- she gittAllitrett &gm THURSDAY, ILUICH 80,.1863 wsuisoN, proLEA4 . & co., s34l.2:Hameris .13x-clr.earas, N 0.115 roarth St.. Pittsburg° -Bt _ l oidta recetral In P 4.11 Pimps sad OUR. Ootteettons *Wales!) perteotthethdtekiltstes.' Beq , ita r d s ril et matr ei tat i cs: U.S. do. 64.0a0. i. U. 8.6 per, seat. Iff4a !do.; • ' 11.8. II &a amt . Certificates Indebtedness New, 11.11.1. N Notes. TUT aisfriall arid ON coisanssiolt It the New York, Prdladelpids, and Patraulyri Illearda, • all kinds et comsat Beeurttlea, Iltado. Bonds. Gold FIIIANCLIL ! CID tOMAIBERiIh , - DROXERPS AND BANNERS , BOARD. - . (gOINSOTWe NT ltatencor,lPOinew & Co.) . , . - Wmirialttv, Mara," taw tr • . n. "...mxi ... ~........l Offfd. ..-- Asked. Bane 's . • eertin est ea '..- ,- •v 0 . .p. F.W.&0.1.11m0n, u — .ceurband Rail Road.... 5, - .--. . ....-. --. • . Iguana* Bank...--... moo -7.... , • otorobasts --......— 30) ~Ol• , Dahill' Cill Co: ... : . 11,73: '' - ........ Phillips LI Oo . ....... -4 , 1 7 N — Illitimnito i 1,0,,, • Omen Run & Pit-Itele.. in • Cluny RUA & Pittatirg., -.....- 1,05 -• ' 'lt* Petroleum-- ' —, 4 00 -- • _ Les .-- . Cherry Run &lllood.„... • ..,,-. 1 , 1 6 ... .5 \ • Duck Creme. . •....--. .... . 10,00 -- . • ~ Now ram * i Ohio .. ~.... too • . - .• ' • z wl n" obsorro ' an improvement of one tourth per ' . test report, at 1M131,67. NO% was Old at MOM' -. 104,46"Dtt"Bothan1thapsdatriTr7:rprenunts:edot:04:1:7Ct":234iiesitt"°rIcel"", 1,057:46.0r. i beads of tE6I. Bales were reported of Exchange L Bank at 90 and DU, of Fourth _National at 173 : XlMlthants'alinesare th ierar illino ttlY ent io stockn anni n u ot lesit7 exceptingankans -enumesit Bondi, even, on the' Wt. ' • reauure du3 atal to 44' sdl, * a ind n eed, le. h Th oldrre ll writ - . ei t io lls tro rtu ntin .y ue p know, that could they afford to sell at the present ~. quotations, the market would break at once shoot a persistent effort be nuolp, to unloadlguiduntriud. . runty. Weakbands are being heavily tented, and, es far as we can Judge are standing the in M - reliably. We hope the market will soon' let up some, and buying and selling become. the cider of ~ the day. The steadiness of gold ought moon to. oho* the needles pipit ti other quarters,, and. • i 'eaten hiamess to resume somewhat of its usual t actldtg. We were Informed.to- day, on - good authority: i that four new wells hive been tapped on the . rfilho McClintock Farm," Veiling° County, With in the past two week,. No. ile reported as yield ' tog one hundred bands per day No. 2 twenty-ore; No, 4, *lateen. The Allegheny & Pittabuzgh Oil , - Go. htintereetal in all thine wells.. We also learn that a well producing about seventy Ire barrels • I. Outlay, was struck on the "Brichenan Farm," the' I-. other day. Subsequently, some bulks, in which ... there was a considerable quantity of 01, took fire, and burned the derricks and several (nine 'Duet. ' . • tues dose by, - but the well is reported ai min. ' • It has been thoight all along by, many ell men c.- that the reports of the damage sustained in the oil mime, by the recent freshet lathe Allegheny river . _ ilemeo havebee tt n u rrea atena tly . exagers .,.4.t ted froin . W oil e ci aaw ty t , hree snal ge be i; all were us that the divine suntan!' will not reach over one million of dollars, If that, aid that t Ike report of five millions worth of property being ..' ' snated tbia at iand y iL destroyed is all bosh. That the loss . - asupialned lea serious one no person disputes, but then le no sense In making. it 'eve times greater There was a very slim attendeuee at the Pio 1 ' Ple's Motk Exchange this evening, and the trans. , r . • action were remarkably limited, and as holders, 1 „ generally, are anxious to maitre, the market rules e-- , weak, and pieta are drooping. Corambla, which last night was held firmly, and sold at 48, was of.. fand - this evening of 47, without finding heyers. ROPIP-2001r, which has ruled pretty steadyfor some. time peat at 1,34@1,40; sold thisevening at I,Se, '.. sod was subsequently offered at thabegine with oat panting with any zp . sponite:. The following • Laieport of the sues: ibexes Oterry Bun &Blond - - --- --- roe Horserreck--.........------ 13S .r-- 00 :i , Meadow "Merchants:., ir ' ..i. .:.' I. 40 100. . Pittsburgh &New York 110 , , ... ... ten:t... Ettsburgli &Pialladelphlr - ' • 2 1 00 . tale -50 .. The offerings and bids wyreei follows:, , , illOcll Farm & Ohlo '' •'' - . Bid. Aiked. ....- too r - Caldwell . - Central Bashi. .. - s.— -, eao •., ebony Run & • Pit Ifole__- - - Duck Creek Finning & Blood • Germania, of Pittsburgh. . Great American MaAboy Cherry Run.—........-. Ohio Valley Olt Basin, of Philadelphia. • II 60 Oil Creek. & Cherry Rani.- -.• • alO . 600 -- Revenue . 1& Rose- ••• —. . - ... ..-......—. 116 ' Ito B ..,. .......... 4......... .. 3 23 _. 025 WW -- es • Steel We • _-• ..• le 00 24 O p o Tack Petroleum, of New Yoric:. --- ain Tree, Story & Cherry Run. •. he . - es Western Peonsyleaula— 2 9.7 West Virgiala & Pittsburgh..,._ . —. ~ , J,,, g 0 , Some trouble ii' understood to emigkisillygew York relative to the damaird cotton inftlitit*Els. mutat seizures. It wee lola, aid WheiTeill..for could not be dellyered, Westin It hell In Shaman ;. time been attached: The sound cotton has noSyea . - been offered, the first sale on government account' Millie been fixed for this Peek: This will probs. My be attached in the same way The Journal of yptemerce unit will tip utterly licipierible to sell She patty odd thousand bales at the plus of Gov. .orninent tirposlt down the Bay, mans the sale is Apreed or, r a ;erlod of te c xy_cce!xthc• An cialcl* nationqf t o p em , t t oi , !events the fact that a large ,portion of it is marked Fhb the tag :• 611 0 . ! the , British Coos*, as prom,' 9 . ,l Drub". net/cell ' -.Wlk.tt 'bows that difficulty is to herai;'' ehrc .._ded.. • ft la Wlhe' literal Main cotton, as In stocks, -Pm Is just now a among bear Intlaeuce at work, and all .., ;is said and done - llut eanyie, to knockdown pates, ' which those la the opposite Interest nears . urea= • 47 below the cost of bringing o.tton nip any of the Allsatle ports; that if the cotton should be given, . urittnut price in Tennessee, the taxes, charges, ‘trommortellon, &a, In plating It in thhi or the' ' New York. market, would eat up the, entire • prleir . • realised: Such'we bay are the allegations 'of the ' ' c obalt"interest. who min DIM pteienCO . unisitc;in _ . I(llaxed Ly cotton brooms engaged to hunk:down • price* preparatory to Menlo of the thirty ;thou.:. .. . nand bales seised at Saiinosh and to ,be Sold!, at: " New York this week; after whiah, the Mien it Is eonteaded, will Advance; that the "beer?' tleetn , lag buyers, will be no longer interested In' keeling the quotation down. .•' ~.., .., ..,.... • :, , Ono of the most grati f ying facts .conneeted with the sent decline In P 11902 nod Plutteltli-fiCllngli the continuous and extraordhutry amount of sub.. nelPttons to the eeven.raukthteettiothi ' loan. The proapeetive Value ofilili lean' ontruip have Mei increased rather than decreased. in 'popular " belleution by the general wins of coolidence and peeturine case/aim other asearttles,.wlthilerr sum „- - mutat decline filmed:et pilau' The iiiimiiirativo. .I.Y small decline in all government bandstonamied *Mb railway securities,., and the ' Use..with *lett Base an obtained anthem, are'diepoingeatiltal , • Ma and others meas... - .mid. morn to' eSqpy . bear asupplas lands- ta plauhialng of tile yr'''. , ... doesednibs of - Gerernmentpecurittes... At 'present . 6 11 11 Ptirdat - currxxt eritint: litietn , t ti! ' , l !•** 14 .:' toast strongly on the new.loait; ..., ~ .;., . . ~.„ in:stamina* to the ildpiinart of geld , froM the English ntarket to thtiOnnultry,4lo.Loidon Eons noel of the 11th a/4i; Aidight addlidoialdsmind -.._ lleristroey his been experienced, dating the week, ~.... . het tidies LO sonsequesioe °Caspersen/in i.e. :. ...., - ~ -' - 4/Lonsy larAbatniant,i and, itt ilitOtt - '• ' trainable t but there Is an apparent .'*the Piet of the Publiefilaireentlit: 1it.,0 ' - . Onvemipp o i ant tlgedrakti;ll2e/tl4ltNelqaps :' >. ....--1 14 tWilbeihnitherthele l'• .”, ...• nt 7r! „' • • • hats `WOW tollioli , .'; . •:•• "• ' ' - 'Mt*, irsobotriicittlittio, .. ...... • - •c "7. ..-.. e targei, • ..-. = al.the PreeM4.l44. :. ..tr , ... , ?.. .- . . '+'.. Yet vhki • : ' ark a1t414 , 9.11 M. biteir:lo*** ... 444 !thither: ezpaUdtow 7:04 , - - Geoids littrfutt if arch 25.,, , , • ~..., ~ . • lanidiaateasufliors. 'Cr=es - •• r'e," e d 4 ~....,....,_ !e aul9,Joires Tor- ..._-• :be MILN. atelms or: , , .•• , • . leffiiiii smut bookhotwar. f . =M IL : ::.• . - Largalaines.whlls Apar Agnate • • • • roar. sad hare not f 040.142 ander, • use • a ,..,, Oche ellteleet..% The AopplyAS:sery.; m i d . ..t --, 4 Law4Pllo2ll.llt epteamp_ _Already, - . r: . hang Men aseabli..l=' eo al SOSO!, . rife iii ' l;.:4 - L ° l=llaaaiik ' oaltlik.= wafts have toushedhottose, and wrimettaa la Akre; _ hy to Salm Plane the Mommandinestetla applinkat, . wo ate ow tomalthatDlWrotoos resonthmtpp-. -: ' . broom have a mind attelsekr senar_ awl -taties4 pr. ', to a few Waeldnetems tweet •Plammtk, Or; Nowt weierseite at aeps. pcbdamni=da Craw the :.: ' um b i r= r ia g .lark the undoubted isw °limpets; • - nal Ilmenad must sooner or later tinpset•s-iift. leMtled and siaUfacitentone to the marker. Ten '... glotsbeeo L Prints hate itenotabottlAlMonint gm, -.' The Retaitton dais l ame k been mkt t ith ti ss =elo • . Ille.-. The Padde , drawn from the matliett ape mama idiwodaeumpt; -, a soommarabto agrotttotot AM hinellAPC . ^alr.` , ' wools. goodannriirdeffh4lll= met aosateobto, mtwO, .eLtqrs_ tory,. Many inEtbi - m•quteestemposelogri - .. considnins rho pan fo ndusill"l=ti grow to name tags, a at Plannt P _ mmir.enatadaltc r ida cannot I=stated at the pri.. del edi labia, are new whoa tented tap' as Ito maket. - • would not he 11000' - feeler the peoituttart trot airti toiss4 DAILY RBVIEW . OP IPITTI9IIII7IIGEI WiDErit5DA7, March 29, 129 ..The general Wirketil continue quiet and very dull, the demand for the leading' Articles Of produne being.restrieted Altogether to the wants of consum ers, while priors have undergone no material change. GRAlN—Wheat and Miley are both quiet nod neglected, and there seems to be no esteblbbed quo. tattoos. porn Is 'Very dull and drooping• sale of 2 eats shelled &UR pet b Wits steady with • fair demand, but unchanged; sal! of 200 busltsls at ES cents. FLOtlft—The receipts continue liberal and with no improvement to note in the demand, the market rules dull and drooping. Small salevof Extra Tam lir from @lomat 1 9 M ,50 OM for Spring and ranter Vi heat brands. d * i ow to • GROOERXES—Beyen one see p operate very freely, even at the reduced retie, un der the Impreesion that prices must still further recede. This being the casette have but few trans anions =port, and prime are too irregular to qu al e il e Y ° lBlotr— ' There Is a moderate jobbing de mand for Baeoe, and we note regular sales at. Igo for Shoulders, Infer Sides, and r4f.12:1 for Sugar Cured Hams. Lard is held at 2.1H24, and Mess Pork is quoted at Meta gtbDL. - . MILL FEHU—Is 'nearly with* fair ' deriend at about previous rates; sale Grin tons Fiddling' at e S-o(over and Titibily Seeds are quiet bat steady with sales of the onus, at Mk sad Us latter at ea. Flax Seed Is very dull and droopLng. BUTTES—Common Roll is dull and nominal at s nt aws eta, while good to strictly prima Froth is gel/. i at sagas. EGOSLess active and a shade easier today, selling mainly al 20itst "ozen. unEmm—a selling too' fair extent it HI defer - - Western Reserve. and2l for Hamburg. DRIED FRUIT--Saleof 10 bbls prime bright ap ples at li)4e. 'reecho. ate quoted _retsina] at 22/2 cts. SORCIRIIIK—SaIei at ltd li gaLlon.. SALT—Is a shade firmer but unchanged; sate of too Dbl., at Viper MI. HOOP-POLEd—Dullbut unchanged; sales at $l5 for sleeks au 120 for lights. POTATOES—ReguIar Islet of Peach Blows . and Primes Alberts, from store, at $11,6002,76 .per PITTBI3II7RGU MrßOLEtraf MARKET WEDNYIIDALY, Mitch 29, I=l. There Was rather more tetlotty , tee °nada Market, but as sitl .6o seen by reference to the sales, prices =led lower, and we now quote at 201 P 21 cents, bbli returnee, and WOW, bbls Included, al though some holden are asking higher rates. The receipts have been very limited during the past . two days, but the supply "fully up to the demand, and while the market Is becoming more settled,' the great problem which bath buyer. cad ;letters ere trying to solve, Is as ..to whether It has touched bottom. We note a salCol IMO bbla at 20 cents, obis returned; 900 do do, at 2034; amine do do, at M. For Edlged, la bond'there Is no demand whatever, and In the absence ofsales we malt `quatations. Free 011 Is dolt I nd drooPlng, email sales having been nude to-day . at 72473ct5. :There is no movement in Naptha ; or residuum, tut as the stock Is light, both of these articles are held pretty firmly 'at about predons quotations. The reeelpta of Crude 'thee our Out report, have been remarkably bblo for James Wilkins. Advice' trim OttOlty quote Crude at neOW bbl, aeihat ileac NEW YORE PETROLEUM MARKET SPoda aphiPetch to the Pittsburgh Gaiette. • - Nam-Toes, Month le, MO. Petroleum la steady with sales of 1.000 Mott et for Oriole, 03 for Reaped to boid, antra tor RIM ILiBBITB BY TELEGRAPH. New York Market. New Yotut March 29 .—FLoon—Dull endless" and We loweriEetralitate 02.26®2.95; Extra it. H' . O. $10010.55, trade branda, the market dodos heat?, with no buyers at outside quotations/ Winensr—Dull, and scarcely so arm, at Vat% • Weser—Dull. and 2r.412 lower; Milwaukee °nib. UM; Good Winter Had Wnt.rn 51.00; , Amber Michigan 81 . 2314. . . - Mrs—!l9ll and heavy at 113581.30. YellCoatrow—litill, and nefle lower; 111- 5 213124 for . Oraro-Heary and loWer; 966 , 0 . 934 for Western, the latter afloat. . - Pa - reorgene—Dullt et for Crude, Ii for Refined in Bond, and 72 fords Free. • ritovutione—Fork opened firmer and excited, and closed heavy and dull at 2 , 36125,50 for sew mess, chasing at ell, regular; 25025,50 forint-St; do e emll and regular way closing at 23 cash, Sts@ts,so for prime, 11254jr2 for prime mess; also 4,5 0 0 barrels new mess fin april and Mar at seller and buyers , option at 15211, -- 40inoBeef steady; Beef limns firm; Out Meats In mod e demand at 14W/15% for - Shoulder,, and traftsll for Bann; Bacon la Lair demand-for Chamber cut; letWle.„' for Short Ribbed. Lard rather vy; tales 1,200 barrels at . 1 4. I.Wintg. Butter In dead at 14022 for Ohio, and 221211ff0r State. Cheese quiet at IWO& .._ . - Meier: end Stock Market. Bete To., March 21 L—Mosrirr--Easier with a , large supply at igt7 per cent' Sterling dull at 100 emu tor tint class bills. Gold dull and lower, opening at 152, advancing to 153, declining to 151%, - and closing at- lot lei;.. • - I:l2rernment stocks 'firm. Stosktheavy. Uni-ed States Ws 5.50'5; Reg ular gone: tegrelottpda9los%l 540 Coupons losgt Ohio itier.lllsa.„thitilietter - ?WV Quicksilver ' grligaripore 11%; ifilir York' Sofithentql4%; Erie Ai ;Hudson WA; Readings/$4; Michigan Southern ''22, lileoß Central 54 ; 3 1 . 1itsburgh5liNorifhwestern ~,• doj . , referred 40 • Rhode Island 85%; Fort - Gella; trenin7Stoct Ercbange.—Gold,lso. New York _Central, to; Eris,. 93-X; Etelson. M ; ; needing-41; NielligAtl Sou - them. 613..,,, ,, 'Maoist:lea • tral,94;Plusburgh 51%; Rock Island 871;: North Western, 21 %; hart 1 V ,1 3 1 .e. 80 M; 1 313Lbet140d, 31; Quicksilver, 021%; Mariposa, i 15%. Stocks mot Gold steady en c a ll: °Waller tali 131. -, - ' C incinnatii Market. CFNCI3IIATI, P . Steil 23.—The market WAD goner. ally languid, and there • was - little demand for any al title. Fume-41d to a limited ez tent at r for Super. ••-- 13 00 •-•••••• 1 00 --• 5 00 a GO t 75 It 6 Gzanr—EM Wheat 01'.6061.05; Oats 70; Rye It; Corn very dull, and no dementi Wianzr—Sold at 02.101‘.. Piroviatoxs—aenerally doll, and less firmness 'manifested by holders; folly ffi u Port isnlfered M4i2S, but Cal is tbs outside rote altered. ORoo3lll2l—Qultt, and unchanged. . Scarp—Dull; ()lover in; . Timothy 5-1.70. and Fiata& Errrsta—hait at 2scires. GoLD-410.60@1•52: I hla • ade p Market, March Mi. The 7/farket Is poorly supplied with Clorerseed, and it • !swatted Side of MOOD bushels, ehtelly from sieosul hand., at 17MOndo per se lb.. Tim othy is - worth - sW,di kwAel and Flex deed 'There is rather moms firmness In the Wheat mar• ket and OM Is offering for strictly .: prime Red. White ranges from 'veto 05,50. Kee le scarce, mar worth: $1,68. Corn la very, quiet. Salem of IMO bowls yellow hi 'forest eidaNyi,n, and of at, 51,40. . Oats are eteady, and further les of Penna. are reported at 65 cents. rallagalphla Cattle Market. The reeelpts of beef eattle this week were eg • treacle; light, sod priees •advaeced somewhat. The salei reached only about eight hundred_ head and prices seams from Veto eto net 101 Ito, for common ogood, and from Onto t7S foreitioqual. fly Ilego-About 4,60 e were sold at 1 1178 0 13,1e_por h.tiii..ll tweet. There was also a falling. atria the *apply of Sheep. Some 2000 head weresold at 1.1014, penis, gross. Cows brought from OM tone forepringers, and from 106 to 03 for cow mad eslf. -About 100 were disposed of. I7IIPORTB BY RAILROAD IT7Vernon, Vows WATIrg & Chnotoso K. IL, Marcb 20,10 tea hams, 20 do shoulders.- Stu:maker & Lars; 00 br„r Umotbyseed, rdcOlurkan, Herron & cc; 1 car bay, Herron & co; too bbl, flour, Dan Wel hetbbls bigbwlttes, Lsmbert, Stanton & 00;100 Idle Stour, Club& &hersard; 200 do do, Sbomaker & .Lang; I car corn, Imin_Wallace; 2 dodo, Samuel m lertop; 2ca meta!, Jas Wood &Son; I bin ens, I keg soda:4 bbls buttet.4 do tallow, J. Ititkpatlialt rattrap roll/ leather, G N Iluestott; 7 eke rain. Godfrey:ls Mark: 3 MA ease. 9 bbla seeds, L Voirl Wales; 0 tiroetz lager & Son 19 •bbur• np. • Dalale_y 9. 'Van Gorder; bales corn busks, 2 ks balr, Wmoble laco; 7 bse aegaN, Waist egga, & S.ell; 2 cans barbG, .1a tiOdesj I air . wheat, J S Llggt,it fr. ocrea - cars Witt, .Totm CIXVZIAND , Priresur.en 8.-a, bL6roh Mi— -1 car mbeet, 1' Kenustr u %ltrot 1 eneinnendboli. ,t 0 Noble: 17 habitat Doolittle &,Peek; it NIS paper, Wood &Bleak; has shoulden, Little Bilird col 6 bele boa, rt. , John Onll Neer boy& Jen Irwin; 419 pet bookmetiFeting -A coy rine' leather, bble apples,to ghttOtttlos eon!, Eiirovson & En01.;66 Me green t h 3 .94.0 bbli butter. ideOutiotigh, g Sn Skge Wise; L'hilttin; 7 bbls timothy 0 Aziroaxas - STeTiorrNarsh 24-11 t rolls leather, C Groatslnger lc Son; it bids apples, .5 Was elder, Sonia bbl olollufsea,ll(llleyst.,s bble gums do butler, Et Leurta ears oda, Slows= tc Koos; 1 ear brick, Joe Urals; 2 bbis ego;1 At:CM:Her. B. ta Carstati ear billlTeed; Alex Toplotll dodo, SlmP• • 00 n is Knox: lOW Tarn. H Gerwlg; pkg. - llstd.; and wlra ; Towaseall;ll';pu pOketoell, Srottl ;it dodo,. •••• . . . Rim um,u01503. . . . . , ~..,..Thowaither yesterday . Wair- cloudy and aunty, ?Kith evert appearance ofraln: - The twit. 'a:coif hi.: oratortorde rieadili, althouih -there la • 4111 aa :"alriuulinee of water for all Ilirldobloptoporea, the liiir . mitira indleatlag about eight , feet'ond a hilt -: - ihadoeu wairiaocierately active at Malaya. ye& . ten * , th e. effeliaga of freight , being compi.trative ,;li filr;but,tha realipta of, freight were very light, — .The Only arrival from below, wAa the Minerva I, from Parkeriburg,', while aside friar - he" Jam.: rj e grts7b w i e r v:74 l ,f,ttl`tt;t: i ie r it7ist r :2 nt Lit AI obtlesa he falai i - ort this m - r. , - • . :21iii Befle,frirtottil tpirod Tediardstr trltli • a good trip.aad th• Wolfs', Ito: v .1;11nd, Wilda, ' cleared for tba n tSat 'maim With vets good' Irloe of both f and Pgera.- - - - ---- ‘ (be gdisibmi waglanWt"'lltubug'°° 1111pOdspaltrodra, and the Sate Potome. G 1 la. 14 sad Bevitaile were advattlied t?..foiloaroit Tpqao.; _,. cow ?,,Pa p s . sall t *ls:Slia4lsltiz' sus, is alum for y Bt..Loola he Uppar. : alladarippi - 16" ifib:-, She - aelidln - daYarldLaY ..inanailin Ray* Vapt: liondataluadu;' , ....„, .....'" .f , ' , . - - ~, ,_. .. Us, xarktawa,in oomoulad,,Of (AA rim._ IF W. v,Ebbetettirrarksouiteed forlllnOtarditt and. um* , 4elillvid-paareagara aadoperiabocild'_beat tali Tb 7 liare f ilearcrirridialiiK etc: will b ar te lint boat to ter* for NariuttlieNl . - Tn. onalli and popular Bayard. Uspt., Gaols* - TV gfoonala tha menhir paokab for„garkoraPargit. faapaaavittgat elevaa , obleek „ , ,a, st.” ~ thepi. - .MA ' Koons, the clerk will see thaapaisanAal and • ..iadApara astalas aystrinuattcaul , ... - ,...::.;..- ~., Z , • Lite irutaaat /oft thaeloasti for iltia /rip ~,,muimpar.. EVab, , bas CIO toss tat_ data •4417: AMC , distsbizZ .•WI of tlyst filmy • ~0113 it '• A re go i Xt=l,oo( 4' - • , . p o,7,unkratatnes -1„...;., ".i., . • - ........_ " -44 tam.. 4WravnaaNa ..of east for Man ammalaatallave ard - *ad dassalbdadtle fails, Tao neet, cep mi. Awltamed Gain Paitn . go" aka " Una Pkintoal Tie Vakiskticatii. lAsiikis mimeo tor ow car Wilk a idiA•WOCCOnlaullelt agiass, rfn~r~:~ MARIETTA AND PARKER& 4 1 461 DURO. PACKET LINE —REG ULAR PASSENGER STEAMER FUR _SUN FISH,. SISTERSVILLE, CREEK, MARIETTA AND PARKERSBURG. The new .and fast ald.o wheel oanenger BAY -AND, G. D. Moore, Hester, Daniel 'Moore, Mark. Leaves Pittsburgh every MONDAY lk THURS. DAY, at II A. nr. Leaves Wheeling et 5 r. 5. same days. Returning „ leaves Parkersburg TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at I P. S. Leaves Marietta at a r, or. game days. Leaves Wheeling at 7 a. S. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. For height or passage, bwrhig uniurpaued no. commodatione, apply on blunt or to JUIIN FLAG'S, or ' .TAS..CIOLLINS, Agents, NO. (45 Water street, Pittsburgh. REGULAR WEEKLY PORTS MODTH AND PITTSBURGH ER PCNET.—The fine passenger steamer GOLD ERA, W. IL Kerr; master, W. B. Gemini clerk, leaves Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock :n, and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at 3 Cl'elock T. tn. The Golden Era make connections at Porta. mouth with the Iplendid steamer fir Na S, for Clecinnati, and will receipt Qelght and pasties. Rem through to that city. • nolte - "POR:hT. LOUIS, KEOKUK, 1 DAVENPORT, DDRURE, LENA AND ST. PAM. 'DIREOT. , —The doe pasaenger steamer, MAGGIE RAYS. Capt. D. L. Beodrfekaon, J. B. Young, Clerk, will leave ea TUESDAY, April 11th. Ear freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN PIIE.NG ' OO L LLIWOOD.I Agouti. or. JAS. COLLINS, VCR CINCINNATI dc VILLE.—Tbe spindid passenger steamer YORKTOWN, Captrdn Q. will leave ae above on SATURDAY, April tat, For freight or plumage apply on board or to J. D. COLDINGWOIIiD,44mt.. JOHN FLACK. f . r OR Sy. LOUIS AND UPPER JAZ,' DLISSISSIPPI AMER.—The new and ,aolended drum LOREPIA,_IOIapt Shuman, will. leave u above on T AfiltS4lAY nth at r gip. m. For freight or presage apply on board o SMUT FLACK, 0h.," T. D. OOLLINGWOOD, A g ents ' .I VOR CINCINNATI. 'VILLE AND NASHITILLE.— T: e line passenger dowser BARD TIAO4, Perry Brown, will leave for the above and Mew mediate ports on THIS•DAT. With inst. For height or passage apply on board. sohyt _ - - UN R. WALL.IIOI WILLLIX 0961711111 TALLACR & CUBTISS, own An imam mount. _ ...'n'grA7i*)494 1 ; 17 BRIOATING oils. No. to SOUTH ' FIZURVX.I, PHILADELPHIA PAL . . : .. . . , • . .- . aill'Storage - rapid:ritzier earer,) for 16,00, banes: Afro caeca facalltina for shipping to American and Foreigh rta, at oar wharf on thei Selmylkill River, near platform of the P. N. N. a ...M.., ly . . . STAIMAIII) PETROLEUM REFINERY. .CLASH & SOIREE. Works and Office ; COLLINS TCWNSIELP: 02.0 In Pitts!Mso, woon_irramr. These works have the largest eamelq In the country. The brand stands the Ihe4 In thin randoot , r , f o r i x i d . p ut.. r i e w ro e te, lor.oli al easoned gy and errely pdrennplz Si an esrnd a t il ac f =l,l3olLEß_ ermis, TANKS, and / MPROVRD * BORING TOOLS for Oil Wells. _dela:ly • J. BEIM, Nea Rt. CLAM BT.. Pittsburgh, roawieiturra 41W commiss.rozr MERCHANT, ADD DEALER LIT OWL ILLIMMPATING, .LOORIOATINO, CRUD PLTROLERNE OILS, &a., ocrustantly on hand and for Las at the lowest market prices. Oonststo meats and orders solicited- - apt-nor BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, r", 44 sir BALTIC! HAI, Sta., &Wein VI k OP REPINg.fi Mika Ta ahre.... ',Pee emus . OS*, No. KC BEAD i e. New am ocsay-- V RICHARDSON, HARLEY it CO., comatarlon Auld Forwarding Xerahanta to cans AND muirminntaratri, kr : Liberal cash adriariet• on cooslssaents for littsburgit or Eastern Markets. TITTIMITEGH ItEriaorol3l. S. Dilworth fr. 00., weer Barbaugh, Esq., zattito Bell' Esq., Prest. Otattmetetal Bank. oL"' LIDS TARING & RING, COMMISSION nizßonArrrs, PETROLEUM AND.. ITS . PRODUCTS In /Mining lastatabi. (4214 y Ns. SS MARKET ST. Pittalstrirk JAMES. WILK:I:NB, • AZOttlidi Ow boast or CRUDE lliD - 1111M2D OILS Perry INlock. rhaialeatie Way, Plillab , gb Orp 'aitentioa Elves to Ow- BOA AND. 811.1planoT , Or rETRuLEtIO and lta produota. Co:Lap:onto reopeetfull 'allotted. - Pittab_gmh :Adeptly for VENANCIO OIL ANN rIZATIORTATION 0011trAr(r. , , OFFICE BOX 10. " OM. y ITO:EIff OIL wontra ,DUNOAa,`DIII~LAp 00„:c fare WidteSnit Carbon Oils. pziarry grasrr. . J /*WIN JA4Es;pl7 , (l4 CO., -• rasysAarmuute ow • r: 01l Vitiloi and Ammnnia. oiTsgn,No. u steßit:Erz.st. prrraursair. re. f-4.-:-Y7FT-7 010 RIO OK RI/FlNERY. inuir , , --4 .;- rwrz . divlLAlraL_ ,Y.,.. , - filiams!or *fa Isla t Anuwoupio ' ,'.... ....-- ...... . 01rEolisin atia p =.l4 Mecktrap a n, -- Zuktioallar as* Is. — , No. I.III4IWDOILVAINCIA ~...9 . 7/ a i d. t-. .. ... -,,,.... , ' Irlitbandl:rs•- fITGOOKELJ—rur undensigned. pidloullikakt,aitkos Itair ce ILL . 101 4AIRI amaiellfetel rllatlt tain. salami ; t.. 014 , ..10111601jalt „:177"icairrig T AKE halt baziels fbr L oho lw .11:111111T.11 MUM* IMPORTS BY RIVER. . . Panszorado Ellntrava—l6O aka burley, 28 pkgs Moence,Fleck &co; la bblsOt ska, L H Volght & co; 7 aka corn, Domington & co; I lot. houxehold good; Owner; I bbl,R Sellers; I keg apple butter, D Rom; 1 lot bouathold geode; Leonard; bills bro om handles, John Oauldler; 50 bbl. oPPlez 0 A/Resler; 2 codles tocco, J J a ckson box, alatgaret Mil ler; I box,l co il tope., D ; 8 bra leaf tobacco, 1 box samples, Jim - Murphy; e bbls beaus, 3.4d0 but. ter, Atwea, Lee It co; 90 eke &ell Roesler & Raba Logan 2Sdo bar t er,gn; WI emptl , 01l bbla, W P arms 4 . bbls, FOn teadorh 2 bzus, t I I crate, Fetzer & Armstrong, la bbla, 4 boes, I ken Ohm Pont,,.; 1 plough, Holul & 00.8 sks dry apple., Potter Aiken a, Shepard; 18 bbl; 2 casks acray Iron, Painter & Hon; 68 bbla apples Owens & Remedy:l bbl, Datlbtt6, empi car boyr, Powers & Wlghtman; 7 stoves, P. 5.1.1. R ;15 bbls, a Ds; Swabia, 11.0111ster & eo; Oaks corn, 4_bbla eggs, bales rags, 17 ro il s leather; 7 bdli keevi"dlittlfairreW toles 6 Replant ( bbl butter, Bab; ao do. M 4, 4 7 4 1 1.. ° 4 0 rd0, Mt f0 ° 61 1 3 .4 9 j = applea, Paden;s p k g. hous e, Rridgman ; e 1;014g:oda, 150helst ry ; tttns, frames wl° Wrlttenl"retiem "e°"7 . 70 Um, Markey. BTF , .~JIIBOdTB. - pro! FORMER GOLD SINES OF IDA.I 44 Ei I ThYouth hilL Of Lading given by the num k 800 TRANSPORTATION LIOR, • to VIRGINIA CITY, BANNOCK OITT, DEER LODGEi and all point. in the 1511uhrg Distrists. The new, fast and light draught steamer 'DAVID WATTS. - JoeJohneon, Master, Henry 0. Myers, Clerk, will leave Pittabtugh Thursday, .1/prig 6th, at 6 P. u. positively. For freiglit or pussfilliggrrta. oopEtnir • cop of Main and Olive streets, St. Louis, bio. CALDWELL & DUO., No. se Water street, Pittsburgh. J. D. CULLING WOOD, mhelfatdettwT or JOHN - FLACK., • • Water street, Agents; OILS. COMMISSION MESCHINZT, .413 !trail= ti Nita.. /RIM STREET. it/TIM/KM poR RILLE--A very valuable FARM in cont D.rryt °mull:Lip, Westmoreland wordy, Pa.; arty about 186 ames, well improved. and In a ka.sag l a TV& lti arl ' Al ' E, tor aim mill or o th er prirpo, with the easUngs, machiny heel, he. The cylinder is nine 'rches ind i ameter and four foot stroke. Two Boilers, 17 feet long and iaehes in diameter; an - In good order, and will be sold cheap. Also; a FARM of 136 acres in Conemaugh town ship, Indiana county, Pa. Aiso, TWO BRICE HOUSES and LOTS In Elizabeth borough. Also, A FAIIM' FLFTT-TWO ACRES to Deny township, Westmoreland coboty, about two miles from St. t aws Station on the Penna. Ran. road. A steam sawmill nearly completed with al the machinmy fore flouring mill on the . premlses the land la of Mabee. quality, coal end limestone li, abundance, and good indication. of Oil. Wit be se w cheap. Also 18 acres adjoining the village of Ne Derry, in the very best state ef cultiva tion and abundance of !tilt of every-description. Alio.• FARM OF VD ACR ES. In bt Clair town ship, Westmorelasul county, Pa., ela Tub ram Creek about one mile from the Penn 'a Railroad. The improvements are a good frame house, and large (mit, Bank Barn. Also, a email of 28 amnia Deny township, Westmoreland CoCounty, Pa., near the line of Um Penna R. R. • Also, a Farm of about 20e acres in Fairfield town blp, Westmoreland County Pa. Alsooa Farm of 21D acres In FigirfieLl township Vestmoreland county, Pa. • For further particulars Inquire Of •ti. 13. TOWER. _Real Estilledgent, No. lee Fourth street. yr oTE Fcmt mE4 TOR Ak. FRAME HUITuE, a the BlaltsrUle Inter. section on the Pennsylrania buUt for • Hotel and Store House tomblued ; well finished and ready for occupancy. A oed stable and oth outbuildings, on two acres or ground. Apply t e a r y S. 8. BRIAN. Broker, 139 Fourth street; Burke's Building. WAREH OU B E FOR RENT, The T T Warehouse, SG Penn street, nearly opposite Sity.ll.ll. Depo now occupied by Reese, Graff & Dull, formerly by Penn's. Salt 00., will be fo rent from April lot as excellent stand for Flo n Grove ty or Commission and Storage business Enquire of WAL P. BECK & 00., fee Liberty stmt. ARICK DWELLINGS FOR SALE.- -.0 Situate at the corner of Logan and Decatur street. No. MN Decatur street has a ball. six WOMB and kitchen, gas and water fixtures. Tne adlein• ing.two houses frost on Logan street. Each level rooms. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS, . el Market street. ,FOaR Serea o A r LE., 7 /2? th .A.Crea of Coal, also, 120 of coal and railroad, anr gltalliprorgrat:stro"lll good working orderi n pool No. a; one tract on the 'Youghiogheny rifer and Cn onellosthe 'Railroad. Enquire of• WiLLldal STAR ,D sue =at door so flISh on Grant street. FOR BALE.--2t hoot of OIL LAND containing forty seven and three-fourth acres, , n the heart of the oil region of Wert Virginia Mil land has a burning spring on Itand all the tareltans STEEe indication, oL-f tk BAILEY. Wilkins Hall. poR SALE CHEAP.—A PRA.MI HOUSE, if removed at twee. Situated cor ner Irwin and Weatern Arenuel,,Allegheny city. Enquire of _ _ LITTLE,'BtaRD as. PATTON, mlOO No.. 112 and 114 Second it., Plttaburgh. 13 0 )0SSEBBION APRIL FIRST--PRIOE 11 1 "—Good dwelling of six rooms on Chest. nut street. B. OUTILUERT & SONS, sonZi '6l Market street. rrid,LET— a. Warehouse Nos. 05 and 70 Water at, Enquire of JAS. DALZELL & SON. ElSOLurzo.irs. sc. HAVING DISPOSED OF MY NUR. SERIES AND GREENHOUSES to my eons I cheerfully recommend them to my friends and customer. They ore authorized to settle all out standing 'mount. JOHN MURDOCH, Jr. Prrresonna Nenenav, March, Ma JOHN Ii it A. MURDOCH. (Stiooessors to John Murdoch, Zr.,) NURSERYMEN AIM FLORISTS, PITIVBOIOII, PA. Chltv for sale Mono first class Apple Trees of OSy varieties, at dui oti per Its. ALIO a very bore stock of PEAR. (standa rd antdererf,l PLUM P E, EACH, DIVANS' APPL ORNAMENTAL. TRESS, Shrubs, Evenings. Greenhouse and Bedeng Manta. Mr- Dealers and Landscape Gs:deserts supplied at reduced rate. in /Rapid DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP.—The Partnerstdp beeetotore misting between the undersigned, under the dna SUMO la ORVMPTON & CO., for the manufacture et Silver Pearl and other Soaps, ha. tide day been dissolved bymutual canasta SAMUEL N. FLIZ JJOHN C. OS IJ OHN YOSTEEL PrthirtergiiSecrt. Oh, 1184. • • W/L EXIMDT & (ffigirmirrs CIitiMPTON # itArniwrvas , sll OP. Silver Pearl and &pence Rosin Soaps, ag7 LIPEI77' szkgrr, P/ITEBFROZe deiyd A-• lIbSOLI17 lUN OF PARTNERSHIP— The Om of . 'PHILLIPS 4:ik ,14ases adriassureLot-uurores, Is Haider dlatolvoL The name of the Ilmn may be weed ny either at the partnere, hut only In the Ilqutiletlon °Mut Orm's bwilnees. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Pltteborgh, War& WILLIAM COPARTNERt3tiLP. We bete arreetated with es la the het! Witte me HINDN CM I ATA d nala " U" t 3All"‘% Itil deUrtg rE "4 8- 1113AXer tat, under the name of iraTterso_,o Amman A 00. W. D.PATIT.R.9OHP DAM ADAM AMMON. BOOKS. 41-11174118. NEW BOOKS. Bidders Deanna for Uouatry ILouses; colored ll lustrationa. 015 W. Robinson's Physical Geography of the Holy Land. p ee. Randall's Practical Shepherd. 02.1 M. Woodward's Country Houma; illustrated. 50. The Young Gardener's Asestant, by Sedgentan. boa. Burr's Field and Garden Vegetables of Ananias; illuttted. 145 ea LittlerSewso Little Shurn. ex. 9 The Oki Farm and New Farm; • political alle gory, by Francis Hopkinson, member of the Goa. tinentalCongres. 51 5 3. Reminiscences of Glass Making, by Deming Jame. di 60. Under the Ban. Paper*, 25; Muslin II TS. Too Strange not to be True. Paper SI eo; Inuil -14,111 et Meditations on Cluistlanily, by M. Guile. St_ 25. Meet on the Pastoral Epistles. ti 60. Lyrical Recreations by Samuel Ward. II CC DIMS, CLARICE & co., p 3 Wood street. A NEW BOOS BY M.. GIIIZOT. MaiWit-Icing on the. Emma, 'of Chtistnity, and ea the Religious Questions ol the day 91,76 Larte's."Comescratery on Mathew, critical, basal cal; and dootrioal • 6,00 Nan , * Commentary oa Matthew and Mark, ami Life doc end'Eplstios_ of ej.Paul tri , by nal Uonoybeare - ' A-Howson 7,60 The Federalist, with an Introduction, by ILD. ' Dawson,• 7,76. The Oigiallnd Alatory of the Engllah Lan. guage and the Early Literature that it Eatbod 7 • imbby G. P. Matti a • 4,00 Lears h. cturea on the English Language, by G. P. fd ' Prom •Dan to Bersheba, by J. P. ;Lwman, D.D., - with - Map and 'Engavings; a compeniament for the Land and the Z00k.,. i,75 Lessons for Every Sunday in the Year. t;o• riee. A. liberal dLuount to clorgymeir Meander's Planting and Training of the Churches bythe Apostles J. L. READ, • fag 78 Fourth Street. PLUMBERS FITTERS 3=I:C=EM PLUMBERS. arplllllo/431:1120t0/14.7312rattOre, Deniers in 01/011 variety of PUNS. GM AHD-STEAM FIXTURES. Oil -Tanks and Agitators Ilme with lead by a new proems, Irtdabi la et 011011 eleeker ruld more cloraele than the old Method. No. pa 70IIRTE, STREET. oda° ABOVE SMITHFIELD pLIIMBMG, 011 sad Steam Pitting. 'ln all Its brainben carefully attended-to, by exp. rliword FIXTURE% ,yeactacal workmen. • Hoe amoomerm at GAB ; Bins TV& ' ' • 131 , 30 HifiriaW,le Ormstaatly an ban; irelnunlelo nape: - , • , Vtift =DEW, ElTSEET, , llapeors liizatatedl:lMMLlC... fittielawdlx • • - volt seta I - IM=kl b r2lliTiliswipw i "Pot i"°'"*" rata vAirzooßti r t, „ omit 40 1 ,,n y i. 112 : a 0!- •IS AN D.TONIAIWK-- .64A fig su kVA. AA/I=z seigre t • • GM*. yisul", MOO 1 • 7'. 0811TDALZ OBXENT.--107 barrel, tin 86107 MU IL GKILLI/14. B. F. 013IBY & COMMISSION MEMEL - ITS, No. 100 stiont `WATER ST., MnCAGO, K4O Ire special attention to pureliaal r • r, Grain, Provision , B. F. ctuum , Fl i t Eastern account. GEO. T. BROWN. mh2.13, T . C. JENKINB Commission Ailerehant, PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSBURGH, PA. Disler In Floor, Grain, Seeds, Batter, Obeese, Fruits, and all Farm Products. Best brands Pam. REFINED 011 . 9. always on hand. Also, Prompt attention given to oronslgnments and correspondence. Weekly Price °uncut+ sent to Vosslgnore. Orders and Consbyasseats solicited. sydaws I AY g. ECIIIIIION. ....... ... H MOM & CO„ corner of Pekin and Wayne sta., (WAt.t.aex's Butuniro.) PITTSBURGH, PA. • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN of all kinds. Miro, wholesale dealers in BALED HAY. Western dealers will find it to theiradvantagetworrespond with our Howe, as we have greater facilities for Storage, and putting goods into this and Eutern Markets than most of the dealers in this city. The best of cif y references given when reunited. JahiSmd & ANJER, Conunission Merchants, Flour, Grain and Produce, I= SECOND ST., between Wood & Smithfield, li-ly PITTSBURGH., CARD. / 1 W PATT SON ADAM AMMON. JAMES JO ON. , JORN SIDILELEIN. PA w 4. IN, AMMON di CO., Commission Merchants, /Your, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, NO. 6, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH fel II T IIOS .JNO. AMD, .. HP 'TUX A. SUII.AIID• POTTER, AIKEN a; SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DT1A1.1111.5 IA Foreign and Domestic *Fruits, Floor, Dotter, Cheese, Egim, Potatoes, and produce generally. No. 860 LIBERTY STREET, feta Opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh WILKINS LINIIART, (Stmarasos To MACICEOWN & LINIZART,) DLL.). IN WW-aCIII7"KIL ab 4 13r.R...93MT, Produce and Commission Merchant, fel:ly No. 195 Llbertyst. • Pittsburgh. O. C. DOOLITTLIF. DOOLITTLE PECK, General Commission Merchants, Nos. VS and 10, Water street, pitt.burgh,•Ps., for the sale . Of Flour, Grain, Cheese, Butter, &TA Dried Fruits, Provon d Produce all kinds. All orders for Carton O t t e tilled at thelowsst mat* ket prices. Air Consignments solicited. tahlle.l c. c. ustnag /WIC VAN GORDIS. 11ALI3LEY & VAN GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. MI Liberty at., Pittaburjh, Ps. Wholesale deal. ur In Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Purr., Saco I n, lessa, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Born. isy, 'Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Oninns,llOur. Crain, clover See d s, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seeds, . Came sad Poultry. Particular attention liven to Prodtioe Consignments- _ LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, .191 sole. sale Grocers and Committal= Meachants, CHEESE, FISH, In PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON CHEESE, FISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Ma• street burgh inanutsetu Pittsburghnis generally, 11l and 114 Second Joint B. CANFIELD, Commlulon and FOlll/Mdltli Nerehnnt and wholesidedelder In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, • BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH; POT .AND • PEARL ASHES, SALERATII_ S srED AND LARD OILS,. DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Non. ILL and IN Front *reset, Pittsburgh. cie2 max 7 los—ova stiltrAtALt fIULP SILEPARD t Commission Mei , PRODUCE,ard dealers. In LOUR, GRAIN AND No. St 7 Liberty street., Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and Famtl7 . use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to idling orders for Kershaw:l4a rsenecilly. octadlY priviEß Sr, ARMSTRONG Forwarding -• end M, &ale of PLOSIB, GRAIN, Commission BACON,erchants LAUDfor,tbe BUTrEII. SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, 'And Produce generally No. 2dArket street, corner of First, Pittsburgh ,Penn. fe2537 WEmLlßh4(kt C7MINIaI 7;517g7 t E Z 11 1 .17.4 DLITDeTIAJITriTUT TEE, RUGS. GRAI end produce enerally. LEATHER, HID t_IILS, tr.c., No. B 7 Liberty 14.4: - AP? (WA advaacements made Consigmadati aoliolted. jets-itad weer ....... .... _ InTCRI W M. P. BECK & CO., N o. Liber L t L y I I Street Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale Grocers, COMIIII.IIIIOti Merchants, sod defiled DrCOUNTRY PRODUCE E PROVISIOBS, BACON, Limp, BUTTEB,MOS, ICHEESE, FISIL krt., PRO. DUCE, FLOUR, AIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS ,a. SALT and LIME hie 1,601[01 O.' CLIPDROM ICATECIAZ. HEAD &METZGAR, Grocers and Com n-n. mission Merchants, and dealers in all-kinds of l'ountry Produce and Pittsburgh blanufacti No. - Sto Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, Pittsburgh. aptly P. HIM=XiIt.,..W.IIL RCM/IL . I?EYEL 7 ER ,tt, BROTHERS, (successors AA , tO Reiler & Anderson ' ) Wholiaale Dealers to FOREIGN :FRUITS, NUTS and SPICES, VON. FECTIONERY, SUOAES, FIDE WOKEN, An, Nos 1% and MI Wood sliest, above Fifth, Pitts' burgh. i72847 11 WALLACE,' Commission Merchant, • and Wholesale Dealer is FLOUR & GR,IIN, No. &53 Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania IL It. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. etS`~ag• Warehouse, corner Wayne and FP' streets. norbly a. S. LIOULNY • JUNK LINDSAY :r S. LIGGETT & C 0.,. CITY FLOG& • MO MILLS, corner Liberty and Adam streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jai- Capacity WO barrels per day. , opO W. ACTIONANEP WE. P. LANG & LANG, Commission Ment.sa. arid Wholegele deniers GROOPe FLOUR;GRAIN, PRODUOL, he., No.= Liberty street, Pittsburgh. .101111 WATT AMIN MIAOW. WATT WILSON, Wholesale Gro eery, Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh, hournfactures, No. 169 Liberty-street. Pittsburgh. • Jae W. lIMINTATRICK 100 ICIRKPATRIOIL KIRKPATRICK 4; BROTHER, sue- SAL eessors to Brown & atrick, WHOLE- E OROtIERS, Kirk p Nos. Di and 193 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. j'AISIEB DALZELL & BON, Manufac, T. , Alum of LARD OlL,und Oemsdiudon Mer chants for the purchase and sale of IJRUDE-AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Not. G 9 add 70 Water street, Plttspurgh. Advances made on consign. CHEESE WAREHOUSE:-HENRY Imo. COLLICRS, Forwarding and Commission Man chant and dealer dn.OHEERE, BUTTER, LAKE. 11814 and Produce gonomily,No. sa. wood Wrest, abort Wager,Pittatiurgh. m JOAN I. BOUM": ' HOUSE. IOIINL 11017914 , & CO., Wholesale 421. ROCVE R - ANT; COMMISSION MEN. ONANTI3 - noraer• litalthtleld and Water street, Plttabwh• INATMAT DAL/It I: A. 1. DAUM& 140BERT.DALZELL dC CO Whole. gale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Alintbanta, and dealers in Produ and Plttsburgb manufactures, Liberty street. Pittsburg h.. , JllO. 7LO7D ' • ' WILLIAM FLOYD 3013/i FLOYD & CO.,'Wholosale art.. oets and Commission Merchants; Nos. 171 Wood and 498 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. ' jet{ C HARLE C!fP (successor to ~ .ga e d dealer la .PBOVISIOD4i, center of alLarket end renteireetri Pittsburgh. DAUM= Amor. • L. IL 11.01111 LLa VOIGT it CO., siiccessors to L-• . O. Grit, PROM:WE AND oonbussrox DIZROLIAITTSi $ll Liberty ateeet,Pittsbusgh.4 JURY wineser...rour enirros..e. o. was.trois TAXBERT,-. SHIPTON & 00.., Whole sale Groitia ead Produce Dealers, /10.41t3lxth istreetalliabergh. • - - - - - ISAIAH. DICKEY & CO.„ - Wholesee Grimm OmitLuton Mexahauta t sod dalliers la Of*. 80 WatsVatieat lautill Frost minks. area, Pitt+ _ . IbLIAILVAGALICY, W ' OLEIMLB GROCER, So. t sWood street, PiOahonl6- - - - 11 ht 1 0y Oran and illoassladon Starassimr, Woad' BtrMß=P+tWart4 Pa. Leto . b: " C '‘ ye a - W. , stook of Mit bat ria7sibar oic.bbad. th• bast quallbyribbbible A:l4 4 4 1 1,Vialb Mc lbw Gun - ag e% Irsit 1111 ISt. CULT ° " by law ! " • 4,4 `. ; k sit riuLLlPer.:i azutos.l. • r‘iiiiO4. aoo 6541013 4 r i peAnT, c o n isprourwon ok. Dthoopts l / 4 ..ipadui experetoreet ematb atnite Pltheiv. WALL PAPER—A4l2:kankte Ibr sale by ."7 . I OIL COJIP.rirrIEg. Sc. pETROLEUX - THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL Me" 4o Tx- caema.,l33: C30rnat0n...737 ORGLVIZED UNDER THE MINING AND MAN UFACTURING LAWS OF :HE STATE OF NEW FORE. OARITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES . $lO PER SIMILE, Sulntuription Prioar,-Five Doßhn pirShhre, Not Liable to further suearment. OFFICES: No. B RO ADWA Y BUILD No. 71 , NEW YORE. POST OFFIOE ADDRESS, BOX No. 6,203, N. Y ..JAB. A. 11121101", a Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPN, Vice P . :reduce. ROBERT BASSETTI;Tretary. R. J. BURTIS, DILI Superintendent, Titus vill Pa. ATLA e, NTIO BANE, No. ICS Broadway, N. 1., Titian/T. The Wells of the Company are now producing oil. Ite;gforevoorrnooevkermnmayenbriondasianoddraitasecii= which bonds and securities b wil be taken at their market value. rD:r=i •• • flemittemees may be addressed to the Company, P.O. MI No. 5,268 New York City, or to "Mantle Bank, Treasury of the New York sod Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. 142 Broadway, New York City." - - - ••, mh23 TELE NATIONAL • REFINING AND STORING COMPANY Li now fully organlred, and hu commenced bust nese at their temporary office, No. 19 IRWIN STREET, (up Maim) Pittsburgh, Pa" and are now prepared tote a general businerm in Buying, Sell ing, Refining, Storing and Forwarding OIL The Work. are on the banks of the Allegheny river, above the city, and will in a chart Can , be ca_pable of manufacturing EIGHT HUNDRED BARRELS OF REFINED OIL PER WEER', which will beef the best quality and in prime packages. It IN the design of this Company to make a ArsLelass brand for export, and to paine will be spared to give it that character. They will also give the forward ing of oil to points cart or west, particular atten tion, and in this branch of the btu:Drees will have unrivalled facilities, ar the 011 will be taken from the boats to the cars by machinery, and thus avoid all wharfa&mArayage or delay. Parties sconsign fag their Oil to to can rely on having it seat through withpttesjltitude and dispatch. The Company has a Capital of imago% with the following ofildirs Presldent—A. M. MARSHALL. Seeteter7-0. BERINOER. Treasurer—J. - R. McOUNE. Directors—A. M. Marshall, J. P. Hanna, 3autes Old. J. T. Rincald, Arthur Kirk, J Little, S. IL Railer, David Kirk and Wm. Hamilton. ....nEerlatendent and Business Manager—DAYLD Correapon dome and on soLicdted, and all com munications to be addressed to National Storing and Refining Company, PITTSBURGH, P. T RIUMPH OIL CO., OspUM Block $300.000; Working Capital 1160,000 h EZZIEM 130.000 SHARES, S 2 00 EACH Presldant—RlSlAH SING. Treasurer—R. W. 111.socyr. Secretary—Wu. Alyssum. DIIMOTOIRM JOit.h Xing. Pittsburgh ; Thoinu Ho w ard , Pittsburgh ; J. T. Childs, Wm. McKee, Iltagh Lee, Geo. P. Ddeßrlde, amend, Ilt; Geo. M. Himbark, • " • John Wynne, Cincinnati. O. Oeo. W. Woodworth, Cleveland, 0. Otnee of the Company: No. W WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. mhtadm PROPOS.4I.B. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, U. S. ARMY, ko, mi South street, Baltimore, ltd., Mani:Card, 1865. Sealed Proposals, in duplic w SATURDAY eived at this office until 12 to., onApril • lot, IfiAit, for flunisllng the United States Sub. sistenee Department with— ., POOR TIiOUSAND (Lao) BEAD OF GOOD 'FAT BEEF CATTLE, on the hoof, (Steen four years old and over) delivered at tee State (tattle Settles, at Baltimore, Md., In lots et (1,000) one thousand each every (10) ten days; to beweighedwithin musicale halfdays after arrival, ,rit tha expense of the contractor May moot aver age about (1,300) thirteen haahr.d pentad ogross weight; all falling short of (1,060) 411311 'thousand Vidowtia Aerfeurilittni"Orlaiethe!atiellgibinaeg24clleend! A deduction of fifteen (16) poundrwill be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under this ontiket; provided the animal dies not stand In the miss two wei g hedhal hours before being weighed, riot lmmediately after removal from the can. Blank forme for proposals can be had on applies. Con at this office, either in person, by mail, or tele graPh. Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, infor. Inal proposals will not beconsidered. The government. will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, If its appearance indi cates less weight 'than the minimum mentioned above; the expense of weighing will be paid by the i party erring to judgment. Each bid, to secure eorusideration, must contain • a written guarantee Or two responsible persons, as , folloWet We, —.Of the county of ---, State of—, do hereby guarantee that ur(or are) able to fulfil a cent:act in accordance with the terms of his (or , heti hiniltillitlOrt, lad should his (or their) propo•. wen be Accepted, 1,6•f0r they . ) will at once eater *otos contract In accordance .... i tit i willi. and we Ore l ac ared lent t t o toln :For e Ofulfil l m rl e ti n g t! ' gi' -45 tom an 'The responsity of the guarantor% must NI shown by the official certificated the Clerk of the nearest District Court. or of the United States Dis trict Attorney. to be eaclosed with the bid. Bkiders must be present to respond to tholvbids, and prepared to give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. Payment to be made hand, to U funds are on hand. If none on hand, to tar made i s soon as received. Proposals must be endorsed distinctly, "PRO. POSALS FOR BEEF CATTLF ' " and - addressed to °Capt. J. BOSSARD WELLS, O. S., Baltimore, Maryland." If a bid Is In the name of a firm, their names and their postoffice address must appear, or they will Dot be considered. Each person or etery member of a Mfrs offering." propoul must accompany It with an oath of alto. glance to the United States Government, U he has not already flied one In this office. All bids nor complying strictly with the /emu of this irdserliumsent, will be reweled. J. HOWARD WELLES, Captain and C. S., U. S. A. pßoposALs L"OBIB iTumiNous IllftALS.—;Sealed Proposals will be received iv the office of (he Philadelphia Gas Work., No. 20, South Seventh street, until noon of Friday, 213th of April, ISA, for supplying the Wholeor part of see mity thousand tensor Bituminous Coals, Suitable for the manufactured illuminating gas; tobe deli,. ered on the railroad tracks of the gat wadi', at the' Twenty-sixth and Ninth Ward Stations, In the fol' lowing quantities seven. thousand fire hundred tens in each ef the month. of Jerrie, July, August, 1805, and January. February, March, April and Slay, LOGO The coals must be delivered fresh, dry and of a• quality Approved by the Engineer of the Gas Works as etpuil to the sample on which the eontraet is based. The proposals must describe the particular vari ety of coals intended to be supplied. sad the loos- Lion and name of the mine or pit from which they en to be raked. If•they are of a kind not now.oe recently used at these works, samples far trial of not le s than City tons must be delivered at the ivories on or before the 'illt of April next.. - Tbe gross ton 0122101b1. will beef:moldered MI the weight intended Is the proposals, Wens the . inn . . teary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posed' In whole or la part, or to reject all, as they may deem best for the interests of the trust; and In event of failure on the part of any contractor to deliver the coals, according to his agreement, both in quantity.and quality, the Trustees reserve the right to buy elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charge to the contractor any leas or damage arising from gush faillise. • • . Payments will be mode monthly, in two equal leataiments, at four end six months after the spec. theft periods of delivery, the 10thOf oaken month be- Big taken as the average of the monthly deliveries,. Ler qt the option of the. Trustees, will be made et earlier dates,•with leg:I interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries 0.411,7 than requirtd, they ma . be received, so far as they can be conveniently stored, but psyments will be made to date from the time speeldal in the contract.' - .. . .: Security for the fulfillment of 'contract eCill - be required, sa4 eachproposal must,name the lam* and character that erlil be °Eared.- - . ~ JOS, DIA.NII gL, . mh2014 Engineer in Chief, _ - . . , QII 881 T BNO OPPIOE UNITED L- 7 STATES ARMY, No. littiorre Er.,Rasniroaa t - ' }Kuehn, In. SEALED PROPOSALS, in fr up/icate, will be re; calved at thls office until It M. en WEDNESDAY, March Seth, ISM, for farnlsbLog. SHEEP. for the United States Subsistence Department, to be ife• livered at or near the State be Sealed near Ibis City In auglinumbers seamy he from time4o time 'required,- net exceedLng twelve hundred (1.too) Read per week, Outing four (4) weeks frontdate of Sheep will be rigidly inopected at time of delis -07, and Inuit average about- oar hundred (100). pounds. All failing abort of s eventy ( to) pounds will be rejeeted. Ridden must bepreseut to reepondto their bids, and prepared to glvebonds and sign the contra& before_ leaving the °Mae.. The Government metres to . Itself the right , l o ile,Lect any _ or all hide conelderd unreasonable. tthse be made In such funds May be on . ' handl If nene on bane, to be Made as seen aire; , r t ponli mutt be endorsed dlstinctlL "Pro ' itt ' !ei as or Sbeep,“ and adereesed toeCla eta J. 11 ,01 1 / I ,IID. WELLS, 0. 8. Vela, • :Maryburet.', . If. a bid In the meth oft 1 11 4.7 4 5 1 00 1 104 Mbar ketonic. address Must . appear, or theverlll ~• 'pawn or every member of a firm enkeft a - proposat moat Accompany It wIU oath Of 4, levies* totbe United States GO lineggilf he not alres4y Med one In this °Moe. 'LamAu tw, not co mp lying etrietka man the teem of ilits:editt win be &Allded, $ Oak.. ao4 0. S. Vo l.. ' C AROLINA PIOS:•-jallt , roOth`td 10t 4 raf te e t b au ct TrMILII•ebI truant 7 - 16AITZ. stizon.a.w. .791..1JrtrE41 CT UftER S. Sc. pITTEBETRGEIF(TaDRY A. GARRISON & CO. (Sueemisors to Rottman, Garrison, & 00.,) FOITATDERS AND MACTIMSTS Manufacturers of Chilled Roller of all alum, for Iron, Steel, Brass Zlne, , Oopper Silver, Gold, Strew Boards, Paper and India Rubber Works also, Rolling Mill (listings of all descriptions, Bark Mills, Patent Doithle Grinder, with avarie ty of other patterns, alwava on hand and literate order on short notice and favorable terms. °Mee and Warehouse, 119 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. fe.3:l BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. litenufootiareis of BEST QVALITT TETTNED OAST STEM, Squat e,l at ciallttZun"ti eyr;2to Sir 0.51ee and warehowie, Non lta aad 151 Final d 120 and LW Skoona aPnarrs, Pittsburgh. fell•pd PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 IMMMDCFE'S PATENT Oral Lamp asiatnega, XAMOINLOTIIIND OF • XX FLINT GLASS. These Chimneys are totem. for tee hat dame, seating all parts of the glaze equally, does not eit• pose It to cracking. E. D. DITRUIDGE, Fort Pitt Glees Worka, Washington street, apt? Pittsburgh. Pean'a . • IV. S. 116 CKIILT0811..J. HIM - PALL IRON CITY 'WORKS. &ACHINTO9H, HE&PHILL & CO FOTINDERS AND M.AOIILNISTS Corner :of PIKE and O'HARA., and PIKE and IVALNTIT STREETS, (Near•Oity Water Works,) Manufacturers of stationary and other ENGINES, ROLLLNG ?JILL CASTINGS and MAURINE. RY, of all kinds, and general jobbers. Prompt attentiongiven to repairing ROLLING MILL ALACallikatY ROBERTS, BARNES & CO., No. 39 Third Street, Plitsourgh. 31N AND SECRET IRONWORKERS, and 3Luiufact meets of JAPANNED TIN W.M. We here now mumfaeturing and have on head Bathing Apparatus of all Watts, Toilet Wars In Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers , Tee and Spice Can, raters, Cash and Spice Boars, Tumbler Drainers- Spittoons, &melte. A large . lot of Bird Cages for sale low . Oil Cans of all saes and p atterns.. Tin Booting, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order SILVER PLATED WARE .AC'='ORY,4 Walters, Castors, &e.. &c. suitable for the Trade orihaad sad An sale by I '• WILER & MOSS, 225 South • sth st„ PHMADIZPIIIA. la INtra JOHN R. HER=ON °HARLIN PORN= JOHN B:B.ERRON tato-snip ilasaxxsarivottareras, AND IRON FOUNDERS, Office and Saco Room , lllB No. 9 LIBERTY erramtri PENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. H. WIGHT/CM. EIVOIICE BUILDER AND hIAOHINIST, LACOCE. STREET, between Federal and SandulD ENY CI ManufacturerALLEGH of WIGHTM TT, A DVS PATENT PORTABLE OSOLLLATLNG STEAM EN GIRLS, Shafting, Pulleys, &a. Repairing of all kinds attended to J. SCROONMAKER, MAN 117•07171112 Or White Lead, Red leall,BloaLTail. 141baroge, Zlao • 'mats, ritzy, at., -- and Dealer In LINSEED OIL, 'VARNISH, JAPANS, PAINTERS' MATERIAL, he. .:01See and Warebooar, No. 111 Wood street. - mtnatlyd IATELLB, — RIDDLE .OQ., No. 215 •-f Deny streetoippbidteSlxtb, PfttiOnm& manufacture» of WHIPS, LASEES & SWUNIN. ES,ond every descrlptina of LEATHER BRAID. ED INDEX. Orders eollelted from ihe txtfle:affd roods r r or-P o '. ly shlppedna per lostruhtlona. • unSly SSEVERANCE, NO. 58 Water.. St. . Pittsbufgh, menufnoturer of BOWER Rr ITS, WROUCFHT SPIDB3, coalman aad railroad of ererrdeompttoo. Pailtionlaralsod or abopeAsEHEEssod METH Large or mode to order/ at short MUM.' A ri & W. BENNETT . Malinfactarers • and Ireportera of QUEERS WAR& No. DI.IOND STREET, between Wood cod Market streets. PM/bank re. mkt 81111 0 P1''&4;1: : - - - - ceNEILL'et •FOREIGN BEIGILkitION OFFIGR. PATSIBUEGH. PENNA. iate. *BO. 0110. Passage from the "Old Goodly The Liverpool, New York and Philadelpha Is man,) Steamship Company having appointed the .thd=ual their Agent here, Mee Mr. 'Thompson he's now prepared to bring out or sent home Pas LAW Steamers of ALM' at UNITSUA Y AITES. The Sugmern of this favorite line leave LirerpoolevestrWEDNES. LAY, for New ymig,toueldng at Queenstown, an are among the rant., silent, and most magnifier& vessels &goat. The undereignod is also Ar a l fc.4e Llverpoo and Londonderry Line of S lea Liver pool every THURSDAY, and or a v t! n frondon. Gerry for Irish Passengers and HMIs. The 'steam em of this line are built in the strongest manner, and furnish choler) mmommodatione for oessengeni Bets also agent for TAPSOOTPS LINE of eels brand Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving Liver o 0 for New York twice a week, and the tralr. Line o London Packets, leaving London every ten days. The ships of Tepteottre Line lave long Own now ted for their quick passages! and the excellence of. the provhdons furnished the passengem, and their kind treatment u nite on beam. Parties who wish their friends brousht touchy sailing stheels,thould by , all means patronise this ime. Prange to California at greatly tedneod rates. SIGHT DICAITS an all parts of Eompelors at the to ratite. • Apply to • D. O'NEILL, oreign Emigration (Mee, nen' - 66 Smithfield street. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER-Allii 00 POOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN,MMIS (Cork Harbor. • The orell•latcnrn Steamers-oftn Liyerpool,Nerr York and Philadelphia Steal:td:4 Company (Inman Line.) carrying the 17. S. Malls are Intended to anti as follows. CITY Op LONDON ...Saturday,Apill ETNA Saturday, April 8. CITY, OP BOSTON. , Saturday, April 15. And every aneeeadiniSsOuday, aSnoon, from Pie to North Rarer. . SAM OW !AMN. MO Payable legal; or its equivalent In aurrener Plnd Illablo 190 001 Steerage $3O 00 o to Loudon... 85 00 . tO LOndon:.. it Oil to Paris.-- ea CO . ' to - Paris...:_ 4.0 00 0 to hamburg.. 10 00 " 00 Hamburg., • Passengers um forwarded tervre, - Rotterdam:chi:twerp, he., at eLow rates. Fare• from Liverpool or Queenstown-Ist Osbbo. 0/ 06 . Steerage, OW Those who wish to • a md for Wend* vest buy Waal here it these Tor firthee information apply at the ottempsa .JOLIN DALT.. Atiodf. • ... 11 Brost i ma . : . , Torelsniturtleultiptuat No. • Pamir:Meld wt.Pittablizels - - C A RD' LIN /1.-I:3ta4a fromthil win*thrg.AND citizhanturr4.- . Sikla golVer lta eqedvaleet is =TM* ' FROM NEW JrORICAM la elurtFy. Bats event week- Apply to Tames itairicismisais; fJ benlatteldWtteeti between id awl 41b, 441641ritilT. PI ttabottb OTICE .TO CTITZE3 VIP DIAYES,:I.I4OEIk &O. !t r oth* Is lienitz i l i g l a te an oilmen of Dews; Oasts, Carriages. ke., whether resident or nowatildent In the City o PitUtburgh. to pay their 'Menses at the •Treastustes onee - of the city of Pfttebtnehiforthwttb, aoterdanee with an Act .of Assembly, a poreedldarek and an Dalt. name, of the of thepity,ef fltteburgh. paseedlptil Mitt . All Licenses not. pald on or before Mk' will be pleeettn the hands of the °bled of.Peltes., for eelleetton;wahiset to Ids fee of 60 outs fee User on thereof, Mid all persons - who neglect or refuei to , take out Licenses wUI be .object to a Ur, to be recovered before the major, dophia, The aau Z a notti plates of preSteaS Jul* be. red:ft/tat the um mos sies oos out. isPay; VA teat. Mentor.- , bone ismer,eta hone...lice Each two horse leek.: 15 fle ft. : o s m - sod ;Melba - Wheels drawn br twe hone., eighteen dell.,. eieb. , seek &Melees' hone used Inaey e , the above Zide=ilar.- w. - 12011BA.UNL. tUty a. Fehneary Nth, um. • onus ff T STEEL ITRETTIZEtr ay _ . , t." and Grain Ballies4o sot .-.Adsie4 Bay and Osaka asks' isamataatoreet wr,./ 4 1 • U. CioL . • kitiogAmma t Mk/Um u Saimaa 1844 5 ."'l ° N • .SSLI ANIA WLNTEE AMt NGEDIFiNZ C HV I DAILTAINALTS. On and alter:W ONDAY, ['etcher Si at,l2l{4,tialit will learn the Depot as follows. FAST WAIL, thily exrept.Suaday, at X atenplag only at principal stations, and making cent conneetlona at Harriibdrg for New York, =Swore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New York.„,oston and intermediate points. lIARRISHITEGI ACCOMMODATION, daily ex eept Sunda: t t.no m., stoppingst. all regain. , retinae betwom Pittaburgh and Harrisbu rg n making alma connection with trains on I n diana Branch, 'West Fermeylvarda It. R., Ebanaborgand [treason It. R., and liollidayst Branch.] PITTSBURGH & IF. E.RESS, daily en• toot Sunday, at LSO n. m.. stonu a l at nearly al the station. between Pittsburgh . Filliadel j & and meting comitetion with trains on the t in7gL;re,:lin o t i t t ;l vi t i , ei li d olg a dsatart a llir v oliE. Branches JOH.NsTOWN AGOODIXODATION, daily, albt:• ° ° miA Sunday, at s. 00 p. m. , stopping at, regular atm .7 lions between Pitteburgh and Johnstown, and cal. - • neeting Blairaville interxection with tnimi the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania B.IQ .: PHILADELPHIA .FrILPItESS,- daily, at LW p ta., 'tapping at Latrobe, Conernaugh, Ganges Altoona, Huntingdon. Lewistown. WHAM, New sande fcr Baltimmo t lia r shingtem tel e° a% at Philadelffilds; fog n ew Yotk. Boston and inter. Mediate points. •. -Sieeping 0/171 run Mirooa Main from Pittsburgh .to Baltimore, Pt v d a la L delent and New York by the Allentown route. - - FAST Lirt daily, guest Sunday , 4 . M., stoppling o if at Ilonamaugn. ttaditzen Huntingdon. Lewistown.. 1111faan. &MOO . _ WaiTartile. Bar/11MM WitMletown. Allman won. illt..Toy. Ldlll4llllllo. 1•311671 Mt an, Do t'nsri'iT'ArerUMM. riJe reazMabagont;k dolphins, for New York, Easton. ankintennedi M 'ita.. , Fleet Aceommodation Train for W ally SOLID leaves daily (exnept Sunday) at 8.30 a. in. Second Accommodation Train for Walla Stake leaves daily (except Sunday) atil.4o a. at. Third Accommodation Train for Walla Stalls eaves daily Onward Sunday) at 5.40 p. m. Fours. Accommodation Train for ,Walla station eaves daily (except - Sunday) MILOS p. The Church Train learns Walla Station slimy Sunday at t.N a. m., returning /eaves Pitteblogy at).245p. m. JOIIN 11. lIICICITSOM Rettrining Train, arrive In Pittsburgh as 2:410W . Pittsburgh a Erie Express. 1220 p. Baltimore Express • 1.31) p. Philadelphia .b.icprees' 210 p: at Fast Mall 120 11. Fast Line ' 2.00 a. Johnstown Accommodation 10.02 a. mi ln First Wawa Station Accommodation... LID a. in Second WalPs Station Accommodation 0.011 a. os Third Walirs Station Accommodation.. 2.10 p. nr Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation End :m• Baltimore express will antra with PhllapayiL Express at 2.20 p. m. on lilmulays. NOTICE.—In ease of lon. the Oompiny • hold themselves responsiblo for personal haw• only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. W. U. BECIKWITH, UN% At the Pennsylvania Central 'Railroad 1° Station. on Libertv and Grant streets. 14%7 E==a lITTBBITRGR, Fr: WAYNE & 01110 A RAILWAY_AND °LEVEL AND & prima BURGH RAILROAD, WIIITEECAIt . • ANGEMENT. • Os amt - after Ihmember 18th. MN, test= will ran as follows, vis. Leaves For For Foe rittsburghlOalengo. 101evelaad. Express 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. at• Express.-- ..... Express .2.00 p. m. 1.411 p. m. 2.45 a. .-- ..... 111.0 e p. m. Mall 16.80 a. sa. 'JO a. m, For New Castle and Erie LEO a. sa. an Anise atAllegheny—P. F. W. & 0. 8alw• 7.a0 a. nt., ASO a. m.,gat m. an 4 446 p. et. O. & P. R. R., then a. m. GEORGE PARILIN, Vast Ageu4 Tinton Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Po. A. Q. WOBEI,BEIIB F, Aii.. „Tititat &Pa y taghhh F. R. MYERS. Gener Alm% pITTSBUTIGH AND CONNELLSV/LL RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Oa and alter MONDAY, Nor. t& Metre' will leave the Depot, muter of Em sad Wit streets, as rol/owa: • _ -team, Arrival at .., . Pittsburgh. PLUMOnh. - - : - .4,- Milts - and from Uniontown. 756 a. in, GAO p. a[ eti., Expresi i " " .*. LIM p. m. 1090 I. nit: .gt.. ,, , , , First McKeesport Accom'n...ligeo. m. ISO S. In. 9 - .tf : Second ~ •• ... 8:15p. in. glei p. al. et.`, First Braddock's ". .... 7100 a. m. 8110 e. in... : . - ig:.s. Second " " .. d . 4 9 6 p. fa. 15:10 p. ut. ,-• : Sunday Church Train to an from McKeesport - ISM p.m. 10,00 a. ra. 1 1 For ticket( apply.to A. J. SHANE, Agent. felB:ty W. B. STOUT, Superinten% ALLEGHENY VAL - t igem. LET RAILROAD.— CHANGE OF TEME.—On and after MONDAY, May lath, left, the following arrangemant al Mate will take sß6ct• Bum TRAirr.—r.eaves Pittsburgh &CIAO a IL arriving at Elitaentig at 10.00 SAIL LOB/ear ito• . Atoning at .440 p. m wives at Itttsbutzi at T • _ EXP!RESS'TRAIIT—LesTa• Klttaatan ai m., arriving at Pittsburgh at "Pia. at. Lessee Pittsburgh at Laon. m. mitring at .Iftttarimng at t rta t iIIMODAITICIN MUM— Leaves eiedie Works at area. m., arrtvlagat4lttaburgh at7.4a a: Limb* - FJitabutgit at &lop, at, arriving at SedirWorloSat t 4. p. m. =Me WRlCiat, Sapattatitaaalt .r.rstriwurps. larrEE 189. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January 1.1864. 071.4157.646 Capital 11 *OM* Accrued Premluna ' on,oos 42.. rested r';:unitilAs tome,w, tietticdOlalmt. .. .. . ~,0 14111 income for 79 64 100eVli Loma Paid aims liCa Veer*. Perpepil and Tempoisty Pollan on Metal . Ohlllißrjr, Esaulum„ Imo LiA . Tot,bit WA , • jEdward.O. Di* I smue it. a s r iA • =T r,. _ , i George W. Eliatw: A V. W. r=l u f a t ..., EDWARD 0. * DALE, l i g l iPeasidaaL /I,E. W. EILS.LLE9:IIS4O a mtem.. adde . imam Wald and 211=16., FIRE AND MARINS Insuraice Co. of North Arno Hos. PHICL9WILPHLL Hartford Fire Insurance 'Coaapasb 41.283,0111111. 0111-ProtectiOn can be secured In Ike abase named and reliable companies. , • •~ Bag&ley's Buildings, 87 Watix it. WESTERN INSURANCE 00M2Alit OF F/TTSBUR WEL P. REIIIIERT, Ia:MU" /L. Oreatdoot.' • Seentlary. - • Office, No. S 2 Water meet, Sews is..o:".'s WNW house, up stain, Pittaf ore". .., /vat - Imr against all kinds of Fire mad Ristn• Home Instills:Um managed by Dirsetara id* are well known fa Ne conamaity, animate aro &no., • =spa by pronspbsear cold ttberanly, to ennwoont charade? "and. any bat. alum =toff Oa bow. protection to Mae** &dee to bo B. Rtller, Jr., James MeAnt .ey, Nathaniel Holmes, Alex. Rimlnk, George Darat ,e • - Camo ll lsell B. Herron, o.f. MVO 11,4 ! " Ilf. P. CITIZEN'S INECUReINOE 001•IPANT PIXTSBUEGIL '. , 011.10e, earner Merkel sa"' andWeter etreeta, Becton:l floor. • . , „7. W. A. BIIMPABAGALICI, Prodder& Seeretm7. Laurel Steamboa t'nd Clamor& • - Lances against lose. and datimie sodfftr*,-- lion of the Southern and We.ttern Birdies, And Begone, and the navigation of the Ben. , . Insures against lose and damage b 7 o r s. . alisorroas : r • 4 Boomed my • , .7otak B • - - Jar.. Park, Jr., James N. Cooper, 11. Johnston, . JOne• - J. Uaidwell,Jr l l.2 lion. T. ht:ll.olreir • John B. DliworMy Barclay Trenton, Bodgere. • .-- • 'George Bingham, • - . FEOPL/8' INSURANOR 00XPA.NIE. ,-• _..• Mee, N. E. corner of Wood and illttkeli Fnul An Aft nen.una Jo - py I,' Capt. Saliva so&i . WaVV, . Efium,„.___uot P. Slillast*,._ -:-..,,.---- .' Joan E. Palibill. . - t &,,,„- 1 -,." 7:41 - ~. -.....-,...„ ,--,,,,.. vat Kirk, - . John F. Klrksairlik :.- - 4 1 . MUMS D. Vetoer- Zahn lailde• - • - • • , FRILL Ratlike!. - ~ Wk. F. bARDNER filevnam oz. colirut, „,:,,t4l:-'1.... A LLECI ..41. NY RI/ STFLIDITEr-CI P4l ii ~ ~,,,, 'street, Bank )31oelr. _-, __, ' - '1 . .., .: ..aeons avilaat an mils ... rim. eadkatirhi? : .„. : -,„ 44 4 1 ''''''' 'zo_Nas , ,Praisiiis ' - ' -- --1-- - --- roam Dv, D , :.,.-Dat.*Kl.E, axvigoir..'. ';'.• ..: -., -., . :'- :-., ';;41 :: x l i m o iO l i es , - z i Tjurteta-1).110oigil. ' :.;- • ' , ni .....0 41. ... :ft 1 ,:... • ostiiibiat rhil:st.,,;:. a ,„.• -,, -ac„,,.9Zul ': -,.'-'; li',.= 2- st*P"milia.-Jr.;.! ICE itok ,„„,„- .:. ;,..: : r..-- -B. L. rahaeats, .- , Bobset B. / Miriki. . „ - Tqll- 112 MREL' 0 C' ' : 4 21 F* 49 ' VOA SAX.Ii•A ;"/ I, A or i 411.9,4x t ums win be Xi • Va ns, of Wes • *MU 4 I' ROILRO.IbI3. TZRPET Siwnwsee. DEBZUTORS I Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer. ' Rees J. Tito Ohs,. J. (Astir... r., Jotux 111,30nres. - , . HERBERT. Seeretaey. '~.~: ~ ;~~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers