the Titian* 621Xettt. _niTURDAY, APRIL 1, 1863. 'ROBINSON, & Ca; Derr d 1 = - No. 73 resitbilt.. PUlmburgb. 1:104110 t 501•134 ' 111 PAR FUNDS ,ul4' Collections nada Min parts orthallaited Mates. Hay and sell st, "Salta eats: • • O. S. Spat seat. UM, Bonds; - V. B. a persist. 1040 do.; ' V. 84 per cent. Oertineates Indebtedness Maw .V.5.7.m Tramcars Notes. Tep also BU ane BELL ON COMMISSION at the New York, Philadelphia, and Plttantunk Stotts, all kinds at Government eacurttlesi Stocks. Bonds. Gold &a. , Jail FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. . . BROKER' AHD BARKERS' " BOARD. . toctutionii*iitostasoll.trot.iir St - 00.3 Vtitiits, Ranh 31, IBC. nerd. Asked. sum' 11. S. 6-2ue. . .-106 P - 130nnellevill; 77,53 " Ms. Y. Ws fa O. in. R. ettot. o*t.stt B. It. stock no int.: 10,03 ' do do v••• tnt . R if;7s .141.melerg Steublie — 9,03 • tlitsrerui. —, 8373 bill • spa v 011.. -men. • Fleming & - 2,35 . • OU thee& & Cherry Hue.. • .1.2.1 •—• ChPilerry Rue fr.ale ^ --- 1 0 • Cherry en &_Pittab'rg..". ' .1, 75 Ohio ..... -- " Merry —. 1,15 Central nlill3- 1,15 PHI aluosh & New --- 1,2.3 Turk Fo r 3,00 - Western Pence . . .... _2,21 Inman . We notice no* Annie let the tone or-the aura!' to-day. Dullness ieidna supreme. A steady gold " asarket, it was eel:indently, predicted, would soon produce a more confident feeling on !Change. Gold has been remarkably steady all week, rangicm but alirbtly from the quotations ofthie event 031,5134, and yet the anticipated recovery , has not come. It le true that the panic feeling thst was but too evident in Eastern money circles, at the beginning Of the week, bite disappeared. bilt stocks have not t 3 any Marked extent; Whit may occur wIl h the next - 11nm or ten dim no-one can tell, we but report thefeetuag for the"day..... A. fair slur shiny 6,t; to-morrow, may drive the ugly shadow' air peoples Iseasi . and the gloom from their mina- Itte foolish to gas way to depres loe,bechuse bust, mess is for the time being, at • stand' still. We have over done the' thing, and must now sit stlll a bit,tintil the equilibrium is reached, then trade will larnmcnes again, for:buying ind wiling I. older than the flood, and there la • Prot ;deuce over alt 2 here were were no sales reported at morning Bond. Clovernnient 80-ids were pretty freely bid. for at the present low flares,- . It ail Road and Oil Stocks dull, with few bids. ' • One marked result of the resent panic, Is this in. created desire eipttatitt. lain-reit in 01 . ovel n . meat seniaritics. ,The resent eSPCIII3I(3I3 his made plain the fact that sneak can be realised ov them' cheaper and more reattOr," either by sale or loan than soy othtreicuilty." The Success of Nr..ley Cook's a:mow:Mentz to place the Government noon* among thilPeOlde therefOre, more to be increased than decreased by many': of the events which sifereltinfavorably Other interest.. The fact that"l,bnCorernmerit aectititlen finbittiv led so little daring the recent • has given them an Mballissialregornmendation 'moue capital. fats. BrokersaboW • disposition to asap rallna4 and ether stocks for Government bonds, as afford. sag better facilities far,plaelog them less subject to - the ineontenience - Ormaking up, margins at times when it is difficult Whom° w money. • The attenCancs at theEtorth Exchange was rate. ar better this evening, and while there wal, appa rentl, more tiliPeNtion tOlny, the transactions Were very light, and holdets;, genently, seemed suottien to isalise., ..P.traborih Plpigiolptibt was stronger, 1,30 being Of withoht lindingta kers, against 'take on •Tbutsday. evenhtg at 1,7 L There was also an Improved demand for Ross, but - the attratenciietWein Utters" ana nilenspr . event-, edtreesactiouto.any Garnet: The followingsalas •. . . lAb shares Cherry Rents Blood; t cos ••• Central Baeln e 103 lit. . 1 till Greek isChcgry Run. a5O =l, •• Fltieburgh &Few Wt. " .......,.. 1 OS 1 tei to o clerk. Petroleum-- • , 3le The otieribOsurd bids were as fellows: ... • . • 1314: - .Asked. • AlleshenyLFitpbutgh-••• ' 112 00: •'Reuss • Blood Farm . . (leery Run Gentn4. -- ' en SO • • Chen," Runt ?It Rota 9 3 Uoturabla in 90 Dusk Greek--" . . ......... ....... te 00 . ` . Fleur og k Illood ' • ' • 00 de. • Lincoln Mr& taming ' 92 Zderrhar io SO "(cab*, Cherry Run Ts - r" . fret ions', of .. .. .13 •• • 1.10 Ohio Valley • : • ' ..... -• I N PPI:O3 ..... .... 2 - ' *IN Phreeia•• • f4o ' Pittstorgh k rhiLl 93 511.• . Re I 03 1 21 Hitch', el PairltJnd . .. 053 . SO. Teri.. Story ............. ' ' • "St , • Kr . Unina o3 wt.ttra•PeoustirAntir......::. . . • rot .„ • . . Be. ItW 0 the IgeW York GraddrY 31arket: (Frdmthe Litt, ate rehlrt.) " Ye tie—The nowlut remains 'err!! 'let; but , srier• are not lower,oa. the cdritrAry, 1:0:03 is ratbe r a 0 neer tone, the impOrealimgyining grOubd that NG:cram not go lower at present. 'Ti..- toles aketlalbay,a RlO, per Johatuv 4ad, 3,033 ' mat. 31,3,, en private tellnst an 3 10 , bb a St. Doe mite. In benad 12% recta gwdi Ti,, Government • opine% hide in Ik.toll, Attach Vita; for tra3,ooo la or more of Coat, and accepted 'or 1;3133,0 or near- , ly a,ren ttpire the quantity It was atlnntntt'd would be %anted. The stook. If to at the Ports se mad up by aft este. - Wm.. *Vett Pone, bag.: .-- vie.. 11,124 bags here,. 1(00 la Philadelphia, and . o , ,etY in Baltimore. m=•During Saturday and l'Aenday there Kau prtitytarge -hamlets& in Raw, but prices rathdr; fa veredhu yens, notwittittanelag the fact that many teeth ere now prefer to stofo rather than sell at present prices. especially as current values pay Urge lone on the cost of importation. Yesterday the Inarketivim quiet again, but closed with a erteedler tone then of tote, and our quotations are Only elightly.redueed from those current on Friday. last. We - quote Fair Refining Cuba, lOtieltay; tents; Good du Weill-it Fair to Goad Grocery, -11;(#01 1 ,11Tilme to Choice do 123013!§; Biel/uses finger (Abu , , eiltili--the same In !Aids, og and Alcledu, 8t1457, 4 max Relined eh...continues de - er° owl, a if prices arefouvr; itard, to ceats;'Soft.. White, 16(011; - and - 11341.310!1. ' - Stuart 'quote 1.014.. , cents ; neat Crushed, - 'Ground. and Granulated, •110 , r; White A, 11; and YeVort 0,16 5 1, cart. - The lodes of Raw are a,ana MCI! Cuba at tiX.Olativenisidt do. I geld, to bond; :44 Porto Flee let 1454; hied hxs Havana, it, our. oeyi and tie do. '3, gol4 - : The stoclot ettertny woo' aa,hrolibda, bus, 110,n00 livre SUO4n. and Irte Wide Mead* We learn from Boston that -the award by Government woe Wool it, at !Ks' in cents In , inotakott4te—Therelise been a Ines& increeag of . bunint an since one !Mt, the deprearden in the mar. Let, end the reduced rate* at which the artelehay, been offered, itducing a good demand for home use; but with a pretty genersl clearing out of theobeep ' lota peeving for sale, - there wan evident!( more Oriented et the dote, and previous low purchases: • could tot he dut i dcated. The sales are' 2 41 Laidig,' ten. 30 tr and,7 bb ' Demsrsra at .01 cents; 103 hhele.4, Chiba DI unovatlO, WPC; 1,112 bhder.; at tee ,And • Ibblit Porto Rico, IQ el for old crop land low grtule negate Wald for:fair to choice new °MP,' and 10 Ode. New Orlenni,lit,lo. Clan, Rrtix—We notice a more active demand, chiefly -5 -foe export,. without particular change in _prices. The tales 11311 =Sabers ltsrtroo. at 1d; 75 4 3 1w 9 111:10, all gold, la bean; and= begs and bids. RIM. 'soon end rellyinti,b6Bll, ilni paid. Chicago Market--,tall Report. Onicano, - March 10.--Thrre was a strong divas!. tloo to textile on Wheat, awl tbe - ryirket receded 31 tusheL The demand was Almon eaclusive,- ~ ly confined to No.l Spring to fill short contracts at prices ranging from ftt.lo6l,l2.—clorrac dull at Um Inside Spree. Small sales Of Nth 2 Sluing •Floor was dull and easter. Spring Wheat brands drag heavily, and sellers fled It difficult to °instil overt an oder. Winter Wheat brands are in "halted hreuest for local consumption, and we note sales all,Altrkry for good grader... Corn arMered A decline of Rear el bushel. KM s••• jectetsold down to ttSakat,,ia in North Hide houses. The whole range of priors fur rejected was , from "line r a l it:TPl l et t s d f ‘ r i l i t th e Igi l t u si t Z l ii r la t t o rt h eft e u n t e t t Ae l Market war tolclably active act e reduc ti on, and about ica.aeo bushels chanced hands at from ellftf 14 % cents for No. I—closing quiet, at the lcA .1 he market tdr nre conthuses Insatlve. with light rates at Car for No. I, and at Goa for. No. Olin Earley rides quiet at the decline. Okt No. S In (rem .0,1,110,, g to locallOa. ighwines we heavy and &premed. Early oars atm made t • a Matted eitapt at raps—, dine ofic— but At the close of the market was al together nominal t from $2,00e5.02. Thersyras a Is r for Timothy Seed at pricesrarstret f • s3...4Cl,Boforcuirmionto choice iptadea, 9ther kids of Seed Were quiet. Eloiteiad' train in Store at Chleago. The following lathe amount of Flour and Grain , In otoret!.Saturdast, Kateh 26„ ii23,compared with t b. eort apouctimg week 141062, as reportedby. I. F. Beity,t,ecretAtt of the Board of Trade. . WM) . 105 AI, - 114 2,172, Oora 033,24 0ate,..b5t.......,,...1..".1,130,0 21 • 2,023,627 Barley, 177,010 12024 , . ...... ... J dem el. Market March. 30. . - 'Titers Is good demand tor ClOre;00 0 4 at ram.' terravetoes, and .urther sales of Orriog bin ele at snail*, di Ai:11120411/ Mar bp 4 11014 4. 04 5 Ifbe Wn+ paeWls intisati4egmliff =Alt iselmsoflaefassi 2 Pti sad Kent ir• • • 6 1Vag 8 . 4 BV *L AU* For 7 Dera.. KO is* 7,Ulalry. "Salta of Wel Millar Naelnes, ad MO amid, and •43,01,83.10 sto oars. .• aro steady at Of etc Ti '°' lojaad Mali nothing . doing. . a 4~- DAILY REVIEW Ur PIIMISBOILIUM lIMPL/RTS. WV RAILROAD NARKYsTTS_ . ' 4 ' iatzottowr STATIOS starch M-4 car stoneware, -£i4DAT, Mara SI, mt. Bill a. Hein At., 2 , 4 z bbl. ppies, W B ion Ins ht. I do butte There 11 eW 11 L the IMMO markets- ski Havens „ H s , u r l dr ?l ' u 2 tt t e , , J a n-Moon halo - I I wertky Of gpociarnOtice: Ddllnetit and eragrialfros ewe, lz - B; er; 3du do Beck tell & Nlehouse,ll 40 omnibus to relit suprimeondisci Improvement is I do, 21 Le rtz; I do do R. Wallil do do, Hahn lk eipeaLed flout x**"/ *Mt.” ;become snore aeUdie; Na b i pt S &Vn l o k x; c 4 ° ,:rs ° w t te ll at ft ralr z ek t: tied, t , • - . I ' g:ll's -s pun Shatz, Son /a co: bbls a pples, ° CIBAIII-43orn Is very dull and lam on track Owens a. liennstly; la des pil l s its, Jos Gnu& a eannet be effected tudeas very low tallVall MC-W. bbl. but s te jarse d . r postr A Worna_ir. iintoaao ended. Salm tom store of /WI bush. in Imre, at March 14-48 NM handles, Bingham &Sturgeon; 10 g 10060,54 issbn.f ig h ~B,Bc d r „ 41,10, OW ;so eke rags ,McCullough. Smith & coh o rt empty ale bathe but =Maned; small salm rom- store at, 86 t2:l„; a r :d.ea; p a bOlui ß l c r s /1 1 70 e, & co; 4 cents. There's nothingdotng In Wheel or Burley, do hardware ' , tircv Brsdahte,. & ,r,:s i e bz p o t tra te s j and so there are no eatabllshedwlees,wo mot quo. Knoz;9 bdts chairs, bureau. 2 bus household goods I tdl brooms, .1 bdl delph, tables, 1 roehtng chair tattoos. Sumter/ft &Craig:l bx butter L Foley 10 bblX - GROCERIES-There no larpromnaeat to note atom m bb ; sappia ,, L It .t..ofit co; ≤ IS ski potatoes, II do parley S IlamUton t I lathe demand, and We have no material change to 10 bMs apples, Bea 4; K e lp as b sk o e B make In quOtations. We note small sales of Sugar 2t:, for zr ,o pl , g s m o totrhJ b o o ll i t o n o ldoorliaad, Is hour, wsy. at 14061( for Cubs; 1113.4ettv for Porto RUM pplea,l' Jeskins; 6 bbls a ap luud refined. and 20 for soft do. Carle Is held pies, 4do egst,l do butter, 11 Leaz; 4 aka rags, ot, rki 14 , u do ggo z b i ns) , o m o s„ co Il m eEl ot en n y w ls oo lo t ! P .-ill re o t les n 7u r yt a ed il lo 17 11 -. 1071 - 1 1447 "el" ' °'l3s re i n .g l u n e ili " w r h o t3a r . & ,BM bbis flour, Raman, Bro &co. Moun-The market continues very dull and t ,, m , rsototos ff.. , March ot dapreased, the supply being:comparatively largei,".„ Bbble tobemeo. Shomaker & Lang; 9 bal. copper, G linsey;33 bbls apples, Fetzer & Armsttong; and the demand awry limited. We quote Extra 141 p . m , it from pa. chCdc.ol,,,d 3 o f gr ,,,po l at r y, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 14 bat 8, LA an & Grew 21s pa meat, McDonald & winter Wheat at szo2s, , „• Arbuekle,2lo sksporwtnes and apples, Potter & cot. puovisiorcs_Bmt. I s dull and m o st L e a tba 2 bbls bolter, 8 Ewan a. co; ID ski oats, Pattersna mum sue nominally unchanged . at oats,Ammon; Mrl bbls apples, Fleming & Steel; 151 ske Shomaker h. Lang. *me for Shoulders:oMM tor Sidee,tad vet 23 fdrllams.. Ludt' dull but unchanged:skill Mb for pixie keWe rendered- Notblog doing In Mess Pork or Bulk Meats. - PUTTE4I--1 he supply of common 801 l is still Whet,' in excess of the demand, and Bony be quo. ted dull at 264:2260, Sala of 9 bbls fair at Soc. St tot -17 i prime M I small packages Is selling at 415 EGO - S 4 -tlentlnult to mons lo prettf may now be quoted dull at M mats pa, dozen. CREESE-als steady andunchanged. we note reg.' wise saie.W.22eXac. POTA'fOItS-Sales of Penebßlowsand Priam Alberto et 13,1413,10 pet but, New Jersey Sweets are selling at 060061, . - CIDER-Sale of 11l Lids mamba 5t..48.03 per :' barrel • - • ' OREM APPLES—The demand Is not very ne ttle but ?net. remain unctmg d, ;ranging from 41 toed per bb} for common to strictly rrime. • TILANLYS--,Sele of ID bblest 12,411. per bet., i , mtnitincn PETItriLEUIII MARKET FniDAY, March SI, MSS. TLcre Ices a decided improvement to the deniand for C. ude and a; firmer feeling seemed to prevail or the Olt of holders, though them is• no materiel china° to "got. in prices. Bayern, gener ally, begin lor - thlolt that.the - bottom has teen trotted, and salt always Miler similar circum stances, holhers ire Icon di.posed to sell; and some of thorn arenanriertpeeting. to "cr tabs. an" 'advance over current quOtations. 'We note a *Menne° Stas in imitiaitt cents; 600 bble at ZS, 'bbls include I; lOCw bble—on Tioirsday evening—at -S; and 130 at 'im,bbis reformed. For Refined, In bond, there is no demand Whatever, while' Free in anllaui notnt nal, et 71672 cent.. There Is no movement in eith er Napthiok Residuum, and 14 tho ritaCmie ofssies we omit quotation. , . ' The,-redelpts of Crude DT the Allhent , river &Ince cur bat report were 14 follow= - . . Clark ft Co' DO D. M. Edgerton 163 .7.13. ' ISt] Itlehardion 16 co sus 'Duncan it iltiblems. 161 A. L Linton DD. Flakier &Dm 63 I Duncan 3.Dun1a0:.6. ID Gallsgber & Duffer 3171 '.761..• 111.3whinney-- 119 II:D caret' . . . Pil ILADELPHL% STOCK. DIARKr,T.... Spechil Dispatch to the Pittsbur6h Gazette.' • PELLADZLIMTAi March . al, 1810. Theouarlcet for Oil Stocks was steady but Seri' dull today, and without arty . Particular change in The.closine quotatlorni were aa follows: Wheal ' r fl Atlas 1:14 .. 15 3 1 n 1Y r jo 11° ' ' ....7-31 2 : St. " DV= .111spie phade......r7 00 Si or iA L.L tr Creek "9 v 0 Indsell 8 60 1 at Shams* - 1 vao YAWL /COD COI. 82 Dull tlreek 'Bl2 NEW. YORK PErItOI,EUtIILVDIARILIFM gpeti.i'Dispiteh to as Gattittc. Naar 'font, NU:eh al, ISM The Pet aolenna maaketla heavy; Crude wld. . at aseirlcoied to bond iliffet)i, wad Frio 710 73%. Limns BY TBLEGBAPIL • ' Chicago' . Ilfailet, SecoletDispatch t the Plttabtteo Gazette. . : . Ornadlo, March ft. . ...Firocw4lieeelved,.2,lso; Cowected; nominally 95 ' O=ats-cWbent ' received,: 1,0;, furtive. with. (Weentatlie inquiry at a decline , of 410 e; • No. Spritteloaed at sits* ioicei tam. •Ooto, received, 6,485; dull; wieserjected at Mid; No. 115. reielred,t,Wee active, bid dplte loWer; 4000%. Nye: **Wed, 711; doll and eastet saits'lo."l at 43 1 ,486.S. , :Bitter;recebred, WO; doll; ontinalljlower; sales of N 0.9 at Sue. `Sfecin-iDoll and easier; Sales of Tlinethy at „id 72; t cover, el4lo;.Ftax.fd,la. gind :18.5e. lower. ' flitiza-INothiondolog and nominal. • Pliqlmeruhs-111ora artieti bat at lower prices; hiess'Park neld at 6.23.5008irgnie. 3 10 66 23.00;-Sheuldernaltersid at 11161:4111.75. • • liesWeiaiiii-Less active" and! *reale& lower , cwti g a want •of -eurraziej; Saki or i 2 sb, , at 61.524Y60r Friletti Priniatillkondakediri-dSiowe-r. Hoo t loderetoly actli - 11, - Ibr • theirearein and . - • stealth linter/ of B 4 at. .111 tsgit.ta lot 'Fair to '.Brlineillgetiiie Stock, an CronsaiseiOnaa - 41.-11 - linir Still litui idecilurd t los isv—ltibeat", quiet itrideciltied 4176e;4116441 far N 0.1% tiora mai at 65c for No. 1. Oats, sto sly, and declincd .1;ci••t, .• ic for ''4 ' LecclptskifFlour Were, Mralo h it; Wheat, 1,561 bu; Corn, 4,00 but•Onta, Um , • " • • • aSal declined 4a. ", ' PEOVISIoNs " Miss Vatic irr Prima reel 4450 I • .1. • 'New Tonic. Nara at:.[lotion„26o4 . or, at 454346, for Al Lbre.--Bull.anitheaTt iSeriociravor.'at, ,11,1 Q tr,lo for Extra' Mato. and ' for • Vitra (5., and 4645.bi1ti.5P/oe Tputta itrapip: ItArket ebalteg heavy,' withnolinyerre at outside qgobee; itYniatray—ifeavy and lowarraesiernSiLi.s43.lo. • Oasts—libent, EMU cad no lolly 3fCS lOwer. 71)c. dull "sridTheary. Bailer nad: Barley -Malt,: noniinal. (torn, that nett d@ta lower! Dis is YelloW f.lereeh-M.4541.15. Mats, d de.adediy at Ne for el °stern Indiana. ;The • alas err: ao .his of trardern, - deliverable on. uyeriing ,1 the 761 - i • .• - . dri ir—Unt3.l34c for Crag, fall Ste for, Be Om it in Bond, And, 7 . 2 a do for (Maa'smisk—Biccolall. • Coffee, %Met and firm: Sugar tirmet; ; Borto.Eico, 13c; Cuba and bloscohi- Pniiviatcic—P4l4, beavy and decidedly - lower, at .Wil head; fpr New closirutat 2605ehit20,664 213 Mr 195.1-i6l do cash.and regular Way eloaftat ati casb; .003.5C424. for Prison, and 6.0.25 - . far Prime Mesh, also, "3,560 bbis New Dials at 4VA 6150. Beef, moderately actiee et About: previous - Cut Bleats, quiet' 14X. , ,,815,iie for Should :cm., cad 15;i4/116t4e far limns. Bacon. lower at l4'.(lJi9ie for Cumberland . Out;. ; lot Long Bibbed, sad 144.016.Y.e. fur Short Lent, him and a fait uemanis at 14;e:6%. Bator • /..model , iie tetOtest at 12412ie for Ohio, a aoy. Jar State. (Meech quiet at ' • . • he Erpres. says: There Kan a renewed deprA, , . block In,the Pritelneemnricetato-day, and still suo - or • Inlets were made, generally,whilo the bus nese ir u. ;piclted, In nearly all dirretlons. flour tieoluir.l , 101; )\ heat, atThe,.riorri, to lats. Pork, Ord ton, iilac; The sale or Prime Weeleru Cho s, deliverable on tneepeniny, or the canal, 11,11 toolay, at Pie. The future does net 3o k ye!): le lhoidnra of-inoalure. judging f our sal., now making . for forward delivery. Necii 'York .31ouey. and'fitoek . Market Nnwfroun, Marta SI =Dlonec' g mAerdtoly aci d,* at KV per rent. Sterling dull; pardinnji gold. OW more twory, opening at Idle, norenetng to Mkt:, declining to VA, nod otos ialt . ted%. 113Overnment Stocks a shade Armor. -taocka—NO. 1174thIghee• 1. - ceniu9 Ev:harTe 2 .—GOld 161 0 ; New York eentrat. droin,l 49 'i ItewlinFr 90 3 old Sonthern;sl34; Oen ra1,93%: Fittaburga, 60/..; Rock, Island, 1N,74,1 Fort. Wayne, Bt%; rhino and .altraisiippi Otruticatra, 204; quicksilver, End Natiposa, su.k. not very ,atfywig. Cinctnu;tl DLrket.? OPIONNA.Ti, March 31..—Piontt—Yery dull; hard ly anything dont,. • • • ' • _ liaarr—Whnat dull; burets do not ant , over 01.55 for prlan red. rate dull at lb. Barley do. Muted to et,to for prime ' • Wnience—bull at $2,12; eloal9g with' buyete sd Pnortnlonatrery dull and Indeed nominal; large onti mode tai commlasary to bide openedthle afternoom Mega Vork ranged from OZ7 1.030; cblefly 1 , 21,60028.50; clear rib tlVAinka rib Ede', 111,46,16%; auger cured ham: 49a11. 'the awards will not be Made today; • Gotaa-160. IMPORTS . BY RIVER ZAV - M.V11.1 6'eta Jr:AS-4100 bbli fl our,lo c ask gi s s r,gr sm. 'Ego; 1ar6,13 00 Qr., Rpnlell7 60 . beak', 6do Sax &wilt, bits eted.'l keg mmasses, 331 I roll, leather, (Mark & to 11.1,b1a sweet. p /Woes,. .7 bbls apples 4 do beans. t do seto,9dridry 'apples, 4 kge 'too, 26 pkge butter and eggs, Fitter A Arm. strut:lo;l6 Ms berms, 4 do ;wed, Mattera A Idea; 17 pkgs butter and eggs, 2 eko tags 1 bo dry spots, 20 I,We brans .1 ,1( Dllworth en; 4 pkgo egg. Isk turise,..M.Sour; l2B eke corn A .T Bagan;l Able but ter. -order Co beans; - 2kgs Iced. 6 bit dry apples, Head A aistrgar; 2j(re butter, WBrlekell; 41 aka Oki, Jordan, Hollister tor 4 bbliegge s t keg •pple but: 'ter, Beasley A Vas Gorder; IS bbls dry apples, 6 do - seed, Potts,. Aiken Is c 0; 4 bble battor,.3 40 leml, 6' do dry . apples. 9 doegga.ll do lard. 1.2 do apples, A Warmers non. elden • Tr. 000ry.1 do me4b , clue, .7 Herid cora° - . ski lroeghtlei & K0pp,29.2 bals,Ardesco 011001233d0d0 P Lon, on k. co; 147 dodo, Fortin( au: l l_ 9 'l 4o d0r_..8 .001- drifts° A Atwood;1000hoo_p poles, v P1." 666 ri t Pkit • dsei Day. Allaiden; 6 Ma buttoj, - Fitlllbler; CCPICIIMATL rEALEO7IOI4-4 hbls 103121024 rotTeT Brut ; .k ArmorroasiX62 bl2l wheatt p a Kodoed7,,&, 9 bble egn.- 14 apples, W Beck& 001.0 fu nnel' oily W. crbddrf Wall:Wet to hameiA "rah; Br 0111 bla,liutchlostra colio6 dodo, A D 6111164 eat Um& 11. • I,lppluroti r.' 178 aka mill feed 41 10444 63 ale to r usen 9 alchlay; ( U Matterai !teak , 8%/.: raialle 3l9o lL o ..tioullI!& - .1 Dora; 69 refsigerajork ; W thaw 2 eon tobacco, & P Sohmlotti Pep mac es; Wm Smanerlllo wagon. hubtr'Phalps,. Park& tor 93 baeoa, 6 ;Aga. garam KnoLt. rat. , .kets , t7s bag tildes, A Holatethe; • p&p Straits. bin k co3l bx barion,Therame Arbuoglet lig Csathlptl.ognaktlreggtlpk,k, Z I.l66sokils• 120 OD bble.' Forsyth - Inm A coii3 tea hams, Eric:: has:Mr t eurrags, Joky Porbtrdeld; urge lot litnh 'dier/Xiang& to. • - . . ; • • . .--- POrrioleVilt re& OoLeme Ea ao—IW4 time met&L Om: ICFN 11 bbloolar, (Mors. Sr . uttz Is cn. 44 toes; OK° Icsoososi Li alo bb lo Spencer &1114. , Kay 011-bbbt, DliseroctlivieS do do.. lads& 3 pkg. an. Dlt Edgerton; ID - bblo op_ples e to do al— der w p Beck & Do; I hoar, Moe, rotten dl rolls losilist,424 bbli lloUr, lNarktr. 00. _ - MYER .INTELLIGENCE. The river at this point rose 1111 fort during the paat.taenty!tour hours ending last evening, at which 011ie it was rising rapidly, with fourteen feet lathe channel by the pier marks. Private patches rivelved from Oil City duriag the day, re ported the Allegheny swelling rapidly at that pc lot, and from It inferred that more rain fell up 'ltera than Aare. .ThU weather continua; cloudy nod Inaettlett. with ociwalorril sho6ery of rain. ',-.Theartivels from below include, the Tulle, from Zenteiville.Oolden Ere, from Poi - femoral,, end the Leer ont, from CluctionaU. The Minerva, from - Peckersturg, Pilgrim, from Weshville, were , due lest night, end the Kete Putnam, from St. Lenin, and the Edinburg, from .Uincinnell, ought, to or. rive here between this and illosil•y. The Echo, end /de licer, arrived from Oil City yesterdey. with very good tripe. The Juliairuld Golden 3 a. both had excellent trips, end - both come on riair. The i.eonorisi hen e full cargo - of miser lin aeons goods, toe bulk. of which wee POrtbls city. • 7he Cnenew.stramer le.vire , Capt. Shuinsn, leaves for Louis and the Criper AlLseleisppi ear ly the mortirg. The stannch end pcpuint Yo ktowch Capt 0 IT. Ebbet Lona. leave fur Cincinnati end Louleeflie this evenintwithont fell. See him excellent ,so mommodations forpeissiag , mi, and plenty of room far freight. , Captain Standbh Peppard bet charge 01 the office. • The s t aunchtu and commadlous Amerles, (apt. A. hterstlum,,ls Oiling np end will eotat he reedy to 'mare for St. Louts. Thopopular•and pretty steamer Malilet Rays, Cal,r.".llendrlckson. Ii announced fur bL. LruU sad the i.TuDper:hltsasslppl, tear mt. on the 11th Instant. • . . = Vie 1.10144 Era, thipt. Kerr. la the replier psak et for rortatuouth to-dty, 'earlier at en. Mr. w...11.13ryan, reLehtschitege of the office 5TE.1.V110.1T.9. 80l F9R,VE. .1 6 M2 GOLD. MINES ' OF IDA. 110! Thringh bills of Lading siren by the' . NOt!TANIiit IDAHO .11314PORTATION , . • to VIRGINIA OFFT.I3ANNOOR urn. DEER. ' , LODGE, grid all paints in the Mining Districts. The new; fest sad light'drsiaght steamer . . . DAVID WATTS. JaeSOluzable,3Diiter, Hoary. o. , :iltrors;Clerk, will lenge 'Pittsburgh. .411;r1/1 6th , st b r. , - For frcfget or passage shmly to - • G. OOPELIN sor of Male aud . "iY e AtirOk.a. •Ito. origirger Pittsburgh. • - • ouLtaxciwouff, or lorramihiti.r ." . muir wa r e: 3 2ve Cd t. Agen.te: ikrATMETTA AND PARKER& Lila& 45 -a- DURO PAO= LINE —R.D3- 'AE PASSENGLR STE& IDERFUN. IND ' FUN 'FISH. SISTER-aVILLS. DULL cacxx, Alai gang AND pax esassue% The new and side wheel tanisengsr BAY. .411.11 D; G.Master. Daniel Doork. _ Leal es Ilttahursh every ALOND&T & tRUZ d. D.A.Tiat 11 A. >L . Leaves Wheeling at siune days. Returning; leaves Parharsourg-TUJESDAT and FRIDAY •ata r. IL. - Leaves ballettdiat X.. N. lAtall dam. saes heeling at 7 N. 'WEDNESDAY and SATID HOST. .•• . • . For lortbt or Totaitoret paving tulaurpaaaad ommodattoar, apply on board or to ' •JHFIN FLOUIC, or /St '•JA. voLuats. Agettta. . NO. ba Water strut, Pittsburgh. ti EGULAU wramty PORTS -Ar t a MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH PA CKEL--Tbe flne.passenger steamer GOLD ERA, W. H. EMT, master; W. 11. Bryan, clerk, leaves Pittsburgh every BATT-11111AT ? at 12 o'clock - En., and Phrtsmouth every 3. 1 0N8A1 la 3 o'clock p.m. The Golden Em make ronneetions at Porto n...l'AL with the splendid steamer Boston& No.*, 10: Clurigeati, and will receipt freight and passes gem threhdh to tiustrity..- • . mdf . ton gT. LOULS;...EROKIJK,. I .=„ap .DAT,.:ZIPOUT, DIIIII3IOE, Ga-. .LE.NA AND la, PAWL Ditififf...The One passenger steamer.' AI/IUI.II/1 HANS, Capt.°. L. Beadmaton, J. D. 'Young, Girth, will Mare en TilAndj Aptli Itte. . • . • fre ht orilse m aga rL spz i lkon beard ur to • IL., CULLING I,VGUD.eats. 0.4. m .er J'AS.. COLLINS,' ' r--- biz pritpINNATI &LOUIS- Zit VIISLItI.—The splendid passenger Weiner WORlCTOWNrOnistain'ti.-14% ,, .E4bers t will lea to as above•on SAITGALDA.T.,,AprD Ht. or freight or paseagerripplynn board ot tO D.OLLINONNOD,I ra : .ao " JONH •• A g ootL Olt T. LOUIS AND UPPER RIVER.—The new kr. , and' Bollinded stearntr LONENA. Capt. Semite Shtualul will leave as shore on TKIS.DAY aoth at fps ne, kor,frelglit or presage apply, 00 board JOHN r.. 121) .t. D. CoLf ? IrirPTOOD. AA. """ CINCINNAT . • • - 4 V /LIZ AND NASDTILI.r-- paaseisser Steamer HARD TIRES - Capt. Perry Drown, will tram for the above and inter ,zeliateilmrts on THUS-DAY, :oth lost. • For frriirlit or passage apply, on board. _ralthi Olt LOUIS.—The AR- (IM,J arEpANIA in not, loading Jar tonls and all intermediate ports. She Ilea at One foot of Wood street. mtl3l ron fidLE---EOR L'OR. SALK—A very va lunbl4 'FARM in ' D-rry township; Westmoreland county; Pa: con.alning about ISO AC , CIS, RCM ltoprpvcd. and la a high elate of eultiVatlon. • • - • - aIeo."ASTEAId'ENJINEifor saw miller ocher •pfirposes, with the outings, machinery, flywheel, . he. The cylinder is .alno - inches in diameter and four foot stroke., Two Boller., Il feet long And at inches In diameter; all In *good order, sad will be sold cheap. I A Iso;a ' , Anal of 138 acres to Oonetnaugh toWn.• o,lp, Indiana county, Pa. • , • 7 - - it lea, TWO BLOCK 'ROUSES end 'LOTS la Eilubeth borough. , • Also; A .FARM I3T 'FIFTT.TWO ACRES In Derry township, Westmoreleuul county, about two =lies from EL afar Station on the Penna. Roll- road. A steam saw mill nearly completed .with al the machinery fore flouring .0111 on the premises the land Is of the beat quality, coal and ilroestone •In abundance, and good Indications of OIL Wit he sold cheap; Also 18 acres niliolnlng the village or Now, Derry, at the very beet state of cultiva tion, and abundance of fruit of every description. a FARM OF 173 MALI:S.In at OMR town. 'chip, Yrestmorkland county,. Pa.,. me Tub . Mill Oreek,'about one mile from the Pennhs Railroad. .The imurovementa .are a good. intros_ hones, and lane frame Book Darn. miloia innall,Form of 7e acres In Derry township, - Prettmoreland•Oounty, Pa.. near the line of the .Pcnn , i R. R.- - • . rt - Pairot of about 209 serails Falrfieldtowne sdp, Wertmoreland sat In_ Also; a Farm of n noes i'atrtteld toe/titbits Westmoreland county, . •E'or Rather parties:lllra Inittars of • a. PI. TOWF : It. Aela EA /*AV*, - Olt N 0.1113 roarth - street. LLING IN ALLtGIIENT:' DABBLE . )3111e1" ROUSE, on a larse lot, career of Allegheny Ana Western *tootle. an uresseptionable neighoortiatal, on the line 01 the Apegheny ansthlancluster Rall7ay, ~mmEnpn. FOR BALE, . . Inarn edi zit o PossossioA `Let fronts tho feet on Western Avenue and rune hut 161 feet along Allegbeny Alrenue; - ,J14111y.t0 . • ; Si BRYAN, • • 69- 00VETH.STIT.ST,„(Stieke,e 19 - KX.I3ABLR".OIIe AND COAL LAND] .-i•We offer for e4e GI Acres ln Remit, land Township, Venangd. - county, ea gest: Semi" Creek, stirmllee tress renitts; bud one mtle front Allegheny. Hirer, containing a vela of cost from three to four . leet,; ,011: .hoeertmnd ta ' , PM onentit tee in the inquedl,te n,lenborhoott ibit* STEEL is.l.lA !LEY'. Wilkins Ilia . WARE HO E . FOR RENT.—Thei Wetehouse; IllePenn et/vial, nenilionpnelta Ret.R, it. Depot. now .00(41004 br Reese, Olaf Hall. formerly by Pentes. ,Halt will ro rent Mom Ayr il Istlon 'excelleaC stand tor Plow ; :And (tracer , ' or o,6npnlsolea end tiertrags bugloss. or 111:131( Co., kw ;; ' • las I..thi•rti area:. F' 08 ; SAL Inlet , or, OIL ...v. R, Ikese4crareh grams, llcarC flan all region of Wart Vluglala, Chu jl6n ¢- hu :s alumina 'spring Cant sad all the surface indications of oil. ..t f &X. Wilkins t" (I R - SALE "CiIEAI 7 . - ;witiSt ousz, U removed at dici: - filtuitted hat , : nor Itvio and w , t 3, 7 , AYti"e!ati 1 ,10, 1 4.1 1 04/- LrrrLE, B USD ft PArrelre, lfeal travail{ ,rietoall 14, Plttabortall `D t LET- ' - warebansie NOS. SO insd ' To waier . st. ..taquhe or JAS.D4I.LYd.L A. SON. - OILR. sc. .CHAMPIOIi OIL COMPANY Produceta of Crude and Dlsouiazturers of Refir.od Carbcn Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils. WORKS OPPOSITE SH&RPSBURG flu No. 50 LIND sired, PITTSBURGH, Pa. W. D. CUSHMAN. Sup't. ,alo3m BREWER, BURKE & CU., 00+511 . SISSION MEROILLIITS, AOLETS Or TITI Globe, Path& and Liberty Oil Works Liberal mesh advances made on eonaignmenta Refined or Crude Petroteusn. Car. DUVIESNE Wd Y cid HANCOCK SU., krrrsnußem, PA. 40/121 E. WALL/LON WILLIAM 091iMS W ALLACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE AND =NM PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING OILS. N 0.134 SO1(711 WIIAREES, PIIILADELPIIIA, PA ,EPStorage capacity (under eorer,) for 16,000 linnets. Also excellent foollitlee for shipping to .merlenn and Poreigh porta, et our whorl on the Schuylkill River, none the pletform of the P. R. It set—% Iy STA.NDA.III/ lainiasmalventokwowtor4 CLARK & SUMNER. Unice In Pitt.'Rugh, 21 WOOD STUEET These works hese the largest capacity In the country. The brand stands the highest In this moony. and In Europe, for quality and lire test, nqd the oil to pot it well seasoned barrels, prepared especially for export. hinnufact /Urn of BOILERS, STILLS, TANKS, nod I eI£ROVED DOH tlitl 100 LS for Oil Well.. deleity _1 I 1 DED WAREOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, loot of BALTIC liA.h Ste., DrnoYt ln REVISED - 017210 L In Ta "co. -mu • office, No. Oa LEA{' 6,3-11 ,I" RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., Coma_Won and Forwarding Merchants t CRUDE AND MIMED PETROLEUM, 310.19 IRWIN STREET, Sir Liberal cash adrances on consignment. for Pat■bttrgh or Eastern Markets. rirretionon ossingocen Meters. J. S. Dilworth & Ow, Springer Harbaugh, Eng., 1 1 1 5T4cOn Bell, Lsq, Pleat. Co tonisretel Bonk. X 0.186 CLAIR 6T.. Pittsburg*. FORWARDING AND OOMMISSION AMC/1A.7? AND D134,E8 IN OILS. 'L LOOIIIOATMG, ORUDI PETROLdilial 010 L, he., mistime ly cm head sad for sale ai the lowest market, prim. Oortsigr meets and orders solicited. spars . WARMS WARING & KING, 00MAIISSION brIERCIIANTS, PETROLEUM ADD ITS PRODUCTS And de3lers in Razing Matnlsl2. oal4l No. LI MAREILT ST. Pit taburch J AXES WILKINS, , D DONNE AND DCAUSN WIDE AND PariFlM) OILS Perr7 Block. Duquesne Way, Pill. jb Alp-Special sttentimt given to the BALE AND SILLY3IWiT OF rk.TROLEIJIttsod tts product& t.,..."nalgoutentstropectfully solicited. I , ittabtup Agency tor VENANCIO OIL ANT TI:AICSPOETATION COM.PANV. ifilt•YtelT OFFIOE BOX tst. I UCEICT OIL works. buNciasr, iffiliLAP'B: CO., • lislcrs.strrOOKß., , ni Cure While Refined Carbon Oils. L/VE:RTY • ..V3114S & CO VA3l:7l,CTrlitGiss of CH or Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia OIVICE No. 15 MARKET EIE, PITTSULIROII, PA. I LIAM TITIZ (ISSILY A. LAVtLT ( 01014 OIL REFINERY. my a. LATELY. (Sun - tame to Smith P Phtterson,) Int Leile.,* and !cairn In Petroleum, Mulles, 1-bbrieutlus smi Paint Oita (Mee, • • / . .(4. HANUOOI TilvET, Pittsburgh, Pe. l')IL 'STOCHS.—Tse undersigned will •-• give particular attentiou U. th e purclusse sad ctle or Etecks-of ALL • vuraßLE Companies. iurite buyers end sellers to colt J. ie. 310IIANUE , No. 107 FOURTH STREET nil, WELL STEAM ENGINES —1 an prepared co furnish STEAM ENGINES. . F.,. numb approved of far oil wells and ottua pus , wises, on the shortest 'Notice. Haring different Mmi dfl i Engines on hoe 'finishing others, the pliblie win bq aoromm with almost any also tiny maid; the work bli w for itself. WILLIAM HEIL Fifth Word, between Illethanis and Harrison streets. deoninina • :Fittsbnritti. Flu UISSoL de AVING DISPOSED' OF MY NUR. SERIES AND 0 REENDOITSES to my soon I cheerfully recommend them to my Mends and customs n. They ars authorised to settle all out. Dondlug accounts. h1t1111104.311. Jr. rimuunou Sultana,. March, INKI. t i on : 1i R. A: A. MURDOCH, (Successors to John Whydoch, NURSERYMEN /MD FLORISTS . . PITTSDURfpI, PA. , • Viler for sale 161‘.0109rst clime Apple Tree. of 114 •vortOtle., et OIG Op per too. Auto a v.t lArgit Mork tor •TE.AII fetetoterd sod Ilwarf,). • , • iitio -F • . . - • • nr LU • • • , e ß! kikti A , • . DIV RP APPLE. ' Bl . trulta, "Ea 81"ranolEriT uw i lit , TIMES, Plastic. • . an LaDdreape Giirdesent supplied at reduced rates. cehtztapld rhISSMUTION . OFCO-PARTNER. tilllP:=The Partnerablii * heretofore existing hetwren the undersigned, under the fi rm on= ef VIIIIMPTON M., far the manufacture or Sliver Pearl and other , Snaps, Au lids day been dissolved hi laniard comsat. . SAMUEL. M. BIER, __ . : JOHN O. ORUMPTON ORN FOSTER. . law ICENNEDY.& CO. CAMPTON t CO.) lIMPOIPAOTUIORA OP Silver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soapa, yet usprr, erst-41.177sitotga, iyESOLIII lON OF #ARTI , 4 ElIBIIIP— • The erso.of, ' . . • PEILIAPS &" MIST . 43i4otisi SMlCameizioacreszrerws. tlathll day otopolved. :The• mete thafttet may .be used oy eitherni ttlaysr,teerkbot wily* the Itealiation of the Arse Vrarlig . prfir,T ?pt. filtts burgh, lioniip Welk issa.—naasm , CAUPARTIMRI3 r, • ;v.c . JULIM . f_ ae, .3414,1 ScHLELEIH. partners'. tp datlcqr IMO. • H VARY 114.1" Hf 4.4,.P.F"PENtermatal!". joie r 'a i 115 Ma Ilan% Labroillor flonioiroorieri4l ' ! 11,hNielra f lit Ke.14.0.4pr0k-.., tinD ,ioOrtik , , j 4, j i 4r* poollih; ~ • C At. low prices ta us _ LEy vAlr 0012 DER, _ _ No. N . ll LIONS, 4,Mt., 49/L COMP:9.47ES, Sc. rETROLEUM. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL to r lei/ma 40cimrsaancy OSSA:WEED UNDER THE MINING AND MAN FACTORING LAWS OF TOE STATE CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SIIAREM. *lO PER SIMRE, Subeeriptioe Price, Ply. Dollars per Behr., Not Liable to furthor armament OFFICES: • No.ll EMPIRE BUILDING. No. TI BROADWAY, NEW YORK. POST OFITOE ADDRESS, BOX Na. 0.310, N. Y onnonaa : • Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON. Preatieat. D AL T. PHIPPS, V lee rwslitent. '- ROBERT HASSETT, Secretary. J.' BOUM Mining Superintendent, Titus. vine, Da. ATLANTIC RANK, No. 142 Broadway, N. Y., Treasury. The wells of the Company are now producing Payment for stock may be made In drafts, reale. tered notes or Government bonds and - necurities, which bonds and aecurttlsa will be taken at their market rune. • ' 210mittonets Tony beeddremed to the 00mpm2Y. P. O. Ikbx No. c.,,06.1 New York Olty, ;to "Almale Bank, Yeomanry of the New York. nod Liverpool Petroleum tiompony t No. 112 Aro wee, New York Qty .^ ~. m 1123 • ... .. . _ THE NATIONAL REFINING AND STORING COMPANY 1. Dow fully organized, And mu commenced bust nets. at their .temporary office, No. 19 IRIVIN STREET, (up nailed Pittsburgh, PA., nod are aow prepared tut o ft letters) business to Burma, sell ing, Rtnolog, Meting and Forwerding 011. The Works nro on the banks of the Allegheny river, afore the city end will fin short time ,he capable of mama:mewing F.lOlll Iit'NDREDIIAIIitELA OF REFINED OIL PER W EEL( , which trill he of the best quality and In i•time packages. It Is the design of this tompauy to make A tirst.clana brand foroxport, and re isnine will be spared to give It thateharaeter. They trill also give the forward ing of oil to points east or meet, particular atten tion, and to this branch of the business will have unrivalled facilitire, on the Oil will ho taken from the bouts to the rare by in, hincry. end thus avoid MI wharfage, drayage dolly. Parties consign ing their OR to us cto 11•I} on h tying it seat through with promptitude•parelt. The Company hue Capital at .C.9.9,tic0, with the following Dunmire President—A. hl. becretary—U. IiERINOER. Treasurer-3. R. h1c1.71/NR. Ithectera—A. M. Marshall, A P. Hanna, James Old. J. T. Kincaid, Arthur Kirk. M. LIVJe, S. IL Seller, David Kirk and Wm. Hamilton. Superintendent and Business Manager—DAVlD mh-. Correspondence and ortirrs solicited, and .11 coos ta union t P.& to be addressed to Rodent' Storingand Refining Company. intrAy PITTSBURGH, PA. TRIUMPH OIL CO., Capttal Motk IM00.900; Warklag Capital $0,000: 150,000 altiAliEn. 09 00 EACH. Pr•alifent—lOSlATl KING reaauren—R. W. BrAcairr. Sectsissr—Wm. Dlvaertme IMIIIX7OIB . 1 .t1.1k KIM Plttlibtlfgh; houtaa Howard, Pittsburgh ; J. T. Chit* Wm. McKee, Hoyt; Lee, • Cho. P. Mcßride, Llrirgo, Ill.; Coo. 111.-Klmbacir., .3ohn 'Wynne, Cincinnati. O.; • Oeo. theWoodw. Clecelaan, 0. Othee of Company No. MI WOOD STREET, Pltrabrush. Pa. mkl3:im PROPOS4LS. SUBSIsTENcE OFFICE.. U. S. ARMY, No. NI South street, Rattimore, Md., March 21.1,1661. ; Sealed Proposal., in duplicate, will be received at th i n *Mee until titm., on SATURDAY, April let, lat, 1666. for furniaLing the United litotes Sub. slatence Department with— FOUR. THOUSAND (4, t) HEAD OF GOOD FAT DEF.F CATTLE, on the hoof, (Steers four gears old sod' over) delivered nt t- State Cattle Scales, at Baltimore, In lots if (LNKS) one thousand each every Goy ton doge; to be weighed wahin emend • lait dais alter arrival, at the egpense of the cor.tracter.' most aver age about (IAM) thirteen hundred paned terms elyht; ill falling short of (1,060) one thousand rtml ally Jumada gross weight Dulls, Staga,psen, Cows, Heifers and Itorolers Cattle will be rejected. A deduction of fifteen (16) pound. will be made l's.m the weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the animal does net stand Intim pens two and one bolt hours before being weighed; or to not weighed Introwlintrly Mier rotoolol from the cam =il3=o /Hank forme for prep.:x.os can he had on eppllen. thin nt thl. artier, either In person, by moll, or tele. flIPh• Proposals by telegraph, or other Irregular, Infer. tr!,l propossls will net be eon Bored. The rut erarnent well eleato the right of welt:tang any one MAMA' seyounte. If Its AppeArfiller 111011. entre boo weight then the minimum mentioned nt.'s.; the eltpeute of weighing will be old by the petty erring In Judgment. • ' }lnch we/. to !secure •ronsltterntlon. roust eontela A written guarantee of two respo.ible pronoun, no . follows: We. —,of the county of —, state of —, da hereby guarantee that to for are) ablate faith contrnct In to.thirnance with the Tones of hi, Inc h tie) proposit lon, nod should his (or their) prone. 11,10{1 be neeepted• he for they) an ti an once enter n toe contract into:cot - dance therewith, and we are prepared 50 becOnto his ceeurittes, gooard sufficient bondable Um fultbnent. The responsibility of the gnar.tntorn moat he shown By the officl4l (cattiest., of the Cliern of the nenre..titistrict PourL or of the United States trim Attorney. In be enelose4l tell tithe bid. ilidders must be present to respond to their bids, nod prepared to cite bonds nnt4illgo the elm:depict before leaving the office. 'Payment to be mode attereach delivery, if funds ore on hand. If 11011 C OR blod, to be made as noon no received. =ECM Proper:nil. mug heendorsed dintlitetly. "PRO POSALS FOR ItEEF CATTLE." and itildrenwit to 4 'C:tilt-J. IlliW Alll WELLS, C. S., RAI:U.IOre, If n hid In In the nnine oi n firm, their smitten nod their poidonivo Attlil INS mart , appenr, or thry will not he considered. . . Exch.lierson. or every member of A firm olterinG a In °penal moat iteeionrilr” it .a . llll an oath of title gin nro to the United Stat., i ;oven:meld., if he ha. not airtoly one In tlil onie, - Ali bids sof mai/1017 eirieffy with the terns; of this oarcrti7rmtut, will Ire , e rdrJ. HOWARD WELLES, Captain And t.). S., It. S. A. • 110 B F 011,113 ITUMINOUS p u)A.LS.—Sented Proposals will be received a the oLthe Philadelphia Ga. Works, No. South Pleventh street. until noon of Friday, 28th of April, 10th, for supplying the whole or part of see. city thousand ton. of Bituminous Coals, imitable for the mantifiet ore of Illuminating gas; tole deliv ered on the railroad tracks of them. works, at the TM h nn! Ninth Ward Stations, In the fol lowing quantities seven thousand Ate hundred tons in each of the toOntho of June, July, August, MIN and ./naltary. February, March, April and .111n.11iee. • The tools must be delivered fresh, dry' and of a quallturpproved by the Engineer of the tits Works as equal to the sample on which the contract Is bast • Ike proposal. ROM deserthe the particular vari ety of cents intended to he supplied nod the toes. tion and Wane of the mine or p 0 front which they Inv tn he raised. it they are of n kind not now or iveently used nt these works. Barn pl. for trial of not le than ' fifty tons most he delivered at tot tv ka on or before the 7th of April next. The gross ton of •_•10 ifs. will he considered on I bi • weight intended fa t Ite..proposal., unless the con. t tart he expressly. stated ' ' The. Trustees reserve the right:to accept any pro ist Whole or In pat t, or to reject' a hey may deem hest for theluterests of 'the . must;and le event °Mile to ort the port of any contractor to deliver the coals, nceording to hip agreement, both In qiinollty turd /polity, the Trustees reserve the tight to buy elsewhere, whatever eluvial -y nosy he required to meet the deficiency, nut charge to the contractor any loss or damage wising. !rota suck Pa)n.ents te ill 1w made. monthly, In two count instalment/. Pt four no.l sit muoths after thr spec. Simi pm h de of delivery, the iath al earn Omuta hoe Inc taketras the average of the monthly ocliverhm, or at the Option °COI. Trustees, will On . made at earlier dal ea,.wlth lec-.1 interest of Should contractors prefer to make deliveries early- r than required, they may be received, so far as they made be conveniently stored, but payments will be made to date from the time specltl.ll In the contract. Security far the fulfillment of contract will be requited, slid each proposal must name the amount and character that will be offered. JOS. M.ANTS Engineer In Ohio!. JPLUMBERS $ GaS FITTER ir BATLEY, I'Attl ELLS Co., PLUMBERS, 1131-stes Ratoessia. Wlttoro. Dealers to every variety of • UMPS, GAS AND STEAM FIXTGIIES. Oil Ttinits and -Agitators lined with lead by anew, proven. whiz?' Is at: onos opener mid were datable than the Old method. i Pe: tOVAPX - 14 10317 ., , ABOVE .11141THYTELD. pi t umutho, rihi-and Btu= Pitting, I. alt let beeneek, carefully attended to, by azye eteeeed,reetlod worneten., A lee wuenttweat of • C • 1 Ansa 43 /ffls. , • ' - ,trznantan - • • Fzi!rxia. 8 11100. Attediffrn And nrnmEriTlF arum, Plttablrgli aidlAtordly GROCERIEs. ,pßomucO, do B. F. QUIMBY & CU., COMMISSION !MECUMS, No. WO SOUTH WATER ST., . CIIIVAGO, (live ipeclel Attention to purahott Four, Crain, Provision Se For tastern account. B. F. QUIMBY GEO. T. BROWN t 0.112.41/ T . C. JENKINS Commission Merchant, AND PURCHASING AGENT. PITTSBURGH, PA. Dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds, Butter, (Meese, Fruit., and ail Farm Products. Beat brands Fair. ily FLOUR (warranted) always on hand. Ala REFINED OILS. Prompt attention 'given to consignments and correspondence: I Weekly Price Currents salt to OODP4DOII. Orders and Consigns:teats acgicited. selloydawv WY. W. AYRZOI - polEnnoir & co., " I-L • COrner of Penn and Waynie (WALLAUN'd BUILDING') PITTSBURGIEI, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the purchase of GRAIN ofell kinds. Abe, wholesale• deniers In BALED* HAY. Western dealers will find it to theiradvantage to correspond with our .House, as we have greater facilities fur Storage, and putting goods Into this and Ensigns Markets than moat of the de dereln this city. She best of city relerenaes given when required. jail samd AT.LX. 1111 ARE J. O. esata M'BANE & ANJER, . Commission Merchants, I.2lT , Driktleta is Flour, Grain and Produce, 123 SECOND ST.. between 'Wood & Smithfield, PITTSBURGH CSRD. W. 11. PATTEHSors;, ADAM AMMON. JAMES .1011N!...ON. JOHN SeHLELEIN PATTERSON, AMMON & Cosizinisafan Merchants, Flour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, NO. 6, WOOL STREET, EITTSBURGEL (0)0 AIICATI-ATAPIIAN A. SIMPARD .pOTTER, AIKEN & SILEPAIID, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Dassieutte Fruits., Flour, Itutter,,'Cbeese, Eggs, Potatoes. sadproduce geterally.. - No:480 LIBERTY STREET, felt . Opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, -7ILIiINS LIIr~ART, (Nrccesson To MACKEOWN & LINHAIIT,) FILIC:01:7111. ds carmt.A.xxsT, Produce and Comndindon Merchant. felAy No. R 95 Lthertyst., Pittsburgh 11. 0. IXIOLIITLIC D. r.xcez. fiboLITI ; LE k PECK, General Commissioniterehanns, • No.. CO and TO, Water street, Plttsbnrgh, the wile at Flour Grain, //heels, nutter . . Pried Fruits, Provisions and Produce of all I=. All order' for Carbon 011 filled at the lowest mar. ket prices. . Ar.-Uoinlipuntati motioned. niblthly C. O. ISAIALIT maws YAW goirowl. VAN aed Commipdoii Merchants, Warehouse, No. Din Liberty et., - Pittabursti. Pa : Wholesale deal , en to Butter, Cheese, Lard, Edga, Port, Bacon, Beam., Tallow, Feathers Broome, Potatoes, Hem. My, Dried Prune, Green Pnlits, Onions, Floury Grain, (darer Seals, Timothy Beads, Flax Seeds, Game and Poultry Pattieular attention given to Preface Consignments. jail LITTLE, BAIRD PATTDN, WI olo sale Orocera and Commitaion'Marehanta, deal er& 1 PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON OLIEESII, FISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON TARNS, Fuld PUBt burgh manufactures gvuerally,ll and 114 Second street Pittsburgh. JOAN. B. CA.NFIELD, Commluadon and Forwarding 7.lerehant and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, HUTT_ER., LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASILES, SALERATUS, LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Nol. lu and lie Front street, Pit .burgh. ---- or) W rt . LP OTtS MlSP.tirk • G r f UI , . & SIIEP,IIID Commission liter a ets nod deniers In FLOM, GRAIN AIM PROP '(E No. Itt 7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choi e btando of .F.our for Bakers 111,1 Poroily use co t artly on )total. Portico!ar rittention pistil to II ill rc index. for Mot closoilize gencrolly. . oettiolLY . 4:ETZER & AIiMSTEONO, Forwanling X and Com:elation Mere:unto, for tlo sole of • VIAWR, GDAIN, 'McON. LARD, IIUT Km% SEERS, DRIED and Produce genorally. No. Market &tree, corner of First; Plciaburgb, Penna. ' Alprrlwrt.,\Pfinie~nle darters to \V6~STERN FRUITS, BUT TER, MOS, GILVINS, Awl produce gen!ralli. Al.O. LlaTilEll, HIS tr.c., 140. 20 Ribercystr.t,Plittblirghl *3 - ettell mdriince.suanti ramie. Coastimmeets so:lrlt<4. erl-emd Zlfl TIIO%. 311Teintit. IVM: P.. lIECN.&, CO:, No. ISS Liberty Street, Plttalawah, Pa., Whokoala Grocera, Comraltalon .Mercliants and dwileta to COUNTRY PRODU4.7R, PROVISIONS, 11A0ON; 'EGGS, CHISE,GI, FISH. PRO- W:1;E, R. URAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND FRUITS. tK.C. SALT awl LIALE. jyla oroiloc R. math 01:01/0. .11Z2Z1116. • . . EAT) & jiIETZGAIL, Grocers and Com ints.lon Merchants, anddealrn In rill Medea( Country Produce and Dittaburgh LLoinfactures, No. :id ).iterty street, opposite heed of Wood street, Pitchtnnh. aps-ty r. RETHIAt....W.X. n. 82YX82 1), EI'MER BROTIIERS, - (successors to Itcymer a Audereon, ) Wholesale Dealers In F011110" , t," ramrs, NUTS and Itil'ltlES, CON. IIaUTIONEIZY, SIMARD, FINE WOlth.S, Nett Itti and IV Wood sti ect, above Filte r Pitts burcl. ./1-25-19 1) . „ C I b. %:! i o e m r H . 353 Liberty .trCe o t, npposito Pennsylrania R. PI :wager Depot, Pittsburgh, Y►. Stormy Wstrelantlitl, corner Way ne and Penn greets. j S. LIGGETT &CO.._ CITY FLOUR ," • ua .11111, - coiner Liberty and Adam street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Si - Capacity, 400 barrels per day. apt s s I , IIO3IAKIIII & LANG, Commission :nera.nts scut Wholearile denten! Di . GROOE, VI ES, TI.OU R. GRAIN, PRODUCE, tr.c., No. 7:! .I.erty rarest, l'ittoburch. seta-day JOHN N ; 11,10N. AkrATT & WILSON, Wholesalo Oro , voce, cumuilkalon .'Nlerchante, nod dinlele la Produce and Pateburgh .manuLtatUre., (o. 155 I.teerty et met. Pitt6burgh. - W‘I.RI I; RF AWL [CIL. . . .. ....JOS. itt IMF ATEIWIL. 1 li IRKPATRIC . S BROTHER. sue t, teesors to Brown & itirkfrttriok, Nvuor.r., oitourits, Nos. 191 and 19 Liberty street, Pitt utkuttch. TAMES DALZELI., SON, Mimetic: toren, of 1411/i OIL, and Commission Ater. 'eh lot • for the purchase nod sale of ()RUDE AND . PfaliOLT:tplibroa.. C 9 and In Watc.r invert, Ylashorgh.. Advances math on consign• moots. iIIEESE WAIZEIIOLISE.-11131 , 11tY C Formant:llg and uoaniug .lon Ater , chnot. and denier io 011.E.1.4E, 1.11.117E14, FISH, nud Prod vv.genPrally, No. 23 Wood street, abuts 'Water, littnburtzh. m3l 4.11 N 1. 111 tl',ll MP., TM floral:. • • • 1 WIN I. HOUSE: Jr. CO., Wholusale olt tWERS AND COM MISSIOI.I AMR, MIA NTS saltier qtaltbileld and Water street, Plt taburgea: 1; . 011.EllT DA LZELL d• CO., Whole- Conindasion and Forwarding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty - street. Pittsburgh. . ...... WILLLILIC LLOYDIOII/Si 'Wholesale Oro ,f cern and Commission Merchants, Nos. 17•2 Wood and Lilsertynt reels, Pittsburgh, jet 6 GIIARI ES L. CALDWELL, (successor to James llolines h lio., PORK PACKER and dealer In 'PROVISIONS, corner of Market and cont streets, Pittsburgh. • DANIEL NFIL . Ph L. U. AOGTI VOIGT & C 0.,. tatceessors to 1. L• Grnit t plummet AND CO3INILSSION DiElittitANTts, 247 Llbsrty street, Pittsburgh. LAMBERT, SIIIPTON & CO, Whole ask Grocers endPro4uee Deniers, No. B Sixth street, Plthibtiteh. • ISAIAD. DICKEY & CO., Wholesale- Cirocers t tommission Irtemhstits, and &mars in rnoDuct,,.No. RP Witter street and OS flout street, Pittsburgh. • IXALMA-6k BAGALEY, IntOEOOEll, NO.llWookt street Pittsblitgh. - • - :DAVID AI. EDGERTON, 'Wholeside Grocer nod Comodulon Xercaant,lol Wood "Treot, Pdtaborgli, Pa. Giddy . .I.IRLTING FOR OIL WELLI3.—We wins hire a Miro stock of Huta and Leather Belting on band, of the best quality, imitable for bo. Alin Gum Paelttuus,'Ehase r he , =We Will e a um petool,•abilob: 10 arl BLUM: street, by J. & H. PHTLLIPS. el; nitioax GRIGGS it port y • A 1 IRON OUT RUMOR WO ApiristoraniA ,luftft " sure . Putaburgiu, T 411011:—$5 Settle Rendered A- 1 teogred bad tor late A by ILTLIRBALED k 'ATM zi.d.rura CT I'HERS. Sc. - - 111TTSLUROU FOUNDRY. 061181POS. 3011 X st. mends= A. GARRISON & CO. (Successors to Bolimon. Garrison, fc 0o.,) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS htenufactirers of ChlllasPßollers of ail sizes, for Iron, Steel, Bran, Zinn, Copperilver, Gold, Rubberß Straw Boards, Paper &Di Innis Works also, Rolling BIM Castings of all descriptioss, Bark 1111115, Patent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, always on hand and fitted to order on short notice and favorable terms. Odlas and Dr arehouse, lIS Smithfield street, Pittsburgh.. Teal y BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER if CO. - Manufacturers of BEST QUALITY .FEFINED OAST STEEL, Bou • Xlat cad Octagon, ola Ilataes Warrast ed eons Ito any Saported or masorfaatalot La thl country. Bi- 021 co and warehonae, Nos Wand tel Ftal7 sad 120 and 122 13zOoar, Irragrra, Pittsburgh. • PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DIETTIR/DGg'S PATMiT Oval Lamp C/iiinarys, .X1f77.A070770 07 IX PLINT'UI,ABI9 These Chimneys are tatenueo for the gat flatosh beating all parte of the glass equally, does not ea. pose It to creaking. E. D. DITHRIDGE, Fort Pitt Glees Work., Waeldugton street, npl7 Pittsburgh, Perdds W. S. MACICIDTORA..3. ARYPALL 5.1. MAUI' IRON CITY WORKS. MACKINTOSH, lIEMPAILL * CO FOUNDERS AND AIAOILINLSTS Corner of PIKE and O'HARA, Fuld PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, (Near City Water Works,) Manufacturers of stationary and other ENGINES, ROLLING MILL OAST/NOS and MACHINE RY, of all kinds, and general jobbers: Prompt atrion given to repairing ROLLING RILL MAL INERY ROBERTS, BARNES CO., No. SO Third titreet,PlUgourg6. TIN AND IRON WORSERS,• andManufecturere .or JAPANNED TIN WARE. We have now manufacturing and hare on hand Bathing Apparatus of all kinds, Toilet Ware in Setts, Water Coolers, Grocers , Tea and Spice Can, liters, Cash and Spice Boxes, Tumbler Drainers. Spittoons, he., &c . A large lot of Bird Cages for sale low. Oil Cans of all sizee and patterns. Tin Hoofing, Conductors, and all kind. of Jobbing Work done to order now SUNER PLATED WARS .ALcmcora.-sr. Waiters, Cssion, ko., &13. suitable for tbe Trade on baud =I for sale by imam & MOSS 223 South sth st,, PRILADELPHIA imissm • , . JOHN D. RIBB ON JOHN B. iiERRON & CO., =XX= Ektp - vo "PliEstaamarizetrurarms, 'AND IRON FOUNDERS (Mee Anti Slap Botha', fele • No. ITO ILTBERTT STREET] PENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOIINDRY. wienTIKAN,' ENGINE.BITIEDER AND MACHINIST, Lamest prism, between Federal and Mannfaetuter of WIOHTMANtS PATENT PORTABLE OSCILLATING STEAM EN GINES, Shafting, Pulleys, Ike. Repairing of all kindle attended to Jetty BCHOONRAILF4t, •-• • ; MAXTITAOII7IIII3 Of Mita Init, Iled Lead. Else Intl, Melange, Ina • rub% rimy, att.., • • and Dental'. la • LINSEED OIL, Teams% JAPAES,PAINTLES , SLITEDIAL, eines and Wanhonaa, No. di Wood Anat. sahlidyd WELLS RIDDLE & CO No. 215 \\ I:lbeAy street, opposite Sixtit ' , Pittsbergts msnaisoturers of WHIPS, LASHES tr. SWIT(YIL. ES, and every description ot.L.E.e.Tani BRAID. El) WORE- • _ _ Order* eoltelted from the trade, and goods prompt. y shipped., per Imam. ons. _ fe67 Br - gtVERANCA - Na 63 Water.ik. • Pittsbargh, manufacturer of BOLTER RIV EIS, tt7tolf _ SPIRES, common and railroad of every deslnption. Pantieularsfted or stispedSPlßES and REV= large or small, made to order at short &aim. A good amottment eonstantap on bands iSTSARit D.a W. BENNETT, Marelaaiiiis • sad Importers of QUEENSWARE. No. st DIAMOND: sTREEr, between Wadi and Market streets. Pittsburgh, Ps. WO 2 SIEUP.PIA - eG. O'.NBILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION. OFFICE. P/TTSIWEGR, PENNA. pussage from the "Obi Country The Liverpool, New York and Philadelys_a In man,) Steanuhlp Company having appointed the undersigned their Agent here, eke Mr. Thompson deceased, he Is now prepared to bring out or seat home Paimengers by the Steamers of t'tl /Line at UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. The Ji.snraers of this favorite line leave Liverpool every WEDN E.•• DAY, for NeWTork,touching at Queenstown, as are amens the thatese,eefest, and mostmagolibea. vessels afloat. The undersigned is also Agent for the LI and Londonderry Lim, of Stvomem, leaving= pool every THURSDAY, arid calling at London. decry for Irish Passenger. and. Malls. The steam Cr, of this tine are built to the strongest manner, and furnish choice accommodation. for musengers He is also agent for TAPSCOTT'S LINE of eels brated Clipper Sailing Packets, leaving Llverpoo for Nevr.York twice a week, and the “3" Line o London Packet., leaving London every ten days.' The ships of Tapseott's Line have bag nnea no. ted for their quick passagre and the excelience of the provisions furnished the passengers, and their kind treatment wmie on board. Parties who wish their friends brought out by sailing vessels, should by all Means patronize this wee. Passage to California at greatly twinned rates. moirr DRAFTS on all parts of Zuzepefors at the lowest rates. Apply to D. O'NEILL, orelga Emigration Office, as Smlthfteht street. TO t W oufk E l l' at lC T i gtals t- di work Harem. The vlell-known Stekmers ' ofts Liverpool, New York sod Stesanatti; Company (Inman Line.) . carrying the U. S. Stalls ore intended to tall its follows. . . . Ur-LONDON . ... .. April I. F.TD:4I, Sunra.av, Aprl.l2l. Gin OF 805T0N.... ... . . .Saturday, April 15. And 4r/try auncerding Saturday, at noon,fronaPla to Northitiver. • • Ward or PAIMACIN. • Poyable In gold, or its equivalent In eurrehoy: Filet 0141,111 4811 03 Steerage .$3O 00 to London... ES 001 e to London.— Si 00 " to Parts.-- 95 00 " to Paris...—. 40 00 " ' to Homburg.. DO OD " to Hamburg.. Si 0 Passengers also forwarded to Havre., .Brernen liottonlam, Antwerp; &a., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown—lst flab fee, ties. Steerage, t 56. Those who wish to sett for their friends can. buy tickets hero at those rate.. . . . For further information apply at the Clomps:. Orrice. JOllli O. DALE, Agent, IS BruneAsti, Ni.: ... D. O'NEILL, Foreign Emigration Agway, out No. - 5 Smtthileld strait. Pittsburgh - CUNARD LlNJs.—tßomfromgas LIVERPOOL AND QUEEIMOWN 0301 n gold, or Its equlralont In inUTEley FR 9M NEW .TOILE, 11143 In currency Fell■ every Week. Apply to ThOMAS RATTIGAN, Agent, 0 Smlt4fleld street. between LA end 04 Plttiburett NOTICE TO OWNERS OF • DBAYS, HACKS, &o. *Retire is hereby given to all owners of Drays, Carte, Carriages,Sautes, ful.,-whether resident or nuadestdent in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licensee' at the Treasurer ', office of theolty•o • Pittsburgh, forthwith, in •accordance •eith an Act of Assembly, approved March ao, 1800 and nn . near*, of the Mundt. -of the City of Pittsburgh, Pane./ April Pk - - All Licenree not paid on or before ?fey it, 11155; wilt be placed in the hands of the. Chief of Police, for collection subject-to his fee of 60 cents for the . collectton thereof, ard all - persona who neglect or refuse to take out License. will be subject to a penalty, to be recovered 'before the'Biayor, double the amount of the License. • • - The old metat-niates of previous years must no., returned at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay RATES or LICENSE. F.eob oue pone retdele,... Each twit:torso ••• is 00 'Peen four bores, .......... 15 00 • Each two horn Melt. • 15 00 Onmittuire and Timber Wheels drewn•by two hors., eighteen dolintepanli: Tor esetraddltlonal hem ninta Ln aby o , the above TMlntei r one doll t. • W. 5110HBILUM,Olty Trimmer. - Prrrisionou. rebtUaZir 10th.10115. . 101731 1/2.121.121.-71,000 bnahels a Far oy or, 11.1.11117 ' BtOt il. 00. QSINLAIyLr OEMENT.-100 barrels rot laieby tiEbtRY U.VOLLIKS. n4il.noares 1564 6.Sraiti OF.NTRAL E.l.—vructEß AirSizizikiuyaiirr —TT? T.. .U.l IL y -TRAINS. On and afterMONDAY, Cotabee st,lfa ktrain Will lease tde Depot as follows. FAST min, daily except Sunday, at T. NM. 1:111, ennpiza only at princ ipal. irtatlona., !mil making • wt col:medians at Harrisburg (or New York, akaltimuric azio 1 ashington, and at Philadelphia for 'New York —Anton and intermediate points. HABBISHHHO ACCONISODATRON, daily ex cept Sunda: t e. 23 a. m., stopping, at all mule. stations between Pittsbuish and Harrisburg, am making-close connection with trains on Indiana Branch, Vest Fer.nsylvania B. ll. L Ebenaburg sal Oreiwon H. 8., and Hollidaysburg BranchA PITTSBURGH. k ERIL EXYBAS, deity es. eept Sunday, at Lb pm. stopping - at nearly al the station, between Pittsburgh PtilladeipMa and making conneetion with Maim on Um =ena burg and Cresson H. R., Hollidaysburg Branch R., Tyrone and °learned and Bald Beale Valley Branches JOHNKTOWN ACCOMMODATION, daily, S. eept Sunday; at p. ra., stopping at regular atm. Mons between Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and cm, nesting at Blairsville Intersection with trains ea the Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania R. PHILADELPHIA IMPRESS, daily, altos p in., stopping at Latrobe; tlenemaum' Gelman. - Altoona, Ilurta.mdon. Lewistown'. - Mifflin. w port,Marysvllin, , taburg Lancaifer,and Down Mitovni. At Harmue it I direst connectional ar made (or liallimws, ifs 'Means iad New T ot , at Philadelphia, for New York. Boston ane..teta r mediate points. Sl e ep ing Oars run thri= eg m train from Pittsbu rghto Baltimore, P and New York, by t Allentown route. FAST LIN& daily, except Sunday; at' '4ll M., stopping only at Conamansii.Grallitgen Art ea, Huntingdon, Lewistown. Mein. hem* • Harrisbunt. Middletown. atilisane won, Mt. Joy. Landisville, tsinsaster mid Da . . =w4a . .. At Harrisburg . czni i i w eeaar are raviAt i delphiaN k iorNew York, Boston. and &Manned* poi First daimon:iodation Train for WalPs.fitatis leaves daily (except Sunday) at tie a. in. Second Aasonmmodation,Trala for Wail's &Mb leaves daily (except Sunda_ y) at 11.40 a. sa. • Third Accommodation Train -for Wall's Static eaves ditty (except Sunday) at 3Alip, m. Foust:, Acetnamcglation Train for Wall's 8414 ks eaves daily (except Sunday) at GM p. ia. The Church Train , leaves Wall's Stettin= Sunday at CM a.m., returning es Pit • Bettirni4 Trains arrive In Pittslaugh &stoney . Pittsburgh h& Erfe - Expres... .. ...... TAM p. Baltimore ncprotes " • Philadelphia Express ... • ta p. i. Fast Mall ' LSO Fast Line - ' SOO S. MI Johnstown Aceomiroxlatlon .. . 10.06 a. a First Wall , . Station Accommodates.. . 8 .10 a. in Second Wall's Station Accommodati on 8.06 a., Third Wall , . Station Accommodation.. 2.10 p. in* Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation_ p. Baltimore expresa w il l arrive with Philsdelp Express at 2.sti p. it. on Monday'. •NOTIOE.—In case of los& the Company hold themselves responsible for. person b • • only, and for an amount not soireedinT. NIT . U. BECIEWI • . •• • At the Pentvania Central Railroad • Station. on hertz awl Grua streets. • • pITTSBURGEL WA YNE & CHICAGO , - RAILWAY AND OLEYEL AND ' a c RUBOR RAILROAD. • WINTER ARRANDEIWMT. I On and atter December 18 th . test, will • Lea I ves„For For PlttablutllCldeago. 10Iaseland. • . • Expre5i.........,2.10 a. m.. 2.10 a.m. 2.10 a, 'ar p. m. 2.410 p. Ist. 2.40 8 m. ..... 6.W p. na • 6.40 a. m. 6.10 a. in. For New Castle and Erie 5.50 a. tn. . . Amine at Allegheny—P. F. W. k 0. Saliva 730 a. in., 800 a. to., LW a. m. and 4.4.5 p. m. 0. &P. R. R. WOO M. GEORGE PAll.lOf, Ticket Alen Tinton Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. 4. OASSk.LBEILRY, Ticket Agent, Allegheny otty. oot2B-0 F. It. BITERS, General Ticket Ascot PITTSBURGH AlDaigggiOis OONNELLSTILLL RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Nov.% 18114 thank! will leave the Depot, corner of Boss aid Wea streets, as folLewc • Pittaburth. Rlttab'sts. Indite and from inlordown. 785 i'dess. a. Exprem " , m. 1000 a ass. That McKeesport Accom'n.."lloo a. m. SAS m. Second " " p. 2 p. First Braddook'm -7ne ant. •112 e a. M. Snood " "" - cab p. tn. 6:10 p. m. Sunday Murcia 'Fran to and ' from McKeesport to" p. m.. 1099 a. m. For ticket( Apply to , A.. 1. -SHANK, Arent. - , V. B. STOUT. Supertaten,A - . . „ A 'LLE4RENY - LEY RAI LROAD.— ORAITOE OI:11311E—Ott and arum MOND I', tday MK the following arra at will take • _ . ißinr.—Leaves Pittsbargh AVM II W. arriving at Kittanning at 10.00 I.E. Longa 11. tanning at LOS p. m., &SAVO at Yltiatinigh It 7, PRAIK EXPRESS —Leaves - Kittanning at &It ro in., arriving' at Pittsborgit at CO a. en. Leaves., Pittsburgh ot Lao p:m,arriving attistUouring at . AOOOMaIODATIOR TRASK.— Leaven Sella Works at 620 a. in. al-dr - 114st Pittsburgh at 7.45 a, in. Leave' PittatArgli at LOS p. a., atetving .as. Soda:Works at Lao p. Ertl F. Wltlgar, Suoniiitaa, ant: LAM U114.71-CE. crucr.TEß 1829. PpRPET UAL pßAiwar FIRE. mom= bobrridO, PHILADELPHIA. , lasetil on Jonnarr .1. 1ei64.1110.414744111 1 16 Capital' MOO Accrued Prumlnunt Ltaisted Premium ' ' .• 4... le9lollo Unsettled Claim ka.. income for t681. ' ' SOSAXIS Losses paid stun WS/ Perpetual aid "Xtunporary Pollplat ,Inota Charles N. Boooker, - lima Lee, - .'. .. Tobias Wisner, - !Edward O. Dale, - Samuel Oran, . George Falco, Jacob B. SIMI '• - ' ;Alfred Mier, ' Goo:go W: Ric di, . -11-mt. W..L pt = l. S . , 011/LBLEt N. BANG . - 'EDWARD 0. DILL .% VlA KE UTPreablaok... jAs . '.w. By. a T. - 7. - tsTES, Sem pro. tom. .1 —O, 001FITIC, owner Wood and Thl ji = odi FIRE AND , Lloraar.oe Co._ 'of North Amonoa. I'HILADMIEELA Hartford Fire Insurance Couipasy. .81,5tc3,000. aii - Protection eau be aecuxedl Lke above mulled and reliable companies. • w.P. Jo=3, Again., ley' littUdlngs, 87 Witter st. 'WESTERN INSURANCE CC4IPANY OF PITTSRUROH, • • - - • it, MILLER, Ir., President, WM. P. HERBERT, Seuretery. Oghte, No. lB Water street, pang Wars. house, up start, Pittsburgh. Will insure 'against al! Linda of Fines! Miwine Rahn • Howe institution managed by Direr:tort sills an well known fn the annesunity, and wits are Mgr.; mined by prompinest end' Weren't', to malstaiis ilia character 'chid. they have assumed, a s offerfor Me bal tontection to these who deers to be halved.. , • • ; r H. Pallor, Jr.' ' ' .- James Dloduiey, Nathaniel Holmes, Alex. ge MaackC, eor Dania, ampbell B. Hemp, 0. W. lisekikso_ myna . WM. P.. Andrew /kaki, Alexander Spoor, Avid M. Long ' , Ikea J. Thomas, Chat. J. Clark, John St. Manna. itEmmur. &glvouirt. CITIZEN'S :INSURANCE. COMPANY 01 0 PITTSBURCHL--Onlee, soma Kubik. andiVater !Deets second floor. W.k. A. 'SHEPARD, Saivism Insures Steemboate and Vargoel. Insure; ageing. Ime and damage In the neirto- Don of the Southern tad Westetn'likrenk £* OS and !layout and the navigatton.of the Sex , Insures adalmit. lots and damage by floe.. • Sokus Shiptoo, James M. T. Us',Awe John S. Dilworth. - ;Wm. 41..1todgors. ' C. I dehhipt pEOPLES' INSURANCE . COMPANT'. , • Wm. gagster, Samuel Rea, Jae. Fatk, Jr., .• W. 0. Johoated, B. F. Jose., Boa. T.-V.:Dove, Itsrelay Preston,' George . gingham, Othee, N. E. corner of Wood iind Fifth Ste FERE eim..lwaNE INSURANCE DIMUOTORS w a ,„ phisiya, Capt. Join Joke watt.. • Samuel P. Slutrah , . John E. Perko ; . . Manion lama Charles S. Elnan, , Charles Arhuskl .Wla• Mak.: John P. Ktricoatilot Sands L.:Verner = 'John Glyde. • ' Nem. ems.L.sed„ edemas. • .70GN WiaTT,'Tiga Presides& ," WIS. F. CIAS.DXF.II Seerldol4..• • ••:11114:11 A LLEORE.NY , "- A& _ --A TpiSURANCE 00.11PA-t;..14 atroe4l --• NY OF.BROIL-02110e4t0 IftYl.ftle , '.;* loturce,agalost . 41 kiadii et Fire' mud hfartit C4 * ....t,,,...:;,-, 1E4.8.0 iONlll3,ProficaL. .- ' , I,.:i ** :D.:bi; . Bodir? i a se N A' 31 ' 43 0RD1 F i e/ . /..“ 44' , , - -I4 tit Lott!;_- .. ~ i . I.b. Ix iwo:kiia,. - .....'i ha X 1 • giiie r /7hit,li,-,-.,:_ - ,- - , askew! Joao •-; -. ,•'-., u!.. , i , . c• ore 7. - -: (. 1,,,,,., Wm.- ~ . Johninral,,Jr. t - . R> t.. tioGrert,,, It, Fah amitotic; ' . Robert, IL Dane- , - ....: - . - ....= - ....n. , :.±.. -- _, - - --- ..-=-.::- - -=---- . -= 10 PRINTP S . ..' - • • PROBSES NOB 8 1 . 4 • 1 X;', - Cie TAmou crrt.nmtat, brd non Ott TAYLOR I,OI.IELLF. CTlLlNDkat—bcd VZ .114 Inetiosi AU in good „, Will 6e sold at a Laryti a. quire of or .4.leir Writ: • ~Y 7 41,500,000.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers