BY MAGNETIC! TELEGRAPH REPORTED ft TELEGRAPHED B*or lh« Pittsburgh oaUj Oascttci PmuADCLTUu, April 12—12 M. The Cholera is racing dreadfully at Lavaca. There has been an arrival in Texas from-Ha vana, '.vhich reports that the colored men of St. Lucia, on the whiles, on the 11 1 h ult., that they were quelled by the lorce of arms. Of the sol. diers of St. Bartholomew, many were killed. Hayman Levy was seriously wounded in a duel with Dr. McKean, near Camden. 5. C. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Phiiauelphu, April l£—6 p. u. Flour—The market is quiet, with halgs at' $1,25 (34.31 f bbL R ye Flour —Sales to a moderate extenj at $2,76 bbl. Gram-Sales of prime white w iieal at Iooc,qales of red at IGfrflfrr. Oats, safes at 30c. \ Whiskey—Sales to bbl* at 20c per ggl. the mar ket closes dull. Baltimore market, April 12—S P. M. Flour—Sales of Howard Street at $t 12 per bbl. Of City Mills at Corn Meal—Sales ot -i$ per Mb. Rye Flour—Sales at $3,76 per hb*. Grain— Sales of prune red Wheat a: M to 95 Corn—Soies of prune white at 40&42 per bu; enles of prime ydllow at 4 7c. Oats, sale* at 26c. Of Rye at 56c per bu. Groceries —Sales ot N 0 Sugar at 6c, of Porto Rico at.6c. Ot N O Molasses at 26j</f27j. Of Rio Coflee at 7<27J per lb. * Pro visions*—Sales of Western mess Pork at $10,87. Of meat Beef at 513.006ji3,37j- Lard— Whiskey—Soles to bblsut 20c per gal. Sales in kegs at lsil\ . Bacon—Sales of bcg-totiod at St • Cotton—Sales of Louisiana at ~Va7\ NEW VORK MARKET. NOON BEPOBT. N'kw Vobk, April 12. Flour —There is ou new feature tp} de mand fair andqnotations steady Grain—Wheat is steady and in lair request, with tales of Ohio white ut I Otic. j>er bushel. Sides of mixed Corn at 51c. Cotton is more active, with pale* ot upland et 7 1 . Groceries —The market has * Jowhwsrd ten' Provisions—The market i* unchanged. Money Market—Money is light New You, April 12—6 p. u. Groceries— Sugars are dull on account of the large receipts} we note sales of 209 hhds of New Orleans at 4 l@sc; Porto Rico at 4l£sc, to tjie ex/ tent of 700 bhdi. Molasses bo* a downward tend ency. Sales of 600 bans of Lnguayn* Coffee at G}; the market closed dtil : . Hemp—There is a cuod demand foij hemp and prices have advanced, with sales of dew rotted at slbs per ton. Grain—The market is unchanged. Flour—Sales of Genesee at former prices. Provisions —Thero is less movement m Pork > the market being heavy, western mess pork is held at $lO 37 per bbLj 'prime at $$ 25<a$8 37 per bbl. Lard is heavy, in barrels it i* offered at o^6}. Money Market—Slock* were falling at the last board. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. N. On.LEAN§. April' 10, 1849. Cotton—There is some inquiry, and the general feeling is better, with sales of 0,500 bales. Flour—The market is heavier than yesterday, and the business done in at a slight decline, with sales of 1,500 bbla at $3 621, $3 75, $3 S7f and $4 per bbl. Grain—Tho foreign news has depressed the market for Corn and Wheal—with Rales of Corn at 306231 cl*. Sales of Wheat include Ohio prime white at SO to S 2 cts. Provisions—Tho sales of Lurd comprise 900 kegs at 41, 5, and 5f cts. Bacon is in fair demand, with sales to a corresponding extent at 41, 5, and 5} cents. Groceries—The market ;s unchanged in prices or demand. Lead—Sales of 550 pigs Lead at $4 43 per 100 pouods. The river is falling slowly. GREAT CURB Or LIVER CuM PLAINT, by the original, only true, am! genmne Liver Pill. Shost Ckexk. utuo county, Va. > March altb, IMP. \ Mr. R. £. Sellers: Dear,Sir —1 think it a “duty‘J pwc to yoo and to the public gi:era ly, to state that 1 have been afflicted with the Liver Complaint (or a long time, and to bodly that an abets* formed and broke, which left me in a very low Male Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills bring for tale bv A R •iiwr wr>^ijeehi!n^rfegr-TfffrgE9*rLr- VER PILL EVER USED, nml slier taking four Ik>Xc» 1 hod the disease hat entirely Irfn me, anu l am now perfectly welL Respectfully yours, L) li CpLF-MAN. Wert Lt'-erty, March thhl&Uh I certify that I nm personally ac<|oaintril with Mr Coleman, and can tesutnon/ to ilie truth of the above certificate. A ft SHARP The genuine Liver P.llt nro prepared tuid «o)d by II F. SLLLKRS. No 57 Wood ►trreu and by dwjjUM in the lwo cili'i TOTHK tM’BLIC-Thr ongi, nine Live ! arc prepared (*>* R h>e.i«. hit aamo siaxopcd in ulnck «ax opou ui* tid . .. box. and hi* tignatore on the cuuide wrapper—u. other* are counierfeUß, or uim »m;uiao:ii». apjtl Rtj SLI.LKR 4 . Proprietor PltUbnrgb Water Worlra. PROPOSAL will ue received Cl the office of ibe Pittsburgh Water Work* until Tuesday. 1 7th wi*t, at S o’clock, V. M., tor furrushinc WATER PIPES a* follow*, viz: llffpipes, >5 mcb bore, weight £nch ItOO lli». All lobe cut in a verucai po«itian.:u dry sand. The reqtuaie number of branches 10 be I'umiatud at ibe The IL ui. pipe ure required a* early a* they eui possibly Unmade: ibe otber» may be distributed over ibe time between ibis aud ilia If! December, if deaired by the contractor. Payment* lobe in Bond* bearing interest, and hav ing 2D yean 10 run. Testing and delivering to be at tor expense of ibe contractor, aptO-dtd J. 11. M’OLKI.LAND.Sopi L _ THE WESTERS 15 9URAS C E COMPA- SY OF PITTBBLRRH, IN conformity with the -AeaJnuori-orauiiß tbe Wes tern Insurance Company of the City of Pittsburgh, in the County of Allegheny, 7 * approved the Vtf.h day of March, A D 1849—Book* will be opened for tbe sub scription of tbe Capital Stock of *iud Company, at the Monongabetn House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on MONDAY, ihe 23d day of APRIL, lf4‘J. betweeu the hour* of ten and three o'clock; and continued at tbe *une place, and during tbd «imr hour*, from dav io day, until at least twen y-five hundred Hbares shall have been subscribed. Five Dollar* w ill lie required to be paid on each share, at ibe lime of subscribing. By order of the Commissioners aps:d3w*ip JAMES LIPPINCOTT. Se.e’y. EDUCATION. MBS. fc MISS UILLAND respectfully itifonnjbeir fnendiand tbe public. Lhcv have procured and removed Iheil school tu a roomy and convenient house in Lacock street, second dwelling com of Peberal *t. where they arfe prepared to take * few boarders, a* well as a few more day scholar., and where iheir ex clusive attention will be devoted to iiutntcuou in all the ordinary branches of Kueu-d] education. Stranger* are refeired t.*'M r Wm. Kicbbaum, Mr. John B-jlcFiuldcn and Mr, F Eaton cf PuuburKh Mr. A. Short and Mr. George Rruerof Allegheny ettf aplttdtf S' L'NDBJKJU-abo bl.}» N o'.Mu:as»e*; ” 16,003 Bacon, bog room. 40 bbls large N’o 3 Mackerel. 15 2 do 10 “ *• - 1 Salmon; 25 ■* pure Flaxseed Oil; J5O dolen new Corn B'ooms; in store and for sale by me hill JOHN WATT. Li‘>erlY *t MACAULAY’S HISTORY OK ENGLAND— But ler’* edition, containing oil tbe matter, verbatim «1 literatim, of Vol*. I and 2 of the edition, em bellished with a portrait of the author—2 Vol*. in one Price, complete, 50c. A iarge soppiv of .be above re ceived and for sole by JOIIN II SIF.LLOR, mcb-JS *<l wood *t PROVOSACS will be received for ra.sing 990 tons railroad iron, sank ui Allegheny river, tJ mile* abov* Kinanning. Al*o. I4‘l ton* 4 tntle* above Frce- K rt or i mile below iiiil'c SultVork*. beiween the and and Salt Works. Tbe whole to be delivered on the wharf at Piiu'nxrgn »p 7 j SCHooNiM A KKR * Co. 24 wood *4 CHILLED ROLLS. TUK subscribers having fmr-h.tseu the exclusive right of Harle v'« PMenulatcly rcoewed.i for the monulacture of CHILLED ROLLS. Ac., arc prepared to supply all order* »t*>!lori r.rcice. Alfpemon* are forbid infnngi. g on said Pstein, ajAdlmAvrtmT BOU.M AN* A OAHRIWUN. MACAULAY'S'hV*J.ANIF-«m.- uj. ruiuou, ui one volume; fol' bound, ha.l bound. ai-d paper covers Price* SO cent* and upward*. Al*o, Harpers’ One edition in 2 vol*; n fol' supply. Oeseniui’ Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament; tbitd edition, revised, with large addition*, etc. Just published. For *:rv. by ■P 7 R HOPKINS. Apol.o Buildings, 4th st Notice to the Public. \AI L hereby notify our friends and correspondent* T¥ «* home mid tbioad. ihat we vfill not, CM>xa a-iT tnnccwvTAScm, leceire freight from any Boat for whieh J. Newton Jotie* i„ agert _ fc P n RHODES A ALCORN WANTED - : B Y * j rt * rr “‘ J - V,;UI - a -ituaium a. Book Keeper, Uerk or Salesman. „ „ tor , or munuiuetory. Most rcspectabL r-r. rei..--».-A ll i.« g, ve n. Address “A.B- Ourr-tc oiiue inci.2o d3i»_ TENNES*SEKLR«>LN|) Ni TH-u , lo i, lennes ,ee Ground Nu >. u pntne aruric,jtm received on eonaignmettt and Jot -ale »w i,y (U -° B M'ILTKNBKRCKR, ap‘J v? Front *i LINEN openrd. a Lar.d.eme ] 0 new *iyl#Lintn Lu*tn:» epU ALEXANDER 4. DAY CASTOR OIL—H' I'*'** * N ‘ I 1 Oil. ju .t and for »oi* !•)' “P -1 J Kli)L> & Co PLASTKRS— d'<* S'.rritE'Wicm.n K Planer., a tup e . nor article, on ti.xrui onJ ;or *ak by ap3 J kJ L)IJ h. Co i I.-.- 1 * »’-nchc. :b !■:» Apple* ap7 KHK >, I 1 • »1* 4. Co Dry pf.aches—e-J >?< "°, w '-*\ " mr Gcoctr, for »•> by ISAIAH DICKt". • '• DRY APPLK* — *k* i»o«" ircinimr Ccu« Ta; for «»)e by ap7 ISAIAH DICKkY &Co CIRAB CIDER—IO Lblt pore Crab Cidf jull ree d ' And for 18-lo bv Bp7 ARMSTRONG A CRO2EB COMMERCIAL RECORD, j PORT OF PITTSBURGH. 1 LOCAL MATTERS, APRIL 1 Saturday, S Sunday, 0 Monday, 10 tfocNdny. T 1 Weclaexday, IX Thursday, • 13 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR APRIL t* » atAfcapAU- t. x'dasrx. rso. djuton Office, Pxmaraoß Gszktts. \ : Friday Morning, April 13, 1- to \ 1 la our ramndt through the city yesterday w* found ] nothing new or interesting. A general quiet;*c-m- ed lo prevail, and quotations were without anv rna.c rtal change from our last report FLOI'R— I The Jeeejpts yesterday were very 1.-ht, wuh limited safes Only from first hand* at §3.50 if bbl Frt»m »tore, soles axe transacted in regulsr limned mi* ai a range of S3,&L3S3,GS bbl. t»Rl>.KßlfiSt—o( Sugar and Molasses, considers bie qußMities.havq Leen brought forward by the rem. i urTiiaii irom New Orleans. am! ihc market n well supplied tvith ibn«e article. The »ab-« oi Kurur have been it, regaiar limited lots by hhd. nt ;» range •( 4 j tf&Jc. a* ut qusbl) . Hairs of 150 t.t- * Molasses a, th^ - . 4 in.,* .We note sale* of I«onf l.ngar si P b r.i Rio roflee b* 7J in ‘•msll i i< sn.l v.t Rife l.\ nerce at 41i?-41<• f ft UROVJSIO.NS— show ao nuli-nni :*l”.-:r atioti from par yc<terd«y « repon The rrfti ( i> it Bu,o» h.,„ U.u 1.r.«, ,-.,1 •» •» : L.acmn.t. P»ck«,, 10 A. M. creeled We noie »ile. oi \\e*iern < nrol Uarmt r* ... nr.. , 1«% to the e«e B , of O.OOf* to. at 4. V and *. «... Packets, SA. M.. *»d 4 P. M. cis, Side- and ll&aii Sale, oi .„ . .•„r.ed i, a fa.r . -Beaver Packets. lUA. M . and tP M tent m the »aine figure*, and oi 100-e loi*.» good r.,nu i —Wm Phi Hip*. ' try cured Dacati ai a*o Je lower Sale. oi in tierre. S' Lqm*—Silas Wright Cinetanau sugar cured rurrassr.l Warn* ai yr $* lb . *• Wyoming. . Sale* of I? bbU Lard, of good qnahh. on .he j For p„i u , t . tu . HU . Sal?* ln>r« "tore nt .diJMr *> lb «« u, I . . , . . _ ,«|„ r . OC. eat. .I»u, *. rulin:’ ! l ’ **«* h«-» O clock P. M. Uni IMPORTS BY RIVER. SCIDF. ASHrXile* of *evera! *mai: lo’* nave i,ee U ; ST t.UI IS- Per Hindoo-;):! hi* baron. D larech 4 eflerted at mci Wr tin;.- modem.- » ic< oi a ' *'’* *‘' rn P lrou •'* A ' l " I *' ro ‘ I!l hhd« shoo Id . 7 rr». i'lurk Thaw 20 r*k» pickled shouider*. 11 (irad jmme arune <> to A << lard. 41) **. do. :I7 bh!« do. IS- shoulder* Til. 1.A.1L T.AI.R.—TI.s i.i.wil.ViVili, w * R MefWtaw. >i ud. kuak <f *> . . * m “) lb kg* iard. s''in. lnn ilrted app : e*. :i do tiax- CoOi ir« i.|'orie*|'k>T«r u.e maerent Kiti.rcHili to Sci.n\ 1 "red. 2 i>*» tmi«e. I hook rase. I lot lunmure. 16 hide* kill CouMy. !jr-flte wr.-k eitilmc Tlu.r«Ja\ . s foil* deer *k;- *. I r.dl furs. Jt» tjordon. =«> Id* hemp, 4 U '* fk Ti"u: CINCINNATI-IVr Mi V-mon 1-1 hi-K moinwa. R lu 4U S-I (fc • 'l'M'!* A Ror- :> r«k« Wiiir, riiffni'v twi.i* May On a..|| ill "rdiimire «t-rr*. A*;!. qr Ma*t-r. I S. A. 31 broi Msi l’> •JT.tVtia lu and deet lilies. R H mrtlev. 7] Ld gU** ware unJ Mount Carbon d.r 3,000 In -oil.- 17 tuil«e 5* •<!■.« <io. J anrbor \V Obmrv r.j Midi baron Scbuylki.i Valley do *4004 02 -ja.Hll 0* ! J McVadm A <■>,. UH7 hugged ham*.,' TniiTr 4 O Cori- Mt Carbon KPi Carbon RR, -J.i .n-> «>. 4; |»; n-r 7>l tihds i>m .m. J:iu Uner. 101 bid* whukev. R —■Miner'* Jour. | WuUmii. Mi ‘.1... pork. J (Vru-k.A --o. - hhd* toh. R'll#;. - . ! rrll A <-o 7 Ml!* dried fruit. I *K piitsrng . 1 .lo *kin*. 1 Spirit of (ho Domeille .Market. 1..11 do. 1 1 m sundries J Sciioomnaker A ro. I.‘> bt- «il- Nrvv OttLKA.Nv Apr.: V, 1~-l» ''**.* f j ,lmc ‘ * Sale* ot Cimonj on Saiurdav. 3M© |.h>>—no change ' . — lVr ' Vin [ lc 'd Sruti—l2 <-*k* in price*—Middling <l®«Jc~J .nod Middling m ' br,m * ton, ‘ ; fll 00 '“du <‘■><l- Jno ‘•lrwin 4 *r>n. 2d t>t>U S-Uffar. IWI bhtla, al prrnou. rate*— Fair 41c 01 ! . Ja* Unweu. .«t» hbl* lorn *u*ar, It* iihd* »u -. Motaaae*. 48U bb\» at 163 18 e; of Tobn.-co, *2O hhd* ... «- C °‘ ? i h^ # “***'*>' 4 two lou. Oil pnvarf irrm«. of Flour. no blf* Ohio, at '*. I ll ‘ WltJ bbl * In ’ ia **«*- u 4 M Murheliree as pkg* 84.2 ft Wax jM/A-ind liiftai 84.Sn— al; good Irrand*- j lur "" ure ' Hu*hu«-i _ ordinary offered 8t *4.t2j—martr: si a Maud: r( wheat i ... „,, • , 3UOU t.u on priTtnr terra* o: Corn. 1200 *scL. j 1 liK> R ' T -Thi. .* the name ot a sp.endid ~ew white ai 40c. df Beef, n lot of Son Uii*. mo*t’y I’nme I strumer, under me command ot Cupt Whmrttj Conley, tt 810.30 fur Prime, and for tin Me**, ui I‘ork. I whu li urnvr.l at me upper laminu;*. ve<\ She ioo bbU Rump* at 87.7 S I? Prime- at Sv-Tj. IS:* Mr** I , , ~ ill Sio. and W) Bl*lo.u*j—Me,* retmlms nt ihe advu-1. J * U ‘" al t>ro " - ced rate* of SUl.O*! 251P.25. and Prime at £(M2t of I , , ~ liry raiud M..1.WJ80 «. .n mu h,. s .on..i. i WHOLESALE SHOE WIKEUOLSEi and 14 c»k» ni 21 lor the shoulder*. nml 4J for Haiti*, 1 jj, CHILDB A. CO of Baron. W tiere. a Hum* at t^c—Shou drr* ’ No 131 WiMJD STRFET PITTSBtIUiH retailing ut LiJ, apo firtn~«ale* at 4}ld3<-; ot I.nrd. to- ■\Xron.B ro* invite the atienm.n of m-r but* Grease a.4fc.dl :,t t * 44*. and JOU kegs a, B| - : W clmni.vising V ‘tu < Ku ‘ lell " *ioeit of SPRING AND SI MMLR I.OUDS, ronawntig Cikve'jxi, Mm u Wi a,300 CASKS OF BOOTS AND SHOKS, „ ~, . ... „' * 1,., comprising every variety of Men *. Women ». Mn>«e«' Canal Receipt*- Hour J.. «t. bbl* Fork -«.l do. W In- aill) Children'* w.-*r. of many new s-.vlm and of nine, key yC4 Jo, \\ heat .l.etfJ bu. ( ora 1,4 U) do. Coal t*-.‘.’!li rior quaiitv. adapted lo count l v and c-tv trade do. Dned Fruil22.S*n to*. Wool 44S do. Kurd ttJ.2?S do. . 4 ' H , . « > Bus.MilTlo. Irtnarjni 00. N-I. M3.5M10.1M.. A **“>""“»■ ‘■OMM’i MIME*’, ter'* ware : AND 1111. DHE N\S BO N K ETB, Maik.l-Tbo bom, l»;ti . to .0n,r..1,.i l.n.k ■ 1 which or. FLORENCE BRAID. STRAW. Lliradr “.Steal".'’' No SiJSrr. ' rlSCA * UCB, RCTL AND,BIRDS are no buyers in market a 'ittn-.n yot wh-a: urrived 1 PbORKXCK, CHINA PKARL A LA\% N, t-r day tor * ff*-r could be had. and it went m g rcat Vttricl y aUo. ARTIFICIAL FLOW- Sf" n °" “ k '"* " 0l " b> ■’"> **■ BUS, MENS', BOVS' AND CHILDREN'S Team Prices —Wheat “Oe, Corn AV Oat* 20c. Rve PALH LEAP UATS-31K.V.4 LBUBORN, and Barley not offered.—;Herald. PANAMA AND CANTON HATS. Cattle Markets. , All ol which have been purchased dtr-wt from the Balxsou. Apnl MS. ' raSMponra.. -">*<*« Cattle—There was a co,i« l ,l.'.r:ii’l- .ncrm*e mme to make uIV ir.tcmt of \\>.irri. Mrrrli.,..'-. .> b u *f »upply of. Heave* at the *eale* to daj. .md the fust set of os II CHI l.l> - A '< < wa* exceedingly dull. TV oiTeruigs rentin'.l -«> lirud inchlC:dAvr2mS tdl Wood -treet i<{ which 334 were * Id !'• ' its nut< i'm- nml 4(m w<*re driven to Philadelphia. Price* '< »m 5v.75 to FRESH PURE TEAS, S 4 on the hoof, equal to S*l34'if'tf7,76 net. and avera- i Whole»*«le and retai., at the ptntf S3J7i urt s« TJEKIN TF.A HIRK. 7u J'nurta atreei. near \4’ood, lioga—S*Fe* were quite active to day nt lower X Pittsburgh Hie *ubacnber caving just returned We unotc from Sdjid to BA.-7J from New York. i» uow receiving a iarge fall nupply —_ j m ft • _ t *of fre»ii GRKH.N AND BL.ACK T’KAA from tiir New ■TkoMmt la Weactii." and if Mr ?hield« had but , ) T**" ' ‘ * c,e< led w ere at care for been jorrn.od b)”U,r .bora tDOIIo. he mi t ol .«• ' " U " OCk nI ’‘'‘V "«J>e- Vr.l money him-elf mnoh pbyuc.l djenns. I,ill . tf™* “ Mrunljraa ...0 Fra rend the folloeri... le.ler, d..ed Ap„l Hub. 1-1-. S7l7 l i , 'T» I i hey may -mb, MrWm Shield*, a reipeciabie fanner oi' Uni v J neD.. P L ity. mu taken ill; e.lied in a Doctor who doe.ore.l '"ob^ 7'r ri Lie*l ,L' “ZtTi ‘t'^ 1 k “> u . him for Dyspepsia lor one year, bui he «ul! got wor«e. ,1 . ~. . ‘ ' e con He then drtcharjed hi* Doctor and paid cun th.rtv bouac in lur lT"* ° Cf 471 111 * Ollier r'box n?L^,e E °A,r.:i;d«■’;»“».';"rr:„”ed d . •- icraoa icoraos only 50 hi d,.ehar,ed. he ..... !T"*.' “•* »*ck Tera are ft. be.: .a >1 Icaal one ibonaand waring and in two week. w„, a 00 :.,e Veb.wd Lool. Cro.hed, nod I'.l *o mswoeed in health a. n> <o h,. bn.nie,*. and „ rra j ....remil. o, by lie barrel. h 't ll s "f r COFFEES—Mocha. Old Cor. Jam. Laiyntra. SL Do ram" Lon” of h!S! “ ' “ VJLB DEAN.T m"! '* 1 ”‘ d "Yofe B^ke Yofk b> ' m °‘' TO F.nnh yraW IcblT-dAwS “ ““ 0W ” J “‘“- " * * ” N. o.—All Dr. D. Jayoe’g Family Medicine* for side. Jd’LAXS’a loim Poj-—ln -pffcnnfi this medicine to JecS-dAwi* a. Jain l-ts convinced, however, that it is onfy nece**ary to give **o. 52 m OlMj dlPfCl, their remedy a trial to place it in nublic estimation far 'TITOULD cad the attention of the public to their aboveiflll medical agent* of the kind rr*t offered to- W present atoi-k of Paper Hangings, whicn for ra the public It i* the inTi-imon of aa enligntcned. n. nrt), beauty of b.iish. durability and cheapnes*. i* un perieneed and learned physicimw who for many >enr* surpassed by any eataMi«huient in the Union, u*' d it in hit own practice, when m* great success m- Besides a large and full assortment of paper of their duced him to offer It to the public rllarge For sale al own manulacturr the) are now receiving a dtrrct im thc Drug Rtoreof apll J KIDD A C>< • portat-on of Freimn atid Kngltsh styiesof Paper lUng- • w - mas. purchased t.v .Mr I en Howard, anc of the lirm. Iv BitF. r U A. Fuhncsiock Aim'. Rut-em- now in Europe, r, >. tj i,;; t-i esrm hn« been, of great *v;v.-?<- I'rom »:a’cn.r.,i of Mr. lk>d<-nhameT the reader can drnw m- own in- 'Tii'- mid jfen- ference* Faeu Ire conclusive and caunol begum* Oi their own wu.iufaemr' Qiey have idO.UOO piece* layed: t "all Pupr r. am; liism piece* *atin glazed Window Pulaski. Teiui., April 14tlt, 1 r 44. Biind*. Ac ,, »*»r« B. A . Fahneatoek ACo ; Gentlemen—l wo* Me»»r* Jamr* Howard .V Co have *i>ared neither very tu-rh afflicted with Rheumatism ln*t *uminer. and . expense nor labor in their endeavor* lo nval the ea*l bemg aivifed by Mr 9hapard. i u*ed your Rube- ern w»Ji paper e«.ab:i»iimein*. both m quality or' man facient two dap, it gave me enure relief, and I nova ufacture and van-ry ot pauern; and they are warrant* not been troubled .wttb u atnee. cd in assuring ihr public that iney have succeeded J.ims W. BopknuAXtu The whole assortment. foreign and none mauufac- Prepared and sold by lure, will be oiler -d on lertn* a* iow a* ihone of eaat- II A FAHNESTOCK A Co . cm manufacturet* and importer* mch37 dtf comer IK and Wood; also. comer 6th and Wood «i». j Colver’a Patent ConcaT*^«at«7Cimnat »P 5 BL'TrKR IN FIVE MINUTES" ■ ‘ ■ • •• ca.i the mention of the public to tbe article Sellkxs iKTXIUL Coi oh Stbcp » » beading tin* adverunement. aud invite the enter South Pittsburgh. Feb. .'1 IMfc prising ami runout lo call and wiimw* iu operation. Mj* wife bo* been troubled with a violent cough for Ail adveruseraenn in relation to this invention, to the iix or seven years; to bad wa; her cough that physi- hundred* who have seen it tested, t* supererogation Ctaiu {in Ohio, where I formerly lived.i told me site l*t- This Churn will produce Butter, gathering it in bad the Consumption. After we removed to tht* city a mass, Irom swvet ralik, in five to ten minutes! and I obtained for her, umr and again diderent medicine*. from crenin prepared, a* families u*ua*Jy prepare it. in but they were of no kind of benefit to her Som- two three :<» five minu es! months since. ] purchased a bottle of your Cough !*)' tfd The ultiity t f this invention is apparent, as bet rup, the use of which ha* done her more good than ter Butter can t>e produced from iweel milk, or cream, any medicine she has ever taken 1 have a!»o u*ed than rrearn »ourt. in ihe usual way, ur dby in;an* ol Sellers’ Veriwfugu in my family with hue success tht* cniim, a inu>- girl or boy can perform, in five oi Bcrsaiu) M slat it. ten nunurea, whai ban heretofore required ihe labor of Tat* popular cough remedy is prepared and «oid uy a woman or roan .or one or two hours, and sometimes R K SELLERS, 5* Wood »«, and rany be trail of Drug- half a day. gists generally, in the two cities and virniii) mn2i j -’M By simply turning n thumb screw. Ute whole in __ m » „ . ... 'id- da»ner t* lak-n out, leaving nuUuiig but the butler AScrntsa CiHTtrtCATI to the excellence of M'Lanr' 111 ul ,, l{le P ,:un wo °d* n •'<»* Vertutfuge' 4lh cu« s*pe*-t churn ever invented, as the Me„r. J. Kidd & Co —(l.mlcm.n: It .. wilt, plr„»- cl 'j‘ * ur« 1 h*nd tfii,. my remfietp. to ,n. ,ene- “* k “ “ kl “ lm " “ rul populanui ofDr M'Lunc * American Worm Spc- , . c:ficA lo your trseelinp agent. Mr .Munreu- Some urn, , 1 " *' ago i received from him a »mon lot to sell on eotnniis- , v . . . . . sfon. I used a/ew bottle, idiot own family, to the >nvn« the public to eall and witne*. ,t. operation good effects I can .fully testify, the i.alanr/f sold to ® "uT'Ju* “ Uc ?. Be*rTa rny customers; and found on inquiry, that it gave very AU ‘ f?n ’ and “ l J I 'caMFROn’a > PRICK* *' general satisfaction. Gamma Maxwell. « CAMERON A PRICE Augusta, Carroll Co Uhto, July V 7. I-4A For sale at the ijrug «torc of J KIDD A f-o PORTORA INSTITUTE, m chi9 ALLZOUKST CITT. ■ ■ 1 W T fLJ‘ *' e opened (D V.) for the admission of young M’Lass'-s WottM Visjurroß.—Tbepopularfiy which ; * Oemlemen on .Monday, ihe bih day of Aprll this medicine ho* acquired in Western Feniuylvan.a, krm*. (payable ,n advance) per session of 5 month*' is a sure guarantee of it* excellence The tnl'owiug English. Cltt»»i-.-ai mid Mathematical deport renilemen, highly respectable cmaen* of Allegheny mem-- *24 Ltd Beaver counties, hare used thi* Vermifuge in il.e r Kng.tah department SI6 families, aud offer the assurance of ii* great medical ‘ A limiied number of boarder* will t.e rcr-ivrd. properties For testimonial*, reference* and addiiiouul iniorma- Jaroes Stratton, Fourth-*!. Road. IMuburgli uon. enquire of die Principal Mary J. Stratton " COPELAND. A. B , Mary Stratum, “ Tunny Collage. Dublin, F.x-Sizar. and Queen's Mary Burk, Rcnver county Scholar from the Royal School of Kunuaulea. Sarah Hasberger, Manchester, near Pitt Federal st. near Robinson *t. a|dj du Margaret Lmd*-y. “ J. C. P. SMITH, AsScl Bu'rk, ll,n I itlornty and Counxellor al Law, For sale al the drug store of J KIDD A Co, CO Wood s T LUI IS, MO. it. marC Will give particular atienlion to the collection of ■MAHAC. | s ai 6 32 0 33 C 34 ti x> i; ;k> DEPARTED Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville, Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville Caleb Cope. Murdoch. Beaver Beaver, ('lark, Beaver. Wm. Phillips, McPhiai. Kittanumg > Louis McLane Brownsville Bnlhanu Grace, Cin. Tagliont. Cole. 11l river. Jns. Nelson, Moore. Wheeling Ben West, (new) Conley. Brownsville < mdenlhi. Calhoun. Wheeling. Ariadue Gralull, Freeport. There were . feel 6 inohea in the channel lat evening n! dusk, by pier mtjrk, and falling. Parisian mii.ufacic! jo " ARRIVED ’ Michigan No., 2, Gtiaon, Beaver. Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Barlrmaon, Brownsville, f'uinticn, Hendrickson. McKeesport, t ‘uiel> Cope. A. Murdock, Beaver. Beaver. Clark. Beaver Wm Phillips, McPhtal. Kittanning. Meaaenger.'No. 2. Woodward, I»utsvi!le Winfield Scot!, Devcnny, New Cffleana. Hindoo, Campbell. Si Louis. tft Cloud. Gormlv. New OaJeean* Zachary Taylor Lucaa, Wheeling Arrow, Nelson, Wellsville. Weiiaville, Poe. Bridgeport. I'inderilla, Calhoun, Weeltng. boats leaving THIS DAY UMXNi piece*. 5 L**l do totPOfcTKD Kt>* VJTS HTTBBUkGH I>*fLY OatTlTt Coart of Quarter Sessions. mtrxlKC eSSflox. Tnt ul-av. April 12. Preaeut—Hon. B. Patton. President Judge. Win Kerr and Samuel Jcdcs, Associate Judg< t. The resurrect on case, from Allegheny ciiy. wa* called up first this morning, but owing to "no •>( the counsel being engaged in another it wa« postponed until next week. Cask op Ajuox—Commonwealth vs. Andrew Simms—lndictment Anon, committed m aettmg fire lo ihe stable of on the f’th day of Juno, ISJ>S. Mrs. Attn Cocrper Sworn —Resided tu Mr. Mac kerel's bouae, on Prospect street; there had ben: already one lire that night, between ten and eln en; it belonged lo Mr. McKeever, 1 stood on lie porch aod watched it for fear of qpy house calcti ing lire; I beard a step come up very Jightly along our pavement after we had come in. we had a mai ling blind divided <k> that any one could look u irorn th • outside; mv little daughter said, mother »ome per*>n is looking id, 1 was teinlied, btc said m as lotid a lone of voice a* 1- cotitii. it ta no nial’er, Ann Elizabeth, who looks m, ihr face wen: away, and the footsteps were heard going to the stable, and in a short time they came back aga.n. but somewhat quicker, and I feel as sured that wliEHjver had gone up lo the stable hud set it on fire, 1 tried to run up stairs when I heard my hulc child crying. lor he saw the bis re; the wr men >n the next house commenced beating on my door with n hammer, and ihe men commenced cryiog for water. (’row 7i i -amtnfj —By Mr. McClure—The own ers of the homes m Ihe stable may sometimes go into the stable after night; they may lake lantern* m; do not recollect seeing them do so. do not re collect ever having seen them smoking cigars m the stable; the blaze was very large; it was put out before it had done a great deal more iban blacken the roof; it burnt a little, to much that any one who never had known There was a fire there, would concludo there had been one from seeing it. felt convinced that the person who passed my bouse, set the stable on fire. Jama Matlartl. AfirmrJ —Am Ihe owner of the stable attempted to be burned. J A plot of the ground was here exhibited to the jury-l F<>r jhe first time for a long time. 1 had gone to b«d early, because I was sick. Had kept up betore watching my tUb'e. Lout that stable t>efore When I got to the fire, it was pretty well out.— Had got my stable altered in re-building it, by put ting the racks very low down, so that if the stable was set on fire by the leilows setting fire lo4he bas in the racks, it might burn the hav withost setting fire to the hay up above—that was all that saved us that night. Do not allow the boys to take fire into the stable alter night. John MeClnng, Sworn—Resided at the tune of the fire in the same house as Mrs. Cooper. It U a double house. Had gone to bed early. Had been aroused by the previous fire and bad gone lo it Mr. Mackare! bad told me that we had better go home, for we did not know what might happen.— Went home and to bed. Just as 1 was going to sleep, I saw a flash of light stream across the window. Jumped out of bed crying fire, and ran out. We could not get the horses oat for a long time, for they pulled back and stretched the bai ters. We threw wafer on. and in a short nmo we foufffl that wr could keep the tire under. Had seen no fire in the stable that mghU When 1 came homo from McKeever's fire, the door ol the stable was fastened as it usually is. Could not sav wheth er it was fastened when 1 rushed out. Walked forward to the stable door, when ! came back from the McKeever fire, and ail was dark. The willies* was not cross examined. Jornt Maclarr'., *tcr>'« Had been at the M<- Keever fire, towards the close of the McKeever fire saw Simms in Chatham street, staid at the fire for a few minutes, and came home with Mr McClung. and went to bed, in n few minutes whs aroused by the alarm of fire, went down stairs, and iound Mr. Cooper. Mr. McClung, and m> father there; the tire was pretty well under then, the wood was charred. No cross examination. Samuel B. Coi*p*r, from —Atn the person win lives m the house of Mr. Mackarel; was engaged that night till nearly ten; went in company with Mr. McKinley, to the McKeever fire, left it and was going home, when at the corner of Fountum and Brospecl streets, ! met Andrew Simms, bad every opportunity of observing him, for there were two gas lights Juil in hi* face; he was coming from the direction of tny bouse; he did not see me till be was close on me, and then he sprung lo one sole, and passed cn at a kind of half run, going in a diifeicnt direction from l.m fathers bouse; in about a minute after that, I saw the flames bursting out of rhe stable Cross examined by Mr McClure—From ihe time I left the MrKeever fire, I saw no body but Simms. This waa not the direction of hia father * house, which canned me to take particular notice of it. and I wondered what he was doing there The jury would have no difficulty if ihey went there to *ee where the fire wa*. Pnid no attention lo what was said till after the fire wa* out. After it waa out my wife said that the person who pR'- sed the house must have done it, and that 1 iuu*t have met him al Bonebreaker'a corner. 1 said that I had, oat did not tel! his name. Ann Elmthtrh Cooper, ttroru —We had been oat and came to. and my mother tat down lo her sewing; I saul mother, mother, aorae one ts peep ing in ol the window; we beard my brother, who Ha rme? 5 againat each other a*a:n, a person would have had time to go lo the »table and set it on fire from the time we heard the first step tdi u came hack again No croa* examination Al r Confer R*-Exzm\”'d —Had n reason tor not telling the name of Simrn*. The<e was another fire that night. Tbe Public School bouse in Irwin street was burnt, nod several tuber building*.— r ehl'i Hotel on the bank ol the nver was on tire. Cross Examined by Mr. McClure—There were other ways by which nny one coming from Maclt ard's stabl* might have gone, beside* the one by wb'eh Simm* was coming when I met hun Mrt. Ward. Strvm— Lived last June under the Baptist Church m (/rant st Recollect the night of the McKeever fire Andrew Simms came into my Mora that night, and bougnt a bunch of matches. Dj mu know the time at which I sold them. It was about hall an nour after that before the fire broke out Recollect that the person who bought them talked singuiarly and bad a spin lip. Ii was tbe prisoner at the bar, I think. I was toe oniv one by in the house, end the shop was shut up when the prisoner knocked at my door. Cross Examined by Mr. McClure—Kept the matches for sale, sold them to every body. The Counsel on both sides agreed to leave the case to the jury without speaking on it. fiThe Jndge delivered a charge against the prison er, and tne jury, after a short absence, brought m a verdict of • < ioilty ‘ Magraw lEr Commonwealth, McClure and Falm er for Defence ANOTHER CASE OF ARSON Commonwealth v*. Jno Orr and Andrew Himms lndicled for Arson, committed in burning down the stable of James Dillon, in Webster st. The parties were arraigned, ond Andrew Simms pleaded “Not thtmy." John Orr pleaded “Guilty. AfTSE-NOON SSSSIOq. Present, Hoo. Benjamin Patton,President Judge, md William Kerr and Samuel Jooes, Associate ludges. Commonwealth <■,< Andrew Simms—Messrs. Dillon and Graham * testimony wus unimportant, merely staling the lucl of the destruction oflhe sta ble. John Ur>, >trorn Have known Simms siocc a l»y; the nre at Dillou a stable was about 1 o'clock, met Simms that night at the corner of 7tb and Southfield street, we walked together a while; came back, Simms went into < hureh; told me lo wait, and he would whistle on me when be came out; there was a fuss on Liberty street; he came out in a boot an hour, we went up to the fuss; u was then pretty near ten o’clock; h* object in go ing in, be said, wa* that when we fired the build ings, his having l<een iu churc.h would remove all suspicion*, and that people instil nee him there; wo tbeu went in company lo tbe stable, and he took out a match, ned, standing on a board, he set fire to some boy which was hanging out; we then went down Seventh street; 1 was about twenty or twenty-five feel from him, I gave him the matches, l got them at home; we to set lire to them, thinking we would get something by it, Simms suggested it to me; his motive was he said, to get money; to carry out good* and take things; went up to a carpenter's shop m Second street; look out a pane and wo *eMl oa fire; we then started off, and he went home; we both ap plied the matches, saw Simm* in jail when 1 wa* up there working for Mr. Sheriff, a boy named Jewell first talked about the burning, the Sunday night alier the Native American Ball; Jewell said he would like lo get some mouey, ami dut'nt know how to gel it except by “glimming.' an he called it, talked about burning a stable in Exchange alley, but did nothing there; we then went lo church; we olway* met al the corner of Seventh and Smith held; we met again, Jewell said he would like lo “ghm" something; he wanted to go down tbe ri ver, and to do something before he went; Sun ms stated that it was always best to go to church, be cause he could prove that he had been there by the people; Simms said he would come out af.rr prayer to set fire to the houses. Cross-examined by Mr. M’Clure—Jewell wa* discharged. 1 believe, by Mayor Herron, Jewel! spoke to me lo set fire lo the stable; the night of my.arresl, Jewell was at my back; be had the matches, I was caught by the Mayor, and ran a little pieee, and was again caught; Jewell said that be had watched u broker from New Orleans, that he knew where hi* room wm». and that as soon as the broke out. we would run lo hi* room iu the Exchange Hotel and take away his trunk; when Andy got through bis prayers he was to coma out and go witn us to set the Exchange Stable on fire; he didn’t come, and we went with out him; I pleaded guiltv because I did not want Jewell to got part of tbe reward: I hiard that Mr Richardson had given him five hundred dollars; l didn t know I'J be caught when Jewell and 1 went down to the Simm* and 1 bad a quarrel before ho was arrested. 1 laid my inform ation before the Mayor against Simms at my own suggestion; James Jewell gave the information to the Mayor; Jewell was at my back and could have been ss easily arrested a* 1, tf they had pleased; tbe officers had pistols; did not testify before the Mayor that Simms got in above tbe door at a hole there, my father, Mr. Edwd. Gregg, and tbe Mayor ware present when I ooofeaaed my orimej I did not know whether T would be leniently treated or not ii I coalesced, the Mayor told me that they mifbl cot be so hard on me, bat I confessed so that if F went across the nver, Jewell and Siuims m'gl t 50 with me. remain went into the eburen on the night ot the I) ilon lire, became out and « c ver fit to a !um in liberty street; have read tbe testinnr’ over which I gave’belore the Mayor, since 1 v m tojai'; we bom went to the stable: t went there firxt; uv saw a light ,n the vard. and I didn't to do it then. and we left it lor h wmit. I stood r.t Uie corner ui Hie alley, Simms stood on the ground, be put in his hand and «l trie nay on lire; we then went along the Fourth street rood; fte eet tire to n carpenter’s shop out there, and went home, I Hof |>ed and went home ine engines. did not see Bunins again that nigut. stated to the Mayor thHt going lo the lire 1 wanted to set tire to the Sher iff s stable, dou't recollect that I slated U was alter the tire. The Court here ordered ibe prisoner to go hack to the box. and Simms came ont of it, remarking that he • wouldn't ait with him." At'd'+w Moot r. —Saw Simms that night when 1 was arresting n fellow nnmed Andrew Curtain, he caught Andy bv the arm, and said you will come with me. wont you. remarked that his voice was peculiar, hud >een him Indore Davul WatiaJrr. su;,r,< |,-ve on Clay alley; I siand in a grocery «t<ire rroo.lcet the night I‘illon'a stable was hurned now Simms iu church, he sal on the «ide appropriated l<> female*. aud that was what made me ol>»erve lum. from trie tunc l saw Sitiims ui church to the lime Ihe tire broke util. it was al»out a nail an hour. Had he staid l would have «een h.m; church lakes in ul about a quarter ot T and ! saw bun last at about a quarter of nine; 1 did not «ee him come in <> r go cut JF. M.irr/„ni. Mcr n —We have already g.ven the testimony ot bus wanes* before tlie Mayor It was to the effect thet Simms and Urr were near the scene ot the tire, immediately before the tire broke <>ut Tl,iu,{■ Little, jirurn— The testimony ot tim witness cc>rrol>oraied that of Marthens. It. i-r r.i .—This witness had »een Simms <>n itie night ot ihe nre, coming trom it, when all others were going lo u H. McClure corroborated the testimony of the last witness. The counsel on loth - des agreed to leave the case to the mry. without remarks. The chnrgeof the Judge was agonist the prison er. and the Jury, alter h nh.-rt absence, relurued will; -t verdict ol ' guilty.'' For Commonwealth. Attorney <>eueral Uarragh and Samuei W Biark —lor Defendant McClure and Palmer Commonwealth vs. Andre.v .'■'imms and John Orr—lndictment Arvti Bolli prisoner* pleaded godly to tins Indictment. Tbc Judge then proceed ed to pass sentence on Simms. On the first in dictmcut, he was sentenced In ten years imprison ment in the Western Peniteatiary. On the second id ten years imprisonment. On the third, to tea year*' imprisonment, and to pay the costs of pros* eculion or stand committed till the sentence was complied with on the ilxfrth. Then, at last, the iron cotn}x>sure which the prisoner had hitherto maintained, gave wuy and ic- wept. The Judge, iu pnMtng sentence, adverted to the enormity of he c itnc —t net frequency with which the prison er had been guiln of' if. and hoped that all young men m the county would lake warning by his aw :u! example “Wu will never again." said the learned lodge - t-i* ve an opportunity ot settiug tire to a bunding, or ,| you have, you wd, continue in oiJ age. ine vi.-iuus nurse* of y.-ur youih " < ommonwealth vs. W.lh* Bundy—indictment larceny The prisoner (a colored man was charg ed with stesbng fourteen dollars from I'rnry Ful ler, .n a barber's shop in Allegheny The jury, al tor a short absence.brought m a verdict of "guiitv. - lsM\jßrA.\T Fact. — In the late case of lue (Join* monwealth vs. Black, tried and acquitted on Wed. nesday ot the murder of Chase Saunders, the able Counsel of the prisoner, had made every exertion but without -ulcer**, to learn where the knife, which was found lying near Saunders' desd fxulv. was purchased. Un yesterday, Mr Staunton rose tad said that he deemed it due to hi* chenl. and :<> public iuslice. to state that lie und. that ij.orrin»'_. ascertained that Saunders bad purchased the knife on the very of Ins death. He has found the person from whom it was *o that, us this mournful occurrence took place very early in the day—between seven and eight—and Sunn, ders dogged Biack around, having ibis knife in his possession, there can. wc think, be but little doubt that Black acted wholly in self defence. I.njvaction I.aU’ us the City ArruußTiss. Ad )o,.uact>Qn was yesterday sued ooi iu the Du irict Court, l<ef.»re H'>n. Judge* Hepburn and Low" rie, by ilie Cortumtsicners. against tlie blwt Com. coatee of the ConnriU. and Mr. Rowley, the Second uieiwit ; I>!ain »■! r.- fixed on l»y the f/ouncils. It is supposed ihnt• were the grade* lowered a* proposed, great dam. age, il not iu ultimate dowolali, would result to the Court House. Messrs Collar!. Karsraan. Alotoa, and Mr. Howurth, ail experienced arcniteds. testi fied that the proponed tower.nff the gr.ulo, would greatly endanger the Court Hone The Couri directed digging to be suspended' and adjourned the finn! deciMun ..f tb<- case nil Saturday next at nine ocloik. Mr. Todd appeared for the County, Mr Charles Scul'y.Ci'v Sol.citor forthel'itv Uc t b a(J£ — e*' l or day. a tonr string of drnys was p t>S! tig dowu Wood Street, and iwo Ud.e*, who were standing at the corner of Third and Wood, wishing to rm«*. were detained a long lime.— The r patience hnvng become exhausted, one of them stepped to a I -.rie s head and caught hold of the bridle, intending lo slop him till her compan ion and herself gM pn*> but, with an oath, the dray man whipped h:a iujr»e. and drove on, nearly crushing the lady to death There should be a city urdmonee,preventing dray* from passing with out leaving ro*<m between them tor persons to cro>. ,: . W s call the ntteatiou ot our steamboat men, lo the advertisement ol'Messrs. Kingsland and Scott in another column. Their improved grate bar, re sists tbe action m fire, better than any other now tn use. The* have been tried on the Moacaga be!a, Brilliant, New England No 2. and many oth ers of our best boats, and have, m every instance, given most perfect satisfaction. Matsu's ;UFrn u, Pirr»ni6..H, April rjih Only two chmis of drunkenness this morning One paid his fine, und the oilier was sent to jail for twenty-four hours. There is noining going on in the police .office*, either of Pittsburgh or Allegheny. Newspapers, Magazines and ltcvlews, Knceived ftl Uic Ri-udmg Room of lllc iotmg AlenJ AlrrranJilr. Library and Alrtbuin Institute," Fourth Mrcel. I.eiwrrr: Wood'and Mnrk*M «tn***ii _ Niw Your:— Courier ± Enquirrr. Tnhus.,-, H,-raid Evening l*o*t Journal nr v'ouunerov. Spirit nf iur Time*. Srictinfic American PHtLAtiKU'tlU—North Aitmr.eau and!' S'-ilt-. i’snntvlvutiinn, f'ommrreia' L'st Wismsuros— tmriligenr-r I'ruo:i. Nuionul Era Boston—Mining Jnumul* II ALTiuoap —Americas! Cuiiimnau (•azeitr, la>ui*vi.',« Journal. St lakji* Re publican, N Orleans Picayune. N Orleans |»ru-e Cur rent. Livaaroot^—Wihucr ASmuh * European Time*.l m, don Time*. MAOAXiSEt—Bfuekwood's, Knickerbocker I’iough Loom A Anvil, Fx.eeuc, Huin * Merchani. . Lmeli s I-iving Age, Ilorticultutist. Stlliman'* Journal, J ourna' of the Franklin Insntuie, Civu Kngmi-er*’ A Architects' Journal, London Rkvixw*— Democrauc. American Wing. London gaunerly. Edinburgh. We«nniu*icr. North British Rooms open daily ,eicepi from 7soV:ock A. M , until 10 o c.ucs, P. M. Mrmhers have the pri vilege of mirodui n.g tnsir fnrml*, non residents of Hie city, who wi:i lie entitled lo fr-e adnussion for one month Persons desiring ir -runit member* will Irnve ihnr names witn ihe Ln ( i/ la ii Terms—lmution, *|, annual *ub*rnption 94 ,i. advance. in<-hl4 aim Roofing.—G&l vanlied Tin Plates. THE «üb»cril)er» iieg u. rail the attenuon of Uio d-r- Arrtiitect* and own rw.f Building*, loth-mx-f. odvAiitage* which these j. -u.-s possess over nr o'li- > melallie subntanee* bitti--'■) u*e,| for roofu.c. Ac -,, they possess at onte tin- . cirt, 0 1 iron w'iiJiom linbility to rust, having now ,„-«-n iesn-,1 ior .e ,-r... years m un.* particular, both m iUu country nnd m Eu rope. 'J’tiey are less habit- io «ip«n*ion and contrac tion from sudden change of ihe aimosphere. iban com mon tin plates, iron, zuir. or any n'.hrr ineia) now used for roofing, and consequently lonn a much better and ughier roof, requiring far le»* Orqueru repairs, whilst the first cost i* imi a inSr more A fall supply, of all sites, from ID lo 30 W (, , c»n ilunily o:i hand and for *nie by (iRO B MORKWOOD 4 CO . 11 ami Ifl Beaver street. New York The patent right (dr this article having been secured for Ute t'mtcil States, all parties infringing thereon, either by importation or otherwise, will be' prosecu tvd oci.JO-dAwl yT NEW II AK D W AR K STORK. Sl(,\ OF THE PLANE a VD SAW *o. 7 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh. HLBLR AND LA L FMAN. Importer* and dealers in Foreigu end Domestic HARDWARE, in , al! its varieue*. arc now prepared to sell as low and oa as reasons blr term* a* can be purchased elsewhere ' *Yn solicit our friciui*, ami ihe public g-nerabv. to call and examine our mock, which consul* in part of KNIVES and FORKS. POCKET sml PEN KNIVES ; SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, i such as Locks, Latches, Uinjre* and Screws, toseihei : with every article usually keen ,n Hardware Siorea. i " e invue the bupmuuii of Carpenters and .Mechanics gttneruJly lo our Assortment ol Tno<«, which have been . selected with great care, and which we ore dei-rmu,- ed to »eil *o as lo at*e sausfacio i «p2:dAw r PAPER HANiH.NHS—I am now rereivinc direct ~ h' - S'-■ Vnrl. 5-hli.d.i. pm# ard . i, t 5. „„] * rli , de ,„ d ( mentof at- lire 'aiest and tno«t improved styles oraa i tin, glared and eummon I'APhll HA.NCJING> con sisting C— \ tu.flOO pieces of Parlor and Fresco -10 000 “ Hill and Cs.'umn, 10,000 Dining-room, chamber and office Paper-which I would pirnculartv invite the attention I a( U»6«e having hoosre to paper, lo cah and examine, ■ *4 the raper w art house of 8 C HILL, | ... 87 wood it TRANSPORTATION ko. 1849. PITTSBCRBH AM CLKTKLASD ” LINE, “X THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. T'HE Proprietors of this old established and popular daily line. consistingof SIXTEEN first clasi Canal Boat*, owned bj iheraselve* and ninuinc m connec tion with the st*-am .tioau HEAVER aSD CALEB COPE, nrr enabled lo offer unequalled facUlUes tor the transportation of. freight and passenger*. on the opening of Canal navigation, 10 all point* on iKe Penu ry i vunia and Ohio and N York canal* and the Lake*. K. .M. FITCH k Co. Cleveland BID WELZ, A BROTHER, Agent*. Beaver J. C. BI DWELL. Agent, mart Water street. Pittsburgh. BIDWELL a BROTHER. Forwarding BerthanU, BKAVKR. pa . Agrnif for the Pittsburgh andClrveiand Lint, Pitts burgh anti Erie Line via Erie, and steam boats Beaver and Caleb Cope. Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf Born jukl t.pilt for the Mnnongabela Puctrt*. have wiih the addition of a Warehouse, ibe most ample ac commodation* for receiving and forwarding, and pledge their utmost atteiition. promptness nnd ilenpatrh lo consignments to iheir cure, und rely on their friends tor a mat inart-dly H A URO PITTSBURGH AND ERIE LINK. 1549. Old Established Line (i,S THE ERIK EXTENSION CANAL r I'HE Proprietor of this well known Line of Canal X Boats, is now prepared to transport Passengers nnd Freight to alt norms on the Erie Extension, New Yotk ('anal* and the Lakes, upon the moat favorable terms ami with despatch Thi* Lute run* m connection with the steam boat* BF.AVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittsburgh and Beaver. C M Reed’s Ijne of steam boat* and ret •els ou the Lakes, and the Troy and Michigan Lake Boat Lin<- on the New York canal C. M REED. Proprietor, Erie, Pa. iiidwell A Uroifce;. Agent*, Beaver W T Mather. Agent at J Meakimen's Passenger Office. Monongaiielu House, Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEE?* - W C Mqlau, Sharon; J K A B Hall. SharpsburK. I’muii A Downing, do, JB Plummer, West Greenville; W ick, Acure i Co. do, Wm Henry, HartsUiwu. Davi* A Sutton. Buffalo. Barney. Olbbs A Co. rstti usky, Jas A Armstrong, Detroit. Kirkland A Newberry. Sheboygan; MClurc A Wil lams, Milwau kie. Knnp. Murfeyi Dutton, Racine, John H Kinne, Chicago. A Wheeler A Co, New York npO Pittsburgh and BlalravtlJe Packet Line g&JteyflgamwtA 1849. f |'HK public mre respectfully tnlormed that J M JL MARSHALL A CO have fitted out new and spiendid Puckei Boats lo run during the season, be tween BlairsviUc and Pituburgb—the boat* to be tow ed by three horses, and every effort made to accom modate passenger*. Dgraatrax*.—Boat* will ieave Pittsburgh every Monday, Tuesday. Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, rm. From Blairsvuie every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, a m., and arrive at Pittsburgh the same day A two horse Hack from Indiana wnl meet the boat at Saltsburgh, both on up ward and downward tnp—putting passengers through from that place in oue day. Freight for Ibe above Line will i>e received it ihe house of me Boatmen's Line, by Jno. Farren A Co., who are our authori*ed Agent* All freight received tree ot commissions. J M MARSHALL A Co JN<* FARREN A Co, Agents, Canal Bastu. liberty st, Pituburgh A Hark leaves Blairsville for Youngstown on the arrival ui the boat—returns to boat in morning Fare iron Pntsburgh io Youngstown 82—received at office of Boatmen's Line through. ap9:d6m EXPRESS PACKET LINK FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, . . Exclusively for Passengers —The Boats of this Line will leave follows, nt 9 o'clock at night: Kentucky-Cnpt H Truby, Wednesday Aprils 1 jjuiiiann—Capt J P Thompson. i Indiana— P Burkey. Ohio—A Craig. Suturdav, 7. Kentucky -H Truby. Sunday. - Ixiiiisiarin—J P Thompson. Monday, 9 I ml iaua P Burcey. 1 uesday. Ml. t»hio--A Cring. Wednesday. II Kentucky—H Truby, Thursday. Hi l.ou'isiana—J P Thompson. Friday, 13 Indian:*—P Burkey. Saturday. 14 Ohio—Capt A Craig. Sunday night. Apnl 15th. For passage apply to W RUTCH. Mononrahela House, up 4 or D LEECH A Co, Canal Bastu a w mjniajtTK*, f * EirnrtLW, of Pittsburgh. of Philadelphia. POINDEXTER k SEYNOLDB, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Comminlou Herehaats, No LEI Mabsit Stibitt, between Eleventh and Twrffih su.. PHILADELPHIA. r I' , HE subscribers beg ieavr respectfully to acquaint X their friend* and the poriic that they have asso ciated themselves in Philadelphia, for the purpose of transacting a General Commission Business, and trust that King experience in business will secure to them lair patronage. ET P articular attention wiH he given to sale* of Flour and Produce generally, and any purchase* m the Phi adripbia market for Western account R W. POINDEXTER. C M. REYNOLDS REFERENCES—The merchants of Pittsburgh gen eral). Springer A Whiteman. J-ehmer A Anderson. Cincinnati. Ohio. M I) Vrw. omh A Bro , W B Clifton, I-ewu Iluffner, Ja* Todd. Ix>ui*viilc, Ky ; Crow, Mc- Creery A Barksdale, £l Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton A Co , W A Violett, New Orleans, La.; GilL Gilleus A Noyes, M*Gregor A Morris. New York; W R Thomp son A Co . John Tiers A- Co, Peter Marseilles, BM Jones. Deni, Milligan A Burt,Philad’a. op9:3m who! Kb a C K Dry goods . A. A. HASPS k co„ ARE now opening the mo«l extensive and varied assortment of Spnrg and Sommer Goods ever exhibited in the Western country, comprising upwards •1 Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased in enure packa ge* from the manufacturers, importers, large toe* lion sales, by one of the linn residing in New York, who is constant')' sending us the newest and most fashionable goods. They name in part— Its) cues nen Spring I’nou, i 30 cases M de Lame. VT •• Lawns and Muslins [3d “ cotton and linen I'.xi bleached Musims.all j Ginghams; grades. , 30 •' col’d Muslins; lii shirting Checks and tf7 “ Blpkoa Cotton* domestic Ginghams; | ades and summer Slulfs tloC Hruwu Muslins; Ai«o. cuses and packages of Bonnets. Flowers. La ces. Ribbons. Shawls, Bereges. White Goods. Millinery Articles. Cioths and Cusimeres, Linens, Ho sier.' and G'ovrs, 4c 4« Cuy and country merchants will find tbetr slock as large and desirable as Eastern stocks, and an exami nation of their goods and prices cannot fail to con vince an that with ihetr undeniable advantages and •o ;hev ran compete w:th a.m EASTZaa Josaza. Tins ;nci na» been clearly demoastraied to hundred* oi dieir pairmi* who formerly purchased East. Their stock nvi.; always be found complete ip? Vll'V FANCY AND VARIETY ZEB iv l I.ON KINJtEV'S. 67 Market street l(Ai pr« fine China Vaa-s. as* d. 175 sets twist and eui veivn coat Bunoiu, 60 fine velvet Carpet Bags. ■&) do do gem * TavrUi'.g; IWi gross lancy silk Buttons, fnrdrestr-, 10 dir.Nail Brushes, Bas'd; 100 gro fine b k Ve-t Bu ions, ass'd, ‘.’so do do gill und plaied, do, IS do t. ro*rwood Hair Brushes, 4do Washington do; 1 do Fldfbcrs do. 3 gro Fish Line*. Fish Hooks. Lime rick. Ac J K WEI.RY. 4c —ho gold lever Watches; 50 do de tached lever Wntcses, 10 do Lepme do. H) tine dia mond Finger Kings; 1 dot fine gold Vest and Fob i bam-. lido do Guards; Breast Pins. Finger Kings, Ear Rings. Ac GLOVED, Ac WO dot Ladies Colton Gloves, ass’d; 300 do do Ijslc Thread, fancy top. Ac, 10 do gents' ♦iik Gloves, I -Jili) do kid do, 50 do ladies kid, aasd, 10 do do fancy top si.k VARIETY GOODS—76 pkg« American Pins, 300 bxs Cotinn Cords: 75 p« Papei Muslin. 60U.000 ribticd Percussion Cap*, , JU» gro dress Whalebone do; lOOrtoz Ivory Combs. Dressing Cotnhs. Hack Combs, 4c Ac PALMER, HANNA * CO., ißaccessors ui Hussey. Hanna A Co I BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit*. Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on depo«ite--Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in the l.'niied Slates The Highest premium paid for Foreign and American Oo'd Advance* made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Km.* on liberal terms. ** apy BEWICKLEY ACADEMY, A i*,4* •* i ii l and Hoarding School lor Hoy* mi the Beavrr Road, lourteen miles from Pittsburgh Rev. Joseph (I. Travelll, A. M. Principal. 'THE MAIMER MISSION will commence on lue.- 1 dov. Mnv I. I^4o Trans— Boarding. Tuition, Washing, Fuel, Light*, Ae , per session of 6vc month*. 875—one half payable in advance, the balance nt tne ciosc of the sesnon. I nose taking French le**on* witl be charged 810 Books and Htatlonrry furutshed, when requested, at the expense of the pupil ALLCLOTHING TO BE DISTINCTLY MARKED Pupils furnish their own towel* It is very desirable ihal all should be present on ihe first day of the session Fur :uruier particular*, enquire of the Principal, at the Academy, or of .Messrs. John Irwin A t*on, No. 11 Water street, Pittsburgh apC dtfw Edgeworth Ladles' Seminary, SEWICKLKY TMIF. Summer Session of this Institution will com- X menee on Ttbiui. the l>t of May Teems— For Hoarding and Tuition, in any or all the English bran.-1-1«. 806,f0 per tension of five months For further |>iiiti('ulart. see circulars at Messrs John Irwin A *»ori* < i rner of From and Ferry streets, or T. 11. Nevus A ('<. . I*.*6 Liberty street. apArdlw T N a pnvat- family, for a Gentleman and his Lady 1. whowi:: ii.imsb hi* room if required. Location in F.'-t m>• • -id Ward ol llii. city Addre.*# J. B . Ihn 51, l‘o-t .’.l'Cc. and give name and location, which will be nltcded to aj>4 SICKLES! SICKLES!! " ONE THOUSAND DOZEN SICKLES, of lupenor quality, for sale. SPANG A CO Q BRING BONNOT RIBBONS. Ac.—W R Murphy O ha- now open a supply of *pnng Bonnet Ribbons of new and handsome styles. ' Also, new style Ggd Nett#; Laces and Ifcg. mgv Linen Edging*,- Victoria do; plaid Maslius and Jaconets, embroidered Swi** Muslin*-, Ac., betide* a large assortment of Spring Good* generally, at north east rornrr 4ih and Market streets. WiiOles&je Rooms up stairs. tn 6 PARjrWANTES A >MALL IMPROVED Farm, of from WloM jt\ acre, tor which cash will be pajd. Address B B .t mis otfiec, describing .and with improvement, and where situated Also, the lowest price U ' apb.dJi* 1 cloths’roaE. R°s 0Oni " '™ * n<l ' Vt,od M„g-ri w 'd.,T “ Tut-..i , ILhlondc of Ljtn.., :• ’ t 1 "-" havr recomi/ receivrd nl.r.iM Jrom ihc munibcuter,) ■ fre.h ,„ e .bo.. -'■irbr.u-d o „,c lc , w | llchthesu ., 11 ''^ il „ lt . i„„„, maiket price for cash or approved lulls a P a . W A M MtTCHFI.TRFK RE SELLERS, Druggist, No -7 Wood street, . Sole Agent for the sale of Dr Townsend’s Gen uine . ar*aparilta, ba, just received auu doien of this Ur £“’ Jl P nn (f and fc»uir.Her Medicine Purchasers should recollect ilmi R E Roller* is role agent for Pittsburgh, and D ,M Curry lor Allegheny cny_ ak BOAP. ' f-*f l BOXER NO I Ri>aiN RUA P. for (lie at uu hope cottun FifcroßY warehouse, »pAdlw eoraJHaarket and Water its TRANSPORTATION LINES. PITTSBURGH PORTABLE BOAT LINK @^^lB49..6giLf|t. For the Transportation of Freight to a>ut frm* prrrsßUßO'H. Philadelphia, haltimorf n YORK. BOSTON. Ar Tuomas Boar-.tDfcß. Phun-'clnlna. Taafsk A O’Co.vsoa, Pm,burgh THIS old estabiuhed Line being now ,n fu i opera tion, the proprietors are prepared with tfici* u «unl rxtoiAive arrangements to forward merehatrii*-, pro duce, Ac to ana frem the above pons, on ’il**- r ?st trrms. with the regularity, despatch and surety pecu iar in their mode of transponation so obvious, win-n ;rn-- • bipment or the wavTs avoided. All consignment* by and for this line received, char ge* paid. and forwarded in any required directions irec of charge for commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, m steamhoai* All communication*promptly attended io on applica tion to the following agents: THOR BORUUMiK Market «t. Phiindolpbia TAAFFK A O'CONNOR, Canal Basin. Pmsburgh O'CONNOR A Co. North »t. Baltimore. mchtfi ’boatmens* link. For Mir Transpoitanon of p. w c. rowiLl. PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA. A BALTIMORE Goods *lnpped !>y thi* Line, are earned in f'-ur section Boats rjiHE »ui.«cnber* having made arrangemeni. m cn*e X of a want of State Tmeks nt Columbia, in hav ilieir goods forwarded over Uie Rail road > m *o as to avoid the deter,uon that hu« herc'ofore occurred for the want of Trucks. Shippers will find ihr* totheir advantage No charge* marie for receiving or «hin pmg. or for advancing charge.. All goods forwanleff with despatch, and on as reasonable tortus a* any oth er L,,lc JOHN FARREN A Co. corner of Cunai and liberty »t, Pituhurgn. . P K. frei z k c„: mch-l.di™ «, t’lulailrjpl..! ON THE PKNN'A AND OHIO CANALS. Ceawtorb A CtUsißXBLiv. Cleveland, o ) „ RG. Paßjcs. Beaver. Pa [Proprt This Line Wii, I,<- prrnn ed on the opening of -.avi gation. to transport treicht und Pii»*rn*<-,. PITPSBL’ROH ami CLEVELAND, n. ma ;,o«m on the Canul and Lake* The iaetline* of-thc lunr ur- tii.«urp:is«ed ,n numbef. quality and capacity of Boat*, experience o! ..-aptnlns and ttficienc) of Agent*. One Boot leaves Pittsburgh and Cievennu! .la.iV run ning in con nee turn with the steamer* LAKE ERIK AND MICHIGAN Between (Y.lsbunrh and B«*av>-r. and u im,- *.r i,i Steamers. Propeller! and Ve««»*t» on th* |.mi AogJtTs— R (i Pnrk- Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown < •>. .. M U Taylor. Warren. Cyrus Prentiss. Ravenna. Wheeler A Co. Akron. Crawford A Cleveland. (> sear* A Griffith. Buffalo. N Y JOHN A ifAL(»HEY. AgriiL office, cor Water and Smith field sis Pittsbutrh mch2l 1) BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No 2- -Cnpt Gitsou LAKE ERIE, Gordon THE above regular and well known Beaver Pace els, have commeneod mas i’g their daily trips to and from Beaver, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beavr r regularly during me season, a* Michigan No 2 leave* Piti»burg!i da:-v at U o clock, A M.. and Beaver at 2 o'clock. P M Lake Eric leuve* Beaver daily ot - o'c.lock A. M., .ind Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock, P M These steamers will run m couneenen wun R (J Porks' Fipres' Packet L,ne. tor Erie, Taylor A Leffungwell's Warren Packet*: FmonDucot Freight Bout* ic* ' leve and. C,arke A Co's Pituburgh and Cieve’iuw Lme Freight Boats. R C» Parks daily New Castle Packrts CLARKE. PARKS A Co. Beaver. Agent* JOHN A. CAI'OHKY Agent. Pinsburgi. mchM cor Water and Smiinfie d •<« 1849, gBUBBL BINGHAMS’ TRANSPORTATION LINK Jkus B;s«Hs*d. Wm Bisuium. Conducted on itncl Snbbaih-keepmg principles. r I’HK Proprietor* oi thi* old established Line nave J. pul their *i«,ck in the mo-t i omplete order, and are thoroughly prepared io lorwnrd Produce and Merchan dise to and from Ihe Eastern cities. We trust that our long expeneuee m the carrying bosiness. and zealous attention lo the interest* ol cus tomers, will secure to u» o continuance and increase of the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham's |,u,c. Our arrangement* will enable us to rorry Frciutu with the utmost despatch, und our prices *bnb iiwi»\ » be as low os the lowest enarred by oilier responsible Lines. We have opened an office in No !<l Market *iroei. between 4th and 6th sis. phtlodo. for the convenience of shipper*. Produce and Merchandise wi„ he received a id for warded, East und 'Vest, without any charge i,.- [ U |, wording, advancing freight, storage or r.Mnn. n.iu. Bills of Lading torwarded. und i-virj <Jirrt-iit-ri prompFv hurti'iwcj :o. Address, or applv to WM BINtJHAM. Canal Basm, cor Liberty A Wayne %•.». l'iit>i,urrb. BINGHAMS A DOCK, No I<l and 276 Market street, Ph> a la. WILSON. Agent. No 122 North Huwat'J streei. Uaitimore WILLIAM TYSON. Agent rnchai No lb West street New \ ->r'» Ptnniylvanla Canal A Rail Road Ei preta.Faat Packet Line, FROM PITTSBUGH TO PHIDADELPHU A BAL- TIMORE. (Elxclusively for Passengers i I'HF. puUhc are respectfully informed that Uu* Line will commence ruimtng on Uic lath in**.. and con* Uoue throughout tne Season cars are the latest construction. A boat will alway« be m port, and travelers are te. qoested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage elsewhere. {rare «tily tunc dollars through 1 One ofthe boa 1 - of this Line will leave the landing (oppositr L’ S. Motel, corner of Penn street and Cana<. every iiigbt at nine o’" clock Time days. For mfomiaitou. apply at tne Otfice, Mcnongaheia House, or to D LEECH A Vo mchl7 Cun a I Basin KIER’B PORTABLE BOAT LINK, For the Transportation Freight 10 TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE A NKW YORK BUSINESS on ihe Canal l>finj new re«unie<l ilc Proprietor* ot the nbove Eire respectfully inform the public ;hai Die- are prepared to repeier nr.-' for ward Freight with despatch. «nd ft lowren rate* They would aim caM tne attention of *<v* Eau ward to the fact that the BtnM employed by them in trahiporiauon. are owned by them and cotniii.mdrd tiy experienced captains ' Shipper* of Meat Tn Ruik will find it ndvmuaceouF to thip by this lane, ns ihe .ui>«er. >fr« '.hv» made Br . mngementa at Columbia to have «ura irrieh' tor list. Umoro handed directly from uoa'.i in e ar ». turreov »a truiff warehouse i.ardu"^ Freight to Philadelphia goe‘ r.ear mroueii i’i me boat* No charge made for rereivng ? or a i vu-■ charge* KIKR A J-> w S Pmpne or*. Cami) Btt*in.-‘•'vrnih r:re-i AGENTS—John A. Shaw, ('inriife ui< u. Jin« Mr. Cui.oaeh A Co Ja» **ieei A Co . I 1 u'ailei. phia; Pr&nci* A Thomuf. Columbia mrh.ii PEH’SSVIVASIA CABAL a uTuoA«k»,‘ 1849. EXPRESS FAST rAChETLJNE, FRO* Pittsburgh to PhtiatifJfthia and Baltimore (Exclusively for Passenger* i THE public arc respectfu'ly informed ii-h? this Line will commence running on Monday. l:ui, .March. The imat* of this Ijne are ol a tupenor c:n*«. wun enlarged caum*. wine# will give greater t'l-mibri io passenger* A boat will alwuv* he in por\. mid iraveiem are re quested to cal) and examine them before eiicieuin pa»- •*** by other route* They will leave the lundine. op. posiie the L‘ 5 Hole!, corner Penn »ireet and Cana’ every night at S) o cl-ek fare—nine dollars through Time — Days. For information, uppl/*at the office. Mnnonr"he'a Hooac, or to D. LEECH k Co. Canal N U —The proprietor* of the above Line are n.jw building an additional Line of Packet*. i 0 run M>nv« on or about June Ist, in connection w:th :i,- l - , vania Rail Road from |.rwi*iow> m'r pen \; that lime a packet will leave every momi :g a.i.i rvm! ins;. Time through. 2J day* m<-nld RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LISE, 1849. For the transportation ol Mcrcumiiiwr between Philadelphia and pi , ri>r>r nt,k (M)ODS earned on this Line atr ;;ot»hii-.r.eti T between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. being <( .r. nod in four *ectioti Portable Bou’« over land umi wa ter—to shipper* of merchandize rrijuirmg cnre.’u! hand'u.g. this i* of imponauce. No choree mh le iur receiving or shipping, or for advancing chsrge* A., gnods forwarded with dispatch, and on n« rcasoimtic terms as by any other Line. JOHN M'FADBN A Co, Canal Basin. Penn st. Pitisburch Jas M Davis a r,, marl t£T Market A M Commerce si. Phila JOHN MrFADEN a Co. Forward}?® and Cnmnni »ion Merchants. Canal Hum, Penn at, Pm*t>urjh JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Floor Factors ami Commit *lOll Merchants,;»? Market and SI Commerce -uvt Philadelphia. ui.iH JE/'Advance* made hy either of the above .. • K ■> ;r Wool and other merchandize consigned lor »al" n,:,r] 1 1849. Herohaati* Transportation Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANA LA RAIL KOADS. Ttl PIULUIILc'HU A.VD OALTIXOna. 'THE Canals mid Kail Road* being now open, and J. in good order, we are prepared to forward all kind* or merchandise and product in FlulaUi iplua and Baltimore, with ptomaine** and despatch, and on us good terms as any other Line. C A McA.NULTY A Co., Canal Basin. Penn st, Pittsburgh. A asms—CIJARLKr* RAYNOR, Philadelphia mr27 ROSE. MORRILL k Co, Baltimore., 1849. MERCHANTS' WAY FREIGHT USE. Fqr Biwraviile. Johnstown, lioliiday »hurgh, and all iiiu-nned;a:e place* THIS Line win continue lo can* all Way Goods with their usual despairb. and ui fair rales of freigbL Ao«xr»—C A. M’ANl'LT'i A Co. I'liV-urith. D Ji Wakefield, Jotirmown John .Miller. Holliday sburgh RxmuncKi —James Jordon. Smith A >.'.e;„.| Di F Shoenherger, R Moore. John Parker. !» F Von Moure horst A Co. U tn Lehmer A t'o. Jno M Ivviit A Dim, Pittsburgh. John Ivory, Sumit. Mu!hoi!hi A Ka>, Jno (.raff A Co. Hbnrsvifle. nn hl7 FOR SALE. u THE light draofht steamer LOYAI. :Li —ft HANNA. wHI be soldo., reasonable terms, a* »he now be* rt in* wharf nMBBSHEBI For term*. Ac i...|.me oi • JAS. KEHR. Jr A Co. Jt\ Was. r *i mehilidlra or I. H MILrENUEROFR N>:w spring Gonns.-A a m*m> s a c O . n„ 60 .Market street, are now opening hi ,n <r , a , lt j packages of splendid SPRING GO<>L». compm,-.- Lawn*. Muiui.s. Berrgek, M de L*in>*g. Gi r’, »m« Print*. French < smbnes, Linens, Kibbottr, 'Lore* Silks, Shawl*, (i.ovev Hosiery, and a g-uera; u.,,,.' ment °£‘j o, ’ d ‘ 1. tnehv? T II Gm-IKI.D. |l.» 0f111,,.,) V . sion and l-orwag* lug Merchant and wbolr*,u dealer tn W astern Reserve Cheese, Bauer, pot a d Peart Ash. and Western Produce geiieraliy Wai" street, between Snmhfield and Weed, .££ bza No I, fur tale by ——. fir -... JDWIIiUitg H-F;yE&' I.BTB. FARMS, &. UO3 Acres Cosl Laud for Sale, •' rrn.jr .Mor.onpabrln river, about 16miles :i !’’ !«t.ureij and J raiie* above kbinl l«ek ia . .tot.“iliaie i. .»( '.r i|. r-. ] • Tb;» fine body of ■ ohl V I.r v; la- '.ttv price o! $33 per acre—one ~j ,-e , o l,ve < u *-' ajuioal payments, " “ '”' i ,11 - e Location very -1 : r: be »«r,t\.r umber particular. '' • ,i..r- <>; K.vLM.i i- " :>p -a* * draA of said pro l*f' •*MU, Ferry.. Mr. Adams*Row .. I - .w.uur Muir o: ,: W( «, diis iraei, ( a'-ove utc OI excellent quality. “'■“l «-nma*.- boose. Ac. There is alairmts W • le *’ i»r,c » a „cy of f.o.uree.. ood » vrm, of oST-V -r.k iire coimjuou* to Ue dwelling 301 unasn * J eI ‘ - 'VM.jGUNa Iff Liberty ct ! r f n,i Va,U4blt ***‘ E.taie for Sale. I HK •utj*cnucr wdl .eli. at private sale, that value hf P ,;.2r:zz r, r ou,£ «>»•< ‘Ss.« lv V|,, W i ‘ <flVs pos»es«iou immediate >l LAND. a •up K cnwira C ",fi l o, hC ' J D^V^^No'nOUsS d.K . ' ’ “ ’ '’“‘•‘‘■"B*. AJjoio.n, [he Ti.c-f* n v-i t- ull J l k>, 01 cxcdicut water, ihe nre eI .’ , : < t<m i r-c* «jid Shrubbery on ~ t Hwi.Te.M. 1 « “r/in'Sr! rr .T r ”; •• t a "irt.f rnr - u Al»o, for sale, T r - *■ tip* ,Lliu Valuable Real Estate for s>u T-»«K «•' -V n arv 1 i*.r. li.,r UcriJrU 1.1 M-11. Oil periviusH Jf. a ,4 ■ M 7 uo.nii ihow i»riy AJlepheuy .-nv, offer ’on rtn :uvoral*ic irrms. from 30 to So !.«t* o? different dw? A *una„t-« m c willNc ttvrn A; of ibe lota can >"• *ec-. ai No lan Wood rtreet. " For |i:tnk, enqui-e of either of the nnder*ira«Hl Comunr.e,. JOHN T. |/)Gan, feWFt: At * very low Rent. MA ru n *i->ry line* Mou»<*. ou Federal .l door h'.ov- ’he nnnhtt»t comer of the \iirtn t Oirn*p ’I A r rjjtirny -wide uajj, parlor, * ■! ■’ • oi'tii bnd k ■ 'r<«••!' on thp fir»l Snor. Four room* <>i • < r;.. wrtf- n fini-iir-rl nuu' l’ i»r«.,»u to immediately. Inquire, of .|.H I.Kn U MII.TKNBKRGKK. «: From .1 A iIA.SU .<TEAM K.NGI.VE, in cood tun T\ nine ontrr, • { meh c) InuW, JO inch stroke; boi ' ' ' 1 : ~' l •*> inca-« m diameter. fl> wheel 91 , A ' « fe e t imtfr, 9* inches .>U »m«, wriia ilrnnu one nw Knqmre of MAIIUKH , No. Itl ilJ | A f - AS? V «ituiue on tli» N\ W hark of ihe Ohto rtf rr. :».iie mi r* i-elow Puutiurrh, containing •£& aery .ate the proper!)' of John .\f Hood, deceased, himJ kn»n':;in "Sal- I.uidiiif.” Hetcftiire to L*uvul Mood, on the premises; Wro. M* IHv,. A. t -gheny. and the undersigned In the eity of i'll! ad-iphia lehi-ameod i’HaPLKS <HLPLN. Valuable Heal EiUM for Bai«T T I,K I ,W j'rn:>eny m tie city ef Pitwbarrt, I itn.l ne»r the Uoronffti of Manchester, on lue Ohio - oarreil lor wile on accontmotluti-'* terras: - .’t.u* fuli-dirision of Ut No 4fis in the plan “ r " f . ~? r S h - ! harms 20 loot front on Se rra' 11 ! *J rc *|’ “'* c ® ,c * :t 10 s l l J ' a ' v i alley rear 1.0 OH.- net* Lou 'rontin* o-i an Avenae, «U « i<le. ruruti-'L- 'ro.o Heavrr road lothe Ohio riTci. ad joining s Ui ('!o‘h FaiMurr For u rm.-. rnqmCHARI.KB B. SCULLY .... or JAMES O’HARA, 4ih it. Lot on Liberty Street for Lease. ( P^'u 01 lr ”' ,: f ’ !l laL>, ' nv *>y 110 feet \ / in tin- j>cr> rii.<*y. ;,eiu)y opnoour West street, H.:d ronvrrnrm lo Hie Mmion-iKlieju nrer, will ho (e»*. rd ror ,i v fm ~t >( . ar< Knquirr of niß'iif.vr - a 355. y-i i * y..* Tnos. BiNotiAa. Jso.B Don. Valuable Property for Sale, J N '| :u; M.N i H U'AKH of —Se y-1 rrv Lwi« on U.iiOwiu an.| Lib-rt;. street*, lu the Jin \> i t ru. lM iern>>- |kj. and aJ.arent the proposed <!“pot ci tiie Centra. Kaj.rond. For terms inquire of CHARMS U SCULLY, <*r JAMES triIARA, mHrl'.’tti Burkes Building. 4lh at I ■' -Apri. unit. on rrxNonalne term*, V? “iiii:it•. m < omroruiMe two *torj- Brick 'Vve ....... TV--.! ttu.a n .1 Lack build- STOIIK TO LET. ' "V ye'ii-H. tltrihree «to -J'u” ‘ ‘•' '’**<l “■•'■'•Ct nrid adjoin I.- i :ur 0! }{„. cr; || Hillley. nr v..- ... ~<:r f.j. i Pern fi up a* a dwei - niTn|i|r | if a , r „ am ___ _ NUV lU.K II CRAIG. FOII SALIC, ' 11 ; 1,1 (irourid on ihe soutji i : iim ••••-. nrnr viiu Woi.onyahcla river? '"•* : •• 1 ‘ ‘»r.-«:u .u.\ rxiemii'ig UU feel 1 in i. ••>• jo l; wiii>•, a most loca iif I'rivnir re-iileiirc* nr lor manufaelimnir l-iv.u.rr < • j SCHOONMaKKR ft. Co, 8 .No ‘.M Wood «t** Property In Allegheny City for Sola. I *u*>«rn>.»- -• otfrr forunren number of cbnico i Lot*. M'untr in the Second Ward, fronting on tbo i^jn,n..-]r!/roui*.’ • i cs*>- te:nn«. Inquire of U O |l t ;. a tty ttt Law. g t Clair at or of * AS IUIHI NSO.V oo the pre mine a. myl. ilAwtt r 44 Water street jS§ «">* *™rz r ?r,"* K ' ''' borough o: Mane he* V,. i.‘ , 1 '• 1 • out building*, fruit ..,’r * .r OlO Room, second XXL , TeM M *w , ' ooU . H ■‘ ,ll Tb,r,! «reeta, •' f Office or •• m H W : Uianu 1 o-.c-m >,.vn fnirn..,fiate v |, W|ll , rf o( M CILLS A RUE, Liberty st ln B,rmln «h*nt for Sale. I ’,u cr „m' n '‘ ! f r kl( ' ur vcr > Avsirable rVug n.rad-iVr 7. ? ' “ y r '°" Birecl - hum TITI in.: nrl ' :i l!lc . >toroa Sh Of Hireling] it- a •'!) »’i . t*. '‘ * n ,rur 1 a; ‘d HWI feet deep eV! ,; ,k 7 1 ;n; a portion Kir .- ’ f - 11 paired Ri lime of aale. . l ruier i. vru. .u*. sop.) tn nmt ,t<> Ull Attorney at Law, P -7! .. . Bnlirwe,:-, .t iii 7 L 7fr- w„ : l ' riCk ' D * rT 1 ln '< Houacj \ A JlK)ve Mr Graves’ store. 7:,.W Llii!m H LEE, •nr ’wu ,U| h I bn*- two stone* .high, snitabia i. .' l '’ ’ in -1 •- Inc ku» are each iwentT r,:r »»*1..4 n ,, * hc bu ' lli ,M < a on me fire mr • ■ P’*' «'••r\ liM"|«orte :i.t, rest on the mveai Ar ' ,r w»HI Cheap for ca,h. i'T -it. v;>r,.u. 1 erk » orlicg-, LSor to KAY A Co FOR RENT. of n 3 )’ f V rilW , r latWTe ’ u for li»e term ol niicd •*% r°-- '/-"'n V R , I ' ar ' ?,: ■'«>!! vi-mem well fi u . and K cii. i '‘ ' l,ou -«. ror.iummg - room* acre* o"f fm- v ’* ’ ' ol 0! f-'tound comojuuig 1* tc c.-mie.-1-.t «"'. r . ' ,rrr * Of,even' kind, sialic, ,'saj Toa ">- p«™>»->*•’ ... .... ,l ‘‘ iK ' Vl *hin a lew mmole* rule of w,h n. n r ', T “ ‘’ h . ance For terms, which Wnrl.i „.7. .1“ l?"' inqtijrc of (|,. J„o. 11.,.5 1 ,V„y If JOI “ "*“• con “« « FOR SALK, 1 „\„r! 1 ' 0 ; * Uua,e, l on th« higher in tu. ~ i- ’, n . " n w 'd" North Common* in i.i- tfj-n* \ 1.H.3 l.zcri!«ion. Trrm« «7'm ra«h. J.VMIU* ROR|N.-M)n' _ "‘M (VH HOBfNSON, -•-in I ll.rr. > x-hnuce Si Hair *i , I'’UKBALK. A *'' KM ' '‘‘U'/cr . .Ircek. m Rot.inaon U‘]|lr»'-*II ' |l ' ” 11 m; '■* Ti'i.-I Pi:l.>>uri>t). eon* ~ ** ni-r.'« •* r ; :nr n «-*«■ it I' o I <»i( I*' >N A'turrry nt Lav* J| - u. Clair m a Scotch Bottom Land for Sole. >-N At.'KKS lil J.A.M* 1-. . 1 i a IVrH«, (lw -. . «„ 00.m.-.i. 'mm - 11) -ii::. r* l-or • jruirr parj<.. M u KKMoI’SK IdK nic »u^tni»ei o:f>T. :ir r ..'ifre. ory t>n<-lc Waivhouae »\ i•/)*! «ircci, . opir I;.v |{ Tanner 4 Co. -i 4 ’!' . _'VM.n-|LBJN,Jr. VA!.r\HI.K RKAL KSTATK ON PKNN KFT V IhKSAU-A J.«: df (Jmnnd aUuai-onPMj , r.Ti. l..':wrr;. II a:M M4.-1.a17 .uliotnln* Ux- 'im' lOt now uc< u|H“il !,v Rjc.htvrrl Iviwnrda, 1 (rr:. a ,,j drpili |*JP fcrt. will I* Ti' fll r.rxc-pt tart able. Rn - 1 11 *' '.‘US. 5 ;i st. aenr Wood. W-SIIUHI.K >JX .te r» -•„% r..,» >5 ® TZX££ m *{ ! *r I-,-"—.- ~w ml „ s , , “'“"““il U«rrtc„. T !^-'I-"'," v""™" l-r U» • •.. v ,. ? ss^ss\ssi l-‘. -w. . •[•.end >a fi* o elk <vrZi'”'"'' r ' m P""“" P""e.pi„, Closed on Uouc.lirt* Of Ifir i-ln.ici-.i K'nw„. r.t j 0.1,- - r " P°‘ “P the sbon- hoU«cj|j«|U* I•” i r T r VI ,anr,y (ir **o *o>e { > • •■»'"‘lM. l-.owinjf Plxrjb. for MO* in,. I IHtW SCOTi'u-, ' t a. few ,la,s 10 -U" <r.,,n ,w„ U 1" he ready, in nf * * lf,c 1 0,m,f1 ‘he (.ar«!e n . J 'l,-KAIN^_ b *MILTKNBE*IOKB '•linnt, hat removed'?, »«■<* Hmiufteld Wi. ' r ' i :r;;.r x :7r: u r ““W u»",V" r;r n st T ; Clerk-Wanted. W A^lcP^‘V\'’ U c ,b ’ ' ;a “ ln a end r# * <*«*U Store Appf}' at G 3 Market«. ‘ I'AVIU HEKLER.T ALhX. IJiUGHLTN. MALCOLM LEKCH, H. CHILDS. SAML BAILED*. For Sole, FOR SALE. CMAHI.ES ft SCULLY’S et JA.\lc> oil AKA, iters- • Ituii.line, 4th tL •' rr’iV'ac ' *" lrJ l ’ r -'' k •i, »( rrt-1. All* Bl>«*njr iit x . cojiluuj ■ iiii k tlc.’ifti— and iiJi !>lu> l»l«4»ajnlv I;.rated—cn i:i» t.Vh WII.KIW ot u,,- (trail <>| wiixl «t. mid i ru g ,-rcet», Alleges* s\» KI IZ.r.K A. RLKD, ;r 1 Clutlcs Hotel J ricTrinsuNA Co To Let. thko. F. WRIGHT. A U'AHii.V.TON, 4:;.. a • . V " •MTi,!:ih>-!«i «« For Sole. .M>?hcti7 t»uy, fii ' !»ai' n'-rr. and >nv-.ov..tu -.-rms Injuirr- of J P 'VILI.IA miwond n \ ronni in Uie acco i<i tlniy, \ 0 )..a> A CAIIU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers