E=2 MISCELLANEOUS. . ARZULIGNMMIIT. MMI§6O.MM • PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Bally Wei Erprna Packet Boats, And Ball 1t0ad.0555, (EZOLUOIVOLT POI pUDlta2l9o TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the New Central Rail Road I=lPu:oft Canal. Time—lo boom Fare—lDO through. 036 mile. Rail Road, and 150 mile. Cana ON the In Inst. the new Central Rall Road Comma -1,_,/ ay EOratrielleed meting Tyro nalVf = I:Meli froth Jaekatown Philadelp hia,keying there lannediately allot the arrival of the racket Boma from the Wm. ily this arrangement Immo' gore will go through without detention. A Packet Roar will leave every morning clock. end every even Log at 9 o'clock. • Title roots, (or eatery, Speed, and Comfort, lo eot Mailed by any now ha use to the Eastern Poe. Far pimp Or IplOrsothon apply to W strrcn, Menoupdtelo aps D LEECH k co, Canal Ltuln TMMYENDISYLiANIA CIANAL MUNRO TRANSPORTATION LINE. 1800 orrarro r lrlaassylvaela Cluala :Hall Roads. °CON AM. b axial Buie, Llbenj mbnrgh; • ATOM CaCIMNOR Ma& 250 Market street, ULM, ONCO*IOI3 t Co, 70 North street, Baltimore; E Bums, Neer lorS: Eusorr & Onno,llL Beane sweet, Boston; . Ileaugori Our, Maysville, Kentucky; Rau & Co., Colin:nine street, Cincinnati; Si. Wm, Louisville; Rasal, them & Co., St. lonia 7bSharm,l Merelandue and Produce to and Jeer I kaaddpftia, Ralinnatr, N. York,* Easton. Our route being now in fine order. we are prepared to forward pantie es above. ea coy tarn: pmts. We ilYtal gig frmghtfrer Many charge basing policies (or over 5030.000, and with the fallowing extensive stock of Boats feel confident of Ruing enure satisfaction to all business entrusted to our care. Our hosts are all new, and commanded by captains of experience., and ma entire lints is conducted on shier =Moth baying and temperonee principles. Boats. Captain. I Boats. Captains Iron City, Regan Pennsylvania Si Layton, Maryland, Marshall R. Loins, Cowden Cindonati, Sands Col. Howard Ridley Shah Anna, Chatblem Mary Deborah Situ Wm Atkins, Primed Enterprue, Karam Smart, Alquado , /manta Blown Skelton, Altar Geri. Seen, Gore Gunnels Riley TelegrephNo Ifthields Cella Hawkins Point hidl BoyAlquaile ulivalhanchOosser BaltniteCtMporlitley Anneriee Perry Ohio Belle Kearney Mermaid APColgan hunter Rine. The Fox APQoade Julia Ann J Layton Atmore Moo well Telegraph No2Oark Look Sharp Berry North Queen Wible Shippers will find It to their adrenals , to give as • rail. O'CONNOR. AThINSA CO, Canal Basin Liberty rt. Ramberg& --. SeYosses Company. ilhallll lBso .lllt4iiiL _ _ D. LEECH & COM LINE, — BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, • BALTIHORF. k NEW YORK, By Palluyiamia Canal end Had Road. true Boats and Can of this Line have been pat in compete order, and with the addition of severe new ones to the Line, enables es to carry a large V uantity of produce goods. The entire stork othe Line is owned and contr. ed by the Proprlaton. • HARRIS & LEECH, No 13 South Third at, And at tho Taboret, Waretionte, Dock ,t, PM lade*. Ps-; JOSEPH TAYLOR tr, SON, No 114 North Howard at, Radmoro, h 1.14 OFFICE. No 7 Weill al, New Wet; D LEECH & CO, Ca. Rasta , Penn et. mrl3 Pntabo kg. ea= 1850. m ai . UNION LINE, ON TIM DENIM AND 0010 CANALS. CLARK, PARES A CO, 11.eheater, P., Prop Vs. JOHN A CAUGHEY, Arent, Ofko cot Satithdild and Water sta, Pittsburgh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD & CO, Agts, Clevehind, Ohio. T HIS well known 'Line are prrpa-ed to transport C r‘r=l. Loan-opens from I C r I:LI UR G and LI . and T facilities fie o La o' unser; eased In number . quality and eepacity of Boats, experience of ceptains: and eMciestcy of AP to One Dont leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland dally, Tun nine in connection with a Line of Steam Boats be tween PfITSBURGIPand BRAVE/I, and a Line of First Clara Steam Beate, Propellers and Veneto, on the Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parks & Co, Rochester, Pa; E N Parks & Co, Toting/maim Ohio; M B Taylor, Warren. O; A & N Clark, Newton Falls, 0; I Brayton & Co, Ravenna 0; Kant, Grinnell & Co, Franklin, 0; H A Miller, Cuyahoga Falls, 0; Wheeler, Lee & Co, Akron , 0; Chamberli, Crawford & Co, I.fievelmd, 0; Hubbard & Saudusky, Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 0; '0 Williams a Co, Devon, Minh; Wililams & Co, hlllwaukie WM; Margery & Dutton Racine, \Vim George A Globs:Chicago, Ill; • Thomas Rea, Chicago, I iL • JOllti •CAUGHEY ? Agent, mr3o comer Water and Southfield sts ilaktm 1850. rai, LAM: 1f:11.111 AND MICHIGAN LINE, ON THE ERIE. EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS & CO, Roehmter, Proprietors. Fr HE Proprietors of this old And well known Line A. world reform the poblie that they are now in 01, <reflood. thepreaeor ammo; and have commenced .reeeiving Freight and Paseengers, which thee are folly prepared to carry to all points on the Canal and LAKES ERIE ANDMICHIGAN. At the lowest rates. One of the Hoots of the Line will be constantly at the landing, below Monongahela Bridge, to remise freight. JOHN A. CAUGUEY,Agent, Ofilie. 60r Water and Smithfield ma, Piusbargh. CONSIGNEES: R W Corminghom. New Castle, Pa; • Miteheltree le Co. ?Waal; W C Nolen, Sharon: J & '3 Hall, Shsrpsborg; • Wick. Aehre & Co, reensilie; Wm Henry, ill 11110,1; Wm Power, Conneintmlle; John Hum & Co,Erie; • John J Hollister & Co, ReNtio, N Y. mr3o „at , 1850. nem /BIDWELL i 13110TLIZII, PORWARDINO MERCHANTS, ROCHESTER, PA-, (Beaver Point.) laTAvems for lIMWET.L 4 S , PITTBECRBII AND CLEVELAND I.i (4 r. 4.1( (~, LINE TO ERIE; 4; 4. •I( '44 k , .r: PACKET'S( towtn • ...1; •7; 1. and Hoehener by 41 , , 4.1 4.4, K., and Beaver. GOOds tel 1.1 - J g.n.enn:y .;,i:vettd Rine. aerate Cane. end I.,ke+ .1 toe. t I tn., s,o PkraWill plea e thrcc roo t. - Lux. J. C. 111 Dk:LL. Agen mr3o Water W at, Pitubarg ; in Pittsburgh Portable neat Lb", alga 1850..fiala PITTSBURGH , PRILa DEI.PIIfA BALTIMORE, NEW YORE, BOSTON, !Ye. Thermos Haasoroce, S T & o , Corrnos, Philadelphia. S 2 Pittsburgh. TILE Cocal being now open, the proprietors of thin long established Line are ua assist at their old monde, reeelvlrg and forwarding Merchandise and Produce at low rates, and with the promptness, cer tainty, and safely, peculiar to their system and mode of transportation, where Intermediate transhipment is avoided, with the consequent delays and probatttlity of damage. Mertb.dise and Produce shipped easter west, and Rill. of Lading forwarded free of chargefor commis sion, advancing, or storage. Having eo Interest di reed/ or indirect] In steamboats, that of the owners is solely consulted when shipping their geode. All communications to the following agents prompt ly attended ta: T.110.11A2 BORBRIDGE„ No 275 Market street. Philade 1p 12 to. TA AFFE & CPCIINNOR, Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh. John MeCollogh & Co, en North st, Dale I'. B. Bart & Co. 55 Donne st, tkraton, W. & J T. Tontrott & LI- • tla litoollt et, Now fork; Jumps Wlttellwright, Csnein naU.meek 1850. iVallffla 1850. EIID'WELLIS PrrTsirtnian & cLEVAAA.ND 1.4311. THIS LINO, with o roassed ie now prepared to tranvoort Freight to Cleveland, the Lake pore, Ohio Canal, rind Intarromlime places, on the most favorable terms, and with the greatest de.. o Shipper" are referred to those who have heretofore patrouised this Line. Send goodato Ammts—,/CI Bidwell, Water w, Pittaburgh; & Brother, Rocheater; ' • L 0 Matthew', Cleveland; Rhodes &Green, do. CONSIGNEES: A D Jacobs, Votionatown; C E Legiogwell & Co, Warren; A ' B ra y ton C ret ai&nk C, No • ,e Rwatvn n Fa l s; Thomas Ela & co,Fn onku n m d i o ii.; A H Miller, Cuyahoga Falls; .1W Stephens & Sou, Akron; • Wheeler, Lee & Co, do; D&JM Edwin, do; J J Hcffmad, Maseillon; Comschni & Co; do' Wm Monteath' & Co, Buffalo; R D H ig gin s +tibb Co Co, d , nd o; Sausy;k B Haskell & Co, Toledo; • ' H N Strong, Detroit; Murphy & Dutton, Racine; Be i & Elkins, Sooilaporn Housman ft Co, l'ildwatikle; D D Dickinson, Little Fort; Kirkland & Taylor, Shebtiyean; Dole, Smeary & Co, Chicago; Thomas Hole, do. panhunch, March 30,1650. BOGUS% TRANSPOILTATIOI LINO, Elena 1850.4 W. B•liWe•12 Pittsburgh wail a s tern C The Canal befog now ..pen, we art ready conceive and forward promptly, produce and merchandine east and weft. Freighlh always at lowest Wes, charted by reopen ajble Una, - - produce and merchlodise will be received and for warded east and west. without any charge for for. warthog or advancing freight; commission or atorage.• Bala of lading forwarded, and all directions faith. fallynnended to. • Addles. or apply ter. — .M/1. BINGHAM . • Canal Basin, cog. Liberty and Wayne sts. Pittsburgh. BINGHAM& BOCK, No PA Markel st r betwien Ith /a Mb, PION. JAS. WI/SON, Agt, • • ' No use, North Howard at— BalthnOre i• JAS. BINGHAM, No 10, Wort Meet, New York. CARPET iIiiAREHONSE, • N. Ts.lParszth Street. EPCLETTIxE maw canna/al) recelMV • Spring Stack of CARPET OIL CLOT innabp, to., comprising in part . tha Col Inatindi d Etna Ever Roial ; . 747 .2, ;t1a Carat p 4 &lend, sad American Brajealn Extra Same= latcaril ni Superfine Superfine Ingrain Carts, - Estra auper patentChentllt Extra fine Rags; Floe ". Rap:date do do Rolls;Cowman, all wool, " 1 rowan. tt. Taltod Rup; .44, / .4 i Tar? v. Cu. .44, / and I Tull'd Cup. 44, I I and 114 plate Cu. 'Let .d Rag Carpets, 8.4 Putted Colson Carps:xi Flee Common ill". lton Common do ibor Maui Tufted Shesp Skin Adeled 84,74. 04, 54, 44 and i Oil Cloth% d-6 <-t, and d lifauinr, 18 63 th r =ant Oil Gotta AUIO, Exuaratedg b .air eoz. Table • " Printed woolen Embossed Stand " • Linen and mislaid " Damask Blue 1411C11; Turkey Red Chintees; Chasm Bordering; English Oil Cloth Table Corers Brown L i nen crumb cloths Woolen Brass Biter Rods; Stair Dreggett; Carpet Binding.; Jute and Coco !dais; Beam and Skeleton Mats; 54 end 4.4 Green Oil Clod; for Blinds; Ilnekebnek Diaper; Coacs Tinnemon Blue and Drab Cloths; Crimson Plash; Coach Ott Cloths; Damask. for Linings; Watered Martina. LUC, muff liollendfor IVSheite; Traneparezt Freneli Innen. Vcneal. Blinds; r4tfa r -VT F a l tYellnen; Reran Gemini Scorch Give.; Brown Unto Napkins; German Oil Clo th Tllbit Coven; 0, the most approved Eng ctuter• from 12 to V 4 (Out nt to fit rooms, balls, and Pd. Imported direct from Ems; •ustry CARPETS. Them • boost sod moat elegant f the mast gorgeous color, so they can be purchased Sum On. CURES from Ilsh and American manure In width, which will be • vestibules deny sloe or • The nude raiuned having land, his Velvet Pile and T Carpets, which are of th • etyles and patterns, and o di be sold at prices as I. Ibr in any oldie eastern ei ♦ Haring the. largest arionment of the richest and most fashionable BRUSSELS, IMPERIAL THREE PLY .cd INGRAIN CARPETS erluch far surpasses In quality and cheapness of priceouty assortment ever before brought toads city. He also Invites Elteambost Men and Coach Manufactures' to his large and well selected awOrdnented TRlMMlNGS,andother arileles necessary in their business. The undersigned is also agent for the only Stair Rod Manufactory to Philadelphia, trod Is prepared to sell lower than eon be purchased elsewhere In this city. nada WM. MICLINTOCK. AA A. MASON CO., 60 Market nreet, between . Third and Fourth, are nowseceleing•large as. garment of garage De Lain.; Persian Cloths, an en dro an. article; Palletnts; Crepe-Do Lains, de; with • large 1133.12.111 of Lawns and other Dres• Goods, of the latest styles and most fashionable colors. 6 9 3 G'IOFFEL-60 bags prime Ito Java; Csamms-40 boo mould, dipped, and sperm; Cams-150 be. Cream and English Dairy; Cent.-40 don Hemp and Almada; Matta; Caorts.—l barrel; Craa.-30 Id Common and half Spanish; Fum.—.s brigand half brls Mankerel and Salmon Ghass—.6o bra snorted riles; flaws—lSM Prime Venison; WOO Sagas Cared: lantort-100 lbs S F and Manilla; Ina-16 doz Damsons Black and Copying; Mot-swum-23 brls N Orleans; IS hal( brim Sugar Noose; liforravirt—%l do: assorted cantos.; Mscedarect-10 lb. Italian; Vranderhtz-60 lbs do Naud—POU kegs assorted; ricatna-6 dor Jars assorted; Pasoan-2n bushels halves; Ysrits —.7) ream. assorted; P.n.—len lb. Bordello.; nast-50 tors florin and Cast Steel; Scone—JO Rids N Orleans and Cladled; Tts-60 packages blrren and Block; 'roamer-1l boa 111, 5, dI lb Ininpi • Ws.a 80L.3-50 do:patent Zink; For Bale by d D WILLIAMS& CO ;arta Corner of Fifth and Wood st WANTED. -• F oes! FURS: FURS!—The rabsertbers evil pay far ikon, Mink, Moak Rah Gray and Red For. and all kiwis of shipping. Fars, the nighest eastern prices. IIIeCORD & CO, feb2o earner Frit6 and Woad ant DIStOLUTI93 MUG Pannershlplieretatere mating between /ones Taney and John Best, in the Grocery, Produce and Commission business, was dissolved by mutual consencon the 14th inst. Mr. John Best baying par. chased the moire :st of James Tassey, in the him, the Intsiness will be settled by him, at their old nand, No. SS Wood at. JANES TAti.VEV, Witt • JOHN BEST. Paper flanging.. PRIM/ SELECEION.—Writ be received, by . first k, canal altipmenw, a new and choice assortment Cl Wall Paper, of the latest 'French and Eastern styles. in gold, chamois, oak, plain and huth colors. W. P. MARSHALL, (late S. C. Hill,) meEt 13 Wood street TIIB Co-partnenbip heretofore enattng between S. B. Bashfield and dorm Blebll, under the fine of S. B, Buthfield & Co., la thra day dinolved by mutual Cornet. The business of the old firm will be waled by S. B. fruhfield, at the old Mond, No. 8.50 Liberty street, Pi lT b' t r ri . , I~ip. B BUSIIFIELD, JOHN Mel-ALL. 8. 6. BUSIIFIELD and GF.ORGE RICIfARDsriI cornrow! the WOW:wale nod Retail LIN 7 Goods and Grocery business, at the old stand. No aO Liberty et wader the faro of S. U. ULISHYLELD & CO. March I. toso.—{rort2 IHAVE this day amommediarliti me, m me Whole. aaie Grocery, Commission and Forwarding busi nem, my two Sons, H. N. and W . FS Waterman. The neiness In future will be conilnemil under the style o i; H. rr sktre'Hoetn me old al W . * e Plm!burgh, March 1.,, 1650. CAW.— A _JTION—About he ONLY ORIGINAL (I- AND GENUINE W ISTANS BALSAM 0/ WILD CHERRY, the great meetly for CONbUMPTIORI And the beet ehedlelne known to man for Anima of every Gage, Liver Complaint+, Bronchia, Influenza. Cough', Coida, P.leeding of the Lin. 42, Shortness of urzath, Paula artd Weakneal in the Side Breast, de, and all other diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANS. - • •- A very important disease over which this Bahasa ex ens • veryrfal•Willuenee, is mat of a DISEASED LIVER ki this complaint A am undoubtedly proved mare efficacious Orem any remedy hitherto employed, arid in cameraus instances when patients had endured leap and severe suffering from the diseases, without reran. Ma least benefit from amines remedies, and when Mercury ha, been resorted to is sae, the am of thle Balsam has restored the Liver td a healthy action, sod in many instances efected pc-imams:a cures, aftei every well known remedy had fidledto wade., this dewed edict /3eauln as astonishing efficacy in the discus shove mentioned, we alto find it a very ereetaal remedy In Asthma, a complaint in which It has been essenmvely n e ed with decided success, even in cases of yean standing. With the increase of intelligence has grown op s knowledge of the elements of health, mad a m inis' for them, and commensurately with thestridos of science have we required the means of arresting die. -a r, ove ra rtlon nvaces Potscithstandlng the ptorec-a we Lev e rer, rcaprUe• now Oita even ~ove, oast Cloth 01 UIC sUo's popoionon die annuallt • 'lye the meet important alt is c lass e age, in nntenoraing the ettiodatvit of th is tinge cof mil eeini beat:telly, a DIL BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY • , Waist]. Balsam of 0 1 4 Cherry ia a fine Ilertiol Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Cherry Hark oat limpet:wine Iceland Mewl, (the latter imported expreos ly tor this purposed the raze medicinal viruses of which are also combined by a new chemical proem., with the extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole compound the most certain and efficacious remedy ewer duccmczed for CONSUMPTION OP TIM LUNGS Still further evidence. of the remarkable curative properties of this Inestimable pmparatioat liessztagua.tn. Brown co., 0., Aug.2l. 1649. Means. [quadrant & Park: Gentlemen, About tin weeks no I received the agency of %View's Bats= of Wild Cheny, but with come reloctanee on my pan. far the reason that I had been the agent of so many pills and other nostrums, which were cracked up to be some wonderful, but which turned out In the end to be of no account whatever, except to the man aware,. But 1 eimdidly admit that thus lime 1 have been deceived, for the extraordinary careseffected by Mame. Balsam have convinced me that "good can come eat of Nmareth.' Year agent lel% me one dos es battles, which are all gene—having been the means of eunng several obstinate cases of Conmmption— mid no mistake; for what I see and know I ,to bound . . to believe. One case In particular: A young gentle -11.121 lo Winchester, Adams county; 0., 10 mile. from this place,.was cured al Consemplion when the doe tent ha. given him up, or at least could do nothing for him, and It was the intention of his Mends to convey him to your city, and place bim under tbe ears of some eminent phpdclan there. Bat a friend told him of Water'. Balsam, and that he could obtain It of me. Ile sent for it, and before the second bottle was gone he was sound and well, and attending to his every day bounces. As there are several inquiries for the medi cine, It would be well to forward an additional supply '-dth°'"kl". The above, hom . L. Newland, EN., •h*hly respect able country merobant, COMMOIIaS Itself forcibly to the candid attention of all Mine who have doubted the great Merit of Wiatar's Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the original ud only smart. Winter'. Balsam of Wild Cherry, was mtredneed io the year 1613, and has been well tested in all complaint. for which It is recommended. For 17 years Whoa proved more et/mations u a remedy for Coughs, Colds, 1011,. eau, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption In Its in. elplut stages, than mlother medicine. LOST VOI CFi, fr.c., RFSI'ORF.D! us ammo, Aug. 10,1848. Mr. B. W. Fowler Having wen many certificate. published in relation to Dr. ViristaVe Balsam of Wild Cherry, 1 take this opportnnity of offering a word In Its fever, which you are also at liberty to priblish. A few mouths since my with longs became so much af fected with a /sudden cold, that she lost her voice, and unlined severely from pains in the breast.)ler ens. lion teased her frieeds much alarm. linking heard your Balsam strongly ream:mended by thole who used 10,1 purchased a boule from your agent in this I l ut n e e it ats b o ' n ' d:: ' lll:Qee c 7 dh ll g ef rn ere di us% th' g o ' n . e . lfents P L: had completely recovered her voice, the pains imbsid ed, and her health was soon fully reestablished. Ynawr Bair, HENRY BRIGifTMAN. To Datruarars DIU... idnrommw—Tbi• eel. As and Infallible remedy for Mauna of Consamp. doe, Asthma and Liver Complaint, has by its own me. nu, been rapidly, aeon and safely working its way through bythime oppodtlov v aold'ffitti"'esoeadee'traedc, tthas gained for kaolin most enviable popularity, Redcoat.. Rshed itself In the confidence of in interim., and ea tightened public, from one end of the continuum the other. The testimony of thoomeds who have Wenn : limed and cor ed oy Ohio vainable article, will show that It stands unrikalled—at the head el all other me dicines, (or the care of diseases for which It is teem. Warded. The gumtree Br. Balsam of Wild Cherry Is 110 , 1/ for sole by duly apponimd Agents, and all respectable dealers In mediclues,ln all large ettres 'and all' mportant towns threaghout the United bates, PacTel por,Ltottle KU Bottles for St Bold by J.O. PARK, (successor to Sandfard &Parc) Fourth and Walmn Meets, Crecimmtl, 04 10, General Agent for the toot and Wert, to whom all orders meg be addrersed. L. Mean, Jr. June, A. Joner, J. Kidd & Co; D. A. Fahneabek Co, Ningbo:a& L. T. Mussel, Wash. input; W. R. Larnbertou, FranllLT L. IL Bowio, Uniontown; H. Welty, Greenabargh; S. Konner,Sower. set; Scott & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed & U. Renting. don; Mrs On, llollidaynbarg; Nadal= f & Co, Indi ana; J. K. Wright, Kittanning; Evans A. Co, Brook. ville,• A. Wilson & Son, Waynesburgh; arFariand "A Co, N. Callender, Meadville; Dimon & Co, Erial ui t Magollin, Marren James, Kelly& Co, Bailer; S. Sin Beaver; J. D.Rammerron, Warren; P. G& &Jonas, Condemporn Pbl.d&wlyo. Cnooker, Brownsville. flillT SLOAN'S COLUMN. Do AL be Modicums advertued by W. IL SLOAN em sold by R. E. SELLERS, Wood street, ann,7ollir P. SCOTT Liberty st, Pittsburgh.. • Birmingham by JOHN G. BARTH. , D A s ll . staty, by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an The nest sad Cheapest hone Illedlals• IN THE WORLD - • • • • lILMILIMI OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDEN, How onwsolq Om sums. For Purim, Midas, Sew I,,and ThomaigAneo, SLOAN'S ousrrmENT.ara, And is rapidly superseding all other Ointments and Liniments now in use for the core of the following dis eases: Fresh srotmds, galls atoll kind., spender, bruises cracked heel., rergbone, windbone, wiedgalls, pot evil, callus, spaying, Sweeney, fistula, sitfart, %wane lameness, sand crack, foundered feet, scratcher or green rears er hone. diatemper. The Pow d er krill remove all infiniamation mai fever purify the blood, loosen the akin, cleanse the rawer and strengthen every part of the bodr, and has petered severe:go remedy for the following diseases: Distemper, hide bound, loss of appetite, Inseam main, yellow water, Inlbremtatlon of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise; also, rheumatism, (commonly tel. led stiff complaint.) which proves so fatalto many val. cable horses in this country. It is also a safe and cer tale remedy for roughs and colds which generate en many fatal &rearm W. D. SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake et, Chicago, Illinois. IM12111:351 Extract Rom the “Galena North Western Catena), By the use of Slean's Ointment and Candid. Pow der, I have entirely cored a fistula on my horse and otherwise Improved his condition more than 500 ye Cent on the cost of the otedecine And a now whlon was No feeble as to be considered worthless by myself and neigh horz,w. restored to good health and strength by the use ales. than half a package of the powder, and Is now doing better than any other cow I have. Rmall Pox, May li, teas Whl. VINCENT. Thereby certify that one of my children, when na ked, fell Into a large fire of live coals, and wee burned severely from head to feet. The beat of medical old and attention was given to the child far four or fire days without any relief—each day'. sufferings merest.. od till his yrroans could be heard at a great disumce, .t which critical period one of toy neighbors recommen ded and presented to me a box of Sloan , . ointment. and In less than fifteen minutes after the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering chitd, the pain ceased entirely, and he epcedily began to recover. lily Incidence is la Sett township, Ver million county, and State of Indiana. TILEODORE L. TAYLOR. Chicago, August 24, 1849. EXTRAORDINARY CURF. April 13. IMS. Four miles north of Chicagn ton the wad m Aftlwaukie,l Cook county, Illinois. Mr-Sloan—Dear Sin. One of my horses had a large bony tumor on his bent bone, immediately under the collar, which lamed him and rendered his semi... et veil' little value. I faithfully applied several honks of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the !tut benefit. I Men procured Wilder's Celebrated Bone Ointment, and used that anal 1 became fatly satisfied that It would never telieve the animal. tally I obtained 11 box of your del" valuable °tut. than went, and in lee. an CO days from e first don the tumor entirely disappeared, and the home was well. Yours, EDWARD ARAISTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. Ifpopular opinion any enteric; of the worth of an article, we Invite the incredulous to read at least. few of the many vol.tary certificates that appear in Ong colonies respecting ho great variety of reinukabla cures elected by the use at .Sloan's Celebrated ttiur ment and Condition Powders." Thera remedies no longer remain among 1110.41 of donWil nutty, they hare parsed from the this of az. periment, and now stand higher in reputation rind Sr. becoming more extensively used than all attar aril.• else of the that—Mach. City News. • THE HALF HAS NOT DEE , . TOLD. Fox Roma, /one 1?, 1649. Dear Sloan—Sir. Please send by We beam. a new supply of year Ilona .Medicines They am the beat article, of the kind that I have ever used, never hav ing been Maappoloted u their elect, as I have bean in the use of others, even the mast celebrated Ointm eota Liniment., At. tattle day. I like very much MO tea tam to vim that they do all that a orcuuscd, and ego a thorough trial one la coon-until to old, the! If bas not been told." Bespactfally, M. DUDLEY. The ordinary oinunten;a and Liniments u is sta: known ure severe and partial to th eir operation.— Sloan's Ointment as add yet thorough—it re-ashes and removes the cause, hence ingines real and permanent relief. For panty, mildness, party, certainty, and thoroughness, Ravi, lhnossent cum* and is rapidly ouTereeding all other Ointmenti and Liniments now in use. WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. threaa'• Glows, EL, Oet i I, tai z • Sloan—Sirt I have testrd the Ilrfae of gnat Ointment In the cure of rattlesnake bite, guru bums, and many other inlanes, and in eve ° ry case it has surpassed our expeetanons. As a foully ail. them, I have neverseen equal, aid for Leathr. vvr can't get along without iL Yours, Ac., . . Mr.-Toon—Dear. Sir: Fora considerable length of e I waa serionaly adhered with the rheumatic com plaint, and applied freely the venous 'liniment, pitint Ulna, without obtaining any repel After w tor Tont At nt dila place tnfluenced tee to try your Oirrtmcnt, and within two week. from th e nine , I eon]. silenced sating It. the pain reacted, and I Ira. etfectual y cured, and shall recommend all who are ininlarly ai. dieted with the dishrertine comp; mint, to prertire your excellent ointment withmt delay ..Therc are more thing. In heaven and earth Teen nrn drearept of in phth..orby.. litruns u“. remarkable reamer, •nd; j the 011.4111 applieetlon or It, to the propnctot, V 7. From the Hon. H. V. S. Brook., Agent ea the inia tenured Ent In have n pat up in lame. with IE -1141mm mad Michigan Canal Packet goat Company. Lela and 4reetton• for the benefit al the palate. Guinan, Jane CI, lel e 'fee gEeItriLEVM is procured from • well to 111. Dr. W. B. Blear—Dear San For the !oat en yeam I county, al • depth of roar hundred feet, u a pure ens have had occasion to awe many borate, and have awed delter•ml eruct, without any chemical change. hat the great canny of liniments and ointments in are, fun a. flow, from Nguema tire. Labramry” Tbatit bat have never Mend any thing equal to year rOll.ll. properltea teaching a nmaber of d.eales. meet Ihe rvuriet on hew.. Minim trie Inn ltra 1:0 longer a matter nf uncertainty There are many Months I have applied your ointment to mem ea horse, ihnmv in the ar Mina are ttune. Web, if known, eight fur carKl,l.l and eery Instance n has pro. tr-rtolnem aung niffenrig, and 'e yed • sovereign remedy. .a(- Peter. frier. Long helore the proprietor thartekt of 'patting A FINGER BITTEN ENTIRF.LI' OFT. I u P in bottle.. It had • reputation tar the rare of die " Two miles math of Clitearto, &Pt. Id, 1E44.. The and dm mg Mails for It, Dr. Sloan—Sin On the UM instant my .on had ahit-end •ernenl reenanknhie has Performed, • gee bluer ennrely off by a horse. We intreedta.lv ape me udirsnan 'of Im Aimee popelartly and wade plied your celebrated otnunrat, which relieved him al "Pre. , •PlPin. M .on in e •ore dim.... pain in • few annul, and prevented the finger I rote , ..it to male • lone parade of eertd. welling the ,vt particle, and the wound i. hen Lug co''... We ow e that the med4etno can acne rapidly. Reap) , yours, N. BROCK{VA v . work ere) Int. the favor of thole who ander and hi be healed. Wader we do not claim for il a • Rev', yowl, WCAR F. MCEIT Princevale, Peons ro., Nlsy I. It-I-. DOCTORINM IN OA LENA n o ire t aiml application in every Miasma, tee unhesita tangly say, Rim in a number of Chrome Diseases it M '• sl...—Dt " Ab. " ° t ° a " . called. Among these luny be enumerated—all m"only .U m " " a ° " ° Y l " . b y ma I " b°, ' diseases of the mucous tissues, such a.a CHRONIC pile of wool which occasioned I.trve runt.nrc tiler" CONSUMPTION lin ma early staged pile c "" (...“`"° care M "` 4 , Asthma, and ro.ll ...... of the air passages, LI VEX ' 6 " m vain, until fnw ".P.MY and """"" i COMPLAINI', DYSPEPSIK, Diarhana, Diseases of mom other let b " m " bad a. We ° " 6 ‘ m " the Madder and Kidneys, rum; in the fle toi et or Side, I y 'rounded. I despaired of ever being well .tau,— ; bat in order that I !ought neglect no mean. within my ""b' Puna " nd c 'jof yoor you ointment. sad yo """ a ("1 " . " t Sores, Se., ln rases of d eb ht r. co ,, a e1XY ,„",',!,,"',.",. ° „" oolong from expo:purr, or king and protracted cane. of gnu ely better than ' co- disease', Mis medicine win brag rebel It wall act ma I a get,eral TONICVensi ALTERATIVE in such cams, arttng tone and energ enley y to the whole frame, remelts believe and not delay Thex taco 1 mate lasing so valuable as 0/111111.1( Y ,z7,,%11',.!Z 1 ,,, 1". I e'huse tided and a berate constituuon and giving increased and veneered energy to all the organs of Late' The propnetor titows of several mires of I'ILES. that tratsted every other treatment, yet well ender I, use of the PETROLEUM fora short time. TO. proof ran be mven to nly penon who desires of Non., gcnuinc withaat the aignature of the proprietor. Sold by the proprietor, S. ht. KIE.R, Canal Dalin, near Seventh rt. Also by R SELLEItS, 07 Wood at; and—KEYSER & M - DOtVELL., corner Wood et. and Virgut all 4, who are has novV-dly regmarly appoinleti Agehllt ONLY Zi DAYS Before the following order, Messrs. Vaaghn k Co. purchasers large supply of Sloan's preparanorm. iICI4OII, Mich. Feb ZS, P=lo. S. K. Hibbard—Dear Sim I am out of Slosn's Condi tion Powder and Horse Ointment The sale las ea. seeds dozen myOintme ex nt, I n pectatro. I will pay for th em thf you COO 1711110,C e tO first aciul me I.IM that you aro here, and pregame I shall be tyre to sell a large gummy in the coarse of the year. It will be an object to yon, an well as to myself, to keep me con. scantly mpplied. Very terry years, S.S. VAUGHN k CO. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. - - . ST. Lora, Feb. 1349. Dr. Sloan-91r About two years ago, while ranter On thy Mississippi river, in passing aver the rapids, I mu plunged into the water, and by the raft dashing @guest n rock, creaking my left leg and °thermic se nously lemming me, so touch that 1 lots all masa/Mtg. When conseteusnesa returned I found myrelf in he Laura, surrounded by my weeping family. Good nun, Inn .bbl arhtl n !e d itc r i n tt b e i'd rs e ra ' n n ee 'l' o ' f ' s ‘ c c r " e ' lerlte. , wounds only partially healed, leaving large rtlll2 , lllR SOT. at Ike Mice, which for many months dimharged blood and matter of rho most ridensive °barmier. hly Land were tnexprcarible at theca my suffering wee so greet thardenth would have reeetved hearty wel l come. Forteurnely kir. Wdson, lone army rat advised me to try poor Ointment, obtained lira applied it atcOrding to direction—the rotes soon began to immune a healthy appearance, and in three months I ma, entirely cured, and enabled to do hard labor. Your obedient servant, HIRAM W. THOMAS. • We, the undereigneal, neighbore of 11. W. Thema% were acquainted with the ewe above stated, and know ing the eireumitances, omit cheerforly cart/am cud Thomas , azieJaent. REV. J. DOUGLASS, JAMES WILSON, rerEa 0001) NEWS. Cmccao, Jan. (111,1 SO. W. 11. Sloan—Fir. One of my horses was hoof bound and also wounded in the wide, in which he wok cold, and became to crippled that he could teareely travel. Hy the free application of nour valuable ointment, hit boots were soon softened and the wide permanently cored. I have alto used the Ointment in the ease of Poll3svil and on severe Falb with equal Forests. On a mashed Anger that wan very painful, It opera. ted like a charm. - Yours, &e , A. VAN WIDEN. TESTIMONY FROM cr-rrLE FORT. Oloan's Ointment and Condition Powder are knowledge by by all who have used them to be the leni remedy for horses and cattle that has heen_dimovured. Fresh wounds, galls, spavins, bruises, ringtione, poll evil, and in short every outward disorder or injury can be cored by this wonderful remedy. Tee Powder is designed for inward strains distemper, hide bound, fatigue from hard exercise, diseased epee, tre.—Lake County Chronicle. 'BATHER DOUBTINGLY, RUT I TIIOUOUT WOULD TRY IT." Wickman, Cook Co. Fcb_l3, IRS Mr. Ala.—Sin I have a fine young horse that win taken with the scratches last fall. I paid out about three dollar• for medicine to cure Mtn, but he grew worin. I then bought a box of your ointment at yo nice ur oce when In Chicago last, rather doubtingly, but I thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my opinion of its beneficial qualities, when I found my horse's legs smooth and well in lour clay, from the time Leommenced applying it. Yourobediem, E. F. COLBY. =2l More than fifteen years of unrivalled MICOPPI in the taro prelim variety of external diseases and intones such as bruasectenta, burn,, emote.. e rur dont, earn lips, NOM InCYLN chapped handy biles, steers, earns, pants in the back, sides, or other pans of the system, rattlesnake bites, the., beam ample testimony that Sloan** Ointment is lust the thin, for the hour. Certificates without number have been received by the Proprietor from disinterested Jodi vadat- Ms, giving details of remarked. cures by its use. I=l • Granville, lff wrinkle co. Wis., 0et.17, Ida Sloan—hear Sin. Recently my hone. ran away with ■log 6.1,„ augched, which em and otherwthe injured them seriously,so mach so that I ennadered my tram ruined for business. Fondinuely a friend re comended the two of your Cintmcnt. I 'went to glib retie and purebazed a boa. It won remora the Inflammation, and in a few days the wounds healed The great banal derived from the no of your ant went, on my horses Induced me to acquaint you with the fat, believing its publicity would benefit you and the pablic. Respectfully yours, 'GEORGE COMSTOCK. IT IS A POSMVE FACT, And has become a common anying, that Moan% Ointment and Coadltion Powder are rapidly impel. ding all other remedies for 111 Manses of homes .d cattle. 'The beauty of the medicines ennsism in (bell twit). 6.4 0 0 thl7i fc mitt they may be axed ever., &wly without any danger of Luting cold, or any eaten Wiry remettror from their frequent no, and never MD 80 COBl , Nthtduaetlanu an followed. iylainlyS TRANSPORTATADE 11APIN211 & CO's Passeer asau Razatatastee °Maas WIAN ng RDEN lc CO. alumnae to bring persons rum any part of England, Inland. Scotland or Wales, upon the moat liberal renal, with their usual punctuality andauention to the warms and com fort of consligranta We do not allow our passengers to be robbed by Me micdling scamps that infest the sea ports, os we tale charge of them the moment they re port themselves, and me to their well being, and de apatch them without any detention by the Ent shim— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our pubes- Kers to show that they were detained 48 binsria by Its in Liverpool, whilst theosauda of others • see detained months, until they could be sent in wove ,g 1 'rail, at a eh p ram, which too frequently proect: their coTtna We intend to perform our contract s aonorebly, coot what it may. and OM oat LS MY the case last mann, with ether otficers,—who either pertained not all, or when it suited their eonverdence. ••• • . Drafts drawn at Pittabargh for say scat from Si to Low* payable at any of the ptaviutal Banks In Ire land, England, Scotland sad Wales. JOSHUA'. ROBINSON, European a doo r belowAgnt, Obi Firth arta. en Wadi BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. S—CapL Gilson. LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. I , IIE above regniar and well known Beaver Pack ete, have commenced making their daily trips t. and from Beaver, and will continue in ran betwec. Pine Lamb and Beaver regalarly daring the season, lUlchigan No. 2 leaves Plttaburgh daily at 9 o'clock, A. M. and Beaver at 9 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie ICI,. Beaver daily •113 o'clock, A.M., and Plusbergh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamers will run In connection with R ti Parke' Express Packet Line, (or Erie; Taylor A LcMingwall's Warren Packets; Munn Line of Freight &Ws for Cleveland; Clarke & Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight G Parks daily New Castle Pantos. CLA PARKS & Co, 13eaver, Agent. JOHN A. CAUGHRY, Agent, Pittsburgh, mehll cor Water and Stabbed sts 1849. maw= PITTSBURGH AND CLIIVELAIIII • LINE, • ON TIIE PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CANALS. PHI: Proprietors atlas old established and popelar dada line, consisting of SIXTEEN first clam Canal Beata r.ssned by themselves and running u eormee von with the neon boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for the transpostation of freight and passenge m, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn sylvania...loMo and N. York canals end the takes. ' B. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. mar./ . J. C. INDWELL, Agent, Water eireet, Plush arg h. .1 . a cwcu., Pit shur.b D. W. C. Waver. BIDWELL I BROTHER. Forwarding Merchants, DEAVER, PA., Ageaft for ttut PittsborgA gutriCkret and lane, Pitt. burgh and fine Line eia Erie, oda for steam iwart Braver anoll Ceded C. liastor purchased the large .4 substantial WWI Dom mst Mull for the Monongahela Packets, have with the addition of • Warehouse, the most =plc ue comniodations for receiving and forwarding, sod pledge their almost attentiou, promptness and despatch to eonsointamitir to their care, and rely on their friends for • tnal. matiSdly D. d BRO. N•eand Mud Plano. O IVI: second hand Piano, 6 octaves, price IMO, I " " 51 " 40. I " " 5 " Po. For sale for cash at the above prices, by arid JOHN II MP:List/LK Wood at flip — VlE/UN yTZ, I &van, altered and connected from tho last Eng lash td/l101.• to correspond with Spohes Original School of Violin playing, by his pupal,. C. Hill. "If any wigwam. aro required to recommend this work, It map 1.0 otiseniciatal Spoke himself adheres strictly to the system laid doom in the abate work, and that he hos by the same modeof instruction. produced a greater number or distinguished pupils than any other master in Curime A 9 , P5 1 7 of 0.^0b.. Just reed. (rim 974 and Mr not, 0y dcl7 J NELL R. tit Vonod st A N raTINENT and experienced Physic= from Um of go years Mending, Wren to treat allot.. of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy. Mt macre+. M Buffalo and other large ewe. has l.on proceeds!. Ilts charges are moderate, and hit curt, oermatlem. Old cams of (Sleet, Stricture, Sur°. rola, Eta°, Altai, Rheum-anon, Agoe.S.Splults, or any ohm.: inveturate care, softened. ore warranted, or charge refunded, I (Tv C.l, elmr, streer, X door from the Madge. Teeth Extracted. Advhe to the poor pmts. N —Dr A. Wart. the wont enamor any dames. an P,ttxhorch to call. PKTILOLILVDS, OR FLOCK. EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., No. 02 Fourth 19 LLLLL . Pittsburgh, line now in Store their full naortment of Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Lace Coons A DAP rED to the somnolent) , ulnae( l'ilerehain /1. and Consumers :in pains have ben warn to errant the nun: and moat fashionable style of Goon in their line. Their stock rowsta to part of the folk:mug: Erin., and littnps, of every vortely; new styles figurriPtiallootts,• Algerine and Imperial Bralde; andel and narrniir Silk and Worsted Embroidering lfrside,• figured and eat Velvet Ribbons; plaid do do; Corded Mantua and plant Stain Ribbons, for trimming, reline end colored till* Lace.; extra tonic do do, for flounce, wall a full assortment of Dress Buttons, Dreaaes ' Fbaked, Stamped or Embroidered to Order. LACE GOODS. Embroidered [ACC and Muslin Capes, Chemirettes, Brea:feet and Retiring Cepa and Half Sleeves, French Worked Collars and Cuffs, in great vanriyi Lome Polls, Lappets and Opera Tier; Mourning Cheinmettea, Col lars, Calls and Half Sleeves; Linen Lawn . lidkfa, pia. embroidered •Ini hemstitched do, plain Linen do; teal thread Lanes and Er/gings; Inn. do dm Bobbin, Lisle, Lace Muslin and Cotton Edgings and lusertings. BONNET TRIMMINGS. Bich new style Ittunet lithbono, French Fare Flow n., Bonnet Tab., Felenta,,thowta and Florences, llltnnuno and Tarim., Bonnet Frames and Zoo. • KID GLOVES Dast manufacture, anon moot approved (wettings, mot cholcust colors. An esteduve autortmont always ins baud. FEEZII A peat variety of An, Wool, Conan, Merino and Cashmere, for Ladle, and Aliases, Tartan Plants. and a lull assortment other styles fancy and pinto Mal& ren's IIloth; nerre,t style. Inf.. - Boots sod Ports; Cents' lirnminan, VtgoniA Merino, Cotton and fine Wool Ilalf llose. A fullmisname:lt, for m 'min. and children, lithonr which arc Derby Ribbe en, d, Vol/mile and plain ribned and Minn Cashmere; Omni. Lined Ikr• ..ht.inirtere, Morino, Fur-lined Beaver, heavy nod Inn Buckskin, Military and Lisle Thread and Cotton. WOOLEN GOODS, ' fttleh a. Ladies' tunl Children'. Iltmds, Children'. Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarf. and Boas, Children'. Gait end Long Alla., IlTorojed Culls, Knitting Wor.teds and Woolen Yarn., California Csnafortmi also, fine Cantnuere :Mark. for Ladle.. LA DEPARTMENT. Zcphyr will Tapestry iVorstds,,Canwase Dattenm, Flute and lintsla bilk, !Distal and Dert'd Boards, Pa. per Flower klmerials, Lamp Mau, Tidies, and klin• broldered Work. Alms—Ladies'dolt and Merino Vests and Drapers; Embroidered Sae k andFlannell, French Worked Caps and D'aisse fur Wants; rod Dwanleolupti GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cravats and Manna, Silk and Cotton Wrapper. and Drawer.; Suspendera, !Moulder Brazes and Dreaming tiovrturi Silk and Linen Ildkfa; Glow. and ilnalery. COMBS, 1 1 11IISUES AND PERFUMERY. French pant f 115.0 ;ivied and plain Shell Dank Combs; Buffalo and Im. do; Shall Sin, and Long Combs in. do: Buffalo, Satin and Rork:wood Hair Duo and Lng. Morn Dressing and tale Ivory Condi'', rah an a.rortment of Nail and Teeth Brushes. Wetherilft. "Gold Medal" Perfumery. VARIET Needle, Pins, Tepee, Mum. azul Steel Guotle., Puree! l'evsat and :7v:elegy, Cum Binding, & Clunk Card and T6.([1., film& & Shudel7lmmings,l & Bungler Tasaela, Upholweerees rriuget, Jail Liner, mud or<ha, F A ,L D U L t hi CtOth., Fig , l Chintz But& ~ GOODS. Steel Bags and Pune., Berlin {(ire Beaker, eine Itnsenvend Desk. and Fancy Wlnstals U o s rk poe ' rtres and Ladles' Stationary, French Cott Soles, Silk & Ging!m Umbrellas, Paper Musiiimicilollands, Umnie Bands & Webbing, Comet and Sin. !diners. 1100ILS1 DOOKNI riUSt reed at the PILFSBYTSIDJAN bOOK ROOM, I No. M Wood meet, and fog .ale at Eastern anima' lets row Lexicon, To Inseensr. Arrangement of the. Bible, INcendens Hobo of the Carom. lien gson and Misch, Milionte Treattec on Ceriatian Do, irme, line of Remus, Jeremiah Ern., Itobinson's Greek Elarranny or We Gospel., do bAgtmli do do s :is:mit'. lib tic, 6 cois, Boasoit edition; Yllll5lO. table Gazetteer, Dedham'. China nod Its PrO/pects, Dr. Wood'. Lea nave on Seredenborgianum, 11011`, Blimionary Anec dote.; and many other interesting work., in addition to me above; all An aarriax num. non ~. r %~.* r l '_ . ~ _.. _, ~~. MEDICAL. PALMS FAMILY MEDICLNW--"They ere go Medictuee et the day.. Gzhethneathrsnott, Ohio, May R. F.- Sellers: I think it right for the benefit ofothen uto state some facts in relation to year excellmit Fern. ly Medicines. I have used your Vermitage largo) In my own fun. lip, one 'lnt frequently answering for expelling( ego riamitnies (*ay Ito 200> worms from two child:et 1 have also tiled your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in my family, and they knife in every Instance produced the eficet &aired. As I am engaged In merchandising, I ant able to state that I liege yet to hear of the first failure where your medicates have been used In my , section of the country. In conelusion, I may state that they are the rii.thcinhtt °Obe day, and are dunned have a very extensive punnanty Your., res.,. aluPy, . 11. Pistniti.. FtvP.Ved Mid .old by R. r 1.115,N037 Wood street, and sold by Drags" • generally in the two et. ties and vicinity. , niVJI if MAT-ORE-LW LIvBICCOMPLAIN:r,--tiy.i. ‘,K original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Soon Cam, Ohio county, Va./ March UM, 1849. Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir I I think it a duty I owe to you and lathe publicgenera ly, to state that I have been RI/icier!: with the Liver Complaint for a long um, and so badly th at an ober.. formed and broke, which tell= in a very low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being far gale by A. II Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended' tome by my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to me them • fair I purchased one box, and found them to (le lost what the are recommended, THE BEST LI- VER PILL EVLR USED, and after taking four boxes I hod the disease has enurcly len me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, D II COLEMAN. West Liberty, blarch ett, le N. I certify that . I am personally acquainted with Mr Coleco (1 ,and can bear testimony to the truth of the above :ertificate. A 11 SNAKY The rename Liver Pills are prepared and sold by REd LLERI3, No dry Wood street, and by druggists in in. wo ClneaP TO TIIE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills ere prepared by II Ebellers, and Lave hie name stamped in black vox upon the ltd of each boo, and ids signature on the outside wrapper—ail others are counterfeits, or base imitations. - - . R - 1.- L 8 M 4 • ••••• ••. . • . elnr LZ://111111 C ZI B I F A L TIVX DPuLBAA 1 . ; DOM the Rev AtiA SIIINN, a well known and pop slat Clergyman ot the Promatant blethudirt Church Dile undersigned haying been afflicted during the put antei with a diem,e of the stomach, sometimes pro- dae:np great twin in the thin:safer tenor twelve hours with tinevni i on:and after having tried canons remedies with effect waa furnished with a bottle or Dr D Jaynela it; [native Llalum: This he used an. carding to the direct cns,and found invariably thatthis Medicine canned the pain to abase rn three or four min. MGM, and in fifteen or twenty minntesevery sensation was entirety quieted. The medicine was al. terwardsosed whenever indica:Muni the approach of palnwere pa reel ved, and the pain was thereby prevent. ed. lie continued to use the medicine every evening and samatimes r. 'he morning, and in a few weeks health wano tar factored. that the sufferer was tad from • large •930 w prof oppreaaive pain. Prom es parience, therefore. .1 e can confidently recommead 1./ bityne's Darininiffiv e Datum. as • salutary manic ii for dluases of thsstomach and bowel.. A SHINN') . . Mleghen• rtly.,vll For gala in Pittsburgh at as PEKI N 7 E,• oTell 77 Fourth street, near and al , o • t t.rh.g swmor P We RTZ. • ISi .ttect WAix/Lama DISCOVEILYI CONSUMPTIVES, BE OA TOUR GUARD, MM= COMPOUND SYNUP OF WILD CHERRY OLIUS it. 11,1,03 Coasamption, Conchs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Id in Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difaculty of Bread, tog, Pain in the Bide nod Mean, Palpitation of the Item In!loons. Croup, Broken Con lunation, Sore Throat, Nervous Dehill ty, and all Dimaaea of the Throat, Main and Limp: the won et lannal and speedy corn ever known for guy of Me abase discos. in. Is DR. SNSA Y fu ` • • COMpallala Blew ft of W ehd C rrrrr I Tide medicine ts no longer among Mom of doubtfhl Inky. It has parsed (Why from the theueandaduly haimatied upon th e tide or experiment, and now stand. igher in reputation. and .s.becoming more extensive ly iseod Man any eater preparatio of medicine ever produced for tk relief sudering wan. It hos been very generally through the United States ate Lampe, sod there are few towns or importance but what content some remarkable eri. dams of int good cage.. For proof DM< foregoing statement, uid oldie value end efficacy of this meat. eine, the proprietor wril men a few of the mar.y thou sand testimonials which have 'leer, presented to him by men of the first respectability—men who bare higher view. of mom: rerponsibility and justice, than to c e r. lily to tams, bengure it will do another a favor, and themselves no injustice. Such tut:emu) . prom a roll elusively. that its surprising excellence 1. egtablethed by Its intrinsic merits, and Me .qataeoteMle authort- Ly of public opinion. The mistantaneorm relief it id - fords, and the soothing ingaence difluard through ilm whole frame by ea use. renders it • most agreeable remedy for dm alllicied. REMEMBER! "When men, acting from constientlour impairer, reduntanly bear ternmony to the truth of a thine. or parueular fact, such terumony, being contrary in Meth worldl rnteresto and purpose,s, coerres courreiten of to I truth, and cornincnds arelf' in a rpecial mariner t mul , th d e nee. , --lillogan'o Moral MIIZIIIIN. READ Tn E HOME CERTIFICATES. Sind. A 30111i.1 Coos or Pcoomsar Coll3r Thera never vas a remedy thatjou been sa suecerofir in desperate rases of ConsumPtion, sr. Dr. Swayne' Comnoand Syrup of Wild Cherry, It otrenthLcus syou.ra, and appears to heal We ulcers an the lane. cream y ries turd rreh blood; pow. Pnrrrrhr.i hl u. other rdietne. Curer. Co., Apnl-2.stii. Into. Dr. tea sync—Dear Kiri I verily believe your Coin round Spur , of Wild Cherry h. been 111 C means eaving my hfe. I caught a severe cold, which Credit elly pew worw, attended with a revere cough, that restated all the reruediee which I had recourse to mill increastag until my care ellititted all the eymptonis of Pulmonary Consumption. livery Mine I tro,t premed n, have n o carer, and my en mplunt there're./ so ramil• ly that friends. well as my wilt, gee., up atl hopes of my recovery. Al this tone I was recommended to try your. itivaluatilei medicine: I did so with the roost hap py reset.. The first bottle bad We edem W liMe.ll the carmine mu m emocctorete freely; mid by the Mute I hod timed au bottles I entarely wed, and am pow. hearty men. Lever was in My life, nod would be happy to give any informationeespactma case, that other sallerers may denve the ban e& for which Ima so eralefuL for the truth of the elm. etatemnt,' I refer you to Peter medic Grocer, West Chester, Po, of whom I purchased the cine. Itespeftuily yo.e, /man Moue. Wontlefful CM. of a MdAttdist Minister. Dr. Swayne—Dear Ste I feel a dela of gratitude ilea you—and a duty to the afflicted generally, la 01 . 00 my bumble testimony In favor of your Compound yy nip of Wild Cherry. Some three years mace I ma. molandy atuteked with cold and init.:arta.a of the duUeinng !OTXpt2tZenr:UrsTra d d ,'"' tl; hie aisenarge of offensive mucus from ' ' the la c r.%.g. Malty upon change of weather, however slight At Soot I telt. Warta about nay condition, hut twos pretty Soon convinced that I was raptdly going Into consump tion. pp w dally weaker, and at length was scarce ly skle to walk about, or speak above a whoquilr, mirth I egooe ,l,ng weakness of my lung. During this timel bad teed canons preparations and pre.ripuons, but found uo relief--prowuat all the time worse, dart here I eras advi_ed and persuaded by a dear friend In Wilmington to cude total of your !Syrup of Wild Cher ry I moat eoll.eu that previously I had been prem. dirad eg.ost patent medicine., and I am salt against Mose coming out of the hauls of eatitaries, bat under standing your claims to the profesmon and practice of medicine, and hoeing implicit faith in the saying of my friends, I for th with port h.ed of Dr. Show, one of your aqents, a few le.ides, and costume:mad Its me. 211 y dis. ea. was at ohm. time or US months' standtag, eon. ugaenUytt wood e opl7 seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the uar of the first four or five bottles. Dal being a public speaker, I frequently at. tempted to preach with my incra.ing strength and thereby ruptured th ose ves.ls th at had alre ady began to heal; iv dith way, doubtle., my cure was greatly tutirded. in a...epicure. of acttng thus imprudent!' I had to use mar. or fifteen bottles before was pm• forty restated I bare no question, a mull salad number ofitiottlue would have made me fumed, be the Ma. indtherentia. The Syrup allayed the fee, tab baba, took -way tbe &guessing cough, put •st • . to th e discharge of matter Dean the lungs, and goy them and the cumaysteal good health. I have defer red offering this ecruficate until now, for the pupo . of being perfecear satisfied with the per al the cure, ..I now that I feel perfectly well I carer it with peuture. K.. J. P..10¢1.11 Dublin county. N. C. haporsoral Cllll4l4oa—R4lll.' Read! There is but es e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that I. Dr. liwavaia, the first ever offered to the blic whrett -.as been said largely throughout the United ' Steles rod some parts of FArope,• end all pre parations callow by the exam of Wild Cherry have been put oat same this, under cover of some deceptive clreorestances,m order fa gme currency Mt their axle. By • little obsweranon, no person need mistake the genuine front 91. false. Each kettle of the EMIL. is enveloped era. a beautiful steel engraving, wrth the likeness of Walrus* Penn thereon; also (Jr. Seraynes signature: and further security, the.ortrait of Dr. Swayer will Li: added hereafter, so ato dimingumh Ids preparatiou'rout all enters. Now, tl it was not for the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Stwaynci Conmeuud Syrup of Wild Cherry, pentane would not branders"onng to gi currency to the. .fielillopa nosi.sms" by stealin ve g the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, always hear mind the name of Dr. Swarm sAd be not deceived. Principal Oleo, corner of Eighth and Dace steeem, Philadelphia. For .ale whormale and retail by OGDEN & SNOW. DEN, roe Id Mai Wood els; 11 A FAHNESTOCK Co, ear let an. Woad, and Mb and Wood eur WN TIIORN,IJ fileaket s 4 S JONES, IEIO Liberty s ' l,• JAS A JONES, not eland and Penn ets; JOHN MITCLI• ELL, alleglica.; city, acid by all respectable dealers in medicine. octet Dr. W. P. Inland's Premiums PI TILL W. P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil ad adelphia, now otters to the public km button Veg etable Prennent Placer, the qualities of which after long and tried experience, hes been ...toilsome:ly es tablished. To all women who may he milllcted with Prolapses Merin or Fallen Womb, he recommends his plaster, guaranteeing • sum mid armed), cure In the short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with care and reat—discarding all the countless instruments and expensive bandages an long to use. Thu he fcels landaus In stating, inannuah es he hail net foiled te one ease out of three hundred and filly-three pi, “C 111.2. Also loy Bitsunia . usea and Weak Breast or Bask, at ,end,d with pain, Were is nothing to excel tins Planter in affording ioltefor effecting l• MM. For sale by L Wilcox, conic: of Diamond and Market st Itraan A 'tenor, Liberty and At 'Cll. ma Dr 1 Sargent a Faint - al st and Diamond, Alle heny city Ja g cques C, Denman and Diamond Burning liam. isd EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An article which is ra pidly coining Into use no a wholesome, nourmthrig and delicious utiverage, being more pleasant and pal atable than common Codha, and far cheaper, na a nmall paper casting only ten cents, will go an far four pounds of Co2ca. Itlrmnfactured by JOHN S. hIILLEII, Pittsburgh, Pm Sold at wholesale by II A FAIINESTOCK & Co, corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Woad streets, Pjtoborgh aptil I lALIFURNIA. RUBBER tiOODS—Ju s , rce rued, / Of Canny Blankets, 20 utfirer coat., In prs II palm nett lined filming Boots; 12 Isthmus Hoge, 3 water Tank., 6 11131 LI 112 gollnipi each; 'AI commons, 5 gallon each; I dot Burkskot 3loney Belts; IJo oiled cambric, do do. The above goods for sale at the Calm (arida Outfitlng Establishment Nos Wood at. tachN J & II PHILLIPS A N VlLS—:Wronght Iron AsilvWs, from the Temper ° n n 'i d i s ' n7p7i e k ys jiolorril:erobL": ll he enlutu,tly L IG/BORS—IF . d i t--0 .; lord, thipuy, de; erks N E Horn; /Nibble Whiskey; for ante by novn W it 3/ mucitElaßKE DLEACRING - PUIVDIX—TuTier t o hin/pr e ,,,,g .1/1 Sons' brdnd, a superior article, (or tale by novel %V 14 min:IIELTREF. _ . _ CAnKs 111nrprett'e no7a — rob, soh/ 10 tl Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship Oeenbridge, and now eennusg on by canal, for tale by IV tr. Id MITCHEL.TREE N. B.—They will receive, danng Ike /miter, large supplies du New Orleans. no/30 - I "••wwimw"=iSl 2 m l =rifismrmMEN BOOK TRADi SPECIAL NOTICE Tirji'k-:-t6TiffiEll rlßOFEsSoll. CHARLES DAVIES has just pre -1 owed a new arithmetical work, a copy of which' win be presented to each and every Teacherle the United States, without charge, upon their application (post pai d .) to A. 11. d.) The worka. English te Ott, is entitled 79 Wood street, Pittsburgh, GRAMMAR. OF ARITHMETIC; Or, An Analysis of the Language of figures and Sci ence of Ntunberz. Tribune of Jan. The following n .td,otice copied from th e New York "Gaanaas or Aszonerrm, on Cool. Dons, L. L. D. (lents, pp. 1414.5-In this work theilangnage of figure, and enestreedon of numbers. are carefully analyzed. The' alphabet, composed of ten figures—the words de rived nom the alphabet, and the la*. by which the figures are connected with each other,tarc clearly explained. "The analyal. show. that there are but four hon. dred end eight eight elementary combinations in Arlihmettc, each corre.ponding to a word of our vim age; and that these combtnations are so e m o a u n ne l c a rl together a. to be all expressed by only sixty three different words. The system proposes to commit these words le memory, and then pra ct ised. the' retails instead of spelling them, as now practised. "In another respect the system propote. an import ant change, namely: to e“sider and treat all fractions as entire &trigs, having a given relation to the =titan, from which they were derived. "We scarcely need say that the little work evince. the ingenuity and aktlful analysis, for which Professor Davieswriting an this subject are justly celebrated. We commend n to the attention of practical teachers, believing that they will find it crowded with new and valuable suggenizes." From the Pnfeseare at flea Point. “hlncratty dean., oe U.S. Wszrr Pour, Jan.l7, "The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, presents the subject in • new light. It so analyzes Arithmetic as to Impress the mind of the learner with the fire principle. of mathematical science ha tome right order and conneetion, and the new reties for the reading of fiatires are of great practical value. Signed, W. H. C. Bartlett, Prof. of tr. FA Phil. A. E. Church, Prof at hlathematles. It 11. Malian Prof: of Engineering." • In Press. • • • - • A.S. BARNES & Co. would repeetfally announe to teachers, and to all interested in mathematical In *unction, that they wall publish, on or before the le of August, IWO ihit folloanng work:— THE LOGIC AND UTILITY OP MATHEMATICS; Or, . Analyses of the Principle* of the Science-0 the Nature of the reasoning—yid of the best Methods i Imparting Instruction. By Chu. Davies. L D., Author of '•A Complete System of Mathematies." N. B.—A. S Barnes & Ca. , are the publishers of Doyen' System of Mathematics. For sale in this city by A. H. ENGLISH It Co., No. 7 Wood street Foster'. Saw Ughloplan Ilatallas. 1 - WINE w Hun 1,11 Mehl, Dolly Day; ti Duey lone.; Go down to do Conon Field; Nally was o Lady, to. Re Rind to the Loved AL On coo-t Home; How thy boat bglaiy; True Love, bp T. Rood; Our way across the sea, dung A new medley song, by IL Covert; Jenny Gray, moue by Hal ler Joy, that were crowning, Wedding March; God bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waits, Consenpt's Departure,Glover; Sounds rrom Horne; Wat Hes, Steyermarkischm C. Last Rose of Sommer, easy variations by Her. United States Polka; Leda's' Sonvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille; Lornsville Quadrille; Beaune. of Maly; Duette, Trios, Zre. A large assessment of New Music on hand. to whit addalons are made weekly. For sale by febd.s 3.11. AIELLOR, hi Wood sl. • HIM BOOKS! 'rim WAR WITH MEXICO, by IL S. Ripley; 1 vol. 1 Elements of Rhetoric.; compleing an A.nalyeis or the Laws et Moral Evidence uld of Renault:int by Richard Whitely, D. D. A. &way on Clubman Haptieng by Rapti° W. Noel, hl The °plaice, a Novel. Petry Tele., front all Nations. by Anthony IL Mon talbat with Yf Want - ado. by Jun we'd by JOHNRTON A JOHNSTONSTOCKTON, delft corner Toted and Market litre I New and eArt nook.: ACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J. T 1.3 Headley, with eleven original design. by Dario). Deanna soil Prose Writings, by Richard 11. Dane; v 01.., maxim Illuaunated Gems of Sacred Poety, with sig ilium . Uon, engraved on steal. by Jahn Sariain. J list recei wed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, debt.l corner Third and Market N•ls , ktooka. PIIVSICIAN A ND PATIENT; or • Pt . ..heal View of tbe mutual duties ' relations md interests of tlio Alrdical I'sviemion the Community; by Wilph imton !looter. N. D. . • . hi Tr, ol Altehuul Monuurne; compustng FAsayu, Leurrot, Ae By Wm. Hale. Nineveh and nu Remains. fly Austen Henry Lay ard. fry., D. r i• illllpbeit of spain, or Notes of as Unfonahed To 111 fly I'. Wants. Tapper'. Prover - btu/ Philosophy, new edition; ills .ted. Jast.reeesand by JU/INt3TONA STOCKTON, nov2l corner Market anal Thud strata 1640..80i ocxwoou i 11.LUSTILATED -WORKS—IIIs 11. J rmnamd Ito's•—hooka in ricUly carved bitidnm ibtuninated ant' illugtrated—Onto superbly bound In S'el vet, $.lll, Moroeco, ant: Com, onition, In tummilon of We Meddle liges. , —Uible. and Prayer Rook, beau Ittn:ly bound in Velvet and Morocco, momnbecntly or naluented and ihurantaird. For sale by JAM I'S D. LOCKWOOD, det) Ilookreller Importer, %Vond at. Cl as and New Year Approachloict ELEt:A NT AND t4;I3SMNTIAL BOOKS, In illupttfierea Ana:ipso Dimithg, for the f A )11 , -. I,OCKW.IOD, Iloobseller and Imposter, at Wood street, has received a beautiful guncotton of Illustrate,' Books, bound in the most splendid //111. of!' by the by., Lund./ and American Waders—among them may be Mundt load. of Amur, t PoerrY; niugniricently illominn ituted I.oyr rn World; illumine ied in gold •ad colors. "r'or•i• north's ti • richly Illustrated. rie encl's; dram.' atedby Owen June, and. bound • cooed wood. 1n,,, Sung of Song.; illuminated by Jones. Plowel% and 11,04 Kindred 'noughts; illuminated by dome Ireton:es of Stokspeare; Mr.. Jemegne'. eh:dee:trigsea of Women; led. Far role by JAbl 1) LOCKWOOD, del 1 fra Wood street Pew Boak•. fIEDItURNii Ills Piot Voyage. tcr Herman Mellville authoroi -Tynee." . Ontoo,” be, liistnrs of King Alfred of Vnglant, Jacob Abbott; with thie elirvo,o. &dome the Sorceress; by Wm. ISlembord. JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, novol corner Third and Market streftz° 'One of tha M 631 Nroutriadds Works of Me Age Ikr I N F:VEII ',ND ITS RENSII2S; with ati nceount of • visit to the enintLwasi Chnstnins of Ranh. lam and the Yezidls, or Devil-Worahippersi and an loin:nylons the Manner* and Arts of the Ancient As synuns. By Austen Henry L.ayanl, Esq., D. C. L. WWith Introductory Note by NO/ E. Robinson, D. D., LL. D. Illustrated. with 13 plates and snaps, and DO wood cuts. it vela Bvo. cloth. NAIL 'The book hos nrare amount of graphic, vivid, pic turesque narrative s—Tnbaiiii. • . - The work of Lapin! I. the awn prominent could bution m Ma study of andipnly, that has appeared for l ' ? Plat Y o e n ' e " e ' neels in ill - n i teldst the antwant of Nineveh and it. Rain., given by ID. Layard.”—Washington Intelntrnet. "As we follow the diggero with breathless intermit in their excavations, um suddenly find ourselves be lore a massive Agate carved with minute accuracy, now gigantic head from dm dam of 30IM year., we are i t to cry oat with the anonished Arabs, 'Wallah, it in wonderful, bat it is me' "—ln deron,doenilot JA3IES D. f..OOKAVOOD, afield CJ Wand o t • ear oaks. IWOMEN of rue Old ea ,d New Teamitaent Edited by K D Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Imp. Fro., elegantly bound: Id esqeottely finished engravings) wtth deacraptio. lay celebrated American POEMS DY AbIELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of 14.4 a new and enlarged edation: all/steams, by engravongs from oragg ilt. tnal desagn. by Wier. I vol. postre elvo., elegant ly hound and g. Also—A vanety of splendid Anino ale and lily Books_ Sevrell's Child's First Book of the History of Rome. I vol. P.m. Tilt: MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the use of Carpenter., tibopernfals, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Students, and Allizana generally: being a thorough and pr.lical Treause on 'Mansura non and the Sluilog Rule. By D. M.Kaper, A. M. Bnise's Treatise on Greek Pone Camposition. 011endoill's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof. Greene, of Brown University. I vol. lama oedager's Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. Gesemaa' Hebrew Lexicon. Loom.' Togononietry and Logarithmic Tables. I vol. (sheep.) • The Englndurtan's Greek Concordance. I vol.(mus 11n,1 Anthon's Chtnic•l Serie. Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. Fro. do oanabradged.)'..eyrie. Barne's Notes and•questions on New Teatament. +Frankly's Logic. klosbeim's Ecclesiastical "Calory. 0 vols. and 2 role. (sheep.) Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. lelmo. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1 .1. (cloth and paper.) Seene where the Tempter h. Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Bogue'. 'Phrological Lectures. 1 vol. deo. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouneing Bible. Boyer's French Dictionary. Smart's Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS, novl3 Apoilu Building., Fourth in )►TRW 1.166 KS JUST works hlontaipie, edited by H. Harlan, comprising has Essays, Leiters, and Journey through Germany and Italy, with notes from all the Comthentaters, Blograph ical and Blbltographical Notices, Ac. Theory and Pr anew of Tesuhing; or, th e Motives and Method. of Good Sehool-Keeping, b David Plage, A. H. Painesoal of the State Normal /Oboe', Albany, N. Y. Prank Farewell Fish and Fishing of the U. States and Bun. Provmces of North America, by Henry Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON &STOCKTON, corner Thud and Market ate The Olden Time. TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Book.ller end Importer, 0 No. G 3 ‘Vooil street, has for sale a raw copies coin- Prete, (the remainder of the editoon,) of this valuable work, devoted to the Pre.reation of Documents, and other autlientac information relining to the early ea proration+, setilement and improvement of the country around the bead of the Ohio. Ily Neville B. Craig, Eq., of Pittsburgh in 2 vela Et.. novlo J. D. LOCKWOOD. 11 Liberty KHIERTY: A History, mob a view Me I Liberty of other Ancient NEMO.. By Samuel Ethott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve engravings, exe cuted at Rome. 2 vols., eve, uniformwith Prescott'. ilisturteal Works. Just published and for sale lay /JOHN D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and novlo " Importer, G 3 Wood at 3A'NNY - IrESIi3LE IN erALSiaullioniededillon, Ithoo. 75 eta. AIRS. FANNY IKEMBLE'S YEAR UP CONSOLA'FION. "The reanang of trio book has impressed to. with a march higher mail.. is sank. thu we had formed front perusing bet other writings. It displays &deeper roor of nn ht, tainted iv more pure womanly grace of eel rag than .y other production of the female mind with which we are acquainted. , '—Eve. Mirror. "It o a very agreeable and readable book, written In Funny lienible's Lein style—bold, epithet' and enter memo, We recommend it to our readers au the best pulalteutten el the season."—Reading rim contains the Jourual of • travel through Europe, end scsidrsce. to, Italy; and is one of the pleas.ost and nivel aneresOng Looks of the season."--Cour. and EnOULTer. A very chareeteristie book. We have read it from ode page to Colophon with unabated interesL A vid picture of ilia in Rome. In all respects eminently readable: . —Knickerbee.ker. For sale by LAMES D LOCKWOOD, novIS Bookseller er.iMporter, 6.3 Wood st Klbbsaiand Plows's. 301 110 ES Superior Bonnett Ribbons, Also Soo do. Flowors t of all the lawn and most rattail. &Plc styles, reed Oita day at A A MASON A CO, n RIED BEEF-10,1S10 lba sow eared rottedlb jam -V oat of smoke, for sale by apt !WI 1 FRS t NICOLS t. 110141145 ti BOSS Y Itank•rs, Vichaage .m DWI. /A i NOTES, Dit.OZACCkiTANCES,GOLD SILVA r D RANK N o COLLECTIONS.—Drafts. Notes and tocsin.. payable in any part of the Union, collected on thamo lavorabl te rms. EXCHAGE on New York, Philadelphia sad BS timore; also, Cincinnati, I.AdmTl ll o. a.mt L or i s M• _New (Mew, constantly for sale. RANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banks in tl United States discounted at dm loosest rates. All kin of Foreign and American Gold and &ITC? Coin bong end sold. °Mee No. 53 Market street, haw" and Pittsburgh, Pa. . °eel " • /1 . 013.11C1011 SC,XOII3AN • 111. anl ELLS Irel.d, n andGeossluid bought =aunt at the Cogret Bata of litreharO• na. parable In .7 part or the Old Corodte, from .11 to &ea% at the rate et So to the E Stertis without &dieter% or discems, by JOSIIVA. 808 1 - SON, Empean and General Agent, ogles ash st al tlec,Lmeas of wood. 001181 aILI2I MAX. • _ _ .1121)111/LD tilt && &B • .../ MIANKERB AND EXCHANGE ROKERS. dsol 4 .1/0 Itt Patella and Domestic, Bills of Erotism.. CI , titivates of Deposita, Bank Note. sod Cola, mime 3d and Wood stasis, directly opposite Bt. Charles Il ia wMSTit b kr PUIDS— • Gallon% nrack7, • r3fr i si pareboised at tba lowan rams, byl4" Notom N. BOUM & SONG, sepia 35 Market arrest 8LL1.501/P 13.1011 - .11149413 oa New York, Phlladalphia,m4 Baltimore, Coommttly for Ws by N. 1131.&119 & BON' 35 t • aepl3 MISCELLANEOUS. Deatiam eland- From the New York Tribune AFRIEND, whose word Is most reliable, an.l me be. no Possible interest le the mailer, bin enrol gratitude, desires as to ay,, that he has been euxe.of Inveterate deafness, by the auto( "ScorpabtCompohri Acoustic Oil." • Philadelphia medicine, which hoot for sale in this city, but - wrhich he thiuks ought tete, for the good- of dm aillicted. Ile has a sister who ILI also be-.e cared by 11. 116 urgently advises all rho are suffering from deaferas, to try this remedy, wit an assurance that, unless the Cale be extraordinary,tbe experiment will prove abundantly successful. Far sale as THE PEKIN TEA STORE, fab2 70 Fourth st, Pitubarp Comb.! Combs? 20 fr o l s . a u zu 10 do do very fine; 1,1 " super noglis Roddly illorn Redding; 6 Poeta Combo; 100 " Wood " 1000 doz nou'd Fine Ivory; 3d Shell Sidi, Combo; 10 " super large Iluilizio; • WO groin used Mde Combs; reel and for eta by lehd YEAGER, MO ldertelet MOT Holland! Fluff Holland' • - MAIM TiOrlCE—That W. Meollsiteck lista thliday received several eases of the finest and beatilulf Window Holland, to which he would most respeefolly call the attention of his customers and the pubic In general. . . (Corpei Ware Roam. 75 Founds ben - - - -13-reltare. AFEW very fine GUITARS, jolt reekt (ran the celebrated menage-tory of C. F. Marti n eel for role by ten-9 J. 11. hIELLOB, 81 kVOO4 THE Complete Works of John Minya:l;9 yolk Soo, In 1 vol, illustrated; muslin gilt and gilt ethos. Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Gooraphy: new work; 1 vol, 12mo. Town's Analysis and Speller. Life of John Q. Adams; by Wm. H. Sewarda yol, Itmo; marlin Poems by Mrs. Boman; 1 on!, 12roo; muslin:oC Proeik's Sermons—Sermons preached upon arena mentions, by Robert Snub, D.; a now cation, 4 vela including Posthumous Discourses. S Some retain Y, sheep, extra.; litho. For sale by H. HOPE'S, Apollo Dandinga, FouCh u. ' NAGLE FOUNDRY 0000 MCCOV.:0111 O. VI. C. IeTICF. lIE auderaigned, weeewors to Arthure hNicboi~- I. wn, beg leave to inform the citizen. of Ptetburgh nod public generally, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY and are now in full operative, and have part of their patterns ready for the norkett— Oimanget which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stove., with a splendid air-ught Coal Stove, which is now nuperceding in other rides the commit round Stove. Alen,. cheap coal Cooking ethnic, web adap ted (or small Camille., with a full assortment of com mon end mantel Grate, We would particularly in vite the mention of pewees building to call at qur warettenw before pchasing, and examine a splendid article of enanimelted ur Crawl, finished iu fiat style— entirely newn Ow otet. tk li areonse, No. lo m t Liberty at, onprielle Wood st nuktbaltt NICHOLSON & ?LYN& PITTSOVILGII IMPOILTATIONS. YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale beater In Vs FANCY AND VARIETY GOODtk Sign of We Gilt Coma, IGi Ylurket et., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wertsni blusrloints, Pesuars, and others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase ticials, are respectfully invited luemit and CS6IIIIIIC the extensive assortment of Eng h, ;menu... French and German Olney Goods. All Foreign Goods - at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from first 'sande. I have the largest...art meta of articles, in We variety line, in the city of Pittsburgh—all of which will be sold low for club or city acceptances. The Stock consists, In part, of Lure Goods. I losiery, Glove., Gibbons. Sob Craves, Sims and Paten:Threads, i-lewitg Silk, Spool Cotton. Typos, Suspenders, Buttout, Puts, NW dies and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kmdsol Brushes, Combs and Ravin. PereuGion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clerks, Silk& Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Steel Pell., Mask Hoge., Carpet Bags and Baskets. landings, Findings and Trimminp. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large varie ty of Fanny and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is also agent for the celebrated Lan caster Condi*. mi,l7 Groat English Remedy. OR Cough. Colds, Asthma and Commute. The F GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the above disease. is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bach., et London, England, and introduced into the United State. under the Immediate wperintendence of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine, in tb. cure of Pulmonary disease., warrants the A merican Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible ca eca mat can be found in the eammunity--eases that seek relief in rain from any of the common remedies of W. day. end have been given np by the moat distingguulsbcd phyaimem aa confirmed and neerehle. The Ifcmgarl. an Ilabern has cured, and will rare, the most clever.. of can. It i. no quack nostrum, beta standard Eng. lish medicine, of known and established efficacy. , Every family in the United States should be annulled with Ma me'. Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only io counteract We consumptive tendencies of the climate, be: to be used as a preventive medicine la all eases o f colds, cough., vines( of blood, pain in the ode And chew, 1111lati011 and stemmas, of the lungs, brachia., difficulty of breaectic fever, night sweat., emaci ation and genera lity, asthma, influenza, *having conch and croup. MOME=OZEI Pamphlets, containing a alma }beta aid Anted. .an certificates, and other evidence, alumina the an• quelled merits of this great English Remedy, maybe • Mauled o( 11e !Lims, gramiumsly. For sale by II A FAILNMTOCIi Jt Co.. earner o t and Wood and Wood and CI sta. Juthltortt ..... . . . . Tll E greatest and best variety ever offered lo thls en, before—Dude on the 131041 approved Eaatem plans— jet, and most fashionable Eittenk pattern]. lindeOlo Alma THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSION BLIND n hand or made to orderer all sizes, sod at all price Cottony Merchants and other. are m call ail examine the above for themselves, as all will he sold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction made to wholesale palshasari. coldly • WESTERVELT ' THH STAB OF TEM WEST *.VENITLAN BLINDM . ANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond where Venalan Blinds atoll the different oiros and colors are kept eu hand or made to order elle the latest and mom - approved Eastern rube reasonable te lons,at the short notice and on the mot rms. Also, the cheap Boston rell or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Cartel. of all the different sues and podiums, on hand and for sale low (or cult. Old Verde nun Blinds painted overand repaired, or takes In pa rt paysnent for new - It M IVIWTEILVELT, rro'pr. DI. il —Ail wino done truth the best =trial and workmanship, and warranted to please the most fat. I thou. Rapti:ldly Allegheny nay, Aug. 10, IBIS. SELLERS' IMPERIALMOUGfi SYRClP—Tetzu't Mumma Lai It! yo March tffl., 1817. Mr. R. E. Se ll ers—ln justice. to you and your irxont pereete Cough Syrup, I beg leave to state, for the ben fit of the community, that My wife has been teetered times afflicted with a moot dtatressing cough ' I pur chased, afJanuary a bottle of your Syrup, which u cred a coup, of two months' standing. About one month stnee, the cough returned, and waa ao Severe that the could - hardlymove, from weakness in the breast; I sent for one bottle of your Omagh Syrup, and a part of one bottle cured the cough I gave the other to a peurneyman who was severely afflicted, who had, tr, use his own words, "eaten enough cough candy to cure all the people Pittsburgh,. if the caudy had been as good as represented. . .... . . ... Thur., respeetfally, A.1.911.-.lCsm... Prepannt and sold by R. E. 5t:Ltd.:113,57 Woad tits.rent, and sold by Druggists generally in the tan, ALLEGHENY VENITIAN ISLINEL AND CABINET WArtBROOAL J. A. BROWN would respect folly inform the pubbe,that he keeps on band at his stand on the at He ro aide f cn e oyf the a s s t I Fds 7 ; o nAo l ltitian Shatters are mode to or der in the best style, warranted equal to any Seth, Muted States. His Blind. can be removed owl,. obt the aid of a screw driver. Having {Amassed tb e stock, tools, and wood of the cabinet es. tat lishment of Ramsay& ArClel land, I am prepared to furnish their aid costumers, as well an the Poblie of largei,with every thing in thew line. Agency, No a Ts pad street, PitUburga. ine J. A. BROWN. T CST reed, an elegant plain Rosewood d ocl.Hano. 0 from the celebrated msoolieusry of Nano. & Clark, N. T., of superior tune,•nd Very modenue price. For sale by KLEligst. deli, at .1. W. Woodmen, WiLLIAAIS. IVORY PHA RL TOOTH POWD,T, for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, end all substances destruc us eto the Teeth. It is debits.. to the taste, clealastuglite mouth, healing mod strengthen ing the gums, and purifying this brew& F sale, wholesale and retail, by them E BELLRRS, 07 Wood at ATollitg 1.-,CIIIL4PER THAN EVER ! Jost :red, an Invoice of fall jewelled patent In j Watches, 18 carets fine cases, told. I eon sell a ant as thirty and thirty Ilse dollar', and warranted to At—Atoed tleadld atonement of JEWELRY, eau prising ' , olts and latest styles, and best pane.. %wham., and Jervelos, c 1 901M11 llamalts Fournivinith WAL.LISTZR,Ii olarrffncnT, 00.a..64: no .Aterettry„ivor other /Kimmel. MOHE following tetitiMOrtllwas given by the lamed Dr.. Wooster Desch. the anthem of the great 'medical work entitled The American Prentice of ;Medicine and Family PbTeini.n." /I ening been made acquitted with theiriansw,,,,, which compose McAllister's All-Healing Dinneen', and having prucribed have it =several eases = my private practice, I no hesitation it =ling ~,. certifying that Ills a Vegetable Remedy, coniso nm .; no mineral substance whatever Mot its ingred,,' combined an they not, and to= ea directed by the' Proprietor, am not Remedy o f but Of great =lee, being a truly scientific R great rower =di cheerfully recommend It as a committed which has• done much , and which is adopted to the tore of a great vf eases. Though I have nevereliber recommended or engaged In the sale of secret mesh. nines, regard for the train hone.', CConteiCrlllft, ho mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the colon of his discovery, oblige, me to say thee much reiltarding it. W. BEACH, D. Din New loft, April Val,lgle. • -• BURNS.—It is one of the beet things in the world for Boma. • • • PlLlD3.,Theauands am yearly coral by this Oint• meat. I I nrrer fails in giving relief. • For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has no equal. If Mothers; and Nunes k - new its value in cases of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always reply It. In such cases, If need according to dirccuons, it gives relief in a very few beam • Around the box are diractiomi far usittg . likAllitters Ointment for Scrofule. Liver Conmimnr, Erysipelas, Teller,Chilblain, Scald Head, Son Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat, Bronchttes,'Nervous Afectina, Pmts, Disease of the Spine, head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, E., A c he. Earns, Cams, all Dime.. of the Skin, Sore Lips Pimples me., Swelling of , the Limbs, Sores, Itherimatlr T oo th k., Cold Peet, Croup, Swelled Of Bro. ken Breast, 'Ache, Agee in the Pace, kr. From the Reading Eagle There wits niece, perhaps, a Medicine brought be. fore tee public, that haulm so short a time wale seek a reputation as MeAllister's All-licithng or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of it *peaks warmly in its praise. One bas been cured by it of the most painful rhentnatisam. another of the piles, a third_of a troublesome pain Lathe side, a fourth era swelling in the limbs, Se. If It does net give itnme• diae wilier, in every ease, it can do no inJury,- being oPDtied oetwarlly. - As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow. er powemed by this alive. wo subjoin the following' certificate t from a respeetable citizen of Maidrincreeh township, in this county: Maidenc rack, Reeks co , March 30,1317. . Messrs. Ritter k Coi-1 desire to inform you. that I WAS entirely cared of a severe pain in the back, by the use, of MeAllister• All-Healing Salve which I pur chased from you. !antlered with it Icy 40.1/1 and at night was unable to sleep. Panne that time 1 Wed 'moos remedies, which were prescribed for me by physichms and other penises ' enamel reeelViog any relief, an at lest made trial of this Salve, with a re sult favorable beyond expectant''n. lam now entire ty free from the pale, and enjoy at might a peaceful and sweet sleep. 1 bare also used the Salve since for tooth ache and other complaints, with ttmilar happy remits. Your friend, Jana ItonocssaMt. JAMES Melt LLISTERI Bole Proprietor of we above medicine. Principal Office, No pd North Third street;Philadel. phi. Satin i.e Prance:au—Braun t. Reiter, corner of Liberty and SL Clair stream and 4 Wilcox, Jr., ear ner of Marker street and the Diamond, also comer of Poach and Smithfield summit; 3, 11 Geasat, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at tho Bookstote in Smtthfield street., :Id door from Second. In Allegheny City by 11. P.Sehwarts and J.SargeaL By J. G. Smith, Druggiat, Birmingham: D. Gelder/ Qat Liberty; IL Rowland, Alelemiport: J. Alexander az Son, Monongahela City: N. B. Batsman & Co., and 3. T. Rogers, Droanavllle,• John Berkley, Beaver, Pa; John Welker, Jr, Elisabeth. —lehltendly 0. W. .D1.1f.. Dentist... RETIOVED to r e elwthrerltaq low lag onl3nalth fi eld s, one drat...M.low -'" 811th street. Teeth inserted front one to an entire set, on the ruction principle, ath's bean, dial representation of the natural gum—reiterring the on B. ginal shape of the face. —Teeth extracted 'Kith little or no pals. Decayed Teeth permanently saved byplogg•ng,prf venting the tooth ache, vAlcla is ranch better than cu. ring n, though It should hr dono in tier minutes., or evert instantly. • ApSAy 43 (NS_ENG PANACEA! rIOO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LIINUS.—The mprecedented neera which has waded the use of the tat=manmzi - - - n all the eerieaa tonne whieh_irritotion of the longs a. ensues, has induced the proprietor again to cell attn. ton to thie WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The charts:able weather which marks our fall and Winer mouths, Is aiwns a fruitful scares of COLDS AND COUW4S. plae . , y ll;:aegluttc a:arell.i the Preennon dial GU COSUBIPTION. - - The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in the bud! bow shall we get clear of ear roughs ea olds? is of-vital importance to tun public. • TOP: GRFAT_AND ONLY REMEDY will be found In the Ginseng Ye/Imre , lo Pmerbf Odd we have llern time to tune bebUshed the eernftaiste of dozens of our best known estrubs, who have experi enced its connive powers. Thew, with a mese of tee town from all parts of the country --from EIidDICAL MEN OF THE FOIST STANDING. Ministers of the Gospel, te., together with eoplose no) lees from the - JOURNALS OP TDB DAY, ere hem, embodied m peropkiet farm, and m ay li calls Of !My O UNDREDS r egenie OF BRim=,“ntm H aae b.. lima in thin THOUSANDS AND TIiNS OF THOUSANDS lbanagbont the Crated States and Causal, and Fr • iHis lengn any man to yOllllOOl. SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according to dinetlnna, and be. fore the lungs had basoma fatally dlaorganisci,. It has aver failed so I=l Pay, then, need the •Alletr.d besilldad tYby noon t• tba misaralde nostrums, got!a up by an 1 / 4 . *oat &ANN wide a ler the *seamed nun. of come ea abralad pay ed., and puffed Into notoriety by eendiesdas par, sous equally unAnoarnt Moist • medicine .1. UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Is to be had, whose volichen are at hcsae,—our bomany of wiioni. it has SNAXCREU FROM THE9IIAVE. In order t4l/tkia invaluable medicine natty beguile within the reach of the poor as well the rieb, wa hoe pat the price at . ONLY NINNY CENTS {an one half the usual cost of eough medicines. Me tor sale by our agents in nearly every town and village • ,ver the west, who are prepared to eye fall Worm.- non relative to it. T. BALTLII, Proprietor Broedway, tharlhhati, Ohio. • roots for Lao Public, In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, DALLBY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. rrEsrierosy.or a inspectable Physician—Read J. the following, addremed to my Agent, lalr.F. blot ryweather, Cincinnati: Cmco 5 7 eb.19,1949. Sirs A unto of duty compels me to give. my uibate to Dailey , . Pain Extractor, tieing opposed tolima, cry end nil 11.06/171161. having for their elect 11116.11/Ct mouves--but realising much good from e "King of Pain yeller,*-1 am induced to tender Ton this certifi cate. I have nsed it in my family, in my practice, and with all the happy and wonderful erects that could possibly be imegtned. 11. J. Boom, M. D. - Pr. ktnidie is the senior partner of Brodie & Levi, Ihaggiets.' • Inflasnaatoty Ehournarirot. The following testimonial conics from a aouree fa) milinr to many of those traveling ono. Western ma tera. Me. Elie. the well and favorably knots,' pro. primer of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband's, the body whose kner I annex Pitaamtucan, Va , April 11,1849. . To Henry Dailey, Ckernist. ke..—Sirt Having for. manly been long afflicted with violent inganmeatory Ithenentises, which appeared sollmnly seated as to defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain unending it, I was induced Ito try your Magical Pala Extractor{ and It baring eflented, almost an ilia sts... gie, ar Immediate relied; and also, to all appearances_ an entare'anniperfeet cure, lam induced (or the bene fit of others who may be alflieted — Cntripain, caused by any kind of kneammation, to write to you, - declatieg that In my opinion, founded on actual experience poor Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dia. ofery of the mum age for the inunediansextramion odily pain. It Is an almost Immediate and a per feet care for Burns and builds, and all external in flammatlon.. ' t smog many aCQUILIIIINCGS formed by chair visits attny husband's hotel in thispine ,e I have .apposa by your showing them these few hues, it may possibly bent - benefit both to them and yourself. - - [I entertain the hope that Mrs. Mum anti panhandle publicity I give to her letter, 11,101 on the 'core of brunardty as orits being the Noma mode of bringing It to:the notice ofber friends.—ll. Dmunr:l ' Fekm Cured. Ertrant of a letter, dated Savant, Ky. Nov. '4, HAW Mr. Dedley..."l ham t ri ed y Eska Extractor in a came of felon, in my own family, which it relieved and cored in • very short time.. lu haste, youn re spectfully, . J. W . Si. Yodel, Mr" Darns ind Peal., Piles, Sore Nples, Draken Dream, Eruption*, Pores, Cats, Woends, and all In. flommatlon„ yields readilyto the propeNies of this unrivalled family salve, , But, in the same pro• portion that yeu will !cleave benefit row the geniune, you will be unwed by the deleterious effects 01 the comterfeLt salves. CAUTION—De sal trod apply wily, to the Inventor, N.D...., 415 Brat 'Di , . V. 1 .., 00 In /Run thOrized utelaa OHN D MOGAN, • Gene J ral Dep., Pit ß tsburgh. Henry P. Scher...Allegheny, Agent; J. Daher, Wheeling, Va.. James W Johnston, Maysville,. Ky., F. Itlerrywolaor, Cie..., U., General Depot.' N. 8.-1 n the severest floral and Scald. it extracts the pain in a few minutes-7u never fella 1.14 CURE FOR WORMS. Q. A. FAIINIGITOCK.B VERNIPLIGE, sammut av agrltattaL Intense. IN order to adord all possible 'security to the !labile, a. weLL aaso themmivelhagainst fraud and imp. anion from countedhiting, the proprietors have made • a eremite ,n the exterior wrapper or bible of their Ver. ifuge. The new label, which Is a steel cogr”ing of the ..a.gagnisitedesMtt and worknumship, hoa been introduced St very Mat eipenve , mat from the brain of an artist of the on talent. The design ismer, anti the ereeation elaborate. Neveral beams and a portrait are' mnn prominent, but the word r t ..," printed in white letters on a red and finely en. gra ved ground, should be particularly cannoned.— Wae t , hell lie, bent the letters, shading of the l etter . ..4 every linn, however minute, throaghoatthe whole •4it ,3:41 tim itgraving match 1114 Cited, Ilnpre.rtvil hoe,; mode upon one side or.: ly, although It ill selhallY Prialmt en lent, sides of the paper. Tins should in all eaves be observed. d. ' ,el upon eimit dozen is also printed M red upon bothsides, and should be examine:lin the lame intoner. This preparation lens now Mood the tee; of many TOM trial, and confidently recalls:aerated 1.1 and ellreettud medicine for expelling worms from the system. The unexampled success that has attended its Ititnilll.llllllidlut every flag(' whet e the palm num. reall.attlieted with worms, eertainly renders it wom thy e attention of physician., ' • 'The proprietor ha, made '• point to ascertain the'' , result al Its use such eyes an came within his knowledge a mt observation—and he lovariebly fame it to produce the men mlntary effects--sot nem:sent. ly after'nearty all the ordinary preparations Itearm mended for Worms had been previously Vesorted to , without any permanent advantage. - This tam is al 'tested by the certifies!. and comment. of b .ndreda of respectable persons In difereat parts of thl.' man - . - try, and should induce tamales always to keep a vial of the preparation in their possesmon. it is mild in im operation, and may be administered with packet taw . ty to the moat delicate infant. The only genaine Is prepared by •- • It A FA/INFlSTOClE,•Pruaburgh __ • SELLERS , COb li. IX: " I BYR I-11 47±F i rom 111] K. Esq., elm , laws Court of (gander Sesid Beaver Cons Mr. R. E. Bel!, • -Si Some time In the winter my wife was alließir vim a severe end distressing cough, and hearing rf fear .nralaable Bough Syrup, I par chased a bottle vac B. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after takurig t a portion of it two or dire. eventrime • • net going to be Oa &and immediate Mien as also- - ',severe: Mends aye been rebated iii serere eares, ant therefore satisfied that it is a safe and ealeatils medicine, and would recommend it to these who pray 't ba salleted with severe Coughs and Colds. Dramh 59,1543. W. K.: Prepared and sold bill. E. BELLI.ILS, dl Wood and sold by drugglsts genaratly t In Pittsbergt and it kgaa7, Pal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers