7th street; or either ofthe agents. Ke .are McDowell, corner of Wood street and Vtren Alley; R. E. Sellers, 07 Wood meet, gem El liot fr. D. hi. Cro ry Allegheny city, are the . larint OAUTI X ZIT'S. A A ai m s the name oritUEL, CLAPP has engaged with man of tho altnektr 8. P.Townsond, and 1 elms his Damns put up a Jthrsaparilla, whiah they eall Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, dencaninatirg ti GENUINE, Onginal, etc. This Townsend is no doe ter' and never was, bat was formerly a worker= rail toads, eartais, and the like. Yet he nucleon therally of U. for the purpose ordaining erediVfor what'll° is not. Ile scoduar out eards headed •uTricks of saahnhs," h e which he says, I have sold-dhe usa of my name for ID a week. I will give d. P.Terythsend !Soo Übe will ;madam , one single solitary proorof This is to caution the public not to be derethedrand puh none but ths GENUINE OMILILNAL t/L.D D J a co b Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having It the Old Dr.'. likeness, his family coal or thins, and his slg. azure enrol, the coat stunts JACOB TOWNSEND. PC111611141 021.11, /02 Naas. it, New York CID, OLD T A DOCTOR JUNI 1:1 TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL • i ri l.- 2 • --.' IMETIEM or MIN GLIVItCa Toviaszso,MAIPAP.II.IIILLA• Old Dr. T.easeed Is now about 70 years of nee. an, has long been noises-asr the AUTHOR and DISCO TIMER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL ' , TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Brand poor, he was compelled to hunt rusnefactare, by which means it has been kept oat of market, and the aalcit. careopsonbed to those oil y who had proved us worth and known its Tenn. Tkis own Ann UntornaLtan razettaltrion ir authafaeurred on the largestscale, and u celled for ho throedm the leng th and breadth of the land. Valise Tome IL P. Townsend's, it improve. with age, and never changes, bet for the better; been.. it isprepared on menage prtnelplas try a scaenuic The Mg.. knowledge of Mienumsr, and the latest I discoveries of the..ahave all been brought into re enter= . in the .tans .utre of the Old Or NI Sarsapa rilla The Sass yeen - 111. well !mown to wed teat ma, cadmins Mettielnal properties, and some go-o pera. Md. are that or ..less; and others, which, If attained In palming it for use, ,prods. re...t ilos and acid, wk. la bilusthas to the stem. Some of th e properties a t Nalesparißis are so sy volatile that they county orajongo nail sre• lost in the myna non, if they sawn presented by • Oelentifie proem, known nail es the. experienced ha Im nuanufactuar. Moreover these amiable ples,wkleh Ay olf i-i va por, or es an exhalation, maitre beat, an the very .- ..nut medical propeikee Mika root, which mrea to it ail its vales. The _ OLD DR. JACOB TO WNPEN OittQ[ D'S SARSAPARILLA le no prepared, that all the inert , proper.. of the bar• elran rg"""7,trry e. t . ettid e t. ass . t rmeen.; then every particle of nwitleil virtue is secu red in S pure and contantreted to and um. It is reentered iracapable of leshig nay of its rateab mi. , beldam properties. Prepared In ti e way. is inmane am Car. OIIMIrEIVBLE DISF.ASES Hence the reason why wehear commendauons on every side in ats timothy toes, . venter ad children. We dad at dararwanders In the care e Gonstunpuon, Dyinepeas, and Lira Complarat, .4 in Rh.inausea, mi.thla and Palma, Cootiwwww, all C.otaneo. Was, Pimples, Illotebeaand all Mitemions arming from ta a w usury OF THE BLOOD. at i =rate -stra oaoov t from d rtity ' oft e St:mar h"n r, frogs Mold arealsidon, determination of bloat to the head, selpethuon et tee hag" cold fat and eoldhands mold eldlth end hot 4thoe osar the holy. It `es net hted id gaol in emeriti aisd p. ea promotes easy agyeettaration, and gentle re:dales sine. tose piths Imp, duo. end e ether past Bala etaking lolls excelleure mom stmattesUY men and altWeerlodar in all Mode .4 stages id E COMPLAINTS. It works ere.= Ls agate d Wee Ob. or +W`. , thais .Coatb Olopo t he ir au. By tee m , raven and to the genera system, raves tom and strength to the whole bed ,r eel ams *Worn. of rieavous DISBASES AND DEBILITY, and thas prevents or miler. * diem variety of other " AA"' Htieth Heereht/4 . , St Is D.., amen.; Egibrok rus, Gonvalsuidis, Le. Is not this, then, ralgellfdlier w rarer Pin-Fathriza. Nasal . But can yet these be sad of S. P. Tom. wend'e interior ar WWI Thus yang man% 'maid is not to be CO M PAR ED WITH THE OLD pith% bee... the Grand Feet, that the one I. Ine4O•ble of Detenoraden .d NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; It worm ferments, and blows the bottles containing it Into fragments; t he MIT. acid !lewd ea plading and damaging other goods! Meat not this hoe. rthith compound be poisonous to the amend When pet said into a Maas •Iready dee.d with acid' When gums Ompepola bat artht Do we not. know, that Man feed .01111 la oar Montacha, what misadefs In preda.sllaralsrms. gdailmth. the heat, liver coaplalot,Man corruption of the blood? What m licrefglp but alt wad humor in the body? What prod..air j. t.g Mach being ea Eruptions of the Skin. Weald abad, Salt Rhelldlelpslas,Wline Swellings, Petrar-Botear and WI uleeratlons internal and external It le note- WS tthd. heaven bat an acid substance, which loath, awl spell i alhe dads of the body, mom Of less. I Whale... main bet • war ' , Web biannual Walt haws. the Whits and elsewhere, ritatios and Mimoiorr krojny and delicate tiara. ay. which it acid lie of owo•os Olaral, of loupe. nty of the blood, of damned CHratisHegda nna nowt/ all the allments which else* haat. Were. Now, to it not horrible to mate nod sell, and Intinno ly worse to use thia OSURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOUND' OF S. P. TOWNSEND I and yet. Meld falls have It .derstood that Old Ja. soh Townsend'. Genuine Original Sarsaparille, is ee sentailan of his Wert. prepare:man Heaven fort. 1050 WO should deal In an article which woad bear the metal r,lanant resemblance to I . Townsend's article: and high should bring down spon the ow Dr. such • macula lead efftopthiniem end ertmlnatlons from agelllll what have 110141, *udder chasm who have seed S. P. Townsend's rennowng Compound We tomb fl .derstemt, bee.. at Is the Wsolote usuk. that S. P. Townsend'. article and Old Dr. Jae. TowksithsPri Samparilla .1 heaven.wide apart, mid indultely dieelallart that they are .alike in every par. deals:, 'Wink Wane angle thing to et:l=mM It la to arrest Gandy won the unfortanate, to pear balm Into weueded haisanlly, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore beelsk tied bloom and vi gor into the erathed and broken and to Lanish batman• ty—that old DR. JACOD TOW NSEND has Sti•Jf; HT and FOUND the opportunity andmea. to brans his Gum 03114,5 AL CONCENTRATED REMEDY. within the res. and to the knowledge of all who erod that the y learn and know, by pyre] ea paten., tm raerratanarrrFeMa en oat For sale by J•IICIDD& IVlrolmale Agent for Western r...gir.uus; J. SARGKANT, .1. 44:A.1,1., Fifth weed. O. W. GARDNER. tala ward. lashes. .rail ple s OrCiiiiPVANlN—Ariethor care performed by Icahn' the onerml, only tr. and genuine Liver A.eneeme, Proem, so., 0., Marsh IW,IO-17. Mr. R. E. Selene—ln April last my wife we. altadO ed with Liver Complaints and had the advice of No phlelelane, thyldelane, who toed various remullee without pro.. VracAt'eraegNii7sf,e;Leolnieelligd b to '‘ ;i ' v o e f tZe * in u' : ' fa k i; trial. I pare/wed p.O box of Mr-Seou of Aberdeen, and gave them actOolltlg to the directions, by which ao.troli gyOe tl y Y e ll e ve i procured • ,cooed boo, Wick enurely cored her, and she 540 entoYe elnel• Idol health. I have need them myself, ead pierseance Mesa the best family medicine I ever tried. eparedYours, he., Mame Demme. Pr and sold by R. E. BELLERS. 57 Wood et; &old .010 ny Druggists generally in the two cities ithle Yermillrallt& IT HAS NEVER, in • eines insmace, felled to es. pel Worm. C4llllt. Coeur MUSS, VC, )011 ca. 11347. Mr. R. &Millen: Yon will recollect that when we Were in Pittsburgh, le November lest, you Revelled des to try to your Venality., to test tU none..- We did so, and through the winter we sold what we put awed:width gave it a fair reptiwith. ilk ilay Ism Iz:forehand more, which was d i pe e of loacds. 1. We then ordered more, which reached us 041 the lath el the present mon th , , and on yesterday we &Maths lamer two down nettice., We hod It so val. üble mcdiehmt that every person of a family wish. ea to have It in their possession. Those who have ,perahued It would be perfectly willing to give certlaintee of Ite cotenancy. Oat of the quantity we hare resided, It be. never, in a tingle leistance, felled to impel worms. Your friend, Wm. C. MUles t Co. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood al. and sold by Mealtime generally in the two eler& Abel =swirls' O• 111( Nyrtap. T "."` be a preps:anon of much merit, when .0 Innd, i rtlpt or . orom i ldsonn vrlgnoly:lncd vol:n.tasi t aglt ' l; reoneted etlien7tdre n/Proed hi. 2P al i ngl i rttr l=tirgi:loFhlreedg r'lftrenfi? On dilly MMus mots In • note—'l always keep It In aiy bense,and mould not, on .7 al% ho voltam It.^ Mold conntry naya--.I cmsaddled, attar a trial or Om or fruws, that it Is Om bast congb• medicineodldlno I have over tri ye ed, tabor In the Old or Nem. Wortd.n. U non have a cough, get a bottle and tu It; It coots but 13 news. men sad Cast bon Saliba,. absent., beg leave to Inform the pub be ,ha r: they haw obtained trots the East all tho late and cable designs for iron itallagi both for home and eanetwitta Pawn. Wishing u pwscate band eau pawns will please tall and exstruneond Adige fin thaololves. Baling will be fentialtal at the ghost. eat nodes, and in the best Maher, at the earner at Craig aalliabsoaa math avaSidiff A. A1 =0;11 . 6 LIIO2. ORNING. APRIL 1 MISCELLANEOUS Pict gnoblia..lolfollcs sad Pitsidry. JOIN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton d Wooten Machinery ofnverr description, such Carding Machines, Sissnmng Worn., %wade., Drawing Primes, Railway Hcsas, Warier's, Scooters, Dressing Frames, Loom, 9.dt:hinders, to. Wrought Iron shafting tonal& all Me. of &hist loon, Pullin, and 11. gars of the latest patter., slide and hand Lat.% anJ tools of all hind,. Casting* of every dose ription furnished on thou notice. Pumas suds to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, to. Steam Pipe for heat. Ing Factories. Cut Iron Window Sub and fancy Can. ITorne7,"•'Ca'll.,YLibTrdt;"sixelete 'ten. tioo Refer to Bleeketoek, Bell & Co, . Womb.iud Co, G. Warner, John Irene t Sons, Piuebargiq G. C.I. 11. Wa rn er, Steubenville. 1.19 THE ABCONETEB• fnilE anention ofthepahlio u reapeettan galled 11 .L tho following eenteoluon E. S. Errum—Haring tested • quanStY of Oold weighed bg.your Ammeter, I End rtes malt provm your InumMent earreel; an d reenemend the VI Of a to more going to California, &nth. beet method for otr.. raining the real manner II DAtp.yonm J. 11. DU d. NLEVY,GoId EMU. Pituburgh, March 9,18 E. Panamint, blurb 7,181 a. Eaum—Dder Sin Mewing examined the 'Vac°. mew marorfactured at your rooms, Ido not Inmate to commend it to t h e rise of those gentlemen who an Omni removing to Coliforni• La search of Gold. It gives a CiO3C approgimstlint to the .peeifto. gnat ty of moats, Ind wtfl certunly endaa the whedthwa to nieertaligwiten his placer In yleldtar i gai rmyx murtg ' Vont, rasp's'. 7: IL INDIA BUDDER CLOTHINU—dest received forth* California Expedition, a complete assettment et Goon Elastic Clothing, at prime. ranging from PP It , CIAO forattit of coat, pants and hat. For tale at the India Rugber MO; No f Wood dee2o & H PHILLIPS BO,be offers for ule, the STEAM BRICK 1 WORKS, above Lawrenceville, eomptialng SW.IIII Engine, Boilers. 0 Mould Idachine, capable of manufacturing 20,000 Pressed Wicks Coat of dry clay, as taken Dorn the bank,) per day; with three acres ol laud on the Allegheny river, on whieh are 4 kilns and abeds, media. and clay elm ds,wheelbarrows, trucks, 'hovel., spades, Ae., every thleg requisite to com mence operations at an bouts ocher. Price, including the patent righo to use said machine, S7,ollo—llwates_of payment made easy. Without the lead, ;or m0ng01..., address HENRY MERRITT, , L atia - C-dtf Nolte likmongehela Hosea SUADI9.I.IO7T 6-WIIITRis NO. 92 WOOD &ram., 11.4 YE now In aw as e a large and general sothaent or DRY GOODS, which they oiler to 'Cos and County Merchants at reduced price.; and which they /will sell OA gi at laduestnema W cosh buYemsDir aporoved etc 11A9- === WlGllThlAN—hlanalletarir of all kindest' Sot. Jain and woollen mackinexy r isliegitsny eity The ve works being now in and antenatal' op. credo am prepued to exults wears with diapatak for all ads of machinery ts ay hr. nth ann./lir pickers, spreaders, e ands, grinddognitainekniiways, emwing frames, spcmiars, Owl's, looms, woolen ardsoloable or single, for marehmttor emintri mules, leeks, Sr.; slide and band !Whoa and =loin gen. real. All kind. asks/ling made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at ressourible charge. REV. To—Kennedy, Childs & Illaakinock, hall .2 Co, King, Pennock & Co, Jas. 3, Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS. 1 . 11 rat lut glam, (*eat Pittalntribil Pa. Opt, NJ. Maa a,' knew. Maria: and Trout, 1 4 'slakasL • IFW ILL constantly keep Gallant' a poi fa 47pon, moot of Wars; of oar ewo mansctsro,_and supertorenslay. Wholesale and eo•ntrr mer chants arc respectfully welled to tall and ea. over t...rains for than h ov er as ws ars deteriamed to will Rs, as before been offersato the pa. Ire. IlXOrden sent Or my 11,4 e tompanied,b7 the cash Or ood reference. 1r tll he Prproptly sOsuded to. ma NEVI COACLI WALOWOH.Ta abkossmaa. Ala B Mo " Ta i b T li i ; that laid bare armtad .h e Laect, between Federal rod Emotnaky Meets. They &returns making and are prepared to receive orders for every descripdtrto of vehicles, Case Lea, , Touches, Wiggles, Phatans, &As, Le., watch Irma their long experience to doe manafacta re of Meehan's work, and the facilitict they hare,they feel confident May am . mantra to do work on the most reasonable terms with there grvionne arneles in their line. Paying part, ular attention la the miscue. of mate rials, and hoeing none bat competent workmen, they hose no hesimuon iowarranung their - work. Ws therefore ask rho attention of the prattle to aliS N. B. Repairing done in the heat manner, and on the most ornseneLle oenna. Thema, Partlamia, ArACIHNISI . AND MANUPACTIMIII—Lathes, I.V.L Tonne., Donnie and large Screws of all a 1.1% Mass CantlnKs and Drain Works pliesglly. Cornet of rem and Flea aueeLa THE aubscriber, baring gurehawoll the Factory e Sam. Pattetaon, Jr., located at the above @mod, would respectfully inform km !Heads and the [white that ha is pregame. to all any ov'tra to Ida boa, on the must reasonable writs and with chapatti!, cod 'rill (rot greteful for weir "'"' T n rit ' ilAS PARKINSON. PI kisbutgh,.l.. l a lei& AVM° dirposed or ml ehlahrilhatmth to hi , Thomas Parkmadn, I mho the lllntyty to for torn the patronoge of my friend a an/ tho pablle, feeling confident that any favors a/M/orTed mill be dolt spprorlateft and prom ptly astenAN to. JAME./ PlarrEillOM lb. Jon 1.1850.-41.741:1es SVG ums BILLS OP EXCHANGE. Pa ate to ernsiono, Louisville sod St LaMar Pm cliaed on the most forollbiateysrm ' -- INTATP r oi'mu•ATILIIIIIOIIf inv serum. %Toon ram Main, INrrsousa, te, ronnufacture all kinds of COPPER, V TIN .'JD SHEET IRON WARE. AIM% Mat sath Work. Steam hoot built order. Special smmon El. to . to meat boat wCITIF. Have on h u ands a foe assortment of Coruna! Drat 'Kettles Tin Steasaost County Smits, Penale Forges, various slots—• very convenient m uds for steamboats, California emigrants, or tail rind Coo7.lt*. We 'could respeeldally Inns itellM best lan ad aura its ail and see our 'Nicks a;d pleas afon parrhain ei sevirnera .ml 7 H ARBUTIIIIIOT AB rost returned from the Eastern eines, inid fa tteelesog • Imo vartsty of eetteoneble Goods. to •rogeh he reepeetfuhy Invites the Mumma at march ants and pedlars. No tie Wood ht. fetal =EMI DAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK, BOStON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, Yeah wholesale and retail Roses, end other respectable titoGaMS,ld 4;12. 7 1 Offmit-keePers, Saler meu, Portera, - Bar4stepard, WOlikV, men, Car Agents, Book and Map Adente,' Overseers m all branches of basioess, at. We tome at all times a large number of goodeituations cahoot, whmh pay from Mo to IMMO per amain. Thom in' want of situations Many kind would do well to give as a call, as we have agents in each of the above et t which will enable no to place every applieant a spftobla simation at the shenennedee. We hate large t o t in all the above attend odic.; which trust enable so to glee entire satisfac• ben to all who m 7 61 . 0 7 o. cla TAYLOR a. TA !dA , No. eeen4l4, between South and Gay. N. R—Persens living to any pan of the U. States, and ...hind to obtain a situation In Ilaltincere or el. tiler of the above cities, will have their wants'imme diately attended to by sildresung ua a line, cpostliaid) es by so dams they will curtail both usable .and pence, which they otherwise would lunar by coming t , . t egf i giy, and seeklog r ezipleyhue , n . t r ti m s•ArTlvee mg24.dtf ,old Jai:Mom stedlcateil Liquid Ciatetig. rirllfef IS undauntedly the bet. PmPaddle. ere, die I. covered, or dressing Borne, Scalds, Cam, Mains, Ureiscs, orany kind or fresh wounds, also fee sore Nipples a remedy unequeled. Th. •nthle is intended for fannly use, cud should be (mind in tho pen t of every family in the lend. litleutL4rx vhn ere in constant danger of Injury to their persons throve. cuelden . .i. and the improper In rendes* ore of tools, wal Lod this gaol. 14 , lie Eleele• elite to them, and after a Asir tnd will consider 11l dispensable. It is an excellent substitute for adhesive plaster of all kinds, Wlenbill any of Its inconvenience!, add is se medicated as to allay all pain immediately and most " A d' iVr T y . tunl pored any whereon the redact of the shin imindanUfi terms a hem, smooth eovliel. very 'wirers the netpral Genera of d m 'M.; ethtelt be freely washed with water en socp,'whliotlt any in. juryxn thr wound. dad lijer r ils r O c s ' s m in t f ., r e e n e l y plTsi a citt d eo h : g fTe T w " E/ G ire m urend oilier part. of tins roanwl. Par sate WILT by It E SELLERS, ziy tyao ci N. —The trade supplied at the meal...mei oricce retie IC ONOUIZAPIIIO ICSOWCILOPACDIA OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, fr..•ll+; }:;FCENIATICALLY aosnied by 0. HECK, with puree, b Iha meet au. ktod edOrd by SPEDIOLn A. Y. rioftn.or of Newest &lone. in alms. lol l . 11: pa. • • .. tennorraphie Encycloperdia will be pabllaheil mirlpurte, rnell cantioning gitplotes and fie . pspea of Imier prcre, tr. mut in a convenient port olio, in which ruliarris ran keep their copies In perfect order im• 0 completed, when they cau be bourig. Our liart ty . poblirliederery month, at the eery low rrirr .111.4 . amble Wre n of lostrua• tiou to the most imantiial and praellcal form, hove,. or meaty their met, to lice ma sitfiteritiorg W V.h . r.oripteares an taken for the whole work only. • From the Itorlon Port. The work Mould not be reePlod for • women; with ofoany obe trashy or popularly sekritifie pubtleadona the day. From the New York Tribune. • The exceedtng beauty of the plate. recommends them to tho attention o r: the loser of art From the Ll:erazy World. A well executed solid Work, of eubstentlal value. The IntrodoeUnn of this work into general eirealation emong our school and other Ilbradee .r f:blie and p rt. yaw, sonnet toll to be productive of venni. From the Washington OD. C. ohm We canal too highly reeometteridnlie wort. The engravings are to the highest &dye of an. No work has ever before been published to this county so splendidly Illustrated and the printed matter is of an esoaUl ate, order - It Is just the Work for families. SIX NOS. of this Investable Encyclopedia are now publnhed and ready for enbeeribera. JAMES D.IA)CIFWOOD, flookeeller suld !moaner, 63 Wood st, mril (Alter lit April—Fourth et, near Wood) Savglieh leut Aneerielue 'FAN k.N O. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller aid Importer, og 101 Fourth sliest, a few door. out of Wood, Odd cal Wood street ,l has for vale— London Archatecturel Magazine, a vole, 6 Wood's Treatise on Kell Road., B vo.--Npark t e Ufa eon Writings of Washington, 111 vole, 8v6.-16plsre Life and Wo itings of Fraeldin,lo vols ; rove are -- Maori of England; Pkoorialedldon; 4 vole, royal Bee. --Sbakereeze; Pmbnial edition: g vol., mai eve. istrN AAKEIIti.LOCYWOOD. 106 likrarM • • , , , . • , • . ,N0 , ....,_.„..... ~ , ,, ,..--, ,r . - • ... , „,. ' • - -"`') - . • .- - - .. ' .. t t'... : ~ - - ',',J,'. . .. • . . , . , - , . . , -., -.-:-_,•.-- . ~...... .. , '9, ,t • . ~. I •,-. ft • . • --.- ... ... - . . 0 ' . • - •t• - . . •_,, .....„ , •••. -- .. • _' • _. 2,•:•-L ~ TRANSPORTATION. I:, GEE, WO: GEE. WO'. , WESTER tUTINICi!lilrt9l7, 1859;',W4 was MOS 'ln °LSI allM s ; BINGHAM'S .EXPRESB' 141% Pittabarglvandl 19104outal B A the buomo sa an the and Id abort M Br this watias, wit waalld Wins Oa 0a Nat wa kavo anis Monett Glo G0440 4 4 4 WA1M1G 44444 gqaland will bo pt r eo to forwank alas4s, daily, (collanelnir op2iaaday,tla SU IpaL) - A. Gat !toying Pluladalplua 414 1 7 bY Isla batabota, awl tbe ag= wilaalbli art *Mt emu. the &HMI Galida An m. play to WM. BINGHAM, _Mamma, BINGHAM iDOCKMo.II3 Mattel mew. notall Plaladalphla. A.IMA!LIIICIZIEENT' • 1850. Ea& MOO. EXPRESS.WAGON ::art PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. Ts= Five Dart, (Sundays execputd,) numb* Day and Night. T HE public respectfally informed dud this Una, which h i es been in success/el °pantie" the two previous winters, will aissin eonanento running on Monday, the 26ilt of November. A Car will Icing ph t laa.ipma nod ilAli,Latsl:ravV3solhorse hleU ' s r =gda nd l iartito om g . We are moored to famed 60001ba deist t doily bT . the above Una. Apply to D. LEECH A CO.rittabureh. or I...HARRIS& LEECH, No 13 Sow Third snot, Plilladelpk3g n0v40411 Aram MALIAN= DIVE DA It LIND, 101 TIM COEVITATtez 01 1111.1111111111 /AZ /1111‘1111 MTh MEI LID C21:111121, 1171 , 111 PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. ri_OODEI forwarded hi Ale Line are carried In mall train is Chaniberabargb. and are inutedlaw ly loaded in Wagon. ran t night and day Omagh to Pittabarth. The bonasiasloned Wean' Isalit wind. insures neuron:lo dinlysry of goods widen a time promised. Die Wagons will lame oar wanikease (Han. days excepted.) at I o'clock, P. AI Klepper. are anneal Au no tame swede will be taken each 40 than can be ipusetaally earned dumb.; JAMES di DAVIS k. W Market et ll o l . Pk 1114 . 1 .1N. JOHN teI'PADEN Canal Basin, PitoburnA JOHN MAFAD&N t CO" F.10.13)11• t Cams. son MUCH“Th Gaud Buln, Penn inNed.PHtNTIOL /AMEN M. DAVIS & CO, Reminding Am Comi eon= hleaciarts, pa Market, sad 14 Comm:red al., Philadelphia. 4 , 141.= d 4may.. l Tn igr: o f o=4l , F . tent a r n! lea 4 UNION LINL. WINTER ARRANGE:KENT: 1850. IE aribmibert,never having i n inteesarral riM non. Pawn. Wagon Lana bonanza ritubarsh and Philadelphia an prepared to receipt for MI Ine tmight daily. Each WO dalivorable through Az days, Sundays excepted. LISNICI PRATT , b. COI Canal Darin. Pitisborgh. nunux HUM PHREYS & CO.. JanMita • 107 Market at, Phil's. 1850. Ilfarakalsta. TaIuIVATI4SIO4I Use. p . m thePrnathla of ILIMIDEA]=I AID IRODIMX IFDOX }IIIIIIOIIAX DOTILIDe ADELTNLA AXD semi VIA PENNSYLVANIA ANAL TRAIL ROAD, Blithest m TINE—IO Bala. Saw of Proles always aa as asy ether Bap:sale Wm • 0 A MeANULTY I Co., Proprietors, Carel Buda, Para si,Piisablugh Au:Am—ROSE MORRILL I Co, 'Wilmer. CHARLES RAYNOR, PlaleSelphia. 1111BILOUAITS I WAS ellysalpy LINE, filehadWAY PRElO vely far theLIT ateADDID BU SINESSAILDOD of the BK.!. P,L.o.DADArgh, d Waillifile. Mamoru. HoIll• Shlpiotg - b - iMs Lteelan i tZnya d ' elerld apt, hay ing their goods Bromley forwarded sad &lowed at m tiot ea as Canal or Raft Road, at fobr IMAM for JOON MILLER, Ps:Vieth , ' Aetna—lt fl ClANAN,johnnowa,. JOBN MlLLER,Delidalabut attf C A WANULTY k. CO Pitta'( .ELTALIAICE PORT/MLA 130AT.LINg, X 1850.10111111 . . PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPIIII. PPM PROPRIETORS of &La old eittsblisted and 1 row Portable float Lao, an soy! fally prepared to motive goods fin slihssient on opening et ItYnaL— Having molt inmate( Weis tedlWee, War roan rot swage le mete sod maple& No tranetdpsseat takes place on an Wm the goods being pot Wm section portable Yogis, son not &Start:vet anal attire! at their desdnasunk—thas avoldiag hand. Wee points of Jedrstoem, and ~.IS&CSatttEi g SPil SIGWrerRESPII4SiIIria apiin as her wiz& as by airy other Lin. Oar nelekboy Law diffar as to r rosponsibeity. We itavo,7or the lest yea" 11. "The ReUenvo Lew:. an 1 havo never forested o f re and ere Wink we Imre owned UN privilege of now oha= n oer wan to dis awing of t a litaaromnis N MeTSDEN & CO, h. See o. le i r 11 1 Itre ' r‘ N• WI argot P We& wui JUNI 1850, n* navw wl:34 1 7.: u a DOW . • IP= nbseriben, egarded i gletr A unions ope nag Navies. tion.ltaveratebliehed an Hap Lim by Railrad and Wagon benne& Plinadelpkie end Pau=l a il &idol they an prepared to Cieremrd day. and motet Ws the %Weer? of the =le is den.ettrai ( b ar =Z=ll? =retr =lt; and dowatob, wrinotrall toe, e satisfutlen to *BRIM Ewer them with their ode I 74g VIVANCI2, toner Pena v i d . a Demure del to MOO at. Pallstielpt& Modern - lid Antique runitare. JAMES W. WOODWIILL, LO, TR= es., Ihrnwrial. .1• W.W. liteSpeethilly intones th= pontrip h atig h ror FURNITURE., the largest andmonvarte4 assortment ever adored for We in this city, comprising several WU Or Romwoon, Marroearm, and Resat Maxon, carve.d, ornament., and plain, salted. ler Parlors, Drawing and Dad Room, ell of which will be cold at' the lowest prices. Pereira, dashing Foraitare of ony deuriptort, are spectfolly invitad to p call andegullus his Mac K , winch erinonr 1° TV!" p • •. W ° Tali Atte Liam . " Tots a Tele Divans; 1 1 Ciinveriatlon Chairs; Elizabotalan.Chaus: Illomppon do Lonis XIV ' do do Cmcomion Dali - • What Maim Toilet n Tablem ue; Lords XIV Commodore; Doke of Yergs Conch; Mt Sofa. with Plash and Llair-eloilt corium to Divans,. do de do; d 0 dm M i= P 7o k.' %7 i • FY I'k Waltlai do •" ant; Rocking ri; " do Piano Moots; • 60 Manta. Top Centre Tables; 00 do do Wash Strad", en Mahogany Bedateads; du Wardrobor, le Di% Waled t:/ , ' ! fitiovll_ sr i l:3ll:o " tnro=re D"Th and .11'- 0 Steam Bootsjihruisked on the shortest notice. All o r prompdy attended to. P. 9.-4.lbinet Makers can ba supplied with all sorts et Mahogony, Walnat r and Young,. alt Ormidershly re coed fade 111 , 00.11,11 ii 004 ® (Baenesson APCord Ilan) 11111 b Ilatteejaa Champs asf Waal sad FOA Smogs. DARTIODLA.it abandon paid to mu iletallTrads. I Gentlemen tan rely upon getting their HMI road Caps from oar estalglabrnent of lA, MT 4411alsla dud waingwomm, at gm . 47tH arum, and at rue warm maid Country Merchants, purehagng by wholesale, an rupee 'fully inroad to call and initlatte our Brook; we cm my with sonfidanea that a. moues VAIMI mom It will Wanda In a onatpartson min 009 and se Phil.dal .111 a; . ' febl7 • P . • i • ' 1 • 1262•11TV'ed3 rIUIE Second &melon of this lastltalion. ander this . c e srn oydr.4.lld c Mts. 1001 mf:tthe x pregent rertg 14 la p same buildings, N o. L u bo a n i st street bs= is hive been made bp which limy will rnsh yrnang ladles (militias ngpal to any In the West, far °Omahas , a thorallpli °IV.* asloind , •a5,.944 Ossetian. e rs• IM*. tdd lihataindA Lacunas will delivered dar n g Wrfqp 1414111 cd sad 144 biltralt li b* de. =V Iof paradrat .10 ease be ander odern the ease of a competent Professor. By dose . 11 ..fie. 2 to the moral and Intalleetnal Improvement of their pa. Ils, the Principals hops to Mad aeaaUooatloll4f ttal " M ' Sr i r 7 ru e s t ag r lt. " o 4. n'astiu " issratoklleas , ltalleatieds Lab. 328: suilva sltille N talles. direct. enna the Ma* Boadlein, lassies:and AL?* 4r t aeranitir. Ind; an aortal, at the Lowest eutaket id lit: he w & BUM EL.TgEN 1440 I Liberty ea [l7 - Iney will also twelve Large mega*. daring the sprang eta radlallelpkta and Balumporn A. A. KAMM 0 CO., O. SO Market suet; aro tally rotoltlog am .1 degrabla Goode from the leading etatafatiories' N of this mousy, sod or tin latrat lewortatkota 'The fall des ofttot Owl enjoy, fa brag earassumt wait a boor to 0a sash oatAtoo Om to pueltar_peds the 1011..* vsl.attep, sad keep *air amok =Auld do, 'Wats at all seances. Ttay Lan a gas oamortelat of Ao4M Lispiair Goods, to *Ulla tln iallait sooty tatadair of *dr Ideals smiths pal*. • • . nrwar ---- m l=regrar a . r i e=o . n , centrarai d all th e wash the mom legal of moot sale, rodeo= tho u gust potral &Mau of th e ' , Waddle it h been np fully tested, not only by panctutem. sale es, bat also by physicians, that It hut red their umudlled recommended= sari the proba tion of the peddle; and has established, oer own merits, a reputation for VA= and =luxe St rapt. 'or uL mi t=rattels erairpoende bearing the sismo of Musses have been mmsd, each rie eve net furnished in the records of Um put; and what It has already done for th e thousand who have used 4 It la , capable of Wog for lhemiUloasmUl mnna' with disease. It purifies, el 'An t g and etrengthene tt. fountain springs of hie, sad Infests new vigor througheat the whole animal (mug ANOTHER CURE OF SCRIM JILL. The folaneing tanking, and—as will be set a—Sot. mural cure of an inveterate. ease of Ithrefoltr, ram mends Itself to all similarly Meted: • .• Sogsgtarr,Ows,.Jan.i,i B43 . Messrs. Sandr. gettlemen, Sympathy for theta/Mt. ed induces. apt to lath= you of the re:mutable cue effected by you Sanutruifie, le the cam of rar WA. She war merely afilleted with the Serothla oar MU. net parts of the lardy; the &add of the nee% were 7 enlarged, and her limbs numb serolletm, Ann =lug or a y diem and Wing no relief from. the remedies ur:l, the em au tlr • i one leg, aid low the kra• suppurated, Hm,sl pelan od It should be bald oport, which was dm, bet enthest asy permanent benefitsin' we Daudet!. ana seers Indased uset, Sa , Hammond. The firs floBbout° prodneed a deckled ad favorable effrahrebey horatt r. ere a ltelt ars t riztlet „ n dui tm had=l I and delight of her frionds—oho feud lag &tali quite rumps& It is now oyez a yrar aboute eurtilras ef fected, end her health remalnegood, showing au the disease was thoroutly eradicated from . 4 . Oerry neighbors are all ie Eta Inuming to theit them, ve bigitly of Sandmparilla. Vona with respect, WILMS' W. • Hymn from km yecelved hem M.N. W. Harr cis, ••gentleman well Munn la 4.oninana “Geortemeo, I have eared a negro boy of rade with you Sunpuills, who was shacked with Sue, ' mid of a serofalou family • cYours, N. W. asitius.' , . "F,dukuuu.v., lll 7 mum.. • &Rae Saucesansc—lt ocean about inandeura ry to direct Mahon to en ankle se well kneel: l / 4 Ra d.ernhaly popular, as this usperadausbrupeuram oaten who wish to me the extract of Serwrpui...._„„tau tal=Sercerthless compounds ham- nag th e ba hula OT ram of dus rime or able Iraq we Wei we Maas ceder wester bane& on mu readers than in directing their srandon to the oder...mart of the. Messrs. Sande, In atother «tram - The book has recently been bed !mean, and dose who wi4♦ realty=rtiolo d to will end concentrated In this all t h e m.0./oat :sabre of the root, The experience of Amara& has proved Its clans, In ming the utioendienses for witch It .ia racommeneed; and at the tiLlene than my rater, palms, bt this reps. flag the system for a change of., or. nel,Scst.l24S. • • • • Prepared and sold, violets& andreall, by Ala & A swim Elniggist and Metals; lee Fulton Mium, corner of New York. ISold also by Oreg. gists rurally tbreregbend the Salted States autth Can ada. Pries St per botnmall brimsthr F m " ta F kriltib Mi. bv Ur. S. MTH. Brit/tnter.' gistnritl idol reffor Volumes 3:11.-XKILL, 3550. GAZETTE OF THE UNION ANC) GQI.DEN RULE. The queue and Bale hut how the dr tie Clear to an Weld Ass makes as do not only to deserve this rimy Mat le MVP e t tl4 ofreaders, an thers&re we_p_ _routes the fo SW TRUMR... .. 4 4 11 Mara than have ever been aimed he i r merger magnum In thr Uttrted Swat 1313VrtlINDRED Pe t rakt rat and i l egogsV.t NO, f• • mg% on 14 boned; thee f g • book sritich you makes mum .yalsabin. , durum of Quetta and Rale is too writ tame se teed emlamallon here, end it Is mush reauk that it contatna, from Ume to rime, rim proecodium et the Growl Lodges of the New Tort', sad also atrium Stamm accatuus of CeJebrant. Ruiltathme UYile of New Lod_ end oectol ottritri OrY ell the fttu lo VIM. griturary Depu43:aellet, Is filled with Original Tales of the o h t =mellenes, tit moot idircellany; t t.,. fe o t tieses'er Poet ry hem Mei:Why Ppm; "Interim, of Travel ; A e ly,- dotesati zi et s bri 14 ind r1/4011.11111Strilted i. 7i , 14 , Being opal in its theruy Ammer to any Weekly In eke tautly, and being thes perfect La It. Odd , Fe.. !cubit, department, it le true* el • plus ad the table armory Umber of the Order, and Indeed la is- Queuilde le ell who vrish to kup filly brimmed of wp/3 atter new lotions Order; Qui copy, one year,. , oit TVlOttoptim, ow year, 3 0,0 Seven cope., ono year,• ---• •• ISa Th=eoples•••-•••• • --- 01 iring it to 'het tleelnodge •..t get a fast Mess paper tee= i tt tvgzer....,131.1,14 paper. The pith:Landapse:Lel 'Wallop tithe broillier load is doeiretd to the follawhatextract from a letter from Alt dildagaished buteme, Juan L. Ridgely, Too., Graved Cor. and glee. &n,.vary of the IL W. Gotta Lodge of the_likßad Slats., L 0.0. P. 'The Tel RULE is to ma • 120•1 waloatos end aim lieu end dux it hoe fallen Into you haa4i,l lucre witoroced it. grsdaal and steady int• pteremsat with gent planate. It a now become, in my Maraca; d o Out yna.aur mum= ut yete mem sad Ido tmot, that Mdiseeniag sod &telly geot Brotherhood will, by a Morality worthy of you Vest surilens, enable yea mill mote to aegmeet tm asefaluss to the Order at huge. Wlth=niget you (mod end broiler, t, JAB. L.i 003allissui of Bambara of G. L.og V. Stater. Believing that the interests' of the 1.0.0 f O. F. as well as of society en large, will be mein efeetaaily promoted by the subtlest/Mt of a Met deeded to t e protaulgerion of gs Fleet**, we would wurnaly recommend weatluethren the fiantura cur TIM Union uW Gptem Rote, ae now maimed by Cramp. & Clarke, as a valuable median tot the exposition of the designs of Odd-yeumee•ha end u wog l 0 the cordial mean of the girder. . TIMOR - s . Wilder, P. G. Sire. ittlin A. Keenedy,P. G.Sim. PUO Jeans Ridgely, MM.; . W 0 S. PO Miry It P Weds, ofhlcu R G Ch. P O John RJohneen,ef tim,R W Mar. PO Peter Foil., P G J W Unites, PG W MAI- Iea,PG Wm A Wellettillind Ropreuntadven of Pa. Wm CUM, 0 Been CI 1, of Penn. Smith Skianeg r r_lllhu O L oat S. oht Jokrf.W Anderson, P Solomon Cohen, .Orated Represeataimes GOMM. . P 0 NM Henry L Webster, Grand Rep of It T. P U F P Tao:cell& R Smith, Geed Rap. P 0 11 12 C Rolins i cm 3 4l3 Rap de/rib:di PO JD • rott li Paillair. S Grand Represtatatives of Delawate. P. 0 /ri maned Read, P O— Wood, Grand.isp- PS Zahn II idanley,Gratri fhtliitta• ILITOSI 01V•10•111.. P (J John ghb A 2 . lll3 R 0 Skew, Grand Remo. sestatlue of • P 0 M W W Moore, P 0 It=trwms,Grand Me erut:Malln of asuic P GI P Sw o i m% Brom, stand Rep of N Hemp. PG 11 Norm AndreelLtantes Strawbridge cirstlßeptesentarivele 91 PO ON Bantu& Rep 13 - L ofidisricelpeg • . o leala• Fork% P Wm A Moretti Grand Rap; nocatatives othtluetarL - rum iyee Wl• Wiles& PO Elijah Marian, PO J Paseck,litef 0 Ledge triTenneasea P 0 Freda artitt,Msnd Rep of Ark. • P Jola Rut. PO BP Zbasoessath Mud 11 = 1 1 :411=hf l' U L ter V: Thaddeus Dandp,D 0 luster MN Y. Beetatein I Peas, 0 Seeman? of N Y. P °John JIIMis, P 0 James W lisle, PO W W. Dilibles.Orand Rigrimemarives of NY. - • • if Andrew% P 0 Muurt ON Y. • • awletrisel to yeah =ay c a ll Meth 11.1=nue &Wad In menus of the Ponn maw, Rod duly eiriwarded by kink& mano rah. - la allßues. when •! postage On eabseription is set paid, •• •••••• from UMW • andited to thus seas Mad _Addren - • ' , CRAMPTON & CILARRI6, fablasswiiiiitr) - N 0.44 AIM is, ?law Yak.. i~il.~} R ~L Y 1~3~ ~ Min' faitocrifdp bentotors extoclogiortoon Elhait .1 ir, Bagliohi la Ali Boot sod Paper Bosions t ono onsolood es tbo VA look by mood cossent Tto Wool mill Do eowisio4 ot WI old mad, Dims Wool moo; Soda ibe Dm of ../6 IL Engtislit by shoos Ilio buoiDoos of Oa Woof us De Wirt . BAY , C17:174:11Doles DitSmi wi n tee rJ__ , , /That11141:10.: L. XVII. NO. 212. MISCELI.A~E4US REIISEY, FLEMING & CO. • - n.A.vg-gou.Lux , FRO NINE htth-uvecruDEN% AND AT UST, • , TAN. IdAraillZACTUßEffartlCE:b , Nod -do - do"L moo oo Doran.; Panay Cortonwer• att Drown - do • • do . offered sarattiN7P 6 NN. -- Bluth ebt loath Steel lazed a. Boni L"(" - • do Cheeks sad • !Wipes, Vlll7 Dra b • - • • • b9aVI.A... • • Blink cazamoro. • e.' Grids. Fansi •do • Rod Padding, met do; now Tiresd. oe, Padth g Boa t', baper Dlack Broad Cloth. TallatatCarersas t hrbr7 dri - Sepal. Drown do Brows Llaoms, Dairies Soparellattr try - - • Drab Sara% Nut do t 11 eapor Torliled and 6 , 161.66: Bdri_ENek Comma: al l aq and WNW Tim " d ,„.Liren Cbetim 161 ' 1%g suddiduk ,do Smart's 6 cod egC4lnn Cakforala Blankets. dP -14 " , Rana •.• -do Sacialq. Blot • do Silk retillassiogin Dnb - mook .ao • • :an &mind. Elbrom Bona& *et Silts; ' Wawa AMR : Daum, Cravats, A.c.,&43. - do blitalfactorera, hoosei iv•Wooa s. Dow Books 1 Brew VaiiksllojoT .ikrjULITVLITF.R.a►AYDEtOT,TbIri Ante; -SyriliXtolo Pom It Jam. "‘"%yilailiabi 5". Mammy of Eaeoo Mob, .34F7ii7soori4. arts. • rArilignildagtmucriar Ileerot Order of Swat, (ea. Dr ood Valhi go ' bueu4ooto Tin Bar CoCora% Wagon', Friondotlip, • Rory of Demotic Lib Horeb nab If mai,* Blotylry blos : - ,••• Whiteholokly Hamm AUK,.' ' Illabooot ostal bit &tomoson. by W •t. 7'• •' 2 Cosmosi. sat* or. P 1 1. 1 . 1 ia". 4 i 6 . 011. 1241. b blarboadr, I eels, CotUbirot Parr. • Nolan at Miagorta,the New Ragland of t h e War, by R.lllk7morrroritt. rap; trot; Clothed Paper. ' • :4 We arlCernapardeaes of Robert &nay, No l._ Raptor', or Pages fers the Book of Ida ar Treaty, by Iblattra of Lift aallYntiris TboaCtoboats,D D,by fin W Elam, D D; eel 1, dab. Tor de by_ R HOIMINS, aaßLingkreartimit. IMELMII rofSAC= HARIJONIST, a new eollection of iven Marie. Edited by George Illormley, r glottal Choir, Juvenile Choir, Ac, 35., Sabbath SelloolGems olidaste and PettS7teeett shank. expressly for Um Sabbath ehoe4 by J. tA. Croßt. • A nom Thank, on Astronomy - and the Vie of be Glebes, to two pane. Containing Astronomic& land other definidons; motions and positrons (tithe tranAtoon at i =lCeEl4r , Mws p lng iu h .. Z o oL seti e r t, Mods, Distan7e7,%snomens, antrilagnltader 7 4 the liturrealy Bodies composing the Solar .Sys&e.; aloe, an extensive eolleoCon of the most asefal Prob. lams no the Use of the Globe. Illustrated by a saw able s M. wim of Homplcs, ; designed for the Use of High &bails and [ease:des. By James Mandl., lb, Professor of,Mathernaties and Asercnonly the Central High School, of Baltimore. , B e et and Port, or Incidents of a Cruise in th United • States Peseta Centres; to Callfornis; milli Sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valperaise,'Vlts, Honolulu. and Sur Frandsen. ni Tur..wai ellOon of Ship and Shore, de. Po s tie be a. H. ENGLISH a co, Successors to ELLIOT ENGLISH, a • No. C 7 Wood sweat. Ain Nagaslmws slid New Books, AT HOLIES' LITERARY DEPOT, • Tana Bram, opposite the Post Whoa G 011 2= 51,..• = , for d A . Sartain% .';.do - Ladles' National do' • do; Holdon% Dollar do Blackwood's Blogaslne, for February . White Jacket, or the World In a htsa.of-War. Her man blolvilliPs now work:v—Mahrusurc and His Rae, cassock by Wesithigton Irving; vet L--New Eop laud Poultry Breeder; with Weary Ivo iteenntla en virebstand Cil i =lS e eTe?ctes, in I'd :Let form. --David Coyyerfickh by Dickens.--Trio Parniln Comady,—Explanstiorts.amlifiga WBo of g of the Rochester Knorkiega—Coe Contsei or the trirli Gil Bias; by Lever.—Rolasui, Cashel; by Lever.— Illstroy of Pandered* by. 'Hutcheson No 4.—Die - dour, of hincbiurics; iftgm Work and' Engineor lug; port 6.—Dark Poems of History; by 0 P. R. Jose Heal Wed. AA - ORTON MONTAGUE; or a Tout, Chilean n AIL 12101G6: a Natcluise founded oil Early history of alloravisn Missionary; by O. R. Mortimer; one Id Mild= Montan and Literary hleri, being sec. •GRUM' of Lwow/ Portraits. by _George ullbUsic reprinted entire fool the London odition,ase lam run veil, meHin.' • IM'S Digtlol2l7, of Manbiitesate, No 0: Bide Zwingle, tha Swiss Reformer, by Rea p Wise; I vet 18 ma, spuelin. Anoedo'nur for the Torn. OT Principles illustrated byline% cosolled by Rev Ti Saab, I xOllB ma um. Waraings-us Youth, mini - UAW the IDitotj of 70. niarkabla astir:sae characters. By Bob= Huron; 1 vend mo, asuslia. For We by R ROPSTNE, Fourth street. Tr r== /NE SINACRINFAiIt having the Agency for mi. 1 We tho Printing Papa a a long onablialiad and aileasiva WU, in this 'kinky, will lia - at all toms sappliad with tho different. liacs "1"••• patios quality, p rawn width we ofer at the lowest nsvtinr Any aim 01 quality WM witn -A 991 -k 7 ._ 79 " short nodes.A H ENGLISH & - -- . - Tereeirom or Ninon & No 79 Wood street 111.41417FACTUBER OP - Cat er STEEL, ond No 1 In and No.I Ammican a nd Bina dloo- ben Can Stud Files, of all aim; and Blacksmith and Shoat I.l~thways on hood and tor salc,eithar at Na "Ea gle SMal WoikaP CMilma stow, Fidit Wat'd.Co d the office in tka Ins BUM of BOUM-ANS R OARRI. BON=oat of Wood Meet, Pinstrugh. . . CIROULIa WeAa ondorslined, Laving awl, 'nth canto .at. Istlenu, nut Can Eked and FLles made by fanuel ale felsy. at his Eagle Steel Walks, in tblouNl.toSo plume in uem=andlng them u equal In quUna to May over used by us, of foreign manufacturo. Pingough, 0 13. Se )11 SHOENDERGEB. & O ifunufaitateu of Iron sad Nadu Plusboult, KNAPP & TOITMS. Iron roandars and Naridnista, Pittsburgh, Pa. -COLEMAN, HANNEAN & CO; Namdattorema ofDpriags, Aalrp, Opted Maas and A - o t o v V i rnia • Pa. Napo Madan and Machina Card diannfacta. F A In F aM. N P , a. Bran Pounder Pinoburah, • GRAFF. LthinSAY & Co_, - • Manadzotaren of Iron and Ner. Pinsborab; pa. JOSEPH TONLINSON, • Loctonotivo loathe and Ntdp Bandei.Pitodnunh, Pa. W - W WALLACE, WAN alanottemzerr, Machina and Engine Build-- urn 01% Pivaborgh, Pa. ....d..0...... . fpn9,THE sabeeriber has last tecelved • new and Dentinal Instalment called ulKekeletan Piano? from the faetory of Ilereb A.' White INneinnatt.' It les the Megan= of exterior of a Pars Form, and Is pos sessed of a tone at =nee tweet and powered. Is peat Wastage, however, emulate to the repidtry of its enancasalon, Much enables the performer to exe cs= aeon it the =pet brilliant piano music. ' /Wigan er, it may bet eilledne belt reed instrument tear in vented. Call and 'examine. HENRY RIMER, at wceufweHve, Bole Apst fat Horeb & Whites mannfarture. P. fl—Alse, several new and very fine blalodeons. moM [lournal, Canonici', and - Harem maIEL --- 111aorar Mliawastomal Doane. (BB VICIIIITIFIOPECTION.—The bless:. Chant y' berg Ism emplined the Ant Protean, to Scot land, bs Use prepared= of these works. 'They are now offered to the Rebools of the United Pates, under the American rerrtaira of D. IL Reese, H. D., L. L. D. late Superintendent of Public Reboots, in the City and Co New York. I. Chambers' Tanury of Knowledge; . 11. Clark's Drawing and Perspecterm 111. Chambers , Elements of b*, - -rel Philosophy; IV. Raid & Bain , . Monism , a Electricity; V. Hamilton's Vegetable at, animal Phymelogy; Vi. Chambers' Elements of Zoology:0=ms; V/ L Page's Elements of Geology, all It Is well knownthat the clip.) publishers of then works (the Musts. atsmbers, of Edinbazgh) am at= to moms= illos best talents In the prepared= of their books, and that It is their practice to deal faitlifelly with the puha. This series will not disappoint the reasonable especuttlans thus excited. They are 'ale ...say works, prepared by uthon in every wet C. Pade of doingintice to then respective =dens& nes, and who have evidently bestowed. span them the m= misery lime end town to adapt them to their putpose. Wa morons= them to. Sachem and parents with confiders. The Dirt named volume, in the beads of a teaeher of the longer classes, =gist famish en m exhusoble feed of enure:man and lastreetica. , To lithe. they would constitute a rich treasure to a Dm- Oly -of intelligent ddldrety, and Impart a thirst for knowledge.—(Versams Chinn/el. :. , • Published by A. Et : Banes & Co., New Veal, sand for sale by A. FE 'ENGLISH & CO. r ass If Illasietrast.llLawatasteary. fru 6 subscriber infonaz his friends and the public. jt that at biz azteuzlwr. eslabilsbaces, leasable of estpleying from two to three hundred vrotkoseu, and Istvan, he always keeps a - large number or the be., maellaists .stesaged,) he is prepared us execute, In the best sinner, stud with great despatch. all orders for MILL WORK and ccrrrots end WOOLEN MA CHINE/W. of curry daetiptlon.. Tor the workman ship and style of kis - Maciumea, he would refer to the zunteroas wartufeetware in the Western and Southern States, as said es the Middle gaze% who en now tri• elating thew. Re hu rodent!, made gnu leaprow. manta, both la Our style sad plane of his Machinery. *kWh will be farwaked at rcersmable prima bl , ep. Shin to IL ALFRED JEN wrYkree . . Bride:thaw. e. 1850: .• 1800: SPRING DRY 0001111 Wiwe Rom meahring oar repro: empties of Do nona and Foreign DRY GOOD*, which we am prepared to sail at the lowest market prime to ask Mums and prompt baldness Merl. We Weald ask. the 'sternum of City and Western_ Drackants la WIT ruck, believing we can odkr-many rodneements to madam from as. 5111.DICLETD WAITE, khll-Dry *Mods Jobbers, 09 Wood it waroom ..LIDS. /01117•. vnit. &LSI L 111614 HANNA 41/..04t, ,uI=TXOIIAgrOTIAbrIrEII3, and CO. a Li Ford Dexamtlef eCtifitaltil of Depodes, Bank Notes, end 8 area, nearly °Noodle the Sant of Plus 16 Carron me net menu( MI Osposite-1410 Cheeks by mat, and d mademusemuty the yOsteipal pans In i liaised NuOri. The blighsapresqtha psl4 Fon* sztAiatd;Aa. Admen =dr pod Bap ea liberal arms. • - apl dioraFvaNuaTzlibbts,luattoa n 4 kcp era Ad i°d ; 4wltb walunte4.• Firragiby_, oNET k. CO ' sg. • _ = i t 1• irnoti mitt M==
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers