VOLUME LXIVLII---NO: ; Vitiollutg F:4tY LATEST NEWS F BY TELEGRAPH; ROM GRANT'S ARMY. he Battle of Saturday .10 #SstS TRIM CORP Congratulatory Order REEA.RATIONS FOR ANOTHER CONTEST , " thaa' a !aviary sear 3,l4cber's Bnn Nor Ivan, Mirth 28.—The s *tali; [roper *oda Bays : Pane offipers, wormded be fit onliatarday In Thant ok Peteramng sax, , `he iBalr, althongh partaking of She natara of a itaneral hattla. was In reality, nothing more than intkonlve skirollab x owing to th - cialtpirlica • • titian andtinwillingnesa of the rebels to fight. ;tiithela' first line of battlo ;fired tt „rasulom. ',Of their volleys went °Ter tike ' imm. The only demafia Mar . as. . .. ... was from the second rebel battle line. in Of the 1)d corps. . ont piing the heat, of the engagement, two lid - . des were only prevented from - coming into our roe by the fire of our batteries - placed ' to rake ay :dunce of the rebels. Ie the two volleys ep a liby them at our troops only.three men were , ywen:idea.Artmrdifie to. prisoners pm. of them fired blink carttidges.‘ I , .. a Lenore from the Army of tho - Pottunac on eight, the 'JAIL, state t h at on Sunday the iebels were drawn up In double line of battle . .n. Appomattox deer to liatcher'illun In anti : tipetion of an attack by oelferees. ' Our troops , 1,10. interring on the left, preparatotto another . -4Warent on the Sonthside Railroad. , 1 Mod of Gen. ttheridartie earalr y wrzecreamo-- Ipilkor near Matcher's Ildn. The rebeli were ilsolmtreaing large bodies of troops on their lit to Onet the movement en our left. The' ' 7 . lords on the north of the James , in front fird's rmy , F has been conilderibif i irke-n -rw ithhs the last twenty -four - hours by the ist of troops to reinforce Lee ' s tight. .., . .., • • ' Wisneserrox, March 29.—Inforination from . , , ity Point dated yesterday lays : The hues in z „,._ ~.,_ . - 4 34 .1bug*Pgarelnich. larger than heretofore ,",-.,. :Tinted. The end division have Lrehospitad.l6o '.. ' 'chided and SO are known to hive beta killed, •'' the third division hospital there ore 106 . minded, and about 12 killed. The second di were eY", hive ISO wounded. --' ,' -:' .::: . ' atte st firing was kept up all nlght,yestarday„ d the day before: The .kliled on both sides ' =hanged the enemy showing greater the heretofore. TIM wing ere the essential feints of a L i •:, Mal order hutted to the army yesterday: •: , ;enemy with a timidity which he Iths paid ,', - .k.arly Ibr, mused his Reece and succeeded ,;': 4rtnegla the reprehensible want of vigilance • • I •lrathalt brigade Ist dirtelon of the Ilth.ecirjrt, - !.. brieldag through theirSilnak. ad' endwise .., '•, Steadman and Batteries Ne. 9, - anell. ~ - *rem% measures takersby" RC Major ' General„ e, the firm bearing of the troops of the filth .• rPi is the adjacent portions of the ; line. held 4 the ~„ enemy, and the einspieuoui gallantry of , 0 division of this irorps, for the drat time '.: fire, together with tit:Cent:a. and skill .. Ted by Brig. Gen: Ilartrauft, its iemier, I . s. ekly repaired the di:rester. and - .the„ enemy driven from Fort Steadman and. orrellnis. ....j4tlsheavy losses In killed and weuided,leaving our hands eight bettle.iligs,.. and over,. nine i.a .1. ' hundred prisonene - -- . ...- 4 the enemy being driven fronethe front of -e o: Ninth corps the offensive was assumed by i' Sixth rad Second corps. The enemy by . I,,ght was driven from his entrenched picket '...! Zd ~ and all his efforts to recover .. :le same, ' which were . particularly termined. Tht tgavery of th e men in the 2d faps ,:....„ ' Bent was resisted and 'repulsed with ".,.' vy losses, leartig with the 6th corps over 400 `:tibtoners, and with the 2d corps . two battle tags Id over 200 prisoners." - " ' ' '' ..* troops of the ith corm reported by Maj. tient Wright as engaged ifilhale operatic:lee, •-, geiti% diTl6lO4l Ecif's brigade; Seymour's 'i.:, , and Hamblin and Edwards! brigades, • Wltr won's division. • , - - 101' the troops engaged belonging — to the fid . • ~ Major General _lflinsplirey7 .li:salons. . turd Mott's drthienii, and §Myth'i brigade Ft .:' UAW division, who Were alpptorted by de . result of the day dna the thorough defeat .;." the enemy's plans, the capture of Ids strongly • ::' ktrenehed picket line, under this artillery fire of main line, and the capture of ten battle dap ''Sd %SW prisoners—a result on which the Lieu ; t General cal . :amending heartily congratu the army. The order says: "Two lessons '..: be learned from the, operations-one, that. rti fortified posithe, however strong, will pre. .''''Ssan army from an intrepid and audacious en • 'lr unless vigilantly guarded . The other, .!: . 7: ..,„ ~ no disaster or mlefortun . ii - ia' irreparable, ; .. energy and bravery are 'Misplayed in the t 1 Within to recover what It lost, end to iii! , prty assume the offensives" - - liberal the defenders' of the C . onfederacy ''... e just come hi. He Is eighteen years old, but :-..... :), ,ka several years younger, being a dwarf aboid lee and abet!' feet high, and slender in form: ? • ,•SSel father is reported to be a wealthy min. He 5."..;:',,pe he enlisted to be scut to the front, so he '5 . ,.... -411 d escape, and thes get something to eit ' i".:•: GYX. ter2s'orrieut. sarong. ;! 4 ffttarrntxtlu, Neill lig:;--The .Ebining 2i•M . ,* „Vita of Sirs city containa am. f..ce's official re ,•,trt, dated March 2514 PAIL i - -At daylight this 2 ! .: Doing Gen, Gordon-assaulted and carried the [ ' ;,... 's works at B'are's MD, 'capturing nine -.`..t. of artftlery, eight mortars, and between ...s. , and.lsoo wrisonen. Among them one Brig .--,' sr General ands number of oftleeriof lowa' dos. The Hues were swept ' for at distance of ',.: a' or Ave Minaret yards to the, right and loft, -..... two - efforts were made to rawer the works • • eh. were handsomely repulsed. But it was ..';' dvhat. the enekaed works In the rear Qom ding the enemy's main itnertfould Ordr he , - at a terrible sacrlece of life, and the troops • . . withdrawn to, their' original position. It . 'lug impnictlcebletotakeoff the eapturedguni, if :Stag to the nature of ,the greand, they mere '. 'lidded and le ft . ' 'at darkthe merry held a coulderalde pertkin . '.• the UM furthest hiadirance.,of. our .main . . a. [Signed] ..;' B. £,...laws, General., ' .if. - . BIIMtMIL:AT. CITY 7 POW. ==n!MMI TURN TO COMMAND. • ifaearacrran,Mareb 29--Gen Sherman inalied City Point with sones',,orthe °Mean * of hb iron Monday evening, and rimmed to hit on Tuesday aft* an Interview on board the tames River Queen with Ptaddeit Liaboln; raw& Great, Meade, Ord; Sheridan and , -.l3leXonameta, March 29.-4' epeclal to the knahr, ikotO Woddolrtoo, • sap: Mr. Gioia, Etor . of theWandnkeon..< ll6 ; o 4..i 2, ?Whi, who pat reached here, amoe . M* tme' no 'teamed dadttleg in Sharma , " er.Baboiltid's 01. , tO . 1:001*, of `-bah enitiika,-em Wig: ped with provialoaafitedlehethieg. Now, that it has pained. It limit "Itateliper . I .y.V that amid dip - Grins. (kin' ad , Warman hhd an laleniew, lasting aarerai: ,fore, The time '411it,,14115.0 j ibpl,l* ; 40. bh I , ...beelrlea to the Cue for theriliddere., ' grr * , 444 v Yoax, March sr. 76e t 4rastereibl /1/1- 4fltarea Montreal pyl .. Tho_c . IM4e,li Vn, rettised , to be , ein:ithe , , Veol Zbelllgecest tights. 4 ' 5."...... ,C,,i 1 .7 s al 0 I MO" WON; .4-47:44,34 - -• THE ' DAILY --- ' .PITTSI, t7RGH GEN. SHERILM:OPERRIONS. . ~~~~ NISCH ROI FAYSTEITILLS 'DESCRIBED. FIGHT BETWEEN SLOCUM AND HARDEE'S FORCES. MS DRIVEN FROM THEIR WORKS, 'OIIIOW ESCUSOF CELL SHRUM MAT BAUM EILBEIRO. Despefato Stinggle on Sunday. tRATTLI RIMIIVEIf ON scomat RETREAT OP TEE Ini=f, ABATE'. . . Yonsr,llareh 29.—The Wok's Kingston venial of the 23d describe, Bheiveaii4 110Y6 , Soma: 'AGM' leasiss r e ayetteville' the line of , march was taken up along three roadisonie dis tance apart, but nearlyparshel. The lelteolumn; &imposed. of the 30th 'and Fills ems,' under 'General Eiloimni wont , up the mad which leads tsi Avorysboro; the right wing, thelsth andrrth .corps, under Ge'neial Froward, proceeded along the Benrcisville road, brew miles to the eastward, and still nearci the Clinton road, trudged.. the motley crowded neges.refugees -which had rot brwed:-..-.oenetti Bhernian'a path throngh GeOrgia and North .Carolina. arriving at Clinton: were to be ions:tilled, to Hil• mington. Troops were poseringon Goldirboro. On the 'flankist of 'Bloonir's ride KIL patriek's cavalry.. Bkirrols' hing withlrebel horse rocniiis almost:ceaseless. movements of this left wing appear to have been•watched by some portion et Johns ton's army, supposed to bo the rimnaht of the forces with which Hardee escaped frail Charles- . • to.l or Bavaniiih. • On the loth Slocum came upon Marries eare fatly entrenccil, on well seicctedground,between Cape Fear and Blask rivers, his front protected by a Small stream-ealled Sliver Creek. From this position it was needful to dislodge him. -and Wood's division of the 341 corps was ordered before for that purpose. The rebel works were gallantly charged. The' number of killed -and wounded on both side attested .the_gallentry , and obstinacy of both the attack ;and the de fence. Jackson's - division ' of the 2btli (formerly Williams' division of the old 12th,). was also sent in and charged with their accus tomed accuracy and valor, driving the enemy out of their works and taking three or four' of 'their guns. After a sharply contested Bettor sev eral hours the rebels withdraw with the same peration, leaving their dead on the field: The loss was a pretty evenly balanced one. On the rebel, side Macbeth's heavy artillery was severely cut up. • .Captain. Macbeth himself was wounded add several of hls pieces fell Into our hands. • Brigadier Shim Alfred Melt, son of. Barnwell Ellett, of South Carolina, was captur ed while this affair was in progress. Ile was captured by some of our scouts whom he sup posed were bilown. While Gen. Sherman - was taktag. a' glance at the altruttlon of affairs, a stray obeli plumped among his staff, and exploded [Lyng dangerous proximity to the General himself. , Gm. Slocum crossed Black rtrari Gem ..Ether man, in person, • secompanying Mtn, upon the 17th. On the 18th they were over Mingo creek. °tithe 10th they came upon the 15th corps, of Howard'i coltuen ' which, without meeting any opposition. bad be coming towards • them, and here Sherman changed blei_heidener tars from the left tithe right wing of his army. 'On Sunday afternoon Slocum struekthe Nei= river about six mlles west of Cot's bridge, and there be found a terrible day's work cut out for him. Before him forty t o Ally thousand strong lay the enemy thoroughly =trenched, with their flanks protected on one slew by the Neese, on the other.oy a tributary of that river, known ' as Ihumah's Creek. Before his fatigued and" hungry men could be fairly got into poeltlon or bad time to Improvise more than the Mesh= of earthworke,johiston'perceived his opportunity; and maiming his:whole force with vigor and ra pidity !attached it cm the head of Slocum's col ulna., Of this onslaught the .90th corps bore the brunt,'shvggefed, as soon as they could be brought up,by two diehdons of the 14th. Until. ' dark The struggle *eh tremendous. _Again and again Johnston returned to the attack, chilljinli li our ncerepeatedly,and being met With tee.' nations of repulse and counter charges that he .Thundvdenty of oclinpaticiB In repelling: Mearditrie Slocum hid vent to Gen. Sherman - ter reinforcements, and the 17th corps and part •of the 15th were dispateltedFte his relief. - Oa Monday, when the battle was renewe d. the hostile forces were more fairly matched, and the contest raged for a thee with redoubled fury.- The lOth and 14th corps were partially relieved" and the 17th went in with their secustomed domliable dash. With bare feet they rushed through brier fields and thickets, and - thong themselves upon a long line of sandy hurlers in their front, and sent. the. rebels hurrying pall ' melt to their defences Ihrther In the rear. Thus phmged Mower's division over three Ilhes of. Crooks' but they meld not he supported, and . had, eventually, to retire, leaving near MO killed and Wounded on the open field over which they The other lines:neareethe centre, were charged by the 15th corps and held. - Worthy of the molt- fildiring narration were the deeds, on this occasion,. of, the. If ortresth Ohba. Armed with seven:shooter Spencer rides they engaged an entire brigade of rebels; stormed their entrenchments, and put thsm to utter route ;but the movement was unauthorized and hai lobe abarideued. - Towards evening, Hazen's division of thelsth, corps had been ordered up =All the gap; be. tween the tight and left wings of the army' and General Sherman's tile was complete. Then' Johnston knew that the game was nix Agate* Sherman's concentrated force, amply defended, as it was by this time, With formidable lineenf works, wed gowhitistrotiges every hour with new: appßabees - of engineering, and the Vapid arrival and disposal of fresh hatted= egaltistibis tbrde•Johnston felt lie was power less, and wisely concluded Mat having fought. If he ran away- he , and his army might live to light another day, so that was what be did, and this was bow Sherman came to he its Goldsboro-yin . FORTALEI3 Moamar. Merck 29 29.-The . ' , ere Peril and Tra?ewind arrived here- this morning frtm Wilmington, with two hundred refsea, from Columbia, . South .Carolina. and . Faye to . • vine, ,North Carolina: . The news from our forces In North Can:aisle exetedmgly favorable, but for the present, everything pertaining to their =remade has been jaeged strictly contraband. They occupy firmly, the position at Goldsboro, where they are strong in numbere, and confident of success: No active mmrements of Importance had taken place anon the ocenpsafon of Goldsboro: ' .* tock and Money Hatton. Kxw Tons. March W.—Railway speculation was much depressed on the street this morning. Quotations on. Erie were:lowest since the downirarft current set In. At Mat iMard, cut: was premed for sale, but freely taken: The Mak Market was heavy and lower at thesecond board; with - a strong pressure. The Oat this afternoon was assisted by a rumor that" Grant end Lee were negotiating Inr peace. There was an Increased,demand for government gold bonds, anft the market. was generally stronger, with active business. Coal and Mutts:aeons Shares ati heavy and lower Gold speculation opened - weak but gradually. Improved. Cash gold has not yetbecotee plenty and Is still worth 4 -per cent: _The ilucturdiona were not wide; the. difference between the two ex tteftles was but two per cent. ' The ease. ha money Is steadily increasing and capital is offer ed more freely. Foreign Exchange Is ae quiet • ss usuaL - On saillngday of European steamers there Is rather more pressure tosell. In Petroleum stocks this morning prices were' generally lower. The following were the soiling prices: Buchanan Farm 150; '0C11111110 . 250; Era-. pin: City 250; Rynd 'Ve rt u 8031 Tack 885; Web ster 1114 Uzit. States 12; Knickerbocker 50. Rebel. Account of the Recent Battle«. Traus-tllaslasippl Department.- RBIs Toni, Merck 27.—the Richmond Eh ger:Terror the 27th Inst. CM:IWO' ICloPeclill die patch, dated Petersburg, March 25th, which saya "tlens. Bnebrod Johnson atut Goatee. stormed tba enemy's btu/nisi:Aeon our lac this morninr, and:drese the enemy one mile, captur ing his works and 5,000' prbseners, - . Including Gen. McLaughlin and other oilleers, - - 'Ten:Toffy wu badly wounded.— ~"TM eta:lt:gassed his artillery heavily In the neighborhood, of the calitured=lui was ea.. 'Moiled pour rah a tenable ' dire span leir'elinks as to caesepu r . troops to, .back to their edema paltion.',Thareedine 141: , Warren be - •••ftsated tube kWa$M - - the TninallitissisotpulTepertment =HWY matters, beyond Cue maimmuttpikaiweatlrely sus. tended with ' deo forces; the rebels hold the kat& bastionoff ArkanuchicaltabetiWaihite - rivet, and command the 'greater pm:llene Alia. like of the Red risM. pat • . ; Neer nem. March 29.—fidd has been' weik r. durtatthe otoralagle - spite of the large 'Oer them etexieerthott cotttrade. TllO -leadasiety . awns to he falsirettl • .killarrpriliathger4l4--, speeplatloti ts , olitely Mat dinette& The infeltith lj jartee c ereteitt;el jam, *Ont. •to - 194; !last, la4/•-. , ;~ ate. ~~ ~ {:E"1 ~. ;Ca>n..e..: .: u:~ ,-. LATEST 'FROM EUROPE MOM OF THE STEAMERS DAMASCUS AND ASIA Tho'_:: Rebel Cruiser “ShenandoatO BEM . OF THE PRIEIDENTB 11111111131111 Failure of Blockade Rushing Merchants. TnE.roanwit NLAIRI=TEI, ao. Ponnaxn, Marela4.—The steamer Da. MUCUS. from Liverpool cnitheletli; aia• Lon &Malt on the 14th has . animel • this morning, with one day's inter news. ' • . ..fkittcrwait'a COrgar of the evening of thelsth sip ; liewe from Anieirieioy the new' Iceit of W 0,000,000, .Caussrd the 4-20 bonds to decline from 55 to 553;. The 'Continental mar: - ket appears lo be fully istrndkid; Recentibli'Menta Of bonds have nfit" found readrbirtaalll!evaa aVieduced quotations. -Illi nois eiod Erie &bow& also a decline of one del- ,tai frOnt the highest point. Salt's of cotton for the week were 7,500 bales, at inladvenee of 3442),0. • Broadstutra quiet. Corn firmer. Provisions dull. llttLr RlTitc.—Tho Owl, a sweat; sheet, gives the following in regard to Mr. filalr's nds alonvon the authority of a member of the Con federate Congress, just Arrived In England. who received the infortnationffrom Secretary Benja min lathe following,words: "The object of the 'mission was to assure President Davis that his commliskafers would bo received at Washington to opurneiotiationson the - following basis ; AU questions In dispute to be left undecided and considered ea opentfiteations; an armistice to be granted and. a league offensive and defensive to be - made to drive the Enrich out of Mexico." Leksl.--Mxurounits, tan. 25.—The captain of the Shenandoah, has formally reqUerded leirraao: land his prisoners; take in coal and repair ina eldnery. He promises to - observe neutrality, awl_ get to sea again as qnlekly is possible.' The ap plleatlon is under consideration by the govern. mcnt and executive council. Six vessels were duo 'here- in the courseof a few weeks from Boa - tau,_ but American merchants said they were likely to be under the English or Dutch Us.. The Parliamentary paper shows that the French and English governments have sent 'den . tle.al Instructions ft; their nein] commanders on the SontlyAmerican Station. They are required to use every friendly effort to secure ilia free navigation - of. the river, but not to use force without reference to the borne - government. Merchant vessel aro warned against carrying munitions of war to the belligerents. HALIFilai March 29.—The Asla, from Liver pool, with dates'to the 18th, and Queenstown to tbentiriarriTed this morning. The Elnaident's inaugural was generally re garded as satisfactory. • A Fred& paper says that President Lino:kin la about to recognize Mexico. The rebel drafts on Liverpool are dishonored. Cotton closed qquiet and unchanged; Middling Oriesa.,- 17d: lireadstnffs quiet and steady. Provisions Inactive. Pork heavy. Loaders, /larch 18.—Everdsrg.—Consols closed at 6133f1g,89% for money. Illinois Central 54 - @SW; Erie, 32,4; 52@5534. The London Times reviews President Lincoln's -inaugural, and rays it reveals his disposition and opinions mere , completely than many ver hate compositions which have proceeded Anna his predecessors. The Times admits ho has tel filled the duties which destiny Imposed on him, frith firmness and consclentioneneas, but with out any feeling of mddieratlon at sneezes, or sauznino ea - pectMions of coming prosperity. fits address appears to be intendedto repress the more sanguine expectations .of the Northern people, and to intimate to them that fresh ex ertions and service, will be necessary for the at tainment of their oftiset• • The,fallureta announadvaS%homas Ster li ng Blg fi hle, merchant, on rmditHabillthts of about 150,000 pounds sterlbog, an of Bartell & Co. of Hell & Bombay;witicliabilitios of- from D 30,000 to 200000 pounds sterling% Theta - fall area are sal ute have been chiefly canoed by losses In bliekade limning at rebel ports.:l. Sim , lice =ors are ades% ai to other firma. D. T. Lewis, metrlam,lA London; hafrinspen - aw . Drafts fof large amouts by the Confederate Given:mem ar Richmond, on their financial' agents at. Uverpool, Yeas& Newham &Ca,. were, after a days' deist ' refirsettacceptanee and allowed to be protested. One draft alone, IsTor 27,000 muds; The illeged cause It want of•advice, and it is asserted that the drafts are rot expcetedtalle . civer ibeyoncla few days. - -In Parilimenthlr: Or4ory garkrioace fhkflifi should at an early day ask what 'steps the llow erumaat ,had taken to protect the property of Braish subjects In the Confederate States.prlor to the cloaing'of the way. , • The weekly returns of the Bank of France thew an increase of cashon hand of overl4,ooo,- MO trance. Leaden Money Market—Funds firmer and ad Yanclog; Lieerpool.Arlekei—tkrtbm firm wltb an &diaries or y.14,4'd per lb on American Middling. Or leans quoted at 17d, Middling Uplands,. Fclr 18,1*. Stock In part, 571,000 bales, Includ ing 5,000 American. REIM2;=ESI:I;I Breadstuff's quiet - and steady.. Fleur quiet and steady, Wheat, Inactive and .firm at Ts 81084 ed for. Bed Wmtern. Corn Una and advanced Sd Lamer , QIIIOSIIITOSTIP---IdYinir:oor. March 18.- 1 8. quiet and, emchaugete. Wci Breadstatilet and steady, Predidou loam. tire, except far pork, which Is study and quiet. Louuou March 18 .- Conte for money 89q eteliji Illinois Ventral, .5434,®54%'; Eric, 3234; 11. B. sao's, Yams, March I.B.—Bourse ern. Routes eTfi Bee for money. - The appointment of 81f Frederick Brace minister to Washhires. , as a Knight of the Or .thre , of [ Math.' said - of ' Archibald. Consul at New York, as Companion of Bath, are officially gaseucd. GREAT - Clllllll MU IT CRICkAMAW, 114 Rebel Retreat from Mobile Eat Off. Haw Tome, March 2O.—The Posz's corre spondent at Chickasaw Blnff. Ala., under date of March 25, says tie writes amid the confusion of hreaking muup, as the great cavalry army is tpkileg *aye of its base, for ,operations Julius Southwest.. Tho first division Is commanded by Gm. McCook, second by Gan.. Torry, fourth by Gca. Upton, sth by Gen:Hatch. The erPedi- Goa has been fitted out an expense, almost tabu.. lons, and its operations arc reporteAto be of the most ertenslvo and important. character. Si. toms, March 29.--Frivate &dykes from Chickasaw, Alabama, March 21st say: A. body of terithousand cavalry, under Maj. Gm'. Wil son, are at that point under marching orders. 'lt is supposed they will go South and cut off the , retreat of the rebels from Mobile.. . Telegralm..lpdlan . Alralrw. . ,WABBINOTON, March 241.—Telegrams for Newt !midland, intendid for transmission by the Ca- Bard packets DOM Boston to tlailfar sad Nina licetia, should be specially addressed via Boston by Catard packet,and prepidd with [hilted Stake inland postage. It Las heretofore b een stated that Congress parsed a resolution directing legal!, 'lnto the' condition of the Indian tribes and their treat- Meld by civil and militariaatharitiest also Niter the miutagepient or the Indian Baron at Wash ington, and report next session such lltlgatlowse may be neassary fir tho better administration of Indian affairs. •• • •• The otrimittevi have Welded their flaw. sen ator Normitkand Reptesentative Highly to Jib vestlgate 'Manion the nettle Co'mt. Senators , Doolittle and Foster and' Itspresentatlve Bose, those In KIWIS; Nebraska, Utah and the Indian 'Terri:odes, and Represeentativai Vint Dorn, sad Unbliard, of lewa, 'Sidra In other Indian 'The Imam . Burnt ties tecently . cotteladed treaties with the Wine'tbaixoesi ot-Da%otati t atid Omehai, at Nebraska, by which,the former have *geed to remove to the reserve or the lat. ter,the Omahas telling !heir Um; tor that par , Troops.. lame .bots ordered to Fort . Leaven. 'worth, for deny on the Overland Mall route, to protect Olden from annoyance by boattlelndlans. Court DartWs, WAiIIIXOTOX. - March - 99.—The records of =canto inertial show that one Lieutenant Colonel two Majors; one Eirozeort, two'Captahts and, i 9 Lieutenants-wore recently convicted Of firkins , : fonbnem, and nearly ,all•of them Mug ated:the Idim Cal. of a colored regiment agotopriated. to Ads own ,ttse.. tho boilutot of 19tiondtst eight were (Mind guilty of,'4rianken- ‘ :loos; and one for aiding soldiers to /meat. was comedic) be &wens tamsoactuded from holding, or trot, profit or honor nadeitho' Ittihad:mita achontmeot..saa wawa at WI -tabor In the penitadlaryfor two yeam. . _ =ME Pereued tlispeers. ' • Wareuxerow !fifth 211.—8 y an order from. the. Wat stiejAweeti - tamatly Weak all 1461- Mee beld'aa pdsocere,Wader -parole • from rebel: faratheetttes aod.vtallvetal 44).Vetted- &gel ee. thetitlei et whatever games or hems the Mk .of_itart ti &axed reb)asid tom sick ruvitch ;;4,n% 54_ 4..L•••••4 •.4 • ~ ,'-.fit _ ~ ~ t ~nr;, ~'v,,;z.,...~>. ab ~,z-s.oyir - G ..~.~.0 ....~111~~~~, PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1865 THE PRESENT DRAFT NECESSARY. MODIFICATION OF THE COTTON TRADE PROHIBITION New Your, March 29.—The Commercial Ad nefiiser's Vishingtoil special says: The public impresion is that the present draft Is nnnoces esiy itivievr Or the Impending end of the re.: ILL not shared In by men In authority here: Aitken& tlie military situation is emi nently favorable, there is no intelligent belief here that we shall be enabled to relax our efforts er return our anifies for at least genii toionte. The whole number of men called for by the PresldefititwMoherefore p be undoubtedly re+ gibed, and are: even now needed In the field. deaeial Ghipt *lll:modify the • cotton: trade prohibition. The pressure upon the autliorfilei In reference Wit has been Immense. From, Nassau' and Texas. Nmv TOME, March 29.—py the steamer Eagle wo have HaVana dates of the 96th. The' block adenmner flenbelgh, from Galveston, arrival on tho 955th'. • The rebeltenaral Chalmers is dead. A meeting was called at Ban Antonio, Texas, on the to take into consideration the pro position to occupy the Western Territory and open communication with California.. kwas said 10,000 - recruka for i.he rebel army ;mold nibs be secured. A itommittee was then sp. pointed to wear with the rebel commander in the Trans-blisslsampi Department on the sub ject. ;Thera was a mutiny In the garrison at Gal veston on the Viiitnit.; tonging in the death and wounding of reverali More French troops hate passed through lila- TADA on their way from Merle° to France. The blockade runners Mexico and& D. Wood arrived, the former with cotton from Matamoros and the latter with navarcouipments from Mas son. "The following were lying In port Colonel Lamb, Fob, Juno, Bomber, Pelican and Fanny. • &large number otecboonere kayo arrived from and cleared for Matamoros: > . Sherman-from Itebei Soarer Nter Toni, March 49. —The Richmond gen tled says: Raleigh papers Ihrnish some intelli gent.° of the state of affairs • in' North Citrons*. From private Information we believe that Sher -manned Schofield have United their forces, and Sherman has been forced to fortify Ms position and act entirely on the defensive. The Sentinel thinks the prestige of interment's army Is lost, and they have now got It where they want it.• The Whip thinks Sherman Is fighting to encore a water base. It argues that the check administered to Sher man will break up Grant's and Sherman's plans. It says : Gen. Johnston and:Gen. Lee eau be In no uncertainty as to the vital necessity. of con tinuing to oppose the Immovable front. of Sher man's advance. If he cannot be destroyed he musent any Met be prevented from coming for ward. Not that Richmond la of touch value, but that for reasons which need not be expLdned. Its surrender is a thing notto he thought of whit its defense's possible. Condoet of the War. l'fsw Tenn, March n9.—Tbe 'TrlbemeN Wash ington *octal ups The Committee on the Conduct of the War aro holding' daily sessions , preparing their report. It proves to be about u bulky as the first recoil, Midi a year ago: It will embrace the Chancellorville campaign, the campaign from the Rappahanzioekt‘Gettylberg with Hooker's removal, campaign from Gettys' burg to the. Rappahannock, retreat to Cutup. per, Mine Run duo, Petersburg mine hiplosktl. Fon Ft/her affair, Gen. Roseaans campaigns down to his removal. Seven-Thirty Subscrlytbns. PrntAnsamtra, March 29.—The enticriptkma today to the 740 loan In allparts of the Union, as telegraphed to Jay Cooke, the Subscriptlon Agent, this afternoon, amount to 12,334,750. Tho Urged single Eastern anbsertptton was 1215,000 from New York, and the largest western autemtptkm ires 120,000 from Keokuk, lowa. The number of individual sehscriptlonahy wart- Ingmen and women, making *up portkma of the above aggregate, was 11.057. Letters for Mel:leo.% ' Waitrottrini March letters rustled In the limited gates for the northwest . malt' of Mexico, embracing the Mates of Slualos, donors and Lower Calltbmll, ebould be endorsed "via .Ham Freecbee...!!_ea lettere for these Buts by wery'of Han frenetic° reach their destlastlas much earlier than by other routes. The Death, AVAIARINOTON, Muth 21—D seem that the - gain drtroope litzm the District, of. Oolumbla a-be exact-ell ea aapp!ereentaryto admit to sap ply large letlelencirs, still take place as loon as thentene,eary arrangements can be made. Liquor Dra Jurors. Bt.:Anis, Mardi 29.—Oovvenor dadrew today sett a tr.tssage to the Legislature vetoing the bill to exclude liquor dealers . /from service; es jurors. Agriqurrr or PATEL—TM Birmingham (Eng.) flag chronicles the discovery of some ancient specimens of paper by M. Toni min Smith. h says: We base not yet learned the fell details, but we bellere:tiust In examining somewrits to sher iffs of various counties, bearing dates at the end Of the fourteenth century, Mr. Smith found that they were written on paper, end not on parch ment as usual. No paper mill seems to have been established In England before, the end Mf the sixteenth century, and, whether of Eng. lisle or Loretta sump facture, this recently discov ered paper is very curious, and still more so if it proves to be English made, and probably a ten tory older then any previously known. The dis covery has excited much interest in the Record Moe." Tax Gnxo LOCT4)CT COXIMUTION or ENCi• LIM ham biarrreas.—The great "lock-out" In the iron making districts of England had commenced at the last arrival. It was com puted that If the "lockout was persevered In all over the country, In accordance• with the com pact which the Iron-masters had entered Into with: each other, seventy-two thousand men would be thrown out of employment. and they and their families deprived of means of tub. "Ounce. This movidtitint may be the beginning tithes of a great social revolution to England, or of a vast emigration to this COniltry—probably of both. Tax Sum Unwgzum Sourons.—Tho Richn.ond Errantrwr of March 91st has tins fol lowing dlibutiraglisg Paragraph: The conscription or n o grees In Richmond and Petersburg la carried on with di:Realty. Guards am posted at every aTEDIIO of escape, and ncam of instruction I establithed at Bello Island, p where the colors soldiers are kept under strict rairTeilleoret l , tt many grot away la spite of all precaution. There la .a great panic among the blacks, 'and much reluctance among , lt was OpCll the question of arming the slaves. mow. mocLr.LLAN zsy4orac—str. ram, the army correspondent of the N. P. Mom, with fiberidan's raid, writes under date of March Mtn To-night we are encamped on the plantation of 14.(Jabell, overlooking the ddindit Joel be. low where Rockfish river emptim In to the former. Mr . . Gabon Is a 'cholla of George L McClellan. Wetting that name` reminds me . Sharer Nelson Post oMee were found rebel letter envelopes, beerlng the portrait of George U. Me. Clads's, st small matter, but etraws—pertlettlarly when yet to each Abe wympethy en. Istleg Rate for the late alptraot fur Prottdential boom. I here one OM. tivolopes Rd a trophy. , - - - A norm? bee been emulated *tat tt Is the to. teottoo of the Itattrettly ot.tho Treace: to tam tros Ittiodred cannons of number, to pay off II ;prowl a toe, Angpmmod roritiumong upon the 7,441101yi Thiele *true. there lotto aothtir: it, tot the gated filly limb sum at alleyway. Thl tieetetetytitspower ttr put out about loran+ 4,totllkoteof eta per eat, Interegt•hentlftai tiniest oat littetotate - booed, but date nut Intend to resort to MIA eapeitleot OWNS IS aherold he Well polo* niselcooty for the teileteminee or the witt, of whlett cootigeney there now - out semi tlillsoo prospect.. .• Ikefons Dirintatio.—Prokesor Brewer 11 at Mine with Professor Bllllrnan respectuig tbe rer• • portadbutorasy of coal oillnbahfmaie. Drawer me It Is nothing but upbs hum or adnersl bar, which solldldes and CCII41110.• about day per cent. or sand. says be does not think that at tbe'present,atate of ov hoowledge, 'good lantlnidlng and Intnicatlngtallszan be pro/habil made In call torn" rrom the aspbaltant or Its klndred subgenera. • . , Tin fninittiatleu Into the often and WWl' of the Knights of .the Gold= Circle, le llMade, shows that while the Chicago neat - WU dellfr den i ying the oxliknee of tbat or any other mama NOS qty of ditloyal, ineelleltlen, five of, th e ern aekrePetlara of th 4 :trllaYet:llPcit4.7.ool`, mambos of MA; Order. ;c. Wketmerron h .—Many newSnaiwni ; iiir'let'intipoeinjy the new inmate tair.ntaapie from taxatient poisons in tke carit:' - wael',l ll e, , tegkery Beniesof tka United States," nor. - n; there been any ineh declaration by the ckenatie-.. etenkerif Meted Rename. 4,1 llionititstiti ling the Dittlakentherlttee • In Ireland. Ills dleetrtxtathetteeteboAtit the Gecko aro eedeettetak sedeee etdetete the Oran sea •As Jur. irbo sequitted,a. num dieted whir! Ms ' oteetee,':were elppeettt. of betas pettbuis thteneet VOL" ; A Lo, f.-.iihm.DoteitAvi pats' imiumere, EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. FROM TJJE ARMT OF THE JAMES. REVIEW OF TER APh AND Pith CORPS. ; )---- - Motes. - Peace Rumors. IMPORTANT TO DRAFT ASSOCIATIONS. Order 'from ProLitMarshalGenerallry. . . :New Yon.; March itts.—The Mould's Army of the James cotreepriadonit nava' In the Army of the James,lnt the nosth side of the Jam river, strafe. riningn'undistut heel Last &Insley, Presiding Lincoln, Gen. Grant, Adelina' Porter and other dlstingnished ' ntle men reviewed the Sttkand 25th corps f this army. The Perald's WasbillgtOn special sere: Pres ident Lingelli did not Mtn& to-day as was ex pected. It uncekabi now when he will be There is a report !biliretilation hero to-night, that hots detained hyAproposition for a renewal of the peace negotletiens. While there is noth ing to confirm this !report, it is not impossible that be may, heroin Ms return, arrange with General Grant foe;010 reception and con sideration of any prVositions that General Leo . may have to make,tleeking to a cessation of armed opposition tolhe Constitution' and the laws. The Transney Waibington special save the following has just ant .issned by the Provost Marshal- General t ,:. - i- • The Waal-third Mellen of the Act approved March 6,1865, providdS that any person enrolled In any sub-district bay, after notice of the draft, mid before the satin, shall have taken place. • cense to be mestere:lngo the service of the Uni ted States, such midair of recruits , not subject to the daft,* as theinmy deem expedient, which recruits shall be tabith as substitutes for such persons, or dOoranylor them as may be drafted, to the extent of t _Umber - of suet recruits, and in the order d - ahid by the principal at the time thereat:gat thus mustered in. In t e g t order that credit Irtafthe given to the enb-district for recruits furnisbndjand -the draft made only for the deficiency remitting after crediting them and other rcernita,ltts tieceasary that all the members of the usiatiallen - shall belong to the same raladiatriet.!,- l'i!' Previous to the othumnicement of the draft, the arsoelatkin will tarnish the Provost Marshal of the District a w,t i times of its members, designating their nd.numbering them ac corMinly. • Thit nr not be altered or le creased after. the &it shall have commenced. When the draft *ill. have been made, the re mit standing' altl,htt head •of the' list will be taken as the subedit* of the Stet man drafted, who belongs to Din sidociatione then the second on the liat will • •be:Aaken as substitutes of said men drafted, artd . th;to until „the list of recruits is exhausted by dra ft eth men who belong to the association, or teretr members who belong Co the association AM - eraPt• Whon numbers of recruits tarnished th e' association exceeds the member of men item Its excess, though 2 credited to nutadistrirthi wine:mato no claim for exemption of ateison" whomsoever. The members of tho - arion,lirbo secure exemp tion under this seetten; are exempted from that draft, hot are Ilibb to"-be drafted on farther LATE, PROM• itiOLDSBORO. • Details or . the Late Battle& GEN. SIMIAN 110311011. ' Fres You, MrstO 20.—The steam transport Unita! IMates p ,ll*Xteasfort, brings Ono day la ter IntOgenett ittso;qoldsbriro, the %Mb. Tie 65.1141400 , 1 if ;the Newborn runes gives the , adan"*lfiericun's ball. Both batty on the part of were plsaneetry Jona: atom, and In botitliihes ha tacit' the meet:Lott to rest each ot Irlsidknkkess etreaen. Denude aelanatinat ACIAM in his cadet-r -are to tom on; -.1111, bet all Med. Ins loss weasel - ITO breeterwatsenr 'Mb Ins% stateatial Shaman has coneto ranting Monroe. TItE FIGHTING hi NORTN.COIOLIIid. The Rebel Attach on the 13th Corps. WORM CAPTURE OF SEVEN THOUSAND REBELS. Naw Yong, kfarch:Mt.—uodat of the morning papers have details of the lighting In North Car olina, but they contain nothing new; they all agree that the sudden and overwhelming attack of the rebels oe the 10th, was whet Johnson eln!rnext a rebel viettey, for they flanked and drure Leek the 14th eery* a mile and a half, but the tide was turned :the next day by out rein forcements coming up. The rebels were rooted and scattered in all directions, and somethat Sherman took seven thousand prisoners. IMPOETAIT FROM TENNESSEE. General Stoneman's Operation& THE ENEMY SCATTERING IN CONFUSION WANTrOA BREDIII,, „pax, March SS, VIL Lormytus; March 29o—The forces under com mand of Major General Stoneman hare to their rapid &drama already unciwered one hundred miles of railroad, and are driving the scattered troops of the weeny is eonlbsion 'beton them. General Stoneman will soon strike the pansy where they least expect It. _Probably when thL dispatch reaches lie* York the' ps• pen will hate already chronicled this :Atrium. Aritria or Mg ilty Mauctlesterand Ada., NEW You, Much ..9. = Tho City of M. vheater with Liverpool dates to tho 14th, has arrived. - . • • llama:, March 29.—The Asia, with Liver pool dates to the letb, snivel this montlog, Can or the St. Albans Raider*. Monne:AL, March 20 —.lodgment In the cnee of the et. Albans raiders was given this morn ing and the primmer' d ischarged. They were again arrested on another warrant. Tl.ll MAiluVAOTrall 07 Bmx.—Tbe Doped. moot o r agriculture purposes to distribute the cccnons of a opccles of china ollit.worm, new to this country, In the hope of promoting the mat unteltiro of /Ilk. What can be done In this we, Is *holm In a reoent Instance la Louisiana. Tho rebellion hatlug cut_ off the supply and greatly lurroseod the coot of Newton silk, a lady attached to an Industrial Institution In Now Orleans, the gt, Nlisaboth Asylum, procured a Another orate eggs of the YU worms, and through the assist ance of the mipile of the school, enceeeded In productun a very pod nitallty of sewing silk. k specimen of It, whirls we have now botore as, shoirs well to quollty and color, and Is a credit' not only to rho luoittution which prodnood It, but IN also an orldeneo of what tmterprise and Industry The Can attomplieh when necessity Is the 'spur.Ceutmlsoloner of Agricultere should send to this lady -some of the China silk :worms' If be desires to have them put Into tore n' and Illateolllllo rddgtr. Ton nee, Dr. 'lrani htheloneri tO China, fa Utter td the New York A'rentlrter, sem / 4 "Among tho marks of ante:pries to Chinn, I got ettoel. wtitt the toothed ofetatintheete the fleets end Moog the ftlet.' - '2'here ere now two Moe or 'detonate Jelly frto Itonw.Kang to Canton, wlttok make thtr pnetege In PAWN' eight howl, 'hirtsitlittr a tibia sad lottoen diet might compere with the hate on the Hudson or : on the tietind*--nut to large 'of teem, • but ant plelbt ell the foreign travelers, end far hundreds of Chinese petweenete daily. - One line bee two or three hosts "each week, ,rnanlegto elltetor, Amoy, end Fuchow. /moth. er takes the melt athl iweseneere to Bbanghso end bffilfroi white,steembeate eta deo comaton dp tho aortho ll rifeill.or9hl4ll.",„ _Tae Duke do Shifty, bait bother or Louis Niro*wind one of bls most raloble. Odeon. Mal; sad Atoled hicadii,'Cited on the 10lb or moo, et the fie' et 84. fre commenced hls .careersis a soldier lo the Ast• !remota. or Lan v'eors. 18.99, , and Served with considerable Os ' unclip In Allies.' ' , The polo; or, the coo cr eted'a Arsrmiide known ..'obitst-, its nen ent blade tth mi n e iromlnent, and 11k100:then he; Iteon tow falums, iev an dlplotnittlat, and- Prod sat of the • .oorpo ►G no was one ,the wealthiest men" ot ralik‘ _ - • . . , • Toi Ittotamond Lie List,•ipealdDgo[' the .Voregittrt propenaltine of lineman's men, eeje ',7:l4)ne, calmer timygreit • into: thirlotto .hultekrt4 pen** Oven matches; smith° pm.' autopikm , ll Ametri Imams WM*, 'Ana II truly burdened with wealth" - • , t , -Tioatatoom wpm fpn,44. Alta Igr eix 7 rexilii,s , F oo DorL Liw - ik4 *Awl at 0t.16444ti5c0 Wall( gut tituvisvh. , 1 3 a u. 10 - .1 • - ' 1 40"4 :NU 4~- GAZETTE, CITY An SUBURBAN. RefuOre Women-.Tobospitable Treatmea by a Hotel-Keeper Contrasted. We believe that as a general rale the refugees from the South who seek the protection of the Northern people always meet.with geed treat ment, and their wants are alleviated when they come within reach of the aid societies instituted in their behalf. There are fikewbie individual instances of pure nod noble humanitarians who would'sacrifiee their last dollar for the poor and distressed sufferers by rebel tyranny and rebel exhaustion. Yet there are some others—we treat there number is few—who eon only view such destitution in a selfish pecuniary light, by means of which they thcc77Truly impose on the bene factors of these needyetifferers. • We have a ease In point, which Is one of snob shameless extortion that it deserves to be pub - lished,erven It it should be detrimental to the busintas Interfere of the party Concerned. A wife, whose husband died In the rebel service, together with three daughters, all ladles of stn. refinement and beauty, and a child of one of the daughters, also a widow, came to Gen. Grover at Savannah and requested to be sent North ; they wished to reach Cincinnati, where they bad friends they hoped to find. The General granted their request, and gave them a pass to New York. They were accompanied horn that city by Major Douglass, attached to Gen. Rancock's staff, and Capt. Russell, of the 66th Ohio, who, prompted by the purest feelings of humanity, partly soli - Oiled and partly bore themselres the expenses of the ladies to this city. They stopped at a hotel near the Depot, which, from its name, might be expected to re ceive them hospitably, and the gentlemen stated the peculiar circumstances of the ladies, and asked permission to seat them in the parlor un til the western train should start—about half an hour. Their request was very ungraciously an. swered, and presuming that 'lt was greeted the partysat down In the parlor. On rising to go, the proprietor or his clerk stepped up to the Maj. and demanded the sum 0f52.50 for the use of the parlor during the half hour. It was paid, and the Major got a receipt In fall which speci fied that In consideration of .! me of parlor for family" the modest sum above-named,only was charged. The Major regards such meanness as small and contemptible. Ile cites, on the other hand, the ease of a beautiful and Intelligent young lady, whose father was carried off ruthlessly in the dead of the night as a conscript. The lady came to City Point, and stated her case to Gen, Grant. The General subscribed twenty dollars,' the Berald correspondent an equalamount. and our friend, the Major, and many others - gave ten dollars, until a purse of $!,000 was raised" with which the lady, a ft er many thanks ; starte d' to the North, found friends, and by her talents, a high position In life.. She afterwards sent. Later* of gratitude to the dos ors, through Gen. tient, written In so chaste and ladylike a style, and breathing with such grateful fervor, that their chlyalriehearta danced with vr,ry pride. . Court of Quarter Sessions. Before Judge Sterrett This branch of the Court is busily occupied in hearing and determining licenses. The Court snidetts all applicants tea rigid examtnationi 'and Is determined to sibate the abases of the li cense system. In point of number, the appli cants would make a full brigade. Before Judges Millonand Brown,. • Commonwealth vs. George Held, Thomas Held and Martin Isherwood. .lungravated assault and battery. On the 11th of July last, the de fendants are alleged to bare beaten the 'unseen tor. Robert Crooks, nod broken his Jaw In, two places. The ease occupied the whole forenoon, and wta still pending when the Court took 111 Wen. • . Thomas Ileld plead guilty to the chine of as sault and battery, and was deed IMO and costs. A not. pros was entered for the defendants, George Held and Martin Isherwood. The case of abandonment brought by Ellen - . Walker against her husband, Lawrence Walker.• came up fora hearing by the court. It appears from' the evidence adduced, that th 3 defend. ant had absented himself from his wife-and child for nearly. three yema, leaving them to shift for themselves, while he was working at - Ids trade--glass-blowing—ln the East. • Ito-had neither visited nor written to her In all that time, ' and he did not attempt to deny what the testi mony proved—a clear ease of desenkm. The wife having seen him a few days ago in the city, at once had a warrant issued for his arrest,' sad he Ina boned sionsvnlidneMze. new law. toe lila. appearance at court:. Ito clidsked In court that be bail come to the-city for the purpose of again taking by !withal" Wife,: iindAsting: (colter end ilea:did, this being the first intimation - behead made of this listentiori. ' ... .... . . ' Judge Mellon said Ithallie • practice:had be come quite co mon foe h beads, shortly atter maniere, to th eir wives and children,. and GA law; ntemplated the cominlisiOn of vi t a husbaids to e care of their fanilllles, and not to leans them !than support and a burden on the community. Not only on account of the' Immorality of such abandonment, but 'because or Its inhumanity, was It necessary to I a Ere- Went on the husband deserting his wife or child. Judge Bterritt coincided. If the hue band wished to' Jiro with his wife again, it was wall, and be could do so. It VMS etecreol that . Lawrenee Walker should pay to the mid Ellen Walker tlid per inonth, for the competent asp port of his wife and child, and that he be com mitted to Jail until he comply with this sentence„ or Oro security (to be approved by the Court) in the sum of $1,000.! It was mimed that whenever the defendant should conclude to re turn to his family, and support and protect them, the decree of the Court .would be revoked, the evidence of such Intention being an equiva lett for the sentence 01 the Court. Commonwealth vs. Sarah Jane Gosln; assault and battery. On trial. . . 'ecking Acchlent—Chtld KWled by a-Pas. =1321:2 On Wcdneaday aftegoor, about one o'clock, - an accident of a shocking nature 4iPOlrodoot alto the Market house, in Bigskingtuun,. result tug In the death of a lit Ale. child. IMO of Mr. ' Yeutter,* Gerir Wigmaker, residing on Car son greet. The child, which was only-fourteen months odd, had wandered out Into the tired, Wad tits In the act of enntatng over, when it was observed by a man on the sidewalk. Car No. 2, of the Birmingham pagenger Railway, was Olen passing along the tract and was within tea or twelve feet of the child when the man shouted out to attract the attention of the driver. The driver did cot hear the alarm, and did not coo the child nutil it wan beneath the horses' fag. do checked up as hastily as he:could, but not until the whetl bad paged over the chest of. the child, crushing it in, and causing insittnidgith. -Corner Claviou was untanned and held au In quest, when the lay found a verdict-In accord: anco with the hctm as stated. The driver, N. C. Cowan, was examined ss a wltneae. and WOO' his did isol observe the child until It was within a foot or two of the c Tr i . The Jury ad dc4 the fidlowing to their v let "ThO jury geonmeendlhootlicers of the tallway Company to hmtruct thole drivers, in the figure, to wateh their track, and leave looking out far passenger* to' the condactora. 9 . • ; • Ai we tint of April approaches, those who aro Welty anon; to barn houses 10 more IMO * . after baring beep " warned out," or not dealt.. . . lag to remain to the old ones any longer, cont. timnro the operation of moving from eon to another. Quito a mgeber harp already gone through the process.. The suing that "throw throw randries it 'equal tti one fire," will alwort good, unites IC be merely a burning Ohltuner, when It may. be reversed ; but People, like swat.. lows, are migratory,, and vitt novo. , Then the mum ,(Dike delight lu "a moving," and ape elallv• when preceded or ibilovved by a' social party, u is often the e ase. .. This "old folk". baying lat their taste for ouch luxuries do 'not,- of tourer, appreciate them; and the tearing up 'Of carpets and _pities them down, arranging this article of 'Walton and properly putting away that ono, is not a very desirable task, after having had them lilted to their liking in their old home. gruaritirnn.Dzon,—WiUlans 011Tur, a well known china of Morrow county, was tilled • few days Nro near South .Woodbury. by being aerial: tidy caught by a circular law, which wag in rapid motion. The soW.. Mack on ‘ tho left. hip, and cutting through' to tho heart, sor e/a the right arts, !Ong • throw his body a dia• tun of peen (bet: • • Lmtemer.--Thomaa bleitintlae, committed nem days oa oath of L Seth, for mohair a altar watch from theitroncutor, who was Islor is a mate of 4/11.1111:01140111 at the tlom, *At the mid or ea dorPoutlort brid. 8 "Itt rittabarthams Van been Comm uted cm oath of the same part;, °a anotiterobaritagt Laretv.; 'Tim Bomar Boleti Oiis."—lhe win 'of BEM; et. al. n, the dchoti -rntcws of litelrnlibty lo• • * 'thin 'lir leganty !of he WitatroPW o a Uwe, hot Wen ordered For rertownmeat at. figollrimr.thcAA 9f May, beibre a hill bench of Lilo wive= COM. ' Foot Ontoofin.i—A , Uttb 14 07,' id loso WO did zot kifai had Ms foot =abed at Irtfin% Station, a taw oreolnits,itlrkoo, tix bolos ma ovor with goose tam fie-wa-fn the balk a jumplat on an `of ihne- 101 4 1 4 10 ,60 Ft foot ,dl l ta.b 6llll / 4 0 4-O4* • ,1 Ifavrre..Allap Moot friltile - iiikeio) iiitil . 1 110364 442gi0n 001211 _.. bisogArpoir this atnithuscassold :wellUl frAng . Theibudilareboes-bieW :TIP InUeMtialfX. hVAINDItiI* ty or rowing azy7 t. Defitructlve Fire-Total Loss of Thorn ei Deese , o Boller (Yorks, and Five Dwell— Inv Materially Injured. About six o'clock last evening, just after tho hands employed In Thorn & Reeved& holier works, on , the corner of Duquesne street and Duqvcsne way, had. started for supper,, a fire broke out somewhere al.Oot the engine, and In a short time the works wire enveloped in a sheet of flame. The engines repaired to the spot as soon as the alarm was given, but all their drafts to save: the building were unavail ing: It was totally destroyed. : . The fire spread mpidlylo a row of houses ,ad joining, which stood on Stanwix street, and five of the houses. belonging to Mr. Paul Mee r were ablaze from the roofs, and the upper- part, of them was completely barnedihrotigh, but fortn. stately the corflagrailon was checked bora re. It could extend to the rooms below, Tho house in which Mr. Rico fires, whiclihe owns, was like wise injured , though not eo ranch by fire as by the destruction incident thereto and from the effects of the water thrown. These hennas are all two-stories-and-a-half high, and are built of brick. The roofs-of the first five are nothing but a broken <mass of charred boards and shin gles, and It Is wonderful ,that the floors below were uninjured ty the fire. The houses suffered severely by water, the walls and ceilings being mostly saturated. Mr. - Rice suffered somewhat from the recent freshet in the rivers, which in undated the cellars of his houses, and It seams a peculiar hardship that be should be visited a second time by misfortune In so short a period. He Is Insured In the Penrisylvania Insurance Company, to the amount of $9,000 on all his property, but this will come far short of repair ing the damages he thinks, although from the confusion which prevailed at the fire It was.im, possible to estimate his loss. The fire broke out anew from the roof of one of the houses late In the night, which was at extinguished with theta of buckets. Messrs. Thorn & Reese lost heavily. It 4101 reach at least 815,000. All their machinery was rendered worthless, and besides they had a con siderable amount of work on hand, alread tin ,lsheti, which they had contracted for, inc luding fifteen oil chimneys and breeches; 1:1110 fire bed, and two 35-inch chimneys. They bed no insu rance on their property, and we undestand they omitted :even the precaution of employing at watchman over the shop. The origin of the tire la unknown,- but It is alleged to be owing to the carelessness of the foreman, although we cannot conch for the correctness-of the charge. The Peak Family. Thla celebrated fatally of Vocalists, Harpists' Violinists and Bell Ringers, is announced to give a series of then — lnimitable entertainments at Concert Hall, commencing on Monday evening next. The company has recently been consoli dated with another troupe of performers, ant now numbers eighteen performers on the belle. Their entertainments hare become exceedingly popular throughout the country, and they have been drawing crowded helms wherever they exhibit. Full houses awaltthem here. TUB ANBIIT PEOPNIITY IN Auxottrar By advertisement in another column, It will be seen that a part of this very desirable nroperty, ineSidlng the "Mansion Hone," still remains unsold. We are told that lots to the amount of SWAG, were sold at auetlotton 'Saturday last, 'in a very few minutes, at prices ranging from 81,530-to 52,000, and the sale was adjourned by the Eientors, at the request of parties who de sired to confer with others not present. m Those interested, will do well to read the advertise numt. ASELAWLT Wien , .iSTENT TO &Lt.—Mayor Lowry having mattd -a warrant for the arrest of Matthew Maims and Thomas Feenan, of Mc- Keesport, charged on oath of Alexander then., mings, with assault and battery with Intent to kill, officers Wray and Messner yesterday went to that place and arrested the tattles. They gave hall fora bearing on Sattuda morning. • Twit Igsr.u.s Plecrocanr.--The new drama, . written by Fits Simmons, and now performing at the Varieties. received last night rounds of applanre by tut corer-crowd cd house of the public and private men of the day. It Is Interesting top:epic ofj all calling and Clasice.—Notienal Republtemt. • • performed TUN celebrated drama will be performed for the first time at . Trimble , aNarieti Fenn street, to-night. Manager Smythe Lap - h It in active preparation for some wear. It tr be presdated with new scesterics, properties ;equreffects, and _will, doubtless, Iry a long ran. 1 • . - - , . „ • Erman? "Formmannote., - Atkmorr.-L..Ai rrsiderialni,:•Penn street, will sold o'clock this (Thursday) montiag, it large varl et*. of Parlor, Chamber and. DM lagitoom Burnt= turn, embracing In- part -Marble Top Banana, Sideboard and -Wash Stands; three- Wardrobes, Book Cages; Brawls Carpet; Mirrors, Chande liers, dte. • T. A. MCCL4TAND, Auct'r.' . . . Bnessras be sold this' (Thum-. day) morning, at =sidemen*: 395, Penn street. In connection with the elegant Farnitnre, Mir: rare to Chandeliers, one pieta superior Tapestry Diesels Carnet. T. A. Mcerritas_nie, Auctioneer TOE LAST TEOLUS DLTS OF T 1 WOULD; as mirrored by Vidlon's Btereopticon,Concert Hall, to ilay, to-morrow and on Saturday at So'clock p.m. Arcomniriarr.—Enbert, Kllnman, has been appointed Constable of dm borough of McKees port, ln place of John W. Wolfe,-reslgnot. Lacer Nance.—lt to respeetfelly announced that the exhibition of Fallon'a Btereopiloon will poaltlyely close on Banana,. night. Enwts Amts, Mrs. Dlckson,Y gum and Helen Western's Photo tut at Plt• rock's. /MIT or Hum Lab WOUND .-- 4 4e1 the Eastern Banks at Planck's. ' • FOR .01111,..—Mdlle De nicest, Godey, per and Atlantic, at Plttock's. • Raotiattatax.—Another atipky plat twelvea at ?Mock's. rowrr CE11715 ran Dorsm—Photographs at PlttAxles. Ammo. Mario, Folios, Gold Peao, Ste., at Pittock's. du, tho new Books at Pittockl, Exocit A4DICN at Pittock's, EIROWNOn Sabbath, Nth March, at Leaven. lama elty, Eaaaaa, PEARSON intowir, Jar. scatty of Alleghear city, la the 27 tivraor of WI WATSON—Wn Wodneiday ngth MAIM. W., Infant eon of Mark W. and Ilattle E. _Watson. 'lke Amaral trill take on FiIDAT NORICIIf It a 10 o'clock . front the residence:of hleparentsi rtyena met. ' IR- 'THE • DISTRICT COURT..OF AL. '..LXOIIRTIT 001/1"." 0 ream, MAR in Var. Utlon, N 0.6 April Term, fans. .. Jana 'Anniston : - 8111 in Realty for vs. ff • Fanlike. Andrew Dcludaton; Treyanion X.. Balla 'all Jan* AL, hls wits, late Jana AL.Dsmastint,da T S ter of said Audi, w; George. Findlay and L his wars late Lydia benniston, and daughter of Awing; i'lleorge O. Dennigoa, son of said 'Andrew; James Atwell Domaine", mon saw ; Aileron; Nancy E., dahtez of sai d . Andrew; An. diew J. Dru ug aston, • skin soa ,or said Andrew CePrin I.:Nonillion, a minor son of said Andrew • Samuel Drnaliton, a minor son of said Andrew; Famed Eklund, - and Christiana Richard % "sto • ell,tlitlaim Dennistoni GeordeD.Richards, Xartla' L 'Diehards fata Elamusl'S. Rieluirds, lions of sold, Oratutionas Richards) Rudrew CloatelY and "{Awl ' . jaw", lila, wile, late Raney Jane Rickards, and daughter el said COMO tans Richard"; Stumm RNA.. tires,widow of John AL litehardsidee'd, who was •. -son-of said Christiana Richardm oathadae D. Muesli:ln, Washington Kaufman 'and Matey If., .his wife, JAW-Nancy AL. Denalston; George D., 1111 Ma E., John A. and Samuel L.B4ll'ol'lo, sons otsaid. Nancy X. KautMont. and Este R., Nancy E., and' Ella: F. daughters of eald 'Raney ld. Kaufman, all of whomfegoopt said George D., an allows, and of ' whose , estate • ~Renismin. 0. Bosworth, of. Allegheny . county' is guardian" and Willkun • IL, Joseph '• F. and 'John U. Demaston, :eons uf said Samar Donalito emu. - pliumint, of whom John B, Ls minor . Devisee. • , of George Deniaston, late of the city of Pltti" 'burgh, Allegheny bound' Pennsylvania, ISOM. It la ordered- by the sa i d that notice he given of the substance : of said bill, onoe a week for ditsueeessiye weekrin the Pitts burgh Gmwd., to all persons upon whom actual serelee cannot twiAt: l 4,.ereoram , " w iz . reason of their real out of the counties A. !rehear and Memo, ennall"aels, and also *by - marlin! to each of. Wm a ennead copy of said no: Lice, directed. WOW present plsot of abode, whoa ;known, or. to the& last tibiae of Pilideitil .4 1, z ...weeks before the hearing in Miscue. Pursuant to mil& rule laid defendants' are re.- infra" to take not3o• that till Sul Las booliat : =V t. gouts I. nuke partltioa,iimong of .ii the ILeal I:Meteor amid Vtargellen. ~aor,. nigtos, gee% bein pite 11 , 1 . 91 I . t. and OM Esst Lthegi ° 7 _t 'ißtan string, :MAW mita in liKer.l l legareil.,,, , s ll "llll.,. "doh grwortions wklo,lll. • eark_of Kir =DEW' itiaZ X George IleaeleUM all set IX4I het. s ub. =as been la tacos" btitothe .. RIENDAY or EPRITIO,Vinessa 'sot of Kid delandshastike , Grartlo WWII" tlia Presto Am the stork" Mixiked, tor ales ee "MEetleetarw/dee , as,~ Q ( C a s ald Veantimllent: (IW B E. • ~yI-ELIWMOAIRD AIDMIX„:,-; IT TODD. • Ne. Fo u rth Innet,Pittstotork. • ' ^r-111:0.7r. GILMORE, TW.abiugh:.•' Cleaosel list 10eimplateant.-- IPPIEWYAL VLEMIES:WKNOVtE7 ,r-Tke *sly owed =meths" IsWaidarenk ' .l ' : iwore their tnetz. giedl74lll, 444 Wilee, °IL ._ rp :3 I N eett y2s, AMLlii4 ., kit 4.1.4 May etighty. . „ ESTABLISHED IN 1786. XIISCELLAN'EOUS. GREAT PANIC. ANOTdI2, TUMBLE FALL Ecoote and Slioes eat of Largest Doom in Ma Int BOLD OUT BY THE. SHEHWV Et Millions of Dollars warth - of Fresh Spring Medi thrown upon the market . and their: Ada folued le! gardleno of value. Concert Hall Shoe Stott etralig them when in the last ditch. , All last week we were in the Eastern kratiut when goods were a drug and money the all abwodv; log topic of the times.. With cash in hand an immense stank of Spring Hoods were purchased for half the cost of MAIM. facture, and we will sell goods, frith and new, at warranted of 4te most suPerloT Quality mad BALL. fOr Half the Price of Rubbish and Old StoekadwiV where. Sinfew and faabloanble goods at your owii prise Concert Hall Shoe Store, 62 FIPJ?H STREET. ABOVE WOOD STEM=, Di WO MO ki tILIQ lei 0 :41 asana'os 111112TrRE CURED. FICARIA OR RUPTURE CURED. ataxia oR RuprOßE CORED. HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED. HERRL4 OR RUPTURE CURED SWUM OR suprcraz cnsir. HERNIA OA 2VP2VILE- CURED' LUMP/ On rrereas CURER RUPTURE OR imam oaaat swims Oa HERM Ma" POWS= aii liwu arm: •rnvu C HER X CM= awn= os swims ems. Amon *a loam mos. - 111VPTUICE OE HE2.671 C. MAJLIMI iLdB/C4/. mum =aim JIITTAPS PATENT 120114. mews surporrri . nuns. en.r,dantrrnro nave Pile < Dm/ 4 4 fee th e etI PP° I4 lad 814* . ; 1 4/ 6) X4e. N ; s, for-weak knee - EfulOortery 'rank 7- . , . . , flelf-A4fit#b4;; an d every Other kinder_ . . .. • . • Dr. Ban 141.08 or Body iraes. the care of pane.llteri,,i . "ifes, Abdo* cal and Spinal. eakneseee; ' Dr. 8. 13.11txth's Silver Plate Eltworti k : „ • Dr. SKIMMED wIl h parsonal atteetts to the application of Trusses in "dolts and children an ha IS satisfied that,wlth argespentenco of tweet. ty years, be will be enabled to glee itititstaation. Mari:Moe at his Mod Stan, N..I*'WOOD GTy sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writhas Ole Trusts shindd send the another of inches Ina Da thebody, Inumellataly trees ths ruptuns. DR. R. COODAREPEI CATMMEI. REMEDY! ,11 penetrates. to the city net Of this Welke die; su and exterminates rt, root and rangh, forsone. Dr. tiI7ODALE la the drat and onir person who ever told the world what Catarrh really wae,whiste it conuratz •-W. - _and what would cure it. • _ Dr..I3OODALE hu vent a llfettine in bettlia with this fell disease, exploring its Secret 'nava and making known to the world the fact Out Oat whiah has for moo Ached the salt o & search of noitUrel wen and authors in this century and In Europe, can now be cured, with thd asset minim certainty that morning 'follows night. Thousands, who tried every knowg cure bi AL M . have beenpermanent) y cured by Dr. Of,XID OAT RESIEDY and now praise it in the most extravagant tormi of prangs. , , for „ B Geri at oar nearest agency', or read a staaw a pamphlet. .11or mut plapated? bl GOODLLE, X. D., Now lied York. NORTON .k 00., Sole Agues, pt 1110.41)Iftri SEW, row— M. G . , H. KEYSER; Sole Agee. ice. 140 WOOD BripLET. Pittaburtk. NORTON'S OINTBMIT„ For Nan reheats and gerotbeli‘ /*3m . sidlir cm' TETT7IB. 801 LP HELD, striewassm, rt.. I • rrilHlNEFAlNlD : iltiltraßt awns • sad saunicors 9P TIP; EMIlt This Oatmeal peeetratee to the hags of thedill samesoaa to the,ea 1101 02,011. U0M , the flesh beaeattsto the bathos the thepoiscra ef the disease upward. Luoiro inufm . ale of it Is elseharged threverh tbe of tSa dame are arpslW Cc= VeizaWagesiflllener*Pla. - • - " 2213 4 k I"4,3SekIPMI% 411111 ,WIOADNIA 7, sal, reit. i•• • - . . /Olt. RETSEtt,Aigent. , MO WOOD critsaissinrsavaaa, = ~ ~.:i.7 : 3,.....f • A,11.41.17 OF: d . ..THOITBAND.—A. 0026.- 7 !“.. , - . '''" - ,'" -..,- ,I=L Enne.PnyE mat gri. ,l 4:or. S. JANIS, A ti •-. '. .. 1. • I'; • .'. - ~ ?t• AO Vied ph iinsidatabacielailiccolatadcwida . ^ , : - - ~'",;' - ' r Co the •Eatt bat* a canals 'cute for Occansap- 1 - ' ': , .f . ' 4, "•; ` +d aloaTacy Broactdtliathrosta.ool44ltulessi , -.'?;•-.:. ;-,;,',: ;:.!:; ' h'it'4 'anal 1/14. The racially was, illocrovetel by hari' ' ~....., ;... ~, . : - whew 'calrohtbl, a dated" was gicca hp _ _ till•'''''' - -'-'" ; ' I V:3'''''/ .- . 9 1 -Mo. -Bb-chil d vm enn‘w, Is now ant*. acrk-; .„,•-- -::: : • •;;,: i . ~.- ~.el Ina, Ilaiiroaa at beach lb; fellow node ' '''.'.- - n I*-ictll lielatto those who It, coatsiaLlif •.,.., ; ; ..: , .;,,'"', i; -,;;;til , - :atilibil iteal . ir .a !alk allibil tsailys mi et th•les na pa r tig oaloo tinc - ; -:,. .;; ' ,':''', ~.1 ' ;', 1i .4 „. Thirs Ii lettairolhAr=oft s aat . acca age as omit c'-'' : 7. -•!. 0 .. , 1 .th ' llaka bolt • ifialpata, Itplgh "asaabh____;Yette.,! .: : - '„;:v•i;N:t0 , L 4,, 0 ,4 -;', "Wow Oscan* hams of . ,' - -• - h . • ,dlAlealt,sayeatoraUoa, SIAM mans la , Cto liciaaca.;, - ..,.. - -r„ :..,,, :..7cl' ht. ,sor• - thaeat, 'chilly: la sultana, asasici ( at. WI ~, ... 4 , . , , asalasaa, baptism hut pie bowitia wasillat stays' , •- • „ ... 1 ~, c... 2 -4 41, - AI aialloica. - ;,- ; , -,,, . - ;..1, :-. - -,-::., „-_. , -.• . 7 ....,....... ....,;._ -. aa-The 'Sid aria *lab liat"'"""w Ow : -"' . * , '""r• .. Mettkerirethl# advertmaiontia. - 6 ( J : kibir imik , , , _,;__,_ . 1. ...• • ' " ''''i. '-' '"" 15 - men swam i= 11.( . 1 24 4 416.14,) . .i c iti, ,, •:-..., - ;;._;r4 b.- J . 131 4 .-,:_ealiarstawistecarwrr , ,ll--', - •.' ~, --= • ---- ~' ...„,,- , -,; ~, c, , - 4 .•-t,11! la . . rETEOLßEßbili a iburels - ti . 1 ,i ... f - - ' o t ef!‘ l3 t .74 vi - ibi t t Ar," " : ;: i;;; : 4. l' P. ' -' ' , •.;,*:!.;;if :40 . .V... ,. l:;171 ir'-:'.." 1 :•4"' . ...i . " ''', , il . -7 - E . ::' l, ' ef ;'' 1 4 . : . ..- 1 . : . :1, , , ,,,. . . ,--- • • - • . . . , :. -•-• • . ..-.,.'. ~ -- : . ....'i - r-; - •!'. ,- ,44 0.'.•-1-i:L.,-7 1 - , , L c-r;*:-,5 -,- - , ,,;.,. , . • : • - REIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers