iIVOLME bt Wit** &Alt. Tay LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH: !EFICAV,IVAR GAZETTE. lost InFortant News! MICR Btli FOR RICLIMOND I tie{ ALO G E MiIOLE LINE EAGAGED _ , ......k...z....:a . t -: . rhice Da 'a ard, / Fighting pft ptiTINUED SO OF THE UNION ARMS, FRE 'Aran ummo FQQIOQBLI giatralSinaskfip in Piontof hteraburg. ITWEITE THOEISAID IBISONE6B mIEN PIECE. IRTLIERT CAPTURED - . loportantilirts 1115OutPiwietsaii) • ---- • ALL ;IG. C OI? iG LIVELIL. — llbrifithts Pitsldent aid ben ; Ciqut, Peterto • the ratiowim teie b , to relht/rua military '4ix*Olon' glf"64 • the lint; was re ceived" • it& mOrnlng. Not hi ng later has reached this 9 : r. *arch 31. • .4•L'or..R. .M/.ft•ae*: ' • . ' At 13:30 tr,*..19.4 , 1ab Gun. Grant telegnrphod , me as follows: There has been mulch bard Agit :: alit Gas morning.— Tho enemy drove oar left from near the Dabney Finns° back Nreiktowsrds the Boydtown pisnk road. We are now about to take the offensive at that point, and I hope we will morn than recover the lost ground. Onr troops afbukukng !k/TU:I,IIU* to the Boyd [town plankmul, raUled and arova the enemy tin tura, and took , ' th,.,'ITIPA; Oak road , vrhtch ilienow.hate. This givetnAtbo ground _ oven. pled by the enemy this morning. will send you tkiretierffrit eaptared ' by our: - troops In driving the enemy back. There have been iburfins captured to-day. - ` , Judginzlethe• bircf.pedt.t. from - WM(3i Grant telegraphs, I infer that ho has moved his hnad --.stinarbas ahcrost4ll4) since be seat the Ansi of , 4• the two dispatches. • • • • ' `4c t - - - L. Mijor•Dtmerel Dir, ins Tort f liii) log dispatches from the 'ffroelffiriehafe been - • • received tpt!Stight,Airr?&l4Fsl,..e)4t7 tween our forces and the enemy continuos nu ' Lin POt !r a w n A. g'whdylif wen dispatch la just Fecolved stioVng thafgen. id an;ablaii ' Sjoin.4ariii: * ruid at Padied th.ViliFlJYiacastq'retako,WFita TOrk*. Orbrtievirbtrip,ii;idqiurieis:;.io• Fort Boesna. The FLYCliaill , lit:i:iairtelitiCTir - !he aid wan earned bEllem , Ittmma . Dictsion of camdry. This part of the enemy ruinta. noir to be trying , kiiYwOrk . : dons AlthrAVid . to 0/k Md . to join the 13111111 fordi In, trppt,, of .Grantorldla 'Sherrdan and Warren are pressing them closely as possible.' . (Signed) WASHINGTON, April 2, 6 A. Ar. To draj.' O'nu: /lee Tork: — A:dispateli just reoeived t ‘ Cith Point„s9ryini4ll4-""k snccgsol ' ear armies, ' titter ihreW dais - Of aiming which iho force on-both • aides. Minified wnearpocied ,- • '~., i;5 - 1; To !k.. z df. Btcoapi: : • dispitiihDin thid tank cmdriiiitlitatit:T:fiiiiitTtim ed all be tars them, capturing three brigadea of infantry, a wagon train, arid several bat-Carlin of artillery. Tile prisoners captured will amount' to ecTeral etotutandt ‘ ` ..- ir:36tned;sl. - ' T. Bi Bowman; t, 4djutaac,ceeera ' W.asbinOcn. ALT! 2 , 11 _, _AOL ' .7ite folleirtetteiegraai ilmethe riesident, A. wAgivet the latest iateillgrume from the front, wtteme likdous battle ,wss'raging. with erm insert remiss to Makin arms. - _ SzAwros. . , Ctrs*, Pont?, VA, 0 Apdl2,-8:XIA. Moo. - AihFiri - Atnato4, SerAfari of liar—Last night Gen..GOtatt telegrapbed that eibmi, Ida cavalry and the 54Ceorio bare . Captured - three to 'Andes, of Inl'antry-, train of wagons, and several Imtterjes. :The piisoners amointad - Ttda - at - ors:dug Gen. Grant, hiatus ordenadan attack alone 'the - whole line; tetegntplks fol. Both Weight -and' 'Parks "got through the enemy's line. Tho battle now rages Bolin:sly.- , Sheridan with his cavalry, the sth. corps, rind ,- Miles' division of the Blood*, which te r se sent . , him this morning, blow Urreepini'donifrom t , the west. Allnortlooks highly Istorable.. :F.. ,:: .. . Oen. Ord h engager', brit I liavp,upt , had ant report from him trout,' ' ' - ' t - __.- [Signed] 7" r t t ttr A,-- Lrinotm. < ' , ..,.. bluer Toni., April.-Pecsident Lincoln's • , t dispatch at Ili. nt., shows a generalsmash •:.... p orthefebel line or 'works in front of-Pastes. •...: erg, by Wright, frith and t:tni, . who hove f 1 . . • Sheridan's cavaliy, • the sth Oorps; and part of i ke 2d, are coming ite. horn file west on the 't Army's flank. :4 •, . A:, --•- .....,"".^- WAS{ DBFAXTUSN2I ,I.- ' W.i.iiliSGiON, April 2;1605. Maj. ( .: 6 4 - p1.r....-":-Thi3 followlag tel#gra:in from be President, report' . the condithin of affairs at i ... alPyaat fonr_tbis'oioinhici ' (Slimed) ....,:-..... . .-.2. M. STATI.I3N. , ...... .' Bwretary of War.: -. ...9 City Poir4, ra.,.April-' e , " Sp. m.,—/05;,.E..M .. ~,IStant on, S.ertemy ,pflirdtl 7 -At nr:4o a. in. Gen. ~‘ • ,,Dortint Iclegraplas 'as ibiloia: Everything his iibou carried frobalboi,left: pt therlsthatk corps; .. The S ixth . Corps alone captured more than 3 1 000 f;petioners.'The'&o.-id and Tweeti-fourth6orps , hoth captured , lOrta; ghns and • prisoners from.. • 't.:th e enemy, but I cannot tell the numbers. We .ire now cloning; ironed :the works of:the line fi n werdly enveloping Pete:Ong. 411 looks no .Froarhably well . _., havnot, yet heard frorat3her., . lido. - Ills headimaiiiiihavebEen mcaied'im to _ f 4 minks' hiinie.;`:neapin Bo r ydtaini Rond, about 'tiiree 8 mUeigiiiiiittiren . oi reicreburg. - .. i• - ,!, 7 '.-4 '.''. -.., .'.. 2 A. - .LiRCoi . .s., , E cu t ; ridht„ Es., Apra 2. YfZ,. ,50 1P 114 7-Pon. • -R. dr: Oanton i iii., 4 :4 0 ; P. la, to-day, Ornerat 1 . 'Grant telegrapbvd as follow!' r '-- '2_ - ': • , We are now ap; and iiva a continuous line of. roope, axid,ht7ti Seir '.k9illy; will be 3,1, is N'AIV.S4. THE DAILY from the APpomattoz. below retersburg, tattle Kerr above. The whole captures since the armiitirted nut will not amorust to . less than. 12,900 men, and • fifty pieces of ritifileal:' - rflO tint know the num ber of Into and.xttes acenpuely however. A portion „Of I:9Ster'i dithtioti of.the NA, ; mew,. made a most gallant chat re tine after noon, and captured a very important fort from the enemy, with Its critire„garrison.. AU seems well with ne, emir i:veinlang li qulatitut • • : A. Lmoorr. Wieureoroa April 2-12 p. ar. „ —.Veer Gen. IHxg.The'PreAdeed, thettehie2Tlll2eliTsm• Yi?aihe latist`neirs from lite_ Stimlon. Stew of War - 'COY rOfittr Va., April 2-11 p.'et. l —Dlspatehes are (ntquently comiegin. Allis going on finely. Generals Parke. , Wright aid lines are ex tendlag from the .Appomattox to natcher's Ran, - They have all broktpAlareeghthe enemy's entrenched lines, taking some foits, gods nod primers. Sheridan, irlth his an'eatalrit,. the slts carps and pertpt the 9d, Is coming In frem.the west on the enemy's flank; end *tight is abreadi tearing up the Bouthaide railroad. .NEW YORE, April 9.—The Sunday lierouVe 'Washington wo -it was folly stapected at City Felon, yesterday, that Stieilaan strack the Southold° railroad at Wellsville depot, near ,Wilts Oak creek, which would be In a lime di west witir.lturhtoville .jnactione Af the pimento ind Senilielde railtoad,; as- eirly 8 hersday;and it is known thatthe enemy have no force of cavalry able to compete,.yrith flue. IS Is considered that the latter's elating both raihriad linewyriltbe eastlyaccompilshed. • The Reauhro Artny of the Pcitotiac opecial of the 30th, ono:. All that Is necessary to ensure a bettiy relnatorm t . have General Meade lima an order for a movement of the - lama of the: Pototium. Whenever that movement has _taken pace, itsbaruf begins. - . For the past fifteen hours relit has ,fe'len In torrents. Steen the engagem.ent between Grif t iin's Division of the Fifth Corps, a n d a Portien orAodersoree rebel Corps, on Quaker road yes terday afternoon, very little fighting has occur red. Our line ia steadily pressed ferward on the left. The Fifth Corps occupy the Boydtown Flank Rend near the junctmn of the Quaker Rood. The second Corpe Joined the Fifth on tt e right, while ,Sheritlan is moving towards his dertinatlen— The enerny - _opened a furious honabardroont last night along the whole line In firontOf Fe ittribing i‘ecuplofl by the eth corps, to aseertaln If we sill lield the line in feria. Weals& Made „driitonstrittions with infantary at_threc different .points, hut withautfloing , ranch. daniage: our 44,a Was trifling. 9d corps speCial says:. The varioui diet°. ions' f this c opt advanced - In lino of battle, the skitmishins soon meeting those of the enemy, who tell back almost ;without tiring ashot. The country over Which the line passed is the worst imaginable. The ground is naturally 'swampy, sill full (IFq ksa ids , deiCayedireens and a thick growth of underwood. A heavy rain hod Made the country one volt lake, through .whkhthe line waded, driving the' enemy before . them. Several links of works had twin constructed by the =trey, but, they 41d .tthe etteies4 . them, btlt steadily fell back asweadvanced. By coon cur lie had ` advanced a mile and a half In PUN el* Dr glertrttkeig 14 11 1: being impossible lo bring up artillery. a was °Maud, and our troops commenced throw 'mg up worksosuidurningf thoescresustrueteg b y the eaemy. , We tow occupy the dividing rldge•between firlistilyi Ran and Hatcher's Rae. We are now a tout north 7ot. ,thd, gleam. and' Bort , tows plank teed. bitm tha right; Craw ford In the centre and Ayres on the left, whose Wasps now command White Oak mai. !Prisoners and deierters agree, 'that . ,:Lee is in Command of the enemy warmth:kg cc. They maid that preparations were made for a general 'ithanlt this warning, bat after, riding_ along his flee Lee counteintanded the order, and &ended, la cash of our advance to fall back to the pail they now occupy. Ande u son's, 'Wilcox's, Wise's and Btahrod /chastest's commands, are said to have .bean In ouilmisk yesterday. To-day Hateirs and Beth's Dnislons are siddlb tarrecJoined• them.. Ph-k. erVi hoops listed' that they have Jute come from Richmond. where they had been sent to oppose the expected advance of.taintliatt,upea (tie rebe capital.; WsatiMovect, April 2.—A letter from the Army of the Potomac, dated Tuesday ceasing, March 97, rays ; There has been severe lighting on some parts of the line from morning until night, the. imult br width has bed the exten. slop of Mir lines still farther westward, although at at cobsiderable loss In killed and wounded. The ed division of. Sheath corps, :supported by the ill division, was thrown out towards White Oak road, cast of the Bophown plank road, and ordered to reach andlebraptial don there. -After cnwalce a small branch of gravelly ran, and • 'undle farming In line of battle, our troops were fired upon - by a bearyforee of the enemy, who were lying concealed In the'woods; and Mal by artillery posted In a favorable position. Our men stood their ground for a while, but the en , cal appeared. to be moving to the left, as If to taro their fl ank, so the line 'Was forced back.to' the -first position, where they were rallied, and - cheektd the enemy's Advance. - - About the enure time another attack was made on our tight flank of the sth corps, bet General Miles' division of the2d corps &lug misted here, Made a, brilliant charge and doubled up the en. mnyollivlng them a long distance, leaving bun creeds of their dead and wounded on the field. This was a very handsome affair, and the dirk lon reccieea the litehest praise for the manner In which it e:•s dotai. The less on our side is about four hundred. mostly in the Ist The sth corps abdut noon. again tank the • id !;man and drove the enemy back about a mile end ahalf, and long before dark had reached the :White Oak road, for which - they had started le the rooming, and established their line across the same, driving the,enemy I nto - their strong It-4548A Ilatcher'eßun: . Theleloss in the day's Work will ant i be far froth 1,200. Among the casualties reported are Major Mills, A. A. G., on Gm. • Humphrey's . mate killed by a shell; Col. &argent. 20th Pa., severely wounded, and Gcn. Dennison, com manding a brigade In the NI Dinah:in, sth Corps, slightly wounded. An attack was made in front Of the oth Corps but was not successful. After the rebels were driven back In front of the sth Corp., an attack was made with both Infantry and cavalry on Sheridan's force, about three miles front the ' Elotithslde - Railroad near flUtherland's station, driving them beck toward 'llinwiddres, but 'he subsequently gained more that he lost. • The roads are in a terrible condition, it being almost lummalble to move,the traitts oyerthem. „The h ew', rittns lthyd moan the streates, and Menem' are busy day and night laying bridges and corduroys. The loss of the enemy is, not known, but must have been as heavy as our .own. We took about one hundred and fifty pri seners during the daj. r • The World has the following account of the - operations on Friday, the Slat:. .9ar objective Wtat to-day was the thoroughfare knowh as the Mike Oak road. This pike runs dlrectly.irest ward at an acute ang le with - the iloydtown Plankroari, and 'connecing with the road 'ap. .pnaching the South Side Railroad. About daylight ibis morning, :Gen.. Warree commenced maSsinehlecolurons lot an advance, Den: Ayers' division holdingg the eight, Crawford , the centre and Griffin the left. At 8 o'clock all was,,ln readiness, and In the above order they started ahead" keeping the ad. - 171 Dee, which covered with skirmishers: The enemy proved tole in small force, and fell bark -viorriVe stiriniableg. In this mennentier bad proceeded about two miles, when our ski,- onswer suddeuly checked and thrown back the main nee; whieh,eontinuing Itt advauce. soon found It was confronted by a heavy force. Our tomes charged , . the enemy, - hut were :forced beck: The rebels pursued, but were turn re pulsed, with heavy loss. • At halt past one o'clock then:lh C cps start ,ed the recone time for. White Oak -and al fer some Leavy :lighting ineceed lu-reaching It, having previously forced the ens y from a Jlght litie of works behind width they fought, and across the road: • - ' =A. laxeorx _Onetroops are now strongly Intrenched and 'bovo'hata , eonnected tatth our ma a Line, which 'otretcheslo that point, and there is no prohaoll ity that they will be dislodged.. . „. Two tlags have been •daptimett. One [rim ati - 'Alabama regiment hy_ldges',Dlyision. Along awash otrther. Becloud Carps heavy . skirmishing maintained during the entire movement hut no serious collision, was brought about.. Further to 'the 'right of our definces, along .about._ the of Generals - Teruo., Foster and larneynf Ahcgdiforencrly of the 24th , apd Icily of the 22th." Ileary skirintshing lint bdch kept•uP during the greater part of tun' day, and attacks cottstabtly tnenneedhfiitirtroolist'-'4. From a fregtecut of'the Rich flond'..Pivisstefter yesterday, I read that .Tolipson bas repaised (lieadvance of .2herman towards, that , phicei , frons Goldsboro. The Disparehhaa recelrottio'oftlei-' al nottteatlon of the aaffsir. i'z....r.4 . : . '4 , ;::i.f.(:', - ci. z 1..•:;.:..,:. FORT STRIDIIIIN &GAIS-ATTACKED: SIGHTING THROUGH THE ENTIRE NIGHT Defeat and Heavy Lou to the Rebels .THE ' RER ELS CAUGHT IN A TRAP ACTIVITY OF VIC OIINBOATI3 !Caw 4 Youx, April I.—The FhiLidelplala quiver gives tho followinx additional dotaUS or a fresh rebel attack on Fort Steadman on Wed. • smear Not_saasded with the signal ro• Pulse experienced hug Saturday usoruluttould with an exhibition orthelr usual toacolty of Our , pose, the rebels last night made another *lever.' ate attempt to Biotic' •Firt Steidlitau btog' through the lines of the 9th corps, and If posal. bit reach City Point iticif.. Xtutiohlestalhy the . apparent sOuaticus they IZll,l4ed hoary colon:the early last extgiag ft:tint of Fort Steadman, and about ten o'clock 01144, with one of their pecallir yeas they boldly ailsanced 'to' the at . e stoat. what a 411 - and determined tiattle was et exec tnaugurihra, vriarh lasted through the eA the night, and did riot mese until for Into the morning. : The eautionedleg was terrifle v end for a tone arlug the Llght was Oitly•ennalled by the grand artillerY salvo that took plaoe on the 30th of when the celebrated Burnside miss was sprung. The rattling4aftnusketry, that followed lean after the cannonading, contitrued with great rapidity through the entire night.. .. The result culminated In a defeat to. the rebel columns arid a beery loss, whileourown.owing to the peculiar tlisposltkin of our forces, and the prerlous knowledge that an attack was to be made, ambunted to only four killed and twenty .four. wour.dcd. 'The rebels werecaught in a trap - again and but for the darkness of the night would hare been slanghtered unmercifully' as It was they *ere greatly exposed. . ' guiiboite Jame" Iliver are dlsplaylitg some actl/ity at present. Thor art . morlng about in 'ration' direction', and are taking up positions at diffe'rent,points: It is reported that Adrulrsl Farrairut Is at For tress Monroe, on his way to City Point, to tits enure command. ADVICES FROM MOBILE VI Early Attack Expected MOVEMENTS THROUGH FLORIDA Central Thomas Melted 4E'ralki Nun' Toni, ,April 1.--The - Herald's Montle Joint correspondent of the taith, says: Oar troops commenced moving - 14 transports from Danpldu Island on Frlday,to the main land on Mobilo Pettit. The ~13th army corps was the first to move; the 10th followed. Gees. Canby and Granger, with their staffs, were nearly the last to leave Dauphin Island. The weather is fine at prase:tit forinilitary Operations. lieut. col. Wilson, of Gen. Canbfa staff, lett Dauphin Islandon Friday morning far Beranek's Tie., with orders for Gen. Steel'' column to 12101 , 0 Immediately. The nimbi ready end. will open lire on Mobile as soon as the order is given. I Three deserters left Mobile on the evening of the 15th.i They state that there are about 10.0M1 tieciklMand around - Mobile, including militia; of veterans, not more then 8,000. In and around the city. i Gen. Maury commands this Anne. and +tan address which be recently delivered to them,, be , doelared'that be would never -pull: . the-4g down. The troops are mostly In for The Richmond Dispatch of the 2ettt, lays The preparations far the defense of Mobile are 'very complete. - Provisions for a six months' siege-have been accumulated. Gen. Taylor had done everything for the successful defense of the city.". Yew Tons', April 1.----The steamer Fung Sitney, from New Orleans 25th, artivcd tide eve ning. The latest papas contain no real news other than that the via Cairo. A Fort Graves letter of the 20th Mites that transports and gunboats were Misr LOAN; troops on the ci melte': side of Mobile B AY. Gma. Granger left for hls command on tho 14th. General Thomas; bad . been beard from; an right. Att. do's army commenced their mach on their advance on thertBth, taking the road to, Perido river, eight miles from Pensacola. it was re ported that his truly would ware through Bald win county, Ma. striking Blakely Landing. 4.5 miles above Stabile, where they expect trY form a junction with a col cmn from Mobile Bay. Pierce's srbanteshare been rehuilt,at Pensacola. See era) neoudoisieuera had' been mads ' tn SlOblie, and an shtick was soon expected. supine. March 10, The Cairo, April I.—A mitten, signed by many merchants here, pray bac the Pitaident to declare . Tennessee .no IMezer an insurrectionary State, and that the crettuy of the Treasure will remit the present "tax on gomis coming from tLe Northsrn States to Memphis, Is in circulation. The Charleston railroad, running between Collierville and Lodi, Is to be extended further. 'the telegraph Is working to Lafayette, which Is snother olden.= of Gen. Washburne's desire to miens civil law. Ife has ordered the United Etstes _pollee to confine their attention entirely to military offenders. Cotten heavy and - dull at 12,4. Heavy losses here froth a decline haeottou. The Advsnee•-•Mberldan's Movements. New.. Yeas, April I.—The Cornmeretara %l • abhmgton ■pecial ear The rain storm has &toyed the advance of the army. Dinwiddle Row was occupied on bureday, and our, line extended to the plank road (Boydtown.) Our right now testi on llateher's Run, the point formerly occupied by our extreme left, time gaining as Important at minced positlon: The rebels had retreated to their main line of works, before the Bomb Side Railroad, and were evidently , awaiting. an at tack. Sheridan has swept clear wood the rebel army. tehen hut beard from be was near Bottumllle. /Its smote report the enemy la (all force to pre. veut bla flanking theireMthworks. Stoneman In North Coronae. Now Toms, April 1.--The following dispatch bast been received from headquarters district of Test Tennessee; dated Boca,' N. C. March 27.: no advance. of Oen. Stoneman's force, com mended- by Major Keogh, A. I). C., entered and captured the town of Boone, N. C. at 12 o'clock . to-day. The rebel force was routed, with a loa n of ten atm killed and ` eisty.five won nded and - I:ebony's.. Major Barnes' bat/Wiwi of the 12th Kentucky cavalry lost a few men wounded. Stonemah's command Is now well into North Carolina, and will be heard of soon In the heart of rebeidom. bleault .of Jolnaston'a Restoration—Noblle —Alabama Thaeatenon. New TORN, April I.—The . Italcrigh Progress learns that since Gen, Johnston's restoration to the command the army of Tennessee, thousands of soldlersitho were absent without leave, hare returned rollick old elder. Gcn. bfatur. comutandlog pt Mobile, has hi cued an order ta people to aced away all nee combatant', and prepare for a 'rigorous defense. Gov. Watts announces that. Alabama Is threat ened on thiee sides, and appeals to the people to rally for her defense. Prisoners of War—Bliss Harris—Wounded. Wanusirron, April 1.---There are art. present at the depot of the prisoners of war at Point Lookout, about 7OJOO rebel prisoners. Including 1,000 received last week. Two thousand a week' are being sent off for exchange. The trial of 311. s naafi, Indicted for the mur der of A. Judson Burroughs, to the Treastuy Department, to which, on Thursday she pleaded not guilty, has been set down for the p leaded of April. Three hundred end amrenty-forir wounded oat cers and men, the larger part of whom were in the engagement of last batnrday, ware brought to Washington and placed In hospitals. Other sick and sounded are akto„ . l4l, he brought hither, from Cky rolor. From CaUfornMatol the Sandwich Islands. _ , Sox r rimy ci sco ; March 25.—gudwic Island dates to Fvbruary 2.5{b report that tho Oorero meet to negotlatitit forth° Icaportatloa,of Cht tiaalaborers. Gieeritm,ks bare receded to alsty-ono delta. The tulann recelpte at ttio mint, coptloao beaiT-10.000 ouocca of gold well . received 7A., bre took place 'at Oakland and drelroped .a block or ballillogi'wmth 1150.- 000--Nety .Of_wkle.ll - .14-:aore.* by Indiu- ZEMEM .. MS 7,75777.71. rr ... ...T . 0 . ...7,1 0, • ri :_ i. . , • '4' t A , .. iti e ... REEN SHIRMATI'S DEPARTONT Gra. gleagber's Dirision Disorganized TIOOPLITENRINA POI FRIIIINK 'llllllll Oda Restudirg Cuppllo4, 1 New Y wilt, Atoll .1., 'Thp !Itorl,l'e thOshord aliti-thli ll the isallt, nsp Lathes of lettol I.44siry itro ltrotelleir ti toll( atr gued 14 1 0 1 )4 itlt kti . litioril 4114 411 n n: li 'lulled toittatht Ih41 liolllllfii 4sillid lliti sop. ", 1 . 10 110 011OOklik4 • ilf E-410 111411 bAilim iI 1 t,vo 1 , ,t0 isitiatti 4( 4 111iioe flisiii woa]l4c loutate hafollatlite, The vitisMat fftile tho tiotttftt4 •itllt4t# ortit whtutt ttittuttt!te4 ari4f iiidleiti4 , Ill Val for 44 , Itilialidi lit bur 111114 t Till - lt ttlil !OA OW tf, otitto pm, hut tt•t i 101144 ht oil; llitlit4. This etsolsiOlial tilflititig litithlilik edsk liy lltherttl Meagher •itSV4I llibil Illit9lolilShil l Mid the Wad* Ma 4 Ehilit .titirllisilli rogitliolltst The metre Mid otsvals , i,ieitlS iiii thillf wet Id jvtn the ettitles them VIII Mori kilo! iliteor till our imeee front the allAtollon of kloAr teFhla Ot Serried, The !Kok or toolgsnistsilott goo§ ritiddity on, nutlike thews aro drilllbg sett itropgduct for Olt coning anon. • The raltraad teittga flirikarg shoes, olothlug end slippots tot Got Gooks% With nivel rapidity. NNW Youn t April 3 ,—tiott, tlhorittou hoe bo cacti an order directing Hohoileid to ornetilio Oil of the troops under hie commend a rorMt equiv. slut to two corp a, Or Oro dIN letitna, Alit lIIMO them in the moat complato 11141111 Hr, the laid cts nice. Re dhotis Col; Might, of the ratlroarl department, to Use Cann Means to oompluto the made front Goldsboro to Newborn Mid Mg, ton, and equip them for currying :MU ears of night dully, until there la au accu mulation . of atipplles at Gol,laboin—OuoUgh to' . pIIY. Fll the wagons of the twiny. CAllrent, soldier; eitlerns • nr any private storos to aterer, , will not be allowed' to route on an up trip unites it be mill matter,, and carom or •couricrs hering larders for tinny heaquarters, a nr Otos° to exceed one -car load per ' day. All the must march or nee horst* and wagons horn the water to (foldsboro, mall the army ill that ormbly waned and quipped. The right wing of the array will group 10 the front and right or Goldsboro, !Oohing north; the lett in front and to the left of Goldsboro, and oho centre In Goldsboro, with detachments to cover thu railroads In the rear. The cavalry will.be posted at or near Mt. Oliver Rtation. All Will *etc foraging rental' into tits country, Wog careful to have them strong enough and well guarded. Gen. Thome' alovement--Rebel Situatiou Before Itichnioud. Slaw Tone, April 2.—The Richmond : Maine! of the 50th says the advance of Thomas ti said to have been .at Carter's, 20 mileafrout Bristol, -on Sunder evebier. bat -It was reported in Lyechburg on the 27th that he was falling back towards Greenville. Telqtraphleoomartshicatlonla open to Bristol. The Lynchburg ErintWitan says there COS be bet little doubt that Thomas is preparing to Invade the Southwest with a large three: Pro m-01mm are doubtless belug made to morn this ibeTEPCO, bzit word of caudal to the people n'oeg tbo line of nomis' trite/Wed march. is worthy of the strictest consideration. There is a largo quantity of previa:lm in that quarter s bleb if not promptly removedlrUl be certainly ,appropriated by Thomas if he stmeeeds la his c. reditkm. The retertbnra Ammar of the Zith cap: Re.. liable Welßgence from City.Polut representathe Pittance of Slime:manor; Mid forty iron-elnl./, ,hoWee an, W r mterezde Seat of. steelier sal l o s e "fedildanda Doete. Since the attempt of the ClOn federatesto,pass the Yankee obstructions, the earmy has aottblet tilivigßanee and largely in creased his naval force. ."." The giotiorl. of „IdarchSO. saya tYmterda.Y. L and the day Wore vat very , Ohba. Large tollee .otcwralry haVe been rapylng to our right. A ,Iti%ehody of cavalry passed down the plank rem two or three days_since, Sheridan will doon'be heard from on oar. right. . . The Emotion. calls the Attack oa Fart Steed a seems for the reb.els, and sap they as- Sullied and , captured the worti,tind held them against assaults from the enemy,. and only re. linqulshed the capture d ground at the commaad of their officers; and' when It was ascertained further that that . .polot-,mosttie rattawillitio r , it - was a greater sacrifice than success would qualify. - lhe Snow s! in an article on the military situ ation, says t Gert.J..ee . needs men and provis lota. He neadaerery man -sad ration we eats glee him. If wafaruish him with mon merely lit to hold the trenches, 1, will Ilberate. that num her of veterans for menonrerlog in the field. woo a grim mistake that we did not sooner de cide 011 and give him men to help hold the head/ea. Wasucoueos, tl.—The Richmond &mi nd of Friday, March 51st, contains the fol. hwlng: Arrertetr•rrt ej War: General Go-dun reports that the enemy at eleven o'clock yesterday morning ad vanced a portion of his line, commanded by Brig. Gea. Lewis. but was repotted. The drool artillery sad marten continued several boars loth considerable activity. No dactume on our lines reported. flitanedL • R. E 'Lae. Tbe Ilbehmond has a long and atm*. td article on Grant's combination Jost upening. It says that withant doubt this combination' is very formidable and Metall. a tremendous cam taiga. It la to be the life and death straggle, the crisis and solution of the war. It says that Grant will give them their death wound or they will give him his. It calls oa the people to do their duty and claims that the soldiers will do theire, and concludes by saying the results arc xith God. The article la attributed to Davis. Prom Georgia and South Carolina. NEw Yogi, A prtl 2.—Tbe steamer Arago (rem Mhou Head, bdega files or the Savannah Ihrald to the , .. .... Me rubel collier - Intim:l Meth were being re sisted at Auguste, and the people generally eon, !bourn, sleeted eConfoderacjas hopeless. Thousands are rein Ing to their harries and Mildness. Mr. !bourn, tmesory ,ogesii, was In Savan nah en to to Fernandina to establish. an Bp. ney. erk L since . Shere cature of Savannah undred and sixty 's steamships t and steamers. Of oen ships, eight brigs and sixty-six schooners I. in entered disport. The village of Mitchellville, by general order, i- to choose for its government a six:order, mar s halman and councilman. Only freedmen are to rc re, and the tickets nominated aro of tho came ( ;,..f.. -This Is one of the reforms In South Car olina (vete a member of adopted citizens of Smart en). wona forced Into the rebel ranks by ono ma. ram or ether during the progress of the war) and Once Shennan's march througn Georgia large number* of them hare found their way Into our Passe. ind Paper Money, etc. - WASIIIII(STON, April I.—On and after Monday nest no pantos will be relltliled to visit Alexan. Tim Secretary of the Treasury, In a recent let tir to lhompson Campbell oafs be has no hesi tation In asserting that In h i Jadgment Califor nia would have been a richer and a more pros perone State if her circulation had been a mixed Inetead.of a metallic one. She has not only failed to cooperate properly with other States, In main Mining tie Govertiment,bnt has misapprehended her lawn Interests In dhtcountenanclng the use Of .Paper money within ker limits. No country can prosper for any considerable time, where money commends so high a rate of Interest as it does In California, and nothing would-tend more direct.' 1 1 toreduce that rate of Intermit, than the intro duction °fit sound paper circulating medium., President Lincoln had not returned to Wash ington at ten o'clock this morning. The Poston:lce at Wilmington, North Carolina Is to be reopened by the Government. Steamer Gen. Lyo n itturned—Creat Lass Now TOICX, April 2.—The stoomu General &dgwlck, from Wilmington 'on the 30th, hue arrived. She reports that on .ho flat, at 6:30 . a. m., off Hatteras, she saw a steamer on shore on arc which woe the Gen. Lyon, from Wilmington for Fortress Monroe, with from four to live hun dred troops and refug . ees on board. The wind was•blowing a gale and she could not launch boast, hnt wait as near to her as possible, and plcked up as many as she could from boats, spars, woodwork, &c. Seven lirae taken to tho hosp.tal at Wilmington. -The Ilst given of those saved by the Haig-wick comprises only twenty-pelt, - Including most of ther officers of the I,Yen, a few reftr , eca, and 'soldiers of the 99tb, .59th and 68th Afaine, the WA and 5611 Illinois, and the Pith Ghlo, &e. 4 echuoner was seen 'picking up , mcn; but we do not know bow many;she slaved. . When the lledgwiek latt - tbe Lyon liatkitt . rued to 'a shell, and was t• drlftlng on 'to the. breakers. J - - • - • Seven-Thlrty La if -ISubseilpilotlx.• Aprll 2.—Ja.f Cook...repo'ttit tutooriptlons to tha seren•thlrty loan'yeitoday •to the amount of 82,410,560,: Ineludible sub scriptions of t 00,1300 from DoMdo, and 41400,000' from New York. dish ,. I,GDI. Indivldual aub , . sOriptlons o 1 160 and.lll.oo each.- The to t al for 'WO week Is $14M6,150. • 1 THE BT. ALBANS RAIDERS. CMCDEAR Cr; RCUGEES AND fItEEL SYMPATHIZERS Iteitimett., April I.—Southern refugees and Hole sytiathisors. through their wrgaa; have Issued tlio thilowlng esti*, and they aro circa • , . iallog It i , J*14011444* Conrinfrary qf the ProirNelal Erma flo Jo Me, h'..fratufb„ , ; (1,,, di. Albans add , irh.--lly one of those txtraordluery Into von. I ii`tie ; hy which persons frequently defeat, or re. i ffil pet etlistre, , sra.luive been placed lapis. ca le-MO(0i , or luudnousalble evidence of the la. (lunar if tile rroVinchil Fliecative Co (MIMI'S MS act f ldlanly tihkietra to modern Iliu m .;etul Oft in Militia by whlcs It la hoped to scram. tilth IL,' dalunkhlng, and almost incredible as le the slatctsent we aro shoat to make, we not this pledge tairsulvra to It, but we challenge the It.evidite le deny It. It will he remembered filet flat Charge against the St. Albans raiders, diSlawett of by Judge IStultb, was only one of itsettel, bits Om Judgment of the Conn, declar ing She arcutra lo 60 14,1131 hellineriana,on-, oentli In ili ii set of war tint cognizable by the trt. Initiate or natural Shale, virtually disposes of all sharp which "ones, not Or tbo dl. Albans Feld; Alibi ,katre holdouts .of It., The accused Wain fliefililitiod until to-day, ,(or the pen oes or Ilin i nut diliiii vocconlog wth, or Abandoning Ilia 011 inf (beiges, among which Is one of mur der, Thi(y wise also arrested on warrants, plunging them • Itit a breach, of neutrality, and Ivo, n homilly remanded. Ilia tuovrentrnt la probably aware that there 'NMI} iltOppN.CL Of ontaloing a conviction on ills set harm at Judge Bea th remarked lu hie ,ludstaffit "There 11 no evidence ora broach o Hi turelity..hawing lawn commuted.''` !Lavine felled to olsaln the' estradttlon of - the accused 1. , y legal means, before an Impartial tribbeal, they bud determined to attempt it. by e , Call. eplincy which tire designation "luramona" Is too mild tb qualify. I. evening Mr. (tarter toot Schiller to this city hum Toronto, with its. *tractions ;to oblate the itsalstance of Mr. !lir. I Iron, the tiarrlatur, And with him to obtain the uncut of the' dt. Albsns raiders, uuw coallaed .ru a charge of a breach of neutrality, cud Loden the warrant to Montreal as rapidly a, feasible. When the case of the dt..Altians raid ers coma lip this morning, it hes been arringut that the preiecution will decline to prosecute the cue LL tbe prooners may be remanded without 11. fly" that time It In oxpect.xl that the Bt. Albans %lomat and the charge of breach of neutrality will he Mil hdrewn., The charge of breach of hentrenty, will fall, u there in no evi dence, And there will be no effort made to pro. Sure any. Nylther the lastruttluda to Mr. Baffler or to Mr.' Harrison as much as Mat at idence (*whet/zest but the moment the ac. ciwtd are dhcluirged they wilt be rearrested ou a &mend frir extradition-on the charge now !nad ir': against them; end they will he carried for cx and eritlOn before the Tweet° Judges who extra tila d Borkff, and who are considered to , he on tar committed by their eating la that case, and ... by their vpressed opinions la thls, that the n ill obey he order of the Goreraineot. y 'lie &. Catherinas warrant 1,. In fart, a con elog cent ivance, by which tho ad.ludleatiou of charges Inst. the ralderili to be trinsferrel reama i. to a corrupt tribunal, and from a -.bulge wh re used to be a tool of the foreign enemy to udges willing to, pollute the Judicial e. mite byauch snbeervience..abd to prwitituto noir etlimis by viler conduct than 'ha* been wit -1.14W on tbc British bench since the days of .1. JP ies. Whether the timely discnvertand et -- p a arc of this infemons plot alit prarent Its I, ing carried out In Its astirity, we know not ; hot such In the conspiracy that the Executive of Cared* Is engaged in, and such the means they are taking to affect the cowardly and cruel end tl. ty have in slew. ... The tnirder of thcao_men, deelmad free of gntit l the tlibunals, bcG.re sblcb they haat hsd ee 104., ao 'palltat god so thorough an cr.- mciratton, la such en outrage upon justice; sheik a yleee of rcrkloo oickede.se r each 41 trampling in tee mire of the bettor and goeirnatac of the ccuntry, es Can be ettrlbuttd tp O'4lltlSsbOrt..9l (Lc reitultea aid shoal iilittra ruir.iri4 U ler the duty of the•people of this city to i.roccnt its . perpctratloit, tr wesible, at any enet,:aed If that ' It will he their duty ' to mutYttlf.:; - ' Steck. lalyney-utterigade 'Matter% Nov Tout, April I.—At the Stack Erchange ibis morning there Wro, a very active demand for Railway s h ares, , and thmngbpat the roll the market wag quik benSard. Alter am board broke up stocks cordoned etrocrt, anti there W 46 a leather rise in 'tome pardenlan, • stacks am scarce for delivery end •.;(,..t . tie has been paid - for Fort Wayne and Rhode bland . Gov ernment setoitics reread' very Ore and Unlform 1 0111 efarr.inr.r.tett 0 1 demand. Catania meted- Inlers shares all flan and g.encrany better. Garr rem took an upward tutu toward the close of the day ander a disposition to interpret the re c cr.t movement of ilea- Grant to a lko dreat of the ratan arms. higheet .Ivtiot showed a risco( 2 per cent. from opening and the high. net Inlet of the teeming. The earn In money crethmrs end the supply of capital In smelly and Increasing. Vertigo Exchange* as iet meal on Saturday. Pan:dem socks ,feady Ith moderate demand. 'Sales at Cher ry Run at 77; Lamisior 00; Germania'al; Man ba,ten 53; Occanietal, hamlet= closes dem at t.tle for Cnnte; 511 i'er,s3Jsetbr Refined la Bond, 3011 7547 Ge. forFrce, • Ibe fost gays; The whoicsale market was • much depressed dunng the wetly owing to the decline in gold, the opening, of Erie canal and the new, from Europe. There has been a heavy and general decline. Flour declined 14Aotat $1 and 13 tending slowly downward. Wheat free ly °tiered and declined about 10c. Oata fallen 10( , e12c and are nat. Indian corn arrived freely since the opening of the canal and prices kave fallen 10G tree. The Pork market has rapidly fluctuated; at opening weak pricoysllled shortly, and rose to VP, , then fell to FtM5O; prices &d -euced to E 37. Reef declined 11131g3 per barrel; unsaleable at the close. Rarest has fluctuated rapidly and declined moderately; market firm at close. Lard closes strong with good demand and light stock. Cut Meats decline! and sold freely: Cotton deened oonglderably and closed very heavy at 11%1512c; the Cotton market has been steady during the week, favorable advice. from Europe having prevented a decline: at close pekes were heavy at 4€447e for'Sfiddling. Petroleum; ID the early part of the week Crude eery firm, selling at 51(3315e; Tuesday and Wednesday the market grew weaker and there bas been nothing done beyond Jobbing lots; pri ces m mina' at Z 3 (4.3ZJic• the market forßeno ell 13 wltbont autive• th ere has been A fair de mand at higher pries early In the week; the market heavy with salmi for fair redoing at 103 e; towards the close there was 105.6 4113i331. UCH' to operate. Refined Sugar towert . prices notabtal. The Whiskey market has been ;meet tied and depressed, prlem fluctuating largely; on Tuesday there was Jan Improved demand; prleett advanced 8&10c per gallon, wheat the d, mend abate:land the market elmod very un settled at 5t1.12k0.12% for'Western. New Anvil 1.--420's; old Issue, 1055; 10 ib's. 01%; New York Central, EePi; Erle, ;4,5; Reuling, fr 2%; M i chiganSt , nthern 13 ~4 " - Illinois Central. 00%; bell; Rhode Island, SON; North Western, 2 t?":: new preferred, 50%; Fort Wayne, 82AI; 1 , 1.1 a and Mississippi Certineafea, nig; Cam. b. eland, ;1; Quickallver, 63y; Mariposa, 15%, G, Id nod Stocks strong and very active: , Gold veld after call for 151, and at the close of there. part woe seiner at 1545. lidsturni at lifemplibs—lellellean Alabama. cant% 3trullt 31.—T0 encourage the restoreth.o of civil government and induce the poo plc to return to their allegiance and former avo. cations, den. Wlllllblllllo, MOM pLif, orders that no raiders be sent Into tltL (=wry except to resist the rebel forces. Un authorized foraging forbblen and the people urged to organize a el nil government and estab lish courts of Justice. tech 'county was also recommended to do the same, and when Satis factory security for their proper use Is given, anns will bo famished. Refugees formerly re siding in the district are invited tO return to their names. Punishment for unkind treatment limn Malicious neighbors has been guaranteed: Planters needing labor eau obtain it by applying_ and report freemen by giving proper guarantees ter paying Mid kindly treating their laborers. Mexican advices mention n severe light with guerrillas near Vera Cruz, In which twentyein of the Imperial troops were killed, among them the Wankel Commandant of Vera Cruz. A number of laborers from .Pennsylvanla, to' work on the railroad, have arrived at Vera Cm. A dispatch the'fFlsh River Point. near Ala bama City, on 20tb, says that the (test went on the bay to-day and shelled Nowpcgt, Itosh:-Ilowant and Janderg, doing considerable damage: No resnonse was male by -the rebels. ' The army item Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines arrived I,ere yesterday and are now ready to MOST. _._ • • Aid for the U. ChrlitJan Commission.. Nsw Yuen, April .i,..-Twenty-five merchants mce this afternoon at the office ofJohis A- Stuart, Ell. Assistant Treasurer, to hear statements in behalf of the empty treasury of• the U. 8. Chris - liar. Commission, and its need of Immediate aid in view of the battles floe- in progress. The meeting. was addressed by R o y. 1. C..Bmithi . George Stuart and others, who have recently re turze4 trom the armies 'before ItiehmOnd. merchants responded by' a Subscription of nearly 520,000. . . . Telegraph "in "Inmate. , ' - .. • - New Yo4x, April 1..---AlaJor Frank Pope, As. blatant Engineer of the;Bulaley Overland Teta- Nnlt,Expetlltiois to 'temple, lgr air ms this, part on litoidaf. next frirSitka, New Archangel, where i i'lso Will join Col: llolitli.7. fit mpg l'npe is last of 'the rhhtrthCis of. the nort ..feoin this side of the and h e . gorhy Mouritattiti, and - he prollo.leary practi cal 4sttlitt for the establishment of au overland telegraph which chili enrineet this conntry with ,lturst con now be 'concidored as fairly Caton. - - CITY AND SUBURBAN. I roreible Entry and Siletalner—.An'Epleede er Miming tray.. Conaldtrable disturbance bas been occasioned . — more )4 ‘ , Cha6le than 'mitres, however, It, lie ro i 7 snitr—in the attempt by a Jew named A. Burk hardt. to oust Mr. Michael O'Hara from a pnr- Gen of the house which ho occupted, on the coiner of Sixth and Smithfield. It appears that Bil hardt claims a verbal contract for the whole ponders deting from the Ist orApril, and en. , deavmsd yinterday to take possession.. Mr. O'Hara Ia proprietor of the building, and his l' hardly occupy one part Gilt; be will not admit the claim of Burkhardt, who it appears has noth ing to tbow tier his alleged right of possession. ,Qt' lest Thursday, Utukbardt having given pre - . . tions pollee, locked the doors communicating 'with O'llara" apartments; shuttle g him off from all 'M s uss to his family. 'Mr. O'liars made Information before Alder .yrinn Straiti, charging Burkhardt with surety of the mace and 'forcible entry and detainer. On Saturday, determined to obtain possession, O'Hara engaged the assistsoce of a number of ponce it flictri, and repaired to the have and de manded admittance. Meanwhile the Alderman and a another of legal gentleinct, engaged as counsel for tho . different parties . In the case, - lii order to watch the proceedings took ' a position on the opposite side of tbe street and were quietly Itxik log on. Burkhardt seeing them, • immediately made Information against the whole party before - Mennen Donaldson, charging them with riot. - The parties named In the In , ' dictment are Alderman Wain, and B. G. Childs, Wm. Owens, Wilkins B. Robinson, and M. O'Mara, Bios. ;The patties were held for a hear- Ii g on Monday at two o'clock. Mr. Child, afterwards had a difficulty with Linekbardt,aud the latter bocoming 'lnsolent he creek 'him. .Si nkbardt thin selrxd smote to strike the other, 'but was rtltrailled by some one from doing so. Mr. Childe'fitlA toted Burkhardt for assault and Moiety. Xrafermatlon was also made by Thomas O'Councr, (=stable. for • assault and. battery, "against A. Addler, a clerkof Burkhart's. In all, nine infoniations were made before Alderman Streit': aestinst Burk/unit—for assault and bust terY. eatery of the peace, forcible entry and de talocr, and; eeillug liquor without license. Burk. berth, in addition to other chines, has informed againet o'll Ite for assault and bette - ry. . • The upshot of the matter Is, that the principal parties concerned will be boned beer fora hoar ingnt court. In 'regard to the indictment for riot, there seems to be no grounds for it, and it I is nothing more .than "a good thing" on the Irgal gentlemen named. ' • Fatal Accidebt on the Connullivllle Rail. A man named George Ritchie, 'ln the employ or the Pittsburgh„and Cminclisville Railroad C.rapany, met with an accident about 11 o clock nn Sat urdny morning, which resulted in his Ifit,,: h. lie was In charge of a "wrecking irate" •ts hiat had berm sent out front the depotfor the pe. pore of picking no broken cars, lying along themad, .Nrhen near RazletroOd station, about f, w mike from the city, abroken car was phmed the truck, s hick prevented the car in the rear from being coupidd as %mud, and in order to far ten . the cars together a rope was used. The di et end was sitting on the wreck, holding one era of the rope; which was fastened around the' nilall's (lead, " Ihe knot not being securely t-ttettid, sitycd, end the deceased Coding that I.e could not waken. fast while the train was in ow; lon, gave it a turn around the body of the ear en wbiehlte was standing. Tire wreck not ta'ng heavy enough to sustain its position, ai; ped Of the forward car and on the. track, throwing Ritchie oni, and passing oyerhls body, lit. head'and Mee were terribly cut andbrulted, •nnlllF , Inek, kg and left arm ware broken. Re . FOS brought to the city, and died an boor or two . ..after bla arrival. - 44 31 e decczned was a retldent of Connellsvllla. n carpenter by,ocrapation, and has kin In the t. - mplay of the company• some ten or eleven jh lesfts a wife and large family or . Corrner Clawson held an inquest on his hotly, and the Jul rendered a verdict of acchiental dr nth. Illaicuudns here neatly vaned at the tn. - perm:rot' the railroad company, and forwarded to IN home on Saturday. Tho Aesdemy of Aftme . We eNnrasna the followlug annt , :turemcnt to the coasitteration of those of our leaders who Jo the CUSWANUIL.44,-.4Fgeght4it 37tisle In this clly. The project/nem Is Its' each shire as to Insure Inceess, if the proper spirit nen tut rgy are rusniksted on behalf of our rte.ll - We earnest!! bore ;hut the expcotistions of the committee will be fully.roslized, dud that the riqui,ite subscriptions may be obtained with in the next two weeks: Prirsncuon, April Bd, 186 Docks of subscription to the stock of 3. the Pittsburgh Academy of Music will be 'opened at ' the oflice of -P. It. Mem, 118 Wood Street, on Monday, the lilts inst., at-which time and place, one or more of Cho Commisslonots named below will he In attendance. Two dollars and mita per share (or 2:1 per cent.) payable at limo of sttbscription. Murray, 't). B. Pauleoli, ;Chas. J. Clarke. 0. Follansbee, I. Woynaan,rD. A. stewan. 0. Bona/sower, 0. IL 80/tostan,i And. Fleming. O. Neollsliock, !YloronolCranser,t C. H. Wolff. A. S. Bell. 'John Fleming, ,W. P. Msushall, J.WD. Creagan, , 13. W. nallmass,!Joa. 8. Brown., 5.11. Sowell, ;D. P. Scala., !And. Csniegie, W. W. ward, Edwin B.lisowe,l villas Dotson, B. M. Edgerton,' R. G. Buahnell, Ilikarynoldablp, H. W. Slacker, 8. W. Watson, !(:). 0. Phil li ps. W. 31. Bash, fie. B. Barron, P.R.: Nests, War, klebor, ,C. C. Roller, T .H. L. Blair 8.11. Paints sW. [Aaronson, Alex. Clam bei t a H. Is. WIRIns, :O. D. Brigham, ;D. M. G. 11 Book, . Thins ton,!John Stott, Lowrie Childs, Joh.. licully.:Bette °wens, Wm. Frew, V.Tvh.Vs`sl'o";lll;:inte.tughelor,ibtf:.;."l:lll, W. J. Annosson 'Jesse W. Carr, iH. T. Leech, Jr. A pril Changes... Scarcity of Houses.. Ihe first of April developed quite a large number of "misenderstaudinge" among the reeving people. We learn that many tenants who had steered no houses to move, In were meted oat of their houses without the 'least • compunction or remoras on the part of the Land lords, to make MOM for new occupants. There Deemed to be no remedy for sneh ejectment; as tenants had been given the lawfal notice re quired; bat owing to the. Scarcity of homes, es pecially such as rented low enough to afford the poorer classes as opportunity of securing one, thelatter were ni many eases unceremoniously - drifen Into the street to lied a home and shelter wherever they might. There were many who predlted by the old adage "a bind le the hand Is worth two In the bush," and re -rented.-the houses they oceepled,• tearing they might not get another, or at tenet such ,an one as would ink them . ,Iva demand for honeys scemi to be Incing. It :s partly ceeasioned by tbo tearing: down 'of a st numbet on 'Quarry Street by. the Pereasyl-, rev is Railroad Company year, but_ stalely. from the• groat Influx of population Worm cltr %Vole thataeme of our enterprising capital ists lat 'ones take measures to lade: this pelt eat by building not_ only .large houses, w but; what no 'emote twiliihtfue#Lestilqinand, `a requisite number , otiorkeittemensents suitable the yenta or nut , mumbenicsi and laboring: tititne co*l—Riary Verdict. .onlast 31 ainsdaymmirieb4r, the Jurylln the . ca.set of Breicton,. Tobeiston and Willful, linable& Shrove. Tilsol ..t . '_.G'o.,'brinmht In a verdict, In favor of theplaMilks, for - P35,86.! This action; - which was - for breach of an oil oentram, was ar. iroel Vall,7o „b llgi s i'i4 7 2-ot ° , 3 l,shblaf and f°r W. Es.ie.;appeati,.dfoi the plaintiffs, and Geo . .' P. Hamilton and Win. EL' Shinn, for the defendants. 3lr. Cochrane Made the closing ar gument on behalf of tha plaintlffsi.in 4 his usual clear awl forcible - styles occupying the attention of tha.Court and jury for over two hours.' - . - Marriage NolLettory.—Thia Is the title at litime St: Chiles' lecture this evening. When aver this:young lady has delivered this lecture s , Brest - praise and credit have been awarded for her sound, practical teschlinks to the young or her own sex. All agree respecting the propriety or a lady addressing her . own sex on matters so vitally important as the theme of this lecture; "and as gentlemen are allowed to atteed, there will be a full house. We - learn that Mies St. a l re with every, ticket "ti present—this being an arrangement she adoptedin An:loads Clair o e and wld b has given her Immense crowds tA ee princlp cities el the Pelted Stares. " , Read her advertisement. Disorderly Conduet.—A number of "roughs" became engaged in a fight at a tavern on Stith Urea on Saturday,and were verydisorderly. Thu police arrested three or four awing them a no torious character. named-Jack Karns. 4 Jacit beo Carta:, übstreperono, and refused' to elite along, whereupon the °facer having hhtl la charge gave him a not very gentle,tap on Ida organ - .' of eau-' tiousnese, and made , the claret how ,freoly, after which be made no serious effort to; run. away. They Were all remanded-for- a hearing' at two o'clock to-day: . ,• , The Aff_Tetiehere InetitnteTbe next Fes. the l'rechersi.,lnstitute Ida the held in Fast. Maly, ecrmmenelnKon Wednesday next, and eon tinning for three ; attys.': A stteelal train will be mu en the reenylesulo' Railroad, fur , itnitietinmodatlnn of persotet.a t otrio g , to at-, iced , the Instil ute—leatieg this. telly at .alne olclotk le the mortang,-atitt lestriothiastldbertY it ate in the evening. ' • • - . . . Raiff Changes. Same time since we announced that Andrew Carergie, Esq., had tendered his resignation as Superintendent Or the Weatefft DiThiton*f the . Pa. R. R., which was reluctantly accepted. On the tirst instant the resignathiat took ett.xt and Mr. Carnegie% connection with) tte road ceased. This circumstance requires moo than a mere passing notice. Over thirteen years ago,,whon Mr. 'Carnegie wan nothing but a boy, 'ho was employed by Col. Thomas A. Scott, thca Gen eral Superintendent, as telegraph operator.' With that keen penetration, for which Mr. Scott is remarkable, be saw that the "boy operator' , pameroed more than ordinary talent, and would yet made big Mark in the world. fu this he was not mistaken; as the present position of Mr. Carnegie abrtridently sho.ws. Shortly rtfter he entered the dike as operator, he engaged In on epistolary disunion with a cousin In Scotland on the respective merits of Republican and Mo narehicel institutions. Some of . his fpistlea boning, byszuve occident, 'fallen Into the hands of mie of dad superior officers of the road, he pronounced them to be shown that these were not the mere arruMenta of a boy for argument's sake. Be is consticationalf devoted to the cause of the government,,and through his representations of Its stability, Kano of his relatives on the other side of oval rippling Atlantic have been induced to over large sums of money for Investment In government securities. Amidst the onerous duties which devolved. upon Mr. Carnegie. as Superintendent of the most difficult, division of the road, lie devoted mach time to literary pursuit‘, and made many valuable contributions both to the eastern' and western press, oft which only his most Intimate friends are , ,cognizant. Although frequently im portuned to do no, his modesty has prevented tam from giving to the public many. thief% that are only in,manruscript. For the last five years Mr. Carnegie. ban' been Superintendent of the Western Division . of' the road. Of bissuperior ability. initil:llnm rind. success as an Maser, it lenecoless for main speak, as we have spoken of them often' before,. and the whole community will bear tketlmony to them. Mit-kindness of hetet, amiability,mbliging and courteous &spa. - *Rion, wiltnot soon be forgotten in this locali ty. fie has made boats of friends and endeared himeelf to ell with whom he had any' business transactions or social connection. In a few Chtye NVe understand, the employees on the Western DiVisloo give him a substantial testimonial of their high regard 'for him as - a gentlemen sod officer. We are not at liberty to say what the testimonial will be, but we know It will be a Magnificent one. fly attention to priiate business. entirely dis tinct from Vailmeding. Mr. Carnegie hae.amass ed an ample forme, and we hope that the sue tees with which his energy, Industry and talents have been crowned will he a stimulus and en couragement to every young man In the Come:N ulty. lie will leave for Europe on the 17th Of May neit in company with two young friends, and to absent for. a veer. Oar hearty good wishes will go with him. and we will be glad to herald Ma an fe return. Robert Pitcairn, Esq., succeeds Mr. Cyrnegie in the Superintendency of the Western Ifirblou. Mr. Pitcairn Is a regular craduato In the rail road business. At one time he was Superin tendent of Transportation, and baa been' •*con reeled with tbo road for about twelve years. Being a Pittsbumber he la well acquainted with lokal line business and local wants. Ills repu tation for administrative ability and - superior lonisers qualifications Is excellent, and a sheet Interview will convince any one that ho not only well fitted for the position, bat also a orthy 61:ICCOSOt of Mr. Carnegie. , David .McCareo. Req., formerly Superintend-, ent of Telegraph, Is Assistant Superintendent to Mr. Pitcairn. He Is a Pittsb,urgher also, and, from what we knowpf him, we are Warranted In. saying he will make, an efficient officer. E. IL Williams, Rep, fOrtnerly Of the Chicago and Catena Rallroad.'has recently been appoint: rd Assistant Gen&alSiperintendent. lie is an entire stmoger to us, and' front personal knead.. edge we cannot are anything, .but , those who Wawa' him and are competent to Judge assure, us,. that he will make a first-rate officer. eceoluia, • laud. : Sara hyou • flizroftda Le admitted by nearly all medical max to be a disease dependiri z zOn a depraved condi tion of the blood end Molds of Ma body, and whilst It makes its appearance in various parts of the body, sometimes In tumors about the neck, and at others in the form of ulcers in va rious parts of the body, upon the Lys, and arms, atd in the form of tumors under the armpits; and other parts of the glandalar system,..it Is always known by the general name of Se' royals, and the particular name of the discascitusuagy derives Its name from the locality of Its exist ence or organ affected. Tatter In. all its forms . Is almost always of a scrofulous origin; rilthaigit It be called Totter, it is thaVscroinions humor or taint. In' the blood which produces the eruption on the akin, com monly called letter; hence, whatever will cure one rrlll also cure the other. If a man were to Excise the part affected by letter, or sear it with. a hot iron, whilst It would- remove the disease from that spot, IL would not remove It from the system for the humor upon which It depended still exists, and would show itself in some other parr ed. , until the taint upott_which it depended is correct Sere Eye; =I niters In various parts of the human body, very of . ,ten if not always owe their existence to bad blood, and a want of proper elimination by the organs deputed for that pur pose, and while these may often' be healed. over with salves and ointments, the cure will never be pt. - moment anima the source of them Is cor rmed. Now there arc hundreds of cases Just like these f.w we have mentioned, and la persons who 1 As been alittleted for years—who hare sriff.red, without knowing or believing, that thereotild be cared--or if they did know, did not avail themselves of the means within their reach—lir. Geo. IL Keyser, of 140 Wood street, whose medicine atom has been well known fur years, nays that he has yearly oared hundreds of " diseases, and can always cure, without fail, where attention Is given to his treatment and directions. The Doctor has made chronic • Ella aLeafte4 a a,lticular study,.and can glee to this county some of the most respectable names of persons who have been.cared by him. Gee case of a lady who was cored over fifteen years ago of letter, which has never made its appear epee since. In this case attended to, there was a general broken.down condition of the system, oamplicaktl with Asthma of several years da• ration. DMA the Asthma and Tetter wore per manently cured. Another case of a lady whose forehead and face was covered. with tatter, re setublixt; canes, which bad lasted Bevan! years. She is now tertnateently canal, and has been for slx,er seven ITEM. NOMMIttll pru neuter cases ccold be cited, but let these suffice for lite rrescr.t. • Sig. Joseph Tamara. .rdt• 0 1 wItf; /n your paper of Saturday 1 find i a very Sweeping Criticism Of the German Opera, signed "./ I ...Professor," which, however, is so very unfair, and so greatly at variance with the sentiment of the musical public, that It has den utterly: barmiest is. a criticism. I would not even notice it, Were it hot. that thla self styled _"Profmsor" has made very" tusprofes tlonal 'attacir upon tite reputation of one of the most accomplished vocalLts whew has ever ap soared in this country-BM. Joseph Tamaro. We are told by this astute "Professor" that Taman) should saver again_ attempt the rots of "Faust," and that his voice was too weak to fill even Masonic. lan! Now, against this opinion 'of.our Pittsburgh "Professor," Sig. Taman" Ilse the Unqualified endorsement of the best musical critics .both in this country and in Euroye. Then we have'the Judgment of Mr. Grover, who employs Sig. Tamaro •at a very heavy salsry,und who is too well versed In his business to pet forth as an artiste such a "mis erable failure" as "our Professor" - would have Tamara to be. But why multiply words. The Pittsburgh publlC bare heard Tamara with, leasureand delight, and while one Solitary has pronounced him a failure; (from motives best linown to blmself,) the great mass 'of our musical - people Lave accorded him the highest 'need of praise. J. B. 141[01VIT1 Temperanceillie Ckin.nen. Council elect of thultoii:Mgh of Temperance- Title, met on Monday. evenlog,.Mareh 27. Members present—Messrs. Geyer, llighy, Jones, Cuddy and Burgess Ferguson.. The The oatli of ollice - was duly' administered by James Kelly, Ese:; allez wblsh Council proceed. cd to tho bestows of the evening. • On motion, S. 11. ;French was elected Clerk pre Arn. On motion, Geo. Rigby was elected Treasurer for the ensuing year. On motion, B. Tf. French, was elected Clerk for the ensuing yenr. On - motion, Messrs. Geyer and Jones were apPolnied Comntittee on Streets until the next 'meeting. On motion, the .I.7l , tntag Gazette wan chosen to publish the proceeding of Connell during the On motion. , adjourned to meet on Untidily evening, April 5..1. -,. • Tpos. Fanuusav, Iltrgesa B. E. riiEwcit; clue - 01'Nunen. . . .. . ' Ittayoc's Otllce.--Yeeterdaj2inentiup 3ltour Lowry beard some thlet.f.east Qrdritukennese aoa. /*orderly condi - et. On ..S-:,,,hrd-ny uliihta. -Beattie ecertne to bold Wu carnicc'mlkal whin."' ky Bows : like' water.' enuday It ti Otttarto,, repentance; put piailieeteo 1u *kiwi dlyW.L‘rid" We': may find come at rtie annie,intri.,!utUml„4.44.; lc a %erg few.days hence. '.:1 :......:;;;;: - .,:',.‘`''' ' " MESESI . , I' . To " A Professor." - - --- - hi reply to your note in last Saturday's Gs.- zirnt, r must Wunk you for your disinterested i effetts In pointing out the faults of the German Opera Company. I have directed-operas In all parts of the world ll.r the last thirty-two years ; have enjoyed the acquaintance Of Beethoven and the friendship of .11codelssoluts' 110014.fluln" reel, Barer, etc., but 1 btore.nerer yet nut ;with , any one who could at all' compare wltleyen In I critical acumen and power of tone-discrintlult , lion. I have all along lettered under the impres, *ion that the present oSmpass, especially th e chorus, were as god - as any I have hid the' pleasure of directing, and better that! any I have yet heard in this country. The enviable .prerogative to show to' the public that Oda opinien of mine has been nothing more than O pleasant incision, has been reserved for yOurselt. Stu Yerithial abilities as yours 'should not ho lost to the world; and I should feel honored Could, yen be, induced to attach 'yourself to our aim- . ploy In the capacity of a critic. I will twee to wane the retraction m;.! ally profitable. A wsounv, - . ''''..i • The Peak Fawn). . • Thi,, sterling troupe will exhibit et Concert nail this wick, commencing to-night. The ' • Swiss Dell•ltingers compose part of the troupe, and the, performance given will be varied ant interesting. The entertalument embracts new and original tousle upon three fall seta of silver bells, three hundred and forty-nine in number, the lament of Well weighs twelves' pounds and the smallest three ounces; a beautiful chime • of silver staff bells, forty in -number. The vo cal and is:scram...etal music will consist of aelee. tions from popular open's, harp *aloe, and duos for the harp,- violist - solo', Rhos upon theater *. bells. ballad, pyrite., humorous and character- latictplecte by the Juveniles. This troupe la - 'nidely ItnoWn,'and hue - establlitted - for itself so ' enviable a'rernitatum as .a flrst-class achibigne that a mere announcement of it shinsid secure., ~ for it the patronage' which its merits deserve at , the hands of the public. . Trlmble, a avietles, Penn Street..- - -Tha etartUng aebSation drama of the "Female Pick pocket,' hai proved-a grand sneer-as for Manager Ernythe—every night deem crowds have been in. attendance; Mr. Smythe informs tie that ' ez ti scats hare been minded eo that all may be ,le to see this great life drama. The scenery Is "truly magnificent and the picture of thiCapitoi at Wasitantmon. the White Home, • VafaletUlt.`.'?': Square, ebc., &c., Is correat, and adds vreitly,to the tremendous iticcets of the.play. ittenea ber this la the last night but two of the "Pict pocket.". .IPittsbuigh Theatre.-4 great attraction' is' presented thts area . In the person of the aesom pllshtd actress Ettle Henderson. She has: bean winning the highest r n coolants daring her twofer elonat tour in the east, and her friends will be de‘ 'lighted to weldome her back td our city. fitie appears to-night as the !'Little Barefoot." Nett' 111 tude.--“l7nder the Snow," soug and quariette. NVorda by Dill A. Smith'. Mask by Edwin Eherratt. Pittsburgh: published by Sherratt Co. A ebarudng ballad, act to sim ple but appropriate music. The lovers of good music will be meth pleated with it. Coroner's Inquest.--The coroner held an ()tart on /3aturday afternoon, on the body of the child Erma' Roberts. who was run over by a parsenerr car onit. Clair street Friday main& and rendered a verdict of accidental death. Baggage Baster.-8. J. Fische has bona sp. polo Led tiacgare_ master In chnrgo of ezpresds snails between 'Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa. From Late Rebel ,Papers. WABBriOTON, April I.—The Richmond Whig of Thursday his been received. The Peteribmg Erpras of yesterday remarks that quiet has been restored on one lines, and - searceir a gun was fired . yesterday. FrOM the Appomattox te Hatcher's Run, the old sonde lion of affairs Is resumed. • - Large bodies of cavalry were seen yesterday morning moving towards oar right., • Tim fact is known dial a large body of,cavalry Moved dative the plank road two of-these days since. t Is bigbly.probable that iiberidan. inflated 4,7 hi. recent enecessee, Mai attempt something o ml/um i. 4111 tide' of the lines We 'predict - for inglorions . detent. Rcliabie Intelligence from City Point repro seats the presence of Oxen monitors and four lon-ciad vessels in the James river, besides an mmeasurable fleet of smaller and less fond- • The Richtmleci OW Slat, than girof the eituatioeln Notth Carolina.' All the ae counts which reach us through officers sad from Private letters written from the North Chtolloll front give na a Very encouraging View of the alt.. The Lynchburg Virpiehte of the nth' sem -The enemy—we suppose gtonemares .havegar Iced Bristol, leaving it to tke left, aad, are passinghy Way of Taylorsville in the direc tion-of Glades Spring: The kdlowing telegram appears eseinsbtely in the Weis: • 3feritgcsury, Ala. IVarea 26.:—A. Yankee 'ma in; column struck the Alab.ima and Georgia =Mena, a few miles below - here, yesterday morn ing, and captured a train. Thu passenger train which left hero on Thareday collided with the wreck, and was also captured. Some of the passcrgere were wounded. The enem stating that their destination was Greenvil y le. left,, Governor Watts called on the citizens tepee. pare to defend the city, and the commandant of the poet ordered the organization of all persons belonging to the army to repel the moyement on the railroad. ' • . .. The steamers Folly and DLcie collided on the river, above the city last nlabt. The Dale was seek; the mullengers were eared. Five hundred bales of cotton were lost. ' • - anco!rn DISPAITTI: ii.:7o4FoneTy, Starch 28.—The enemy •en the railroad below moved down the road After the capture and destroyed one of the trains below areelvtille. Their force Ig believed to be 25,00 strong, pi incipally Inlantry. rebel Habeas Corpus..Stephenit Dis— gnated...late Captured. Prisoners. Nnw Yoe; April 1.--ltichmend papers cosi-. plain that the suspension of the habeas corpus act was secured In the Confederate Congress by a trickof Jeff. Davis. who Wen a measure at , a moment when them was bide bare onortua /a the city, as he knew It would be defeated la a full Refugee Georgiana ;report that after the Peace' Conference, Vice President Stephens returned to his home more than ever disamsugl with the coa- Sederacy. Re 'refused to take any part in the . huskiest, or firing the. Southern heart. The Timer Washington special says All prLsonere captured in the late engagements be fore Petersburg were brought to Point J,ookout. It la a curious tact that smug the prisodora eaD tured on March th and delivered at Point Lookout on March 27 th , were &number who had only been reletomi from that prison numbe r ;744. The St.- Albans Raiders,' Timone, April I . — Dispaiciacia flour '3fttn: {real say the money voted by Parliament has be‘ n paid to the St. Albans banks. • The Leader, this forenoon has infortitation,„ which is claimed as antheitic, that a warrant is to be issued in St. Csthariates, 'Atm ging :the St. Albans raiders with &breach of the neutrality : act. They will be bnyoght to St. Catharines. This charge will be then dropped and thovpri- , - - sorters will be Droned before.: the T 011304 Jfidtes on a demand for extradition, with; the , expectation that they will reverse the decision Of • Judge' Smith, of Montreal. - Louhalite Municipal Election. ' Lornarruz, Aprlll.--Mldnight-At them,.' alty wo nltupal etection, four candidates for the' mayor re in the field. rbil in - TnalPfert. Mint° tbill , crat, was elected illayorAby 1;000. plurality gayer epnbllean candidate, and lacks about 100 of a majority over all competitors. • .. War News Excitement , ! In -New York: . New YORK, April 2: 2 4 -The 'War news created . Craildernble excitement to-day. Extraa were fumed bete and In Brooklym. Flags wow &S. '- played from a number of bulldloge,,and the fact' - t h an ced a battle was progressing- favorably an... . , from many pulpits. - . Gold. Num Tons, Apri f. --Gold noste,ady ..-,..., ~,, cold of epeculating interest. The news of'a, aii - • . engagement bdereen Grant and Lea prodeed ' ' ''''l tittle t itect upon the. pricis: Quotations war* ,• - from 1 5 1copening price, to 1.7.1. N. It EL.t.Y—On 'Friday evening, Druck Stet. tan, Dire. JAS ft KELLY, In the I-4 year of her age. The funeral Will take place from the'imaldenes 'of her non. George A. Kelly, No. 1.11- Ssndusky • street,, , Allegbeny, : ou ;Unities' - .aprsunotor," ad inst., at 3 o'clock. Tite,fdeoas of the family. are Invited to attend. : • • - • 'Ptlibty : 1 11.411ZAC/Cil at fore orelOnk4 The friends of the faintly' are respeo'futlylarltel .t 0 - Attend the funeral from the :reg . :tenon ,Of inotheihNo • erti Pam:ugly ants overrule, on Mos oar; Avail 3d, at ,ten orolbck. lir Habana seritlveit .coar, inenhtiat at SM. 11MIIADIERCIER.—On Stitiday the 2il - Inst, 11 . 0 e/ock 'A: X., Dlr.. LAVDNIA at ;GED', Wife John lilettsberger, la .the 30 th year' The lonernl wilt tnke plate on Motrosp arras.; gooniM I o'clock P. a., from the residence of her'. !Ingham!, Illi , Sandnsky street, Alleglany. The IttenSla thelamity:st e invited to attend. OIL VELANTr—I.MAroII tat, 1a66. Noe. 114., 1 GILLELAND. thrgith yatir of her age. • • • . filriali.of the (malty '4l to attend the,tinneral:Polit•(Monday),Aryligagron X et aitio ' cloch,lrom, , ,the minnows, Or fist 1:1401:; Ohms '5.04 441 a 461 .wur. • '2 =EN 1786. =NE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers