_ the Vitiohnegit iteht - - • - AT* 1 0r! M MUM WI ISINLIMIF MON AT, -APRIL S., 1865. TUB BEAR CRIDER RAILROAD. The act chartering the Bear Creek Rail=' road Company passed attic ISst acnrion of. the legislature. The oorinrottora are Rearm Rawle, *lnc* and Religion, of Erie,Rrif , fitly ;of Mercer, and rediit - and Kerr; of ; -.- ' But whaio add w of Ia Bear , Crcek many a reader as . Bear Creek Is a considerable stream, bn of no great length, Which riaca litheisertheast corner of Butler County,: and' illiehargea Its lenient' into the Allegheny river, in: 'Armstrong County; 'seine eight or ten miles above the Brady's Bend Iron Works., Poi a tato Of twciaborki its mouth it flows through s •rough , an& rugged striper counbiyorhlcb, ltt bygone• times, we: fayorlte - neer& of bears; but aboTe -that the country-4 not at ali calculated to excite brululatt thottgbta. . . . .., Coal and ifoil or abound arLßear ereei; and.as carly ,1818 . a coropany erected a / 14T IO Iron furtu", adaPted 'to _the TM. of coke, near the itontlt. of that alms= Its . manager was an English gentleman named. • ~ - • it Lamm, whOwdiso ething of arieiithtushist; arid biped to, rcvol lionize the iron business, Of ibis country' by the introdectliniof - the .111116 of coke,- a t ng at that' tipati,hardly: thought of. .Ant . r seetereasOn:the.tOtir-; 'priiie • proved,: fa ro. : The same- ferruteo, waaellerwards..to traded and Wtsecessittity operated irltl{',Ch renal:_sunf Ifitig4 he - .in ,' ..014ration yet 4or ght, we ritnewi zPer . herb . Mr. . Itrwite fond dream _making, iron' with eobei)- , :at Jength:licen oiall!:ed'.' ' On.; - tat lipotr , rs :itl . ' hcerr on a.very large `seahlatErady's • end': 'I Bear .Creek; heti ..everifas vely littl ' to 'ao with the' railroad' which hearaltsna, ie,,ltedof whicirwe pro . pose,to speak, exe-pt that its'easteii termi.: nos in ()nits break. hotit two miles from the -Allegheny iirei," - ... .d . '.6fi same distance from the line-of e:Ma.boxing myl Frank lin RailrOad, whir.'ls butli continuation of the Allegheny V iley,read... , . ~. -2.:. - ' '-- 1.. The Iteatciee • 'Railroad lite :iiCtlTlMelic . E". at a point bettiee , "rirlittlet - village. op the Pittsburgh 'and}, - , limed, called Sharps- bung, and Greenville, it:flottArdthig-hivra, hi the westernriktri of Mercer -raki,:dr , nebr . .. . ... we Ohio stew iine,-where, the Anantle ana Great Westem_RailroMl: mites the Pitts tourgb and' Erie . rotid. From OA faint the line rrlllbeastintrdly, -directly . through the , hEart of "Mercer county; mid by the' town - of Mercer—cnters Thaler: county..ncar the northwest corner, and pas.sbi entirely semis the northern end ' of thatcomity, to the; little' 'tillage of Martinsburg on She bent - of Bear CrUek, as before - mentioned; from which point some:ttip',or three itmea mere of road will give it it connection with the Mahoning and Franklin road. - • • • Througlimt its entire length the :line Of , this road .(wlti* bait been carefully oar veyed) runs throOgh a valley; or series of valleyri-4ifesselleniagriCultutal Country; and welltiribered. - But Itapitie object is to open up-one of the richest and-most'e "tanalve (*Oneida in liesterriPennsylVaida, but widelt4.ol:4 entirely jmavailable,..be- , cause Inaccessible, Few people are aware of the extent and richness of the veins= in that part .the country ; OaPc,clallY: in thw northern Pitt Of Butler county: , Over an extensive. -tract of &wintry • thiough . which this ,road.passes,,, there are three , veins Of coal:one . above .another; . and all easily acca.slhll.--enni of threefFet., - one 'or five feet, and - one•of`sik." fief 'ln thlektiefli.:. It la of excellent; finality—the name as that found .at the_Bradfs, Bend. Iron Works, : which is continuation Of the same: =sat In addition'. to.these - veins: of Irittardimuk'..COA, - theti i 0.5 4. nn cael ccia.f4: iron are, and. limestone.. are vcl:‘ nodant along the snarl hat glvmthis coal its great yaluels . the oafs. era fselllly ts:itnnldek itexii be liana: : ranted to ial:C . ti - i6; wi ern it will meet - with '.dri:alinost boundless: demand for`stlinnent 61111 dirt al:deities and' to Oosatis, and to trans.oints \Alma It and; the rich Iron ores of Lake' Superior. and Champlain Can be" brought tagethtfr...':- We are informedthat this company 4tll' Icatt tha-cCal_privilegc - of fifty thousand am, of bud, principally in Butlerkcitttl- 2 : a !mix lody.in Mercer county, owl a:1414- in Atalsttong-i - Thocompany will he ones; sized immediately; its'inanagentent put Into encrgetie 'hands, the 'Work centmencednett summer, and pushed -forward vigorously. The prospect. of -rich remuneration is too promiAng.. - to' tilloW the enterprise to drag for want of mane. It is just, such enter prises as ^Xygx that render a country rich and prospi: ; rouahYdevCloping Its nit; • viral resources, and drawing forth its hidden ttrat•oree;:' GREELfiffiO'TER3I,f4., Mr. Gni:its Fee ,letter to the President, - dated July 7, 1864,:whicli brotight about. the Conference at Niagara Falls last sin- , user, has just beep published. _HD tells the Preside* "diatom . bleeding, bankninf . almost dying • ecamtty -longs for':peace— *rudders at Abopraspeet of fresh' coriscip lions ; of: 'farther,, wholesale, devastations, and of new then of huirma blood ;" and urges the Versident, to offer peace rebels on the following &tabs . (' - • - Ite#Opiticii of the Unlori: ThCideilibiill4?it alaycry ILL A general amnesty. trope Wen. IV. The Unign. ,tc? psy Rebels'. feu r. timdred millions of, dollarkfor their-slave& , V. Representation in Congress for the slave States WI the linels of . their totat pop:' edition ; mad - VI. A. National Convention to amend the Constitution - tor' stilt the returned , This wait aiery liberal programme for : tbe rebels. :•..-Tite President did willse not to offer it. "Our bleeding, bankrupt, \ariost dying country," has survived nine rn litho , , looser. and.pa article which we publish to day from the same Mr. Gunict-mr fshows i that the country is , still , strong e Ugh to beer all her burdens, =4 can no carry a - bigger war debt than, Engliuul,', as well 'as whip the Rebels oat of their boots, For a - sibetiskrupt" country, wo somehow main ten our credit well, and we hive, since July 7th, ikme.tome tall fighting for a .Idy . isg cOunbt" Smunmeis and Gram., and their armfea may not; however; ha'Ve known.' that we were dying ; and Mr. CatEXTAIT do .monitratell that we arc not bankrupt, „evert yet. Thu*o6,ooo,ooo itepropoied to give Otc , Rrbels, (think of a "bankrapt" country offering a bribe of four hundred millions to Its rebellious - children!) might hive won du= back v il offered them; but we - think the money has been Muck better expended 'in Whipping them. -: Tme latoG L Strom!, 01100 told that 'when Trails Was -Secretary of War, he ' oe. wieWed the litideta:id Weat re4t;er Strang wok one, on it showery day, stand ' big _under a , great 'green umbrella; The: Omani add be made 'aphis mind then that; ak military aim who was afraid of a Ikaa aler-abower on such =occasion, must tubs a iota - tun= of cowardice - hb coin al • Moo; sinneWbarn—Alliiony Eredne - -- 119^PBA.13F. !kiltllllolo.l sort as theyresident started to City P 4nt to enjoys short reason of relaxation f •to official business and official avec the men.who are, *MANI with ' :peace On' the brain angered, that be went :there ,te.: newitiate, a peace frith Jim DATIBI and', When it was announced that the President . intended to prolong his, stay, and that *r.', SnWann had gone to Join him, they were acre thakpeace was near at hand. One of this class . offered to bet, in Washington, on Thursday; live hundred dollars Unit peace could be proclalmed within forty-eight :Loup; and so infatuated were the .crowd ationthim that no one could be found to take his oiler. isoi we do not , wonder that a man Who, like air. Cinzer.sr, was entmsted with the tEdof talking ; over Peace matfett with. bel Commissioner s , et Niagara :PaliN O. e sewhere, should suddenly grow mono. to on that subject, and iriusgine that' thenceforth there . was,but one thing tegve, for;th obtain-Peace on any terms or in any way ; brit we dcirairvel that Men:whe show . sound sense ,in other matters should Mini-, :rest folly; such utter • as' hose ' do.-vrtua go .. , .about - clarporing „, for, Pe:ace . just at the MO. moat when the forturies of war have tarred deeislyely in onr, favor.. After struggling -with doubtful success -.for four Years, we - have at last get tour enemy down and un— .. der ; and all at once men spring up all over "the_ North and will not be content if- they , . ;cannot pull the vic tor oft ,• • . . . ...• ~,It is a.slngular commentary upon* these. IPeace nunorsthat the President bad scarce. ly arriVed at City Point before the fighting hegun; and that it has been kept tip ao-, • , t tively ever since. Ile holds a conference, with duster, Sumter and Suinuran, end 'straightway the armies, of the Union ad- Vance and carry everything before them. That is the true way to bring' about Peace. Fight. the enemy as long as - there is any tight in Lim, and,whipittm so thoroughly that lie will be 'glad tik submit- „There Will, be no satisfactory peroe - until ttie armies of • the Confederacy are extinguished, . . The l'resident is not to be judged by the • stories put afloat by these neaoi-mongers. Re brows what he is sheet, and the coun try may rem assured that: he will not tum tract an igaininious, peace or enter Into consultationtilth rebels.in arms. Ids prea l , ewe et 'city - - Point • has . animated :our - sol .dieti and nerved their artier for the conflicts of the past week. lie can render no better service than by- remaining there to cheer them "by his . present:6 and aid there ,by, his .counsel... , Every blow they strike -helps him in - the great 'work of restoring the authority:of the National Government, , _The Ututet4.Btatea -Can Carry nigger War.::litabt_tban • • -Trott:this Now York Trtanne. • . • - Mew England carried:Ater war:del:it of 1810, and bow she gre*.rich under Its bur dens; and richer and dater,' till she `ls the ' rieheel'couri 11 the Old Woad; all 'men know. That - debt /BSC:Med in her Eras 'qilCr biota, was itetibialli-4e 1 6. 000 , 000 ; The lie* , World has forgotten that, in the tWenty.two years of. her. are with France, Esglara expended upon her-armies, her navy, and het Continental subsidies,; $5,- 4:1,009,00fii derived.from taxation. Her war debt should of somas be Charged with this amount, anti then it would have stood tbs. 'stupendous coltutur binational finance of 184187,000,000—mare than three times as varS-aa our awn war 'debt; just at the end ef:the-rebellleg. • _ • iti.:ll3lo, one year after the peace treaty i•rof - Batik when the British debt bad attain - edlll maximum;' - the' pdpidation of Great =Brltalii was 19,000,000- 1 - lirlB44j the popu -lattem of the loyal States tsf America 'was '23,060,000. - 1864; the value of the pro. party Of Great Britalit was' estimated at . flO,OOO. -'The. proPeity of the boy- X 1 States In that year was -estimated arsl3, 3f/5,000,000: - That year's ploductsidOreat amonnted.to $1,667,060. ..Tbose of I.be loyal States ter the MOW, year were $4,.00,000,000: This comparison g,IYCS us. Americana the advantage over our pushing . 'bensins of England of ZIO per cent in . poott-. Utlon. - ..!:8 per-cent In' pwrix:rty, an-I 110 cent: In annnul.products "Good as Brit,: sal .COSsols,r That financial tiguTe. of .Sprecivis coming to IxUm:stifled somewhat. The world will by-and by ley - "As good as 'United States .1;1' • Anotiat sati.fitcfory liutc c:mtraq. The :Ministry was. obliged to ..tesort, irotocaintdy to tonpoiscry amity Melons' foci the' people of 144: 4 11 1 ritain to carry ota - the. straggle: ttealte4 .thc French. . -Sixty-tune ortitoir war . 4•.1f pantile was drrited'frObi Vs:atter,. Regard , site.vranotar,yeectrilwitions 'of. the Auterk.uts to their. -war fur, demi:wren ; :Lod : rdpubliestalsto. , Wm; witl.in - ti few days of Hier litth'ycor of war. tcollArwi with which Itritlsit wars have •bsci.but electioti riots, seC. how the p - op'e stile serge to the 6:4) ahil 81001 s -sacs of their Cot. , fro ti:ent t welfthloazi—the tskyfrigyeoFre---vitto r Pre ibis the armies Of the Vetted Statei,"willi soldierr while'fa r nlstlitr treason 850 r , lOO 1597*41.111140,..5 ' t0 hrllEC•lllrWir VLir. .... . 525 Stank "Feb. ..... ..:.'.. 617 Maren _ Feb. R' . 181 .51erelt 3 .... . . /eb. 4.... . . ... .1,903'.5fa•th 4 ... , . . e .I,l2oHderch 1,868 Yab. - 7....... ..... 1,060 ,March 7 2.212 Tab. ' .' .. 2.122 Feb. March 0. .. . Feb. 10.... ..1.433131=1110..; - ....: . 1 4,165 Feb.• 11 • 1 lbliklarch . . :I,l=l Feb. 13.........,f1;6641March IS - sorrr .Teb.14..........;1,380;31nreh 14.. Fab: 15...•.•.: - .::.0,071151arch - 15.:... -1 :..3. 81 0 9,E01 Feb: • Feb. . . 115671 March ,:1.791 Tab.' 20.: . :01,867 Mods Trb."...2,810,110rch .... .2,156 Feb. 22 (Holiday) 22 2;173 Feb. 23 4 2471 March 23..... ......145 b. 24 ' 2 . .2451March 25.; ... • . 6,5811)Intell . a ::1.474 eb. • -2,4l2lMarch -h • -2 , 011 March:lS .....2 181 oudatibecriptions for Frbr otal lot MiTch : tirpad 4otel :. t.:l DEOrittFrp . l.:,k r iar. A r raiii.anisnuno Entire, . 444 ; Aistioya.d.—, A letter flTirC,Parkateburgv •West -Alirginia,. dated llig . 2blit ult.; Infarct:Mut that at one o'clock be the morning of that day a Are broke old in: Parkersburg, Westifirginitt,Whithraged (Or six - or iteVea hOutw mid before it, could be subdued destroyed an'entire block in JO ( - entre of the city... kiaongat the ,Indidings destrejed werethe ;Socondlfatioaar.lllo., (lately organized) the 'Continental Masai. I ant, the efface, of the Gazette, (the unly, newspaper in the.town,) and many.stores. The loss is estimated at 3200,000, on which there was no insurance. Other inforniatlon is to the effect that'the fire originated in an oil fatter'', The property of the Blattner° and Ohio - Railroad Company - was notinjur. ed. The soldiers in the place turned out in force and rendered material aid in . quench. tug thal flames. • TA R huiepeadent saya.:. we Fire Lapp y to inf. rm our readers, that Mr. Beecher has accepted the invitation of Secretary. /3ina. eon, to accompany the General (Robert An derson to Fort Genitor,' to hoist the same old flag,) and to deliver an oration t 4 pm memomte the thrilling event. We could. wieirfor ourselves and sur readers, that; we might be there to see; bat since this Is tm. practicable, we have done-the nerst•bast 'thing, hive arranged that our . spechil re porter shell accompany Mr: Beecher, and retinal() us the words as they were ;spoken; "with' Gu . flag overhead,' . end: . prostrate. Charleston in sight; maid -the: Mina not Ile Much of a fortresc:•as of the Confederacy itself: , • Tan, illisourL State ; Convention on the 2tfthiost. adopted an article providing that after t the let* Of Solitary, 1810, no ahall'bealhiwed to vote in the Btate.who hi linable to read, except through pitialcal dla iAnother article adopted 'provider that foreigners may. Tote one _year after de 'elating 'heti . ..intentions to become citizem hie Eiletttr • Arno .o . the To 'Ter wog; .rdate Darn ma* bead or allareeamessi aadi 44 to lard that DO such idea as conferring with that traitor. to cider baser* beta anatemplate-Phir. Pray; • • ire now only tiro betels in Itlatonend Lit .440treinwai and American. There were half • doikei berm) the wet. ' }o§;•..- _ . . - - - • i'''''- .4 rb:::: 4111 41 , G1V , GAZET4t:—Vilai your par- • mission hi I popes* to follow the ermap!e of -Messrs. ten, iierbstiet-swi st,ghari, aal oc my own signature nottfnonan.of the pelage; anent" of. which they have written...irilne la an entirely. dltiarent atandpointl , do noti tbere MA, intend to reconcile rilferennv, - or even ' to Sold -the hats of either or both of the . contend lag parries:l gamma that nlaetymian . Aredths of, your readers desire to set the earliest possible completion of a yallroad onto to Camberlaad, and 'wish to see It a compettig bee to all CdatilllC routaClo the seaboard. If Messrs. Casa, ilarbangh ttCto.,'titrougla the na tional railroad chatter nmently wand, can beet - a. cc tePllah . this the' tinshaess , leteresta of the Ohio 'Vall e y 'wish them' sueetit: If, on the other ; hand, Pm:Eldon- Mightirvittitt his board • can,. through the . agency of the dtatea Ceort, bitter arultupplish,thiersentepmpose s we shall all bid them godapeed, immediate otjeet this learning 4,0 correct one very ma ' tidal mistake Prmident'.ll.nubart, and to in 'dleate 'what, -In - :rny judgment, is the correct policy 'of the Connelleville Board and the public 'at tcheirditheseves gentlemen named as corporatois In . the . national transportation charter. MY Tjtidgment, a portion of the Connell'. Sills amid committed* blunda ae.Harrisburg, and likely to perslite in by Waging *au na -1 neetstarY warfare talon this hfckoate organtst thrt, before it hem had time to get a cen.likti copy . of its charter, or In any way show its bead. I Milian that the true. position of that 'company nenuellty--arniod meiraidirk, if they pleasi; urtrarda the new matantration. No one of the seven . ,empo raters rate named • ever visited lierrieleirgio urge the passage of the new mum laby, ' A Majority of them have been named without 'eves their assent being asked, had are, thirribre, entitled toe fair hearing in thli com mitnity. • .: • Ttits new company only pniposes to inter pltSti; as' the lawyers would. say, after it shell have obtained the consent of the intelligent Board of Dix-email' of the miming Coanellaville company. Why then Nils marl•deig cry that these seven leading eitimena are Only agents of the Penney - tram Company to vleitroy the Con. chartem—for. be it noted that George NY. Casi In not ea en on. of t h "m, and If he has 'Finned, let. him attau , r for his own transgres - dons. ' Uri our .own past i.ohJeet to the following etattnieot Or President Ilughart lu Friday's Gs ..aq:e—the !tulles are Ids oien : "Wraesert maltively as a raid within our owe knowledge that this bill waitaken up this year, and passed by the trifturrice or the Pennsylva nia Railroad. I:at romping, thus Ms sole an ther of , the tete., it, one dOyfrienehielng ,a and Ms odor creattog the National Railroad and Trans porkdion Company. The people of this commu nity can draw their own lefermice as to the ben eft .to he derived from the letter." This N10.1011.1' Transportation Bill was origi nally Introduced into the Roust In 1804—killed by thin Joist aid or the. Connellaville and Penn sylvania Railroads thenreistrodnotd into the Rouse In 1665 loaded down with eorporstors of hoth ConnellsAlle and Southern Pertasylvanta, and thin again killed In 1565. In the shape In Lich it tidally passed I deny that t e Pennsyl vania Railroad was its sole anthem. I' allege that its resurrection liar the third time was fa this mutter:- _ The nee , Andrew Stewart, of_ Uniontowal Whose earotat adrocacy or a grand Nations, Idethway from Pittsbugh to Cumberland, rues hack:almost half A century, was at Harrisburg, urging the repeal of the abominable act of 1364, taking away the franchises of the ConneUseille Company, Put of Connellaville. With all our detestation of that Infamous outrage. we agreed • tbat its repeal was hopeless. An Interview In the ante-room of the Senate wee had with Col. Thomas A. Scott, and among other suggestions, :the re-enaction for the third time of this Na tional Transportation Company son agreed upon. ' lt wee to be tendered for, whatnot tt ' was worth, by Pittsburgh literals, and to be seared as a compromise, by the :other side, accompanied by pledges. that. if-other intarests - acted in good faith the,rood sludd be built no derthls charter, without awaking the tedious iltlrtakm In the -United States Court. No one gave any pledge for the Connellarille'Compsay, because Its meat must first be had from the intelligent Board at lla Dirsetors. This new Lill, at my suggestion, Mae pet . Into the hands of my colleague,. Sanaa Graham, who was on the Railroad committas, by him read or place, and repotted from this cosomt. tee. It Is erne, . that owing to an amendment of his own being "ruled out of nada he did :not finally rote for the , bill, 'which I did; sUll he and I did sot au this , Orin Girt on any question of local interat , to Pittsburgh, essentially differ In our !leers. Inthe -Rouse I betimp,,t4e „apace Allegheny deltgatlencoopersted la Itspassagee and 110100; 'I ' :mein add; will Comae] Scott oarlike his frit:nett tee cooperate. - Perhaps he ..td,though I doubt If be bad tried, would be have defeated It. -I know about the Same time ho failed to past' another:Nl ;that he had at heart 'a thousand limes mote than ti. 4 one.' The last legislators some Ind saints, still. they . are entitled to the credit of Imring•derentedevery leading MINIMUM fur which a formidable mad& pressure milled," plaizter language. in which the lobby was It !crested. • ' This brief history - 'FLOWS - tiat :what:mar were tie remits or dcnorits or the National Tramper tailor!. Bill, that it was or Plitsbargh origM, and only assented to by Ceilenti Scutt re the.elercenk time. Of Its terra carporatore„ Ric of theta eeen 'ts the judgnamsd of their opts:meats. warm Pori any bias—two only, of the number, are a.- p. or hating true to grind. Now my . a.itice tomy friends. of the Connellsvill e Roadie, rain in waking to sec what will tarn up. , • :•A law Hie words of advice to the. acres cot--; ors rattled: Yon:have on yenta Ir,r,terespan-. Ability. • . Two mammoth . corporations —the nrsy Imola and' Italtiotore and Ohio—will . sten to sorore cathltt owe Control: I scareely :brow seliric ,fequite the tuest watching. B'th wilt bethe Miter Or allth3 attention you e:n ,giro th• to. -idy oiltut convictions are that , the 11c1Crnom end Ohio will more likely Insist of. dant ral wstralets upon your trade than the .Crousylranle. Sea to it teat. Pittaburgh and eftei u interests heldit all times the Asalancie o .e.Arcr, so that our trade cannot be mound be sett the ripper and'nether millstone. if the Italthanke and Ott, 11,41 am C. enemy will honestly eat: : nut the policy cow triads say It: wit. at no distant day -lit shore, will be tam hnudrid mles nearer to Washington than she now is. looting lain eentiderettOet the two transhipments at lbwristerg and Salthriore. She will hare -an • ozhtr et:Misting lino to the Atlantic stacorird, worth,ln my rstituate, rartloads of legal ten . .traintson ritliroade.' . Marko, the two proposed az:melee are bast calculated to , elecned these retails, thousands of yolerpa judge as well,• aye better than I 'can. l the carotins' Connellsrille boa rd Is beet, adhere a it; if,On• the 'other hand, the National Transportation Cat . lour can tat promote It, fear not the mad-dog cr7.thet the - Pennsylvania road base finger let the Ide. • - • • . - T. J. Mawr: Mira - . FROM °Mandan/ we learn the fol. lowing, facts respecting Mr. iSporgeoa's .church. ,ht the time of the femoral from Park street to 'eir preScut place of worship, the membership was 1,174. The number ; at present Is 2,1181. The °whole nutriber edmllted daring the present pa.. teea'e Lek luau' : Of shams, forty. sesca 1, ve become' Christianmlnlsters. : The ebnrch .had ten°l/eaconS;,6oseh Cor life, to look after temporal Wallet?, and tweilty.thriii° Mae, cha• at senuelly.7ohuse dukric tetu'attend,to epic. 1t p al nifaire " - .TI iiiiiiitiejrorscgs: • ..:DIVOTAH o>ti i : olll•Altre—AN .6=S9 .1 SdJOWllied matte f or the Stockholders or ,stadboutpswe will' be - held at Alders= WILLIS , It.II.II4OAIIi73tOPTICENo;.I3II Meet* 'attest, Pittsburgh:. rah on TwArtmoni,ap„vmurro, illtal te order D at 7 WelOok FOS: • t. the . • • tPRE-siPEOz . TVACUS4IIOI•••A OSITP. u go=s ,- ladltaci st.Yast.l.oo7,9 4 1- 1 ,q. e4 swie z andaU IDOS. TIC full) wIILIPA vm ti oh , Will It put.,, , ,th, doh,. • 71 . 1 "" "a41 " fm " " 9 • 7 '. 1 A. T DoIITILETT, County: Eingurintandini. ' 0. A DSO ll=ef.: ;MEET - MO.of Trusteesstul Usti Voinialt• tees•will; be lied on T1CE.134._ April 4th, sa. 4 Weloekr.m. at the C ORM ITTEZIIOO44I. So eampeseisl*Jeel !en ► Pleura to . sttend• epidd ; mei:mart Ha. Lr. COMelllnEr. Legible, end.Clnelleal Retool Cot Boys eed Ea., 'roe City. College Belding; comer of ream sad 81. Clef emit?. Tenth veselee.wat • . • COMydIiNCSIONDAY;ApriIItd. . ler 'li4dltioakt , raplis evil! beadmittol. • For terms; Sul., ssni at.the Institute 'or ; address _Dor ~.~I'EiN'dDi''BHTIBEJ~J~I TB.. OLOVERSEED. • To.rroe 117 buiblhtoki Oliferserd; New In otozes Bo busk Timothy flied; " • •190: do 0 for male by oft • ' VOLfIT k 131).' ItECAtil BT.EXPitESS, • is bbli Prime AOll flatter to elottie; Id bbl. ?nib Egg's{ . , bbliJetiey boriot Potatoes. for midi by L.' NOIGT R . IXI._ WLOIIII 1 I FLOUR ate btdolladl Ida nity klUis; Iqo do rail. of . Ott , 1 do Zg."11.1.04ni; street.ir' r7oiir-.'llo • EfiTk BTORE. ." PM, bidet -1141 W. ‘ . • lei SOO etnith.Whito. Seiko lOokurli Nits SloUsiOoroi Pr Isis Roll Ratter; tubs 000k1/4 Ratter. .: NO bblb Getea eflolo/I • /Limited twig . : alot t are L i k rigor. Nos. el ask IWatee dive% lEEE n 4/3 PARTISEXE.r.TS. 11tA1;I'&1th T .G.OLPfli 9 :7 l 9Agr SaiDES A handsome -Aret mrLdad amortmerrt, menuteo-. tured exprestly to my order. For sale by . . .110IIBE PArtil'EßS. GOOD JOIDINITIIELHi $2 TI :In Mr JOHN THOMPSON k 00., aptltd 131 nird street. VUR BALE.--CIiEAP HOUSE , AND Len.—satested in ow Eighth WaH, havtag al Cr. at of 10 feat en P 0113.1. AMMAN sad extends en* 110 tel k s is Rot alley, on IHRI. are Hosted a beat PH dory brink bultduny. with eight Horny 'Press Inichfront 41111 iron verandah. LeHtat op. posits Lippinoott . e. Thee property 1. 'offered at ,ehtte. Easy terms Pausal.. given Moue. Apply to (apl l . , H MoL JUN k. tlf). (MORI I VICTORY 11-160 cases, iato a.. patterns. iso,oso otos. ot . WaU P*per, !lusting la prim from 12% data tof W apiece. Mew' ,a 1 Tim arab (la &viva. sad OrLlitans songs, for I ale at Ms ever popular stand, ' - No. 91 WOOD BTRVWIr, • sooond doer below Diamond Alley. apsawo . THOXIII PALMER, MUSEUM HALL, -AT 74 FIFTH ST. OA opposite the Post Office. (heat wonders WI! be meto to than °bye . Toe 'WELD 14LN FROM, BORNEO, =l=lM=O=M lecture til.n be mum at 1:4 sr reet. commencing Altai , April 3d. et Rti otiont- f Stamen* and eceang. Admission% cents., For one weak fatty. spa:lied 1 - 11.81. oLutrioN.—The 'Parnersbip herc totore existing between A1111.1.130Ct and Meal L. Patteteon, b Ws dey diseolved by mlll4llllOOl. Cent. 1.11111, parties 'are authorized to use the name of the firm In the rettleraern of the business, A L LX.A.ft DER. PAN rt./LYON. D. fa PAT !MESON. 1N RETIRING FROM TRH FIRM OF A. & D. L. PATTER :OH, I would rwowniend my lair vesture to our •ormer floods nod mate. meta. and besytak to: him • enistleuetlOo OF their y0'105.10. , ALeX. PAFFtdtsUN. Xanceddrrits, April I, lel& apsdwd (AIL STUCIit• FUR DALE ro:d ahares Plttsb•lrXl nod New York; ' MO do ?hag., Lana...ter k.Cherry Bon; WO do Western PennaylvardaE iOCO do Tarr,Story and (11.007 Rue; and Mokoy and t mom Bun; tso do Nations I till Co; lIX/ do Horse Neck; • tie ro V01 , .n Lubris; Bid Ao Cherry Bun and Bloody Ifoo do Faller Beene; . • Coo do Ohio Vid.ey; lio do Cherry Bun and Pittsburgh; CO) do Federal; WO do Blau. B. !del./LIN it 00,, Stook and RUB Brokers. Special attention paid to the pundutse sad sate ..1 every dracrlotion nooks at the Peoples' Ese spa roc:Es REDUCED. WHITE. ORR 8.7 00.. 23 Ptah Street. lifer fa sali their entire stook of Dress GFood*“ et greed redostlnn In Folios. aps:lt ((tA RD.—I would fake thus method of In k,' fortrlng the publio est I hare coaaludalto to-continue In the BOOT AND SHOE TRADE, AND WILL RIL - MOTE TkOll 00 to 00 aredieralL INtreot. ALLEGHENT crrr. APRIL 3d A. I bane tidied out 'my old Meek, and nays sow it* advantar Pt buying tram a dammed Esstera a rl y s o t "il lr lM U e l atil be ab and le ite to ltiatla"Pinnert"mitl ucl meaty y._ _ apt W. ntauLieffouit. ouistuk tut vq: , tlq.l•4 " j_ Little Folks Progressive Slate A inwerlor othaii Slate. ecrcemoi, warolitiod Awl dined with famLithr objects for the Littw Yolks o copy. Pike Y OVAL Slate Booka for the Little* Polka. Familial Lad staple obleeta to coyly, and • hip. tLr pertebosid slate. bound together In eloputly l!luoilrated covens Pace ZS assts. DAVIS, CLAIMS A. On., la Wood etroet. „ A tIC:TION ItEMOVAL.-406 • rrat.n'tcrecam-m.. - Irrwkaawn cox- METWIAL ~SALII.I estabhibed by Um 1 o e John D. bawls Am general Onacmholos kno t •tos bosh:lets bare been reamer it to the. newetatst SPLANvlsavrwiNggitocgatithgehl street, I e at it. CY) see of Filth street, sod 1 Isteeststely. op rash* the -Postoglor, wisest griblie - sale, of all r tsars of tterchtuadbot will bectiatlnued by tie in. ilerrigoott, every day and creator, am formerly. The rrocart Omar Tina been Utted ' ap for Masco:tor 'l,lostiM. Of 100 fertlfSt Werth 11.11040 Of Stacks, 0-Oriel.: Rear Ystritar,ars. with ebareadant estirsaas t the teat altars resat. directly [roar Filth attest, is or-Olt:an to (aside eotriutos Uwe Stet Om Moor r.1.A14111/90114. . i 4 f A: Wier Abettorwer. EPtattirtlit'Pl' SAft of e. Salt Ithertro. cures Sesjd 'Head. • . Cores every , Isewise of s • Mt or loginwentall Solar, CIVANAUGIPS nutiSILLVE cute the most obstinate cetes of either Itle4 1 - tke. no wetter bow hall the saw tney be. For et the CENTRAL DRISC* taunt, H this Market Motor, illasbeny, Where Moo laar I r found a Me aisnilasant of Pomade., Perfumery, •tlet neaps, limping tlombs, Halt lituahma, 'l•ad 6 Brushes, &a. 0.1137 111X.A. A. 10ELI.T. 44;7ocitutn;pitit , OF tilt • .•TioNat, itErimNa AND ?MORINO DV. ill please tat, notice that' the fourth instalment 1 . 11011 , T. 1an..1.A.1113 PLR is now due ..1 will tr peeinht at'tha Trust tlompsay. Ohs+ mad,-Allesienyt Union National Hasty wades orth end Slather, or at Dm calve of tile Com. map, N 0.19 lratin street. Thou La *MITI for nett Installment will ideas* pap up. optaird . Br Nl7 , olElt, Secretary. rtIVELVE DOLLARS PER -AORE.— :MS sorra at satiable Isnd, near Wields Ste t lon, Prensylvsqls 'Railroad a miles from Pitts burgh; sOO sere. fenced • Alain Ciliate or meadow, retools/ad woU tlorberedi Soo& orchard or six tor Ight acre: good log house .and a bent barn; bundanos of excellent water swine, nn, ego., ,uuld'' make a gee stook farm, of enough bark enhllw Cut 'to pay fur the Seed; all uneleelalt "lirood coal could Ire wised he that. S. OLITIIBEICT EICIPM, 01 Market street. inwit ISAAC OUTLSZ SAW MILL, AND BARGE YARD. Craig Street. Ailetheftl. ...two • Artfilift.N TS : to boxes 6.eournsi ^ 0/ do ' Orsoserl lao boxeii 35r:R:Uhrerel bbls litab ()Mery " ' 400 bosh viers' , Peed, Blew rotmosa, to barrels ardletseksi 100 bushel/Metre° White! Nosy Reb6ll ti J . kpsi bo client in oh p deb Roll- ple Rutter; 6 bble ehetee Roll Rutter; • • J • tist filed foreale bp POIrIZR,4IIK&N ts,l. I.lbert6 street,: 4 Ti ot,.. FURNISHING. 6001i1 6 STOVISS Tl m yid Bbeet Iron .Waro, T a f i lo u lMrrrjrull: a TroTs u ilEitt,oolo . W to. Donets; ik.o., ke, ' 4 "I", In 'O AT THE LOWniT PILICEE. COI at Obinittbdolddtrent and U Wyjio stma. Aldan diun , KIM BORWARTZ. SU/if/it% CatiBlUNM - THii - TB. 160'hariels Primo Mine Beans; nu do Fite. }tondo) - -VO • do Greed Apples; . do ,- do choke I.l.bpattn , Odor; do . • !Weld, • - • do; • • .1p - ldo ,Ittalitall DUtter: - X do treat' Noir • 'X do pilau /Anil . India White htiddpags; In store and loess% by • m 100• • • r=zrit asoutmsTnertri. .000138, J- 1 FANUT (4)Dili, . . • TARMIES, , 4;I.MACRY • BASKETS. •-•• orasKimaos,nostear. -unibufterrs Buatrusa„ rputetycwholaukla sbd tetall, at J. O. LANZIPS. 101 sinbig, Begitztv sso r do l'orso Blsokbestlel do; • • do - do; Itin B " d rat sale b - 1 -11 . EISIER. a Beos, 121_413,1,112 Mod .tre e PRI FIRST.—BE 05(Orr,800 AlL:Thieldligal to buy Is fiew, betticlfut and Willi' D PAPEEIikI7T7I , 371 yi at Na. 97 Wood Code and see. .•r:, , , - ri• • • , ew Torkef Proles, Jost received dodder sale , ay therpdoroist rektyi merry *ton or ,• . • • viol!. , entree LOWY 1114 Used stns. . ,„ , NFL a • .1 MUT R°llThitttri by • it hotel for q for gideNVIELP IrEir PERTISE. OVA R 9 OF DRAY CARTS: ItACICS,7O22O.IIIIii o;biridrieareitrererliapieo , valuer- on OF before Ihe iIfIST PL. F or each and eve , ' Wogon, oot, eon Bugg,,or thorringe, Arian b y one ho tumor... - • • For each and every one of the above • 'meal Vehicles., drawn by two horses, the s to of sr or For near and every tno of the above anied For drswn by fo ir borers, he s mof ti 00 For each a nds rery h ack, drawn by two zases the sure of le 00 For each and every omnibus and hisher wheel's, drawn by two houses, the rof . of.. r! 00 For eiwb additional hoc, attached to ny of ' ti ',above named wrilthies.• the eons n ....., 1 00 Sim. sd. Tt shall be the duty of aft I. very Stable /reoperate sard city to matte • retort to thy City Treasurer, width, twenty dove after th • passage of - 2.:0 Ordinanee, and annually tharenf et on or be, tore the tat day of May each Asir every east, otitis number of Vehicles of es ery •descilp ton owdod end reed by them in their fruitless tee sof, and the Lied thsesof, and the said return eti 11 be made under oath. • • hi:n.ol6. All owners of Cads, Dm , Wilmot, - and other Vehicles, who shell neglect r refuse to procure a license as aforesaid, shall b liotojeot to a penalty of not less than 10 per cur for every thirty days ,th e same retrains unpaid et r tha first eiii day of llisy of erten year. All Livery 8 able Keep ers 10111 .g to make the retell] requit in the 4tA section of this ordinance, shall, to addi cro to the foregoing, be subject to & peaalty of not zeredint faterdoliars, all of which penalty shall lie terries erea befoie the -Mayor or one of•the Al twin of. I said c ty , by ruminate. cor.viction ; and t shift' In the duty Of.ths Chief of Poll.* to seek a t ell per sons who hall failed to ooinply whir'. yof tee providoor or this Urdlomoce and report the ii- ma to the Citi Treasurer, for welch ,serricui re rk .1 retells ihe Kan Or flay cent. le Pm.), else. t. , . be i &Iced rod col l. eted as pert of the costs, upon eons elation es aforesaid. The penaltiesjot nonwomplisnee with the r Tits name Will be su ? hotly enforced aftsr theism:lre dote Ti. fiAOFERRON, City T reasurer Acuronta T Chrr, Aptil lit, 1816. sphlwd 'JI OfIN P. li 10 NT, ROLERALR AND RETAIL !Mtn AGENT, Bookseller and Stationer, 59 MTH 61221,T, MASONIC HALL, At Lowest Photograph Albums, Album Cords, MI the Now Books, MI the Late . Publiestdons,•ll the Uses, 71141 , 4 nod Pspers. Gold Pens, s ls.rge assortment teat took., st rsduct d ogees. rne New Diagram and Register FOR cat, 10trm5...x... tHL MAPS, WAR MAP'S, STATIOffERY PORTFULIos, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATI ~p~ BLANK BOOKS, eta. EW GOODS. Prices Based on Gold ' EATON. NACRUX Nora. 17 db 18 W klewejtut opined n arlendld snortatel P11_;1W (44:3000135, mob:sang ororythlno cow to time raw()((. 1.51.111(011DER IEB, Maims, LAIMIA F 1;1041104E1M 000DS:, 11103LICRY. GLOVE% as, le., - as to +retell ttey hell* the attentloe of tka ladles BATON. 1W RUM Ilk CO., 27 and 19 VIM stmt. 1 - IANK.OF PITTSBURGH. •Arnavuan, y,ru I.IM. • SCANS. • leekni, 888. Dionounte And 'U.S. Vertideatos of Ii dtbt0dn055.......1.1,00,461 U. S. Band, And Loan ' 0/1,000 AO heel Estate And round • •41,111 T 4s' Stooks And allserlinnlos --4,171•47•;. Doe by other Hank. 2 k4S Id 1.14A1t Nbtos,Chocke k Try., blot MASI On spente.t, • 111 . 4.14 4lt 112,10,09 S S LIABILITIES. • I 'eptral Stork et,l BAB Oa Pronte and Band q+ 2411,311-0 nreht phrklendi. snit Susp. Apc't Into tp other Banks • 1,313 4. • 'lrtPlatiott Z.,911 00 ItepowitP 1,366,11114 Itt,Tilti,llBll ' Tlw al,os rrl stemma la cornet, to the beat of m, T. how, lotge lief. . JnHl " !TARTER, Coakler. sworn to a nd wohtetikwl, this tpt• day of April, ts,c.A, before me. S. SMITH, Notary PubiW. 1:WIN - NATI Lb AI) PIPE /IND %. • sliEkT LKtI, M'OOBNICK & GIBSON. 10 Zlekiert a tl3 th SElht , „Date to order PICKS AND SUEETS of wry eeentred welgat and rite. Sheets err samara out,?' .‘ 1b.., and upwards. Piper, calibre, to,lt to alc•lockes. Alto, rety MOUT PIPEIor Hydraullo Dana sad for drain us well s. ult' 'especi • . We vaally - ask the attention Of Plant Fero nad Proprietors of 011 Worts sad Oil Wells • daMettonl _ IIALEtI .4 :IIO3. 1? , ..?:174";.—:Will be 80Itt it pooLTO /MOTTO?" at thc . Tlteger mittlnfoo. tory of .1. 3.1/nee. on Polo Altai Omelet, In the oily • of Allegheny. on .LOT: Dal', 01 dny of Aptil.lB6s, She following described property taken by warront. of distraint is ned to me by David II: White. Emi oolimtor of 12d Dlitrict, Pa.. - oo the WoPerty 0, 4 . T. tins*, to wit I &vinegar ntille.li mini I JAMS took, t enroll do., In buokets. I iron ket ns. tle mug brick, I stove end pipe. I kydrant, I tub, I lot of buogn,l hung driver, I .drioolug k. Me, I monkey I *reach, I lot of spigot., I lot of nap iron, t tot 01 ruoncle. i abalone'. stills. toil sn, I paint. pot, I lamp. I cool shed, I oil stone. b ash and palmy I,coo Moto( lumber Token ns the woperty otAhe wild J. J. Duce, for Internal . Rote me duo and un pni4. • Ssle to commence at IS tdelook A. If. TOMB cosh. I.IIU3IIItieELUENY. mhtlltd IT?Pitty Collector. pORTS3IoUTII SIX CORD . . 1401+T 111N1811 Arnericau Spool Cotton. MOR:Y'S ENAM ELEO BP,POL COTTON times Meade are w arranted or superior biotite noel parauteed to . oltmeure• SOD yob's lb tome*. Con be had to an eolbts andOntoteent FA M M on Oß t sod toe sek by n Um S. t l r l a o de lT t r e i b i e S te TE /n..t coGisi.TO omdteir o co ,S43I,LINci . ,*GEM • _ fif PI itn OIV VI reef, Y ma . oidt 16ti 7Jolatolktte street lifortapnt wlt tilluth street, Pbtindelithteb. : tal27:3locod 'sEEDS • OftAPA FRUIT TREES, PAIRING aND VISININIXO nfrumate. Also, Coopers And Gordo:mess Tools AND HAILDWAIE CIIENEEiALY ar New stock jail reCtiTed et DRUM ,& nacre No. SS owl $0 OHIO STREET. iNBIIRE YOURTDIBLLA. ST TIITLeIf,!.iTO4.: F(;!%MS S :PATF27T trftBRELLA. LOCK • • • P ! ice t rF L g 4, 00 end li r a P rd t. 21;,7 a4le hlt, inbllatt ' '• • '• N. II Fifth Street.' TNCLOta .FIFTY..“ CANTS 41i13 S76 CEIVE by return budl, the • PRiTTIEBT, AND GAYEST, •"'WM. oimpacr. , ;. • satacatts P. t):./I.o?;,loE;,l34tUmisTe„ ,. jS ii.Tit4TREINH • 7. • 4Lrellittecrer . : MTEXPLICIT DRAWINGS ad MOM .OXI, (wall kinds ot bulklisp. sad ouplyb : '" s" %T or t Al c lß l SO T lrril i tlraftt And,Rnblesno. Minnow, 4litv* BUTTES - _RN .41,bbla Nall Buttes; _ fat said it. Ile 1.1 tttitttKt. =WS ' WY. P. BEOIC & soda GooOsidi WhOirlpiototo; 1 -bby Baabero . do; far sole At, tt6 Llbetty stmt. Raw W S L P seas r. 00. }mit , 4.Drimarravals.rrs. - ErfiryF4j ETA.TES Iggq . Sr. • evm , cadlSe" -:-7=30 WAN. OF DUI'. By aothority of the Secretary of the Treasury, tie nodersiCneetien ' ersuned the nearest Sub eortption Omer for the sale of United SWAN ir mus yy Note.; wring , Omar sad throe teeth per seat. frannilt, par seamy known es the 81111N-THIIITY LOA Mime Notes ate lamed uadry date of Albfall feet aad ars payable Wee Years hem tflot lima in Olsten/Iy, or are ocitviertlble et Wool:4km of the holder luta• • U. B. G•io Eli Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, 'These bonds trine. worth a agendum, or ate Pet cent.. Incladtai cold Interest from Nounibee, which mak* thii aetnal visa on the 1.80 laan, ftt mix mei; troludlnd Interest; about ten pat tent. pea anima. beallaa Ira weeptiwt firs Bak fad enotkijo• haraiwa,malok agar /Few war la direr per cat. mar. sea:actinic to the rata levied oa other property. the Interest la payable awal-annuatty by tampon* attacked to we note, whlah may be exit off and cold to any bank or banker. The intact =coats to One cent per day as , a $6O note. Two cents " "" " $lOO " Ten " " " $509 " $lOOO " Nut. of all the denoseinntiotus aimed will be prapptly furedeod opus receipt of aubsoriptlons. Tag ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now .oltered °Berea _by the Government, 601 a le cootldently expected tket tta cepertor adireatagee wlll soaks It the Great Poynter Loan of the People. /4. 6 Man . 4 126 .1" 6 0 4 1410 at. probably be dimmed of witidin the Nee N Om. when tae=tea will andiebteidlir onnunsal preaktuet,es MN uniformly been Meows ea of win the enbactiptiona to ether Loan. a$ 150 co. In order that the silly= of oval town and 'mottos at the ecatetzl. mar lei allotted tatilltime for taking the lean, the /UMW Basks. Mete Sankt. and Private &wham titrongbeet the seer try have outran weed to redeem eitmettpdhins at pet. tlabetetbets will select their ewe agents, in Whom they here eollddenap, and ado only are to 6e -teeteetailds he the delivery at the sates lb whltlithep mom enters. . 'l3. EAU. Bu criPt on ` aSat.niniwkaidlia. liebootiptlebe will be reeetvoi tiff Übe sins - lk I Ilea Bulk. Illtkiluk Maim Third' l • • lesea 1 . • Olken% ' • Irina lawn mow Nam. emaisiss. rebibliibllellemel Seek sr Ds.-eras. um imor " troksiess " heft^ Dean " Maliodes Vas . . • itlisbein " hooks'. gram= rrr T SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN TRW OPEAKEI OF riE C eelerar,Wilscon. Sewing Machine, sbcold he considered Isy those who desire to pontoon the BEST FAMILY SEWEii; We are baring ft grest many inquiries, iNt sew Inn Mach isee.frorn various parts of the opentry, nodes we can not conveniently reply to them all by mail, we have tbOttglit it praperter Ante our 091b hin In regard to tlisix to this public msener. We bare used Wilson's patent,manu4aoture4bjtko Wheeler, S. Wi l son bisnufseturbig ocinapany v sad WI w can {inky in regard to It, that It la withers MOM. It Is simple, not 'rattly put out of ordar, sied,ln point of effectiveness and finish, no oilier machine etanat ahead of ft. We state this mock In regard,to the excellent madam , upon our own responsibility. „. nits CM:apply lrie Made and Ida, dna. tie lan three months, ill,ria 'lnachilica, And are now produciog 'end aelltror lad pea day Tbt.y. vsry In Tame from Mato WWI, the medium priced ones eidt best. In their foulness there 15 over 51,000 sou in• vested, and they keept,eoo men regularly employed manor...OM4os machines. The system pursued la the same sur that' adopted In the minute/tura of arms t every Noce is made ,to ii 4117 and come. quentiy the parts of any machine ay be trins posed with those of another outshine of tie same . sire{ or should swaceident ooenr, the! broken pert om Imam-Mated, be /*Mead. es applioatiou at the Selerreom ;No: 27 Fifth. fit # Pittsburgh I.)ROPOSAIS" " INVTPI7D, AND wadi reeved, by titeoeamlttim on Ettreetee ef t enrol' Allegheily,, then aUI.WEDNESD&T, the sth ityWf Aptiljor gelding and paring of Fremont greet,'" the "Maud Yfazdardat ;Mbe avenue o Jelend,Lane or, elty Sae, togetherwith the _neameery ilderealki Ind tenbinene... Alio,- at the mine timer PrePoeele,wgi t be twelve& far the, beliding,of a sewer oe the Ooremea few; the east .eldr ' , el' the Vast Oemalea etWash. innton tie/ eb, tothe Oatur,l, Willer, OTOegell Alk• • tionoM 'trivet: %Anil site, a' iewer on the West Ottatmon front the railroad crossing of ~I rartabt Avenue to a point Interseetiag the sewer already eourtrUctoP Abe Went Common, a dietetic", of aboubone thousand feet. ,Pinne sod spredflestlone of the *bolo wrrk may to seetikt the °Mee of the ItEVOIILING NEOUI.ASON;th-the Oity Proposals will be handed either to &HOBSON, 'Street illonentimioiter, or JOHN WEIGHT,,Ohatr Kan at Omeimitte•on Streets. ;.• -want& . PROCLAMATION. --City of'Pittabugly • as.: 7n smear:lance with the Previsions, or an Ant_ of the General Assembly Of the Uommen. - Wealth Of Penturylvania. providing for. the Moos.' potation of the Plity of Plttairnigh ender the earl. ons'aupplearente to-mild Aet, I,4AMESIMWRY, .In., Macs of mild 007, do issue this, my prods. mitten, or a epeelhl election to be held en the `FIRST UESDAT LA: D. 1805, bettor the 'fourth day la , the month, the freemen of the ?Int Ward of said Mu. gesithei to vote for meet. ben of the House of Representatives of this flew monwealth, whi meet-at the urns! placer of hold. leg elcottone add Ward,-and elect by ballot under the Aet of Areembly. relating thereto, ONE 'MEMBER. OP TRH UOMMON CONNOLL for the Finn Ward of said 007 to OH a vseaoey ores. Mooed by the resignation of Ab the seal of th rahani Fryer. elves hears. my, hand hod e said .elty. of rittalmegh, the *d de o f December, D. MA. JAI= GOW N, Ja., Mayor. suutranzny Tin PALTO37 - i , d4iiriir AND li/LMIrdtATIRING MACHINE, The amplest aid min elieOthri UMW Kukla' add ,Innonted. , :Trudanotioisi hos. Call and new deist In operation, or send for elrnulare and nave CAYM II .7 gII ,.. oEifEttAL AGENT irrna ST.,' 1 Pittsbureh... . . !-.r.9salrirmexcno - sher. 4 • gob ?8E BRiB ['fr o kat aad °a -AND e RAR NTIM AM reavt. -.. I s:tkltke neeket, Pretend oaly kr •43. W. PDX•k 00., en u '! • sy. Allettbeiy.l sad toe sake by • l Wta • sessen -• .;.,. .=: ~ ~-' i BacriEs aI.VD B.C.MKERS. 7-30 Y. o a it. THIRD NATIONAL BANK. Corner of Nfo4 Stroct and Virgin Alloy FISCAL AGENT — OT TEE UNITED STATES vd spEcar. AGENT of Jar Gooks, U. e. Agent for the sale Of the Seven-Thirty Loan, FOrtL4II LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Onh• Loan in. the Msirket U. 8. $-20 S/X. PER CEXT SirLaeral OomieWmkes sllowalt• Wft,whCr purciase t• scU again. Z. B. LIVINGSTON. Cashier GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, ~-4 + a 4~ =~=lY=. S5OOO " This Bank Invitea the accounts of Banks, Bank. ess and stiles.. Govassunent flontrlttes of all kinds boryikt oat sold at 'anent rates. Aa SPECIAL. AGENT of Jay Cooke. siteaslp• Vona urfil be noaived for the This loan to nor bog absorbed at the rata of 13.0043,c0aC0 Wpor =Paw. sod oleo eirovertato ado f book will* are Car a a protium' of over if 1.611 OZOT. It ecaureisde Rolf for Rs or &dna taro to OE Wt. sok - a aaib iusd prottsLto lamb moat. Liberal eammainfote oithis loam will bo allowed to all dodo's la Goverrumeateorarltiro GM. d. iNDLY, Cashier, MIX[ NOTICE JAY COOKB. Speein.l Agent g Agent far the 7-20 Loan, Ica MIN isalzabie temestaimit IS mai 14 anti perikaseca. The soles ate la sums of $6O, $lOO, $6OO, $l,OOO ana $5,0.00. - . or &Masa FIVE -T w TY GOLDI3O:I4D. or= CONVEEMBLE INTO GOLD BELAIUNG BONDS,. Of Pittsburgh, 41.1311118T178 HOTELW,Prealdeat, WRING G ER ILASBAU EMMY, OGmak i H., Time Presiding, ONORE Popular 7-80 Loan. Yourra nAinosa.x. U. & Govenseart Pmestrige.FMKlNKl l U ILVIIING B ArfOTIATSD JAY 000KE. AND AIL Transferrable &KANN ts 67, nese desirable aemniUde are idling si Um nee at $4,000,000 PER DAY AVID IN A. TER'I SWIM TIME WWI be at • a Pressiwas w IND Esaks, Via., ikokin, Trost Claw pima., 'manna. Coiresaks, sal 4111 wl• pr wham Ur sitit mob% I Maiif Co: miss= Will be Paid in! kit lopeetererrose-w arrest a tbialtighl antrable, sale awl profitable security. • YLMES 0'C01124011, President. ALLEN DITNN., Cashier COUNTRY BANKS FORTH NATIONAL Bin U S. Government D9positary, Prrremosag, ZelbrukeylMlN, 1916. ti,llits rit;es ostreespoadewis mai amiluiti from . • COIJI%TRY BANKS Bpeaial;' and Faycsable Facilities BATS' AS EIVIARDS DMOIEST ON BALANCE% Yarnighing S. 7-30's 7.1M039 O'CONNOR, President. A tsars Dtirs. • Jant S - I'SCIAL NOTICE. FRITH NATIOIAL .Z!frosiusr , perm/mama, rvayserr eat, tea. TlitE Rank is autlastzel t•teribreamairsi, PAYABLE AT 10 BATS NOTICE, (After 80 Da•rs.) Bear* 8 Per • Cent lamer,. xintstss sirogras wmt HON. P. T B. BP R's _ (w.f. lIREASIMER) =WM: 'MI- Mr Lin - takiiisiniatlkis MEW • - assawriew4 will sat with Ow favor of Wis vrmitit t =gilliew= al abi siAii weds wiwWww &mai! a isinie w will OW *WSW a:IW likiwwwrod. - • 'WEBB OTOIOIIOI, pp:46a &LUX DUI !, Caddips, REDUCTION. 0 to 60 per cent. lEtca duotiott. ;COTTON GOODES,I BATES & BELL. - u FIITHATIMET SALE OF DRY GO 3_ M. 1317/tOLIM:E141:113: N. 71 fi. IL Corner Fourth itid lead Ifis. IEOII Poprzerts'imiar, - kREDICH POPLINS ONELP_, /ANUS SILKS CIIMAP. SWAMI. EILPES 01111 AP. llll•eambigiues for lete, mold - at 40e. Do. for -Sle, . sold ist, ,111111.. Do. for Ole. sold at See. Dreaadlene for, 73e, motel all Do. for SLOO, sold at 1.60. Conroe* for ale. Poll at , for ale arid at All goods reduced out eloutog out. Itetoomillr the place • No. 7S N. B. goner Fourth id Markst . LOW NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1...4111 are just ap:olag a splawlll stOok U NEW SPRING GOODS. •uumewbUkirigt,befottod NEW STYLE BMILECIAIP AND ERIN4II,_ . NEW WIDE BELT RIBBoN AND - 81101,1,M NEW TUCK AND SIDE COMBS,. . LADIES NECK TEES, BREAST PIN% LACE YFELa, GUIPURE, LAOES,__ EMBROIDERED &LACE HANDLEROMMEO E E R R I BIRNO DHERIILE3R Y N a r W o oEzZi nGOa,ODS,* DANDY CHS)DI3 AND NOTIONS,' - ZDT CiEtZLELT PROPUSIODt. 1=23 Nazmr:raclia:co ri,,mtsozum. The LAW!" are reepeottuar hesly eelL NIMBI * GLIDE. le NAILS:LT MEET O B . :9 / 1 1111 DJ, ,* STRAW ANDITITLINERT ONEIk 1. amois .4 &nisi tlaks,l;inr TONfas_. radrnittierlesi Fate Otiodejisadketahlt4 MN. t • (load.:pabsuokst Skirts, Wks* sad Minkl Melting Owls. Dead 011aps stall Wont.cd Hosiery and thavit; Mop .WO4 ffiri Lions said Small WueN . 'NW MK 01Mir a,.►df 0104-00, • . .. , bridal4U be bead isnunwilly ettesailve.... . , Ha been purchased st LOW GOLD Ekes' . we- 0., wee EIP1:01.41. 13DICIIMIEM elb • ' .. BUYERS. One . .. . 101114 ill times ba found yea iniqUed.l WtsolA•tt • call bola Eortbeniy inillittii Putties, anit.tbs b.k4,cai6a.at wit L JOS =KOUB & co.. rr sad .111 MARKET MIMIC. F.TINFLU ELLITTIC un'doilbtedlV the . 1308 t #l.lj* .k% FOS SALE.,,: Wagtgai AND If.EIT4UL. 78 mozaaruos wares% . X&C11131 & OLMIL GMAT /WI.43IArNSI m(twi:4J).:';.i*.i;io.: - i4i..'o - 6 . .;', . . 81' Met.r.ktt 'street, ARE DETEIENCINEWit.I. CUNT glirt THEW kittitilloOt ' or, , 000D3 O rialtogisioaliAridte , Mita / !on; Loc " :6o= i reg. ft liootar, T. .atop Point Loos. Y. as. W. 81. iiikaaXllLare ME. NEW Assonnisisrr OF BUT TONS,. Drowsing Moak ..ligneassat_ Gimps, Chenille and Surd Fringth _Malt l I MS llonetalarser.Llnew Bets =Manly Laoe null Linen Cellars awl 'llostety, Salwatal awl Hoop figirtatlit= Shawls and Samna's, or all. shook idatit 31~ - ' azalea Oollers ann.Cultly for ladles and Wash' Leather (}loves, to fait shawl Jong Olorse,ln light colors; Ribbon WS, Otorkil. to order, together with a new lot of &ea Wag*, and" were." ' 1 77111 be losing at ALICE& NEOLWEIPS • - No. Et Eotirth street, near Fun Mesh ' Partlanlar attimtlon even to aleanine7rtat W other4dMs at Liar Also MIKA lon Ti papa BOWN,_ . •••• . • . , • . 136 V 60.1 1. Stilt% N`ittallburarly 3Pffam, mitrrminnizsi'Oi IMPROTD - ZIENG__TOOK Sinking 011,43a1t .and (Ober Weilih Took liniaranoni guide of Ow rrtiptigt AND LOW .1110 O& MOLL WELL IBOMESS stnamtswits I.icalacroort Chprogiii , rut ant aits necev;azi: spenr.' •tloatiOra • - • likTilli= liELLoirs, selirs„ isvisiare ATBAt's, sumluzith.: ; , wu snovr.sa,- • • P LAMA MB ! : 1 151R I Alik a ROPE,' LRAM= , AND t• • ctva►pta AA vkleit I Ws . Gr. 41124:1" ' • • (. 9 21 ",/r/I.State. _ grOirrin&BNll AZADQUARTERS. - isewbovenater. 'z::~s,T lailtio ARROstfoo o et illOijerf= lo Ids gLionald Igo* of G RR PHU T PELTS sof DlULltl — flll - 111 asd alzunuatUan m IMF Ili Riad. Ills oloodt Is Ur omit ova' twouobtio two market. PROVIIICE:ITOW'REcELvuIo A. - • moo 1- • ; too r uin Freith r Eerflaiii • • , 0100 troW tame nsali wavy Boort bqg ligtOß?P•MOO.Plfellur.ll,6!...' TN BTORK • bbis very °bake itest: too de limir polio lo Mr. Coe sae tow. Noill1(11-1:111(SEIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers