a - N . 14.itt,0401:&...ft, MaDar-KOB A::•=i9Ot. sG'• Free , ore "..e'eaventleter - Tea niriiie to b• ed 6011 dmneastration U Freeport, 0 tem% +comity, to-morrow, Teet;dey, Noe. 1. A special train will leave the Allegheny bey depot at it) o'olool to merrew morals' .1 Faze for tha round trip, .50 mots. This will be a plessant tip, and we /rope to see • large turn-out Freeport to the hiders ot Allegheny, But*, Arm. t ottani and W estmoreland count! 'and the demoutration will, without doubt, • rous ing one The lateb-strinVe to out, end the Freeport people promise thaim enlarged hospitality. A band at metelo will ompany the train, and there will be a send time gen erally. 001. 'Moon*, of Ohio, is to be one of the speaker*, and other distinguished speakers will be present. Arvind , of CoL 'Striven's Fagkraal., . . Os gabalay *WHIM= 100IIt sae c'elock, the ateimergaroline, from Nubian', arrived at out wharf, hiring -• on board: the 5814 'Pennsylganla ilinicehiging expired. A kris crowd _ met , tbe tegimail Sixths wharf, -There / hunt was web bribed, hnd 'lneriar.o to City Hells Whell9littoloo' Whiter bid bean "wed for thous by tbelkaaisisiviebentatitae. Attar the "emelt had pi raisinof the refreaments pro fri ow; majoi! lam; as dirt Usestrate of the cetr. (sactiret tiinis cordial welcome, and In who, Inthoname of a i'tiemation,grolconatiii them to their homes: The r in stated that the citizen" of Pitt' • burgh bad watedied with interest the actions of rl the lila, eines throe lure ago they hod started it adrift . an oar - bread river, and bid it God speed: - He abo,slicided In glowing term. to the regiment volunteering to any six weeks longer •.•`. than Asir term of antiatment. The address was an,exoellent tn o , and was :scared with enthe • afssite s anteli: , . Hairy. of litittanntak, WAS next called arca, who said that the citizens of Ann stron: must tad app • commilke .of Arm which be wet y chairman, ointed to meet agreement this city, end cagey t h em to %tenoning. where they would be greeted with a worm roooptlut. A spread Baia on the Allegheny Valley Hell . road had been prig/did, and would leave at tire Hrtterel.Hsgley was next introduced, end was • recirtga by thievetarani with the most entinutl -'; *silo cheers. - - The-General said that be was pond to meet nten with whom he hid been atm g elated on thelmille dild, and partionlarly with . the b regiment, shah had fought grail to 3 Amor, belt', In which it bad been engaged. He then alluded to therbatat or Sumo River, In which 1 the regiment took iprominent part, and brave. ly ausinfitinal ite . petition egainst a brigade of f. the enemy. . . - .Col. Granville :Moody, who formerly commend • i; ea as Oldaregienent attached to General filegley's ribrief apasoh'. Thee pe aker staled that, 'bile the Laimisoldlena were fight lag the :tarts la the front, the Union eitisans • pea Wafts the ,ro-. Leith, rear. The ccahtry • depends.an the cartridge box and the ballot box, andorillithant both we will end the war. • f • CoL Harwell was then called, upon and made a acknowladgetnerit O f thrriseeptan which r„ bad been lionderedals iegiment, 'aod . proposed three *ors for thaloospitable Mains-of Pitt, • burgh, which werti . glfen. 'with a. will. Three cheers worts also gireh'inr:the ladle" oompoolag t!.. the fitartstrtini:Committes.-: The regiment was then regormodiand eteortild'inaii railroad de • pot by • largo cried of eitisons. • The proceeding' througfionh.were extremely entbortastia and refitatad gresderedit upon oar patriotioxidarmr ' ~. Ili Wftherill'Of Cot.' Veltman. .` , l The fettered Of Linn. Oct.Jenne-B. Cohnner, •=i , ..' of the Old , - .Peinfrylventa ngiment, (whkeras 1 shot through the breast at the battle of Oder Break, on the 19th, lug , and died shortly after '!f wardi ) took place yesterdaY ' afternoon e hoin the til neldence of Capt. P. .E • MIL Itleer,,Areise, 1 Allegheny. ,Tlro. 00m714.11blut of Veteran Bin serv, under ommatid of Capt. Davis, acted as ii.: the adliteri - res' oe'rt, preeeeded by the Greet 9 1r...., bird , eiklf.:weri_followed by ebont ono t*-4 hundred of theittiiiiiiitinsnibere of the regiment, '',:tl wearing _badges- The learse,• containing - the ..'7, body of the deemed came next, eight of:leers ''sutras pail bearers, folioed by carriages cora -1 as ' , ....'f lathing friends of the deceeied. The proasuion ~',.., was tars. and impostor, end Ike streets Slung '.. i''.. the rouse to the Cemetery, ware crowded with.'4.l people, suit= te.witneas the lilt lied tribute ' it' . to a brave and noble,adicer. • - !Al While the ,. proansiest wee mooing along Penn '' : ti j :e r n e 6 :4 1 1 wlttiV e s?r i els I c . ' o l i t ta =l i lt ' : it i fat:e ,: kol which a single sect,:dinsk..uuder oerteict °tsarina .,:i,",- stances, MIMI:Me? thh Mate 0 ' nisakind. Both ~ .1 ,i 4-1 sides of the street were" densely crow big to the :Al vicinity of the eanal, and, while the keens wee .11 Pag!tar• a/g.i is hS l4 :flotitieclan, who seemed to - ~., teems whet t to die for one ✓ s country, and t` that tt Dramatis of one who had fallen a teeny: to the sacred nesse of Liberty were now pessieg a , slowly on lb Bs uiest resting place, tutecorelhd 1.,., his head, and 'stood' reverently gazing at the ,t 4 cart=s :me:- 'la a /11,411 5.14, at thaagh the tzt spectators r had. been. esailddirt' cif a neglected • , `dray, scorer Of hate were lifted, sand the long " One of -tlitfaered - Meaf Arsrented. a sans le .'.%' touching ill4:WeePtitiotritundollerleriele• .. , :4 Boarding House- Title( ;Arrested, 11 03 Sattliditleifinnglittoalogng Mon appeased :::1 : 4 .t tits lifsyrr'n °Noe, .and Amide I:tiara:l'dpi . ; liegainst a roan - trained . .folts . :-.Ltrklos, charging i,l ;,,: hint with sto•linit 'u s * glintity AA clothing Lam ,;-' thus. It SiSicarsthatthe parties reside sit Mu; •;--: Itobboson'n boarding house, on Third street, and' iin Saturday eressisg, upon ifllg to their roomy' .";,-..aUtcowessd thablour•-peson, during thsir AD canes, had cntrts4 -"rid nottaidaaahly reduced • ; .:-Abeir srardroiraiC A doe:black sett, uoraraipalii— ,...--if:44 puts, atittwalibme,•&l4 Vim milting. flee. . eintartned.halily fall spas Larklmi, and ateri:. - rant was larked fortitesetidt. 'AttariisiVlegliblik. lissaack he was dknowerrod bi.ollicer Mauler b r ~ diurage's Saiooni as Marty stone; and taken lt,ZpitO iMitody.- A noutlon.cflthoatoia• property: ..' ~ ,; , vu found in'hiSypinizsian. ;No aoklowlefged . tithe theft, anditsvaltdotattioscrhiehted to tits; •'.;', -. ..4disooyery at alt the , goods - stolen. tla'h td • . Y , air hsfore the Mayor yainetJay, which fa. "rineted t o his being cosuelit.ce.j‘il be..tdm.. ~.;:. 'plaits* Is a resident of Newyork, andh as baron :..:,-:tort • few weeks in.Mre airy. • • •-torthal'a'abargapusita.. A Walcinii Agatolifttian. ets t sat'acasa dam, atria' artleastst Oval mare gum 'at wars toast** alit obey Tat dull WW2 'cony or Am a mote.' 1;.,, A , d d•ist way taw tasallaa'far Stletta icy zabja is aaar. W. ban Ib; abst wasted Jar, asdlgtie Z z i= ege a t Tbrta faeatrauls;tetatk re. A... krimino. With / " 4 "4 za4tattlPltorAtireattf, -- esatrgrireiarrtiinwesi • ' l4 E l • arbs=seuartadjoacarski s . 1 ' tat 1111311 W bantam bank sa ' straia. Vial. m sty ft.= WO/ 'tape tdrassas, Asia alylog IrtJoin im thr Mrsase.. ( 4 tvtd oc a l r i d a ha i r,47 . mige , r. ta.bnattskialaibiatisitb . rear. '; I. llrbaraaltlasigarst abssasra wear, Aid girratrahlarisartltrei shut ••Ira Jan estarta. ziourvh *cfrttaberalc4oi .-• ' - • 5' . _ Veto' lERSIIIG AT DAAviikwigu.-A ad • atlint4ll.l3l7eiae; Ateld Fessetbgegkeit Ifeitt4l - Os mc 4 lol.'lelts_ `lien tree spOSInAd ana- JeZSiitierkoilF! c i o sod ;Ste people mottostea the quo toed aidAei - ailAgai'llif siege good Warmth* et tbo po1L• , s'John f. Dii17.00,1 , 41,1tia1054 i,'ork for aid to Libros to thst the :Boeth stteetsmarteemnnit Uatop i • rte os the liglith of . • Etatosettor —We aro sorry to thst"*. Ktnoold, crwtorton mat of wobantari 'tabs to rollitoui-and , boatototottt entartirttat, to blow andel Ohs -, twootilty: of irtigning his ;•,,fltlo/2 CiOnalllttof tbo ,LtaturiCoinutittoo the “Youitt . blea's gorosntilt Library Atm ':'attion." Mr.. KW/400 ,h brim member of te1112111.1-.l:o4l.6lTOL.yeark, and boa boos t'od tbo citrons; sad: tttpootblo position of rtotraton for dui yaws. Altratt admit tha he to iondorod - bn portant urttio- WA to do' In. :notion and the uttdie,and,..loll no doubt 11 , : ot, to boar tbat ha hos been under the moth, ;,r titbit:dos his position OM 011111 . Man. . _ , , Wy_sumul hmis eon of Mr.lune, of elostsa, era, s t . t ideetody *Wed on Batonlay last by a rakes iror soctent.': Hs Ina throwing 'steak at !:shyer Loh . who:pet Wenches% and Issas .vsgskeharlig as Als hand, t--apted to get over 1 Gtooa k irbenlis kil t the do of the kWh , imitrailos .4,4 Amite= tbs Nets cf be soon afh3s.dled., ~... , I : Tea Cur Ptidaraux Burr Vutt.—The trial eh. pink', .0,2 i waled "U 111410( unearned is • late tfot fil Rau Birsoiadhate, wet **sole • - ..,.i d . ok daturdity aftenroon. end the jure retired c o," ..: t two o'elook. The , Court then qilled i. half put tour &Week, at *idol haat it re. ~ ._,.. a, but u the jury bad not unshaded ' ...:. sit verdict, a4joarned =alga Rondos it .':- o'clock.' '. ' c.. Po.r. 1 C W. ie. r. o, , ne chamber of thte obtopaty Mu ai.ci ty, fshelstrs. r I twenty J...' kited two hundred and seieuty 67, sorer of the. shakes; unitary in Wart Vl:glints end - Hoftithern Ohio. 'Upon their R'etst Virginia prop • arty are littiateetite two celebrated Task Wells, molted which an now producing dirty barrels of, oil per day. Its capital stock of the 03M patty is $600,000, with a rash working *spiral of $20,000. It is raid that s dividend of two per per cent, will be &Wreak' a taw day.. Ptftsen tt On and shares et tn. root is all that wilt be offered for sale In this city, the bal.n,. h "lug been taking in New Tort sod Pttilad,lphi•. Prom all we can leern, the prospeota of tee cone• pony are eery encouraging, eno parties wishing to forme in oil stooks may not meat with • better opportuolty than the one here preeented.,kiessrs. Riehardson, Itltztley it Co., of Irwin street, are the agol3 o s for this any. Waive ali cleared inter. aation tin be obtained. Enthusiastic Union Meeting , at Concert On i3atur.lay evening, one of the largest In doors meetings Own held in thlz city, convened at Concert SAE, to welcome the Hon. Sobs' • Csema. meeting organized by the elec tion of the following officers:PresideotL-E, P. Janes, Eegr Vice Prealdentn—Stej or WU: liam Frew, Dr. Geo. McCook, c to. F. Gilmore, M. W. Acheson, Geo. Hemilt,o, and It, 0, Loomb; Smaretsrie,—,lncem J. Donnell, J. Co. heti, Joe. 8. - hlorrizon, Rains Stark and J. Ar (elder. After a few remarks from the Provident, Mr. Celine wee introunced to the meeting, and wee _received with 'unbounded enthatlatim lie spoke tar about an tour; wad woo trecpuitlj applamd— 'ed. Cot. Granville Moody, of followed, 'lied delivered an excellent eidreay. Tim meet adjonroed at a Mt* hour with ahem ter - the .Union candidate.. • 171azzacrutrilenraff.—T,to Edount Joy Racal Forty years ago a Mr. Raidlinger, of Wert Donegal township, got a men to take hL wife and fire children to M. J. D. Ltademoth, raying that ho thought air. Linden:mat would kecti them, bat if not, they should be lofton the Uonoy Ridge. Belanger then disappeared And viz Dot 811100 beard fr to till a Saw days ago, when he appeared at the house of his daughter, Bits. Frederick Graaton, an cid man of BD years. tits write had Mad a year or two lino*. While he could do his family • vast deal of good he &band, nod them and now when he is helpless and vends waist:nee he tomes to be a burden to team." . Putt. ACCURST.— On Friday evening, the 21st Inst., a young Mall named Charms Wendits, of Latonstar, was killed on the Pennsylvania Rail. mad at tho Roh rrrrr ows Station. No person• witnessed the accident, but It is supposed tact he leli while putting on the breaks and was naught betarten the platforms cot the cars and crushed. Tim teesued, who was sitting In the ear when de signal for down brutes was given on the i rola% approach to R. rerEo Wit, stepped out on the platform to attend to the brakes, nod when etc train wu stoppod he was pinked np dead alongside the bank. oelloor3.—Ths 197th Pau/NI. Rh regiment, Col. John R. ti.mott, kiwi days men,) arrived la this city last night from Book 111..., and wens entertained by on. Sobsistones Committers at City 8.11. Th. iniininit passad through this city about two months since, en roils for duo west, and their term of asrvios nuc lei-aspired, are nos on their way to Phliadel phis to be mustered out. T .—The leglibatte drama has teen reileed st the "Old Drury." air. Rohde:eon appearing la theprinelpal characters. To-night M r. Henderson wllt appear in the difficult role of " Mastetb,"—hle drat appearance. we believe, lachat character. Rh represanteldon or Sadh ard ni t oa Elaterday algat, was excellent, and updated sabefaetton to ebe lazy aaill•ne• Pres. cut. )3e• was well mmtalned by the excellent .oek company. • Conical/foams Arrow:an—Governor Curtin hal appointed the following nosed gentleman to take the soldiern'vote to bs out in November. Moine. William V. McGrath, James J. Mostly, P. hfcLanghlin, and J. MoKibban, of 'Philadelphia; Barnird 11.11i7, of dohnylkill ctitntr ; Wflllam Horton, of Faltim county; and Jonas It. McClintock and John M. Patter, of Pittsburgh. Unto' Mama.—Bon. Banta', B■ltoway, of -.Ohio, will doitvor an *elates. a Consort 8611 on Ttmaday imar-ing. Mr. Galloway to ono of the host orw on in oho country. and will moot with - 11WPTM reeenCon frog the lust man of All.. sheny counly. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICIrI THONAI W. ?MUM, preetioal Mato livorer, and dealer in Amerlout Slate, of varionr Ordco at Alexer.der Laughlin'', near the Water !ark', Pitteburgili, Po. B.esidenos, No fd Pike fittest Orderiprozontly attended to. All work warraoted wale proof. Repairing done at the rborteet notice. No charge f T replan, provided the roof is not abused after it is pat op. Too first effect of a bilious etiolate upon the human trystent Is to produce a torpor and lase• %%pity of the Liver, thereby preventing the natural and free dieeltarge of bile. All know the los ki-g nature of the noteoo that produces Fever and Ague and Its kindred Abeam. A sallow complexion, captintont appetite, and co cestonal pain in the side, are often the only tycepttme to warn of impending danger. TN epervicco of 05600 MS INDIA ()ROL &WHIMS to to outbursts the miasmal Whence, by gra, during nativity of the binary organ., and a healthy' natural discharge of bile from the eye tam.' Bald by all !Loggias and amdlolna d WWII Paw Goons Jon reeelmed •at Oa- fibrelast Tailoring eetablithment of Gishent & 111.e0and , lOW 8 Smithted street. We Would "mast ro totalling belle the attention of oar friends and .the pabllo it general to onr nes nook of Wand 'sister geode. , They amidst of all the vet" latest drat of Neglieb, Frond! . and Amorican cloths, ;owiehneres and Totting', all of the An et gallity, and aim:lied with thettllreateetof care. Gfttle '.reet.desirlag faaidonable and wall Suede °lathing would do well to give no a call before parettselog 11.14111171L150. Evart garment Ai 11/612•Iltad to give eatlofecUon Owl prim mot oeplifg. eitalikll k 6100,30Lut, ; Iferthent Tailors. No- 771 Smithfield street. ,:teentst. NevoL—Yee attention of oar mad bra Is dive:lto& to the biases mcsortateat of :Pall And Whiter Goods pat waved by one itfind Mr. Jobb Weler, No. 12f Federal dm; :Allegheny. His stook tromkftiof I greet variety , of Peney,Prennb, Ge,gll6tr,Xont:.4 sad Amato= 'Custom's and Clothe,aad-dne Bilk and Cu. elmer. Vestlngsan.tet wlign will be and, up ordtr firths latest styl4 shd le the but men. mar. A tholes teeleotion - of 'Famishing Goods alio( a hand'entrlot together with a fa sus , . of Ready EL.w ,d e Clothing, woil and cub,. elan aileiarid Terre as snow. The fregralL Er t..dons la a 'Amalfi* emeriniltfon of the par sat awl choicest ingredients of the °fig:Rill , sgatable kingdom. Every ingredient ti well Dorm to hare sistusideisl offset ms teens od soma livennerea dleagreeable odors. *van that a! tamale. JAyyrovilly removes time revere *lda obildion smisin'in their teeth, ovfng to furPor ellsa, a! Ann and meld aril. d eo, "blab' perceptibly destroy *bare. ,JOid - tby araggims. 'Janos aims. E_PerTISBUAGEOTHEACERB • ' • :sotsiissont, aitow- sums of: 111 ,t04 ,T,entet Tal w WALL7BB,, ties Will Imse to boo Csilesiket ece.:Waatitnt t °Lade illseboldi," with WiLltgx BIND• 24601 1. diseheth, . eels Mak 'er7.)lCtliaLSO, , WjtU to Molested, tbstspoores eisbi r it . el Ther,edy ,r 1 . 6 21141 1 0 . 11.1 . 7 1 . b w, alma or solz . L . ll ; ma.* es.s. - Y,F 3 t 7P°l 4 , rlo UPS. I . II o , Jou& Bril,fixao.errs • VOR ET.:IOMB, AT, Theo, tow and - aplanikt ,dda. 4 rbaaltidiliAl ' swami corer Iltrtil'ob Cait,.. a. Unreblaws. Iwo to asocm raoilataracalsto torta,ou DAY, laavatabrriAl4 4 • Tor Onotabs or peadao apply AM board or to .1, • - rALLTWOWOOD. Agana. jeMoMliAttfiAL•eJ P 1.1.40 NA, PORTSMOUTH PAOMMY.-24NNet stesserr Jew. Polta. Dapt. J• 8. - L4. id:l=4 ... Z; tboabcm...Nd Istarlo.4l . part. wary MONDAY. at 4 Vita 10 11 .41. apply on board or Po OOLLfue • CO, &VIN • attfMawr Wm Wow Natlaugaboll. 131441" FOS EvANSVILLEI CAIRO • ET. L 0015.-21. lE. Etramer UL T. 1161.3 i, Copt. elem.. grill lean roc lb* abi li rs $. tarardisto port. co Tll6 ULT • the Mb Isitsai, 41 4 *Work, p. at. ror !might Tr e op t eak e boarill or be oaf J. D. MEM NtiWOOD.} AP"L VIM OAII3O, IMIZAIPHIS &ND 4: trio comwaos -iesusAn... mai st. furor Tan aarbiPeer. C 454 Brawn- *44 istI4I2DAT, Om. 544, at 4 dal lot p to. tor freight or 1p 414184 *mai b.n.4,41 or to eHnrO/"t 11.441v19, i• f6AuH, ipt4L 4)14, J. D.OOILLIESWOOD,} MIPS OF THE OIL BICOIONS. inure NOO COMITY. OHIO AID WIMP VIRGINIA. roz.i. br 031 MU Ilt 1701P&NT, 65 Wool atmet. qORAPS-.A lot of TANNERS' SORAP/3 1. larnitkAttir for scat- Y DMA=a 00. VI Liberty dna THE LATEST NE BY TELEBBint. 'FROM GRANT'S ARAM Rebel Wade Hampton thrprised, A SUCCESSFUL SECONNO:ESSANCE. ft., a'., Ims. Immo p W ilFectern Associate Pres .tilipateb Nair Yoar, Oot; 30 —The pipers contain vary little la addition to what hu been already talc - mphqd in reference to Grant's recent move ment. The Gerold'. City Point 'pedal of the 28121, says: The intention was to turn the enemy's flank, halals cavalry was found to extend come distance in that direction, beyond the lin* of march of the second corps. It was completely Vat in two by the sadden appearance of out in• fentry. One portion, under Wade Hampton, fell book on their Infantry, end the other was compared to bent a herty retreat in an opposite Oracles, and make a wide detour aeonid our adraketZg Delman to rejoin its meta comm tad- Conaiderabla skirmiabing ensued it the cronies of Hachette Creek, but no detention was o, °atoned. Hampton was surprised, and part of his wagons train fell into oar handa, Had we arrived twenty minutes scalier we should have had the ahole.of it as share was .no part of the pion to attack any strongly intrenobed position. The eipeatiOn partook more of the chorister o a Monti:mistime§ In fosse by Hancock'. corps and the change and aLtenelon rf the lines of ahem than of any teal movement fir the ie. doction of any particular pe 1 it. Hsiang the rain last night we oonld hear trains on the South Side railroad, whence it is inferred the enemy was raciotang during the night to oppose our traitor advance. The whole movement summed up in general to a statement after moving out upon the loft and wing the right where the lett originally a rested. The army twang upon the right ni a pivot and our corps held the right, and hence its stunts has bas n measured by the progress et other corps. New Your., Oct. to—The Worici's Army of :he James special of the 29th gives the partic ular. of Butier's movement conjointly with the movement on the South Side Railroad. The 10th end 18th cortgrhovedont of their Intranet" malt ! on the alga of the 2:h and mused he hind them on Ttuteday. The two corps moved simalume daily, the 10th corps near to the Dar. hymen toad, beyond the scone of Hauls's last fi ht. Toe enemy was mock here, and fight ensued,- which was kept up some time, the deolan be' ig to create a di. • talon in limn of the eighteenth carpi, welett WAS endeavoring to find the rebel tat. It reached It a little past noon. Under the One proctors that the rebels had been withdrawn fsom Crooks, Gen. Butler mdered an assault on Cooky covering the Daroeytown road, and am s on after he heard firmog in the direotioa of the rebel left. The charge was snosessful only to developing that the enemy had not drawn so heitilly Wain this point is to materially weaken it. Time repulsed irlo,lo fell back to their former piation in line, and Cook's in this qaartat wore mock egain oastualted. The 18.4 corps on starting struck Kingsland's wood' and mired by it to New Blake' road, thence to Darbvto ern road along which they moved northward, t.aehlng White's amen. On the road they passed by the rear of the 10at Corp. and do benched on the Charleston City pike. The oav• airy reporting a hoary force in front, Wets pasted on still lumber to the right through White. Oak Swamp to the Warrensburg stays roadat the head of the In entry column, and aroma the old line of entsenehmetas constructed by fil'Clellson in 1862- The aloe.= keump engaged at this point wish am enemy's skirmiabora. Marston and Fisekm en's diel.l,l, wort then deployed on the Acid In front of the rebel necks; Marston on the vigil sad heel man o. the left of the road. Holman with • di vision r I colored troop*, was bold in reserve as a tamport to the tastsulted columns Pelahlldts brigade, of fleskmants division, and Cabin'. brigade, of Marston's division, mad. an assign and won. The reputed enemy du raying In greed force inside their works. Hot pen's colored Mahlon had been mean/ further to the right, enroll the Richmond and Yak river roan, occupying a portion of the peemy's works ,enteaptuting two pieces of artillery, hot dal 1.1 bring them off. As soon is the muse woo repassed, or ve were girth to return. to camp. The ttooi s are now in their former posi tion. FROM IRE SIEASHAII VALLEY. Guerr Becorning Bold. BERYLS PREP 4.1160 TOR. AN EL TARSLVE. RAID Courtilptton of. Negroes for,the Rtbei Army. AN AN ha rusx. Oa. In.—Nothing Later from Grooral Grant, than the telegraph to-del. Despatches from the Shenandoah Vatley, re prrseut all gator. Ontrrillas benumb Martinsburg and Mochas ter are TM bold, wad curds are tleoellslll7 to protest train,. Famous passing through, re. portihtt the robs are preparing form' extensive raid tcwerd West Vlrgiuis. The flereihr • New Orleans spouts.' rays G..v croor Allen hu Untidy oonsatenesd the um teciption of -newel for the rebel mar. His cavalry arenoouting the oonotry for the purpose of entarolng the eoracription—:tho cony off every zero able to beararms. W.lket's rebel diristios la repotted at having emoted thetiteststlppi rtver. Hirribot has issued orders, reriniring the en rollment of all persons ritbtn tlt3 sasst, battreen the ages of oighinan astiKtorty are. General Ba9kter, 4mcuasaduag ilia rebid fern oat of Nerbrille, has Issued an order. rehiring all deserters to ratan to the army. 4 Tiring free pardon if they return before the first of Bosom tar. FROM MISSOURI LOSSES IN PRIOR'S ARMY. He h Hari Pressed by Our Purees. 11118 COURTET POLL 01 1 REBEL BTRAINLERF. The Policy of Rosecreas ef. Loom. Ottea.—Price left three hundred killed ond tioPio handfed wounded on the Sold el.tho late hsttle.' -His army is oompo tad of a division of nine brigades es thirty lilt zegitinenU, averaging four hundred to a-regiment. bastes. a liirLs sad /Orilla! fosse., No was /a Jasper eonnty, on Brlday.barit pitied 14 oar torte., arid had bac two pieties of artillery, ono of them Mashie& The . conetri lit !allot We stranighwe. Erasers! Peek, alter s fall Goof/made with Solara! Itesentsas at Ovisaittarg, ham talon his twantaad into Borth fdlssoutl, sod wilt It:seed'- s:el rettetsity itatk pap:data his old Mendel. 1.6 stated that Btw.oratte le datenneiniii oxide (tarn patio in thle State hereefor. The' null bays moat rstnpattp trostad our worrodod which bay* Wan tat, War 4044 lit., iromotry towing Moto—takid mlth.lretialfil _ . Vitt* Bock adviosa of- tha VOIh gay that 011 18th, harm atom to twentythotna4 claimed *ha Bann* river, twanty , Bre sits i smith of Little }look, on tlislr way northward. Ttut omit 'atorsing two raaonnottartag patios wars Pit ont, one movizg loath and the other ping *Wt. OIIAT/01000A, Oot, 30.-6 iceolaFto the Oa_ Oita Ittal 11•7 I that GOO. Gilman at 'tasked Vaughn at Morristown ta day, end rutall Taw, cap:cuing Au plane and4wo hto Oleo prisonen .B.QQ atisekelDacattr ymiterday, last night and this mailing, and tu taudsomely raptined each lima. Granger captured tour 0•061 of ar. inlay.. 'plait*: two .guns, aad oepitting one hiodted and thirty Firontmt. (;The rebels an retreating ftiim Danny, but an rimmed u having aroma the Tetnesatie at tea mouth pf Crplisei Omsk. Rebel primates and contralsandfreport that B•anregatd and Hood an both with the arm. Rood, si general order, unpainted to his men , hst 13bettan's *bole- army does not 'escead tstrtydirs thousand man. ram linevrille. Ere: Oot.. 21).--Genarai Gilitnn had fait lowa., with Vaeghee. •oommand st Morristown. oesplotely .routieg May °lntl:trill 167 prisoner.. 1 Oelonel, 1 hiehr, 6 ilsyteied. 8 L , entmutts, 5 ll.pownderr. I inonetals bowie ter. The prboners sad artillery salted hem tide evening. bit.ii'mer Captured by Rebel'. Nzw IroZit., Oct 2.9.—1 t la pc. mid 's t ' encored tbsi tbak atairsaar Ike. Della. (rad N.. Orleans to Bf - claii. Mat taaltorad by rabnl lama and tatoo to BrowntsiLla. At ttko kit .ermate phi was bete(( fitted up *a *rob.) goo bolt. Re le one of the fastest (toaster, to the GolL DZFE . ,T OF BaEi.Alhilall.. Hie - Army Beven In Coaluslon CAPTURE OF 300 P alsoN d Et& lem Yu, 'suing ilia Flying Reb tie. THEM KILLED HD WOUIDED I I OUR NUMMI New Tree, Oct. 29.—The Timm has the fol lowing special from Wrubingurn General Gaeta has Just had a sanguinary battle with Breckinridge's forces, to East 1 . 111111.810 , 11, com p tasty rooting and driving le conflation Vaugh an's brigade many miles. The fighting was of the livellut character, cur mit-miry turtle their (gams. They captured near:, 500 priteners ' eluding CoL Rost' eromh.n ling brigade. The celebrated Me hares libel battery was captured, the maim taking of whioh being one of the most ``Wiens charges of the war. Tree rebels in titer Matti throw away their arms and abandoned much property. Their killed and weaseled were left in our posseuton. General dile= le still in vigorotts permit. New Tour, Oot. 28.—Tbe Berald', ootrel• pondebee hes additional detail, of the more. meat below Petersburg, on the 27th. On op. preachlog ebatealleg run, General Heogan's A/Ilion found the enemy posted on the other tide In a line of breastworks. H 4 oommand was deployed in line of battle, end limyth's brigade rated, carrying the breasteorks en the other aide. Tbe only officer lest, was Colonel dpelter, of the 40 Oblo regiment, shot through the heed. TAO lenge n'ng forces then creased, and ad• Villolllo, and on reaching a point near the Juno. tioo of the Boynton rout with the Qlsket r.ad, the troops being deployed in an opal, plain, the enemy opened with artillery from right to left. Their beanies were coon al erresd on our right. General Crawford, of the firth cites, at the same t ae , was engaged sharply. About four p. td., the enemy smarmed in faros. on out Iron; and right, the orjmt being i r break through between, the right of Hencoes'a corps, and the left of Warren's. The usault was repulsed, and we °spurred 200 ;limners The advance of the ahem) was so sodden, that idetaall'e section of ilea'. battery was captured, but Pere subse quently re-captured, lirough the szertions of Lieut. Col. Bml h, chief eammisaarii on Han chck's rat ff. and by the aid of seine detachment of the let ktatriohnsotts and Ist Keine, hoary artillery. At the same time, Major Mitchell, the Getierat's rector aid, re eaptared a number ci our prisons., also seeming 200 of, the enemy. The enemy else mat's an assault at the same time,'on erre left, and rear. which were hand. tomer.. repulsed. Our losses are ...Ale:m[o at from 700 to 800. Seymour and the Heaton Frauds. iI'ECIA 1 COMM.:4:IION SEM 1011 Al Hl5 r,NS! Wsverrowx, N. Oct 29.--flow. Sermon" h.. appointed a commission, chi:lslet:as of the Ron. Amara J Parker, floe. Wm. F. Allay and Non. Wm. Kelly, Lttheilth to proceed to Wash • (talon to inquire into the eta... of the arrest of Colonel Porto sod other clams of the State of New York; and to take such action as may be ntoessary to secure a speedy trial, and to vie• cheat, the laws of the State, and at the came time to see that any attempt on the part of any o.•son to prevent the soldtan from voting, or to d- awl them of their votes, or to ewer. their OCt101:1 la voting,or to 'detain or alter the votes already cut by asps, be exposed and punish ed.' (13Igneo) J. &Trunk, Lo.pootor General Stab of Sow York the , Yost, Oct 29.—Owing to Ole storm test the proccedictgatot the !nada op soldlen, matt co. be creornalsted net the Viral. MMI=MMI Donahue, one of the prisoners, admitted ha hart signed certain blurts, with the name of 0. 0 Arthur, Captain and old de camp, and no others; but claimed It was no crime, as there was no such cfloer in the oerviee. He esiso denied the jortentations of the ormosissien. Juice Ade vet:ate claimed noun had I orisdiction, and wad ,the off mat woo in violation of General order '21.9 Court deolded - it had jartarlactioa. . OkterK.l, of Weal Choler. Clinton county, Iwo= on part cf the government He was tent of the Union COM 1i.1J11.311 of his odatsky. fie had his ellett,toll, arousal. while On a Tilsit to Port McHenry, end nnally went to Mr. Perry, State • rent, representing him wit m • MoClellaa agent birra. H. soon learned that • own 1.. "Ma rotee wee* sent by.. Irvin the sol. titers thee were changed fo.:ScClellan rosee,wad la was assured that teens wu more of this dot" than to tn. ti,..13t. , he witness than detailed of the vieruan L.f hi mg up .the blanks, eta, • there mare m ormallon st,w.ng statuette treed. hti• m ,b, sr sonic. Ow, aoldiers came in, sinned r at A !petty, sad ware placed on the Talon nit Clonvl ticket with the Dens , cre•is elate Meted In eD•asor•• but Perry abstracted the Union cod st is i used Democrat'te eloototial tickets. Wood theta setormed the Provost Marshal of the book eta. A cam ut /.1,4a1 . 1, eta, salad to Per— ry'. . Moewore •shihlsel The testes" ere all enlg at thl and contain open red p Ipi tide asna , smen of !tuna.. Toe sumo' of ?met dag ger, H. Crandon, Shand' at Albany, and H. Neeccmh, cf Albany, frsqoantly occur to the • Adrooo.e, the eas• of D.tahoe wu tuna:mead as Clued, eed Ro rt am v.:eared for the Comoolssioners to ember ,te on It. Train dcolal , n woe arrived at la en err, ; hot it goes to the President for op. jr,ral before Wag made puha*. Mr. liarroocab, under oath, made to• 3{• . ..111131. that /so woe etwounded by aov. Seymour to take vote, to Dalomore and Weahlogton. 11. teetified that Ilftnd and Perry were writing out powers of at torney and pirate att Ferry'a 0fi3311. I. POMO an... he saw torleeral names put to at Donahoe', rs Tout. Il• fld•d/ to dates, eth, of power of attorney, and •Mdart., m whiah Donahoo had igned •11a• 614•••• • StMll6lll3lt In tai said that welt he had dons wee fool. I, h l r door, and without any knowledge, or Idea Of the tours coot ces. II• .ppealed to the eon, to vie w his rose with /enienoy. Sp <l.l iresttrn inoclated rt.= reapacti. /Men V crk Gold au.4 Mack ilarget._ Baer Teas, Oot. 79.—Speculator' omulder the roes• from Grim u tintmoralde. Stooks and 6 Id mew quint], atom • Work upward tend 'may. Ileflroad spiealsaion amazed • armor vino, and the &stint:am, yesterday &Reran= 1•111 r erste& ..P• ties lately In the bear Interest are turned on the other Inds and are operating savlly for ii rise. S.edlng , htlahlgan and S. t are, Whole Contr.', 0 iloago, N ink West ern are stocas In orttioh easy aro cutely opera. log. G.ld opened at 234. 117 neon it was dye pl• • rent above Mob:in rate. The stammers City of W. hlngton and Union' rook oat 80,290 In l eek) She blonds, market we. neatly, 'mo oed at 7 per tent,- extroptional oprziat ae IA 6 lor taut. The rise la gold to-day eatilled • Armor by log to trade generally. Qaotations at NO.; kaki' , Brining Etching" have gold at 120 rh —Nov York, 11114 ; Role, 97 y ak ; 16 ; jiyading. 133; N. Oriatrai, 129 T 11. 1 . 12.3( ; g. Island, 9734 N. ?ratite p "tem.& 79%. OMo Central, 873( i Comber land, b3l;i ; (latekel vu, 81. Too market I, &oar.. N Yogi. o,t. 29 —Th. 11411125 T Ovule Cromwell and Empire City &sal New . Orleale on the 2U, hu arrived. Her neema.lashlielpalitt. The oat mom atwatto 01, Wuuem Ou nattamin s.Vrey city, was burned lel( alibi, and the Z rho ioundry -was iiirtielly destroyed. The Into of each Is aliases htteoco. On 'Thursday night the passengers on the Hew Yo k dr Ws mimed, wereatfaaked sod robbed by "s gang of mai .ne from this city sod Phila. 4. phi going to 'rituals a prise fight. Loot etk ht, the eller of Police of Jersey Pity, learn lug 'hit they were on their retail., made ars Zligeigionts to arreat thorn, bat on nearing the ii.kh the mann burst op.n ths doom, pot down OkaWakes and stcpped ohs oars snMalently to jitiapeff,end escaped. ,Ten mm, hewer, Wera :treated on su.pician of belonging to the gain ; kWelre more were arrested, on the midnight vals,and an esemination was had to day. The &adaptor identiliel mon of them as pessengers. Pair Tome, Oat 19.—The Oresesercial AlLlftl• special sAyst That an eraser on atant'd vritos thot the late movement was only a reetanoissanoe. and • point has beau gatnod il!rb* , •h will met* tbe next =oversees one of the $711•1061 importaioe, and, it Is hoped, et bril liant eooeses. It Is new add by 13003102 ii pro ibis Besnrsgard will not kw.. an utile hommend is the arity. • Can lbw bu been tent to Wthatnirtai, 111'er..apun de Charlesion Okroniele sideline: I.Goon bye, 1921,angton." :Aerly's artillery, captured by Sheridan, Wad aliaiblaJld on Potosilrani. Arrange te•day. ' N w Timx, Oot. 30.—The Tribowe army oar. ' , resonant glom the Jamie, stye the Tooth and Rishmenth Con's made a demonstration against Richmond eininitensorsly with amoral Gratin movement, The tromps now oompy their ode. gial position. The 20Presee special, writing from Warren Bruton Oat. 28 b, sem the comments of the army of she Potomac, are over for the pment, had otir nett gain le a mils and a half west and Snit vest &dila to our extreme left, and our fettle MN it within four miles of p o t om b org . And *rabies our imuss to telly command the 8, u.hside Rdiroad and Royston Plankroad from the Weldon Railroad to Petersburg. From callforala, BAt FILOCITO, Oat. 26 —The 'teener Eloptil• YeLane exploded to-day, Max and eroanding • member o( persoss• Tb. lut of the whaling fleet ha' arrind hem The Brltldi 'Sip Anambra rani for Hang Roo, vitt) $2lO ono try told. Cooriderablo goon. *woo of Nail Ms rift cad trofinUto se* ass this esiortst •r.Pr , •tW n,v i ift-vlaor, last yr, ..med the stew Free r ate deartrte•latt of Meryl. od. The filen/is of the or ,artire era honoring the event by a distils,/ of issousg. rhe Ate.rieon has pot cut ao immense deg Deering the insotiption . "free Meer Mall I" The 0 v.rnor'e Proelamedon conotades to f/!. lOW. : and whereas, the retain' of said election been been duly tort god to me by the pr•.per Angst of /laid I elections, nod upon aeon real, counting and casting up an votes so re. torn•d to. me, for and assist.% said oonstitntion, inelnding the soldier's vote aforesaid, It dash op pear that tb.re werstite 174 ballots for the rtsler Con ttlintioo, and 29 779 against the Constitation, and then 61 blank ballots reported as given against the Constitution, bat not counted, the penoos offering them relating to take the oath required by said o , ..nstitation ; nod there being, aerators, of the aggregate votes a majority in favor of the adoption of the said Coustitntion : Now, tt enrore, I, Anoints W. Bradfor 1, G tr. ernor of the Beate of Maryland, In partneri to of the authority so invested in me by maid rot of Assembly and Cenetitution aforesaid, do by this my proollmatiou, declare and make known that the said Oonstitatlon and form of Government framed and adopted by a majority of the votes of the Sass, and that In pontoons, of the pro• viaion therein contained, the same will go into effect an the proper Oonstltetlea and form et Goveinment or (Me Stale, saperoading the one now siittlng, on the Ant day of November non. Olsen coder my hand and the great seal of the Stare of Maryland, et the city ou Annapolis, I on the 29th day of Onolotr, In the year 01 oar L•rd 1664 (Signed• A. W Baste 'an. Oot. 27.—The Court of Appe as 0 Aonapune, has affirmed the deveion to Jodge le ertin, in refusing to great mandamus assault the $109.7 VID•121 in relation to the sateen' vote the new Coni.itation. CIEEINTI special ;Postern Moorlate Perot Moffat:a. lisrw Yost, 00. 29 —The extra session of the Alabama Legislature salted to provi se Uwe mute thorough defan^-e of the State, adjJorned with coormollehing anything Th.. /Vt.,. says this tills thing the Legislature at• termed to, was the Increasing of their own We lies for the approactrg regular setalon. The Mobile Ado.r tier sa)s it Waled to do anything to rube men for the support of the Gotiledersts manse or defenoe of their own State, but they Introduced resolutions, which, lo ail probability, art in favor of our enemy. We be. have that • thousand of men In arms against us, avoid not do a tithe of the injury that them res• ulutione will do. The Bisect Confel.rwe says that the heolth of Doodh army le ex.:Olen% and Lbst etre/gems has alma II entirely ceased. The ItlchAnond Pier-each of the 17th eeyst— Tb• hoothle armies ere to strongly intrenehed that lt would e• em abet, madeesa for •ttherr to oh esoh other la trontilln toms plume the, etre 4,000, and In o,hor plena. not on. 100 yarce •plert 7bey mei negate in thole teepee tie e poettees all erister, Ot•tly morning or eyes leg may hrlog on a en•lilaon. The &nand of the 26 h dap, It Id neoadd , ri for the rebel &bud to ha dolldtg duetted, and do— eared that I/operate 1:1•UrtilL:i00. for poses as or.ondltlonel, and that nothing 000ld bd more fa's]. Forslma Heat. Cara Raca, Oot. 29.—The staatuship City of hignehritet, 'tom LIT• r,ool on the 19th as, Qneenstown the :gib, paisad tht. post,feat h ighs tier advices as font days lain than parmigiana Caritas. AL Beaten the political nevi oon'aing to ne• legumes of Importance. Th. outmatch! tailors; In Ragland continue to take pl•ce. Twenty Liserpool 81%61 hays &Dad. The Dok• of N.. CSVie 4 du d. The 0.51/ creamer 0“torio wont share nesz l'arenowb,•ad will I r • wt.! tole. The frigate Niagara paseed Deal oh the 20th bond we,t. The commercial p [tic het commenced In Rio J.,,i0. FlAr banks have Impended payment. L.ecrpook Uct 204 —Gotten 1111111 for three Cap hve• been abint twenty Iluccand bile, Tie me , it•t ciceed Cull, with a decline of 4 Br gad-tan—Tim market t. dun Tee Pree ie. 0000ked ig dull and ; sugar ea.ler. L.adoe,, uet 20r/e.-.-Camola eireartel at 8.4 , 4, a• d 886 for m Am•rletn etor•ka—Tmi Lint term ware /Ukiah Central, 50 , ,; Erie, 40;i!.i.41 The lierolef togdoe letter nye the legion la getting lee r•ane aidresees are tersely interested te lobe' leant. The most promtnent mcn has two millions .t dollar. worth. The leas latter pry. the rebel loan Is does to fifty per coat. adders of U 8. bonds reale to ..U, bat aro baylog largely. e . rom C.lry end B•low—Tw uty-ltro Men If..•ptit, • by lieratlam Oaten Bob :*-.Ttle ...Amor Belle for Bt. L.LII from litstorbio. bad 44 bete. of es:ton on boul- It wati Mof Beeler, not Ba ter, th•t em, kilted latr at BanOoiph. One of the olark• of the ,eannar and wenty-fire dank heal., •ho bed gt.tre eabore for freight, were left when the twat p.stel unt, end .ere eartarod by gnerrillas. Too griorellas were Wed by I'myrn ea ter Beeler •, a, Snack. Tb. Memphis Bei .1 the 21th, sass it is rri efied 'bat 113,1 r.h. i lersders in Wezt Tonne, .sesedingly aottre. They have estab • rat:road and rcissrap:hio t.comanieaslen hr. veer, Corinth and Jaekto2. They .re oen• or - riving every pinto espoble of bearlne arms, Sneind.ng old scan and boys, and sending them • atrat every pet , In West Tennasasa. Ostside ~ , inoo, lbey lOU Sto k of all kinds horne t, Id goods, ke. From Louis ville. Oct :D.— Of the ropartad a , Down', Ann. on Tbanday aft•raoon, and the r•pula• of the rob•L by our forcer, there are no p•rtlralar•. I. is ramot•d to Nashville that Hood la ag tin khrowlos ON army to Hitereana's rear. Rumor. are prevalent Imo that Pa.:lsola la •pinibtitatialw by a Wye fort. Of nb.b. Gen. Meredith Is mating eztensTtre preparations for ie. defaces tlta rf mar dye g•og entered the ttobles of R. A. Alexander, in Woodford covet., on:Thurs day .4:women, sod stole el: of Ms out bones, • h•st he, with A party of ht. eetglibors, poked z brim, e :rites/00g 4 'heti, and forest:idiom to ebsetNto Berl bore... The genii stilt hare pa• BOWoe at the oalebratati Asteroid. Mr. At.. ender t tiers $l,OOO for the iota/It of the itztarold sod SL, O O O for the oepture of Mandy. Tte Cillladtell Convartbssi Govern, Oet. 28—Tim COnferenee has ended. end everytning soceweded. A report of the Con• fertroce, embodying rwolosions le to be revised at hiontreel. Toe Governors of the valeta Provinau to be appointed bras Confederate GOl , Ortrallat by whom their salarleme are paid. It le reported that the laws of the Most lentil...tures ore to be subject to the approval of lbw pouted• erate Government. The duration of the genera! Parliament la providonally hoed as Ave years t the property gnallfleadon of members otAassm• lay to. somala so now: lninablaas an not to be altered for the present Nova &lotto and New Brunswiek May construct their sections of inter colonial railroad ►t ono' if Obey do not • lett to waft tW the Confederation Is oompleted., I was deci•led that the North'West Territory, British COlurshld and Vancouver, shodld be ad mitted It they lashed IL . . (Mehl from Gan K•Ily WEIIIII {AU, Oat 30.—Tha (Atoning dispatch irp, , .taceihrd at slats tour Lit night : t tal•mitA•D, Got 29.—Gos' A. P. BeNYV6II" The genii= at Beverly, composed of • detach. melt melt of the likh Ohio onseiry, .command of Limit. COL Yarell„ was at Hal morningsl daylight, hy M.j Hill, with three lumedred and Litt, rebel.. Maj. HHi belonged to Intboden'a immitendf After two boars hard lighting, the rebels yes repulsed and routed, with e boo of one bonased Intl fittest ytilollste, 'tllll` and a large ounibet Wounded. Among the Mt, ter, la Mel-1r Hill, who is mortally weoaded, and a 1 demist In oat horde. Our lou la/lel/ea kit led aid tow:Aran. wounded, inoiniing I, lent. Peak killtd, sad Major Howe wounded. The tads telftested to the mountains. ' B. ;+ l . Get. Rebel Nowa. Pew Yon, Oat . 30 —TheTtlehaioad 1.. • long attleletsroadetostas Alex..EltepAsos! letter an llopolitio and usaltals. - Th. Dupotat of the tOth sap t TO titian Ctoltual:*l3.43:ooldsoroall the Mar of fitt , 'toy Boyce to tho tithed Pratittoat Inggettive of drptr and a kilts for truhtdarfoo. 'ft* mahation4 awed requestlaet lire Basta to redo tits sow In, the rebel Gongs's& -The rebel Gin. Aram U dead. The Mot tamer: Moil &US If obla aad Ohl, /*Wood Is tondos regitittl3 to Mobil*. Flourleg Dill Destroyed by Firs New Tame, Oat. 30.—The ostensive flee story ksown as Greenwich street Shining mills, was totally destroyeillay Are this .venue. The toes on the betiding and 'tack 8100,0P6. QM. man was fatally lojered by Me failing of e Nate. Neighboring bapolegt ware oonsldarably damaged by fire Lad water. The origin of the Ore is unknown. OolUnitialantre AppOttlted Fr Tons. Wet. 80.—Goveraor Simone hu appointed Cotandasionoes to prolud to Ruh• bgton to Intestigsto the °hurl of feud to barrette with tho folders' tot, and to take each idiot am will 'lndict tba tong it. Biota and Wooers the ends of puttee. Prom WlLlDthron. Wasaisorme, Oct. SO.—Steamers arrived hen to -day MCI Oh, Polay bringing several hoz arid soldiers. wounded dating rellitsrjoyera tires of the 2Tel. Blebraoad papers of Friday mato great bossU of victory over bar troeps ea Thursday. Another Rahn Prim Ganada. BMW), OoL t•L—An Moist. ovum* woo rime of the Proem Marital In that olty tem (Mods Oils aiming, stating that no rebel, le Olt s o om to make an latedlita rail on Re. talc. The mllltarj are now and vas, mad the oily will ba pratotaiL" 11,111.!ol • Pr••l4 , g) , 1-I.c."^ •• Mr•O'.. By b• ?Pva Lct -r Cpll•4l6uaoil A rßoctkpii,lloll. Whitton, ill< Coeirr••• tb... C o tt.' Sta.••• potood an net, which wee approved on the Slit day of Mame hut, estitito act to *noble the pears vf Nevada to form • °apathetic& and butte GLettentoot. and L.r leo potation's of oseh EWA iota A. troloe on f.,ctiag ono the atigi,••. Sun.." !therms, the laid Coastiintioa and Star Gor• mrrio•zt hare been formed ourta.t to the coo ditton's preieribed by the 5 b "edam of the too of Coogrees aforeeeld, end the oartif,ate re gelled by the Judd coo end also • asp: of the count riot and ordinatoe., bar. been submit. Jed to the President of the United States, tow th.rolore be it known t►at I, Abraham 1, , ne010, Peeetter t of the i alted Statee,lo aooordaose with the de, !reposed upon me by the cot of Conger" aforesaid, do hereby declare and e4lm that the said State of Sorted& la admitted tato the Union on an equal Looting with the original 8 era In witless whereof I bore hesennto sat say bands and canted the seal of the Untied Bt•tee to be allied. Done at tho City of Wu!,ledton tat. Slit day of Denbo., In the year of •ar Lord UM, and the tadepeadanoe •1 the United 8[111•11, the .Ighty.ntnth. I,Blgn.d,'. B 1 U. Pres d nt AIIRALIAM LIACOLIS 82 +Lan, Betratr.ry o :sta. You, Oct. 30.—The Bern! re .rreApon data says: Ail remains quiet In the Shenandoah. A r aotatsissanoe as fsr as Woodstock, failed to End • ny rehsls, notwithstanding it hu been c. port d thoE2arly is reorganising his forces. The rdetlttbiLl CTO lull el stragglers who are plakud ep bg car cavalry. Oar cams oftsuelties In the battle of the igth era now estimated at 7,000, and thole oftli. enemy at 0,800.. A Wallington olepateh to the Herald ray. the New York election f.►xft .till attracts a good shore if attentior. It i. ttoderstoed Donahue het b.•n band guilty and aenteneed to hoe 'tarp itopri.onacent in the penitentiary° Tie lets in, amen e of the army of the Poto. me. rhea resulted in extending our lines o f v so Butcher'. Rae cm The Deno= road, an •dreaaa of clout three mile. beyond oar former engirt .n On the left, and in the el.rection of the enemy. tab pcsii too of the enemy'. Rue and toe works 'relied for their defences, us well a. e more complete knola ledge of the sotantry be tween PA end the Bouthelde railroad. It es. not believed that the enemy hat any very t trong work. in this direstton, and that by taking theta by turprile they mold be vastly dr:een into the Inner Ilael of Petersburg; ma to the carp. lee of all, not only were the enemy f..nod entrenched on both tide. of the B rynton plat k road, but thee they hod str,nt work. on both side. of the run extending mesterei Tale,. 'the 2d corps in the charge on the plank road dr,e the rebels from their work, on the tooth side of the rue and sore.. the bridge, of shish they held poeseelion until ordered to withdraw, P•rater I/ WY Waralpe Core Run, Oe 29.—The City of Blanchester be, served with dm., from Lirerpool the 19th, vas Q aee se I Own the 203 b. She peseta ale point latel &eat asd was isteccepted by the news Melt of the Aesotiated Prase. The sows to :say day , 11.01 r. The commercial feilures in Elel - and non dose. The Date of Ne• Castle died on the just alter • protracted Hines& The London Tam think, it unaharlttble to Suppose that the redcoat acoondte jast no• are made as faeorable ae possible to suit the politi es] emergetcy. It deplores the presnoct o ',a liened •ar as most melancholy and depressing to the thole •ortd, sad as presenting the great. sat reproaches to mankind. The grand bssaar, to aid or Southern priem• s; e era. °paced et Ltlvrnool on the 18th inst. •:h great Ewa. s. Another — Welds hat taken plans In Ltadan. Tte mar ■ZOT of • bank hat kitlsd blend(' unl•r t•• 010MM:1C:a in regard to the drain of tea b,nk, •hioh air• »ported to be In a notfosa nor. war at ittorta,ed demand for dist:roc:it at b-stit o frog.sod. L,,rpooi. Oct SO —Th• addition sl failure.lo o uolng wr,t7 I..verpo• 1 drat, latort3to.l in th• A mar test trade, • reported- Breadmulls etl.l downwa•J. Floor hooey. n• • t ter, dill end dal...lining. Oeo SO —The politimsl new, to d•y not of all important otiaraoter. & letter ►u read Rio D• Janiero which confirms Use re• ported serenity of the ormaineutal pool° there n. IltbMiles of th• font Intupando4l btmk.. In tha city will reach 100,000 pound.... The Official Vote ffhatte txto Oet 29 —The vot• of •A• Sta,ets al In, bat hoe yet to be oh eetai. W. boos to be able to onnocno, th. reeCt on The cootralstioners to revive the or o ,, Vo t e aettrobied hors toady to most?. oh. msne.eary invr••tloat too domon•ata k i,•.u•• to tblif • • etrtate for the *ray. The arreng,..tenta ate o curb • nature that it is betteviel that will la.• - c the rte prim ,f the •ots of story Penn .3l•ania• in the lerri•te. Feeling th. a/1E033 7 S Llnev t4.sxtcoyoe, Oat. 29 —There seams to b: no d Uto from ooneming tootlua iny c idist T 7 sneral Ciltrant's remit m iremerat •ra. •.ended only Ms rt. - T.1104.4meg to obtila kri,elolgi of the alto nth/a and strength of the red'et Na. Yoaz, Oos. 30 —Latest Soothers papers o.ntahe snarls 000110:11811.41 111102 the plea of a s a assess foe. as unpraettoabl. Th. A labeal• le.rislatsropussal se sot, !Irvin -113 Vt3ll..kuir :o,o•t•oem.osa. M.A. - RAKE re.: Fur Tata Pet.....2a—...iuttun aad 31 ma, 11,21 (41 23 3.,r 111.3d1Inif. now- SW4. and Wektara 13< bettor oh/ d. ma , d. 9014, 4, f r ' , tetra -on. lln 33‘311,121 tx Ooonvve, ta Orw. Elmsds and 11<t b. H. 0 , .4 111 16011'35 Or ltd. 'trantt. them write! deem, evil, awl la IL. 'repro.. meats par I All. la , lnd.d In th* • 14 art WOrlh• 4allins•lu• (epos b mom Lei C. Kind of D o• 11),1% : . sa• .0.19 d • bur the dn. ••f D .r-4:o2er, •t 11..25: 2 bitla?,,, for tr.. l a ,,t IL ..ja, is hi-tecober, at 110, 1,0,2 2106.2., !Banh IM •220 1' • 112 C. bialy I,y al 11,7 i r., tits., and 11.72 ro r W.I. tre W6...1 /Wild %miter 5: 17 , 442 21 fdr . V.T.2150 - ! , tvr WI .t.. dad Wsta. - n, rtt‘sa. Cr Kir. and nem yr ; We t m SI.S/ CR+ k Gtt.r, I. 61 , vs 14,5 LM !(lull W.+1•111. Vega arm y b. ad•ana tar 91+ wont ...tat day." ea'•. C b, dla fur P. 11.. and U.. a 1+34 111..1.-.•llrta wl b . g... 1 deassadllZl . 431. P. tarlootti arm.. t u yule: at 1.341162, Crud. 6468 c for 11, In It to% !oar, f..e. Vt. • , 1:11 •• U. •atooltot- Sit toe 11000. SAO 43.45 t • Newt 11 mot, clad.[ • - $13,50, 148,9:1239 tot A rt . onono Oar P. tuto NOM Deo; oolou. Mtn, obto. pr.ototts Arles. /..arat • OU, , Ormar at a`(m_o Pial4 , YVEIL Scoot and Money Market Elam Yoga. Oct. T.T —!ln start] at T per out •tcu q Ant at 1eUX(4103% .t 'rho .4 , 1 c.v./cc 4 Pp. to 60-.ltt., VIA 111.050. 1.4,1 I ctutiat Strati da. •,Lard• of Governalebt Contracts dm Imam C4L. J. H //liana e.atasilattr/ e`s Aniittoicsio nth J. poi ttarnl , awardtd the Ibilowt.ns mat/Wadi Batar dos • /1. R. Coortzhill Daltlidtrois,osol/111loataiziadat, 1.,5,000 own. 4. at 2.10. aid 10.000 dal , top 0 100 hal zrolista al tla =Midi zaz dl • ; $O l O /0 pvit 103 lb.; ILO UV lb.. do dz. at Itz 70 add 10.000 dz do (lafiniar paailly) at 01500. L....riag 000. Daillaidev, 1113 lb.. adaamtlt• • dizadda et 1137 00 Jo. Prize Italdallt, 000. A lad bird .aci d • at gad p, tIC lag azd 2000 azfl Wad./ 1111(nl al 123 4d. a Ortararasa 1, o.l.iddada, 90. i f 0 Itia Ha I •iii•ti at 012 00 per 100 itm. Man I KeKaz.:., PL patipto., tu,oooltr..l Of 37%. L 0 Cam olia dr dz.. D. no•ta, 1,1100 sock. raidita. tiad matt at It pobu.bol nand aro Wild !a Padadtalptila. 15 1 / 1 LOl Ib pil 4 bread. at $2 ea . per 10011.. Garda Post. Osititouro. (dole/ pliad brawl at 110221. ' rumi.rmgml Ti.. river n. • •-ral Nei do ins 13okurdor and Sot. :mho, Slitht, bat yt.oenlor It ms atittlossrp, sod tut atioolap, It minnow/Ad to mei% was. - Tb. mother contincto &tidy wd raw with cony opPoarance of coon n 4 a. Iltilorm woo totally ac.U•• at tho orb./ from Bator _ diMith them to otlll plenty of ..no , or Improve. -salit. TWO: optesrod to is ow ?night alarms than sad tho receipts from Meow were mos di; Wry. • The swings stove oar lon ream halo is. the Kiser.' .frtrin Whelan; 011 m, crow ; Oorotino from !lathlike, and the Pim Grow., from el mlanot.f. TM °omen • 'n , ..114ht le. nth Pmemireolo Ile Jamul (ran ftatb•Mlo, tb.tr Um. hart= anat.& TM JAMS tha• end the Emma Grotto:a, from Prowrills, w-re b,th 4.. tow to , abli and will tloabtl-so to (rood at Om wharf tab ao Whin. The ethos for ISt. Louis wit tho Jolla iNromerwrits, departwil on flaturdos evening, sad the Corollas foe Obachatual. 4 tat nitht,, chattel no Panda) morning. W. notloki •••,ral o oti top with Woo= rip pater:lop and rnaloS OnotwOotlans o Note Le OM donut and other potato below with tows of • bt.rk disci ads " Teo •Ultbe 'icor, In promos:. .plc Is a sm.. lig.bla can Mon for steam.,, to Oil Olty se w• otworrol towel of Moot I' -parks frolOt OS ilattirday emotes °totals Pon Llatchiltlm's spies/1d am Ode wheir. the..ototinantol" cows op to she wood on Botorday monies. Lod will coo= on • this amralnit for Pt. Lou!.. Ohs it momiscod Co ham to•nt aroirmeo• taf ri:e otasami Ewe local and ' , Mehra wen, tholl to loom I.llltoltuuttl for this clip •• Botany,. he Ws:lmM., woo wirortisul to leave It. L,al. tor Pitabaroh an /Map TIM lams Carwant, Mot O. B. stun lost It to—stor row at Ip.w.. thr Z moorlite a dost th• boom Pomill, Gaps f.r Q.ltnpo Is. rho Mittotwo, Uspt. Gordon. knew On Wes-11as to-dlor it soon, no Terkel:own. °opt Poo, will Isom for Otoolanen oLactrall• to.loy at own • T.' WO 1 00, tman, PINE TAR Prriond ammoty lor LIMBS. Put up la .w tr callos hue bezal somata. for sag Liodairo e p ee ti bomb gni balm. lie iTILBT graElit. Pilltstars **ft. airACCARONI AND vintireatzi, Oil 7a assa Twatllsataval ant 7ireatiaol% la eon saga Mt aloft 1111 , 11C8 a BROS , Cos. ItB bad 14 WO( ,M.l:i V 'CALS. l ys. 1. /u it Idi ',LON C A T _A_ _E, 11 El . DR. LICHTHILL, THZ ♦OTHOR Or "LETI'I3IOI ON CELIBIIII," POPILIB TiCATISI Le. cAN HE CONBI7I/tED ♦f 101 ST. CH &KEES HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, YROM Monday. October 17th. lIATITNDAY EVENING, Nov. 12th, CATARRH, DEAFNEEiS, I=l= VARIOUS DISEASES EAR, T R, AIR Pat 38-IGER 81/11TORS 01 , CATARRH The lest recitation to cloollt n feeling of dry and t rat m tn. boa, sot a Inqrtent tee Lation to ...slug. ?la re b .n Loot tine to W. th.rr.ds.ta the no h.- nr pp.o ey, sometime, on cret erne, namoVeuen I.e to her . &co. • .o.lm, watery, sold dl oharge makes lb sp. paarat., eacorbilhe the saidlils, and togs of the lip, I.ot b Pro eeo rod and war.l.a swollen. After .AO dm. ice d'wherg• Wet, iellowish, extremely trigvcat, god antit. to be • nearksd fasts. of the dor.. • .4 a. anme of much danger, end ths greats. • .uoyaece idler more or tima. It Woo. pm a. bat, hly nebnotes a exteet.l, fetid oh. It olienialy so prof.. se to requite, then 00n ova 10 el. nom, dm ftegmeet applicadoa of the hand -1 Doom -I, r If It drop. into the throat, which Is mare rood/Isly the cum while the tsdy lib s hat Janata poet., cosecant .gestaration, ad gordstim.s both. Essay le trequeraly obtarhed oy seemed= o choking. cans d be the p , l m. bl the daubarge La theihroas. u.;o to the hest fa the heed• th• oeLeel Portion of Ms xrcr. taco often reaper.s, and assuming • osteditiou of se Mem la Cleymit ad upon the toe Marmot the Wes •711 op,.r poet of the tbs... , In the se.o• of co .at t...utd kraals the accamulatiem of them Lloyd.• lk b. produe• • (sells; of thecomfort, mad nanon toe sae. ...ma to 1110 ambanmes respiration. Tear.. .0r.., 4,1 wit efforts b • re to be mod. to rano.. them, lather ty torcitay blowing the nel .r by puraistent hthltie g—• masc. se Citsairrerrehle to the one aged ,d mu n m themarenna him eater the rem Tel that aid. et 161 Inerastthon wideh adhered to the haroans subta hew band tie - dy, . foci watch eaglet. th• bra required for It. d oti-dtoment. Doting Step throe inenestado. accutaittem more rapidly, ad dee 'seeing Is ineretore mat ati.onifortable in the mon. tog 8 bottoms the dbrn to clear the throat are lath. v. , ii afar btaaltham, or afterannething warm I. swat. tote-owe rat m date that th.y. WV not maces. tool until dud swallowed some whiskyor brandy. lh. ducharg% width le az not without tacit, awn.. to is, moms.* ot the womanlor and excessively fed ;he hmath participates In lb., and boom. ntca o 17.• roe, ...fly own., oo to recd.-the relent Ig.ei of M..; to hems.' a. w I. .. t. art son. Mow.. u. of Ma novaa. membrane of the 0,00 takce gueaLly, Otiatetlaw. ecru • tacking th e bo o . s. pad.. of th•t sithmsewo wOO ows.tonally mad slob wasdischmg.. Thiteccumulatlon of t. - 101 [bet with tue thickened crandidna •f tl- mire., render* respiration through lb. Oa. 4 p.ms vet, dlilicult. and ottani.. Ina necomdtating reepanotion lathatinelll lorvvgb the mouth, • towdod debtertha. N .a. sword health. tent more sar.tholady to. the la ,g., so will lacesatror. Ike unpbasint noi. Prod.ced demi whatp,known as analmam, from the same cum The wire then I o marked ga llte, ana m na.. • dimordaut, h...h, .d named chem. dem the an• of cacti boohoo. mach unpomd or catt , • lost, .04 the eft, floods ism Regnant. le pso toad oe the es. of tm a Owathmally, wide* blowing Lbw ~s od • rackllog sr bubbila.g imand will Nhothella this tar, sod heating will tw found to b. thick sod ap, but retort eaddeuly wit* • snapping soma n i rals pretuosmeon b venally repeated until, at u.tlme,... Mg do t so. rota,,, and remains pormthently Djor d. Nob. to tan headof gamy oentoriv.ble dem:zip:l. &II mets their appear... sod add to the db.sr of the, Wieser, sod haring bo loot .o mutually that a '0n ..., gr. d apt. , mayered b. fo - c tha pom Is really awe.. Mr Met. Th• eyes suss/ tote outs wr.st, brltabb sad dlepoweet to weed on thp.a. ind =dead, or after the allgttwo =situ lt pas, suss or hat outs. or • &stouts' Lunn of tow. am% I,s:rammed arer the uss, andeamstimmatt the batik or to o.d, bud alga p.inin the. Lou , cloudy refs. b bog ben rolgia, for which Übe.. milotthem. Thad. stem in the head ~.team th•sametsry and produce. In ritargllty and mon.am of diepaalban. S.M.:wok; g ...ratty ..Cow more De In, la mask mad bst.bbt the app... b wpriciothlond la nearly drop Uri tei the to.orag. Is sours uses Qs muss boo.. bit ano pr. raid, Lod tben le an emeralow r blab/by tithrt phy.l.l or mental ea •rllOO tiot oaf itquent ly starch proem fatal tither by dobilltatheg sod wearing ant the pellsni, or by triVelkg downward and prorating. threat eftectlons, brukalus, sad Deal; may be enrol muted. that !mull.. tarp predlep-akton, catarrh le the mod emu.. Mat ha put,. ...coot', ado meal cotoptant , tistalth oonsidased no thenbablodl.ase, sad oat thsetrvegth of that.ppotitlon ho bra negleootoll by both tax proamio, and the pub!. do It b tae en. tidbit ... La fall hall the car of D Dra, Ugh , bill ban for des pad, made lb props treat.' meat 10.10 modal MAO). and Mete, by their mama. tally ..tebil hedth.oooobW yor Dahl aumplaint That this ba nanwendellens will be ruin, osuprolonsded oy the usuld Seatlmadals trout highly osspostaSlo put. slut Urn Less order Ikea . um. llawr MN,lOl‘.. Ts. t. 4to eattllt UM havi barn atliatad utak Or tura tor mow Team 714.4 totadttad the Wall d etraelat I combed Dr. Ltatithitr wat alas at tea ama th. alma. and at mai pboot emelt Radar 14 at. I aa. ...k* An item (Merril, aty throsl It parbetly catty, tad itlt , koala la tea amtli P. I. ROL &If. Oaktaattle rght.O, Pool of Amu stmt. Imes I.lse7Essiwire I. Nibs. *size: DL Ltorrartarr•Das (Orr I seed you • etseetesa) cd my cur, which yes guy ale se yoe DMZ proper. 1 tare eastriatescorra dlo.imt yveet lb. etataa ear. Larded terse reuses Wee= d Asseterras County, sad te, ee yews u Bezresentettre—le el air yaws. la oar au L _P!_ a/..41 1 0.001 may baugU mar or war. •02 ray GLOOM,. bar 'oat. I bare -des affiterrY etre Catearb . . I Law tried sum ipt.fateter freltreadeaseetrier my bridal LL sr.. I ham Lam prim molted= abort en ne ethe;d. dies mend rte. I toad mark eartad to them balloted arit . teledisorder to apply to tae. I see ede ante ttry Mrt Ibiltor your dl• rrettene tear • OM .111 beeltocted, hammy aintacsie as arse any at. Dedeortody years, . t . MA raw Trnaltn.l2.P. B n. Ma. I beta macs tr.ablobrith latax,& or Lll4. ward type for Kan twenty loom. It grooliollytglals polo trj conch cad boorneoya, datroylog ho cone awn cod to.altioly dowaspoolasl hoe°h tomb degree to can& is aolip. W postoroto and ca. pow public rpossixoy I raadt, f WWII{ nob al the maul. raoslima raylk or llaoe or el Illeroat k.oda area at atror, Imo saw sad teelettote, bat trilboat aay arcy reattary ADO. l man or I lee d of Dr. LiebtllDre yaceapifol zee& ol aretttrg adanh, thilt4 tt." nod pat avid, gator Ms traamoyt. I lotto immediately to Ewan, sad We loarwaosons Mester *a to tee preetet Watt Meat. tanh bad irrsatally laohad slay: my wadhba amp. prong. n y 'dab Wa booomo wawa, sal I ata mot we We to tomb the blurt Owe/. laft me ebbe ell W.-Wallach, aasalua dlikaaas to ay*, lo Dr, IJealdl. i T. Z. glailithi. Lim, am.. Pal. I. UAL ti flares son* U , thifl. • rO. tanemann— Dar Mr: Lad, adarog I mad spas Ana inn :be atm% and • Wacithlll tnagbi..tda na Me. It •MS tab dldcalt, that andd P t say al ,p at 01.14, iva +1,41 b paja mf btu' award to OIvN alabt im sty :141. tsd "cia.asa .mytalag. - bat Laud sa ealat aattl 1 ulkd Nbaamdleisa that pa pavalvdl for am dims ntaa raisfaced bag* w year atedkine t round taaveddat. rella , aye tars halsaaid eartatadt,, sstl l ant.a rata ay, wall Sad tree tem Cm soap afar Mr bridal lOw `on' laseb tams, Vahan tranbtar s ii wad Iry w 011 sQtlpN nr,a , l yea .d ak.aa 11^Dallfty SZOI .1147111W114 moors .IXD SEWN*. r.' GREAT PANIC IN THE BOOT AND MOB TRADI4 SHOES FROM 10 CENTS UPilain AT CONCBkT HALL SEWS EITOU,, Ne=t Door to the HZrpreee •grattiek. • calk CILD lil FALLING.—'Ihe nuilitref ...went unt.• ailing McCllntock's Nev ghee,Eitarev Po TILDZItiI. a , Allsgbeay etty. tram titalH3VO effetortaullid of Liaer-fitirgels 1.11.01' Bove •ad Obildrak • Boots, Shoes, Balteorels ' illartitti • esn a freall et peers, nth.c.l Flom: fa MUM w,rtia tcn is moral thaulakt Mbar =al• La Ivo. .141111110 tap DosN't forgot tha pl.a, • Bo OO 71DIMAL ST... MO= t"..7 rshr .srra wed, B°° Gaiters, tad Badinor. - THE LOWSET RATES to DIE CITY BORLAND'S, ga I== J LMRS sosy3, 89 Market Street, sad the MONT Dl7/111111L4 Soon imp esoipti,. any bola tha edly. Fla in. la• - foat rteolved maralediaat TALL _ Try l • IrratF,'"l.l' TRA" eTdR WORK I exo. ALB.I3KB, BON atm Ho. 13 WOOD 67H1117... Mr' and Taal Mal alubtankb j •• litootorts. eatettarea Goal .4 EDI blear - TGaa• gm& are nada to oar gratilertsr, std PIIN.111:10d CII•t0/511112a. UCTIOX I.LLIS - • - PintOVED CITY PROPAIITY AT 0117 HT BALI —o°ll l23 Nsl.i.f* Ntlso, Nov lot, .t T) o'clock, will b. sold, at Oka. torretal Was 800t.., t00.' 64 1018 Moot, by ardor a Cropbaur Court, too Lolloalak vattrtbla tooprovoriteir property bionglos to estate of Naloolos dl: Oz• large tot cm corker of Liberty Ono/ sad boov7 laity. &oral% as toot ortl.lbetty and raw boot to Cibm.a elktyorboroal b °MGM tack oozy Brick Waraboooe, kat la and 114 J cabin** par aux cm grao.4 root. ' 00. :aro lot at roar of errs. cot °moot at It: - Larry aod Muck .Rant{. koutbat CV bet Volt or. bony allot. tollb Oka aroma Cloth d about 50 whaelon ova mom+ tkroo try trick bona* NA" S alErti Boos.. Mb* sad doebta INvaltag. Too.,—Ono-ttvrd coat. Waal* to ookr MPS yon With Intafoot, oicaro4 by Witt Lod ottroogtao k. IicALWAZNII._LOCA% 'VALUABLE STOCKeI.—,On TusiDAT mxs+na. Nov.lst.st 734 i'dock. mill ear 04 no tbo Cosouweisl Wes Swum, 00 Plash Cruet • 6 ohms" Batt at Ptltabargb; El do Pirst Hatless! Bonk aLltsfouy; do Itoootopsola 8,d1p.1 att.: • 20 [lives slirgbeay Intorno. otock, Cl. of Plitsbargt Oootprootl.• &ad; 110 aI:I.M Dock Coma 1:11 Ocr; ILO do gliogb-si a Pittsburgh Oil On 1.0 do Phials. do; KO co Illetsdor a Elcod OD VC StO litsll.• dtu WO So Bosom do; KO do Pods al dai 2.50 da Tor, Story • • Obscu gun Oil Co; 800 to Mosby, Cdasny has Oa Cf SOS do Kam Rock Oil Oa; BO do Ohio 'Plain do; 100 do tioc•e 1110, o:31 A. AWL, Aid; &mart. .aci.A SSIONEE ..13ALE OF A 81117111ITH • ALIO VIVIDLY lIIVZSLEMIss„ let, at IX o'cloeluolll to von, to ardor a/ &idiom al Onoveoe.sol War Beans. 44 RIM dont, that located lot on Overall/ stmt. Wag Ova rend Il4=l Cann emus. sear tto radkaanat Gem LI. head The lot treats 10 tot w Onletall stmetv'ssdia. boas 1%4 ths rate oath 00 revt relfeenias Milo sten did, taa vigat to the as 11 at oak& slot Al pnrensaed as (tremble terms, In loprerlag tats paw, y. er: sani—Ono bait nob. tan Wanes to as ralOtilli low vat, mou 4nd Oced • vor/ A. NolAVilLin. AAA% 11001(3 AT AUCITION.—SVEBY US. ' MSG Ta Will, at lb. ammonia Boma at fthe street. 117TII BALI or 800211, of all Ma*2`Botool2l.M.ato • , Dal! tea TANI 111112.28. thatetstelat NUTS niaILOPI3,OOIM Ti se.,a aaaleal .I C=soak at 'drab mate delf 11141F/te Ma Wk.. A. 114Tre171.1Z4 haft's. on-rwarrns. Orrico Baia Own Pitatoxib s . October IT,. LOU, . ' • 7 'r 1 PRMDINT ' :AND DIRROM - 1 the 11031T11 02,11/ 0011PIVIat Ettllloall kayo We ass Wed toomenal Odir Wile goo ottars co tho Clottittalloar, at the orSonallt - to rooordod of its dowel bottom cos 1µT1711.,_ thor ohy of litosLittor sort, male to tloiXttot oa nirsk•••, Jo= dor sI 3owraltair. mita rt. ' • , trostoottd site to es data. Moo. Olooalsoldne oak. mama toltetoo. J. W. crwgz. a at nz TEof. E. HO k ••••4 . ooMtint93 hammer Troo**toto " , • °nada Salim= MIMS ClaalP/ 1 ; Annzlio, 04.1b0r MOSSIg2 • • PBEEIEDNNT A.NP DIREUTOI JLet nui Auntautia 'at LIMA) oompurr-lanf ebb &TUTU& a.rmeat of ohs 'maipa' MD tbs (Wets' *kick as 'Um was'Am to. monis* at kir dossed bonbon en I►TOaD,T Llts,l9llg 4.e' d • •„, liewnabee stint. totablilopoTheaCtier oa vim*. DAT. L A s Tu. gh, el ue =z zi rjk waver .10413501.' NM.; Sestati imaLtSactl 'areas ant 4ttt ltd I mam FLAGS! FLAGS' • FL - Acs FOR POLES. •• CIS 21:13n @. - • -. F. L FLAGS FOR - POLE or Ncraixit. PRINTED FLACIh *IQ or winurai tluriosinv or oosadatoo,..- - -- •- • BILK FLAGS..: Arl eon, win at _ u. POLTTICUL 1.1217111150, too 41.11ifooi bet yak c,vlthous Looms of caaddsfol. far Walldltlll.lollll proossolors, lfrty diDsoal Made of I[llll4llol, PIS • I,occ, 100 of £Oll puma% ma In no Fla/gnu, at ssogrliftsliss Fos Pliteers News D6ot, °- ..3 • cavorts mix paw " TT.. SOD' bl; ognse, as* aresaiingi Itrw Taft* w. 8 ZODYSZAtigii IL 4i., Office 140 Third Street. Piths-Pil arogis . Anal, Ude Whites ettsalsai to Ps. mon= NW Ilogossi streams es Cl Dtsmink isigaMp Ilkoss of W Long Bessol. mai is Mos. Ms.. surs, Omstigsaiss, Wilms OS Os fiSsesSist ast BMus= Stis lewd. ha. aorAilmemi Owns Dimas el Go Waist, Vitus; Obil *IMAM /Or eattrois bali. sm„, Xl' &CARRY, wow Ms law criertananarr 14.41 narr 117 ILLIT"-3188- pLABTBR-400 bb.4. O adze& A. Me ganfuji,tlarAvs, =EI
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