ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CARDS. A KMSTKONG & CHOZWI, I'ommimion Merchant* /V uml Dealer* i'i Produce, No Si! Market street r I'll L *f. ir r< li doer* •• KI MirieLu W. k Hal*. Ml ri|IKIHI,I)A MAYS*, Wholesale dealer* In Dry I > Crew—riri, Boots, Shoe*. Pittsburgh nt3nu ii'K-d ■iriiclf'. kc , No fciO Lilierty street. Pill* UK*,*. 1 4 asttiait BKirEB HKAI-N A RKIT«R, Wholesale uud Retail Drug ri.ri..-r i»i IJbrfty ami St Clair street*. |M«.* 1 *'r.h. I' > mayl 1 • ! l>K*t*..K. I S 1. BROWN l>R<n\.\ 4- tTr.BKfITSON\ Whole**!*- Gro.-f' I> a.u3 i\,ninn*<,ori Meii liam*. No US, Liberty *t piti'i-iticii ;*.i 1 j ( ic«m L) A FAHNKSTc MIR A Co.*> ami Kr f). till Druqgi*ti, corner Wood and 6thj«t*. J? 1 H-.iiALKV k SMITH, Wholesale GrcJcrr*. H and AJ Wood «l reel Pittsburgh / * A MrANU.TV A Co, Forwarding ami Cout uu.--.Mon McrtbanL. Canal Basin. Pilisburgli Pa. iucb‘2 W« Jt irv uMM I. * JA*» J. BKSNrtT. I.'NM.IMI A UKNNpTT- (laie Knclisf'. Gallagher lj 4 Co ) \\ holnale Grocer*. Lotnuusih ■ and For. v wariimo Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce .id Pitts burgh .Maooiai uirci, No. 37 Wooyl *l., Weiwcc - <tl uml hi rtrcel*. hflll GF.ORG K CuL 1 IRAN, Comnuanon and Men Uunt No. 20 woodatretL joyi. Hi.Ki- (»ucee**or to Morphy A L**,) Wool Deal , r; ami Coumnsioft Merchant, for the Mile of American Woolen*, Liberty, opposite sth «i. fet»l7 w* mum, Baltimore. *. J. SUCakua, KDWAMV lIEALD, ) J. . A O. C. jVCAJtMoa, JOIJ7I A. WALKtH, J 1 m,aOA HJvALD &TUJCKNUR, Tobacco Commission Jiler- Chanw, A 1 North Water »i. k 10 North Wharves, novfW-tf ISAUII DICKtI, RO&RHT DlCSB3 v «t, | SAIAH DICKEY A Co„ Wholesale Grocer*. Coia f. mission Mfcrcrwnis, and dealers in Produce, N 05.50 Wliter. Bnd 107 Prom street*. Pittsburgh. novt? JOHN WATT, l*occc**of to Kwalt k. Gebbart-j Wholesale Oro<-er and C-ommt**ion .Morctmm. dialer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, cor ner of Liberty nnd Hand streets. Pittsburgh Pn. jafftf JAMES S McgUIRE, (late of tb*: firm of Atgeo and McGuire,) Hurnhant Tudor, Si Laurie* Building*. Hurd street, uear Wood, INnal-urgi. JAjtIKS A. HUTCHISON, 3c. Co —Succciwor* to Lewis Untcliison fc Cu. Commission Merchant*, snd Agent* of the St. Lout* Steam Sugar Rehnery No. 45 water an 1M front streets, Pittsburgh. JS. DILWOUTH A Co., Wbolesule Grocers. Pro • dure and Commission Merchants, and Agnus i«u the Hazard Powder Co of N Y., No. 27 Wood st, Pittsburgh. jai* JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale Druggist, and deal* v r in Dye Studs, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Ac . No. tbi U ooil street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Puu- Lurjgti janl JAAli'lS Kl-'JUL Jr., A Co., (succc«M»r to Joseph G. Davis,) Ship Chandlers, 30 Water street. oc.ll JOHN H MF.LLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Munr alid Musical inrlruinents, Sehooi Boos.*, Pu|-.-£, Slates. Steel Tens, Quills. Printers’ Curds and 3:imohat?ifciierally,No. bL Wood st, Pittsburgh. bought or token m trade. _ seplS JSCHUONMAKKR & Co- Wholesale Drugguis, • No *24 Wood strcclp Piuiburgb. 1 GHN D. DAVIS, Aucdirnccr, corner6th and Wood streets. Piftsiiurgh oct-i JtrHNSi'tlN A STI>CICrON. l’rmicri and Paper Monuiucturer6, N<>. H Market *t.,^’!lU burgti jnri iohn ruitu, atcHASn runs. JA IL FLOYD, (lute J. Floyd A Co-) Whole*aic a trfoeer« ; No IU2 Liberty «r« iH. trpJ I AAli-Al Wholesale Grocer, Cintniii»ifiii M AliucbajiL tuid dealer ui Produce uml Ihuiburgb Manulneiufri. No. 24 Wilier »t., Puuburgh. jaulti XIKH A Jt»N>St. Forwarding and Commission Met i bsiiU, Dealer* in Produce uml Pittsburgh mauu (•.nured nrifi'ie*. Coual Basin, bear ?lh »L d2l Voiuvlut Iron Work*. LFWJS, DALY.t2.Lk, Co., manufacturers of all sl ice Bar, Steel, Boiler Iron and Nail* of the ucsi ■pialil) Warehouse, M water and 106 front at ,anl'> I BSV ATRKMA-N, Wholesale Grocer, Forward iur and Comnussioa Merchant. Dealer in Puts burgb Manuiaeturer and Ptodure, Nos. 31 Water si., and Cl Front• yr; jottri s c.LL jas. o. jCarLL. waltkb t. tnja- Mc( SILLS A ROFi, Wholcsule Grocers and Conum*- *’on Merchant*, No. 104 Liberty *l, PiUsbrfrgh. Mb RPH V, W LLsON A CO., (lute Jones, Minphy A Co.) Wholesale Deaiets m Dry Goods, No 4S Wood stre-t, Pittsburgh, nov22 “• iu.Lt, a lex. msuct, ws. a. Maici. * M ALLEN A Co., tTonnaussion and Forwurdutg hlorchonu, Water and Front su,, berwccn " ood and hlnrkri Att jauni Mwa *iLLra, c. w lucsirrsoN. ILI.KR A, RJCKJ-ri'SON, Whole-saie Grocers uml i.oiiuiiisrion MercbanisJVo lTt), Libcrry st_ Pittj bor K h, Pa. _ ■ jattl^ UOLMRS A SON, No. 66 Market *eVond i.l « door irora corner of Fourth, dealer* in Foreign and LHinicsue Bills ofKxchaiige, Ccrubohiesol Dcpos •i bank Note; amf Specie. C-/ 4 ollection* mnd on all the principal eiturs ihrouyiiouube Dotted Slates. dec 17 f>OHKRT MOORIL Wholesale Grocer, Recuf>ing JLI/ Injiiiivr, dealer ui Prodoee. Pittsburgh Mainline. iun-*,_arMl oJI kinds of Foreign and Dootedtic Wines end Liquors, No- N Liherl? suftm ./ka-Jcand-Ajeert *i\~ m ui'iv'JTl’sf SAisuat. a. aoßiiiiiotri J\ , r . bo , W tiole«nlc liroctrs, i’roduce . . v i, J Co ! mf ‘ IMlu " Mercbanu, «nd Dealers in Piu»- * rgh ilauufacturc-.. No u-u Liberiy su, Pitubureh. —' _ jaulb UUhKKi DALZbXL A Co., VS anlcsaie "Grocer*, J.L Couimijuon and i or.vardtng Mertmunu, dealers tn Product- «uid Pitiiburgh Munufactures, Linenv n J ici/mT pc.irr A. CIINNIKHHAM. Wl,„l„nle Gm„. u. m. jimiuji, - I-? 1 J ' onvar,il ng and iroinmcMoi, J.V Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade deal erv in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Moiiutuer-rei and i blonde ot Lime. •It- tall lien pros.., in oui, paid m all timtn for conn . ' ,B P* oi Pena and Irwin ate. janZJ C.MHH A. JOHNSON, Wholesale andßeud Dcalen kj n. ALiiiuiery boodiv Lace*. Hosiery uii Fancy AriK lcr, .No. 10 Market street. Jd door above Tiiinl »i Pu.j.l,urgh ' t* 1. IHtCKLJCTT. TUO3 ft WUJTK QIIAIIkLETT t WHITE, Wtroleaolo ikofor. In kj r«rr ign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. W Wood *i <«u.-t»ufgi,. feblW ' O * '' • lIAKBAL’GH, Wool Merchants, Dealers VJ* in Fmur and Produce generally, and Forwarding and UmuniMioa Merchant*, No. 54 Water st PitL- L-orgh. ■’ BMJT l i, BAGALEY~A Co., Wholesale Grocer* an'* Produce dealers, No S£l Market street, between 3th and da, North side, FJihaOclplmi. DOV 3 r - ~rrr joijci .vicncut, minn .«rr, Vl-.U.Kltri h NPJOLS, Produce and General Corn- O m;«str*ii Merchants, No. 1? .Liberty at., Pittsburgh- Sperm. Lmared ami l.anl Oils SF VON BONNiIORST. ACo. \\ hoie.-ai* tjro « cera, Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, ueuler. in Pittsburgh Manufactures und Western Pro duce, have removed to their new warehouse,(old aiand) ”?ov7 Cwrocf Df * , ' ro,lt * L aaJ Chancery Lane. * J rtoTji, y tcort fJ'HOTH & SCOTT, Wholesale and Helen dealers in J. Boots, Shoes, Tranks, Carpet Bags. Ac, si W w o rner ..i Mb and_Snmhfieid su. Pittsburgh, Pa. ;al (|\AHSF.\ A BUST, Wholesale L*;ocers and Corrmu*- J. sum Merchants, and dealers ut Produce. No. i« v\ ood .t. Piu«burgh. p .»j ltViivliHi-, » osriß srcaJiDUfri. W *Vv *t H’CANDI-ESS. (successors lohtJ.D Tt irk.) t\ hoiesale Grocers, Forwarding and -* 11 " 1 1 '|“l*ua'h ManulMiure. ifeiuirajly, hutaA W'\| T . “ OW ™-Co.»nu«„„ and Forw.rd,,^ N ” M F ™"‘ ■*- >»>*««» w«- . W Z s >'" ‘'on- .nil Mill Fomi.ti e*l»Mi»lui«in, N„. a« Liberty il, nfeer die. WJ. i- W.uibe. • « Silver Ware, Military (roods, Ac, No. 67 Mar ... _ nov7 WK. MUBPifS Wholesale and Retail dealer in * VST 1 *? and Domestic Dry Goods, north east corner or Markei and Fourth fts. augXl wk. tintm* “• ' JJio7 iTmW»« " WAI. V OIING A- Co Dealers in leather hides, Ac _ Ifl Liheriy st -MnA-ly ww. M'ccraixos. '*oar**nifcn«oj»- WJ AK. M-CUTCHKON, Wholesale Grocers, dea- Vf • Irrs m Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Pin*, burgh Manufactures generally, 16a Liberty u, burgh. dcca WVV. WIL6ON. Watches, Jewelry. Silver Ware, • and Miinary Goods, corner of Market and Mb ctreetß.PiUsh.argh, Pa. N. B.—Waiehea and Clock* carefully repaired. dec4 "lIMLi.IAAI SMfIH, Mamtinciurer of Colton and „yy colored Linen, Fringe* fur Dresses, Ac ; Hewing Silk and colored Cotton Fringes for silk and gingham PttrcsoU. (imip, Mohair, and Hilk Bullion Fringes, outdo to order on the shortest notice. Stork, comer of Maiden Lane and William, entrance No t-A William, street* third floor, over Abuer A Elys l tts.Alniden Lan» New Vork jyio ’KM Amij-IW WIJjUiN, Portrait and MiniaturePain iy*- ter. Rooms, corner of Post OUice Alley and Fourth street, entrance on 4th near MurkeL dccft-dlf. JOliN M. TOWNSEND, Druggist aad Apotbeeary, No. 4A Market si., three doors above nurd st. Pitts burgh, win have roiitiAiuly on hand a well selected as best and tresbest Medicines, which he OO l^e moat resrouablc terms. Physicians onl crf) W ill be promptly attended to, tend «np* —itVpi *!? cW lhe V “*7 rely npoit as genuine. TL'rniC. r“^ da . n * Prescriptions will be accnnUely and He day^ofrii*^^ lll 81 Bn T uf AI.O for , |„ t , tloc , of rmh ind good Pcno • jnnl USKSTI CT' oFFrjsiTE KBMLNUwiI.K7sB bK<;H Burial , rrjula, u„U ,W *"' *> N.-B—Drawing, f or inonumenu, vaall*. Ac furnish- IL T. Roberts, if.’ij ; - - -- aublt.hmtiii for ilia iraaunci,! of di-a.-* of Hr „ r roue for sevural year*. ’ ■hd residrnce, corner of Sauda«ky »i and jlrawbern- alley;. Allegheny e,iy. ..-lin PERIN TEA STtUIKr -No. 7*2 Fourth th, near Wood—All quKnutn-* m brrru and HKSb Black Teas, done up in quuri-'r. .'mil. and n pound packages, ranging from GO rn |>er i>ouml ■ • D-4 A. JAkNRB, Apt. for Pekin IV-To 1.. Independent Police Office. 0-103 FOURTH STREET.—Commuting «arn “*tc» Atwcaitan Snsr Cbiet of Police, Rohmo jalO-dJu, THE PITTSBURG! MILT GAZETTE. CARDS TIIuUAJ f KSSHIT JR ' will H ,uv\| g tLKNNKDV * SAWVKH, IIKiKING tiI.ASS .Manniai-tttrer.. W ru,ii., n l«- j ■!. jl«-ri nt li'r-'v.-n r*'d ih-meiin. Vim-ty l,m»U VV«-«lerii men bant*. Pcdai* timi oilier, me mi ned m .-all and r jaiinit the jm.-, and quini v oi n*r «i.M-k . ,i« wrili our pn-iei.i iiicrenwed fucmtie. m manuiai-iur hi; i>-i*l piiri-i-a-.'ie, wc ilimk we cun „dri rreai PKNN 31 ILL. PITTSUCItCH, PA. KI.N N KU\ , ClIIl.|)> A ■'(>. Muitufitcurer. oi v« r\ • upern.; 4 1 Si,.-« liu»;«. Carj., ; i ),uip. i v iii.ii Twine und Butting jaJO-ly Sprtnr; Axle, Steel and Iron Works. puLLMAN, lIAII.MAS A <'o. m.mtifii<nu»«n oi l-oni-ti and t, ,jii:c Sj.fiM**, Iluiniiiered A.M-* Mimng Und Ploueh Mcel. Iron. A- V\nrei.«UM- on V\ iter ajid Front «iirn*, Pi::»i,urgti. Almj, dealer* inj Cimt-n 'l'raniinnc» and MalieatUc Ca.-iinr* ociid "V’ BICKMASTF.K At.nrKMAN - ttllire. Fourth *t. J.l • third dooi above Sim’.bliriil. muih aide. Convi-yaimine of all kind* .‘.me w-m u,c cure and leg*! :u . urn* > Tith- - te Heai l >inir e i atm nr,l. oclln-1 y WA 31 MITCIIHJ.TKI .K. Wimlcle . ifectif) mg •, ui.J U.ije uad | ~u „ .Merc’nmt* Ai-o. hnp.nii-i- oi >»,da .V»ii rhil M.< a di. i ig Powder, No. Jim l.i.e-::, -n-.-i. Pittiburga I'u •epif UOMK LKAUIK KACTOHV. HAMfL’I UN S I'F WAK I. uiajiu'u.'turer »r Sllirtmgs. I.'tierk*. kr . Kenrc a •’.reel. ( '.)• m A Unslienv. 1.6. jj. • t . PBTTIGUKW dfc CO.. i/Lr,. Jrr rV *TKAM U O a T At; PN T s jgfifflCffitmil U*fil ii AS.IVB M. AULRV& Co —BSaSttl octill No. 42 Ni’ater *tr.-r t IIiSI'RANCE. IX D K UNITY Dif FravUiv Firr Insurance Co. of P/ulaMphta. 7 —blbur;*-* N Banclrer. Tnomas Han. f ' , r o h ,J« Samne. (.ram. Jucnn II Smith. Gee. \V Hicham., Mordecm D Leivn. Adoii.-; , y Bone. David S. Brown. Mom* Pam r«nn .. , ' IUhLK* N Kam'ich. I'reiiOriK t Bunckcr, Secretory Coimnuc to niake n;»ur:iac>-. perjirtuai or minted on every description <it propeity n, mwn or couair,. al .l at £. a * ow n ’' a ' r ccniKi.ient with aecuTilv. To Contjuiny ha» r ,| n largr ronuntmi Fuud. winch w ith their Cupttu. n»<l Premiums *aic,i u;vr*i ed; udord ample urmeemm t>. to.- as.ured Hie Svieu ot the cmpOLv. on Junuiiry Ist. l-Jy. n « r«“jowi e m^ ier * u!y *" ’ *' f A ' vml ' iy - w -- «- Mortgage* *1.047 l> 4 Reali-.ita:- 94.721-1 Temporan- Lean. in; nnt „ Stock* si 52.1 Cash, Ac. • . . d-.,'U4 , Sl.3i-.4W 71 . :nrc their mcorrortrian. a p.-nod of lu \ear*, ihev •<=ive pnia Uj-wurd* m u.m in.inon tour hundred i'.ou.- •uid dollar*. io*se* ;.y Urc, thereby atforfli tig CVIItCUCC ■ t the advufagr* , i»un*i,ce. a* wel. a- tin- ».i ity und di»poi>mot: to mee( \nu, proiiijiine** all bu'ii J. t.AKDfNFR nOFPI.N. A«- n nmrl-dly t:tb« e N L it*>rncr Wood and u „i„ DKL A WARE MUTUAL INSURANCIC CO. T I >H.N FINN .J r . Agrut m Pittsburgh tor the I K-l- U uwute Mutum Sutet) In.urancc Conmany of Pm »- uUctiijmi hire Ifi.-ki upon bu,..liiif- n:id' mercitand,**- °l i very dr»cn;ilio:;. a.,d link • upon tin i* or earvoe* ot vessel*. Uikt-n the mo*t ! ;c le mis. L »- Office 111 the Warcnou - -t W I? iinlinn k Urn . No J 7 \\ mer. near Murk.-t *in-r:. l'iti>i>unfli N B file imci'i, of tfu» t'ompany *ince tin- r «tab li«hmentot the. Arrm y in i;n* city, wnn Ji c prompt n< «» und iitmraltty with wbn n every claim up.n; them (<>r los* bf<-ii ailju*;cd. ru.:y wurranl tar or, n; n, invtuiig toe eotihdr-ii'-e and patronage ot h.» triem;. an.l tne m large io Ui.: Delaware. M >. Insu rance Compuny, * tn.e u tia.i the uddiUnttai ad van .ugr* ns ho m»U!ut>oii aumng Lie limit tlour>*inng i:i Pjn a.iei. jxna—a* imvnig an amp.c paad-iu cap.ia., wlneh : > the oprmuoii ot its charter 1* eonstautlv iiL-ren_-u •* ) trldtnf to ciich rwo.i insured hi* due »aare i- ? ttu prahts ot the’ company. wiiim-t involving hunt; ai > respouMbihty whittevur, and tncT.-iorc a* p ll .»r.„i! l . the Muiun: pr.ncip.e divr.t. i: r.i ever.- noi.ou- •. «• turc. and n* niun anrio-ni-r i..rin ' i FIRK AND MARINE 1N S I'll AN ClO. I'H K. I'lsur.utce Cotnpai-.) ot North Amenca. tmouch it- dtt.y iiu;hoft/cd Agent, the *UH«inher c,rt r* n, make permtinetit and minted ln*urun-e prop-, v this my und kn v.c-:..i>, .ntd on -hipinetiiv t . 11, • r. • ital and Kjvcri. ' DIKKrtMRS. 1 Arthur G l oltni, Charles Taylor, Sam I W. join-., Ambrose Wwurd Smnli Jhcoo M •1-1101113 John A. Brown, John R Neff. John \\’hile, Richard I) Woo.;, Phoiua* p bmpe, \v vWnfl Samuel F. South, 1 ran.o, Hoikc-n- Samuel Brook*, Au*tm Alhbo.. AKTULKo COFFIN. Pr. ct J 1 *NAT D StntHKkKU. >*:c » line 1* me oldt-ii liteuniiirt t'oinpnny 111 the 1 inted Stsio*. having been chartered m in<4 eharn-r 1. perjwtuni. and ttoiu u.yn • .jk.lii,* ,o<.< ample mean*, and avoiding 1.1 ri.k.'olvtn cairn baz urdoui rharaeter it n. «; t>e r»i:,u*n ,1 *, oderm am pic lei uray to tile ooblH \‘>- JoS. v At’.h-. Counting ({.mu: of Atwood. Jour. At o . Ho ler .uni Front -ip.-ei- Pat-nurvt: m>y6 FIHK A SD MAliiNlS INStUA.NCK. I’rotrelion Insuranre to. of Hartford, Cun n. k -UHAHTtKI.I) IN CfA J'ITA L* f.JAI Jll ;i>~uo*t- aMi SL RI I.Lr* ' uaiicfi<i£i)c*J, Jja Vi.iu t»ej;u <J * f y t*nirar. tiOC U 3 r* ri Vr i. n»u] n I. u KA ' i:rr K IiKOU N • "hr.-. No lar Wooa.urrl r J ’HR' J*UBi<CJUB}-'K :iui !>e«ii appnimnl A<r<r wo X If m I*ubf ln«ara:u I* dompHin utNorn Amm. 1M „ 0.1-.1,. A F r,.r; „| Joi „. t C" ‘ftS "» V .HIM s CHAULKs k. DASKSHOWKK** CO* tobacco comainssos juskuhamts No 5U 5..0U1 Whsrv-, ■ .1 No 11: u.„ 8..,.. ‘ -i-Ptil A tx.> 10 111 lorn, in- 1 i.Uburgtl.fhl.Uli.-) . .v. iihulf nii.-ti Hrra-ifri irnl* w-iih Uw \ .rgliitn i».hiu,:b. .nr.-r- and ‘he Grow tin- We«t. M eet Indies. ~:U , r * *“*' f -VT- ajid constant ot me m.n.wU.e de.''‘r“p r Uorisof l obaceo, wh,.-|, w,;, t~ sold up« m u . modanne trim* a* am otr.Lt «..»u*e m m.. or win-rr. and nil good* orderrC f:oiu mrin « i c. Vj i rented rqunl to reprcsentaiion. Havana, St Donnngo, tv,,,,, . iVu. I'oho Hi, ~ , . U-d U .l 10. . d,L » * Blond*.) u c „, AL O—BraiTcli * r*-.-gruled Ar&umue Htug fh.-cn *• “'‘i' 1 a 1,1 /y c k«*oniseut 01 other popu.-ar bruml*. , oiid r, 9 ef pounds. s*. i*. lt>* and aa», L m. t *. 0, »< and 10* Plug; Ladm*' Taisi, T*Jt At **ert and plain, in whole und t,« : ; i. ujr , • und tm together with every variety ot article be ong u*g to the. rm«. - KIM ) U OOL., KJLOUR AND PROJDt’CK. L y ill A iH, KE K D & 10.. .**, *.-i S . u 5 c, '* , ' ,r " u * Hv'J- Hurd A t o i GRiNEItAL COMMIKSIOA M KRCHA.NTS ~ , BOSTON. MASH. I art r U ar attem.oi. paid to u.e *-.e «,r .. , h.n.:. of Pro ftree. „„j „beral udvaace* made on rou„ r , im[ -r - g. K. A Ui, have ieav« to Mr««ra R. Robi-on A Uti / McGill A Rn c . / Puts! urgli Rrdd, Park* A Co . Ib-uv-r “ Lawson A Covode. uvjgvi lC O Bo™-., 111,,.!,. E..| ~ f*. Brady, E*q | Messrc R Craugk V a Gill A Stout, j __ dci gT . Binigejrort, Q. : JOHN A. SHAW,' PACAKK OF PORK and BFFF j Commission sicrcbant aad Forwarder rr __‘ S ’I-* 4 HT.CINciNNATI.OHIu ’ ,C7* Particulurjfiteiilion paid to lie purcha.,,-*- of ofnuy artjele of PToduce in Uii* market a.1»o i., il,. forwaiibuc of generally. Heler to Mi *.is. Jolffl ( !Swa*ey A (h>. i r» ‘VMP* 4 eCmcmnau. t) S Es<|. j L.j.rmeou-jKLo. -v Kier A Jsm*/& J-Piusbuxua, Pa —l.. 'maAi.irn fcKOftOE COCHRAN. CommUslon Mstl Forwarding; Merchant. C, , hr* 'Jo.WfMD rr , nrnv(i»*ii ONTTNUBS to iraiuact a general Communion r>u*i !>*•»«, especially m the purchase m,rl sale of Aiaen ■:a.i Manufaetares an.l Produce, and m rcee.vinr w.d 4 i o, ‘* , ‘( ncd » his care As Agent lor ‘ no ‘ a Ctore*. be will be con*tajilly supplied with I * , ,tUl. U r s h H.,. U f«T„„ „„ ° rt "- “" i CARD. »s-. will, iii-o/.iii., C “"«'1!"""||'1 I".'l -in - »r»zz^yz:;.;zr Au “■ „ - , G wuo^g 8 E A L A k o ß ul&K ß at’ KOIUVRIIMIi COMBISSIOS DIEECIiAftT. Iron, N»ll«, Ooi»o2 l; r Pltoburirh JUiuiabcCDrc. g.n—.liy urKh . 111 ,*"»• T '*'" rmn«.i/ , „ HIKULKII, UIIOTiIKHM * , ~ COIvfMISSION MERCHA*j’x<s FIUI.aLH.LPIIIa * ,NTS 1 For the »a)e of Produce generally mr l**bef«l adru/w es made on eonsien,L )»‘J4-.IA wCmT * * n '* TranaportaUon toihs k»*i I*OKSKV k COFLAiV, Commissiou Sad Forwarding Aecnii Cl M IJaK'IXiN, Pittsburgh, w.l; . p r „.' lt , ... going (*• h 1 4ilitni lr j; i R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer anA VmltT m b'orngn anA Ui inssttr Saddlery Hardware k Carriage Triounian. No. 133 Wood stn Pittsburgh., p t . Jst bow receiving hl» !?prui|{ *«pplf ot </.*ods, n.d invite* the attention ol Siuldh- r«, Coach>ruti. r « i.ird Merchants to hii stoc£ li ha* been bone fit upon thr beat ternw. fruih thi*'J>e»t toured, and ],* tJ>«rcfore fccldconfidenl of bchigahleio ufford v iti*/acn<«i to all wjjo hjrtt With n call me. h37:dl>rn I~io’ AND PIUILAB S_S»n„ 1 Jonsaoa, 46 Market *i/eet ,wishing i a c(o*o iiie.r stock of Variety Doodi previous to tlieir removul, will sell at wbolecalfi their stock of Comb*, Dutton*, .Nee die*, Threads, Pius. Jewclyy, Ac., ut co* i. S 1J will reiaove on April 2d, to Notts Market sg iuch/7 *.L lusaj.’ 'V»s. f. nijtrv JtINEH A Co., (sucre** ors to A**i">d, June* A 1*0.) Cnthcijsiunn and F'jrwn nljng .Mn chiuus,* in Pittsburgh .Munu rsetut eil Good*, PuialmrirU. Pa. * _ ,„chv; Patent Moda Auh. V 7 rwtkfrj) Ja» Minor »tt A Son** .... , r *"” >«c‘Jpe, steamer Hrook'lni. und lor , '’ y „ W A M MITCH'RI .TREE, No; 0b puberty si LAW OFFICES, WM. TLMBLLN. ATTORNEY AT LAW,* Hirtltr. Pit WILL ■ l«o murid tn ajllcvtiotr and all mii^r ue«'rntruttril tohim in Butler *r,«l Aun-tr.m< roujilic<v Pa Rrfer to n J. \ R. PlO>-,f. Liberty «t l w\V WallLPtf, j,/ I J»nir« Mar«hall d () Pm«h«ri'h ‘»lr Kiy A t o , NS <„i,i . a ., : 7 It LI I ZLR, Attorney □! nfli.-r ;.t - ■ ft . «W»*. I- M. Cl, nrlr. Hnrtrl, Pm.l.ufrh i aupi.,l to Colter uoti*. in Wa-ini.eii.ii. Ft\ .-Mr H':d lie'll .'uUllbf*, P« „ KKKKR TO riiark»U)rk. |U-,| A(«, . ) n.urrhA Ci.folb.-fk. ' Cpm-t.ur t h Ifc T Morgan. ) J UF.Ntn , Atlornev mij Conn, .-.•nr ±J, Ciiirmnau, uiuo t ol,«i t,on- i:i '-di.:t>rni ( »'•<! in m K.-iiiui-kv nml i <r.- alirinifO :n Coniui:«»ionr' hi ili*- *»iuif o( IVini *-lviuua, lur iVjKiMin.ii*. i.-iii iU' iit*. Ac Ac KKKta Ti>- Mon Win It. •II A Son. <'un* riiuf.-li A Win Hay*. K><| . Willwk A Daw* .UM£S K. KKHR, \rroßNfn AT oifii-.* rrmov«->l i.i i'our'h I'rtwr«• 11 Siii.iiilii-iiJ mi«l (11 jiii -ip-t-: ja.l-iiJm M'NU'P, ; lUKtU’i'l KVWII.L I \l NLOP A SFWKLI„ aitomry at Law, oifire* on -1 ' Simthfirlil. I>rlw»*rrj Jd mill 4th »:« Jt)H NJI RA.NKIN, A ttorn»*v amt • ami rotnmi*«>oni > r tor tlir State ot Pr.Tii*flvama S’. Lout*. Mo . Ilnl«. ot Pin«tiur*b.) Pki kkkv w> Pittsburgh: Hon W Forward. liuinp ’•o:: ft Miller. M'CanUiei.l A MVluri*. John K Pane. Ui.-kpIL A Simple. M'Cord & Kini; ; r|l lv JOHN T. COCHRAN, \TT«iRNKY AT LAW. lour; Stnitbhrid tuul Grant W2H. C. FRIEND, A I'LAW, Fourth rtnrei. near l,mm jalr.ilv H HOBI.NStiN, Attorney si l.nw hm re * T - moved hi* otlice to the Eicnange Buiidinpe. St C s.r «t . next door to Alderman John-.. upiT’v HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE IIATsI fa% THK »ut>»critier. m addition to tin own q. jffl manufaciurtng of Hnt*. ha* made arrange- Jgg wall Mr«r» ib-tiee A Co . uhe ftiehionaldr hatter? of the cay o! New y,, , uiariupioyoi In* extru fine Mi. k Hut*, and imvingiu-t rece.ved u few ca»e«. Rentlcincu can be mited wti'h u very rich und 'n-aatitV'bat 1 y cC.K.g m hi* new Hat and Cup Store, SmaliLe'd *trect, ircnnd door of Fourth, where mny be found a great vuncty of Hut* und t do- o; h:' own manufugture. wholcraie and re iru. likts made to orde. on utiort nmn-* . JAMF> WILSON. A 31’CORD A CO., (Successors to M’Cort! k King) Fashionable Hatters, Corner nf Wuoti and Fijtn Street.*. PARTICTI.AR nt'.r.iliiiM paid 10 our Retail Trade. (Iciitiemcii car; r- ; upon ctnrr their lln;* and tap* trom our .•'inb.maaie!.: 01 t‘,e h Ksr n *tls:* i„* ard woEXMANatar of the la run sTti.o nut. h; tin- u>wk*t rntcssi. Cnunt-y Mrrcniint*. pnrehn-mg by wncnr-.H ,- u re r-«pect;u. v .nvaed to Htxl ciamin<- our Stoca. u* we can *uy with conluterice um; a. regard - *t.! rv »:M cEict. a wb. not suffer tri a < otnpanm i w.--, 1, y house 1,1 Ptli.adelplna. len|? HATS CAPS AND MUFFS—The Jg»iib*iTi.MT 1* now ircewmg trom 1 hc&Em V city ot ,\'iw S ork. a cbon-r :i-«or:tii(->it 0: Huu. Cap* i< nd Muff*. Ihi* *t u-n ,o.m, m great vane, ly and very ch<-ap, whoteja:* mid retm: * JAMFS WILSftN. r,ov * ’ Smithbehl «t. 2d door south ol 4ih r± CALIFORNIA HA I‘>-- 12 der whim r r«« ( ifornlu Hat«, ;u.i remvei and mr »aie by «■% M’CoRD A Co. Ltg7 corner sth and Wood -t< PjSPRISO FASHIONS FOR 1*46. B M'CORDACo win introduce on jj Mkrcn Jd, the Spring sty > it HATS ■& 1 ho.e m want ot a neat and superior hat. are invited 10 end m corner of stb and Wood »tre.-i* niur-J MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO TIIE AFFLICTED, Or. Kose's Iclebraifd Remedies. DR. JACOBS ROSE. :ti" ."-•<n-r-r.m l | .M.r j.*., ptiflor »| H.eie mo-t J.opu.itr und h.- ien.-,*. in K i: K-ine*. and 1...0 Hi-- uvniiur in :11c i^.emme,! . n .*ir U . went tor intiatjng t'ic I.ung*. -tie, -.i lir ;l ~u r, . Ltironir di*ea«e. wu. « -lud.-m or Him emu.r -t pi,. eian, Doi-tor Phy«ie. and 1* a gradum* ot the | l\ of Pentiiytvnnia. and tor mini y.-i,r. ur.i-r na l . b engaged in ujr inve*iignu»:i ut d..ea»* and tin eauon of remvdie* thereto Through the u»>s of h:» inflating tut- ,n enr.nei t.un wnn hi* Propoytaetn- r-vrup and other oi Hi* reni.-di--* lie ha* gained Mll Ullpara,- • ' i-llmie, ne ~, l u r,|,y tno»e ilrtfndiul and t»:«' majarti'-* l'uh*T<-u.«r «\.u «uinpOf»'t. Srr«.jtiin. A*:mus Krvij'f wtil di h.. kimls ''firmin' Krv*.:- , i • irjjii a.i! ihu** - oi'«;jrislf Ji-••um'* [**•<• uliaf m •• luileetl rverj lorm i>f iliivn** • ~«-ver\ lorm of . % anirli>' < 'ititirr ttu- u»«> ■I ln« remcdii**. 10 whim liumu my ucir— not in ihe u-«- oi on*-compound wiilv. fur mat i« incorap»uMe with Phytiolapic&l l-aw I'Ui i v ih*- u>* at hi* rmx-- d.r*. u«lnpicd to mid pfc‘rrii--il ror rach pe'-oiiai lorm Dr A iter alive wlirn , rt - , n . variably acknowledged u> tie «U|>frior lo al <»thej *j a purxattre nr liver umiiiucl| ti ihn •*J*_*T ,h » liar prnpertie* aJupwl ic,'frmair i|^r. w « |. M . { ;ha- a i.arr inn: Milhe!-.,! lu nul,;,. # wi'af lii' been m trie imtid* ol liir iuo«t »*«t>U<-ai Tbe lUlllClr.i nrr II: .‘e ' r '' , " f ‘ rir 8,111 »'« ■•fliiirai,!' rnr «ji»* bv (lie to. owiii-r ajri.i- u-i\ r , inroujtiinui Hie munir) * ’ u “ i S'cnooninakrr A(V *4 \v ( „„) s - lr -,, j. , i M r(i'.vn«r-iui ilruaci*:. 4.'> .Mari-t «i 1 1 A Beckham mur me i' (j a ir#he J..« Barlney. Dorlmfinn. liearrrcoomv P. ‘ Jim Klliou. I'jimm V'allr, 1 AmiiUA. Ur .tv r : C'kV.r f, AIN ,NTIIK^K ANJ» - Mh> f« t • V/ KKU U lyr t, nic !..• rl| J, *-xn i *er*r«* pnm in inr , ,1- u lc i .. w*Jl a d;y I wu. .mlin-t-.; V) -i," 7 '•i;a lion ~ia rr.cml, «, l»r o' I f wuf • M.d I mu-l 38)' Ulir mnlici:i- i, n . „ jmr...... admirably Sly d Mt rf«. « k , pr.xlu. rd t,\ , -T'-r- lur[ . ~,-j *m, dirti.- u lf l-ou d .wmlow my lood l.ndr-d I»m ■l.-a.o muMf.avr irrmmatr.i i;unco m p U „ M of . oir ratal dl*<-a«e. lia.i it not l»~m by in,, , u «u, mrtlrrinr To all who ,r c i , 0 pro,*,,, ;Ilr( , UV( !.. I t;. c u,r or Dr. Taylor, Uaf.ani of L.*«- w ”f' , , JAMKSGOWA.V ,-fl B«w, n I fin* facilitate, eipmoration rr.'urr. 't v<*r. trmorr. a„d may i. c eon„.Jrrr<i |~ru>r preparation forth- mr- and prey,-mm,, oi <Wa*e, ;|ir Chr-i and Lu;i*«. am! «tiou.d l,e r -.oi' t-cl la,«y.'!i have rr.Li-d il„. u .„ a! remed.c I n‘the practice ~{ tt,.. okl n-d v ,. rv r.- pliy»ici.Vii, inn ol L.verwort hu an ennable repuiat.o ' nor to that of Uic abunUiu, j Use rbarnrifr und prutm> 1 of quark. m>d empiric V. ' "“ ,l " i,c * «"4) W r£?zzz;.?, ("'ll. from w.-aknr*- ||,W«.,w t -d lotll ill tohfinucd <»:iSUDIJitlCin. I*of »'I ,J U sublet lo the a*tnma. Hh not strinn". V crmoulx &. Andcfon. .aid he 4a* ,m- U rab,p „,.d inun«K,n (lie. \ rt i »|| determined lo try Dr T«v -• or . Balaam of Inverwort. am) .trance a. >: may P«ar. lius medicine has fully restored Inn health wiii o J*OPHIA I.ALLON, M Norioik mreei la Puubirch by J D Morgan. v:j Wood j r..wn» tfl id. M Market st; H, cor Market .ml "*i, l^‘t r T n 4 L '"’ s ‘■"’"'r ,L rnr ' tr> yl-S<i per bottle Jaynes’ Expectorant. SaLKM. Columbiana ro.. U, Apr aJ imi TX R . D. JA YNK». Una* .ee’ £% 4_7 and the aillicted public, to avail myself of m.. op portunity ofs.v-iny publicity to the extraordinary ede, ls »( your Expectorant on ui) seif Haring been aifli-ic] l.n «evcruJ year* with a levetc roucii, been.- iVr-r and r* concomitant durase.. uml .rrnrd only dovia.-d to img.-r out a «hort mu mt»erab,r existence. U nu. tne ot when, brine marc severely attacked an<l liavmp resorted to uli my former remrdio. and ii ( r in scriptions oflwo ol the tuo.t rr.prei*|.|,r physicians m tnc neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few dny» or wcek.'iu farthest—when the last gleam of hope vanish, I bad recommended to me your Kxpocumirr ami blessed by that Being wi»» do.-, all tfimg, use oi the means—and contrary to the axpectaiion- ot my pliysician. and Iricnds. I was m a few duys raised (ram my bed, and was enabled by the use of b bottle to stlrjid to my business, enjoying «ioee better health than 1 had for ten year, previous’ )ow.,ir , j„. ,v. Kr,nj. h,). ra .i,„, 5 ,,, nl u,„ l'ck.ii Tc. ss„,;i K6unh , uta . ROLSSKI.s AHOMATU;t.VI.St(,AR.-Tl,c hinh iy .analory, balsamic and tonic properties oi tm. vinegar render u far superior to Cologne water i„r me ordinary purpose, of the toilet, Uir Jut. ter in iu perfume. It prevents and remove, punpic etter and ftipcrity of the .kin, it refreshes and whitens t *e ski i, tendering u soft nnd .rnuolh It correru the - luiurny and bitter taste ol me mouth, imparting a fre.j. ,T.h P i e HT‘^’ rrBlh 11 r,ca "‘ c ‘ and wmmn. u .e teeth, and harden, the gum. For «,| aOnsepur prrse., .1 « Used w,u. warn, , Ul .„ proportion a. may .t C « H tbe t?« Hy in,a,l " l K " * l <* ruolnng n o . Hie Irisp r., ,1 will remove headache |. u ,.,,ncd m.tamiy to a burn bruue. ~ will rr.nmally pr^e,;, ” " at, °" I* ' orri et viMird uir, ami guiirunne irom thereto, c very useful lor punbn.g and perturning apaninmu |* or «a e I v KK SI.J.t,KRj». Whoie.wie Drutrai.t, | •7 '\ runl .ireet. pm.ourgli j ■Dr. in Tconcuec I'". 1 , 8 '» ™ n ‘'>' "'»> 1 n.0,,u„ uo *n* J.T. Imoßß minr,«.iop» (r , l , c , | . | ao.fom. fur. ...a oiuwoi). m. «o„ u „, )•' I l '*« «o noub, 1.01 io», c wu . u ’ rwo TV\*XAm WOIIM jion.ed Iroiu hu „ ipa ou flirnwr wi wiiiiinii*iin, c |„),i ow «» W hou.jDav Koaa'a Ctftok, Carrol rn Term . Ur.r "T 1-47 VM.i.LK* VKRMiriMK fN IiFORGU - O CJH-l WHM, I, ,_.n Mr K K Seller* - Wur V-mnur,,, mid 1.1. H hlgliy .pokrri 01 hy :i,; who j, avt il Irorn the »oe<-e,« ftilen.lintt rim a4in lll „ lfl . 101 l .• ynur Vrimtiofle in ev.-ry . I 1,1. ve heard 01 | , rn r i.ntidr lit | run .r!l lit- than I d.d !*-t I will nr jrluT in irc-ive another *„>, |’ ; > »M or 5 fro»r ourv rcperttu.iy. 1 Fjrtraol from truer j |< l ARTId Prepared und *old by K J\ SELLER*. a; andliold l.y ** hn ' •-7' r ja» VAi K TKATM* V. V r CITTMaW «fto ft koaiN^..^ VEATMAN, PITTMAN * ccT I'oriWAKUiKu ft ooaiusxm BEttciims No-lSsHfrundlutrm. ’ __ * aeh ‘ x: M mP ST. I,m JS, MI) KKMOVAL. rpifl. «ul>«rril.rr ha. reinovr-.l Um \Vholc*»ie Urn. r X iy r'ton* 10 Uie romer 01 lUarook ft-reri and a r yiieny VV hnrf; nett Jm,r to th- perry Hounr ... h jC'. *!!'. . . JOHN I’ PKRRV APRIL '/ U!,t<> P? n<, >*. u inrfe mid •elrricif *»*oit memo Mine Uttt.he* llltl jewatry. whic h will he ftot.l aa ch eap a* 1.1 any other t»tabl«*J«uieni lh u,,. or the Easier.t Title* AJ.*o- A lot 0 < variety more Wateben and Jew dry, at very lo «r pnr« Full jewelled Its karat t.e t I t vers, a« low ai thirty live dolhin 'V W WILSON metuQ corner 4th anJ market »t. PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 13. 1549 COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution. r I'HK r O rigff:rf*hl|> 11.-r-HOlnlP rx;.!,uy l.rtw«M*l. UK -L ‘ub-rn'.iTv |.| :tie i.n'mr cf Frieml. JUmv A iV. ws« till * Jh v VP.I by mcCtiaj ponirni Km y Wui »-it!r Ui> i>ii of tor wJm n ,n. i po»' he i« *»!Uicifc i.-.l :.) ir*<- tM nmur Uir tirui FOR TKK K KKIK.NI>. JAVI-''* I-V.ilaar) : I- tM 111 l» KII h Co-Partner • ti I p* Tin* «nli«rnl-<*r» tuivi* tin- il«\ ***<«-.| v i'i Mif iaui<- MAITIM.W SA i 0 i.h :h- h [>ui(«!*♦• <>i tru:i*Hr!iiiK a fmr'H! (.m.-- rv t nnifTti-* in. 1 11,, ‘ f -f' l--■ or. m. , <>• Krn-rnf Hl.'V 4 I'o whf rr iltf •. Wn , (.i.'h.p.l lu f’-- -IV- ;nr pat'oiiftr- - "I tli • i-minitn-t- ni tj,* t j “ ..1 -u inn ,U (,Ko KHK'I . I.KVI \!ATnir\V< 1 7. WM KMHS -„.| M , , I • |in»j»ri«*tori l.«£ir> »nv tUal nothin* U r It*'' ->*f in rr.-mmin-'.tlti.c >o :hr t oiititl.- in "'..Jnnf ~a n. „ tw i oll ,f„. pan 0 , Uleir m t/iir . K-mi- mill mo**- of h rirml. Rlip yAI Ui , ou ' < * ' ’ l! "if- in r-ii.i-- r ini'- Mntn wurtl'V the ronlinued Mr.-p-o.r. i 1 * l. U Mi,r»., Kin-y. Multi.. «•< A. to : «i m, ...i, ami n.p put.:..- <ri.cra.iy I’I'RTKK R I'K IF M > . an> r-o rrdu.-r.l u, the «•*'■!* J A MKS U(KI[IS , '(r.i.n.rv Dissolution. 'PI n■ - " brretofore r im.uc iir:Tvr-:i Ui -1 in Die mum- of l‘orv*i»lm\ But*' 1 - l' ll'l* Jmux.Vi-iI :,j- muiun! fc/fl*OflL liurk r* A Hum*-- wi:t *rn)<* io« bu«ui)‘«« „[ llir rcru lor « iurJi |mrpo«r Uiey orr auil>ori»rtl 10 u*«« inr> hititir- oi Ihr roil, rrn N'ATIIAMKL Cl *> ST ABI .K, KD.MI ND Bi'RKK. tiiomas iurnks EXCHANGE HO'TKL, M tl,aV ‘ R " y *m.- st at*.. pnr«BU*fiii. n. ill- -ii>•»>• ril.-r having assumed the tDamigc """;' ” f '' ,l * •■* ' •I't'-.-n-J mid popular Hold, '■'p-' Wii , „ .-um 1-- m Trr, yi-ltor* an.l t),e ui.lii , :(0i: (~• |, r al l(il inn,., prepared to aci oiuino-lalr- :l|,-,u ai! th:.i«« d--irHblr in a well rrcuUi-d Hotel The llnti» >« ik>w h.-imj tfiorouehiv TP|>nirril ihroinrhoin. n„.i „e*r Furniture added. and no pain* will |,r -par. uto u»,k- the Fa-ham:.-our ol the v-rv brut Hotel. in the , , )Umr y ; Hu- uiid-;.,f]r<! <• ifi,!:\ *ohoti« a rontinunnce I o t-sy .— ru. p.i.u.iiaiv- !h- Hon— ha* heretofore rr y ■ TliuMAJ* OWSTON, vr ' Mt ' Proprietor. | I.AMAHTI.KK HOUSE, i r g *'•> aTHktrrs. r.rrvaraaH. _ _______ JBSfc I H>. ‘.lli-I'n:., r r-»prrtfui:y announce- that Dlaaolatlon. 'j‘ k ‘ lu|,,v "I” m-d ti.» n- w ui.•! .-xr-K-nt Hotel r rHK partnership somite >».une under me firm oi , or :i ‘ ' l 'rniii..:i.:..i;i m !-avi-:, r«. boarder*. 1. Nl'i i.rd ,Y Kmc. -a as :■>' ur»• nvuru .li»?olv»d 111 Hi- hou— Hn«! furniture im luc I*l m«l I’ll- l'U*inr»> \v... !- i io«fd nt the oi it a '' ''.'W ill.l t-n pu. .iV or r xp-ii.c hav- 1.-ru -land uillirT oi uv uonc the imnic of the firm for >o render il one nf the mo*l rmiiln.-iaJi.e and mat |mrpn»e Urine dr«irod* io have ..ur l.uaim-ss I’;' a “ 1111 Hot- . ,:i in-,-uy i io—l with a« ;m,- delay u- p«...;liir we 1 ll '' * >*t.«* rt‘.r t a ...-trrun’--d to dc —rve. and Uierr • (wettully rrijuent those md-fird m *• :i.' .tie ! " r ’ •• ‘burr of pun.-e pntronnee. tlinr uci'ounu*. JOHN H MVti'l.'i, " J A <’i »H HUFti H. Proprietor ja:!- H 11 KJMi * A> «* PER CENT H A V K D I UPPUSI fit »S HOI SK. The under«ienfij have tlu« liny a«ioriate(l ttu'iiuelvrt in ilie iiHinr ot HI RKK Jc BA RNKS, lor lite purpose of manufacturing Fire Prooi S»ir», Vault Itoor*. Ao Atv. st tin* ‘inn.l ot I lie laic firm of <'o;’*labU.‘ {Jurke A Cu.. ttlicre Uiry Will be 111 reieivr ilu> pa tron age of ilic ru*toiner« ut iliai hoove n nil tbrir friend* RDM I'M) HI." RK I'.. TiU»MA< ltAH.N^< • tret-i. between jula-itttin In retiring from the firm of CoimaMc. Burae A <'n . I witn «mrrre pleasure recommend Mr«r« Burt.e •' lliuite. r.t Hie ciin&deiice o* mr friend* and the pal-lie Feb <i. IMP NATIIa'nIKJ. i ONSTAULI. Co-Partnership. ' 'f’HF ln fT 1-11.. u« f'.iuiirrtotr street. near JOHN D M'COlllJ Having associated wuh liim ill* ..* 1-Vpo; • uiii.'m .. now m comp.etc nr. lnf lirotncr Jamc* NlVord. under tne I? m' Alt\>*d ’ Uir fee pi mm :ii.u• r>m;j*..<l;i:joti of •)••• public 4. IX)., will ooiitiitu the Cap mid Fur !ju»ttlcs* m ,-i >ciri h o: »r.i! comfort, wul do well ail iu various l>rancli-», wno>t#lr noil retail, m the U 1 I’utmtirr Pit* **«;at>u».riiTi<*ti l— mev wili find it, c old *u»nd. comer of Wood and &tti Direct*, wher* they cii.niil.ix. , ,au ; :.if»* ;■ ;iic Tu'de u« well fur- M/licit h coiitiiiuAiinri ot Mi.- tfr >o ul.eraliy be timhnl a* nny m t.'uuil>'.‘nn!ii. a: t.veriiy.fivt: rrni>. • lowed ott the oid firm. JOHN’ U .M’COKl* guaranteed a, good anv 'lint run l.'e had m the jaito JAMI.S < M'tidKl). »■ pm no rim re- No charge tor truii.ponuuo: of I'atrearr to amt iroin me car*. IN' rrrrinc from the o.d am: w-; i ,c*vn firm &l ..a!sil-Jm WA-SHINtiTIJN EVANS. AlVortl 4 King. I too-i respect! j re t t«in«nrnd to UNITED STATES HOTfeL ••he patronage of the |>umu. m> iucrr..(itv Mc»-r*. nris.v rrx htwcln nn urtmit rirmsm M cord ACo ,«*■ II I) KINO _ | /yfOSITK ale iUi.k of me li,nied States, i'h,la- DISSOLUTION. » I *' de M FORK MITCHKI.I.. r | I HK purflterktiip of MIKI’HYA t.KF. .« j * Proprietor X dii»o:,rd ijmutual im .rut The i.q., le-'C | "^^£^9 farm wi'i !,<* M N'uTll'K-'IV u-.l f '«iiiT.i'.v'.. l n l |, Ui , 11 , U.„ j F*KKH H SI’RINU UOODS. uT.:;*..;"" ,c **-• ” i sharkim 4 wimt. —— I ] <•<*'!>■■; Ji tKHF.H.*v '.d* \V ( ,<ml mrert Uir In friirmr :rom iim l.rm or Mur;.irv A I ;»». j I ' -fir-."...-: Mnnai.u u* .u.rJc n( a MKRI £I'.H [i.rnmr- r: ft ‘'miUfiHiir;; Sir II !..•• *• l!.-- . ' ' A Nll |« >K I .III N UH’l now rnfivmj; cnfii|pnrr o'- my !’ripnil« uml thr puh:"- i Irnm tir-i immi. I*ii:.t>anrli. Jmi l-tli j |< Ml’Ki'M'i i »<••• • io' I;r«i rr»A.|* ,turuijr i'»«• II liav r Ui.s Oaj iir -ur. » :ol Liirm I■ A ' ' *" ’’ 1 *■ * llll "* "I n’IpiHWO w - rijirl rriai. I>rv I .oo.u mm (. rnprrv ••u«it.c< »:> - anil firm ‘ IU'SHFiKI.D AH ' I'llLt.iirirh. January I. |~l:i .** U—* >u r o i! • u* it nnr r» ii a.; jvj ■ nr - i' v > CO-PARTS KKSII IP. B JH’AIFK mid r.-ipi Ja\lP> STKI.VSUN Yt h* vr c nicfrii 11: lo jiurli. i r till .ii. u> i.rr im- arm i»CAIFK A it,id w, .ir• v i. ,'.rr T. i‘op|'pr mnl MiPfllron War" ni:i:m ‘up u.r , A :*<>. Blaek*ut.:ijiit; m mi u* I'fmiriu-. a; i, ,| •IHlnl ol H'm [{ F.-.1.W-.: :: C „. u,h.., I*i*ft.• "j'tu miritiion c*vi >: lo *>r,tmrio»: «•<•'*, r riiK rsktnkkmui* u « \ « h.o- i,„ 1. ■ !-v llir mh t,: r.f th, p-I n in,,-i»:. <■■ llulr.-. [,pnitirr. '•4m*. i»i . « IfGT-i.l 1 JAMh- I.AW.HUV IH.\\K itn«da\ »•*uii iin- . . Uir i,.. . •ii •• i.liif'*’. |*rc "1u r-'- 11:: <1 t |. u «,.-. in’, h-.-tlirt ui.drf i|,r iifm ol J S 111 J. WORTH ■ v ' " J - MI.W . »H‘J t! . 1. Ir-W ZiO-PAItTNIdHSIIIP Urn S .. V' <l*> \mui iiiui Joim K MXuiic. ttj«- \s . i.. r-after 1' U'm <v U a, U.oue A <.« BOOK TRADE. VMS 11.I 1 . cßm . i. 1 the l.ifr umi Tunri m Jon.i Uom »», i>t m»- K- v Gco. ty, Chfever, D l). 'Vand<nn>r>i or a Kujff R'.Mfcj'VJw*:; y~ ■ v,;h ur.d .o<-ai ., t ,.,i;* „i f . r , '.''l* |>f t iir , |>. r » and !\ l,r>,n;r H »'!i< I r !' [, Uni'i.Mii. ' .«n! Orm-r. I) IJ "•’! IWr ~J, AIM u ,:ir K r- -loci 1,1 i 11. o.og„M. .•u mid N-„ u „; f I IJOTr It K.V.i.tMl 4ix •: u / kKKi„,\ AMICAUniHVH IV H , j u ~ ril ( t! ''"‘7, l,, ‘ Jvjilf•• >i.f.r<-n,.. r., r - ( t , •w, .rirWruißlioi, „„ |>(l , ' Jfiil oltlr tTH .r nrnlirr or m>rr«' )r ,„ , ’ nuiMf riiu« i.;u«!riiion. jiul x •_> v,, , .* ° * 1 '•iniKr.iani* i.) iii« ... ,i ‘-T Lml«n 1 ,!//'' .^ i , ' roloC >' ■‘ " «»•«.*■ w Note- m torn,i. , , lin[ , r ~„i, „ I«»r them.. r. w, n'rnl o: {k,. ~< tu . , 1 1 1 ‘ * " r '< miller., mill i., ;k |ir .: It . >t . . -'Mi report. ot Col FrriDon: ,■„ \|, Y'.t * u<s * dlf A »Vf AK\) IX »(*i pagr« Leeching, Cupping and Bleedlnc. /he < .ii„or«, U <.u„l. H... s . L H *«»•—or ,o M H ">-U -.vork, nitfrthrr W -„ h r„ f-Vr„..' A. . ,V> 55 J'.lu. .;r-r, W-Jj V' n „MW, KMfan,,.. ... N ,m r..,., ' Kipiour* Hxp«lui..,i io :;. c Ko.-*y \J,v. ' Krj.-rrii<-.\ iin- pi,> . u p with V map.-l *oi.- Vf , ~a * ‘ e Uminnslm,,, Hap,,., w Nor. 1 . W ork , ht . t , Hl . „ I mu. . ftn.l Sun _| voi. l*»» *| Ju*t rr«.rivrd uj IV;. .. i. ; K ; r ""'> !"“>"■ r.-.„. H,";,,■„!rvc-, »•>* > - oiMukO'.i, 11ic0p1,,,,,*. „ui ■' ■••• .'l'nioiti of J Fuw.-,l iluj:,,;-. |:, r ,- hl . . J )•».<. liaptUJJl. .U llliporl ;i ’id l!l.>ll>'« T'lr , , e -i voU Chcever . Lc-tu'e, I' * '•irr «:r • on.,. : „ lU n«i l T S U M of o! ■ Ur Vl>,lj. ui | b y ,\| M KJlei, Ll , r p oi ; 01 .. |)|r ta|> , , . m * rlJ U.I.HJTCA K\(;usm. ry woo - 11l man .\IALNKT|>.\I-||.,.* Km I.U.InrK L I »'K OF FHAXKI.IX. ■ . • ±J ;'i'l-.,raiirtii in u, O ;urlll . lh *«- Vor«.Tl,r Lin o. IW, a m m Frunkn 3,r l!fe* l, *l AU:r, '‘ l ‘ ,i:ri,l '' , ' J - * :nt * «»rr»uv©«' V'. 'T ,er ** "V '«•' Kc* II Hnnuiurt Wr j, IVJ< I (■’ \ '’>■ n dHlcrou< rjsi| U |*ilr ... '■) John I, I li.-iJMUim. nurrnvc.l ill Uir Juffl.r.l »•• r uri Ilirw..-, M prink'd m Hie ornvo lorm n. .11 p»p e r. iron. t.o,d imu l-«,b.e ii.h* 1. ' Wl ' ;'- U 1 c , ?ll : p ar „, al ai mftrvn.i Kara purl will ur received 1. •• 1- J>tc. immrdimriy a; „- f ii» publication l',m received and lor ' ■ JOHNSTON A sTurKTn.s corner mark-i and • MAi At LAN 'SIIIMTOKV OF KN(.!. \\f> |•„„„ llir ucreiniuri o’ J«mr» II - Vnl I . J. nr , !. l * t '’ ry tl.r l.fcul I,) boll, Willi map hihl niKruvtri|;» r»r , r,V«. l ,“ rr ," 1 ,h 0 t ' ,r " »■«!*«* H J CO) ri WfaV iii« Harper * Life «f Franklm *p!. ndidiv rmfirlbmcd !•> immenwf exquiaiie d«-«i f n*.fcNo 1 ■£> ,-cub 1 .» completed 111 P number, riru.rial Hi.lmr, >*«,,*. up (*+ rgc 111-complete in i *Ol.. otU vo Lam iiiu-i.u jum received by febfi V 1 A<\U LA V S lll.i | DRV n|- KN(»LA.\H. ..1 II i.»l ‘ nalinrr*' i'n.lliumou. Work*. Vnl i Manklin’. Lil»- lllumtuUHl— {.arm II n :i <| ill llh- ILonry of Hnnniba, Hie rnridai;. l l< ) Li-m A,Mm,h lllu.iruii'd nmp a.ntj nutnrron,- t:. 1 A(!l-r'« (•mmtnrr mill Kncii«h I’i. iimnir of I.iiHr Jnl.n )r';ir. i„,- } , rit. Ijiu •( TH :**«! or U.c liirWr .ii |.iff. \. n; nun f.l H,.,'!* I lli'l' (Jr-iciic-cl !,] 1.,;.' \|.. . :,,k! !*• u ori*l Hun* |{omni“T <.r A'i~h»<ric Atuliian NixJ.’« |ji]rn;ijrimr:i!v > J U»t I l r-J i,y trl.'A' V* K'V HOOK**-- Hutrryof Alnry gw •u o' ut il Hv Jacob Abbott, with '•ngrnviri*.. lliMory <*/Kiftß Ohnrlr-thr Pint, oi ! H> Jacob Abbott. w iJi ni(fr»vi»£« tlumry of Alomtitlcrih*-(,rr«i By Jacob AM-mt with ciiKravinfn Hi>tory oi Ijautub&i t HvJar-ot. Abboti, f?iii.'rav,ni:« Hrrr,-.r-l auJ iuj .iilr l,y JOH.NSTmN a STOCKTON t-b'ft , rilhlkf; ~,,0 i.,. NKW UouK.S Orrfot, I c.ilunn-.a in 1-4-: In J <-<unui Tlioniluii, U;r Ju■:«»f ilir >cj''rinn :iort I*l I >rrron. njtil r<irrr*ponoiji|; in*mlTr ni Cm American In'litaip \ViUi mi upprndji. i:i< indium i* ten! and authentic- nilotmalion mi me mlijrcl 1.1 llir < »<.*l.L) MINKS ui Culilorma. ami uiJiri valoaMr mm l ‘‘ T ol nip i-*t io th- r:inl--, r'li- H nil liluitrauon* • ml » map IWo* Die t>m.k ..f up m weim 1/ Ai|>),on».- ,j c l4*in*rmir. nuilior »l the "Hi«lot)' m the liiroiKlixi.i. or IVr'onui .Memoir* of tin' I'aifiou «i: i ,p *■ ipih'li Kpvtilii liim ” ric Ju«l fccncrl iiml (of -aV Ji 'll »N A STorkTuN. corner market ami .'UI «i* \4 AP OJ' PKNNS\ J,V AS’IA - i Jtdiotru r i »*«l Horn the 1»A County >u rvr y k nuihoturii liy thr n<iu i/i'j. t ilorumriii- Kr vi4»-<I mill improved under t!ie «up<*rvittou n! U ui K Mom*, t ivu Knpnecr. upoit ‘Jain procured in rnrh county, under author.(y oi ibr lxJp»latur«- A'fr* coptc* or iti»» Inrjre »'>d H'lcudnJ ™*P receive.| t/m any und lor «alc |,y JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, Be.killer*, cor market and !W ita , fr'Or.VTAIS HOTEL. '• 1 '• 11 J > r K K K J' H A I. T I M O R J- Inn/ and widely known n« >' in»- iiu.m i-oininmlicKi* m the niy of \ very men * e-.ii mil-;,:t An rtil.rr nrw - :t. .1 c.i- nunirrr.u* und mry i- 1 - in-'.-ive lniihiiic room* ln« hI-o iieen rompletrir •’ a iwh umqur an.l liraou- In !*<•( '.in \vi..,,e cr r antfetneut of ihr House -II * *.-.e;e i-n- on :Ue pan of • 'n- '-oinforr and j>ieit«tur of : Iln-V lti >• H*-rri Will ..a - .-oihpir ».i i won anv Hole! m the l nu-n. *• •* m , :•. vs-n>. » i.e Mippurd wnm every «ah ini.i iij„ r \ win. n u, r market affords. served of u -u;., i„„ win-. way :>f W,;u-.. Ae , >1.75 fw*r ilsy i . ' >•*» l. ii..' UuuK Jt- U iitfort o{ U*»- Hou*« wiii at. "j*'' 1 ’" : " ,,ihl i’i '!■*• »‘.n iciil Fteamboa'. luMultugs " lIUI ••’.itri'ai'.- ;u :iiul from tb'* HpiH. free inayvif J R Ml KPin Modern uni! 4n 11 qa * Kcraiiare, -•i. r‘i . A ,r* ■Tf 1 ' «»• (• tni' sfite \i\ r ■■ romlgcirtl unde' W II.UAM \nl N< JNUHM<'(\K I i in;; r’. •• ' U .rdn.l. t* pair lan-'' U on A \<-r> u rtf •"* "M-". • M«t luUh Work* >M Foaadrv. ' ,lr ‘ Prr«BißSH. r* ‘ • «u. I <><•<■», %<• .. A,- 'n* CartW Machine*. tvlL ,rr ‘P»*«n. «ucb ••• • w:.„ wot] s ?! purru a »r Dmfrinj Frame*. R-utwnv i'pi'oW* ;■ «•».«-. P—r* LZZ ISai&ZT- »-“?• 1 * * I • <i'i» Itv i:ri«ur- Iron Shafting lurncU, all Mie* of t’n.?i N .» roi, K hl •e« «.Huu ••:..}» „,e atK)v „ „ njr | f4 , ; Hwtfw of'd.e .ate. o nt ,„, i „„ ' , 1 ' ll '‘ ' r lurm«hrJ on ihort noi-p- Pauern. 1f 7 ‘ , ‘ , ' iv »-'»crnu. and Mi»l Gearing Iron Katlin*. i e * tt . ™*HV° ? rdc . r ,0 ' . -• pi*v.,r„n. :mf t-cioncr. (.a., i ron Window sJT*7 P? fof Uenl ,, . ' Hl * i««nulr.rture. unj* generally or«W* ie ft at d ncy K n *' ' : £%LV*r rt »“' * "AI.TKK UAkt.K. TT ...„ ~?'•>» Machine shop. HAi.AU:v a A.MITH. Acx T-T i I ,VPP ’'l o(\i| r,,,,!. Gf rnl I ~ ' 'i,.'arr «> t M.-nrt pui-.n* ’•ration. lam i< rennrerl m- , u rtild ‘urerißfui 0 0. 1 ■' l -”' ' A-, f “'*lU„id. L, f„m, Am' " r“' ■ -'•Ti lor tiou-eu ptrker*. «l're«<ler», rani. 1 u * Willow*, .irr l.nml- drawing Inune*. w *>'*- i arriiii*- amt i Ul j» r rnr.U, J ou: , . ' luro ‘»iA*, loom., wookii - -■■■- , »-■ -■ "■‘/T/r•,:-»i - n lor emruiit lartoric or null* .■ r— T 1 ~ ; v. R.noj Tt»—lfannc'iy. V‘'TP" *’“• ku 2- ''“»<»» tAA-. Ja« A inT ■ ■ Skw coach Factory - utAtiUKjh. .• JVi • tb- pullin' that ’ tbr'y°j|a , v / r *!lr C | ,^ ,ly i, ‘'° r,n f — 1.“ &?„£':■ I "’ "■ «« maw I Mannrx lured Tobacco. “ '"AblrJ lo do wore u,, ,'l!' 1 , ' 1 Hu-y .re J.S »’ r 1 "" .wrc r, • 111";' wcouo, article*in ihi-ir l,„>v.Ui .. ir , . ; be,. „„ hr .„ SI f oi ; •£ ™ 'vorkn„.„, rrziziar 1 ■ w • ' lf ' •• ,'t i.innu. ' mu ' ,ne, r. ««tl on the mjK.n nine H • J ;■ •„ . , H HOPKINS. A |io. o Uu. ilnn>.. p:. CLf’l-.R FRENCH BR()ADCf,OTim_U’ » \r ‘ n M.T wmie. the nitr-„uon 0< T” JJ Mi-*. *»*ortmeniofiboveiioo«l» einbr.rn.l * X,en “ Ve - •• “P S. cr ) fine. *,«! from a,® e O 7 c C ‘“* "'H? .. .. Inc of France. f,? t * ruW parit.,. n-.d lor-ale i l ' ora ”' Mid, ‘ ,r# * ,ft « HII.MIi IiIVKMiHiCo. , rrm. he i* enabled lo -ell th££ a , thp tow-. l a " uft, f , “* 41 nonli waic-r >t ana i»i m.nfi xviiurve*. pr»ccs. Also. olnre ifreen and ir, vi . lt ,, ‘ ; '* nu: B dr,>i,M »* r , > \ chea P ; w«oUjr«d blk do; aod Frf^J' Vi °, lh u YIAMFACTI KKD r.JHAi i-u.-m i I ~i s I 1 anU American CABSJ.MERKS blaefc h j h ' Unl, * h M 1 “* * i «un VJ*TINGS,;«£m*? d 'r' 1 ’ ~lk 7i j,:i.i !,»» \Vr-t,.;,. r U • .... r •<1 - , Haiidkerrhiffc. black and faßrvrl m n V llk P"tkei :«i r..-!,r» ' i‘ w !y* ; Hdkfr, t’nderstiiru Drawer* »,*£; '" en [°* kn *••••»> a Rm... f „ a . •• -otner ol 4 , A „ Mar ke, „ * a ‘ 0,4 "•«*• «*« - :l l*upo,ii ( j,. |.„ rr .| • .. v\ Polemic Room, up suura , . .... 1,1 1 Rloaonsaiiaim r >» „ icb^o L ‘ | -r •• A 6, |>!„* •?! ROuflRT H.^ArrSL??* I ?** .1.1-S r„.rn .:enm. . V.l -or-Hr Sv . iibWhe larre ..■■J. rhßa( - ) ‘ N *>*• opened lIK W.l) in (,'KNi lit A Co, (l 3 A lO *t, | )f . twpr . \v^JLH° n, *i a S lJirou ff b 41 \ -.van r -i anil i„ N * » .t<.. In u.e rr«r ' and SwiMeW ,n ' ‘‘ l , n.:ade.piH.-i. Wl,h an '"“rely new Mock oHIo?!*!'«S5^* la Hou * e \ U\ *. J. uLKJiK, Book lllmlera. l '"' ,>e "t quality aiidlateu Myles u"” d of W "V* • U..OV ' >lC ‘ Hot "» ***"*''* J' 1,1 u ‘ d I rd - V ::.t.iir<h. where UTKA.M BOAT C[ ocKhl'u i'Ti',iar.i! „,r» ...our H„c w„ h dc I O off our entire M<*k af *7,5!?!!? «o"cloded lo .ell ±:r-' r^rrstsiat; srasrt — 7; , j ru^Xv.^ , . ' / ' 1 '" ir - ” r * "rod hook* Pound onrr- I men! m the city. Call and k ttnd n,, »ort- I-;'"'.'. " I: '' "" r »•’« •»’«' ■’"'-'"l'' wnSS' ICc".”: , *• "' B '|°i|?,, b T »whn»ld. pAia- SKI.SS- m i,,, i „. . i • !!''” " orlh * !, ltli Hie utlrnimc i„.ut cak er- mvjtr.t Ju, t ! ~AAC A^,Wi rerrnrrrt »„J (or ..I, , . JOSKI t Om ßo »>!«k •v.‘ : "r \ ,lUy ' ' on “ r 01 £:: ™ h tss:x MITIIE. ‘ ' » nrot ’’Z'lXl " ’’ " “r"'- Wl "' ' “ !•«»«.' ««J for'.L'.’i.y'' 1 " 1 ' 1 ' .i”,’,,"! ,„. M , wwwolsom Kn \\ ruiMj| .\‘j‘V}( U ‘ ' oni «r and market .u ini r< •:>. l»i:\iiiu' ■» .!<. K Mn K >l.. K:i:i ' t.y l< nnpKl\>, Apoilo litiiiilniK*. I-. •' | J AMN(, .11 .M r Jrr, i .\„ t , 4-i, i-*|.,|| llk . MrrrVuit. S«. 1 8K1.1.A.M) HKAJiSKUtNDJU'. 1 £A A I - 1. I, 111.\, Uvnull l!ra*» I’ouDdcj i,u« rr . I ~‘ 'l R H'H'KIN Apo: hi lln i 1 •'hurrti, Mra:u'..,iii iml H> ft <"» 111 y— I"i WM - *oi'»i * co " ; in HIUK., A NI) I.KATMKR mnteniiiß X J Mioe Pindmira. he ‘* A » HhK. Morocco, •u-. A,-, inffc. | ju»i recei vod i*V, «*•*«. •»»*« - ...0,r1,,vV, f™ll - inr iu.iif>i miiiii,. , • ' hirfi the »n- iii*ni or' nun linr-r. .. '' ll ‘ rlr " nr !irn(.f:r ..r ~1 lUh• ■•:« A«rn-Arrai- 'tifhls * r f in? ”ed ' 1 (if Uo)>- 'i u:ii|>ofmnfi I .r , NOTICE. PIIIATISR PAI’KII. I Kmjfht A <'o uni] VVm \[.t. 6rm,nf v ‘> | fi.i\ ■ir llif rr e imve Afencv for • u ’ I’*)- ‘viiboui I'un/irTrtHay'Vo*” * S ° n ' a,C *”Tjy™zl‘T '; n„. h n dHlt Ad mim „ rM '!; ; i^v^ NlG,iT P i--t «iui ,u. differ- • *./«•• of paper of superior qua.,- ; A RTISTS - MaTERIa Iw_ Mr Kmg-hr_ dec d • 'rh., u •*«■ oil*. in ui« .«,*•«■ m Kcu.ur price* A5O yard* »moi^r ICC ’ J for ' ,l> ' »ir<- .if ~n:, ,iv n. :-r mamifiiriurril it) orilrr si 1 “fj • 01 !/? Inch ,I "'"KKVMH.USA ftHKt i n, . “ .'m •• '' ft "i roror r IVr-n noO Irwin «i. aO •• . * .'W I SIII J lirilUKK i 1.111-lIIN.. Jnx rr. Y.rrJ fo, ,»r mo dot C. mpr „,.... . A • liiiitrnm a .oinpirir a»m>rlni*m t.i nichlO ° 4 Uof*. of oil conn* IM *»mii lihir'M' I uij||i le ul |, fl , . . routine from fti to _ J Ai o .. 11 Jai fur «un of n>oi. pam« :w d jmt I 'or tali- at tin • WANTEn. Ih tia Depot, .V,/, Wood r: ) A *'IRL lo do Itouaework. Ui.r "bo tlioroutbly I.* FIPHII.I.IPS i fc uo<ler » , 'in «her Nuxinron and ran give good re- Jl ?>T KtCKlVKl)—Three .mm o! «» ,u«! T \ * p-rm™«. i ..'a.uon, at fair <•< ‘ebraii;d Haioi.urct. P .H„ox u~d co.tMnnhy f,y i '• n > *PP[jnxf, tl Ihl* .»lhr, mrh|A:dif JriruTiwibcry and C rrm p< rh-rmer., i«.|eii)er , | kRItIU APPLK.S-So.. • «.h dn-d Apple« 7 witn a inrsfi- a.xorinir.|ii of rof.ewnod tn<l , »L/ and for >n j r (,y m^h'.■»> SA W HARBAt’fJII C ofui) own monufacior. The ui.m'e inrirument* are tv»dij A*’ . warranted t* t>' periroi m rv« ry respect, and wil! be ! URKK.N 1 v fun u<ie, ju»l rec’d lor *oid low for cash FBLUMK ' A *"'•* »»V HA KA UNKSTTOCIC iCo * 1 declo ,Nu UV Wood st, 3d dr>or from &U> J. ,nr l»W toruer Ist and wood its | t" H. iXfli • c .> -i ■ • r<l mill «v«rrn’ilrd ui it <>i 01*1 i> MlllffO, U.H.f l-i„i!j,vi ..mi;..-- hV Ul'-r wilu r-rn v:«r . r. nfHr i-i •' inriiail nnrt hmvkir.l m i- A t' i« Hie 1,. Mrr*r.. mj ;ti>i'v frtrtixn 'n m,ui.iii.-»y <'»H !.»• n-.-| , If u! •' HOTELS MISCELLANEOUS. JAMES \V. WOODW KLIi •iccrded bf l*urf* ■ i ,/a., r'ti . :>»:(• 1 ru.: T»!. c. \ ’> l ninuinder 111! 'r.tu<. •_ - vi-ir'ar.i n;, ; Ho'k •»»<*. o' .•nn.rr.nn nu.r* •!nJ oilier On Win Hr.v >*>• T Wf ;t .j,r . (. A'M.T-o. MISCELLANEOUS, GRFAT INVENTION’-VALUABLE I ISCnVF.RY’ PiTIJfT pßCn*o JaBUBY Ist, IH9. F.ttrnl rrtiss-levrrr extension Tab Us. Sofas, Htirraus. Moot Casts. W ruing Deals. OF WROUGHT IRON | TABLES far surpassing .very other m 1. vrniii/i. of the kind »«,w c limit They ran In- rj. tended irum ten to iwrrity.fier fret. and when closed 1 , firr all contained inside, they are mail'- w mil *iip« and *li:ipe«. and are admirably adapted lor • teamboais. Motet.. and large private families. form J 14 coa, plrte centre table A> AND BUREAU* -TV- „rricle. are uaMr. particularly l 0 ,| lu .r » | lrt , .d. u> econo im«r room, and convert a sleeping uparuoeni uno » parlor or sunn* room. «s they rB „ an j ,| lo i ai r»nrei„r..rf, and when , hul> Uk be ,ft i<Jg „ r)1 , r*l. A greai saving in room and r-'iii AW the t»**J Mead* wlien closed form o beautiful pier of tarnnure ioi a parlor or sitting mom UIHIK CA*f-><—A nem and u-etut aruclr lor purler or dra wine room. ' H KITING DESK*—Foriaw office*, counting room*, and other onici-*, when opened a raostconvciiient bed Mead .when clw«cd a Cl De-k and Library alone i» visible ' Ail these am. le* need no recommendation: the beauty of liar whole ihey wc warranted noi to Ret out ol repiur. Itwi.l be jur your interest* to call and eXamiM-tbr arm-lr-. at the manufacturer’* More. No M I bird *trrel. Pittsburgh In addition to the alxive advantage*, they are proof against bog* .._'" clllti .. JAMES W WooDWIiLU JUST RECEIVED, A ND now opening, m splended lot o MMIBB nano Porte*. from the celebrated linn ll# W 1 A Clark, N. V |i consul* m • * * I I apart of the following, Une elegam Boxwood tij octave Piano, with carved moulding, top and plinth, projecting front ami carved gothic tablrta. One rosewood Piano. GJ octave, elegant and plain, vruii Coleman’s celebrated .ttolian Attachment, a su perior instrument. One Rosewood 6 octave, round corners and octagon •eg*. One do dq do fine rosewood Piano, aquare corner* and legs These Piano* have improvement* m Hie mechanism, in stringing and oovoruig of the bummers, possessed by no other* in Uns country, and are at once the best a* well a* the cheapest Pianos that can be bought - ' lt S anl ot °f Chickcring’s Pianos, irom , to *1 octaves, possessing all the latest improvements, at reduced prices. _ Al^tO—One elegant rosewood Cabinet Grand Piano, . octaves. « ucw invention. HENRV KLKUER, lell 11 AIJ W Woodwell’s, -0 Third st CHICKfiRIXO’S PIANOS. «JOHN 11. (*ole Agent for Piano Fortes for Westrrn IT 9 1 11 Pf«n'yl»*ma.) No. t-I Wood .treet, . * ® Pittsburgh, has received and now open or sa.c, the following eiegam ussoriiuc.nt, direct from ilicmanutartor), at Mr. Cluckenng . tUoato.ij r r.fe«, One Rn.ewood .even octave Piano Forte, carved in me mos! rlegam and nch *tyleof XIV. CneHtuewoodcarvtd seven ocuve, new and im proved scale One roM-wcxxl Piano, GJ o<nave», new »ea)e curved, 0 “ Iwo *• round corner!, ft octave, new »c*le. Two '• pamirl “ # u Hie hUovc arr all from Uir maiiafaciory of J Chick < iiofum. of the ia teat «yte* of furniture, anti w:‘.h tile n*wr uml unprovrd nr a ;«:. , al»o os A7»o ron sals mu* -Rosewood d octave Piano*, from (lie manufactory " New York, formerly ol the firm of JMndari. U oreener 4 Durham. *2 ruwwood 6 Bilftvp, Gale <9c Cm.. N V 1 r.iM-w.tod t* octave Piano, made by Bucori 4 Ra ven. New ork I Mahogany l> octave piano, made in Baltimore, and • i-ft vritn inric *atr by the owner, for cash or in ex • hanee i or 1 it:*b ur gh manufacture*, or groceries suit! a country .lore. Price StfiU. ja JO ck * I TIFICATK Tti I)R J A > ,->K— rill, renifir.. that immcdiaiely auer ‘•‘••cr.drd m> brotner. wfa,. died of consumption ... M*ru» ,Nt I *„ »*ken -ink wul. the Consumption <»r U\ri otjiji.ajin, and w.n reduced .« low with the J.rra,.. llml tor four year. I wa. until,ie Bllrnd mv niher ai home or abroad, being (or the mo.t .me confined lo m T bed. During .be above peri od of tune I had expended for medica. aiu-ndanee o imnli‘*Lf.hJ*! n 4, ,“ lwld '« tbe amour.: of ii , rrceivmg any benefit therefrom In Julj. I -45. I commenced* taking Dr Jayne'* Medi ri'JT *' ui have taken them more or lea* ever mnee, tna, i CTe •! l W * ,,by f cr,cv ' f, »S t» ttieir use a ri, '" nw lrul ,Y “V itiai 1 have complete, y reco • crcd m> hoftitn. I believe that Jayne'. Sanative Ptll, and Exprcioraut arc the beat famtly medicine* now I rr.nle in Springfield. Otaogo county. N. V. aj.d carry .. n a furnace and machine shop in that place, and i.ia not luiercird in any manner m the *a> of the “t-ove medicine*, and make this certificate toribr ben ki.ijaii katun! ..print, h,-Id, N , . [fl 1,4., Ja , MANLKACrURKI, TUBAL-CO-Th. .uh.-ribd, -oold r.l, Iht- .Dr,,,,..,, „f lhe r „ y ,„ Jr „*f t-n-r.llf, br ,„j, Tol „ 1-1 and to arrive, Iwm* cotnnnnmeiil* di tfi iroin ttianula.-surrr*. he ~ rna'.ied to sell at rust- ! j“ I Ms R U rren.naw *" f Jhiiic Mb.1,.,m ■ l I Lamartine *1 i " Mirabeau til i ' Putnam I- r Robert* 4 N.-n-ni b. ■ ) O-car Bur! t* I ‘ John* 4 |,e w:. j. ; d i Warwick. *upr i.’ J- I Henry A Jrunc, 1..' ,et,<l L r* WATERMAN "■ M3 JS MiI.WORTH i(i,„ wo(>| „ " 1 •'< •'im.’HRLTBEK, Liberty at DRY & VARIETY GOODS. St/itxlJts Dtxxlupcment of tiu California CroLl Frrvr, ALEXANDER fb DAY, No. 75 Maue? Snutirr. PiTTsavaoii, HAVE resolved on SELI.INO L)PF their largo *u>ck of DRY GOODS —the principtu part or which have lately been purchased at me u*m.u Ait- Tlov ?ALK« in Philtule'phia anil New York, at n tro ■uendoi). 11 nd oiiparaflclcd iwcn&ee! W c fiuve made such a large.reducumi from our reg ular pricr* that wt will now w*l! a large poruon-ot oor rotol- BKI.OW OuS'l' of importation. The early at t.'i.tiou i>t buvrr* 1, invited 10 choice high colored cr>od« adapted t.■ the California Trndo. I.A D! FJ* DRESS GOODS. Plant and figured and de lame* *> k*. I an prices, Verv vnpenor brochu fig djSupcr cloak cloths, all co itnd waicrt-d t- k -;lk*. lor*. Superior repur inure -it k French merino*, all colors, btk and colored. iDJaek botuoaiinc*, Sui>«r lilacs gio«»y .l-Vro«- barred and striped Rhin ‘ilk*. | aJpucas, Visetic and mantiil* silk*. Urocha tig’d and '•tnp'd do, be*i quoJity. Jenny Jjnd plaid*. Pure satin*, blk and blue Victoria l.youc*« cloiUa, blk aetins, very rich, Lamartine satin tncriuo*. t'oberg cloths and ctimeii- Buj*cr silk warj> alpaca an lustres, lustres, SHAWLS' MIAWLS" Splendid pi ud long shawls, 1 A few b roc ha long shawls, lerken shawls.. lhe finesi we have ever from N York auction*.! brought to this market. Jf 7 *®* bargain*. I now n> be sold at great * lout and embrot d thibet bargains, shawl*, all color*. Superfine and eommoobro- Sillc fnnge, remarkably din square shawls: cl, e®pi 'Soper came I lan silk shawl* GENTLEMENS' GOODS. French cloifi. from die crtebraied“Johanv” manu factory For beauty ofhnish and permanence ofwcar. tfic»e ctoth* have no superior: a few pieces extra fine jet black and ca*ton beavers nnd other heavy cloth* tor over cunts, twilled French cioth*. manufac tured cxprc**ly tor cloaks, Frcnca and American ctw stmere*. super w,-,t of England do, super French *a tins tor vesting*, the l»r«i tinponed. Plain and fanoy velvet nnd ca*famere ve*ungt, lueruio shirt* and draw ers. Italian eruvau. linen, eamlinc and silk hdkfs .ho »iery and glove* STAPLE GOODS. Irish linen*. be«t long cloth ■htriing, inQ«lin», blench ed and brown muslin* 01 good quality, remarkably low, ucktng*. check*, domestic and imported rmg haais. scarlet, v citow and wmie tlnnnels, a large lot very cheap: a large ttn ol while and crosibarred coun try flannels, cheup, brown and bleached Rarnsby table linens and table cloths, Russia and Scotch diaper* and towellings, saunells, Kentucky jean* and tweedi. BLANKET*. An usoal large slock of blnnkcis, direct from lhe manufacturers, some of winch arc. lhe best ever exhi bited. all of wnieh will be closed out mi unparalleled low price*. In addition to the above enumerated goods, our stock comprises a very large and camplete assortment of almost every article usually found iu u dr)' good* store, and as they have been mainly pur chased at the easern auctions, hence the late great re duction' of price*. We are enubird and determined to sell them ou at great bargains. V\ hotcna.e buyers, country merchants, tailors, and the public generally are respectfully invited to an ear ly examination. Bargains shail be given. ALEXANDER 4 DAY, 75 Market rt, _ N W corner of Die Diamond CAIUPETS, OIL CLOTHSt 40. RFXJF.IVFJ) THIS DAY, Carpcung and Oil Clothi 01 the idlest und ino*t approved pattern*, ami ul prices to suit purchaser*, find cheap as can be pur chased iu any of tue Eastern cities, comprising the fol lowing •• a/ietie* Extra Koval Velvet I*ll6 Carpets; Aixmiiuster Carpel*; any size hail room* or ves’ Tapestry do tiiiule*. ‘ Bup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpets; Extra sup J ply Jo Brussel* do do Superfine do Jo Fhemile Ruga; Extra sup Ingrain do Tufted do Superfine do .lo Brussels do Fine do do Cbcraiic Doormats; Common do do Tufted do do 4*4. 3-4 4 | Tu,*c*try Adeiat l do do Damask do Sho«-j) skin do do 4-4.-M 4 | twl'd Ve-* l'i-4 Emb'scd Piano covers iicuan r*- - do « l do Table do <-4,3-4 4 | plain do do t>-4 wool do do Cotton Ingrain do C-4 wonted and Itnendodo »lo Venetian do lira** Stair Rod* ■•4 cotiou Drugget; KJ-4 WOO | Kra mb cloth* 12-4 woolen do St&jr Linen ■ IC4 do <in r.-4 table do Table f)rl cloth.; Diaper do (.errant! do do do do Crash *■4 Floor 1»: c-!oi:ih; Snow-Drop Yapkuie; *•4 do <<<l do t'nm*on Ptush, do .10 do Purple do •el do do .to Maroon do 4*l • l " do do t'arp.-t B.tvtlmg. Sheet 0,. i .-mu. 01 new rrtiii»|.'nt Window Shade* rupeMry pntlcrn*. rut to fit J IT" th*’ at-vve \v e are rousuuiCy reemving our Spring Slock ol ( a rjiete. < )tl IJlotti* and Stcamhont Trimming*, to which we mvite the attention of all who m*h to fur m«h tneir iiou*e* or ueiunl-oau. a* we will fie able to oder soinl* h* i«»w a* they can be purcnwii in the Ea»c, and of the richest and late«t .(vie*. Ca.l and ex amine our stock txtorr purclia-uig e.Acwtiere Ware homc. No 75 Fourth »: _ mrb'i:; W. M'CI.INTOCK Tfu ( Aeuj*i'.tf an-i mast I'cuhiotiabU StocJs of 'rOiMij, ,uiaptfr{ to (J> ntlrmm’x .'ijmng anti >umm*r Wear, tsjust rrenvtng at WIB. DIGBY‘B CHEAP LASH CIOTIUSU STORE, 13d LIHKRTV STRKET TlfK' Proprietor of rhe nl>ov» establiahtnenv wooltj raspectfully iniomi hi* uumerou. customers, thaj he ha* ji.»t teutrued trom the Eastern ctlie* with the most splendid assortment m roods in hi* line., that was ever brought to tun city, comprising alt Uiat i.< now t tuition aim , .'icgant and Fbei.p ni t'loths. Cassimorea Fa»hmcretis Drap Lv- F.te. and every deacnpuou of •—.too, n®eti and ww*H;n Samai*t SmiT. iAhirl*, l‘*raAS vju*. Mdst. Su*]w„dct», \c . of the newest .tyfeic wlurh tovettivr with |„* very | urce and laeh.onable I Oonmrv MrrrbHiiu. I'nritrinorj. iuh! aJI who :.uo rh.-olor-ci;. 1 !“ ■“> «"' 4"*Wlr .h-W„-.. r;,: 53r5r,." , .?u% r* r M >■*,. .no ;r.:,',h,. la*hionnMr manner. und that nothing may be U. ensure the newest a „„ oot style , u ««m* A ? e„. uema.. who hm had rrru erper-nr,. , n Ui« Eastern emev has ben, added 10 the establishment mch-.'l d.'im i NEW GOODS. I R - H • PALMER, ( rvFFKR." FOR SAl>; AT Lu\Y I‘KICES. a fall ki 'X£2SSS t ° ? T » A W AND MILLINR- I ofU.e moil approved style* and pat ! tern*. ‘Or the aPRLNO OF 1549. consisnnr in pan of— , Fancv and plain English. American, and FTeneb ; pran; Florence. Rutlnnd. Pedal and ..the, pl., n and i LTO Hraid - la ; Jenny Lind, * ut i R 0) - I *l Milan edge Hraid U«I.N.NF7ry * 1 Kn O Fren -b laid:. Fancy nnu plain Gimp. A<• J-Zl, *>- 'I T«. )',.ni u., s„«,v un.l o.hor .''Biimior MATS, ,„ c „ „ lul . Hoiuirl liiohoii- Honiirt Suits, Artitn ia! Flower*, Ac Ac 4c Straw bonnri Warehouse. v 5 Market street mcbl*:a'Jw . „ A.A. MABOU ACd; XTO t>o MARKtrr STRKUT—Have received bs re i.l cunt niiporjauon* ttic following Good*. viz: . ii curious ritihut Shawiß. of vnhous iiuahlie* a:ni eoiors. Fitly dozm ‘•.MemnderV’ t>c« qnaiuy Kid Gloves togciher w,j, Uf! ood assortment oi cold silk. lj»io thread and cotton Glove*. lor spring trade. , Klch > standing, siraieht turnover Foliar*; cheap Ool ars. 3UO pair embrouirred Guff*. from 30 cm to 81,23. Mourning Collars m great variety Demi Lace V-jl* the greatest assortment ever offered |»y „* French and Fetish 1 4 Prim.; Hoyle’s Prims, small a«raes and faat color*. small plaid French Gingham*; British , Furniture Chintz, while satin Damask Tahiti Cloths; | Linen Damask.Jl. - und lli-S, Green Beragcs; < ien t. black Grosde Rhine Silk Cravat*, 3*2 to Clinch the ben good, imported, Purse Twist; linen cambric’and linen oarabnc Hdkts, irom 0* to WMtc Goods such as Jaconcu, Lawns. Mull and Swiss Muslins 4c U 4c aUd P ai “ Locc *’ whlte “ nd col'd Tarlaumes’ ''f Vl C ,n !h * daily rece, P t of NKW GOODS, and mvite the uttenuon of purebaaar. io our extensive . . fchj?7 ,-r NEW SPR-raG GOODS. ■ AT DR i GOODS HOISK OF W R. MtrRPHV iyL'Z&VJ o **** 4rH Pmsßvtdit. P |, ;si???.r aa ‘. ,,,f d p Good * w, “ plea * a iake n<^ V. ~\L-AL e no b ,°v T '‘ hou,e hna ron »mcnced recei vuif um NFaU SPftIN<iGU<JDS. and mviics the calU e “* lomer » “<“! K“l'm ceneraliT Goods vnU be offered «l low price*, and purchaser, will have a i?il e ao “ r| “>'fr assortment to select from. .JiT lo “ ~tTy Merchants ami other* are Invited to examine the assortment in Wholesale Rooms.up stairs where a largo aasonmem of Pmu, Gtnghams. and goods generally are now opening. mar^ dry goods: shacklett a white. N°o "" porter* and Manufacturers, and which they will sell at very low nuea for cash or approved c«<Jit th^t r «^ o V*n 0W fall * n ‘ l com P t e‘e. Md well worth £ ! M W ° determined to «n ?ataSJ- r °T pnce * ttß canaot fajl to make u a strong inducement for merchant* to make a bill wuh “* _ me hill HOUSK KEKIMN’o"GOODS—W. H. Muinu ▼ ties :he aiicnuon of house keepers and those shout commencing house keeping, to his aisorinicm of above <>ood«. such a»— I white and colored, I lickings and piltow-ca.v Muslins, Idicrtiiics. f rom „„ P U/ (llfrn Vftxd , Wldf . i I Table Dtupers and Tabi-floihs, | i'owclting, Towel. i„,.l N'npktn.; j Furniture Print, and Foi-u/r-. Scarlet oil Chintz. f..r curtains. ?*np«r printed fhinu n»r qmits. Kmbroidered wn dow curtaiu Mu.iiit., Striped and barred Bert Blanket*, ui’ rjua'inc ami .r*c; A supplv of the.- Ono.l. :• constantly kept on hand, and will biwayfr be «oid on the most (avoruble term. ■ t nonh east corner 4th and Market ,*is fcb‘24 Shtrtins Olnsilna and IrUhhltttns. TXf R MLuPHV wiviic.. the particular attention of » V , those wantiiig the above (iood*. to hrs desirable stock, consi.ting of the best make, from the mo*t ap proved manufacturers, and tit* latter warranted, pure (lax —He hosjust received a „ addiUonaJ suppl >, and ,» offering Slnmng Musltos of a superior ijuaHiy, ai a very low price. Also, .Sheeting and l’inow,case Muslim Ihapcrs and Crnsh. Table Clr>ih», Towels anrf Napkin. , i-.nnk»t.«. guilts. Connicrpan-ii and , H r) . (.ood, gcn.-rallv LADIF." URLSSGUUDS—Sncb a-Fr.-mrl, Merinos I'urniueitn#, plain and fancy D.. J, n; nvs, uom** new .iiyic*ju«l received;) Alpaca., I"hc "ensfiii Iteing far advanced, all Uirse Gooff* wilt i l*c sold at priee. i hat cannot fab to ideate. ! Cl/*Wholesale Rooms ui> 'toirs. janli I A. A. MASON * CO., Nf*. <Vt MARKET f*rREF7r, Wiir their great semi-annuai »nic ot J)RV GUODs, tor :» days longer, dunug which nmo their citen.iv.- whole sale Room* will |,c thrown open to their R c u»i, 'l*Ta,{«. a. hereto,ore. A- A- M 4 Co f knowing tlmrtht-y are s«ntng Dry t>oods of every description irom ten io (if teen per eent less than over before, do mwie every person in waul ot dry goods, or who may ( r m want to examine and purcuiu t- flora tfur stock. *( tuc lowest wholesale rules. Onr great object in reducing .rack ,s u, make room for Spring (iood.. u l>enrg *OlllOBOllOO to exhibit in March the largest ami the richest stock 0/ Dry Goods ever offered by any one hou»c m America VY* .hall couuitoe Re sale of onr B!e*rtpd and Brown Muilitn.Tkklnj-liKi nlhni Dranenu. G oo.l. out forronr low. raw-n.nolwuhftandinclhe f.aUnrUn '"“"t'W ” r " OP °" 'D»rkcLi VOL. XVI. NO. -21-2 MISCELLANEOUS GOAD’S *“ Patens Graduated Galvanic Battery and Patent T lnsulated Poles Jm Medical and other purposes, HIB « the ouly instrument of the kind l£*r hsse** r been presented in thin country or Europe for nted- Lv ih,^ 5 - “ .‘V n ‘- v o,te erer * S 2. by which the galvanic Said can be conveyed to foehn! m*a «y*, the ear, the brain, or to any pan of foe b£y etlhrr externally or internally, | n » definii* strwuui. without shocks or .1 „ f*ntle onctoiirn wiSttie happiest * P"** l «lhty iilSsss; s&iSM&z&Sa coaid „oi l.7?c“°“Jd h? T" 0 ”’ *“"*«" Which Amonr virmn. n ,h. y an * olnw known means. ».^y w ja"TfS^«“ r c b :;rrr T ' ,i r”* 4 - U.c core ol chronic Aeamuu.m, «.iw oj “? doiimreux, p»™lr,„, or pal,,. „h“iSi‘SsL Vtitr'a dance, cptlepar, wcahtiM. £, m \p!£"; loc’kP! M.l!?’ “ c “ ,r ““'» o' W «■*>•, Rwhu for surrounding counties of Western Pa_ am i P ? r“v' dlc ~utn“ n ' s nt ’ m *y be purchased, snd also tested for the cure of diseases. 1)1 Knll instructions will bo given for the various chemi cals to axed for vonoox diseases, and the best mS ner for operating for the care of those diseases will 01. *a be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet Pai into hi* hands expressly for these purposeaTeare fully prepared by the patentee. Enquire of octlb-dl y S WILLIAMS, Vine sc, Pittsburgh. RtTtriibu Filtering Cock. A FOB PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid water pure by removing all sabstanoes not soluble m Jf/JSSiSp • water ~ The orotoa water in N. York, u ri clear and pure to the eye, yet ■ ri*KSS?yy^^ w ben it pauses an hour thro tub- inis filtering cock, shows a large deposit tWC' impure substances, worms, ho. Thia l * the case more or leas with oil hydrant water. Tne Reversible Futerer i> neat and durable, and u not attended with the Inconvenience incident to other Futerer*. as ii is cleansed without being detached from mo water pipe, by merely turning the key or handU from one side to the other. By this easy process, tho course of water is changed, and all occumnlationa fo impure substances are driven off almost Instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the advantage of being a stop cock, and as such in many esses will be Tery convenient and economical. Itcan be attached where there is any pressure high or tow to a cask, tank, mb, Ac. with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, W. W. WILSON, 00117 corner of Fourth and Market su THE ARBOMKTEBi THE attenunn of the public u respecuony called to the following certificates: 2\ Eaiuo—^ Haying tested s quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, i tnd tho result proves your instrument correct, and recommend tha qm of u to those going to California, as tho best method for ob taming the real value of Gold. Reap yours „ , m , •>- U DUNLEVy! Gobi Beater Pittsburgh. March «, 1549. ~ I’rmmsu, March 7, hla Kaki.xs—Dear Sir: Having examined the “Areo meter." raanulactured at your rooms. I do not hesitate to eoramrod it to the use of ihoso gentlemen who are about removing u. California in search of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific gran ty ot metal*, and will certainly enable tbe adventurer to ascertain when his plncer Is yielding Gold, marts Yours, resp'y, J. £L M’CLINTOCK. CLINTON PAPER 2ULL. riMJE CUN TON PAPER MILL, situated at Steuben- J. vine, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved and ai a very great expense added new and the most improved kind ol machinery, in now prepared to man ufacture aJI kind, of Writing, Printing. Wrapping and Cotton 1 srn Papers, Bonnet Board,., ice., equal to any in the Eastern or Western country a l ? < i er * i ff ne<l hav «ng the Agency of the above Mill, will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the different kinds of Paper, and will have auy size made to order at short notice. g C HILI , * a " _ 67 Vviml mlti TUBS AND CHURNS. Pine anil Cedar Ware flaonfaetory, No.Bl, CCR.Y*, M AHA ITT A. id Fifth Sts., IVnßouu. I Hr* | f>ut'*cntier keep* eotm&JiUy on hand, wbolc- X "ale «*Jia retail, very iow for easli ' VMh T«U. , Barrel Chuma, HaU5 1ul "- Staff Cliuma, H » rM> , Half HuMirU. i. c . A.I nflwr kiml' \V are in Liu line made to order jtcia-dly _ PAVUtt. KRORSKN A FURTHER REDUCTION I A> Ml SL'RA IT* PATK.YTsU>DA A&H- U I to 5 tori* 'Jf ciun currency, or A nn>« app vdbni* J '[*."* 0f upwards, Ity do par, 6 ion* rln, interest nd -le-I h..r the rupenur o( Uiu i.rm.d w c refer u> *'"* ! ' u “ i,,MI " ja P H*a«uracturem of thu city iremru.l ■> . , W* M MiTCHKLTRKK* ar< ' 4 __ » Mu liberty ,> Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. *m THIS m 10 certify that 1 have np- A pomteU Ljviiksioii. Rogge n A. o. Agent* fur the sale of Jennm*'* Diapraiiffm Finer, Jn ties of Pmsburau ajidtAlleehcnv lout GIBSON, A*«si mV jJ r y V ' 1,,0r ’ Wb«on, 341> Broa<lv.a>, Ocu 10, 1848. w e have been own* one of the above articles ar .„e H ? 'Vork. lor mo™ “d vo CS"?' 7 '*“' ficd "" * °“ r “ : m»ooii..d.' ina .ve take pleasure m recommending them 7* a .[!'*[,", le lo uiJ who lovr Purr water Orders wi., •,. uumiiiliy received and promptly rieeutefl t,rUO i.i vi.susro.N Koo(,i;n .to, Advertisement. i. <>' Nunn* A.» ». i .New \ <jr S i i "ir' 'Uo.ton) I'ianov would dir-t-:" Hiirnt'oii um. the onlv c :tl e ;VrM wn*£ ■. r W ‘ WP cu " .Ide ‘y , un ‘ • y»»!‘» , qaejiUy. # rortrci itfru o,,ne ' J Tin- Mii»-scribcf lictotf uuiiou* . 11,c,r f - lul,Ve incrus. and Having for u luiinlTrr of >c»M perlonrird upon U,r Piano. of NumiJ Jt Clark ••mn/V? ' lIU ° U * e j°' li "' * a ' l mottlli.i. h Clin K »"ini v ft o nn l,lOrder,n »rv it* .ior»l»tl,i> am] 6i nr ,. now b ; , " r ,} ' , . ne, ‘ t Ul<! Volrr - lWn.iv ole opinion on die subject. 1 nd rr "' l ‘ A handsome 10l of new Pianos will >*. ~,.r, a few day*. WI V, d «n * dec# 11 M.tiKEK, - - Ai J \V WoodwelV. _ GREAT WESTERN “ S LTA L (§i'R l^ V S ! '' ™ NK “'-D WHIP MA \ stsxsss xrr he haa iheTarjfd stock of Ute (oiWu.c named a ? clea ot in, OWu manuxaeiure m Un. c»y_«ildriu u new, lYuiilf, and Whip*. »j| of wnrcfte 'wfjf w«2?**' .-rj-s article* u» in. w pe^*°n * in,u»Aot Uie aboveLm tiTp'5 c ""“S b „ PR , M k AI i K 'Mwiini I **n Of aradeniic yea,. wm commoner „„ lle a' I** 1 ** , pr ,' k "' [ ry uexu in Ute same Imi-dmc No s*. r, * 1 ejfu - liaophicai and ctamwj • oTvOTii wd'i”S l i„'‘£f" 1 , 1^ 5 c to the moral and imollectnal innm, * c °*® “Hnnlion ”a J " ” ■»>"' •» “i™4"r- Kor '-w P“®s^iSH^Eres=Tr«-7sssEsri:- fash, per I.WW. For ih# A„°f r ■juaauiy, a i 3*l, ail kinds, ihe*e brick. havr ot miCU ° n * run,4, « l u ‘ petem judffrs as ' C I>PC “ P ro »°U'icctJ !■)- om now in u « C A Wm l" . 0,1 " r Wk. my3o A -IAM.Ln tCo, CniuU Basin. Vf A N f Ka CTL' K Kf> Tt ifßOk'O Witts Stewards* ’ 3 d ® " arw >fk . opcr 7„„ '"""■ Alu.|.r»u t fST' ""' market, are now ami w , ; ; continue m h.. i 4 * 6 , ur " A AJITCiIKLTREF 180 liberty' m r r "" “• dc,-« A ATKINSON ' l«t near Wood »lren MSc«le«, Cooking Stove*. Cij-ttt*. akmiau WAi,.Ar>:*,„. £s3»*«« k ron.rr Liberty nm!S\<md l ; lu "'b, and oijrr i u r «a,e I‘. jiiurrti y ...,, r „ . ..' l, i(ifr».'iarc improved <,uV,i. rr*»k.e.v' m, ' r and roai. J*j. K Mov,-, o-' y arU)d . ° Vt 7; fnr Wcx*} common l.rm 6 », l|.i„uw . V*. L a, ‘ or u<ui , mnnuiarrur- the h.u-hr-. Ki.n-r ’*-|,,rh h. Tn, *>' ll w ! ‘*r\ Wttu-.t rr-i.r.-j.u ’l'* “ ««:. u> of : me mufu. and i, ir , (UI , ; r( .. \ * l, *e an.-.,:,.. IJA HINT Kil.A* 1.., up j.r‘« X uwninciuoi Lorncm* Ai.-, .....,. c Ucture, *nJ -.upfrinr 10 ii. on »teambo»u. fuctone.T, L' M , U ~ " da i*'*'» 'o pnvaie halla aml ltu oth ''**• P' ,b "c 4 mi •.id bfUUam ..*ht «.« * nrr,! “ »*»e Al»o,Oirandulr«, |i a .| i ' shauc, w. rk9 , ctaiSi*,"- (jot t f.andelier*, from o, lc u> ,«i r : Cl *’ A,,c, | •-— r u " ~r VV 'V 4« jn—jr 4 -*S“ Harilnii.. ». . “*Tkrt n r r ,k « *rw - IJ m llardwar r WV.-cm. - if W 0 . 7,r W , *'*'»"£ To ‘heap a».t] v*«;i| «,r C :rU *; 0lk . 1:1 *<"-« v c -y «<nrf u.e Jerlinr t»fp n r,., ,„V Uardw.rp. • are drtcrnt.nrd lorem r<.rM..J^T ot><: ' “" ,J Who nave be-« >n7nl lo ' r - Xtt-uZ.L larly rc| U f.led .o rail »,„i £l£°’" K K *’ l - i-n^r,- ocH • ’*a*v :rjf.r raj..-rr,. t"}™* '“»• numii,! r ’)'".i'riSj l, *“‘"1 ‘■P o,l * h-.-.. Mutton Icoc U ork» ft PADES, SHOVI-XsS, 4* -&> Joa Si.uUrVm.d~ P vei»; 4o do >f.tnurr F«.rH. M doOraut Shoe* S*. do Socket dcr, Air*. Ha.racta, Matlock* and tV’t* Bollow*, Vice*. Ac . lor'aaic at ra*Oolacture,, » t-y aovts GWJ COCHRAN, W-ioSi ,'’ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers