* r;•'' ' • • - • VOLUME 88., 04Ritt ERY liAl i ttiNtillirS l'Y 4 1 /" 1 49, 1 W/ 1 - , (1111,1( . !!L'IlIE AIM Fr THE ppilimatc. ..-., , - - *ant l s 0 eLlagyein pt. g,, ----- GEN SHERIDAN'S VAlR'f LEADING Thf ADVAN :E. RUMMIOND chili 'dm *IIIGE ‘ OF rig intLBEO. .HEAVY - TNE DIRECTION 0 A BATTLE PROBABLY • goon '1 . 41 :4 lof , f . • hely Capitulation of Lee's Army Probable. ai TROMMINMOMPON Itlollloli D Wsre4f: . . 'HI Apia oir 7nz. l'asplpcl. Ilinttipt-',..A.ening s —pni ;Mini tabin by a par!. totiet this ,sitm a, t4ififaitfiaiii : Which they bob travelled several times beratefore, namely, she Paulin anntalifitifthit 7 lanalrit swath. , • went ncrcins datebee's caw. titecolaain started: at a deleektbisiotifferse"' •-, r ..', • t - v., ,- :-. A large kiros-turtheaLba 'Ulm 7 is 'twit dint.' upon or no litoii' - riWyrliir)3 the enemy's' I pleke t sWeittlandliPdAi£P. 7 ,4s l 4, ~'.-.::.,4 '. t Gritriendleinkm wan &calm the Quaker ro ar(, •, 1 and lama 3Artnello,lnnillnH!fteopon, a Artnlon ; i cf thecae:ay eatufairappeattralubt lasi*- . .., big the sunlittlEOT fitir ; SFy4, -- Agmol . lloln9 and ..' chargtd, biettasly i Wert - lie d with bear( Tillic.s. - A number of pvisoners were taken sad brought in. They mild mono hadli-ini a nnalfilete aurpilse to them, u they expected an attack in y the-vicinity of Fort titeadymnOtildstbelrfrooPs lad been massed there to meet it. It le believed UmramUwersiWTTAW%loga.4ww ,46ll4 / 50 "h,' . . , t • dll the Plif 0 ersloP*l uC . baiog li l 4°il? pr°: 1 Tent Its de!.ttityttßo t . ba;katit. !Mondale° mal telt that Bberld a garotda be I:.little ibiad;, and that by the next day we would line toWai of Its: deatructlon of some point near 13urtiiilte Tt *lab should be accomplished, Is claimed that pe eracnatlon of reteribmi itlehatond iboat ' follow. - Westinwroa, March 81.—IctormatIon from the adratc9,.at thokrimatoo Potomns„pkri, Hatcher's Itiklititradai aid.ralkf, ihoira ttat the locality of. our army under Gen. Grant, a that time,'Ohkeekiii fine parallel wit]: ancteastof 1 • "'the Bordtown pankroad, end west of Ratehei'a . . Run. ThmoAffikraiNg -Ixelitiona Java' been "Med with but little resistance from the enemy. The Bth efkrps,hapitharp Fomenter with the enemy on -Quaker road, but they lost let the af• k ; fair less . than 800 men, and diOri the' rebels nearly a mile frith serious losstoehem, and cap -11 tared a rui;kparptgelsOnees, ~ . Q vt• Raw YotitilleirehSirluel.2l4bisses Wish-, , ,1 ipßtoll V40441E16, r !• 6 4.4kaluxiaquileat 4.7blic: ibeen madAlhat the Army of the .I,4acnnac had again asswomittek:OrtmaJeo.,:it •eliiiiia bejm-:. proper toAlhetbetroops of the Army , : of the James, dit 'Mendel dad Triesday, crps s ad, e James River s and o!reed Grant in his new . velment:, Ght. — Grant'idniseltiiii;Citilfoint k,, or the front on Teyeadey afternoon. Qtrt,pher , Rian witielli elitaßy4d , :thaadrance. end has protaddy,l4 ettiViii;Cliiiiie only remaining lino of communications with Richmond, ime. • ' where betweAr s llt*iiraleandatatille.vr.-• , .•.'. Thc rebels on Szatday : studlionday had ties il4 ' bulk of their army massed on iheir right; either I in antlelpaticlotan sttick.lnkhat direction, or, -prsparatOriiii = als fateualeivotltlehritnniL 4, Tb6 ;..., line between here and Nity.„Poi* bas. not ,been i working for the or sir hours, and If uteri; has t beer any 4141410 a finibbsortAlsOrts•: It to bo g lleved, hoircvs,r,,lbsit as _bctsvy battle soak place . . The Lbrahre Washington special iifi It hi :. 'now oodeostcolikPowt Showeg. kiginotanalm°l - reliable warms of infonnalon, that - S il . Seward was senMaii.l24.Lariebln tOrois ta 1 City Point for consult:aim, p sistd that mange meats are actually In progr ess l l or alnillsary convention betvreen!Gentras Grant: and-Lee, 1 • supportal on nne Side by lir. L . 11160(12 - said t':t.e . da. tary Seward, and on sheathe? by Jeff Davis and . - A grand moiinient of tie '4113Y raider Gen. Grant was being =dem Yie4Desdas morning. That this mineindit will result - In Compelling ' Lee to an-carly sagas:talon of Ids army, ..Is co -1 gardedin sanitary chutes as Inevitable. .. . l• ThelraEd': Army Of She ..Potomae -SPoula of .the 20th,liaa the, fallowing: The gratul,.mova meat of this army was not: fully 4rl-loped mall this moralig. ;'Several days of nautili as bad prevailed in thei' several dePartMeists, and a speedy.operdig El -the spring cautpalgn is anticipated. Orders were, Issued yesterday to the troops expecting to participate In the moven, Inuit, to have thomxelyes 10 readluess to more Al' slx 'o'clock p. m., punctually to thee, two the Second and Fifth, and one cavalry' ivgimmt, started along the- lines; The fresh treepi that strived areraplaaed in thewinks va, tided by the Bec:onti Corps and they, threw up others `farther out 'than did the old front of the Becond Corps. This time there has been no swinging around. io protect the or nil:ming troops on the left, pat the line ban been straightened! toirards: Boydein Pike and 6nuthside Railroad. Colonel Weston, of the /at brigade, Sd diri mon F/ out ;Leman party on atreconnobtinnee towards Dabney milli: Somewhere on his front, While the party was moving through the pines, one shot was find, canting only one ;Ciliatity to this corpi for the day. 'Lieut. 'Patterson, of the Ith:.Mlebigen t wu killed by It. The f.tli corps met with more !stubborn oppo. Milan. It moved from Its rveltlon near nate-h -er% Run, along a. narrisii:wpmd road, nall they arrived at a thiminghtire known as Qaaker, intinlni . . northerly', Into' Boydtown road, when tbey.eteldosly cumenpow the rebels In consider able force, lislged In a piece of amber near the ' Previous to the s eroeshig Of the stream, Gen. . . '', Ayersa divislotr,' Which held the - richt four woe :;..g column , . were detached mad pineal at the : 17b, R 0, log of th e Quaker end Vaughan roads,, to ; o ilizi igainatas attack from the extreme left, 1 e line of thelatter road. As Glilles titvilion .1 ling In the : centre, this • disposition placed 74 . ..te1t00P1l At the -right - line, and' being at the . P41A. 1 , they wan :lemmata/ the first to meet and I engage the enemy. Before , crosslnc the plantte. Uric, ticktiddlers and liankcht -had" been throttle i 440, well npcm the tank,' who • did not' discover f the enemjnetil receiving a- SWIM are team tam. A "alley , fell back to the main body and &ISM sect the - First Brigade to' their support.' They :net. with a bad lire which sent them back." it Augur brigade Movat 'to their assistance, and they succeeded is rushing tery close to theme: cmy's position, where they pelted him until he left /hiMan and fell back" to the , exsosed See n of worksdefendingrite apprmiches In Bo pos the 5 ten pike and the Bottrh.Bll4 railroad. yen' ilttosrailory was iisOd. - • ' ' -' ' .Ifeanwbtie. the cavalry Corps of ' 10hOrldan C awned round tall 'Anther Booth and rapidly i nttorttiecrwmiktho 6'a - my's •ecomnannlention. Up . to the time be fe4 the flail, he ch.:night he had I slot ergsged the' enemy. - Riultoritiya — lie cap .. i '4dred aportioa of the Boydstown pike, the sth Ow Pli . _teet/ilintrihelett . itf the 24, the Ititter r bit.' big connected Withthe ... Sula. line d , ilea this,lt 4a prc44litheeliad Is In our bessesslin;7 .....-r -' Ouribes-does reet:terele ' , MO; the eaetheii will Sot reach that figure. • Vire 'Captured :Ift ithittre2,' . ' ...,q....41.: - '44:i 3,....r«_n, . x. ,-.4, - • 'err. 'rbe trm , to oProolog ns werolkohnxt John eon's: - • • ' TIM leadrinaitert of a.. dr.it and ate:sd him !Oren riorttlk Asitt op-to-Mutat. ia, the v - ?tatty- Grallally- Ham..Munn work Is et riritm:l to-morrow. The Herald's Wontington special of the 31st ps persons supposed to . be weA loOfenna re: specking the plani of rant; are 'cOnildent that his movement against the Eiontbside railroad with a tlew!to compel the evactustion4f berg : by Lee, If alreaas not taken place, and Rheddan tkmAist . J3Writytllle,F to prertit ; the Gripeof Lee's !inv. litpr Yo ;Mc, March Si.—The,.(Touousreial Ad -1 eritiiir's special says General 41ninVeCi-ccent predictions 'that within a' few weeks Richmond would be reielerletifildlalirt is.ibant: being TAT 1114.JW.. of the news is contraband, but It hi - stsita tatistlher sra eta circler Mal seem to assure success. • Wien tdenVlo l 4 ll 4-CliO off Off Omr mtak. -cation between Leo find Johnston. Gesend . 7 itisis)is' moving 3ipixt -Mel/mead from the Southwest with ahcary force. The candy - wilt be Pressed eo,loiol,,F°Blßel. him to ffiv!lTPtSsdi .oreeterre battle. LiterleSible, ad v,iess PODIA .the,aruty _repre sent that Geneitil Greta% , Colt-sin to secure pixie-Oen ortbu Woltth-Side railroad. which Ls the key to Petersburg and Richmond. TePoriOd, bat, art autbettes4td; : -tluit the toliii4lAol:l4 bight made several attempts to break . tbinugh oir lines in the pa rAood 1(94 Steadruce, hut cur feat" and artillery opined .0:13 them a Wale Aka. which often: dune them buck In Confe(Aeit`riiiiiiiiay - ill - eitideile - d the contest.' PETERSBURG. ING ON, the Potentate sped= says toXioneonay_ciaten, arcnirecelVed at the canons field posts, tore- MOTs tho lick add atttnatiod , to:City PatnL. qod Licit the *.5.. 1 44. Ec44 1 .„ 1 ,.! geney,thai may o . e. Livom citni Meadorates that Major MeE wan, of the.lll . Bth pennayleauja Unbo Lonna regimen t, !idly . ' the engageinent orsseciday Netv.Yeint, March 31.—A special to the Pal, from Wallington, of the 3181, says:there in no truth In the peace tumors. Nothinidiut itgetrons Irar official circles, „ „ ; LARGE RIMER& OF "WRITERS ARRITING. The Priiideuriforiet letiiraeL SENTENCE OF NEW J YCtiit'Eteliiiri- BROKERS ItasninotiSts, - March St.—baring ;Niarch deserters train Leelrarmy 'wire Ineelved In this city, to alt of whom the oath oralleglanee was ado %Istered . ., During ...Fehrnary only 1,239 Rare recalled. . The President has not yet returned from Ylr 001E7It ti sida oft?WAdnesliay he ;rode 000 to the front with a numberof distingnishod officers. The lindiug and sentence of Devlin -and Ca- Jul. New York Bounty Btokersttattes tried be. fore General Bragg's Military Commission, of width Col. N. P. Chipman, of the Wat De partment, is staige 'Adebttate; - tessi heed Tett firmed by the Seeretary . of War. John Devlin we sentalined- too tea. Tears iumei9g - -41. the peltitentlary swathed 0,000. JamesDerlin to seven YMNAJZIWiIoPfI4SA and a .fine of $5, 000, faxed-4°lth Cahill to Ilve - :yeam - Laiprlsonmeat. Thee ate to be' seat' to Clinton prison. This la just ono Instance of a large batch of eases; and irtticVbrings tollg b tlmmeid fkaids temliced on the government. Steps de thin[ taken to bring to Justine these offenders In oMir parts of the country. The comminsianor leploiforward rapidly In examination. Mad 'daft tO I tEN: Git 11T' Ittimals for Canattou !of Nsw Ponx,,Harch Hemld'al,iewbern iipecial 'Omni stiroVpiuticoliri regaidingGenend Shermin's remit quiet but hasty trip from Goldiboro to City Point, and , Tisi.t_tp General Grant.; General ilhermats.. pn the !Fa.T. remarked to friend abet a talk of live minutes wilt General Grant Would be midllelent for, themltns4 arrange. tot of ibeir plane i • Shernian waaln Newbern a rumor was ..eirerdating tbat Pie.Posilsibi ,, rseeasatimtof boa , Unties bad been submitted to him by Gen. John ston, and thathisArisittoCly Atha mks/or : U: ParPcne of laying these,before General and General Lce s A Fortress Monme special .4 11 1.1 1 . A; is progressing satisfactorily. , Paid Plre...l3_rpartment..-Employaeut for , • Dkildred . dioldiera.. ' So Your, March 31.1.—There has been some ixcitemcnt herr_.to.day over the passage, of ,a till prerlding for is Odd Oro department. Some Bremen say they will , not turn out cans of Arc; end criU prevent others from doing so. The Mayor Ilea tamed a proclamation, recommend. lug good order and obedience to the laws, and calling on firemen to protect public properti as tenni: The Society for procuring employment for disabled at..t elidisqed, aoldlerN-publle , bes • letter from " the - President, promisirg such sol diers irhatmer offices they can 1111 in the various depirtments, and Prombiln ids hearty co. ope ration in the new movement. Canada and "ene . liit; *Albans lealders, New Tonic, March 31.—The Times' Wash ington special saytit:, The (Heehaws tit, the St. Albans raiders bat created a bad feeling; and although the Goverment la. incliocd to recin:6, cae the kindly of minyof the lead. leg Canadians, and sought to be carried out by acts of legislation, yet It is not to be presumed that the • repetition of such farces,, can be taken as eridence of good faith, or good !titan tions , on the part of the Canadian authorities. A 4Tlces froni.Richmond New Your, March 31.—The..Post's Washing torr sptclid says: AdviteiAtist received from Itichinond state that the gold and general business of the Merchants' and Mechanive Bankof that - eity havabeen sent away. Two percussion cap manufactories have also been reniord, It Is sup pesed, to Danville or lynChburg. Lie's army has supplies tan days ahead. .T4e 'Negro , Canal Boatman. .WAISaIIGTORi" liffrek 3,1. The. Star ear!: The negro canal•bostmen whcise Lost was 'smashed kg Gen, Sheridan on his lab raid, and whoAras 11Onized bJ tho Iticktruind papers as bitting Joined the . colored .recrults-ln a tater nt indignation against the Yankees, has deserted to our lines, and brings with him twenty new retrl °On". Cantinas on the Baltimore end 01.10 Itallrostd--Tratn Captured anal Burned. Barriwona; Xamb western mall train rri'm here for Bbeelingjesterdslorna tuna by guerrillas, aed all the' can except die were barged; and the pamengers all robbed. Itturfored penetration or Petersburg'., B.uhniortaofareh 23:—_Thellag or truce boat `rdeallnitanr nrriTed at Annapolis this afternoon with omen hundred and fifty released prisoners. the Manhattan brings s rumor that Petersburg Las best manned: b .111oreasenp6 The "R i=ch 'n.. WASIIINGTON - PallirS of Wednssitstroprrj that General Sheri dan raercei Dinwtials day morning, and 44 think • fils-dintinaqon is the South Side road. 17utpundted Bulgier, l'epoit 'tit VI- Hutt Filhootp tuts gcrp to act u uutek P?ut-, ultsilotter is lammed:: llett !ttyresiutla,Alf . . , :. • • Trallarir..th.rWallelPhl. '•• • riumaDiatztua. March 3L—Twa rauaraa are cia-ot ,klrlietraount: PIT TSB ij C br * t tr'N Z ETTE • 471 E SITUATION IN NUR CAROLISA. iiir a Armies Taking Repose. 11EibitakERS REMOTEDYFRTIiER NORTH Patimient orthe Troops Ordered. Nawntax,, histrch-M—Tits - armies in 2(orth Caroni:7a are taking a brief repose. • Shermanls Immo are much In need of shoes, clothing and other necessaries prior to striking the iiiiishing blow to, the: rebel:Confederacy; All is quiet at the trent. ' • • The enemy show no signs of Ilfe, 'where they are, or what theyawerahont, lt -ttopeara a Oisltenof '— General ilhermao's btalqunrtera are to be re- Snored flora kaikenal(follawtern: = " General ilaatiti to be -re=' moved -front `fleitillia:f; . Efee'llethecollne; to Ma . . Fite buiAlriditiidfouttem bags- of .maii rived on tltilid4.-Wrid , Meadity far - iiherman's. .theoinkratulations of the loyal ettlunas _tills section of k'ortb Tent of 14. Hugh hicculiocit, oflndians, owl litenistorTurlan, of lowa, to the •fishlnakwhini were • recently forrarded to Washington, eon . clads by 'sayings' et,TheseolW, President, which sin so sallsfactory to reprewhit the jnrlty'skill find miblenes3 of our sister Mates of the,gratit %Veg."- • • Anothe4ateh of WO rebel !milkmen arrlrcd hers from )Goldstio"r6'6 Bandly. 7'liey lett yes iengifilr,ilio North., Mora than half of them desire to take the oath of 'allegiance. 'logencrittlutyrnent of troop!, In this do is ordared.: Formulas Mosnor, March W:—The steamer yairbank4 with prisoners from Newborn - , re- TOrtathat'on ther . Mthshe ppoted op the steamer liatirithGeneitdl3h;:riran aboard - into flail:f.s§ ; Tract, by .request,_ on account of the stormy tibti,ther: , liew York Stock and . Money Matters.. 11. y. Goods *naiad. New Youx, , klarch 31.=The ,Eitock Iforket Is more Reloaded -and' prices show a genera TM provement. The market appears largely over- Sad ion the lending stocks, and parchasas of shorts to cover ,contracts have produced a deci dedly firmer tote. The Railroad List was higher, and there are Indleathms of prices being about to take an. upward. turn. State Stocka, Rail road . Borah and Bank Shares were generally quiet, beteg held above the views of buyers. - Stock-Wised • adjourned to-day to. attend the futteralof, Jacob Little. , . Government Securities arc all strotig, Willa a fair . dcmand . for Gold Bosch. Gold uniform and the market ranged Arm gat 1513-6.40 152. .It was slightly weak la.the afternoon on the receipt of the military news, Blocks was a 'Moderate Mrsitiess In Petrolattni Blocks and prices steady; Empire .Gity,, 4:14. Kvickereocker. 50; Oceanic, 250; .Ilynd ram% 3ro; Excelsirir. tirn - 17alted'iliates; . 10,50; Tack. 250; Commonwealth, 4; Hydrech, 25,50; Ger. nalla, ;There was a 2, - renewed :idepresslon in the frodnee markets toshij, mid Madness limited. Fl nr declined 25€410e, wheat S(ijsse, mom 4c, On'S ® 5 O. retir 11.. tottotollo3e.. Bales of of prime wo tern oats, dehrerable on opening of Canal, was made toner at l'Sc. . At the dry goods auction. to-day the enterers. ble weather caused a light attendance. Them was rathc.r an Indifferent ludo otNqf cloths. dress goods ' shawls, dc. The' former Mostly passed o thereyraa au =willingness to bid on them; ibemtberortielos on She catalogue did better. Thom was a competition for the mark down at .the beginning of the sale. At the sale of cloths and woolen goods there was • fair attea-* dance and 'prices , dbellcset, Black -.ltalians; 27 inch, Innucht .g,tiGet, do 22 luch,Oo@B7c,•6_, .br.„4 dig Chopellc,111„20; Belgian Ma& cloth; V.,"1.3CM2,00, and sexy much In this proportion.t . There were nortnany deplicates and many lines: were posed. r. Itebel View of the Situation In NoethX,ar. *Una. Now .starch 31.—The Richmond En iiarto a the 27th says: The shunt-toe In North' Carolina, beconies more and more Interestin g. Witla hb' army. scarcely half organized, Gen. Johnston has been able to sestet the advance of the...many; helm the ilme`hit Cape Pesti - .00 three oreardoss be has given Liberman ate:are !meow In the art ofwar. While at Kings ton be was no less severely paelsbed by Gregg. The battle of lientonsville was a triumph to our arn,s. On the Wilt-thernemy wasetarenched, ants no Subtlag orehned. Oa ilte3lst therewas heasy Wreathing and some severe fighting, In whht the enemy ware badly handled. That evening he moved off Gms.Joiraston maintain" bin position, and will be ready to meet the ene my at all points. '.Tile CarelintecOrthe=d,Sayst .oa. the. 21st General Johnston again 'attrwited Sherman Is (rent and on the think, and after a severe bat tle drote the enemy in confusion from the field, capturing a large number of,prisotters and sis terly demoralizing the Fedena army: , The' same paper states, auttioriMUvely, that • the commandants of prisons In North Carolina have been ',ordered- to be prepared -to receive 5,000 prisoners, taken at the battle of Ave:ya hoo:, on the 16th. Our loss is set down at '5OO, that of the Yankees in set down at :,800. Itlctutend." WAturcormi, March 31.Rlehmond papers of the ...kb hare the following : Advice' from Mobile to the f.flth say prepara tione for, Its +Uterine are serf oomplete.,and pro slstone enough to last for au mouth' aro la the , I. , ;p4ta, I n., ..Ifarch N.—.& force, reported to Ix Ott' Grlerson, one - day laic wort wide a .drunouttration on Tupelo, Vie., but were driven out Tlmitichniond Senthat has the following from ELet Tonnesece : Thonies having transferred a portion of his, army to Knoxville and nailed It with Gi is .said to be moving in the direction of the 'Vir ginia line. At Last neconets the command hid reached. the-vicinity of Greearille, alLLtie ores bLif way froM Knoxville to .Brlitol. The ciro. won In accompanied by an engineer corps of ,men„: who are engaged In rebuilding, rail-. rvatia a*_ tot as tho army, march,e6 Comma »leation with the base at 4..noxville will thus be kept .up. Tbe object of lireexpedition is, no doubt, to Natalia a hold' In boutlrwestera lar e loin. and if possible to move On and capture L 3 achbrog, - thee -co-operating with Gault le compelling the evacuation - of Rlchmand. The aciA Me Is well 'conceived, httSlt will be apt to miscarry in the execution, jest as others have. Cotti:n In Trantit.-Anarchy In Mississippi. C.O no; March 81?-9eventy-five bales of cation for Et. Lome; and eight hundred and twenty-live bales for Cincinnati and Evansville passed bore. Oen. Washburne offers from five hundred to one thousand dollars for the 'arrest and con viction of guerrillas within twenty miles of Memphis. Ethel deserters in the vicinity of Moldloo, Alba., defy the authorities, threaten to annihilate the militia, and barn their houses If they attempt to oppose them. 0 n the other hand, Forrest declares If the militia fails to ar rest deserters, be will make a campaign In their locality and hang every Line of them. The de. satyrs are armed and organised, and the Legis lature fear their Influence. Bragg has appointed bin brother Joseph to break up trade on the linetraudtureplke, or barn all the Cotton Intend ed for federal posts, and stop traffic on the Mis sissippi river. Georgfa-Virghill LeellidatUre..,m.MOTO. montrflefore Richmond. Naw Vona, March 31.—A proposition to at ropin for a State Convention to decide whether Gitorgia shall remain withi n , rebel Goofed- Icracy or return to the Union, bas been defeated in the Legislature of that State. A majority of the old members of the Vir ginia Liglelatore hare beep returned to the one which mm to next winter. Boma ware elected by a refugee constituency, numbering from 100 to 13°. The Richmond Xamifror says a heavy column of the enemy mated &We tho Jamietem plank mad on Thursday of Last week. The movement is supposed to be a thveraion ut favor of Shar man striking Weldon. at the same time destroy tug the railroad Letweeti that Point and Stony 1.30 Subscriptions. - Pin Annulus, March 31.—Jay Cooke reports that'tbe sehscriptiotut4o ;the_ 7-10 'loan today amounted to 111.155900, Inch:Meg .01111 e from Cleielatid 0r150,000, tho larva from the West, and the irrinThlladelphht for $100,0130,' which naethe lamest 11• Om the Vast. There were also 1,519 Indleldoel subactlptlona fp? =rand $lOO. „ . ” New York •Vold Starke; • Mrs, ;Utz,' Wird' 41.--43kad •baa aborts ret4er. more firmness ads morning, partly from thn aupposltlon thaitho - tata and storm may do. Aliti 1.0 object of (tenent! grant's 'lmportant mostment; QUOtallOnfi between 1511( m 141161%, and cloalnk at the lower fignra. • Guerrilia•!,Beetted. ..• . - Li:4=nm; Karat 30 .4-Alherirt inANIC* 4 whowero sentonad o bi shot it Ltxhigton, to-morrow Aare been molted For thlrly doss. A reoptahos go - been granted to tL. Johntoo, who was to' hore.booo. hanged ; hero to-morrow., `i s ITTSBURGII: :-; `gArtI.IRD - IY. APRIL 1. 1565. Banks Coin to New Orleans Now Non*, March 11. 1, ,litidorrtioneral Hanka TetiMetd.Monaw forNere Deming; 'Neat Cairo intl-ttanAllitelealppt river A complimentary dlnuat *to be given ifintAtila evening by his Men& lett e city. The Mott Cr Colomdo. foe Nio Janeiro, NMl its and BanTrincisi,S;hvith Apteli and tubeon boatd, bas ancbobd at Quarantine, and 'sill go to em ea moo tbe weather dear& Opening or' rir.-Affattoa. T.fuzvaniceat t „March. al.—. &telegram from - La Crease, sestet . ..bin-Sayer that -navignifon Is - open to Leta Pepin. and that steamers ara ran• Mpg to as from Winona. , The St, Atrat=ue e iesenother Jndtelnl Another Camellan Justice has decided that , • • ..that SL Albais burglars were Wiliest of the' . . • crime laid to their Charge.. :More strictly speattv: • logs Jostles Smith, of Montreal, decides that the Acetified Wire ContedMattliptddlers 'And that As , theydid not come within the ' Extradition ..Iyealy. To bettarelbuth the matter, In fits own Tier/berry why, Justice Smith further holds that • the Extradition Treaty is no longer binding on 'Atm eontructiog parties. And the cause of this Japan thd contract;eltUtlltmt•States . Courts reforte'torecogelsethebelliteiredticharacs. tier of tbe Confederates!" Judge Smith Is also makto sat (by the telegram) thdt "he held that -Gra.. Dies Order to Moot lawn dorm record:es the raiders aabollerinla, and-rtift lis TOOS . CM P •Screral months ago. when the e a se of these burglars arts transferred from the hands of the .noteritina Coursol to those of Smith, an eminent •Caundlan Judge, onA idaitto ..)iew Turk, remark-, ed that the St. Aliment: ralderalMettig teen tried bcfure a knaye,.wero now to go before n n. 1.. The telerim maydo injustice to Justice Smith's learning add logic; for it le exceedingly hard of - biller that hien a attend' Class provincial Justine' can have declared the . Extmrltion, - Treaty at an end.by thil tact of the United States Courts hay-' lag "refused to recognize the belligerent charac ter °Ville:Confederates." This is nonsense so letlfaliky dull that It is not even amusing. • One must either atipixisc that Justice Smith was Igneratit that the Extradition Treaty was pot In actlire•force at the instance or tbet Iteltish ..authorities, oply a few months ago, in the cue of Muller I and that It was to operation at the ME Lance of oar own .government. still more 1'4+, 1 amity, in the case of Burley; or itsatitst•:be eon- • 1 chicks' that Smith has constituted himself the supieme intherlty In the matter of terminating or annulling International cotenants as he pleas es. • We bad supposed that the opening , or cloi. lug of trestles were matters of purely Areeutise action. This Doeterry tells us thatit bra Jails tie matter altogether, anfl,tnat behimselfls the. Budge. -3'. T;VICI. Interesting Physiological Part.. la a letter to the London OWN, Dr. Kidd mentions the following Instance of the' restore . Don ofsight m a yourts4 Woman born died. Ile sass': "I taw Indlvidttally andobserred with la. tereat the following casO a Abort time nr; at the Eye Imiltallon, Bloordelds—a case that arould be invaluable to lierkely; as Waring-on the part played by' the tenses In tutellecr, me.- An later eating bohleg young woman, twenty-two years of nee, bora mono blind—partly educated la the family of a clergyman, all th 6 time by finger -alpbabete,as we see blind men tracing the bawls in one or tyro pillow in town—blind far t teeny two years. was restored to perfect vision to fear days by a surglean operation and to partial Ti,ion in two minutes; Thleyoutur woman In an kismet, having been twenty-two years and from her-- birth stoat blind of congenial cataract, Mama to see, as those deaf mutes lo Paris began to beer, for the Om thin. The ettectth tku Snot; we. man wain:mat curious and something of this • kind. She saw everything. but there if Moo Ides whatever of penpeetlem She put her hand to the window to try to catch the trees on the other aide of rho stre..a. then In Hoordcld ; she tried to touch the ceiling of a high wand; ales warrut lerly Ignorant .alao of common things.-e. gi g., What such things as s Detach of.keys were, or a sliver watch, or a common cup and 'saw cer; but when the abut Ler eyes and was allowed 10 bitch them ((uneducated sews) she width= at tr.ce I She could almost diatingolso the peatT feet of a sliver halNrown. from the odd, dry, Lamb feeling of a copper - penny.. fter,joy was =email) when shown WSW ustglior MC and sweet pea that one of the cinema Dad ;red den+ tally in his tood,fdt It secinaahe knew all the plants la the Clergyman'. garden by the touch and smell I She looked at the bunch of Ws, and with equal - blankness at the Soarers, then chat ,her eyes so as to recognize them. ' All /We took rip less than flit minutes. tattle failed to say, as well as I now remember thhoue, "these are flowers." Buten my Baying. when itho openixt 4ey.cyes thole ane gamma" :!'9 l / 4 . no - they arcil* idfaittile:shetting hernia alga end putting them to her nose, "This Is mignonette." etc. Acknowledgment of • Hopeless Case. Tbc Text,. Ratsger extra of March 17th pott Tithes the followine We are informed by e rarwetable citlam of Am tin that Mr. Charles West, /antlerly a eit letn oeflat place, but now min: of (lateral E. Kirby Smith's runt with the rankof Major, has mitten letter to Mr. James Raymond. of Ant. tie. stating. 6 in.ubstanca that ourprosoltrts emit of the IfEssisslppl were Mount 'hopelear, and that Tekas should look to her own Interest. lle enemata that the lasrialature should bey &teem btr.d, tustl, new members fresh from the people ts: dented, and Mit Mr. Meet Is willing to bew candidate for representative - of Travis terenty. Wc learn freest the isms source that the Gee meter has trinsmitted a 'copy of the letter to Central Smith, and, to know whetherbe Indorses Major W. , s sentinienti. We should doubt the authenticity of this , letter,. bad not our Inform ant assured no that he read the letter, and the matter was no secret, but publicly spoken oL newa from Mexico - today would Seem to give some confirmation of the Parls.reports—so eaten repeated—that the Em peror Lea orderea the relate of a large portion.- at least, of the French army. The Arrivals of troops w•ltbdraen from . the Mexican service have Wen frequent ottfayana of late. And if we are to believe the accompanying Intelligance auto the decided *stand Ma:lmillion Lan taken tinniest the claims and pretensions of the hier archy, It Is clear be Is looking fer compansatlon for the loss of the French janisaries, by over tures to the Liberalists of a character ostensibly radical to A drgrec. Ills rejoinder to the Ithhops Is no pointed as the .most ultra aarOcate of see ulatiration could deelre.—N. Y. runes. licabure cormponaent of the New Or.; lean, 21 - ns "Pita, writing on the Igth, says the rebel . authorities, through their Commissioner of Exchange, Lieutenant Colonel Watty, 'have agt etd to scud 11,000 Croton prisoners 10 a nitnil of rxebange. already established at a point called Four Mlle Bridge, on the Vicluddirg eud son railroad. Eight hundred of our men have alteady arriced there from Cahawba, ZAMA% and other places In Alabama and Mississippi. They have suffered greatly from the want of elething and by exposure to the weather, bat hare bad enough food 'though' not: . of the .beJt quality. The remainder of the min will be sent. lb or loon as rebel prisoners are returned for. those already arrived. Lmt T. C. It. BP.APTOIII , of the U. 8. Marine Corp% was mortally wounded 'in the attack on Fort Sumter Sept. 7, DM, and was taken pits. oner. Tie died a few days after in Charleston, when Dr. Mackay, a prominent Union 111311 ot that city, had his body burled In the Masosie burial ground at the Magnolia Cemetery. Some rabid Secessionists learning this, thigh up and bad It Interred In the Pottersileld. It remained theta until the 11th of the present month, when It was transferred -. again to the Magnolia Ceine. ' tem with appropriate tediglous and military ter-. monies. Admind`Dahlgreen, Gen. Hatch and ,a large niimber of army and navy officers and: citizens followed the remains to the grave. Tine oft.repeatei story of a desire for reunion In North Carolina comes afresh from.alorebead City.; .t member of the Legislature, just from Raleigh. represent that the people have lost all falthanct helm In 'Davis' Government; and are not only sobbing , but - anxious to nitro to the Unlortieven on the condition Of abolishing sis, very. From the same source we learn that Da vis hiatself bas been trying to get a-AM:war for peace through the medlutn Ofthe North Carolina authorities. Ale is said to oiler, the abolition of slavery If President Lincoln will grant fall par don for the past and join with the South in "rs foreign, war. . . Fin offices are now opettin Chariestoewhere the oath of allegiance Is administered., Each of-: tee is crowded during Madness 'hours, and - the - Charleston Courier of - tholSth says l'the desire to place themselves on the side of the United States Gov rnment seems to be prominent among all lasses of citizens ;" and that paper 'adds — we line the majority - of the people who subscribe to the oath do so beenasethey have im plicit faith the stability of the United States. Cidvernmen '' '. r . ... rionartnit is troubling the British authorities.. in Ireland. 'lt is dbussered that members of the society ire endeavoring to seduce the soldiers In the army; and a Jul,_ who acquitted' a man clutiged with : this odium,' rots suspects's 1, . , Morrow ortotakeepectlutetherdayatnekupon bla door thalami° adverthemapt, !I.& bay wait, ad.ol. lila next inornlng; en opealbg the atom he round „a lab urchin' /nal Wald; labeled Tns Caora.—Tbe proisteicti vier an abundant *heat crop ; hi this -.coenty were never more proolning. Ito - whist to , the "adjolalng cone - Uesi' alas. looks wcki. -Ind="prombes - Ao Yield 01T MID SUBURBAN, To on - i Patruis 'brie of our city subscribers who will be - moving on the Ist of April, trill please 4lre tht new - address to the carriers, or leave it at tit OfIlde; so that thrlr.paners may reach them. • It • r Cotsit .of Auszter 'Session)... • ilia Judges M Brown.. )Mellon and Bwn. i l ia the cafe of the Commonwealth c c Win. . , T4sl6rand 'Thomas Jath oh t h e '—lareohy--jarr limed a ,verdiet of not 'guilty lu • rst.tard to ~ jahkoon. mad found Taylor &illy; with a recent meintation io the merry of the court. . • .- __Jer-Ilki case of the 00133 , 0nwenf O. vs. Ilugh ' Wilkinson. assault and liattdry, the Jury returned tierdlef of guilty, and the'defendaut was filled ti and hosts. ..; Commonwealth vs. John Farrell; abandonment, 0 leath of Rosanna Farrell...... The defeud.tut has hien separated from his wife for Sir peril's." Me' lies returned from a service of three years In the. army; and during that period he has sent: tier small aims of merry, bat 11Q50 prior to his en lisimeil. The court decreed that John Ferrell II afattldi wile andler child $lO per:. month for their comfortable support until the farther oiler ofthe court, tmilthat he be committed to Jail till he comply with this order or 'give security In the 'lturtrof ttoo; and halo ordered to , payoist,s; of proseention. The defendant has signified his willingners to live with his wife, with wham he has had intMcoursoldU4ll thupa ; st i three years,, end she It pow encictite: - • - - , - _ ... _ ... . I Comtnonw.calth4s. James P. Stewart;, assault . find battery.. Fined $5 and costa. .:,. . ' Commonwealth vs. John. Schwartz; . assault .and battery with an attempt to commit a rape Moths rerfolt of Sarah Beggs;,.•The parties re side la Mpon township, and the assault was perpetrated tut February. The young lady had gone abet* noma - to the clefeaslant?a father's, stbri is a shoemaker, lit get her 'alines 'menial, and while ),be was there John left the house. defile wait retnrning home through' a piece of woods, tie!e.ame out nod endeavored to outrage her person, but her eateries made him deslot.--, not, howeyer, until after a severe straggle, In which her', clothing wmuch torn. Ti,, plain tiff' Is a yotaiguirl of s teen, and the defendant &Mont the Same age. M Gibbs was first called to the statift, btu. wait an a shed that .stici_emly a l / 41:0 ansarered Ifs monosyllables. She t_stified that de ft ndant threw her down, but she strenuously rat , rioted alt lass effbrts to effect her ruin. Her dress 111111E1M saturated Rom scow; and the skirt was : „much torn In the scuffle. Her ankle was sprained When she was thrown down. The Les timidly-given by the prrentor Is unimoeseht :hie. and IS fhlly borne ut by other witneasrs who feather aftowards, and saw the ground where the Idabel& was nude, which bore eel deuce of . :a severe struggle, well and nobly maintalnMi on the part of the girl. The testi mony hanheen concluded, and the er;ntoonte or cotneelwdl be heard -ibis morning. District Attorney Kirkpatrick for the proscenium, old J. W:.itliltesell end . J. It. Largo for defense. ' I/lett:let Court Before tlud,,ve WlMaori. . -.8 - itrehin, Johnston and Wilkins vs.. Snrovo ,E'lliten4 Breach or contract. This ease came up on Wednesday, and is one of considerable In . Welt: • jt invnlo6 n claim of dam Vet', II vqt at, .$'15,600 With Interest, for the tom sustained by . plaintiff, proprietor. of the Alladdin Oil Works, In the nOn.dellvery by' defendants of a full *mount of Oil contracted for. Tha contract ,was Masan in January. Iti,'. - -", and wan for the de-, livery of I,COO barrels per month for 'one year; tOromuiSnee as soon as practiftbl-, with the 'pticikt,e. of dcliverinn 9,000 additional In the fall months, and :I,OOD in:the spring, to prevent 41 failure of earq i ng, out the contract on account of 1,..w stages of water:: The outrun provided that either :party could recover in-the sumer $l,OOO for a broacher c )venant. The defendant delivered 3,000 barrel: which wan paid by the „plaintiff,. but no farthe • delivering was made an tv. contract. Some months afterwards de fendant brought 4,inki barrtds, at; a 'time when :he , wan _;entitle -only entit 'to brlntr • f 3,000. The plaintiff was -not- ; ready to receive 11. then bitt Claims that this was no absolute refusal. De fendant then toot the oil to another market and dlspreetjnf it. In the ra:'aut:me ull has ri•en 1 , 'several cents on t gallon. On the 10th Of Au ' gun a la ye lite,. hum Oil.,City, by de fendante lofting le: privilege of P "4 utting 'ln - fiCill In barptembc and Fetzlinc for. the whole on the let Of October. Nn answer to this letter emus In-the toselmony. The plaintiffs on the ,ilth of 'November, ISt.i3, scut notice. that in ei , e of the failure of defendants' to supply the Aladdin MAUI no tilt oil they foun d. lt no-, eveary to"purelmet , at market rates: ' The rates ' hnThalAtlfitedeMen the 'contract was ,m_ade, , thrteraMiffittlevinf to ltirrt? lest - by' the(ftfend ners breath of the contract $93,600, bele z the' difftnmee of- thelnereascd price of oil, with In terest nadetL The ease is now in the hands of the Jury. . The German Opera. E1 , 11111:5 GIJILIff i 'laving beta prest 10" Mast tile on Tuesday and Thuraday Inns, to listen to the operas of "Faust , ' nd "riaava,” imuiciay sitar, was - muc h much Opp,inted—bring led to tenon tho do Of. trumpets that proceeded their coining, t we would bare something extra In the way.of a. waded treat, and killed their coming with much tilemore. I was cry much dlsappotated• with the ananerin which "Fattst'?-wss mutilated and, hut to pieces. indeed I would not-have aired the opera's! lk hot ' , been for the character "dephlstophelet," which was well ans. mined try ffermani. The gentleman - that tried to p:ay "Faust". bad better never attempt that part assla, as bls.vuice Is not evert strong enough to fill 2dasoolc Hall. The "Soldiers Churns" I .have beard latter sung by Amitteunt in our own city. I had hoped that 'Fiddle' would have j bt en a more creditable performance, but au! It was worse thad "Fanst ! The 'rendition' Of ithe chonasm was miserable, with one or two ex, ceptiona. The orchestra !every good, and ably led by Vari An.eltuts, and hod It not been for that body of gentlemen to keep the ehomad to obt r and bring them back to pitch when they 1 RUC sereamlug too loud and out of tune, the whole would have been, a complete failure. It was ai much as the orehestra could do In the lost clients of "Fiddle" to bring the soprano siugers back to oltch, as they were singing from n utarur to a half tone too high. It would have been better for the manager to have brought 1.13 n Ekiegol and better , voices.. The busied; part of the coodirn vras certainly welt managed in Hu rdling the chinos to smote sears either fatthreo or Fix nights at the moiled sum of bra . dAaesp:r ticks. would be well in future If our eltizzas n oud wait abd see If the managers of Operas po doted all the "rich and rare" musical won. du, their posters and adverilsenteets promise, paylntlr in advance for tber entire season. tq ry. j What has become of Carl Formes? it Pitorostiott. buldlere' Claims. 1101 thatneea In the vedette ,TdoPortio . outs of the State and General Gosernme . nt for adjusting thf rinims . of soldiers, sallors. l 4- their hirs,'ls be:craning more extended and complicated. The multifold enactments by Congress on the sub ject—the unlooked-for rapid Increase of such, demands —tend to make settle:incite more slow . and to require a greaterdegree of meal audio:lg. meat in preparing and Ming them, - as the most trivial error may canoe Months of de lay. Claimants should bo carotid to whom they entrust their business, as they may, by the - Ignorance of their agents or attorney, lose their moor": In view of this, we CAL unqualifiedly' .recommend W.'4l. and Hall Patterson, p.sqs., of 144 Liberty street, as every way capable aud re- Runlet, --We know by their experience,: ability and thorough knftelvello of every branch of the business and the high- reputation they bare gained ;hereby, 'that all matters entrusted to thenewlll be carefully and protop9y attended to. Excelsior Institute We take plea - sure In calling the attention Of parents and guardituts, hating children to edit tante, to this excellent school. Its under the career Rev. W. 8. Gray a gentleman eminently lined both by eflucattort and experlent.3 for . his position. The EICCISTOr is Jest' entering upon its tenth session. and has constantly grovra.ln public favor until it may Justly be regarded as one of the established Itotitutinus of our city. Mr. Gray, beton a graduate of Dr. Dio Lewis' tiortital OyMbo3lllo, is Imply quabtit‘d to take. aerie of the physical is will fIA the Intellectual wants of his poplin, and tci' thli end Ike Institute Is Supplied with a full set of modern Gymnastla apparatus and a portlortot each day is devoted to the physical development Of .hle securing to them a sound mind In a sound body the one condition of seeeei n initte.::Ben adve rtisement In another teleran. '" List Matlnie and last Night Of Falion's Stereopticon today . .., It.. should , borne Inn. Dad out beautifal Mitertalnmeni, R,U aces, tonight., -A matinee will , be &ea this attar., moon, theadmission'tb*Wb/ett,' fbr.ebildnati, ha s . been reduOdAti OitieSti" conts;: thAt i rtir the little' ostei may hatificti"bpportualty of enjoylk the pleasure afforded bythe splendid 'dews pro laced. NorifT4lnMent c!er presented to our citizens 'has fronted more real enjoyment, than ttui &elf etiopueitt and "thee. who !ban. beini=lo_ rOM: 1111110 es tOwltness it will ever cherish remota— bratiee oS. Its beauties, and recur to. them - with , plemure. Appoltetittentlitt; Mmitooth, the welliknowneed-Elrettbiletd Mr.*, hieheeti 'appotbted . UaKfoopeeterotCkmenieserykores for thLt poet, Mc.' Mentoottilt lieU4teowe ,e,t I onetkit eur moetemergette etIE reliable bustness men, it'd he Is 'peculiarly quallflii 1'4,11111v the reepoqilble peeittei to 'TlO* 46-bli )13; boa iesigßod • . • EEM New Academy. of Mask A rucetlug of citizens was held at four o'c:ock yesterday afternem for the purpose of further ing the project for an Academy of Music, to he erected in this city. The attcadaties wag com posed principally of our young business men. who Moe a lively interest In the Matter, which augurs well for the success of the enterprise.. C. D. Ertnittn* Esq., vat, called to the chair, and I. T. Ton - Tend appointed Secretary. SD. itch man elated the object ut the meXt lt;hto consider on the AU I , ssried by tile legls. ture.incorporating a new Music ddalt. Tat: Sec, wiry then read the act. pit: motion of Mr. Mertz a committee of fire RIO arrointid wit power to nominate nalt-ennt ' enlaces, to procure eubseriptiona to the capital BluCk of the Academy of Music. . Tharhair appoibted the , fallowing gentlemen en the eommittee - t.P. ft, Mertz, C. W. Batelle. ini;l;..R. 11. Ileitzman;ll. 151.. Murray, and W. I'. Weyman... • • . , , . , This committee ore authorized to : open sub jenptlon books, arid transfer snch subscriptions as they may receive ' to the Board of Superb wee, provided by th e octet Incorporation. Un der the charter of the cot poration, the 13upervir. Ems are required to opetrbooks or subscription, and give two weeks' notice in two daily papers, of the place where subierlptioni will.be taken.. A. free Interchange -of :opinions was had be-. . tepee the gentlereen at the meeting, conecridvg the Importance of .an Academy of Music. ha Pittsburgh. It.is an enterprise which our pion ditng people have been rather tardy about start inc. but now shot the movement has began, It will doubtless be seconded by all borers of mu steal and artistic ,exhlbitians. A book was opened for subscriptions'at. the close of the west ing—thit shares fixed at 610 cach—and In twenty minutes Ur, abates tveresubsCribed• Tuateat at Westmlnatmr. College. , The mantel contest - between the Phllemath .and Adelphla Societies, of Weitmlaster Collge, New Wilmington, Lawrence county, came oil on Wednesday, the 29th ult. The audience was large, and great Interest was manifested. The judges wertnitev. Messrs. Carson aid Th 1, and Mr. Mitchell, the financial agent of the College. , Mr. John Frailer, of New Wilmington, delivered. an Sutton on "The Philanthropical Soclety.l , The combat between Ilhoderielt Dhu aad Fitz James, was renderby . g Mr. K. Kin. of Erie. Mr. Jamra G. Beim of Pittsburg, rend an es say VII •• Men In th Unlvente," and Mr. J. D. Brownlee. of Washington, Pa., one on "The Dri.titty of Liberty."i n Mr.J.j. Francis, of New, Wilmington, ddive d an original oration on "Impvrishable Monti ewe," aud was...followed . by :Mr. ft. B. Taggart. of Est Palestine, Ohio, on "The Vanity of Unman Grandeur." The ..trit4l exclaim part ottlie exercises was the "de bate"' on the quest'. 0, "Should we have free trade I" The allintiatlve was maintained by I Mr. IL Mclntosh, of Crorton, Ohio, and the' , rn EN:Aire by Mr. 8. Galbraith, of Glade Mule, '' Pa. The perferen us all creditable alike 11. wt. s to t lie performers ud their pmeeptora i but, owing to some disappointment on the part of some of the pet formers °rt.:Malty app Anted, the efforts were,uot as brilliant as they would other ! wi..,• have. twin. '1 he judceinonle the tonna-loz award Select oration, Mr. Klieg; vemay, Mr. Brovralee; ora tion, Mr. Taggart; dbbato, Mr. Galbraith. Blowing oat Kerosene Lamps. The cue mentioned in our paper yeatenlsy of the accidental explosion of a k - erostne lamp by the 'wind blowina In at the chimney', and the In- Jul, of a young lady 'who was holding it, and two others, Is an apt illustration of the danger of blowing out kerosene or carbon Limps ff.)ol 'MC coy, which Is mua. ter than People . generally suppose. There are seVeral instatmea on recerd, it is said, whore tires have been lost-by the ex plosion of lamps. from this practice. The fol-' lowing explanation kr? the causes that-produce the explosion arc worth considering and heed- First—The 01l In the lamp la generally low, leaving !mire loom for gi.s. • Ikeond--The gas Is very Inflammable, end alwais explode when Ignited. Third—ln blowing the blaze dawn, it limhes the gas. Tra: infcreeceis, alamp should never be blawn out front the top. The wick may not, perfectly HII the tube, and the Ham: may go down, when the :tam cornea up. ' F. eeth—The leas 01l la the tamp the greater e.nger. . Detentlou 41. the P' *k. , [family Tim egret 'of this Troutto called on us last evening and Showed us a telegram, annanneing. that this company bad been detained by a laud elide en the Cleveland and PittsWittitroad, 'at Industry, but that they would arrive to-day. 'Being' unable to secure a. ball In thisoltY until Ifenday evening, they kayo seemed Excelsior Hail, in Allegheny, and will give a Matinee this afternoon. and also a performance In the even- . inc. Many persons ware disappointed by the norearrival of the troupe yesterday, bat In these times of railroad accidents "the best laid schemes gang aft aglee." The Peak Family is, • cornidnatktiv Of two companies, and Ova, a varied entertainment, and such an einem cannot to please: The merry tintinnabulation of their silvery bells is In itselfwell wont' the price atoyuig Day. By common conceit, ftra a period to which "the memory of man Immeth not badk,' the lit of April has hems observed is a day for break- . lag up old homes and. morlng Into new ones,. among those who rent houses. • Some of course rum before, and some after that dux buk the great majority, either from cOmpnlalon or choice; fix the day of trOndationion the let, As a cone. quence they aro injected to inaurinconYirdencos • —the "hire being all engaged, and a train of vexations and unlooked-for troublea s at hand. From the Indications of last •ercniug the Adel 'bid fair to be propitious; yet' we tr or many a good housewife, on the . era of preparing fora "flitting," has teen bothered with uncoil thoughts oi account of that ilekilo chaugling, the weather. Fourth National Bank t t f—. T.-39 loan. —This prosperous and energetic Institutitia,'as• Special Agent for Jay Cooke 8. subscription agent, sold last week t 870,000 of the Popular 7-30 loan. Ttlis'itiek their sales are correspond ingly large, and the coming week we hope they will foot up half a million of dollars.. The Bank hea on /loads, ready for Immedlale delivery, three hundred , and forty thousand dol lars of the original first scrim of 7.30'5, duo Anemia, VAT, and then exchangeable Into 5-20 gold bosursist par and will also, as special agout 'fur Jay Cooke: lirnloh any amount required of the second series attic popular 74tra: - liro urge all our loyal citizens to aid. the li.wrernment and enrich themselves by the parehado of those de; slratdc ' wait Virginia 011 Megleu.---Sonte of the bee,. . tedications of , fa Wadi • Virgin la are said to exist to exAtottes of 611- • "- mu - and lloddridge. Oil simians STeht':'.." o3ll t!.l disravercd on'two different head drains on Cabin nin—a branch of the north fork of Hushes , river.' Snme,practlesi 01l men who have recent ly explored Dtiddridge and leased and bought property there, safthat the geollsical character of several head vales of Middle Island creekin Doddridge is so identically similar to that of 011 and Sugar creeks,. Venous° . emu ty, l's., that were p man transported from one county to the other In his sleep, he would not discover it when waking. River Avenue, Allegheny.—The bank of the Allegheny river, between the north end of the Rand street bridge and Grantham-street, was considerably washed away during the late high Water. In feet, every flood diminishes the width of River Avenue, as. It Is rather timely called; and unless it be attended to soon, there will be no avenue there; net even a Sink Lane." It would be. true geononel to see - aro - at 01/C0 whetlittlegroutd there is left, in the same way that is secured above Grantham street. If left to the ravages of the' floode *much' longerit will be a very expensive job.: Compromises.—The diderent glass manu factories In the city and vicinity, with one. or two exceptions, - have been suspended for. the last nine weeks on arc of a disagreement with the employees In regard to a reduction of their wages. Tho proprietors gave notice of a 'Any per cent, redaction, which the • employeta iroulo not agree to. Alter rdmaining Idle the !emit of time meaticeed, the employees pro. posed a compromise and agreed to split the fercace, which was accepted by the ProPriebers: Operations will therefore be resumed in the &Ono of ,a week. GUt Lecture on litetrimenytiut. AR-. .gmtaSt. Clam Indy'Who - tine been- - Jecatting Aeltlfgreit euelcie In the gutter° 'eltlen the liritish truchiem, will deliver a - lectute In -thle tlty,•at btasonlo Hall,. oti4Mooday evening n e je; on the enblftt - Matrimony No Leiter ,t 41: 7 picient le given to the parchasigoreachAdtel,' at the time the ticketla, hcatuht: .11th Ipteietike embluee niargeti variety of artiCfea, whteli tong &UMW In hantlbtllvphtch will he; menu.: Wed tbronizbotittlitl tie TielieteUan bet pircluieditetli4l4ll, trkinY Annan M.inctey.";,% • theelpigneve should not tot. Eel thi,:4Ont.'.9l4.;Atccrntion;qr-Mqii Fotter..Wl)l4 . Rico' gantivr, .Ireticierip 071 ; etemkemy and,Pged lilinei aed tiknithl . peeturm some Will nifertl. a greetvatlety , TbL'daabts. 4 o,llllg-IW iipcqurcies' eit. gresi- . 1111 14, presented.:The , groat Plit.o.uiteturnhkiinr,m i i idraw tins ' deuce,' moritetra4wee." AU fee the Flag Oise of our most worthy citizens, Mr. Willis* Galh.gher, of Washington street, lately received positive intelligence of the death of ism of his sons--one at Anderionit . le, Ga., the Other at Salisbury, N. C. The former, Corp. Thomas Gallagher, of the 101st mgitnent I'. V., was es , ken at Plyniouth, where this regiment, after n gallant.- and, stubborn rcalstance. was 'forced to surrender. The other, Ifirace, of the 14th U. S. Infantry, was captured dorlog.the attack of the rebels on the Walden - riulinmtlast August. . Un was the youngest of the fatilly. Tito mnther, who had been waiting witti the most 'anxious expectancy ned solicitude for tidings from her boys, has been sadly „strrclion'by the announce ment f a their death. The way remaining son, Washington, served one year of a veunteer In the 101st, was discharged on account of bron chial (Same, and subsequently, drafted midis-. to the SW P. V., having served 'during. the aecond term some twenty !neighs. to Omisidon.—"The sineot. the &roar .Colii ,missloner are all those of omission:awl we have' been requested Wean attention to on• of a Iv' , grant character. ;Ma satellites .Itare on .'seyetal occasions scraped the west side offAberty street, leaving the other halt untouched, =eh to the' indignation of persons doing bualnosa on that part of the street. German' Operii.--A.raatinee win be given thikafternOif ' at two o'clock, by this troupe, When will be presented the opera.'" Faust." iletman's".Mephistopheles" Is conceded 'by competentitidges to be, the best rendition of the ..clarseter extent'. • In: the evening., Bolettliati's reeientle . operit "La Dam& Blenehe.," PIED: IIIeSTEIN.—On Thursday, mei, but., PATRICK . MoSTEIN, In the °Bluesr oftlia age. • 'Funeral *III take place on Stallar, Rd of April, at 9 o'clock r. m.: from Ida latereeldence, field," to proceed to Bt. Diary's * Cemetery. The (cicada of the family are respectfully Incited to WIGIIT9IAN-0( disease outtreoted la ti South ern prtenni H. WIOILTBIAI9, Ja., 01' Va A, 9th Peansylvsata Rene ven t ogrAtwertty-oneltiers, Funeral from the residence of hie patents, Litre enceville,, near the Cemetery, oniaaresnav mean- Ina, loth tat, at 10 o'clock. aleMberi of the nth Pennsylvania Reserves and' woo fteirtment P. T. with all 114midtof the family are • reapeatfully to. quested to 'attimil. Carriages at corner of Seventh and Smliaileld sweets . Atli LAY—On Thursday afternoon Marsh 70th, at iho realdeoce of his patents in 15eisloaley to in ship, BIATTLIEW,von of Captain X. and NIIIICf Day, in the tech year of his age. DAY.-On of funeral will he 'given hereafter. DAT.—On Thundaj afteinoon, Nardi 30th, at the residence of his . parents, la Ohlo - township, ATTIINW, son of Captain fa. awl Nancy to the lath year of his age. The funerallsill take - place on SkraanaT Tea:vows, from the Federal 'street - Depot of the P. Ft. W. & 0. 11.1 t-, co the arrival of the train at a o'clock. The friends of the family are respect ally Invited to!attakd. , • ITITIK—Oa Ft May afternoon, at four o'iloOk, 1V ILLIA~I KIKK. - The friends of the family are respoo'fally Layne/ to attend. the funeral from the 'residence of Mo mother, No. 942Penautyls anis amebae, on MONDAY, April 3d, at ten o'clock. Etliglous services com mencing at 9% o'clock. 2t' 11+ I:LLY—On Yriday evenin, Nardi atiLle3S film JAKE KELLY, in the 'Mamas of bar ma, Notion Of funeral in,the crania' papers. FILES I PILES t FILM PILES. TWENTY YEAR' SITANDING. OLT AND wtu ea rall4 soeruistaxs Dorn6tii It the not twereatabLe ettliesui of Wltldtte towishlp, Dr.Heyser's Lindsoi's Blood Searcher. Tbo *toe' senile:atm an within read, oar one need bo deceived In regard to big preparation : dim b Karsza:.4 iee4ais itfliaidod Plies about twenty yams age, and every year tt, weer growing weese,ee titr?abisinoneyanW • in much soot ttmea is to uniltroofor Work. Soil" Imes I Wee air bad that I eoelld Mit dr; anything • /account of Menu they came got os me nylons ass hickory'. nat. I had tried a great deal of MIAMI:re for theM., I usedto beyond take whatever ': ; soul !' hoar 01 or read 01 in Weans and parepkiete that in my way, bat I could not et cured; s o me. . times they would dtmesomegoodforalfttiewhile, at 'afterwards they Would ',Aurelian!. as bad sa ever. I also applied to two Diems, -who irlaited me atmy home and gave me Come medicine, bat it would not do, I could not get well. Over alma ago I got an advettiaement of.yonr Lindaeals Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not cure ,the, and that mY whole Ma= would have to be renewed by the medicine beforel got well. I bought one bottle and took It home with me, and used ft according to your directions. I thewealled to see you again when yousaid 'could not expect miuditieriellt from one bottle. I bought it, one bottle at a time, until, 1 had used nye bottles. After this quantity wa used: I" was entinelY well of the Piies,which hid tortured me for twenty years. 'ln other respects my health Is improved, and I am as well as could' . be expected for one of my age, being sixty years pest. I have been well now tor all months, and there hi no appearance of the return of the disease. I can do any kind of farming now without work he Pllescoming down and hurting me. lean pitch hay, chOp wood, lilt, or do any kind of.work viklok before used to hurt me. When I fouod out yotir Blood Searcher I kept on taking it Mull I got ex. tirely well. I consider It my duty to made tetras known to the country for the benefit of others who May be angering as I was, and do not know tha valor 9 ; yourninabilne. You may publish this e • . - and will be 7t2 hit& !lire in Wilkie. of this tere pleased to satisfy any one of.thi tram.- name they wish to call oa me. ELLIOTT O&M Di:somber lath, 1884 Mr Look out for the name If Dr. OBOAGS • KEYSYS on the cover of the bottle, ancl peeled over the oork: also for his stamp on the ignlbta States sump on the top of-the bo t .tle, to. prevent" being Imitmed 9,0.11. bp IrlnttlniM artlele which ur . . ... . . , .. air Bokt by the Preprieto „r No:140 WOOD sr., and by smionuJOHNSTON corner nt Fourth and Smithfield sti:tetn,Plttaborytt.. CATAIIRH I DR. R. 64kIDAiIRM MEM= CATRIEE IUD Y Penetrates to the very seater nits terrible dlis, ,esse . oin4 ezternthwteeitoroot and branch,lorersr. Dr. amDli.l.E ls the lira 'and only person who erer told the World whit thitiarti really was, elan*. lecomineheed, end What ernuld. • L. (MX.WALS has spec% a - In hattllo. with and mtikei f g disease,l thteel t tr r e ft a tl ts habta ,ereh r which, h a ar a meoarsoleileddMelinato Ca % search °lowliest men aunt authors la this Denote; and in Enna*: Win nos' he' cured. - wiltrAlld same • untiospi certainty , ttutt - toorntstriallter :Thoineruidaosho theft' every .knownsonti retey hare been permanently, ettrlal work&OPs ISATAERH REMEDY Sad Oreinelt, brew -loostextesisit4l4tertnil °pada. ~•4 Sir dill at out gamiest agsatT.otistutitaiim for l pamphlet. Maisel 'pre id by z. C 4091) 4..1.E,Z4. A. New 'Kirk. -- - -• -• : - i ,• dOliiiti - 6,(14. - ita U . :!:' • . : ,•.. 1 • I f ii :# l .*frA njlis ie . I r aaau .i4e .-- *t iicfitAxeik"'-' ..rio t• won erminr.vmsiiartk.-, 1; z ~, . S 435im.^Ar„'..:44.4.1 ... i.l-,,,-. EMI= FATAtLIS Ell IN 178th scAixEous. MEM G ItUT:PANIC. ANOT:dER Tmmxm-y4r.1.- ; .1 - ;1 .• • • ; 3 E lo er stad.-.Shoess - V . .ir Same of the Lergeit lleuus in the: gill ,T,' SOLD Oil DT THE SO RST IX Millions Dolby* Worth ot Fresh Spitag Ma thrown vpra : the make, ADA thelr sae limits., !adieu of talus. Conowr,t HhlPlkoo Stop dc~ok; All he. Week we wore bribe Faste n when goodit were a drug end monery.ths 444 1 41W1P leg topic of the time,. , With cash in hand an immense stook of spin Goods were pun:hued for halt the cost of manie. facture, and we will sell goods, fresh and new, ell wuranted of the most superior quality wd161.614, for Half tieirice:ef Rubbish mid Old Stosk . ekei- - _ . . dOrNew aid fashionable goods ntiOne owe prism. Concert Hall Shoe Store, 62 FLr.til STREET,, ABOVE WOOD maw. HEROIN OR RUPTURE. 11:6E2CLl OE EORTORE CURED. KLIMA OR RUPTURE magi REPEL! OE RUPTURE CURED MERYL& on 1107271 NE CURD. KELM ea inwriaz criazX iimeng OS Ru7.re . ;:s CURED meariza Oi svp.rusz ccrazo esatmi Olt .11WPTITSE CUBED Avrintz Oa =um( mum EZTTIERS 011 11XENI4 CMS% Aviv= cm mum chum , arrive C kaiak A MMES. 1117PTVig 0.11111017.1 CPI P. sornig os rum' anas. • ifiPrrtir 09 NUENri JUBLIPi saute. . 6Exit rams. IITTIrI PATI'AT ma • Jrnvws sirri.dirsit. moss. Exu:Abreirrure risues. Kau Drops, fer the support and ear* • • Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joins , *-Aakle Supparterk for weak knee'jairaa Se lf - Adalleinig; lll4o VegT4*o l 4. 01;;• Cringes.. • Hart; Rabbet Syringe& - Dr. Baaninies Lae. or Hod y Arse% the cure of Prol_epsee Uteri, Pires, Ab4aiaf nal en 4 SpiunlWeeknessers. ' • Dr. S. B.lslth's Silver Plate anpretsi. • . ICEIIIIOs mil lobo parsout attordla laths stitatasticua Tmoses Motto aid shitdmi,.l an he if satisfied that, with atlespertesum of Mai., ty lean!, M will be enabled to giro soltitiottos., - Mee at lb Dths Stork Flo. lee WOOD IR, itgo of the Golden ifortir. - Pemba vottlaCtor Trouovobould send the number of Lukas ovosoll !the body', tabedletely over pie mous.- Non Tows oprnuraw, . Ibr matt Aaseunit m,s4 Scrogitilitsc Eblmmmity . cru . TEL:TDRi SCALD HEAD, SING all 111 . 9 . 11270 Alivstriaturet items Ana 'ERUPTIONS or maz • • This Ointment penetrates to the basis et the a.- am—goes to the very source—and CUM It WS' - the neap beneath to the akin anthem the Talton of the disease upward, and.every de of 111 te of through the .parent—the of the &mese Sr. anorak, front the 100, emme, (meetly there ean be no relapse. • NORTON kCO SOle kgkat% 411 saaaliarar, stsw row. Sold by ' , 11./R. KEYSER. Alfrent„ :so WOOD•STRZII Pf 2 17/8172178. eel ALEX NDER WHIMIISI& SONS • ani s Occupying Their New Stores. 90 !II NOrtk Frost sa4 si a 22. LOMA 111. PEELADELPHIA. - Nevis* been thirty years In the trade. and know tor all the manufseturen In this ykdolty. mud d solids eontignments of WOOL, WOOLEN YARNS, end. COTTON TABS.% end 'will make CASH advances, It desired, oa ell shipments, as , h e rate of alft per mat. per annum: touted CANE AND *OOD CHAIBg e , Seiling si - . WHOLESALZ Olt tr,wrAm. • "- 4 • • •••.! :As.W. woormr4 ''Nos. P 7 aid et THIRD ErrEELT, " 'Opposite E. EthllllBll2Bo2 & C4:011, and . mh7 . No. 111 VONUTH STREET. McCORD it - CO., • - • ' Hata, Cape alur Straw 6/dkailo s Have now In store the Urged and most ootepyitel. , GOODS. FOR FALL. SAUD, •• Ever Mincedln the west. Mei to cell end examine our stoott• - =. wtll=4l;cl jA41fit3 : , 404.14 7.:r;;lllilinsint , k4" Saimaa , arEf.4 TSB - . .! 24 *Oa, pme.4134(7:, ***. ool ooi l * 7 l:.:', • Of any holm OkaaOy; "F; • • t Ins „, •Gag 4 ' , t3T.Axt,';' - i W . • BT:-JUST BDOEITED , 1-4”' i igftlafra„ ll/41(1-0!.14 , . i.,-,,,, , r i 7,5.. , ..., ! -- '.. ~.- .......,hvirrlNElFt .. „,....,•;Ic7:il $ 471.1 1!?:!'..; ii1 5 y., ,t, ~vp.? 1,--?, "41.:4'-th-f .' - ":•,'",;;.::,11,i,..,i-t t. i .: •-•-..- :,,,....'" 1 131 -017iktmeas!,,,..• _. otokailSeul 1,4;40 10: wt.* !11117,0,,iMtz 4.; tb:47) citi 10,' mails. , :!!3,e_., -,,, ''&''' 4,.,. - ---., 7 iTcl 647. ettl ? V t '-'4„..46filiim' lile,,A0:'11111‘ 'r°lll,Atalklaillar 1:4:i iur— := A-..-3'''r:-.-17.,77t. 0v , (41,, $l, , ugs . .“4--- ' -rg ''''' r ' . !-.' - I - - I.te. o ~ 45„......Ltt1.:.4-4.4.zji111.•-7..., 7".. .. , ' : ..!...1.: • ...''tt7.•,...7:7i.,-;.-%,..:-'7'7:'-:--.. .7... 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers