MEDICAL. VALUABLE DIBOOVERYI CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR QUART). DR. SWAYNE’B I COHPOCSD BYRCP OP WllD-CHBEII. TH* 6RZJLT X»*DT *o* . .. Consumption. CoogfaL Colftk. Anhma, Bronchia*, Uv tt Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Brpath in* Paul m the Side aril Ure.nL ralpiutioo of th« Heart, Influenial Croup, Broken Con •*;tunoa. Sore TliroatNerrou* lkbdl lY, and all Dtreaaei 6f the Throat, - Breast and Isunsfc lioßoil ef* , fectual and «p*<»7 earn ever known for any of the above dtaeaa; ea, is DR. S W A VNE'SJ Compound Syrup of Wild Cfcorrjl Thu mesiru.r „o iouK-r WI,OH. thou, of doubtfal oUllty Itlu.p.uuO ..»■«, from iho thoiuimb. duly u“ S,«l up.»W 'idr of "ipetUSMS- •** «<W «“dl lu«her ,r r.poi.t.on. «..d brrtrnunj more ritmurre- Ir areJ *»" »"> «>«■' prrl~,»Uoli of mod.o.iu mi il>. I n ted Slatrr .nd Ibuopo.mtd thnre .rr 'r» >»»»■ M nontmli.mmo rrm.rtlblo rvp S. of It. ttood rlloru lor jmtof of tbn fologom, .uutinonu. and of Ibr valu- uid rtfcncy of U.U n»'d.- , be proprietor anil insert a few of the raxey trioo *andV»nmorii«l« ertjieft pave been prearmed uj btro by wen of dm 6ret respire tab.lity-mxn who have higher viawa of moral revponaibiMV and Ja«LCc, ibai) to ear* UftrS fact*. be« a»-e ,t w,II do another a favor, and themselves no mju-u«re Such teaUmony protei eluaiyely.that its *urpn»mg excellence n cautbbaltrd by Its inmniuc menu,(and the unquestionable auUmn tv ol public opinion r ni.MnMtUiianeonsreltertl hf- K £d th- .ooUtin. indncHcr dilfured tbimyl' ">« .St fnubt by IU itre, reod.rr. .. • mm" renmdy for the ‘‘““Uk.meMBEH! ■ -Wta* mm. Totn f»reOTUo.. voluntanly bear trsiiinor.v “V Contrary to their particular fart, such te-oiinott). COI|V|CUOtI of worldly tntrrefK and Dunrosrv |ftJ man ner l(1 its trout, and commend* • Y< %| ora i Maxim*. <: "/^KTIFICATES.* READ THI. u ~r t. M , isAat Co«c*pn«s:— Sni.t. A.noiiixr ' r * r ~i al been as successful There never wn* :> '’'“'.Consumption, as Dr Swayne's in desperate caw ‘.^ v d cherTV, It strengthens the Compound svrup ° ( ‘ lira j tUr ulcers on the lungs, system, and •Piy”., b wL power (toueaaetl by no creating new ana r«» other meHu-in- cuxjteb Co.. April ffSUt v LS4s. .v_. r g, r 1 verily believe your Coin- Dr. Swayne-- erf y has been the. means or pound 0 | ..j, ui .ht a severe cold, which grada saving my attended with a severe cough, that ally grew wo * w inch 1 had recourse to, suli ail “ ewe exhthitod all the symptoms ol C lmas- C«u.umpt.-n. Every Utmg > m«fseemed Pnlmon*»> complaint increased aorapid 1° ffirTendsL'well a. myself, gave up all hope, ot (y that men lh|> unie j was recommended to try my recovery. » mf .Hi C , n e-. 1 did to with the DOU hap yoar m the effect to lob sen the py '‘wnnJnT me to expectnmte freely ahdby the 5m itfA o«5 «x botiS.l w** entirely dme 1 „ i ever was m my liTe, and “ ?W in, b K.Mv toeive any information respecting my would be happy »P£. * derive the benefit for N!S TTr_ J-rful Car A of o Iti/ihotUst MinuUr. n Sir I a debt of gratlmd. dne Df a dniv to the afflicted gcnendly, to offer t* you—and a dal) to v of r Compound Sy “7 h f WildTlM-rt) ’ Some three years since l was .upofWiM Li - cold a n d inflammation of the violently_■‘tja«hc mVKn icA with a dia^essing Longs, wtiu. an'j head,'a very coondero oourli, pain l " \ b V vr . nlucU s from the laraja, espo hia dwcbnrgo of oßetwtve mo owever t!^hL A , Oiallv upon chaJMt* ‘ CO ndiuou, but was preuy flrat 1 feltro ai*rw rapidly going rotoconiamp «>on eottvtm cd in .• d B t length was acaree uon- 1 grew rtai above a whisper, such »' *"* of my Unga. Daring thu W<u . h if various preparations and prescnpuoiu, time I bad tried v arm p k Mme worse. Ju«t but found no relic ppr »uttdcd by a deat friend in here 1 was advised. ae*» 11' 0 f VVildCher- WUmtngton ' x „ ro vtou»ly l had hern prtju ry. l must r°»fr»» lam stiU. agumst diced against , hand* of einpenca. but onder thoae commg <>“' . the n ro fosiuon and ptacQco of standing your failh m ,h e saying of my medicine, and having i, p lß fi) r Shaw, one of your fnends, I «-. My d«u Egenw. u Jo nr i»5 monlhs 1 standing, con ease was at th.u timr I mutid, however. •cquenUy u dnepO of ihe tir«t four or five c»iui"er»blt rebM « , 1C [rrqmn^ y l-oltles. Hut br’Uig J (lu .feaniig strongxh, and templed to ff fen f ‘ „■ --a,,.!* UuU bad already begun “t rtb . T ™crjJir'do.Mre.'. w™> ”■*= p'-fr to heal, m tn.s H( acUne urns imprudenily. retarded. In hHor „] was per l hud to use ttveiy «- • a much smaller tetMly restored n* hn v> made me sound, bat tor number ol 0.-ute* uvrup'aUaved the fever -5\e t aD ??,«Xnwa° the distressing oough, pul a slop .-.h hat>it 7 took n •- lirf tromihe lung*, and guve to the discharge o. m Q h( ,a itl i l haTe defer tliem and uu- e,l,,Tr , U 1 uair f or tbe purpose red offorim; >»*». cc • permanency of the ol bring jwieril) «* »- well 1 offer it wtUi cure, and im* lim i r tv j p Jo»Oa.l.j; pleasure- , Dublin roaniy. N. t- !mvorU«: <•*■*«>«—S**t' S«jA' T _ are.,,,,nr nrec»araiu>ii »» uu Cherry, There i. hut fit ,t offered to the and that is I>r . mtgei. iUroUghOul the nubiie, wnuh ~«r i so:' Europe, aud all pre- United fetiste- and so'nc P«r . w . t<J ~h erfy haY re paraliOMS i i-tlcd bt 7. r cover *»t some deceptive been put out tiu-. u'i, < _ f( , (U . v ;jllia!r » a ic* circamstuncet. .uoM-t •>_» • * a the 8,-.u„re genuine mini me n*. c m , | r U r 4, with tbc enveloped w-th a >*«su -b l) r . Swante • likeness of U -.Mroit of Dr. Mgnatuw 4uJ u* r * J' u> distinguist. ,«!«' 1;,,... „Suor ti.e great rureuir proi_ llt -i\ ,„| .'l.erry, person. >wiv He «> . I v . ui ft i,i« y 10 their would no - ma u f Wild •-fietitiouß nn.'fum- b> * ranug « , br na me ra.r.y ol Ur Sw-V" '<!'• - . a ,„i Hare rteceW, |*nnrip« • ••ucr , n . r»<Mrl(«fO ' b , <MiU KN It SNOW T‘I'% h£-' fc23S£w"w medicine ... - -- M’ALU-STER'3 OINTMENT, JcßonjlTu’K MUM..R.-. SKIN OIAKASKS. KM SONOfy WUITOW w dtvhar-i* then putrid mMim. j “ll AU.tIUAUS,,. for Ibc- .. I to ‘P" maiu o»*t nt» , rrurh oi mortal mean*. 32*X.,! K&W —, ,„d mimiiuc U» m cr.»l ,VOLR OINTMENT IS^irFUAIATISM— h remove* olmo-** immediate!) a»d .we 11,,.,, -ben .be pen, cue.. (Read the direction* armiud the box ) , . «a*y“K?vsr assart?! ACHE. TOOTH-ACME. and AOIEIN rilbbA.f. *”caTd !«, * *•[ «'“jT $3OO on hi* children wuhou ait) b< »rfa , boxes of Ointment cured them. Tt-TlTER—There i» nothing better lor me rare o. Te BURNS-ll i» one o r the best Using* n* the world for B are cured l.y .bj. »•»*■ menl U mntE fail* m giving «Uef lor .he |He frr Around the box are direction* ft;f «»'■'« * £• Ointmafor Sero/uto, I.irer firyripe- SrVirnr. CHtttom. StdU/f«d,/»-* Q '?*’£*' Sort Throat, Brantkuai, .Vrwm •AJ?rrtu>.n. .■?*•**<• ecus of the Sptru. Head athe- ouMno, D<*tnn*. A« r “ rA ' 552 romj-oZi »*<***/th.Sto*. P'«- via J-c , SirWJw* of tA« Lun6ißAft,rrwii™t. PiL.eold Fr«r. C-on;., 3u*U«i cjr B'raw. Tool* -dgt<g sn b* A a«- 4~‘ , ~ rZII L» p>KT—Liver Complaint, |>iun m the the*, and side, fnliui* ntf <*■ the n»»r: or the other acrompa n«s cold feet. i'IW .murneui u the ina remedy > It .. - m„r* airii of ili*«a«e to iihvp com leet. r( u-»i »»•** Omtrocnt will a:* wSikeeprorns from grow, a*. People need never !.«”•” «■ Oliiimn.l w" be ,e.,e,n. mile.. Hie niirflijni. McAU.ISTtJt ,r with . pe„ A,ret* m nil M*« pnnc.p.l etM. end town* in the United Sla,e *j A;Mßg Mr ALLISTKR. *tole Proprietor of Uie above medicine U - Pnncipal Office. No ffl North Third *trcet. Phu •delphia. j.|i lC K*>s CENTS PER BOX. iHSii B BowiMD A Co. aiid-J T Roger., Brown.vUlc; John Barkley, Beaver. Pu. are wholesale agents. febtff-deodly . i,, 'a STUONO BVIUEM E tn.t AYwk » t : t * A v fj’TORA NT ■» .uwenot t® »H "*h«r rrnedw. Cor BtonVhiti*, Aithma. sad oth.r Pule lilhat th«* t»ro>n» who eommeoeod th. sary •SceUpna, . ytstt m-u, still pr.Jer »t to all <»*• of It m th«f tel »«• h * Ueomdocti other remedle. of Iba kind, and loTmriabiy w. O the 7 hc»efit which wa. r«««iably iSBpr--E , A 7SFo»rU..t decZWAwt/ Dr. W- P. Inlrnnd’* premium Pla»t«r. DH- W. P. INLAND. of the Medical t-o»e« bf Phil adelphia. now offer# to ih* public hi* etable Premium Pla*tet, the nqalnie# oi 'Which- after lou* and tried experience, ho. hem »:iU*fartonly e»- labfuhed. ; To all women who may l>e afillcled with Prolap*udL : trna or Fallen Womb Ik recommend* ht» plaater, gfcanmirem* a «ure and M~* J y cure in the ifaort .pace ol from iwo u> dee if applied with cart nod ran—awarding nil the muntle.ii iiwiruuient* and expeiuivr* t.andiißer. *o '"''f' lll '* * “ " coturienUom .11 MiHir*. «n«»m«eh a* hr ha. not failed U 1 one rare out of three hundred and hay-three pa- UC aSo for Rhrumaii-mtii.'t Weak »rea*l or Bark. at- Kialed with paio. thrr- i. nothing to ' u;r| ihi* PlaMer m affording rrlictor effecting » <•“ * h«»r by L Wilrox. romer of Diamond and tianet »t Braun i Beit«r. • Liberty and M Umr m Dr J Sargent " federal at and Diamond, Aile gbeny city Jaerjue* *- ‘® ban- - Denman ami D»nmot>s Birtning , 10U are rm ! ti<>nki) AUAijSsrrusing “OOBMON PIIKPABKD CBALK> ThVV ute nol "»»'= '■»” iruhuull) .ujunoa. 111. w *?£, .kill—bow renrw, ho- oooab. how follow, ycl w r°d I hoolU.y UK Oku. opwar. ollof u»inj t>«P»> " >' ““'“"‘"I “ '“«* qojuiutv'ol le«j» , tosouUo ’.nUls, W« loot P''P““ S , gpxMISH UCY WHITK h Ktuchwccfl JONIB “ perilled of oil delelenaui u perfectly luitoeejil, »»Wg P . nmiurel. healthy. qualiu**i ana II l J n P“;^ U whiu ,. St the rafne ton* actlug alabaster, clear, living whlUJ ‘ fci i tf u andhmooth. « on ‘iSSS? Tu~~. Dr Jamc* Auderaon, meow u •hotena, aava: “After aJl^yt^ t rh_ aat if H l'and imlo* White,* find itpo«*«Me) the taoC. iJ«nmo j raL and at the eauiu unw innocent » h .. JSutaly «« cOhfc.cnUouoly W-»; "'“J whose skin require. oraotifying ” * >nce ,» m ,. ir jn £5? Sold LyWM JACKSON, g)Libcny»l-- lajS_ b ” C^°n ' U^A S M^JrD^‘ Y MESCAL “•■snMMaffS;”;* Sarsaparilla. V WomUr s*i BUtra* •/ l is Jgt. • -*4,. mM t «*waordmarr Xdkici ia the World I rkb t*r*ct i* T* RotiU» it U#? pi Mi*V»<r, and Mrrttalcd w%- ptrbtrU wsy It witkeu » ■ffc ptti boaaty and of this BanauartlU ovsfaO other medleines U, tg*' while h aradlcatas lha div •ajl u tnvicoratas Uvo bodl. it b oae of the vary best SPRING AND MEDICINES goowD; it net aolr par os the whofo syataru, sod ftrengthans the paraoo, but it * ’*tu mjm.pnre and rtcM ( todd: a power p«wseisad by ae other medieiao. And la imeitrs the grand saerat of (ts weadarful sueeass. It has performed within lha Ust two yean, more thou 100,000 far*> of Krere coses of diaeasa; ot least ISJXW were considered Hi cu rub la. It hs« saved the lives of more itiai 10.000 children during the two part seasons. (0,000 eases of General Debility and want of Nervous Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla Invigorates lha whole system permanently. To (hose whb kero last their muscular energy by the NfdCtsof stedichsoor tndisero tnid committed in ypath, or Uto exeestivo iedalgoDea of tiinhiassioos. and bfougtsx OB a moral physical prastra tioffofthe Dervouspyataa, ImMtude, want af-ambitloo, faidttßg sensations, premature decay and declina, hastao mg towards that mol disoasa, Censamptievean be sa iirdji restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sana pufili* u f* l superior to any Invigorating Cordial, As ureaewi and tartgurelei the system, ffvss activity tu tbs lunb*. awl strength id the muscular system, ia a mqSt extraordinary degree. f. t'oasamptioa Cared. UiCßMt* and Strength**. Conramptlon cea i< rmrtd. AroacSitu, Csannuntion, Liver Complaint. Ooldt , /Ire L /I ..1. ,re, .re . ' Doterrh, Oongka. Usthaso. of atooa, J Soronata fas Us Chut, Becoe Flask, /fight Assets, DiAcmlt or Proflut Eatcio retten, Peris to the dies. *r*-, haot ,lin and sen he eared. SPITTING BLOOD. iTns Fork, JpriLSaOM T. Oa. Tsvxms—l verily believe that yeas Seraaea riUa had bean the Desna, throagh Prortdanca, of sanag nyllis. I have fat sevuiralyeerv bad a bad Cough, u beeaaa waree and '■man. Al lest I raised Urge qaantl tlef of Uond, had sight Bweala, end was gaeatly debili tated sled rriffri, ud did sat expeet w Hva. I have ealy and yaar'SazznpariQa a abort ttaa, and there haa a worfnßTal efchs|*M«airv»Bffcl(a na. iamawwahle w vsEi ail over the aity. I ralae aa bloed. and tty ecogb loa left me. Tea ana wall imagine that las ihanbCM fcv these rmsalta. Tear abedlaxt aamxt. ITU. MCtnm a Oalkariaest Si. Tvwesend'i turepariUab a swroeiga and ipeedy cut (dr InslpUßt Ceancpttea, Barrenness, Pro Inarm Uurt. or Palllag of the Womb, Ooerimaata. PQaa, Lea tort baa, or Whites, ebstrastsd a»,difl*aiv!ianjtraa* Uea. ineeminenee el Urtaa, «r rival an tarr discharge thereof; and fhr the ganieral pe sea shea of the aystata— no matter wbathac the recall a/tnhereni caaae or causes,. prodaead by Dlaee* ar aeddanL Nothing c\a be more rarpriring thaa Its (arlnratisg effeea ea the homea frataa. Parssas aS weakneea and laid vada, tram >»Mv| It, al one# baeama robust aad fbU ol coergy under its infiaeaee. It tmmediataly eoantarmets the nervelasnsaeof the fbeala tbaoa, which is the great ;aaee ol fiatfensass. It wtll not ba sspeeted a/ us, ia tt f.. cf'to deUeaU a natara, ta exhibit eartlfleaiei ol sene parfbrsed bat wa aaa assure the ajfctad that bdadrads of eases bare bean reported to aa Thtfataads sf eases when hare baaa wtlhoal ehUdraa, tAsr using e fuw boolae ef tils livnlaable riedichra. here been Biased with fine, haaltby offspring. Ta nethen and Harried Ladle*. This Entrant of 6arsanrißa haa been expreaalr pre pared to refereed* to resale com plaints. No female wri> has rsasea to (appose she is epproeehlag that erUleeJ period, "TU tor* H/V ehoald aegtrat to uhe ft. ns It b a- cartsin proraattre (hr ary ef the ■ueerooi ud berribU dlaoasoa to which ftmalae are subject al thb tirio <>PBfb. This period a«| Is de layed tor cswrel fieri by«s*V thb mtdictmo. Nor U h lea valuable (hr those who an approoehlag wo manhood, as it b cmlcabttd to assist mature, by quick ening tba blood sad taviyaretiag the system. Indeed. Uuj medicine b invaluable Ibr all the deUeaU di»ea tea to whieh women are subject. h brecce lha whole system, renews permanently tbe ustdrul i ucrjrvem. by removing tbe impentiea V *be body, not so far rtimdLting as to prodoes ssbsequeo* Mlaxatiea. which ia thn ease ef mom medicines tab ea foi female weakaen and disease. By asing a few bottles ol thU madleina. tnuy aavere ud painful sorgiseJ opera trims may be prevented. Great Btrssing u> nethen mnd Cliildrra. - It is the safest and most effect ns] medicine for purify ing tbe system, and relieving tbe sufferings attendant upon chud-Mrtb ever dbeovered. It strengthen* both tbe mother and child, prevent* pain and dbcaae, tn rraasev end eariebre the food, those wbo have u»ed It think tt u indbjtensahla. It u highly useful both before and after confinement, as it prevent* diseases attendant ■poo childbirth—Ja Crampe. Swrik ins of the P«L tVaspohdeoey, Henrtbora, Vomijiag, Pa>o 10 the Rack and Loins, False Paint, Hemorrhage, and in regalaUh* the secretions ud eipiahalng tbe ctr cwLuoa it has ao eqaal Tbe great beauty of thl* medicine is. It b always safe, aad the moat delicate u»e K most *uecea*fol)y. vary few ease* require any other medicine, id -oats e little Dealer OH. or Magnesia. t» asefni Exercise tn the open air. sad light food with thb medicine, will always ensure • safa and easy w fiaeseaL Benner mnd Health. Ccwmatiea, Chalk, and a variaty of praparatioa* (sm rallt la in, -ben applied “ lbe '“*• of its beauty. Thay elo*» the pore* of the thin. and rheek the eireulatioa. whleh. when nature 1* not thwart erf by diM<u or penraer, or the *kin inflamed by alkallr* u*»d la soap#. beautiflee lu own production ta thr - human free Dirina," aa well a* is the garden ot n<h aat< delicately tinted and variegated flower*. A free active and healthy circulation of the fluid*, nr iba emumiag of lha pure, rleh blood to the eiiremitiv*, i» that which aainu the countenance in the moat aaoui „,p beauty. It l* that which Impart. the Indescribable .lode ud lube Of lowlUo™. tb.l .11 -Itnlrk bo. 000. m dofcribc. TU. bckctr U lb. offfprtoror w lf If .«> healthy eirculatioa, there Uno beauty. If the lady !a fair aa driven new. tf *he psial, and use eoaaeties, and the blood l« thick. eoW and Impura. «ba b not beau tiful If thebe btwwuu* yeDow,and,there bpure and acore blood. It glvaa a rich bloom to the eheeka, ami a brilliancy to thetf eye# that l* fhaeimatiag. Thb ii why the aouthara, «ed eepeeielly the Span |,h ladiea. are *o much admired. Ladle# la the north who tahe buf UuU exardsu, or are eoa&aed la eloee rooma or hare epoUed their complexion by the appli cation of deleterious mixture*, tf they trbb to re yam elasticity of step, buoyant spirit*. sparkUnx eye. and beautiful complexiona. they should use Hr Town •end's Sarsaparilla. Thouaand* who hast tried n. ary more than satisfied. are delighted. Ladies of erery itatii'D. crowd our oflee daily Notice to llir Ladim, Those tnat bnitale Dr. ‘fownaend's Bartaparillv bar* Invariably called their staff» /rsut Rmsdy /hr Ft molt*. Ac. fce_ and hare copte-I oar bilb and drculart wturh relates to lbe complaint* »f women. *or I for wort* ..l) . rp men who put up medicine, hare since the yreai sucrp-it of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla la complaiut* inciilrut to feaalaa, recottmeaded theirs, atthooyh prn viouriy they did not. A number of these Mixture*. Pill*. A r , are uyunnax to female#, a* they aurarate db**** and undermine lha constitution. Dr. Townsend's is the oolr and beat remedy tor the numerous female com plaints— 4t rarely, tf errr falls of effecting a permanent rur , i t eu, be taken by the most delicate tanalea, in any ea*e. or by tboea expeetinf to become rootbrn. with the yreaiest adrmatayes. as It preperus the *yii*m an.l prerantS'pain or danfex, tad atrwoftbens both mother and child. Be dare fa) u yet lha yanulso. Scrofula Oared. Tbi« rerti6*als conclneirely proree that this Saras uanlia ha* perfect control ow lbe mn*t obstinate du ease* of the Blood. Three persons cured In one botue is unprecedented. Three Children. Da. Tovwnjro—Dear Sir: 1 bare (he pleasure to I»form you that throe ef my children hare been cured of the Scrofula by the use of y»ur etnellenl medicine Ther were afflicted rery lerarely with bed Sorws ; have taken only (bar bottles ; It took them ewey. for wbieh l feel myself trader yreal obUystioa. Yours, respoetfally, ISAAC W. CRAIfI, 106 Wooeier-e*. Opinion! of Phyuielnna. Ur. Townsend is almost daily roeetylny order* fren Phynetaas in different part* of the Union. Thi* is to certify that *e. the undoraiyned. Physician* of ibs City of Albany, bay# in numerous eases prescrib ed Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, and beliere it u> be on* of the most rahtable preparation* fa the market H. P PULING. M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. R. B. BRKKJB, tf- D. Albany, AprUJ, I 9«. P. E. BLMKSDORF, M. D * CAUTION. Owtny to the yreal eticcest and Immense tele of Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men -who war* formerly our Areata, hare eomtneneed maklny Sarsapa rilla Extracts, Llixin, Bitters, Extract* of Yellow Doct. fcc. TbeyyeoeraJly pul kup in the same shaped bot det, and some of them have stole and copied our advee liiemcDU —they are only worthless ImUatiuna, and ihouid be avoided. Principal Office, 19fi FULTON Street. Bun Buildinr N Y . Rcddlnr A Co, 8 Btaie strceLßoston; Dyoll * tiou*. ITi North Becond atrcei, Ffailpdelpbie; 8. 8. Hone,i. Druyyl*t Dulliinore ; I* M Cfehen. Charleston . Wrirbt & Cftw 151 Chartrw* Mtre't, N. 0.11)5 Booth Pearl Street. Albany : and by *U iU« priLCijml liruy ri*t» and Merc hand yeoerally lhr..»y':out lbe L ulled -lt 3l e». West Indies and tb* Canada*. N. B—Persons Inquiring for tin* medicine, should not i>« induced to lake any other Druggists put up Harsnpenll&s, and of course prefer selling their own. Do not be deceived by any—lnquire for Dr. Town teod’a, and lake no otiier. n ~r Remember the genu ine “Townaend’e Saranpunlla," «old by the sole agents R. P. SKLLKRri, (*etwraJ Wholesale A Rdtail Agent, No 57 Wood street, and D- M fIURRY, Allegheny city. toil EUHOPKAS AOK.VCY, For the Recovery of Dormant and Improperly With held REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, the Sei llemem and Arbiirnlmn oi Commercial. Trading, and other Debts; Securing Patents tor Invention* m Oreai Hninut, Ireland, nnd'ilit- Colonies und Dependenciet thereuitto belonging, nml Negotiating for the Pur chase or Sale of Dir vßine REFKRKNCK may be * ad or. npplicullou free ol charge, (provided ttm imiiivr n not that of mere curiosity,; ■«> a lu«l un yards of 15,000 nume* m which unclaimed pnijierty is •lauding AJ»o. nn index |o our IU Ikkl inlvei jwmcilt* which havi- appeared U»r llic pits! s<) year* m various UriUsh newspapers, addressed to Heirs i-i Law and ndt of km Communications by letter am requested tn be post-pu.d UKYriIA/M FABIAN, Broadway, New York Refermrrs-xaro permuted to Han Chatle* P Daly, Judge Court nfCorouion Pleas, New York. Freeland, Stuart A Cn Cha*. Cartiidge A Co W A J T TapacolL G R. A. Rickefts, K«q Edward ftehroder, Fw| . Oinctunati Ohio. A Paiehiti, K»q., President Paiehin Bank, Budal jQTeghimy Cein«t«r)r7 AT the annual Corponstaia, held o lbe till uiti- tha to [lowing persona were unan moualY te o;ectca Mmsiger* for uie entiling yean THOMAS M. lIOWK, PiMidenu JOHN BIBSELL, jEssii, NATHANIEL HOUUks. WILSON MKiANLLESS, *. Mar, ** tT *- JOHN It. BIIOEN BERGER, JAMES R- SPEER, J Krasn, it , Socreiary und TVjLmrer. *nte anna*) ftneumit pT**entp<&ibe *J*ir» o£»lhe Cdtnpoaf m«y«fy nra*peroa« condiilon TUeir office ip Uib city H Wo-1& wmiff ttrect. jrlV - "fi£EN'Xl^nnr>—H tcnaried kind*, for **Je by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co _ iMKKrtß—?[flO hx» in nore and tai m 1« tnr (Jte# ieef ISAIAH Dlcftlr * 0* MISCELLMEOUS. GOLD WiiHKRS. HPARR-irhaalDvenird a machine for wa«hing f fot ' rblc h b r has madd appiicaUon for a pairdt They are, now oflered for sale at tbc ware- ■ Adventurers to California are invited to cull aud r*. antute tuesc labor-saving roacbtnct. Thc\ are simple m their construcnoii. easily transpondd on tbe back of oiuire or borsei. wnghiug eighty pounds each, and ran be put m operation m half qd hour They can hLed prOTisioua. Jt is the opinion of those who nave »ren tbc trial ol one ot tbeae machine* oi smahesi sue. that two men will waso the nunem! iron 1> bushtlv of sand or earth in a day, nruhmil fir- i„n« ut a panici•• of the uniteral They can l,r increased in site and workrd by water or mule power, u cxned.rnt Tbe Operaton work witiioui goim- uiw :tie water or bring erpo-ed io wri, 4 nd roCix-uuenliy ’ w .inout en danevnng thru health I bct vs.u re^ u „e but a small stream or w ater, and . ~n i.e used the whole .eason and «au oc put into opcraito.i where mere „ no t mft. cicnt water t 6 wash m the usual way. Price in Mnu.ini sue sijs Orders from shroud m roinpanird I.) ru*li w.d be promptly filled H. PA KRi . at Parry, s*r«m A t o -. _fet* ; du_ .No m Wood it. pm-oo^n. ...... 4. Son,' Sodn A,n. I Hi, *«ib*cnt.«rre «fe now receiving their Pall -lock vT ( o !, lbc » , ‘ ov, ‘ article, three ve.asets. vu; the Jumaia. .Mrda..i.,ll und Li Jia. liuvujjr arrived al Pbiliidelplnu aud Huttiuiore. and two more the Su-j.lien Baidwniand LciiB. iliortly t-jj.ei ieo, they are, tberciore, prepured lorer-eivi ordt-r*. Thry wili receive during the wnN ter ai.d »|*nnir fr,; u !ur v .u New OrlrMiu JL°5! 1 W A M MITCHW.TRKK MOl-NT KAtil.K liui’Ml.l —Por rlenriing win dowsAhd lamp ecreies silver pmie, uraes, Bn tani.ia.nnd other ware It rapidly inkcs out all .spot* and stums, and reproduc.'. the beuutnui and durable • u«tre of new ware J j«t rt>tr,vt-d and lor sale, who it .;t:r and rctu.i, by JOHN D MOIK .AN. J* l —* Druggist NOTICK. MR. C>AMI. II HARTMAN navuig sold his inter est ut the co-partnership ot Coleman, itnilman A l-0.. to tbc remaining partner*, has this day retired irout the firm. February lb. It4v-ti IJI'ITSDLK(riI Ma,N 1 FAt'Tl Rt>. -The under- I signed, Agvtit lor the mnnafaeturer*. ba« on hand and is constaiilly receiving a full supply of the articles made in Pittsburgh and vicinity winch he offers for sale a: uiaiiufncturer* price* t.KO COTHRAN. febthi tv; wo<xl *t INDiA RHubKK"T'A>'i‘E—Tgroas boulc* lndia Run- X : >cr Paste, an «n-r1,.-nt article for rendering hoots aud snoes perlectlv water proof and soft us a piece of cloth One application of tin* p.i*tu is sufficirui to make them impt-rvioui lo water mr ,ir .1 montti*. and a perfect prcvl-nut.% p irom the leather crack mg. Hec'd tuid for «uJe ut the India Rubber Depot. No i Wood «t, iVbffl J A II PHILLIPS MEDICAL Bu O K S—Cooper's Surgical Incrv; Copeland's do. t’ruvcrhus Anatomy. Drueu’* >utgrry. Fern* on Cluderu. Reese undo, Bell it ml r*toir,-s Practice, Gt< v * Junsprudetier. braves' Cno. Lectures, Brndle'i Hrodie on Jomtx, Magcndie’i Puys-. Neligan on Mniiont*, Paris’ Pharmacologla, Biunik-ll s .Nlidwiterv, do i*n Disrax-s of Women. Moui grtiu-r) on Pregnaucv. Parker on Stomach Velpeau on Krcast. Dupnrrquc on I'irruv Kramer on Kar, Clark on Consumption, CouieC Pop Med , Ashwell on FcinHle-. Stewart on Children. Bed's Institute*, Perm ra on Hiood. l.oui» on Phthisis, Klitot*on'« Practice. Duprevtrei*' Sur. Abcrnaui) •* U orks, Phillips' on Scroilla, Mackentosh't Practice, Uellard on Children. Vclprnu’s Midwifery. Eborlie's Tkcrapi'uucs. Bell'* Anatomy, Clark on Female*. Harrison'* Anatomy. Cooper on Dislocations, Condie on Children. Miller'* Pnn of sfurgerv, Churchill's Females, Dcn-er* on t 'hildreti, do on Midwifery, do on Female*. I)u iigli*o:i'. Physiology, do Dictionary. Lwrencr oil F)e. Perei ra's Maieua Med . \Ynt*un’» Pracuce, Liston - Surge ry, IhingLison'* Pracuce, do Materia Medicu, Mu’ei . Physiology, Raio*bo;tiam's Al id . BarLett on Feveri. Hope on lleart. Colurabat on Fctnaie*. Furgu*on * Surgery. Wtl»on'**Anatomy. Williams on Respirmory Organs, Abercrombie on Brain. Dui gluon « new Hem edies. Ac. Ac * The above, with a general a»sortmeiu ol Mandard Medical Books, rec'd i.nd for sale low ELLHOT A ENGLISH. TV Wood «i. mar? between 4th and Diamond a\ Illlil!LOWS CIRRUlifc BA.U’FACTOBK LHamond .VU y. h*tte*«n It’ood a«ul Srmih/iHd Strtrxs. aa, K M BHiEi.OW would respectfully tiie public that at hi* Factory ra " ,;| t<mes be tound a large tuppl) Fhiu. \ Carriage-.. Barouche* Bug gicH, ai.d kind* u tancy Carnage*, equai in elv gMiice and iiratnex m any found in the East. Con lor an> number of t'arrtage*. Buggies aad Wa gons, will'.<e prompt,) fil.ed tttvxßK.M ks- Coi 11 Patterson. R. M. Patirr*ou. K D l.ariain. Robert Robb. Esq . C L Magiii. Ai de rni an Mrr; feicJß- tm H IRE RAILING. SETI RED H\ i ErTER." PATENT I>l BLIT ATTENTION •» solicited to an -r,t,r- , new article ot RAILING, made oi wit,mint non bar*, and soil annealed rods or wire, uud nprcssiy designed lor onclo» r.g Couaee*. Cemeteries, r.ies. PuMic Giounds. ie . ai prices varying iiom Jo cent* u> 93.00 the lunniiig fool. It i* made ,n panneG ot i ariou.i length*. ;u 4 feet high, with wrought .ro,, i»o-ts 1* inch squarr. *: intervening di«tnnre* o' « lb I'-et If desired, the paitnel* can be made of him ia coniinuoo- spans o: ob to tiu icei. wall oi witttnut No extra charge for post* The comparative lighuires, great sirengUi and dufu ■>slity ol the \> IKK RAILING, thr ot u* vnr>> <t ornainrntal designs, togniber with tbe eilrrmn) low prire uf which >t i* are causing it u, lupersedi the i.'ujl Iron Km log wherever their compsr tovr mei.l. have bee., r.-.u-d. For turther purt.cuiM.. ad dr<<* MAKWIALI.i HKurHKK? A gem- Id Pulenri-e* 11 aiuo’id s.X . neai SlinMiti;: id >l. i’.Usiiui V'l ditu LOWELL FLETCHER ALI’U II 0 L A iII FL' K K SPIRITS Comer From and Vino streets- Cincinnati, O. • • r'*' -' "w-. _Z -m»."."- —•-.. r£ C.r 1 ’ril>-r« frf>r:. IMi.'.aun lor A-utioi, Pare >| ,f i .». Ra« or Keruh-d \\ lu«k«-v. will l>e promptly alien dr.l n. *l <nvt<i mark-: |»rvr inelili.dJy DAV. n; tlir new I'arprl W»rt hou»e. .No *5 Vounli «Ueet- Rich erabo»*o«l PiKno.-or-r. | Plain Turk-v rni do do T&‘ !r do | Pig d do do do \S'or»ied dd do do do Hordeniitf. Uloe D%mn«k Caryl B»ndinr* Al.XJ—Camp* (,<>thir« Tranapareii! Shad*** r*cnp«urr View* do do Turklah >lo do ilo CmttCß* do do do Drapery ! do o<> Moouii£;il Viewa do do i.nnd>oapc do do <i" r (»OtUIC» do do Cord iml Ttixi*. Ruler* and *4lai*. Kark I’u.-ie Holer baid- Ttl<- .uovr 1,00.:. rn/l r,rl,r«l a„.l nrwe. to whir t» wr in *c,r the attention o' our'fend .l nd ruainmcn. and lUose wishing io lurnish or rr p.cnisfi strain Non'* and hou-e* mar 7 \V MTI.I.NTm K 1 n \% r.i.i.i "Vi *• PKh.MII.M I'IKK I’RihiF •J . t’KMF.N’T- n,r Proprietor wouid tr.pectiuin offer Uirm a I'-eturni. winch will weld. bcauiiiuuy ami duntiiW a., artn'.e* o- Knrthrn and O’asswarr. •Mindr.., Or'iamrnia. MarMe, Ivory, ir . without dn>- liguttng them in th- host; rendering ihnn at useful lor any 4>ur|io»e whatever aa they were before broken, ind not gtfer ed ny l irai. water or air 'Hu* (’•Miierii i» ni: weakened ,n ihe least when sub jected lo h stroiif dr.v hrat, or when immersed in liol waier The public have lon* mice ieil the nece«*i:> ol iucn an article. «nd in this liinir expectances wi.l n#, luliy realized as ii is applied without beat and ran ■•e used by R child The subscriber tins fully tested this article. For «ale by W W WILSON. jatsf comer market and 4th sis UEOROE WEY3IAS, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of TOBACCO, BHi CPFS AND CIGARS. 4 T hu Old Stand, corner of Hmtlhfield street and J\ Diamond alley. Pittsburgh. Fa . would trspecifiii !y mil the attention of Country Merchants. Hotal and Steamboat Harkcep-rs, io a large and superior assort mem of 1M PORTED CIOAKS. among whieh will be found the following brand*, viz: Eagle. RrgnJia, ('a*- lelloi. I’nocipe. I.a Nnrams, Hlar Brand, .Minerva and Dollar Regalin* nl! of will be sold as low a* can be bad a( arr> other bouse in the city Also, constantly on hand and for »a;e. a large and wrll ‘circled stock oi Virginia Missouri, and Fine Cut Cbrwui* Tobacco Also, Havana, t üba and Common I-eal Tobacco, constantly-on hand and for sale. novll dfiin I 'SHAYS AND REVIEWS—Uy Fdwm I* Wbtpplc j J vol*. Unio Dick * Works, including bis 10th Vol . ‘The Solar System ' The in Y,d« bound in J»—sheep Ditto, the 0 voU bound iiy V unit in :i Slue k house’s History of the Bible. I .oiidon, with fun roups and plate* Octavo Hebrew Bible, new American edition Burkut s Notes ell the New Testament 'J vol* bvo new edition Macaulay'* History, library style For sale by R HOPKINS, tnch.K) Apollo Buildings. 4th st IXTHULESALK DRV GOODS —We are now recc- V\ ring a large stock of Span* and Hummer Di) Goods, selected with great care from Ibe uujtortcrt and manufacturer*. and consisting of a hue assortment oi *ll grades usually kept by Drv Good* house*, which we are prepared In sell at such prices n« cannot lan to give satisfaction t«> purchaser*. City ami country merchant* are invited to give u* * call, and examine our *toek and price* before pur "basing elsewhere. HHACKbErI A WHITE, 00 Wood st two doors above Diamond alley mchlO r |tfl t'OL NTRV MERCHANTS— Smith A Johnson l .Market stiect can sell you hosiery cheaper than they can rrplace them -having bought them ut * ■ arge package sale previous in ihe advance in liny can sell )„u **tr a w Bonnets unit Variety Good* asclteap as you ctn buy them ol Fjistorn Jotiher* Come and see. tnchifJ r lM> COl NTRY MERCHANTS—W R .Mi rhht i.s* A. now open at bi» Wholesale Dry Goods Room., north east corner of tih and Market streets, Pittsburgh a full supply of iresti Spring Good*, including ncwe.i style* of Print* GuifChuras, Lawn*, Ac nnd Invite, mi cXorun,:ilam ol In* slock I'jitrance lo W i.olcule Room* from 4tb street lochtSi r JNSHRINKABUI FLANNELS—W K Miinn V iMviir. U,.• au. ui.on of buyer, io hi* stock ol U»e alain- giaat- „l n M Uic different l]Uaiitie«, said 10 lir a uiislirinkali e as me Welsh, and at much lower puce. Genuine Welsh Flannels also constantly on band Gallic and Silk do. 4 4 and S-4 do, for Hhroudmg pur poses. Also, Home made While Flannels and Lin*eyi constantly on band, at die north east comer of Fourth and Mar ket slrrcis. icbi SBW GOODS. OdACKLCTT A WHITE. M Wood *tre.-t. are „„w kj receiving a fresh slock oi UR V <«(m iDH, of recent purcha*c, »nd fresh styles patterns. Ac. which they will sell low to the trade Merchants arc requested to call and examine (heir stock ami puces. icW Transparent shades—Just received *mi tor sale al W M’lMntock 1 * new Carpet Wn re room, No 7S Fourth *t, » handsome aiaonment of Transpa rent Window Shade*, at very reduced prices, to which we invite the attention of those wishing twchsie get*l4 W M'CUWfccK 1 o DOZ SUPERIOR GOLD PENS; »i do com silver Table and Tea Hpodn*: fl dox parlor, office and other Clock*! lb doz aaaorted Solar Lumps and Gas Cbaudaliers; 14 do* Gold and Stiver Spectacles; open- by mcb3o W W WILSON SUGAR, buds loir to prime N O Sugar, l&o bbl* assorted Nos Loaf Bar»r, <3O do Molasses, foraalcby mh2S RHEYTMATTHEWS ACo EXCHANGE BROKERS, k. V. HOLBKfi ri ROMS, Bivktrii Kichangi Brokers, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES GOLD. SILVER AND HANK NOTES COLLECTIONS—Draft*. Note* Bud Acceptance* payable ,n any part of the I’iuon. collected on the um*i lavorable tertc* EXCHANGE on New York. Philadelphia and Bmi lintofr. *.«u c.ncnuiali l^ui*v,;; r , saint Lou,, »,,d New i iriean*. vunstaruiy tor sale Bank NOTES - Not.-* on nil -01.-nt *.ank.,n u.-- I iiiteil stales discounted at th« owe«I rate- Ah l ,uci« of Foreign tnd American (imd ami *,;vit Co m u ,i*l «old. ttrfice No S:. .Market «trert, brtw.-cn J ami tu. Pill-burgh. P* octa.» rOHKItiH KXC'tIAKGE, BILLS oil laigland. Ire.and. aud Scotland bought an) amount at the Current Kmc* ot Kicbaage. Ai*o, Draji* pavaLe in ar.) part of th<- Uld Countne*, I'Oin XI to XHIUO. at the rate of 95 to thr £ Sterimp, without -deduct i oi. or discount, b/ JOSHL'A Roi>l^ , • Si iN. F.uropean aim General A grub other bin *t „.,e doorwr*ioi Wo‘kl ocllrt; ii.ndl IWSSK-l i u* .11, Ml I, M EKAMEii a RAHSJ, T> ANKERS AND FIXCH A.NfJF. BROKERS, deal. r« Jj in Foreign and Domestic Bill* of Exchange. (Yr- Uhi-Hte* ol iNrposite. Bank Note* und tkxn corner ot 3d und V) ood streets, directly o|>|x>aiie 5-t Charles Ho> Ifl _ (tiaviFnil) 11/ESTEHN FUSDS- ' “ y\ uh.o Indiana, Keutucky, Missouri. Bank Notes: purchased at the lowrsi rate*, by N HuLMI> A vo^y. svpFl 35 Market siren. Bills of* exchange - smht ci.rrk. on' New York, Philadelphia, und Baltimore. Constantly for *a;e by N A SONS * e Pi3 35 Market su MISCELLANEOUS. WATER CURB KHTAULIBH3I BNT, PHIUPsIU'Kt, p A r I’HF rapid *Hidr« which Hydropniby has made 1 Mitre It* mirodur lion intoiliM ccuiitry—the bn .lint and u*iotii-hmg curative etlectH ot cold wun*r ut chronic and acute d.i.-ascs, when rittplovcil after me method <»; lb" crirhrntej Pnesriii r. hitvh removed front the tmed ol mi imell.gem and discerninit public every particle m d oubl n» to it* effirat-y. ami gamed it um vrtsm tavor. ConsiUrring Un- un-ait*iiiciory re»uc» cl renicdte, nrretoioie used m the treuiun ut oi cntonie er> ) rur 1 must Im- a nature: wish -o *e r thr surer" Ot ii metiiod by wtuch -o uiatiV iinlortii,i:,ir »utfrrrre vein be treed irom tanf pants and mbrinitir* The su!'*ett'.er having practised >ucre»«fui,y till" method lor right it in* Hydropnth.r "suinli.h mem. whirh ha* oeen ron*itleritb>y rniarue-t u:nl uu proved in an us parta. and in every rospeet, ,* now readv to receive and patient* who imt> ciioo«e to place thnn»eive« under care, -km r.ud experience i’btitpsbur^. situated upon thr left hank o' 'be I >|.u,, opposite the mouth I«t the Big Itcuvrr ,* wr.i .UOVVII for it* relre-uing and »tuubnou* ntinnspnere, de. Ugniiu' quictne** mid charming natural *crnrry com bimtig every requisite to render tbe ao;ourn ol the in valid ugreru 1 ' v. amt eomr.tuning not a little in n- -s. labll-h impaired h-is:th 'ind pl.)s.-|tl •'rengih 'Hi- rs.ab ishiiicnt. .ire hr*: started in lb- I'ruicd < Oiniort. eaictll Ated tr' lit*ll re ;g fr»e*>t|y and tiapp V ter imiumoii oi thr atluicnu ol the Patient Person* wishing tr. avail* „t ;he kdvar.ta *r« Here offered, "il! p‘ra»e address lha subscriber In letter, (post pan!,, stating a* near as ;><M>sibie ilia nature ot their complaint*, in order to de-idr and ad vise on their tidies* and rurabiniy by iik Hvdiopatbir take along. for their Mpcr.a. and persona! u** F.DWARD At KF.R. M 1) Proprietor. Fhi-rp»unrg. Braver cou-uy. Pu Rerr.kttNi is Hev <1 Kn.ikrily, Armstrong, YD. t‘ ark. FL*q do. Hon Thomas Hrnrv. Itcavrr. Pa.. Dr Barker do Pro’ ti. Knot Pittsburgh. Pu 1. C Perkins. nun. Rev > II .-ireed. Nrw-Albsuv, Riv Al Aiit-n. |‘ruifftuii N J. T 1,. Station, Fjsm . N. w \ ori. I), t'ti \k inter. Pin..p.r uig, Wni H Me t'onnel F.s.j A BiOwed F>q . do inchtA' SAM'L. gray, MERCHANT TAILOR, A M> !*Ol.FfX»4il( >*“ « iih nn 'or ibe - i t.iapiril U> 1111* tt: l» o' j.rikb.O pU|>ML. luO (p. nua-. , iin.owr* : •. I -ih.i Maxm “0 , .»!(<• blC' . .nil-ic- i afUmmiljt luC ST. CLAIR STIUCKT, PITTSBURGH, J ncra.r. prt«ifr.,ir-- I’nr,-:i ,>rnu ’ N Y W W) K K A N 0 I* H I l. A U Et. 1' H \ _\ l LOTAH, CASMSEKKK AND VKSTINUB, UKTHK BEST yt AI.ITV AM> LATEST STYLES prepared to n,*»e lo Older IN THE HE*T MANNER Ketd Quarter* for Boot* and Mboe*. I h v»\j rtl. And Mini},hr,.l .Irrri. hn-su..K »-♦ Q-ff* 1 * rtttfl'M ASttIIT li n vine <■ omrtien.-rd ■>*»! * inr V -Mr ir IX Imnir ||. a-1 • work • urn »• :• .emeu • f.n- Ibni-. ;a»i,e. iin.«r* nnd rii.i :• ,» tine «.••» 1‘ <•*••• '•a!: nv.J rxsmlrt- tor VL-arwv, TRt'Tfl A >,n . | lr j Sj, ;|I | K M ... Nil Tm., .•,,'IH.iC I'arp-: |l, ( . Si' Coituw. Hni.l. w„a -I b:r.i .t t . m. .r • m-M 1.. TO ( AI.IPOftMAAK. VlllllUl.ll l; r U- Ul.O-r*umr*J tta <me adapted a , «in:mc .1' ..,1- Ctirfv,..*- ni e rlaifi.m; lb* ■I- Ifi.- irn«.n (II W.U' ul i»„w pi rpa red •>» • up.,:,- a : f.uvne** UitV require u,„ u»e 1; •• ♦nt*-. con .r.ieni «i:.l - Jil t.e u*e.| wuarflu -um 11 tf a, .-e '.e,,.* mißk -e.. - Iloir Hie prore** l" VMI M. f IKI.V- l ,„.u «:rerl m »’* tin rt.r „< J H Mi K.iiei, ,j,wr, tl .i,»re WILSOS A CO^ I MI'uKTKRS si..i Dealer. u< Foreign sm! i Diincsuc Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery. Ac ISO \\ ood street. Pittsf.urgb. are now luily prepared wi n a recently imported stock nt Hnrd ware. Cutlery HaU ilierv. C.aipenier* Tool. Ac to offer vert gieai duceinents to We.tern Merehanu, as in Hddili»-ii n> the many advantage* h,u t,\ our predecessor*. \|e... <r. I-ogan A Kennedy wr hav*- grrailv mir lacilitie*. and purchase an »ur good* irotn Ur*i hand* Tae junior member, of ihe hnn 00-voic thuir whon* aiteution to .ales, and Ireling cvniideni ol giving ise isiaetion, retpeeuullv Kdicii a call trum •.,,, wno may i .tit tin* market tncti'JlJ , Shrubbery, Kur* Trees, Ac. Ac. TIIK sut.srnber offer, lor .«**/■ aTarg* ami select a* •onmei.t oi Plants. ctmta.a lint ctuner ever bioou.imt, v ~,r lug. cluster ami garden m the tine: vane, t C», inoiithlv l* loom in g Plant*.tor punning in yard. A-- at reduced pm-e. t,, the dorm, fine Kt, g i i >t, "•bade Tree*, ami t I, e r piant*. Dah.lit* and K'swrt Rern* 1-1 a great vancty- Spring Plantin': tmirr*liv tut.! :<> Put*lmrßh Poi*t (>tnce. nr i«-rt m >.ur *lllllO Vi Diamond Market, will t>e carefully packed and inr warded a* dirrrted- Order* for Bouquet* left with 'V T Bowu. Fruiter er. Si. Clair tireel JA.MFj* WAKUROI*. Muncheiter Nursery BRICK FOR BALE. T’HK undersigned offers [or sate n superior »rucl«* of brick tor building. made by hi* Strain l*re.«. improved machine. for which he ha* obtained u patrol, ami agree* ui jive i>urehn*er« n written guarantee Hint they are wronger, and wnl re«i«i troat and wet weath er and imbibe ’r»« moisture or dampness than ani oth er brick. possessing gre.mer bodt and superior texture and much more dutatnr m rv»r) respect, etivh nrick l>eirnr *uli|erted to n (ircuure ot tear mi ton*, and pos sessing a handsome smooth surface and evert edies. thrv make a front equal to Uie he«i trout brick They have gtven the greatest satisfaction to all who have purchased. A kiln ran t>e seen at my work*, am! *|«er onen at llie till relic office Those having supplied themselves for their buildings, and wishing l.amUom- ftont t.n.-k, or-upcrior nan! and *oml puvntK brick, can obtain them June 12. BENNETT 4 BROTHER, UFEKNftWARfc: MANUFaCVUREIW, Blrmlngham.(near PlttiburEh,] Pa. Wtarthowit, Ao. 137, Wood rilttburgh. VPBQ WILL constantly * eep on Land a rood assort fn/ioent oi Ware; of our own manufacture, and sopenorquality Whole** ic and coon try Mer ehants are respectfully m rued to cal! mid ex amine far themselves, a* w- a re determined to »el) rheaper lhan has ever before he ca offered to the poh l£J® Order* sent by mail.acrf m pa rued by ihe eaah oi ctivggfeyenoe. will bn promptly mended id. teb2s NW^CAkI'CTS- Received this d a y direct Iron 1 the raonufaciurer— N>« »tyle Tapeatry 3 ply CPmcts, nirn super; do do do do super, Jo dc Hruiaela Carpet*, do Brossols, very cheap, do do neb roloVa super Ingrain do 4-4, 3-4 and SJJ (heavy Venetian do 4 4, 3 1 mnl &>■ ciwnmnn Ail of which will be >old ui a small advance, and wni guarantee a* low n> can l.e nqrchased in theeasl •'•clt.'i XV SI VI.I.NTtH.K, 7.'. Fourth si COACH MAKING. *K<»Vtl>« /cry l.bcrai cneourmgs JMAV men iih c «ui»«rt ,l>rr ha* jeer t red since Oftigr lie has lix- sied himself A Urgbeii) , has i nduc-nl tu ui to lake* lease, for a w" ■»—t,. rl n of ywu*. on ihe pioperty he now •» .'apiea, in Bearer street, .mniedintcly beside the I’..••Lyienan Church From ihe long ex pent nee in the iil-rivi- buaiiie** and a dasirc * * please, he. hope* to met ,t and receive a *h»re of puolic patronage. Now on hand and Snishu.g to ordr r, Hoekaway Bug < t. open and top lh»gg>*‘. '*nd every description •*! i un .*ae» ni*dc to order, iroat seventy-live dollars to s ahi hunaret [sepT.-dtfl H.'HN SOUTH (toaoitfali«U House Tailoring Estab* Jf llshment. ISAAC WIU.IA.MS, Draper snd Tailor, beg. to in; lorm the citizen* of Pittsburgh mid others, than he i- now opening at hi* rooms on SraiLhJirld street, un der the shove Hotel, a large and heuuafui assortment oi t lolhs, Oaistmeres, SsUus, Silk a, and other Vestings together with such other ortieles us are required lor gentlemen's wenr. His goods have been oaretully »e -|,,,|r(j UI( J are of the newest u-Dd most fashionable -tyle, as well as of superior quality His customer* mas depend upon having their clothes laadr up in a manner which cannot fail to gratify the taste of the mast fusttdiooa. aptMilr THE STAR OP THE WEST * VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the Duynond, where Veiuuan of ull die different sun. and colors kept on hand or made to order aflo uie latest and most approved Haste rn fash- toil*,at the shortest notice and on the moi reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper ('onains of all the d Ifferem »im and patients, ou hand and for sale tow fbr eash Old Very tian Blind* painted over and repaire*!, or taken tn part payment for new K H WKSTKI tVFJ.T. Kropr. 0 All work done with Uie best material and workmanship,' and warranted lo please the most fas odious auglO-dly AJlegheny city, Aaf. 10, IMo. BOOKS- ** USIC. kc. ■\TKNV PUBLICATIONS— E*«oy on the me Union _[_! *fChurch and Stair- hr BapTt«t W Noel. M. A. Ivor ltfa>o. $L&>. All entire edition o' Una work war totil ri one dav, on pub .ration 1 1 l-oiidon’ trniu Murrnret smith •* Journal, rn the Pro vince <>( M Mu*cu« Hay 1 l v©i. I tana Tsc. Hof* I'ormv-Skclrhr- Oi |.,y a:-.. Lund»cape by Rev Rj.|in fTovt —new ed -n nrrred -tv:m iHoaira mu,. ! into i«Jjb. A Ca l --itlii-iu 01 the Strain . u-'-a'.vr or Hie »«-,riitll." pi. ;.-ipir. upon wlu.-h il« op.-nli r. ,i. pew). •1 lid llir pnu l.rai detail* <>l M* atlui'idie. , 1 u- «pp>ca UO*> W HnJe» null*. •Irani inii|tm,iii. r«i*i)', with vnrrous •lirr-t'ion* nl irnprovi in* '>t by J Bourne C K Ivo I -Jii.u 75, • Chrrvrr • Lee id re* on I!-" I - : * t.m ; I'f• '<r- new ed. liuto. Price reduced to *l iAj The ««. H I H.ulu-e I 1-' Frtnkun’-, ~,u . tni;r.l I'.. ri •I \ ted \ haioi 'ln nut ili«ii>[.rx b-. Prrn i. ei l/iuo. Tor i»le by oie ui.M K IH'I'KINS. Tih m. Sole Agency for .Nunu» A ClurlC’* Planoa, JL.-T KI’t'K.IVKO und o|te.anu. a vrilli iinimiiaiii 1 .i.pit rmrm., bom m mechanuiu and |m,.e., e .) I,y no oilier* A l.' 4 * * A line -r.i . n-.ii 01 t. iorkemig * Piano*, trom 6 to : ori.ive. II KLKMKR. >oir A<rm, :t: J W Woculwrll t.-d Tliu<l «[ N H Th- i! ~vr v. ,1. i>.--nLI-it tnitnuinriurrM prij ce*. wiihoui unv sciiin.on tor frrirht or exproae*.] inarK' Jotinull and t'liromrlr ropy PIANOS. A M’I.KN L>ID aaaortinem >"'d Hntewimd I'uno*. jum n,. WrXy'nn tahrd Thro- ln-iruinriirt ate m*dr 0 { 11*1 I < Hie ißUist jnuirrii mid i c»i maieriai* and Will hr to.d low lor l iirli l.\ F 81. l MR Il'J Wood »trret dd door above Fltlh. N H rh.j«r wnn are m wa;i. ni h food m«irurnpni. are rriiH-. iiniiv mvii.-a 10 exam,;|,e.r lirmre pnr cbH«tni( ci-i'w Ijrre, a* they ranmn i.r excr.led by any in mr rounir). ami wii : ;. r ...Id iiAvr Hian any bronchi from llir I-1»I Ataojusr rrrri veil. Iwo of II nm liurah itinnufni turr, warranted 10 hr juprrior to any evn »oiil in tlin rounlry F B *®W IXSTHI JIIKIST. T’HU utihtcribri bn* l.rm mipoi nefl Sole Aumt for' J 'lie vile of I‘ARHAK I S I MI'KtJVI J» MEUOXJF ONS. a* inuiiuiiici.i'rd .ual and (leri.-m d by Mc»r. Mtmn A White, of I'm. ninai: The umui colfipaaa and rxlrrtl briotj bn’ four ootav. v Mc*.r- ,M AW, m m cordnncr witli ihe fnernl devrr mid demand. liuvr extended lb*- trajr of t!ie*e in*trunient» lo 41 and even i oriavti, tbut iiiukirg 11 (irarlicabie lo jierform upon iiirm an) muHir wnii n ior thr i , tutio or The extenor irm, htn r re,, rnu. h improved hyplucmK the body of l;ie i r tirumrr, 1 upon « ni«l iron frame lirauiiliiHv 'ironred nod rirnoinrii'ed rer’ilering it at 0111 r n ino*l e r<nn! and ritrein* ) drtirabie arude of every one in olnai.i !■ perfer' inu-u,.: inMrunirnl, atul. m the .nine (line n m«.i *-:•••::n.* p.e. e of furin luie lor a coinpnrß tritle H KI.FMKR, A: J W \V 001 1 well’* Great musical novelty-ti-o ••ii.«mber Hat jutt recuiK-'i notn Tjf..|>e, and mr talc, un entire;)- new mvem.ou m F.ano I ..«<• « ai.ed me UAil- JNKT PIANO HIRTK. wi..- 1, j-. more power fourth a« imieh room ue.l i- a murh more thowv and handkome jnerc|ol lurnnure I: i* pnrtiruhirly dc«ira b!e vfjierr Uie ••vim; oi lp»<:r i> an onjeci, beuiK ex reediruiiy ii.-a; and coinpacl. auJ or-upjinj no more hand n leiiimoni.t. or ;i. -up.-r,.i, t. irnm ihr cclebro led jnimiti. Mntchr•-« m h:‘ fit.ii linnd wrmne.which roa> He m#|mrie.l. 11. KLhUJV^I, oc'dt? Ai J W Woodwell't Cblckerlng 1 * Plano*. J 1 w T received and lor eaie at luaD utiK .urei• nr *. ru'kiKx* new Piano nr#T B H VoiU ' % - " : ‘"' l : ‘• >uv '-»- 01 the moil II ■ I 1 1 < leeant pnuern-of tun.lure, and with the late improved «eu:.. o* JHH.N II MELLoR,'*" So>e Apr rtf ini r t.uij > I’ldi.m for Wetiern Pennvylvurii-.i. -I »eo<l -ire-t mar" Ml Sic Fi\ lII.MII HKKZ Tim | *.l |t„.e notion* (of im- I’.mo T'.nte, h- |u-r bn nied a. 11l a concern in me I y*ie. m 11.-n.-i fieri Military I'u.lp i t f I Hen Silver »E! Po ka J«.l leceived sic,; mr *»le hv riu hi J JOHN If MF.LHiR, -I wood «t Vocal EierrUc* Ju.t reeeivrd a Mipplv ~t m» abuvr rtireci frotn the puhii. ben .in JOHN II MELLoK, TRANSPUKTATIUN REED, PARKS A Co’i. PACKET LIME. 18-48. jJjgAg^ KK.WKK A.MH I.KVHAM) I INK. via W.-vkKKN • uim. »’d. krk->\\ AU.uW » apt Ftmi. i it I.A.N i Wu'.irr* i VSF of -!,p ,'.m. I’u-k-1- 11. ;i . i*r i* vr : i .la > ' f fStinil.t i • r i < , ;••••:. tt'.il ftif.vr 10-n mot mux hi W*r»i*ri. wln*rc nir"iriM wtl'i Ilf MlUlM&Kr* UK Ak ton and t .«•»«.amt. »rru .r.«( »a<h <•! tttc-r pi».*»-« ti > V \L o: Hf j . ■ ,u mi. o tmr ii,r inl»A I K 1 nSI.WH.i , ( >1 t; rAk i.i»R. \ 1 lop “ " UEAWK ANU EKlt. I'AI’KIW USE IUU.IUJ UK aVI-.H A.M>,KRIK. >•''•••“< Knr fv.-r, itwom.* i. - o i..»«» ».»J i.n»- JWvrr evrr) rvr'mj, aft-M -Iw* itn M:rtiin«li Hum Hit ‘-U r* h a .« hoar* r»«*nnrr* l» nuT ■ t u> Nirnrau t -.n« wih ImJ llu» ,i »■ •• j,i>i • I’l.-ksu ||: :■ I nkf f- (••• i*r< 'curi-j by HI EO lO H<-tvn JOHN A « tllillM k-l lb ••♦bur*:, I - Jo ' H-ir,...... r..idu .. \ \ .• M Her,:, r,;. r* r "Vk. V f M'K.irlain] ih] K <\t. Ilw Kct.4 P» list- A Punil. Mi»ri.‘t'uf|{b Pa, W i' unarm.. Pa, 1) C Mailt.'Wt, IVa,.*, P*. K " Mu Cm»: - Pa UI’KKK &- CO’S FAST KXPHKSS |t>R (TMHKKI.AM). KAl.n.'loßß AM) Tilt l ITIKS r I 'HK Proprietor* oi u..» Lute bnvr |'uum New Alook. 1 ..i.dkf to 'orwuni |f... k»i;r« nil dr- K»ipi.««u» 401.) ;nc iow.i Uir. J r BIDWKI.I. A(cni. " ntr-r «u*-rt RoUI.fSUN A itci II U*4 S.»ui!i t'har.r* »i. Baltimore PaiMDC«r and R«ialiunci Offie*. HANIUIK.S A i'i i loui.iiur to i>rni|' peraonr JWCftQU! unv imri <<( Kn< ii:.d ifiai.U M'Bliojiii ui BMrWu.r.. upon lltr !!..•»: ..!••••■«! .-Mil*. WtU> IhVlt u»ual ruitf.ui.ity and ;m . to ti.e wain* and eom iom of mmierhii - * "'••do .*>i allow »ur pn>.aetiger* to be ronOrd Ij j me ■ wu-d me *<• imp* L.nt mfe»l Uie »ea* port*. a» »’t ih»o mart;'' of ili**hi me moment tliey re port U.rin*r ■ \ It'll <rr U> lull VV.-'I Kllddc .|.«irn tin* in w.uimi- m.> d.-V m.Oi. |.\ llir t»r«l .!up» - VVr ,ut 1,,.. |.-Hf .-..'y ni we .let) Ml, „ ur |.a»M-0- *rr» to «ht»w iltiti Uiry were detaiu.-d 4” i.our* by u*in Ijvrrpooi. Wln>l :ili>u*l.iul. o! OIIIVM \\r re detn.lird \t> inlrml to prnotm our .• iioi.nrul.i). cm whir. <1 may. and mu n* wiuil.r en»r ml *r:nori. will, ether oC6err«.—who ritlier peTionur.l uoi a.i, or wi.rn ii «uited their conTt-meii'-e DraJt* drawn at Pttutiurgh lor nny «urn irom 11 to 1. 1 Dial, p»)at>lr al any o! U..- otovincial »ai.K» ... Ire •iuml. Lngiand. Scotland and \Vn>» JOSH I A ROIIINSU.N. Kornprnn anil <Mtn«-rnl Aernt, /#•»! Fifth alreet. on# iloor >.* nw \Vival. A.LXKUHKXV VKJSITIAW BI.IKU, AM) > r W AKKKOOM J A UKOVVV w„uia rep*''’- •uVv .I,'orui ■\,r llia', he on |,*n,| m 1,., ktnml on th<* W-«| ..dr nl IHr Ihumood. Ailr :,r i! «.! Vein.nut Ihin.U. al.o W >l :iiui Slnrtr:» nu- io or l-i i i Vir •:y'r, wnrr mini in nn\ in tl.» I miod Staten. I Ik Ulinit* r:,;. !„• rn,tf>*n) with 11nvi: lh r dorl. itt-h'limrv hi K:.hi«t»V A MVlrl (and I inn pr-pnrrd 10 lurmvli tb. PH'-'- »» l» f llnni! m thru one iViimcy No :> Wood »lnrt. 1 UWiurmi inctiSS J A HHUWN Ir*AAC tißF.lit. Sundries— wo pack*#™ ijcj. Tea. v. uy*on. Uunpowder and Impcr-m, 000 bag* prune Green tt'C) Cortrr. .'-0 do l.agut rn do, 10 do Old Java do: ft bnr* blnrk Pepper; U’do I‘inwiiin, |64) hhd* new prop N O '‘agar 68l bbli Plantation Moia«*r* 5U do Sugar Hnu-e do at nerec* r'resh Hi. I ■’>*• ' Bunch Raivn*: 150 lii* tAanui»ctur> d Tiomci -■ vitrioii* btaml •Hi ker* liedge A liro. II iww l umcru 10 Slkrd*' lu •• Pittsburgh pi uk 150 bl* 11 Id Window fllass. .Vi do HUIV do. JOO krg. aborted Nail*; IV ra»k * Snleratu*, 5000 pound* Cotton k am, a**orird No*. Together willi n lull anil general itssoilineni ol arli cle* in ’>>e Grocery 11 nr, on band* mid fur *hJc bv JA II FLoYll. Kouml Church Budding, mlild Fronting on latterly. \\ ond mul Sixth <u 'll, T HIT.V-' * ( AI.U-UUMA lUFI.Fi The id Y\ lowing i* an r »ir»ct of a icticr nmn iin* Hnn Jeflef'-on Ifctvn. r > Senator, lair C..Um»l ol Hi* Ml*- »i«*ippi KiHemm. dated ?tli «*i Nov .-niner, l-S *, and ad dr***ed io H*e Ordnance ortice "The ntle* which )ou i>> .lie re* iimm 1 had the honor to command m M* »,i<> me -loftli) ui the highen conin.eiid/ii.oii 1 doul-i *] " •« maiiy pie rc« were ever i**u-d Irotn any oilier oronanre He pun me n l «o Jiertrri hi th* tr con.h union mul comil non In accuracy ol Ure they are .o in. hnest ■porting ritle« I'lmr range. I ihi-.k. - n *• d» Urn! ol the uid puitern mu.kei. and me , ,e-- I’Hm mu* lire oi w ,tnt tepftir than anv oiher »m<Ci -inn. I huvr vemi u .ol in *emi'f - ( * l(cnrl |.) JKI H.K>UN IMVI3. 3ti ol lli* above Rifle* ;u*l rcc- nnl • n-r sn.e a( :h» t'alilorum Outlilmg K«iabltshin.ui, No \\ >od *i. .ucbtM J “ 11 I‘HII.UPS CtAUFOKMA HFBHFR l.UUlft -Jum rco .ved. , s- Camp Blanket*. VU uthi ci com>, T: |»r* Pams, 1-pain licit lined Mining Boon, r.M»tliniu. Bng», J water Tank* fl and tV gallon, carh. 50 ranieein. | gal on each, l do/ Bn\k*kiu Monet He.'-. I do oiled caintinc do do The shove good*■lordan- m tUeCno lornia OulCung F.*lHb;i«hmrni, No Wn.rd -t mchS4 _ 1 A H PHILLIPS patent Gold Wuheri, 1> KROONS going to I'aMr-rna 'an he (urmailed with • ,lhr be*t Patented Gold Washer that hai yet been introduced to Hie public The w eight ,* only VS ib* mid can he paeke.l n. u .i. ccMuy, Al*u. light Pick* and other I‘uol* u»cd i.i I ' ubio:nia Tlic “• iu\ mrhl7 __ ____ No ill ,Market »t FKKNCH MBRINtfS AT i.'OST—Smtih 4 Johnson 40 Market *treet. will aril lor the balance ol Uic •eavon at coat, Uieir »ioe* ol rren. !i .Merino., compn- ÜBg lh« mbit cfloicr coloi- Now .. your time lo »e -cure Imrrain* . . _ dncKS Tr yj.vbT Jn.t ie. . ivc,| m„ V Market nrert. 3tl [►* colored VcNet Hibbon a»K>ned rolot»: .Hi ' blark ” j • embroidery Gunp. 10 p» wide I’lian, kx decs DAUBY'S SABICALFiIK EXTRACTOR: THK followine from Gfortje R. Ponim>r. K*«» well k nown propnotor oi the Ki t>r« • • '< ,r ‘ • ,wl iiselfof i«r importance 01 uic P»*»4 Kxua».u»f c" ') P»re*i Krnro Office. A'ba 1 Mr. Ualli'i My Dear Sir—Willi freli.n:-i>< no or dinary t >ira«ure I ad<lr<-«« > «mi tti rotation u. i .<■ U?ne»i l tiavr rprnvcd ifnm vour iiv-aiunble }‘ai ; * tu-iciur l.aipiv. my dauchlcf. 0 year* i**<- L'** 1 ' , 01 i.oiMn? vriiicr turned into (•■ »->n. ' '•‘J-* fore thr aouv to Ir.uni me cjum o iii» me « m»u*« I tore bet clothes uaumler. and - n»it -pi*' tl •alv.-, and «tn* wa-cafi ir j ui.d ut.l ujkj.i »j - 1 ' ,,r wuwmg miuvrd from ti«-i pain* and -s\« Mj. I at il l lould laugti. ' ijid wa< «w>n - we.-t ••'•r;. >••*• w»« *. ald«-.l to >1 l-i.-icr Tiia li.r ui|> <M u.w .J.-r PVer tllOfr thau tin; 1 lief lUe*l x'.U 1-sU'id un i. : arm*. On lb-* »iiOUnl' r ;iml lur.nt • «.*• deep. >-l irum Ihr DM llLtur »!•“ mil,,. :1, ,1-1 .. 1 . l! was.drev-ed TU.: -ore l.r .. ,1 *- o coDirui'tiuii .»i ib«- OJBs<-te« Wan man> w,«lie-. mi dear sir. fur \..ui the -an oi ti.i* nn.:ii • oui. The genuim* Ihil'pv. w.u cvrl ploitu. r ii.e -mue i... • lantarieou* relict. and *oouh:h». cooling rtlei-t. m tl>e vvi-rni <>i Borns, Jscuid#. fildn. Ac. l'ounierrriu —no f utlcr uniter whal nnmrx they mu) anivpar—alwaT 4 irritate. and increase the nmn TO THE PUiiUC I Edward P Holmes, of Ciiuihaui. Melvin Bridge, Columbia county. N. V , have been etfLcu-d with ruru niau-m m m> srrast. feet, and aJI ovri'niy body, n.r i jypars. m Uial 1 could not aland, and wax cured i.y r application* oi Dailey* Magical Pam Extractor EOWAUD I»JHOI.MP> Dailry; Sir—l put my finger with a copper nui\ pmmnnui nature oi winch caused tn\ «nu to «wc.l > < Asriteraldy. witii constant shooting pain* up uni, f moulder A large swellmg taking |*urr ai thr arm. Jit, With iiirrea»iiig pain. I became leufH*] ot ihr DirL- Jaw. In tin- extremity your Pain Kitrirtor w U s n conutirudcil in uir. and winch I wa* preyuiir.l upon n> try. Thr eonsrqurucr was that it afforded mo aituo-t inslajit relief. and ui Hirer Jay* I wa» cbmp.eieiy cu red JOSFFH HARRISON. N-«r Vorx. corner Broome aud Sullivan sis, Sept S il*+4.v NOTH'K H i« the mver.tur oVthi* invalu able remedy, and never has and ' never will roimmin - calr to any living m in the secret of It* eominnauon' All Extractor*, therefore, not made tutd put op h him. an-ba*e coumcrfeiu Paopßitrot'# Dayorn —U 5 Broadway, New York. 83S Clirxtnut xirrri, Phiia. JOHN D MORGAN. OenrriiJ Depol, Dr WM, THORN. Agent* for PnistnuKh. Dailry t Auttnai (Jalvawc Curt-Ally Cure* buntnfx. »pavm. quittnr. grea«c. potl-ev; . sore*, gail*. and hruixe* Pamphlet*, containnig cei lificate* ol rv*pcct&l>le paruex. may hud on appljcu uon to JOHN D MORGAN. liovlS-dl yi* Agent, Pitlaljurgh. SPECCIAI, SYMPTOMS OF CONSCRIPTION - pul*e. hacking cough, general 'weakite**. miles, xlc-p. variable uppeutr, irregular- bnwel«. pom. between the •boulder blade* behind. Inxxllibli Stmitom* or ConcMmun —-Couglnng iiigln and dav. flabby muacla*. general dcbiliiy. gretil thortnea* of nreath on going up nair*, oxeending a hill, or walking but u little fti.t. pulte always above one hundred, for week* together; drenchYng cold sweat* toward* morning. Catarrhal Consumption come* on luce a common catarrh or cold, but about the period when that di— ease aruat.y m expected to «uUtid«. some of iuc *yuu v toms are aggravated The cough i* more troubl"- •ome, ospectally when lying down Torre i* no fixed pun in the cheat, but diiiiculi breathing, which .i worst ou lying down The appcarcnce of the exnc - toration, which i* copious, i» changed from a thick yellow mucus, to a thinner *ub«»ancr. It t« very u? - pleaxant to the palient. and emit* an unplra*nnt >mr l when l.urned It mof an uniform appearance, and* l * probubfy a mixture ofpu* und mucus, as ou milniriit with water part *ink» and pur: swim*. This di*ca«e may occur tu any habit or at any age, and is chara. • icrtsrd by Ibe peculiarity of ilie cough. Tftt Balsam of Livcrwon effect* the cure of ihi* n - iidiou* disciuio by expectoration, sooth* nnd heals U>o adeetrd ;ungs li never fails Wherever itnx medi cine tin. been used, we hear of ii* success. For Un'- tecn year* it ha* been before lha pubiie, and has been thorough!) tested for all complaints of thr Lung*, an,l a*, proved n»cif superior m mem to any thing in u»- H r might give hundreds of testimonials from pbys.- non*, tne press, clergy, and tuose who have been on red. but a!, we desire is to call the attention of lha ai tin ted, and for thru own good they will try it l.ook out for couturrleu* Always observe tho#n - !*«»• o. k Tw: "..Him I.UK t.k.l. fit ro.x.A I*l. IlloV. <l.l -1., l> n . HAKNDk.N \ CO- MEDICAL GKu i. l*iiMl.Rt THE TEST u«d iV( f MISTA Kl. •laturr. "bro Taylor. M D on uir engTavrj latirl .uni prepared at the Wholesn..- Depot. 7t!Brrkniai ktrert. New ) ork. Soul Ui Pittsburgh by J D Morgan S J Uw»l -i J Townsend, 4$ Market it, HJ*iny»rr. cor Market aid ltd sts: Henderson A Co. 6 Liberty si Price reduced to 81,50 per bov r. atari KA PAHNKSTtkOK A CO ** I'i.ruiooine or Coui : • Balsam ha* a great advsruag.' ovrr many oiii- Cough prepurauonx, a* it.* j.x ii.aiii ta*b- permit* it . be used without inctmvrmrniir But n* Value it* BaNsni con»i»t» in thr *p»-edine*s of it. rur>- We h»' known *ome ol the n>o«t dr .per ate .ougae, *oui<- - wtii.-h had been running ..n tor a considerable irtigi. •f lice, yietd almost Immediately to u* power In *oer> weather a* we nave had during tl.r pa winter every une i* l.ut-ie to take eold. uu.ex- ,'rr precaution* are u*ed Vi el tert and undue t rpo.ure to Ihi Ihr weather often lays the foundation 0‘ u baclti h»* performed, many .*1 which are from persons ;n ui ei.v and the ocighhortlOod ncj they are u »«tfie.e Prepared and lor *«le wholesale and retai . v B V FAHNKXnH'K A t o. corner oi Wood and l«tarJ H o.*d and tith »t« nurlWtw UiiW InlKd* rr LOOK Sand*. Bn*n.l ami Hu" . tonnerly put their Sar*Hpnnll» m small mull. • iii.ldim; a tew uunce.. Init .mce Dr Townsend » n.i* b. come Kbowu. and mnii»t or iju.ic driven their un e U.nie* »ut ol the market, they nre now putting tliei-* u|. .ii larger bottle* containing lour lime* a* touch ;•« 1-eiurr yuery How much proht did they make b. • lore off of their small bottle*' Wa* H liom-.t' At 1 .tier they have redurrd ttie strength i* it hoitc.l pretend th«t t!rer nre a* good »* they were) Dr Tow; i,r VTOu U nllurii. Jia.* made several in. provemeuts, and i- ilrtermint-d <o k-ep up the slrenVi and ijuuhiy aod wil! w.trrunt that each lioltle 01 h.« r*Hr-apai.;iu eomain- iu.,re than four times ibeqoan''- l> of and uieiln-*:, ilinn anjr oL er jircparoiinn <*t u. '.lie market si;,! li) K. K Seller*, so.c agent '.n Fuuburgi i- 1 D M I’urry. Alleghenv febtv PUiK PKKKLIUEUV r Cream -Je Mna.n-*.n Am- w Cream a ,* Ko*r. nn Soprrtinc Rouge, mi B.m-euiii, »lnnd», l-.lecani *i eni '.i.ik* pei funi**! with I.a vrt».:e i Ai./ icrre Miel; 11.-iotiiul powder palfs. a. a.I psiteruv f ml-o«*e<l to riel tm io*. coniaming 'ragrnni • fin the bandker«li,e( ; a scent I.a< *..d must .u ■Me ior pttiwuw. IVivhii. or <«e powdei. vegetable ht.r n He »r‘* o'l. n< laney or common ir. edi; Jones' Soap; Nymph N'»p. Rt*-e l. p »h<ye, Shell *oap; Soda aoap; together w :e a giera v«i.e,y of fute perlamery juki recei«*d, ior wlr irr U A FAMNKSTIK'k A (N> uv\s cor 6th A wiki.' -i* Pulmonary Baiann. Messrs, reed * cutler—i teei « a duty i owe to my frilow creature*, to state someth.! < more rcspecttn# your Vegetable Pulioonury Bal-m... Since 1 first used the Balaam, aboat eleven years w. the nappy edect oi* which I than gave an irroum <>!. I have bed several severe complaints and attack* at ii f lungs, otic a few days since, and in every instance I have used the Kal«sra alone with oonipieie and pcrlc t success It ha* effected reliel and cure in o very it t days. It is certainly a safe medicine. I do not know, that it will cure a fired consumption, but l believe it will be in many cases aprevouUvo, and prevention » better than cure, I do therefore, for the love of my in low men. earnestly recommend ll.c use of tin* Unisan.. ia nil pulmonary' complaints. 1 aiu confident that il Has been the means ot preserving my lilt; to this day. Boston June IC. >46. BENJAMIN PARSONS.* t For »ulc by U A Ftihiienloek. A Uo comer Ur-t hi.d wood and also corner wood and ttih. julu ft A FsIIhOTOCI,'! [l. L. [• AK.toTocs, >Pmiburgh. G. W. Faui*nroc,3 Wboieialt Drug Store In the City of How York. A. B. lieu., N Y Oiy I'HE1 'HE undersigned are extensively engaged m Uic VS holesale Drug business at No. AO John aired, i:i Vic city of New York, and ere prepared to supply Drutytau and country Merchant* with Drue*, PainK !>;», l»ye-#Uifli, Foreign and American Pcfuutery. klanwdr, Au*ti 4 Wander 1 * Chemical*, (of ihe»r own rai-erutta&l aa* 1 all other article* in their line of bus.- ocss, ol a uperio ideality a* low a* they can pur snasod io thi* or any eastern city. Now Vork, Fel-tn B. A. A c A CARD. i 'y RATKFUL for the very liberal cncouragcin* ni 1 nave received for »o many year*. I have deiet mined to enlarge my business consulf-Tably Having engaged a competent Foreman. 1 will be enabled to fall ail order* promptly, and do the work in our usutl »iylc and at fair price*, and ask ihr attention of mei chant* and ciuren* to my large *tock of UPHOLSTE RY GOUI)S and Bed*, Alatirasses and Bedding, Cut lam Material*. Damasks and Moreeua, Convce*. Friii ge«, Douleiuigi, Tassel*. Spill and Boiler Binds. and r.vcry aiiir-le usually kept in an e*tabli»hineni of ihr kind Order* rosprctfuliy solicited and promptly ui ,S U —Carpet* made and pul down, null.'!! SVM N'OBI.K. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY uALrtMoaa, rmaacaoH axd wiueuku WESTERN LINE Offlet at the Exchange, Baltimore. REDUCED RA TES —The charge* have bceAwredo ced on all Metaage* to or from burgh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction ittaJe ou all telegrapnie deapatrhe* forwarded tram BaJ* irniore Wcsl of Pittsburgh, Pa.* Hat**.—The charge lor a telegraph despatch to or from Baltimore. Pittsburgh and Wheeling, i* 45 cent* for the first ten words, anu I) cent* lor each additional word. |f y No charge is made for the address and signa- lure Unu! the completion of the Sooth Western lane of Telegrnph Irom Memphis, Tenn , to New Orleans, des patches can be forwarded to Meuiphi* by tins route, and mailed lor New Orleans >®H PARTNERSHIP. ACHKSON WOODIKU>KA JOHN WOODMOUSK. HAVINt; Iht* day u»iociaied themselve* logctner m nimuf-rolifti. und- r the firm and style of A- A i Wooo«.Uk. -or the manu-aciurr ... TIN. COPPER A S D MIKKT-IRO.N WARE, on iho corner of Robin .on »1 reel and the Canal, in the l»t SVard, Alusumem citv wiicrc they are prepared to furnish in order, wholesale und retail, nil articles m their line with Trimming*, and CarroniriV order* are »o lie.led, winch yvtU receive immediate attention. i’.;v of Allegheny, Feb. 1. IMb —dflm Paper Hanging*. HAVING purchased el three ol ibe largest Facto ries tn the East, tNew York. Philadelphia and Balnmore ) a Urge assortment ot the newest and most improved -tyle* »f PAPER HANGING!*, BORDERS, Ac., aud made arrangement* by which 1 will be ei.a bind u» procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with their appearance in the Eax.crn market, 1 would in vite the attention of those desiring to have their house* papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and exanum: u.y stock, before purchasing elsewhere J have now on the way from the Edit, 20,000 pieces of (iold, Snun Glared, and common Paper Hangings, which I can *ell mi price* ranging fiom I2| cU to 82V piece. tncltla SO HILL. s 7 wood st Bacon Smoking, HA YEN t. just completed ibo rebuilding of our smoke houses, wc are. now prepared to receive meat, nnd smoke u m the most merchantable manner The house* are fitted with all the modern improve incuts, and are capable of containing JUU.UU) lb*, each. KJF.R A JONKis, Canal Ba&iu. • )a4 near Seventh st JUVERING’d DOUBLE REFINED SUGARS—2t> j bids Lovenng 1 * Double Refined Loaf, ('rushed and Pulverised Sugar*, Juki rac'd and fox sale at ute Pr kt IVa Store, TO Fourth street, by ROLL BUTTER--lb bills freah, just rvr'd and for ■ale by_ febl7 ARMSTRONG k CKoZKK COTTON YaRN—4U,M» lb* assorted No* O Yarn, C t.'haio, Ac. 160 bates Batting, 26 do Caudle wick, for aaio at lowest market rate* by mphUH RHKY, MATTHEWS A Co MEDICAL. FOH THR RKMOVALA PERJIASEKT CI RE OF Alxl* IMSICA.BKS ARISING FUOn AN IMPURE STATE OF THE ULOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZi Scrn-U'S or King'* Kvtl. Rhcurnatixm. Obstinate OuUt ii. ou* Krupiiotis, piutplcs or Pustule* on tho Face. H-.itche*. Biles, i.'hromc Pore ,K) e«. Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of the Hor.r* and Joint*. Stubborn Ulcrrt, Sypbiiiue Symp- K,in», Sciatic it or Lumbago, and Disease.* anting troni an injudicious use of Mercury, A*eitr« or Drop »). Exposure or Imprudence in Uilc Al*o, Chrome Conutituiiornf Disorders ' In Uux preparation arc strongly concentrated all the Medicinal properties ot Sab«aimx:li.*. combined with me mod eliretuhl aid*, the most *ahitary produetiouo. the most potent >tmplcs ot the vrgetablc kingdom; ana n bus t.ern so luiiy trued, not only by patients them* *.ivr». i-.iit n;,o bv Physician*, that it ha* receiyc'l their uiujt;ii,;£irii recomincnd.iiton and the approbation ui me pui-itc and has established on i • own menu a ■ reputation tor value aud elficaey far superior to the vnnnu* etyn|>ound.* bcnring the name of Sassaparilia. DiM-n*r« have 1.r.-n rur-d. *uch o* art* not funiiihed in the r-rordii of mile pn>t. and what it, has already done for th' itiou«:ind* who have used it. U is capable of doing for the million* still mflenng and struggling with disease li punfie*, elrankcb, and strengthen* the lountum «pr'.og* of >ife. and infiues new vigor thro’- out me wtiolr anuna, iramc ANCrniEH Cl - RE OK SCROFULA. The fol.owmg striking and. as wui be seen, perma nent cure nf an inveterate < n*e of Scrofula, commends mol :o a.I similar.y atllirtrd S't rnr.'ST Cohn.. Jan. 1. Me*«r*. SiM*» f Jrntlrmeii— Sympathy for the. alilic tod induce* me to inform you ol the remarkable cure effected by your Surmpun..a .» the case of my wife. She was *rvrTrlv hjßieted with the *croftlla on difTtfr ent parts of thr hodv; itir gland* of lh« neck were greatly enlarged and ner i:mb» much swollen. After saflertng ovrr u year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease uracked one leg. and be low the knee suppurated Her physician advined it should be laid open, which wn* done, but without any nermaneiti benefit In tins situation we heard of. and were induced to use Sands' Sarsaparilla- The flr«l bottle produced n decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her more :hnti any prescription she had ever ta- Kcn. mil before -he had n«cd «il bottle*, to the aston ishment and delight of her friends, site tound her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the rurr nn effre ed, and her health remains good, show ing the disease wn* thorougtily eradicated from the system Our neighbors are nil knowing to those tacu>. and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. Your« witn respect, JULH's PIKK. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N W. Har ris. a kentleman well known in I.ouisa county, Va.i •Gentlemen—l have cured a negro hoy of mine with your SantapanUa, who was attacked with Scrofula, and ofn scrofulou* family •Your* truly. N W. HARRIS. •'Fredericki Hull, Vo., July IT. lode.'’ Sa.vp*' Sarsacakiu^s—lt sectn*almost unnecessary to direct attention lo an htjclc *o well known, and so deservedly popular as ihi* preparation, but pauents often who wish to u*e the extract of Rarsapanllo, are induced to try worthless compound* beartng tba name, but containing little or none of the virtue of this vahi alnr root; and we think we cannot comer a greater benrin on uur render* than in directing their dueiiuon to the advertisement of the Messrs Stand* ui another column The bottle has recently been nula/ged to hold a quart, ann those who wish a really good article WilL bn<l eooremraied in this ail the medicinal volar of ill* root ’I lie experience or Uiou*and» lih* proved lb* el htucy the various disease* lor which it U r- c-i.mmendi'd; and ut the present time more than any other prrhop-. is ihn medieinr uselu). hi preparing the .inn lor a r bnngr oi season.—Home Journal, Sept I’tep.-irril and sold wholesale und retail, by A. B. A D i-A N DM. Druggist* and CriemtsU. 1W) Fulton street, corner i,f W iJlmni, New \ork. Sold also by Drug gist' f tiers v throughout the United State* and Cana das Frier ¥1 per Bottle, .i* B-ltles for &A «a.e m I‘msborgn. wholesale nnd retail, by H a FA HNKSTi )CK. k i'll, corner ol Wood and Eru i » hi. • iHn -r ol Sixih and Wood »l*, by 1. H ll.l'OX. Jr., corner ol SnitUtheid and Fourth *t« 1 „ ... r.., 'in in' Market «i anil the Diamond: also EDUARD rt.NDKKJt'II. cor Monongada llo«s« SALTER'S > I iNI SE N Q PANACEA! •IM niM-tr BUFFERING WITH DIStIASEID i i.l St .> Il.c cds-ntrd success which hoJ need- 'I U.II ni the GINSENG PANACEA „ , '. r viti'Mii ;i>rin> »:.i. n irritation of the lung* a • urn--* ic i ii.dui-e-i tin- p. • .pr'etor again to call ntlei WONDERFUL FR El’A RATION ft" i hint aide wr.iTher rrhirh mark* our fall and * inter mot.Hi*, i» alvvii/i a fruitful xource of 'COLLW AND <lll GHf* if l ecvcird. nr> but ttir precur«t»rv of that fcl ftir I,ue*ii.»n. then, i.i.v. .liall wo r.p ihe dc«troy«r ID i.m- of v::.,' mij-irnn. .- tnr jnjl.lic DIE oKKG' AM' «i\l.\ REMEDY wi!l tw louiul in the < iineen; Fiuiaceu. In prtwf of thu <vr n«\e ir.-m lime t,. unir pun.ixnol the ceruiicote* of lorsn- ol uur best know., . ilixrn-, who huve experi enced ■ .-ur.itivr power* These, will, a mass Ol te* ;.inouy fr«»»n nil part- of '.'le country.—from MK.HIt'AL MEN OF THE FIIL-T >i'ANDLNG, M jn»ief« oi '.40 t»o»pel. ke . logrtiier with copious no; .. -« from Uie Jt>l KNAI.S of the DAY. v- nuvr einh.Miiol in (Minpliloi lorin. nnd may l»c had ~,a . i,i any ci our agents ihtouichaai the country. HUNDREDS* OF BOTTLES Itave t.r'Cfl used 111 this city Tht-l SANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS nroughoutthe United Stale* and Cuaadii, and we cha enge hiiv man to point uut a SINGLE INSTANCE - - winch, when lukru according to direction*, and be • , r - tlie lung* hud become luitdly disorgaiuied, u baa eve r tailed lo EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, need the afflicted l.«~*ualc! Why retort to the'mi' no-urum*. goneii up !.v un . own individ ual* a let the assumed .mine ~t some co ‘i.rnten phy tician. nnd puded uiio notoriety by certificate* r. per son* equally unknown’ Whilst a medicine of I’.\PARALLELED EFFICACY i« to be had, whose voucher* tire at home,—our aaigb* bor*.—many of whom it ha* SNATCHED FKUM THE GRAVE. In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed w.lhm the reach of the poor as well the nefi, wi hav# put uic price at ONI*Y FIFTY’ CENTS, iu*: one half the u»u>.l cost of cough medicines, it is 'or *ulr by our ugeiu* m nearly every town and village ,»ver U.o we»u w’uo are prepared lo give full informa joii re.alive to il T SALTER, Propnelnr, Broadway, CmctunaU, Ohio HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT, i-H:UJ(*»nri»i!i. buivkr co . rx. DU EDWARD ACKER, take* tins means of re luming his thanks to hi* friends and the public fni ihr extensive patronage he ha« received, ana of ui lunnmt them that he has lately erected a large and «*-r.i constructed building, for the exclusive purpown of In* WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, at his old location, at Phillipshurgh. Pu.. ou the Ohio river, oppo i.ic Uic s’camboat landing at Beaver, where he u ready to receive patient* as bourdera, and treat them on Hy dropathic principles. In addition to hit long experi ence. and the great success which bo* heretofore at tended his treatment of patients committed U hi* care, be has now the additional factliae* afforded by an ex tensive building erected expressly for lit'* purpose, con. mining commodious and airy rooms, and fined up wnh every neecssary apparatus for baUung, and d<nniiu»- lermg the treatment to the utmost heucbl and comfort of the patient. Phillipshurgh is a most delightful and healthy village, easy of arces* by steamboats, and af fords une and wl.olc'om-- water. Dr Acker assures tl.Ofr afflicted person* who may place themielve* un der ms cure, that every attention shall be paid to then comfort, and as an assurance of the substantial bcuefils to be derived, he poii.U wjlh confidence lo thu hun dred* who have brcti permanently cured ai his estab lishment The Water Cure leavs. no injurious effect* iwinnd, ns u too often the case with those who have been treated on the old system. It remove* the dis ease, invigorates the system, protects from the danger* incident to change, of the weather, crcatr* a natural and active appetite, und impart* vigor to the digestive towers Tcnusot treatment and boarding reasonable, 'or further purucutiu* inouire ui the establishment, or address the proprietor ai Fhlllipstiurgh. • ug-jbd DK. J ANES ALTERATIVE We have been informed by Mr*. Rose of a cure per formed on her by Dr> Jayne’* ATleratlve, which prove .is superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She hu* been affLcied tor the last sixteen year* with NECROSES or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended w.m ulceration, and eufoLanon of various bones, du ring time many pieces have been discharged from the irontai bone ol the cranium, from both her arm*, vriiti and hands, and from both legs, and from the left re.iiorai bone, and from the right knee, besides pajnfnl olccis on other pan* of her person, which have baffled the skill of a number of the most eminent physician*of our cit>—•luring most of the uno her suffcr.rtß6 have been eii and deplorable About three month* since she wu induced io try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative, lias had in astonishingly happy effect upon her, by removing oil pain and swelling*, and causing the ulcer* u> heal, while at the same t.jue her general lu-aiih has become completely restored, *o thut she now weigh* J 5 lbs more than she did before she roinnieiiood the o*e ol tin* truly valuable prepauon.—(Sot Eve. Tost. For further information, inquire of Mrs. Kobe. No. 12fl Filbctt st, Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA iHOBK, 72 Fourth *t. near W°o<t, jyj DR. T()\VNSEN ITS SARS A P AJULLA.—SO doien just received of Dr. Townsend’* Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine m the world! This K»- l< act u put up in quart bottl _•». it is six uracs cheaper, pleasanter, and warnuited superior to any sold. It cures disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Look otrr ran Imitstioxs —Unprtncimrd persons have copied our labels, and put up medicine m the tame shaped bottle. See that each bottle has the written sig nature of S. P. Townsend. R. E. SELLERS, Dntgrt*u 57 Wood street, between Third and Fcurth, I* lir Townsend's only wholesale and retail agent for Pittsburgh, ot whom the genuine article can be had. D. M Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be had. •.[?■* WLKOKDLA AND MKOhULOI'S SWELL >3 J NGS.—Scrof ia in all iU multiplied forms whether in that of Aids'* k ’» i - enlargement* o ibe elands or bones, (Joitre, White Swellings, (.nronit. Khcomaliam.CanMtr, d»*«a*e* lhe • Sk,n ® r kD *i orol Pulmonary Consumption,' emanate Irom one and lhe nite cati*c, whicii i* a po»«onou* pnnetpie atom or lee* inherent in the human system. 1 here* fore, unless this principle can be destroyed, no radi cal cure can be effected, but .1 the principle upon the Unease depends, .. removed, a cure mustol necessity loilow, on matterundter •hallorm the disease should manifest .tsoll. I his, thereiore i* the reason At.TEHXTive ts so uni versally succewlul in removing so many malignant disease*. It destroy* the virus or pnnctplo Irom' whicn those disease* have their origin, by entering' into the circulation, attd with the blood is conveyed io the minutest fibre, removing every parlicloof disease from Lhe system. Prepared and sold at J4o. tl South Thud Street, Philadelphia. A JAYNE* Sold at the Fekta Tea Store, No. Ti Fourthstree Pttuburgb . _ l mehSl* NO. 9 MACKEREL. —78 bis in store and tor side low * to cl o*o cot sign acm. febt JASDaLZELL - MEDICAL ' Moaau’ FaCTvai. Wa*ttaor«laad C«. i July 19lh, 1847. Ut. K S. S*U*n:—A ana ol duty to m tod mdacesme toadd ®J humhj* U»Uc®uj a B*ve«f Jw ImUt eeithnud Lirar Piib [ h»»« dct«rr»d doiaj m lor truol to Dary Crocketts maxim, "fca muyoa m rlHu! then goakeaiL” .Must of the'muy prvporutiuo* of «an7r«u and uuteks, l»udt4 to tl.« *G*», bats fu&k ihts oblinooamca ruurLrver Ti Is h«r» been offered to (h« pahlJc, tad. »ruietd I believe they will ‘•Wnn them ■U," 0* they arslast who! yuv reproent them to b« 1 hart been afflicted with Lwa, L-umpsiot Com oi) youth, tuffs red much; emolond uuay c tat neat phraremis, W whern l pojff mwah omßcVt have lost Birh blood, beta ,owit«d»tid phyiicktd almost to death: o. 5 »r « I .nd 4u.ll,pnx up u lucuiOl.. urU.'- *“ 1“ ''-' r—.-'...i.dSOON UOT WM.I. UMb., ■niehli l w-,offiMu, lukw p atc ] w , .( puma th. ud., ud .11 Ua «h„ A IN " ih. h...eitwuuc 1 ~cta—d. E T, ' n “t ” «**» «*d> ■»»»•« V th. saj “ «■" °* "W I h.r. hp. thu. .a a, ««, f ii h “‘t*'d> »f bo.V, urf hat. o>m te? • “S'-f.nJ b, u,, ,bo hu i»d 1 U r ,u p«reeded alm«*t arcry other piQ • thta pgighboehood, and ia a »hort time will Saoh them all taxi.MUy reemnm.ud them to all pwsma heeding physic, whether foe Lmtr GompUmt or Bitliouj dflectiau. 'TBO»^ •ider them &x »u|*oor to UJomti arth# U^pse*- (^^J^liN— As there an othsr Fill* caul*® Liyer PiU*, peesoas who GENUINE Souid L SELLERS, No 5. )food-< brimn Third tad Fmu«i meets. Sold by Dr CawtL, KiAh JFard, D M Cowtr. Aikzboay “r* . MEDICAL dfc BUKGICAL OFFICE, .i'WEI LN«. ss, DLAMOJiI) ALLEY, m few door* below Wood street u>J DR. BOOWI, Uyisg bea guXDfInJT regularly educaied. u> Uie medJca ptofftiiloo. und been for moo tiao Faqwijjfßlßgl'* geaekti practice, now cbsflnea hi* attention to the treatment' of E«gBK|Kj}n£-‘i thaom-private and delicate cam| MHBnKL]n plainu fer which hi* opporturudea and expcriiutcc pccatiaiiy qaalif* hLs. it years assiduously devoted ,ux study k ueatmeot of those which time he has hod more practice and hasettrod more pa tient* than can ever fall lo Uic lot of aay private prao* uno ner) amply qaalifie* him to offer assurance* Cl speedy, permanent, and satisfactory carp to all afflicted with delicate diseases, and all diseases arising thortj fro mi Dr. Brown would inform those afflicted with pnvate diseases which hive become chronic by tin,* or iri gTavpted by the aoe of any of the common nountaeof Ute day, that their eompiaiuu can be radically and thor oughly cured, he having given hi* careful attention to the treatment of such cane*, and succeeded in htuadroda of instance* in curing person* of inflammation of lha neck of the bladder, an<l kindred diseases which often result from those cases where other* have consigned them to hopeless despair, lie particularly invito* soah a* have been long and unsuccessfully treated byolhen to consult him, when every satisfaction will bo given them, and their cases treated in a coreihi, thorough'had intelligent manner, pointed oat 4>y a long eitpenenca stndy, and investigation, which it is impossible for thos engaged in general practice of medicine VO give au : one class of disease. [O-Hernta or Rupture. —Dr Brown also invite* perj sons afflicted with Hernia to call, a* he has paid parucg utar atteotiou to tius disease. t’ANCERS also cured. skin diieose*; also 11' ?, Palsy, etc , speedily eared Charge* very low. N. B. —Patients of etlh sex living st a distance, by stating their disease in writing, giving all the sytopl toms, can obtain medicines with directions for usd, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and enoio*> lag a fee. Office No. 6S, Diamond alley, opposite the * avorij House. RnrtntATtsji.—Dr. Brown's ttewiy discovered retso dy for Rhenmatiam is a speedy ■»»< certain remedy for that painful trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 06 Dia mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctorts always at home. tCT" No core no pay. declt. Groat Eugllab Romedy. FC)R Coughs, Cold*. Asthma and Consumption!* Tha GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY fer the euro of tha above discuses, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the oelebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and introdnced into the United States under the immediate superintendence o/the invembrJß The extraordinary success of this acdicino, in tat cure of Pnlmonary diseases, warrants the American .Agent m soliciting for treatment the worst possible ea ses that can be found in the community— case* that soak relief m vain from any of the common remedies of the day, end have been given up by the most distinguished physician* os confirmed and ineojoble. Tbe Hungari an Balsam has cured, and will cart, the mast desperate of easeo. It is no qaack nostrum, but a standard Eng lish medteine, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the United States should be inputted with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of life, not oiuy to counteract the consumptive tendencies of tile climate, but to be used as a preventive medlciim ia all cases ol colds, coughs; spitting of blood, paiiy ut the side and chest, irriuuon and soreness of the fangs, brochids, difficulty of breating, hectic fever, night sweats, emaci ation and general debility, Influenza, whooping cough uinf croup. Sold in large bottles, at tl per bottle, with foil direc tions lor the restoration of health. Pamphlet*, containing a maos of ftigi>«h aud Ameri can certificate*, and other evidence, (bowing the un equalled merits of tbi* great English Remedy, may hi obtained of the Agents, gratuitously For sale by B A > AJINESTOCK A Of tt and W »od und Wood onddth St*. muB DIL JAYNE'S CAUHISATIVBOALBAM L' HUM the Hnv ABA Bii(NN,a well known and pop r uisr Clergyman of the ProtdstasthlcthodUlGbureh The uedenafned having been afflicted during the pool winter with a oftiie stomach, tonraiime* pn>- dut ing great paid in ilib stomach for tehoriwalvehoura without lutermiasion, and after having tried vaikms remedies with liulo effect, was fhrniihcd with a bottla oil>r D Jayne’4 Carm/uative Balsam; Thi* he uogd on .-aiding to the directiaas, and found invariably Uutthis medicine caused the pain la abate In three orTodf aun <ur». and iu fifteen or twenty minutescVeer uncos* xciisduon was entirely qaieiciL Tlte mediiunis was at-, irnvurdsuted whenever indtcaiionsof the approach of pain were perceived, and the pom w«J thereby preveat* cd tie conunacd to use the mrdiciaa eyery avenfag and HtHnoumc* jo the and in a tew fft health was so far restored, tliat tho sufferer was roliav ed from a large amount of oppressive pain. Frpm eX purirm-c, Uicrciurc, be con cunfldeaUy reednanend D GJa.n'- - Carminative Itedeahi, as a salatagy medic iff loi diseasek nt inoitomaufi and bowels. AainjiND For sale in F.ttsbargh at the T-j Fourth otroet, near Wood, and ulao -at IheDnur • tt«»rc.r H F XJIIWACTZ. Federal Kreet.'AHegh^ay GKOUKRIEii, &o. CtHEAM TARTAR—CU(J tbs jut rac'd and for sole f »Y B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, ®nh*l comer i«t und wood *ta bid* Scorehisgj, rec'd snttfor sole by pi chi 4 %VICK AM'CaNDLESS S SALTS—2 too* to store ard for *slo by • mchtM ROBT DALZELL ACo DRIED PEACHES—6UObosh Ohio halves, for sal* jnetuH _ hrOH-l-RA RQE DRIED APPLES—dCn bush, a prune article,forkohr mcb24 M’GILLS A 808 WHITE BEANS—On consignment, 200 bush. inch 24 M’GLLLS A BQE Glass —mu bx* sxiq gio**, for sole by mchS WICK A M’CANDLEfiS TYOLL BUTTER—B bbls fresh Roll Bauer, forsals XV try mchfi WICK A M’CANDLESS 1) tIRLNED BORAX— ti kgs Refined Borax, for ial* XV nf_ mch22 WICK A M’CANDLESS SS. ALMONDB—2O bags Aimondi, far salwby _ . rnch22 WICK A M’CANDLKSB ALSPIUK —10 bags Aispice, for sale by mchsfcl _ WICK A M’CANDLESS CMIEESE —JSUJ lbs extra Cream, 10CU do Westorn j Reserve, lor sale by mch22 . D WILLIAMS rEMON SYRUP—IS dor superior Lemon Syrup, on j hand and for sale by mehSU J KIDD ACo BALSAM CORA VIA—I6O lb* on band for by mchtJO . i KIDD A Co PISTOLS- Suitable for California service. Also, Troy Scales and Weights, Magnifying Glassas,- Ar , by mch« W W \VTL3QN BULK MEAT —IS casks Hams, in sweet pieklej 985 pieces Bulk Shoulders, Just rac’d and lor sale by mc&ao hardy, jqnbsaco PEA NUTSt—?*O sks Pet Nat*, jost rec’d and for** by mchtM HARDY, JONES A Co PEA NUTS—2S sks Pea Nnts, just rec’d per steam er Telegraph No 2. and for sale by BROWN A CULBERTSON, mchff7 ’ M 3 Laberty «t BEANS— 25 Wirt small white, for saie by "* mch27 j § DJLWORTH & Co RICE AND MOLASSES-aif Ueree* Rice, Übts Hugar House Molasses, landing this day Boa »tr Chief Justice Marshall, and for sale by ; A & FLOYD, mch23 Round Church Building*^ POTASH —A pure and choice article, always on hand and for sale by mch27 BRAUN A REITER CARBONATE OF AMMONIA—I cask'reoMand __ for sale by mcba7 BRAUN A BETTER ALCOHOL— It bbb» reed ud for *ale by *chl7 BftAUN A RIOTER _ SEEt)—U>O btxli }u*i rac'd and by < SAW UARBAUOH, .vt ■»«* from »t ROLL BUTTER-11 bbls prim* RijU'Buite#, pat up in cloths, received and lor tala by _ mc hS7 a ■* W HABBAUOB SUGAR CURED HAMS—IO detect, » print anlela rec’d and for *ale by SAW HARBAUGH G~UTTA perch a—Laibo Band*, oi G oo* Perch* juit rac'd and lor sale by W W WU<SON» meh«7 corner 4lb and Mwfccl ttt- BEANS— Id bl>U while Bean*, in by meh*7 HaRPY, JONES A Co LEMONS— IUS bi» Lemon*, in iloro and for tale by meh37 HARPY, JONES h 00. WANTED— Bertey, Corn, Rye and Wheel, for which ihc birhcfl inartet pnee la eaah will he paid l,y SAW lIARBAUGU, radii’ll M water and 10* front »t WOuL—fb* hiybc»t taarHei price is Qua will he paid for U)C different gradea of Wool by mcW SAW HARBaDOH PITTSBURGH GAZE*TTE, PUBLISHED DAILY, Till-WEEKLY I A (WEEKLY & ik* Gazttu BvtldiHfs, Jdll. aaartl* PtflGAtt. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Onemaeruon ol lllinee, or 50 Twon»aertiooi without a1teraii0nj,.......... 0 75 Three “ <• ..... I 00 Une Week Two Wci'Ls Three One Mutttb, Two '• Three O' Longer advertiaeincnu tn same propottic**. One square,U months, wilboul alteratioa,... ID DO Each addition**! aqnare lor 6 months, ...... 600 ii •• io oo Ooe square,6 months, renewable at pleasure, 10 00 " 12 “ SO 00 Each additionalpqoare for 12 months.10 00 Two square*. 6 months, rc'wablcet 9O 00 Each additional square,fi montlis, 8?00 wmiT on T«i-wiaxi.r in nati/T nnai. One square. 3 loaertions, **sl A 0 “ each additional insertion^*.,, 37 Fire linea or Jeea, one year, g oq “ " “ ■!* moolh«,,„ 500 *' “ " one year, daily A; weekly,-1$ 00 “ •• “ tix moniht M •* -qq ADmnnanTi is viiiiT mu, For ?n lioct, or lets, One maertum, to ao ■ ■■ I*"” 1 ’ ~.;wino * Three nontha, ...... 1 60 2 60 5 00 4 00 6 00 7 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers