, litisburgit G un*. !punkin - osocuTioi. zwky,.IIAROH 30. UM. IrClLittE IN COLD—ITS CAIJBE -AM) EFFECTS. , .. rtld gene down, or have greenbacks li the question. The answer do , on the stand-point from which the " *hi viewed. If gold be.regaided a; fixed, unalterable standard of round which everything :else re ' then wo are borm`d to say thrit gold - allied just where it always was, and trenbacks have gone up. • ying and selling we have necessa e greenbacka the measure of value; the vitt:lo.ot thenctderd, its d e b ir y . the tut go no ld t reo standard y. IL , f pri ew ceil mo w n en ths t was meant, ll4 6 W P r e h y m 1 , U m almp o ly r hur l" ; at W t hi ha t t: dollar In currency was only *milt, (f centsinreal monej;:witereasnois,l old to at as premium of only 80 per I , • dollar in currency is worth 68 0-8 r • • awkward thing about this sliding that'll), law a &Marls a ° dollar, be e what it may; ,and if a man con a debt of a thousand dollars When. at 280, he only go; as measured • gold standard, $BBO, foiNibleb. he now be obliged to pay; cornpited by me standard, $6BB, although the sum in both taies is the sime. shows thatwhea geld is a high • , or, rather, when eunency Is it a t of depreciation, it is a bad , time tract debts. - • o see that same currency, which at e bad lost, nearly tWo-thirds of its . . or its purchasing power, which' is , sse thing—rising up nearer aad near the universal standard. is-certainly t hoyeftd sign, and' froies that the ; :-ry, instead of sinking, - is .rising—in- . of beemaing poorer is growing richer; • the the volume of its currency is the. 1 the purebaaing - power of that ear .: : 1 11 nearly doubled. V , And if property, , • r real or personal, is worth fewer ; . w to-day than it was four months ago, teeth mere gold, and is therefor!, rela ' ..,, e more valuable. . ire-the country in an unsound condi . " : tt s currency could never recover from q'• • lion, but, like that of the rebel or like that which we had at :the orthe liar of 1812, it would go down s ra ~.` down, until it becamentterly worth- This, great appreciation In 'value, --.., it evidence of health, soundness F ~,, may, and an assurance we are , rapidly to our normal condition. .-: , the change dunng the present has been so rapid as to derange busi --. • cry seriously; but that could not be '.!.: lord; and the inconvenience which the rise in the relative value of 'currency,ry. lin will be but t e m p o rary t . , . . , ......'', • change been in the opposite direct : '..''•,!- e effect would have been disastrous . • extreme, although for a little while `.:':'would have imagined that they were ::', rich. IV, e are apt to think snots of". " ' ' umber than of : tbe value of our do ll ars. •'... ; t. in ordenin keep our currency good, 1 p its value steadily. appreciating un ".-•: shall reach the . gold standard and be te „psi, convertible, it' is essential that its ha !- • .all be kept finre--:-Iliat- bisis is. the lanai tectirities, the tmonntefwhich,. by dme likings are womni tm, will not be pan three thousand millions of. ollars. ‘n „average rate of 51. per cent., the an : - ,. .4 interest on 'them bonds will be $1.5-4,- . . .4)9(10. For years to come, owing to the •2' . bed condition of things - which - is sure -, Bow this tremendouemetional tempest, L . ; etirrent national expenses will be at :i..... one hundred millions per annum molt, 44.,, ng two hundred and sixty-ffre millions. ..... 4 .; thirty. QV. millions more for the pen ;•.•;:,.- list, d;c., and wo have the large round -: .-*iter of three bundred - hallions per an i to provide' for in larder tit keep the• i:iff.iflit of the country good; and the basis of 4,..pnrrency stable. To raise that amount ' • 'eV:nue -will requite Ike productive in ...:c..10y of the country to be kept active and :.:Wly reinunerative ; for it would be ruin, 4 and exhaustive to the last degree to t: anything appioaching that amount of lue front duties orkimports. ~.Nye must, , fore, at once makeup our mindi to rely ... sly upon internal sources at revenue. here is no propositions more obvious to •;.; ',Mind that is able to pet two ideas 'titer than these : That importations 'abroad exhaust a ' onntrY, 'and' that ct, o st pr inf o o d uu n chr c ti d o pooo n thus s re en ri r: n e bez h efs i o : rp : o T thr ha aitts t d a eoqua d ni ol ry ht io r : evennue 'derived from custom requires ~to be sent out of the country, leaving toms can be collected ; whereas a dol ior tux laid upon unit collected from some. de of home production'leaves the comp' , as a whole, not one cent the poerer . oiler has ,been sent into a differentchan- :‘ c i ft xh hci a aC us culai rlc tli s i s oTne so :bot u ham rce et' s ingi dall o ust f -wealth r7'bYw w hi l e t b h cli be l ) m rov n l y d e e rte nce d ha ide s_b oui lessed p4 ts tide t ; mi ne r va i . ' I i , to and available, it is impissible that it ;,,.,; . beanything else than prosperous; but, ;•-. the other hand, If . we `permit our mete- l ~'' . resources to lie dormtuit /mynas see eon .4 &lase whaiws need clleoPerfroM foreign; ~..•. ; . 4 tha"..we eats monujlectdri itrottrs' ilea' , Ir''' - financial ruin is as certain as enything , . 1 4.4.,1 , 'le:. be- • . ~...., : bile the mane of gold,withwhich alone ' ' -:'• ieign fabrics can irpurclussed, was so '' '• 'k above that of currency as It was dur .. • '. the past two years,-.lt , afforded trpor.._ re , 7. s. tbeck to importations, and enabled our manufacturers 'to compete sucinitadli :. . ~. ' . th foreign manufacturer% and this ts the - • secret of the wondertbl .pompiutty of, .. ' ':country , and of Its ability to sustain the t in its vast operations both in • ...., lie shape of .loins mulf:takTes. But the fail ' t the re.imf Or gold 'Sakes eway. that WM .. n, and;literes khe AMerican . Ode • ilia elmixt More' alibied lo the - Of the foreigner, who, wlthbls 'Teelper labor, 'can •thrusr;..l4 wares Upon ' Eimer Ibe of interest; to arrest it. Wo cannot dimin ish our internal revenue, and 'redo not wish to ennti down the rewards of labor to a degree that will render it imvorsible for the working man to, feed, clothe and eds. cate his family respectably. But how are these things to -be .avoided? There is one way, and only one way, and that is by tax tug, importations to that extent that it will be out of the power of the manufacturers of Buono to. render the business of manufac turing tmprofltablein this country. Confessions of a Rebel Correspondent. "Druid," who has been - atterulittmed to famish news of a rebel character to the New York World, writes is fellows : - Bsurritonrc Asarco 25.—Some intelli gence of a highly , important nature has just been received here from the South. The readers of the World will see from this news that it is now withinthe power of the gov ernment to conclude with the Southern peo piny': immediately honorable and durable pesee; betatise, tif all probability, in a few days, or weeks at most, the Southern Con.' federacy will. be numbered with the things of the past, and the rebels will have neither nn army, ncr a capital, nor a government. This Is, indeed, startling news; but your readers will not forget that for more' than Sour-yeara the Southern people hare main tained their cause with a gallantry and a de votion to their cause that has c o n - fo r the=• not only the admiration: of the world at large, but the respect of the oflicem of oar own army. They have not yielded yet, and they will not yield as long as 'Richmond can be held, nor as long as they have an army of 80,000 liter, in the field.. Ilut .when they succumb; it wilt be' because their resources see exhausted or unavailable, and because they trill have been convinced of 'the use laness of contending any longer against the superior nuniber and unbounded resonr cesef the North. , Strong and numerically -large as the Southern armies may have been up to the time of the fall of Savannah, they have been tepidly melting away ever since that period, but more emecially since the evacu ation of Charleston and Wilmington, and the retreat of Johnston's army from Char lotte. According to this authority fully one-half of the Confederate troops have de serted, and have either p?ssed into our lines ovreturned to their own homes, There is no authority on thg part of the Confeder ate-government td force the latter class "back into the ranks. This tact, is plainly admitted in the address of the Confederate Congress to the Southern people, issued at the close of its 5C6131011. So terrible has been the effect of this depletion - upon the rebel armies that the -entire. force under General Lee, atlllehmond and Petersburg, is said to be only 50,C00 troops, and,that Johnston's whole army embraces only 42,- 000 troops, made up as follows: Hardee,a forces. - 15,000; Hampton's cavalry. 5,000; Chcatham's corps, 10,000, and ilmgea's troops, 16,000. 'This makes only .92,000 men, and that, if is said, is the entire force that General Lee can command for the de fence' of Richmond and to oppose Grant and Sherman. 'Crain and. Fruit Thus Tar the growing wheat 'cm in this part of the State is exceedingly promising. Zio one could desire- abetter prospect for an abundant harvest. We have not been back far from the river but along the Ml "awn-from Piqua to Dayton, about 80 miles, the fields are quite green, and appear to have suffered but little from the . winter - freezing. Should the .remeinder of the sea son, prove favorable, good crops will be re alized.-i 1 area Foe have -trade considerable Inquiry and some, personal observation , concerning the fruit buds above Cleiciand, and find a va. riety of prospects. On the heavier soils west 'ard south - of the - city, the report is ~nosl:favorable—;Elliotsi Pease. and others, from the 'Rockport region, think there are live buds enough-for a far crop of peaches, and Venty of cherries; Wm. A. Ryder, a. nursery man and fruit grower atqloyal town, on the south lino of the county, re ,ports qui to favorably of both petches and cherries.- On ;the sandy soils to the - east ward of. Cleveland,' the Piack'prospect is not, so good, but we think our great cherry CropWilite abundant, and this is the head .Auerterspf . - Dicanarirns- BETIIIISENG.—The Pstg.. proclarti.ifion, compliance with the magnanimous eaten of Congress, grant ing lull pafflrin fo all deserters who shall report within sixty days: from March 11th_ to any provost marshal, is having an excel lent effect. Men, it is said,. aro returning from the Canadas, and coming in froha the fastnesses and hiding-places in country. and eity,Tmal giving themselves up. G reat kind ness is ahown by the provost marshal and his assistants'to repenting men who thus Make' the teonement for their misdeeds. Thcy arc provided with clothing, rations, ar.tl transportation; and are received hack into the army - , etactly their old footing, 'icing required only to serve ont their oticinal. time,. and, in addition, a period equal to tlonalost by desertion. Botrkii Tti>ifnta av -WASEUNGTON.— We aro Informed that the headquarters .f Imply jumpers and; bouniy brokers have been transferred froth New York to Wash- . legion. It is stated that swarms of bounty l•rokers and "Kangaroosi" - as tho bounty Sums pers are designated, now seek the Fed eral city. They ara,gtere met by agents of carious cities and districts, and the "lump. . era" are paid the local bounties, being im mediately credited to the district advancing -the money. ,The recruits arc then sent to .eurnp to wait for the payment of the Gov ernment bounty. They do not long • chain in camp, however, for without waiting to 4 1 eceivethe sum advanced by the Govern ment they escape and come North, to re sume their nefarious trade In some other locality, • Tni BREAD QUESTlON.—"llichniond, ' says the Examiner Lima never before seen days like theta, and possibly worse are to come:'l., There is raised already the cry for bread- - f3iz thousand persons are depend ent, it ID said, on-the charity of the GOYIM"- mint. while household headi have come within our lines. It is a grave question how long , this drain of food can be endured, and so the demand is made that these de pendent women and children shall be moved mitt& fhe city. The , confession is frankly , made that "`we shall soon have enough to ee to . feed the Confederate army." Thus the, evidencenecumulates. Starvation stares the rebellion in the face. • HommamEcreto rir Ricaxosn.—The Rich, Mond &oriel; of the 23d, mentions risali of rosewood fumiture:,eonsisting of six pie ces, for the trilling sum of aixteen,thousand nine himdred dolls= It is not stated whether the furniture, 'Was new or second hand, but as it was sold at auction, it was probably the latter.' At this rate we sup pose it costs two or three hundred thousand' dams to go to liouseteeping in that part of the World, — and a youngeouplecannotpos-, sibly worry along on less than two hun dred . thousand per rinnum,:for their ordinary ci. .penzes.--Philadelphfa - Millais. 1 . Harms Cruncon..—We saw en River street this ,morning =workmen--engaged la fining barrels end - hogsheads with the line f c y h i a ng ab n lish mnen w -Conning of the recti- Inquiry , we Coma it was being sent to Pitts burgh, where it is tried in the manufacture of steel, its use for rectifying purposes not` injuring It in the , lent for steel manufac ture. Heretofore it has generally been thrown on th e streets.--70pe. Herold: Covroar.—Thentibtary authorities inform me that about ten thousand bales of tottoa ban been iscovered - hien cr buried In, or around C 'd lualeston. The Mack loyalists have enabled us todettat all the eget% of the rebels and the aemtrebels to conceal their iambus 01110 , -nun though/oTbm : we litutriestms; that we wawa not t ittg 2clk /;4 47s trto than Ibur gre laratia are rr G. Pi 44 Lin or fp I - Tornaseets,Bocleireirasslyliiiillobtos j eed Aielf -62 0 0 ! 4 : Plardolgizeilkfallar lait " 13113//1&1411/ban Wain; WI, ii OPROMend bf li - ollcess so eV& videoslopas , se ISeaerelte basin lon iliossmesool ,be:llfis,'..bY sW no ailalldosissii Vol 05010i4,11418.* ',auk, '0 , Y, 16 .1 1 / 1 1 14: 1 41 i / A be P I " Com. ~ ::.. • : a -•-:•....-= - ...t. ' ••- „D o= :. . • r file .sioristadret lad tallow , . - • •' ” ' 1 4/ 1 dielklbscinot . t • • : , Aw s k aa m slou lahli U . '., ..- ' ! lIIMI VIM,b-ge , gegeditelleileo4 • ' ` * , Broken Up A z cot of seemion sympathizer; who pave been zNealating In gold, act rumilne down the 'credit of the Government, went under It. New York during Oxalate Deltic. These parties some in Canada. some in Louisville, and others In various parts of the country, but all were ani mated by the same spirit of hostility to the Gov ernment. H. J. Lyon, of Louisville, eras tho head and front of the clique. He represented the latter in the gold room. They made a large amount of money last year, and expected to make a great deal morethl' year, feeling contidentthat gold would go up to five hundred. A Louisville preacher—rebel, of course, is among the used up Ile started out with twenty thous and dollars in geld, which belonged to his wife. T h with milts on early transactions, he need as a margin,and got to be an extensive operator. His ventures last week used up all his margin; and left him high and dry, with a large debt to Manage. We would refer this rebel He to the, history of Plistroth's lean Clue. He will re collect how thetie devoured the fat kin; and were still unsatisfied.. lie might preach a prac tical sermon ern' that text; by way of Illustrating the iniquities of kohl - gambling, In Thaw of this collapse, and the hopalesa condition of the Con federacy, this clique of rebel gold gamblers must bea gloomy set Of Individual , ' about this Otactitaatt Cornsnatiid. The oad Colored Brigade. The gratitimpecUMlo of reviewing the first companies of negro troops formed in Richmond game offing was anticipated, on Wednesday. It 'was Witnessed, we ate told, by a crowd of jubi lant citizens, eight or ten thousand strong. Two surgeons from the hospitals where the negroes - wens recruited were in command. And the Ex aminer records, with pardonable, emotions or pride, that surgeon "Tamer's company attracted 'most attention. They were about twenty strong, and app eared in the square In charge of a ser geant. iarthermore, "they appeared to ap ' predate their position." Tney do not seem to Lave been exactly what might be called picked men. There wee, in fact, rather a variety of stature, style and coloring observable In the ranks of Turner's company. "They exhibited," says the Examiner, "all sizes, from three feet to slit feet six, while the complexion ranged from black down to .gingerbread and 011ie." The pa. rade exercises, we hive no doubt, were worthy of the occasion, for we find that the enthusiasm of the Richmond populace was altogether on bounded. This colored armament Is doubtless one of the surprises In store for Sherman—lf he should venture Into Virginia.--Y. T. Times. Tun Tree or Estionserox.—The scenes on the levee just now are quite suggestive. Hun dreds of Itissonriana of the rebel oersuasion arc leasing with their "traps" foe otter States, and hundreds 6f the 'sturdy yeomanry of Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and of other States further east, are pouring in upon us. 'The court river boats are carrying emigrants to Kan sas, Nebraska, Colorado , Idaho,_ Montana, NC= cadet and California, besides leaving hundreds along the river banks in our own Mate. The re ports which reach us ever? day from the lute- Hoer betoken an anparalelled activity in land sales in every county. Thp regions which haVe been most Jrequsutly ravished by guerrillas are as mneh iraght. after as any oer, owing to the • correct Impression that land I s very cheap in such localities. The Infusion of this extensive free State clement Is calculated to irive Missouri a long start ahead as soon as peaedhl times are telly restored everywhere in the laud.—St. Laois ihmoont. A CUMILEBTO3 MINISTEI6.—"Rev. Dr. Por ter," says "Carleton," was pastor of the Church of the Holy Communion. He was especially bit ter against the rankoes. lie called upon his people to fight to the bittei end, till the streets ran with blood—to perish in the last ditch. But he 101 l Charleiton very suddenly last week, go ing to Cheraw, probably in search of it. Per haps he will find lt, for Sherman Is in that vi -dnity.- He turned over his house to the care of in English lady, 'where we obtained lodgings. In the morning I found the old negro cook very jubilant at something. She was dancing ia great glee, laughing; holding her sides, - and making extravagant demonstrations of joy." "What pleases you, aunty?" I asked. "Oh, MISS; Pee tickled to link dat Massa Dr. Porter, who said dat no Yankee eber would set his foot in dis yere city, had to cut for his life, and dat a Yankee slept to lashed last night I Bless de Lord for dat!" UNPAID REQe I$ltlOlSS ON TIM GOTSIMMEST. — Tilt, New York Commerciat Myatt:re of last eve ning says : Statements bare found thek way Into print to the effect that the unpaid requisi tions on the treasury amounts to $300,000,000. The. Secretary of the Treasury will shortly set tle tile Misrepresentation by a statement of the debt, showing that the unpaid requisitions, which m February were $130,000,000, have been wholly liquidated, and that a balance of 590,- 000,000 is in the bands of the Treasurer. From the time that Jay Cooke & Co. undertook the management of the seven•thirty loan up to March 230, the Subscriptions for seven-thirties amount to $153,503,330, leaving unsold of the old keno only ahoutAl4,ooo, ooo . This large In crease hya.enabled the treasury to place Itself...ln a better - Welt kfirard its opon creditors than hes been realized at any perltxrdf the war. - - A CAPE bas been tried In England, which tum : d upon the question whether the word "team" , meant a wagon end horses or the horses only. It sfa. decided to mean the latter, and the Duke of Ilarlherough, who was the plaintiff, lost the Suit. PUIRiNC JMOTIGES. DRA 1.1 DBAFTI--SECOND WARD, ALLEORE?/ Y. There setil be s meeting of the enrolled men of the Second Ward. wt the SCHOOL ROUSE, on WEDNESDAY NIMIT, to make a FINAL EFFORT to get co:- rt.t: cm sufficient to the quota of the Ward. BIER SUBJECT TO DRA FT this Is your LAST Cli ANCE to rovesa volunterr with &bounty. If this meeting p a failure no further effort will oe esstie,eltber by the Committee or the officer g for our Ward, bat the whole thing wilibe abandOrrid. TLis notice la given. so that all may know bow the matter stands and act stecoraingtre 'By Orderef tl.c Committee. mh24tltd EXCEL $lO - 11. INSTYZIFTL—AN English and CM Weal S choo fo Boys sod Ghia, Iron City College Building, co l rne r r of Penn sad St. emir Arent,. Tenth COMALFAC6E MONDAY, April 3d A few addition.) pupils will be admitted. Tot me., call,at the luetitute or addneu for et • nEv. VIA. ti. GHAT. re ht.Slawd Principal. -- a - t - 1i• - .711iF ; E - R 7 1 . 1 1-- EMEXT 13 IV}UTE L 1113.-200 bble for sale by form B. OANFIELD ji Lbla prime White Beaus, for -11 , ■nle by J. B. CANFIELD. y T.lOl INI.-1.0 bbls Homla for sale I:py A- 1 - ohm/ J. B. CANFIELD. RUTTER. A.,f bblo Roll Ratter; L 2 boxes do, for soh by sob2o J. B. OALNR/ELD FISH. 60 half bbls White Flab; 100 do Leta Hating; 6,600 pourds Codeah; 0 /I"barrels Mackerel{ - 60 hat bbls do; (oriole Iry J. B. thiNFIELD. UNDRY CONBIGNMENTB. t. tfd barrels Prima While Beans; • ' 90 do Eliot Heater; WO do Green Apples; 10 do choice iUhimpagne Oidor ; do Sweet to do; do • fresh Roll Butter; . h dal fresh Egp; a do prime Lard,_. 410.saehs White Rlddllags; In steed and for sale h -Intao FETZER & ARMSTRONG. noNstorimaarrb. 20 boles Lemons; do do Ossa_spwi Ll° boxes 11. Oswego, se. bats Orab Older; _ -Peach Mow Potatoes, to 4111° b isl= seeks; soti boa& Primo Whits g la asy Beam 000 do - Primal:op BYOB Amen do ewes boxes &Woe bbts easier Bell Patter; . . 1.111147.14" file di I LIA SSISMEPABII, sWs aalsesy wrest "teltElati IBIIIT, TIHITS. SRL noMl'bos lut sai•vi Sootthese i - ' . 1421aUlasi -SO UP Plums:' ' 0 lasso Prausas" - s rises uSer. , 11010-6113 8 111 . 'MR blots Sipl ' ICO bons lowee.Mlldlist I lakes Botteattx Atairads; ss Nisi ,E22-Salce ilmortit; . . is- s o . -waists; • -t5 do - 11rasil AEI I - t 6 lair SpelledAbaciads; I ,S,DOD • tte Ws Pea IOW; /adore sad ; ianalit.' ItETICEIt- sailet 143, 1 thu s) . • • . MM. Illaatill,Weet dem& sputrunD ateßsioicrtLe AVEtit Isuorgoit, ur moat took. Allithel l / alt,, I. ear la the market. , TM. p.Ut Will heire tlibe *tee ot feet or So toot trout by about tar tech - 'The bultdin. MA - WU th. anall dud tea, Welds Os mast peones teeteamb kat anywhere *tato Os lOotto taut lWa alabetb 1 1 , 11114 .t 0 Waive, Oattotratary ot inatta r tbil oxalate= ar itevettbetelle lbeg te ' theil.:1101111 br dot too `d*Elm' to NU' all abates: Mee eft. -- eity_ls' MY -SALE . ! 4Tibar ea,. :riust:lo4 l 4 4-64 OilyAi • • .. TiparLlWlt , • lons at tittiiety *reit m *) nom ur. 4 . - Tassa WS UAW lb" t. rri nsta. v: ALM , 1 • bMIIUM supkuWM sip taw* irovailiollWikkirlOnailt • .", 2 131 . the a seiummai. , Mat -- amm yp ir imptenil lank spas. -- .4 04 - 0 - 441 iyirpty .110111114(1.0„.frgallgansilaw _ sad , iv: ifie, Vora 01. 11116 ...114111161•14 rrlitum, - Motr• ' - wissoir r - - . • 1. 1" 1 " 4- .. War_ n or WWI Nemo .717Eir ADrERTISEJNEXTS. A LL THE MAGAZINES AND PAPERS ar uvxr S, ALL TIIE DIME NOVELS, AT IitRIT'S, BLANK BOOKS, AT HUNT'S, STATIONERY OP ALL RINDS, AT IiVNT'S; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, AT HUNT'S OIL ALPS AND WAR MAPS, GOLD PI.NS, BEST MAKES, EVERYTHING AT LOWEST PRIORS, 59 Fifth Street, Masonic Hall. sDhso --- PROCLAMATION.—City of Pittsburgh, se.: is accordance with the Provisions of on AM, of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of. Pennsylvania, providing for the incor poration of the City of Pittsburgh and of the vari ous supplements to mild Act, I, JAMES LOWRY, an., Mayor of said city, do issue this, my procla station, for a special election to be held on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL, A. D. 18 6 ,5, being the fourth day in the month, the freemen of the First Weldor sald city. qualified to cote for mem bers of the House of Representatives of this Com monwealth, will meet at the usual places of hold ing 'elections in said Wald, end erect by billet under the Act of Assembly relating thereto ONE MEMBER OF THE COMMON Ct./CHOI'. for the First Ward of said city, to fill a v,enney area sinned by theresignation of Abraham Fryer. Gives unchr my hand and the seal of the said city of Pittsburgh. the Md day of December, A. D. IESO. JAMES LOWEY, Jo., Mayor. nth:WM PORTSMOUTH ISIX CORD American Spool Cotton AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON 'I hese threads are warranted of superior quality and guaranteed to measure mm yards In length. tan be had In all colors and number. Manufactred by the PORTSMOUTH. STEAM FACTORY , a nd for sale by the trade generally. CUAIII.ES AMORY dk CO., 66 Sturraist rect., New York; 166 Devonshire street, Boston; '516 Church sheet, mh2l:3meed 1 1.14 (INF ATI I;P: II -PIPE AND SHE LEAD VOHS& bi'CORNEICK & GIBSON, No. 3.9 Mast iloTisitki. Olt CIXCINNATI, OHIO Make to , order PIPTy4 AND 6IIEITS of any required weight and site. Skeels per square foot, 2% Um., and upwards. Pipes, calibre, % inch to 3 1 ,4 inches. Also, very I.IOHT 'PIPE for Hydraulic Ram and for &Ma ng wells. We would eneeldly attask the cull , n - of Plum Mn and Proprietors of All Works and Oil Wells totatfe6md DWELLING IN ALLEGHENY. A DOME TWO STORY BRICK BODE ono large lot, corner of Allegheny and Wertarn Arenne, In an ureseeptioasbie nelghterhood, on the line of the Allegheny and Manetnater Railway, IS OFFERED FOR SALE, Immediate Possession. Lot (rotate 160 feet on Western &venue and runs Fut WI feet slang Allegheny Avenue. Apply to S. R. BRYAN, 09 FOUETR STREET, (Burke's Itu 0; 012 9 Er4,NEDY'S BALIIDIEUM OINTr K AIEhIT Cures Shit Rheum. Cures Scald fiend, Cures everreiseme of a Rot or Inflammatory Nature. CAVANAPOIPS PILL SALVE KRI cure the most obstinate more of either kind of Pile; no matter how bad the caw, may be.. For tale at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE, to the 'Market Rouse, Allegheny, where also may be found a One assortment of Pomades, Perfumery, Telles Soap; Dressing Combs, Reit Brushes, Tooth Bruabmd, he. soIAI THE DALTON FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING KNITTING MACHINE, The simplest and most entries Knitting . HuhPre over Invented. 'lnstructlone free. Cell and ems them in operation, or sand for dreams ant sam ple. • • E. P. CARPENTER. GENERAL AGENT, SI FIFTH ST, CRA.M.PiGII OIL COMPANY Producer. or Crude and Xanutecturere of Batumi Carlo* Oil. Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SHARPSBURG Office No. 69 HAND street, PPITSBURGH, Pa. W. D. CIIIDEMLA-N, Supt. 162 m _ BREWER, BURKE & oomktussLoar ICEROHANTS, Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works' Liberal cash advances mode oa cour . istimeats o Refined or Creeds Petroieum. br. DVOIESIVE WAY as4l yerrcocx .!GIUNDRIES. 1 - , 20 SOU Prize Hominy; 20 do Smoking Tobsoaoi to do Mute White Beans; • 16 do Roll Battery 11 do Chsotositta Older; IA do Older suitable for asking vluegert 6 do Clover Seed; 8 do Flax Seidl 60 do Dried Amplest WO bones W. B. Meese; 100 • Hazelnuts do.; In stare ad for sots low by HAMLET k VAN Goyim% dal No. NI Marty street °WORT ADRIFT. AN OIL BARGE was drifted on the property ot the subscriber tear Verner , ' Stella% oa Abe Allegheny Valley kelt. road. day perms salsataa the was away prove property, pay dunes sod take her away. or wilt M sold according to law. GEORGE Itloll3l'. 290 PlOB 6.8011 T *ALMS* LEAD, seetweei aal for gale by AL =Amyx GORDON. No. In &wood street, IrALIJABLZ OIL AND COAL US.If T agar flAr Ws IS aores'ot Land, la Hook laadYummy wooly; Oa DM Had •Onsek, alx sales bon YraalrllaisO4 coao Rik fro alieguar Moor, oaalaialog vela of opal • • ores, to [oar loot, In! kao boo Woad la pa • labat HAIL B. BR Ma 'IN . 'S 13. NOLAN REAL WAIL telya am nue es vi/ oeseseseseets me Olt/ sad la Ilal=to In& NoMy kla 4s et "PIa FIBTY. T 8 D ,ltirr ' 4imansarr, anjrsr_jutir Gran emu.* iitris.l=4 &MD PA21.64:10.1111: j tut, ig ui. 4.l.immikr • I r l V a IWI IMEMBEZEI=E NITED STATES 7-30 IL. o a it. THIRD NATIONAL BANS. artier of liood Strittl and Virgin Alloy. FISCAL AGENT OT THE UNITED STATES and SPECIAL AGENT of Jay (Tooke, S. Agent for the sale of the Seven-Thirty Loan, FORLAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, AT HUMPS, Only Loan in the Market AT HUNT'S, U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CEXT GOLD BIIANING BONDS P ase `oat aga C0M112.1351011. allowed to all who urchlin. J. B. LIVIROSTOR. Cashier rntaktt THE GREAT PWIPIER. ITEMATANAI,A. blues the introduction et mediame. the edicts 01 disease has perhaps been the subject of moire so. sout and wientido consideration by the mod learned of the profession than any other oonnected with the taws of the Great Creator; not • few hair contended that all diseases have their origin In the :Romeo; others, the uf,, the body; Miler+ egos, and by der the guateetninutier,contes4 and reason that the 111.0tID Itsell le the very fountain of life—that if U becordvi impure, in Its Wont forms—Scrofula, Cancer, U then lcer*, disease grA., Appian sun indeed, experience io treating to, etaa die cues byyurffying the blood and thereoy elscUstg their eradication and cure, prove Ude to be the correct theory: many upon which theory, the med. Mine now known CI 9IMIA.PANAI 2I , wen composed end brought nto tprutice, producing the most gra*. living results. Its use soon exercises 'nth a matted over SCROFULA, ULCERATIONS, PIMPLES ea site FACE, TETTER SALT RIIEUDI,. LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS ow A..7?PETITE, DYSPEPSL!,„ ERAL DEBILITY, RILEUMA.TLWAI, GEN am. ac.. he. as to give, from the time it is Ord taken, ensotue. &gement to the patient, by making both seen and felt, the ;rood It is about to accomplielt. It was thought best to nut It ut. tn bottles at We. and $l.OO eacn,—es many persons are (Reposed to try an &ru de but are often deterred at the espense,-40 the trial here can be matte at a moderate outlay, and satiety the purchaser that the article la what Is claimed far, it to be, Met the greatest sacsn antra 11T=. broturht before the people, Delkate Females will bud in it tno medicine they nerd That the public may form some ides of Its peat liar curative merits, we nursjoin list of the princl pal articles of ichich it Ii comtiosed, with n alto. description of the AIMS and adaptation ef ken from the highest authority known to oleace. EIGNDUR4S SARSAPARILLA la rued with.► beneffetal effect Incases of Meek, tiara, Scrofulous Aftectlous, Corona°. Dame' and *Ma depraved conditions of health. Ia tonic, dierretle, aud aperient. It eu a sped* action upon the lirer, exciting it when languid, ti secretio. It has been much used In Germany St &mums of the digestive °mann lODIDE POTABIIOI. • There are few diseases in Which It has not Mind beneficial; it le need in Scrofulous Affections with greet benefits It hoe also been need with mustiest°. con in treatment for Inflammation of the Nye. I generally Inereancs the appetite and flesh. Are aromatic, teak, iuml highly latlgeratiai la eases of Nervous Debility. Is . opoetally Talu'abla In Garnet of Scrofula sad Rhenolatlsin. • Are advantagronely need in eases of Eateebled Iht• gestion, but are especially eyplienble to easels of .¢eatel Debility with weak appetite. It acts favorably as an alterative In llthronie AS (retook Chronio Rhenmathua and obstkutte DM salsas or s he. Salk. • • • • • • The balance of the (broads s withkehl. as •ye tectlon against frau& For sale by SIMON JOHVBTON, OOH. 151ICTRFIELD k FOURTH . RTC., GEO. A. KELLY savgeg pm Intelligent Pity at the above maim. r MU:ME, AND OM AND WOOD OHMS, Pittsburgh. Opposite E. Edmondson & Co.'s, and iv An, ALEXANDER VERMIN & SONS Now Occupying Their New Stores. 23 & 22 North front2l. •M 21 k 23 Letlll.4 ew PHILADELPHIA• Having been thirty years In thetrade, and know. ins all the manufacturers In this vicinity. would solicit consignments of WOOL, WOOLEN AIMS, and COTTON YARNS, and will ;asks advances, c en t ann u m . all shipments at h e rate of six pern. per m. fekusaid NICCORD a CO., Wholesale Dealers la Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, PTrTSBITRGIT, Bare now In atom the largest and most complete stook of • Ever °tend In the west. Nesetsr. are rommeated to evil Cad examine our gosh. will be sold pia() OBAIEVB AND BARGE YARD; (Mg Street. Alle mum • gPORTEMBIVB IrEADQUAZTIIIIS, 111 WOOD STEM. t et am ouin his sphistidl stook *C_ POW111811•PLASIOI NUM BISLTII and PO DRILIC imams s .d su mmation a 4irtia kb& lSu . s tookls Ur sill Pi t brought (41 this tasettat. - ostl • :istut:=2lll id. ' - ildmi .. • r: 11..votame fitle. Imam" ' , 0118 ,v•smers:outir AND TILE CONVERTIBLE INTO DANDSUON L 1 YE_VDEr nowraut WINTER GREEN CALVOMILF EIAWERS r=l Pittabaigh. Pa. Selling at reduced prices, WIIOLESXLE OR ERTAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL. Nos. 97 and 91k THIRD STREET, Ufa tti Forum tcrit.Esr. I30ODS• FOR FALL SAX% I=l=2l AMID STREW. I JUL wpcb3virrmaxcncrais ruP. nit Luiz. The beat and thewet HAIR DBES. SING AND RESTORATIVE In the market; Prepared only by IS. W. FUR a MI, at Valera' et., Allegheny, and for isle by Drugglita generally.larbant OUT! SAW UM c UN Kg bbli Chides Tasdiy Tient • •-• te buss W. It. Owes} - L 7 4a Conti ' SO *do: Verdi Meat istiatsest ila•brt•aat ter maks . rlttoz, Oahu:litotes Mathews. eta. W sal stroll. itit igli sn=ta.e...twismokuirman law irmal.G.fttisteet-'• • ,111ft0. ,. /.lr Giwsotausannufs:,f:' , ____ _ _ _ ; s ;: I • Q.--800 AO' Me 4We etas utZi" Wsina 5t 100 , 1 4 011 0 1141. &P li t i rtlEk e go SU ~fall& ADrEßTlsr—ved r ORMAN NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. COIL SES'ili AND WOOD STAMM'S 41.110115TV9 HOTELMddent. SPRINGE3I IIitREAUG Vise President. IFEOR I 3I6 6. =PLY, This Bank Incites the accounts of Banks, Bank ers and others. Goyerzueent Securkttes of all kinds bought sad sold at eurrent rates. As SPECIAL AGENT of Jew Cooke, subsortp• Sloss irtll be resolved for the Popular 7-80 Loan, Chl► loan ix Row Whig absorbed ►t the ?AU o 13,401:100,01:00 Pew 7Jetar. and ming convictible tato ftendwenty bonds which are now at a premium of over NUM PER CENT. It iroonsuends itself for its superior advan. tags le all who seek a ante and proltable meet. • Liberal commialions on thin lean will be allowed to all dealers la Government securities. GEO. A. PELT, Guider feildf FOURTH NATIOZLI. arlDAWartt Pam Prrzsztrzaz, rebnury , 100. NOTICE PAVING BEEN APPOINTED S4pecital Ag , ent JAY COOKE. U. S. .Agent for the 7-30 Loan. We otTer this desirable estment in imms suit purchasers. The notes ore in sums or $.50, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. IMEMI Transferrable Aug. 15th. 1867, FIVE-TWENTY GOLD BOND ALT P 814.• These deaiable eettuitlas are selling at Umtata at $4,000,000 PER DAY AND IN A VERY SHORT TINE Will be at a Premium. Sir To Books, Beakers, Brokers Trost Com panies, Insurance Companies, 'menu, wee Pnr Chase to Dell again, • li Metal Commission Will be Paid inl ail l l esirehle, safe hoped eand pvery rodtelle se one w .uavest 1d W. n this high JAMES O'CaMOl, Prodlent. S. D. ECERRON. padder. COUNTRY BANKS. FOURTH -NATIONAL BANK, II S. Government Depositary, ; Prrramm.Cia. Febraery My 1846. This Baulk invites cormispaadanas and accenata Cross COIIIIITItY HANKS Ilitaixowv ATLI t3peoial and Favorable Facilities scrra A 5 szekaps EIMEUST ON MAIM Furnishing U. S. 7-80's 11 4 4CONIL 213111=1134'%.Maia. JANCES• O'CONNOR, President. 21:==1 SPROUL NOTICB. FORTH NATTIAL BANK, V. S. Government Depositaries • PITTSBURGH. relituarf tM,.niss. nth Bask Is outhoirizett to rooeini lime% PAYABLE AT 10 DATE NOTICE (After 80 Days.) Bearing 6 Per Cent. Intccest, AND NCILNDIN MONITOR WRY Hot. F. B. SPINNER'S .(V. 15. TREASURER) CERMICHE .roR TB 111111 It le hoped ttat this saw AND DNSTILANLE arrangement will most 'MAUI° favor of the entire eonuannityl aid ea the advantage of obtablag aLs per cent. Wend on mosey payable as above, cow meads paelf, Ina • large deasad it; seam will be obtalbed tor lie eirreiressigh JAWS OVOSSME, Preidant,. . B. D. Enastopr, made:, • case - PROPOSALS, ARE INVITED, AND •■• vim be rimielveig,by the Committee on StrorK ths City. et Alkitien y,' until WZDNFADA.T, the ith day of Am% ler the grading end Mini of Fremont stresi,ln the Second Trar Com Ohlo arcane to Wend Lana or oily linet together with the amemary abiewalke and atirWoM.. Also, at the game time, proposals will be rearm! tbr the building of a sewer on the Etat Comma from the east side of the Zeit Common Wash. legion street, to the Canal, where it at moues An. demon street. And also, a sewer on the West . Osman* fro. Um railroad erosaleg of Avenge to apoint Intermit* the sewer already soma:noted- ea the fleet Vomitory a Ottani* of about one thousand fest. Plane wd epoggesUone of thembole wrrir ma t Se seen at the °Moe of the sricounre L FM in Um Olt, RIM Propagate will be ban either to A;Hugketf, Meet Omemimbraer, at 101 IX WEIGHT, Chair man of-thlannuties ea Skeins. aildMad narao_yzp . .. .. V lg Litils Pain . e b: IILoP ..lbli -111/11 ONLY ]P GIL lloppord Its pa gum p_ .moroppipt — iloiWir tcrt It i rkasso MP. - Po e asaiipat'i 4114.4110141011 a to snolttaka bY ra T iw rw imilblp IrPtalin PPP to tp sod tale Ps topppostiPP!•ll Pi PP ' !PIPPO. pill JIM MIMS at lOW I -7, ..:: Pe. 1 W ad i" Militietibl-77' 7, 1. irilL usitapop!..; olet,. 1 p s ... , Vie ,-,- ~ T?...9 3l 9 KG ! ailiii *l - , ;:- i ~• --. .:' .4 ;-: 1111111 a MiiiilleliMiel i . earailli. reatiosento:iirinia - - Alil - ur ItT, %Mt Mrs =iesters ari ra l=nr roil Visevairt tor Martistotirri . itattrial sat irre. amiss diam 111Vtaii ViltEr;-211 tterostiltaitikalenaMat NIX 1.14"1"111 5Ulle ft lIIIi sat i .dl3i ERTI9~.'aE MT9: BTATEB 7-30 3L.CD.A--INT. By authority of the Secretary or the Treasury, the uuderslytted Ms assumed the (amoral Sub. seription Memoir for the sale of United Staten Treasury Notes, bearing serer' sad tam teath per cent. tamer., per mauls, known as the EVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Tail* ?rotes are Wand ander date of Angaat lahe Oa, and are payable Wee yawl Qom that time; as enireney, or are converttble et the option °ICU holder into 6.20 EA Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, These bends mohair worth a premium of nine percent„ including sold interest-from Noronha; these mates the actual wont on the WO loan, at ,current rates. Winding interest. about ten per 'vent. per annum. besides Its ernagetos from Mete and stantripa .fium wean ads from OW bt etrer per cern, mere, awarding to the rata levied on .:this property. The interest is payable smal.aunnaUy by coupons attached to each note, which Itl6l, be eat off and sold to any bank or banker. The interns: , ammmts to One cent per day of a $5O note. Two wilts " " " $lOO " Ten. 20 " " " '2lOOO " Si MOO Notes of ;di the denossiostiorm aae•rd will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This Is - THE ONLY LOAN IN ILAIIKET now ograred. sacred by the Government. arid It la conlldently expected till. Its superior advantages will make it the - Great Poplu Loan et the People. trio Lees trout C 00,000,000 mania nosedd, wklek probably be disposed of within the nest SO or 90 daps, when the notes will andonbtodly eolarssuid premium, as has untforo ly been the ease ow closing the subseriPtions to ether Loss. In order that the Nilsen of CYST town and section of the covntrir may bo afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Bank', State Beaks. and t'zirate Bankers throughout the Done* try have general agreed to receive subscriptions at Dar. Subscribers will select their owe melte, in whom they hale confidence, and wko only am to be responsible-for the deuvery 'at the nets* fo which the; receive orders. JAY 000E3. Sultseriptioti Agent, nil/146).01a Subeerlptioas will Ye received by the First MMus! Nana. MOW" Semi Fourth Cason% " Pule a Nunn% National MN. Fittstarnet. Fa Fltteberalt National Ran of Oonunerra " Iron COY " Trailessitas Mares Deposit " Faun kileabeas PCSOW Serena .Pint retsaiid&w:r ■ ►!!Kate/. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Thus SPEAKS OF THE Wheeler Ar.Wils all Sewing Machine; Which should be considered by, those who desire . to purrhise the BEST FAMILY SEWING SWIM • We are having a great many inollain for Sew trig Machines from various parts of the country, and ea we cannot conveniently reply to them all by mail, we have thOught it proper to state our spin. ion in regard to them in this public manner. - We have used Wilson's patentmanufactured by the Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company. and I we can any In regard, to It, that It is without a rival. It is simple, not easily put out of order, and, in point of effectiveness and finish, no other machine stands ahead of it. We state this muck_ in regard to the excellent machine upon our own . responsibility. This Company hue6;eade and sold during the last three months, 10,t75' machines, and are now producing and selling Hi) per day. They vary in price from s's to gldo, the medium priced ones sell I best. In their business there is over 0,000,000 in vested, and they keep 1,009 men regularly employed manufacturing machines. The system pursued is .the same. as that adopted in the inanufactiire of arms; every piece is made to • gulag% and conic., quently the Rats of any machine may be trans posed with those of another machine of the same size ; or abould an accident omit, the broken part cni Immediately be replaced on appllastion the onic. Salesroom No. 27, Fifth St., Pittsburgh' mb..2111f JAMES BOWN, 188 Wood Street. r•litlikriars,234, Now, KARIPFACTIFEER OF BUROVIM BORING. TOOLS Sinking Oil, Salt and slier Wells• T4orarnintard aviii; onto vorLl9Bl, IDNIANA • AND UM =OE =oN. wMAL mi=o imam Wltkoltah artistes aa zeoessatiN soadest . era. 117 4 M.41 13, EUL IVEZTE4 i3VILISAMs U. 111 11" AM , , imams, LIJSE4 I= El go. - . BOPS% LLCM, AND • civcriac zisszairZeick. W 326 vt ot vidlit LW, onstiatto ta iton, :NSW GOODS! ;NEW PEW • - . Dung & sLAci; - • ma 28 au 30.1ia bk. dilegisig‘ rir6'iiss itorr fa =;: a =o=rv i IlLad erier i x Vantiveresikriess vatas..=l=apse 10$101.-: • all a isasi mite no mi. `"" k t t la u brilar raLys '.*C944 243 % ' :I• s; mailim = 4 aaresaksa apspimweci - , , ma% - „ laralS4 GREAT SALE OF DRY GOODS, J. M. BURCII-.IFIEIJYR: No. :2 N. E. term Fourth and Market Its, IRISH POPLINS 01111&P, FRI:NeII POPLINS OREA.P, PANOT acs HEAP. BLAOK SILKS ORBA.P. Mozambique* fOr es., Mid at 41141. for ale, sold at Do. for We, sold at Ste. Dremmileits - for ' 71e, alt at 911.105. Do. - fozBl.oo, solit ' WM. CaWoes r ezo, sold. at Ma Dualists for, Mie. sold at 411 e. All goods reduced end closing oat. Reatoodtee the place • o. 72 N. E. Corner Fourth and larket Eta. rah2l BATES p NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. NEW SPRING SHAWLS. NEW SPRING ALAPAGGAS. NEW STEAM 21. - 21. , irlft3a 'Street. A good quality of SPRING DRESS GOODS for 87 3!...4 . oass.itas. 110IISE FCRELSITING GOODS, Wholeale end Ilftail • -• BATES & N EW GOODS I NEW GOODB are just opealag a splendid stook at NEW SPAING GOODS, amoig whiok wink bond. NEW STYLE BUGLE-GING . AND FRINGE._ NEW WIDE BELT RIBBON AND BULTICI.ES. NEW TUOR AND SIDE DOMES. LADIES NEON TIES, BREAST PINS. LACE VEILn, GUIPURE, LACES, EMBROIDERED & LAOE. HAND GOO KERCHIEFS EMBROIDELUES AND WHITE DS. SPRING HOSIERY AND GLOVES. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. IN GREAT PROFUSION AND AT R=l:ol7 4 == ll cThe Ladies , are respectfully lasted to lave us asrearly call. . • . , MAcRUX & GLIDE. VI:MARKET STREET JOB. HOMO & CO., DEALS= IN STRAW. Ma) MILLINERY GOODS, . - Ribbons and Bonnet Stlki,ilswerina Titmminp Embroideries, Law Goods, Bandtereldefs, Fussy Oooas,,..llainistal Bidets , -Lale' . obi °eat' lau" "- aunt= Goods, Bead • Gimps - and Onmisseits, Worsted Hosiery. and Gloves, HMS Wank No. ttons and Small Waresisna now:ripitavisitimis Fret assortment at • . • • - • .I"Eir• BPRIAG GOODS, . which will be found antwaally , atttsetive. Having beenpurehßsett et LOW.GOLI) RATES we tee over.SPECIAL INDIIFOSALESTO T 2 4 •7c0 lattriiiii*asessat will at all times be . totuill.well supplied. Ws solicit a call from • Menhants, Milliners, Pedlars,' and the Mat, being confidant that we can salt all. - JOS SOME & CO. TT and 11 MARKET STREET BALE. ag 3D ND MP 3ft. Undershirts at $2.00, • worm. *coo.. Drawers at $2.00, worms OLOO. SUCH EMT -VII& 1111ILT lli lii. EATON; MA.CittliE & VO; re about. St down of mild_extembrai4 WHITS UNDERSHIRTS and DR& weedy allwasi. wi t de= from l shod jgb. to I lb Immediaa as seek akki. that We olfer them at much lees tkantliat they aaa to mated and we believe them to be emtal.te asp thing In market at ea Mt. Tie reduction will be made for ocinatirr-on• shirt or one homing at the Wee rate. • These Shirts_ are a Ilieat Bargala.l • BATOR, MACRIIII a CO., 17 and 19 Fifth street.' "DUPLE; ELLIPTIC KIEV Undoubtedly the Best in Use, IS FOB SALE WHOLIRAMI MID RETAIL. at 713 71eltiorrisibti JEStinsid. Kunz lk 014 TV. GIU;AT BARGAINI§ t mom= "ems as 81 latirket street, Allt; MrIISCIILMED su urairsirs TIGER MOM MKS ;08 *OIL , same unaczoncontg,_lnde• sea% soda raibrosertesTatkar %dem Tito_ sag ismatraissainoss. - • A - Inrw AssORTIEM_ ... OF. Bur TONS,* Iltota sod Cloak Orasissaik, ` MAIM atillaWo awl Boyd ?NAM MA "S ;;;Ictileoret Minot Beta of No ams-VINN . ath. sandAZatiooLs ;,• i d = .uos, o f i . • tWash (= ; la& iL simum outlet% taw f—. , to . te 41164 • ....with a tow Mc of w ain • _ win Os Omod et ____, • Alai= NOWNIVINTINNINGINNMI; No. ot Noarth stmt. war nom tONOL PaNtoolor ottootko Oren to 71414 O iaW 'VI 25 :MU" Z 2 4 / 4 11121 " ZagaMiallateltimamtow : WiIarY. II IGAMMTO iithigarkl 6B446 arelbr.'. jirommew s teseroohours 11111 suit is the oeivelde - er SI 6 14 1 40 bigt i li i iaso4ll/ "F4 ,61 TOQUES PATENT ; trAtilliai, LOOK rein Oman *oat v E rmaL c • v e t ; Fax CUT lationse,rtatoco g2 e, : .,.. , .:-. 2 ,..5 ;: , t -atwagroarairMaStati7:',."4--.:,•, W r: ASS 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers