11=3 •ITUATION na KEEPER - 0/Z SLLIZINkIf • ‘ 1. 3 1,.0 . On4cm. OtEDLL'IMLY. PIM° FORTE PLATS& iv at THIS PAPER. LAN GERMAN_ .PROTES fto do moral hotisew4k to • N to. ootorrairo snob of yffll3 01710 E. suaff24.. LOPPIOE on ttus sooond — Tinter ane Smithfield 'stews, - L Emma a 00. LARGE AND ' Ur. FUBMISED soollt. be hod Iff _calling - at NO. ISO • between amlthilebt and Grunt OuitIargp_THRENSTORY sLYANG Hainer. Na M Fourth Positualus curt au the tit se O r rriattoi,ierr.aw o. la Four ..t. th strait. A DESIRABLE. RESI. EaEmayart, containing eight tole sod stable. Ltd metro, on intro( rralt trots, vines and 'throb. Odors and terms Inquire of (t H: rani @tree t,Fittattimh, or of W. ,D, .a the premises. . odt27:llrd SALOON. • fixtures - of a SALOON. For - EBIT tnitElft, Pittsbuneti,- nousz AND LOT.--81t- A,Dtgrer, sley, visa a neat 1:41' etoti bnok .goons new papevod; atess Ott* ‘7 42 Sdah• Pries fee.efe. Terme sari, • S. ZgoLAIN la CO. beira of Elizabeth, !?eased, offer for sale a SMALL .` s ee, situatedki Lseettens tearaabip, Al. Vaburgb, on widen; ete R0 =1713 Prt ur it h is e e r fa=claa of water ow - eSYSITIEfIt. • ..—tl3oo win purchase a neat ilmse, good otoble, pump, largo new of ground. Welt suited for • t.arge practice* abootry est&Dtheod • :idal Tp. B .d e LAIN& 00. 41- 'REFINERY. - . • miles from Pittsburgh nu A. Y. R. 411ete Manta( order. Prise {SAM ..ienquire of WARING A KING, Market street, Pittsburgh. ' -LOTS. • TENT DIMILLBLE LOTS maitufeeturisur purposee,.heving Van Liberty etrettioPPorl , Emus T ab particular, earls . d ram, No. 181 Liberty Meet. NFOHTASLE•HOIIBE "Within or and shelf squares piths leneheeter. Goal water and - t. Possession given 110Joseen Penc,Ttredenil • • Wigton Shop, Beaver strait, - noligt . .=The ..clotts and cony& <•%,. 'WRAPS& .1100 MS, Souse or Mot 'strest•insoin% u trltNalson well4lollnd 11111.14 - In second , •*. ' tor DuteLog School or galls and ~.: ..NBASESSENT 17.00 . b115 on :Third 3 1 occupied by J. atria a as • lirDinkcs BiLloon.• ..;,....., - ,E.II;GAZZL'Ar. OII" "A' 1, • ; " , .ITY PROPEETY.—We are au , the lot situated on the east wide of • • &tits Intersection with the Peas tla :he Fourth Ward, Alleshony here are tour_ brisk houses, two at - • 'tory, contsintw floe 1.00011 OSOIII, o storr.tostStut* rout rooms each. t!E . sr traded for otl stock. & MILEY. Withrhis Hail. LOT OF GROJII ND. : A, 7 44 . 1ey Ststion, on Pittsburgh, Fort • _ wins/t i t, sons A ng °R-1. f eat leUo: :.! Vor k s, li n st w tttrou th: P eentre P , !node' eelth - r muter the whole, _msel bay window inpatiori Will bo • ..fitsesslon titurnoteen first of Kay: 1 : EITOWEtt4 — . Yourth street.. L E .—TEN TWO STORY • trtmd EIGHTEEN ONE AND.TWO ..foltE DWELLINGS, situate talks. ,Vgb, near the Iron Works, with good - 'tieb.l . dlai l ; h o u sl , d P o r =s t r:dtr aan g, 41,fg - ir , and w good IL,VhAr 'QT.° • .„,•• lint of April. For rst e rtkolars, tro., • -. 4 ' Estate and Insurer= °Mee of . G. S. ILS.TES, near dllen,Lawsamsrllle. E.—One SECOND - aeetl new, 211 feet bog, 22 Lau Lea ~uee: Wog, 40 bookie 462014ter, 241 124 h ~... long.* Makes Wiwi der, 2.-18 Lich . _ . .: Wrour.ll Iron Task. -- C.:tennitrsratm. wonits,_-. , .. HUGH bE. BULB ik - Ourc ... , and Duquesne w•r, Plitsbls. ' •• 'DOW 40111/II .• 112 s ww qv, 'lVAS9llllLifitift complete and 34. Eve"U OGH - 71. ROLE, Pittsburgh, Ps. Point allay and Dugussaa • esty river: near the RUM. &Ulf - Worerserty• 4 - ;'„ •N GIVEN APRIL. FIRST. property. In McClure tumid% wel • • Ile from Alkipieisy. .1116•004 ' - ;:• , t•'-gailt t Residence, L F .Sai r itru ar . i tN3T i o l i s , ° ‘ 114. SAMPLD Reel Fatale Broker. Pro. OS era street, Allegkeay DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE 017E2 HOPE, at Woods Ens. (now Leaky, P. Lieskj Ho ic k real. deosasW. Haus of cellar, well and Gist/iris; Urn 'es of all kinds, grApOS, bs.J FlPT i ri embrMing a anointment sits, eland 'fhb Elver,' Hinshestai; , terminus of the Masabetter Street Woad , ' Ran Station Pitts. Pt. W. k ly ten minutes rids by the. latter boss Station. Farther vestibular. an 4 had Of the subscriber any day frost at his mashing) glop, on Webster Orphan ha: law, AEsikstl_f or at kis hogs' sr. Wood's usu. • Bomar H. MOLL - y Er—LOTEI .Ili THE EIGHTH 0 -The Undersigned iu Guardia* of the - c to of David - Greer, detPd. Wren la , .win 4::: iota In the Eighth ward, q • vlsi *lota a* Dlararareaf Ea. bSt by WI fat, being tars ;aid OroWs ;dim; ruerd ga . 1 lot, oil L 000.4 Ote LittW i llia l°6l rr • 111 is paw . - 45 44 41 es ' roar 4411aValikad Ella, Vet, beim- Nos. Urr, Da seal Vill= . ....1 . 4= 1 1416101 , 1.; 1104 111arall , a t ru in '4= toe atosa to Ws. They irli . U Irately at ILI rad as oagg. WHITE, P- - - ---- 41,1:-A-LOT8 LB ALLNOIDINT e—nis loodulbEsid offer lot AMU the Voss, Uts. roan maw on Notate :dosl etty, - adjoistofot but.ast It boa street of 'about 210 .os fss e 'steeds took &boo us not. n g lota Ctildtsos pies ot Maud BAIA Me look god, pageM sad oaks. Ri sad eeds==___ =A g a: v. punted with goon troll Uses, be. U golded tato snood good baltdb= 'ti• =el would 'Wog • s tee isle s whole. or Is iota to ads butebsenteat the ter.. . Pslll be loads essy. ftossowaik .00 &stet ASCU bad- • - 1: DKr sitiont. ".- CARRinvuma..b.itte Oa, • - - 'Nis 100..) beam •lirOgnlX_.#.2lo Fr =NA. wem deed, tad anOTO PagabUrill6 • paput„ tki,' KAMM - at `co " • Iseult p ea la • 'ENG ;; Diti=%%17414,74. ads MA SII7IIE & WAYDE.L_" •-• ‘.l. tin veatra 121 - PAZWY AND (IMMO,' :43DS. cc.. c• *A s No. IS Mete. ELFIELD. Witokeall re MEC sTuo L it AnDArANOZ, "2" rie INMZSZMI r=„i " • , - ettaI7IIEMEXTB lf LECTURES. prfTEMTIRGH THEATRE. FIFTH STREET, HEAR WOOD. Lateen Jiro Wams. ' Wit. B.XWATAIIOI4 • Lent night but two or the distinguishad young tragedian, EDWIN ADAMS, who will appear as Killed's de Moor, the Robber Oldato ' THIS EVENMIG, will be presented the eelebia ted tragedy,in five acts, entitled The Robbers of .i3oheneio. Charles de Moor Elwin Adaini. Overture Orchestra. . To opelade with . j ty WRVS GOTEB*C4I7. - ' ale og 8k0rt...... ... '.......... 4. O. Sefton. Lett wins '.... . . ... Dirs:Jat. Dickson. MASONIC MILL. GROVER'S Grand Germaii Opera. ILEONAILD GNIOTEIL--..--DIBECTOE. (also of Orover's Chestnut Street Tiventre, Philadelphia, and 'Grover% Tusk* Washington. D. C.). CANS AINSCHIDEZ--. —CONDUCTOR. Last Sig bit two Nod Positively of the opens. - TEES (Th y) EMENDS*. Micah aoth fees Beethoven' sumer-work, to three acts, entitled FIDELLO. (With • mud uparal strength.) . Pi:DELLO . . of nDEBT S Ied & JOkU.NNSEN (acknowledged one of her greatest conceptions.). _....JOSEPH MEEK/LW& Y. BIABCILLIN.-...111.71e PAULINE CANISSIt. FL08E5TAN—................ FRANZ KIKINER. JACEININO IIiEuDORE - 11614E4111AN DON PlEslitlitl HEINELCH STEINEURE. DON PEDRO - ANTON GRAPE. 7 ids Opera, the only ono wtittenbmtle immortal Beethoven, ts given with* east confessedly super ior to any one ever wen by this opera be fore. The rendition this /season in the Academies of New York, Boston. Philadelphia and in the West, was the occasion °femme of the largest audiences ever assembled in these hultdin produotng an entlitt- Wain with the pubtle end ge, prr a., equaling, if not eclipsing its tin - ITM this wasoribl the Bain* Oplall . In London- FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1603, Lau petronalinee but ono. YonFlotow's Opgre (eamposer of Bliatha,) STILL DELLA. Mr. 8. EFELAUM, for Mtn occasion, will ah anme the role of "Stradella." SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL Ist, errand Matinee, To commence at two o'clock, performance to be over hy'd vs o'clock -3r...axner36—emsraerlaßta7. • Tickets to Matisse ONE-DOLL/La to all part. of the house can be had at HO Zanaio Stores and at the Noll. ' No reserved seats. 6ATURDLT EVENING, April 1,180, positive. y last performance and rime of the season. . 'Seats any be secured at the notate stores of 0.0. Mellor and ]Lieber h Bro. daily 'from 10A. Y. to Or. Y.; at night at the box office of the hall. • PRICES : Admission to Paquette 00 Oreastes Seat, 2 CO to TRIMBLE'S ITARIETIEb THEATRE. • TITS STREET. TZAR R. 0241/.. W. 0.. SMYTHE. Lessee and Manager. 00/00X01211 AT 8 oictoon. • Tina week of the great sensation dramatist, RITZ SIENONS, On which . occualiii will be performed the Eimltleg Sensational Prize Drama, MITILIIEW Scenes pieta! expressly for it, tailed the . FEMALE PICKPOCKET,. or. HIGH AND LOW LIFE IN THE RATIO:r3 VAPlnt.lo I 14 - performed in Washington , city over twelve weeks to elxhty-tive thottesod Persona, will a Id great dnt He company. Diu views of the Marble thmltal by. Moooltg t Views of the White House.. Home of the Pr to! Wlth other nettling scenes In th, ltDll4lO I gemblintlau of character. Greed. bllo of Staging, Dancing, and Ethiopian eomicallees by the entire tom pony. LAST MATINEN iruir ONE. '4a 40 , ra- axe Mt 7E. MEC 1.• Xa• !ALLOWS STEREOPTICON, This, Wednesday, at 3-O'Clock, NEW - AlirD SPIMMID PRO3HANNE. bblldren 15 cent.; !dull. 25cent. mh2lllta CONCERT FALLON'S STEREOPTICON ! C;IP .V* MI IV' Mr. 400 IST 1131 r MC 'V awl EVERY EVENING thin cresk, at o'clock. Also WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOON& . With tours through the world, arid fresh transcripts of all that Is striking in. LAND. SCAPA:. rare or beautiful. in AROHATEIC, ETRE, °requisite to RTATITAIRY. Eltuusaw of Programme Each Evening. ADMISSION, 80 cents ; Caldren, 215 cents. Ticket cakes at 0...0. Mellor's and. Weber. fs Aitedindrat to Matinee 16 and 25 amts. what: If P 14.108.. UBlC. da CHICKERING PIANOS, NEW WOOS, I. seeess()ll.3 PIANOS. 1. ( 6CRL . DII PIANOS, KEW STOOK, GALE'S PIANOS, NEW STOOL - CANATESTEEIPS PIANOS, NEW STOOK. HATS' PIANOS,, NEW sroo4 AT VARIOUS PRICES TO ; VIT EVERYBODY. CE&BLEB C. MELLOR, WOOD 9TREET OS AND - .ALM:RICAN ORGANS. BILLDEVE New York. SONOXAC6II, ik 00" Ptaladatplltlx, sod BOAILDBUIN h GHAT, 117.41.2CC00F a D. &IL W. eissitihe *madam On, rya rianonrnmu . • gust received • siew.lot of tits Oars •debratel forranest, topitaw wig& GOOD CIECHAP -PLUM M other muilifitatarer• Allirialsayd for In *M EL= & Na.aafo tf BT. OWL= iiTREET. OMAN, !WENS a.00.,0191 pm* irraszr. oo~s~mTh roa MtMMn NApS'BPI.4OIOII, . -. 111 1 1 1 3Firli 7tMODISONICAIO I OWTAX4i iirlf?st in the writ CnikiLerlSZßLVitir : was hitt* JP= BM, . • nt, of the Eqiultible WF s attars • Itivelseeneeellee Mil thereat' ltateelll6 lieureese Oe. et nap . s.w. eat. Weed sad Talledieteeettlate. T GARDINER • 001PYIN,Aged Ibt ne Illaltbrie• ban JONM ei tgeaS ale Meth ' owskassitt SPECIaL JeOTICES. arParrsnuntin YtW WOMEN HUBBARD, BRO. & CO EM=I PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL F.IIPS. of every des aciption. Mil, Malay, Cross Out, (hung, an 4 sR other varieties. •• All kinds of KiiivLNSPRINTh_ made from Sheet Cut Rtes.] ; }Mrs Refined REAPER A-ND MOWING ERIN - ER. a.e. . • - - - IT Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsbnmh. Pirticniar attention given to Bernath!lig, Gum. ming and Straightening Circular Sams; else, re pairs of all kinds. Panablag and Willing done at reasonable mien apkkly l armaz Norrsios Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Manufacturers of SHEATRTRO. BRAZIERS , h BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER ROD TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDM. Also, Importers and dealers ln MET ALS, TIN PLATE r _SHEET IRON, WIRE, Ito. Constantly on hand, TIPPERS , MAIOMENW and TOOLS.. - Warehouse, No. Ido FIRST =ll2O :MO OED STREETS, , Plttaborgh. Spools' Orders et Copper cut to any desired pattern. mytOdydawT • larWN. HARNUILz. a co., Boiler Makers it Sheet Iron Workers, Noe. 20, =, II and 26 PENN STREET. . • Having secured a large yard, lod faralahed with the most Improved machinery, we are pre at ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, in the beet. manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. CHIMNEYS, BRICE:EN, FERE BEDS, STEAM P1P1.5, LOCOMOTIVE suu.Fas, ONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, earrATous,_ SET, TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGI*3, M SUGAR PANS, sole manufactureri of BARN HV'S PAT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shoner notice. deukti GEORON REITER. .W. D. NRILIDL P. HOLLAND LA BE LL E STEEL WORK& • Rxriza & 00, (Sidecciadrs to RFITZfI, likll7lllAN k Oo.,) Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRGIGS, AL. LIG3, CROWBAR% &a. .10.• Works, FIRST WARD ; !Allegheny. net Office address. PITTSBURGIL . ROBINSON. REA OS CV, (oucceosors 1357 to Rom-Joon, Mune h Mniscoac Washlngthis Works, FOUNDERS 'AND MAORlNLSTS,_Permatrans. Manufacturers of BOAT AND ST/LTRDeARY sTEma. ENGINES LAST ENGINES, MILL OHINITIY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST ING& of all descriptions.OlL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. _ Avnto for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT OR, for feeding bottom TO NESITOOB SSUFFFJII3IB OF BOTH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman hay log been restored to health too few days, after an deigning the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment without success, considers It his sacred duty to communicate th his afflicted fellow creatures the menus of cure. - Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send, free, a 0 0P7 et the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN AL DAGNA.Lfo, IM Fulton tieet, N.Y. mhithydewT mr3OIIIN COCHRAN £ MHO., Manors*. Curers of IRON - VAULTS Ain' VAULT DOORS, IRON RAIDING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, Ise., Nog at SEG OND and 66 THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, hare on hand a.variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. • AT Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. su2 DINEARES.OF THE NERVOUS, SEBILNAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and tellable treatment—in Re. ports of the Howard Auoclation. Sent by mall to sealed letter envelope, free of charge, Address D. J. SKILLEN lIOUGHYDNiThrirnrd Association, No. a South Ninth street, Phila. nihMblv MENEM H. COLLINS. FORWARD LNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT and wholesale dealer In CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, VISIT, and produce generally, No. WOOD STREET Pittsbunsk. del C4RPETS. OIL CLOTHS, te. GREAT REDUCTION • In prim of CA PET Desiring to afford tne puhlic • An opportunity of purchnting goads at POPULAR PRICIES, . Corresponding with the • Decline in Gold, And the impending tumble In Merchandise e:ally, We have this day Marked down prices, Throughout our entire stock, And offer the hugest And most complete assortment Of new and °hate patterns, Brussels, Velvet., Two sod Three Ply Ingrain, Floor Oil Cloths, Window bleadeo, sc., . At a redustion of Twentptlve to Thirty-three and one-third per emit. McBABL9HD & COLLEffS. 71 x:.l 77 FIFTH STREEt. Next doe: to Chastom Howe sad P.O. oaLti ,!ctt.FOT..TRTH STREET. i.FtPF,Ts. 141 . WE HATE WADDED DOWN g!..u. our present stock, Mardi." of coat, to colresportd to, the LOWEST POINT OF GOLD, V,. ,belag la most instances upwards of FIFTY ,IP.EII. CENT. UNDER THE PRICES OF LAST SEASON. As we are daily receiving Igoods Invoiced ...wording to the ratio of gold at urc. ; the La m te of u s i h e lv e r;n ti t. o r wil l aftbrl to o 4 3EVE:EY DEOLINE IN THE MARKET. sl mhtS W. D. & 11. Wee&LLITD. FOITBIIS STRISET. CARPF,T sTo RE. CARPETS! h CARPETS! CARPETS! e CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OP =LAP, LUKER & CC. 136 Federal Street, Allegheny. We have just received the lamest stock of Carpets, Rugs, Rats, Olt Cloths, ever r o o tt i g t o o t ttellpYgrOO'lltiS'AP Also fall which we are oresinic at greatly reduced prices. adatidlusrod ENTERPRISE KILLS. . ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., ilanficturtn ud Commission Verdant', CARPETINGS, Oil Cloths, Mai:lnv, Bugs, AV. STREET. PHILADELPHIA /Co. 619 fetal." p„,,iiro!e,p,iy4keTi,pro;f:A HENRY G. HALE DESIRES TO RE TURN thank, to his Mode mull the public corded to for the large andin the cradlal support Alley have ac. him lIMICHANT TAILURINC BUSINESS. In malting preparations for the SPRING TRADE, Mr. Hale has irlatted the eaMent Markets and se. cried choine material for GENTLEMEN AND TOIIIIIB , WEAL to width Inspection ts-reapectfully liana. Ga lleons& will And on tidal, that (or iraffolooffitrisfy Illse.Wiraannaldr, sad for ears In rasa tir the Merest of Alfa onsto. MOS. No Establishment Clan FRICOOL BMA' G. WS. XEROWIT WW2. gortarest oor. of Para And it. MU Struts, • radar Pittabera, BISSELL'S BLOCK. W. R. MOM , . 10 ST: GLAIR. STREET "Num afl no attattlas of bums to kb sat I pan. - It haw boo two on* jit tostataa an thadftWEßT lITTIon 0 ? 000 D to lat found hi kat Wm. loam. Goan artiatag ion of atailoa saki to ordatOnn_ PIM* oat ea 4 amass =aft ta, poi's. Am.,. SW am . , • w• lousi‘ 31•:41(10v.ar.11/1 rime, ''SPELne ISTO OI I . Qs Bove. *Clothing, POW 111102M201/1i GRA.It 4 IRIGAINT„ 'Abel PI fra MSS MUM ,111! tlittfiburgh THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1°45 GAZETTE ADVERTISING ELATES: 1=2=113 S times a Dilly. week. 'Dew week sq. '1 sqr. ti.4'sq. It sq.% ;4sq Otte time.. .. t 40 9 • '9 ;6 Two times.' 190. 70, I ThTer tin. , 160: 86, 1 90 . 20 , 1 30 50j 01 1 70 95 95 45 4 35! 2 501 290 , 170 , 145 85 6 00j 980 4 0 , 11 120 100 110 501 4 001 5001, 70, 175, 135 11 25, 6 001 VOO 4 00; 3 751 00 % 13 75 17 00 , SlO 470 4 5.61 1.15 20 75. 12 00 , 118 5 501 ' j 901 4 W 77 I j6/ 1 15 003 . 18 OM 10 30 , 00. 516 39 oo' 8 at; II 331 12 901 to 701 500 Yr ur time s. Fi n y s e w t .t e rxe : , Two weeks Three w'k One month Two me'. Three me's' Six zoonthl Nine mot' s Tear., CIIANORAILLII ADiERTISEXRSTS. For one square, changeable one time eaoh week, confined to the Immediate business of the wirer tlber. All larger advertisements to exact proper. Mn: 13 times:4 Ulan time Daily. la week.l week. ! a week. One month I • f 65 , $f 00 $ 670• • 600 Three months— -24 17 DI, II 45 860 800 I Six month, 00 If 00 16 75 10 60 One Year ..... ...I 60 03 28 CO 24 eo, 14 00 H' Fist Notices double the above rates. Death Noting, each insertion I 50 Marriage noUees 75 Steamboat adverlisements, per trip 1 00 Executors' or Administrators' Notices 2 75 Local notices, under special head 15 " .. 1n Local column. SO CITY AND SUBURBAN. "NOM VESTENDAVE EVENING GAMETE'S, List of Casualties In the Recent Battles Before Petersburg. The Now Tort: papers contain long lista of casualties in the recent severe battles In , front of Petersburg. A number of Pennsylvania reel meats suffered severely. We append below a list of the antes of all the Pennsylvania soldiers killed and wounded, so far as they have been published unrrn COLDS-TITST DIV7SION James White. F, 51st. Charles Waggoner, Slst, mortally. Samuel F. Thompson, A, 100th Robert Gordon; A; 100th. Henry Vance,ll, 100th. Phil. Crowl, F, 100th. Thomas Russell, A,' 100th. - Joseph Close, F, 100th. James Paryle, D, 100th. J. King, K, 100th. Silas Stephenson, K, 100th. J. W. Doebsne, K, 100th. Andrew Lorkgstaff, M, 100th. John Murray, F, 100th. David Jones, B, 100th. Matiren Cowie, E, 100th. Martin Long. F, 100th. Joseph Kolso, G, 100th. .1. harry, A, 100th. Smith Howard, 1), 100th. John R Hok.kurs, K, 100th. Jacob BELITIb r K, 100th. Lemuel Harris, A, 100th. Wm P McCracken, E, 100th. Beret B G Farnsworth, F, 51st. S Helton, B, 100th. Henry Shaffer. F, 51st. Wm. Kenny, F. 100th. James Young, A, 100th. Capt. R F Mofflt, F, 100th. Phil C Walsh, D, 100th. SamnelA Wilson, I), 100th. Wm Ranglkurst, D, 100th. 10100 DIVISION. Abraham Garland, I, 208th. John Askey, F, 200th. G R Font, C, 200th. S McLlbenny, F, Louis Fink, K. Meth. Lista J F Hoffman, A, 208th. John Zimmerman, G. 580th William Sirley, A, 208th -1) E Sailor, F, 208th. Corporal Michael Smith, E, 900th. Sol Beker, E, 200th. C Amman, 0, :09th. Sexgt Alfred Merrick, K, 200th. S N Jessup, A, 5:411. Bawl B Weaver, B, 009th. Enoch 13 Farther E, 208th. Wen R McClelland, A., Wiftth. • Milton Neyman, F. :SM. George Fishie, 1, 300th. Charles Ileitoger. D, 200th. Levi Hunter. 1. 800th. • Lego Sure, E. 200th. B F Slasher, A, 209th. Martin Arnich, A, 209th. Richard Fraukkead, A, 209th. Lieut Lazarus Mincab, F, 200th. Dane G. Vale, K, 530th. Sergi. Andrew Wagner, r.; 209th. flatld Combs, K, 209th. Deng Warta, E, 208th. Wm. 11. Nole, F, 209th. Jacob Fulmer, C, 209th. Gixi. W. Wolf, E, 200th. Sam% Shank, C, 200th. Jacob Law, I, 20lith. Philip Shoup, F. 200th: Untie Koch, 1,909:6. (basis Holtman, K. 200th. Isaac Long, D, 290th. Luther G. Sherman, D, 209th. Datil B. Knanb, D, 2011th. W. W. Marrow, 11, 2000. David B. Wallace, 0, 200th. Win. Graham, H, 207th. llobt. B. Sharp, 1, 207th. lion! Smr.ger, 1, 208th. Bawl Babcock, F, 211th. Marshall Morcly, A, 911th. Peter Iloffstand, G, WOth, (killed.) Alfred Fleury, B, 200th, (LEM.) Geo. Comma, A, 209th. Jacob Rice, 0, 2071.h..' Dan'l K, Wm..l. Cadwalladtc, I, 209th. Jos. Somers, F, Johathan Clutz, 11, 209th. Win. Honk, B, 1300th. „Total B Nose, It, MM. Corporal Samuel C Smith, F, Wsth 1) Duty, A, 207th. Win P 11 Clark, H, 209th. J 1) Wolf, D, 209th. John l'otit, 1, 200th. Tbos Winner, K, Wm Bambara, 11, MIL -Jacob II Theater, G, 200th. Corporal Henry Bowers, E, 200th. Berg% G Marne A, 200th. David tanker-,E, 900th. Berg't J grabs, E, 200th. Samuel Vous°, E, 200th. Jacob W Bremner, 11, 200th. Samuel R Tryslnger, B, 200th. Geo Snyder, K, 200th. Emanuel Derrosa, 0, 200th. Cyrus Tiekee, C, 200th. 11 Mock, C. • !moth. • Geo Fry, B, 209tb. Jacob Eerier, I. s9l3th. Benj. Shaffer, I, 208th. B T Selig, D, 208th. Samuel Shotsbarg, I, 909th. John Ilailhour, D, 000th. Peter Z Stern, D, 900th. List of wounded Pennsylvanians in tho Second Corps, received In Hospital up to four o'clock P. at., March 25 : First Llent R .l Campbell, C, 57th, hand. Sergt Eugene Lent, I, Met, hand. Jae Wall, I, 183 d, right hand. Cs pt N F Marsh. Slat. thigh, severely. John Debaum. 183 d, right thigh. Capt John F Wilson, 0,140 th, log, severely, John Lcotcr, I, Patrick Flan, E, Beneod Tochepp, R, 148th, right hand. SIX= CORM—MST DIVISION. G W Scott B,ll9th,ilightly. Corporal Frank Erely, D, 95th, severely. Sergt Fred Williams, E, 11.91 b, slightly. J A Wllliableon, D. 95th, severely. John Riley, C, 95th, slightly. H C Canntartham, A, 05th, merely. Corp A J D, 951 h, Corp Henry Barrizanlner A, 95th, slightly Copt Wm MeLrogiale, d, 119th, slightly. If Hair, C , 95 1 b, severely. Corp Jas Marshall, I, 821, slightly. Corp F Broadbat. H,ll9th. severely. Berge 3 Downs, C, lath, sliglddy, John Holman,l, 82d, slicAly. A Cowybalt, F, 119th, slightly, First Lime Alex Pry, C, 95th, slightly. FIRST INOCIND WVINIOX. • &mud Mink% 8,109.1, oiryorolt, Jacob Mame, 1,113.1, , Corp H Fagan, A, 93d, sararely. Corp H Gan It, 934 sewely. C Beal. IL eid, LientWm Nam, 3.9341. severely. C Henning, F, 93d severely. Karebmech. B, 935, J Colter, K, Thinner, F.; 92 t rightir,. sergt, C Ctin. H, 934 severOly -000 W Wire. H, 1041.1111 1 1. Corp if Into. 2,10 d, J Bautenstto; 011g0,177 saz A Ming, Ti 93d, slightly. D Sobrlglit, slightly. , W 341011.1iy; 930, oovordy. , Borst W Traver; 141Ald. smelt& s, I Corp A.TardAi, soToreiy. • new t o, Sidi oeferoly. ‘••• . • • .-- - J Korb,firc,l4 obik Lo‘Arr S L INK MeV kisgi.M.; B o4. . . , a, y. ' - Urea Prisibastr al 4 re Allteekft Jobs L(018,0,101, - .• • , , Jo u l ie : ari0, 4 114 .. 3 r And, ocorearlyi • • • - - A rely A, 93401114101: lt Waidifia,t, sarecelp ,• , ' StridAmr,N,l34 a4d ellgtttly. w Rarmils, der ' - imoverrir.• . MeV 0, ~..,rata • • • - Trooldlst , (= u m* 6,.1P141b1a elignift JIM a w....,......:;C.-'3„~ Wit. ~'S. ..~.. B.rgt Wm Weaver, A. 1.03 d, severely. A II Frame, 11. 93 d. severelj.: F Y,aher F, t 3 d, severely. J R Nagle, D, 93d, severely. H Miller, A, 03d, severely. J Perm. A, severely. W Wllliama, 11, 93d, severely. • II Heller, G, 93d, severely. C.pt A C Douglas, A, 139th. Eieverely. . Major John Fritz, 4 .13 d, severely. W Benjamin, C, :tad. Lieutenant Colonel Keller, 93d, severely. Lieutenant P Fisher, D, IrJeLseverely. Henry Carthnitz, 11, 93d, severely. Lleut,.l F. McCloskey. K, 139th. severely John Ridley, A. 93d Pennsylvania. ZIIIItD SOUGILDt—SECOND DIVISION Irwin Lydick, A, tilst, slightly. YIUIID DIVISION. S. Kintner, E, 67th, slightly. Chas. M. 17.1doebart, E, 67th. J. L. lifortimer,-C, 67th, severely. Geo. Poland, C, 67th. Wm. Thompson, G. 67th. Thos.. Rbyn, D. 67th: Wm. Partial', C,67th. Nathan Roach 61, 67th, severely. Albert C. hone, 11, 67th, severely. Remy Henry, E. 67th, severely. Hiram Shaw, C, 67th, severely. Wm. Reashcard; G, 67th, severely The Boldest 011 Swindle on Record. . . There have been many huge swindles perpetra ted in oil operations during the past few months, but the following, which is noticed M the Titus ville Reporter, eclipses anything in the swind ling line which we have yet .seen. It appears that certain parties who had been engaged In Doting near Franklin, visited the town one day last week, stated that they had struck oil, that their well was yielding obahntedred barrels per day, and that they would sell out the whole thing for *75,000 cash. A couple of gentlemen were dispatched to look at the well, and on ar riving there, found everything as . rxrpresented, the machinery In perfect operation, and the well pumping Into a huge tank a vary good quality of oil, at fully the rate indicated. The visitors agreed to invest, but wanted a few hours for de liberation. They accordingly returned to Frank lin and consulted some of the best "oil men," to ascertain the value of each a "supposable" in vestment, and ware assured that It would be worth $300,000 at the least. Title settled the question, and they hurried back to. the owners, closed the bargain planked the cash, and pre pared to make their fortunes without delay. The next day It was found that the old employees of the company had left, but others were promptly Installed, and the pumping resumed. Judge the astonishment of the purchasers upon discover ing that, notwithstanding the continual pump ing and flow of oil, it did not rise In the tank I In other words, there were "surface indications" of a big leakage. The pump was stopped, and an excavation commenced at the side of AIM tank. A few feet below, a smaller tank was found, communicating with the upper by a small tube, through ' - whleh the 'oil was conducted. From the lower tank another tube descended diagonally to the well, about eighteen fed below the surface, and at a still lower depth the well was plugged. Thin device for securing an Mex. haustable well ceadd not well be Improved. But the victims "couldn't see it." They went bark to Franklin in search of the sherpers; but the letter were non ea, and up to the present they have not been arrested. A Rat Rtary A Philadelphia eotemporary relates the follow ing eingubtr adventure with a rat: In a drink log saloon on Chestnut street, above Twelfth, the other night, a terrier started a rat. The rat dashed out of the door, up the steps to the street, and then straight across. A lady was walking up. She was justin front of the Chestnut street Theatre, when the rat ran up the steps of the cellar on the opposite side_of the . street. The rat was running for his life; the dog in pursuit of him was Tanning for a good dinner. The rat, when about a dozen lengths ahead, sprang upon the ladles dress, ran up under her cloak and nest led close npunder her sleeve. The lady akrleked with horror and dismay. So piercing was her cry that a gentleman ran hurriedly to her relief. She pointed to her arm, said "a rat In my sleeve," and again gave utterance to a piercing shriek. The gentleman boldly grasped the pro tuberance, and made a vigorous squeeze. A bet ter squeeze never yet was made upon a lemon by a first-class bar-tender. The rat bit through the intervening clothing Into the gentleman's hand, with a painful bicuspidal Incialon. The grip upon the beast, however, was too vigorous. Ills life was crushed out, ho fell to the ground, and the lady, sick, faint, unutterably _horrified, de clining any further asmstance, wended her way homeward. Pumuusm.—Edt. Carette: Aa evening con temporary, In Its lune of lait Thursday, con tained a naming letter purporting to have been written by a "special correspondent" from the oil regions of Whet Virginia, but an observing frientrof ems has discovered that In swim parts the letter Is agrees plagiarism from one of the able letters of Mr. William Wright, the special of the New Fork TimerA, which wee published In the latter paper on the 18th Inst. Fair play In aIl thing's, even among newspaper cormspon dente, and If Mr. Wright is the author of the "Geological formation" .article, he certainly should have been credited with the honor by the filching "special." Amara's-it vo 1 801.91K11.—A German named John Locker, was severely injured on Monday, by being caught between the car and the plat form, in the rear end of the depot of the Penn sylvania railroad, on Liberty Greet. He was a new recruit, from Philadelphia, and on his way to Join the 75th Pa. regiment, to which be had been nasimaed. Ile was sent to the United States HospitaL PAASIDIGEH RAILWAY RAJIV. INcazugo.—The fare on the Manchester Passenger Railway hu been Increased foam five to seven cents. There Is: considerable grumbling among some at the pa trona of the road, but the majority of them pay the advance as philosophically as though the two cents were being added to a pound of beef or sugar. PASTOR CALLED.—The First Baptist church of this city has given a unnolmous call to the Rev. .1.• S. Blcheraon, of the Second church, Wllmington, Dclawaro, M'LLR. DZSROIRiT FOR Arms..—Won't 'the ladies be pleased to hear that Demorest has arrived T Of course. Yon can got It at Vll toers. Dimon Ammo—Get It at Plttock's SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Toms! W. Pamir, practical Elate Roofer, IMO Dealer tn American Slate, of various orders. ORlce at Alexander Laughlin's, near the Walter Worts, Pittsburgh, Pa. Realdenco, No. WI Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repairing done at the shortest notice. No chargefor repaint, provided the roof IS sot aimed after it Is put on. EXACTLT.—An (=change, speaking of an old gentleman living In Its vicinity, aged 89 years, who was still as active, bale . and hearty as most men of fifty, says : Re invariably takes a glass of Pinkerton's Wahoo and Ralisaya Bitters with. his meals. He also tidos a great deal; and to the above popular beverage and bealthfid exer cise be attribute's his vigorous health. On a re cent occasion, when asked by a medical Mood • hat physician and apothecary he employed, to which he rhplied: "My physician has always bein a horse and my apothecary an ass!" R. E. Bailers, Agent for Pittsburgh. &SOUL Nine.—fns attrition of our mad ere is directed to the brilliant assortment of Fail and VIM& Goods Piet received by our Mend Mr. John Weler, No. 1M Federal street AU bevy. Ills stock comprises a great variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and Americsa Casein:tem and Cloths, and line Silk and Cami mere Vesting*, all of which , will be made ap b order in the latest styles and In the test manner. k choice selection of Ftwnlabing Gorda also oa land and for sale, tai with a fall stock of Readm adey. Made phon ing ,, well and feßdenahly Twirwn-arvit mea winged for the M o .WlpplGunboatBaaadron. Bounty SPA. Pay per month trout i 177.50 to WIWI. CAI at No. 12 Market Nrea, Pletabargh, tmondlately. sittutot hrobhaa for one, two or three pairs. H. O. NINO. • rate Qaartormaater Nholsalppl&puldroa. Tow ettenUon of house hinders Is directed to en advertisement to to-dari 'piper .oiTsring for ule that doable, two story dwellisg holm, on Western Avenel, In 'Allegheny tiny: - It Is In me of the otost desirable neighborhoods to tho two chins, and immediate possession Is Offered to the purchaser. m2Bll. PaLIXTEIIt& ONION N. LONG. ...10IIN LLNI....JORN DOING= LONG, /WIN G 00., BICiN AILTISTEI ROI= P p i 1. Mo. 60 Iliiiebal4st.. or ALL "EMS - RlEdius4lll/Ir .r ejw en eolon, %WHIM SWIM Oireuase iir ml: Wuril masa all parts if Os essairr. iaL lll o. 2 ~l l kAPagWi befte rriesosiat i ates: • tt,• ; : • 4111•4as1 111041,11 . 414rwerv; - oft arty. ow 2 ,ISMA slvti, Oar. foul • . • • . • . Wt PAPABaLtw owirkiwk•A. AZA 4 *- llPrk's`wM.NE . ' •fIUCTIO,Jr 84,LES. AUCTION SALE OF CONDE3LNED UURSES. QLA.II:T;iILASTZII CHINZILLL'S OIETIGT, Finset Ereisscps, WASNIZOTOY OITT Mar c h ti, Ma. Will b. sold, at public auction, to the highest ter, at Baltimore. Maryland, on , htareh 281 M ONE IiUNDIIEDTat/RED/1E MARESWIT!? FOAL, ninny of , them well bred and to good condition., Also, Os THURSDAY, March 28, 1865, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. Those horses have been condemned as unlit for the cavalry ...vice of the army. For road and farming purpmes, many geodimr gains may be had. Animals sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 a, Lt., and-will be held at Phlillp's Government Stables, owner of Fremont and Ramsey streets. Tsitma—Oash, In United Slates currency. JAMES A. ERIN, Brevet Brigadier . General,Ar charge First Dl - Q. H. G. O. mhZhtd BARGAINS AT 96, . BARGAINS AT M, BARGAINS AT ea, AUCTION AT ge, AUCTION AT IS, 'AUCTION AT IM, every afternoon thla week of BOOT, SHOES, HALHOHALS,_ , GAITERS, &a., at 90 Federal street. Price no object u the goods meet be Field, al poeleselon must be given of the store at the arse of April. Goode ae - Prlonte Sale for lees than colt. R. K. MeOLINTOOK, 90 Federal etreet, Allegheny city'. Let estrybody attend. ashes COLLECTOR'S SALE.—WiII be sold at PUBLIC AUCTIOb. at the Vinegarrimnufse tory of .1..1. Duro, on Palo Alto street, in the city et of Allegheny, on MONDAY, 3d day of April. 1 the following described property taken by warren of distraint tamed to me by David N. White, Erg, collector of ICid Marlin, Pa., as the property of J. J. Dune, to wit 8 vinegar stills, i casks, 1 large tank, I small do., 10 buckets. I iron kettle and brick, I stove and pipe, I hydrant; 1 tub, 1 lot of bungs, I bung driver, I drawing ktlfe, 1 monkey -.wench, 1 lot of spigots, I lot of hoop Iron, I lot of fUnnels, 3 charcoal stills, I oil can, I paint pot, 1 lamp, I coal shed, I oil stone. brush and paints, 11,000 feetof lumber Taken as the property of the said J. J. Duve, for Internal Revenue due and .00- paid. Bale to commence at le o'clock A. w. Terms hash. 1 UGII McELHENT. hatted Deputy Collector. 174 . LEGANT FURNITURE, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, Superior wardrobes. fine bedstead., book cases carpels mirrors, ho., on TIIURSDAY MORNING, M arch 110th, at to o'clock precisely, will ba sold the entire furnish. meta, at residence No. 321 Penn street, comprising In part: 2 superior walnut wardrobes, walnut N. T. dressing bureau. suyertine front, carved french bedstead, with cotton spring manias; elegant wal nut book case, large walnut book case, marble top tables and %tends, whet-not; easy chairs, marble top drooling lumens and wash stands, walnut tea pop: 'walnut fruit tables, hair seat parlor chairs, rockers and tete-a-tetes, hat rack, marble top real. nut side board., walnut extension tables, cane seat chairs and rocker lounge, hall chairs, gilt. frame mirrors, chandeliers and gas fixtures, cumalna, cornices and hangings, brussels! ply and Ingrain earnets,hall and dining room oU cloths, ruler coal vases, fenders and fire Irons, queensware, britatnla ware, tc., he. T. A. McOLELLAND, mllOl Auctioneer. FURNITURE AT OAKLAND.— THURSDAY MORNING, 'March 110th, at ID o'clock, will be sold at Miss alarkhata's resideno*, Boquet street, near Linden arose, Oakland, the entire household furniture, all' in good condition, comprising carpets, sofa Case ,rat chairs, hair seat rocker, b ed steads, spring and hair atattrasses. closed trash stands; bureau ant haps CUB, mirror; mantle clock, dining table, store, china dinner and tea sets, brittanta set, cooking stove and Sten• ells, kitchen furniture, &a. nth= A. AIcILWAINE. Artetht. A-lICTION SALE, LA WRENCE• at 10 O'clock, at the residence of WM. 13E011., Allen street, opparite Bor. Lee'. church, co uprising par. lor, chamber and dining room furniture, carpets, gilt frame mirror, blinds, feather bode, m nrass, oil cloths, glass and queeneuare, fenders, Ore irons, cook stove, kitchen utensils, gardening impliments, &c. Sale positive as the owner le leaving for the east. T. A. McOI.EI.L &NO. mh.l9 Auctioneer. 4TTORXE PB. icrciasvir& AZ72l:r wi"8"1 CLAIMS AND PATENTSI *RD ATTOENEFS-AT-DhlW, No. US GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. Llteuedby - Ooreminent to collect BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, , BACK PAT Military or Naval Claims As s . a tnst the Vaned States. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, due soldiers charged on account or wounds reecived in battle. collected Immediately: B Call at IS MLA= STREET, opposite the Cathedral. ocntidy PENSIONS, BOUNTLEFS. W. J. & HALL PATEEHSON, Army and Navy Agenoy No. 144 FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh. PENSIONS mixt:wed; BOUNTIES,BAOR P 44 And PRIZE MONET, it stl 0011INEUTTION 01 RATIONS of released prisoners eollectea. oe2l WOUNDED SOLDIERS. • 8100 Bounty to all Wounded Bohner% Is now being pald to sll with a w/hethalsh. No eharge made nstllthe money WA codlitsterl. T. WALTER DALT, /deeesed_ lby the U. S. Cloven t. unen No. 102 FIFTH STREET, mond door dolour the Cathedral. mythical SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOIINTIBB PENSIONS ARD ARREARS OF PAT, PreffloptlT attended to by amnions a RIDDELL. No. 1$ FOURTH ST., Pittstough, Pa. tlembhottawl m binTaL & JouNsoti:""°""a ATTORNEYS-AT•LAW AIM V.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS. OLMMIL AGENTS Bounties for Wounded Soldiers collected In fres en to twenty &ye. leirOftlee No: Id GRASS SWIM. Pittsburgh. ()ail with Wachs'se and two witneeses de2ll-ty MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, RAMC PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every descilytton, collected by the subscriber, at the following rates, viz: Pension Ito, all other elelms KW. . 0. 0. TAYLOR, Atternepat-LaW, No. 73 Client street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. IL—No charges are made if the claim does not succeed, and all Informatlen given gratis. seedy NOili W. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. tdi Pura Brims, Pittsburgh, Ps. Mhos for PENSIO BOUNTY, PRIZE MONEY, •0., rigorously stoutsib e!d• BOOTH gi BMW& GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIORS OF HEN AND BONS BOUTS AND SHOES LADIES DALHORALS AND GAITERS CHULDHENM snow AND SLIPPERS sad astually wlltng off Mow cod. Nov la tIM time Ito buy goods at PANTO OEt3. Call early sod orate a good bands. Don't forgot Um place. 13OR LAND'S' INI Market Amok,lG dam from Ik JAMES ROBBY IMIN Of IMMO SOUS TEX BIM THE NVITINT Vi THE 110191' MUNE" 800irss ,Asezio irscmss, el say Muss Is Ur *My. T 17.1 Ha to last reosirsi Ira* Stools.. 111.. • • vote THE "STAN! WORM non ummivirr GBORGB 'aim an a a. Mo. getwoos( num pro mid !milledil 2 U t ielllll caparfav aer tiosaiso="Warks"" minnow. I'Al* ' Sop?'46, WNW -- TifiVadol:ol~, maw', • ..,s3 1 4,WMNI MlN ktiLm a Dan %=t , tMas' r to ; 134 7IES .4.VD itaf.rKEß S. JAMS erCOIDNON. . O. D. SIDDr.O.. President. Cashier, I t gate with Iron ("My FOulrell .ITAVONAL BANN or rriTSIMIDOII, V.,S. COW/MOW DLpOlitrry, Pit . maments, February tot. tet3. xnaTICE.—WISHING TO FVRTIIER .." the dealers of the , NATIONAL BANK LAW TO PROVIDE A Uniform System of Currency' FOURTH NATIONAL Din OF PITTSBURGH, 43:1, ea and alter February lit, tie. Keehn • h regular Deyoattere automats au/ dealerl4 cerßatE.rer 42 P4ll. soune the public will &gala R MONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE exchange for their eurreaoy is y order of the Hoard. B. D. HERRON. Cashier ANKING HOUSE. . HOLMES & SONS, No. 67 Market Street, Pittsburgh DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR MINDS AND OURRENOY Collections made on nu the principal paints or ea United States and Caundan. •STOOKS, BONDS AND °TEEM BBOBBITIN BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attengoa paid to tito purchase and sale at IIMD STAT SECIRITIES, rIiCLI3DiNG Vatted Molts Rile! of VW; . Do. do. 1140 s. • Do. 1/1993. '10401; Do. Berra-Thlrtles 110. CertUlattes of ladebledneas. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR DOLLAR I:Al/LINOS BANK, NO - 66 FOCIITHTuSer: ORARTERED IN IEO4. Open. dolly from Ito g o'clock, also on Wednee. day and Saturday evening, from May let to No vember Ist, from'? to 9 0 1 / 4 6ck, and from November let to May tat from 8 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all nuns of not leuthan One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits doctored tutu a year, la June and December. Interest has been declared uml-aruxually, in lone and December, since the Bank was orgutized, at the taut of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn ont,tikplnced to the credit of the depositor as principM, knd bears the tame Interest from the first days of June and December, liompounding twice a year without troubling' the 'depositor to call, or even to present hie pose book. At this rate money will double In Lou than twelve yearn Bons, containing the Chatter, Bj-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the oMce. Pazstourr—GEOßGE ALBERS. VICE VEZELDENTS. Wllllsin I. Anaemia, A. M. Pollock, M. D., John CE. Backoren. Robert Robb, Benj. L. Fahnestock, John IL Shoenberger, James Hardman, James Shidle, James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Chrtatian Yeager. THVISTIII9. Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John 0. Blndley, Peter A. Madeira, Cllhßlack, John Marshall, u Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, James B. D. Meads, Charles A. Cotton, John B. MalraddenA Wm. Douglas, John On, John Evans, Henry L . John J . Gillespie, William H. Selo 1., William S. Haven, Alexander Tlndley Peter U. Hunker, William Vankirk, Richard Hays, Wm. P. Wsian, James D. Hell a Isaac Whitt ie r, • Treasurer-4, AS. A. COLTON ' Secretary—J * s B. D. HEEDS. aSialsar TItEASURY Tigi . ARTMENT. OTVICS 517 COlCZCO h l in LEt n olPj . li r t h oAffri l r ei r . E R IfF NITIBFACTO evidence presented to the Undersigned, tt has been made to appear that FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, in the borough of Blrmlnyttant, in the county Of Allegheny and State of Pamir' , snla, hes been duly organized under and aceordisc, to the requirements of the Acts of Congreas entitled "An Act to pro ride n National Currency, secured b.y a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the cireu lotion and eedeinpttori thereof," ayproved Jane ad, lOU, and has compiled with all the provisions of said act required to tie compiled with before won meeting the huntress of banking under said act: Now therefore, I, Flusassir YH, Comptrot. ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that" The nut National Bank of Birmingham," in the bor ough of Birmingham, fn the county of Allegheny, and Slate of Pennsylvania, la authorized to com mence the business of Banking under the act afore said. I Currency Doreen, In testimony whereof Seal of the witness my hand and seal Comptrosdre lle rncy of the o f f °Moe, this 2U day of U. Treamtry Department. FREEMAN CLARK, Comptroller of the Currency TREASURY DEPART/11SM, 07710107 CONIPTEALLLII Or TEL Otrananciv, .Wisexacron, Febniary Id, IBM WHEREAS BY BATISFACTOR • evidence presented to the andendipmd, it kaa been made to appear that. the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY, Is the city of Allegheny, In the . musty of Alio. gheny and - State of - Peoz r u d r i anin, has eta duly organized tinder and onc e to the requirement. of the eats of Congress, entit led "An Act to pro. vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to p rovide for the elm*. lotion and redemption Vareo "approved Tune id, inst, and baa complied with l the provisions of said act required to be complied with before own. menctug the bullion of banking under cold anti Now therefore, 4,1100 n Noel:miaow, CSMOrellfir the'Cur• rency, do hereby certify that "The Second Nation,. al Bank of Allegheny City " in the city of Alla. gheny, In the county of A ll egheny, and State of Perussylvanie, is authorized to commence the bust. ncss of Banking under the act aforesaid. ha . { Currebey. Duresu; In testlaMay whereof 'Feat of t wltuen My ' head awl Comptroller of the east of offkm, MD Ikt day Currency. of February, IBM Tresoury Department. . HUGH PIeOULLOOH, CamaroUer of the Uueretwy. pk.OPLBB' NATIONAL BANE. OF PITTSBURGH. othams. DOUICTOIII : BMW. EEL • NM R. SOUL ILUWIII FROM& MON /1. SPA IN till& W. This Bank, twiptatsei tinder the National Seow leg systa ta.ls mar prepared to traesast buboes at tta Raskin house, MENZIL OF WOOD AMP FIRST STREETS. • L. . Subscriptions rewired MU. B. 1411Trassary Notes, a supply of which is oa base for hasaellato flell . vEr. a66 tioN. BAMIIEL ILlA.Predlst XOTICES OF MESTZMIZS. ittoffearom BARK oeSesesei March VIM Ta ORDER OF THE BO OF TO •••• RECTORS of Ws Beek, • Ousel Keetlie el Stoekholdees will be held at the BANICINCIE ROUSE, on afeIIISDLY, the Ilk d u e, of isek, St II °Valk A. to take tote the queitloe., et' the Bask teat the National law - se sided 7 the agabllag Mt A 14 " us tbe 'Witten Preqrsda. THERM 'WILL BE. Lit beid op tie TH. M OLAPRIti. rUne Mestere de the B.MOND ete.TWITAL 14121114 Alb Olt% at OW Seeking Nos" fe we= 1 eke 4 detest.", ir..4see Itetiret... VONOTLOG geledee.. R , LECILT . Icti )10Yr lIIAMIFAIN, . =mons az, :Win.: mada m , istaan ni vAitz: saw alia.Te = „ 1 . is- at ei wzbusr . - *Lunzes.t 4lll ! l . . 1 9ormilt-,, • el • % CM • TINS um 146 • em•••••• Pk' • 114111111119 WSW* illitbilibtag. Il 4 ;;i 1 "4 . . 11841 1 .8011110 4 111411=1 ULM. 11111AML:A_: • 'i'•• ,Autrovnume wastuansiirsioasstaimmisliaso* "are C4.l' 1.1:3 t , • _„„ . y, • JfirDlatlL. xevmoxl.c.Nn=a BLOOD SEARCHER, For We ears of all ditesoes taxing from in impure Stale et the Bleed,. I=l &s aa, Cameron. Formations, • Cutaneous thecae., • Erysipelas ' Bolls. Pimples on the Face. s.ere Eyes, scald Real, Teeter Airections, obi Stubborn Bloom, litteumatla Madam Diepep Costiveness, Sa l una*, bait , Ketanria ;Meaty " Chinat l r=ily, • • !dyer Complaied," , . Lees of Appetite. - Female. elociptspiiMi Foal Stomata, • with all other Dieord= r a on improper •. I - Otuldition of the circulatory Biota As a general . Tonic. its effects nre !most benignant, nod cannot toll to Denali where axed perseveringly repenting to. tectinam .X.1ni10ti1ii0.0.72.3.C13.14. - The proprietor has certificates awn: en haat to All &good need volume, nll of the the free will otnerfogs of those who haveleen ea, the - Blood Searcher from which heselecto the follow: liver Complaint Core 4 -by Lisailsetell Blood Soorebor BLAIR , OVNTY, it: - Peep- , say appeared before me, one of the lee. tires of Peace, In and far Blair county, Geo. Hopp e who, being duly sworn, according to law, Both dos pose and say: Two years ago I was afflicted Wilk lsin between theahoulders, almost tonstant cough. oss of appetite, chills, night sweats, sad very saki.- Jed to takecolds. lat Length became so weak that could hardly walk; my physician did me nogood. Sometime last fall I commenced taking Lladeera Improved Blood Searcher; by the sae of two bob. tlee was perfectly cured. I feel safe to tecomossidi itto all who salter tom liver diseases, general at.. Linty, loss of appetite' had other disease. arising from impurities of the blood. I would not like to do without It. I conaider it an exeelleat family medicine (Signed,) • GEORGE Bops. Sworn and subscribed :this lath day of Moe* A. D. 1661. before me. ' S. GOBLET, J. P. plots.—illr. Kopp is a *resident of Frankitowth, and Is well-known to the althea, o Blair and Bobs ford counties as a man of exceilent I:hamlet ail influentes. • Another Cane et Scrofula Cured by' Lind% err'. Blood Searcher. If there be any who. RUB doubt that Llndseyba Improved Blood Searcher'has and will pannsnently cure the roost desperate and long-standing ewes of Scrofula, let them read the hallowing and be eon clneed : . • Do. J. M. LINOSS7 : 1: was afflicted for a cam. ber of years with a Mamie, said by my I phyalciana to be Scrofula. For the but three years was so bad that Iwu unable to get out of my bed. I tried ail the remedies and the best physicians I was able to procure, worse y beneficial result. • I coo tinued growing until the flesh and skin were entirely 'seen off the left aide. of my fare, neck. shoulder and arm. Illy suffering was so great, an* I was solar reduced that' it requlreathe °Porta of two persons to tore me in bed.' This was my eo dition when I was induced by the Mesita. Ralston. of I.lderton, to try your Improved Blood Stucker. watch, to my great rellekand the satisfaction of my friends; I soon discovered was helping me continue the use of it, and gained so rapidly that a considerably less than one year wakatile to go about and attend to some of my household dulled, and the parts aflhcted • ware mit healed up and cov ered with ;sound, healthy flesh and akin, and have eo continued ever since; and Inow enjoy a stale of health Mit I had for years ;Wen up all hopes eg Over again being Mauna with. NANCY 888/LIEN= Near Elderton, Armstrong county, Pa. . Arrourr Bth, 18811.- AS A TONIO It has nominal. Unllkeethe many vile nil:tuxes yelled "Bitter.,! ' it Orelaell no false appetite, but give. tone and v igor to the system, (Tadashi and permanently. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEJTS ' J. IL FULTOII.-Druggist, WNIOLINIALE AND LETAIL AGENT. Nos. 69,4 69 FM street, PittabarglyPa. iitam all Ordeii.mini9.be'dlreate6. Also Agent for the followlog medicines: Dr. Humphreys Homeopathic, Dr. Ayer's Family Medicine, Dr. Jaime's do: do. . Dr. Wiehart's Family Medleinea, Brown% Bronchial Troehee, Mrs. 'll=Mat I , osrte Soothing Syrup with a fine ent of Tooth, H e ir and Nan Brushes,. Fraley Soaps, Fine Handkerattief Es, Baste of the latest style. wade. . ' • • COUGH 1W '..01011M. . . TRY STRICKLAND'S" NELLIFLI7OIIa, COIIGII BALSAM sratintrArnrs 11ELLIYLHOBB OCIIICHIk BALSAM la warranted to cu Coughs, Cade Mosnimees, 'Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sorg Throat, Beasumption,. sad all affections . . FourtM tike Throat and Lungs. *or h street, uz sk, by ca 4 geliesii Begot,' "11 All the Medical men and the press reeomnbas DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTwao LEILA lax TUBE as the only certain remedy forDisrrhamiutill D•terf. It is combination of - iirbants, Sthintlants and I.larminstives t and N warranted to °Mad a sues after all Wax mem We by orli lutan k, o ?eneral Depot,S E.* Foot . STRIONLAM'S PILE REMEDY. FELE EENEDIr * DR. STRI cured thousand@ of the worst oases of Blind WI Bleeding Illeni It gives innosdiats reno 4 sad IL blots a permanent sore. TIT it &rosily. Bp was ranted to Fourthaids by o For Brugstste. Gourd DepotoiEre 4.101 11 Olsolonart. 0., Dyspepsia, II eivonmess, Mail DR. EITILIOICLANDT, WNW. We an reeosateend Irmo suftelag yak low &L A W " ' I.4ll=y:fo net&yo Too* L ve:sta s preparalon, Dee trout &bobtail llquors; strengthens the whole nervous symbol- • It creak& a good appettb& and Is winzantiall toad Dyspepsia awl Nervous Deblllty. For t iVa u n%te =ally. Revered bi • DR. A. • Fourth street, Obir eines% O. For ale by DIL am H. 1151EYSNI, stu m r s ir Wood street and Virg& alley, and R.N. sELD & 00., corner of Wood and Second streets, Fltar burgh; and by PARK & MILL, NO. a DOWN -stri ca 4l ll dI A I W I•ei, a 4 SIB JAMES CILABEE'S acLersiumq rzmar.s prrts. Prepared from a prescription of I t J. OWE; IC D., Plaid Man Extrorodimiry to the Quo& This Well lumen medicine is notmmosittea, bmit a sure and safe remedy fcmieniale dedieutUes emit Obinnictirom from any use Whatever, aid NM though t a t or t 4 7, e -44 1 2 ' MI= Imdlesit perfectly as L will, An a &haat time, briny on the monthly period With rogalmity. Them Maliave never been !commit° EMI whew the directions oat the be page et the pamphlet atm wetl.obtenadFor falarilimiars get a •PaniWet,f re% ef broil frniggis Prim, 111 }NNW& a Cti yelled Mates Agent, • WNW_ Ti Ommtlandt street, NeerYitt.. N. 11,41 end pardon stamps; enclased b miff authorised amente bottli, sestrilalmi overlie ybT return mall. - aaparuaks.- TRUTH, . WORD FOR WORD...TEW* THD3.—BE. TODD OWN .TUDGE.—Dasersa; (Murdoch 4. Ch.—Clasts: I am satisfied ot the atertta of INITAN lamp; It Ms raised me from thill aa It were, where OONSWNITION Owl els nearly placed me. toarilyrnprg and MN. meat Lae dome for me what na else at se could do—restored me to health IL% whea Ant relaine4 myself - to the tuortal elmage.“ WaelL .10 for afloat* M l T•str;,,_ • • . hL BEOWZIL • ZiaatorbilitacolntalneVitay Dia ' - =Nabors is mahatma and at one ef mew We melee. Dr. - IL JANES , . CIA.NNADIAS DMA Is the only remedythat wl/litessltheursa.. 00=111IPTION, ASMNA and Bitl WI ask the trial of a shire bottle:as it 4WD ,w =.• most ~eat '.ipt firm btu& !nor , Se st.:%PlUil sal MAIM a IS esalli. -4 "" 7 104 Rate Ci t i tiee D t PI C 8 111 ssias: TE.&E ANMILLIIIISIMIIIII, Glivir se a esiallif dam, "1 , WI el% Alli i riP S3IIOIIIA 01 anti Ogßai n f " 1 , 4 1111 suMetent. } s u auilinem ax iiii a .,.... 111•11621 A /Wall Omani 4425 1 4.72= e at; eitmj . _ _ _yLe, .: a v i rdEM, TM , . MOW= , say put oltar traits. All Isittlesauk-iseatalsa.:, . i• '7, amp Wpm, 7011011111110111.91101 M, D 155114,011.11.111 ' sialeikkili 1 , i• .. P ~ i 5..' bihnieop: sow !wet illoW , lllll-:.: la clusiisspar:4 - . okuninatombT, ac-_ ''-''*, . Watuon t " lt iM o V " ' .. • r'. ' ' - ' -.' .. • • , avow ai iit sa • 4 ,, ~ -: ,obacimia, s . 40 var .: , j, IN ill eNt= •Um; 1 1 _.- a ris .ral4l l lP/81143 1 A" ,- -" ^-: • ' -Vasilwo 0wt0.414+1 tom Zterstimmi,.:Abwowaw w .alimmeters etioro. 11010— - VOW 'l,
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