THE ITnmtUiU nAZETi'E. Pl'nusiiKO BY WHITK .V *‘t' PITTBBCBUIIi FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL in, 1519. II t-Tur I’i r?sBUSGH DaILT Guzsrf* U putilitned Duly, Trl-’»Vr«*ii .v, and Weekly.—Tbv Daily 1* swe»' Dollar* pci annum; Uis Th-Wc«kly is Five Roller* prr annum; lac Weekly is Two Dollars par annum, rtr-Miy n adeine* Ry"A dveetim.ns nrc earnestly requrstedto Fa rut ii h«*ir fnv«»r<» :>efnre 3 » x . anil a* ear'y in lie <tny a* prariirau.c. A.trcn.N-nirTit* not m*«t :m fora inert lime wii: invariably be charged u u.I ordered oul Fuk umr Commercial Intelligence.Do'Br-tuc, Mar ket.*, Rive; Ntwi, Imports, Money Market*, hr -ce tiirtl pn^e PIIIIiADF.MIM A SOUTH ASIKBIOAK. .* H t ru«< -.i. ;i » ni<<t|'',ion« u> the .North Amcf ein, H.oi 1,1.11- :1 ?t.;> /-ttr J'luiad-' -pill*. tree i reil He* next pep* f or Telegraphic K«w*< For Local Mnlttr* »f» next paj«* Lkttfp- 1: x —Tb«* ‘Cue w letter Bor," bat been fri-tn ,t* ' l-J m'u-v.-'.o. a window nearer the 1' •»' 1 bi'. <'■ ivri'O Law.—Wchavi Tnx GENF.rA:. Ma* t received a <*'| y »i thi« .a *. i.s. amended aad, pass ed by ibe Leg s'atufv. O-ir readers will reryollect that wepu'.’l a ej .he law as :i wni origma'ly re. ported, when 1 wa» n a l) render it cl ren tal utility. Butnnem tne aatndmeol* im orpo rnted into it as it futility pauseJ. have ruined it lot a I a&eful purposes. It 1* an lullow* “That the stockholder. of any amimM rated under ibt* art shall lw liable *« ifw ,f ” nal capacity as joint partner" f° r a *** e traded by iheeomjxutyT The law. with this provision annexed, is so ranch waste pap.r. No corap«oi« will be termed coder ,L Ol wb.l w» w.ll "be Br men to forra companies under n charter winch .he 7 have to pay 10, ~ .he fir.: u»un«, and lay. ... heavy rax on their income, warn they all the liabilities of n private comp toy. without any compensating advantage,. A retm-d capital,at, or .one engaged m aome ouier l.u-ine,,. might feci willing lo net a portion .■! Jus mean, in a mticfeeturisg company (or Ihfc desire of benotomg a place,or the hope 01 fa :i *r lor sum other reason; hot no pradwuuan "'JI risk nil hr bos in n business which he does not under-Und and m the active management ol which he lias no! some concern. Pennsylvania is cursed with rndicaJiniu. l-roco* focoitri ho# sown seeds which are producing tin abundant crop. While other Suite# euci'umge nod luster manufacturers, Pennsylvania. more interest* ed thuti State in the’Union, pursues n policy perfectly su-cidal. She passes ten hour Ibwh to oripplc and rum our cotton manufacture*, while other slates v/ork twelve. I! industrious and enter;.! .me operatives, artixans and mechanics ask for u genera: manufacturin'.: biw. U i# rrudg ingly given, and a clause appended which destroy: the gift. Such » the . f th« politicians »en l o make laws ' The I\st OrnfcE—Mr K-'-ei-urg ;.a* '-i-tvr'd upon the dunes of his otllce, but ol ' x>u, \ .i is n- t yet organise J his force, or made hmisett ‘“••quair'- ed with*tne business. Re brinf;* to the work how* ever, the r,'|o.,uc energy aid nlnlhy, end lie office, wn'.o,it dnuh:. will be menep'd Uo the enure ,e:i»favlicn of the commun-ly. it >« g re: " re.pon.ib,llly ntd puLhr ul i.:««d there i, wrnrceiy en office ic He cicely in which the )>eoplc are more geecnily inle.e.leA U« cwcfnl end prompt raneegemeel i. e .ourcc u! E'ct con ' venlence end s,dVactiin to everv ratixen. Mr- Roacburg centiee, e, hi, tehon will, the Conti deoce of the pg. |.'e, winch we leel u*«nred u. not im>pi».ced. OFFICIAL Appointment b>- ll)t Pre.ldcnc pH 11.1 r 'vLAY WV ol 1 Ol - ue Treasury ■ >f the '' »=t»d Mat. x. KXF.CL-lir- Arroivntsnr* of po-h-ma'IEE: ISOtit march Alex W !tur.»ell. Indiauoj. •>. tnd. "'‘Rodney W i mr. N-*wiik. .■> -! OliverS Be* r». M--biie Am. _ James Mornsoo, Madifii. Ui ’ , ' r L r * ,n A!pbe«« S ‘.Vijlioins. Uetr.Mt. M oh. XfPOI5Till-VT« BY rJ fTMA>TEIt OKNKKALI’- PI SYL'.AMA SIMTB HI JAAiCU. M Wilwt. Heaver. Beaver county. J K Sh.iemsder, Beliefontr. Centre. S ~r * , ,i. Mill Hal',. Clinton. J M ‘ I’Vcestown. Cumberland. W S P r.«--l N-w Cumberland, do. J R*. ,■ R • d«M e. Mifflin. ... t... *. N -.w Bloomfield. Perry. |A ii • P-nv Wash.iurton. Mirm.: i; ' '» >tK.-\.tK S Mo: r .v.iiiMi'k-'oB Ar.. K C-.i V ner-v,:,*. Rmier. s Cor, I'. a' x-. i* Cnrster. ii*.*• J J Mo i r S< a ' raw ‘ or ' W m \ Nr’ •»«•> '.NmiiMTland. S5Hi 11 1 -d,»-Ha;!. ILPe. . A«y B i'i-c-. 1 » r.iri .E f <*• a a \ i,-h. . W.-.vio *tmj. Gr^:.e. W’\j. tn i.)' - C'li'.roV.o ip. Lancaster. J Cmllo-W * -r -»: .1 . « 1 ,’izerte. .1 C bna.r. \ f >**eh. N>Jt-ir J»ow. M» I 1' •'>“ ?■ l’F rr r- , JG Amo**. Liugl.hniown. Westmoreland. S B LaulLr. Greensburgh, dc * ' CowsTscncn Elec nos.—'The Hartford Corn of Friday says. “Beyond doubt the Whi* ticket for State offic will be elected by the Legislature. The iiipjor on idol ballot must b- stnul!*—much smaller in. the Whigs have u-uaily depeoded upon— but ,ne erthelesa, sutliciently L-ge io elect our State ticke .... .'tuny. uc.tKir'on Arifislrone The vote fjr Govern -r, fa n« but eight towot sland-ibr Tmmht.ll. Wing. 18,410! Seymoo, Democrat, 11.1)30; Siler, Free Soil, 3,082. Tlf State Senators Maml 13 Wh ;s lo b Democrats; U. House of Representatives 111 Whigs. 9 , Den.t craU, 14 Frtc Softer*. Nrw \okk. April 9, C V. M Farther accounts from Turuat.i. Uaotula, s' that the fire has proved tnor-; de-iruclive-tnuti « first supposed. The most valuable part of tne c-ty has ixjvu laid in ruin* and many of tue best hui.d in*,, tun-iRg which is the great * athedra.. It " lliouaht that but little less loan fcSOO.OOO to &L .tnjO 003 will cover the lots. Tne insurance oompamei Ijsc heavily.and someiof them are shpposed ic have been mined. A number ot {lersons wait injured.during the lire and some thought to nnr« killed. It n ujw icporied upon what is deemed good authority, Gat there is a division in the Canadian Mm airy m regard to the policy of government- Afl.t ri a»e very much unsettled.aud would M-eiu to t>e approaching a crisis. Uru Wlbu's Ku’Eiiiriov —Tue bdilbr of the CharlesleD Mercury, has nod an ■?«"»» «‘lh M,. Graham,one D*'oi. Webb’s party, m* -voir Mr New Vult. who gives rf most melancholy picture of the ra fares of the cholera among tho expedition. When Mr it. left, 100 had died, and twemy were an h. The disease was raging dreadful.y oa the bar,lts o! the Rio Grande. Tho boat on which Mr. Graham was a passenger, lost in U>ree nays the pilot, clerk, leuharper, captain and onu hand, dll of the cholera. t’Bouma st ms W, -r Mrs Dmltee, wife of the junior partner of the arm of Pomeroy i Dor kee, of St-Lom*, i’icd U cholera on the steamer SL Anthony, at Cairo, oil Friday last A man died on the Mary Jt 1' e St- l.'ttis levee on Saturday morning, nficr hut.. lew hours sickness. A calm, passenger rn the ffumina also J.rd with the ep. deinic. A prisoner in the Recorder's coon, .1 bt Louis, was suddenly re red with the disease, and con vet ed to the lio-p.lal, where 1:0 died.; There have been four -lealhs st Cairo, of a dis easo reseititihog Cnelera. The place Is reported ottierwi-e nealthy. Ma;, It fWABUi Cam e—The Grand Jury of Cm cmna'i ri tuned a verdict agauirt Mrs.lloward, lb* woman who cut the throat ol her husbands ml* tres«. l<r ran d«-r m the itr-t degree. -She ver; calmly n -ard the indictment read, by the Attorney GeuirrH and acted very midly and respectfully dum.g ibc *'ay o( the getulemac, aud allowed h::nt> J-pirt without uttering n word of com r- unt liCEr.\ £ i rVAJi...4r■ LilWCU.—' We learn from the IvW' ' - rur r that on the tirsloftbe prordnt month lic a .:;.:a u.i- oper-iti vc in the cotton fac- twenty tort tor c 3 .I : a ‘-i’ l * lywi/e | c. c. a’.—a iicmiTcstured to wbal they * i m-n l.- .ig > T. * must t>e most accep- table to the 1 ntCH'tONb LsK cl We.jneuluMit'd a week Of two ngo fhal aWi .; Com col,on ,n Ripl.mond ,V,r -d -ir ct had irOitnnzii d Mr Charles Carter fT [ar Coosmss. Oa Thursday last nnolhrr, and large \Vh g Convcnlion, nomintH Mr. BoIU, the late member. Il rs unfortunate Ibnlthere should he two Whig candidate* presented m tbe district, will give, chance for n Democratic candi date to run in. I. U nut possible *> heal the an , “ fe „d which exists in the Whig rants, and en gtneer* BROTH WABUISGTOII. I ' EXTRACTS. Correspondence of (he Pittsburgh tiuetie. I Pa*st?C« Tatloe i Iswicsal —Tbit paper ha.* Washington, April 9, lbtO- I °>et with a k‘ n *l reception from tnc Ewpisn pre?s. I beg leave lo correct a lcjt*us pcnruK, in my j The Liverpool ibe itm <m .n speaking leUer of the 3d instant. Referring to the aunoa) ,of it, says— revolution'of the earth, l speak of the - precession ' . Thc temperate, but eim{'i«*ot inau«arnl nd of tha enhr-ii« "< v t . ~ , „,i' ! < ' re ” of toe hew .President ol the l ailed, Slates oi\ho echptK, when l meant to allude tothe wel, ( ha# read jQ F:oatand Wllh feellQ? , of D ,, d . strtiwn phenomenon of the u precevinn of u.c • ernble satisfaction The tone ofmaniy candour and equinoxeb.” moderation which prvv«:is m every eiv»-» am* The nomination# of Mr. Irvine to be Marshal. &nJ of “Mr. Sweitzer to b| D.unct Attorney were made, it appears, on Saturday, thoogh they were determined some day* previously- Wany changes- efbong post masters are being daily mad* The Union groans :a a*ony ot spirit, ond nppeats to take a malignant pleasure in pablwbog the most infamous and contemptible iipels upon Mr \\ ar reo. the Second Assistant Tost Master General, through whom, as the duel ot the appointing bu- reau, the appointment* area!! mode The eon doctor of that paper, no longer rolling among the drippings of the kitchen, spits his venom without stint and without tbame upon all who conic with in reach of it. The Secretary of the Treasury is in PhiladeU phiA. It is supposed that he will remain absent for it week. It is said that in the even! of a change in tne office of First Comptroller of this IVpart mr nl, John A ColLer. of New York, formerly State Comptroller, and a man of well known ability, wi.l be called to till il The amount of Stock issued to foreigners, ind:» cates that the credit uf our Government continues to maintain a high reputation aluoad. The amount given at the Treasury, as haring been issued from the 2d to the 6lh Apr.l, inclusive, is as follows Gf Loan oMb46, SA.OQO do 0f1M7,.. T 11.100 do of IMb 20.-'»00 S-TAOQ But probably the entire amount u much greater. This statement only comprises certain small sums tor which the names of parties makine the invest ment lor their own account is given. That which ls taken on foreign account, and held by agents, as trustees in this country, ts doubtless much more considerable. U is said that the Government still have upwards two nod a quarter millions of dollars of the Hun ol 154 S to receive the money upon. This looks well, and appears satisfactory proof ol the fact mat the receipts of revenue frohi customs, tor the mat quarter, have not fallen short of the estimates. The amount of revenue collected under the prtff senflarilT has very little to do with the question of protection. Under alt the circumstances, the most productive tariff we ever had was that of 1542 The amount collected in 164.) and ‘46 was greater in proportion to the imputation and business ol the country than has ever been collected under this tariff. There arc now very few Democratic papers which have the assurance to deny that the famine in Europe was the cause of the immense exports of bread stuffs in 161“, and of the great import* Uoqb which, in consequence, swelled the receipts from customs in ttiat and the following year. Tna! ex}>ort trade ban n<»v nearly ceased, aud there has beea comparatively a falling efi in the amount 01 <>ur import.*. You will fiud in the telegraphic des patches of some if the papers n statement that the President has distinctly and publicly declared him sell lit favor of the protective policy) nud a retorn to specific Julie*, hi* an important tact, and will hove no inconsiderable effect in determining the modifications which will be adopted at me next scssioq of Congress. A medium ground will be taken between the tariff of IM6 and that of 164'2. Senator Cooper arrived here a few days since and ts staying at Willard's. The struggle over the Philadelphia '’c'lnin'it.c-if is vefy animated. Peter Sken Smith 1* pres* 1 nc his ckums. and very strongly becked w.tti a h< v l ►ix thousand names. Whether his nomination :? urged upon the ground of his being a prominent member of the Native American Party, which ar dently supported Gen'*ral do not know. It is un<lersto»>d, however, that Mr. Levin .» net among the supporters of Genera. Sur.tti 1 near u staled, also, that J 3 Ridd.e, a brother of tl.»- editor of Uie Pittsburgh Commercial .lournai, t.» «• inoog the number of applicants r\;r « F'rom the National Intelligencer THE GOVEHSMEXT ADVERTISING. From letters which we have ourselves received, from our brethren of the Whig Press, we infer that atmilar letters arc received also by the diflet ent Executive Departments, making inquinc cor ceruiug the distribution vf it»« Ol i->- Govcrnment aiming the necessary, but tim.’.ed number cf presses by v»hich it is to be executed. Preliminary to an effort to answer, by tin* pyb» jlcalion, the communication* on this subject, winch it would be too Dbcrioua a task to answer seve* rally, we take occasion IQ remark that there can be do greater mistake than to suppose that the Executive ha? uwu disposal any quantity ot wha! i> ci.bed ]*iiru/uJ2e of lie pint. Ti c *coj>e cl its a.-tion io loia respect is prescr.t'cd m d limited by law, nod is so Darrowed down as be <>l vaauv less consequence than i* penerabv M'p?>os«»J. The complaint of recent date wmo has induced oar notice of the subject at Hus time, ts the publi cation of an advertisement by the War Depart meat it execution for the law for paying persons for boraes and otner property lost m the m l.tary service of the I’oited Stales, to whicft advertise meot was appended a notice requesting it to be published m a ntiml>er of papers m different port* ot the United States, every otie cl' which papers, except, we believe, the National Intelligence!, beingopposed iq politics to me present Adm.nis* [ration. This, certainir. without explanation, ha* au odd appearance, and has elcited amongst f> r pr.-ft*- siooaJ fnenda a verymalural surprise. !>ulli.c mo ment the Vase is examiaed, tnt* art i nge ment will* he found to have been entirely In vor.d ihe control of the War Department -The low referred to which bear* dale h 3. 1549, contani* among us provisions, the lo.Lwmg precise and imperative one • ;i Ami U it further •• ncH. Thn’ -h<* r.aim' provided mr uinl<*r Mu* ac »'ur. t»* Third Auduor. ui.«t*-r »ucu »• »haii i- n: • ' nv ui« Hecretary of War, under •> •• dtrerno i. or ;hc tfjnen! ofih«- l’re*idviii of in? I r.tTed r* l at*- A- wliich rui--» amt reirulaliuo* *hall t,. j.-u’>li»hrd 'or lou: week* m nuen newapather. in wnu-ti M,e i,.,' l iuirtl Slate* are pub’i«li'.-»t. ns :bf ?*'-rrt»r> <>' «ai i halt direct ' The Secretarv. in his eelection of paper* in which his advertieeraeot was to appenr, was strictly con fined to those papers under the late Administration as publishers of thr laws, <*l which the National Intelligencer wa* perhaps the only one of Whig politics, aud selected only in accordance with law, because it had the largest circulation of mtv paper published .n Washing* ton. Having thus ex-onerated the secretary of U &r from any undue responsibility for the selection r.f vehicles of the advertisement referred to. we now take occasion to answer other inquiries nod re quests which have been addressed to us concern mg the selection of papers ;n which tin Im>c* of tke IfnUfA Stauj are to be published; which desig •nati&fl, as regard* the Acts of the last Congre-s, there apper* ’to be a very generally erroneous im pression, had fallen within the province ofthe fcrcc retary of Slate; to whom, m consequence, many application* have teen addressed on that sulject. To selthis matter quote from the low (passed April 20, IblS), regulating this matter the (oDnwing provision: “Be ‘it enar ted. Ac Tl**!, ai'and dunng ihr wainin oi each Gonpre** fthe t'niied Sisie*, the Secrets rv tor the Departmem of Si»ie »hai! r*mr Hie act* ui'l rr*oi uuon* pa»*cd by Congret* st «och *e«*ion io br {mh lithed, rurreti’.ly as they aj*- enacted, and a* *oo:, &a prmcticnble. in uot more man on-- newspaper m the District oi Columbia, anil ui im 1 more tna;i Hirer n'-wi paper* in e*cn of ib<- mx truJ M.atev. and in not more than three {now two; newspaper! in >-ach oi thr Tom torte* Of the I'rutftd Mate* And Uu aiao c.iu«e ' • be published, in ’h- t*k mail >•- r. muo »o,d r.« w*pn. per*, or ib »aeh ol ibem a» He »n»i; lor inai purp >te de *icnalc, ihe puhiic (ream-* eai»rrd mb) o;id ruMi.-d l>y tbe United »ute« u The selection of publishers of the law* is. there* fore, to be made by the Secretary of State -at and during the session ot each Congres»’~-& phraseolo gy which has always l*eeD considered to mean that the designation shall be mode after the ermmence ment Of each aeesion, (that, il necessary, member* of] Oongresi uiay be aJvised with in regard to ap pointtnentsfor their respective States,) and to be renewed at each successive sesaion. The existing selection, therefore, ia that which ■ was made after the commencement oi the late *£*-, sion of Congress, and cannot be changed nnul tiie j commencement of the next session, and for which, therefore. Mr. Scctretary Clattok is no more to < be held accountable than u hii- Secretary Craw hoEo for cart) ing out tbe positive icjuactioaof the law, in selecting from it the papers tn winch tbe i particular advertisement referred to rhail be pub . lishe'd. We trust that we have said enough to clear the skirts of both Secretaries from all imputation of having des gned, either by what they have done or not done, to neglect tbe political friends of tbe Ad ministration or to propitiate ilsenemiea. 1 Rtr Vah Wisklr- — a Wbom u ad tba cheering ! for '" said an individual on the Leveo, law evening, as the ex-Prewdent \va* gotng on board the steam- ] er Carohne E. Watkin*. •lame* K. Polk," replied an excited citizen; “Juraes K- Polk, and nothing shorter." “IPfo u James K. PoU~ was the m* ‘ quiry of a benighted querist. This Is about a* bod as the man from the Pine \ wood*, who bdrrtcd to the St. Louis Kxchange ] yesterday, and having been introduced to the ex-' President, placed in hia hand a large bundleif] manuscripts, nddresacd to the President ofthe Uni- j ted States, consisting of recommendation* and *o» liettations in his behaiffor the office of Inspectcr! of Live Oak' Tbe ex-President gianoed at one or two of the d<“iuiuents and then politely returned t tbe batch. Uandly remarking that they were intend ed for hi a successor; and that, although he had; many friends to serve, be was not now id a poat- j lion to do ao. — Delta. pie security, not only to the citizens of the 1 naeci but to lho»e of every country in the world, that llie peaceful relation* which now so happih «üb sistg betweeu the nations of Europe andtnr ureut Republic of A tnenca, w;il not assume a aspect, u-uatever caum of quarrel may uubaptuK arise, until Prciident Taylor has "exhausted every resort ot booarable diplomacy belore to arnn. So long as this honorable principle is made the basis of the conduct of the A merman statesmen, toward the English especially they need not fear bU' that we shah be actuated by the same high minded generous feeling. ria- London Standard sny» ol n Tiit- inaugural address oftrciirrai Tuyb T.brougi.l by the l.uropo. ha* mciird a good d-al o! utii-ation. ond baa met with almost universal approbation The decided manner in which the President lia« pronounced for maintaining pacific relation-* with nil lorngn Slates is viewed with much satisfaction, and bears oul the general views we. expressed some menlhs ago relative to the character of tae policy, he would likely pursue, in his discharge el t'le duties which have now devolved upon !u:o Not the least important part ot the address is that which relates to the proper protection l" industry, whether agricultural or manufacturing, ami which General Taylor lias intimated shall re ceive every- encouragement and protection at his hands that is necessary, Front ihe London Time, of M&reh 2J The Inaugural Message ot President Taylor wib not ia l l to excite a certain sort ot admiration. If <t does appeal to Ihe warmest sympathies dan Englishman, it it does not possess tbal semi-tragic interest with which regal Europe iislens to the few and solemn declarations of her Princes, it is tor reasons some cf wh ch are immensely in favor of the American republic. In these elder countries Ihe heir of a throne (minded in the obscure >r:ginaU 0! history, addresses the assembled representa tives ot many classes, many race*, mnnv iatrtc»i# anil many IruJitions He can seldom e«r.ipe an explicit refereucc to the greatest ea ! annt:es and <1 >• ficulties that it nation can sutler in itse l orl-y its irternoti mal relation*. -Perhaps we are menaced by the ambition nf a ntgohor or entang e.i in the quarrels of allies, perh:i[is the sod of these ;«U-s or a brsuch of employment is 100 crowded, perhaps e.Tcte institutions are to be renovated m Inc fuce ot investernte prejudice; perhnp* the knotied web ot hied.eval law i« to I*> uart veiled nt one lime pau per, mii cankers the soul of seifens.aved myriads, at an -tiier lime famine decimate* a neglect ai.i! help le»a race; factions lacerme, and debt burthens the land 111 the midst of festering sores ever ready to open, and surrounded by conflicting Ties, the sovereign twice a year utters a few sentences, the chief merit of which :s that they put a fair faee on the sutler,ng ot the nation, snd the shortcoming* o( .the legislature. Across the Atlantic we see every thine changed. There a youthful empire, with a 'rapidly increasing population and a whole world before it, is Iwuading on to new regions and new shores. Political ambition, mercantile r./airy the jealousy of classes and of ereeds, are -u!«Jued be lore the ardor of a race of which wealth m every form is the prise. The chosen leader of the peo a gr-ul company of adventurer*, started afresh on »ueh an enterprise n< tne word never yet saw. li ; s topic* are dul\ m:-l nope H-» t-me. nudlhe \erv rnvtnm of ho* wute.nees, re mind us ot tae deliverer leading ins armies into u long proiu..e.l land The most distinctive lealurcs in 1 reti. Taylor s address are tns renunciation of mi p.irl)»-s, hi* refer ence to Ihe traditions and me eariv Presidents of the I'nion, his paeiiic aims, and the inyia.-nality be desires to maintain between the various branches of industry and wealth. Snch professions are easi ly made, but never «•>» a Presideni more entitled lo make them, either by the circumstances of his election or by lus known character. The exaggrrs ation.or rather the burlesque ot jiolilichl --uoirover sy. which-n the i niied Elates has oiiunled m-ex» haustible materials >f snore to the European stran ger. has gone a good way toward* its own cure- Tne iate election was the result of an an, cable and a wise couvpr.imise Tne merits ut u.e man. as proved ,n a d tlicnlt and protracted war. aud ns further illustrated in what we m*v .*,t 1 n gentiemanlv <- showed h m lo t<e tn persou ,a whom a . pHrt >*•* ■ • u ; d meet witb.-.-t him c f - rrdit or standu-c i; i*. in tart, me peculiar p lion ufibe Amerioii I’fcs.dem lv? in*- nrt-.irr and umpire of that impura-e t-d icder..t:ou' The same policy whicli tin-i placed the Capitol m a nn: . Ira; district, bel-.r.g ng in r.o Mate, mi the r.v-r waich divide* it.c Northern from lue S-mthdrii Sfuie# —tne acricu i.irti Uoui the mcrcuiit.b —-us re**;# that the occupant of the -While l i mre ’ shou. he t peruimrly iirntrnl man T.-.r ' vjruage •. r -be Hddrgs* .« tho! w inr' n t.: I ti ifii Statev tin* ',vi\t be-a assoc at-d w-tti i •Wn i jvjiirv. i t-Xpressesa cord.a. *dh-rr;r to I’m* ex.slmi: pro l:ce ol the Execut vr ; .;•! .t a. u- lor ir.v*«i* tfdn uvr acquitted tm-m-eives \v>* ; in tnu service of f I'ri.nn. bin. part •.•uiaHv. ar* ait<*e on that met: *1 rim! guide by wind) an no me inusgri’y anJ idea ly of co- stitutu.’i« ■« i*rcr v<*<\ “•la the discharge ' these dines. mv zi: ..!r a I .* the constitution ’• •» —a i l'"« tlav ar i • pri-«*rvr to protect. and >)•. .e:.d. F>t the ml-:, r' •> i tboi instrument. I sha!' look :» the ueci* >m c • jn-h-in; tribunal* cMs»i *hed . s re a ..i to the practice 5t >e • * • **•• President*, Who tv large it -• ni .n '■> • 1 :■> - lion. Tolhe exa iiplwot irm-f’i* •jtirr ,, .s l ahall aiway# re->-r w "i •<•». r.*i.- •• .m : i * .<• • '«■ V to his example.*.;o w.i* .v «• iron”. er of hi* country “ F> r •. r "v,* ;on. o '••* •**»? laal both id publics nm* >i> *•% .‘.ere a min :i e*» interval between the 1 i.nui nr.J id- mother ■' m n try than is senera'lv H**«tined It w-i* lie ru.e -d the first President 1 1 . up n in - e "••an iv n ’essihes of ao <n Vjf >m in- 1 r»*• '• ■' rat.on uhsoiutel'. reqi. fd F• * in** *"■ •.‘•••.aer.- r from irraluUous ;n n< v ; a tniv uv .!*• r' r I a -it b; nv winch ha.s -urpr *rd Me wn< «• w >r _ and wh i’h promises to lust lor new* to *' ‘ il ’’ * v<Ml m: the m'.dst of revolution ami Mvil war. when it vra* necessary m .*nt the nalurai t;c between .inr mother stale an-, the colony, with the strongest means and the most "trenuous determination even then were i«»nn*l men. and thev the leader! of the movement, who ccnld warn the to stand m the old p\ins. and who could proclaim the oracular war i ug, Aiuu/uan '.qumu mat'rm In that wise fnnndaiion of the American policy we reci'cnise n' once the surest pledge ot per inaoence and ofabuiing sympathies with me pareni iflale. Hjjmx.—The I'.pe conucuea al» »ueta 1 h*- f - in *t:tueot AsseiiU'-, - at Home s* bu»..v engturd .a p»*rfecling the n«-. -usury K<r me ,rguni Zntion and defence ot the Ke;>tn>i'c. The Assembly ’u* v'i'-il by nc, ;»iu.i'-t'n a pro* jed of docrue an-■■•*u*ii* UK i> .v an-l tiec - that a pillar L .. 00 J be creeled uii tt,e site ot Inc palace where t>»*eii installed In toe *tii'nc • n itie 1 *t u'tiui' M S-T'i'iu iiDiiomt-ec mat Uic F.iecutive G ve had matlc prep-ira .- n fur tne wa: wli.d. wi- 4l*-i:i i ■ Mike p n--e With Austria, ,or a war there • *-rtu n v w<>i..d !>c. n* the ( was det»'rmmeci n >t* to w* i until the Auslr,B.i> leceived reminrceiTirnts The Minister •! homcn Alfair* n *s sent * .ie*. patch, dated the . *t. t<> the Neopolitan Minister 4 Foreign A flairs, ctpresamg life unen*tne*s the ' ov eroment of Ronu- teeU al the extraordinary m crease of Neopc..:an troops on the fn>ntier, and at the presence oi general Zuecb,, wno»i n,ierii.i ns are evidently hostile. It. moreover advert* to l ie fact ofa party oi 100 Neapolitan soldier* having crossed the fronner on the 2Chh Feb inuking sus picious .nquines reaper.Ung the state ol ihe Roman troops and then retrcatitg. It lurtber slates, timt in prevent the recurrence of «ucli act*, the Ibim-m (vovernmenl hi- * thought it advisable tn r-imm *tritte with the Nenpoli an Government mi the sut je«-t. 3nd eX|iei-r* eiplanalcins caimiHled l< rr move the ju*i si'-pick-a* entertained ' y the Rep'i. - iic with respect i > the intentions of Naples- The Minister • f Finance ha*ordered, under thr severest penal!.thr deposit in tne irensurv ol ail the fund* a- crui -r tr <m mortmain property, wn rh t>y a de« isiun oi the Con»i:‘.uetit Assembly ol '.be 91 st ult were O’ applied to thr irrge.H want* ol tho country. dav* only arerHowed torffret that payment. Tne Pofu- has jirolested against thi* decree conL.-rati.ig ca-les' property The Minister of Karenin Atlbir* nas published an address to the Ktm>;>ean Power*, justifying the proceedings of'.-it. Roman Re; nbli -ans. It con clude* a* follow - A* iong a* tne i'ujie snowed himself the friend t! inde[K-ndenre, the ; Roman people v,d by tne Po|k-. but, when h j deserted that,caitse Ins tempora. sovereignty was ! repudiated. Jit ta wed that Euro|»e may have n j standard wlfefrrby to measure Ibi destiny with i which theftomm. Repnolic is thrp*.irn<id; a destiny which who guide U wilt me •! without eith*-r prcsumpMon or fe*.r, w.t'i the ■! viuiv ot men who have 1 -vot«d them*«fv-* to the w*-al ui the land in win- h they were born mid who may ever say proudly cud confidently t I irope *V «- | have at least Ojuu m«c g-onoti* act, we ,l,v ‘e I destroyed the temporal dominttuon c! tnu P.-pc f It is thongtil that Mozzini w.n j r xoauned 1 Eleclalory qf The Roman* ’irr *i“d to pri | post to themselves the scute of herrura. At Rome,ou the l'»il. ult., the Ib-I. .pv of ■ retd., > i and Urvieto, aoJ the ' Archbishop Cardinal dr i-er : mo, were arrested Tbe.r ollence i* that of exci i tirg the people inronch the prc*s. t ■ revolt, and 1 car.imn.atmg the Republic < >rd.-r* were ,u*o j given, on the 12th. to arrest ihef.ardma! de Angc | lis, Arobbtsbop c>t Jermo. Ri mua—The Lmptror has issued * oka-- t ■. all the official dparlnient*, imbrcimg them, mat in , the year tb4<tthry are not to present any pelitiwia whatever for nu mcrcriM-c-f sal-irv or prcuuiary : assiaUncc of any kind, because the country will require extra.irdinrry pecumao' resources lor ihe consolidation ot tne whin!** army. “ hoever act.* contrary to thi* uka«J‘:s to be »üb;ect"d to severe punishment. The ukase i» one ol immeosa un j portAOce nt ttu* moment, for a prohibition of the , Lnd has a.'.M been known in the nwmoiy of man. j and clearly imiicaU:* the < z«r has very ei ! tensive project* tor the tarrying <n!t ,:l wh,, ’ h he is reserving hi* nuance* 1 'n« Ihe most • important token* relative t<< inc.imn * a-ou. .0 ’ be taken in the present position -l 11 “* the North. .* tlw fact that a Ru«m*i' : has already received orders to crui«r m the hast . CuthA. —The advice* from ' h.naare tojnnanry 30. A lions Kong !>a|><rt ban lint lolluwins -We undt-rntaoti lita Clnnci: \'.to Roy Bcu has acceptcJ 00 invnalion to iho American Lom imumner, -» >»“''■ lh ' 1 the 15th ot February. The meetmii wilh Mr. Bon ham ho. since, we believe, bsren bled for Ihe 1 llh. The I'nilml Sulci -hip Treble is about In pro ceed lo Japan, in bring away Ihe crew of ihe American whaler l.agoda, recently wrecked on the coast. It is said the Chinese banker* are withdraw mg their capital from Caotoo, anlicipaUag dis turbances is April. From Die Baltimore **au Interesting from California. Janies S. Welhered, of Baltimore, -rr Vvi here on tSaturdav night from Californio. ’ He ;*■» oun Frannacnou November 25th, .n the i.'mied. fttatea ship ‘ whicn «htr> had a paa-age ■t seventy days in Valparaiso. He bruiira wrh h.m, wi> learn, some fine specimens, of e> id. the ftsuil i,i hts own nigging. Tne in.'owing Svnj r brtjoshi by him we extract from tne Patriot He .eft VaJvarmso in : .*• steamer mill was tw.i days crisstnethe Uttimus. Tberuwcre U">'Ut pun person»on the Isthmus, some <>• whom Wt; re in a -(.[> of destitution; many tailed r>; re turuinsto !<,.? States, and some had already Marted I n n Ihe.r re;urn. Trade wa« brisk at San Fmn j Circe. ,»nd gMods jelliQg hi t'a.r price', tne merch- I »nis. however, were expecting a great a» | large Hr e looked lor irom tho c-iates, England i and boutn Americn. Mr \V wales that a government is much need ed ;n California, and that the Americans will be om< h d.sappoinled to lir.d that the last Cougress did not pass a ’ lull. H- al-o «avs that many of the account* we nave received as to the prices at which good, were sold, and the immense yields of gold trom the mines! un* iixaggeruied. "fhe caicii.alion of the best in lormed war tnnt four millions o( gold hnd taken irom the mine*, up to the lime ot his leaving. Mr. Wvilieret! afer having disposed of his stock nt goods by tne -Ivlione.' lormed a company of jy lor the purpose ot mining, most of whom vamosed He sold out his teDls and provisions to T, who re mained with hun. and atier a tour of observation l-r several days returned to San Fronci«co. He believes |, c reached a d stance ,>i Cf*M miles from San {■ ratn-isco up the Americano, winch i s Jarlher lhati any American had gone, and saw tho smoke ’‘’hat Ij'e supposed was a large volcano, some •id railed distant. He passed large numbers nt person* at the ditfcrent placers, some of whom uad '>een very successful others so unsuccessful that they preferred returning to San Francisco and ; work for good wages. Fdr—Since the above was m type, we have imd an interview with Mr. Welhered. just returned irom Son Francisco, and learn that-the statement* about the abundance n| gmd are strictly true, lie dug wun Its own hands upwards of SI 00, out of a choice place, however per day It is umiuestion ab'y tne country tor men used to work, ns they can here i-eruinly earn, on an average, an ounce a d.iv He would not, however, advise persons getting a good living, to leave u uud go to Cal lorn... Y' it tic gent'emen unaccustomed to l;,bor w.k i,nd it very sotere wort, and Uiem-elvc- not c ;iial to il. il was the op.uion v«f the best mf inncii persi'ns in >nn Francisco, that there had been not less than S4.OUO.O'JO or geld dug to the tune he left. 27m November. l The inep'tiants of Vaipnrai-o have so !ar reaped the grculest beuidil Irom me trade with Ca it'ornu The liic:i.t;e* lor making the gold dint iiv.iibibic in Valparaiso, by gelling F.xchattge on the Bunk of Kngoind, ha.* turned nearly the whede ot it. thus Mr, to England. Mr Welhered thinks Ite c.uly way our ' /overnment can derive any benei.l freru the gold region, w.i! be In establish a iiiml, and charge a per oenlnge lor fM.imng Many <d the emigrants on ihe isthmus, nut seeing anV prospect of lurifler, nave taken up land and g> ne to tanning, at w hn.ji they are doing well. There lire not less biau d.iti.'O persons now there, Witn.-ui any prospect oi getting oti. A large num ber iire also nt Mazutian. in the same situat-ou. He adv:*e* nil persons to go by the w.iv ol t'apc Horn, a* im* sure*t. Vtest, and chcn|>e»t rente. Many Have returned from Chugres, w.i . .re r pu*c o’lr-'Dig naiiuil Uie Horn. 1 .te mode "I getting to liie mines, is nrst to go by water to Suicr > lauding, 1 b'J Hide-— freight 52 ’." fair hundred pounds, passage 510. theme by w.-k t, - i miles —Ire.gnt fsrr hundr**.. pun mis. l.,cnc’ by juck mules, up the to the v.i-i. u- U.ggir,*. Mr. \V. travelled j 0 da\* through the in.n ng countrv and i.uind gold every wlierc, and is •-[ :iit* opin.ou lh«t •( extends fjr -'•"O in; cs He saw sa.i.p e- ol the gi’bl f.uu.l in <>rr gou. which appear* similar to that found ;u scales in <’aulorma. F-t -iis /’!/.•••"< rgh Ms Wurtß—Sik ! sec in your pajwr of the '.Mtii ol Marcti. new ndtent.-’n* .11 Hgncultitrr. by i’r H i.dw a. i f Virgin.a— siXU eu pro|*ositiutis o» he calls them —some of wiuc.i 1 trunk very erro*. ii- hi*. I r»t —It .« m..i true thiti «nv ptnut whicn the tanner is interested ,u cu.uvai;ng, derives it* pnr.c :•«! *t , 'nr:»lMue,:t irem tt.c carlHini. acid gas why :.« it f-t imhm:* \v ; .. vegetale and . n mi.l may t-e brouct.t to 1 powdered emir. pfu-rt 7 Ti C- ri!nir>< nci'ire u v-i-h mol eu ar’y I il ~i carbonic a, -d ga; purled u i cur Not car i.on ac.d gs« * I’ - "I !y a;,r.,eut <>| p nnt» —tnlr- gcc ttvdro- gJn am! t xvgen i nr* »rr neces»ardv pres-:.' m " c on'v livod cf plants known to mrr ,s manure, or the residue nf 1 : o ' • N- 'h-r water, o- . carton piuog a * wr, - i the , »•» »u i-hnit-* phosphates of ammonia. ’ - •_v .o, i f.. d*. n-T n ka’.es have ever U»- it-: aomei.t oi>'* un. •.>t ne>'i m lo Hi ■« proposition. the l>r mav iv h t» W tusk" iloit JMM' V. ."MK-n -I'l ‘V \ I- Wi m!k ->l a u->r*r l>r :ia W-j ntnif l.j v. ,ir«, i iff* to l i.i; I*rs. ! !»**< *ry. i..nt llitr oa y v»<i oi i i»nt- i« manure wr nst-match' iead u> t4 l Take am 1 manure a t> e.-v <>t‘ ian<' ' £ ,v k ’*'' ' ,rm3:: ol * 1 «; 1T..J1 r lUr urri. t f very Ue.'.v T w u manure puinlietl in a mailt*, ■ <-.r u-tn •. tna nr ui-«. .r rnni, ;»<• u :im; w. ' .;row l-renUM' v until mm-' Line u ( ‘ A '‘,- 0 • 'hut*- * > '.t U ' .u Inc muir.n 'I du:r wh.-u it w;li ail .;e down, Rnriiii,ai.«ui. *»-.# \*n»i i* : j. nod m i.nrvpat \..u w,. nave plenty of straw— , ,44 .nil -*a- (n-ain ~r :» im» reanc'f: \ou have led ino plants with one • Jll ,m ,ia,B lm* i‘ i>w #nr n: »«'•••: üb>'< kind ot nourmn.i.ciil while you hove J I,r'eU ami'> o ' -t f * rrIUM-d '.none vriv .aits which are * ne-ce**arY , p A FaMNKST'k'KA i'<>. to the production .>1 Wie gra d The Dr ha* told ; corner l»l and W.wet, ~.o miner Mb m,.: U ood « u. mat m-"*r ».» n nave never l*e«-n proved 1-> i ■|>i« !-• tti»* ahm-rit* "I plants unconnected »v,th j>’i. * * •' - ■ »•■ -t»« >i IKII.-I! roml I.K > ’t tie Win; J hove rend the ex- , |ii(] , l - oulU) c ,„, x r |***r:en> - e it uianv men whu nave applied Htktrhr* Mr M ( »u.i Un,, .. ni > *ven w«y nmip<-i>' tmi »«•!• w.'N n.i. .1 <nn:it snore** Ilia certa.u ui u" nm." m«-,.tlir«, un«l ilr.rrvu,. lt)"se organ ■ substance* mu*t undergo a i 1 "® 1 i • : " .2 Uii'M* • •'■ein r n , (.fo.-«-s*, t.e,. r«- met ki'onn tood kr IU ' II -' 1 . l-.rtiiL' i'itt we , an::.)i i ;'yw n«»* l‘r ihroogh u.. Mu-iririLri ■- • HI i. hIHFI m on'.ri tow,.- -y fc vrr. ti— T' 'Be flm.Mu'ui :h . esllgat: n* rd ,lf>o * [ t .“j ,' l ' r '• 1 ! ’ learned chcm.sls t-iv . v d..regard,ug tne - - ' ' pnii.'t .ie ’nr., n.’’ promoted ttie ;.vrp*t 'n».t:rr»: u-I am n ra.-.u.ilas- .or ».< ui agriculture —proves P a certainly h's .gnor- \\ l' ' ° ‘' l ' h 111 e ol IBe nc.cncc v! Cbelll.slry, and lU elle.t* ,‘j[ " <l ' on Hitnru.ujie Ttie i’h:iie»iv Iroin tl.e id | m;„ Ur i r their |k pii.nti.'D r.nvr hecii compelled t< improve • n agriculture \» t eceaalty i» Hie mother-•! in vrnli.Mi t r »-y are Ix-lcre nil other nulicnn in 1 'ie art of cultivation Tney have receipt* for the ditlerem manure* o! ditlerent plant* and shrub*. Thu* ex|>ern*Ufe tin* taugt.t them that one mmplr kind of manure doe* not leed all kiud* ot p.anl*. They purchase at a high price the a»hr* o( straw that ha* l>een u.sed in heating hake ovens* lor manure Tne L>r* ».:‘i [iroposition to the eontrnry notwiiti *'.niid.nir The t'*i ije.f were once far ahead >d other ua i rfs#"*" V ,!>vlv1 H.e l.ur ipe.uis were ennlned .a tar -;>nov ui bliv M^ntßQß3 years rot only Ui equal hut U. excel tiiem .u tne Warrtn and Clrvrlsiid P«*<tnger Line. no douht. had Jtifi. ii.uirn. ctiemi«’ry tern pur»ur J ()| l| . (> #|m _ ~y ' ! N 1( hi IBts country with the >ain*i v.itur mir 1 irmeu y )«^ u ~,jm , , r t «*Vv-'i'jV inonon ' *a'i woiwl rank lum-:: h gher in the cirne, cl VK-ieiy , \\ u rre-. wh.o, ui , . ■<. -.e Mnc ■siocm for tnan what th* ydo at present 1 would not have Akron mu! ■ >vr iv-nr o e n . n Cll m... c piae^s t iken the iroiiu •• to .T*e the Dr s n». 1 "'j-rrn iuiiy were they not c i.cinsi-d to sUunglheu the pr* i,. I‘<l'|.,| 1 ‘ <1 '|., | , 11 ’ r >1,,.,,* "" ' ' :■ to ittk-* dices <•! wun»* t. ur i.inner* again*! tne »‘-e IK ;,. „f C F I.FFFt \i. .. , i . •; r , tl i agricultural rhe •!-.try. A KAUMI.It t: i a'i i.< 'lt. . i.-> j *’ru ( Ai*\n,m,v. '.y«n . * Dr. Lie!*** * u!l"ral Chcm.vtry. u i ' ' " n "’ r a; ' l ' Smutiiield ti* " ' IS-W. Mi Knnoli -In ,w “** r - ,f your [lapenr. Ip- rceivc Umj av/ejoinder has been I TV* V; rv ' an /' ‘ l‘»‘krii»er I’ackeL. , X MA<*AK.V. i uni II II JeiTr, «, made to mv | o•'.graph,' tr. cr the signature of I'KN SS \ I.VAMA, J II HiuThim., A, Ui«mi 3 ,rL.i..,„ to Hie N«w W.i „ ! [j,'M.f. ' ■ 3'jlfnf 1,. Hus,ll lami • t di|-.*ed 111 onrlrovi-rt wlial thr Forming n .iu’l> onw.-e.i B cftV cr and'Knr. have writ, r has *a.d ...H.wug.. ! tb.nk there .. ahm.daot "" l ««»"»« dm »eu ■ son u. m«k" .hen -*irui»r trip., leaving Iteavor after gi mi ml ti do -.. As lam bit a "casual ohsrrv er," me nrriv.i .( iii- iimriMif boat fron. Pittsburgh, (1 o'- 1 -ha,. ;tl ;! -a,.- m oaepuhr.lar. TV wr. S I*.*** **?•!«"• 1 r vo ms* Hie linmi c linn. 10 UuUato or up Uio Lake, ler *n\.l tiiril — T.rkru iiirougu m fne mul all Lake port*, can i*e "llrtnnrks. suggest.ors. and even ..*, L l l< i lK Y- (S A ss t » lat ng h> the '• "• .'uciTik of ihe bu»me*s .•( tbe nr (.F.nßtlk Kf": Water Work*, .nc a'wavs rveeved w.ih hvor and npl i m under tne Hole! - atlciili >u l>v I'u* iiior amt u»e C'tipcr KLKCTIOK. .lllanJalll. .1. ; 1... v.r'll„rc»Mu! var. . N 1,1 an Ta'-.dft>, the lli!„ in he lore expressing Ho.i >|> u ,n*. rri|e C t Hint /V «i In ■ oe*. PM . tor rm Managers tor penons Dav mg i i.e ciiarge <>l pinning and executing dn H e«tcni I'.-. vni.m lio*|niai The comnbu work* are supposed to give due consideration to 'S'* “ r " ‘ ''\ rK ' 141 ilouf ' l ° r ' rr »de ■ t. .. Knonb a. Ui* Him. r . uun u the various pl.o * -."d ways winch suggest them- ll(1 , j selves, before 11.„• loptum of any.“ I It«r« is n ;>r : • , .. asserted—though indirectly —winch I can ! i v.-r ;>»‘eul (t ; nor do I think the writer wotji.J be w.iimg to do *<>, under other cir{ cumslancea. i: *.inat whilst "casual observers" may have the ,-r vi-epe of thinking—kind indul gence'—l‘ißt ecru i) things are not carried on as they shoo'd -t I. they ought to keep their lips sealed —!• t ir>«* reason that thr-vs having the charge ol pubti- 1 works arc- supposed to give full attention, to-" c works and the hot plans of accomplishing t..c«n It requires little experience in life to show that there is n remarkable tondoess among men tor in-- r own offspring—thu » sup|x -e is naturul —and lt»e plan* they propose, therefore, al ways Msem to la! tne best under the eiroom lances, and if they have the means put into their bands they wt-l carry them out notwithstand ing iboy are w> detective tiiat the moat “catmil observer’’ cannot fml at once seeing iu When I look at the large nmounla of money which have boen expended on defective plans, in Allegheny county, to go no farther, l think few persons wil differ with me in opuiioo, that even “casual obaer* vers” may oltentiraes be right,scientific and grave ly matured plan* tr> the contrary notwithstanding. Many rate, l cannot relinquish the nght not only of holding nri opinion, but ol freely expressing it. both in relation to men and things, when connect ed with the public weal. Art Obsdve*. April 13, 1549 PEISSTLTANU LEGIUiATHBEi | i f abeisbuush, April 7. I e£MATS. 1 Mr. Smy»er submitted a resolution, requesting I tne beads ot Departments to examine the various j documents among the archives, and renorlto the t next Legislature whether, m tne.r oi-.niou. they are ofsuificieal value, and contain »uca nteresUog ; information as t.» warrant the uttuciu at the expense «*fthe Stale, and mat i:ivy m.iy be come uaeml Ij me jiutui.'. i,;ui nr preserv'd from <Je*'nJctiou. Agreed to. Uu mot.-m oi .Mr. Suae.tha senate resinned 'die second rending uad consideration of the Jennie ( lu revise the m:! Ha sy-tem ct tne I'-utnnionweniUi. and to J.>r tue training ol those cniy who • ball be uniformed. After *ome dekiir. partiopa ted id by Messrs., Saia.l. Johnson. King. McCasiin, Lirocke iurj Saukey, severnl amend* menu were tundc, and Wien tn<- bill wa? read a second and Kurd time aad passed Mr. Crabb called up his rrso.uh'in to rescind Uie joint resolution, pulsed by l<otn Houvh. fixing the lOtb tnsi. as Uie lime lor the in... adjournment of _ llie Legislature, when, alter considerable discus— Private Boarding. Sion,the resolution wns s'.) amended as 10 fix the : tJIX or Mjr.i young ge.tlerucii in obtain 14th msL as the day. instead ol toe 1 Oth. from which ’ in a private family, may find accommo loiter time public bids *ha!l be considered first in | 1 order. Yeasl.'r, navi 11. Tue resolution was l apiaidih ° TLR K1.1.m C.air *i then scut to the Home ' The cmeud.r.enl, < I lloum- lo '.he h.ll lo exleod \| HARR|! ' ™“"’' h .“ A «'“J “■! Ihe charter ol ll.e I’.anli ol I'm, vile were concur- 1 liew. .M.rl,u7rTlreel!'d l °l,o',.''d“.u,; , eV°eio« Ttol'i Cd in. . mid I'rnn nrntis. npl?id3i The bill to incorporate the t 'outr.butnrs ci the .iV~ u • u fund lor the rebel ol the minister,. .u.d their w,d- , F Tt-n2 ; K T ' ~oenll , F,r f . Hr »ck. a supr. , , . ~ , . u 1 X r.or article, to arrive by canal and lor sale on ac ow> nod orphans o( the krerioun uef.nnc J Church. < omr.-adanm; >'nu by c A M’ANI'LTV kCo was passed. npl-j Canal Basin HOC** or »KPRS9K>rATivti. /"n'NSh.NKK WANTED— For '£l bxt *hor. Mid- ptivilt-ceit „„„ ,h.! Wk Savin**, Institution was railed up by Mr.' a;-ia <7 Fronts Wiliiaiw. and pawed Committee of the Whole. I>o TAh )ES-000 l,7ah to'arnve, iofiaie by but was negatived cn second rending by a tie vole. I ••’J'l - RHKY, MATTHEWS ATo Afterwards it wan reconsidered, but leli with the i vKirii »kim . u . . , . 19 t i-> I A 1 l LfcS—ttfO bush jsst nrnved, for sale by 2 4 "' iVi RHKY, MATTHEWS 4Co rbe bill to incorporate the Somerset Saving* in- / «|. A u i'Hc-bak—i.' k ~ , , ™“'■« "P »"Jr-»d. C" The Senate amendment lo the general Manila “F’ ! - Water «t, between Bmiififield and Wood UcltmM Law were concurred tn. / « .aisby * _ Tllie Senate resolution m favor of Whitney's: *P ia J 8 DILWORTH ACo Pacific Railroad pnjecl, was takeu up nnd ' TIACON-ISOo lb< BacoaT/or tale br P“i* cd \ . -P u I ,U! J H DILWORTH ACo Toe Senate amendment* to local bills were then . 1 >IO Ti , "- ~ “““•<>i ,K, .;sp N - u,o ”* u "*jnpjKft b j, Among 1b.,.. w». » clausa *,„1,0r,i,»g .be Con- | a^dSTlTy' " m ’‘° R " {rollers of the hirst . lutrict to confer ftca. : apU j w DIL\IoRTH ACo demieal degrees u; K >a the graduates of the High l f iisF-Tn nmi u. - . ~ vrr ' wa - -*'■* .Nearly the enure afternoon w;h oivupied im-on- 1 (, AP—l5O l.oie« fur salt by swlenag and a.-tin* upon aiueudmenia made f y Se- " P J S DII.WORTH A Co nate to H "Use lullT A V.\ COFFEE—I 6 bags pr me, for sale by The Senate bib t,. Mu-.>rp*>rnt.' the I'uuvifu J M DILWORTH ACo Hanit, was ret. ned in-- vute ..-, icr r. on final parage. worn .1 pu —ed i'i, 4S‘ nnys 40 The corner stone ol im* Liinati. 1 Asvlum win laid tnn alteriioon. There wax a large pj,re- present, and the address was made by flow John stoQ. The ceremonies were imposing aud aarei' Aypointuievt by thr (J ,rcni>ir —Oliver Brownell o! Brtdeaburg, Thi.ndelpiuu county, Port Warden' I>t*TU or Ms.. Biolach—ln the accounts iroru Havana, by the Northerner, we «ee the deatn of Mr. Bidlaok, the I mied .State* Charge de Atiair* at Bo irientioii'-.l m tnc extmet* the Havana editor .i.i«ev. the dnt>-:s n•; mentioned. Theilem is taken from l-a Pren«n. put’’ *!,.-,| at Bogota. Tin* contirin* .iiT’iunU prcv.ivu*.-, rei-eived here .it Mr. If# iteoth, wii.i’h, nou'fvt-r, '.<•»-n vippowd ;.. I* :■ i>»r* reel The latest <!.■:>• inun i-'gota i* the J.'nn Ketr rnary.— L,i’i .''an, A company rd em.irriinu to Texas trom Muuroe < ounty. Ceo-gm, were allm-kr ! w.-.h wh >W3. after kavmg New ‘ >r earn*, and at the lu*t a.couri* eighteen of the ;v mpany naj l-et: 'em.*,:— -even negroes m one grave. Some oitlin , d *■«' n laree hourf after trey were attack.-. 1 Ti.<- p ;r i\- w-. eorap.>wd ..1 ox with itu-ir M.-vaul- in : |1 77 person*. i Nkw Übleaxs —The New cT.ean* papers ol the 'doth u!i., deny the Cholera ,-x:st* m thal city in an endemic siiepe; notu ,th«tand nt which, the official rvfn rt of the Newt Cleans Bonn! of Health, 1.. r the wee* ending Mar. h J4lh, gives the number ol d. ..ii:* .n that c;l/f.v As.Hir sou o’her specie* ol ‘.oicra .it JOB PUINTIXCi. » ; H.L 'll > <>> 1 ' >HI *S < iK' L I.AKS. ! ui, !J*v. r m-» r*»K:» > * ii-nn.v , p Jf A. IV AH 1), Dentiat, XV. W. Wrtgln, 31. Dental, 1 mpros-ernen(a la Dentistry. DR U I* -t I. \ K S*» .up •>.• Boston. i* prep.ire J cruiumolure and ■<! Uuki Tael* ui whole a.,d i,w. Torrm .riarrin- is n ..». ... J ex:>or--dw f nhee uml n-*ide->rr hex: door 10 U»e Alu; K>.r si i<> - J t; M u. I- H. Eaton. I’lliv rv ; Klrr-' a •• 1 o-pn• r>v J \V K- V. ....-111 • |. \ > . • *..r .1. . m A Javr.r.. * TO Kom'ih . fill. «. • a d-ii*nu'u. * :n -. P.- >-re. N SilLH:r»*:iT - I W Ji , t',, A K! |.|> ■* j»or:»• iJ lor ;ii- nth- • oj sm-riif. -uiijn ; r «'-<! W .ne »i. :v - >* ■ K.ui.rir U **:, h. mart! dA\» 'T M« KniToa. —'l mi wi, piruae .lair uia 1 l vri rambilitte in- norm-iaio-n lot in-- oilier- m t’l.nii, rv. t-plore our -e»l\khie ui:U Arilinm»oi..L- t ('onven lion \ &, J*A.M 1. K k' :o« ■ lup. \Urcn.W. 1-tti J II II N HARPKK. See')- FOll SALE. A I IM-.-rcnu ! handed iwo nor-- FAMILY CAR UIAI.I . bi.-t Harm--. .a-U; e lor balking ot iumi') n» r i.rdei App.y iminedisirk u, THU'. SANHf.r. >- I'orm-r t'lrsi *in-ct and Cli«;ii>- u ;. ,ey \ haitfinn n. i > i.e -If-clcd. apln.iU,* C'tllf.Ar WAT<TIKF -Ju*i receiving, alsrire n*«or: j inentr-i me --ap»»i gold and silver Luv«f \\ •« e'irt ode re J m Un» v 11> Also, my st'iuii! «ioi « <v Uia fine«i ijuiiiiiy cold mid sd ver Wet.-nr*. Jo weir a r Ware, Military Good* l.amp« A. Ac WW WILSON api-t corner lih and Market m. 11. Ml H.ArtSI >- - ' bn-r d H Molaaaei, lauding trom ■ior .nfii* •! Sean and fcjr *«]« by tl'i'i J A Ml- S wri rr ti I>LA NT a HUN Mtii.ASFKS—rJC*) bbli Pt nim;,.,, Motusse*. (■ndiug iiinn *unr Winheld Stroll. and lorsa.eliy " A M .MITCHKt.TKEK, /qOTI’ON-M inle. goad tVr.i (V i. V/fc r.aKt.y trpl.l WKST IIUWK.V OH From »: Cl H KK> I - — 4" bx« now Uinlm*. (or talc to , (tpin l!»\IAH 1-ICKIiV * Co, I'rom HOPS— 111 ba>* in »U»rc, loi »a.r by apl3 f‘H KIVS * A • v.owulnm. i«n - ■! - All Mi'K I A A i ITKA THPH?- »pT GKsSKNG -5 »k* “i More. lor »*lr 1.) ISAIAH L?lCKi;'i A i C,„ .... “ C <K'EBME WORKS. | O -EA\A N, Ha | LiiA_N ACO eoatmae to nano ’*. cl « e Iron, gptinrand Am Butter ftw L r ,o °«- F °f< hud H t -s Steel, Rivets, Spike* and Wro'i !T” aixe*. together with Coach and Eiipuc ! np*, hll Pat, Taper and common Aiie.v i UT Uiff rednccd the price of Wrought Iron Nat*, i * n s‘ ae h odder* and other* name the ario.e. will find o inierr*; 10 cive thi* new branch of Puiabortii , manufacture* tne.r aticmoa. oa.-:: triinnnpc* uni; maleable iron on liberal term* VUrennu.r m> \V« : , r and Fourth <t« let.*. t« A Kiecntora Notice. L |V P T; !,C: ‘* •—'■viej 10 iflc esimte of F.LIZAJtimi .v Township. Allegheny county, i a , if' hrrrt.y nouhed !o make immediate paymeni w tar undersisued: and all person* having claim* again*: «md estate to present iaem. du'v authenticated, «-f *-...em«*iii James ham..' j.■ „„„ r . ap.dw:, *s • C. CAROTHERiH hjeCU MA MNE two story Brice House, pleasantly ‘ on the hill directly back of Mr. Andrew A atson's property, nmr Peunsylvama avenue. > :-c i.i'U'- and lot will l.e sold rer>' low for cash For ii-rtn. r oi-ormation apply to D. W AA. ?. BELL. •; Atii'r.icy* at Law, 4th street, between Stnilhfi'-ld and ,fB [* : _ . BKS I'KaKl> 3 k „, I.aru, JU ,, ' I” - ' •■earner Lake fcrio and for tale by ' JB CANFIELD V\ kAI 1 ' Vi I’APKR-SOWI liundlet, diir c , e ,„ ■ » or .upr-rlor qualuy, winch w c oiTcr lor .nle ,0 " npn RKYNt.LDS 18IIEK ( 'AT ANDI.KTTKR I'ARKR-fOB lo V J rv hue qua. me*. for »alc low " |,l i REYNOLDS ASHKK 1 i Ki N n.N l» Pa PKR —IOO ream*, -varlou* »ue« /ui i X -suppiim *ep; eou*tantJy on hand* by REYNOLDS A BHEK. corner Penn and Irwin «u S' NU , |~ i' , ’ FR_iW) rpam * of ’“'l‘onor quality. a,l m ~ \ s l J r J^. a! ) nu,n,> ' r *‘ w l*ich wc are enabled to ‘l’ ll REYNOLDS A SHKK -I. 1,,. M K Rm.inv * l4l ~r ' ,lw do; for »ale low to r mp < oi \jg miici.i by SJi’AP -U>. :i.So | I'mrmnati Soap, for * ale | ow l 1 i) , apll JAMES A HITCHIHoN 4Co /IAMPHOB-U, „b . refined. JUB , rc<- d and for ,a|. H A FAHNESTOt'K A Co. r ' l ’ corner l«t and wood »t / 'nuPKK > ISINt.LASS»-;M ca*e«. *heet and .bred VC ;u<t received and for «aic by *» A FAHNESTOCK ACo V,' ‘'AK -V N D .\l< iI.ASSKS—o7 hhd« prime N 0 Su i S«r. •) i>!>,« N u Mi.|s4,c*. to urnvr end f.,r aale *»±' i ; rt W J 1 • A K>—JUU.tXA' common, for *a,e by k _ B,r ' u , OH LRa.NT Q U.l FA 11 S - 4.1 m« pure, m •tore; for talc by n "I' 1 ' ISAIAH DICKKY A Co. Front «t O I ONE Pil'lji —AJU bxa for *aie by k 1,1,1 CIHiRANT tL .i l \t! \ | I in .•*%!.» n e v-land S<Haru:u. A) bit '• * i nii'ij Jo. received ana :.,r «Le by "P“ WICK A McCANDLKSS 1 > U I .. I V| f., ,j., , , or[l J{ rp ., m# eJ . , r 8 J,, JJ’.'-.r.., apll Wli k A McCAN Di,ESS \V M,,TF HKANS-fj !.;•!« mpenor while beun*. TT e.v.-d and for -, v "I' l " It K A Mel'AN DLKSS / 'MI- HUh rr>—jtt bit ion< Havana Uhreroou lor v ! >y i.| ii WilK A McCAN DLK*S \f IM I.l> i ANDLLS—I «*• In* Cinhi mould candle* .vv 1 r ! ) ‘pii \'k;k k .Mcoa.ndless j lAI I'N— Ml pc. Im.i; round e.iy cured, lor tale by - 1 1 "l' ll WJCK A MrCANDLKLS / • LA>.<-14.i bi. anti, ixa no Huu do for .ale by \J “P ll _. & McOANDLESS 1 > l. \ Rid*-- 4 c*k« pc&rl* reed and for tale by 1 •■'l’ll WICK AM. CANDLESS l»H' HLNoS—GO bbl* for tale by WICK A MeCANDL^S k APD f>|l, — io bbli for tale by ' “ * * •' ;l J SCHOf )NMA KF.R ACo lij. ludu bb!a dry do do. Tor rale low. to dote C...1.15' apll JASA HUTCHESON ACo ' I ’ A HLK i l.i iTH?.—Linen, bleoobod and brown, for I "Plf C ARPCTHNOT 1 A Kit t rJI.—6 ~,,( c u;ul lor ta’e by 1* > JA.MISA HITCIIIMiNA Co : ’() I'L i N b| foiton 'or .nr bv V >. 1 J A Ml.!* A HI ■) i'HISO.N A Co !> AiJfi»N —io c-I.* prime Ki niucky cured Siiou.iirra, ) rec c| ~n '•oii»n(ninem and lor tale by “ J A VI KS A ML TCHISON A iVi | ) A i i »S >1 lU IS- 3 i a*k » i*ior- and for tale L»y I) i" JAMI.S A 111 TOHJSON A I'o l« l>alr» quart, pint, and abort J ) »vi!i 'v»!'i Ve;vet Cork* ;u«i recM and for • nle H A FAHNESTOCK A Co, xi'H 1 corner Ist ajjd wood sis RO>J.PI.NK- c»t superior nualuy. for sale hy uplu J SCHOONMAKFIi ft Co V 1.l M— Id t.JIs ir ante t»y • V spin j aCHOONMAKKR ACo 1)t • I AMI—vM r *k« prime Poianli, ree'd and for »*Jr i upio W)CK A M’CANDLES:* / ' RJ.KN APPLES- oo bill* ree d and for ta'e br \ T «pI.J WICK A M CANDI.B>S I\ R \ APPLES—VO «i« for tale by / npm WICK A MCANDLESS DK\ PEACH I >-13 .k> for .ale by ■>pl>' WICK A M'CANDf.KSf* / AO-rritN- »ha Cotton, for *a!<-« by \y SCaIKK* ATKINSON, ap'-f l«t. t*«t Wood and Market «ti c I’lUlTs I!K PI .STINK/—lll obit JU »I rrc- d and lor O »«.- by up* J KIDDA Co ] l >|- RECEIVED, ai ihe MCI! of Plane and t) tut) pr« iwiitrd and -irt Trare Chain*. 1000 lb* "ro and lUr«e .Sail*. and lor tale by ' Al 5 IT.H i Ll< r . -i. I-U- -l.\ % ! / 'RKA M CH BCKSB^—m»; and 1 bbi Roll Butter ~i»t ree'd per nmr l.*Kr Knr, for »«le b) op* ll between Srnuhfield and Wood^ CiHF'.OIv IUUi now (undine, for »ale by ’ a,>in ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, From »t J) S K FLuL'K—tftl bbT* Rye Flour.-fot »afe by t upiu RIIKY. MATTHEWS A Co "VI/ RAPPING PAPER—I*OO ream* 'crown, double f f to'* ii and medium, for tale low by ■!■!»» RHEY, MATTHEWS A_Co BAKhi.'l diXJ Lush Utrley.juat ree'd and for»ial« t<> S A W 11AEBALT5H. •i|il') 53watcr and lU4 froul »t JKaTH 1 .It—C bundle* Leather. • u lltr tough, rec'd i mul ;or »nlr aplU B 4 W HARUAI'UH K—llo!mr«' extra Family Flour, juit .T and mr »a!c by *plb_ S A W HARM A IT. H A ' KKI..N aPPLKa—til blii» f.reen Apple*, just rec’d \J ami tor -u.c i.y npU> d A W IJARiiAC'UH 1 INdHKD < >ll. —Vu bbl* just lanomx, for sale by X J_ »p! 11 d A VV HARBaI UH 100KI N(> ( 1 1 .AddHP—Very cheap, for *ale J apin C' ARUITHNOT. M wood :i Sit A Wl..S It tael:. Thibet and While Crape, for title «{'io c ARiurriiNtiT DRIKD APPLIES-'-It »k* dried Apples, ju»t recei ved amt for «aic by ARMSTRONG ft. CROZKR I.n.UI"R jo bbia Flour, Hamilton'* brand, for »alr " I >• a P 7 ARMSTRONG A CROJFR Ha (’< »N W c»k» just rtcM and for sale hr "T’7 ARMSTRONG ft CROZKK I irTTlii;—a hbl» freati ro'l Butter, U»-iluy icr'd and J) ior »»)<• l.y ap7_ ARMSTRONG ft CROZKR LA JU>—- keg aNo 1, )u»t rre’d and for a ale by |'P 7 ARMSTRONG ft CROZKR i ULIFORNIA BI.aNKKTH-3'ease* grey muted, V j 10 iriivf about 3d April, consigned from thr ;aan .tacnny and lor sale by H LKK, iiM'iiil L,iL,e;lv si, opposite d'.n CO l TON —s3 bale* now landing; for anlc by », : ISAIAH DICKKY ft <’o. Front it lAKU— 3-> I*l/1* No l, do No ‘J. now landing, lor J ih.r by up? ISAIAH DI'JKKY ft «J<* I |I!KSWaX—2 casks now landing, for tale by I) ,ip7 ISAIAH DICKKY ft Co I'RF.NCH GINGHAMS—A very large ipU of au- A per French, Kngltah and Soot:'* Gingham*, juat /• cel /ed and *«ilm!t at very lo~' prices, at No 74 Mar ti 1 «’reet. northwest nor nr r of" t J- n Diamond ap9 AI.KXA.NDKR ft DAY I'NOLISH PRINTS—Super 4-4 purple and <uUi *j .ivies of Handsome English Ohinties. just opened v Market struct. nonbwrit ecr fi'ihc Diamond. ALEXANDER 4 DAY / tHKAM (JHKKKL—Ubisjustrec'd and forsake by J U CANFIELD, Y\ uter street, spy between SamhLsld aim Wood X' f A |, *_ so kegs .Nail*, assorted *iz w , Gliphant 4 > s„ u ', brand, landing and for taie Lit * .pj J\MV» DALZELL, Water n 1. ALLEATI*--6 csks just rec'd and for tale by O *>r»' v H GRANT CM) ITII.N---V bales. various grade*. far jai; by” ) njjfi H GRANT, 4i wuter «i BROUM.**-'-* 1 J«»z cltra Corn; 20 do cloth, for •■!« by ajtSi J D V4JLLI AMS, 110 «aii| ~ l«> IJti-riy «i 1 ousigtuneni, by LlijUoßM’K— Just reeM and for tale try O. »i' H J KIDDfcCo 'I "n, lor . a lr -,v " i' s ‘ , r ii< avi a SHEEP SKINS 1 —15 duwn, fine article, just rco d and W **> l-y apo J JUDD 4 Co rn;’ N 11 :iur*r i^r " i*s r bowks 4 MF.KICAN SAFFRON— Just rac’d and for sale by A »(* J KIDD 4Co LjfiMSH FAFFHON—Juit rec'd and for «alr by H a|.t» J KIDD 4 Co \,l ACE— Jom r«;r d and loi *«ie by U »P» .IKIDDA-Cc \\f I STAR'S BALSAM-12 dor just n*c d and mi M tale by tp y J KIDD 4 Co 14 pae.i<i?,* Stotf, j*i// Kano Dry Goo,/., on a Fifth Mrert*. wu. i/« .o,j. { i., iumM»T»luOifl- •i ‘ cz:ii on uruwn 6 -uj'v r ' iuf r tid n- !-rr* ] 4<o ■arCf *Lk lull.U. niturk sp.end.d -nper .(ironss -uk siiawl*. fViin i ebe*tcf gingham* men* de :-ua». ruftm> ir.. ns blue Mack pou.t Uc sole ’...nek satin. »-.* ... mask linen us-ie d .ipcr. «irgan'. siik ; • splendid printed itwit*. «uper prim*, French and oa-isunsre*, tor ,»die» dir-. laiK-y cruva;#, sewing .i.k, * u k la‘i»g*. ho-icry. gloves, Icgaori, and i Hi . c , hoys irjjtio'ii hats, ;»>nnet unJ cap r.bboit* *-. tie')’ ot’iunry goods. Ac. FOR SALE. JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co 111 ItKll 4 LAI'FMAN, 75 wood »t J H CANFIELD. Water •• JAMES DA I.ZKLL AUCTIU.N SALES. By John D. Davit, Aaetlonear. 'f th ere ’ninths at i.i och- k. a: A large a'-nfimen: , i and :a»r\ Ur (ioodv hid Vi |i »■« London «.<; At 2 o'c'ock t • rurcr e*. Oueenswarr. Fm-intur.-. A - j>< H> run it id Imperial lea. \ .rim-a n. , lure.l jo • acco. .\o I palm -roilp. Murrh. N t* mr>!a*-rs. No 1 «nevr». spade*. manure folk*, A i ki.ciiea lurimute, cooking slosrs. Ac. Eigki Building Lots atiJ Dwelling House at A ucUon. On Saturday afternoon, the I4ih, at .1 o'clock, will be told on the premises, S eery desirable building loti, situate on the Wcm aide of Poplar street, a inert distance North of the North Common, inthectty of Al legheny, eticli lot having a fro-il of about 20 icet. m i extending hack übont To tret.on twnoi which iserert ed a good two story frame dwelling home, writ hark building Term*—One-third cash. nwi.'ue m four eyual auuuai payments, with interest. Tit e indi*pu’abie apll JOHN D. HA VIS. Auct. London Boois at A net ion. Sttle by catalogue i>i n Inrge a;td superb collection of Books, hue London*. e.mhraemg standard author* on Architecture. Heraldry. Ftno Arts. Natural Hliton*. Entomology. Aniti|uuie*. History- Voyages Travels, Ac. Ac . lilus’.ratßd with engraving*, many of them beautifully colored from nature, to take place at the Cmnnierciai Sole* Room*, corner of Wood and 5.h street*, on Thunder, Frida) - and Saturday evening*, lSih. 13th and 14th inits, at “ o’clock. The. above collection fa; surpasses ary one ever of fered m tlus city, amongst winch will be found Hume’s history of Fmgland, 5 vois, folio. 100 engraving*. Bow yer’s edition, published at 100 guinea*, the Bible, Mack - itn’s edition. 200 ■ p.endid plate*. 4 fonn. IXO gui nea*, Cuvier*’ Animai Kingdom, - vol*, IsOO colored engraving*. Ac At-. For further pan-cmars, see catalogues and books at the Auction Room* Sale positive aplO JOHN L) UAVIS, Auct Steam Engine ai Auawn. On Saturday morning. April I4tn. at 10 o'clock, at the t'omnierciul Sale* Rooms, corner ot Fifth and : Wood »ts, wni be sold A first rate second band -team Kn/iae, 12 inch cy linder. 41 feet itrok.-. a thirty melt boiler*, each « feet long, dy wheel 6TIM) lb*, together wnu tne machinery thereunto belonging, winch may be examined on ap plication to Mr. M C.elland. ( of Mer«r*. Knap A Totten, or at J Beck * p.aning mill. Washington st. Terms at *qlc. split JOHN D DAVIS. Auct AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. Leasee and Manager C. (4, Porter. Actinu asp Stauk Masag eb W H L'stsr Last nigh! I nl <*ne o' MRS W, H CRLM’ F,r*t ng hr «-f LOVE SAi'RI PICK- Mr W 11 Crisp l'ai:>*T. ArniL Fl— -OVE’S SACRIFME. ..r the RIVAL .MERCHANTS. Mathew Elmore Mr. Oxley. Lafont Mr Roys ,“L U Mr Prior | Jean Rouse-• Mr Dunn Margaret Klmoie Mrs. W. H. Crisp llcrinime -Mts* C'u *e. Dance by Master Wood. day after thk wkddino Col Freetove Mr. 'V H Cri-p. Jaroi i Davis Mr Arrher Lady Kumbelh Frceiove • • Mr* \V H. Crisp. Saturday—A (.RF.AT HILL QUADRILLE PARTY Alt' *NN A FFoNS EXTRA AM) I.AST PARTY • «i'l take 1 .are on Friday the 13th him. Pa rent* oi pupils a-- rno-t r< *;•> j tin!' v inv.tvd It* attend. b- an eini„mnli«n win ake p’see. The Po.ku and Polka Lpnidmlr. n„| d.Mfi-d i<y li-s pupi.s Tho»e ladie- who rr.-.-ir-.i «euron lirk-:ts are rmpctifuily m tited and wi’l be admitted vs.-it the same A U win .be happy to »upp y m v \ i n: c tnlie». (j.j, loraer »cbo- * tn-ki-i* loi -■ hoi*rs oi dn* «ruun. 81.00 For oth-r- j I b<’ r> gt.ln'ion rrlaiiTe to admitting ladies without •i.-ketv w;d be «incti) observed on that cvet.tng. Tickeu will be ready on Wrd»e*dh) . llth m»t AjiltWii i ?brotin !• copy | GREAT NATION A L PAINTING. Panorama of the Battlea In SexUo. Most (.or(,i:ol> inthkcoin- TR\ -View, of the Cl ie* of Mexico and Vera Cruz—This eren:; \»r,..n l-n* been universal ly admired b, t;.,- ••joiishmi* - .v:.0 *aw it in the Fast en. Cities. u» thf riche. - , and most splendid in the couu try. xvi.i he ciltit.ited a; tne ATHF.N.KL'M. tor a few nights only, rntftncneing on Tliur *day evening. Apnl jth—tor lit- bene tit of the Widow* und Orphans of sol diers who fe i m Mem o and our disabled volun eers. Tickets of admt*»ion, 25 crn.u; rhtiilren aceompam ed by their puren* free llaleor.y exclusively for co lored people Doors open at “ o'clock prec’se'v. An ricelient btutd ot music wiii perform during the exhibition a ps Bxltlah Periodical Literature, Karvauc ATios op THE LONDON yt’AKTr.RI.Y THF. KDIN IH RoM REVIEW. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW THF! WF>»TAU.NS!’ER review, n n .1 BLACKWiiOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE complexion o( e.u-h is marked ry a dignity, candor, and forbearance, not often found in works of n party character They embrace the view* of toe three great parties in England—Tory. Whig, and Radical—"Blackwood” add Use “London CJuaryerly" are Tory; the “Edinburgh Review'' Whig, and the “VYca;m;n»ier Review” Rad- M-ni. The" Nora British Review” i/more of a reli gion* character, naving been original.)* edited by Dr. Chalmers, and now. iinrr Ifts death, being conducted by bia wn iQ-l«w, Dr Hanna, associated with Sir Da vid Brewster tierary chnraeter 1* of the very highest order. The ■•We«tioi**steT,” though reprinted under that title only, is published in England under the title of the “Foieign liuartetly and Westminster." it being tn fact a umon of the two Reviews formerly published and r-prn.ted under separate utie» li baa. inetefore the advantnee by tin* combination. of unt tm( in one work the km feature* of both at bcretniore The above Periodicals are reprinted m Now York, immediately on me;: arrival b) ihe British steamers. 111 a beautiful el. ar type, on line white paper, and nrr faithful copies 01 the nrignmis, Ltunk.vuou * Magazine being an rxacl uo-mni.e 01 '.lie Edinburgh edition. For any one ol four Reviews. &I.UO per annum For anv two do AW •• For any three. do 7 ltd • For HlaekwooU For Biaerwosd .nut three Review*, For Black wood .i-d the ionr Reviews lU,U) •• Payment* to bo made in all coses to advance. EARLY COPIES Our late arrangement viu the British publishers of Blackwood * g « secures to 0* early sheets of, that woik, by wmrh we are enabled to place the cn .ire nomber m Ur hands of subscriber* before any portion of it ran t.e repnntod in uny ot the American Journals For i’u« a:id other advantages secured to onr subscriber*. we pay *0 large a cxmsideration that we winy !>a eomj-etlcil to raise the price 0: the Maga- XLF Sometiung u»*y uterrfurc bo gained t.y gubsen ung cony Remitlance- u td communiestions stinuld be always addressed, post paid nr (ranked, tome Publishers LWIM \RDSCurr 4 Co TV Fulton street. New York. Entrance in Cold *t M. P. MORKF„ Piuabtugb. upll ddt THE BUBSCFIBKRS having- removed from No Ito • Nos. IPJ and 174 Liberty street, offer for sale good* j as lollow*, in store and now landing, v,i 150 bags prime Cetfee. new crop; 4u old government Java OotT-e. 15n hhda prune New Orleans Sugat. .'•<11 bols Plantation Moisssc*, 11X1 St Janie* Sugar House Molaese*, ICO hf ch Young Hyson Tra; I 40 do Gunpowder and linperiti' Tea. 1 w 4U do Cbulan Powrhong do .crop 7U do oaity bn SII nna (> I' do , 100 bg» while Itrtiil Sugar: h»bx* white Havana do. 40 bra Pepper. 20 do Aisptce; 100 botes Mustard, in } and i lb rani. 10(1 do .Malaga Bunch Raisins, 111) do do dr> do. in iay< u frtlhlbis do do do *di ■j r “ do do do 211 csks /ante Curraots. 1(> Sicily Aunumlr lui l>gs Kichtnoud t obacco, oil baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Olive Oil. 2UU bbi* sud 111) hf bt>ls No 3 large Mackerel. 1) ** Honey. 15<XJ lOs CUoeve, » 2G(4) galls winter and spring Sperm Oil, tout •• bleach'd uouh AcatWhalo Oil, IOWi “ “ do JOO.OOD Cru; uuj »*»u» P, metpe Segats; 30 oC\i | Is vana do if hi pipes Cognac Brandy, of various brand*, a punche-on* Jamaica Spirit*; '1 pipe* Holland Gin; 2« -juarter r§k» sup Tertertfie Wine, in do Madr\r« ,| 0 ( ■Ji do Lsaboii ,| 0 4" Opono do , f*v u- sweet Malaga do ’,5 bill* d 0 do 15 had. Claret, 20 qr c»ks Haul Sar 40 cans »mi Bordeaux Claret; .At baskets Champagne Wine - J Ol ‘Upr Stomach Bu<- ...* *» bhl. psn Rye Wh-., , o!d vU MILLER 4 RICKFrrsON B SlT'uatios wanted, \ a young married man 01 atcady and industrious, a Printer by trade, in a Wholesale or Re. ta.. Grocery Store, Commission or Forwarding House; would be willing to make himself generally u»e*u; in ciuter of the above places Satisfactory reference a* to character can U given. Please address -A throogh the Post 11 thee, staung uiue and pinre where an tntervtaw can be hud. *pl2:d2t “ QOAUDIXU. \,f RS I.EI-7T would respectfully announce to her IYA friend* and the public., that .he 1. now pre pared to accommodate Boarders. Resident c, Second street, between .Market and Wood. 3d door from Wood ‘ireet. References rxchnnged apn dfw MONEY STOLEN iF the person wim entered a store on Lc*erty *trect. last .Moiuiny. and took a Ph*« Book containing eboal Forty Dollar* in tsoucy, and numerous papers, valuable only 10 the owner, wiil return the book and papers, or *ettd them to the (>oi<-tic office, there wi.l be no questions ivskud respecting the money apll.dtw DISSOLUTION- partnership heretofore existing between the X subscriber and Samuel Moore and Hiram Moore, under the. name and style ot s. 4 H MOORK, in Ro* Chester, Beaver county Pa . is dissolved by the with draws! of the nndemgned from the concern—said dis solution bearing date from the 2d day of Peh. 1t»49 upn.d3i* F R. MOORE. TO COUNTRY MFRCHANTkI—W. R. MuaniT, corner <*l 4tii and Market st*. Pittsburgh, has re- Ceived his iir*t *upp:y ol Fprtng and Summer Goods, lid invites mcichani* to .00k at tu* stock. Prices low Wholesale Rik»ri« up stairs— ciiiran'e from 4th si acb‘23 JslTtrioß College, Canonsburc. p. riiHF. SUMMER TERai in Uu. In.mutio ,*.w.llVom -1 menre on M edoesdey. the 2d of May next, aplthd U ti'OGfr-OKltJui fKvh Eggs >u»t tevd and lor **l- >.y •* “ cUffl S 4. W HARBAI'GR STfiAS BOATS. OlipmifA'n * PITTSBURGH Q Q D A I L v PACKETLINE. Tins well known line of splendid paaaenfer Steam cih ,* now composed of the lanrest. «wtfte»c be* h:.!\nctl ac<f furnished, end most powerful boats on th« ofii! 'l West. Kverv accommodation and coat • v :11a; inoucv can procure, has been pro Tided for pae ‘e-r* The Line baa been m operation for five yean ' -art red a million of people wiiaoni tbe least uyu ' > |>cr*ouv The boat* will be at the foot o' ‘ i• hi »iroet ihc day previous to starting. for the n*cep •• ■> o- 'rngbi and ute entry of paasenjrrfs on the reei»- *' lr " lu nl! case* the passage money must be paid in S T If D A Y~P A CKE T. Ih' ISAAC NEWTON, Captam Hemphill, will • r Pitt.ojrgh ever)' Sunday morning *t 111 o'clo«4, in? every Sunday eve.nmir at 10 F a •1« > SJi, !MT. Monday packet. H»< .MOXONGAHELa, Capu Stox*, will leave Pitta Monday morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling rv- ry Monday .evening at 10 r M. TUESDAY PACKET. Thr HIHKRNIA No. 3, Capl. J. KusimtD, will ’<■« vr Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10 o’cktek Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 p. *. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. % CapL y. Dkax, anil leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morning al I* o'clock, Wheeling every Wednesday evening ox lOp u THURSDAY PACKET. TVe BRILLIANT. Capt. (Hues, mil leave Put* ouiyn every Thumlav morning at lOo’cloei, Whaelia* every Tounday evening at 10 p, k. '* _* FRIDAY PACKET.' Pi??m£H! PPKR 2° 1 Caj>L Pa ” DcrVA L »ea*o hn. Jxlrv Fnt * y a,o « , nU4fatlOo’cloek; Whet hni r%e.r) Friday evening at 10 p. *. > _ SATURDAY PACKET. Pn^*n lE h^ EI '‘ UK S* Vo *‘ i ' Ca r t W ouDWaa» > will le««e \t-K kb ? r * h rvfry . St, °tday morning ti 10 o'clock Wheelmt every ax 10 t. h. NEW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAIT yTTwr OF CANAL AND b'TRAM PACKETS,* J&sj.. 18<S< (m OLnUGOW,) Leav. Piiuborjh duly .t» o’Uook, A. M-, uid u nvea at Glasgow, (mouth of the Bandy and Beaver nal.) at 3 o cfoek, and New Lisbon at’ U, «nm t£hc Leaves New Lisbon at <lo’clock, P. M, (makmt the trip canal to the river during the night,) and (Jtajiro*. at 9 o’clock, A. AL, and arrives at Tiittburgh at 3 p AL—thus making a continuous line for carrying pas sengers and treight between New Lisbon aMFtm bqrgh. in shorter timo and at less rates than by iut* otli-r route. ’ The proprietors of this Line, have the pleasure ofta fornungtho public that they have fitted up two first elnxf Canal Boat*, for tho accommodation of passengers and freight, to ran m connection with the well known steamer* CALEB COPE and DEAVKR, and cojmesi* mg, at Glasgow, with the Pittsburgh and CinoiA nan and other daily lines of steamers down the <Ul t and Mt**is*ippi rivers. The proprietor* pledg* tben*- •elves to rpair no eipensc or trouhlo to inshre cam fort, safety and dirpakih, and ask of the public » ahsv* of their patronage AUTHORIZED AGENTS. a hi. UARTCN, )-j . . SA W HARBAUGIL \ Puubat » t R. HANNA, k Co. >.. . . tuyiLtf J ILARIIAUGH k Co. { New Lisbon NOTICE—The steamer BEA7EILC. E- Clarke,ass ter, wilt leave after this notice, for WellsviUo pattern ally : ai 9 o’clock in the 91'UMER ARRASGEHESTB (or 1840 MONONUAHKLA route. Only ?S Mile* B*t •11 n s . Via Brown<vi]le and Cumberland lo Baltimore ami Philadelphia. rriMK-piendid and fast running U 9 Mail (teamen I ATLANTIC, Capi J Parkinson; BALTIC, Cant A Jacob*. LUL'IS .M'I.ANE, Cnpt E Bennett; are now making double daily trips betwien , PITTSBURGH AND BROW'NSYFLLE Tlie morning boat will leave the Monongahda "'ban, above the Bridge, daily at 6 o’clock preciaelT Passenger* will take SUPERB COACHES al Browns, vilie. at :i o'clock. P !U.. and the splendid ear* pt tho Bul'HDore end Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, at s o’clock, A. M., and arrive in Baltimore the aam-even, mir. ir time for the evening line to Philadelphia and Washington city. From P:ti*burgh to Baltimore, ouly 3* hours. CIOJJO From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hoars. Pare 812#) Tiie evening boat will leave at fl o’clock, exeepi Son day evening*. Passengers by linaboat will lodge on board in comtortahl* Slaie Room* the first night, pats over the mountain! the following day in Eastern built Coaches, and lodge the aecond night in Cumberland. Passenger* have choice of either Steamboat or Rail Rond between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Baltimore, and rriunung their »eau at pleasure. Coaches char tered io parties to travel a* they please. Wc make up the load* and way bills for the Coaeh e* tn the Pittsburgh offices, (in ohier to save time on arriving si Brownsville.) it is therefore important for , pa'wngers io get tbeir lieketa before going on board I Ui the boat, ai our office, Monongahela House, Water •itret, or St Charles Hotel, Wood st, Pittsburgh aps dtio J. MKSKIMEN, Agent Pltts&orgli A LooiivlUe Pocket Line.' FUR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE, a The splendid new steamer XELBGRAPH No. V Haslep, master, will leavij io+ *6oy, intermediate or*u M ««« day. at lOo'eloci a. a. For freight or passage applv on board, or to BURBBIDGEWILSOX k. Co apS GEO B MILTENnERGER. PITTSBI*RC»U AND LOUISVILLE PA' - * (CRT l nuit s j h "j7 “> o’cloekiA 5? For % to BURBRIDGK WILSON ACo.or CEO B MLLTENBERGER. apls _ ! LonliTtlle and St. Lottie Packet Line. 1840. 1840, REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS «, The fine fast 1 mining patsenge ills t. ii-g steamer ATLANTIS, Oeo- 'V. Wicka, master, will leav* the above and Intermediate ports every Tuesday, at 1U o’clock, x. x. For freight or passage appiy on board, or to K- U KING, No. 1&3 Com. Hw mirs-dom _ LcKuariUe. regular Saturday* packet for si. louif* /f'/sv [, The &ne fast running passengej ■lL} .. steamer GEN. LaNE, A. McPherson, master, will leave for above and inte mediate posts eve ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, r. b. For freight or passage apply on board, or 10 E- C. KING, No 153 Oom. Row mars-dGm UutsvHly fob Nashville. JpSSbDsja TKs splendid fast running steamer jypreaJsflL Wilkins, master, will leave for the lladifi/M limiiillil above and intermediate ports on Fri day, the I3lb inst. at lOo'clocfc. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap6 J W BUTLER 4 BRO , Arenu F\»U ST. LOUIS AND MISSOURI RIVER ““ Miv a. ' r he splendid passenger packet jiCd*Lfcc£* taglioni, gBSTOtaa Coles, maiter, will leave forth* aixrv* WHBBBitiiil intermediate poru on. dua dav the l Ith inst at 4 o’clock, r. a. For freight of pataage apply on board, or to apU PKTTIGREW A Co, A|U FOR ST. LOUIS. is The .pleudid fast mnmng steamer Ln L.i-kJ SILAS \V RIGHT. O'Neal, xaaaiet, will leave for the and intermediate ports on ibis day. the U'b. at 10 o'clock. A. M For frriiihi of |>a**age anpfy on hoar-L or to, VO PKTTIGREW A Co, AffU FOR CINCINNATI.' i. The epieudid steamer Calhoun, master, will’leave for above "•““SMLnd intermediate ports on Wcdneadat U’.a inst, at 10 o'clock, am For freight or pimage apply on board, or to *P |l PETTIGREW tCa Ajt» FOR ST LOUIS. iv The fine steamer Jgg&S|LT R»t,,u („ and intermediate ports on W- J iicsday, 1 Uh lust, nt \o o'clock, a ss. ®** “° f P* 1 **’ 1 ? 0 «l’Ply on board or lo “Pi” GEO B MILTENBERGKR. FOR ZANESVILLE ’ ' . Tk ” " > '" d ‘C&ML-J s"' 5 "' ■ WltHiflßl Boyd, o„,c, »ui 1, ; 4 _For freight or pasaage.jpply apjo REGULAR JANESVILLE PACKET. , tk rhe fir .: steamer &&&$& C Gal JE * NNY LYND ’ master, will run as a rej burah and Znn7.«i I » cekl y paekat between P»u -s? e? “ tub " ,ih • T " y T ”'- aD ' , .WAKKR A FOBSYTHsAgta, - - ~w No 41 Water *1 n “AILBABLE CAST ISO?. IHfc. *al>*rnber* h»vinj bailt a furnace for the maa uiaetun* of Mal’eabla Canting*, an prepared to t»U order* in ibi* branch, a* well a* eoauapo tight oauing* of every kind. We are also the original nan* l (adorer* 01 on improved (irate bar. for the advanta rc<! of which we reier tteamboal men to the captain* and engineers of Uio following lioaU: Mouongahela, New England Mo. Brilliant, Lake Erie, Beaver, At KI.NGSLAND A SCOTT, Bandu«ky «L between Rol>in*on and Lacock, «u, Allegheny, Pa. apib:d|w GOLD! GOLD!! GOtDII! GOLJDtm r PHK uibscnber, wholesale manufacturer of JKW* X F.LHV, .nvue* wholesale dealer* and pedlar* Ua ai.ig youth \Ve»i—alro, country store keeper* to call and examine bn .lock of Jewelry, which wid be »o.d ai ihc lowest price* for ca»h or approved acceu tangos. Constantly on hand and manufacturinv ■ ‘ af ß e assortment .oitaLlc for city or country trad.?’ , r w „ corner of Fourth and Branch mb. up **«?,- .p.MCr, ./WwSJSm To Consignee, sad !)»..«« Oo^i. ( )U LS, ,a .he conimr 10 tbe bill nf lading u ln faa nratia, ao- F<*f I’rnn a and Ohio Line—CLARKE A THa w I .m-HHNRY GttAKPi ' * BLACK. '■ l''«“py r . L B\'7 J JNO T M,FAD ™ * Co. rt. Be Line—TAAFPE A O’CONNOR aj>lo T OCT V REWARD. L »d Cb^Tf^^ pafwr money *od O no u, ~1,1. n k lB =S».»' —Sr nplOrdSi* rETKR HAVKR^LAN. "■ 4 M MITCUELTREE, N B. Thpy m n om ■> arm m, Pbitadelnbtai ,*,, th ,„ qSJ? .S™ 4 *' *lup »»ri csnl.r ,uppW r "'P U “>H Md Itancdo,. C-TORO,^, * P * HEY, MATTHEWS A p«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers