ESTABLISHED IN 1780. business cards. . (IMSTHONC & CROZER, Commission Merchants J\ auJ Dealers in Produce, No. 2i Market street Pittsburgh _ . i MtiHriKi-o w. a. Miia. BU*«HFtEILD4 HAYS. Wholesale dealer! m I>ry (ioods, Groonnes, Bout*. Shoes, Pittsburgh manu rin'hired articles, Ac., So. ISIU Luberty street. Puu i.urgli. _ • _ i*S i PKKDniCK BfUl’H. . * OSBftOK EXTTXB l»HAl)N A RKJTER. Wholesale aud Retail Drug- JJ gist*, rortiet of Liberty Ciuir streets. P»u>- burgh. Pa. i mayH BROW.N * CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, und Commission Merchants, No. Ito, -t. Pittsburgh Pa. B A-TAKNESTOCK A Co„ Wholesale and R«- • iJrnggists, corner Wood andCthst* iyl B-GALKY A SMITH, Wholesale Grocer*, 13 mid ai Wood street Pittsburgh. __ Cl A. McAIfULTY A Co., Forwarding and Cum ]a mission Merchants, C*nal Basin, Pittsburgh Pa. mcb’J VS. a. umi ltw, JAMsi J. BEAKSTT 1 ENGLISH A BENNETT (laie English, Gallagher U Sr Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Corumusum and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. J 7 Wood at, belweeu Vd and Gt EOBUK COCHRAN, Comimaatbn and Forwarding T Merchant, No. 41) Wood street. Pittsburgh- my 17 Hli'li {successor to Murphy A Lee,) Wool Deul # er and Commission Merchant,' for the sale ot Amencan Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th it febl? UKAto, Baltimore. A. / . BCCSMJE, KBWAHD HKALD, ) Philidi. i> c. u ; ca»u»us, joun a. w*aHr«, \ r HEALDfc BUCKNOH, Tobacto'Comtnlsiuon Ncr c&am*, 41 North Water At, 4: 10 North Whanrov novOCVlf ISi.tikß DtCXXY, UOktXX DILXtt.JS, ISAIAII DICKEY A. Co., Wholesale Groiw. Com jjmston Merchants, and dealers Id Product, No* JC Water, ami 107 Prom street*, Pittsburgh. • novn JOHN WATf. («uccc«»or io Ewalt'A Gebbdn.) Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, dealer in'Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, eor nrr of Liberty and Hand streets, Pittsburgh To. jaifd J AMES _ 8 McGUIRE, (late of the linn of Algeo and MeGnire,) Merchant Tailor, St. Charlo* Building*. l*btrd street near Wood. Pittsburgh. ’ James a. hutchison, a Co.—suceo«or» to Lewie Uatchtstm A Co- Commiaaion Merchants, and Agents of the Sl Louts Steam Sugar Refinery. No. ii water and front streets, Pittsburgh. JS. DILWORTH A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Pro • Uuec and Commission .Merchants, and Agents for the Hatard Powder Co. of N. Y., Nu 27 Wood %u Pittsburgh. __ . . 1“^. JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale Dniggui, and deal er in Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnisher, Ac., Nd. UJ W ood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Ifrtls burgh. _ . . iup) J~ AMES KERR, Jr., A Co., I successor u> Joseph li Davis.) Ship Chandlers, 3fl Water street. ociil JOHN 11. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Music and Musical Instrument*,, School Books. Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Quills, Printers’ Cards,' and Stationary generally. No. SI wood sl, Pittsburgh. py- Rags bought or taken tu,trade. seplli JBCHOONMAKER A Co- Wholesale Druggists, • NoiiSA Wood street, Pittsburgh'. JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioaeer, comet sth and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. oci' JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Bookseller*. PThttcrs and Paper Mairathcmrerj, No. M Market st., Piu*- burgh. )Qt<_ jobs flotd, mrtuan tloth. JA O.VLOYD. (late J. Floyd A C 0.,) Wholesale • Grocers. No. Uhl Liberty street. •' sc pi JAMES DALZSLL, Wholesale Gniccr, Ccmnn&'hon Meiehant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. tM Water at., Pittsburgh, janlt> T7IEK A JONES, ForwarSiiig and-Cbminission Mer- IV chants, Dealers in Produce antLffasbargh mano uctured articles, Canal Basin, near?t&«L dSj Vesnvlos Iron Works. LEWIS, DaLZHLL A Co., mam&icuirera of all si tes Bar, Sheet, Bo tier Iron and Nails of tlio best quality. Warehouse, M water and IOS front st. LS WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward , ing and Commission Metehanly Dealer 4n Pitts burgh Munalatfrares and Produce, Nos. 31 Water st and tti Front st. * j*7 JOUHITCIU- 14a D. tt’OILL. WJO.TKB Cv.KOJC- A.T cGILI.S A ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Couirms* JJA mod Merchants, No. iW Liberty sl, Pittsburgh MURPHY, WILSON a CO.,llaieJone*,.Murphy A 4 Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, No, 4s Wood sirest, Pittsburgh. M. ALLS.*, ALEX. HOUCK. ” VM. S. Stale*. "Vff ALLEN A Co., Comni«rioo and Forwarding JjvXf Merchant*, Water and Front su., between Wood and Market *l*. ju,uti WJt., MILLER A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer* hnd Commission Merchants, No. ITU. Liberty;st- Pltts- Xf HOLMES A BON, No. 53 Market *L, second JLvs door from copier of Fourth, dealer* m Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Ceruficaiesof Depos it, Bank Notes tutd Specie. IC7' Collection* mail 011 all the principal cities throughout the United Stole*. declT 1) OBKRT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, TUcnfjynf I~L Distiller, dealer in produce, Pittsburgh Maaafac lures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wine* anti 1 jfjoorn, No. II Liberty meet. On band a very Urge flock ui superior (dd Muncmgafieia whiskey, witiLb will be fold law for cash. V .^ v ., afLAty, bobebt ~ saxvßi. a. BamKSJ.i. K ROBIN SON A Co- WholeudeGrocen, Produce ( and Commission Merchants, and Dealer* lit Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. lal) labeny su, Pittsburgh. Pa jaWC '■ j>OBEKT DATIZ£LL A C 0.,, Wholesale Urocer*, CommisHiou and Forwarding Merchants,' dealers tn Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacinrea, Liberty-si. Pittsburgh, Fa. _ tcbtll ROBT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wboieaaio Grocer, Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 144 Liberty n: • Jyl2 l. o. HTSOUI, j. l. *uxs. REYNOLDS A gHEE, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal ers in Groceries, Prodace, Pittsburgh Mauufnctiuci and Chloride of Imom. He highest prices, in cash, paid at all limes for coun try rugs. Corner of Perns and Irwin sis. jaicci o WITH k JOHNSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers O in Millinery Goods, Laces, Hosiery and Fancy Articles, No. 4(1 Market street, Ud door above 'Child »t, Pittsburgh. . aptSi a. c. su* at LETT, TltW- R. WHIT*. OIIACKLETT k WHITE, Wholesale Dealers In O Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. W Wood si. Pittsburgh. feblTtf Sk W. lIARBAUGH, Wool Merchant*, Dealers « iu Flour and Produce generally, and ForwaftUu •nd CouunißHion Merchants, No. 53 Water si., rills. burgh. . SMITH; BAOALEY A Co., Wholesale Grocers an* l Produce dealers, No-!££i Market street, between sth sod *r*s North side, Philadelphia. _ novd r. bbujehc pittsbcboh. jwih stcnoia, h*jitu*id. Lt ELLERS & NICOLS, Produce and General Com lj mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty su, Pittsburgh Sperm. Linseed and Lard Oil#. __ ■ S' V. VON BONNHORST, k Co , Wholesale tiro , eera, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Fro dace, have removed to their new warehouse,(old stand) No 35, copter of Front si. ami Chancery* Lsik. nov“ w. i. taoni. t. fr. scott. TRUTH k SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac., ft. W o_rner of 4th and Southfield si*,_Piusburgb, Pa. )tul _ rpASSBY k BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Comrois- I uon Merchants, and dealers tn Produce. No. 35 VVuod sc, Pittsburgh. puJl loan u. wicx. navto sCcssniJca ~\A7 ICK k M’CANDcESS, (successors to L. A J. D TT Wick,) Wholesale Groeera, Forwarding: and CouunitsiMif Merchants, de&Jrrs m Iron, Nails, Loiiou Yanis, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, ro'-n*' «,f Wood and W»»et -irrets, Pittsburgh. ll. r EST BOWEN—Comimssion and Forwarding yY Merchant, No. 00 From *u be tureen Wood and Market «trceu. * fetfM W\V. WALLACE, Mill tune and ftlQl Fuminli , tug esUblUhmeal, No. 344 Liberty it., scar lie train I : marts W\V WiLBON. toiler in Watctiei. Jewelry. f Htfver Ware, Military Goods, fee., No. 67 Mar ket st. npv7 WfL MURPHV, Wholesale aad Betsil dealer io , Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east comer of Market and Fourth sis. nng*Zl^ wx. Tom, jso. & M’ctrarx. WM. YOUNG 4 Co.—Dealers In leather hides, ice. 143 Liberty ft- janS-ly W AR. M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dea c lers in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Pius, boreli Manufactures generally, 163 Liberty at, Pitta* buih. __*•** . Iir~W.'WiLS'ON, Watches, jewelry, SkiverWare, W . and Military Goods, comer of Market und 4th Mre„i», Pitubursh, K N. 8.-W«leh« tnd Clock. carefully repaired. °eC4 -a'l'f |i i >aM kMITH. Manufacturer of Cotsm and W colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, Ac.; Setring Silk and colored Cotton Frmges.for silk and gingham Parasols. Gimp, Mohair, and Silk ' Bullfou Fringes, miHii to order on the shortest notice. Stoic, comer of Maiden Lane and William, entrance No 65 William street, third floor, over Abner i Elys’ «oie.No 65 Maiden Lane New York lylO aTtHEYv WILSON, Portrait and" ftmfatorepain ter. Rooms, corner of Post Office Alley and Fourth street, entrance on 4lh near Market. dceO-dtf. ; JOlu. m. TOWNSEND, Druniit mid Apothecary, No. 45 Market it., three doors above Third *t- Pitts burgh, have constantly on hand a well selected as sortment of the beit and freshest Medicines, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians ■ending orders, win be promptly attended to, and sup plied with articles they may rely upon as genuine. 3ET Physicians Prescnpttons.wili be accurately and neatly prepared from the best mate rials, at any hour of no day or night.' Also for sale, a large stock of fresh and rood Perfu mery _____ - ' jtnl MARBLE WORKS ON LIBERTY BT_ OPPOSITE ("tONTIJfUES to manofactorc Monuments, Buna! J VauJft,Tombs, Head Sume*. Mantel Piece*, Cen tre and Pier Top* foreign and domestic marble, at a regular and fair price. N. B.— Drawings for tmmoraetita, sanlts, fee. famish ed, of any description. He solicits a shale of public patronage ; , aagj-dtf U. T. D.T^ - i YFTUALMIC SURGEON, will anemi-tothe'txeai i\J meat of Diseases of the Eye. Mr. R-iias been engaged in ini* branch of the tnedi ' calprofetsion for sixteen years, aedlins conducted an eitablishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye atone lor scvaral .years : Offica and residence, comer of Baadtuky st and Strawberry alley. Allegheny city._ *cti:i g3&| PKKIN TEA 6TOREr-No. n foartfc.' . |%C jfi near Wood—All quantities of Gteeii and* mSh Black Tea*, done op In quarter, hall, and Ouci pound packages, ranging fromS) cts. 'per pound JTI A. far Pekin Tea l'-o Independent Police Ofllce. ltts FOURTH STREET.—Convmjtung Macis- JLI &*te, Antuiiaa StsU- Chief of Police, Haooa. )al6-43m v ; '.4_ "‘^ff'^=>e=4kL : CARDS. f - Ul UL liUK WORKS. CKJLKAtA N, lIAII.MAN & Cl! luiuiuu.' io mono / faclurr >lo*ll Iron. Spring ;mJ Am, Ulmer Me’. Plough, Fork rMfi-l. llivrl, Sjilirj mid Wri’l Iron ]Siu:», :i.! Min. loyihm wl;a i'omtl. hnd P.iipM Spring-. li.l P-.. Tnp.-r mid luinmou Axfr* Hanoi; reduced ir jir/v>-*»i W lmli.Nu iengine builder* and oib* r< ti'-ui' the ui'.ii l*t. 'in. hod it lo.tbrtr uiterrsi lu civ- tbi*. ue .v U of Fiiuliurrt) munUbictufr. tiinr utiriiiion * 'oar b triKUiniig* and malcivut-- iron .>>l til>«-rjl; initi- Wareli<»u«r uii \\ ali-r and Fiiunti *i- ift.'.Hi 11 " PKSh MILL, I*l J'I»DI lULH, PA, KENNKHV . rilll.I»> A !•(• Vjnnu'si'ldfptil m n-r »ui>rrinr f l t'hn'i'f ' »Un. I'wtne and Bamug ;:».k*-l) Diugucane Steel ainl Iron CtOI.F.MAN. ' HAH.MaN A Co. inanuferturer* of / U-ach and Ei.jdn dpri-s*. Huimacreif Axle*. Sprine ami I'loucb Steel. Inin. A.-. Warehouse on Water ami Front Mr--1-, ['jiuburcli Also, dealer* mj Coai-bTrimmihg* and Malleable Casting*. °''H“ N 'Bt.CKMAHTKK. ALI-KaMaa —tiififttj Fourth *■ • third do«ir :ibo%e *ou:h *nl-- tlonveyam inc el n ;i L:mf» do. - wilti tin- r.i-’Ule' cure am) iecul urcurncj l'tUei te ftea. iv.:»u-exami.ird. Ae «•••!.Ui-1 y WA M MITCHKJ.TREK. W hoiuSalr t.r.utr, « Keeiilyme lli'bllers. ami \Vi:ii- and .Mertbdiit* Al«<». ImjKirterv 01 SiUh Ash ami I'.ieueU i’ig Powd< r. No Imi Liberty Mren, l‘n. «ep‘J[ iIOJIK LKAtH K FACTORY. HAMU .1 1 »X ■‘TKtV a U I’. nimuiMn iurer of Heavy .Shilling*, Cheei*. AV . 11-becia un-el. rity of Allnglicn). nov 15-J| \ • -c-*- A PKTTIOUKW 4fc CO., S T K A M U l> A ti K N T S INSURANCE, IADK3IMTV The:i 7 'miA.ltn b'ttr JtMtt'rancc Co. Of Pit U.i /. !ph IJ 1 \iRECTtiKri - Cb.ll.ce N. Ban.-ker Tl,..uw» 1t,..,. XJ Tobias Wagru-r. Samuel Grant. J.u-ot. |{ M tm ,t,. Goo. W Iltehnrd*. Mordccui I) Lew,-. Adolphfi f. Bone, DaVul,S Brown, Morr.* Putter-ort * CitAjtLK* N. Usxt he*. pn-Mdem Charlr* G "Baneker. Oculunue 10 make .ii>ax»ner. perj- ijti nr .mined, on every description of prupett> n, .own , : < nunu \ at rate* an low n> are.*ieni witn *ecur.i. To Company have reserved a l*r* e n t:i. > -n: Fun J. which with ihe : f Capita arid Premium', -aieli mve*: ed. affonl ample prore.-tion to trie The asset* oi tin- eotupat.v. on Januarv l*t l*l!i u« published ngTi-cuh:y to n:i uvi ot A»*embiy w-r.- u* tdilows, vir. MortgHges Real Estate Temporarv I—;an Stocks Cash. Ar Sutee their incorporation, n period ofltf year*, ihe) .have-pajd upwards oi one million four hundred ihoo*- und dollur.*, losse* by L(e. turret’) udordiQg evidence cl tile advui,tuj;eh ol iii*urahi<r, a» well U* the ability and iliapoMUon to meet with promptness all linluluie* J. GARDINER 1 OFFIN, Agem, tuurl-dly Office N Ecurncr Wood nnd rd *t< DELAWARE MUTUAL INSUH.ANCR CO. I OllN FINN Hi , Jr.. Areni m Fittsourgli i«r uie In- 1- 0 aw-ttre Mutual Satet) Insurunet* Comnin > ot I’h.ia adeiptuo Fire Rist> upon buildings nnu cie.-eiiuiuii/r 01 eVory and Mannr Ri.-t» upon nun- or cargoes oi vt-r-ri«, taken upon tnr raoti luvoiub.e terms. Office in the Warehouse ot W B Holmes A llro . No, 37 tV aier. nrar Market street. Pittsburgh N. B —The sucee.-s of this Compunv sJHCc the r.;a!.- Iwluueui of the Agency in Dus city, with'the piompf. ness and übcru.ity with whichever) cla.ui upon Ul-111 for loss liaj been adjusted, fully warrant tin’ mreul in iuviUhg the coiihdrner* and patronage of hu iriend* and at large to the Delaware M s«. In-n -nmpe Company, while tt has the additional mlvantnee. as an institution among the inost ffotinsfitTig in Philudel plu^—as having 1111 ample paid-in capital, wmrn l;> iii operatidu of il» chnrier t* eonstunUy ujorensinj. 11* yielding to each person insured his due irmre ot the profita of the company, without involving tun hi nuy respDhsihi'uty whatever, and ttirtviorn at po««ess,i,j the Mutual principle divested 01 e\t ry ofn.ciKMi* r-:i -ture, and in its most uttrai-live form u,i\ t KiaE AND MARJXE lNkl IIANCE. ritHE Insurance Fumpaji) oi Norm Aiueju-u, uirouirli I Unduly aulhorwed Agent, me subscriber, odi-r* to make perniancmt and iuuueit In-urum c: ua jnoperty in city audits vicnot) amt 01. siupmunL- n> tin- i ... nal nnd Rivets ArthuT G Goff-u. Sarn’l W Join--. ihwinl smiih 'John A. Brown, John White. Thorpo* P Cope, Sufittci F rfinuii. Samael Brookv, j* AaMiti AHil'.me, ARTHUR G COFFIN. I’res'L ItIHET I). gUEEKKab. S’C't This i* the mde-t In.ufnm e Compnny in the United States, having been chartered 11. 17V4 ft* charter 1* perpdtual. and from its high Mundini' long eiperieiir e. ample mean*, nnd avoiding mi ru»* »f nu *iim m i ardous character, it may £e < on-i-leredu* cdsrim: aio plo to the pnbiu W P JuNrlS At the l.'ounn:ii- Ilixmi of Atwood. Jones a < n . d i ter and Front nlrrel* t’ul«l<ureh miiv.i FIRE AKD MARIA't INSURANCE. Protection loiurunce Co, oi Hartford, lono. CHARTERK.It IN I-.*:. CIAMTAL LIMITED— 6oijll.uuu-a.NI) iCHPI.I S —The uadcrryirucd, h«vmg been appqmird As dm of the Protection lu>u ranee will take u*lu Ou property in llie c.iiy and vicinity, tuid on ahiptalenD by canal, and llif riven and laic* FAYETTE BROWN. Odin:, No. 1V? \Yih<.; street T|>liK SUBjUMUBEK ua* been appointed Age-U pm 1 Jem. oi file ln*ur»n.e Compnny oi North Ainem n andvfill i»ur Poiines and utieiM 1.. Uicolhei i>u.*lik-** ofUisr Agency. ol Me warulwu*.- o: Aivyuod. Jour' A Co/,’ upilf \\ ,\| I- JII.MA » H Iff -! FORWARDMi k CUMMI&SION C E. hMIO.NthIM'KIL KHUIJun^.M CHAULES tjU DANEN HOWKK A CO. TOBACCO lUUlffll&MJft 51EKCHAMTS, No. 6S South Wbarvea, . i .No. Ii" >ouiu Wiu-i *t I'HILm, t I,I'IUA BEGS io lUlorin the ,r • K and dealer* generally of 'Fiiubtirgh. that iiu*y i>« • made aurh ar nwm« with Ihr Virginia uiiuiutn.-.i.rrr* nml Uic Git*w»-;» ol the Weal, \S c>( Indn-s. uno .In f pia. cn, as w..i .mure a large ami caiiriunt ruppo oi Uf loilownrg ri|»- liOlrt 'll ToiIUCCO, Wlll. ll Win be ‘«i.l Upon U* ;o*r..lti modauug terms as uny uiik i horn** u. thi* <'/j ... ns.-- where, arui all goods ordered iruiu u.< m «..i ’•>• »>i rested equal to representation: ilttvano., St. Ltotmugo, , Coi.a, a Vans; Porto Rico, Ptmi u.; >Ser<i u>- Cuba; Igiuni; A. Florida, J bmeo. ALSO—Brandi’s celebrated Aromatic Slag Cav.-n -dlf&, with a large assortment oi niin-r p« brand*, and.<}uaiit,ci of pounds, 5», rs, !-•. I*l- and :«*. Lump, 6«, 0, e* mni 10s Plug; Ladle- 1 l%Sr»i, Virginia Twini. Ae., sweet and plain, in wiioit: and tiail Lose*, wood aail.Um togetner with every vux.i :y oi arum: i/cl-miK ing to thu .rude. jeliaJ.,' WOOL, PLOIR AND PIIODU E l U\ A X , K K fc U k 11)., iSnrcrseorf. U) Reed. Hull) A Co ) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Particular aueiition paid to me rale oi ad kmJ. ol l‘r* dice, and liberal advance* iu*l • mi c unwi;itiii'i.i fCR. A Co. have leave lo relrr u*— J 8 K”?, 1 *”" 4 [ rmsburt’li *• McGill A Ron. \ ‘ Reed, Park* & C.o ilnuv«r. Giwwiii A fovortr. We*],vuie I) Bo«wrli .Miir-U, I-*') v;l v, «» S. Brady, l->q iV ‘‘'■'"r,"-’ ' hvn,riln,. V. Messrs RCraug.cAco ; •• Gill A SiouL j Rhodes ft Ogle by Itrnlgepori O dec*J< • d A wtaiay ICS JOHN A. SHAW, PACKER OK PORK AND BEEF. CommiHion Mtrtllanl and roreunitr, NO 4 CANAI. ST. CINCINNATI, OHIO H 5” Particular utleniioii paid to the purchasing of article of Produce in ihisjnarkct. A.«o io tlir forwarding of Goods generally llelcr to Messrs. Joiin tfwuey A Co,") : ' “ Martin A Blockwcll VCmcmnat, () 9. C. Parkhur*t, Esq. ) Lippincott & Co. Kier A Jones, English & Bennett, GEORGE COCHRAN. Coamiulon and FonrarillQK Merchant. »U. I*o WOOD »T.. riTTSß, CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bu«i ,ne*a, especially ui die purchase and sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, onyl in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned u» his care. As Agent for the .Manufaciarevbe will be constantly supplied with the principal articles of Piiubureh Monuraciure at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and con>igiiinein.« aye respectfully soficited. * itfT aOR.M’CCTCQKUS- ' „ , M. EGOLF, EUC’ IA NIMC'P, UKOKEK and Commission M er- IVJL chant. No ;13 rkouth Front (ai-cond story.) Philadelphia. (]~?*Goods nurrha«ed. pi.ckrd. nisared, and shipped to nrden. Wool. Flour, Gram, lined Fruit and Cheese recc/vcd on coiuignnicnt and shot ago, with insurance obtained. RaraaEScoa—Wm. Bell ft Son. Mr. H. Ihrby. and Mr. Harvey Childs. Pittsburgh. trb-d.'m GEORGE A. BERRY, WHOLESALE GROCERS POBWRUIMi m COJimssiON mercumt, AND DEALER IN Iran, Nelli, Cotton Yartis A PltUburgli Mstnnfacturea generally, NO. 1U WOOD STUKICI, mTB»CUIi«. Pa. MERCER, BIIOTUERS A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I'MLADKMMIIA. . ’ For the sale of Produce gi-nijrally FT" Liberal advances made on consignments jai!4-dA wtiroT _ ' Traneportation to the East. HOUSE) i CUFLAN, ; Commission and Eorwardine Armls. G M. HARTUN, Pittsburgh, receipt Produce going i'*" feblV-dthn DAi R. T. LEECH, JR., Importer anX Dealer in Fvtngu ami JJvinesiie Saddlery liardware i Carriage Trimmiags, i ' So. 133 Wood Pltl.horgh, P». 18 now ll* *P riu S '“OP 1 ? «»■! , n , IW , ,b, imuoi ol Soldi- r., X.ochmak.t- nml Mernh.,,l. io 1... Monk ll hn. I.nm, lo.nlil npon ibo be« tcran. from Ihe I'o.l n»d U.trclotn reel, tonfidnnl of l„l„K okl- >» o*o« •“‘l*' l "”' “ all who nitry Taror lino with n < hII me h-« dim. TO MKKCHANT3’ AND - Sans A JonasoN. 4« Market street, wiihmg u> etose Uinr stuck of Variety Good* previous to their tcieiovs.. will •ell at wholesale ihetr «u>ck of But •one. Nee dles. Threads, Pins. Jewelry. Ac ,ai cost >. A J will retnove on Ajiril Vil. io No f»V Market «t. iueli‘47 ' k.A iisbut. "" w*. r HARDY, a uucreseora U* Atwood, Jones i£ Co ) and Forwarding Mer chants, detßfcts in PiiisburijU Manufuctore d Good*. Pittsburgh, Po. it icti'*!? bids and io ok* w hue Boons, mal-ger' and for gale by mch» L S WaTEJUIA'N 'VM TIMBI.IN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IhuUr. h’n W r lI.L u.»o allrt'J to ro.!«'ct:n't« ami at l O’.hrr hu«i nr»« eiUrui.l--tl lo Inin 111 Bulirr ami MiO-Tim: rouMi I B SM I'trZLR. Aiinrurv at Law offn'«- -J »l « nt>|>i—ite Al Chari'-* Hi»r! Pm.tiureh wili ul-« u;i. ml prom(Hty to Cn|on* in W ttiue ion Ka »-»*•>• and Ot> -ii « ounin-» J’h TA J 11 F..NR\ , A'.lorui-y and Count- mr hi l.nw _IJ« CtiirnuittU. Oliio ColiriM.oiu ill f*.>u*.hc i n Olmi ; iinl in I: tili nur. hii.l hi Kmiuck) prompt y, mol cit'-- tu.iv lillrrutril u, l 011)11.■•Miiiirr ">r lII'- > all- ol I’euli s)ivain,i. for lak.iii; IV-poMiion*. *ckm*wicJi , .u..-nl«. 4<- Ac KkfivK to - Hon Win. Mel) A Son, Curu*. Church A Caroth-rv \\ m Hay*. . Wu.ock A |>;* %ai'i JAMKS P. KKHB, ATTOHMA aTI.AW 001.-.- removed m I'oinih street. between MtnthbeiiJ anil <»ranl »lteri jh-l-ilCm i ITI'RMA AT LAW. Founn nirrci, near (.rani /V mlr-dlv ‘Xl’’ i' ii KoBINM'V Attorney hi Law. ha* r*t ) y . moved 111- other In the Kich.mijr UuildniK*. si C.-nr*’ t’•-xi di'Or to AMiTmui Joiiiuv ~pl?.\ HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. FASHIONABLE HATH. ■«. THK subscriber. in addition lo hm own Jtfß\ innnuinrturine of linn, bn* made imn*'- jfcfil . ®*lßuir-ni« with Mr«r* Brl-e- 4 l.'o . t:h*- moM®% U-mounter hutier* <•! '.ne r >iy o' .New York. I for a f'*i; utar *upn.y ot hi* t-lirn fine Siln Hal*, and ha' uii'ju<i rt-r. iv.-.I a few rnn-f, gentlemen run hr Mined wun n vt(\ rich and bruutlftt that l>v railing at In* new H si ami Cup Store. SinilltLetd *trcc: *rrc>tii! .loot *Ollll 01 Fourth, where may b>- n great variety 01 Hv* au.l C<>p> oi hi* own luauuinetut e. whon-Miie an.j n iiu! Hnu made to order on slior’. notice nptfii __ JAMKS WILSON A B 1 ’CORD A. CO., JSK iSuct-'-.xir* 10 M'Cord A King) Ftihlouabl t II alte r> , * Ctrrnrr t .f' Wood an4] J'ljlii Strer4s PARTICIT.AH aiiei 'ion puid to t >ril'..rliirii enn rnv upon crilinx Ihrir 11 .11 *ul: t! Cap* from our r***ftiln 1 • nu.'-i.t o: Uir hKar ami WOHEMAN.-miP.Ol llir LATKJVT KTTI.CA. Slid 11l 111.- U>W K> t PIUCkSt. Coihilrv Mrrcham*j (Hin-ba'.mt I> v wtu>l<r*n:<- are rrap.-cifuilv iiivuod 10 wall and riiuum*- our >lock. n* wr i-xn *lll Willi coiilidcin-r mill i» r i-eaid- yl a 1.l TT and ran k. .; will 1*0; *utfrr ill a coiiipm -m. iviih i.nv linu-r ll‘luiailrl|>lni. F-I.p 4 HA IS*. CAPS ASH • ui..i'ri!-rr „otv r.-oc,v.'.g trom city of New \orfc, Hi-hotcr a**orvmpni oi Ha.* Caps ami Muffs, tntp«i fa*hu»i».m rrrot vn'o !) am) very cii.-.ij' whoii-*alc and retail JAM KS WILSON. novCl Stmibficid *i. door *onth 0/ lui a CALIFORNIA HATS- I -J dor wnirr proof CaUloni.a Hal», ,u*l received and lor »aie In M’CnRD 4 ’ it-l-VT corner h;|i and Wood *n FAHHIONS FOR 1440. rx, IS MVIiRDA Co wii. iiuroducc oil Siilui- , K Marcli d>l. tlw Sf ring si) le 01 11ATS4B& Thorn in wool ol u oral and »upcnor haL. are mvi'.cd in mil ul cotli'-r o' 1 .')!!! and Wood »lr«-r 1» MUETJ St .BC? f>- 41 St tM-.tun 31.5 /J » 37 F1,34“1»J 71 DIM FCTOUH 1 harics Tuylor, Ambrose Wtine, Jacob M Tncnutte, Joan R_ Neff, Ki. hard D \V ood, Mm VVei.),. Frames llo.krn.. Boston. Mass vPntsburgh. Pa. ) mar“:dC(D PITTSRTJKGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1549 W’ OFFICES. Pa RrW l/> JA R Floyd. i W. W Waitace. ;I<> j Jainc* Mar-ha,! ii,v ' Pi-.i*l,urgli Kay 4 Co , \\ uod *i | *tt RKFTR To Hla< k*iork. Mon A c.>, t Crn;'r), a Caroihrrs. > I'ui-bureti [) T Morgan.' $ DI'NLuP 4 SKWKIJ. auoroey ai Law orti.-c* on Slilitliin id. between 'UI and 4lh il«. JOH>* H RANKIN Attorney amt Cotmiiiniitfii-r n.r ih<- Sotte oi )'< t,n-> Ivat..-i Si. Loui». M..,, (ini'- or Pui-hurgh.i -Piii«bure- Hon W Forward. Mamp Am* .Mnlrr. M'Cniulieit* 4 M'Cluir-. John F* Pr.rkc, lii•'-'«?Jl« A. Semple. M'Conl 4 Kmc j*»!4'lv JOHN T. COCHRAN, AITORNF.Y AT LAW. Fourth *u.-ei. between Smubfied ami lirnm ’ • rt 1V- WM. C. FRIEND, MEDICAL. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. Ur. Kobe's Cclcbrulrd Kemcdirs. T VK. JACOB S KOsK. uie dneovern and *oie pro- J / pnelor Of lhe»e 111.1*1 popu-ar l.meL.-iur iu* d iciiic*. ami nl*o liic luvruior ol me ce.ri.ralrd iii.lru uicnl for infialliiE U>c l.ung* in cifecL.i* j un* ol Chronic di*cit*c*. #> a simic.r. 01 Uiai 'muimi pn 1 *< • Clan, Doctor Phy.i. , and 1* .1 urjJuair 01 the 1 mv.-, ly of l'eiinsylvjuua. umJ ior ihirii year* *im-c r.a* h« -u cisgttged m the inveHtication m inriw. mid U.e ap|i.i cauoii 01 rrmrdic- UierrX.) Through Uie u»e ol hi- indal.m: uil«- in i-oiiu.-: : .ill with li;* Prophyluei.c >yrup mm .iih'-i In* rem-ii lie na* earned an utipnralciicd ciuuie ■ .-<■ ~. cun ie tho«e drendfui and tntai niaindic*. Tut.err u)ar C< n • utnpuon. Cancer-. Scrofula Artlui.a, Fever and Ague. FVver* 01 a.i kind*. Chronic F.r\-:(e la*, am) n.i Uto*»- oh»unaie ui~-a«*-« |*ei-nn-»r 1.. icinai.-* Indeed every form ol di“ca*c vam-lie- me u«e of hi* remedir*. to which hunutmiy i« ncir—not hy im- U-c of 011 c compound only, lot mat 1* mrompai.. ie with i’bytioiosicai Law. hui t.y tie i.*»• .n in- 011 r die*, adapled lo and prescribed ;or i.a* Ii pre u.tnr loi m Dr Rose’* T«*uic Alterative Pi/*, warn u*rd »re a. r art ably acknowledged to lie superior io til other. s» a purgutrve ur liver p.u. inasmuch i< th< v leave l»e bowri* peMret;v tree iroiri eo»tivenc*», u* also m- Golden Pil.« is udmntrd M the fucul'> jo posses, )«-.• u nar properties adaffied Uj irjaale due.-w*. i-,j: saUe&ea that a hare tmtl i* sutfirieni io establish wuas ha* lx-c.i! said in the imnds ol'lhe tnoM sKepiica. The alhicled are invited lo rail upon llie tu-eni. and procure iera:i.-i o-ir o’ la>et.,r > i iiaijmiei*. eivmg a dclailci uecinjill ol cai-Ii rrmrdy *;.J ii* uppura;., " For -ate t.y Inc ti>; a; Drugci*'.* inrougs«>ut ui>- • »ui J 4 Co VI \\ (>od itrrei Puuliur^! J SI Town-end. Artier’*'.. 4-> Mnri*: •: l.ea A Beokllbni near llie P «1 AHr r hen v •• > Jo* Hnrklev, Dsr'Hic'on Heuvrr n.unn Pa Jno Elliott. E.nlio- Vsliev. f llenv.-i • ni.vtp-,11 v t Mlll.H PAIN IN rilEMllf AND i Ml-** I . I RED' Moving u mr ong •.e.-i, ,t■ •:r* • ■*« .1 witlt o »* re re pH in in the »,.1e and ■•he*i. ui-eoii pa m- -i wi'h a dry i ough. I wn. induced, upon il>>- urgent •■• • ■ i q men.l In Dr Taylor' wort, nml I tna»l jalln* niedninc h;i* an-werr.! h* [ruepoe* 'tdimi ably M> di*ire»* ’.vu* prtnlucpd t.v a severe hurl. m;J was *o vrcni llm' it wn* w'th dlthmi’y 1 tnu d ■ wii'low roy tood Indeed Imo ■ntisbed itn* •lisciise ma*i n ivr i.-rininaied in Consuinpijon. or «ouir islal lii*r-a<i*. lud HOI hero rufd *• y till* JUdn-o.i* lunl.i uir |b a,■ njo »rek to |i;u..,ni: ilie.r V. ■ I Mould advirc ihr u*c of Dr Tnyior'* l(aj*ajn of luvrr- won JAMI> Gi)WAN. IC6 Ihwreri Thu iliedictne !n< <iilMlc« eiprcUiruljuu, reducr* f. ver. restore* *tre”gtn. and mav l.e nnmder.-d n«»«u pe.not preparation lor tb-' rm* and preveninm ..i u:i di*.*asc« ni :lirl'i,r*i nml Lunt'*. and -uould be re»nii t-d 10. eve,, nlier these disdhsr* hu ve resteled lite ~*u al rmieile «. in llie practice of itu* old amJ ver, r - sp«ctanle pnysiciaru Uii* Uin-aui ol luvcrwnrl us* a. ijuired m. env.alne reputation lor it* virtue* u* nuriothntof the a!ium|nni im.irnm. of ti.e day. ..» tvu* Uie ciiiracter nnd protnt >• ni in u v*mnr m unt ot quarks ur:cj etripinc* CONSUMPTION CLUED ,\1 y -on a thick putrid malief. and l.e i-,,u d uoi tu r u •• .-• r in bed, f/Oin WuakjlCs* He 11M11.1f.1r.1 every loin ol i >• hrra'-d . ~n>unit-ijni: iur -ii v<-nr* lie mid lift-I. Mrun.ij . 01 J Fot\« .. Ilufcii. ■nl. •' > I y Ha|Himu. i'» u;ijK>r. .1 ,il ii>.» illr Ki hk Horn. vui * i '!»••*■ \r r . Ir.ufr. m. rh-'-vr - Wainl'Tl’i*. (H :c prtfriu. . Aiy». Aniiroou • LW>mt-.i,, I ■> 11 •t L; ti I■ < ■ I:. A rouiplMliineM*. La.M day* ot kJiMia \V ■ ■ jh•-1■ ,> c SOPHIA IiALLUN, I t Norfoitr-ire. t I »<■ vi> |., Mn l-.11-i. Polio*, i.i • Sold !ri l>y J U Morian. V.J Wood m , J [ h.l.Llul T A *'» mih. 1 •• trrell BU!•}-<•( Id ihe u-L'imn lII* pliy ItlCikllk. Me»*r I Wriuoui'* A Audrr»o,i. said lir wji incurable, and die. \r; ] *»i determined io iry I>r Ta» or'* Balsam of Ijvcru'orl. and siruuse a* it mav »p h u; iin- medicine into luiiy restored In* health I’owiomii. 40 Market •!, II Smvvt, ror Markrt itiid 'ld«t*, Hendcr«on A: Co, ,6 Ijbcrty »l Price reduced Id per bottle juts. Expectorant. SaLKM. Columbiana co . I), Apr. 44, IHI DR D JAhNw' Dt*a Mu-1 h-el hound to you and the nilhcted public, to avail my*eii oi Hu*op portunity of giving publicity to the c.xiraurdinory eileci* ol' your Expectorant on my sell Having been stlli. i-«J lor several year* with a »evcrr rough, hern. lev.-r and tt* concomitant disease* ami .eemed only doomed Ui linger out ii »fiort but miserable existence. unto the fall of When, being more severely attacked. anil having resorted in nil my former f.-inedie*. und the j>r« • neription* of iwo of ihe ino*l rrspermblr physician* m Uir neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of *urviving but a few day* or wcrln ,ii vanish, I had recommended to me your Expectorant and blessed by Umt Being who doe* ail Hung" in the u*e of lb- - mean* —amt contrary to the vxperintiniik <ii 111) Jiliyjitnine and fnenrf". I Wit* in a |e wr duy » raised from my bed. und w«» enabled by llit* use nl a lioltle. io iiiicnd to my bit"inet*. enjoying since better heuitu limn I bad lor ten year* previous Respectfully your*. Ac , Jxs \V E-itu. Pur *nle tn Pittsburgh. at Ute prim Ttru Store, 7V Fourth street. marJU ROCSSKI, S AROMATICK VJSKtiAR -The high ly sanatory. balsnmin and ionic properties or m.« Vinegar render it lar superior io Cologne water (or the ordinary purpose* cl' ibe loilel, surpassing the iai ter til it* perfume It prevent* mid remove* pimple*, letter and iupen:y or the «*m, n refreshes mid while..* ihe »kin. rendering H »ofi and smooth It correct* clammy and biller taste of Hie mouiti. imparling a fre*h nri pienaunt breath. It cleanses and whiten* u»r leeth, and harden* the gum* For nil me alrove pur pose!*. It t* used with wnter i n «uch proportion a* may be found most agreeable liv inli:cii*g it und runhing it on the lempie*. n will remove iicadaehe If nppltrd instantly to a burn or brui«e. it will eventually prevent moriitiention. It correct vitiated air, and guaranties from contagion, it i* thcrelorr very uk«(u, mr puniimg and perfuming apartment* i'or *ule by R K SKLI-P-Ks. VVliole*nie Drucgisi, mcli3t •* * "* ,rf et. Piiistnirgh p r , jlcLane In Tenueiw*. f I\HIS ia to certify that i purchased one vid of Ur I JdoLuie’s Worm .Specific. some two monu.* ago ,n,i -,vo to a *0» O' oune. some seven yours o.d, -wo mumw tell, and aJUioogti tin- amount may appear •ante v«t I have no doubt but them »«« upwards of rwo T*iocaA.lM> wuu« pa»wd from turn, meu-unug ™,„ °< ** --»r,v'loLuLv Ron* » Carrol co. Trim . l>cr 'Si, IM, ju;M 1J RI.hKHS VKRMll*t UY. IN CKOKtiIA ~ • Cout wm v Jan. ‘•Hi, lilO Mr R K Sril'-r* Your Vermifuge tia* »«ld well, and l.a> been ingltv *poken o' by a-i «’lio hav» u*e.i It I'roui Ibr »uece*.s attending the adminisltaliO.. n! your VeruiMuge in every case I have hoard «f. I nm conbdrnl I can *.'ll more during the coming *cu«m than 1 did ta*t i will be glud to receive anoUiur *up pty of 4 or 5 gro*. Yotim, re«pecliudy. ; Extract from letter) . ,t* K ■ Prepared and *old by It. H sKLI.MtSC j. " oo«l *t, and sold by druggiMr generally, m Pittsburgh >*'“ Ai ic-ghny jao. k. i katm*s. ' i. r eiTruxS * *OhlS*~>N YKATMAN, PITTMAN * CO;, KOKtVIHUIItG i CimIIISSKI.V SKKLIIANTS, No 1 Ai Second street. nich27:dG«u* CtH'U 4 , Wt> RK9IUVAX.. g|*UK *ab*eriber ha* .etnoved in* Wholesale (»r<u*e J. ry store Ui the corner o! Hnnem k *irecl und A .e gLeity Wharf; next door «o ihe »v»rv Hom" mch‘J7:dtr J‘»H> F } APKII. —Jum! ■* "'“l “Clrclrd U sO<«l B-. H.riif* <*' ~lh* r - * <» of ll.r Ka«U*ru < lUr- K‘f.o K I«rer lot oi wjh-i, ••orr \\ metier and s'"*' •••'<• r> lot* pm-«» lu.l .cwnletl 1= »«*' <- u t,evcr» ns 'o'* thin) h>"' 'tolhiit V\ \V WILSON. corner 4th and market »U CO-PARTNERSHIPS. j D>aaolu< ton. rj'HK c .( |iar:.ii ‘'if 'li 'V .* till. ,IHV ,j.i*u.vr«l milt’lM! •• “ •• :u- !li<* i»i il>’- • «"'• . .O U<• j* K ‘ J, Vuil-MV j \mi:s umH). <,] <■ KltF\ • n,.M HI.-- Kri*. ua n • i* l; _ . ru 1.a.i:.-. nnilii-t I Co.Partn«r«blp. .tv: «1 .• Tlir 1 U : if-rjl-rr. liftv.- Un-iluv a.>m .' •' • '' '' ' * Il "' '' .n iii.- naiiir «»t nm:\ ma rnii;w> a >•->. ‘ rrl ' - ni Uitn*ucitme “ t;t - "*• I < ■' A-'tl Hu-.a'--- n- Fr.. ti.l i{J..-y K \ i ,ir ‘ ni ihr- •f.nxl «i il.r 's‘> hrm ,l ’' ■' *• wJ.rTT llicv Will (••• I*' »rid our ifiriuN Kin.S. u;\ i m \rnn:v\ - u vi k.nhs FM.iu .r>* T. 1-4: \V<- f•• |> Vtt*uri' 111 rrcOWinrnil. n to I Mr i'iiu I. Jr I' o( ivur ’iH-rnl- mid liio-r of l'ri*• n■ 1. Hurt X. <<• >• Mjri-r»»iit < m liuaitir*. K lie j . Miillli' - « •A. * u ruRIKKU riu KN u 1,-i M J \MK> V\ < M <h< Dlannl ul Ign. r |MIK ro-purinri *h*j' in-I rioiorr r i i»:hm: l| -'' 1. -u!>*i'fihr r* in itir i'Siiii' m <'on*tal»r. Hi l ' l *' •' l '•! .i. tlij. d:i \ ili««(i. v*-it I»v inulu.i! ronmin- >|r«* * Hutk<-.\ Hnnii- Will •rturu..- Un.nn--- .. i">- crlii l(H » HIT h |HI r|ii)S' tlir \ lirr « iillior «•-•) !•' •> * ‘ '■ limn.- o. U.r nil. -i rn NA TH AMI'l. < >»\-T MM K KD.Mt Mi HI RK! . THOMA- HA KNK* ■rw un.1r,..j,,r.| I.JV- Mu- J *"• • ’ 1'.,!. • . |„V' -w.i'.J'm vU,' mr-' ~“,1 Il^il in the tuflne t>l HI - lU\ I. Al>*K.M > m: tii> |"' > i’" U' m ' ~n iikhlhl'- , M r .i,|, m , *¥i; ot mntiUUciunitt h‘i re I’rooi • V i u! 1 I M“i • * l ' , ‘ ' ' ' ' "•u« ' . h , ’ .1,.. ni.ribl.i.lrm.n-, 11-. - I . 1 ■■ inoroMh.j Ai n \ i,. r• ih.-v -.vr 1..- iivn-v,! to ",-pivr i" ii- " ' ' ""*-" ,J ' , ' l ' l ''' •' 1 ur ' ll " r, ‘ ""'I 1,0 inni-isii i>f Hi-- i-ii'ii.mer* oi limi i-ouw 1,,-,. M-o-i-- I /" * ' vUxrm’**' I.IAIT.M) HI RKK. ' -ri ' ’ Till IM A-p BAKSI « ■ „™- ! i>: Utr v>T'. -■•h na.fii.-a.’. ts:r Ilim-r lia< heretu'orc 1,<m.1,-fir,.To,' , Biirtr A fn ; -"a";! Tlli.MAi: •>«£.«- ] with Air.rrr* - |v!ea-i]r‘‘ r'-i-otnitirml Hurfc-’ ■' j H.Trn»-« tn tiir i <»i ni\‘ i firml- mill tl" |i »»*• ■ IiARIAKTIMK lIOIKK, Krt. ». l»h* NATU.IMI'i. ' •i>ST.\l*l.l nr ... «;n a<> .• -hm 'l-tlll JjA I 111 • 111... I •!■«• T r. »;>••< fill 'V .| lliat * -• , , - 1 l« n:w"-v in .-.'—l n. •.\» « i.l pm Holr. Dissolution. ■* fm |t | Mi . ( ..i i.., f ,j c r* «» Umi# r iV ->• |hr ’ V-,'.-‘ V.." ..*t iMu.iufr 1 SVf.utA A Kmi. wn» ny «iui..h: • ar ,. , ~ A .. \,, ■ t . c rn on tbc l-l in-l Tlir t>n»inr<. ml I ..-M m ih.- iml ... an «t • «ith**r ni uR. UMittiC »*»•• naiut- in in.' Icin u>r purjv>»f Hnin< iWirou. i»> n.i ••• iuf i.n• •(•,,,,,,,,,„.j v .. „ loerr . Willi 11 luilr «• |UWMI.-'- K-r I«* ~.. , . apfOliully iho«p m.vl.ip.i to <•■>.! »'■' *t r , .i irnii mil i,|j I'mi.i ..-mr .0r0u.,1, JllllN I' M■ . 'HI. j , , t ,K.ATS A V K D 1 " ' kl '■ ! ul"|.' H.. 1 oK "| • III: 1I K< .1M 1 I." H- I »■ .... tomn d M-ooai).i r:::„ U Urollii' r j hJIIp; M* . 11 U. n . •!■ i:i•• * '• ~ ~ i.r mi 1 miiu>n »i Ji\\ p i &. Ho., will (•ollllilU- 111' 1 M. ■. i *» "'I I 1 li-• *• ' ' ‘ ' 1 '* ‘ , . ,' . .. ~ . , . .... i n.» ii. [.ii’ioniip tm* :- ;iip\ "i" u ■ ■ti mip nil n» vnfiou* t-rnn’-li' * wlimi-*h.p ami r 'm.. »i ii* r , rJ |, • , | 'lip 'r.’.i- » u . iui old «iiutil pontrr o( A\ OiKl .in.l *ir.-.'i> vv*i.'r» 'in v 111 ,M * ' ll " ' j • ,j^| ti?,. ,piu« alowpil on !!»»• old Li in JOHN |i MrilHU i>uiu« .>h i- i* i \ Hi*' iun miliP j'.Mi's -i MVultl' >' ■' * " f "" ■ s " l"' 1 iru i»(>f>riT: ,m. . urr 4««* in &ul ir«>m ll.r TN rrunnf from u.r -H; In, U K\ aNS 1 M A Kme. I nio.: i, n. j I'NITICU KTATKS HOTEL, ItlP pu I* In* 111i'i'wiI", ,\1 • -* ' : . CHK-nN 1 ?'! . m.l ' i \ I <1 kl i. am. r.r'ii I*ls A i’n U Kl\<; /vN , "-il'l ~ (! < . - • •> p. I -.up.l i-iuip- Ptula _ ; \ ) .|. i , M l , npr. MITi’HKJ.I. DISSOUTIOA. . ~,.t r .K Pro|if.r lor puniirr«lii|' o: .'ll Kl’M' A l-M . •• .Mrlirill wi ii l.p «r ill.-.l H l,i i- J It* Ml Ill’ll' I’, i-tiii !' Jmi m l' l' 1 11 I .!■ 1 h’ It K S II SP It 1 N<i UOO 1) s Mturkkll '>■ W luLr, nm « .1 .1 >!■■* l« 'UUI |t> :<•< \\ 1 - i«rl. :.-4 llx i.v u ... •... r. r.. . • ... li• ./ - ... k ..I WII RI. ,”',rr:-. v.y. i ■ " < nxzxz.'z'zr 1 v .r». ; I''. «ul.*cnl>rr» 11 *v.* ih,. ,i,i> .»«». ian •: ;, ~, f. ~^_ r . •, JL *< Vi » n.f J......... ... .. • ‘ u . r - r• - a , ft... . ill No TJU I ii PI’O »i !«• v .'•nl. •• I ■•'!••! , ... , , . . , , Lh-f .ly.r an.l firm o< H! ~HKiKI I > . IMS- ! [, | i Summ.-r l*iu»i>urrti Jununtk I 1 *--ly I j. j \\ .. , NB —< liir old cu.ioii*'*!* and ,l;r | u r.••■..•,. d j .j. f .mm,,, .: Stii >• ym;. m , mi' lo c*vr u> u .'til 1 • | . u . n., a, , r ; CO-PAItTIVKIUJUIP. i J.tIUKK W . UOOUWLLJ,. ' Modern and A n li nu t tn rn ilnrt, SiAIKE & ATKINX'N »•, • .. : *jf I'., j -I.T . k. Sr.ntrT i\7T'uiu...h. I’lr’.n niicmio.i pi vt n ;v.o. i I Ih; 1 ". i^' T i’A K I'% KH:-H 11 in-- . <>t Wm U':.v. J, nm.i.M.,. nr Muir* l.mih. V 'Till-- If,.- U-. Kiwi «... . ,• .1. W. ill*.- ‘u., «i»m: nUr, " J U * nil’ ..I \\ X A K lUw I J.f, m... - ov n.- t.»n in -1 JAM K> i.AI i.MI.JV A.l ii IH.W h :ti,* .lot «.*ofiair*i mr »:ii- lirwn I'miluct ji.-I i «.i in ' Kioliif r Jimiiir t knit o J 4 I / 10-PARTXICKSIIIP Urn da. ii»mm-:uli*«J with lulii Joi.n K M 6:1.: Win \ ouuir * 1 .. \\ ll.Kl A \ 1-I V BOOK TRADIv x* i:w iiiMiK'.-* XI ilip l.ii-- ami Turt>?« u fcL CiIPCTCf. ll U. W H?rapn-.K« «>| » F.ijrr.m iu H. «’!•••, l.y (jco K»'i)frv«! II 0 Tlir Journal of thr Pil«rlin» ut I’ » moutii. m \Ai Kurland. in lii!?' Hrprintptl from ihr oripma. vo ...itn ivnn hiklonral ntnl i.h j prim .pirn auU ppr»ui: .ViOUIIJ ruiUi Ul'lirt Vrr J) p J }. H-. • »r.ti a • mupai I tic m»ivc V* .n » mr,. 1 , i. «■.<! x. fl.*.; - . KI.I.HiTr A KV,1.1-lt > V' I rIWT>«-n tilt »! 'iml I > i IN 1-1- 11. : w •n.. *f'..lf iuM- r.f-n- . ft,. .ur- .. .1 .•kri.n wi’ii an A. if -In.tin i •• . i :i»nn:*VuMi of Ihr «ut. Hi*- fS-.-k-r. Mamin! I.p rrifin.n l-v l> r A..«u-»l • i•; <> IrC'. L.nulON I Ui, |iai-r. i Si*U-« •»! Travel ~i I'm iUi:,,. .iK-Nl Iraturr* nt :|ir • •uli.l, , I.rnvrnnorUi. Mo , i.- •‘vj In m-tl report* ol I i>l l- mu.mi H*i |>*i;p• ('lie Culiiiinua (,-uiJr Ho'>k. in-'il work. Ui«rUn-i null i n. 1 i- . i.. . u .-t i.r t'lH'T l.‘nlili.rr..a I N ,-n hajiiorinif r.x|>«-diiion id dip H.iPkv \|.-uii:»i wuli mu(i« -l vol.-vo |>H|>rr . • llrv \V Norn « \\ „t I on Mi- I a.nd Mai. -1 w„. r.'inu tf] Ju»i rpi-rj vril :,j ln-lilM I-*.. I -4 1 - » Mi I. ir.< • r . I It Ilni'KfN It-, V Hunk' F'U*i • \ Ui r ) i.) K'-v •»|iun . , .V . W i-r» • f W tifK-. I n■. rr.iiy Sr r-.M t I.; t\. I llfv Hn.irv \ r-,, HI Mbi;Oi> . I liro| H lit* irigiury. iiirntc mi nU- iitj ol it* lor :ti>- ti-'nt N*'Viiliain, K»i, . imthor ft "Til* i- •'.r• Ol lloil) nmJ Mpul ' >-ir Tlif tir.i work mi tti pu|..,«| l *.l | !,I r i.y KJ .1.11 > IT A h.SM.IMI iimrl'J > »•....<! 1 IFF OF FRANKLIN I ■ia-iruir.! ~ , ~1 1U. . J pul>iic'Hli(>n in Uie ii- ml Inrni t , Hnrp'-r .V I tlirr*. Nrw \ ork, Tnr Li!' - mHr u;minu I- ntuk i<u *j *IIJ i H Of m> AuloMOffrupir. , anil 11 i.urniu.r |iul,;ic .Hr m.,1 .iTVirr..!,, i'i,.' lt. V II II Mlltj.- i.»ll"ll In I111H|«T0II* rlijl||.|l" it. I>y Joli n t I < linpinitn -IlffH . .-il Iri llir Ini' |.".' >1 llfl I'lif wink l« prilltril 111 lllr orl tk ,> lof 111. ' prrhlin pnprr. (rum Ixiltl uioj i«*i> ■ .<■ typr II " I umj.!' I' ll 111 rit;JU part-. at 'lit mill i-m I jirr-- iimri’ , ili;iii*iy nlt*r u* pul'licntmii p:i;i l A *T'k KTnS M-\i Al I.AVS HISTORY op |'.M,|.\Mi I mu III" iirri---nm nl Jnni"* II \ I 'I h- Hi-iory nl Air*u;uirf u." i.fni !>y Jucm. \ • lion, wuu map u ll <l cugruvinK- I ii** Huiory »i Clmrl"* ii| t J‘ir-i ol Lngtnii.l • J.i roll Atirmii- rlngani cun no mp« * Hnrprr'« lair <>( Frank.m -pinnli.:'-, "in!" •••ml l*y liumiToU* ••I<|iu«itr ilr*nrn* V> I ‘.'.'i . "tm lu "e -ompil-lril Ml imnilK-n Pictorial Hi-lnry ~i Logltiml. up lo in- firn "i *|*«* 111 —rompi'-ir hi | v<>.>. ortnvo 1 M"’ i .u. i . Ju»l rrmivri! I>y frl>A R lIOI'KIN'-, Macaulay > iihiuiiv uf fnlla so, y,.i ii ClmJitiej*' l'n«tiiuiTKiu» Works \ ~, :. Fraukim « Lint lilu-trawl.-purt- II m:d 111 Tlir l|i»i«r/ of llinimljui iiir t'anliur'in.i" r>V Jhi-im. AM’oit lllu»truir«l mlr nmp nml minn-mu* • •.■•*.! VIII#*. .Ailirr'* (.riiminrr arul* ~.1. I>• *■ <.on.* *y. n* i •% '• Mot) ol l.un** Jniln rmm n,.- n ui M f ;• . him. liluKtruii-cl Ailon or tli" I'm I* oi l.ifr A <-oli< "tion ol Tool' nil*t Oli»"rV:ilH>n- *lr-|* 11. ll tf> dr I. >- M.' l V" m-Uoin. : S Hurl * Koiiiuih-i- hi A uritnm; Aialiiuu .Ni»lit«,iii"iu- | .»,.*• * ir-u -■ i•• *i■ «pi"i.Jiil;y ii;o*irnii-.1. w*i* IVir.o Ju*l r**< mi .1 || ||< iJ'K 1 S Apoilu Jliili. I n *' N' KW li(.M >KS- Hi*l* ry ol ui ily Jarot- Alilmih, w.tli "oif m* Hi»Uh) ol Lu>k I'lmrl* • Hu- hir«( ol Kimlnmi Hi Jiir r.l* Alil.ull, Willi rhi;ravi*j>. II la tor >ol Air kill,lirr llir (i|r 4l 0, Ja*.'l- V 1 » nii oitnthip AliiKitt. won engni'i tn:>- K.-.-r.VrU lof vai* l.y Jt»HN*T»*S A -IiU.'KToN fi-t.n i..r UM.ik.i-Ml ■ NKW liiHlKs Orrynn and imilnrinn in l“4~. t* J tjuinn I'lio;iiuhi, lair Juii|r"«>i Ui«- Supr. m i ourt ol OroKou, unci roirr-pon.'liiii' mrmlKi "i tli Amrriruii InMUtii" Wuu an app«n*Jii- i»*'iuili ri if r* mil anti autliruuc inioriiiaiinn cut Hi" -ni'jrci o' nr »uiwn>tr ijutii 1, fifii’Kf pfirr» j \i, , ... !..• muiiirUrtor«*il l«» u'llvr j -1,..., • ' iin mu.i-, r | i»* r.m a c-<»i r--i r-'.i it "‘Hr "'in ■'* •r i I NL>IA KL-UMKK « CUJMI.M. JuM rr.-nwtl n-r ini - 1 1 I'-tiilffi..-. 1... • * -.tiii'icl'- a*«ortmrril or , f i- WAUTKU, "K-till ‘ ; o r • u " I*' J " , A in do hoqnrwnrk i ».■« "l,n U>ofou«ljy >*r- N>- •’ >'"«l »■ mill up* ; undcr*iiin-'»hcrtiu*i»r«* an.l .-*n (five jtoou *e- MAI’ li{- I'KN N•* I. VA\ I A Co'inijur .1 >. *•■■■ il.r | J«> J • • irt.-nerß, can bmr or a prnuane. i .iiuauou, qi lair County Survt-v* amnorir-rti t>v mr Mai* '* i i vi' iih'ch'hi «•,, oi ihu*r .o justly j wage*. by applvin.* ui tins otii.-u mrbl«:dlf rr original .loi-um>«u Krvnr.i *n.l improvr.l under | I ' ..... u .,,i t \,usually b> ' , • ~ . Uie >upvrviMon oi Win. K Morua, Civil Knitinvrr, ui.o» ; "rr;; da in pn.curr.l in ri.i li cunt). umi-r uuUtorit, nl thr , y [|tl a(| ~ ... rtm. m ... ’rn« , wo'»l and inanognu), ■*-/ »«»• W »nlr u\ un I'-t. nA *V tLARHAtOit so( iLi* . i f)»e B ' l,l • pioitni |( ; « w ,» wanninriu’rr Tl.r «bv*e uwinimenH are -j-w R j 9 (.RKKN—in ran* ajtd for .Map reread t'Y*'""?'*'' ~Tu»KTt .V , m p« r ,rct in .-wry rcapeel. «u* *«»l j' »al e hy BA FAHNESTOCK k Co, JOHN? ton 1*» , 6IJ , osv lnr r;|Hli F BLUME, mc h* corner Ul and wood .u Uook’rllen ror murkri -irul W«u declfc No U‘J Wood «l. Sd door from Mt | <>(>l,l) MI N l‘.S ol' <!4lii«rt’iia, uml wliiir vn)u»ln'* Timl icr ol uilrrr«l to ih P ir|||iKr:>nt«. ••!<• " 111* muMflWwl) mul a map In two volume* Rnptißrf. or i>< Uir liook oi hi>- ullAri.U I Alpliniisr- <it- ni Hi* • Hi»'»»ry >• (.iromlul!, ur I'rr-onsl Mi‘in'<ir< ni in'- I'mrioi- <> Kii-urti KrvoJutam ' *• i<* Jn»i ippfivf>i mul >-.r Ji Hi N-J«>N 4- STO*:k'T»*.N ornnr tin»rl<*i uiul M HOTELS KOI XTAIX HOT Eli l. it. ht >t'kkkt HALT I MoRK I MTHI" i , -miktii .(mg kiul wtiiriy known a* , -m,- <•[ in,..i ,*ommotltnn* ihc <My 01 , lit.Jujoir i..,» vrry flirn- : » :<• .n<.r' An entire nr* 1 *»"*• !•* i-'i n : l-i‘ r-c.ciin.fti ng iuinirrc.u« and nry i •’ M'Mi-ii-. .) tir .!»ivr liailuoH room*. i 'lciP!>miifi < ],.vr ill no Ut-cii compiciriy ; •p:-»l u:- iii u mo—i unique and tiranu ■ .Itil.i- !T.l • of the •• will i rvi* on !l»-part of t 'o'> tnw.irtl. '!i- . ..iiifori nid |ilea*ur>* of | :• • Miin Wl;|. 11 tiirv I'OUlideitllV o*r-r|l Will ■n-riH- i-■ >il.l■ .1 ui , vv, i, 11 |„ UK 1 l .won. i'r.r-ir .1 • ipric iof- I.rf 10 '»y, Hut! nothing ]»'.! p.u! .iri-l till llir purl ul their •«» Il'.|||T i!:i- lli'T u.ifll ) the continued "! r :'rif * .mil t.n- ipMicrulli ',ll !..iriri! Imve h'«o lieen rr4*i-t*J In Uir tvi'l ,f*i; Itlttlitu KXCIIANUR lIOTKL,, « .if c -. * 1 »rv. cima*«ii, !•» i,i,. r nuv.nn 4-umi'il thr inurm^' - • 111, aid r>n]ml:ir MolH MISCELLANEOUS- 1 ••- .1 r-'. . v,n t». > u!:.u .uc. i Clioi nliiic, Coco*, A, r \V )4fc. l'' ... ..Ml t ii < L., .•a oa. ' ... o.i r.. ■ « m .\ \ ; II i\ I! SK I l< !v. i. ;. r . :rt M.i- • ...1. ;i I 1 \l. \I.K\ A sMi HI A*i Wrought unit ( nil Iron ItuHlnffi \ I.A Mu'S r A KV I\ LitrchliiQ, Clipping and iilrcdlug. KB .NuKKI'. --..'--I it. M K lHai-i I . N„ .V. 1 - • •- In .(l 1 rv,|, Vl*-1 innnllliS - 11,' >• I | ■ ~, I . ill.- ii\ «!••. • it« nl l‘i I! I I'll i K 11. A,.'- i' .in. in-ij H riHinv Ii all' I m.i.' • ii'- 'lh. . i r nkiiiin <nl In tin- l>liy »<i'i:m». lain ' 1111 r h , i.ii < <i!i! i .m> ii.: in--: • • i -ii: 1 |-a i run* Mr K f I Mnnurii tnrrii Tolmcro. ,:rv A I Jil -: ,:i 1. S I A Nf \ \< II K I !' I ' >'■ U ' " ft- •*. 1 111 m.l' i.i i KM u: .v r<> .<t j. 1.1, K\ .V Uo»k Itlmlrri. t»> |. IC' ! -ill’- «■ «>v»* l-ii*.!)' -« MUIIH »!|IC illl II M <'rnvrforil, l< U Hi ,M, \ Co. 11;; I'mii.u • ' . . r »ii|> R..\ 111 Vrl j :il< •: »: . Alw, Uruc r- ' Cluji-'t*. of *u <. 1 >uiliu»k V M«i 4 I »S .\l M » 1.1 SH •> K jA •• • | a i /' II (.KAN I' \\ 1.'... • r \.y. I liK M- • . : '».• U W il-*« «> «•' UKM- A M» II U ASS KOI'.VDItV . iSc;;X: 'F'IT. I’ZT.ZZ \\ - 1’,.:*.; • ' • . r.< IV. ■ l I <l* I PniNTINU PAPK.II. I 'IMU'. luivu.r UK rx.-UiMVcAgrn.-y U I J. «rtii»r l(i*- 1 1 111.11 i I';i(>•• * <» •• vv * l|{ * rllrum ti A.- nli*f ~1 ir. (•KI.AT INVK.NTIO-V-VAIX'ABLK • PftTxirr £kcc&£D JaskSY let. P itnu froiWrwr tantrum Tablet. SoJ >w, j>ooi CcijAi. lVru>/ig /)«/.». I.EVFROF WROLUHT IKON - ri'-iIJS TABLES fur *urpa.«*ing every other t:t X ventimi of the kind now extant They cnn b** ex tended Iron ten lo twenty-fire feet. mid when closed itit- leave- are all Contained inanle, Urey are made to a;l *ize* uini »li.ipe», and are admirably ndupted for tfieamboaia. Hole**, ami large private tannile*. form in* when oiojed a complete centre l.t'.-c SUFASANI) BUBKAfS- The~- article- an- in.mi Oable. pnrtiralarly to those who wish to Biiiw rtvom. and convert a alropilu’ upartiucul into a parlor or sunm; room, ** ihey can be owned and -hut • l convenience, and when shut. the lieudmg i* > m * |> - ed. A greui mvri;; in roorjt and relit A" the he?l Head- v\ Leu closed form a beauirfttt pipe- ol lurmia m* for a parlor* ©r *.ttmjf room BOOK.CASKH--A neat and usorui aruoie inr parlor or drawing mum. • with ever) *11(1 iiiHtlr-* -iffc*r* 1 *rrvr<l , -hr w«r pi Wti.ov Ao . VVRITLN(» pot law nihee*. • ouiiUng room? mid uLher ulficci. when opened ft ffiii.i eonveuietit bed Mead, when elo«ed a perfect Desk and library alorte i- vt-ilde All Uieae. aril. le« need no rri oiiimciid«trc.n No beituH o: Hie w hoir i>. lt>< y ate wru ranted not 10 get out of repair 11 will he lor your i rile re* l« t« e »’l ami riamir..- ill.: :irin*ie*. at ihr maiiiHacturer'« »tr*r»*. No of th-- llnuu* Will ftl >1 Svtniixo l.ntutimf*. in am! from uir iluu-l. irrv mnyJU Third •tn*ri. l*iii*|poMth In udditrmi lo Hie above advantage. they are afajnut hug nietitn JA.Mb.sW \VuoL)W Kl.l. AND how opening, a -pleudeil t*>i o Piano Forte-. irum iue eeicbr atc.i linn ni|Wn ©I Nunn- i t:laris. N \ li eou*mu* it. II » I |* part of the following i >ne elegant Roeewood itj octave Piano with chi vrd moulting top and plinth. projecting from and curved gothic mtdeu. lAin* roaowuod Piano, Of octave, rie-gant and p.aiu, Willi Yolcinati? celebrated .KoWmi Attachment. ;i -u -penor insiruni.-iM One Ro-cwond ft oetnvr. round corner- and Octagon W* One do rlo do ‘ *ne rnm-wood Piano. Kjuarc corner? ami leg rtiew- Piano* have improvement* in the uiccbam-m. >ii -Hinging arid covering oi Hie liammer*. |io»tr>i*iMl t>y no otrier» in im- country, and art* at nitee the he-t x* we : : h* the cheapest Pinno« that ran he. boughi M.s<i \n Hep mu lot of Thicker mg’- Piano-, trom T lo o i.«*iav*r« pt»--e»-rn* all llie lale?t improvement*. Hi reduced price? Al.Mi -One eiegaut rosewood Tah.itrl llrand Piano. Tim lave*, a uew invention. ILKNRY KLKBF.K. le'.l II At J \v Woodweli>.*l Third m . JOHN II MKi.I.OK. (sole Ageni for Thick rrmr'v Pm no Forte? tor U .-Merii Pennaylvnnia.) No H Wood Mrcet. * ■ * » I ® Piit-ourfrn. ha> received mid now open 1.-r -u,e ; ire :.,| cwi.n- eirgau; !i-*t*rnuei;t. d'l’-cl I'ciut Hie m.i >u:aci..;) hi Mr t'liiokenug « iHm-ion) pme- 1 h.e Hn-cwoiid »rven octave Pmno Forte, carved m the ntii-t eferrant am) rich -•«> le oi l.ouis XIV. • hie Ko-ewood carved «cvcn octave, new and >rti proved »> air Oj'C tore w ooU I’iuno, (Ji O. lave?, r.c w -rale. One .curved. C I’wo found corner-, fl ix-Ihve. new *eaic Two pannei •• ft The above are a.i rrom the manufactory ol J Thick er, ru*. Ii»»«loir. o< me iairnl »lv .<•» or lu rmilire and w .Hi lilt new and unproved -calc '1 Ro« ti octave l‘i ino«. from the manutartorV ©i II V\ i>rce«ter, New y ork. lormeriy or the trim of ?*i©\lar;. Worcester 4 Durham rn*etiiHui rtivjuive, ( lU ic A Co., N ’i' l ro‘.-wo..d ft| I'm;,., made by Huron A Ra ve,, \,-w York 1 \!aln»«anv ft <>••..ire I'.ai.o made in Hailiiiiore and •hn.iL’e lor Filial.un?b manuiuctiire., u; grocerie? -u.i] a c..tiu:f, uore Prt«-e s:Jwi j:t.ln VI K KLIJ AII )■ AT« »NI KKTIKH ATK T<> UK i'JL J A \ N K £li m c rfulicv tiia; iiiutirdiaiciy ull- t aiiinor.l in) uiuUj'T. vviio died of cor.kumjiiii‘o : i Mar. ii. I -A : I •* a* sake i .1 )> ivi:i. :;itM\»n«iinipT'oa ip'- I .vr • r. i.,, a i'it ii. I w i- rrilti'-p- 1 «.> !•’«• i:.e ■ Imt «*r !unr ) r«r* 1 wsi* .mater in .tlO lliv t-uxini'o*. elljirr ul uouir* Or »l»ru:id. belli# lor ilie urn- maimed to my i.. d. Dunne n>c ut>*ve peri od ul nine. I bad expended lor iiinlu'Ui mirndiuu’r o rrcii'ur i'll) »ic.aiii uud tnediemru m me aimninL of wiitinnt rrcriTine :i..v hrnelit tlierefronr ![i Ju.v. W 3. | rnmmencrd taJiing Ur Jayne"* AJrdi fine-, and lave Uitcii iiiein more or li-m ever I tiiul tM'neve snat n wa< t»y persevering .u ttic.r u*o, | ihai ] i now tru.y *ny trial I have rmnpirle;) trriu ; V'nd un tmnlsii I Viievr liial Ja\ nr * Sanative Mi’U j a:..! h xi-eeiorant are iho t-e*; tnmilv medicine* now ,n < I in coun:y, . i c-Afrv o:i u :ufuai c ,m<l inurlunr ‘bop in inal |i r.'«. i '.o .<• in>-tl:ri>i<*« imj make i(ii« rrrtifi.'ai*- (or l l*r* l.rij .•m 01 in...* utflt. t.-.i Kl.iJAli llAlw.N N. i , S.-pi |ti 1-i- if .. --.t Kill. -in I i .1 i . • • • ASIKArrt UKU I i <>• Ttip «ii ... rr-<r •* -; ri ‘ «* «• Truli.U Pitt ilachlu* Work* and Knundry. i'!ri>Br*cn. r* : JOHN WRHOn k l'o . lire to flotlin ■ ml Wuovrn .Mm-luncry ol even ili-«cn|>ti.»n, -till a« Curding Ma.-lnirr«. Spinning Frame*. Sp.-oliJi. Urawmg Frame. Rummy Hraih. Sf.ix.;.-r», l)rrv*n.K Fnimr... I i.nncler*. Ac \{'rou«lii Iron Si.uAj.ic lurocd. a.i «irr« ,»t Ct.»t Iron. I'miic u.d I la wrrr» ui the !utr-*t j.utlcr..., *urte mid hand an.l c-r n i kic.l- t'a-uns* C'f rvrry ilrvirijii*..; Nit.. I.rarmc liunK.i A. Si. urn IV.° m, , .-J^' .1 ; Fit.-iuric- 1:,,., W Hi.l.iw -I.IMI and i>,„, ( e-ii'-i'»>:v order. ..-n s i u.r W«rwi«ni~. ~fj I'.'llirrA in.«*i:v • irrrl. \vti: h a v r p roinpl ||: .f:: ■ u air. • a Shr... Jf K- i.-r i.r liiitrk«lo«*k. Bed A Co , J K Moori-lirn.J Jt i' . t. 1. '\»n.«r Joii . Ir-.vt.i A Soiu. P.itsi, U r'-:i r, ’ A J 11 Warner '{leu tw*n Vilie Peuu Aachluc ghoj>. HWH.UTM A.N - Mnjiu'afiurrr or ail knul« of eot » ,l> " ">*l wooll«Jl machinery, Allrt;lif-iiy nty. J-» I lie ahov >’ work.« liriaj; now in iuti ami »urcr»*iu i op eiauon. I aux u> execute order, wun .h.pnl. i. l, ' r machinery -n my line. . U 1 ha (..r-L.-r. .|>r,-a.len. card*. cnmltn* machine.. •U.iAinj iram>-. .f>*rd<r. inro««iW, loom., runl*. Clout-,r or-ntnrir ror mer-Jinm or I’oumn 111 a • j*. . A- . . J. : and rallu.-* and Uv„. ,n t 'i" A. k i.ut •or « lilH.le In or dr r, or n. in. », i i. • r ur u...,; liu inn.-* or mi. • at r»ji.on aide rfinj n> Koi:nrdi i hurt* A I'n, Hinrk*tnt-k ft- i A i o. K.nir. IVimni-k A Co . Jh« A Wray XKW COACH FACTORY, AI.I.KOHK.VT MA U HJTK £ CO, would rr>i>ecifaliy inform • ib«: pul.lie itisi tn«-> Uavr prei-n-d a «nop oo ( Krdcrnl and >iwiihi«lty »trr<-t« lln-y af ••ow making mtcf are prepared \r> rerri\-e order* lor ■ «\ ••rv rlr-.rnption of vehicle*. Coaches. Cliariol'* JJa , r'>in-lif«, Hueaicx. I'lm toi.*, A,-, *c., whirli inun ih- lf lorn; ni'Tirm't ,11 !Jir iPHiiulactu fe of (U«* above work, anO ll.e la.-jutir. tilt- > liavr lliey ierl confide,,! inr.-urr , » - / ■ x uuHiicm inr • u/r I.i do work on IJf Iftox) rea*oiUi!)li- irrfif * nil ,n wantirii: arm («•« n in«Mr line I'ixnu paniPulnr intention lo ihe ». !epi, 0 n o( m*te ii- and Imvmc none- but nimpnpni workmen, li.ey ■*'“ .ni u«*'ituiioii i.i u ,in utiiiug uirir xxorn N\ .• •• rr .(5k u,t- iiiit-ni,„n „i U|,- l( , ,1,., ..... N H K-pairmcdour- I'KK FKIuV II BKnAIX'LOTH**—VV K Mih **»or;ni>-i.l n( Hlim-r (ioortf. rmlirni'tni cv.-rv (juaiity ii|' in »*"r\ tinr, mid irmn ilip c-H<-nrPird ihnnuMrt.. '"•» Franrr PuM-tinPiiii; iroiii ihe ( '>ninii.»iuii un-icnum* nr it«c»n ol ia.- uiHiiuCh in n r>. in- i« riial’K'i! tn »n! ihcin ul the iowe* Ai»o, Oim-p ffrrou mid luvutliif ijrrra v<*r) .-heap; wool riyrd l>lk do; and I'rnirh. Krt:j»h *»<» Aiiii'firiin *’ASSIMFRHs. anil ink a ini in nr y -aun VhSM iN Ci>, C'lilipmrn't *ilk p-* »ri llaiid*.-,i,. I,in,:k ami Uiu-, Ciavnls Imr.n HilLi-. I mld.imw. UrnsviT', A .„t ( |, r tlur , h , ■ :i»- > 4'l, tin.l Marlrrl -Ur. l ! Wlmlrnalr Ki><im« up Mair* fr-'. -fl l'llHl|l|r<|>|i.ll Monong.hi-I. I.lvrry St.ble. RmiF.RT " I'ATriillKON |,„. slhlilr Dll I'll-" -l. MUHIIIII! 11l r oug li (T7\ 1,1 ~' ou, “ l “■ '"•'" '■r.i H ii„d SniMUl.Hld '"'"-'"HI II" 11,,,. '■■l l|Ull!m mu) Ill.firi t.-pt I" j,- r . r> hi ilir ln*«i mnniK-f. jvMly ll - \ M HO AT i'LOOKS I vmr coiii-iuOrij i£ O '*j our i-mu* 01 K.rW« Murmr Titn.*|»ir.-c*, " >• Door otfr r i« *e;l ilirni ill Intvi-r |>rirr« than Uir t i-r :>i mi) linu*? in Lui»imri;ii or or «i-»i.,* (tin only r»i«h t .i.|ie»l .♦(•run h.-rr lut lUr.f i-iu. k., wthtt Uh- 1 uri'.i'<i an.l In,, mri-i ili- Tall u„ij H. im int.rr. w art- not to l>- ini-l-r»ol,1 ItI.AKK h. i U . Mnrkrt orLMi rntram'f ut, nonii «■ ilv 01 oi<> Dunnon.l 1' >! | Skill!. I I 'll liailr i pin; m*r<m:Ri;n strki. works and AND AXI.K FAt'TiUn 1 I&AJLC JOtKS, ■ l > JOSKH * 4LIOU, MAM. fAirn IUiKS o( H}>( 11 utnl li|i . irl -Irri, |>lr.U{;li »lrp|. »irr*i |ilnn;;li ■ »» .| r \pJ ’■ 1 in' 'jiruipv hamui' ml irmi jj ,| n , ~ ~, llia j! I- | Irnlilf life r;ieiur I>4 U< )>•>. ;ur.J cour-li l rim In iau J <•- | (Ci i.crfOJy. corner ol Ko*i tuul Kioui st«, I’m-ourA Z I frbfl ’ Jt'H PIN TIM K— Athiihr r ini of I‘utoU. «uiuit)iu mr Ute I'aiuoruia mtvico. jum received. Aimi. 10 arrive on inr li«ii him.. liy Kxpre**, n nent . uni I.Hinty orm-ie id Porta tin- i .<>IU -<-aie». whi;li rv ■ i;i»;d nnin 1 r oiu;lit in hitve. and for «a|p |iy VV W XVII.SOX. uifi.n corner 4th and markr) »u NOTICK. Rn NN I'l 'I N I >l-. VI F.K i m. rniMHA n.K r l' Mi. cHff'ra ifd Hornnl Kirte I'otvdcr. in keir«, i,ail i 1 kfc«. qimhrr* ami cum tor aaie i,y ’ Irl.u J S I>II.U UKTJI .V Co. -rwood .t HI uaprai i’i P«ilent Soda Aili .W <'A>kS .him i.T.-ivfit |>«r ileainetH Ivnnnoe ■w' ' aiiil -M I'li'int, and lor «ale liy A M MI I'CIIKLTRKE. 1«J l.ltlPfty WBI. YOVNU A CO., o- . T'\ KAI.KHS IN HUH* AND I.&ATIUSK, Moi.h-.. 0 I J / hiriUiu**. A.’. No. 14. J Librfiv Mft'l h;i\r i ;u-i rrccivrd iiiru >!‘KIN(, STOOK i» : >*(i-uur n lurfip ii*»oriiiiPni <>f ar'ii-lr. m th-*ir |. |ir tu «!,■ • - «Eliott of ]>ufi 1,1 i NOTICE. Al.l. prr»on» imlcbir.l u» ifir fouir ol \V,r lUII \|, kuitft»i.d.RrkM»i. ~r io i he iiue (mm u( ”\v M, ! A. i o , and VV m .MoKi.irlu A. s OJI t „ lor „ i'» xvKhoui furtlirr io Vr , , K«>HKRT M KNUrJIT lf , , inrM.i dhn Adiium«irau>f of V\ \|.-Kiu«ln .!••.* a ,1, ] 1 RTI-TS' MATKIII.M.fVJosi ,1 „„d <n, • 1 /V. yard* troooih (’aura** >»? U u-b alt 'M " . •• :iu .. | JO •• - .. :iti .. w •> « '• Wf l,m Jo* ‘'oinprr-.MLIr Tulir* M oil rolor-. 1-y UKhIU j 4 t o MISCELLANEOUS. JUST RECEIVED, CUICKKRIXG'B PIASOR Miui.-on 1 i ' J..111U 1 ! i • I’wonm \ - ji.i«i!ld7 rf -w.. t .1 ( W»fw., », <>u(>r l> 1' < llrury A Jninc f/* 1 « HIIJ **» I. S WA HIRMAN' joiin r For California. DRY k VARIETY GOODS. Suiouh* Drr+hrpfmcni of the C-tihforu ui (iUU PY tvr , ALKIASDER dt DAT, No ;j Nl,*.k.i4i Smx»:r. Pitt^ulboh, HANK n.nivrM oil SV.LI.INC* OFF their larire lc nt’ DRY GOODS -tire principal part of' w Inch havr ’rf'-iv ;>«ri*!»aw*d nt lint LaJhtK Arc no* .11 nuil New York. ut u iff mroriou*. and a;.p.traue.ed sacrifice' '% e lia.i maiti: a.icJi n arye rrilu*' '.ion I’m Oi our rrj;- ulftr pr.c • : ha: u.-e \ni; now «e" a tare* portion of our eood* IM'I.iMV rosr of importation The early ai> i.Tlton «i i« inv■!••<) to rhuicc htsh enlorod goral* ndnpt’-ii lo llir ('l iliirnu prude LAIHJ> DJCKSS l.tniDS »u«llu(urs*! i'aiur;..u:.t'H4rinirf-* and tie !» nf‘ VerY *apcr:or t.rochin he'd ■miiwt eioai. doth*. ait ro- unit watered Idk ‘it*. Superior rvonrmur* »..*« . i\en. merino*. n.l eu.or* blk colored, B.ici boitr..«iine', Super moct guiis) <-rr. d- i'm- •■ur—l anil imped Khlil ! alpaca* Vin-itr nii.l maniilla «tik» jßrncha he'd and »irip'd dm heat quality. iJ«iui\ Kind ptanU, Parc *uuo*, bii and tduc] Vi. torm notii' Wk -un*. j very mil. Laumrtiiir ,-n:<ji ncnim* [t’ober* ciotn* si*.! ramcli Super citk warp alparol a;i iu'lfe lu«trr«; I MIAWI.v SHAWI.S Splendid pju.l lot t •iiiivt i* A lew t)roc ha lonif shawl- Splendid icrkiTc -i:.twi- ilir tine-t w.- have ever irout .\ York iu. tinn* l>rmii(ht in tin* iitHrket. ijfcai' I now to'.e «olil at Rte»t Plain .u>d rtnhn.i d ilnliet. bargains. • bawi-,. nil coiurv - jSupcrftuc and common hro- Suk ii <’iui. ••■iiiai4ohi i elm square «h*wU; ciica,> 1 -Super ramrtiiiu *ilk ahawt* t.KNTLMIKNS' GOODS French c.»i)« tr«un the celebrated -Johns)V" maliu factory Knr beauty .>1 ltm«h and peniumnitce oi wear, there c-.oiii* nu »up--rior. .i lew pieee* dim fine jet 1.1.11 A HUd h iVr •- *-t*>'i (leaver' mid other heavy <• iOUi » tor ii t c i on: • iw,:ied pre rh cloth*, manufar lured expre.ei i- u,r coni'. French u.ut American ciin- snnerr* «e*i oi ijntiand do. 'npef French*a line lor viui. 1 f.e :.r.i uup,ir • .1. Plain and tnn.-y velv. t Njid a-nine re vctimt!», m- .no -.tin* and draw ami ‘tile hdkf* no Iri-ti linen'- 1..,i" oloi". ''«;in«. tuencii ed sjm! ltrn«’:i niu*uo- oi .juaini rriuiirkh!'l)* low. (X kiili**. i hr. V«. I'tili.f .iml iltlponrri <ltl£- haul.'. «i'nni'L vhirv n.u! .vr:i|- tK-inr 1 « a hirer lot veryrhrHjt. a argr lot n: whiv ri M <l rnwinffd rmm irv flnnrsrl* rlieKp. l-rnwli nod blenched Unro»h> table linen* and luhir riotn*. Kuj»i j ami Scotch diapm and inwrhmq*. xiitjiirtli. Uritiuritj jrnn« imd tweed* ULA N KbTS An u«uai large -lock oi blanket*, direct trom tbe manufacturer* «r.ine ni wnich ire the hem everekUt httrd all of winch trni ire rlo«cd out at unparalleled low pni'i'*. In uddflinn ui the above tnmneiatcd good*, our -took coin(.ri»« , s a very large and ramplrUr ui‘Miiu»r:ii oi jiioo-t every article usually found m a dry pixul- «iorc and a* iliey ijuve lu , rn mainly pur i’ha*ed at the rnr’cni nueiio!i<. hence tlie lau* great re duction ot price*. We are enabled arid determined to >H Un-in nit oi treat bargum.* Wnoicm.- layers, country merchant*. tailor*, and the put-lii- arc rr«peftfui | v to un ear ly e x amnia'..on 11-trrim* *hn | i be given ALFA SNDK.R A. DAY. :5 Market »t, N VV corner or thr Diamond CARPETS, OIL CLOTHSi *c. 1) ITK.I Vr.H THIS I»A S . Carpeting and -Oil Cloths V oi 'lie niic-t find mo-1 approved patterns, and at price* to mu: |iun ti:i*ef., uril • neap e can be pur eiiiwd ip .1) o' '.in- Kn-lcrn i :fir*. i'i'iii|iri tiiig tlie loi • lowing V Kjira Uiivii' S'. !vet Pile Carpel** All in*in*le r i't rpe!e any »ixe linn room* or ce»> Tupeslrv do limit*-*. Sup Ko) it. Hru*»eH ilo r-'P' -tt;. -t«i/ carpet*: Kxira Mip -i p ) tin l!ni»»*v« >l<> Jo SuprrUtle «!<• .I.' « belli,>r Rug?.; Kuril «up <b. furled. do Suprtline tlo ,fn Hru«»el» do Pine tii• tin ftiemi.c l>t*or mats Common d>> d., do do M. -H A |Taj"'-tr" A leianl do do l>ini;»*k d.- p • k 11> do do 4-I.'l l A } ttvi il Ve. I" I d I'iHiiocoverj 4-4. ,1-4 A 1 p am do Jo t.-l wihm i,-l wor-i'-'l and linen do do lUn** Stair Rod* IH-4 woo! rruinli rioin* - 4 rolton <M do 1-4 lublr ito Kni'uM* o.i r-:o;n». DiJp'-f d<> Itrrmun ito •; i •).. ilo > r««h I'lxur (».• n:t * >n»»w Drop Nupltinv li-1 ,)<> .lii <i<> I'urjvir ito 6-4 <J<> .lo Maroon .to 4-1 ,1,. . o <i-> i lln.'im: >m-rt »li. i . oil*, co m-wTrn:i«p'nl \\ in.iow Shait^a Tni--*irj !"U . rii-. c-u: to t.t | the- o''«vr v. u'p <-on»tr»n'!\' r«-»-»- < vnnr our?*;;jtOi: Sloe K oti .r |..-t» I>o i ‘,.>l’,. uni,i,oM‘. rnmtiuitfv .» i win. wi.ii !<i f.»r •i. m . . i 'a• i and ex ti-r.- Wnrr iMii.-; U .M CLINTOCK 77// lxjig /•'.* ' ■trf7]->t Fu.'UuhuiUc St'ti i j titP~n ii.itiytfi !■> (i'r:r'rinrii.< Fjtring at\il FmnrTf' W'm ’ • I'Crirmg cU WM. UIUBY’S CIIBAP CAM! CLOTIIINfi STORK, 1 ?. I.IItKRTV srttKKT r | , IIF. I’rn|'':di'n" 11>»* a.-ovr c*tat»U*hmrni would 1 r<»jwm;'ntt\ mtorm l.t • nniii*rou» <• miouirrs, lual hr hn* ;U-c •• tur r 1 :..m Ka*lrni cttic* with ill" tno*l •['.rii.lni ••! ‘•,hkl« in hi* line. ihut win rvrr !.rniuii' <o Mu- ritv nit that i» now tn*hi<v'ntnr, . ircini 'tint Uheup m tliotha. I'aamnere*, l antnniTiT.' Diup lv 1 tr. and every dr«eriptit>n of cnuoa. iiurn tuid » >um.r.: r StiilT*. Shiru. t'fu vat*. Hdkl*. >il‘i>«'.i-lrT- A.-, ol Ihn nrwr«t «fsle*; which tin;-' nr -.v.:h In* very 'nrrr nn>! f&«humjibk llorlt of rr- idr r.n.liuig. In* .* prepared lo offer i t'liantry M --f. imnt*. > ‘nir, r'»< :.>i». 'ind u;i who par | eituntf i; ,rai .. u 'tiriy m *it.-J lo ra ! anil tX • ' ainir.r ihr vli'fi ili'.l.ittv llir Inrgrmi .and 11:. •-1 '.i»,li.' ..! h .1 iT'it nUrnllOll #ll* turn pu.-ll 1 »-r! It >i,. «u I •'• >• In UMO Mr Hid.' Order* ... Mi- I':., i. ~!< I nr . treated- . i Hi- imi*t V n: A •'eri mec ,n me Ka«i*ru •><“•, tia« a.liJiMl 1o 111' mrhjl NEW GOODS R . H. PALMER, OKFKRS FOR SAl.l‘ AT U»W I’RH’Ks. a i al! a.-oruii-M.i oiaTHAW AMO MILLINK UY GOODS, <ll Ui.* iiidm iicjuuvril pit lrr i». t->r Mr M'lllNi i 11F )*■!'* ■•ononuij* in pin ©I — j-unov »ui ,Kii.’ i»n AnKfi'ii: nn«l Ftmeh ,*iir:i« I*' Itui *.11.1 IvHni n nl oiht-r ;>.h.*i Mul fa'MV Hfn.n I'ninn. Kirn J*-nn;. I..tut l.oop anil Hi’'- hi ■•■lr- Rruil IS Rirn F--- h I,.*i«*i“. F.l". 11-'h,. 1 ' -V<.- 1 ,-i l.rt-n Mln-J M.v »r«' r. n.‘ Inivi:* 11 \TS Phimiui». \|«rt. in. l.<-Fln>rn. I'nm l.rn;, •»ir«*w hint oiher Sunun>*r HA I'* !<•! men -isui l»o\« Uonnri (’ln i K. ■’ on* Bon: cl Si .k ■. Ar'ific hI P‘o-vr,. Sr 1,. Mtniv Hoi k-i VVjr<-«<*u' • M«rn*-l urcrt. inch \TII t* M VHKKr STRKKT-- Hn-rcivnl 1 y r cent inipnr'iition* !ii<* Uilin' iiooil*. vu MASON * CO., Su chmou' 'I !utiri Sh-iw *. nt' v.iri-'ui c;unnues mid roinr* FiMv 'lnirMWAifti-.uid-T ■* qiimiti' Kid (Jlovr*. IOi»rlH« r A’liAu cimjil H*»otUJicul i)l rt> J Mlk. LiOc amU roUuii i■ hivr•. k.r •priiur irndft Kiel* «ia:iiiiiig r:iif m luruuiri i\>!lut•. •• lift up <"of tail. «4i piiir rmtuoul’ 1 rft«l I'lilf*. irnm Ml ru to Sl.lii. L><• 1 •« ii i* V* - <' .mir"n.r I'.i uri m cr**nl vnririv Lviui l.aci* Wil* ih'* gri‘uii-->< u*»oriiTiri:l f>(r olfrrro i»y u« French r.u.l Kimlm. 1 4 I'miio. Ho,.c - *tnail fiipire* and tail color*. Mimil |> aid Fr' iU'h (»ii'c!iani<; linu-di Furniture Chuitz; white »aii:: l>:imrt«k Tftiii** Cloth*; l.iurti Daiii:x*k H » nn.] 10 U t/r**en Berrnßi;*; (IrnU l iark (.ro» 0“ Rhina SilV Cravat*. .T.'k> -111 melt, the ijrx>d« nr.|«»netJ. I‘ur»v Twin, iirtrii c aiulirid and lii'cn ■•mnhrie lltlki*. Uuiu t-i \yitUe (i^od*, M,. i and Muslin* w.ilc and enfd TttrlatAnea’ tigArd .mil (j.a.n *<• nr»* m lilt- lUitv nvripi m NF.W GOODS. and mviir ibe aliriui'nn «n pufi-liHMsr* to our rilrßMVc .•ui< k NKW SPRING COOUS. A r UK 1 ) «.| MIDS 111 >1 -I ui w it. Ml KIMiV .Nnsni I'.\>>r < k i rn * su \1 * r.> wr'T* . I'lrrsmjKiiH. PKK-<>\< \* l»'V I I i will plrui-c LftlCC no lir-- tin- ulmiY ling»'• ii«- nmiliii'm ml recei ving it* S h\V > I'it l\ ‘» *«t )Oll>. and 111 vitf- Dip roil in' rr*mi ri r <-ii*t<itn. O ,Iml lilt > I s gr ue r all V <}itO«l« d i.:ln-r» ore ntvned lo icies.-t.e Room*. up flair*. t' I’iiu l - (.niglmnis. uiid "•'.c mad* I)R> (iOODg. SHACKLETT &, WHITE. Drj- Good* Jobbers, No !«» \ l . oo|i >|' it KF-Tl’ - Would i<nii liio aueultoii i»r Mrrrh»"i« 1.. lln-ir lurge niM-x 01 DoiUf»U.- and Foreign I>K'i •.* I<>l>S. ju»i receivim* I'rom ill*- Im porter* and M.uiulu lurer*. and which ihcy will »cll at v.-ry low rule a .or c-h-Ii or approved credit. Our »ini-k ;< now fiti* ami complete, nml w»*ll worth ilir .iiiriiiion nfi-uyrrn, a* hy are determined to *oll iii «uch extremely low pnrr« ri* cannot toi. to nwike il a strotis} inducement (or u»cn.-Unitu to muk<- a lull with inchltt HOl Sl-. KbiKI’lNG lion|i>- K Mrurnt in 'i-'-. he iil ki *-|>* r • uml I lime aiioui < nr*u*.<: V in:■)»• tn* a- •oriio<-iit of umive Goods »Ur 1) u.« ' M«nit» nml Counterpanes, wnuc mill rn'urnl. I'ifkmff* nml piilow-rn*.- Mui>ii»», Shrftinja, horn one to three , «rd« wnl*. Table Drupes , t) id TnV.e t'i. th-. Towelling TiiwH. ii.i.i \upkins. Fnrriiorc nml rinni/i'*. Scarlet Oil Chi.'W. i<>r cur mm Super pruned Ciunw. mr Ktliiiruulcred »i iluw i-u::nin alii*.m- Slllpeil mill bnrr-d Rod It', ill ik r is. and .ires. A «»(' iiir*«- imkhl- ‘ <>i.«;riniu »epi o.- . and u-ui iiiwuy . on uo- ino-H i.nuraMr |i ni no nil • n<i mr:i' i In. met M«i s.-i *i* ii* Shirting Ulniliiu and Irish Linen*. ll.' It \ll or |>:mi,-ij! U r i.m-utton or VV t Uiu-r «.1- i ii 11*i * i’-o v<* ( ioml«. to hi« rt»• i übj r ■t run Sr, from Ihr tiu*l *j?- il*nl.:ig oi «U< proved tnnnu' K'iin* - ''*. sml lb* latter wsirrnnird purr tins - ll*- t<ii* 'U*l re- cived u.l additional suppiy. xml i* ojcriuc HnrUhit iluslm* i.r h mishit ij.inii'/, si ft vrr) u».v pi 'T AI«.o, IMi- di. g uni! Plilowrasc Muslin*.. Diaper. and <>n«li ; T«M- t'loth*. .Napkin* . ll.A.ikcU < ouiur rpuii«'<, nnd MoilM-k'-rplUjJ l»ry I ■<»<»)• fir ;n- r.1.’ 1 J 1, A Dl K.V DUES* (,i m ’ l)>- -~u- b .1 - P re., "h M<i in**. I’m i aiiiritoti. un<l 'un- v l>*- •. i»oitie ii*:w »lt if* ,iu*l received;) 111nc ii -. . The •eim.-iti'Wins lur advournl all thr*. liond* will be •oiil m price* itiai cannot m., to pirate 1C?" Wholesale Room- up ,i.ur». j>o 15 ~A. A. MASON A CO., VTO. CO MaRKKT s ntEKT will contmoo their X’ great tetiu n.n.unl *a'c id l•It V DtMXJH. for .’(U days longer, during whieli uwf ibeir extensive whole •ale Room* thrown opru in their tteuul Trnde ft* hereiQinre A A M A l.'© , known.|> that they art felling Dry Moods of t-v cry doenpinm from ten lo fif teen p»:r cent ~•* < il.nn evi*i before. d.» luvtle every pciMon oi want ofdt' rood*, or who may be in wain, lo I’iumiin' nnd porei.ii**' iruiQ our «lock. ai the lowest wholesale fine* Our grout olovrt .■ i rrdu<m* *iocfc it lo m*ke room lor .Spring ii !>• in-; our .mention in exhibit in March liie iuiv’-'-i .md the richest «lnrk of |>ry Goods cTtt b. .try one lio u «r in America. t\ e -ha.l ■■ o— thr *.ue ot our Bleached nnd Brown Mo«iin«. I'winuit oiher lk>inc»tic Goods, ai our former lo * r u;r«, ,mi .> ,;j»s tending the recent aii ranre of u per cent upc. ihe same in emtern market* • feb* YOL. XVI. NO. 210. MISCELLANEOUS CO&D'B Patent GrotluaUd Galvanic Battery and Paten* Insulated Poles far Medical and other iiuiwNt THIS is the only instrument of the kind that a—ever l»eeu presented tn this country or Europe for nod ical purposes, and is the only oneever known to nan, by which the galvanic fluid can bo conveyed to the ha man eye, the car, the brum, or to any part of the bodT, either externally or internally, in a de&nite restt* stream, without chocks or pain—with perfect safety— and often with the happiest effects. ' This -mportaut apparatus is now highly by many or the moil eminent physicians of this coun try mid Europe, it whom the afflicted and others whom It nm> con. e./n can N* referred. Reference will also l>e eivru m many highly respectable citizens, who hare i*’ l '" ‘-urt-d by mean# of uwsnioM valuable apparatus ol som-- of ihr most inveterate nervous disorders whteh imald not l-e removed i.y my other known meana Among various other*, it has l/een proved to be ad mirably adapted fur the cure ot the following diseases, Viz: nervous heartache ami other diseases otthO bf*ln. It m with tbi* apparatus alone that the operator can convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to iho eye, ui restore sight., or cure unnurosas; io the ear to restore hearing: in the tongue and other organ*, tor* store speech; and to the various parts o( the body, for Die cure o( chronic rheumatism, .isthnia, neuralgia, or in- dolnureux, paralysis, or palsy, gout, chorea or St* Vita's dance, epilepsy, weakness irnra sprains, some diseases peculiar to females, contisction of the limbs, loekjaw, etc. etc Rights tor surrounding counties of Western l“a_ and privileges, with the instrument, may be purchased, and alsi) tested for the cure of diseases Full instructions will Uegivrii lor the various chetni taU io he used for various diseases, and the best man ner for operating for the cure of those disease* will al so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put itiio bis hands expressly for these purposes, oaro fully prepared ny the patentee. Enquire of ■iiUO-dly S WILLIAMS, Vino xt, Pittsburgh. Reversible FUterlnw Cock* a FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders turbid water pure by removing all substances not soluble in #/raJSSvfv water The croton water in N. York, clear And pure to the eye, vet when it passes iut hoar through uiis hltering rock, shows a large deposit impure substances, worm*, A This i« the case mor<- or less wan all hydrant water. * The Rcvcrsibi*- Fiitcrcr is neat and durable, and is not attended with the inconveiueuce incident to other Ftherer-.u# it iscleansed without being detached from the water pipe, by uierrL turning the sey or hand!* from one side to the other By this easy process, tha course ot water In changed, and all accumulations fo impure substance* are driven of almost instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses the advantage of Deing a «top cock, and as such in many case* will tie very convenient and economical. It cau be attfti-hed where there is any pressure high or low to n cask. tank. tub. Ac. with ease. To be had of the Mite Agent. W. W. WILSON, corner of Fourth and Market ata THE AHKOHETBBr THF. attention of the public is resprctluuy called to the lollowuig certiorate*: Mb S Fails-—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer. I hud um resplt proves your instrument correct, »nd recommend the use of it io those going to I'a'ifortna. as the best method for ob taming the real value of Gold. Resp. yours, J. D. DUNJ JCVY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh. March 0, 1?49. Prmrat-ROH, March 7, W4S. Ma EAit.vs—Dear Sir: Having examined the “Areo meter " manufactured at your rooms. I do not hesitate to commeud it u> the u-e o( those gentlemen who aru- removing to California in search of Gold. It give* a c|o»e approximation to the epcoifia gravi ty oi meuis, sod will certainly enable the adventurer io .iM-crtnn when hi* pl:»<-er U yielding Gold tnurl* Yours, resp'y, J R. M’CLINTOCiL CLINTON PAPER MILL. r P IJK CLINTON PAPER MILL, -named uiSteuben- X ville, Ohio, having been enlarged and improved, and .n u very great expense added new and the most improved kind of machinery, is now prepared to man ufnt-iure ail kind- oi Writing. Printing. Wrapping and Cotioii Yarn Paper*. Bonnet Board*, Ac., equal to any m the Eastern or Western,country. The undersigned having the Agency of the above Mil!, wti. seep constant;)' on hauu a large supply oi dir different kinds of Paper, and will have any alxe made to order at short notice. S. C. HILL, js-flj 87 Wood street TUBS AND CHURNS. Pine anil Cellar Wart Manufactory, No 87, «'pa>'KE Marxicr sstz Fifth Bra.. PrrrsBUBOU r PH E «ut.*rnl>er keep* uoiisiiimly on hand, wholo- X sole and rrUi., >cf) ;ow lor ea*h— Staff Churns, Bath Till**, Half Bushels, Ac iincr kind. Ware in hi* line ramie to order. SA.Mt KL KttUESfclN. A FURTHER REDUCTION. -- JA- M UM’KaTT A SONS' i'AI'ENTM)I)A ASH- I tor.* H ca-h currency, or 4 mo* app*vd mils j ton* nr upward*. Ij do par. fi out do. utteresl tid ied For the -uperior i,ua!ii> oi tin- brand we refer to ’ »i<* c.j-* and -onp iiianunicturer* ot this city general v W it ,M MITOHELTKEE, dec! 100 liberty st Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. « THIS is to certify that I have op- JT pointed Livingston, Roggen A t'o. Agent* for iho -ulc c»f Jcnmug's DuipruhgTn Filter, for the ci? ties of Flu-burgh and Allcghcuy. > JOHN Cl BSiJN, Agent, for Walter M (iibwon. Broadwuy, We have been offing one o! the above article* at the. office of the- Novelty Work* for throe monQw, on tnal. ami met perieoily satisfied that it i> a useful invention, and we take pleasure in recommending ilnmuii.e ful article u, all who love pure water Orders will he Ibankluily received ami promptly executed. oetlU I.JVJNffSToN. RUGOJwV A Co AdvrrllMtnenU r I'HK *-ui>»crit*cr. uc otlcrnij,' lor *me s camlrome lot 1 ci Nu.iii* A C!nrk'«. i New Vnrk.) and Chieier- "li;* (Br»*u»ci.) i'lun.oi, wouid direct auunuon lo the im I > hit is lur uni) p.itee ill die \\ cut where the Mi-irumcm. of inete twe riutker, run he tried »ide i-y side, mid where, couteuuciitiy, a correct idea of Uieir c|u.l iiUcs c.ii lie lormed The subscribe; being anxious lo i-<i their relative merit.*, and having for a number of year* performed upon ihe Biajio* ot Numu A Clark, aa» laden tuto u«e mi Hie lutt twelve tnoitths, aChick -1 I'iano. in onler in try it* durability and fitne«s as an uci-ooipnnymciU to tue voice. Ttu* Puuio may now be seen and examined at ln« rooms He feels confidenl of hi* ability in give a eompeti.'Bt and relia ble opinion on ibe subject. A handsome lot oi new Pianos will be opened in a fs-vv *l«> « M KLEBER, dfQl* AtJ \V WoodwetJ’s ORKAT WKSTKIIN ' QAfIDI.K HARNESS. TIM \K ANI> WHIP MAN O l F.\t-n>Ry . Ihe subscriber use* this meuiod "i informing hi»*friend* and the pubiir m general llmc be hit* the htrtre.i slavek ot the following named am oc* oi hi* own mojtuiai-ture m i1,.-my SiuMinc Har nrs., rrunk* nnd A\ nip* u.. n! •-vlnrii he will warrant to be made oftfte best material and n>- ibe best mech anics m Allegheny cc.umy B. un: delrrnuiu;d to M'U fi:s maJiu!tu :c>e» sont-inmc lower than hu* been here* toforr sold by any simnnr osiaunsitmeHl m the city iie wnu.d invite pei*<>ii« in need of the übove named aruries to his warehou-e No t-H f.ibeny atrort. Oppo site Seventh. Also, oamlx made lo order for morliiue r> oct.hi-iy a. KERRY. PITTSBURGH FEMALE'iNStWOtB r PHK Second ScHsion ui this Institution, under the J. carcoi Mr. Mr*. Gosuoa.x, lor ibe present lu adertue year, w il; rommetirr on the fi f »t of pebnia ry next, in me srune bu.tdmg*. No. Sri l.ilverty aueet. -AriaugfinciU* have inude by winch ihcy will be hide to furnish young indie* faetliuo* avjoat to any m Un* West lor ohtanunga thorough Cla**»- c»l. < iriiaineiiiai niucauon A full coune of Ptu ,i*ophira: and Chemicnt Iveetuh;* will ba deflverc-d durutg the winter, illustrated by upparauu. T&e de partmeiiis oi Vorul and Instrumental .Music, Modem Language*. Drawing and Pamung, will «acb ba nndsr tint care oi a competent l*roies»or. By olo»r anenuoo ui ihe moral and intellectual improvement of their po pils. ihe Principal* hope io mom aeonunuaiioniof the liberal paironago they have luUieno ciyoyed. For terms, see circular or apply io ihe Principals. jix^O-dtf I>H(ENIX KIRK BRJCKS—The ffu4gcrsTcraluiving X been uppomicd Agents by die Imuiufaeturrta, for the sale of the celebrated ■'fHicenix Bricks,'’ are now prepared to till order* for a.»y oi SilU ciish.j>cr l .non Kur liic roti«trucboii pf furnaces of all kmd*. Jtc«e brick* have tw*en pronouneed.bycom peiciu judge* <ts living superior to all other lire bricks now in use. r A M’A.N'l LTV A Co, CflLh&l Basin. mydt) MANUKai.-JTRKD ToEBSHa- Mi j bx* I.amartme 5T R 5 do Mitulicnu .*>4; « do Putman is and Is, SP <to Jobs Rocker &*; 16 do Ri». bcrisA Siss.m i*, »:o Mrnr) A James As and -*, UI do Joint* a:nt Ixi .vis' I*. J do Warwick super J*; 7 brs Rtrwurd «t. I'bcsf l'iibacj-o*. riubrita'ing some of llicumvfft favor* • brunds. on cfiusignmriit. And wtll be sold Ibw io do*.', b> dr.« b I.sVVATERsMAN PATENT SODA ASH, IMPORTED UIKK. I' ( ROM THK MaNUFACTU RKRS—The subscriber*, being the exclusive iin ( of James Mutpiau A Sou*' r*oda Ash for this inuikei. ure now a..d will coimnue in bo largely sup plied with ihis celcl.rated brand, which tkejr will sell ui iif .ot* est markri price lor rush or approvedOills They rcier to Hie g'ass nnd soup manufacturer* f tliu city generally respecting the tjuihiy. W i M .vn rCfIh'LTREE, novl ISO liberty *t IRON FOUNDRV FOR SAf.F.-A «nwil Jrp n Foun dry in h ffouriMnnc town, wun F«ucrna, Tool*, 4.c . aJ. ready lor Imiauio*. wiii nr *»iJ an accommo dating term*. or exchange :or Iro i or good*. TUw offers an excellent opportunity u> a young man vruu >muli capital to roiaiariica Uic Iron Foundry bu »ine#». Kuqnireof SCAIFE,k ATKINSON, lit near Woo.l »ir*eL Sc ale*, Cooking Store*, Orates, ic. MA KMi A 1.1.. Roaud Otu, rcl . f l.(lxr:y n;nl Wood meets, nmnu&icture »n>l »iW K.t'-**"* ruimrm. Floor uml Counter Scale*, [>! iiic ICO*i imprut cd ijaiiiii), Cook mg Stove*, for wood ‘- n!t . *-j* ol ** nf, *i •«**«> p*rior » n d (imimoii i.ra|p«. liolJww \vuro, 4c. 4c. They also niamiiat'Kirc li«: Km net KnufC*-. wnich has given »uvh crij.-ta. Min»:u<--niii to mo-- h.ivuiff uin u Mj r», a ji 0 f wn.. n I*wj- would rc-ix-ci/uliy mv.le foe aUenuon ol ihr c.Uf-M- »>»«! luc i* g.-nrrujjy oetY7-dW I )A FK.N I' AOUH I.AIID X »“onniHii ol i.ornriiu.i 4 Co 1 , celebrated mttnu i:»ciure,«nd »uoer.or u> nil oihrr> in u>-, adapted to rliiifhr.. »lrnint.onlt. fo'-tnn.'s. dwelling*. public and privau* lialU. and to ml «mer n-e» wne/o a choan mid tmltllUit light is df sinuuc. ™ AUo,Girandole*. Mali Uni-m# C .r,.»«.|obra*,Glob e . Shuiir*. Wicks Cliia)iu«», Cun,. rummers,A- A , ** tini i'Uniulelirr*. ironi imr to lour iichu ’ -Sr r 5 w > v 1 l--«»X,'4» mufcet .1 lUrdware~Ck««pcr Muq kSi:. I AN. W ILSwN A go., liii|K>ricr« ami Wholesale ■ « r '‘ n h ‘ rdw , [’' ' UI rry * nd Saddlery No I Wood .irecs Ht,o\c tilth, have now m « rb, np ..,4 well wi-J au*« Hardware, |„, p „„3 «hm:i* me decline 01 in Hump*. #:*l eJhwh they are determined to «ei! | ow> Alrfcb#n i w 1,4 have me hahn of, OlTl , Km-i. a,e larl) reaar.ied 10 call ami lo„S <J.roa~h „a, .met, at we eei.tljemjy helieve ihey wji meir et|wnee.. ° ItJl ' I hi A I, MIUI.IVAR HRICKS.' "" IV M'I.KIhACIIU;mi C e,, on , in.i; ,n „ne toil t half Xj JuiiUoiis mice 1--14. prouotim-e um article niisur iiHtaictl f»ir duralnljfy m the eonMrurtion of nil kind* of tnriiwrs Price i-iTl.rj CUf d, for load* 01 to Jl, p, ai j OHtecd nine momh« utr Order* for a tccond qaaiify Bolivar Bricks wiii he exe*!it-.| n( *-jo per M, If «« de sinhl, wiUtoQt KUaMAiite*' A m Ue brat quality *-• m»w for tale ru iu«r *aMii-uw, Slorp'ii W'bkrf,' C*. n:»! Hunt), by J mi.i vv MACLAREN, • spClit h'e.iwmgton Iron Worfar PAPES, •'MtIVKI- - '. C*> iioi Spade* ami 82u>- 0 veU; tn./o M.i-iirn* Purl s; ,*1 d„ Grain Sho»els;dQ do Socket tin. Axes ll'U'.bc*. Alaiujot* and PicJttf ilrllowt, ' *<■ ll,f * J<I " * l hianuiiujtßTers priepj, by no'l® GEO COCHRAN*** Wood«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers