tilt I.!ittAttrOt obaxttit. ?MA. ISILLD DT ISE GAZETTE PLILISHriII 1580CliTIO3 a&TIIRDAY, APRIL 1. 1865 THE CURRENCY The-great bugbear with a certain claim of larmista, just now, is an imagituu7 increase in the volume of the cmveney; and every addition to the number of national banks is her aided by;', tllem NVilkArl exact, !statement ti• the amount thus added to the national currency. 'With thoughtful people, how ever, a few facts will set all right. The segregate amount of the capital of the National Banks is limited by law to $300,000,000.. IP this capital were all I vp,"the utmost amount of circulation that could be issued upon it would be 90 per cent., or $270,000,000. Let us suppose, therefore, that the capital has all been sub ; scribed anti. paid np, and this sum of $270,- 000,0611 tested. Whit tin n There national banks are requi.ed by — their charters to keep constantly on hand, in ryieenbarks, 25 per cent: of their circula tion and 25 per cent of their deposits. Taking the deposits to be equal, 'on 'the average, to .delable the amount of the carl-. tad, or $500.000,000, the ,euipunt in green backs which the banks must keep constant. It on hand writ be $67,500,000 for - their circulation and '4150;000,000 . for their do , posits, or v17,500,,000 in all. It isnot too to antiCipate, In , iievr'of the fact that the aggregidia'-"depo'sits of the banks will exceed the"eititrate ben given, that the reserve, in''''' — gree" nbacks, - which the national banks will' 'bare M . ... retain in their vaults will be $250,000,000, or within a fraction of.the total abuatuit of their circulation. •'=,rrom this, then, the conclusion follows, thtitt every thousand dollars of rational' blank notes Domed;sp equivalent amount - in gr2fpiCacke plietictilit "retired from elr oatatinn. One simply takes the place of the'other, and the volume of the currency ris not increased _ : Already the banks of New York and. Phibadelphis ; hold, over. fifty millions_ in greenbacks, and the reserve is constantly /reneging. National banknotes are &OW , lag more-familiar to the. eye, but the notes of the Government, or: greenbacks, are growing scarcer. it Will not be long be fore the latterwill pasSfrom general circu lation altogether, as the , banks will natu rally gather 'them in, tinclkeep them in re .ferve. 4.notherfact-islo bebnine in mind that:, under the law Imposing a Mi of ten per ' cent. upon paying ont • the'. Lima oftltste banks, aftegAngust 1,1866, the circulation of the Stab:Oa:Us will, ba the coarse of the nett twelytianOithit,'be AitOrlied and wilt drown. Teiltaiornircift4 of the future. • • • • 'With the etater WA:notes all withdrawn, therefore, antl n .On tiotels,of theguyernment issue partirtily . hoarded by the national banks, tio - ciarrenet . of the coedit must, ' year, be confined to the Issues of The national bank's; and While we are'grade oily but steadily *ppm:Wasting. to that state of things, the volume Or the ej:qeftgWill.. -bees gradually and ,Erpansion is not a thing to dreadedbe - elf as sera noW stand. On the contrary, con traction 15 ill inevitable - as the . decreet of fate,' as long as the laws now in force re main tmeiterkk LOT*LtItIN.CILABLESiftQIti ,,- ; Bo great is the rush of the !traihjugiiett..„ people -, otthitilisTniiiirlitte‘iiebaili'ef legiance, that Ave offices have been °permit for their accommodation. , ':ft here': le mime thing grangtinilikl , yet it is in keeping with, the tareinet'a" With which ?lei' ;then. • deied theircity and Sintetheinement finsn: nms showed his face among them. Indeed it but verifielqemAilarge- inulbYllic omunPloo,9 I #P-s° ll nOn lt Y;;: ii .:,• hate Tg r il body knosreto true indivian4s4 tbst where thern:lis much. bkii4i,anii,b.rtiyaot and noise mid fart', _there is but little fight. For maestro ;caul] that theterth Cirtelnitimi had made a little , resistance,to finminai l s mareli:Ljust . enough to have saved appeartdiceu i These fellows who are taking the oath will of course bscogre of• that act; but how can we feel - any re.; imect for - them? They were 'rabid seeds.. I sionista when the- Yankee ariniea !threat a safe dlitancz; but the moment those armies - come into their midst, they are in hot haste Ick Lido their guilty heads under the banner' of the Unicm! .. - finch people are unfit for freedom; and If South Carolina is to bore- . stored to the Union. on equal terms withthe other States, end lie .espected to, fill het_ plfiCe with holier; the will have to be col: onized largely - Trom other Stites' where there is some manhocal.• • Tlie chivalry are about played out. • •Bot what else could be expect& from. a people ar/r;". for more than a generation, have suffered some half dozen families to rule them, to do all their thinking and all their eifeaini talking; aid whose - Orilla: pints knew. nothing but obedience? Their hereditary lords hating been driren . ;away, ,, they are -now, as we see, attaching - them.: .selt es to new master_Ec - • Present' Co Ir ian or ' Treland—smigra • n to this.Ceuntry., Dir Maomire the. British ?arllatnent, thus speakiloklreland: • : • • Ile eilemnly and sincerely• declared that tbere was in li - eland discontent i.nd disaf. fection which nothing under heaven but Nit laws could , change. The Lord Lieu. tenant, a few days ago, expressed bit deep regret, that the people were leaving the country in such numbers, - and'carried with them a feeling of hostility to the British Government. Let them look as the case straight in the_face, 110 t shrink . from a consideration of the question, Thu feeling purred to,dmerlea by Irishmen would have an influence upon the policy of; American statesmen. The Irish emigrants and their children bornln the :'States outnumbered .thepoPulatinn of Ireland. They s wam ac; bye and energetic, and many Of them com manded the press and the platform. They were animated by hatred of England, and. be 'Atli them into what calamities' might they net-precipitate. the two countries. (Hear, hear.) Ile hoped that the Govern. pent, instead of troubling themselres about Complications In distant parts of Bootie, would endeavor. to heal the sort that exis ted int the heart of the empire. . irleits will. not meet the wants of Ireland: They would only-he a court-plaster over .a deep-seated ulcer. The Irish people would be glad tome her or any member of her family; but the starring motAti Who SSW the utter belpelessuess of any effort for which there yrakno. reward, .did not wealth° suruihine of royalty or the glitter of pagfintry; -What they wanted was just jaws, Wwould ...liberata-their arms and jOye tliO.hin field for they eirmtions.' (Hear, oor BlAM.X l rigsrefu ß M .-4T A IMIOW • - reipondesit, who hasjast made ,a trip up the Mississippi, epeake ae folldire Of the'desoliv tion of war : - Those Who rppelpheirinraill thet ;Wm. p_used, herve`delightfutliaratrip.tui the' Mississippi can hardly rill. ze thik sad .0 1 / a nge in the present, Tears at war , of fratricidal war, lutve donetlielit' l ltrak . " l-1 ;" 4-ud -th e: in embryo witl-krUtr iein g inerce, enitpretty'. oem dotted: the biwkoi*the mitriver,aro siowin ral their once hippy., people dead Air.lti 0,011: WI (which hi but another name for death), .: an d stnadation, , fitter aind,iirofonid tiMPLIt over nemillts4l4 the. Mreat Talky. .Tbeta is not an exception below Cairo to the Gulf all hive shared a common fate. 1 £,.- , f'• , - RECRUITING ANS DCI AT lON In ■n order Issued from the Mike of the frocost,Marsbal Gemtral, dated March 27, ISGS, after citing the: 'ld section of th_t late act of,Congress, the following instructions are given: In order, to avail themselves of the provisions of this laW4 the attention of ail persons desiriag to form associations for recruiting, with a view. to exemption from draft, Is Invited to the fol - suggestions,. to wit t in - order that credit may be given to the cab- Diet for the recruits furnished, at the time they sae mastered In, and the draft made only for the dencieney remainlog after crediting these and other recruits, It is necessary that all the mom ta•rs of the association shall belong to the same sob.district. Previous to the commencement of the draft, the association will turnish.the Provost Marshal of the District a list of the names of Ito mem bers. dealgraiting their order, and antaberlng them accordingly, which list will not be altered or increased after the d rawing shall have com menced. • - A list of the remits furnished. ty such asso ciation shall be kept by the Provost Marshal, to numbered to-the order In which they are en- • listed. Wken the draft bas been made, the recruit standing at the head of.tha 11* will be taken as the substitute, of the first' man drafted who be longs to the association; the recruit eluding second on the'llst will be taken as the substi tute of the second dun drafted, and so on ma ul the list of recruits is exhausted by drafted, men who belotg to the association, or until all the members ut the associ a tion will, have been drafted are exempted, in case a aullicient num ber of recruits hue been furnished by the asso ciation-to exempt that number: When the nuriber orreernita furnished by an emulation exceedil the number of men drafted Rom such asiociatlots. the excess, thOugh emit , takto,the sab-dirdriet, will. create no maim for ' the aieoption of any persons whomsoever. 'ldeMbers of litsociations who secure exemp -11:41 under the 23d section aforesaid, are eqempt fetus that draft, but are liable to be drafted on `future calls. ftectisits furnished by anociationr, and taken u substitutes for drafted men who are members 'of the association, will be ed at the time of 'muster In. to the subdistrict sehich ihe associa tion belongs. J Fur. Provost Marshal General. This is as sensible, just and liberal an or der as can be flamed under the law. It will be observed that it conforms to the re cently published Opinion of Attorney Gone ml SPEED, and allows dub recruits (who must be men not liable to draft) to be cred ited "to the sub-districts to which the asso lelation which recruits them belongs," no .matter where the recruits may reside. Senator Guthrie The Lotdtville Comniiiimdent •of the Cincin nati Cantle writes that Senator. ()nitric contin ues to idvance, and may before summer be en.- preself for theAmeadment- JOging from apnea there on the 24th, toe small town meet ing, aimply for town objects, his influence now tends, decidedly against - slavery.. He then and there sought occasion to show that the rebellion has destroyed Kentucky slavery, and Ls ibout to collapse, and we should prepare for the new and better order of things which would follow peace; that he is for standing - by the Government and 'Hiertinion as for aberc slivery; fOr letthig eland •Movol7 go, ad nuking „ready at,onee toelear away the wreck; and that hi:cant:idea lir dens al Palmer as it mod andlnstroptititiender, who will restore peace and inetirlif*i:geilinelizi; and should net be blamed for curl - Atli otit the linTh of Congress..:) 4, , . - The =recta of ."Strikes. l, Strikes are fairly unmixed evils. The puddlers' strike an England has induced the iron emitters to try the Bessemerprocess, by which pig-iron can be converted into steel, in half an hour, with only an insignificant • amount et manual labor. It is desired to conduct the manipulations of puddling by tosehintry, and this, it is said bas bean sat . 611100141). practiced. Another iniproiement which is said to be successful, is to make -the-furnace revolve, by which itself per forms the labor-441i puddler. „Every on pedixneht thlown tinttecessarilylu the way - .of Walt:teas, sets the mind to work to over write by substituting different processes for performing it, and unman invention has so large s'Aeld to operate in, thatit invariably supplieis its own necessit!ea. - The puddlers' "'strike is one of the employers as well as the workmen. Both have Trades' Unions. z ybropuddlers of North Staffordshire rens -id' a reduction of their-wages. Those of .:SiXitit !Steffen:lllWe .submitted to it, but agreed'. to suppoit ,the North Striff.ndshi re - strike. The employens of both . - places de= Icimined to "lock out," or shut heir 'es lablishinents till all the workmenagreedto the redaction.•—Pkiimie/p6i4 • Ledger. TnE,rumer which is retailed by the gos. Gips of the lown,, of the meeting of Presi dent ` Lincoln and Generals Grant, Sherman, Idmide, Ord, rind. Sheridan', oruboird. the sisteliter River Queen, is undoubtedly cor rect; bet we can *mime our readers thatthe res Ult of ile-06nferente.tanottnown. - The alniernent that-Geneml.Lee.had asked for a. conference with general .Grant • is entirely . Without foundation." 'That great events are impending; there-- eare . -bei-!no• 'doubt.- The. rapid depletionuf the rebel tmly, - the ems lug of all the ports where - -..blockaders have been accestemed le enter, the leckef spirit, and vigor of -Mitchel 'sobliete, the despair of their Ufflcers; the 'dicta - refl.:ma of General tee that •khe cause of- tho - rebellion. was dlopelevi," - 'the' rapid' fall-and permanent depreciation of gold, - and the evident dis , trust - of the strongest 'secessionists in Jett Davis; all indicate that a crisis is at hand.. When ic will come no ono can tell. Diplo. !nary and manoeuvring 'may delay -it it for days, weeks, or months, but there - can dm no doubt that we are soan to see-the end of the rebellion. that'_ decreer. it,- and that the result may he iteCornplished no quickly ne poisibie, and , Wlthoid any- More blood , eked, is.tbeprayer of ash.4hroni , t ,, . . . Tim Richmnnd Ekon+ pays a reluc tant but rely juq compliment to "Cavalry Sbetidin" and Illaboreenian: 'Speaking of a iccent rcylew"of rebel Infantry intlint city il,03 1 :: -. • - —:- , - ,Our regiments sh o uld pay more-utton ilea to drill; end, above all things, in thin 4.1.-.lnil4r;batt.aliun menortfrot against my ' :dry cannot be tocimucitstudied and prac ticed:- it is - folly to deny or disguise the fact that the enemy ; after (our yearn of I !la!, bavo perfected a most - efficient and - I; ell arlUed :cavalry arm. The campaign lrithe Valley; - where that cavalry rode over the- infantry without an' effort being made to room - Coin Mri or , iquare against mivalry, imoke and rialted:lursued . and sabred the tefretry,:liaa given ereat.--,dordidence to the enemy, and Toole a the' infantrY thus 'ea , bred:eery uneagg Olvilf; their' flank,* and year.. Thia success has rendered, that car,- ill y to impudent that they boasted that one brigade would whip Pickett's division; and unless a division is able to manoeuvre quick ly anti avail' itself. of 'the formations provl fled against atialry, _this male boast may. yet- bring disgrace - upon Virginia.'? BiltAß - MITCHELL, telen prisoner some time t.ic co Airetsed in rebel uniform and *eat to the Fitchburg, Masa., prison, was inchir 'ed at- Major Vleger a office, in Baltlinore. .yeeterdey from Gen. Grant's headquarters. She bad been taken from the Fitchburg prison and sent to City Point to be exchang ed, but the rebels refused to receive her, and Ake was sent to Major Wiegers office, with _orders to again return her to the Fitchburg Prison- • WiIAT STIIIRICH LHAD . To. The :iron ivorkers of North Staffordshire have struck work rather than submit to a reduction'of temper cent. of their pay. In consequence of which the iron master; of England have . Jorrned a national association and decided to stop work everyWhefelf tile North Stafford shire-men hold' out - In that 'ease' 10,000 ben-,will be thrown out of employment. - A nOOD thing fa attributed ,to llngh Me- Cultocb; Ilia -new Secretary of the Trea sury/. A frightened speeniatet,was asking tdmi to .irrest the 'downiratd tendeitcy,of sold; ! my u'esn 4goodttiend,l't,waa. the ecretates'sepiji o' get Grant; - Sh e and Bbaridsn tat ,theJebels 'OllO them;.yottistil be gratified; - bur!. am afraid they won't oblige -you.—PhiL *Wee. Yorrero , RISBASSI oboe thoulf . in;the street* df , Palle a, firer. if4a slum; reftuileg ell entreaties of his farritly to naturn,hoitt% hie father came for him. Sooner tkurulesire, • "be tilled blituself."- t it ' LondOn'iltar - says.• "is an evidence of the lti 'bleb the-lib:tad Beats 6-20 , * are held ReLitero/. the (rust ebusMot WWI/ and era, we may Mention that one broker-in •se Tindal town has.. add 45,000,000. wlthin, a ifoet decay abort period, la Small Wes: . :. I says cow greatest danger as a nation arM Wealth.. Wealth, woman, wine, wee—ts that the oder t . _ Feat of an EA.tern Tflagiclan 1 he conjuror spree I a rOcee of matting, squatted. produced from his ahawls a bag, and emptied it on the A.m. ie frost of I.lm. The contents were a nuantitj of little bits .. woof; ; some forked like branches of a tree; 831110 straight; each a few inches long; brides these there were some fifteen or twenty little painted wooden birds, about half an inch long. The old man chose one of the straighteat and thickest of the bits of wood.uir,and turning his face up in inn polaed it on th- tip of his nose. The little boy who sat by him henceforth handed him trhatevcr he called for. First, two or three more pieces of wood, which he. poised on the piece already there, then a forked pieces, to which he gradually made additions, until he had bulk upon his nose tr tree with two branches. He always kept its balance by adding slateltaneausly On each side, holding a piece in each hand, arid never once taking his eyes off the fabric. Boon the two branches became four. the four eight, and so on, until a skeleton of a tree was formed about two feet high, and branching out so as to overshadow his whole face; he could reach with his hands to put the topmost branches on. It was a wonderful structure, and we all held our breath as be added the last tilts., But - it was not done yet. The boys nOw handed him the little birds, and still, two at a time, one in each hand, he Bin* them all over the tree. Tho complete immobility of his head and neck while he was be/sawing this structure on the tip of his nose, was something woaderful, and I think he must have breathed through his ears, for there WM not the slightest perceptible motion about th nose Or month. After putting all the birds o be paused, and we, thinking the trick was flu lobed, began to spland. But he immediately held up his forefinger for silence. There was more to come: Tae boy put into ono of his bands a short, hollow reed, and into the other some dried peas. He then put a pea In his mouth, and using the reed as a pea-shooter, took aim and shot off the birds. The breath he gave was so gentle and well calculated that it gave no perceptible movement to his face; it just sent the pea far eriong'h to hit a particular bird with per feet aim,and knocked it over. Not another thing on the tree moved. Another pea was fired in the same way, and another bird brought down, and no until all the birds were.bagged. The tire was then directed at the branches and limbs of the tree, and beginninerom the topmost, the whole of this astonishing structure was demol ished piecemeal even more wonderfally than its manner of erection.—.l(l the Year Round. Agriculture of Montana Territory. A corn:sot:indent of the Missouri Republican girca the following on the agricultural resources of that mineral territory: Throughout our territory are flee farming lands not excelled by any country In the world. All hinds of vegetables , here grow to perfection, and it would 'astonish one Elztern friends to tell them of the large Crops of wheat, oats. barley, etc. grown In our fertile valleys. Aldls arc being erected, settlements made, everywhere, work. shops going up, and everything Indicates that our march of progress Is forward. Everything Is sold by tho pound. at prices starillng to the slow ideasof your young people. Wheat readily commands 20e per pound; oats 23e; barley 15@ 20c; potatoes 20425 e; turnips Se; and everything In oportion. These prices will hold good for a lon pr g time, and they are all paid in gold. , It YOTIGL—TGOT have recently had an election In New York on a constitutional amendment changing the 'construction of their Conn of Apneas. An Intelligent democrat In Troy voted against the amendment, exclaiming as he banded It In,"Here's et vote against the " coned naygur. fit belongs to the class Is that party who-Imag ine they are voting against "the cohsed naygar ' every time they cast shallot. • Tins Louisville Journal grows very Impatient with slavery. It scolds all Kentncglans who hes itate to tripe out ha remnants; and predicts that • twelve months hence there will be no slavery In Kentucky, either' real or nominal. One MOM election will put the antlAdnvery men In power In all branches of the Goiernment. PVDLW JI•01'UZ& rgr Lenararr Orrr, ICKOELSIOR MALL, earner at Federal and Lama &treas. - Pastor, JOSEPH KING. Serried at MtCa. M. and 7 Prayer Meeting on WEDNESDAY Er=t PIO. The peal* are Mulls !netted to Shand. , W. o. O. Pr ADJOURNED MEETING of Trustees and Hall Omealt tees will be held on THE. , DAT, April oh, at 1 o'closk r. et., at the COlipurrEs IOO3LS. En. 'eawymett Trustees will please to attend. By otdir apt , OHAIBEAN HALL cosnenvi ar a scv. 1.10 AO it English . and tllntsteal School for Boys ad 4 Girls, Iron My I3olleSe Buntline. Germ* DI Penn and St. Clear strut,. Tenth o will COMMENCE MONDAY, Aril Id. • A few additional totplleviill be admitted. Toe terms, Iter..,-eall at the lostlenty or Jeldreas for eirculari rHOlInl • , REY. W. S. GRAY. Prisaipal. .rEir an ring riss.ari.rrs. --- .L CR RENT.—A yew TWO R HOUSE. No. SI Third street. Poseamlos to. day. L. R. Idea BOY, anDltd N 0.6 1 Third street. A PHIL xe• IP.ST.—BE NOT• FOOLED. • , •it The place to buy all that Is nevr, beautiful mid cheap is PAYEE ILANGLIVOS la at Ns. 87 tN Pad street. Come and see. 1 ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION A 4 en Ito estate'of 308 DYSON, decV,lsterof Altentieny CUT, .Allegnetty noway, having bees. granted. to the undersigned, all pinata Indebted' to sold estate ate Leven,' Prattled to makelmme. mate payment, and tnose laming claims against the mime to present them they authentlasted. for satlement. All aCeOUtal Sre us be nreiented to Mr. 3. N. Tlonsidson, at Ute North End Toll Bel l " Alleillenl Suspension Bride,e, .t. M. DONALDSIIN, NLISTIi/ orrNeLpsozr, apt:iteaStwr Admialstratots. NOTION REMOVAL. -1 0 0 sm[l7ll - seLrs sr3rTr7,"gdfi n Zl 4-mialz ... ,ottaD Darts for General Commission Ana. Von 'busmen. Imvolo•envornovvd to tbs new eland toil LANE'S NUILDINGS, " to t street, to cal Per E . IMO street, I otnertialely op. oolitic the Porto ice, where aat Mc eel. of all .tastes of tr erchao4hari artll he coo toned by the un. Oemlenell, every day and eVe ling, as formerly. • The oration dear nab beta fitted up for the accost toocatinta or the regular meenly sale. of Stock., Nord. Beal F.stale, he., with coarenieat entrance at the tear of the room. die all from Filth street, In audition to Inside entrance less lint drat 1110 r ofsales rooms. 'pi A. MoII.KAIND. Auctioneer. --- C3.OI—TaXIVCDX 3 IS. Ginghams, Mous do Lines, AND ALL DO:REPOTS C CrOODS. for sale et the toward market mice by • • waz 01111 & Co., • 05 FIFTH STIMEr. I'H ELV.B DOLLARS PER ACRE:- 1 SS - acres of valuable miia, 01 , 111 Nalside Sta tion Fenssylvania Railroad, 40 filmes from Picts .burg,h, ad) acres (rated and to Wises or alealovr, eriegmhatinadcerer ii well food U mbe r a ed m i s s op a acid r cha bank bark; abundance of eacclient water spring, runs, etc., uuhl on a One groan tri , m, enougn bark cnold .be cut to rosy for the laud; utiderlald w lilt goo4catilgi b. he rei..ed ho sh•ft. • UUTILBEST a. i5l Market street. -- 03111V111 (;ONSION 31E14 TS. • t••• 150. barrels Prime Mille 8.6 11 . i up do Flint Homing; • 200 do Greco A ppler; 40 do ebolee Champagne Cider; 00 do Hemet do; • —lO do esh Roll Dater: 5 so Irrah Yggs; 3 do prime Land; Go laces Mille Middlings; • - 15. .1076 at,d for silt by • FETZER k ARitlsTß l lNri. W P 2.N.. ( 3 1 s .• vigurriEs: CUTLERY. BABICETH, • . . UMBRELLAS, 110SIRHY. , '• • CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, 111 larfe sulaty,isbolesedgar .41111,,Aartgam, mbil ' 101 Malice,. etreet. firACRES TO3tA.Totb, WO cozen Plersh Peaches la cattle; • 210 do Tosudoem do; SO do Bleekbettjes -de; — lO do horn do; to store and for Ws by 8,.121110.5., othltt Nos, 100 n0d125 Wood street. .14 BUTT.ER • Obis Eon Buttpsi . . $ firktra - do. . _• I b.& 401 far Nes at ptel art. mbII. IFX. P. 13E01 a on: (Yr , f0 1 20 ° 01t 3. (00 , 22k01 rOt . . 4 tOtit 1 20 We BuOkeie 202 We at IBS LibtAtir stre w et•_._ r. 00. uLuL • • riITETtY PRDNEB,-,Two carki Prix" w Turks? Ptunesatuit leeelTed and rot 'nein . ej . the rund at:the Vadat, tOoarr %tors 01 . IigNSHEW, : mr.r- - annum Liberty sod gland aelteee. 'TITTER ' • ' • -is onto to, for ago ' • IurACCAUO/41% AND PERIL CELL&'.' JAL I—sk Wan /WU= an4lastethsik abtroaross . dead Penwell'', la store sod ger IWO by . . RETKER & L% • : ,pI3T ,"CtirAVlNW.ll)lll — dCo:— , sr a mor sankly tLirtetbren, nod' 884 . , end neaa, tow. CUL Moen tor We O'• : : • bble'irresh Sus for silo at laiLemirstrect..., DE . at waior OL k 00. T 731.-110.7200- 01,110 jui2EmAirtiß.7.4llo, bbli prima l: 7 ahlotakrtMmug.rimi:r .rElr eIDrEBTIsE.TIEXTti PA wr NERS -NY &RING `.../ KING have this day escocinte with the-3 ORRVILLK T. WARING, of Philneelphts. 7' le style of the Iltal will be in Pittvaugh WARG:II 6. KING, office 33 Ha ket .tree', and In Philadelphia WARING. KING & CO., alias int W .Innt street. Ti OUSE FURNISHING. - COOKINU STOVES, Tlir and Sheri iron Ware, Tnhie Cutler), Fire Iron, Tea Trays, itrr (tants Ware. hr. Also, ice Chesty, bleat Safes, boo Uremia Fr erzers,hc., &c., AT THE LOWEST PRICE: Call at lit Smithfield atreet end 46 Wylie al reeL apitludnas KIM h. SOU Or A RTZ. -- c,JOCKBOLDERS OF TioCE NATIONAL REFINING AND STORING CC. will pietism take notloe that the fourth Instalment of TIMER DOLLARS PER 3IL&RE Is now due and will be received at the Trust Untepany. Dia mond, Allegheny; Union National Baak, corner Fourth and Market, or at the oince of the Uom pony, No. It Irwin street. Those in arrears for back installment will please pay up. apl.Sord . O. lie RINGER. Secretary. J . J!... BROWN, bisoufaetwor of Port* la Window Blinds, OF THE LATEST STYLES STIL&IGHT 4ft CIIIICICTLAB CORNICES No. 102 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURGH A largrassortinent of PENETIAN ntarrEos, of the latest etyles . Plate Fancy And Silk TRIM MINGS of different yrs. Old Blinds repaired, repateted and trireme at short nntlee. not A COMPLETE HOUSE. A THREE STORY BRICK on the We. Commons, Allechenv. elegantly On- Imbed and thoroughly furnished with the lat. at ho provemeats for heating, lighting, bathing •sod washing. A handsomely Improved front, side and back garden, this One property will be sold on reason able terms, and the purthaser , may hate POSSESSION WITHIN A MONTH S. S. BRYAN, Broker. It Fourth St.. (Burke's Building COPY LNG BOOKS, COPYING PRESSES 0131-1411.20.713. IEIOO3EOE6 baud no/ mode to order Oil Leases 1 Stationery! Stationery apt ®FII — TII Sr.. MASONIC) MALL. 11110 ro e liIATION.—Chy of Pittsburgh, accordance with the Pno rOcisi of an Act of the Oeneral Assembly of the thimmon. wealth of Pennsylvania. providing for the Incor poration of thetlity of Pittshurgh end of , he sari- one supplements to sold Act, 1, JAMES LOWRY, In., Mayor of said city, do issue this, my prociw mattock,. for apecial election to be helden the FIRST TIMSDAY I.lf APRIL, A. D. la th, being the fourth day la the month, the freemen of the First Wind of mild city. qualified to vote for meow bees of the House meetspresetai of this Corn monereelth, Isl at the untie,. place. of hold. fag election& In said Want, and elect by ballot moiler the Act of Assembly relating thereto ONE 11111:_111ER OF THIS COMMON 00IINOIL for the Flaw Ward of said city, to fill a meaner oerm. armed by the resignation of Abraham Fryer. Olen mid,/ co hand and the evil of the asld city of Pittsburgh, the old day of December, A. D. MO. JAMES Lovray, Jr.., Mayor. Attorneys-at-Law, I rohneld • FOR s&LE BY MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., No. MI FIFTY STIIEET, OW Building. u . s. WAR CLAIM AGENCI PENSIONS. 33crusille - 13acas. Pea'sr. *ad CLAIMS OF •LL KINDS PROCIIRLD PROMPTLY. W. T. &lIALL\FATTERSOII, It 4 FURRTH STREET SEEDS, OIIAPE VINES, ➢ABYING A.lO GANIIIMING nenutwit% Also. Coopers ostA Slardenows Tools AND HARDWARE GENERALLY air New stock Just mewed at DEMI & IIL&CrI3, Tro. ID and 10 OHIO STREET. ittliCA - TC -- Rg HATE REMOVED TO 63 'MARKET STREET, AND WALL OPEN Our' New /took. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS co 2.IOIIDAY, the publi c HIM The pitmans of cot Eric a& and the public Is rerpectfutly solicited. apt J• H. BORLAND, WHOLEBALE and • Bruit Dealer awl Eatnafacturer of COOTS We invite the attention of our coati:doors and wercluinta to airings Illacolurlelo attack of Boots. hhoes, Gents. Getters awl Bahno • tau. — We keep the brat 'minty of 0.0.111 ant Nil looms then soy other bons* is the city. We now tefer goods es Iwo •ea they tun he boodbt In Slew York or Bonbon. /Sting very wad to select Staple and Volsci Clocank of 'cub description, that will sell both to price wn4 quality any ow who any be pleased to call and examine our stock. low Is the time to weure good blirglia~ as we Mot selliag at - . bnALL ADVANCE .41uvr. Be a rhoi Ters get to the tightyThee which to It AO PlLatliet stmt. door from 6th. A SEWMOOK BY M. OUIZOT. mvuumoos cat tha Emotes ou Obitsta .'4 op the litsidditala Quicitiatts of the day. ... at,ll Lange's Ccaaniestary on Mathew, ethical, hiastieliest. and toads id • BAP Nast's Commentary on Matthew and :Mirk, htnntlettesl sad doecrtas y i Lite Epistles at at.raul, b.tloseybsato Howson7,so The F ed er alist, with as introduction, by ILE. S linemen The Origin and History of the English Lan. gunge end the tierly Lltersuure thug it Llano& les by G. P. Marsh feD, I,.ect ur es on the English Langunge, by O. P. Marsh 44D0 From Den Dershtbs, by J. P. NeNl7OlO, P.D., with Sktkp had Envings; • good no coropnaininent lor Sunday nnd the Book—. I Linens for Every in the Y ear. I sc rim A liberal Slicount a ndlergymen ... . Nesnder's Planting Training of the hurehes by the Apostles READ, Id 75 Fourth Streit,. SONE" JUNG NEW TO PLEASE TiIE IJITTICAZI Xrc>1.49r.191... Little Folks Progressive Slate A superior stone gdafe cavern t, varnished And p: slted sloth familiar Objects for Little Yolks To copy. Ice la cents. Slate gooks for the Little Folks miller and citable elderte tO copy, and a loupe i• t 41 slate. b together In eloglntly iflutufs.sted covets. Pavecoate. DAVIS, CI.AUX E fv. o.; .1.31 Woodn street -1.4,P LEN rat , 211:1N 611.0N.—T110 AVEItY •-.111A%r-lf IN, on the stmooi Tank, - Allegueny city, Is still to the arket. The purchaser wfll ase the optlan of m 1 4 / 2 feet or gth feet front by shout gig) fest.. The bglldl t. coca ;with the small died lot, affords the moat pleasant residence to be Lad any where within the limits Of the two cafes. Although falling to receive IL satisfactory bid nt piddle. • sale, the rah furors are nevertheless, argil:4a to modify theft: clout by the Index fur nished by the effort le sell at auction. The prop* arty 1.1 YOU 'SALE :AT 'A' BURKE. CE. Tut net at A ascrllice. • Only Tll-11tTLEN.LO CS on Liberty street re.. Mato ,unsold. :Theta iota are VA feet 4muhea.ta 4leptb, egtehdlng: (fern, Liberty to Averymecet. I l'ar plans and terms enquire of udttirflUtd WM- 111. tilllNN,l3llFourtlft4t. 2, 000 wona% OF • xicicwriet .06..wra gaszeorta TO BE CLOSED OUT AT 90 Foderail Street, ON MDAY AND, ,EIATDRDAY MAROS Mt Rad ' APRIL let, FOl Fifty Cents on the Dollar. evrarybotly aft sod Gee forilent.elves: Ra• uenler.Bll FEDERAL RP. ALLFAI RENY. ..mtaraaapt R.,X. stotnatirOutc. • ----- The moot beautiful °erne. hiruired tirsol, ,X.,wrecioe county, ootitld Ircoi-ore, I.4ll4.dstpneiknA TAO wheat, triothlopei ittetirto the soittoeset; 10111111.7 CT meadow land; entered with Oleo , did *hits oak: Umber. Stings at thissmitteuie atoW, 110,1 Ault t.r nate .Ireeta tteitteettee 'lite the Beaver. Pro4rekn olkwelis have titan °Pend the Imiela i !th re er• t NANKATIVICBEWIIIIION,, - • Mist Wd • - • ••:• BILVVER, PA. 1 BAIT .REittrir OlNT liar • ours oaiva llMlaa of a ... rielposastAceri imomrxemtrows,riVo,sii.vp „ iett, eurn.lbe-meetobetlentesasenoteaher king, GC +oh ar maniebor 404 DalakOnag Yet th9.(ol7lliVrint7o.: WrtMgi• &1.1 4ary; where iiluO sal 11nDie r Agni* fEdnflee anatmentor Preandm Perransmi Donee, Drealng Maim, Ltar T Brants, OZO. 6. ElltS.T. • Ids or male by JAL- iIArIPMLII. - - ir ADT^ERTISEVEIENTS. r: Cabinet organs ARE MADE ONLY BY MASON & HAMLIN, AND SOLD IN TIIIS CITY Only by the Sul):;.,criber instrumenia far to a kind that me mode, aAN' fact attesuperior ny sted to by overof the 200 E.A.II.I7EXT .11US ICIAXS rx.33.453 ,- v‘ro Buy none till you have carefully examined Ma so Hamiln'a. sir New Antic just received. Sold at Boit°. p tees. These bends are now worth a preudnsa of bins per tent„ including gold interest [row Norandier, which makes the actual profit on the We Was. at entreat rate, including interest. about tea per cent. per sappy, besides its twesefriss frr 11 " 0, and werateips answires, tMes adds less ear to three per crest. tare, according to the rate levied.= other Mined's'. The Interest le parable sernianntosiiy by coupons attached to each note, which may be I cut Or and sold to any bank et banker. No. April Ist, CHARLES C. MELLOR, Ayl 1 11 E NATIONAL PETROLEUM TIMM Vir it .1-E AI) V' Corporation Law& of West "" the 'flint" .c 1 ee from oil the Oil Ito- Virginia Latest Intel] igen stone, etc., etc., etc. Price, 10 cents. $3 50 per Annum livCINNATI LIAD PIPE AND SHE LEAD WORKS. BITORXICK & GIBSON No. 3.0 Nts!..et MkTiLait32. Mt SIIRUBBILRY Nate to meet PIPF.S AND SIiZETS of any ' , required weight and Ore- Sheets per manor 100t,11% Me., sad spwards. Pipesestibre,,f, loch to El, Indies. Alm; Tory I.IOIIT Plpr. tor Ilydrsolla Rams sad for drain. mg alk We W would espeelsity saute the entire of Plum tom and Proprietors of ell Works and Oil Wells mheeSmd PVILLECTOR'S SALE.—WIII be sold ot %." AUCTIOIt. at the Tinnier mansard. ' tory of .1. J. Dtree, onTalo Alto street, in the cgi Of Allegheny, on MONDAY, id day of April. ' the following described property, taken by Welltlit of distratat, lamed to me by David If. White, Elsq„ collector of 01 Isistrict, Pa., as the property of J. .1. Puve, to wit: 3 shins, Mills,e ehehe. I WO tank, small do., 11) buckets. I Iron kettle and IF tlek,l stove and pipe, 1 sydrsot, I lob, 1 lot of bunge,.l. bung driver, I drawing kr. de, 1 monkey wrcosb,l lot of spigots, lot of hoop iron, I lot of funnels,l charcoal stink 1 oil can, 1 point pot, I lamp,l coal sled, 1 oil stone. brush and pilots, 1,000 feel of hunber Taken m the propertyot the said J. J. Duvet for Internal Revenue due and am paid. Sale to itommence at to 'o'clock .t. r. Terms cob. 1117011 310ELHENT. Deputy Collector. 11ORTS3IOUTLI SIX CORD sorra a moan. American 'Spool Cotton AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON - mare.marmareo superior üblit salzarit thme.v.ra.hngz C had In an cohere sad numbers Y had by the POWISKO STEd2I (31011,Y., sad fer aalli by ttLe trade gencraUt. J. 11. 1301EILLANWS. • On Murray stmt, Rem' York: I OrDeronshire street, }klstehila :CZ Church street, Phtlortelphin. rohrrozoo o d THE DALTPN TAMMY AND MANUFACTURING. KNITTING MACiiINE, The simplest and most effective Knitting Machine ever invented. Instruct iota (ma Call and see Ulm In operaUon, or send for eireulars and cam- mica Bs WOOD STRELIT. JOHN P. HUNT. Publisher, wrcissirt sour FINISII MULLES /MORT & CO SELLING AGENTS E. P. CARPENTER GENERAL MIENS, T 7 FI Frit ST EWITT'S • z=iczox.. - 3r.rx.s.a . cr - ma . Inn VIII ILAHL Its best end eheneeet liAllt11E: -4NO Ala) RESTORXTIVE la trt %N i P f 'd7lllt b en .gtr.,3 list s by d llr a e l tierally. end for a te= re 4ast t _ 8 - KA OinU3T SAW MILL AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, Alieghen 'IIIE IMPROVED lattic lithut I.tedirtni( Mnehtu%, Ertee 0141.1 r 018.00. Ittuntrpaased for certatnen • retieldlity and grace 1t znoveraeot; and tot "ndwth n boa no rival. For aimplicttl t durability ,indrartution It la unequalled b any other ekeed . m Ratline heretofore 'offered to the public., and orate only to be seen.tore nvintwiateL It will- Imam, 0.1) tacit or bind. Call lunt examine. for Vont iettW fiery machtne s tv . .P16...113 TIMID St., opposite St. CluEhes R. LECKY lb NOW 11ANIJFAC • 4131i11% hI,„ 'EurtiOvEn on. TOOLS, . . . At (Me shops) tomer of GAY alley and BEAVER street, and to W EIiSTER et.. oatmeal' to the old Orphan Asylum, Allegheny; and as the toot are made out ol the hest materials, mould toelte the pubitO to glee him a soli and examine them for themeelrea • . . lehdtardi SPORTS IV's IFIEADO4RTSRS, to WOOD STREET.. . .. , . .., ' . wismamula, x3sau . Dirties the attention of roma and °thing' tr. hie siLloadtd stook of GUN POWDER FLASKS SUM REIMS and VOW FR, DRAM FLASKS' sad ammunition of seem knia. His stook is the arrest aver bronchi to tau Market. - lOU iIIsITRE YOUR lIMARELLA. • . . YT rsennrmsrego untaatiaa. LOOK b 17)(iTE S P.LTENT TIN rd.,' froth fl no And upwards. roe mile by P. CARPENTER, . ODOM . -• No. AI Fifth Street. 4 - 213 - 110 1126.LPH, ' ..elWil•b..titerot.r um ukw mut erigt., Wriirfaeau mat be 1 1 4,1 1 47, 4 1. , Fet ath election 0 14 ,04_ tg_ Jail* FIBRE!, w sod Robizgra.' eavallor ' 7lrciatWTY: 4 )ErrT 6 qra.v.E.1144,1,-.m)..04#01..: •„ 111ETTIEST4, 411lIkt Fl ~ r r i tri .klp_ mtmTa P.P. 13,21,31)5k.,341011101:16. M L WALL tikkkHili—Tite P " e u r g imA4 JO S. K. hth.lui n gi. ago. IDIrERTIsE.TIEJrTS XE 11' STATE 7-30 -1,40-4.--N. - Be authority: of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undesslinea . bss assumed the General Soh• 'Myrtles Agent; for the sale of trotted States VOMIT Non* bearing _seven sad tiree tenth Ter cent,. Internet, per annum, renown ea the EVEN-THIRTY LOAN. 11,,e Nuts; are Issued under late of Augunt 15114 Ire payable three yen/site= that times 1, or are am:wet - table at tits option of the ma Loeser iat. U. S. 5- 9 ,0 Per Cent GOLD BARING BONDS, One sent per day to a $5O note. " $lOO " Two cents " " Tea " " " " .$5OO " 20 " " " $lOOO swim Nam or on tie deeeseleette•ee muted 'tlll be promptly firottetted upon reoelpt of subsertpUorts. This la THE ONLY Mill 'A I DOW Oft , Ted Offend by the Government, and it le annidently expected that Its superior advantages will make it the Great Popular Lou of the People. Less man tr200,0X,r ,0 roman onsota, with* hal probably be disposed, of within the nest SO or ib d sys. wales the notes liirMandiolltedly comakawpal premlota, es has antformly been the elm cm *WAS the subscriptions to other Loan. In order that the Millene of every two mid section of the aosantrr mar be afforded fasiliates tor taking the hum, the National Bank*, ate Bank., end private Bankers throughout the 410 a try hove genteel' agreed is receive sedisetightens at per. Subscriber, will select their own agents( in whom they hove eOnlidenee, sod who call . Me to be responsible for the deltvery it the notes fe whiak they mem orders. JAY COOKS. Subscription Agent, Plauk&Plia tiatetertytlhae wIII be received by the Mat Istkosil wk, Tlltaborith Woad _ TUN ' • • Twee • Clnisia's • . • ?aria illllllo4ll fastlmal Saoii littabargb.rs Irtublrwil 154311aaal Bast of P"mera. " . I mt Cin • Trsikaisas • Varsee'l Deposit • Iln:bailee • Tiles kfiesteny holes' tasu First felk?ratlAWT - ilit late Mal SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THI73 SPEAKS OF TILE Wheeler Zi.Wilso'n Sewing Machine, W hick should be considered by those who desire le purchase the BEST FAMILY SEWING NIACUINE. We are having a great many taquirlei fdr Sow ing Maclilies from !salons parts of the eoantry, and as we cannot coniententlyzeply to them all by mail, wektlikrt.thOUiht it proper to state our °pin• ion in regard to them in this public manner. We bore used Wilson's patent, mannfactured by the Wheeler fa Wilson Manufacturing Company, and we can say In regard tri it, at it le wittion rival. It is simple, not easily put out of orde.r, and, in paint of effectiveness and finish, no °tar machine stands ahead of It. We state this much in secant to the excellent machine upon our own responsibility: This Company have made and 50... durliag the lest three' months, 10,715 machines, and are nOW producing and selling 153 per day. They vary in price from PIO to lOW, the medium priced ones sill beat. in their badness there is over vested, and they keep 1,000 men regularly employed manufacturing machines. The system pursued Is the IMMO as bent adopted in the manufaitura of arms t every piece is made ton gunge, and cons& quently the parts of - soy machine may be trans. posed with thou of - another machine of the same size • or should an occident occur, thebroken art en. Immediately be replaced on. Oppilcanon atthe ther. • MEI= Saletrtom No. 27 Fifth St., Pittsburgh mhmtr 136 - wood greet. • Xittialcrux6 33 4 ILAIMFACTURSR. OY li ROVED BORIXG TOOLS, Sinhing OH, Salt and ddier Well; Tpots watiantod ramie of tb's verr ori est . TUNLlTA END LOW blooit R q ELL BORERS MINIIWEED X.Jczewaeat "M'rlooss, • Wittl such articles am neceauu7 ta conduct opera. Uoas, • Abrams BELLONkS, VIS*2,4 SLED ES HAntretzEk snovraz, PICKS, - ROPB; LEA' 431:77as 331E7mTTre co•. ot 'bid' I bars ogoitalCUT Itors• jalegtradis _ 1040POSALW (ABB , . INVITED, AND • will be to:aired, by.thettaind,fatee Injlit!Oltejt tbe City of lalleteholty, - tat i aWEx p t n y..o .the Do) dei - of APH•Ii for the lat 4; trOal MlCk' ' Treineht .street.„ln the Itecond_ getheerelthr _ neetun'to Island Line oltri= .. A i so, the pecereary sidewalk" ana l oq. t h eor 'thefame time, Proem w" at Octilrnet v olo r enl brillug of a sewer or the SI el d 9 of the . Han Uoram et yr nertf.. M t tq .. tr :wet, to the Canal, erh.oro trt orolooe•An. - nersontittett: ' An& else,' a 1111411er .00 • the' Men. , uoutmon from .the -eldireek.e_ettit e egr,f r : r . ATengS •to O . P 9lll • lnt4" T m et g oun7n dlatert a Te leonsitrocted .0n the West .. ri c h t o . of oone thousaral feet. rui andop the one be iron theo of the t ['Rh( ORTlltieGllkElmilThaTOß; In the fJlty- Hall. will be handed either to A,HOINON, Yt T "P" la ? intoner or Jaltie Niue/ li r, Chair.,, bt t i , " :r i et ' o u lttotteeel streets.- - • mtakta 64idip riiht 11,kotnuna*voatiat _ 16 steels bleakeroli Go hen ONE de; tor enle tof • li.t/A.HFUSI4I. n.i.rris na.r6En.4. UNITED STArEs - 730 Y, o n . THIRD NATIONAL BANK. orner of \Food Street and Yiegin Alley ( FISCAL AGENT 0 . 1 - 7HE UNITED STATES end SPECIAL ACIE.I.T of Iny Cooke, C. S. Agent for the lode or the Seven -Thirty Loan, POPELAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, AND THE Only Loan in the Market CONVERTIBLE INTO U. $. 3-20 87% PER -cs.orr GOLD HEARING BONDS illOnOlifini.llXlo[ll BUSWed to all who pn a rehta th" ta ' s i • J. B. LIVINGEITON:: Cashier GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh, COR. SESTE AND WOOD STREETS. AVONS7I76 NOVELElitiareddest. G !WRINGER ILARBAUG Vtoe GEONE A. ENDLY, er. Proddent. 'ldle Bank. Watts the accounts of Banks, Bank. ore and others. Government Seouttees of stl kinds bought and sold et contact rate. AN SPEOIAL AGENT of lay Cooke, subsortp- Boa. milt be received for the Popular 7-80 Loan, This loan la now being absorbed at the - tato o 8O:300,000 par Dray ma i d seem convertible to Rare-twee bolds whisk are now at a premature or over PER CERT. It weamends itself foe tta r advaa tames to all who seek a was and pro table larva meat. Littena emandialona on G lean wallas to all dealer, ia Government s as ewarttles. aßomrad GEO. A. BADLY, Cashier FOOILTHNALTWILLL G Prrrestrzau.= le MS. .( NOTICE 'arm) BEEN APPOINT:BD Speciftl Agent JAY COOKS. & Agent for the 7-30 Lew, We ore/ this deatrable Investment in gime N Oral parehesers. The notes axe La Was at $56, $lOO, MO, $l,OOO and $5,000. Traniferrable FIVE-TWENTY GOLD BOND Aor m...i/Ixt. These deeirable seciaritled sn seillas MIN meet $4,000,000 PER DAY AND EN A TART SHORT VALE wax bs at a Premiss's. larTe Basks, Bankers Broken, Treat Oat pael" /Millirined Cleaspoinlee, and all paw sews tos @ea again, k I,ibltcl Cunuisuon WM be POI It, us It tz hoped every sae w laved nW4 Mitt deitrable, safe and profitable seetrity. JAMES O'CONNOR, President ALLEN DUNN. Chistilor COUNTRY BANKS MIRTH NATIONAL BANK, II S. Government Depositary, This Bank Invite. norrivpondance and accounts ton COllirkTRY BANES Special and Favorable Faeiliti INTEREST ON BALANCES Furnishing U. S. 7-80's w•Oft. rm-es JAMES O'CONNOR. Presides uwA,Aa,kfMIUAA FOURTH lik7lo:lAL.Bpili, Reacrumrs, WS, B SQUARES; CHISELS WRENIOIiES, PIANES, LEVZIA, Ei: AND W. Governotteng DeposMsrjr, PAYABLE - IT 10 PM NOTICE, Bearing 6 Per Cen. Interest, uto nuisif isrounliv7 lar,;', :1 • I triPIMATir. VES 'MAIM "tees trliSr%iimmiersaismz eitomat niAramst .1. 4 "-ww`. th btalablig ounininnitTl NA no tbe advantage o iii Ter tent. tamest on awwe an irs nbO, sow winos watt we Wont • lints deweedlet:swear ALIEN D1:1111i, Cashier, • 1 MEN SE EDUCTION. , 40 to 00 per cent. COTTON GOODS GREAT SALE OF DRY GOODS, J. AC BIIROHFIELD'B. No. 74 N. & Loner Fourth and Market MISR POPrANS CREAM FRENCH. POPLIA 011ELP. .RANGY BILKS OKEAY. BLAOLf. SLUES ORTILP. • Doisamblques for *Se, told at 411 e. Do. for ale, sold at 60e. . Do. for are. sold at 61*. Greoadieno for 750, sold at 11.10:6 Do. forsl.oo, sold at 11.5 0 . Colleoen for 9441. sold at faa. Noonan • for Mo, soli at tie. All goods redueod nail closing out. llemiamber the pine* . , No. 7? N. E. tonai Fourth aid Market ISt". mho EIV GOODS! NEW 000 DS1—WE N &misfit Tests( $ spleadld stook of NEW SPRING GOODS. NEW STYLE nocnxiiiire ANA niturcA,.. NEW WIDE BELT RIBBON AND EVOKuao. NEW TUCK AND SIDE COMBS, LADIES NECK TIES, BREAST T/S, LACE VEILS GVIPURE, LACES EE EMBHOIDERKD A LAUB HANDKOSIEPS EMBROIDERIES AND WHITE GOODS, FSPRING HOSIERY AND GI-OYES. ANCY GOODS:AND NOTIONS. wums:racml= wmtsc=bs. The Lutist ere respectfully liirt2Jo to On up JOB. HOICsTE. & CO., maw Anis=NERTIMX4 .- 111111440 ..11thhents and Bonneft3fflo,lrloweriltl_ • . Etahroiderith Lase GoodiJAsadliaradab. Goole: BabitotalSkirti, I.4,direaneLeaatarili • addax Goody Bead ..Glarps AsiAlkallalsillV. - ' Worsted lioderrAusd Gloves , Soot Ilia"-arah: •• lions rod. Satan Wfree,, are now rfa, 111 4 ( kW . , , AND AE . . whieli , wlU be 'bung witunially_attiatH tint' Having been purebasell at LOW_CH)4.2I.HLTISH we ean etre SPSHILL, 11(1)11=4Maill Sr. Prrrearraus, February MOM. AND OFFERS BOTH AS ILEGARDS irrrsmnum, rerriur wows. (After. 80 : Dave.) (tr.' 0. TEMASUSER nnr Gtxpos. IFI dttetiOn BATIO & BELL, YI rirraAntrET among v:hloh will bo found MN GREAT PROFUSION •ND AT IL&CRa. k awursr wine b*Evir BPALTsi GOODS. N.colticssL . . will at all times be ionad well rawsibel.:".. • . -' = . We solicit a millirem . •• .. t -., .. 1. , Radiants, NIIllarA, P. 011 14 szt Ibil Pll4ll toelpd confident that we eau vial( at. , - 308 HOME & 00 » 11 2nd 79 DIEMIKST MINIM SPECIAL SALE C -A. 2xe Undershirts , at $2.0% won= 1111.oc Drawers at OLOO. WORTH IMO% BUIRT WILL WEIGI MILT I'M. ifs VOTOlii..mAcurag. & co, . , Have sho ut It Una of gotekeztimkeavy WIERTIV I.I,WDERSIIIRTS audDRAWERS, nearly silverly which weigh Qom PAlb. to 11b. 4 or.. each darto,.. that must be dosed out immeelstely." ,- We Mier them at much less Alma what ties , met to make, and we believe them to be equal to , reditetlea will 10145 tor qtuuttlf7.oes thin or one boadred at the came rate.; .....,. These Edda are Great Bargain EATON, NEACETAI-ft co. 27 and 19 Fifth street: a DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT," Undeubtedly the Best in. 11.4 Is role Lux--; WHOLESALE !MD RETAIL. Alt 70 I%traxisosve • 03taroot. Meow?[ & GLYEIR. GREAT. BARtil4Ntbl IiOURRVAD "DENNISON & 00.: - ST:Tilarket street, • -' • Ant DrE8,311 . 513): ~CLCISp our _ =a ENTIRE STOCK 01 GOODS. , . - Ckeuta , trsuitrisfr i Rents, Shirts; itooks, EmbrofOrtes, L:ceUda, 436 m, Ltaiteer, Trtia• soirlas, Point Lite.% Collars, ILlbbaos, Ow. 11,146, === A MINI • ASSORTMENT Or BUT' ~ 5 Toys, Drew and Cloak OttollooM 4 4 l ls' ~..• Gimpy Chenille and Banat Prins; „Nail V .; Undendeesen.Linen Sets Of the amok dolaiV , ,' Ince snd LinenCollare and liandluirchi . .• . Voider", Balmoral "sod 'Hoop : Skirts I, sr / -,• Shawls and ,haeques, or all arse; lisicrosra . ameled Co ll ars and Oars, for ladies andken , .7.- 'Waal% Leather Gloves, til bitlattMlOa"frixri to 1 Ober, ID gt.tgr; new I A M ut awe ~:. , falls annovera Vr a lli p ' he found st -- ••• ' • . ALICE 1110WRDS TRIM/ONG SWIM •.._ , , • , Nm El South street, sear Yerrystreat.,, Particular attention given to altaaing MIS list ', , a oth . lama al Lase& • Also Mink Lies VOL ' ' , 25 YEAR s- . .lnamiuslics ,`-: -',..,,, I t 4 ",w4h!,ati t t , i- • P110F: REEDS - -11111.AG2111T/C OM I . a tti:e 'oCiii i itaible Cnne air '' ' :' . : ' ' - ' ':- '-, _ ILeein.at eta ._elivOir ? da . . -, iitilistild siltieo r ldpg4 4;t:lli eing4Pletitii ' • : ,:,-:411501,1 JOILASTOPT,Sof Aglat. , --, !" r- - rii.limtaibild And fli a.. - . .... iiiii.,44 . ..;* f ...34.1i4ii....N '01:511:BAL:) Dia vosTanx. °nuns ', arra .parENT-141)EINOT, An, 11 ST:. 01.4.13, ST. near for 1161mimilDrawi=adtp=o • Pla i t and upstill a = " o4 . for .11baututorks,- di 1 Ateaseries mod Avaiteetutal-.Drat., lisp 'Mid .. - te k ai l 7!ar u st= "l " ,34,l . laSTitOtEl32l.-00 barrels Crude fbr masbr - . . 11z1IILY li. INLAJZS. ~~ JzAf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers