Iri ;ANTED: Fileruritters and Boiler brokers, AT Si, LIBER . TT STREET. w. - w. K'ALL BOG. 12wd 'ANTED A DIMEti.INo 'NOUSE , . 1 - al x aa• Bever/ roams amt. bat hs' eapaaeal- Vor a tenant' without chtldrea. Inquire at ilf2tl No. ,NeHlliiialtiD NtRNET TANTED 7 MIEDUTELY PISSCLAJT:S.• PIANO . 1"0.1M PLATER. ; to thriorileir . ot THIS PAPER. aiIII4 TOITED GERNAIi ,PROTEEt / ?ANT OLILL, to doge:mil bonier. rk tz sg UMW , ' ArOvaltue commix.* zoom of • grit • OFFRM Ton fer;ax-pon. marr. • O•LET.-4n -OFFICE ":64 seboild now, carter of water sot Szoltlatlolitstreets. -3Cll{2i L 116iT$E 00. al It HENT .—One .VARGE \ 6 il i tp t I n ett r itt g y. m ri . PUItNISH.ED ROOM ow j p1111) SITgET. between Sialt.lttra a lt ad if f= , r „„ et . - • nab:raw-I • r / Tll SALE—SBW wirti purchase abeat ootuwe Bosse,- stable, pump, Iftw f igan, ;11, with two acres n gssund. Wag sold ;hysician. as • Isom prattles Is alioady establZsr,.. Austen In Sinowosa Tp., is Patsie s Orson. - Av. it, to tintatli 31• LAIN Ota, OR t3ALE-t-That large THREE- STORi BRICK DWELI..IIIO ROUSE, Mtge Fourth Pittsburgh. Poesessior glean on theist et neelf Attareepett.Lew. dater Na lei Fourth Wert( SALE.—A DESIRA.BLE EEaE DrarcE -to ..11loirempert" ocnitalzioff , atibt . tas, wash :::home: and attplar Lot fiost4o, on' ;?Iderata a number of fruit trots, tines and shrub.; et t iz to . r i r e tit o le u nt rt y , • and terms . 14pttre o o r tl. , 1 . 1 .: on thet t ;etat t near g !Xlllßlstlid • VOR 5ALE,4,160 Acres or Coal, alskl2o I urn =la 2; also ono g t = hood working aidftli ? a ;one Leant bask. otialogniny risor and nidirond. *owe of - - vrtutasst WARD sus tilt door w.rifth en Oronkok,ft.t. Olt SAT..1101:1BE AND .L07..-31t ogled in . Eighth Wand,heilsig feint on ran. a. Avenue of 20feet, and extends beefs 1113 feet s 20 foot alley,' with a. nest , 2 , 4 stogy brisk tuildmr, etght :rooms' new tgaperedi - wen Oriole oust and irotorersadah- Pelee ISJfrefi. Terms 'may. It RI , to • B. YoLLES 00. TOR BALE.—The heirs of Elizabeth t•totifir, deceased. , offer foreale le` SMALL :14 of 413 acres, ettuateg to Penn towarblo. :".ev en aunt? on the Leechburg Yowl, twelve from VlLleberglt, on wAteli Is Seated a log sure and stable^ also a er la arms' oue s vlllre of rai ld ll7L ' iw ' a 1 74" th: f ". n.thic*:r7.-EaT"' F O 4 BALE. :.. . .. . • tna limai S a. EVF : R i. : . it S:4 .iplii.ce L go t ir lzati simi., 7: cm. f tam • plod bushman .tend. Or thertrlllba ichansed fdt untinprosiff Waist ne.sgsr,the ugh. Entiniftrod . - WIL...BraISOIC, mat. the mings Bank: - - tennedlittn tpostealloa pan :bn OR t34tis sv i c The Rood will and azttires o a SALOON. Tot' attlealars enquire eV :, ... -- : ' • i ; . t'. r. Ito. !00 LIBERTY ..PBtAmplith. .: OR 18 4 1 4-,-- -. ...o. —. .., - cam' Ht.axiin,: Y. ... - Situate mires ilitlesliburgh ita .A. V. E. eva ll la 4mpl4 u Oa; ?briar Price 46,60 0 7 *Mc- "4 irARTTO kKNG,. lrlgark,etlaet, Pltiabargli. ' OR BAIIR.=LOTEL , -; -- am i sljalt DEsuLLBLL Lop , 4E%, • r lualneialoiliwnthicturlis; parpoisesjuving a • tor iiraistaiLLlbratygrel.X!!'", // eY• ?r o. in Liberty Stmt. %ooaraaresz IlotrlSS 4 ,- out • al . . • shalt •.” • •., Sltreet ow* In• ••.., . •• -Good wltterstad a► • eouvestteld.• Posses on emit • •• • terms apply to loosen Pacer, 17 Federal et . t Memo Ustrpa.s ;yap:Shop, Bea • • • • - - -• • - . maid/ 1 4 — R RENT. - Th • o S d dorre ' I- dent PHol.oGlakkr a , =MS; e . o' rof t i •. bird andrAukrA streets,Aaerui-as the t Teeleori •'.• A bar drone,-wellriliblet ;11ALL,".- In ''seco n d ,- • Jterry, suitable, forDancing . Schoel or stalls ad .: W IL ALq TWO 'iislimilli. 'toasts on Thir.t . reel., formerly occupied' by J. Strickland u a :- ' itutaurant and Dining . Bruloon. ' - • • - tatiledwd - ' ' ' • r.. D. rIAZZ abr. it s FOURTH - WARD, ALLF.,; . E ° ciiiilA - CITY F•ROPERTT. - --We'fre•' ;••• rind to sell the lot *Muted on the tut side - or ch street, at its intersection with the Penn 'Tanta Canal, In :he Fourth. Ward,' Allegheny _ y, on which thereassiorim•briek hotirmsAwo of %which areitonestoa, ;ordaining Ore rooms star . • two de twontetZeinetatning font ralislieheit • :;. W il l it tm a" . LIM' traded St BAlraMtlains " ' flan. i OR B ALE. -4. • LOT -UP . 131101ffiD; • at Rtgarnicklerlittation, onTitistough,Pert. : • erne Ii 'l3afeego-suailroad, eontaining.T.llßlSlS :.. ORES,-tosiumutuss, on•widett is arectet a odero et. lokeeta, now in tonne .of etispletion, . with eight torus, hall through the cent?., inside • butters - in front building, cellar under the whole, •.; ; sack porch sod bay, winliiß• .invarlori.,,,l;flii be • • •Id low. Posaseelos gaanuateed drat of Kn. , •:.'''' poly to '•". mhild in sa 155 fourth street. VOR BALB:—TEN - TWO !STORY --:- ~.11' BRICK. and,ElfillTP.Efr ONZ •AffTYTWO ::'''• . OAT FRAME, DIVELLITIOS„ situate it Ihr• '; . urine Borough, neer . the Iron Works,With 4 good ' , iced lots attached- This roperty is pleunntly •.; mated sae will be of ouliberalterms. ro _:•.•• Roue of small means, and who what() procure '.; _a home. this affords a good chance. :Possuslon !• leen on the lint of AprEL For particulars, ha., •• •: ppiy at the Real Estate and Insurance Office of lOntler street, near Allen. LawrencevilLe. Ps. ''••• r OR SALE.—One SECOND - HAND ; BOTLER,nearly, 28 feet lorohn !Aches `tellemeter, 1.16 loch lines. inches ' One 24 feet long, SO diameter, 2-16 inch , tnei. • ••;.' ri One !{.,feet_ /ULM Inches dteueter,l4ll lack t' i •: One AL barrel 'Wrought Ire. Task. rag ratiteINIMATIZLALOLE & WORKS. s ~ HllOll N. BUO . ....' tor. Point Alley sod D unarms Way, Pit Ish'h. ; „;•- sahl7af . rOR BALE—Three new teem 'Engine% bunt purposely for on wslli; inch sylluder, - lash stroke. vm - strong. Enslde shaft, crank deouneetlni r“ of wrought Iron; , . . . 14 , Boilers to,le feet loag, 23 Inches dtsmeter, with two tutneh Until chimney to In. byte feet; hot and •Id water pumps. • Everythlnneomplete zed reedy II ship on sight:. • • . -HUGH. AL BOLA P Pittsburgh, . - 14hop,voiner Point alley snd Duquesne street, s. Mof Allegheny deer. near the Point. WI SI FOR SALL. Thio Xl,lmorooz-tp. POSSESSION GIVEN APRIL FIRST. A desirable property lei NeOlore township, well improved, osointle front Allegheny, Also; na Elegantnesiclence. is Sewickley, Tor pitttroJar. erkpoye ow tie premises of J. L. CIAILNALMAN, or of Beal Vadat. Broker. Wan ": No. 85 Federal lamer, Allegheny. FOR BALE THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE .. - KnoWn ae MOUNT ROPE, at Woedi Hin.leow -*melded Aly Kr. Win. P. Bevlc,) the former red deuce wm. Tacky, deceased. Brick Rouse of rooms sad cellar, well and cletenr; large barn, La; trulttrem of all kinds, grapes, he.; FIETBEM acres of land, embracing a line quarry site, splendid ews of the Ohl., River ' Manchester iv; at thy termites of the Manchester Street. ' Sway and Wood's Ran Station Pitts. Ft. W. it." :a: R., only ten minutes ride by the latter trom et., Strickler. Further particulars, and may Be had of the subscnier any day from :1 ,o'cior,a; at his machine shop, on Websterit, Re old Orphan Ax; hiin,..tillegheny City, or 0 1 01110 1. at his house st Wear& Run. ' ROBERT H. I.ECICY. , NOR-13ALLZ—LOTS '3'J THE fflatift 4: WARD.—The undersigned as Ousrdart of the Wear children of David. Greer, deed , rain for ' sale the relit:ming vacant lots to 'the Eighth ward. elti of Pittsburgh. vim I lots on the corner of Ms. ma and yorbes .streets, 20 62 by . feet, being lots 111.4.2? and to to said Oreer's plan, tmonied la SLs lediWtt on Losust street, BIM fem. al la yid pima IS lots . " Gei, ..tiolirots 02 to itel, end tes to tt2 nt eine, street,- .im by St% het, beiffgrfea. to to mid OM; ft scri i lots es the corner of M.est and Muir streets, gV by tat feet, belay Boa let, lad aad a to in add .1.; making, altogether 110 lota Deem of these , logs are Ver y Matrabbs as bu il dlegeltee, end others k &es very Valuable for stone quarries. - They will 4 ' be sold separately oe all together, and ea tag 1 ' mental allayment. .7- W. F. BIOTA watt' , • - - Me Pdth eh 1711tiria.--LOTt3 IN ALLEGIISNY i: .ClTY.—ni undenlier. id offer her • sale the y where Mrs. FU RD now lives, oe Pasture tre e t, 1 1 , 11 . Eigrd.t7. ngobting the 'bumpy of a. T It DNA • front of about OM feat on 4- &dere and extends beak about 4110 het. It le • part of John Celiten's - plan of droutd Belled, recorded in Plan Book vol. I. page tt, tad sabre . I sari lots of said plan, being lots neatened 4to ~. ii. .It km a comfortable. frame house, and the ...-. grounds are planted with good fruit trees. an. It .2 maid be divided into several good telildlos lota, or, Itta bed as a whoitt,lt would make a delightful p epee It Is offered for sale, tm a whole, or lo wrparata lots teen'. purchasers,and the terms of payment will he made es4r. PossesslOn niut be it glven,oll the 0.-st of Aprilnext.. R • . F. .NnIiFTE, laird: . USW= st.' • , • 1 - 1 4 , E."! TS • zr. CT CUES. lATtSbellUll 7 H EATRS. FIF fit isnkE T NEAR WOOD. Lissr-1 a yoßiax&qiciz Ws: nr13113IIIMOT: La:t aptwoirancelif tlnfavorite yo.ic; .h.:c:ie ra TracoCtnn. EDWIN 11,,111118. who witi a•ppar In hit I , e/intiful rendlii6i, of I.l.CawariVlillll.lliiton," to the. , giracjzonil drama of the DtrEE:11.1111. 11118 EVENIrda, will be ore! ented t lO . Bye . act moral dca am, entitled Tke Drankatd , :or; the Fallen Saved: Edward Middlcton• ~Eilwtn.A.tlaros. Qweriure ' Orchestra. • • ,lo conclude with tba.favonte drama of • corm= mu:Km. .•. . • ETrik BENUERgON wilt -appear or, monday 'to .I.lttle Baieroot" MASOl`ife HALL . - GROVER'S Grand German Odra, l i L 'Oii.LIRD 4711 , 0TE1L...i.-...........M.REC1 WS. (Alati,...f Drover's Olutitnut Street Theatre. I . 'hUadelph(, arid • Grocer's Tecate... waseteroe, a U.) pun. A2ll sail UTZ.—:—....-CON7)IOtrOR. SATURDAY APTERIeOON. APRIL Id, .3 1 1ati To cotatnerice at two o'clock, performance to be over Py deo o'clock. o,l2aCel'a Opera, to ay. seta, 7lifsB"CrEe./...MIXVICX.FILM3. . . . Marguerite M'lle Muria Fre...lariat. one: gory celebrated . dim rartar. . • 'Meglatatoplilla I asap a M a reana ) (HIS grildcat Its :T mt7 . l . l2 , .. ppernmsro. 141,bel F'suld , ^ LTO Sbpbt! biqnba. Felwline« - nr. Matte 5102 L Margaret Zimm•rman. : Wegner •. . ..t)tto Lehman. GRAND; rtiNFA - Tit 'IIIILIThIR, In the fourth net. with the entire GRAND 1.311011118 and 08-- (NIFSTII.I4 - and AILLI re HE BLS!) on the etege. Tickets to Mosinee ONE DOLLAR to all psrts of the hooks.. Oen be And at the Stolle etores and at the Bo* No reserved seats. TIIILS (S_;ATUIIDAI) LVENING, April . Ist, al. se of Alio eau= ' wilt be produced Bole romantic Opera, in • 1 A' ; DAME - BLANCHE . Theodore lliabelwatt as George Brown. wbleh be tr. atcd an marked amen's. - ilea in ibe academics of New York, Pbtladetota' and Boston, Intl - wincing the celebrated arta "Hen. r• &TWICE.. Anus. ' Mad. Berths tohseeties. (lier ve , y Invodteirbstrseter.) - - Gsvcstnn Joseph tterrnsona. (Assumed to gtve strergth to the gtst-) Psuttne enniess. Margaret_...._._ Alm!. Margaret 'Zimmerman. Dick ean....—.. ...... Stemseko. Brelitotk' Anton Graff Brits may beaecured at the mu.le stores of O. O. Mellor nod Maher &13ro. dntly crow 10 A. M. to tr. Y.; at night at the. holtolllre of the . • ' PRICER: Eatniaaloh CO.Patquette ----al 00 Orenestra'Scat, a 00 MARRIAGE O LOTTERY.—LEC- N TUBE IN MASONIII HALL. oa "AIONIM.Y; lipat 31,G1 th very popular and Cal- . _ MISS AUGUSTA ST, CLAIR, ;whose ellbrte in England and the Westindiel.-ahß other American and Eritisti "Provinces, is well to . In the large Eastern cities, have att. acted crowded • houses.with gveldepprohattiikof all interested to ,the Uumirneh education of the young ' - ' TllESlS.—Perils. of .Youth.; Mar o( remaining. stogie; its consequenees; old lied, cod. Match, oaken; early marlines; tudueementa.that cense snap to marry, Mc: to escape parental nuthorltyf to spit* ottierstwealtv tconnections; romantic adven viser ture; to please a third - part Us y; lade. of ads; tqrpe mattiageat . Pland courtships; dangers of puelital 'ambition; Voting. - bridennadered by her father a moth...Vs inlinence; how rverted: s mother sho ' uld be, intLwate with • ber da pe ughter. on this subject; tlilp Mothers- , vale mothers; thoe.tfue elltistlen! molberV,TWlad.. , lineldn's joke on Lord Lyons; Icemen colirtship; Eng•lsh enobbery and English.moralsOpe...Elll.; !mO% Johnsonsilltts; American spite* 0( - Own. lien &teethe, tag., o f .c. r ; r . sad a predent. CO cilhtstEeciarAtleatio better 'class of - Presents.' At For *sin ; at tee:hall. niece en ilatutdayand Monday, where the present lablitalned as soon as the Udketiabought. • Doors open e t7; Lecturer latiodciced at* Oar ih'4se../li'Ll'Atangi"the gilt. are one Melodeon, one Sewing . Pinching, Ellk and other Dross Suawls, Ellver Pistol and Stone Olden Ware, Jewelry, TIE. management of Miss. St. Clete' lecture., Inunenvely, inceeasful England and other court. tries for, the past feu( -rsts,'offers ta , material values alone on the avenge, an equivalent for the cost of the tickets. while the lecture alone is welt worth the prices of admission. . ialitedt CONCERT ,lIALL. . FOR FIVE NEGRT ONLY , Coln nactiajig,Rlcntdag,%api4l.3d, trlnd Consolidation. of Two cznpuits. mr WORLD CELMOR TED E b ea,k,'Family, SWISS SE,E.t. RINGERS, 22 Performers; 319 Silver Bells. A (MANI. MATINEE Saturday Afternoon, lot aeconuandstion of Clblidna.- • }'or tort hir particulars we Prwrimmer. .--Cards of lultolsrtett BO ems. Children 23<e2ti. Reserved seats 26 cent, extra, . • neketa for sale at 0: 0. Mellor's Uncle Stine. Doom open at 7, to momMtnae at 8 o'oloelt. • CHASE 0. ODOWD7E, mhaor3. Mana,rer end Agent. TRIMBLE'S VARIETIEb THEATRE. Taint STAMM. u&ei. 01.412 VT. O. SMYTHE. Lessee -and Mumps. 01:1XXEI01111 AT 8 O'CLOCK. first week of the moat sensation dramatist, FITZ SIMMONS. ores - Web occasion will lie performs! the Exciting Senostiosal Prise Drams, alth new Scenes painted expressly for It, called the FENALE PICKPOCKET; or, HIGH AND LOW LIIEE IN THE NATIONti ()APICAL I a perfsrmed in' Washington city --over twelve week' •to thonsans.d, persons, with a' great draws ti, dose pony. Illuminated • views of the Marble Capital by Moonlight I View's of the White ItOnse. Home of the Presidents! With other statillogacenealn the -sensational combination of character. -Grand olio of Slimly& Dancing, and Ethiopian comicalities by t h e attire coccb...T. CO/i - CEITT IL&LL. FALION% STEREOPTICON 1101 -IP TS WC) MT "X GI- ~nnd EVERY EVENING this week, at S o'clock. Also WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOONS. :With tours; through the wbrid, and fresh transcripts, of all that is striking In LAND. sas•APE,rare or beautiful tn• ARCIAITEC. TITRE. or exquisite in STATUARY. • 'Chance of Programme. Each Everilnc. 'ADMISSION, Caeca.; Children, Id rents. . 'ticket offices at 13. O. Melloes and Kleber Brothers. Admission to 3faticee IS and 15 rents. mhllSf PlaJroS. MUSIC. Sc. PIA 9B AND AMERICAN ORGANS, BRAD BURY. New York. 6111:10111.11.Y.12 ti CO.. Philadelphia, awl SOLLILDMAN & GRAY, 3P.X.E1.1\71130 S. ;I% A-13„.•3:17. Srektles' American Organ. WITO toniTitemino ATTACIBILTT. .7urd received a new lot of the shove celebrated biatrurecnts, together with • GOOD ,CHEAP PIANOS from other reardifeeturers. All wairaeted for dye wAmpaiaric & BAR, slate . No. 112 ST. PL &IR RTREET. HOFFMAN, HOENE do 53 nrru ISTILEET. 601.111 /1.411131111 10/1 MiiRN KNABII'S PIANOS, PR .HOE'S MELODEONS AND ORGANS,. the beet in the 'world. Fo'r ids oali by otriumorrx BLVD:LE, ;0;6 • Fifth straet; Solo Agent. bFi - 7011.4.1rCE aur.rrs. jOIECN ROES, Agent of the Equitable la. ." Irani:of. Co., lienelngtod Pirolostiracias Co., mod the Penn Mowed Life Inauraron Co. or delpbtt. N. W. ear. Wood sued Third streets, POPP JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for the • Frankne,Phlladolvhlei and Baltimore hunts r e Com p Ar Eers lea N . ori ~ . tat corner WIM) and W . P.. 4 IIYITES ; Kgent fix:North Amer' Oompi i rs:erir g A P Arg y rrAr a W"tf"d QMdUEL REZ,i3ec — retary Citivns' Rum saes 061vommerroot Mem=aad WATEU SPEC7.II, .YISTZC.r.S • ti rirrs 11 , taiit O 1 2 LS. ,HUBBARO, 8R0..4(..00 PATENT (ROUND CittEl-7E-ARS, WarrAntal OAST STEEL SAWS, a emery de seriptfon. Mill, Mulay,Urosa Oat, flant,'sad sit 4S.Decrwicties, Nal kinds of KNIVES irrefEt R INNS, made from Skeet'Dast Steel.; Extra Endued REAPER AND ILDWING KNIVES, AIL • • - • ' d Works, corner WATER and iftTßlTTlMlN,Pitieburi g h: icularattention Wen lintootivint Gum acting and Straightening theeeinr saws; a o r re. pile, of VI Muth. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. 5p9511.7 ••• - • - r , -"aLARE firpEßlolll Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH: PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Manufacturers of SITEATHEIG. BRAZIERS' a. BOLT COPPER, PRESSED' COPPER ROT. TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. spiumgrt• SOLDER. Ale°, Importers arid deAleni In MET. ALS, 'TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, no, Corudantly on hAnd,TINNERS , MACHINES and. TOOLS. Vero-house, No. I ten/IST and 1.90 SEO. 050 STREETS, Pittsburgh.. Speond orders el Copper out er, Any doenal pattern. ary=Tda,,eT 8A1L11111.1.2.d CIP•T Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, NC. 21 and *6 PENN STREET. . Having SiCllll.4 s large yard, and furnished with the moat Luiprolted Machinery, we artvpre E 34l ed to manufactiAre every description of BOEL tn the beat manner, and warranted squat to any made in Dui country. 'CHIMNEYS; BRIOIIRN, FIRE BEDS, 'TEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, (lON DENS ERS, SALT PANS, 1A NES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLINO PANS,. BOILID. IRON, BRIDGES, St 'OAR PARS. mut sole manufacturers of BARN• BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing Ono On the shnrimt notice. detSM .111401tGli D. 15861.NR...J. P. HOLLAND L&L.BELLF. STEEL WORKS. OSITEat & (SOCCOI3OIIItO REITILR, RLIITXAS k C 0.,) Itanufnettuvii or CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW kola BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AX. L}s, CROWBARS, &o. • .1100- \Yorke, FIRST WAR% 'Allezhenv. Poll plilce nddreal. PITTSBURGH. 108:17 - - 1261 , ..R0V1NN0N1, BEA ik CU. (successopi to Bonufson, Musts & NIGAZus - Washington Works, • • - FOUNDEILS AND DiAIGIJNISTS, Pressantsoa. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENG INIS LAST-ENGINES,' WILL CHINERI, 'GEARING, - SIIAIFTING, CAST 'MOS of ft drutipt Inas, OIL TANKS k STILLS, BOILED ND SMELT IRON WOUK. Mk - Agehts for CIIIPARITS PATENT INJECT. OR, for teadlog boilers. TO NERVOUS ISUPERRERS OP SEXEs.-A re, crend gentleman how lag been restored to health In a few dam alter nn deritoir the u.uoi routine and irregular expensive mcde of treatment without success, considers ft him sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow. creatures the means or cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addrbesed envelope, he.willsend,free, soapy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 1/311Fulton treat, E. T. . . suldididawT 0113, COLItRAN 41 . ciao.. Onto:Moo • tutors of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT . DOORS IRON RAILING,. WINDOW SHUT TERS,' WINDOW GUA RDS _&c., Nos. II SEC OND and bo THIRD' STREET, between Wood and Market, brace on hand a variety of neer pattern, foxy and'plalikgnitable for AR purposes. :Aar Particular attention paid to rag.. mogul, Lou.'JobbingdOrso at abort notion.. - . .aud DISEASES OF TILE NERVOUS, SEMINAL. URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEME—new ' and reliable treatment-1n Re. ports oft he Row ed Associatioa. Sent by mail le sealed letter envelope, free of charge. ML Addreal D. J. SEER HQUGH.TON,HOwa,I Annotation, No.l South Ninth street,Phila. Inh2s:lV MENNE A. COLLINS, FORWARD IN& AND COMMISSION =ROMANI and sholetile deals , la OKEIME. RUTTER, SEEDS, B and : produce `satrapy, No. 26 MIXED .MT'Plttsbusolt. .• vat - CeItaPETS. - OM CLOTHS, du HEATREDUOTIO ' CAMTB. Desiring t allied tn. public An opportonity ofpurehealeg geode at • POPOLA.Y PRICES.' Oorreepondleg with the Decline in Tecol4, • Arathe Impeadieg tumble .11ercliendlse gearesilly, '• Fe hare this day Narked dawn•prfoes, Throngtout our ent:re stock; • t And Offer the largest ..And most complete assortment ' Of new aid choice patterns. • Bowel% • Velvets.' • Two cod Threw Ply Inirralq Floor WI Cloths. ITlndaw Similar, he., • At a redustion of Twenty-ere to Tldrtywares and one-third per test licFMILM5ll).flc COLLINS, j TI ar..l FEMI Sinct door to Vortex& Houm .od P. e ed. 211. • ;FOURTH STREET' elefrßpErs. HAVE .111ANWED DOWN ,11 our present stock, regardless of coot, to ";j c loolteopoo4 to the - LOWEST POINT OF GOLD, I being is most - instencee upwards of FIFTY AI ?EH CENT. UNDER TUE PftlOk:S OF LAST SEASON. Ae we are dally receiving • Iroods Invoiced according to the ratio of gold ZAt the date - of shipment, we will agbrd to lour suatomers the benefit of ° %"E'VERT DECLINE IN TEE ; W. D. it DM' ,LLGSGIL mli2G Et FORMA STREET. 1... 1 Al-GPE'T` Srl'n RE. C ARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OF NEAP. LUKER & CO. 1f:16 Federal Street, Allegheny. We have just received the largest stock of Carpets; Rugs, flats, OU Clotho, nsZfort e rt l n 100 the public [e thl■ rit f PfT;OIZ.4 I , which we are offering of ran b vedsced prices. mhZ,Tottod ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Canuthaion Plachants, OARPETINGS, on Cloths, Jffalliugs, Rugs, etc. No. 619 CEESTITUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. MERCIZIXT TaILORS. a-a,ENRY G. DALE' DESIRES TO RE. TURN thanksto his friends and the puhlio forhlar t. 1 e32 , d u f' e ordial support they have so corded to • DIERDILANT TAILORED BUSINESS. In malting preparations for the. SPRING TRADE. 51r. flak, has wished the eastern markets end se eded chat& material for GENTLEMEN MID YOUTIIS' WEIR, to which inspection is respectfully Invited. Oen. tlemen wtll find on trlnl,tliat for Exerlimiee.Yarleiylertal, Style, Workmanship, and for care in rf'iTerd to the Interest of the onto. men; No thtablishment Can Excel HENRY G. HALE, NIEROIIANT TAILOR, Northwest cor. or Fenn end St. Vielr Streets, mILVIw Pittabunrh, Ps BISSk:LL'S iSLOCK. W. H. MeGEB. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET Would call the attention of buyers to his sloth t (Odds. /t has been selected with treat care, AZ I contains all the NEWEST STYLES or 000/1 to be found in drat elms houses. Gents wishing u suit of clothes made to order, will please call and stamina our goods and Priem. Also, • full and complete stock of Zrauatexasg ILL1:16 Iti•CeCcstidAn R. 11. IretiEE. !disc:tsar TA.IIOII, No. tO 5?. ELATR t3TREST BPlats U STOCK OP ; - Boys' Jlothing, NOW RECEIVING BY GRA.Y.. LOGAN,: o- SI ST. GLAIR ST/LEST., ~ 1:j1 ,i! . iitsiir,3ll (cia.;:ittlt. sATunnAy, APRIL 1 cAzErm AuvERTisING EATEN •; 3 times • ; • - Daily. ; week. (.Imws, week rl - 1 1 14r. 31 1 ( ;LO SM Dee 133144,. 75 44 41 7!... tin ca. 1 361 Three time! 100. (0 Four time. I Pe : IS. Fire [Octets., 2 13) 30 (Inewerk..; 3 50; 1401 170 35 0.5, Two 5rer5031 4 '4l. 3 50. 2 1.0; 1 70 I 45 I.G Three 301( : COO! 3 311,' 4 01. 3 I . l' 2 00; I DI 1130 montki 750 4 00, SW. 370 275 135 Two mo's.. 11 25; 4 001 7 50 ! 41)0.. 3 75. 10. Three 010 1 3 1375 17 cm! II 151 4 10' I v, 231 Si,s. Months'. 20 13 12 00;.1371134 .8:00 ! 9 - 2131 410 71r:7 met'.; 27 (0! 15 601 18 03 10 30! 0 SIS (10e Year..! OW 04114 317 12101 1070' 400 Cli A.306.111L6 ADTERTL4ENIFIXTR. :For one squitre, ehrognable one tram email week, nehtlized to the iramedinte burliness of the *dyer trier. All Ismer advertise:worts ln onset propor tion: • Maien;: Umes7 1" time Dant. 47 week. i s Pieek.ile week. One moon ZS 00i #4 10 300 Ilene montlm...' II tt 43' 8 CO. non Stnillontba 21 op' 19 Oul 791 II 60 One Yenr ' no, 20 mil 24 Ea 74 00 - _ - Oar Fin Notices double Luc above rates. Dentb./quilt:ea, each insertion $ 60 Marriage notices 73 Steamboat advertisements, per trip '2 03 F.xectitorsi or Administrators' Notices 2 76 Local notices under special head 15 in Local column 20 ELIGIOU* INTELLIGENCE The Maur( and. state liericoi, pablialted in London, contains some interesting intel ligence concerning the progress made in re vising the Episcopal Prayer Beek at the South, from which, it appears, a commitee, of which the Bishop of Georgia is chair man, have the work in hand. They are re strained from touching ooctrine, or disci pline, and are confined to matters liturgical. The subject of using a form for reconciling a church, after it had been desecrated, came up for consideration. Many of the South ern churches had been abused during the war. Instanceti are given where chVettes have been turned Into theatres, into s augh ter houses, (the Holy Table being used for cutting up the carcasses of animals offered for sale), and into sutler's shops, where ar dent spirits are sold to drunken soldiery, and into t'ancing saloons for the followers of the camp. The English Church having passed through similar scenes during the treat rebellion, the committee think it not unlikely that some such offices were used in that country after the great rebellion. it is proposed to restore the word "Holy" in the Nicene creed touching the Catholic Church, as it appears it was omitted by the Church of England without any design. —The Convocation of Canterbury (Ems. copal). have just held a very Important meeting. The archbishop and eleven Wall ops were present in the tipper House,and the attendance of the Lower House was also full in proportion. At the opening of the Upper House, an address to the. Queen svuoi prepared, asking for more bishops, and, In particular, specifying St. Albans, South well, and Bodwin or Truro, as places to . be constituted cathedral cities. Toe ad dress , called forth considetable disctission, after which it was voted for unanimously. Hitherto the convocation was only in aes. , sten four days, it watt ,agreed, hoWearii, that after Easter the "conventlait would con tinue its sittings during April -2- 2 -The question of the Reconstruction of Churches is beginning to assume an Un penance that will require great wisdom in adjusting so as to accomplish the end de sired. It will involve not only the estab ment of the churches in the South, but the upbuilifing of the institutiozs of relig ion and learning, which have so lamentably decayed during the present war. The Pee.. bytm'an well mys, this is a work which will require much of the zeal that Is accorded to knowleilre, and s liberality on the part of Christians in the North equal to the great work to be done, and which even now de mands attenVon. An article on the subject has recently appeared in the New York (Methodist) Adrocate, the leading official paler of that denomination, which proposes principles to govern the Church in this matter, which seems to find favor with the l'reabgterian, and is commended as worthy to he ate:died by other Churches. We can onlj give theprinciples laid down for re construction, which are elaborately discus sed by that paper, for the want of room. It says these principles should determinate• . lv settle in our (Methodist) policy of recon struction, and any representative of our cause in the South ,akoctlci be required to conform to them. t t, the unity of the nation ; second, the unity of the Church ; third, the avoidance, .ris far as possible, of all controversy on these subjects. —Some months ego it was stated in our columns that a clergymen of the Church of England desired to leave the ruintetry and practice law. The Benchers of the. Inner 'rumple have admitted the applicant to a membership of the Bar. The English Con vocation have the question under considera tion what should be done in such cases. This case upsets the notion, "once a priest always a priest." —A new order far youths termed the "Order of St. William," has been founded at at Norwich, England, by brother Ignatius, nod tho English Order of St. Benedict. —A school hoe been opened by .Manuel Matamoros, who had suffered imprisonment for three years in Spain for the Gospel sake, for the preparatbm of Evangelists for Spain, alai missionaries for the Spanish republics in South America. Twelve young men are ucw preparing to become preachers of the C ()Tel in Spain, and more than forty pa rents have offered their sons as pupils to be educated for the same object. —According to a letter in the Chriilidn Wiurrxs, the schools at Nashville, Tenn., under the care of the Freedmen's Mis sion of the United Presbyterian Church, are in a prosperous condition. The present number of pupils enrolled is six hundred and fifty, --It is Waled that there arc more people habitually absent from public worship in England now than existed in it at the Limo of Reformation —The term Lent is from the Saxon word Irnythentide, meaning to lengthen, and has reference to the lengthening of the days In Spring time. —lt Is believed from the course pur sued by certain °Etiolate of the Turkish government, it is retracting its conces sions to Christianity granted a few years ago. —AL the late anniyersary of the London Congregational Chapel Building Boriety, it was stated that during sixteen years it has been instrumental in erecting sixty chapels in London, costing a million and a quarter of dollars, all of whickarc tilled with largo congregations. —lt Is stated that at the recent meet ing of the Convocation,..the. Bishop of Ox ford said that there are in Patten° leee thati seven hundred and fifty priests who drive cabs. ADI EITTTIMVI4 -TAILIIIIII.—The. Confederacy has gone to protest to England. Drafts drawn by the bogus government' at Richmond, on their Ananclal agents abroad. lisve been dishonored:: One of them was for g 27,000, or $125.000: rebel cotton bonds will now, of coarse; disay. pear from tbo stockmarket This financial fea ture, in e mcastiroof the standing of the Cooled mary in England,"at foment It is discredited 'there, anderumbling attionse. 'There hair. been several heavy. failures, la Englatid, chiefly of parties engagedin blockade reining. Principals. agents, and sympathizers, are smlng down to gether, All right.--01A. Oasek. cvrs AND s 71. PLOY r 12:T1: It MO IIVVVIII4 Lpmp Persona severely Burned. Ou Monday evening last, a setions accident occurred In the family of Mil!., resid ing-on Washington street. A iesughter, aged eleven years; tack a lamp that eye might, sec to get something in the yard, and pot as use reach ed the door the lamp exploded with a loud re port. In no. Inetant the girl was onvelopedle Nemec. Her brother Edward, a young wan, at once rushed to her !weer, Ile had a bail on one or his bands!. and hence: could not . ute IL other hand and arm wen!badly burned In endear ern g to, queneh the tire. Meg. McCalmes, was also rcretely burnt ' , about the. .halide umlauts. Blankets were thre,wn around the little girl, bat so tellocinuFly did the fintellng to her saturaLut .garments that It was smotheeed' with greardlol - y. The unfortnhate Child was burnt In a shacking manner, and has since been lying inn state of extreme suffering. .Her recovery Is doubtful. It is veld - toots portion of the oil has been an. nI3 zed, and that II Pas funnel to have been hugely mixed withbeslz(ne. •fore explosion was almost as sudden as gunpowder. nod the lamp , men shivered Into 'gouts . . .Pieces of •the. glass we re found Jn the faces hands and arm. ot • the child, and the report resembled that of a gun. . There Is , no doubt a considerable amount of adulterated', oil Is now sold In thls market, and acme measures should he taken to hate the evil stopped. It made a penal offence for any per mit to knowingly sell a mixture of oil and ben site, for ilitiminatiog purposes. It Is as Inflate matte as gunpowder, and equally as dangerous. The present.° of benzine In oft can be detected by placing a small portion of the on In a saucer or other ,vcasel, and holding over Jt a lighted match. If it Ignites with a flash It may be set down as adulterated. The pure oil will. burn' with a steady nape, and will not explode. Twelve Thounand Union Prisoners to Pro— ' vide For. The following telegraphic dispatch hasJast cm reiclecd by the Pittsburgh Sanitary Coat mince: Lonsviur., March T. the Sardwry Co.mfttee: The Union pris oners, abort twelve for in number, arriv ing at Vicksburg; for exebantre, want towels, nettles, Li rand, buttons, suspender, olptw, tobacco, sfatlonerr, and newspapers. It. T. Tnottrus, Assist. Sec'y. Every reader of our paper is aware of the ter rible destitution aud emit:ring experienced by our men in the bends of the rebels, and to re lieve the wants of these brave melt should be the first and highest duty of those at home. One of the meet solve and benevolent of the runny excellent ladlep engaged in the work of providing for the wants of our Soldiers, called upon on today, with the above dispatch, and re quested 03 to appeal to onvreaders for n prompt nod liberal response ts the call for old. The men arc Mendip naked—stripped of everythinx neevi fol to their comfort. Our committee have at present nothinn to rend to these lemr fellows, and they Call for an immediate supply of the ar ticles abrato mentioned. Lint end bandages ore In great demand, awl it Is very difficult to get a antlielent supply. The 'committee will he gremly obliged to any persons who will furnish there with cotton or-linen rnl! ,, —yes, even rags—which tho owner may regard as fit Gail rot the rag-bag. Many a poor sol dier, Elfilkslui; from wounds, has te•en rendered rotuparativelycomfortablabs the proper dresalug of 1.11 ',Otters, which runnol be done without the necessary material. 8n argeet has been this demand, of late, that the paper Warehouses have been ranerteketi,- and old rags picked out and washed for the purpme of tieing them In dressing wontls. Our tulles, thereibrei need not be particular at to the ch ire aetcr or tho condition of the materiel furnishel Ili them send what tirty have, he it-ever so• small. The monis of the tonatolave bin an FOin . stroct, near Market. The Lumber Trade The /ini/mores Yournot sass,' "Some time since we expressed the opinion that not near no much timber, r formerly, would be,run season; Vet we deemed the - quantity fully IKON • 'tient to supply the demand, and ittstielpated pthcr low prtres. The /ate flood, however,. puts a di ff erent aspect on the lumber, trade., • .3tueh of the timber was floatedott, and Is logded on Islands and along the shores of the sedans aPtatns, and will never reach the loarkets. Per haft one•half of that which was saved Is still here, end much of It will likely not be von, as the heavy draft in this county will take a pottion of our rivesmen sway before there is startler 'rinining flood.' In slew of these fa eta e look forldtai pricus fS; that which 'rid retch PE destination." D BIG BI , SI.3LBB.—The Recorderof Fair coun iy I crams with badness In consainenee of the .lellolll, purchases of oil laude. ' A cattleman isrrotly cellist et his race trait deeds of oil lands, hicla he desired to hare recorded immediately, data he might mend them forward to tho parclt• Bert, who are organizing a company in I • crk, %ben bewas informed by the gentlemanly It. uvdrt that It Trona he from throe to six thr ribs bcfore their turn wouid come, and this tote itlistandlng lie bad scrural extra bands ecLetautly rzeortling. THE New Peers!. LAW.—Tho new act relating to the postal laws provides that all domestic let : tem exrept letters lawfully franked,. and duly certified letters of soldiers and marines In the sera ice of the Suited States, which are deposited for mailing In any patentee othe United Steles. on which postage I s unpaid, hall be sent by postmasters to the Dead Lett r Odlce la Weskit:ls:ton, and all letters depostted for mail log, pia only In part, forwarded tA the destina tion, charged with double the unpaid rate, to be collected on delivery. Toe U. S. Cot LECTOD AND TII3 BREWILEINS.— The froprimors of the lager beer breweries, in Allegheny city and Reserve township, which was ached on Monday try.hir. White, United States Collector of the Twenty-third District, have suc ceeded In making arrangements to supply their custemers. by buying the beer from the Collector and prying for it upon dent rry. This course nes rendered necessary, in order to sccurs both pc tins from toys, as the beer manufactured lain ly Is very light and will not hcep until the mat ter ran be settled. SUDDEN MATH Or A LEIRTLIt.—Wm. K. Up ham, Erq.; a prominent lawyer, and a resident of Canton, Ohio, died suddenly at a Intel le Canntld, on Wednesday :last.. kis had gone to Lot.fleld to attend to some business, but being tint, ell remained In his room at the hotel during Tnrsday, and on the following day, feeling. bet ter. ne stepped out to attend to his business, hut fell and was soon after fund in a dying mita. lion. lie expired in a few minutes. lii leaves mire and four children. FritIIENDERED wellknown char nel, named Thomas Whittaker, who has de- Felted from the army nine times, walked Into Provost 'Marshal Foster's ofneo on Wednesday at moon, and surrendered himself to Captain ttellenry. He mated that having read the PITS- Icitnraywnelamation in regard to deserters, ho bad concluded to take advent/weer it and return to the army, where he Intended to redeem his character. cmnrstr.—A lad rameiLllarry Bailsman, on of 'Samuel Bahaman, residing. In Allegheny, was . tricly scalil.dln the face en Weduesday, by n.l accidental blowing off of nteala at the ma• chive chop of W. W. Wallace, Liberty street. 1 he hey is only fifteen yearn of age, and wan mu tant. d In running the engine and attending to tl and at the time of the accident wan mmnercl In cleaning the flue by blowing It out w.tb mcam. Connucvtort.--In noticing the late tins at Jas Thule Co'a father works; we stated that the li.e ti an suuposed to have resulted from the care- I, reLea the foreman. Mr. Thorn has called ut.nn us, and elates that no fault whatever was found with the foreman. (Mr. John Gripp,) and that the origin r.l the lirr la entirely unknown. This correction Is dee to Mr. Gripp. as. ho has al ways proved trustworthy and reliable. rOCSET BOOR FlXTNl>.— r rho rocket book sto len from 3.1 r. Alexander AleJunkin, on Saturday last, at the Allegheny Valley Railroad Depot, wa. found yesterday In a stied lu • yard at tached tp a hotel on Donn street. The money which It contained ($500) had been abstracted, but a check (Cr $1,300 and some other valuable parent which It contained, had not bees dis turbed. riZWlTt r a POLYTHICITM fLIVCS the hair the richest Warr, removes dandruff, cleanses the scalp, prevents_ the hair from falling off or turning gray; Ia short. is the best end cheapest hair dressing and resWitive in the market. Manu factured by S. W.-For it Co., and for sale by Druggists generally at Oily cents per bottle. Warraniedfrrefrom all injurious ingredients. LVIMICK KO/STURM, Esq., on behalf of the "Pittsburgh Musical Association," stepped be fore the curtain at the opera, last craning, and announced a stalling o( the Association, and all others Interested In the question of . a suitable Mail for Concerto, to meet at the Board of Trade Rooms, today (Friday) fat 2 o'clock. - Buicimi- - A Young man, named Rowell. a member of the 11th Regiment "Fa: Vols.; com mitted suicide by hanging, North Hunting don township. WeatmoreLami county, on Friday He bad been 'discharged recently on the gunned of triunity. . Darn "nom me Issuause.—Mr. Watkht Wet. Wes, who was severely lolured by a 'fall from tile Morse, on the 11th Inst., died en Tbursdsy, frOnt theeffents of his loputee. lie reddest on Baw;i41111Inn. CLatnxisa, lumberman - employed moving lop at Itfcbardairllie, Jefferson county, was 'Wally Injured a few days ago, by a log mitten oyes blm. Us died In a few boors. BLACKWOOD'S Maoartui for Watch. MI of Torylrui, but able mud spOrltedi Is &cash+ by W.; Ai (111thaftaney, Ho. 45 Bina atroot. Imattity and Suicide Dr., a well-kit - own and sure, sire' dettist, residing at Vernon, Trumbull county, recently committed suicide while laboring unft..r mental derangement. Illspeenliar hallu cination was thlit he was beset by numerous en emies, a - besought Ws destruction. Be killed Lims..if by taking poison, and on bin person was found the following singular note x "I can assign ny other reason for the step I am about to take, than that I AM a ruined man, and sec nothing for mu to nee for. lam to be pur sued, bunted down and dostroyod, and I can't live antler the suspicions circulated by those who should be my friends. lam Innocent of anything criminal, and guilty of nn great wreng. Time will: prove a hat I say, and those who are seeking my - destruction know it, and I leave the-matter lid them to settle with their own consciences. They can pursue me no further. I forgive them, and hope to be forgiven by them and by my Ma ker, until we appear in Judgment, when all Lhasa thitms will be act right, and it will tot made knee n who is right or wrong. I hove no tears of the result, and leave it for the future to deter mine." The above rommtutleatlon was nee directed to any oar, nor was ti dated, but was probably wrlumon Friday mori.lug, bat a short time be 'fore the fatal act mug committal. Of course all the wrongs and dangers complained of by the de re:tied. were ptirely imaxlnar)•—the phantoms of a diseased mind and tortaratbraln; for no . out had warmer and truer friends. A PICILLMIULATINU COMPLIV . Y.—A squad or soldiers forwarded from this place neady two months since to Nashville, to join the 78th Penn sylvania, and which (the regiment having left that place) were re-forw aded to thin city, ship ped to Harrishurg,asslgned to another regiment, and, being Inanbardinato at their hard treatment, confined three weeks on Governor's Island, have again been .re-forwarded through this city en mite for Nashville, whero It Is bope.d they will Join their proper regiment, and start Cu a travel ling tour in quest of rebels, Instead of the un profitable one they have been engaged In. . FATAL ACCID=7.-11r. : John Agnew, of Wheeling, was instantly killed on Tuesday eves. leg last; by tha accldental discharge of ids pis tol. He was about preparing to leave the city, Elting in-the service of the government, and when removing the pistol from bin belt It was accidentally discharged, the ball lodging to his abdomen. His wife was present and witnessed the sari accident: Mr. Agnew was for some time general nmiaat of the Baltimore and Wala Itch . road at Parkersburg. MrTILATSDlattNOr.—The United States Vail, the official paper of rho Post Office De partmmit, of January, stated that mutilated cur rency must be redeemed by .postmasters. The February number, however, states that this Is an error, end that tins law. does net provide for re ds mption by the postmasters, but that any one rtal tend letters to the Treasury. Department, on t !tidal business, film of postage, and that It is lb, duty of that department alone to redeem mu tilated currency. . St'EC I AL LOCAL •woricES. Turmas W. PM11.6; preedeil IRMO:loofa, ano. lieuler in American Slate, of various orders. Ofdee at Alexander Lat Olin's, near the Waltet Works, l'lttsimrgh, Fa. Residence, No. 73• Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work; warranted watts. proof. Repairing done at the sb‘:rtest notice. ho charge for repairs, provided the roof la eat atoned alter it Is out on. Arran Pestilence and Intemperance, muds are doubtless the principle cause from wiiieh the greatest destruction .of human life melts. And yet a stubborn cold is considered a t cry ordinary affair, and Moat pooplo ire con tint to wet Its getting well of itrelf--Oonvert mg by such neglect, a curious affection into a solens and generally fatal pulmonary .dls ease. As ordinary prudence, therefore., plainly teethes that a violent trough atd.coldeboald be yal•en care of in Its Ineiplenpy, shbald never be trilled with, and that immediate recouraeahould in every case be had to a prompt suoulLecrtain cu rative-4,0 the experience -of thoimands, and a mutation sustained for tbirty yrittii;:poltdo to Jabnt's Evertorani f as a remedy always Miles clone; sure to exert a most banedelal Intim:ace en all the oruans of sbe' cheat, andeortain to clt ct a speed.* cum." Hold by DrOggists every- &Mut. EfOriMe—thenteatuin ,oferni read ers Is alfteted to the WOW& ;1183arttaill. - Pall and Winter Goods Jun eneivid.'hy our dead Mr. John Welts, No. , Vall Federal and' His Mock'comprise! great minty of Taney French ; Engthdr, &Melt and American Cansimmen and Clothaontd Ana Silk and Cant mere Vesting% al/ of which will he.onsda up to order in the latent styles and in the - beet manner.; I choice selection of Furnishing 'Goode also on mud and for sole, together with i stock of itesdy Made Clothing, well and faahlonatdy nada. Tws.vr-rtcrotod mew wanted for the Ms th.lppl Gunboattquadron. Bounty $7OO. Pay per month from g 17.40 to 0140, Call jit. No. .. ici ll 1,2 Idarkm. stmt. Plt burgh; Immediately. Sub stitutes furnished for one, two or three years. u H. C. Km, Late Q aster 311ssIssippl8quadron.. Tits attention of Oise hunters Is directed to an advertisement In to-day's paper offering for Bair that double, two story dwelling house, on Went= Accuse, la Allegheny City. It Is In one of the most desirable neig hborhoods 'ln the two citles,:and Immediate possession Is offered to the purchaser. . 1 mt.l. DAILY we Exrassi.—Doolittle and Peek, at 60 and 70, Water Street, are remsbrlng daily by ex press. fresh roll butter. Retail dealers will do well to give theme call, where they eon obtain a good article or butter. Also and the best trrands c family dour always on hand, with produce of all kinds. • at .4TTpIe.XXI9. 3.4}11 Y. 0/12Zikat_,. .... MCMASTERA GAZZA2II, • CLA IRIS AND PATENTS &ND ATTORNETS-AT-DAW, Nu. DS GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. Lloeneed by Government to collect BQIINTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PLY And all other Military or Naval Claims Against ihe United States. .OItE MIN - MED I DOLLARS, due soldiers charged on account of wounds receive.* in battle collected immediately. air Call at la GRANT STREET, appoalle the Cathedral. oe22:ty WOUNDED SOLDIERS $lOO Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, lc now being male MI with a "Dtscharge.^ Lic o , ,lttge Made until the money le collected. T. WALTER DAT, Licensed by the U. S. Government. No. lot FIFTH STREET, seawall doorbeloW the ilmbedraL mytlinnr SOLDIERS' CLAIM'S, BOUNTIES PENSIONS AND AIIIIEASS OF PAY, • Promptly Wended to by ainnußs RIDDELL, • No. 115 FOTTETE IST, Plttobttrgb, Pa. debilMadowl, I. O. ILSCIMIILL S. A. JOILISOW MACE.RELL JOHNSON, ATTO NEYS-AT-LAW. AND U.S,LIGENSED LDIERS' CLAIM AGENTS BOuntles for Wounded Soldiers eolleeted hi inns en to twenty data. Sa-Cibee No. 96 Gains , tenger. Pittsburgh. Call with dineharge and two witnesaes..—, deztelg MILITARY CLAIMS , PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, lIACIL PAY and MILITARY CLAIMS of every deseription, collected by the subscriber, it the following rates, viz; Pensions Sle, all other claims $l.OO. C. U. TAYLOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. Ts Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—No charges are mule If the claim does not encored, and alt Information given gratin se4:ll NOAH W. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 1011 Firm Brun , ' Pittsburgh, Po. Claims for PENSIONS, BOUNTY, PEIZE MONEY, &a., ♦lgorously plossoutod. ATITICES Riot PY ORDER 1-1 RECTORS of thu _ of ,Stockholdrre will be held at the pa HOUSE, on SATURDAY, the Ilth 4ey of Apeß, 1444, at II o'clock A; Y:; to take Into eoveldonatiefr the question of manning the Beak under Ike , National law., as provided kr the elabiblli.,ot ot. the Legislature DI Peonsybranla. inhlo44 RAIL RIIIRRAT, Make% BR Mash ilth, THERE WIL BR AN ELEOTION held on the T 01P APRIL, DM for Mee Direettal for the PM RATiONAL RAWL. AllakftrOßY, It • sly Ranking Ronse, l lo6 mono between I •4 4 Net P. II . n—ski • .R,. VODaTLY. Usable= vehillod SVIIION T BIM= 4011 X AILLIZAT EEL 14 4011 X Sleek Brekefs and Real Fatale Agouti ewes poem. sal4 soutostvois *a numb , Ero,6, ULLA. - Ra. 1 1 .11 Sr .I.lrl3 dr,rrip, n JAXSS O'CONP/DC. S. D. AMMON, Preableut. Cashier, Otte with Iran My Itabik.l FOVIZTA /Cauanicar 'Baum OF PITTSMCILGIL, U. S. Gai,rament Der "Mani, Prrrestrtan. February Ist, '( VO7lOll-111811ING — TO FURTakR /he dealgn at the NATIONAL BANK LAW Uniform System of Currency .FOURTB: NATIONAL BANK, OP PITTSBURGH will, of and after February, 1at,113a6, tpeelY her regular Depositors, oustoniers sad datilnre, cunnExcr .1? PAIL By this course the public will °Unit!, PAR MONET FREE OF ALL (SIEGE exObange for their CUMIN" By order of the Board. ALLEN DIINN, Culler BANKING GOUkIE. N. lIOLMES & SONS, N 0.57 Market Street, Pit.teburgl. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAS FUNDS AND CURRENCY Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada& STOOKS, BONDS AND OTHEKSEOURITIB BOUGHT AND 'SOLD ON • COMMISSION. Portittaer attention paid to the purchase and ■ale of UNITED STATES , SECURITIES, Called Notts Sties of ISM: Do. do. • 6.205: Do. Flu% 10.4 Os; Do. Deveo-TDlftles; Do. CerMkatos of falebtelnen. ORDERS AND TOIJOIIERA BOUGHT OR Ja18:17 COLT =TED: MOIT4MMiiiiNN CHARTERED m 1856. Open daily from 9 to 1 o'clock, also on Wedams day and Saturday evening, from May lot to No vember let, from 1 to 9 o'clock, and from iforemlier Ist to May Ist from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of nitsums of not lease= One Dolbw, edit a dividend of the profits declared twice year, In June and December, lntereat has been declared semi-annually, In June and Deeember, since the Bank wu organized, at the rite of six per cent. year. . Interest, Boot drawn ont, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same Interest from the Ent day. of June and December,. compounding twice- a yeas without troubling the depositor to call. or even to present his pax book. Atthls tate money will double in boss than twelve years. Books, containing the Cluirter,,By-Laws, Rules and Rev:dation', furnished gratis, on . application at the Glace- • . Paratmerrr--GEORGE ALBREE. Irlqll ruatnanx William J.A..ndenotiv A. M. Pollock, IL D., John G. Backcifen. Rbbert,Mobbi ' Decd. L. Falinestock;i' John H. Shoeaberges, James Benham, e, James Mathis, ..- Ur". Alexander Speer limas N. Pennock. • Christian Yeariii. • • Calvin Agiunn, Heusi T. Lynch, Sohn C. Binding, , Peter A. Madeira, 0 eorplllsek, . ' John lilusludie Hill liOlgyr Ip, Wafter P.Laishall, Alcoa° A:Carrier, Jamsß. D. Means, Charles A. Colton, John B.ll.anulden„, Wm. Douglas, . John On. John Evans, Henri_ L. John LA:Mimic; .. Willlain E. lll 4 l r l4 uvrts, William H. Haven, Alexander Tindle, "PeteelL Honker, William Vankirk, 'Richard Hags, Win. P. Jam% 1:1.ell 1 Isaac WhitUar,Wie gman, AS. A. COLTON Secrelarp—JADLES B.D. KEZDA, allMasr TUE.A.SURT DEP.A.It r, -- 9 sples OP I.3OIIPTEOLLtit OP Tlll. CITIt:WESCT,, Washington, Trarch,22d,4B66. • Xtr RER PA BY- BATISEViCTO T V' evidence presentelto the stadereignedi It has teen made to appear tiet . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK or BIRMINGHAM; • In the borcugh of El irmlnglum, In the county of Allegheny and State of Yenni - anle., hes been duly organized under and acre th u s to the requirements of the acts of Congress entitled "An Aet to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bondo, and to provide for the siren halos and vedemption thereof," approved June ad, UM, and has complied with all the provisions of said ad mg/tired to be compiled with before com mencing the business of banking under said ant:. flw therefore, /, ritzeusx CLARK, terOomptrol of the Currency, do hereby certify tbat.Thse First Rational Sank of .Strmlngham.e In the bor. ouch of Sinai/lei/um, In Um county of Alleghemy an-. State of Peonsyl Nvord is authorized to com mend the business of Banking muter the act aforo‘ { Currency Bureau,. Ie testimony whereof • Seal et the witness - my handand seal Comptroller of the f ranee this lad day ot , Cuereaey. litareh, Lk. Treasury Department.' FREEMAN 'CM &RR, Comptroller of the Currency • TREASURY DEPARThIENI, Orman ott w eotrernotami . vorm (. 2 1or t tlt s rov, WITEREAT I" B7 14141 FACTOR evidence presented to the undstrslitned, It Asa been made to appear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK -Of ALLEGHENY, •in the city of Allegheny, in the county of Alio. glicny and State of - Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and 'according to the requirements of the acts of. Congreei, entitled "An Act to pro chin • National Currency, secured by • pledge of United States Bonds, and to p rovide ro for the circu lation and redemption V•ereo approved Juno Id, 1884, and has compiled with the prorizione of laid act required to be complied with before com mencing the bunions of banking under said act ; Now therefore, I, !icon MOUVII.OOII Comptroller of the Cur rency, do hereby certify that "The Second Nation al Bank of Allegheny City," in the city of Alla gheny, to the county of Allegheny, and State of Yennnylventa, is authorized to commence the bald ness of Banking under the act aforesaid. { Currency, To testimony whereof Seal of the witness my hurl nod Comptroller of the seal of office, this 2d day Currency. of .I.lbruary, 1882. Treasury. Deportment. , . , THIGH MatMLLOOR, fe94md °metroller 6f the Uurreney PEOPLES' , NATIONAL BANK. OF PITTSBURGH MM! MAIM EEL MOM F. JONES. &MILAN MIME, TUN H. ?AIMED, Gl*. W. HAILE/M. This Bank, °mantled under the National Blink. ink eyetint.i. now prepared to traosact bestows at its Booking house, DORN= OF WOOD AND 'FIRST STE 'BETS. • - Subscriptions received for U.S.7 340 Tieseasy Sot" a supply of which is en haad for immediate delivery, SAMUEL BEA, President. . E. lit. GOWDOIV. Cashier. • • mhintm . PaIJrTERS. JAXU N. LONO. ..JOItII LAXE.....101113 DONAGIRY LONG, LL NE a co., SIGN ARTISTS & EtOliSE PAINTERS. pro. GO Smithfield St. Plttsbuniy. • LETTERING OF ALt KINDS executed promptly and with unsurpassed elegance. BEAUTIFUL SHOW . DARDS on enameled paper of MI colors, and GILT SIGNS ON 1.1.4 ASir made to order nod cent to all parts of the country. PICTORIAL DESIGNS one:lntel In a highly Sr. tittle wanner. . . , HOUSE. PAINT/Ha done with a regard to dn , tablllty. harmony of nolor, and orators* of flair& as — All work at reanonanle rates lankly 'WILLIAM (Late 61 the Arm of !Mom! k Mositonr,) Holm AND OWN PAINTER. °Ali East accuar of Third and Market Its., • ll3ht PrITSBITROH FORTI YELItB PPACTIC_N -IN WES 0.4 DISEASES. Glints me a knoirlidg• seldom acquired by Physb ditil•• KY long oesWanero Una city., and the amount' patents patients Masks' annua ll y Ds MN . " , suMalallt proof of my sheets'. • • • fiPERBLATOREHCES4OrSEIVAL WEAKNESS And allillseases urtslng theretroM; are 'cured la a' mush! shorts[ time than heletofore by my NEW , VEGETABLE' BEBIEDIES. Pledlatnee -sent to UT Part MU* Unlen. AU bottom mast ealtala a atalop to pay return poittlorreapondeuee beta `altered.. Oft., SICIT7I.O ereet, nuariata, ,road; Aildirome W. BRAN D; OLD& , Wade " tree Ard , Imosluterh.,Pa. Al AN HOOD:. HOW:LOST t HOWRES, TOltEDt—Josi published. la • sealed' envoi c . PrieVidxMlad. pub lished . on SI is `or BO= , Wesimoss,- , Involuntary to. . Sezosi and Impoltinenis to, ot o m ore , ten Wirt Prommitsimmi, Mmutr• don, s.4diotoy, amt.; Beast mot Fh7/1//1., var.ity; int from Selt•Abuse,. ell. By j„ uontroo, 17! T )D.,_suthoot %teen !Maki 4 , 444-• , 00 ' 1 TEStUSANDS OF ; 4 11FFR WM* soot, under' aml, lei plain sinvMsqwn'to *My ads siSeN i Post nt sin .ando, Dec. . an dint OIL - I. KLlat, Dwwww , mow NM. NM/Aito. 41wrigmthri • ~ti 3t Pli2t::F's HOIgOPATBIO BPECIPIM FRESII SUPPLY JUST LIECEIYED. lAEY• HAVE BEEN IN USE FOE TE.ASUT Apib . THOUSANDiS A.L 7 (7..„BEEN OVRED BY THEM. READ TEE WET OVER. No.l--k7un9 Fey...N(3ol4mM . linn. 2 .Entiktligothr Beat. Yetis - LSe acuteaad No. a—Oures F,rren Teter, Worm ColletsuitYo. salons Appetite. Wetting the Bed. Pries ifition . t, No. 3—tlures 'Trailing, Orstin and Wek - fulness, Slow Growth owl Feeblemen of Infant Peen .16 coats ' • Na 44:tures Mantles.. or onuaTen. or AMA Cholera Iturautura atul Summor Comittainta. ' Priv Nos. 4 am i 6 mire the troritsisaitoelphror.l4ll anima. \ o. 6--Oures irrrenterr •or ftlermis Volk, Fall.DysernOrg. • Na 6.—For Cholera, Cholera MOlttla, Mute " and Vomiting, Asthmatic Breathing. oenta. No. 1-4.luree lloughs, Uolde, Hoarseness, Brie Influenza and Sore Throat. Price NI cents!. Thts and. No- i never fall to, cure the worst INA.' No. 9--Cure. Tooft.sehe, race-ache, Nemo* sea. and Tie DoLoreux. Price 35 cents. No. 11---Ourea Headache, Sick Headache, Ve344 4 11 Bush of Blood to the Head. Prim% cents. .. lo addition with Pro. 10, it never falls to curs Is most inviterateasses. . . . No. tO-Cores Dyspepsia,, Weak, Add or Daraao. ad Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaint , Olr. Bilious Condition. Price Sti cents. IrryAra.ntrat for oil OBJCS of Weak Dlitratton.sar Btlious Complatntx. • No. 11.—Clures rlitOpreeeitil Menses, or Sean% or Painful. or Delaying, Green Sickness. etitU. No. .I—Curer Loueorthes or Mines, Bemire Down too Profuse lilenset 36 cents. . No. ll—Cures (hoop, Howse -Croupy Ootille Difficult And Oppressed Breothlug. ossita. No ts--Curet Salt Rheum,Crusty F.ruptimm„ Erysipelas, Seek! ilea!, Thlate'S' 144, Pimple' on the Face. 35 eante. . - • No. 16—Cures Rheostat_ ,i Path, Lameness, OC Soreness in. the. Chest, B arn ack, Side, or Limbs, 011 Selatica. VI cents. • • No. le—CiiroiFerei and Ague, Intermittent F. ver, Dumb Ague, Old loveterate Aged. No. 17—Chres fflles, totems' or External, Blind or Bleeding; Eteent or Obetbuite. cents. M T. remedy has.. anted thousands of Bui Worst possible came. ! • No. tB--Ores Opitabilimlit, Welk or. Bilbunall Eye. or Eyelids, Falling 'or Wade eight: 3 molt& It may Always be relied upon foes eons. No. la—Corea Catarrh, acute or ohmic, dl7 at dowthg, Cold la the Head, Influenza. GO testa No. 2O—Oures.Whooptog Corry thortesing ani pallating or Spasmodic Cot* so eeata. It is batallible. and always relieves and edreL NO- Sl—Cures Aehms, Wormed, DtaloWls k. = bored Etreathlmg, Cough cad ExpfttorsUooL HtuulredituFro beim eared brit- • No. ra— Cures Ear Dischnrges, Noble In tk• Head, Impaired Hearing, Earache. No. Rl—Oures Scrofula, Enlarged Minds, am Tonsils Swelling, and Old Olcera. 60 Nuits: , .Has eared the worst cases. • No. 24—Cures Geneva Debility, Pbrdaal E or Now vein Weakness. 60 gent,. No. 2S—Dures Dropsy, Milli Am:moistloom, sale Swellings, with Beauty Secretions. SO N so—CureaSesSickgeser,Prostration.Vint Nausea, Vomiting. 93 coats. No. 22—Ource .Urinary Diseases,. Gravel, Calculi, Difficult or Painful Urination. 410 cent It auras old cases of ;Kidney Clammiest. ' No. 28—For "Seminal "Madons,' Discharges mid consequent Prostration and DOM. ty, Bad Retults of EMI Habits. Price P.M.'. Tht Most eglelent remedy_ known, and esn, bJ relied Awn as a sure cure. . NoJs. Ourei Sore Mouth or Sttrinaeli, Osekers4 Mouth of Adults or Ohllitren, sad Milo , Names and Vomiting of Pregeant Females.. GO cents. . Cures at once. . No MG—Cures Urinary Incontinenee,,Wetting the bed, too Frequent, Painful, or Scalding Urina. No. N—Cuee Palatal Nenstrusalow Fir/wok Oratop or Spasms, Frorittla, Itabba, sod /Mts. lion of remotes.. O. . NO. 12—Ctires Stffezims at Ottaoge of Ltfia uterine,. Fhihea of HeatiPattdUott, Disease of the Heart. it CO. • No. 34--tlares Dtptherls sad Uhmrsta. neat Sore Throat., ascots , No. Vi—Vurea lionvidstoas or. Span= of Infant or toinits, and Cramps of All ki nds .' " f -, No.:4—Chires Biliousness, seWantot Liniet Lowness of 'Spirits, islindles, Ooastlpat i Liver Complaints. . ... . No. a6-Ouzel Bolls; Oarbuneles, and soy of tbekind. . , No. se—Curee all Ainte Skil:irruptions, al Sc Id Fever, Menge., Chicken Pox, kr.. No. n—Cures Cloonie Coughs, NeeVona Conk. Dry Cough, and Cough with expeoteration. No. 28—Cum Snaffles or Caiarrh in tbo head of Infants. Rattling of Mum* in the Throat. • No. ss—Curei Coaatßational DirpcitKlan' to fro vomit Attacks of Headache. As ttuas.No. 40--Cluros Noittltutioas.l INspOtttloi. 1 . 28 0101 family , me 410 20 vial family ease, morocco SS . • li SO 'lO 0101 tale, plain. • US vial caw . : 0 OD ZS vial FluxWan , ' case 11 POND'S EXTRACT OF HAILIDESTS For Busts, Scalds, Chits..Mulsat, Sorauese,ll &rains, Rheumatism, Moors, Sores ftd Toothache. Li acts o dears& SO 'cents. The trade supplied at New 'York priosh Our Remedies try Look over the Wt, mote up taw of what ktn you choose,' sad Inclose the ametutt In a cote or stamps, by mail to my ',Mrs.', aM a h medicine duly rebutted by mail ores4r tree of chum . , N. FULTON, " netts Stripe*, Ontpaton Eabling, t3eenntdoOr below the Post On% Wholesale agent for Pittsburgh sadytdultf. • COIJOH NO MORE TAY ISTRICK/.113111% 111}MTLUOUS COUGH Mall STRICKLAND'S SLELLIFLITOITS COMA BS ISMIN b warranted to sure Coughs, CoS" hoarseness, Asthma, 'Whooping Cough, . Sons Throat, COnsumption, and all aerations of Ng Throat and Ltuage• •' For sale by Druggists. General Depot, SKIN Fourth greet, Otnelrungl, 0. •_ =LA:. All the Medical men anti the Ensia . DR. ISTRIVKI.A.ND'S ANTI-CROLERA. MRS rURE as the only cerieln remedy for Diarrhteeend Dysentery. It I. combination of Astringenift, Absorbents, Stimniante and Carminatives and la warranted to afloat a cure niter all other mane ttaTe celled. Foe sale by_Druggists. Guttural Depot, 41 Emig Fourth 'treat, Clnainnuth a snuenduoys PILE REKEDY. DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY hail cured thousands of the worst oases of Blind, end Bleeding File& It gives immediate relief, and of. • permanent cure. Try it directly. wyg ranted to aura • For sale by alt Druggista. General Desmit. tiEMS Fenrthatzest, Oloolacati, O. Dyspepsia, Nervousness,, Debility). . , DR. STRICIWANIYS TOR/C7. We eau reeominend Wens suffering With.loag t i rig t r e 4ot a Zitty, " to 71111 . .exed`a Tonle It is a vegetable preparation, free Rom aleoliona liquors; it strengthens the whole nerrone it creates • good appettte & and is warrantedWriti m t , Dis::psia e and tarron: u - „ maw ,. 4. DR. 6.I I TRYOKIYA, S l at Fo s ;ith street 01.11 ainoatt, D: - For anis by DR. OEO4I. KEYSER,. come r all Wood street end Virgin alley, and B. E. SF.LLEEIit it CO., corner of Wood and Sftond streets, pigs. burgh; and by PARK S. 8R11.2., W 0.77 Paftst street, Alltalheny.l • ostrldvd.calt • • ' THE GREAT• ENGLISH ItEMEDY.-. SIB JAMES OLAMICVS CELEBRATED reater.S PILLs. Prepared from a prescription or Sir .T. Clarice, *. D., Physician Ihstraordinary to the QUeen. This well known medicine is no imposittea, but a Sure and safe remedy for Female stitilaultiee and Obstruction., from any cause whatever, aka] at. though a powerful remedy, they contain custbs log hurtful to the constitution. To litstried Ladles It is perfectly malted. It will, In * sheet time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. . These PSI. bare never been known to fad whets the dlrectione on the 2d page of the pamphlet at* wi Atlrpli ea. rticulars get a i'araphlet,f tee, ef the' agent. Sold by all Druggists. Price, in per battle, Sole United States Agent, ~8 MOSES 27 Oeuttlandt street, New yolk. N. 8,-41 a andispostage g stamps, enclosed to say authorised entewill Miura kbottle, coontaining 0v,60 mus. by return mall: geM:lydall&E. r l Col3 T — rit WORD ' FOR WORD.-..TEST THIS.-ITE TOUR OWN 311DOE.—/tseara. Cream* idCoe-olitserst I am satiafled of theme/it* of INTIAN EIZIIJ'. It ham raised one Dons the ndeado as It were, where OONSIDIPTION beep nearly planed me, Your Eisend Pills and Mal* meat hu done tor roo whol, aidhind else did er could do—restored me to health and lite, when I .had realmuni myself to the mortal change.. Its. closal to IRO for another supple. Your.- • WILLY* si ht. MOWN. BIiCiRMOND, Lincoln, May i 411361. • The above la serbatum and but one of the Mlelly • , Wis"rseeles. Dr. E. JAISIZT OaNS.A.III/1.8 IN. - Mee Is the only rerarsdLthat will poaltively mewl CODSUSIPTION, AST OIL and RItutrOIdPITISL - We ask the, ali of a le bottle, as It will sat. Ists the m skeptical. 60 per bottle. Threw be= 60 -pine and Obstale t t $ll4 *ads. Cjitargl 4. (30.. , 4 1032 ray. street Philadelphia. , set ltineOtentawdeetnowy . . pIeiV.A.thDISEASES. OfficeXlS =BEET. soon 44i the mail or oiri awats 40 ' 2 ^ Vl* is - : • fiV 4 4% 41 :[rum too to liar dayr,' by um ea reatLot. Stialtuil W,""kNiplA, ,s!1/1 otikle) - dISMAI L OL: OI VAI I 6snd “Itr,Rll3lZ, .4 curPlgr, =taw • • skifirovPFerAlYlN :1011—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers