THE EITTSBURGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTSBURGH* THURSDAY MORMSU. APRIL 12, 1849. (O —Tin. PrmßtnWKt lHni u«jntp» I* Da*iy,Tn-Weuiiy, end W T eekly.-The Duly l» Beven Dollar! per enSm: the Ta-Weekly I. Five Dollar, per annum; Die Weekly i« Ten Dollnt. pel ununm, imatp n adcatut. KTADVinirtM arc earnestly requited to hand n .heir favor! bclore sr. a. and a» early in the day prn'M.ratil*. AdvertiscinanU not maei'xd for a *peci fted lime will .iivunably, be enarged until ordered on Foa Latest Comine rcttil lnielligciien,Doaie*Uc, Mar beta, ttiver Sewi, Import*. Money Market*. kr -m bird page. PHILADELPHIA KOKTII AMBRJO-AN; Advertisement* and »uln*cTipuon* to ihr . ve ican and Umled State* Gamut. Philadelphia, receive and forwarded from thl* office. next p»*e for Telegropfcle Hewe. For Local Blotter! eee next p»g«* tern llox-The “Ceu-Hr Is”', Sex." been removed from lb old .ituuuou, a window nearer the Post i lificc. F*cTOßr McET‘ v '-- Ai advertised, this CQ«?«tiDg came off at Ceotreville, Marylaod, on Saturday last, and WHolleJ- in U«- appointment ol a commu te,, to open books to receive sabscnption*. i ne shares are Su„. ITT Here «» another Hem which goes to prove lhatibernacb ,bu«d Tanti of l««. do.. no. P£ vent capitalists Irom embarking in the tnan ring business, —Puuimtgh Mortung > The above paragraph* which we cat ront Porf of Tuetday, ■ogg'« uulurally tiono in reference <o the condiuon ° f ,h ' manufactunog.bu.iue.. ''£ ih „„ mg quotes am item trom the I-aitim L a Ho«on Kncmry » »>- ryland, and .boo, w.«h to air of « « mbohdor op .bo A nil-American Tar. ® <n i sake let us admit the 'p°j, ' 4 L„ acknowledge .but Couon 0r»,.0d rbeo .hcoewon com,., home with power-why do they »0l proper "bo «"“■ From 1.V0.P-* o>“ J - “ “*°' bV , gentlemen ol acknowledged abihly .od inane,.l and manolnrloring ekili, tea. clearly aiaieha.nad, ,b.l tloacily and vicinityotfered a,.groal advan.a -m and inducement. lor lie manolartor® of Cotton gooda a. nay ,a lie 1 oiled Slam-. We bay. ■ salubrious climate, ch* jp provisions, a ceolra po .lion, ready a„d cheap arneat In .be row »•“ a bOoudleM market, and .be . and best me live power m .ho world. And we know .here wa: a umo when .here war. a eonmleal eipeetauo among oor capilaliata nod bo.iaeaa men. .ha. .h, euy would aoon become a, lemon, for bar produc nona in colton, an in Ihoae of iron. There waa time-when eaalern capitalinu were .coking lor 10. canon, for the erection of new mill., and one uo gotinuon wa. broken otiT when nearly concluded by Ibe oeeurrenee ol the ir-l turnout. ulf not. ' 1« paiu* u* n»ore than we cat elprear lo a-k th.o goealiMl. 1. 1. et.remely mol nfying lo ... and mud W u> every cilizon, n dwell upon a «nb, eel - and injunou our e,ty How i. it now ■ 111. exactly Ule n verae ol Ibe above picture. Any pemon wb woulJ Hunk ol be. mean, m a Lotlo. far,ory ,n «... 0,.y ■» •> P re ’'"' Um “’ would 1* consult; rrd. al least, wanting in judgulcnt and finnnt-tal ak.ll- A Factory 01 ihe larges! da* owned by geulletnea o, e....rpnze, experience nod skill, has jiisl been dcMroyed by nr.-, and they tin mediately announce .her tnlenuon no. If rOpUJ, but to seek lor some more |.!ea»anl and profitable avocation. One ol the proprietors stated to tie tba to rebuild, 111 the protect .late oi affaire, '* financial 3incut*. ' Whet hasbroußbl alamt tint exlraurjinaxy and disreputable stale of affaire ' The ;Pott tells US’ that it is ni t the Tariff ol tO.and points to the rig ,ng Colton of Maryland for the proof What is 11. thru ' Is the inquiry not worth the al tention of those win. watih over the financial. .ommerruil nud nmiiuktctnring intoreatt of the city - Out excellent Hoard of Trade have taken up and investigated subjects of far leas importance and interest titan tins ' Why „ tht. neglected b- Wheu was 11 heard" istlore in Pittsburgh, that a manufacturing establishment was not, which bad been desolated by lire 1 Four years ago, a largo part or our city was laid m ashea-but, as if by magic, it arose again in greater beauty and cigar than ever, and almost every trace of the Great Fire ,« now obliterated. A Cotton Factory hita burned down, and the genius of perpetual desoln tton flaps his wings over the tcene, and the two hundred workmen who derived from uthetr living, and looted to it as the means of future tueeess, are scat hired, to seek in other channels, or m other places, the chance of earning Iheir daily bread. it is not the amount of holiness thus- obliterated, tbat ia bul a small consideration. It is the cans* ( the obliteration which deserves consideralioo.— This is an evil more potent, and more destructive in its effects upon the prosperity of this community, than the lo*s of a dozen Factories. r We'throw out these suggestions for the consule rattan oftntr ,effecting and discreet eiuxens. It » * critical tune with ns. i nless ihe evils which now environ us, through the machinations of limitless and unprincipled demagogues, are firmly combat ted and overcome, we may date from this Itme the certain decline of our manufacturing interesls, while staler slates and cities will reap an increas. ed prosperity from advantages we have recklessly thrown away. The Mjuia.—We are vexed U) death with c6tn jgamtsof missing papers, and delays a iheiram ▼al. Nearly nil the complaints are on two route*, and originate, w, have reason to beheve. in three.; Post Uffircs, The are the Steubenville and Beaver. Nearly every paper which p&se* through the Sleul>enville Post Office is most unaccoun tably delayed, to the disappointment ol oar subscribers, and our own chagrin and loss. At Beaver it is not any better The Pont Mu*ter ut New Brighton nny«* that wnen their paper** una.\ they can usually tind them in the Beaver Pd*t Of lice At both ftteul-eDville and Benver;our papers are either delayed or sent wrong. The Post Mae-, ter at Mount Jackson called on us yesterday and stated, that tbeu papers freqnrotly came around by Mercer, thus delaying them a week, when they ought to arrive within hour* We hope our new and energetic Post Master General, and hn BBsialsnla, wdl be able soon to correct these trying evils, which we have borne with until our patience l 8 cle4n exhausted, and we beg our readers to have a little patience, as it »■ impossible to r the new Chiefot' the Department, or the newly appointed Post Masters, to remedy all the canting «t* long standing neglects at onec. A rtaniKw Aff.i*,—Mr Judson.lhe «oitor of a weekly paper published m New York *,ty called "Ned Bunlline b Own, 1 ' was cowhided, on Wednesday noon, in Broadway, by a dashing y dressed female named Kale Hastings, alleged, keep er ofa disreputable house m I-eonard street, who coatidered hensell insulted by some remarks in the paper, ofthe previous week. Although he drew t p.stol from hit »*ockei, she followed him Up and continoedthe aiMwlt untilihe bystanders interfere ed. The cowhidee made a complaint before the Mayor. FmoM SVr. Dosunoo.—The schooner (fnrluiglon CcplTrefclhor, , b< .' lSlll olt , Tiik M . E. arm Me. Bi aaow.—The r ~ the cily ofSt-Domingo, inform. j inference of the Method, st Episcopal Church had j Trefcther. ou the dev of h„ demure ! E„ lo „ „ Philadelphia the case o.! That n-w» had arrived that the Haytian troop*, to : ypev Thomas i- Bcrrow»,-|who .hot Mr. lt.*ho|. the number of twenty lh.tu.cud. were o. Ihetr eeorntiy cl Seedy M«. The oh.rge w.. . .he The Spaniards wero , brought t.y his presiding elder, Hitd upon it* pre p “paloc, to defend «. The, wertfll- j .notation, Rev. Dr. Kennedcy end Dr lh.Hu. per ling up vessel* uf war with .11 possible dispafch. ! Kn ,ed ,h* following prectubh- and resolution. All kind, of business »>• ct c *lcnd stilL j which were adopted Al . . Hftarroj, Thos. J. Burrow*, a meniber of tin. V, . ■ Conference, is under arrest for an alleged criminal FnttsrorrT. lUnr Ltohalb Half Dec*. arm MAh' ; o g ence , of very recent occurrence, snd at a scene This curious animal, Uiat was acid to have j too remote to enable this Conference to procure C«o--Th.. lur Oil,, the reaumony in the mute, and WbereM, the coarse been found by Colonel Fremont, in the ret of the Conference hu been, in rases Whore legal and which docs not seem to fall under any ep proceedings are pending, suspend any jCdgemeol men! of tho present dasailication of Natural Ilia- UD[ll gU eh legal proceedings have been closed, •_ v. v ew York, on ila way to F.u- therefore lory, has arrived in New nfl / tl ral ea- 1 That the case ofThomas J. Borrow* be rope. The Express says it i# a referred to such Committee as may be appointed nosity, made up of parts of as tnany different ant comformity to the Discipline. iChap. 8, Sec. 2, m»l« os Joseph's coat contained colors—but is ra- ' Aofc 2)w be investigated as early aa practicable. ... , . . • I when the legal preceedinga now pending Mall ther full ol the hotse __ : have elosed, and that he (Bnrrowsi bereft without * ~ ”* 1 ft n appointment, and prohibited from anv miniate-1 CasaL Bask of Ci^vklasd.—The LeguUlure ; rial function nnliithe Committee provided forjabove j nrevious lo ,Ui adjournment gave ■ quietus ' ,h.l] have come to Ike decision; and Urn prohibi- | ol Ohio, previo ‘ , . mtll . tlon |, not mlended in Ihe least degree lo inumsle all doubt* as to the solvency ol the above, man non of oonfeMnc , hiaac, bal aim- ' muon A committee rcporl Uial alter a mom J „ „ o mly and proper in view of the cir- : thorough investigation, they find il poasessed of £ uraßl:ul eea under which he ,s placed^ abundant means to meet nil da nnni-Ettje—Tho alcamer Winiield Scott, which _ —’ • - nrrWed (rom New Orleans ynatehjny, had thirty Anton Braa B»vch»rl0N«.— In a search maue ; of Cholera among her declr paaaengers dur „ ... ,1 he nauera referred to in the lur the trip, but no sicknesn in the cabin. They ,o Madrid among the I“P“ WM s | b, the clerk, Mr Dcvinney. Four of tory of Louisiana, when tlie St . them died, viz; Joseph Dili, of Columbus, Ohio, iih ruloJt numberof papers waa discovered conlaiu of Cincinnab; Tobiai Oromwell, _ap, important matters throwing light on the , n d Samuel Littlefield, a deck hand. “* F P° 1 ,induct of Gen. WllkisOU On the General Scon, there were two deaths ol Burr conspiracy and Lh wjU h, ve ' cholera. She was crowded with passengers - Indue time, it is presumed, the p JjtmitvtHe Jwr.. ApnJ d. KBOU SEW YORK.. 1 $ Corrajfpindfnccof the Pittsburgh 6aieuc. 1 H - ; ' ftsw YqxkL April 1. 1&4& There.hhi been no lack of newa to-day, but all leem disappointed at the character of tlie intelli- gence. The Crescent from Chagres, contra- ry to all expectation, has brought neither gold Dor! the (e clings of the emigrants now here are rather depressed in consequence. Theg e,H^ I rat impression is, that the crew of the California ['have gone to the mines, and that she ®ur4 suifer tbo common delay. The news from Europe, m stead of bemg unfavorable and warlike- i*- »|'on the whole, pacific, and stock*. th<* great po > c. barometer, are higher today and much »«ght tor. Money ha? grown more abundant, an quit fident tone pervades the street. For the gratification of all who ever passed a delightful evening at “ »»T * “■ J “ , ~ i - avn/.ant ntobe al UJice rebuilt. the old spot i>d long ' ac n ■ , . 1 W An elegant hotel under the auspice* ot fir. * , 9 . , , j. U, he .reded upon the sqnare, to be conducted upon tbc Eurojntan plow, with all the In,tine, o, | modern Ufe compete. The cenlre of Ihe square .. l 0 be laid out a* a garden, with fountains and sta tuary, fans a/Tprdmg lhe residents of the hotel the ple«stire.ot a conservatory on one side, wiule on the other, the' rushing tide of city hie passes on without cessation. All the matches used m old times w be made at Niblo's when ices were eaten, while the important business ol lue was arranged. Therb the choicest operas, the. mo»l amusing pan tommies, and the best entertainments of ail kinds were to be engaged, untainted by tbo presence of liquor, fcnd perfectly secure from the contact of the abandoned of either sex. . la the way of city novelties there ia nothing very stoking; except a sew project to obtain a crowded house at a concert. The plan is to >s*ue two bun. i dred tickets at ten dollars each, which also entitir the' bearer to a change in a piano forte raffle- A musical album is l*> be given wub eacli ticket* worth six dollars, whicli. m addition t>* a chance I for a thousand dollar insinunent. makes the pur- oba« quite a speculation. Tbo- “American Art Union" roumj* »** open to the public, and the picture <** we worthv the commendation ot every American- All of the leading artists Imve contributed the latest and choicest productions ol tbeir pencil* bera are very forward m coming m and ll.e mnn- I ager« hope to expend this year one hundred tbi u- Uund dollar*- „ . The Vine Rail Road .even per reel l.inda ®IJ toulay al s.'<3s,ViO, which mote, 11.0 mve.tmcul equal lo eight fieri-ent., and lh,~. 100, a « l »*“ “ run ion veara Buting’a recent loan m Hie ““J* 1 ; more aid tlhio toad waa Si per eeul. lor a • P« cent. mock, aa oparalioa not quite ao good an may cTuldtasilounJ in Erie bond.. The earn ag,i the Eneroad in March, are lit. per cent over those ol March ISIO, and April lima lot la !■> pet cnl. over March lots. The year . earamga wdl reach S&00.000. ~ . , . On ’Change,to-day,the newa Imm V.nglandcaur ed a panic m breadaluff., aud ordunry Wandaol flour dropped to $3 30, and choice Slate to S 4, SI,. All .leaned lo add, and the ■reached 3000 bbl.,.obieUy for eaporl Wheal har faUen, Ohio to about one dollar, and Prune cn eaaee can be had al 111.- Horn receded lo ,a\ to, While, and 3V (or Yellow. Willi odu „ mil) pact-age. al id lie good * sale, there war a large aileudan.-e, bul 1" '■ ■' off two or three cents per pound. Numerou. la goea are advertised, aifa the martel rlonea (all weak al me decline Vtoo nwt. o' 1 a-" add al mfln-al 100 per lb, aud .. me hr -public' sale lor years. Mis.usirri asd riiE UknU'itn The l»l< food at Chicago. il is supposed, destroyed propel ,y to tbo amount of SHOO OIHI ' 'oral .tone** done lo -hipping, houses, lauds, Ac Several live were lost The flood was eaused bv the extn ordinary overflow of streams win. h u-usliy empl into the Mississippi. A Chicago paper, dated se eral days before the us-shel. toys that ihe river De I PFamei. whien usually «ni;>i)fs itiu> ili«* 111. hob, was w«.,r I.V way of .he Niagara, an, was flowing into the One.g • river, making siicn a current a. to clear out the sand-bar. roll, n more effectually than a duacu R.vcr and H ir.-.r It. Isol CODgressl It is wilhm trie recollection ol many | cUweus cl Northern Illinois Hint rScre w ere torrn-, grly natural water common,-at,.ms "-tween he * la Ires and the Mississippi, at the *' ! f which this union is at pre-ont e,reeled, by Its el traordinary atnouat of mel in* snow upon tne ,U Tha flood did no damage lo the '"ly o' Alum -bid. is situated on elcyated ground. Nearly at ■til.towns on the Illinois river aieuode, wnurr.aud in many cases totally absndonedliy the people. Al'l’oru thirty buildings have been destroyed or greatly injured, amoag wiueh Were two hotels aej l large warehouse. At Lncltpon.tbe greater pari •ofthe hydraulic basin ha. been washed away l« aide. Ihe destruction of mod. other valued, pc petty. At I'eoria ihe costly and elegant -rid.e, just baished. lias been carried oil, except one ,arch. A number ol lives have been ms. a' vsn -OUB poials LiBKI. Cast—ln Ihe Crim.nh! Court of Ph.iadel , ph.a on Friday. Dads. A. Knehss was tried on a j charge of publishing a libel detemalory of the re , .potation or J. H. Gihou. Tne prosecution alleged , that the defendant is one of the agents of ibe Ns- | tmnal Police Gazette of New York. and was in the habit of vending papers containing libels upon lb. character of Mr. Gihon. line of these pspers, pul lished several month, ago. was pul in evidence and proved in have been purchased at the store of the defendaat- No funner testimony was ad duced oa either side, and me jury waa addressed by the counsel. Judge Kelly charged dial it »u true that the Jury were to pane upon the law and the evidence buOflhey did not receive the law from Ihe Court Ibere could be no uniform rule lor the govern meet of cases. He then passed to the aocusalior against the defendant for Inn publication ol « hbe. The inquiries were, was the article Ills-, bus am was there a publication ol it 1 He would an.wc' both questions distinctly,ve.y. Ihe Jury were then lo ascerlmn if Ihe defendant pubnsli.n • the paper in question. Il they believed mm He evidence lhal be did, then ibe.r verdict -Imu.d be that of guilty. If he dp) not, Iheu, they were re to acquit him The lury retired, but in the course ol the ader noon returned a verdict of guilty The senieiie. of ibv defendant was deterred for the present. Oca MiaisTga m Mancva-A correspondent w the New York Herald, writing from Mono, rr lales the following: Icalled today on Mr. n.ltord. the America., Minister. He lives m very good style, M the from ol a spacious donned, in Ibe rest ol which reside- Mr, Hargous, Ihe well 1,.0wn Mezioan mercha.i. whose business exlenda Ihroughoul a 1 Meuw and who lm* a branch of m* hour.- m Hew \ ork Mr Clifford thinks well of lue administration *■ Herrera. He say, i. the bert govern,iienl lb- Melieans have ever bad yet In ihis cut it ha nd ..ingle paper devoted to uyulcresu. Ihe stories about Santa An»a*arnvid here Mr. I -to*' Q °Mr. Gifford was just concluding a despatch t our government, to announce that he has at la concluded an arrangement wlth ‘ lhe Mexican uu lliorities, by winch they hod agreed In alUtw over half a million pounds oftobacco, imported into Ui« country while in the possession of the American troops, to be restored to the owners, and to be do posed of free of duty. It has hitherto been kepi m possession by the Mexican aulhorrlies Mr- < likewise says that he is to hope* to be able In Ad duce the Mexicans to admit American cotton uj*jh a duty of four cents per podud; it is uow six to the gold excitement, Mr. Clifford stated that, at a diplomatic din tier he gave on the 22d of February, the Minister ofthe Interior asstir ed him that he liad full faith in all tba-stories he had been told about the discovery of gold m Cali forma and indeed,that he doubled not that yet more important disi would ultimately be made- LATEST FBOnCHAOHE9 ABSIVAJ, OFTUE CRXSCETT CITY- | The Bteamahip Crescent City arrived at New i York on Saturday morniog, direct from (Jhagres- Her passage from New Y'ork toCo&gres waemade 10 eight days and eighteen hour*. The New York Express say* After landing her passengers at Chagres—.if>o m number —she sailed jt>r Havana on ttie loili March, at 6 o’clock. wit:i lueuty pamyrngrr*. The California had nut reached Panama, »n & er return 7oyuge on the 23*1 uli. The Oregon wax at I’amuna on Ui* - February, and remained then- lor nineteen 'lay*, sailing on the 1 3iii of March, a l nA. M., with two hundred aod fifty passengers for California aud Oregon. There was at the titae o! her stuhug more than eight hundred passenger* at Panama, ami 330 more had arrived m March, mating at leaal 1,400 wail ing passage. The health of both Paaamu and Cha grea was very good There were only a few cases of intermiltaul lever, winch was brought on by ex posure. At Panama, on the 23d. there were but two ves sel*, the ship Humboldt with coal on board.and the j other a small brig called the Eterlma. Both were \ bound up with passengers. i The whale snip Equator, of New Bedford, sail ed from Panama, on the 2l»i ol March, with 130 passengers tor Sao Francisco. Severn! other whalers were expected there soon, to lake passen gers. The English ship Colony left Panama on the 20tn, with 201 passengers lor the same uestioa l,on. Vessels commanded ttn-.r own price, nnu sea steamers on the coast Wi.uld clear their cost twice over in a voyage up and down the coast. The passengers "which went to Chagres by the CrescentJCity were carried in canoes to t Jorgona at seven dollars each. They went with all their bag gage at this price, and for the distance of torty-five miles. For twenty-one mite*, the road from Gorgona to Panamn is m very good condition, Bnd passengers made their wav over it with their baggage, without auy trouble. The price asked for carrying luggage was six dollar* for 10U jxjunds. The passengers met with im nccident on the j route Provisions weie penlv at Panama, and board could be had :t( 1-Ua >' |*»*r duv. By inarketmg and cooking lor tneiiison rs.pnrt'.*'* could live nt 30 cents each a day. American eagle* at I’auama were worth in change. eagles $l. mid dollar* toMV cents, live frauc piece* pass lor leu oue dime I’lcees. a ilnne passing tor one-eighth ,1 :» doiiur. doubioons are worth seventeen dollar*. The loil.-wmg weff vessel* Ml tot { hagres - American seliooner Edwin. I’aduiioic. American sclioooer Gleaner New \urh. I'utch iilnxmcr i.r ther. Ouracoa. British nleumrr Med" or, Englam via The Crescent t'lty arrived at Havana ou lu* 1 morning of the 30Ui. alter a passage of tour and i • hall day* (rom Chagres. «a.led lor Now '■oik -»i ' Monday, April 2d. at ■<{ I’ M.. and arrived »t .oi the morning ol the "lh. 1” A party •»t mlerprmig Americans, iiupauent h r gel to the gold region*, and not being able to get r passage at the isthmus, hud purchased a small vb 1 boat, and started nrt lor falfoa. .«*>me I mde from Panama 1 They intended io row pari ol th wbv. ' , l-spt. Pratt and C W Parker tirxt otiieers -‘i th, brig Anne anJ Julia, tvim h tut wrecked at Cbu gre*. came passenger* n the t rr*ce«l 1 it\ The .Sun, m Hi, exira *«\V lu.»! the En*lV deamer Equator arrived at Panama at 'A M Uie23d. trom Valp»ra *o With <1 Off MO ,n goU dust uiosllv in i ‘at.i- Tmu aold l tie w hoie am> was lor England. It weird be -old i*er steal Medway Wb i-h vessel w** m wait-ug *• -r treasure at Hiugre* when the Cres*eut ‘ nr The Charleston t'.mrer. recr.ved la-t tniiit tains lull ao*-ounl* ol the new* l>y the N.Tthn from Chftgres, and the New t'rlean* P»-«\ news by the Mean.-top Alabama, but the Iwifo is all the additional .tern* ot intelligence we in them A letter to ihe P.cavutie. dbtrd M 20. says The barque* Coiimsnev and Equator, mid t bng Felix, led here ye*lerd:iv, crowded wui. pt sengere for San Fram-isco. Both of them had im person* on board th-m the !aw«ol the l mted Sts' will allow s t" *ail. mlu our |K*r«* w, Hundred* ••! per*-.... *t d «w* ;,ag trm.-po. lion. A little schooner , .l ied the Sui hun, twm one tor.*, 10-day lor s3.otfo. --i<- *aii soon n* she can In- g.-t reudy. "'.in twenty l'**-' gcr .Mayor Emory i* hxins up *••* .ipparuln* tending to mnkr * ire so,eiUde- <>l *erviUiou» a' place. The engineer* emtdoyed .n Mirv-Vih* the mu* are progressing rap.dty their work A letter to the \eu*. dated l a i. March 22, says •\ ves-el is expected here «hor’.!y mat 220 pa»*er,ST«. !l ,* a,*o lepnrted that mm expected ii'iitou !.•>-. V.e.suier ir.-in Viiii'.iru so arr.ved v •100 ot **>»'• here t--r pi *«e|igi take i .1 'h"e*- -if a who have un !■ tw* A Lay m un Lrur [,i-e I’ie-ervcr inv-- been ttu«r-»ugn.V Capliuu Ihicv. oi the im- »t f- :, ‘- er|>o©l packet*. The Journal o: Comm«-r. i k-Bllemen 1 w I,; * Preserver*. «UU:atam At •« j m..«*t |1 I'.tvilil itl.rrt. It « V ,1 Hi. r, rolie Hon. Atnflv pf.iv.ded *vitn ,r ] the day. I lett the Fulton terry wav yeMTdav I""' ; Oooa. and iW.uiming directly to o the i , made the best of my way to » .governor * Guild Passing tbrougo the iwntre of the rip ot the t -astie. I there foustied myself that thu« equtpped.lhe hu man bodv, is an eieelient see boat leiindinx up* on the Island, I improved the occasion by a sitgru inspection ofthe military works thereon, and again pul to sea, making with the help ol toe tide, lor Staten Ulaud. Haviug amasod tnyselfloran hour or two in my own way, with hamog and answer in* Ihe hail of nomerous small craft and steamer* I ate a hearty dinner —and taking a cigar, l lay ai length upon the soll’erpansive bed in blissful ra-c ruminating upon the wonderful ingenuity of man. which thus enables u» touar one ot the moat migh ty executor* of Heaven’* wrath as a gouni ol lain rv Arousing from my delighttul us.ita with regret I’foun.l that I had drifted willmi 11 short dutanc. o< the Staten Ulnnd ciiore, .md a- the tide was I*- C.nning u. How l wore -nip and stood lor the but lerv ' Wnen übonf Hall wav between Uiclw-, I ,v».nl* 1 -utrun .-irrendered myaell to p' *en i notiOa* tvctisjotjcd ftv a reclining posture in rou»: i lakmg nn occasional look around lhal l nttghl I not come m c*.ntiK-t with anv iH the many ve-»ei sliding up and down tne bay. In thi* situai.o.i the strong westerly wind j which had Wen blowing al! day) earned me down to leeward ol ' *->vrroor * Mand. Passing Ijctween which and Brooklyn, I took steam to tow inr well over to wmdwnrds.- I intended lo nouUnne my Uip to Wihmmsburg but on arriving off pier 2.1 recollecting that anion* trends might be put to much trouble on amount ol mv long absence, I reluctantly went on shore al Kiroinmes to 9?. M. Ou throwing oil your in valuable dress, 1 Mood warm sad dry. with not so much as the starch in ray shift bosom disturbed m the least The article works admirably in a short chopping •en, and would of course do much better m a long heavy swell. Indeed, *ir*>, so Ur as ibe immediate action ol the water is concerned 1 have doobled Ca|*« Horn in a liiudt more dangei ou* and uncomfortable ve«aol tltna your dress would be in a tike situation if* immense value in the many and various dangers ot the deep mum ultimately bring >t into un.v.-rsai use with u!! wtm»e plcusure or prole-v-iou lend ihcm upon the sea Yours truly SAMHKI. N lilM-.N -CrtVstlbo Baku i *»To ril£ Foist- —The filicm aati < razetie publishes a letter troin Mr Howeh of Butler l.'ounlv, Ohio, formerly *-dilor oi the Ham ilton Intelligencer Mr. Howels c.»u1.l not cum* entioualy supyairt the nomination ofOencral Tay |..r, retired from the editorial chair, and joined the Free Sod party. Alter expressing tho most un bounded confidence m General Taylor’s now, be speaks ol the Free Sot I party is*, called) as follows. (jf the Free S.ul [inriy, I may Ife ponnilfed lo „!•- setvr. Hint il uppvani '" V ' J “* and ,1.., idva wl.ivl. save rise to n baa wp.rosl by limitation. 11 now dead. In it. proper aphnre it did vnod.m .•on.lraininqibnvlpreasion nnd adv, i-aov ofjnst politioal sonlimcnis durma Ihe i rrsi deniial canvnsz Hul, «s Willi good llnny ihcre have not t.-sn warning bnd in«n io ab,i-v I in U,is Stale lOlooi it has mo.l unlortunulvb ,• eurred Hint when ihe Free Solbidrn was about b. close its exisleace in quiet respe.-laiiMiy, deina emrues were at hand lo pridong it. lo vivuy n ms ol politicnl eorruplton lh.l will long deUle Ihe h - lory of Ohio. il b«< I"*" Jisgroe'- 1 >" purpose ol promoting unprincipled »'"■> > lem ot legislslive anarchy aud lyniniiy that ei rr> god I il,loan will blush lo hear unmed. Let all Whigs unite as speedily as possible b, re pair the injuries that have been perpetrated by Ibe , abuse of their confidence, or have followed their temporary divisions. We must unite, il tight I vyould triumph. Ifet u. then henceforth, in Ohs, be whig, m Ihe sense we hare bees and ne.i year report lo the world those majorities by which we can restore Ihe Stele lo il* i'u'ner dwnity Yours: &c. W. t. HOWELLS. Hamilton, Menfh l'ith. IM9. SlCZbt Ftr< Tzeks. —The Pennsylvania Culls valor says lhal sail, freely applied lo Ihe o the ground .round the tree,over an are. as Wide n, the’extent of brunches— strong bone applied lo n waai. to Ihe trunk and bmba. and pulverised salt introduced in the trank of the tree by Isaringiutn :!■ ceß tre and then plugging it up-.1l or either of them are M ,duo be certain means of restoring plum tree. Ib.l are in a sickly or enfeebled sta.e-lrre. Hurt are troubled with 'be eoreolio bng-o, trees that have evidence ol dissaved sap, black warls into a heallby and luxuriant condition, rhe plum I. naturally a marine tree, and .1 ,s surprising bow much .alt „ will aisimulale and Ihnr. upon - Try il FROM OAITEIH&LA. | Uiublt WroßTA>r from ihk Pacific — , WeUave been puFm possession of Letters of an , vrrti atuUoss oflxfr -—k letter from Capt liiown. | authentic character from Gautemala, of dates I* .iu , of the ship Hannibal. of New London, published ,n j the sth of January - to the 1-in of February, from the New London Chronicle, of Thursday last, da whieb we learn that Mr. Hiae,iu«-Charged'Affaire? ted 6t. George* Ray, December 1. IS4S, reporf* ol the United Stales to that Stale (Central America that a terific gale had taken place m the bay some bad not Keen able to present himself to its Pres.- imte previously, un i that the shore in that v.cinity dent, because there existed, upon hie arrival, no ! was completely strewed with wrecks —ships, brtgi Government at all, the couutry being m tt.e I and cutter*, ino-t >: them were vessels.— midst cf anarchy, revolution, uud civil war. | A board with i!ie name "klmtna, London. Rafael Carrera, who had been President, and I was found among t:.e wreck* who bad rtiied the Stale for ten year* by military j He also «lnte« t-.u ;te had heard there were a force, without a written constitution, was compeii- ■ bout one lodunnd l,v**s lo»L edbv the opjxisition in arms against him to rr«ign This place i« n great resort for the hngh*h ves- _ -uid ieuv e the country in August last. A Coustitu- 1 •«($ lU pursuit ol guano, and there is no sale harlo'f j enl Assembly was convoked, which elected Juan j except under the island ol Fuva, when- the Haiti*' A. Martinez Provisional President. Vincente Cruz, j bal lay, which affurd* *;i«*tler Irr one or two ship*. who wan Carrera's Vice President, with another ! A of a hundred >r more KriKtish vessels arc brotner of his. and some others disaffected to the j on the 'a-t at one lime new arrangement, rose up in arms against the Many tons ol guano which had been bagged and Provisional Government, claiming that upon Car p|[ ei j U p, hail been destroyed l>Y the gale. rem s resignation the office ot President should _ Captain Brown also reports me 1 lanmbal and have fallen on Cruz. Under these circumstances, i lt . r tender, the cJsrah Livinm- a; ; '‘■'C' l with IV*>o Martinez, the president, without means or troops bids. oil. bound to Falkland Islands wanting So<> that could be depended on. and sarrounded with bbis to 111 difficulties, convoked the ‘Assembly and resigned ‘ the office. The Assembly forthwith elected »r. D. Bernardo Escobar President in hts stead, which did not satiafv V. Crux, who. with upwards of a thousand mountaineers, threatened to lake the city, aad to take off the heads of certain distinguished persons of Guatemala The city troops and the troops ol Crux kept firing at each other lor three days, with inconsiderable loss of killed and wound rd on either side, after which Escobar nlso resign id. The letter of the latent dale February I2t states that lue Provisional (.Jovermneitt atul the leaders i.f the Hebei-* had just treated and made peace, and the oilioer* and troops 01 bjta part es had “truier ntzed."— Sdl. Intel. OFFICIAL. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. I >amel Stgicr, ol Indmua, to bo Register ol' t tie [.and i »fßce at Wmamne. Indiana Samuel Brenlon. to be Register 01 the Land ' M* lire at Fort Wnyur Indiana John H Thompson o: inJ.ana. ti> be Receoer ot Public Money* at Indianapolis, Indiana Need Smallwood, ot Indiana, to be Keren er o 1 I’iil'lic Moneys at Fort Wayne, Indiana 1 >avid E. Moore, o( Alabama.,to be Receiver o Pobuc Moneys at beiint|Miii, AUb.uir.i Aieiander Irvmr, ot IVnii'vlv-Hioa to be I mted lair* Mar-dial the Western l 'islnct ol Pen nay i tie.irge I.dtlie ol North I’arolu.i. to be I Oiled uie» Mar*tial tor thr I'lalnot ot Nortti t'aru ■ nainpuni I Hut. ii.ns.m ol W.5c0u.,1.. 1. b luted •"I sles Marslirtl I >r the Kelr.l 'I Wi*c.,u ‘•dtnuri i’.air, i.t l*el«Ware, to be I Ci.l *.l • Msi-ha, tor the I'istrict ot I’ebwaie Bowen Sweit/er ol Pi*Oß-t i» an Oo i>e All. lev Ot the i Uiled Stale* lot Hie Western Disti )t Petni'Vlvani.i Ignatni* Mndd ot the Lh*Ui- t *t i '••mn.h.a be i oinimasiouer ol Public Hu Iditig* Thomas 1- itnam. ol the i'-sir.. ; ol « dumb.a, ■s Warden the Peo>t«\ Pii iip Atabauis to U* Indian An ,r me ('r.-rt Indian* \ PP- '! NTM EN T V.\ THE SI i'RETARY -d THE INTERH'K. I.ibfti: Hav*. Ot Texa*. to be Sub A gent >,n the R;0 (rnj, New Metu ' I' Ato WM i-KIR* - - Tb.s hie is arid die. say* an old Monk audit lhe*a\,ng l* Dot :,,ernlly .-oria.l, itor- a certain,y much m tt.e lue hi*tor\ ot men, «• J vvi ; ii.en mat is me.xpi cable by nnv rule ol reaeouab.e and ralhinab.e con duct" 1 Mr city i* now ciowdeJ with an unnjen-e numler oi person* iroin u.. garters >■! in- Lnio.i, on their wav to the g >■ il reg >n» of ' ablonua kS e »aw in the street yesterday, m a ncketv wa* on. with a ' erv p*»'« team, returning ol a vote oi urr oien and an n.-led liurae. an ajred " ,;u ’ Wr ,Vj l" ] , e . poae full aeVentv year-*, and hi-. w*le. M-anety « ,tu year ht# junior, on t h»-■ r u-»v irom *o«ne e.«ußt\ rt , m lliiiion. 1 • Oahlorma Tue .',J nun was buoy ant hi the hope ut making h fortuue in ihrtylJ ■tv vi.girm- a* anv of the tunny luitms men that are JF derim".! for On* omf place mi.t bin Wilhered r>:i<J .on ' aired partner talked eloquently »t the enjoyment | *ne niilvpated on her return •* lb -u. .dumdum e ,ie > oi liir ri> n metal l<> tier rh.ldrru yar% lieuce ,1... i Tt.r\ hud -old their farm, ai-.i proposed to make j p.e entire tr pby ‘i'hry were w iling to en- Hin ' dure uil the privation* upoanre *and hurd-lup* .•oii-equeiit ojkon s’mli :i j •urnr',. under the i-oon - :1 t , : mi„.o. and ,-!.eere'«i bv the pro-pe- i .•( reiurn.n* m 4 t-w yean md> m gold They had Unit ihr-ra;- rv . .••itl--. mid «vfn .!-•= and mrinmtv did m>t '«>»» lie «nv pari of t w:lh e moss or ivory “( doubt or as m me result >*r /«»« l<o> A N tw Vtiuais or >am rs*:.n ihk 1 cupue i»k ■„ K J-iuuirim-Thr New York Sun i. have removed an account of the following rat »*lropl»e trim an ry witiu-s* ai, t-ve wilnei**. Tnc -ul ->l n kun: Lg-arlcd oIJ woman in M- street, delecle.l. p Salurda'. last, a ’-icekit tuuuay' in me art Uttering from the oid wt-mnn * cu|»ft.iard P«»* ltier Lttic eui;»ru, but n>l very rmiely. a* inc w-a- a ituid dispiAitioneJ cal. iml'ttH-d ooii sider-iitic ot ihe genlleneaa cl Her miatrefa'a nature, and earning niuiiwy lo Ihe ft-.r. commen.-ed her olnymg trick* ■-n it. How it ..ippened .-11)1101 exactly l< .le«TtlM?d l.ul to 1* the foci, lhal ft.e mDii-m lo leap t-U-Hf ilowcl pu*» » ihritßt. ni.d arrive tv.og nuJ without hroken Ume* m tier sloinacft. Then may there was n</t a noi»e nad twirtmg and leaping :iuJ Ingbtfui mewing* The cat tied lo the tartlie*i 1 urner of the cellar, atui kepi such applying fcoumi* ot ,»gonv for an nour that the whei*- ue.gblointrjil were altracled lo the *j»H, but uoi.e Jared '.<> go nrnr tne agnai/ed cat Kven me 01. 1 woumh. who knew her l-> be -the *wectcst crenlun- u> tne worid ' and wept vrr her |»«ib* would not ven ture into the cellar. Al ia»l the ’ tile wicked meutr reaped lo .-nurwi through puss* .ifterna) region*, and yielding to a nrce*sUV. mv dowu aud died. Thu* ijmelcd maltora. Ihe . rowd dw|M»r*c.! il.e old woman pul ‘-n -* -nuie ot j*-y '»nd at m*i ..aCouiiUi llie . a! *lth hved but t;.»<l n-’t ‘t lerlcreil with mice. ’ March V' l ’ SrK*vt hi ink i tfc. .****< ij —Account* umn i>ri! i>kh < .tii.iim hi 1 tie mtddic ««( February stale tti the American Mcaincr Vene/u.m bm t «t BiTHburgh 0 D J «fiii o-U to ll.e Uroi.«»«-o nvrr. an.»r. u P-.-rt of spam on U»e i ”ih Jium.iry, and cr*-a. led itrt intense rx.-.wrmei.l >»c a.meol ll.» !• >u • lrnru«*r* win- it Urr 1 o Strain N.v^al-'.i I'uiipaiiy are nt«.jiit l" put on that river party' w»« |i>rme«l hi iL.i* o.'inlr, U Mr \<* ~a«.-n K (..rmt-rly »>ur > lufK' 1 'i \eneiura who wm m*J** I’r» v Jriil <>l llir . >in|.*»y Mi»v- ;ng acted tb** agent .1 '-rfi. Fnci in purelris.fiy tn«- ric*. be lid* n dispia. ed bv ike comp iiy wh' desire to avoid e\ery appearance >1 .*■ m ue< lion with Ihe paM\ pout**’* ul \ «*i>r/>i»d* The stesraer w«« the hr*l ul the bind seen n Fort oi ."pain snJ wan visited bv nearly the wb..l« irourr the carrying trail** •'» the < 'rum-co tr«>n Bogota to it» mouth n *» n« «• »( bftren biiii .1 r r*« mile* I ISI'sRTIHtB of i ut. Mm ni.rrn t' nonrl linon r> M.U-- who ii.n ».«?♦• mnce ho return !r..m Mr* laindv. m our civ, will ir.avr Uni rimming tor urw Arid ut duly I*. '-'L iii utinrv on lbe pl.i ns, west ut tt.«* Aikai mis A grand larrw- l entertainment whk givr to turn on Saturday evening. by M«vl"iry Turut Kaq , where a large utimlwr ul In' Irend* were a M-mtik-d At the dose ut ruiertaintmytf u nuiubr ot ladles ul J-ondenslager s hill pretented the G lu nri with a splendidly bound copy ol the Holy Hi ble, on the re- ol which he delivered n mo neat and appropriate speech '1 he t oluncl hn •erved hit* country nub<y in the ■•iiinpß’.'ii ol i lor da and Mexico,and has the best Wishes , i out. i Zens where duly enlled loot To the Editor of (he haiKtt. I>KAK Sir—An unfortunate error oooitnftn ll printed copy ol my couuiiiiii.t-iilion on the snl-.e.-t ..I turning the . r unm through Pittsburgh. In the table ol distance-. it rend* from ('lrv'hmJ to V-HHI IVrr.on. sh-.ii.d be Mount I’moii The sfinie errui iic.ur- a lew imes I eluw (lie table ol d.*tauce*. My crump penmanship is no don lit the iu»e the error. Mount l nun n tlie )>oint whore the Wellsville .uul i.'lnvelaod Road trusses the pru|~>*ed route ut the t and Pennsylvania Road. The pltco is almost unknown. while Mount Vernon is to the in lenur of tlie Slate, and comparatively well known Un tins account, I would be well pleased it the er rnr could I* corrected by any roenn- best knuwu by yourself. [ have m progress « statistical table of the “ pro bable Toonago of ' >hio Exports" with winch I will soou trouble you, but in a plainer form for the compositor. Truly your*. An ' mhoav Tobaoc*. Dust as a Photkctio* auai’ctt bi sect* —We last year procured from a ■null mill a Kartell of dry. but damaged ana ft flour, and prepared drudging boxes, covered with hoe bolt ing cloth, with which we sifted it over the sur faces of any plants attacked by inserts, and with most signal auccest. The snlifl should t*e ap plied, tf practicable, while the plnnt is wet with dew, nod repeated alter every shower. If the boxes are properly made, (like a common floor drudge • and the snurt. perfectly line and dry, but little lime uecesaary to go over an acre of plants. Kvett> the rose bug, cabbage louse, ihnps on grape vinei, Sec., all yield to the influence of suulf, und tn<>«t delicate plant ol the hot house is not injured by its application. For Held vegetables, caustic lime made into a lute powder, while dry, and applied before slaking by couiacl with the sir wdl prudme aiojit.r result- -/'•>•/ MaptJ. Later dates from Texas have been rereivrd at New Orleans. The rroigtnnts at San Antoaio lor California had all gone on. not deeming it necessa* f ry to wait tor the protection ot the ‘ ■ overnmef.t troops, Ceueral Worth- expedition to the l, iia was to start about the 20tn <>l Aprii. Several par* tics ot' California bound citizen* were met by fnrn. Worth on hi* iourney fr >ni San Antonio to Lava ra. h will be rememl-ered we announced some d.iyg ago the arr.Yal 01 1 reneral W orlh and staff at New (Moan*. At Indian' la and Lavaca there had been several r;i*e* oi cholera. and some death*.— An effort is akmt to iw made to remove the rott in Hie (Colorado rivt-r. The cost ts estimated at thiOy thousaaJ dollars. A letter dated Water County says tiiat a Mr. Luv - -hot a man mimed Banton in the stress of Huntsville. — Journal* AynlK. jg& |Hknky B. Anthony Kditor "i me l‘rov denee iournal. is elected < lio.-ruor ot R h-id>-Island by u rery large mtyonlv We o-agr.tiimie the I’eople n that Stale on in** wi-dom and l«-ncity ol their •h?ice. Mr Anthony i- *m' a wm.i* imui. but upright. capable mid Jeser-imr. and will make n | i loveruor llml many u larger Stale might well l>e proud ot. We have decidedly disagreed with him .-r-- iu'W. but never ee&sed lot n moment to es Icnii lion An tlie suinry .Ml) 1 ' tor Hie fuil term ->• .me .ear- will hardly raise tilni above the nrr*-*i- c; ( iu*:ii* * the ijuol for a livelihood hereattrr. we -liallhiuea re.ii itve ' 1 ,>verm>r in the Kdiloriai tratmniy f.>r llir year en-mi-g —or more correctly llie i i.tvernor- wd: have an Kdiior among lliein - Much g.o.i uuv be do them' —.V I 7r»m«»«. A teller irom Si kisopi.. M-- re.-eived >n the Mioumnd pm-m-m n-at nwn smi im.ghU»rh*H..l. ( to -la l l ; a 1 » '"ri'-'ihi- -pring. It is further uu*d t.v m.- -a .e u'.oniv ihiu OUltlt* .4-i'ar-< W We woe' I re- pee -fu I! v IM ■ Hie jui'die RtienOOi p, the t.'ard .'I the linun.ih Moi>- At .ideuiy at Ra> lerslown This Sem.its-v % n.ler ■ K-mperviaior oi Mrs. Lvon. w m> o laui.osi ' - i n<»n ; «-rn»* nreb oi inendi and ac>|iiftintHm-rti n our . t :«« ihe u If resting and accomplished Nnney Campbell, th dau» hter . I I’arket Campl-ed Ks- me enunen lawyer wh«*vr. laiiie >» wr i r»tnM:si..-l ,n \\ ejler Mr- !-V -r- * w." known ble. .alrdyml. a- 1 *ll 1 ' Hied nd\ gunranler oi me '.-nmis the >.-uuitirv wd! impart to all V'/UIU' * >’■ '--vr 1 i't*i' '-I 1. ed lin.iar in JOB PUISTISI.. mi 1. • >»ii< i iK- i i.ak 1 . \A >1 *A. WAItD, w. ai. lt -' "'“‘[’“'y, Ihi pros r mum in brnllitiy. I* Vt 1 1 l - -It AKV in:- • ‘l* V. - i -ii wii.i.e i.J; ,fi. i*• Hi" .Mu 1 Km7-' altr ,o h"'lvv s tutor ru'irati!. • m.: • , - t< pitMic uitti!) rm ..v »:!•!■ . afr’t: • " Dun he „r. H nt , !».''« A JAYNKS, at the Pekn. Ten Store, .No '-v I’uurui »l ib"Ul4 £ /* A o me »a: wan ate pun ' B A K»«ill» , *u»rk l («/ * Ruhl a. ,r»*. »n 4 I t'S 'u: o: lUrmiian«m, (»*<• turn v*Mu»- ifmo.iirU n. x'tr. ».ul » inm. *'' n*» ;.*ni . I* *' wn* '•f.iii,)ir:n.v re»iarrn to f*otn i>i»j .t rv we have irmi tlip Jl. M • < ' " i - •- • '•'-'v tg .1 -n« r* *■ lui.r. . .n*; <irt • r unl .1- _ A K i'h'.K i l HT)i >. ill. \S »liJ. . Apr i. . I -IK- -IA 'l .1 mt ili*- ottu i* ./! ••I' m l >u Ut>- hu>hi. Of \ T'.' 111 i il»« i' 111 U ,'U* I'.. .11'. ■*.* iIA wii T l.;i.tiiil U Aim I'ri't.i »‘.n II AINA U 9IUKK A l Al> K M V , ''i‘,iiiilriluni' im ' It'ii-. H'-iiH'T'lOw ii LAI.II M' lit I. lul M , MAli'i I. A N I). Ktlilflilii'Vi- I'm • lum I |ii«Hluiinn « - ii- ■•Vi- m 1 Bllil 1 -lllieuliOl! 0( ) u.llif l.mlirv ■t n V in fSo*Hlllj*t| Uir 'Amiri »r «>• .Mwnilny >■) . Wir uminm-i uii.:<t i HI lift. LYON, wholf . ui: ' » K' ■ ’ Him ii %»i.dliy th<- <•> m- w|i» • • mil thi-it tii iirt ■ »n\ '1 be company .tiJrrnl li •ir gsllanl Usib d«>rnn-..ej wilii In muu.'ind »( <in<- ol tin t,,- !•««. ell It**- it.*- lIIO'I.II ill A.'fil UII.I C»c t. B«»'ii luiinm. i.- oi.- Inn; hi adv.ui r.iiMiii'iiU' »t'un« millr**«rt| ii. M m.i n M J K.cuißr. HIMUM* U Ml\M. Hall.. M> JAM K> -I • AMfCr.I.I. K ■« . Kev Mr JIMiS vm.Nm\ Ur I'llK'V VAN KKA.NKI.IN AN MI’K-'ON, c.. t . It. ~irrkiu»n, M. Hun Hmry Cmy. A-iunml. u > , K.,: i; K-v U.«iioj) K<• K'l l . lii'l .ana, M'-ih -. T t>u ■ . nil I ».[ , f .»■' i *.*;luii K\ . Jomi W. Hum. h . K> - l>r A i.lifv. W'tio ('rrrul,,i'l <•' I Uiliana l mvri.,u 11-nunn'iflon. hid K.-» W H M'liurtv. Viiituuu Ke\ Am.- ulruiif, Wlirelin*. V« . Kev J Avpi . Sliejibenl. Coo S| iii>|i. N.i', J»nif« Liuinu(i. tljuj l'u j uu | | io.i, A M l‘lnlnJcl[itua i»(»li .i 1 SITUATION WANTED, ii.u • .1 I'ni.iri [.y ira.lp ..i n H’luii. «uir <>. Kr uu. 1 X t’or»mi»*iiyi or K'.f war.ttiiK li - ,| i,r wi 1 i:ij* .'J r• i.l L<- Imuirlf gr-nrra.. i. etilicf ui llif ai"’ •>•i' «• O Siu.sluclusy re I.• r • ni'*- .*• lo !• lin/i* 1 "I - ’ 1 1 • ' ► vr 'i ".eil*c 'A through ill' l’.'-' "ftirr • IMli'H fi.tir ami jiiaor vvh.-ir u,i iriKr ' mi <" bad t>lV lilt . »/-v I I \\ ** m I I*tn|i-ll:m, Sm ■ 1 1<1 0* ' Al*o, u I ' I l “!•! "I. I|«. all m rmiO unUr •anil l>c Int i 1 ■ »,T • 1,1 I u; I,|Q. A I.JI'IMNOTON. :,pl2 wu'S *11..:'.W. *'I•• I-• I'lit-imrpli, \'t i_. KtHl KKNT A ' (’in ■'>••' ii' '. -m »t«ry look ' l.:n I‘«'k .irrn. a irw ill''’'- AiictTiff' ‘'f'" \>•">’ ‘'“"lain |nr ri.Oltl* 111 ■ ' ■ k ' l, •i*‘i> .'nr ilil'l x»:»sh 1.0u.e-cuvrrrii '>»''• *»»'*• mealed -r n K.MVII M* WU.kl\> !.,ij.-r,y ‘‘ ? '••‘ r ;l '* "I w,.«.l .1 _ J«(T«r«on College, Cnnouiburg, Fa. ri 'HK si'MMER l l'.H 'l hi Uiu lii'.iiuuoi . will rum. I meiice on Wedue-oJa y. liie 'AI of May ucji. MU ISAAC HARRIS hui* rrmnvpiJ hr* Agcory himl lii ii - 1 • igciicn liflire t« Hti* ilwi'llmg |iou«r, W’.>o,l« {l<iw Marlmry «tn*el. a *tior', ilutmrcp i.elow Tlnfil nnd IVnu orect. nplV dtt lA| Kl’ HRU'K -.W.mhi-IWnir K»rr, u ««{>• 1 nur aril<**«*. l ‘> '•>' ' »'<ul mm i«»T »ulc on »• coinmoilaiHiit »«-""* l ’>' '' A M ANL'LTV A Co npl« • ' a ul lla»iii / iONSICJNI'U. WAN lI.I> I>> i ; I.x - Slim; M.- I , o.f», inark'“<l “.M q rr. r.vrxl *t<<an» ■ >!■ mmxalieitt Imjuirr ui l.F.u U MU.rKNUKIU/I.R uj.iv .: 7^''L 0 5 , “ laivr^yiHKwj, DltlKU Al*lM.l> -'Jail L.u«ii , '.*l irnvrU, lor ««Jr l.y 1 KIH V M A I' rH K Wr* A Co C,KK \M CHV»K >iM* ju-' •' l”-' I-**' , ;^; r .„dM-,rU j »* A-NKlKl.ll \V»l*-I »t. ► -vvfpii Su.iUibriU »nU W ..uU 1 CIODFISIJ —3 drum* Codfub. for **.!» by / apln ' J > DfLWORTH * Co BACON— 1500 U>; Bacon, for rale by apl3 J S IHLWORTH k. Co Pit; IRON—4S ton* Mercer Pig Iron. for »#.* by apt 9 J < Dll-Wnu i n 4 Co POWDER— 2000 keg* Po«rd-r IWOdo K; fic do; .ii maeaxine and for »slr by :ip ia j s di lwortii a <’•» FUSE— 30.000 •.:« i Fu»o for n:r-utig-: for *a l c by npi; J s DILWuRTH \ i‘o ROSIN S>OAl'—-IjO Pole* »r «u.r 0) u;.|!i J S Ull.v.’uH rn A JAVA CUFFF.K IS bags prime, for * aplti J S DII.WOK DI A Y CSKS PEARLS. and 3 keg* LA KD. -i-' I'ro • ) per uteainer Lake Ene and for *alr YV RAPPIN(< PAPER—SOWJ bundle*. difii-rrill -i V V tc». of lupertor quality, whicn we odrr u»r *on / IAP AND LETTER PAPER—6Ob ream. i»r n« *■ V_/ ry line qualiiic*. for *a>e lew. 1) HINTlNti PAPER—Iuu reamn. unou< Mr**. .u ruppue* kepi cuurtaiii.)' on hand* t>y< a sum:. apll corner Penn nml Irw-" *l5 SAND PAPKR-SOO rcaui« im 'upenor i;ujiii.v Hie ditlerem numl>rr*, w)mh w »*-U ui ttii - lOwr*'. price npll RAISINS—' “0 hf bx* M R Rumn«. lUI qr •• do Jo; Ujr sale iow t c.o*r consignment by n;>11 f JAMES A HI TCHISO.N A Co S< >Al’ —UV !n« No 1 CmeimiuuSoui), for ia:c lo' i>v aj.ll JAMES A HI'TCHISON A To Cl A M PHOR —10 bbi* refined. ju*l rrr'd and mr / .y B A KaHNK-STO< K 4 Co. CIOOPKR'S ISINGLASS—'sM ca*e», *lu-ct ami jure. ) jmit received and for »a!e by ■ pll B A FAHNESTOCK A Co S’ IGAR AND MOLASSES—S 7 Khd* prime NO “ O gar, btii»,N O Moiaiaca; lo arrive and for at on aii U mg. I. v apt I f 1 HOR A NT, 41 water ■ SKtiARS —i.'uu.OOO rummon, for tale by :tpll C II GRANT SALKRATI'S-45 !>x* pf rr, m *iorr; for tale by ap 11 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Front M I-.-*'. t.J Z'V J V. K. '■ 1 V till 1 '' I*ll* Cf> Till* .» 1...1 nur ul U <r.-«l UBl> »i inv* eiimr uni' •{ Ui« «> 'wrvViun >«: Hit v ti a t AilS r>T« m' Kht .* cor , r i Wu.nJ *l », , • I’ll- V\ ■ i;• * AS rV-.rTn . •>( i :i,- • V\ M J \IAKK>. lot :i ' •»> * nr i’mimt? » v-misv <'<•<"'• .11 111 M ... "„i(. lowi-hi :t. . ... <(,-nrt ».i:I I It " «>t *■ ■■ •> MMI.KIIISI "To- K I!, -.-i Wv '.ißi.i i r-ui-'i i ILm i 1 i < 1i uin b tt I'U • TKKM- I.lrf-.' - Wa-I, Ul Pl-. 1.0 )>*• I •••riri •’ (•' f '|»m !<■ r. .1 *1 !-<.ok seller - pti I M.n HriM. tki <nr> I»KWS KOil SALK J B CA.NFI I I.D REYNOLDS A SllKh REYNOLDS A SHI-1 RKYNuI.DS A SHF.F. STONi: PIPKS-2UO bit for tale by ij.ll C IK.RANT S ALA K ATI S— in • ask i i Irve.and So laralu*. VO b r a I’ii.vrriirM Jo, received ami lor saie by apll WICK A McCANDI.KsS iRi >i iMy . i-j Jo/ < ‘uni Uri»' l in». .‘.O d« exirn do d. Imr .air l.y npll WICK & MiTA.NDI.KSS \ r HITL HKANS- I." bbi* supeiior vanite be,nu. .u»l icrnved and lor sale by apll \\ ICk A McC \N DI.ESS <lll KRintlS in m» nun! Havana Cu«-»-fi.ot» lor i. : . .t,,u Uu’k & >lm*AN I*l.ltss \ I t.l I H i AN 1)1.Its IH> M« Ciii’Ti mould . an.l.r I>l I.( <v- t.\ U(>11 nick A Met ANDI.KSs JACO.N - oa/ hoy round city cured, tot sale by > apll N\ ICk A M< l ANDI.KI.s i LAS> • Uibiiixlu ISv do luxl-J do lor sale b l apll \\ ICk A M. i ANIH.KSS )}.AHLS -4 c.lm jiearlt ipcil and lor >aip l.y apll WICK A McCANDLFss Si ORClilNC.S—till Lbls lor tale by apll WICK A McCaN DLF.SS L~ ABD "11. lu bbl* lor »ai« by apll •* SCHOO.NMAkKR s i ,» U’ HAPPING P A PER--all. ti/et —1UI)0 ream* to. .»!« l.y apll J SCH""NMAk KU A Co_ MALAGA WINK —ly gt e«k» ■*fM Malaga w in. o4i I ntlra tibia dry dodo mr tale low . uj ■ •oli.igrinioill, bv apll JASA HI I’Ll 11st iN A 1.0 ' I ’ 1." Ills I.ui»ii. t. cached and brow n to i >« apiu CARIUIHNOT 1A R 1) l »11. -i |.r..« in aiore and lo i n'r b\ j aplo JAMKS A HI TCIIL'tJN A Co / UI'ITDN Mt y lr. Colton, lor .ale by V. . apl(> J AMES A HUTCHISON 4 Vo MAfdS '.uot> prune Kentucky cured Slmm.ler 1 J ,u.-i in' d lid • oii.ignuieiii amt fot aair |.) James a hi tciusun a c.» 1) AC' >N Sl Ul> J I'Kkuu More Bid foi .a eb\ ) apliJ JAMRt A HI TCIUSUN A i n 1)"T I'l F t URKS .'<7 bale, guar' pm 1 .mil .l»<» f water Velvet Corks. >u*l re. 0 mid lo: is Li A FAHNESTwCk A Co, apiu corner in and wood >is KuSK PIN K - Ui rupenor guniny. lor *ale by np|ij J SCHOONMAKFK A Co \ I.LM-I5 bJI * for -a.e by A apid J sniOUNMAKEK 5 Co I)OrAS|l— trt eaka unuif Polaalu re.c d aod for aale i apll) WICK k M’CANDLF.sS / 1R1.1..N APPLES-b«".b'* r-c d am) mr .a e .i Vl a,.lb U ICk i MVANDI.I.^S A I'PLES-w .k. for .me by ijilu WICK h M'CAMiI.FSs D\i\ Pl'.\rilF>- I.< .k*. tor rn.e t apll. W kA M C-\M)l.!>' CM) n ' >N- «- bale, l ollin' for «:ilea l<> f SCAIFK A ATKINSON. t! ,ji |«i. t-n W oOil and Market-t- L* PI R ITS l I KPF.N JINK -lu :bi.,u»t re.-’d a...l t > .• up? J RU'D AU. It ST lII.CI IVKD, a; llie ■ ; I’.'i'i' amd >n ri too !>• • twi.led ami I|il Trace*. H* l " \Ciu i ana llartr Noil*, and lor .air by up in 111. BKR A LAI'FMAN. > wood CREAM CHKI'SF,—M bx», and 1 bbl Roll Buiu r. <in,i rec d n«r »unr Lake rlne; for »*le by J U CANFIELD, Water at. ap|U between Pmnhbeld and Wood eHIEKSE— 135 bit now landing for tale by a;ilf) ISAIAH DICKEY A Co. From «| 1 > T K FLt 'I R--libl. Rye Flour, liir »aie by XV aptu riiky, Matthews a c,. 'll 7- RAPPING I’APKR—I*JO remra* crown. douMe YY crown and medium, for tile low by aplu KHKY. MATTHKWS A.yo BAULKS —t>u*U Harley.ju«l rrc'd and for **.r l,y S A W HA KIlAl'IjH. aplti iJ wairr ami H»4 iront *: JKATHKR-rt I.umlir. l-eaiher. in me ri.iien. rec d j ami lor »alc ajil 0 1* A W iI A RltA l <■ H ■itra Family F-our IjM.ol'K— i" ll..imr» :i ->1 jll r am! lot na.c !•) „,,Hj ; r* A. W lUKIIAH.II GKhl N Al , l'l» —.11 Mm* <•!«•«!■ Appi««. jusi re- M and lot »«.<• i.y apiu Sk. W lIAKIiA. OH 11 \><Hl U » ill.—ifll M' - ju‘i landing. lor «aie t'\ j S * W HARBAI «.H 1< )i iK IV. i.l ..VSSK2 4 - Vrt v < hr-ap for *ale J ,p|i: C ARIU THMiT. wood *• SI 1 A \V I .S-- iSlnck. Thil.ei a n«l While Crape, tr.r «..te Uv ,|U C ARIUTIIN"! DRIKU AlTl.K.'*—«> »i» dried Apple*. jUM n-r. .- veil and for »ale hy ap- ARMSTRU.Nt. A CIIUZKK —iu bl*l» Flour. Hamilton'* brtunt. lot *:.!<• t , y tt|,7 aR-VSTRUNi. acruzfk HAl'llN —*i c*ki just ree'd ami tor sale l>y u,,7 ARMSTKtIMi Iu:R"ZKK B\ "rrhß—V I'l'l' ir«-»h roll Butter. u>-«luy rec 0 -viA tot *:vlr !■ y ap7 A t'Ri »Zl-K 1A Kl>--a keg* No t, jum rer'tf and for «h> l y j U p 7 ARMSTRONG A i’ROZKH / (AI.IFWRMA HI.A.NKKT> —J m-n gr.ym.x.J. V, ;o arure am»ui 3*! April, lroiu th>: i■ ii»<'• IM jC.oi , ami lot »«!•• l>;> II I«KK. L.i.eil) si, opposite jili CV I’l'l I)N <1 l-nlr * Imw lani'itig. ior »a !•> - ISAIAH DICKKV A > 0. l-rmi- «l 1 S* .1 No l i do Nh U. no-* ian.liu*. '• a) >: IS A i AII DU.’K K \ A ' l/r HI K“\\ AX -i m* k - i-w lamJlui;, lor <in* i', I 7 J*AlA»l DICKKV A < IM AIMFRs V»* •*» now landlua, lor *nle by « : Isaiah ihckm a > l «IN>l..\t. yk« m idurr, I<M «alr b> (j „,.7 I>AIAH IHCKFY .V i Cl \sT» »H oil. ;tl 1.1. U beat quality. tor i.v . 3 y7 KHKV. MATTHKWS A < O CuRCIUMjS, Ae.—Ci >»k* purne S. or.-lunge, b lo O do Pm»»n, lor sale by ‘ u,,: KlIF.y. MATTHKWS A t o OXALIC ACID- l caak lor aal« by BRAI N A RLIIFH lIMUTKULI K --'I bbl» toi tab* by VV mrhYb HKAI N A RKJTKK 1 >IRK ami Water Pronl Mineral Puuil. foi oLe I V J 4 mi .|u'T ISAIAH DICKK\ At o SS AI,TS "A) bblt m tu-rr Mr -«if b> „ mcti/7 IS AIA II ACo HF.tTIFIKD WHISKKY «) bbl« Rr. uli-il Wh, ley, lor.r.eby WKSIoN BOWKN, **o from It /tAI. A H RIA I.U/UOKH K- I7S ll,* ,u*t rm .1 ami i.u ._.lrhy aj.* RF.sKLLKKs I' h \THhß>—'-’i *k* Feaiber*, to arrive umi lot snir < t , v #pj IsAIAH DICKKY A t o . • i NOKIF> 1 '*k l bbl do, S ik* i»m O -«• »>* I tJo l iat iii arrive ami tor sole :•) ' ISAIAH DICK KY A t o CIASToK oil. Hi i.bla No I < aator Oil, iu»i foi •! i ami tor \».e to upJ_ __ J MDD A fi> IJI.ASTKUS —Ait do* Strengthening Plotter*,a *u|io nor artK'k, on burnt ami lor sale by :ip:i J Kl DD A Co DRlF.ll FRI 1 1'—TOO built Pearbe*; it bg« Apple*. |..t .air Ui dote roiisignmriH» by a|i7 RHK.Y, MATTHKWS A t*> DRY PKaCIIKS—••“j bg» now landing. from itror t.rnrva, lor «alo by ISAIAH DICKK\ A C*» I \KY A ITLF.9— »k* ikiu landing from *unr < »ene t va, for «ale by np7 ISAIAH DICKKN ACo CIHF.K.SK- ' £J bx» Cbee«.\ large and eood. in arnv. i.u nale by a|>7 ISAIAH L)H'KK\ A Co CIH.\HrIDKK--l<i M..» puie Oral. I'nl / uml u>r «alo !■> ARMSTRONG K (.'Rli/.KH C\ MILKS- Out, t* Mould Candle*. >" »torr mi.l tor Rft ,c t,y 9A 'V 11 A KldA l<■ M. ‘lUchtM 01 waul mid ItH Si > \ !*- |Ut hit Cuicimiftli No l S«ap. fee d ami _ S VWHAItUAI .il i 1 • INIIOW KLASS—Ot»* In* u.»one«l itte», m *torr V\ ,"l for IT mfh«J SA WHARBAHiII IFVIATHON t.OLD V K.NS. a mugmliceni an J ,110.1 ricrll. „■ l-H.. Min* It- f'.'l: ‘7“ " market, lot «ale t'V W\\ \ML»<JN, jojl corner market and 4th »u KID uLuVKS doi ],adie<i supcrTtid Glover, 10 •• raeu* whit.* and t'lk •’ 0 - unsaea colored do j.-.i F H KATON A Co PHULH'CKs A> - dried Peachey lOOetirka «!o Apple*- >•> I' lll * Koll Uu:ler i 10 do Lard, land ing from itcamer Kii»en*r»«i 'or »*le bf 5 • BAOALKY k. SMITH, 16 ami 00 wood *t HL I.K PORK ha ms-3000 lbs, in good order, for ,ale by luchi? BAG ALKY A SMITH S SALTS —!!3 bhl« prime Halts, IS store; for sole by . inch*: J ».* BIDWKU, A po. water .1 MKAI.— )•*» bMf irenh Horn Meal. ju>i iec d j ami for sale by iiiclr.’T J 0 BIDWKLL A C<* i I‘l’LKS —,W sk* Dried Apples, in store mrh-JS __ J S DILWORTH A r BROOMS— 100 dor double tie Broom*. ju*i ‘ami s: me hi!- J S DILWORTH A »o URYTKACHKS —‘AX) bush for sale by inch* S_FVON BONN HORST .V i<> lAHD-11 kegs No 1 Lard. I bid du do. tor I j aehlftj RUBY, MATTHEWS A « •» ikUTASH—O c*k» best ijuahty, for sale by X ineU-a} RHKY. MATI - HhWS A« 0 DRY APPLES IOU bush tor tale by S F VON BONNHORST A Co AUCTION SALES. 1 By John D. Davit, AnoiloßUfi Jitght Buxl’iwg lJtn.a at i . »(’•!, ei n o>i*ck, rff *;• »h.c l.,jilding a «horl On Smui.i-y an will b- -o d on the .Ml. V I- Nur;u 1TT...-, ill ai. ■ iiv'i'.; .1 V. ! of about W :»et nil:! r-'iu,* —nf MS l' J V V IS. Auci t /dre' Sr.v* <>' i 'j,- v Dry GOO.U. 1 (n '1 1 >it j,» in i*. Ai-n IS. i'i lU o ci»>ck. a' tbe '•'«<«* ■<" l : .ir».ei.. will - ol « wr An ..vr *»•> J<>o>'>'«< „.J <,«o 1". '-•''<•■ nich are ,u^r (.l rM> ■ ...<»o,- s „«liuu.,an». ' .111. W.. 1 - <“■ *• i;«<*. <"“»; pri-T* J .hawl, and ■ Mkl... - ...... bo., b.e (buper. Ac , e I I >'«'rr l«c« >•* ■' I'ltrniMirr. \r \ ’U-I . •;> 01 \ Ig.!. « ! tobiM-1-o, Yll N u moiaw-. paper. *!»»*- wure pr-nu t>H lii'-e* liov.-l* lork*. »u>rr». A*"fo Td C; I «ra 1 a*»ortni«M.i o< l.ousflivid and k 'io bxVNo’l paini *onp. 23 do Lrmom; ft l-«Uea Span ti>)i itaT’ot'acco .»t r o'clock. An iimvc m-l vrry valuable collection or Kn«- lisi! Hook* t-y i ntaJocuc *1" li/viitm Ihxjks al Auction. ku.e :,y ,:.l.lo«l,c ol e l»r»c *»d • u P erl ’ v" 1 ""."'" 8001., Hue l.oudon eu.uo.ic. cMi.di.rd uulhur. 01, Arrli.ievlurr. Heraldry. Hue Arl V, N “ , “™ Hi.iory I-ji I mm* )’. A,....turtle., Illulory. Vo>j.jcc. Tmr!.. At- Ac . lila«l.*'cu mil. mgr. v, ur.. »£.) o Mein beuui.tudy colored from ..Mure. toairfM-rn Me I'ointncteiul Sale Hoorn., corner n, « nod *nd SM •Iren, on Thur-duy. Friday mid Feiurdny ncniny . ! lith. T-l'T ,ind lA'li in.'., al T o'rliarli Tfir m.ovr coin-lion tar «urpm‘*c« an) ow fwt #| lerrd in 11... cliv. amoug.l wlrich *'ll tc round Hume . In.lory o I Knr 'and. 0 ,01-. 101.0,' IUU cw.uiy.BW ver-f rdinoii. |iutdi-livd »l 1«1 it in lira.; ihe Bililr, Mark liu'c rdvrion. .pieudnl [due.. 1 vol. loiio. IT. KUi „c,.. I'uncr. Airnnai kingdom, a ...I.- MW f»‘°"'d ptijriiivuir*. ftc Ac , , {•or lutUicr parm-ular* *ce catalogue* umi l*oo«9 at the Auction Room* Sale positive ,j,Ui JUILN D DAVIS, Auct .•'■’-am F.iifpiti’ ttl Auction. x) mon mr April !Un. at I*> <> • riai Sn '• Kuuiiii. rornrt oi hinh and Wood »l«. » :* l,r **’»''** ,\ Lr«T rati - Ini .1 nr*m Kn<i'ie. I- ~,cll C) linder,-lj i* f, iim;r H m./i) mcti i'Oil<i>. each Vt> ten lone, by wh. <■: .".Tmi d-. to*eUirr w.ih the machinery llieffUillo linim .UK. winch uia> t>c rin mined Oil ap pli. ii'ioi. tii Mi M I'.-i.aiiil. foreman o< .Me»sn Knap .V Totten. nr a; J Keck * p aiimi; mi.l. Wa»hni-: t<m *' Trim- a: aplo J'l lINO U \ V IS. A t'’ ■ Sal' o] Stocks Uu I'tiur.cli*y iiioimnx, .April l‘Wi, at 10 o'clock, ihr L'limniriciHl Aiirlion Room*, cornet 01 \\ ood > Filtli fiirei la. wil ; |.r mud without ie«erve. l.y nrdc ’huinaa Dnv iNoti an.! Joseph Pen nock. A Jimuistra o, , U | the ratal r o! A. Ho ft-a.'’lt. dec Cttfed - i that.- I'utn.uijjh and (Kernet-ur*!! Turnpike r - 1 iij .in t »»iiriiiiii!i(h Rndee t onipany JOHN 1J IMVIS, Auctioneer. Bla»i‘viile Rr-v.ird-c ropy and »eitd lull to Auctioneer AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. „ . Lenee and Manager C. K. Porla. Am\. lyiSuni " H l -*‘" 1.9 M meat 1.1.1 r.vo»: MRS W H t'Rl'tP IT/* The Manager h*« t!tr honor ol announcing eimg-mctit with'Mr W H Ck'sr to fiil the June Ai'iimr and Stage .Manager. and iee!» H««ure«l Ihr rangeirirnl w.ll Pr sati«iactot> to the public, and h« hrini n> Ihr mtemu ol the tlrniuu I irki mein <n tue liratm/u! Drama m 3 act*, ml THh StiM.NAMBI I.IST air.*rn;rd with t hr- m foil, tiir train! o}- fJ Ml W II t'r.-p fttwol' rnvaat’»T. Arttu. 1- - Till, u KIU tv ASIIt»KK. M,.r» licitium • ••• Mt IV II Cr-P- M *«•*•( 'lr Porter |'.ian*[>u- l noi p. ~4 • Mia* t'ruisr l>uii. r ;.v Master Wood THK Si>MNAMHI.T.IST i oi Kniamorci .Mr. W H Dmp I'onri dr I'lop Mf Dunn. Kra.-iUue ••• Mr*. W.ll Pfirp lirnrudr. with •.unit* vrleclcd /loin the opera M l'<Mnurti uv - low-' Smr .Ut ••• -in whn-h Mr* W H. Crisp wi;. DRILL EC PAUTY. A{l< 'NN All « >N > KXTRA AND I.AS*T PARTY , a iii cue- h'rnlay. Uif lihU ir.-t P«- , r „i nl ; a* ar - mow *|v.-oiluily invited to allcnu. itii p \ minna'ion -.viii c plscr.. The Polkt and -- «i.i l»-J.-no-'-O liy hi* pupil* Thou ,vhi upon uck'-m ufx rr«pecUully iu .... r•• ■» ,-n ;lm -uni" A B wiil| ;•< -upp y nr v \ :a>lir*. (hi* to hut «<ho an J' iuri < pat. iim.i a ■:ii • k>-;» tor :nai e\ eiuiij;.— •i . i. ,1 k< t» lor noiai* i-l lb.* M'iiMjti Si. Oh. pr. .I^o 111 n.tmiUinn laUn-s wi • : ...i liiali-vcr.iug. •-.l'l'-mli'ii . nth iu*i ropy ) 11-.-i* \vi tj- .irici - ii!>“«-rv' tiRKAT NATIONAL PAINTING, panorama of tUe Battles .•* Jlttlto. MU.-r t.oßi.hui ? PAINTING IN THE COUN TRY View*, of the crjei of Mexico and Vera Crux' —Thu great I‘ainuug. whirh has been univeraal [j suiniired by lUc thousands who saw it in the East* ern eiuc». a* the ncber' and most splendid ift the cooa :ry, will be exhiburd at the ATHK.N.EUM, for a few mgbu oulv, commencing on Thurstiay evening, April iih—tor the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of sol dier* who :e., 11l Mexico. and our disabled voluu'eers. Tteke's of admission. cents, children accompani ed by their parents, tree Jtaleony exclusively for co lored people [toots open si 7 o'clock precisely An excellent band 01 music will perform during ihe e 1 hlbi'lOn _ »p£ _ British Periodical Iblteraiarc. airvBUr*Ttos or thk London ol aktkki.y rf.vikw. 1J IK. KDlNlil.ROll RKVIKW. THK NORTH BRITISH RKVIKW THK WESTMINSTER RKVIKW, and BLANK'S t H)D < KIHMU RGJI MAGAZINE. rl'H b. \v;dr spread tame of mete splendid Periodicals 1_ rrniter* it nrc-'less to sny much in their praise. As ;urrnr\ organ*. the y stand tar m advaries ot any works oi a similar stamp row pui'oshed. while the political coinple x ion <ii r.,cii i» mu rkc,! by a dignity, candor, ami lort.earance c.t mien mu ml in works of a party character They embrace trie view of me three great parties uiKrig!nm! Tory. W luf. ami Kadieal •• Black wood"’ add ihe "Ixmilou t{uar*er:> are Tory, the “Edinburgh Review Wine Kiut Ilir 'Wr.iinittMrt Review" Had leu. ‘Hie‘•North Hn'W; Review" i< more of n reli giou« I'harai'ter. having been original.y oilned by Dr. t'tiß.mef*. and now »mce in* death, being conducted by bi» son in-law. l*t Hunno a»»oriated with Sir Du vnl Brewster l’« 'itemry i-hnraetor is ot the very luglie.i order The \Ve.iini*-ier.' though reprinted under ihal on r i* r-u*■ 11 .bed m Kurland under the title ot the •• Kofeten yuar'erly and W esimurster,'’ it helm; in ih.-i u nn on ut the two Review* mnnerly I, u.. vahed and r- piiuied under -epsnUe title:.. It has, therefore, ihe advantage I'V Ini- romhmnlion. of out . i one work UieJ e*! leuturc* nl Dotti as heretofore The above Periodicals are reprinted m New York, irainedi.iiely on their urritai l.i ihe British steamer*, hi n I-v-:iiinrul eteur ty|»e on line while paper, and are faithful i-opie* of the origin*;*. Bluekwood’s Magacinc be in i; an eiurt facsimile ot the Edinburgh edition TERMS 1 <»r ill) OIK ot the loUl Re * lew bor all iuui ot the Reviews, I'ot Blackwood's Magazine. l.tKi " boi Black Wi<*d and three Hev iews, ''.in, 1 For HUck wood am! the tour Review* Iti.UU “ Tv. tile nl * in be made m *!l rule, in advance EARLY I‘OPIKS ‘l’ll .n'.e arrangement will* the British pnbllftbers of Bin k wuoil s Magarinc, secures to us ently sheets ot llinl it ui k, by wliKli ur are enabled to place the en .ire nutntier in the ImnJi uf suh*rriin'f» bcj.i'r any portion id it can he rrnrinied in any ot the American JuuinaU I'oi this nnu oilier advantage* «ecured to our ‘ubsertbera. wo pay *o large a consideration that we »i.iii bs cmiipelled io r:n-e the price ot the Mags 1 1_/~ Something mat Uiereiore be gamed :.y tuhsen me call) K'-mitlHiirr-'- 11ml eumfliiiiki’ aiioiis aliould 1"* aln’iil n.l>!ir».ru, |*i-t or Iruukrj, u> il.« Tubiuibeo I.Ka)NaKI> SCOTT A Cu. KuHon «»r**ri. New York, Kllirsiu - * in liolil M up 11 »l3i Ni I* AlnKSk PnisLiHgli BSI'RIUF.RS having removed from No 17U I Nos 177 a.mJ Pt Liberty street, Ollei lui sale good* ji f'>ilow . m Mure nnd now landing, vil .Mi l uv' |inme ‘.'oiler, new crop, in mil ('ovenitncnt Javu (.oiler. I x< Mid-' prime ,Nrw 1 *rlean.* Sugui, ..7t>bbl* HluiilhUoh Moliiin, lm> SI Juuir* Sugar llouir Molß«irs, iKitiirli ioiun: IlywnTre, 1 •in do l.unpowder and Imperial Tea. I new in l'o I'hulnn Powrhong do | ei,.p 70 do ratty bx* \li and (i I' .to j liKMn'o wldle Branl Sugar, i.u bn white Havana <lo; 4o bgs Pepper, ail do AUpice, HU ijoin Muilard. In i and i tli rant, Ido do Malaga tiuucti Ramin*; :m do do do do, in layer*, .ill It f I I * do do do .0 “ do do do •jo c«k» Zauir Currant*, In bale* Sicily Almonds, Haibx* Richmond Tobacco; .K) l.a kct« Bordrnux and Marseille* Olive Oil; -jtiu hbl* mid 11d hf hbU No 3 large Mackerel 9 - Honey; 1500 lb* Cheese, TWO gull* wmlr r and spring Sperm Oil; lyui •• blenched north west Whale Oil; lOtki •• crude '• do TUI l-ufl l.’rtiz mid Sons Principe Segnrv, Id Odd 111 vaim Jo -i) h: pipe* Coelute Brandy, of vanou-. brand*. 2 puncheons Jamaica Spirit*; | " pipe. Holland (sm; j -hi quarirr r*k» tap Tcnemle \\\ne, lu do Madeira do -hi do lutbon do <‘i do Upturn do bo do Stieri Mi.;:.*a do 1b Indian libit on do 1b hnd« I'lartjl. 2d qr rsk* Haul Saulom. in cion tup Bordeaux Clarei; :»■ bn.kri- Ckimpughe; 7 dor tupr SUiiUacb liiltert, 2dU tibia pure Kye Whmkcy. Irom 1 to 5 year* old aplt Ml LLF.R A RICKETSON DOARDISG. MRS I.KHT would respectfully announrr lo her Inunda and the public, that «br i* now pre pared to aecotomoda'c boarder* Kc*»lence, Second utrect, between Market uud Wood. 3d door froru A' .■od iireet. . RerVrcnee. exi banged. MONEY STOLEN. IF u.e pemon who entered a .tore on Liberty street, last Monday, and took a Part Book containing a!>oui Forty Dollnr* tn money, and nomeroua paper*. Tolnuble only to the owner, will return U>e b««k and paper*, or «nd them to Uic baima odice, there will be no que'Uont a»ked re.pecnnfl the money. ap 11 dl w . - - dissolution. ri>HK partnership I.eretoJor-exi.i.u* between the l .uJmber and Sninue' Moore and I! ram Moore, under me name and ie■ ®‘ * ll **£" deter Bcnver i.miuiy. !'.» • '• dissolved by Ike With dra-ial'ol the m.iier'tenrd from the eoocern—said dm *,> .late irom u»r 2d day of Feb. IbdU. af ,n dJt* F ILMOORK. rpV. .'di .M'KI Mi- Kt‘HANTS—W R. Mcanty, c-mnef ni tin •* ,| d Martel »L*, Pittsburgh, has re .•rived lII* tirst ■nppiy of Soring and Sommer Uocrd*. iu,d i ivitr» merchant* tn look at hi* slock I’rtce* Wholesale Kuimi. up «iair*--entrance from ith it. lacbiiJ t'o<s3— 3W* do* f«r*h Ef g* )UM reed and lor «*lr by i mch*3 SA. WHaRBaI uU STEAM BOATS OISqWBATI * PITTSBURGH ig» i«a jga DAILY PACKET LINE. riMIIS wall known line of {Lted mo.l ss'inSiiisiW rrrßE sr-ssr Lui. of frr i*lii nid the entry ot pe*«ngerv. ©t «* ter in ■![ cwt the paa-age «noi*ey mu.'t be paid m advance. SUNDAY PACKET. The ISAAC NKWTUN. Captain llemptUU, WUi leave PitUburgh every Sunday mornuig at tooeioca, Wheeling every Sunday evening al 10 r. *. May *.», 1547. MONDAY PACKET. The MONONU AJIKLA, CapL Stok*. will '«»!* n . lU ‘ bnrgh ever) - Monday morning at 10 o'clock; »V heeling every Monday evening at lUJ. ». TUESDAY PACKET. The HIBERNIA No. *, CapL J. KuitWttm, wttl leave Pituburgh every' Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheeling every Tue*da»' evening aUO r. M. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The NEW KNGLANIVNo. a, Capt. S. Ozatt, Will ;ave Pitiaburgh every Wednesday morning «j If clock; Wheehug every Wednesday evening at IQ*.«, Thursday packet. The BRILLIANT. Capt- Ga*cs. will leave piA«. i-rgn every Thursday morning ni 100 elo.Ht; Whoebag vcr> Thursday evening al 10 r. x. phjdat packrt. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt. Prks Duval will leav* 'mshurgti every Friday raomlut; at lOo'cloek; Whee. lug every Friday evening at 10 n. M. SATURDAY PACKET. The MISSKNUKR No % CapL WunswiiP, will leave Pmaburgh every' Saturday morning at 10 o’eloek; Wheeling every Saturday evciiim allo r. B. NKW LISBON AND PITTSBURGH DAILY LINK OF CANAL AND STEAM PACKETS, iJESSE Leave* PilUburgh daily. at V o'clock, A. hi., and ar rivet at Glasgow, (mouth of the Sandy amt Beaver C*> uai.) at U o'clock, and New t-i*bun at 11, tame night. Leave* New i<ubon si 60'cWk, P. NL_, (making ibe trio canal to the nver during U>r night,) and Glasgow aitt o'clock. A. and arm*-* at Pitubuifh U 3 f*. M-~<hu» making a couunuou> liue fur oartTingpat sengcr.* atnl (reigbt between New Lisbon aud no». bar«;ii, in shorter tune and ul ie»* rates thairby uf vJier route The proprietor! of iht* Line have the pleasure of in lornuni the public that they have titled up two first clau . anal Boats. u*r the aecomwodmon ofpaMengert an 4 ireigtit. to run to connection well known •nio«*T* CALKH COPE eud IUJAVtX, »ud COJUIMI- ; > HI Glasgow, with Uir l*ilU UiHgh *ad CUXCIn* j! and other duly lines 01 seamen down IM phi* ij nvers The pi jpneuiM pledge uiiJtn tv<r« 10 tpart* no oi ' trouble to tnsufecolO n mMy and <lt»pMvh. and a*>k <»l the patiltca »h*H j i(,«.u l , ** uon “^"^ HoßlzKD A(J |? u MTd. S£v£i/Suftuuii, i PKUt "" ,t ' „„„ fSiiffilUC. | New Liiboa. NOTICE-The steamer BEAVER. C. E. Clarke, bum •r, will leavr niter this notice, for WeHsviUo pUACOI- I!). at V o'clock in ihe morning J»M SUnnEB ABBAHOEHE9TS (or H«.- MONONGAHKLA ROUTE. O u 1 jr 78 Ullei Btkf Inf. Via UrvwnsviUe iut<l Cumberland 10 Baltimore* and Philadelphia. fiijll-;. .|.;,-ndnl ami m*t tunning l' J* Mail (learner* 1 ATLANTIC, I’mpi J I'arkiuMm; BALTIC, Capl A j ß< -ob>: LOUIS M'I.ANK. Capt>‘. Bennett; am now making doable daily trip* between I’ITrSBUBbH AND BROWNSVILLE The morning boat will leave the Mooongafcela . Wburl, above the Bridge, da.iy at 8 o'clock pirecjady. Passenger* will take SIPKRB COACHES Btfirowru viUe, hi 3 o'clock. Y. M-, and the splendid ear* ol the i Baltimore find Ohio Railrodd, at Cumberland, atP‘- o'clock, A- AL, and arrive in Baltimore the nmeeveiv ■ Dg, in uiue /or the evening lute to Philadelphia and - Washington city. . . From Pittsburgh to Baltimore, only 3*2 hour*. Fare tIOuOO From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, only 40 hour*. Fare $12,00 The evening boat will leave at 6 o'clock, except Sun day evening*. Pasienger* by thi* boat will lodge on board in -otnfortable Stale Rooms the Aral night,paw over the mountain* the following day in Eastern built Coaches, aud lodge the second night In Cumberland,! - i'v<rnger< have choice of either Steamboat or Rdi»‘ Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, andtfcw privilege of stopping al Cumberland and Balumony and resuming their teat* ai pleasure. Cqaoheachax tered to parties to travel a* they please. Wi make .up the load* and way bill* for ihe Coaeb e« m the Pituhargh offices, tin order to save lime on arriving at UrowntriUn.) it l* therefore important for > passenger* to gel their tickets before going do board ol the boat, u our office, Monongahela Hbate, W>t*T (trset, or Si Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. ' apd-.dUm J. ME3KBI£N, Agent Ptiuburgh'S’Lotiiiriire’PackirLliie* FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. „ The splendid new steamer , ft TELEGRAPH No. 1, . faRgnBTBB Haslep, matter, will leave for above ■IBBKBBKBaQd uitcnuediaie ports on Bun day, al Id o'clock a. m. For freightor paeiage apply onboard, or to BURBRIDGE, WILSON It Co. ap* GEO B &DLTCNBERGER. pnrsßßßon and louisville packet un*- ren- K The new and aplendid festpasso dfeSsfi*" P * C TI\LEGHAPH Ni 4 master, will leave tot Gnoirv nali and LotUiville on Sunday, the l&h msl.. at Id o'clock, A. AL For freight or passage apply on board, tv BITUBIUDGE, WUSON A Co, or CEO B AULTENBERGER. apl'J LoniiTllU and St- Louis Packet Lisas'. IS4«. ‘ 184®. RFAJILAR TI ESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS r .The fine fast running poxsertg* I y sir user ATLANTIS, W AVick*, master, will lanve HkSHBSSnBInr the above and Intermediate porta every Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, x. m. For freight or postage apply ou board, or Uj *K t p KING. No. IA3 Corn. Row. msr&-(l6tn Louisville. REGULAR SATURDAY RACKET FOR ST. LOUI9 -*££l+- >v The line fast running passenger r e learner GEN LANK, .McPherson, mulei, will leave for ■BBaCSSSBIbe übove and intermediate porta eve ry Saturday, at 10 o’clock, r. u. For freight or passage apply on board, or to R C. KING, No 15J Com. «♦*•» 1 FUR NASHVILLE. The splendid fas', sustuag sieomc* 1 GENEVA, Wilkins, mnsies, will leave for lb# and intermediate porta on Fri day, the I3lh nisi, al 10o’clock. For freight or passu* apply on board, or to .po /w BUTLER Sc BRO-' Agma FOR sf.'lX>UlS RIVKR. k. The splendid passenger packet TAOI.IONI, Coles, master, will leave lor the above ■■■HBSflfe and intermediate port* on this day, the llth msl. at 4 o’clock, r « 5.1,00 per annum :>.iu For irrtgbi or. passage apply on board, or to apt l PETTIGREW 4 Co, Agt* FUR ST. LOUIS fv The splendid last running Onxni iIT ,-iN SLI.AS WRIGHT, <fijsHJya3g U'Neaf, master, will. leave for the ■flHHtslHßabovf ami uiieruudiate ports on tlua day. the 1 Lib, at 10 o clock, A. M. (-or irni’bt ,>r pasvage apply on l>oard, or te spa Pf-rrnoRKW ACo, Agt» FOR CINCINNATI. «• K. The tplendld steamer I L KSLrJ* ‘ **KRU, t®MfflTHj#_Ca!bcuiD, master, will leave for intermediate ports on Wedneeday 11 ID tnil, at 10 o'clock, a a. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ■PH PETTIGREW A Co, Ajta dvv* k e **ne I ItT | r miff WYOMING, T Rogers, master, will leave for tbe and intermediate ports on Wed nesday, llth mat, at lOo’clock.a u. For freight or passage apply on board or to •< ; aplu .GEO R MILTENBERGKR, Ag» FUR ZANESVILLE. m-i .i „ Tlte splendid passenger steamer '■ I comet. kWKfIBBKg Boyd, muter, will leave lor the above intermediate ports tins day,,*(f 4 o'clock, r m , positively. For freight or passage, apply on board. apl° REGULAR ZANESVILLE PACKET, rk. Tho fine reamer ifttrZJS JENNY LYND, V (Jalloßt-r, master, wtil TUB M • rej • ■■HBBSflHMular weekly packet benafeeft Pitta I'urgh anil 2anr*viilc*—leave* Pittsburgh treTJ T»»- «lay. For freight apply to BAKER &. FORSYTE, Agu,- No 41 Water at ti MALLEABLE OABTISOI. fTMIE subscribers having bull a furnace for tbe man jL ufactnre of Malleable Coating*, are prepared fill orders in thU branch, at well at eoltaaum 'light casting* of every kind. Wr are also (ho original man ufacturer* oi an improved (irate bar, fbr th® advanta ges of which wo refer steamboat men to the captain* mu) engineer* of the following boat*: hleoongahdla, .New fcjigland No. 2, Brilliant, Lake Brie, Beaver, ko. KINGSLAND A SCOTT, Sandusky at. between Robinson and Lacock, u*, Allegheny, Pa. apUhdl w gold: qoluii eoLDtii GOfcßiTif r JMIK subscriber, wuolesale manufacturer of JBW* X KLRV, invite* wholesale dealer* and pedlaratra* utng South and Wert—also, country (tore keeper* u> rail and exanune bis stock of Jewelry, which -will be »<>ul tu the lown*i prices for cash or approved accep tance*. Constantly on hand and mawnf a ..fl lT j nf , urge assortment soilahle for city or coonlrftrgde^. corner of Fourth and Brunch su, otittiin. .. pSlSi|Si._ To Co>il|uu ul Ovam of Good*. ()" 'of w Cl,™orf>n™’?*p,T?uto<’nrtl“'th!*iil ' ' »« of V. -<«rn sorrem,, w, f„| u> r;,;v» «roV;LSIr 5 ,u ft ' ,Bl,u ™ ~ *■?/ CLARKE A THAW n i Vl^ E ?f RY A Co. * %®*-uays A BLACE t “* BINOUAM. MnUance Line—JNu M’FADEN A CO. Fitu. Port. Bt. Line—TAAKFE A ©■COfWO* L™ _ *» rkihed, OST-Yratralra, u,,, conrer „f SUli jurat «m 1 Church alley, TWENTY POLLAM3—I* m ®oney and one in •aver. The abore wrtrt wUI be paid Sot the retarn of the pockai and mo. Q«T to liui office. PETER UAVKRMAPC aplOtdgi* ' PrFVVt* Boardinff. IX or eight young gentlemen witlunjr W> obtain boarding in a private family) ®*y 1“ ■ccmnao d&Uom rn a butincM pan of ike c«T. by addretafag “A W..» at ih,. office a?lO-JE* Haipratti 1 patent Soda Alb* I'll K »ob»cnt»ere are now largely *Hpptlfal > iciUl the above rrlehr&ied article, recently receive) dSrdct from the manufacturer*, (via New Orlfttu)jpcrdiro* Jane tl (ilidden. Caroline Neamlih, and Far W«ju, wb»e|) they are prepared to *ell at the lowed marie l pore tor r»«h or anpnwed lull a • • • . j , W A M MITCHELTREEL. 100 L&ejrrpa N U.—They will receive neii month anotfcej turni (via Philadelphia) per Hup Ulobe, and wirJ regular mppuaa *rii 7i» FOR 8T LOUIS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers