BY MAGNETIC- TELEGRAM. REPORTED * TKLEGBiFHXD For the PHtiborgh Dtllf Oesctte. NEW YORK ELECTION. , New Yore, April llih. The Whig* hare dented their Mayor and a max joniy of the Aldermen. Mr. Copeland, the Whig candidate, baj beea olected Mayor of Brooklyn. New York, Apnl 11—12 m. Woodhall, (whigj haa been elected Mayor of New York •NEW YORK MARKET. BOOS REPORT. Yoaa, April 11. Floor—The market ta more active, with lalet at t 4 561084 68J; Genesee at $5 50. Cottoo—The sales are heavy and a decline o l 1 cent has been experienced aince the arrival of the Niagara. Gram —The market it unchanged, and trans acitoo* are dull. Provision*—The market lor Pork and Beef is quiet. t Money Market in quiet, aqd money scarcer.. .Stocks have a downward tendency. New Yoke, April 11—Or m. Flour—The in firm with good eaatrra and home demand, and tome shipping inquiry ; with sales of western brands at 84 60, attd Gene see at 85 50 per bid. Grain—The market for wheat has a d iwnwatd tendency, bnt corn is steady; sales of irime red wheat at 1 OOr per bushel for Ohio. Prime yellow corn Hells at 56; market arm. Provision*—The market haa a downward ten dency. g. Sugar—Sales of New Orleans at 4lc ft). Coflee—Sales of Rio at 6(2t>lc p lb. Stock*—Sales Treasary Notea, Si, New I^oan, PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Philadelphia, Apnl 11—8 r m —The market is stagnant, with wlrs of Western brands at 84 20(254 31 j per bbl. Rye Flour—Sales at S 3 per bbl. < ■orn Meal—B2 C2t —it ia scarce in market. ‘iraln —Sales of prime white Wheat at 95 to 99 cl«- prime red, 92 to 93 eta per bu*hel. Data- 31 033 eta. Prime yellow Coro 51 c. Cottoo—The market is quiet. Whlstey—Sale* in bbl* at 20 eta per gu! Money Market—Sales ot New Government 1101. BALTIMORE MARKET. April 11—9 P. M. Flour—Sales of Howard Street brands at 84 12J per hbl OruiD—Sales of prime while Wheat at 97 cents, per bnshel Corn —Sales of prime yellow Corn ut 49 cts per buaheL Provision*—The market li-drooping. Whiskey—Sales at 20 ct» per gal. Aeea.'oai. —The election tor i lovernor of Ar kansas took place on the 14th. The candidates were J. S. Roan, (Dam.) nod Cynm W. Wilson. (Whig.) On tbo 23d ultimo the result toas not known at Little Rook. The Democratic organ at that place complains that the vote has been very light, and gives an impression that the Whigs have done quite well; and the New Orleans Picayune mentions the receipt of a letter dated at Napoleon on the 26th, which says that the Whig candidate is eleoled. Sucho result would surprise both par tieK.—{Nat. Intel. Cl REAT CURE OF* LIVER COMPLAINT, bv tin- T original, only uue, and genuine Liver Pill. Short Cant, Ohio county, Va. ) Much 36th, 181 V. \ Mr. R. E. Seller*: Dear Sir—l ihmk i: a duty 1 owe to you and to the public genera l) - , to state that 1 have been afflicted wiui the Liver Complaint tor a long tune, and so badly that an abeeai formed and broke, which left me in a very low stats. Having heard of your celebrated liver Pills being for »al6 by Aft Sharp, ia West Liberty, aud recommended to me Cry my phyiician, Dr. E. Smith, 1 cooclnded to give them a fait trial. I purchased one box, and found them to be just what they are. recommended, TUB BEST LI VES PILL EVKft USKI>; and after lakiugfoor boxes 1 find the disease has entirely left me, and 1 am now perfectly well. Respectfully jour*. D H COLEMAN. Wert Lil>erty, March Stj, 184 U i remfy that 1 am personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and can bear tcsUiftony to the truth of the above certificate. A R SHARP Tea genome Liver Pills are prepared eud sold by R E SELLERS, No 27 Woad sireei, and try druggists ia the two dues. >’ TO THE PUBLIC n-The original, ouly true and gen ome Liver Pills are prepared try ft E tellers and have his name stamped in black wax upon the hd of each box, and hi* signature on the outside wrapper—all othere are counterfeits, or base mutatioos. ■pill ft E SELLERS. Proprietor Ptttabeugb Water Work*, PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Pittsburgh Water Works, until Tuesday, I7th inst, at 5 o'clock, P. M., for Ibrniihiug WATER PIPES as follows, vie llOpipet, 15 inch bore, weight each 1400 lbs. 70 “ s “ “ “ “ - 460 “ 370 “ 6 “ “ “ 6 330 *• Ail lobe cast in o vertical position,iu dry sand. The requisite number of branches to be famished at the same rate. The IS in- pipe are required u early as tliey can posaibly'bc made: the others may be euiributea over the lime between this and the Ist December, if desired by the contractor. Payments to be in Bonds bearing interest, and hav. in* SO years to ran. Testinj and delivering to be nt the expense of the contractor, aptftdtd J. H. M’CI.BLLAND, Supt._ THE WfiSTEBB ISSCE4SCB COMPA NY OF PITTSBCaaH. Tljj.confonaity wuh the “Act Incorporating the We*- X tern Inrarance Company ofthe City of PUuborgh. in the County of Allegheny,” approved the *«!oih day ot March, A. D. IS4S—Books willbe opened for tbe sub scription of the Capital Block of said Company, at the Mcmongaheta liouae, m the city of Pittsburgh, oit MONDAY, the 123 d day of APRIL* IF4H, between the boars often and three o’clock; and continued at the same place, and during the same hoars, from day to day, onnl at least twenty-five hundred Shares shall have been subscribed. Five Dollars will be required to be paid on each share, at tbe ume of subscribing. By order of the Commissioners. aps:d3wVp JAMBS LIPPINCOTT, Secy EJSCCA’riON. * ■ MRS. A MISS GILLAND respectfully inform their fnends and the public, ihev have procured and removed their school to s roomy and convenient boaae in Lacock street, second dwelling east oi Keberal st, where they are prepared to take a few boarders, as well as a tew more day scholars, and where their el-' clssivc attention will be devoted to instruction in all the ordinary branches of English education. Strangers are refetred to Mr. Wm. Eicbbiura, Mr. John B. McFedden and Mr. F. Baton oi Pittsburgh. Mr. A. Short and Mr. George Reiter of Allegheny city. aplthdtf _ UNDRIES-3U) bbls N O Mola«es; ‘ ft 15.000 Bacon, bog round; 4U bbU large No 3 Mackerel, 15 * •• “3 do 10 •• “ “ 1 Salmon, pore Flaxseed Oil; 120 dozen new Corn H'oomi; in »u>re and for sale by meh3l JOHN WATT. Liberty «t MACAULAY’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND—But ler’s editiou, containing all the miutt, verbatim «t literatim, of VoL. I ami 2 of the London edition, em bellished with a portrait of the author—2 VoL. in one. Price, complete, 60c. large supply of the above re ceived for side by JOHN II MELLOR. ROPOSAIii will be received for raising 5*20 ions railroad iron, sunk m Allegheny river, 6 miles above KiOanning. Also, 140 tons 4 miles above Free port, or i mile below Hilt’s Halt Works, between ihe Island end Soil Works. The whole to be delivered on Uie wharf at Pittsburgh *p7 J SCHOONMAKER A Co, 24 wood st__ CHILLED BOLLS. rnUE subscribers having purchased the exclusive X right of Harley's Patent. (lately renewed,) for the manufacture of CHILLED ROLLS. Ac., are prepared to supply all orders at short, notice All persons are forbid infringing on said Patent apfcdXmAwkqiT BOLLfdANS AOAKRISUN MACAULAY "S ENGLAND—Cheap edition, in one volume; full bound, half bound, and paper covert re SO eenu and upwards. Also, Harpers' bite edmon in ‘2 volt; a full supply, tleseniua’ Hebrew and Fjiglish lexicon ot the old Testament; third edition, revised, wuli large additions, etc Just published. For suit by ap? R HOPKINS, Apollo BuiMtags, 4Ui it Sotles to the Pablle. WE hereby noufy our friends and correspondents at home and abroad, that we will nou can it a sat cixctnssTxscsx, receive freight from any Boat for which J. Newton Jones is agent. apll RHODES * ALCORN. BY a Married Man, a situauon os Book Keeper, Clerk or Salesman, in a store or manufactory. Most respectable references can be given. Address *‘A. 11. C-. n Gazette office. _ __ moli2o:d3r* " ' distent Soda Ash. CASKS (Glass makers) Jas Mnsprau A Sons’ Zf-1 brand, lust rec'd per steamer Brooklyn, and lot B *l e bv WA M MITCH ELTRKE, j»<a No 160 Liberty si 'PENNKSSF.H GROUND NETS —13 sacks Tenne* ± sed Ground Nuts, a prime article, just received oi “ df °' utobmlltenbebger," FOULARD SILKS— New style FottJardBilks, a ve ry article for spring and at *y low prices, just received at No “5 Market street, northwest comer of the Diamond. . apft . ALEXANDER A DAY LINEN LUSTRES—Just opened, a handsome lot new style Linen Lustres. >p» ALEXANDER A Da \ GINGHAMS—A very large stock of so- X per French. English and Scotch Ginghams, iutl reeeived-and sailing at very low prices, at No 75 Mar ket street, northwest corner of the Diamond: ■P* - ALEXANDER A DAY ENGLISH PRINTS—Soper 4-4 parple and other styles of Handsome English Chineses, just opened al 75 Market street, northwest ecr of the Diamond. - "Ml Vbl Ml UIC 1/IWSUUU. »P* ALEXANDER A DA V_ CREAM CHEESE—44 bxsjutl rec’d and for sale by J B CANFIELD, Water street, spO between Smitbfiaid and Wooa NAILS —5U kegs Nails, assorted sizes, Ullphant A Sofi’a brand, landing and for sale by ajril JAMES PALZELL, Water st SALERATUS —€ csks just teC’d and for ude by _ »P» C U GRANT COTTON— bb bales, vanous grades, fer sale by apW C II GRANT, 41 water si BROOMS— 50 daz extra Com; 20 do doth, for safe by qp» J D WILLIAMS, HO wood it csks Potash, landing and for sale low lo close consignment, bjf . .■p*. _ James dalzell SICILY LIQUORICE- Just ree’d and formate by ap« _ JJODD A Co Q HEEP SKINS—IS doxen,fine arucle.jaii rec d and ter tale by ap9' JKIDDACo A JREIRICAN SAFFRON—Just rse’d and for sale l.y ±>_ JKIDDACo (SPANISH SAFFRON-Just" iec d and for .ale by SI. J KIDD A tio MACE— Jan rec’d aud for sale by *** i KIDD A Oo COMMERCIAL RECORD. 1940 | ALMAftAC, Aj»RIL | 7 Saturday, •• •9 ShqdJty, • 9 Monday. 10 Tuesday. 11 Wednesday, Ilf Thursday, 13 Friday. ’ PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE CUMMITTKE JOR APRIL. xsaatiALt.. t a clarxs. jtto. sottos Office, Pmwoton Gatsttf.. ) Thursday Mornimr, April 12t I&4'.' The weather yestrrduy was bright and pleasant and the market ill a general way was quite lively. Within the past twenty-four hour*, tho river un» rai sed about two feet; there is now a splendid nai>e oi water for all clauses of steamer*, and there i, a tsir amount of bu*ine«» doing m that quarter. PLOLR—The receipt* were confined to limited lot* and we couid Imar of no sales worth reporting, from firsthand* Fiom on the wharf would not exceed S 3( CO 4* bbl. Our \ estenlay's .quotation* from store are unaltered. )»ut sale* arc still coniine-! to limited U-t« si SI.GSdBhGBdsS.Vi, a- n.joainy (•RAIN—» II Wheat a [--I Rye we 01 no 'a. >f other ffrein*. -uiall **>. More *t, lor Com. ':3c. Harley av ami O'ji* at Vi'U. Thrrrwen* 6 mcbr, m ibe .-haum-i Iml K \\Y ru.(.- <iiu.(pii i»:c •at 5.11 I•«. ' ®**■ nnt Ju»k, liy pier mark, and ruing -icuv’y GROCERIES *alr« 01 \ u Jir rp S 'iilanv p- RuA rs LEA\ I\i; THIS DA't ■rieU tn liuiitpii lon 1«y Mid m l|.fl jj<' n>t :air n> prim- ( MN'innat. 111 A M 01 N 11 nr'-s. t* gai.. and urn* Browanvnir Packets, 5 A M . and 1 P M of Rio Cotfcc ai 7iA~{ir-«- to.’■< ">Beaver Packets, t A M and 4 P M l.tmi'-d '"it " | Kiiiaaing-Wm Philhj* null .1 1... " R :■■ 10. 1 1 la, nms r.rrr-Taglion. and “If fur (.<klic» 1 . BACON-1W ....... ... .I." 1.l »■ ; ■' t- 8 "" ■ r ' lio * Wnghl full (|tnied rite*. and sale* n •< cpiu-ra tun <• beer qniie lair at inr iShouldr.- »■ lor Nile*. and C}e for -Ham- J.ARD-Sal** m UhK a t at ttjCJr BITTER -Supj'.ias hasp beemnp rathpr liroupJ. an. wr neie aiuail *a>» imh ’’ k.i rut , n ), und for ke. Ifo' K>«-Ci*< l»> * tl - Tllr Il.>Qvll.l pj.'tfl fci«-alltr| Bnliiant, Cij*l (.farr i«avr- :t nl.nve lU.».!■>. ui 1< A M ii«r if; uat n*..i •' ■ , <*p 11 t.ii t- In [mint oi i ■ comim>il*iii):i« 'li<" Hrt' mm t>a*< irw r-oiin:- ami no «n perior. am! too \«rll »*tnt lirvl ti i Fob . c l I T*ffUom, Caj»i ('oie« Vsvr- im- imruia-.; n in for St. Lout* »i)d the Il'.moi' mrr *, j in ,. rii<- nlend.d fu*i luin.iiir .i.-amri is thus-oflered ti*r n.l w tio may \ri*h i.» ukr (>a«* *. for that region m the T.* » hr., t,„ a j in ,| Jer die Charge oi her .-ipoiirn.-rd commander ever liung will be >u*t n« titje • . tin posmW* i.e Jp-* • »elen the toilowun; u otn il.e me I b, rnpemi new . brought by the Niagara STATKVJI TRaDK M ARK.KTS Tb«* new* by thi« armai pie-mt., Kurupetui, - in a mare tkreHlemuv a-pe.-t than 31 am prevu.,l* pe nml (Itirlnc the |>n*t Tear, an.) it* ulipoi lane- HOI le than lU eii'innq mierrd predominate* over .il, ottie. intelligence In Kogiutiil the misruled an.) manumit ..tale o, roi. bneutul politic*. :utd me tear, itenerant m.ln,fed i " till relerriive to me timhcoiufiij! .'ilellijjrhcr b» 111. overland mu.l iron? India. had i.v eti.-.-i, n,. 10 \mih. throe days ol the failiuy oi lhe Nntv ura. lo rirate cm. *.durable de.p.ntdeiier ' cornu.eicntl *. n.i.J a. tno*t entire vi, v rit':i.,\e operation* m . i ■ rv ol ;rUdr, and ilir i mtoli Market wa* 111, usual‘y .lull and ,lr|>re*»e.| and die pm-e* rere.ted ;u. !\ J or a luriiiiv .Near > i'inv i.iii . jarijcei fOiilHlered [.ailook Ot Ine ireuecm iiOolil. .ml on \\ Hcmlux the nimuiiux looked dm India news na* i fejveti. and Inriiti; ol H clmra-let maf* liivoral..,: tiin. had been anticipated. a reaction nutiirdiaii' \ *et > and at the moment oi :i.>- Niagara * «ief*tiriuie. e*,.,, department ot trade nan axsumrj a lat inoi- .inetn There has been t.o .iiiprot • mu- d in tne nade Breadstuff* since me advice* b\ dir 1 I :.n price* at all lire leading miirke'* imve muniim-d ni ir cede, but low •* Uie\ now ar- purehu*er* slid tiu: cff. from ft conviction that turv liave not remineJ it, bottom. There hiu i«*rn no diminution m Hie ex'ent oi etu Stoyment in the mutiufacuinm'disitici*. but there ha een a. perceptible filling ori m die demand j„t man, factored food* There is a lull in the Metal ir.ide. and price* are •hade loafer, hut II tri l«iirvrd mat the ,alc advance . £1 & ton on manufactured iron, and IU» on forged pic will be fully maintained nt-ihe coining quart-T The sumd) ol Moriev I'ODlume* alniridain mi ca. The Banker* will not give more than two [,rr vein. m-. are quite indifferent uuout receiving it at that IV- C.a»a pi|H r.n gladly taken at ■ The Bank or Kng and return* do not turm~ii •••it i«-n tuie worthy ot particular remark The anticipated drain 01 bud.on r the foni.nei.t hr DOt } et be.-ll reßi ■ ,’fllj American Slock* fu! l j maintained then pro Tim urdiunr. and middling quaniie* ot 1 ..uon reelT otfertd at the reduction .inticed I’air 1 pia. md Fair AJt>: 1,. are quoted a: 4jc and fat r t >r:«r; Thr rale* m tne wn-k ond.-ic Hit!i. mf: ‘M >'A bale*, ol \* hicn * <*JO were on speculation aid i.l l lor export. The buimcts 01 the lust week amounted, to ‘JD iS'l l ; of which speculator* lm-.- Taken 2.6** 1 and »tpor'e: IdOU balA The aiiftk m Liverpool 1* now about 4>i*d'od bn..-* i WUCh obout ii&.OU) are .kmcriran During the past two week*, the font market* <u ;l. Tinted Kiugd.m have he- n qutie u.* dull and a* .na il ve u before the sailing of the lust ueimier Spirit of the Domestic markets. Hemp—Sales of Vy bale* in ihree lots. 10. 30. and fa bl* primp dew rottod at 51!i5 4” ton Severn! uui >. xed lots, were received dua aiternoou. but uat diachari ed up 10 the CIOS’- of the market Lead—YVe hear oi but on*: transaction—l,oUup,*i Upper Mtcoi on private term- Floor—Market sail dull, and S-1.75<x5.'L - f7 J arc ti,c rulimf rates for good brands Bales today Ics*. iha SuO bbl*—loo bills Comu, as S-U.y; |3l at.d i.t gacd Upper Mississippi at B-'t.T.. w in.-h i* gvnerauv U-* mgl>e*< otfer for shipment. YVbeat—Sale« i-»day beuver-n 3.m*) and -t.uuti sack runging. as in quality, from 30 u> tor. suck* returued 151 sacks sold hi -Ic. Sacks included A lot of 'r.H -k rood spring. wrought fio<- bags returned, good to ;-r■ ■t- Missouri Sold fr.-m 7-i to 'oc ' Corn—Mnrkri doll, wish no d*-in uid tnr •■hipmeut < *mail sale* |., tti«nllers h; -Aiwgi,? I'He p'mcipni t.m *rs were nde ring ‘j24r , J3e. i-g' reiui -ed One |,.i oi r tacks sold lor trc. and n} sacks m ATd. Posk Barrel* —Sale ut 'JOO al SI eu« lout niuiilti Whiskiy—Market dui; »in, -o i..;e .siea |t«- un raw, sold yesterdny. at ICc, lda»l«.Jc were the In,; csl offers to dav 5d btils. a *uperu>r i.rnu.t «oid |< I7e. UacOS—Stale ot IP Casks shoulders at 14 cask’ and ham? at iiiJXf*-.. and a l»rre lot oi M.- noun nwr in carke and boxes ai vj 4. and 5>- ior *hoi, - ders. hapi' and sides Picb'ed Meats—No pales re{>or!ed Bulk Fork—Bale oi 460 sides *i 31c, 15Uu riboni n 31, 1311 shoulder* and tides at 'Jiif.'4c. S9l shouldeM arid hams tt 4156 shoulder*., sides, and hams »i 31, 3)4&3}e. and 4Cf*i shoulders and h;i'i« ut 31031 c 1’ pountt^ (jn-^fces—Sale oi SO lihd* pood Sugar Kora uie 1,- vo« at>Jc, 6 hbds fair at 4jc Ot Molassen no sale i reported. A lot ef 113 bbl* pooi piam-Uiiii odered . i *ilc Of salt £HX> tack* t.j A. >u lot* ai 51 3U in hrois .i sacks ’ liider-T-Sales of Hint at TJaTtr (. teen d 4 poand Flax sited— Sales ot good si vu- V bu “EcoNOMt is WisCnt." and if Mr Shield' had bui been governed bv llir ui>o; c Ulullo. hr ungnt have «>• ved rooneyand hunieli much phy-ieai suffering, lu read the following Idler, dated April l od>. Iv - Mr iVm Shields, a respectable larmer of this vn in ity, was token.ill; rolled m a Doctor who d.x-iorcd him Jar. Dyspepsia lor one vent. but he sun goi wor-. He thru discharged Ins Doctor and pnnl him thirl.- dollars. He then gut a vial ol your Vermifuge, and one box of Saitnuve Pill*, and by the u*e of th*-»e nie«i - icincs {costing only if) cents) he discharged, be say at least-ond thousand worms, m.d in two week* wk so improved in health as to attend ;o |w* buemes*. an 1 has bean in good health ever «mce. and «s) * Di Jayne’s.Vermifuge and Sanative Pill* have made a sound man of him. WM. U DEAN, P M, To Dr. D. Jayne. Ptnla. at Pon William, li For tale in Pittsburgh at lint PEKIN TEA STORE., 70 Fourth street, near Wood febl7 dAwS M’LAJtcN Liver PtU. —ln offering thi» medicine to ihe public, tb* proprietor* at- well that thev | hßve 10 encounter a hostility generated by the ooun - ' PORTORA IAfSTITUTK, c le** imposition* which have been palmed upon the *li «..h c.m <n t pttblic under lb* «bape of patent medicine* Wear-; 11 / ]U. b<-opened i D V i lor m- nduwion of young convinced, however, that nt* only ncreniHiv tome VV uentlemcn on .Monday, th* Vtti .lav r»i April their remedy a trial to place it m public emulation far - p b .|v*ih -i per »e»»ion of 5 month* above all medical agent* of the kind ever offered to Ehflwi, i'ia»*icui mid Miuhrmainui depart the public It »Uie invention of an enlightened, cj • mem • 9‘M pencticed and learnetl physician, who for many vr»n Kiiplinti drpimiucm it hie own practice, when it« great sure*** in- A „umi.ei ot boarder* will !.- r-nv-d duced him to offer It to the public at large. l-*or iale at jr r tcnUiiioiuiii* r-irrrnce. and additional uilorma the Drug Store oi apt! J KIDD A. Co in.n. muaire 01 Uie I'niicuml W COPKLAtfS I). A li , Ui Trinity College. Dublin. Ki Sizar, and fjiirrn « S' hoiui i roin ilie K«>) a. School ni Kuril* 1 1 Hen Is KllKi'ltiTiMd, B. A. Fahuc«lo«-k A (V* Ruhei*. nicut )ta« been c»f great service From the snuemeni of Mr. Bodcnliainer the reader ran draw hi-own in ferences Fact* are conclusive and cannot be vaim sayed: w Pcijisii. Tenn . Apr.l 14th. l-» Aletari. B A . Fahnestock ACo Gentlemen —1 wus Very much afflicied with Rheumatism lo*l rummer, and belu* advised by Mr tthapard. I u«ed your Rube, facieiittwodays; it gave me enure relief, and 1 have not been troubled with it « rfua,i >v Duui.iiuau. Prepared ami sold by B. A. FaIINESToOK A Co . Corner Ist and Wood; also, corner Utb and Wood sis. apd StUJtaV iMPKfcUL CoiUll Srst r i*'Utb Pittsburgh. Feb. .1, 1-19. My wife bar been troubled with a violent rough su or seven years, so bad wm her rough physi cians (in Ohio, where 1 formerly lived,) inld me .no had the Consumption After w« removed io im. niy 1 obtained for her, time and again, didrreni m-dmnr., bat they were of no kind ul i-enelit lo her Koine t«v.j 97 Front st moilthasim e. I purchased u bottle of your Cough Sy rup, the 11*4; oi whirh ha» done ber uiorv good lhan atty medicine «be has ever luXra | have also >u>rd SSllers 1 Venn..age m my family with line success Dl'U** KU • . cough remedy ..prepared and sold „y SKVV MUDS, IM9. R K ShI.LKKS, 0, \\ oo«l *• unci may I- had of I>r«i K - NNK j )V ± saWYER. corner W.>»d Fourth gum generally. m the tworuie* un.l ri.cuty mhvi ]v arc no* receiving dure t from hr*. hand.. - •• •• “ u i«rgr .lock of Funr'-and VAnciy f.orxl., isic.mling A-SOWtK* in the eicellrnce of M Lane’ of every variety, o>id and «ivtr Wairltn, V,eroitfi»*el Jewe.ry, French Print*. Cornb*, Hook* and F,\r*. Messrs J Kidd ACo (/rnl.cluetl: It is with pleas- uiovrt un.l Hosiery. Suiprndcr* fiun Cap., anti all ore IhU, mv certificate, (testifying to Uir gene- »rt*<ie. [j,rir line—all of which having > ecu rai popularity of Ur. M'lmne'. American Worm Spe- purcha.rd personally of the raanufaetur-r» cu.t.du- Ctfie.) lb your troweling agent, .Mr Manroe. Some tune nn* the last wmier. eipre».ly tor tt.r spring Had*, ago 1 received from him a .mall lot to sell on commit will he aiid wboncole :>( 1 .mall ndvnme on rout •tom 1 used a few bottles mmy own family, to the Constantly on ii*p,u, ail description* m l.ooking Ula*»- *©od effect* I can fully testify Die balance I told to es, of our own manufacturing, at eastern prices. mlittt ■r ‘° VU Sil‘i uXZSr M IW.NC.-A l«*r *». «. 'V B Murphy. ® e A C .»om»n Carroll Co Ohio July ‘27 194 ft Pittsburgh it w« taken by a drayman Irom the Ailfftka » .lore of J KitiDiCo store of W. R. Murphy, with direction* to leave it at For sale at the drug store of J KlilU * ’ M’K«‘. „ roccry r // cornrT of ut amJ Wood atreet*. roc>>l _ ,0 - - but wm not delivered and it i« nupposed ha* been left «■*«»<! »■*«. - - f~- . -*».. Ketulenjen, highly respectable riujens of Allegheny 1 T)RJNTIN<» PAPER—Having the exclusive agency and Beaver counties. have used thi* Vermifuge in then .£ Tor the .air of the Mill drove Printing Paper. (S familldy, and offer the assurance of It. great medical ( U. 4 C. F. Markle. Proprietor*,) we wii; be constantly properties i ’tipplied with at) the different sites ot .uperior quality Jatue* Stratton, Fourth-»t. Road, Pittsburgh winch we offer at the lowest regular price* Mary J..Stratton - REYNOLDS A SHFF., Mary Struttnti, febsM corner Penn and Irwin *t» Mary_ Hark 1 Ib aver oounty n INDRTfiS— M doz Zinr~W.uhhoafd., ‘.txi pack* 'ir 1 ’ • M, ‘" #Mrr ' n#tr /‘ - O Cheeverl Fire Kindling. Hickory Broom*. **J I II m To w Linen, *OO barred K 1 aitnr I on .r.n.ignment snd i£i; lV,i) i ap» _ .JD tV,LMAM_S_ Fortaleat the.drug More ot J KIDD 4. Co, 60 Wood 1 rjTARCH--ll> bis Proctor * cum pare, tor sale by •t_ _ mar 6 : 0 «p|i J D WILLIAMS Wt STAR'S !JAI>AM -lv dor just ree d and for ' T>ED BLANKETS- I ca.r \m pu,r M JJed Blanket*. aale by apS J KIDD ACo •JDBBbyM. si * pound*, ribbon bound, received this „ w " i day on ronsunment from the manufacturer, and for g°Af-H bi. ,’.o 1, K. i.l.i , j WILLUM3 , ■•t* »T «P 7 H LEE, Liber.y eppo.Ue Sd. PORT OF PITTSBURGH ARRIVED. Michigan No.. 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic Jaco.,9, BrotntsviUe. Atlaatir, Parkinson, Brownsville. Camtien. Hendrickson, McKeesport. Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Beaver. Beaver Clark. Beaver Win Phillips, Mei’hial. Kiitanmog Clipper No. 2. Devol. I'm* Belie Ule. Jefferson. Cin. Arena. Gofi. Franklin- P'ort Pitt MiUer. Franklin. Allegheny Belle. Hanna Franklin Ariadne. Grabril, Freeport. Jas. Nelson, Moore. Wheeling DEPARTED Michigan No 2. G:!*oa, Beavei BaUi*'. Jacuiis, Brownsville. Atlama-, Parkinson. Brownsv Hr. Caleb Cope. Murdoch. Beaver Beaver, Clark. Reaver. Wro Phillips, McPhiul, Kittanumg Loins MrLane Brownsville. Neu- Kngland. No 2, Dean, Cm Fort I‘itt, Miller. Franblm. B Wigiditian, Wailianisutt ClinalerN I.nndmt Til"t N.i Kiirn*. Marietta 1 , Zanesville. * Arrow Nelson, W«|[,vilie. Jeuny lutul. (lalMier. Zanesville 531 6n' 6 33 fi ra 5 Oi 0 :u 6 «i li 34' 2 9 6 35 2 SB 6 30 5 IS -1 37 D Ar co s. packet line—9 f'. M * IMPORTS BY RIVER. Si. I.( )l IS— I’rr J A.lams— I OT- pc» bui k meal. R D M/rii ,'i3T hide*. J H Hb\ »rd. 1- *k* iruther* I'lafT A Thaw, tfli ),,* .dm idv; .1 A Beelen IT *ks lea inert. Hi-*-. A ;p ) i, t .., „ RWauoti, 11 bbu tailow kite!. Hi du .ard n: S.-iin« A N,col* -n bt* hi).-.,-, .1 M - ) '.1.1.1r A . „ t‘lN> ‘IN N kTI Ter New I No 4 hhd* na Seiie: A Ni <•!*. till iihd*! baeoti. J Un-t .<) hbl* o*. I- - sk* t-a. m, II (ii itf. loi bx- > .tip til i-c* Inuii* S A W Harl nigli '-»| 1 tre- ham* tvaiimßiord A eo, •£, tdii .ar.L t nrmti A ,\i, hiugtn 4 n> K lia'-r' iii.d* io.. J x Ho:* It. *ot. A . .1 ■Meiy her reptii-iiion t’,-1 I aJv nwoti. -11 l . -k* !.*• .nr - nT .| U B.:iv haul, .* btd” tol.i.sliei W J.- ildi ■-1 A Co. :*I l.\« ,|.J,-* "j McFhdd.-n A --O. 'AW I- I ’.* nio:*-.»e •. Mri.d: i Roe It'd ,-ariVfi**cJ liaint pj^'-ltce' I'ih Hiilham—lti bl* tvooi. U Halier *jfi |,|n. tiam* Kier A June* "il imd* bacon. W H Ho.ii.e* )u| 1.1,,. toli.tkeV Jno MuDv 1 molt. 11l t,;„U ..act 1.. .-teller* ANi 1 o' l-bif laliovi J tirirr. -J bo’* hhih*. J M I’t-nuock I box meal. Kberbart, 42 bb.* lard 1, I\y Hutirr i ..r bg* leather* V? lie* liauii. I tn>i 2 :,-uim. L l-each A i n S 4 M.i- a.rohni 12 hlid* Im- on. I .ark A Thaw 4 be* leaihet- ( 1.,, d Pr , Bti.-aiev .v h* until ZANFSVII.I.i; - P-! J-nn* l.u.d 21 1 hi,.ls lob. W Bi- gnrm, tl bx* riid«r liNibbu rlonr H i.raH.Veo '1 bxs mdre. 4 ik* *< rar- 4 \ ankira A *on 'its> mi, flour 2i' do !ard IT'ky*.!,, 1) Leech A - o CIV-INN \n- IVr l*r r i.t- i.irnilurf 4J .lo M.l. «. -jtiO ,lu 11, ,ik- n t-i.l- h.-im* J VlfKa Jr-n \ ,-o. :i hii.U I'. .•. c„\. i> 4. '.[/-i •> J i-.'t |>t>t 11 o*«. W Nl. 'I •.. .• ->> : t ,\l<-L.urUii A • u. ;t. wii \JS !i4> c. \V ({luglgii'i 1 i.'-iU (iki.'- Slid Krnl,.'.!' A ' WHOLESALE SUOE WARKHOI'SK, 11. CHILDS A CO., Ml 131 \V( '< >l> S I'Kf!' V. PITTS HI'R(. 11. «111.11 i invi'r !hr ,)! m •tu.-k <>l SPKIM. a\i) SI.MMKK i;o()D>, in t>an Ol' i *,300 CASKS OF BOOTS AlffD HIKIES, ! comprising evrry variety 01 Men'*. tVonici *. .M'**;n' 1 mid * ivi'-ir. iU lU3;,S new *tvte». a'*.i ui Mt|*e j nor .juaTiiy. adapted to count! \ a:t.! 1 ;:y trade | A .arge n*»ornnrut m LAOIKS', NISSCy, 1 AND CIIILDRK.VS BON.N KTS, among | winch are FLORENCE BH.UU. STHAVV, ! TUSCAN LACK, RUTLAND, BIRDS EVE . FLOKKSCK, CHINA PKARL Jl LAM N, jin great vanet. Ai»o. ARTIFICIAL FLOW ! KRS, MENS'. BOVS’ AND CiIILDRRN’S , PALM Ll£ A F HATS MEN’S LKUIIOKN, ' PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. A'! o: wlnfli ;i:ivp 1 ecu pim'iij»rU »iirr< ' :rom the iiiaiiulartur-ri :iml importer*. ji.U »cli*ricil with Ur Jl!no«l rlrr ami wlurli Win t.r *«l,l nil • ui'li trim* h» t-n -'ot W r-ipn: ,M--rclmjit» in liui H CHIMb Adi, 1.1 l U <.<*l -ircet. ini-ill's dAwtimS FRESH PIRK TEAS Wmuesa.i u-ij r-uid. a - . me PKKIN TKA SToKK. Tit J..urn. -vrrc-t. near Wood. P.tUburnU.—Ti;e-ut>»crvt*er ha .me jiisi returned from New Soil. i* now rtm'ni u .urge tm. supply c fresh GRKT.N AND ULAI’K TJ'.AS irom the N»w ork S’ekm Tea r.oni|niji*. M-.ecicd wuli j;tra: cure fur j»nre«l m supply Groi-vr* Mole,. M- >uulioaL-niiu I’sni m*r* with any qotmuiy */,.l at miv juirr they may wish, par! «-u m}. 1 atnl l pound parxmje*. ilt tin ter*. »i mid IJ u catty uoxrs, ana in halt rhc«U Retail Grocers ate invttrd to ra.., n» we can and w-.1l Km better Tea* til io-.ver puce, man any otli< r house in Pittsburgh Our stock oi fine % out.g Hyson. Gunpowder, and Im perial Green, and Ooloug Black Teas axe the be,-. lU Die American market. lowering 1 * double refinrd Loaf, Crushed, and Pui venred Sugars. at retail, or by the barrel CwHFKhs*—Mocha. Ulil Got. Java. Lagutra. Sl Do mingo and Kio t’otfee*. selected by the most experien ced coder Broker tn New York St. Iwjcia. April'd. W I J Sweet Spn-ed Chocoltte. I’lckled Cacamber* and Onions. Fresh Peaches, put up in itiou own juii'c Malaga Rii*in«; in 3 ,h boxes. N AH lir D Jayne's Family Medicines for «a t e. decV-dAwS A JAYNIUS PAPER HANGINGS. MESSRS. JAft. HOWARD * CO 1 r t iLI.U ra’' in-' ancptson of tne public to their \ | pree;,; .n,.-k o! Fa;><-r Haticmgt. whicii lor n -auiy of hinsh. du rabibty and c lie apnea. ■•uj| «‘«ed !>y mi'. r?i»Mi‘nniuni iii itif Union Hr*id»:« a iarife mid :’u.i n«»ortmcn: ©•' (■:»(»»-r »i turn own in mi u inquire, ihe y nr" now j rrr j vim a clin*<*t im portation 01 fr’rrnch mid KnnHi>h nvie« of Wpc r H»ng ini{«. purcUaieit liy Mr Howard, tiie hl'Ui* film. nnw in K.irope .<■ <>n»i*niii; Paritinn inanutartu r Imn.lon ilo Oi iheir own nfenufacturr the;- have HVI.OOO pieces Wall Pnp*t and Itt.MKJ pic't* ‘Hill: glazed Window*. he Messrs James Howard h Co Have spared neither expense nor ißhot in their endeavors lo rival the east ern wall paper establishments. both in quality of man ufacture and vnrieiy of patteM, ami they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture, will he offered on terms as low as those of east ern ruanufaemrer* and importers meftiTrdu Colrer’s Patent Concave Beater Cnnrnl BCTTKR IN FIVK MlNlTfcy TIJF. call the attention of the pubur u> the article Vi lieadirg this art ve raise men t, and m Tile the ec icr prising and curious to cail and witness its operauon All advertisement* in relation to ihu invention, to the hundreds who ha*" *een it tested, is supererojauon l*t This Churn will produce Butter, gatnenng it in a mass, from s.vcct milk, m live to urn minutes: and fiora cream prepared. «« families usually prepare .1, in three 10 five minute*: YM 'Hit: utility >»t thi* invention i? apparent, a* l-ft ter Butter nan lie procured iruni «wrrt itnik, ur. reaju. Ilian rreaoi *oureti m Mir u*uii‘ >'»), n»<i by mean* 01 Uiif cl.urn. a !.ttlr Kiri of boy cuu pertonn. in five or leii trum. wnat (in* heietotnrr required the ittl.or ol h -A'umuii or ruao lot ui« <>< r*u ii»urv x.iU »oiuelitnc> hall a <lay J.l Ity snnj.iv lunmit' a tiiumh tiT'w. the whole in rule Ja»tiei t« taken pul. leaving nothing t>ot the butler aixl milk in the plant wooden boi. 4ili Ji m llir rhcapist chum ever invented a* the • implicit) of u> construction (though embodying a great philosophical principle) male* it but little lu inatiufucture it. Dlh ll i* a common sen**- churn. a* all will admit wlio examine it Wr. ■ n vUr ilic public to rail ami witness its operation at our office m the Diamond, near the Black Bear Ta vern VitUburirh. mul at J F. Beckham’*, Federal it iiiarfhdl.kwrimS J. C. P. H.tllTH, Altornry and Counsellor ul Law, sT 1,01 IS, Mn, Will civ* particular attention to ih* Claims. ami all moucy received, -hall be reunited without dels y. Kztkhmcks— lion. R Couilc.r, supreme Bench. Fa, Messrs l.yon. Shorn k Co Si la>ui«, W ooJ. Abt«oi; k Co. Ftulail'a. Jno H Brown A Co. do, Mr Churl** II Wel'ing, do. l-jio. A. Co Cluiicn den. Bliss A Co do, Uaugiirr A I rrrmloril, llullimore. W FA A Murdoch, do. Love. Murini A Co. do, Mr John Falconer. Messrs. Ix/ren t. Sierlm* At o Piiui- Surgh. Knr«vthe k Co do, Humpii-;!. Suntn A t*o do, Mr L S Waterman, do. tuchi-.Ugiti IllintiS IM’II'T JR ions 4 UWlkll Jou.n W Bonnutsin. KENJVKUY * BAWYKH, LOOKING tiI.ASS Maiiiii.«etiirer*. .uid Who.e.a.e dealers m foreign and domestic Variety Coods Western merchants. (■•• I u'* acl <>tl*-r» nre invited to can and cxamuic Un. prif* am) ijuiuiiy »: oar *io. » id. With our present increased U< Fit;** i-, ilianulai '.u» me and purchasing, we thick w* i-hm hOm ns ei.-ai mducejneiil* U) buyers a» 1UI; oilier house we«t 111 trie Mountain. ;n--lv Fob Philadelphia .\o. It Wuud Street, 1 ti.raji) piece t oiaai do t'AMKRDN A PRICK LOC4L MATTERS. EXPORTED FOR THE PITTSBn ?H DAILY liAirnt In consequence of liie tiQU-uady crowded stale ot our columns for some day* »nsl. we nave not been enabled in give our readers a in 1 ' rc;-art of tbe proceedings m the case o| the (.umf.onwciaUfl **- Black, and have been a day delayed ;r. the publication m the rhiowiDg testimony.— Court, of Quarter Sessions. T> Ekt'AV. A pro i u. Present, Mon Benjamin Patton President Judge and William Kerr, uud Samuel Jones. AsKx.ate Judges TRIAL KuR MCRIiKR IN THK SLl'-'ND ■ Jm »>«>. Str^-it —Saw d*•<*!• nI ••-. the ground niter he was shot .Here Mr Ipnk r.s stretched himself on the IL-or -how the t. on in which the body lav Aiiam Ti/lrt, Swum —Whs brother >n aw ;.> the deceased have brought the clothes he wore lu ' uurt. The shirt (which was then he.d up was completely covered with bk»<>d. li>“* >i -.*»• Was ,„ lt - ci the my .«• at that time, trot tbe pistol witu wrui-n imui uuer was shot Irom defendant Riack toid me i. take ine pinto! from h;*. pocket. Prtr* Wj<a >n,t. tfcaJlnl —The Witness Jescrd*ed the position in w hu-h ih« deceased was found P W- <io( the kn-le irom :i negro alter Saunders was shot. Here the ca«e on the part -'ll th- <imnonwealth rested, and the Hun. i har'es Sbaier ..[wm-d the case on the part o( ihe defence, >□ ■ :m those cieiir. lucid, and tore tide »|n-eohr « «,j , *. i. «.-i«r ist.e m that gentleman /«*?<•!,««, vv. - Am ,- a( .tu.n oi the steamer Atlantic. m w) i; r-h Bl*. q, was ~m - ploved ploved as bar keeper. t,'i«.i>e Saunden the de ceased. was n bar keeper on that |vn a t h's-L had lw*en on the boat from February on Mond.-iv the JOth of November the boat wa* here hud arrived about 11 o clock ..n Sundav mg-ht. -n Monday morning shoot two o'clock I wj< .listurh ed by a man whom 1 -opposed to b- under mj>;i., t p--::.. he w.t» a passenger fr.uu the east about two o clock be jumped overboard myseli and pilot and Mr Black «av.-ci |. m: took him to the ro.-rI hall, anil lef! l:,m ,n c.narue ol the mat- and watchman aoon siu-r this nmn was working m *paMn*. he whs’ aero's the ganeway: bsunders was sweepmc near the stove 1 requ'-sied Snunders I • get some assistance, and move the man tit ot ihe canu way he made rne r.«- reply, but pmd no to my order. I then gr.i some gentlemen j.. «ss ; me m removing him to the oilier end of toe hali shortly alter breakfast. I seni k,r a .-onveyajice to hav.- him conducted to a lmtei requested Satin dert to help t*> carry the su-k man ashore. I asked on-- my other sen siH.«, who cheerfully .- m-» pbud witn my riquest. but Saunder- lea n.e anU\paid no atleuliou to tny-'fder, 1 went after limktin a short time, tn sre what h>- wn< doing andvhc was standing up ,n front ot the looking glaaA doing something about his ha.r. 1 asked ii.m it he |would be good enongh to come out and m carrying this *n-b man a-h-'n- thm * • .. ; aIl . guagj I niways use to my v-rvsnta. mi.l m. -. i used it.j Inin tie said he would U- d—d ,i he would, tor it (was tn-t ms business. | repl.ed that it was u-I imi. lj lus I n«iiu-ss as ol (i.e rest Jn d i: he dm mn help |to put the miiii ..snore, (,•- mu»l g,. a.bore hilliselt—thiit l Would Hit linvc a mm on U..*|| wtn> w uid not oln-y order*, he i! .-u h-n ii, shop nml hailed n the amj-jw ;t y. I ,| Uj j. , (bi-t-e, vi:-. why are yon -top;.mg i H -re 1 h««i an .m.ry ajip- nr-mcr. he then turtieu round, and 1 thought he wa* going (o strike me I puked nj a - ha r then, and lt-;d him n-it to dare to *tr:L(- me. he stint. !.r-tl the dm r l mm me. nnJ a pas al me nml u:is*e.J nir In- then galhered up mam Hie, and -trill k 111.- dio\e U„- -el* eye with his fist | had .t not le-eu lor the utiV, winch wa« near l I rhou.d nave i.blen —at Hint t.u J '\.V|r B'j.-k . -me to my assistance, he was at inaj time assisimg t.- | P'U ttua sick mua out ot the hat> door. I i..|,| a ,l < the crew on the Ixiat not to hurt him. hr then went out to the whnrf Imitt. and I went witn 1.. m n icw ■teps. returned and got my hat. and then went a bout my business. Hr emne aboard the I»mi n short liitiH alter. I saw him :n the p.mtrv 1 re quested him t ■ go ash.-rt* amt c > awav. that I d d not wish t''dmve him about the Is-at any im>re in did not go nVay just at that time I went t > h * : brother in law the cook and requested to I take him awav. nml keep h.wi iivrnv. for he hud | doDe wronc. uQ.I ; J:.i not wnn: Irm on n,e : ~ai As he passed out ot tne cabin and passed Mr ! Rtnck, he said to him—-Tli«- you nn- that,' I ;t wa« the business ol Mr Black to cel th-- wav ] lulls at the Monongaheln House before start.m>. i he was about two or three steps from Saunders when the .atler u»*-.l this expression Saunders was a *lout. active young man his disposition was t-oii, white nb-ard ot me boat. Le was a stouter ro.m than R!n.-k wing to ii „ bob! d:-;- -i'ion. I hud told fhe I d liiin u we<-k l>e lure Hus Oom exaioiaed by 'conn Hiack.— Fed some interest in the case, merely because M: Bla- k i s-! been on his boat.—smd i<« the r-oien’t *« nenr n* I can i ecollect —•‘that Mr L\ti*- Would *erve .i jaror in making up the tales." Ru>*rl /»!/.«/,<r ’> t, Bufjrn— Suit -ie. eased . n ilu morning ot this ixvurrenre. standing on the w:.,ir' by the Monoogahela House. Saw Mr Bt.i-. >, mat morning; he came mil of the Monongaheta jtii. r. when Black came up where Sounder- wniyAard mg, he walked around to uvoid him. Ho walked at his usual gait, Uuld be got near t.i the House, and Saunders was following. When lie gut above th* National House, he walked <i i*uod de.i. faster, and Saunders ran for a lutlr piece till he caught up with tmn Black Mimed Li* ia« e ir- i,. looi. towards the river I went intu the stage .nine, aud fcuortiy atu-r heard the pistol Ooss Kxnmmed Knew both purtie* t kxvd n.-; t-* ini.«Uk*-n .ii eitner ot th--m. Saw Saund- rs mi Wednerdsy i..orn ng Was standing on the step- m A tailor shop in Water «t, near the corner --t ( tier ry Alley Saw Black pas-Miig rapidly the negro « lew steps behind a ail walking ns /n«t a* M r Bla-k He thru turned to ttie enunter. spoke to Mr and Heard the report of the pish -i. Tbe negr- w«« laid nn the ground, and Biack was gathering a.r cloak about him. Tn* black man was laying par allel with the river, tbe left hand toward tbe h,!: Did not see a knife. Staid there not more t .<m ;i minute The negro lav on hts tare. When -omr one spoke alwut areatmg Black, he replied mat 'b-v Deed not trout>!e themselves, ne meant to give Mm. self Up. Let-i Fay; >trorn —Was on the wharf on me morning ol the kOth Nov Wr* roni-ng from ; ferry boat to the Mooengahela Kouse. Saw a wrute man and black man walking quite last, the white man in advance. The crack of a pistol next mtrac ed un attention. Saw a man lading. Walked up slowly. Saw the deceased on the ground. Head up the river, heels down, knd bis hnck towards tbe rtvsr His left hand was about a foot (rum h.s head. Did not see the knife until after it hud come into the hands of Mr Jones. Tbe body had not be»r changed from ibe time it fell to the time l got • p there Present, }{-.n Ben.-ampt I’ntton. President lit.lff and William Kerr Associate lodge Charity /■racit, > re.jr u Was k deck hand on (lie Atlantic, heard the report oi ibo piMol il wn aliom iwu inmutes from that mm- t ]| j gut i), crt . deceased was lying ou the ground hi- right arm andernealb. bis left arm on the ground l -aw !>oi!i h.s hand?, the kmte was lying ,i Mmrt di-unr* Ironi hmi. Cross examined l-y Mr. Hlu.-l- The ! man and Mr. Jones were there on:y when l gut there, saw the left arnt stretched <mt. W.i*. em ployed on (lie Atlantic. the same bout Mr H!m-k was on The knife produced m Court not like the knife lung near the UnJy, it had a red seals hard <m. this has a black. Aminir //i*r/ Was going to the wliarl la-sal when >aunder» was -hut. Wh<*n al-out fifty ynrds abend, l beard a report unil wheeled, went buck, three or lour people were there, the left bund wn- lying up the lull, the kail* lay a few inches iruiti hi- left liand. IX> not !»e -long to the Atlantic Cro— exsnmted by Mr. Black—Knew lllack by eve sight Iwlnrc. The knife was covered with a scabbard. ('a)Uatn Airier Si,:,rn —l met Sounders: gave him the roiul. prev- usly had met Ilia. k. wlicn 1 looked buck they were some f.rur or live licet apart, the negro bad Ins buck towards me, Iron; the [rosition of his elbow. ] thought Hint his right hand was across Ins breast, went to the spot as soon as tin* pistol was bred, found hurt lying quartering up the lull. Saw no stones thrown. Saw Black there. Saw the emote ol the pi*! -! ' w11,, ' !l Saw them Handing about »<i puce* iroin en-h • other. 1 lie <-ibi.w ul the right arm wn* out ir->m , « rui- t Mr. Blact, 1 llunic. I hail- '.v!'r ih'lh: "ru'or ins right arm ouce or Iwiit, .hm, hr «ho«. and l VKWKTIAN BMKDS. wenlup ami tound the man dead, lying on hie j>. \ T*' ,* r '‘ l ,H ;h .‘ ,,r ‘^ ngbt side and nose. hie right hand under hi* Imdy. , m.,.' V | Jni *\n'l .-!,K i 1.0 hi* left arm under him >ow the kn.le near ' Till ■MI Ai' nr ItlbfuN ni.INtJ, «„ h*iul his left hand he inru.-k i ~r ‘ -ni.t i. prce*. Illaok was a large one.aUmt n* large a* my doul - - ' ‘ " u,i:r “ " ll ' " ;,i h,r nv.i-u to oali and hst, it struck him oa the left M dc '7'“', < ,MV n 1 mU br I ‘® ,d Cros* examined hy Mr [hack —When l looked purrhw‘. '' * " : ’ tr4 ' ° Wr “ on “ they were about hlteen yards « |IU rl. >«w tie *tl-My a WFSTKRVKLT •tone strike Black. would tui|.|»OT that :t siniru . fijfc.-- X I>K. D. lICXT, him fair in the ba.k. They Mood toother ir-om i>- ' t t-t ~r l-wis a minute before the p.Hu! wai tired The colored *—. , | W ,., U r. i.n*rrn man dill not appear to he ,J. mg anyth.a;-. I'd M.ik-- aKerry ,i, t .-u •• >in not see him in se bis baud They w-re al out •>> IMu \ ki Khl t; r*j j. . , ut ■> ,-ru4« feet apart then, or less. Blank appeared to I<■ j J .-..t, ic,,,•high!) going from the coior-d man. M<* took a step b-i k■ 1 '>• I ""ant m hkh io • p u-if Jret dry the instant brfore he fired. Me Ml immed .airly i- ' i um«. ma, lime. «•. I take * SSlrnirr lir "' ,i,,i -r « ,v ' ‘7.: '77!.^ tiack a au.p not an inch. Black Hopped after ,um-ei.», .. «oa. W„ thrown, ,„d ,i„ muSS* uu,, ‘ •-im«is(ni)r 111 par. ..I Afiili.-.nls. Itihtion-. I.u-m. Ho- Rukrt DvugLi.M Xirorn Waann the wharf Imat V-'* r '*' ol the ferry when this occurred noticed me ne rv-^' fro s left artn up, and a atone down in hia rnrhi ' St;t. Tiirrn.N. Hu'i.,l./ I'i'.ny-' jV* WC in i' ui the parties were five or run feet spurt, my att«-i 'tv. 4-- .V- rooui'v ami cc* m-r'- nuiii* nr*- re»- uon waa drawn oil by mine |Ksnu>n, and in a nun .nvorj i., *ji a ■><] rzannne im imck. Xo M ute or two I beard tlie m«iol fired went up to th*- •' on«t *ir.',-i. rorner ..t » ..-v tody after that. MAPKR H.\Ni.lNHf>_ i rer..,»tnff. mU L >“ tV.rn.W-Kv Mr. . **r ~L *«* ' "i-,'.-. ' I flaw him lying, h e WH; , ~n | IIS r side, his un. Biased imi.l . <.umu.-i i’.\ Pi.R haMVING?*, x'oi noae IQ the earth; did not observe hi* left arm. did c— nol ].,broui.r I ir,. on .hr r.rht ndr ol Ikr }“•??,r“ c « “I ...U V body. n ... h>.• i I ~ u mn. samu,t Pu„„*,, o,r„ r „_ Am „ lirnlb ,. r of , b( . j deceased, roybrolhcr s temper wns mild, except ot >hn»e uv:i ir Uou-ev /.up. ~ n. . n,.i rul'ui when excited. ; Warehouse ot s c HILL, C. Conefy StrorFt—H«v©“known the pnsoa- J cr i.r ten <>r twr.v-* veer-. He always bore s good umxacier.uct cr saw bun to a passion- Fa-mvf/ Wnllrr Vnowri Black for fi ir m mins prior to this oecarrence; be has aL w i vs -t-haved like a decent, peaceable yourg man F 1.. t oou-y i’-eojiriLh, James A.keri si>d i ... were then called to prove the ctar.D-ter f Mr iback. B ir-. —Cniise < auntser* lived wtu iiiv i.i ,<t for mm , m '« I considered a vi >ient. p.i-«ioualr me l udcrsiood that he wa* a reveut-.-lui man. Ki/'in. a^’i’mj-J. — Wan on board tba Atlan tic wnen ( ha?e Saunders was pot oo shore. — Heard them say— Let mm go—let bun go." The coiore-1 S-\ came rjnnmg cm witn Black alter h'm. i hey said the ■• '!;,red t*ov war n jxiiTer on the l-oal. Tin- w.»s a lew days before Saunders warsh t Waen the black man came down the s!-*P*. Black -truck huo i-ghtly on Hie side. He ni -i. i ;-d damn the iDLger to holl;" and ‘if he fad mil run. ue would save slretched huu.” The negru run mi li-ird tin lie couid. leaving hia hat. I viml t apu.n I'arkiu-on sny—let hint gtr— iet him SO If JU gu[ Saunijcrs lor lour ycnr> ,ii • tie Cr.ibtmth Scbixl. His character was tli :i i-; a j;- od. |te.M t-ni ie l-ov nn 1 ever taught. :<?"rir/itv i-.v- . —T.umlii .'luitiJern in Inc ."Miib.Ufi Sen a-! i<-r xivi-ii yuar-. lie wit d .1 : ui,usual,y mud a..-pi-it., n I knew bun U.-tn ii. in.|.-m v .Thimiu > i..»ii. sod bm character w-«e |■ i .i .v c-k I ui t* in |.:.i.-*-- H«- was heller Hutu white ui--, n -u.,, v an.- He was remark j biy iiiotifii- ve nnmme man lie; /-.'-i. ■« r)CK-n." Ha. c ile»-ra*r .1 T>r ri: e«-n J|,. , haraeter that ol a g.xxl. •.nciito • c .-biici e , t — t base Suun ders itrf.ur -, *-ir- rv.-r heard anv thing against t.i« r'.ara, i.-r Mr i-irt■ »• m af- . hi.p- witncNS t.» ‘'aunders, good . .inn ier '• I Jf ■>!./, --f —| keep a baggage car and a.n. t: ’ nahi! o. going down to ike boat t.»r f-.'k'CHSC. 1 wem tip to thr eaiuti. and as 1 chew tobacc.'. i H-rtt u: one ol Ur- sp i fvosea Saunders •d .i— \ou !. 'imr.v-v "t'ii .-fit !,:t-h. we don’t keep «(*:! I* ’X<-.- t--r ilr-iv men to spit in ” I lold huu that ne won: ! 11 • l-nr.i tc speak m oilier terms to a wiiite man il- men went back to the cook a ui-o. and g.'t n d-rk k r.rtt- .mil r.uil Now, God damn \ * >■ 1 tit \ ..-ur vui- out 1 m.d gu aht ad. i r< *s l.x untued - - Per naps i l urea leu e, I to take 1.., . t-v tlie neck, an.l 'urn mto in- river L'.» suppose -t h- lm! i n -be.l me the dray tut n v h'j were nr 'ixo-i wi c j mv- t!ru!>bcd tom T:.'- tc*i.rth']iv on Im'Uc s ,le» litre ciose'l u ki.M m.*v, a [>f: 1 1 sp-t L.' i o • rung n. Inc .irsu in ml- i-l i:,e i Luti- ii rise - , iiul n iiir- <n irn*• '-f Tit.ipc '!’i)e Cv.itr-. on t!fl ptr' >•; the < ’ommoiiwea’tn w-r- Me-sr- <’ B. M Austin and Biack Un the part the 1-e'ri). - Mr-n Shuler Stan* l-'-ll .Uul Ml. Tr.e r i'ifs«: gem !»• men Were ex -el ■t.L Mr .'. in.- - nt'-irt. u!ir *(>oke l.u upwards Oi Li.Kr tc. nr* ,n d sllu.lii.l i-uriuliE ehkJUCUCe, KM. !i ui !■ -ive i ne y hi- i'-.f equa!i-d He lays the •r Jillll n.r-t \s 11; \l h- le I M./inew A Jl .i l i- d.cU*d ' t :im-<>. t v'i o*e r- oii.dcr-, Un- jiuy returned alter an n,««»n. •-.! about teu minute*, wit!, a v cr.L- : ot --N- t '"i u\ Thk.mkf—Mr uud Mr* Gr-*p last evuii iitf. ii I u:d..ii Avumm-r « large nml tasl e aiiJirß. >• 'H .- Wr-«-k \*in;r-‘ m.d l)i* i•. ihf :• Uh* lull olWed fjr J . * cvfii'np, ii whu-h |>lij - loth >lr ami Mr*. I'.-rier a]>;-c.irs «» ni Ihr Cr.*j. djiMcai e .1 ini .M : I’; ir .1 - ' i nuu j>u» i;. I'lihw non. Apni 1 i i,\ -F"t:r MISI’KLLANEOI'S. Kcwiptpcru, Nit|r»tlii(> null Hcvlewi, :• •' K-u lit Kn-. 111 < • v !dih,‘ .V' l ' .!;•■. a ntar ! ‘'-TV <ind Mi’ciw v u Four!!’ •l-'-r : ■ ■r. U M ,!»-• .;r-r-. .Nkvv V"iu i'ojik r A I ~.,4ir. f. ! r.M-rn.-l. K.crung I'"* i Vu.ii.r r > *•. Sp;i,t ■> ,ur r '-V AS ,i n,1.. .-o l.r» 1.. M. ..u- J.». r r A * • *.J i.ilr- i.u Jouma. -• Re. pSl.'it-M'i \ Ilf mi . r, A , u N Onrnli- l’ri' < l ur -1.. 1 ■: • Wlm-- • i *»nnni * K::ropr r> Tltlic«,l .on d.f 'Pißlf. Hu l *-* M-'frhH.. 1 - >. « Jumna: Journal hi ».,ar'via -tl n- * in .u« •ii-'." ?l i,. m-.ii'ri itiCtiJ l .llw Tin PlsieT. T’tiK »ui,*.Ti!ii r» :.<•* v> a.. uic «r trillion ol Hutidr t». X Afi'i.itrc > ii'ul owner* <>•" toUlCinany >. -ir» r>o'*rs- over a,, OMrf f’.o u-r<j :>.r ri-film*. ftr . a* .1! Il ’ I »s 0' I foil. Without l\* iiivme i kw iir***n u**ir ! ror .r/era] •in ;ti tr.t- <-«iunm and Ku* tj'anMon mi' l romrue* i* ''mil .. runny* it; :aimoupnrrr. man mim in''' H" p.iii-- ir<• fi iirir. t* f any nUirr tonal imw u»e<l >: Iwh-If r 1 • >nv:i| of a" / infill a liiuin Heller mid • ' i-ni. in ■ ■ • f ■• r .rpairs. WQiial n»m I<l i<> ‘mi W (> , c«n- a 'h 1 *up, v. ,r n:> -up • M . v i lih'A «:i<’ for »n't !■ <»»:< • M ,\)« KK'A 1)01' i CO 14 ;i-d H-n-’-r -irerA, New York. T"!* patrr" 11K !' ■ Or I* a i'Hf •• PP‘-fJ Mi-tHed ••l ine 1 'nl'-'l Sn>» * p«f p Ihefpor. rii.-p' r-v inipor'HUoi; nr n:nr-t v will bo pro«rcu *-c oeUto-dAwlyT XE W 11 A Ri. U W AR K STORE. SH.N OF HIK FI.A.M. ANL>SA\V. 11 o. " * Wood iirect, Pittsburgh. Ht Ui:H A.MM.AI FMAN. !nii><.rtrr« and dealers ..I h.rro-, Mi.l Ik.iup- II ARDWARK, in \V. •me’ '.in rt i.o public generally, hi i a ami r-i>mi■ up- nu' " r.ich coiumhl* in pan ui IxMVLs mil; FORKS CO. KKT and PEN KNIVES, MMnSußß> IMi'oHM Hnu-p Tfimnurura -m n a- t-o- ki,.ti. or-. Mr a - . oml SiTew»r k Tuj’enir t •.* ,-ri p i y arui .r u»us. 1 m Hardware Sion « W.• ... ,i.- in- i • i. r m i •inn-iior* and Merliun.r, ir.riHi,, u. our n«»-■ . ... r 00... -aim have i.r,,i -p . Mini .Ml,. w. arc d'-iMinn. \\ A 1. I. PAPER WAREHOISE, An 4'- ,1/riH.o/r.w l‘ut.J'H< e n I\,. THOMAS PALMER, I> I n iM'l l 1.1 \ • no„. iHPinUaml.-uv it iniii'i - i,i. lia.l -,i no |i t«! [i- r.inl «<> p.Vr u •l%-iiMmkn- ho u> al prr«r ,1 H«» c-mii nrfe tlo pur i li.i -o r- I-KIC-, m.oli riilo irrm-'. «i Wn u... . r,.in ru-’ni in..: ii,.', i’.i|u r u if. >■ i.iio.i i. / U rai.p.i.i- ini.l Ir 11 l'., r Km-* Mi'.t r 111 ST I’ROOK 1 K().\ TZ-: c Jr.' ~ Winch i 1 f I’Rol l.i 1 KKOM K I M’ -a.;. It. Tt.i-«r..|.ii \\ ip-. ll<»li«, -•‘juiki.'.. Nai!«. i W.I- -,,r r- u I--. VI.! »• . O’.lvr ur.innv Lie , r«i|uirr.l Kor IU» ( »< (nr n--« ««!.►;.ml--Cor !.:«!«• j Rope. lor 0..(1n . Lnr. l lmi,C Roil. .uni uliotl»( I (iiliv u ppl ir Minn *. il wi .b- nan.l t iicnp and .luislmo, 1 They woui.l parm u:av. < a I<-,iUon In ’lt<- l»alvan'- jnl \\ re lor i*-ore», u rcijuirr. no punt, and wlii not •11*1 A !*o to Splkr* ami Unit*, llitr )>r.-»ervotini) of li.rii .. of *n marti uupo. lajn-r, Hint II will cummoiltl i>. u in .tv nolle r "i :n! Ilio-e mlrre'lcd 1.1. M l< MulU-.n nufi \ t o . I'uirtiirrs, I o. L>MiAwlvT 14 Hi 14»'UV« r aI,N. York. TRANSPORTATION ftc is«£ 1849. PimßCßfifl m cy^mTiT™ LINE, l '''. JHK PF-VNSN LVa.NIA AND f>HHi CANALS. | ME Proprietor* of th.* oid established and popular l daiiy line. rorisistuigof SIXTEFI.N first class Canal l>oait. owned by themselves and running tit lh'* “'■“m bont* BKAVKR AND CALEB COPE. arr enabled lo otfer unequalled facilities lor uie iransportnuon o: freight and passenger*, on the of ('anal navigation, 10 all poihu'on the Porn *yiv#-.iu and Ohio and N York ranal* and the 1-ake* K. M FITCH A Co. Cleveland. INDWELL A BROTHER. A<rni*. Beaver J. C. B! DWELL, mani Water «trrot Pittsburgh J C aipWRLL. Pittsburgh BIDWELL & BROTHER, forwarding UlmbanU, BKAVKR. PA . AgmJ< fin tJu Pittsburgh audClnr.'and Luu. Pul*- burgh. and Ertt Li nr eia /-Vm, and Jar steam boat* Htax'cr arul Caleb Cup*. Having purehusc.l the largo and tuJM.iautia: U hart Bom ju*t built lor tin* Monongahria Parent havr vnth tho addition of a Warehouse. mo mo«t ampio ac commodation* tor receiving and forwarding, and pledge Hunt utmost aitriuuiu, promptness and despatch lo i on«tgniurntt to their rare, and roiy on tnnr friends !*»• * inn- mart-_dl> It * HR<> PITTSBI’HOHANUKHIItLISK, igs&ggia 1849. t»id !'• 1.i.-'iishej L.rc >N TIIKF.RIK EXTENSION < AN.AI rpHK Proprietor m this Weil known Lino ( ,i fliml 1 Boat*, i- now prepared to transport Pa-senger* Und Freight lu all points on the Kno Extension. New York Canals and the Lake*, upon the most favorable trrm* and wuh despot.-Q BF.AVKK and CALKU *"i* >* f-L between Pittsburgh nnrt Beaver C M Heed * Line of steam boat* and vrt se.ionihe Lake*, and the Troy and .Michigan Lake Pont Line on tin- New York canal C M REED Proprietor. Krie. Pa. Did we 1 k. Bfotr rr. Arenls Braver W T Mainer. Agent nt J Mrtkimom Passenger Other. Mommenlieln House. Pittsburgh CONSIGNEES - W C Malan Sharon JF,*SHo!' Shurpsburg. Smith & Downing, do; J B Plummer. Aett (iroonvi9e, Wirk. Arhre A tin. do; Win llonrv. HarOtnwn. D.ivn!t Sutiou. Buffalo; Barnrv. <iihb*A Co. s.inJuekv: jn« A Armstrong. Detroit. Kirkland A Newberry. Sheboygan, M Chirr A Wt! |am«. Milwau Kir Knap. Murfev A Duiion, Karine, John H Kiitije, Chi.-ago. Co. New \ ork. ~p-j Pittsburgh and BlatravllJe packet Line afoiesi 'l'liK puhlir are resporifuily informed that J M X MARSHALL A I.'n havr fated out new and 'P>r-ifli.l Park-" Boat, re run during the reirenr. >.r tween H: j, jr« vi I It* and Pittsburgh— he heal* re ;.r inw. nt hy three nor«e«. and every '-Son made to accom mo ime pn**eniferi UrrißTfßE* • Boat' w, , leave Pittsburgh evrrv Thuriuln and TniJax. it To'elor*. r v Kiyin Hlaimv.’ir every Monday. Wei!i:e«da>. Thut*dav nnd SatiirdaT. at * o'eloek. a u and nrrtve m«burih "ue mine day A two horse Hark trom Indiana w ill itieei the bom a: Salt«Kurgh. both on rfj»- ward and downward trip—putting pa«»enger« through I 'fright Ml Hie m.ovr Line Will be reeeive J a> the liou>- ot the Boatmen * Line. Uv Jno Knneri A I’o who are out auihotued Agents Ail Ireight rrreivc.l •irr:..i eotaniitwnn* J M MARSHALL A fo JNfi FAKRF.N A Co. Agent*. (’analßasi.i, Liberty «!. Pituf-urgi. k Hui li t«av- s |{l«ir*vi;|e for Young-'town on” tin an ivai oi ihr'mi return* to boat >u ruonung Fui. .(.mi Piit*burvi. .o \ ountftlow n St*-reern-cd nt oflin •■I B-ui ;.i..-u j Une mrougli upV.tlrtm KXPHICBS PACKET LIKE, l i.!< PHILADELPHIA AND BaLTLMOKF, Keniuck >— l apt H iruhy. N\ edi.n--dat. April 1 1 4>ur»iniiß A'apt J I* I '• |udiHi..i-• P Bur<e\ l-ridai.ti Minn A (Ifni*. Satitrds >. * Kei.mejn -|| Trunt Sunday. - I .oili* ana J P Thoiupiun. Mon.lav. V I. J I H n >1 P llullrt. Tue.irtV. IP * < .h:»- A Crni-r Wednvtdny. II Knntueky H Tru.-.y. I hur«day. IV I.oui'inna J P Tln.inpeon, Fnda\ i:: I . ban* P Bulk. / r-iturU:.',. It i »*..<>- t'apt A t'raijt. Sunduj .nicm, Apn. lim For :<, apply Uj \V St |i |l. Monoi.gahela 11.,,w apt nr L) I.FF.CH A Co, Uamil Ba«»n R W I’.'ikMlt™. 1- V. Rlt NoLflk. ..i Pm-tmrfi. of P!i.:ndei|iu;a I' I) I I) KiT E K k UEIfIOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commlulon Merchants, Ni' 4V4 M»hin Strext. between Kleventh ami Twr.tth aw.. I‘HILADiiLPHIA. r |’ Jl K mlibTi'ieri beg leave reepeeU'ullv to aequ Mn t X he.r 'rien.l* and the paclir tlmt they have Rtto- . ,aird thrrn*rlve* in Philudelpina. for the purpose of tr nn•nelmv n lien- ral Comtin«*iort Uu*tnee«, and iru*t .: long experience m bu»ine»* wii. secure to mem ~r ['Hiruunge \y~f~ Par: cular attenium wifi i>e even lo .ale* of h.mir.,..< PrrHiur-grucraliy: .Tid any ,>ur.Mii..e, li U‘ I' l >I \lll \ I'FK. '• M KK\ NOLDs KI’.FF.KKNfKS- Tlic mci. ham* of Pmsburrh K-: Ci :.c - 'inuii. t 'uio, H i) Nr w. omi, A Br>> . W B i ll.ilon, . Kutfncr. Jn- Tod,l. 1.0uin,.,- K\ Prow.Me- Cre*- r y \ Ha r tad a. e. S; l.uuis. Mo , .No-ton X i'o.U a V.oieti. New t»rienn». L.i . Oi,l. InhetuA Nua e». M'Lrecor A Morns. New York. 'V R Thornp- A C«.. John Tier* Co, Peter Maraetlle*. B M J»ne« Deal. Milliron A Buet. Phtlad'a. apip.'tm whTlklale dht goods. ll nm & CU n COMMISSIONERS AND IMPORTERS, CO Mills STUXT, 4 KK now opening the most extensive and varied j*\ assortment of Spring and Sommer Goods ever nliroiled in the. Western country, eouipriaing upwards ni Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased in euure packa ge- from the manufacturer*. importer*, and large aue* ion -ale*, by one ol ibr firm residing in New York.* ho i« constant > .ending u« Un’ newest and most i-Monable good* lney name ui part— l-<> . uses rich Spr at Print*. | 39 ca-cj M de Lame; .1 •• Lawns and Mu*.in-I 35 cotton and lined \-’t\ ■ bleached | Ginghams; grades; i3b " col’a iUutlins: C •• .ihirtme Check* and j -Z7 *• Uipita* Cottnn- Jomestrc Ginghams, j ades and rummer Stulls .. 1 • Brown Muslins; A .... and package* of Bonnet* Flow***. I.a- r-. IM>t,«>ns. Mil*. Shaw « B-reges. White Goods, Mil nir rv \ rticies. Cloth* ai.d Cajaimcrcs. Lniciu. Hu * -rx a..«J li.ovr*. Ac A-' and country iner'-i,#.-*? will bnu ihctr *'.ock ».« .j.rg. ;»mI ile'.ritJir *» Eu.-'crn stock*., mid an exam;- ni<i■ i*.i or iin.r good* and [ r.c r » .'anr. ii lati lo cui:- vnt-r a.. :nai with men undents‘-.c advantage * m.d n’ inr;r patron* win) lormefv pu rc v i w fancy and variety goods— ai zel l <N K!N>EY tv •>' Market >trert l<r" }•:» tine Chin* Vase* d, 175 sets iwui cut vr.vrt coal Buitons. hue velvet Carpet Baa*, vr do do gnu's traveling, lf*> grosa lancy silk Button* •or I'le-ef-. I l ' d'.t Nat! Brushes ass'd, 100 gro It .- !■ 1 Vest Bu tjn», a-.- d, tSfii' do do cut and pia'r.l, <io. db doz riwew'od Hair Brushes. 130 Washington do. 1 do Barber* do, i gro F'-.*h Line*. Fish Hook*. Lime rick. Ac Jfi WKLR Y A r —5l) goid ;ever Watches; AO do de uened if vrr Wnicir*. Ml do oo: 111 fine dia mond Finger R.u*\ 1 dor fine cold Vest and Fob 1 iiKiii', 2 do do Guards, Urea»t Pins, Finger King* Lur Rme*. A r Ci i > VKS, Ac - '-tKI dax Lnihcs Cotton (.inv.-*. as-i'd. U‘H 4o do I.i*ie Thread. raney lop. Ate HI do gnu.*' m k Glnvrv I'.' do do kid do, Ul do la'.ir - a id. s*s d, 1(T do do M"rv lop silk variety hoods-:.', p.g. Anievc.u Pm*. *.n M» Colton Cord*, 7j j.s Paper N)uetir' AtsMahi rit-bed Percussion '*apv •-■*■ grn drrt* Whalebone ju, J vt>t;, t *oin ,i Dr.--‘mg Comb*. Bat a Coini.s, a . A.- npV PALMKR, MANNA <fe CO., . Su<--*es«c,r» to llu-n'v Hanna A . BANKERS. EXCHANGE BROKERS am) dealer, ni Foreign and Ik>me»ue F.n imtige. Certificates I>epu-,re. Hunk N.’tes. and >jircir—l.'ounh street, n.-ni., :hr Hunk id Piiutmrgii I'liiirni mo ucv in-r.vd on dr,,(i.|l— &tgßt Chocks j u r ,*> ilji.l i il! rrl,oll> liiiJc O'i ll.'lll-l ail IhC pi iiiripiU |>oi;iL* ill llir I n itrd Slate- The in g he-1 premium paid l»r h oteir, n and Aiuc t.. an Cod Advance* madr On cousignilichle ul Produce, -hip prd 1 .ul.' mi Id.cral irrin*. ap-j NKWICKLEY ACADEMY, A ' ') **ie a I and I‘onim rial Hoaidiny School lor [...)• on Ihe Beaver Knud, tourtern utile iroin PiU'tiurgh. Hev. Joseph K. Tr«velll,A.M. Principe I *|'ME >1 MM KR SESSION w,.l comineuce on I U r. 1 da.. May 1. IMV Tmh- Itonrilun;. Tu.iioii, %%':>«.ti.<■. Fun. Ai . [>*-r seimon ol live moult!*. ?7.V—om- hall jiu,-, ; ii advance, :iir lialalice a l llir i-lmc c.l the -e skioii Itook* and Siutiooety lurmsla d, ivin-ii rc<;ue>led. ai :ue eipeuee oi iliepiijol ALL CI d >TM I N'G Ti > Hi. DisnNcn.'N marked Pupit* lun.i'ii thru ow,i low,-is It i« very d*»ir i..,<- Uiai n.l -iiou.d j>f .rui on die lirsi day ol ilic sc>>iioii Kor further paruruiurr, enquire ci tlie Priucipa,. ai the Academy or of .Me**r» John Irwm A Son. No 11 \\ aier street, l’lltihurgh aph d\!vv Edgeworth Ladies’ Seminary, SEWICKLFY Summer Se»ajoii ul t*>.* ln*tiiuoun whi coin inenc- u;i Tvibii* ). 'in- I«t ot Mu,, Tkxms— For Boarding and Turnon, .u any or all die English lirnnrbes. «fth.tai per 'c**iou ol five month' For lurther particular*, *ee circular* m M*k«r* Jonn Irwin A Son*, corner of From and Ferrt street*, or T. U. Nevm A t'o . Itii* l.ibcriv »vrm spi-dlw Boarding Wanted, IN a privute laimiy. lor a GciP-cinun and hi* Lady ivim wi l i.j:iii*ii In* loom u ce-iuirrc. Location ,n First oi M-'-cnd Ward ol Uti* ' ii> Addrre* J B . Box .M . other, and give name ami -ocat.c i. wlm-n w, I • mt’-iided lo up-4 BICKLKB! SICKLES: ONE Till M.SAN U DC7E.N sM'KLI-'.s. 0 I *uj'.-r,or i n,i:.t>. for sale Hj..'»dht SP\NG A t'O OPRING BONNET RIHUo.Nm Ac ~W R Murj-uy lO mi* now open a supply oi »pnng Bonnet Rd.liou*. ni -.->1 and imndsninr »l)lr< AGo. new *ty hg d Net:.* Li'l- l.ace, :i,.,| >ni<«. l.inm Faliring*, Victoria ito; piaid .Mu,mis un<J Jsconels, riiiUroiilcred Swiss Musliii*. A>- . hi »idc» * large assortnieui ul Spring («(>od* gmerad). a; uordi east corner Bh and Market streets Wholesale Room* up * in. r' Upb FARM WANTED. A SM ALL IMPROVED FARM, <d iron, 40 ui H) acre*, lor which rn.h «i'i i-r mud Addre** H Ii ut tin* other. Jcsctihing land with improvements, and where situated Also, the iowr-t price njMidAi* CLOTH NTOIIE. ROBINSON is Opening the largest importation Jnrct of CLOTHE CASBIMKKKS, VESTINGS am! TRIMMINGS. r*pre**!y fut this market, which lor nchne.s* and finish excel any Pu»i Building*, corner Futh and Wood .irecl' ap4:Vw M nipraUi 1 Bltaehlng Powder 7 iChlondc of Lune.j r¥ * J | K >ubseri t>ers have recrntl / received tdirrei from i, the manutacturersl a fresh supply of the above relebratrd article, which theg will tell at Ui* lowe»i maikei price lor cash or approved I-,!!.. up* W * M .MITCHKI.Tn FK 1> E bELLERS, Druggist N« 5* Wood eirem, L. So.e Agent far the *ale ot Dr Towuaeod'iGr r. nine Sanupariiin, has just received , R»" dozen of thj* («reat Spring and Sumter Med.rtne Purchaser* should reoodee- ihni R E Jselieis t* soit agent lor P»U*hurph. and I* A* 1 >i > < !t, r A.legteny <• 11 v *p* hOJJ?- i *i k BOXKJfi NO. I ROSIN SOAP, for sale at 0U HoPE cotton factory warrhoube, ap&diw corner Market and Water its TRANSPORTATION LINES. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LISE 19-10 For w/ Trau*vortatu>n of Freight to and from prrrsHCßt..H. Philadelphia. Baltimore, YORK. BOSTON Ac Tuuitis Boaaroca, Philadelphia. Taafts A O'Cosaok, Pittsbargu. n'IUS old established Lme being now in full open* J. lion, the proprietors are prepered with thcit antal extensive trrasxtmetui to forward me rehandle, pro due*. Ae to and from the above porta, on liberal tenit-S with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar to their mode ot transportation so obvioos, wben tran sh.pmeiit or. the war is avoided. All eonsigruiieuuTky and for this line received, char ges paid, and forwarded in aay required directions free of charge for comixuuiort, advancing or storage No intorest, directly or indirectly, in steamboats. All communicaxionspromptly attended to ou spplica- Uon to the following m»ents; THOS BuRBIDGFf WT- .Market sl Philadelphia TAAFKFA i )'C()\NOR, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR A Co North ft. Baltimore. mohs4 BOATMEN S» LINE. 1849. B^Sian For 1 lie ol Pirrsßl Kiill I' 1 111 .a DKI. PHI A. A BALTIMORE Lim-1- -'"P.-< •• . m- line are Osrrie.i ,u fm.r i'oru.ble Bon;- T ’lll «ut>-erii.**r« In rt y trg mn.l* ar range me m< .a ca>e J o'.twam u- Ms.* Tiueki Co-unibia. to have Uinr giKxl* forwarded over th* Ra.lroodi .-i cars, so as in :nn,,l :he detention that ha* heretofore occurred tor .hr wa„r nfTrurk. Shippers will find thla io their advantage No etiargr* made tor receiving or «h»p pink. or tor ndv ann-g rhargvs All goods forwarded With despairh »n.l (in aa reasonable terms r* Bn y uth "r ,J • JOHN FAR REN A Co. ’ ( ' r:,, ‘ r 1 »nd I.tberry st, Pmsbunrh. P K FRETZ A Co, .id", W 56 Market «t. Philadelphia. U. W C BIDWELL Beaver 1849. UNION LINE, ON THE PRNK’A AND OHIO CANALS. Crawvord A Ch*j»bk*uji. Cleveland. O ; R fi Pams -Beaver. Pa f I*Topr’s THl’. Line wt!, he prep* *d on the opening of nnv,. panon. to trunsport freight and Pns-engers irom Pirr-BFRf.H and CLFVI.-.AND, ... Auvpoim ,™ the Cnt'iil iml 1 The taeilme* of the Line -ire unsurpassed in numher, quality -,nrt <>t Boais. ej|venrnee ,>t capialn*.. and etfi. \ Age.-f* ' One u.,:lt I‘iUshurghand i.'leveiand .lauy run in nr .rt (-.inriecnoti wnb me firamers LAKE ERIK AND MICHIGAN I>twee, ; Piitstmrgii :uid Beaver, and a l.neui hiMeiast Mcamerv Propellers and Ve-se.s on the Lakes .Vism—R f» Parks Heavrr Pa J. «*c Baldwin. ourtgkiown. Ohio M B T-u:or. Warren. • ; n,- Prenii-.s. Have .ns A Co. Akron. Crawford k Chamberlin. Cleveland. O Senrs A Griffith. Buffalo, N Y. JOHN A. CAL'GHEY. Agent, uttire. cor Water and Smithfield sts, INitsburah jjyjjL BINGHAMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINE J.-HN Bin-iuw. Th.b Hix-.iiam, \N « Hi<i.;>uu JitobDock. Cotiiiu-'tcil on niiiM >abbaih-k eepi tnr principle. r rHr. Proprietor. ~1 this old «-»tahii«ne.i >j av e 1 |>ui thru ■!<>< i in she Riuni complete order and «rr lhof»ufjl>.. prepared io forward Produce and Mrn-h iui di»>* Ui ft ul tiotn ihr rltic« U <■ trust that Inn.; eiprnrnpr m ihr cnrrvmr l.ii«in-«. un.l 7i- «lou« atirniioii u> ihe miere.its oi loairi- »i'i ‘f<-urr u> O' a niiitmuiinn; ami merrasr 01 111.- pri!rf>;iu•/r tn'dirm rjtrnde.l to Hinffham's I.liir t»ur arrnncrmriiK w-.U r M l,l, ii. in earry Freuihl :hr <lr«pa:<-h ami oar price* -hail always It a< low a« the hissr.: t harred |.* other responsible Line a. H’r-havr opeiK.l ai’. other ,n No I<l Market *«cu i.riw eu t'li :m.I V‘i «:<, Philailu. for Ihr convenience •l «li pperi Produce mill \|erriiamli*e wii; l»e received anil for. warded Husband Wr*t. without nm chartrr for lor wuniim;, .tdvinrriLT freieht, ‘inrage or eomrals-ion. Hi l '* o! l.fidim; lonvardrd. am] evert- dirrcti.Pß prompth fUleluled l.v All ies- or ipph io W.M. HLNtiHAM, I B’i:i Ha -m rt.r Ijhertv A it at :»e »t*. I'jtuhurvb. HINI.MAMS A DOCK. No 1- land Market mm. Pi,,!*,]*. JAMES WILSON. Agent, No LM North Hovrartl street. Baltimore WILLIAM TYSON, Airem. 'itrhiM No to We*r street. p»rw York Pennsylvania Caaal A Rail Hoad Ex> preu'Fail Packet Line, BaaanmaSjfc FROM IMTTSHI'G-H Ti) PHIDaBELPHIA A BAL- TLUORK. ■ Exetii»ivr:y fnr Pn**eiiger».| nj’HH put/ • ,1-r rrrpf-i*;; uijy mjoniK-d tnai this I-ine J. will commence runtime on the fUi m-v. and con 'anur throughout mr Season 'J'hr Pom* nre new. and <>i a superior ria*.«, with cj.- urged wiuch will mve greater comfort. The lari are '.ne construction A . ‘ml win »iwiy« be m port. aud utive.rr. are le questcu to c.i\ afi.i >•;amine '.Hem before engaging pa*- i Harr only tune dol.ars itirnugx.) One oi the boat* of iiu« L.-ie wilt icavc the .finding (opposite V S Hotel, -•orrirr of Penn street and t'm.a.. every .-nght at nine o' e <.<tk limcd|da)«. Lor information, apply at the Oil'c-'. Nioiioiigaii -,a Hou-e or ... D LEECH A Co inert IT Canal Basin KUSH’S PORTABLE BOAT LINS, For the Tranaportau-.ii of Freight to TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE A NEW YORK EL'SLN KhLS on the Canal 1.0 r. now re«uni«d, the Proprietor* of the above Lane respectfully inform the public that Utcv are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with despat, h. and at lowest rate* ITley would also cal! the alt, niton of shippers Fatal ward ui the u.-i mai the fkat« employ ed by them in tran*|>orfntio'i, are owned t-y them and . ommanded hy ez|>erirnced i-up'inm. Shippers oi .Meat in Bulk will G id it advantageou. to 'hip by thi* Line. a>'lhe *ul)scrt!<ers have innrle ar rangeineuts ,<t i'<..umf>ia to have *uch freigip tor IIh: limore handed di;e. nv in,in t,oal« is < ar* thereby ta height tu Ph..*,. . i,e. <., sr ir.iottgh n ihe boui- N« charge made j. »r receiving sh-l-ping -,r advancing ch«.rce< KIFRAJONtS Proprietor*, Canal Bhsj.i, Seventh *trect. Ai, EN I>—Jinn A Snaw, Cmciif’aii. O , Jno Mc- Cu.lough A idi.iiinore, JasSicciACo, Philadel phia: Frnncu A Tnotna*. Loiumbia. mcb3l 1849. £££ BKAVRR PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. 2 —Capt Gu*or, LaKEERJE, Uordoi. THE above r»gu:ar and we.i kurwr Betvet Pac k etr- have commencad m& :iiea Cm, , ;r.p> o and from Beaver, and w:t. continue to run uetweer. PtUscurgh aad Beaver regutariy during toe season. *.-> . I *! lo W 1 M:ci:-p«n No r.mvf, Piit'C ur*n dau / a.; A M . and Br.ive r B t 2 o'c;*>ca. P Ai La*..: Erie .eaves leaver d-itlv ai:o ci««ck, A M.,aud Ptitsbuigi: a-3-'clock PM I'Dr.-- '•e*«» •• . r..h HI COuilCClton WIU. R (. Pais* F:pic*» I' tor Erie J'n .ior A Ltjfungwr.n > W *ireu Pacie;*. Fu,on Line oi Freight Boats lor '-leveiand, Clarke (t Co » Pu»nurgq »n<i t ievcland Line Fre,gut Boat* R i. Park* diulv New uasue Packer. CLARKE. PaRK> A Co. Beztvei, Agent* JOHN A CAIN, MEN , Agent. Pmaburutv. mchSl cor Water and bautiifielo »t* PENNSYLVANIA CANAL*. R.^tOADs, 1849. .^.^sl EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINE raoM r o P/itltufefyhui iind B*ik\r*ort ‘ Exe umvc! v lor Pa.*engcr< , TIIK pubin- an A wHI c-onime- respectiu :y ui’ormed ihai ’hi* Line • running on Monday; lUth March The boat* of this Ltnr are ol h »uperior cln»*. with enlurgefl cablYi*, wliick wt;l givegreaict coiii.ort in passenger* A i.oiit wt I a.way* be ,n pof, and traveler* are re quested t>> 0)', and examine them before e.igaging sage hy other route* Tne\ will 1,-iivi- me landing, up (H)Mtetlir F S. Holei, cornri I'piiil »ltret and Cnnai evr rv* night *1 H o'clock F ARK -NINE lx iI.I.ARS THRuI i.M T\mf —H Day* Foi 11>iumii*11* *,: apply at the office Mononghhela House, u< iii l) I.E.RI'H A t'o, Cnnai lluna. N H Tl.. ;>inpr.ctor> oi the hl>ov- Lute air now huudiin* an mid. i Line "I Pack,!- U, run i - ,il-o\ « u i of about iun.- !•! ... , .im.ertuin with thr p<-mi« \ |. vania Ran Kim-I ’’roni I r«i.<|.‘-.v:i I,• Philadelphia. .At ifiai tunc a pa, set '4 ;'l I, .i\,- e rerv niortting and eveil ing Tail.: thnnigh -5 d«y» mchld RELIANCE PORTABLE BOA't'LINE; IMTWKLN PHILADELPHIA AND PJTTSIii K(,H /'itn'liS .-Kin-; on :bi- Lice are not transhipped \J. l.«-.wr» u P.ii't-.iruh and Phi.ndelptmi. t..-,ng .-a r riel in lour .ection i'oetnu.,- BouN uver .ami and t,*i -m -mpvei* Ol luerchiutd./e f. .juiruig rarcful iitri.ilmg. Uh* i* oi importance No charge made re- .-tving nr shipping, or for advancing charge* All good* lorwaided with di*palch. ami uu a* renaonuble tonus n* by any other Liue JOHN MTADKN & Co. Canal Ua*ui. Penn it, Pittsburgh JAS M DAVIS A r 0 marl 2K7 Market A lA t'.omruerce *l. Pima J< 'll N Me FA DE'N A l'-n. Forwarding and Cottjmi» siuii M.-rchunt* Cattal Basin, Penn *l, Pittsburgh M DAVIS ,Y Co. E'lour Factor* and Commi*- *lOll Mrrchanj*. tW7 Market and W (.'omtncrcc *trert, Pht.adHj'hia. *-marl liJr'A'lcaiice. in:ule by eithe.r of the above on F.oar, Wooltuid other iiirrcnamlire couiigi.ed to ihetii lor 1N49. NerchnnU' Transportation Line. VIA PKNNffYI.VANIA CANAL A KAIL HOADS, - TO PHIL*r.Ki ri*lA t.Mi |-.*’.!IMOBK. I’HF. Canal* and Run K'>ml* being now open, ami 111 goo'l flfdei. xvp :ir pr-parej to forward nil kinds of ineff fi* ndi«e a ‘•-I produce m Phil* Delphi a Baltimore, with jmimptne** and de.patch. and on ru good term, s- any other Line C A MeANELTY A Co Cana. Basin. Penn *t. Pittsburgh. A u KVr* —CI I 4 RI.I' 7* KA\ NOR. Pl.tlml, uhta. mr'.’T ROSE -M‘ IRRII.L A Co. Baltimore 1849. MERCIIANTS’ WAY FREIGHT LINK. For UisuMVillr. Joniisiown. Hoiliday.borgli, and ud inlctKiedinte places T Mils Line will continue to carry ad U'm t.r.i.d* **a:i then usual dcspulch. and at fa.r rate* of freight Ahx.vts—C A M'ANIM.TY A Co, Pit:-:.meh I) B Wakefield, Johnstown John Mtl'iei, Hollidayiburgli Kirnttso « luttiei Jot don. Smith A Sinclair Dr F Sli..rnlier K er. R Mi,ore. John Parker, S F Von Bonn borsi A fu. Wm Lehiiier A Co. Jno M'Deviu A Bros, Pittsburgh, John Ivorv, Sumr Mulhollan A Ray. Jno C.ratl A fu, Biair»vuie. mch/7 FOR SALE. rw THE light draught iteomer LOYAL tL i 3 HANNA. told Du reascmahle terms, at iIjSoGW he* at the wharf. ■■BfiZßl lor term*. Ac., inquire of JAS KEUR, Jr. A Co, 38 Water st mcb2l;dlm or G 0 MILTENBERCER 'Y’E'V SPRING trOODS.-A A. Maaov A Co . No J.x «) Market street, are now opetucg 40 caxes and j-aekage* ot tplcndtd >PRING GOODS, cotnprtMtif Lawn*. Mutdiia, Bcieges, M do Lnbiea, Sinrtams Prinu, French Cambric*. Ltaen*, Ribbon*, licet’ Silks, Shawls, Giova*, Uoitety, and a gentral tason’ meat of Goods. mehtf HOUSES. LOTS, FARMS, kc 90S Acre* Coal Land for Bala, SITUATED on the Monongahela river, aboct lAnuJea Pittsburyh and 3 mile* abort third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of .Nlesara. Lyon A Short*, and Mr John Herron’s purchase. This fino body of Coal wilt he said at the low price of £33 per acre—ont third In hand, balance ir. five equal annual payments, without trtereaL Tiilo indisputable. Location ver)' jo<kl— ejt.niot be (urpassed. For further particulars enquire of S. who has a draA of said pro perty. ReiUleneoiJd si, below Ferry. Mr. Adams’ Row. N B Tljere l« nuother seanv of coal on thu tract, about 60 teet above the lower, of erceilem quality. jyt»:dtf K Country residence fob. rent. Mil) ACRES OF UROL'N'D. situated near the PU'sburgh .and Groensbargh Turnpike, 3| mile* from the city, and adjoirjng the Allegheny Cem etery, on which i.« erected a large and well finished two story brick HweiUua House, together with liable*, carnage house. Ac There is also on the premise* a large variety of fruit trees, and a spring of unusual ei •■eiicnre cooiiguoti* to the dwelling MM . WM YOUNG. 14. J Liberty si r„ l ,J ala * ble for Sal®. I Hh tob.eneer wilj «®U. at private aaJc, that raJua ble Propenv, on We Fourth ttrcri road. ad/oiiuug art*•cm rr»uiein-r. and give poMextion immod.atr it I u»it -trc atom TKN AOHKS OFCiIOICK LAND, in i Inpli • true o( ru!uvaiion The improvement* are * ur*e and web liiu«.fte.i bnck DWELLING' fIOUSK, i« ,^ fU ° ln< ' ? ul t’uilxluypx. Adjoining the ' ’ ** n ruiiiimjf fountain and a kihhl Pump. xv<. cb furniHiic* » u ; earcUeat wata, .• r 15 4 van«u ~| j ruit I’ree* and Shrubbery ou ih- pn-iiu.t. , rIM prep , rly o'^, »Oiii toon. U will I)- r.-mril i.i> -• .. i . i i it u 1 ’ lrur AU®. tor.aale. .h 1 i T ' “ 1 * ennfl >'’'itn.j .\venue, a t the end ot uir .<oard walk Inquire ot R ** l K»c«t« for Sal.. r |Mlh 1 rustce* of the Western Theological i **? VI,I S decided u> Mil. on pcrpotua? lease » WI Uo'i of their properly .» Allegheny city, offer on v«rv fa*i»rmjle terms, from 30 loin Lot, 0 f different dM? A warrantee title will be grrm A pian of ihe loi/e.* l>e - een it No 129 Wood turret M For particulars, enquire of either of the undammed ( omrautee JOHN f LOGAN' ALFJC I-AUfiHUN mai.uoi.m leech H. CHILDS. SAMI. HAILEY MA TWi ’ story Hnek House. 011 Federal „ sTr-i' S 'r™’° Te i , o C " oni,w *‘« ‘‘"fner of the .North Common. Allejrhe-,, hall, parlor. f<K,m *" d on ‘*‘l floor Four room, or -'n --nry, wiut * tmiSht-d junc r»«.(.«ion to be had immefcntrlv Inquire of " p ”_. B_':iV r ENBEBGER. o 7 Front .t A PKOO * D HAND STEAM ENGINE mrood run /A mug ordei,-I melt eyiiudrr, jn men boi r*. 4f ju l • 3B m ? h ”'" d *«"e«:r. fly wheel 21 r-pv. Al*o. one line of shafts. £3 feet loo*. 2* niche, i;. diameter, with drums, one upright «»• Enquire of MATTHEW SMITH. No 4« H&b £j | FOR SALE. 4 FARM.austeontheN W . bank of the Ohio nt "■. *[:"“*• m,,e " below Pittsburgh, coniamta*22B acre., late the property of John M Hood, deceased. And known as “Sale Landing ’’ 1 IJIf er * n r # a Da ' r,d J Hood ’ the premise., Wm M. {£ i*. A .teghenj. and the undersigned in the citr of I hiiadelpltia lebl-fcneod CHARLES GILPS. T. Valuabl. Real R.tau Tor Sal. “ >!F. following property m the city of Pilibtmh and near the borough of Maochramr. on the oliJ "‘J'iS "J; ,•-■'■-..nwl.u.x ..™ K of ih. c.iy of Lliiburgb., lmUrin.“ n'S" 10 one bcre Loir froiuni* on an Avrnuf, * ,- Mt ' ,f ° ra c Ohio tire, Bt , nmiift Phillip* • i >i Cloii, Factory. For ieim», enquire.- o; OIAKI.RS li SCl’I I Y or JAMK>* O’HAJtA, Hurlce’« Huildinp. 4th m*.' " v . vV 0 ! } Ab * rt Y Street for Leu*. ( )II'K ;' fr ; ,rn '" UU , ,A ••*'«>• -‘reeuhv HOW, V' ’ Hrr ' vr n neitrly opposite Went su-eei » , n r,S, r , ° “* Mw 1 n «"*»*«ebi nvrr. urili Ik- leai.l cu .or n term <*l y-ar* Enquire of CHARLESB SCCLI. Y.Ct Ir ,, or JAMES O’HARA, Burke's Bunding. -t;*i Vtlnable Property for k«i. ] N THE NINTH ward ok nrj’SBUR l *H - Sev 1 «*r?kl I/oia on Baldwin aM j L, ber # L ,“‘j" Will H »rJ, ;M lee, by luo, and ailiarem ,i._ . ' ° 1 , depot or the Central Kmlroad. For term* timT/r** m CHARLES B SCULI V ~ or JAMES O’HARA, ' ' Burke # Building, 4Ui *t TO LET. l *l A P nl nelf ’ o,k reasonable term*, to food tenants. srx comfortable two *tory Brick pwellmjf*. with cellars, vault, «„,! back build mg*, situated on Robinson und Craig «trecu. Allmriu. ti i akkrl), - U Ib;rJ or|K..,lr Si i:h»rlr. || Olci STORK TO LET, Urick lioiimiig 0,, \v..o!i S 't'i 11 FOR SALK, o :, .r.?fenr.*j.';'r c -* ■n j"pJ,To'«u'»"i'„y wYw.J.. No « \v„„l'.|- Prop.rty In city f„ r B »„. ' rt Hr. suhs< nl.'cr* offer for *aJe a number of choir* 1 Lot*, tituair in the Sen,ml Ward, routing on th* Loinchoti ground, on ea*y irrm, itim,,,, „/ W O'H. ROBINSON, Any „ s, Cm „ •VtMtJtfT * OW!W '’ X •‘•W** !,EVr TO '.Kr-A ... Bnck Dwei.ine, with 0* acre* highly improved Laud, iituutcd m Oakland. , u w f ro ' ra u \ A , HARDY, JONES A Co, c 44 Water street M FOR RtLNT-For one to three year., from the first of April next, a largo two storied Imck Dwelling House, plev'uilly -Hunted on the bank oi the Ohio nver. adjoining the l-orougn or Manehes '.“V'” bn.llinj., „i,„ trees, Ac Ac. Apply to I"* JAMKs * nrriTliauN' ACo To Let. MA f.AR(,E and w-:; fi m .hed Room, *erond fiot,. on the corner of Worn! and Third -treet* aoove me Exchange o ,licc „r u m H Wiiiiaou r.,-'e'.ii.ii given smmedtuuvy. Inquire oi •“ i . _ .M'GILI> A RUE !P4 Liberty- *{ Lots In Birmingham for 8&1*. r TT,r" , 'V'’* r ' “ t »«w V "V deetrabie ! 'be Huroußb ~f Hiram.*! hnm I ” u Qr lrcl from, imii mo [cc 1 dofp lo » 20 (tc, «Uoy. Title lom.puiabte. ei.o . pomo„ only ti the purchase money require.! •■me o' .ale r or further particulars, anpiy u> . w> N^M - BAKKWKi.L. Aitoi-.ey a: _. llp .'. , *r w Bancwei. f Biuicuijjs Oraai it MTO LET—A iarire Irak Owe; ulg ~Ho'u»r. Mltabte for two farm *i«*. „.uute,l ot» Fclerai ttnrel, AUeghenv, Mr i.ruven . lo re if. l i;k. r I.iti'ny •••.. ir iuj TW °^.°. l ! fnßs ASB'LOTS POH SAi.iL MrUOLor> O.i U<«vrr -;rfr. 10 :r.e ntT of A..-jii»c'.y. at*;v r ;• r u >r>*M ■ orninon.v on whicn I> r frC'.ei- a iflUi*.. u.i.l.T, a ) niiUU»it» ' ° ! 'I :i- /u- rwratv ,Ml t» ironii-y .•:••• itdiitSf' •» a*,-,. .vu2 ru„ t>~A .o * street lorry :r<: wsoe Ihe J.m..lin»« on ;he ~f « m.-th wi.l pay a \ r-v lin:.4v>mc m- ,nv C M meat, and t.u ,w- u ; -o ,i ,„ rap ;o , ca , h . Apply to H >;.rr. u : t.t jk's l' > „no "S!? 9 .... KAVACo Mil RENT. TilK • il'V >• oj-T' or fr--• -Of ;ne i rrrn ~, ,liS.i>nc o; iwrrimv j n f, iwo »tory Owe.,,':* I|„ u ., . -Vooms a.M kucnon Inert ;» a o c:o. ; ... .j ».•:«» o( hue youn* iru;, :r-r» o: cj kind '* 4.1- . i-onncficd with the home To any prruna wuh' a dciwmful friulcucc wiihi/i a !>W mjtiuir* ride or ijir City, th.s wi,: !•.- a ’-tinner F<>r which wi.| (•« iow to 4 jroocf tenant, inquire ut Mr Jno near ihc premise*, of John Watt, comer ct Hand and Liberty fircc-t*, or of octa*-!/' FOR BALK,' T KN ' U , ITS ' W '■>' >nu«led on 11,0 h,|iho, ““ ““lo Norm Common, ill tile Kuril* Vivi J'.xtriiMuu. Term* £7(IQ ca«d JAMKs* Robinson ' • , . u '" oil ROBINSON. ■ ni'liMSSn Drfirr. KirliHiiife Bumlm**. St ('‘mr n A 1 i' 11 ' 1 lT„k. JY lown'lup, about liv- miirii from l’iu«l.ureli con I-mupi; VMI arrr.w.lh lb- allowsß.-r of " "" Rl'Bl.\S<iN. Amirwy M KxrUautft* Hui,dmr« Si Ciair tl Up 1 J I 111 Bcolch Bottoln L&adrorSalc. r l'hN ACK.KSOF I.AM),.,i„»uml m iVrl.ic, 1.. W, J «ui|>. on Hie MoJioiu.'alirln. Utfee umr« irom Puu •urirli 111 lon i u ,uil pui.-iia —r. Fur j.ani, U.llf. i,. H \\ j. ;,i lir lo A >V ASHIN(,TON, ■lyr. itlijvr Siuillifi«l«] ul WAKl.itul >K ri>|;>A[.K -Hip-ntM-nbcr n»t ».*ir ;bf •i.iry brit-k Warebouue c/i Wood »ir> ci, J hv K Tanner frt'o «pl" U\| WiJ.^o.N.Jr YAl.l ABI.K KKAi. KSTATKu.S I'K.NN STKKKT KiJK ?AI.K - A J.ot Oi (■ fi.ui,J M.uair-(III Pent, «irrci. hnwrM May tuid M«r>.ury »trcru. mlioumi* Uio hou.r sii.l rot now oi-riij.icd by Kirfmrd Kd wanla turnin' u | poni of tSV feet. ami 1:1 depth |yu Icet. wtll In-' »oi«1 on uvorat.c term* Title uncirppnonaii'lr j-j,. SUfiif <■ o UH»MIS .Mb «i,i.ear Wood ocltSl-dU A DESIRABLE Building I,ot i n Alitrbeny eiiy fa /V vorably located, m mzi: about Ij:i’i an acre., nmi •' ..i l.e »t>ld on ar conunodnun t term* Imj titrr of J 0 \\ ILI.IA.MJt, ltd wood »i Ktiß RENT—A room .i» the necoud .inrv. No Ratal »> ood (treet )Q -/o A CARD. liiHN KEI.LV X CU.. |»uccesi*ori to Rot,!.. Wine- ' brrntr A uo.. laic ..Mcrekitiii Tailor*.) No lot* '■ III*J»TNUT Street. , Tntrd, Philad-ipi u .s, l.e •'■“Vc to inlorm their and {nilron* Lftit'i', r \ l\ r Zu, t ZV' t ' 1 u l c ,u, "“ SPR,NC .MMKftir, fAMIIONN with a »-*ortmci.t of \rw Sfl« ’ <*<XJDS, comprums Cloi;.. fa*.,ujrrf* Y>f*ire« £ r »t every dee.-i.ption- a; wh.rh ur- „( t|,n r .iw,. ifn '' Donation, having ben. -c>rtrd m p ar „ . Loudon, ' Stranger* vinting I'n-la,:. .ph..,. Ilr e r<**n,-eiful ly iiivited to call a; .1 rtarn.m- Lock nirtaioOin Greenwood Uardeo. ff’HiS delightful Summer Retreat >■ t . 1 r*,.' P |.o„ .1 •i.M.rv 1,,- , ,„ m friiil/Nuli every evening 1 * '• ° cl * .„?4“ C " J "" ».nl rlcscil t>„ ..JST “ f ;h ' '*"«« «•"*-w ,hon- A large <•<...eriMin oi the >• more. • ~ . .. n„a. c Uni.,.. .„J I‘tir now -leainei THUS set IT Twill t... , i ... J MeKAI.N u * I [JILTEa(BEROKR «■»*. k» r r r, l ov.J'°r'v r ;"" 7 , ;" J , and Sinitlificfd nrmt* 1 ‘ c '^ lwrcM _ GBO.W. Smith 1 r„o!„ R n M U,e ‘' JL no^ longer any eoanccuon .ate c*iai><ub> mem In Penn «reei,knov»,i a * . Ur p IU , t ..«r*i- tirewery. nnC t?T^.“ Ved ‘ heil *tuue oua.a«« =« «»* »*UINT HHKWKHV. m Ptu «i r irrle-d v> T CAHFIELO, (late of Wimn. Onto ■ r omiai*. Y • »Wn aod Forwar.titg Merman;, and wisoloiale , e *^ cr tn "’e**crn Rc»erre Chee*e. Butter. Pot and Pearl A»b. and Wrurrn prudtfer r-netHlly. Water jtrect, between Smtibfield »;>d Wood. Puu'nirjh apS Clerk \Vmated. WANTED- A Young in a wheleaala Ml | f8 * lei! Drr Goode Store Apply at eg Market at * meh2ftdt t ;j i DIL WORTH k Co David ueelkjl~ At a rerj- low Rent. For SaJ*. THF.O F WRIr.HT FOR BALE. For Bale,
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