ght Vitt :burgh elan*. tip CIA, HD WINK% SALES OP STOMA AND BOSON, inurreito vas Tam ItOBTISOIN, McCLK&N t Co., scui raucitainge prolcete. lla 75 ItOUBTEI 8113Zgt. 11136 bigd sod NB as esosasfas . 85214 !SM. 111M106pper,0•4.11131464,116361011 6krtarsonint -, 4316131kostan ktods as Smut. T: -Nz, . . : .1312536.; . '' ' - n , - T: " - otrd 4 abed Volts' nits 6136,73144.1363-;. :. . 6.16 .......101 41.1/3....,.._ .: b' c 1 " 126277.411 - osk -i , -- 61r0p50........-- ...... s ~.. Vs. .—. 06% —•— itsessot Uty tra.... , lijiseaskir VII it. Tt........ 6 f .-... 633336116641 , 16 a Vs— 63 Si 1ie1aa166MR.8. 6 1.......... -- fit VOUS *Ai I X I / 1131 b 113 4 11 --.....— MI% Joky 3V of IS ILOrighse, --. SI 5 " dB 13t00106w0 ......-- Si Si) O Jose 6 " rultsaSas. 111 i11it5m5........:.:..».. 61 Jam $6,133 CIVal era ...........—........ --. 53 MY 3 . 50 II Y0neripha15........... 34 3,W Siltinks---.. La 6t " hod I* Pettetent!— .-- 31 . 433 MO Ms A11igrutp............. 25 13%, 31117 Sp, 'NNW ill , n 1131.• ..... n .... • atlilialMlN '' ' 14% 1610161k . r., ~ ''' 1.814384 , 10c681....4... - 60 —4l .Inty6 'a cent, 110-11681566186 near-- ..:-- 701; _ a iftscaphear—..—.... -- -- Mpg 6 ILLIZZOLES. er An1ig66117:74 6 7••••• / 0 34 41 : --• CO Pagrailystdr.... TS SOO Salt 54 elm .......,.... 05 68 .88 - 443(,11 cm V1C40448650. '' • SS SO 5‘16184 4 5 6 5 ....."-"-" . 6140616,—. -- ..4'... ( ea " ' terteres4 0 -.-.. 56 ,150 PM a StantsB4lll4 tat*... IS CO 88805481806 JO ...... Ea AlleinByl Irscluer. 60 85 ll ithriattatuceC--- 41% —.... Skim . SO Asabstryl2l2......—. ST% blay 111 mat, 110 001011.8...--.. 7. TO 0 50111821,012.... GO 00 In-sioelty Gs ss 0.• 50 - lisedCts Sfs7x&tea. 61 0 0 0. -0001s1 01 rho OT July 1) a-nt. Aut. Stsztoissi 1,711 100 9.l)Mi .101 thltd 120 ltairtli. up , sun Max .cliegtOtaw milobtear sex 21 WWI Tonto 10 Meth mai= 20 10 Da55111........S _ aspt 1 Val '0 10 o.o.sboor 1034Bept°310 ant 00 0100 Volta -- -.. 12111.00 1% 1 124165eal 1 1 0 ^Mir -- 1 1115120.i.....L.: . 0111041148?oodisas.—r , 1 to-wow a adotootor— to tiß cattaio-- • -- tai vt Loot gamma 03 . 6 " " geP l 2 lA, 6}g -- 6 entre licatanaver. - 1,... •s 6 licatit Butt tl Wale= DBl5l/99Mb ••••••-• evnint; Inthia.ll:stasCapp'r. sO Phi 919 rr9 9 41116..—.-- 1/00.61 Rada. 11 19 arktozaar, Cki 4:51. an. nr.,., i l / 2 1 a=" 41 1" At ba r - 1 ..... .. •,. . - - 'the weiltAtoses irlihtitt exellarinut toe meter -.' reaacuabY th ft: b y aeries, the:o stut apprenl va n. to ininint irty,u n. OrmatuntrOtitriate Tiro Willa era at 100 Om at Ornit , Itilllcate lodate - 4 al 4514: coy au& CULL. # leuntlit4aillitte r Viitleadttoitli tin shun bee. But abieitralit - arafe. , l46l)ilitliEL TtiLli zom bi it i.lattity onern-dirld intlie.ll nOUn. tee ea al feted at TO Tian% eici.44.4%. Eto Outs.ll4) citer in Fein= it Mood 434'4 14.% fot44l:ll.eity. No - 01 at lanepterT thew. jQtara7 Cr o °Peva ,kat, OP; Nat tosaas.2lfrdlacklaad'ut a lit no blito -• Got , Cl it. ' „-, . , . . , ..... . Its Cabili£ la 04,1?•=philitilie ee..nb nu beictal II th:t; lima itttgb Jrzrar SIMP I 43. .W. , tin ttedradhatetiprie day:. r'kine nit - ips cur cult'. as b 4tron.qttatir_tattetaliz.sitaa vet tr. 114. 1 t4te Mete 011etrata+t" lee Crust • am . nalXift "ternatiess..l.l44td event hureirea berets The stt..7/01 . lea wiTaWIS .1 OP ca".b.te l'lttintl of NO I. Gramilaer, or* the Smith a rm , to ChiPTT to. uhith ae mike lot Ireek aspic*, dog del burets .r t de y he • t! ce lieresna: I i pro tett/tutu mu Luedreel ts-iell. 1.• es the ten ihe ' - Ottry U- u rce tr.. Wont Ihre Oil Onepauy.“ bee shark a Guinn' wen, te inadirinou a a bleb LI wit let l . Ilattely kuoviiternr • The tthicterarete Soartat 43:f Tale etc La the rote of riterrit II ta • cleeethont Is *zing. lag up a moMiteethilthilf,Aus iteculiti berate., Tha, autiet La otaniheli Or h.5%' WO la' cumpartun t will We of ft.'4etiiiis:, -n .-titt Os vailoa lizac et Übe'. &Villa. uOnali Writhe/ nett 41dror";Ati they it 44 of tianitiffk.a46: t . iscirtylol4oto n'Eniti oi. ituttr Ito Al.ol4ilithal ail 0.,8 1:40; CO loodAbli 11 , imbed La esaltbillt.rox Ifni bere,itl3ool Inn Map- , pad - Shia atirig ,ChM Er 000. ee lie 'andel - 11. 0:h1117 1/4 claim+ prilltignePtaantinit %relate. Ills loalter ea - tut trend la ttans Mau , Ow, to gut thstrommoi or o , lomytizoopmarl, arilltar order C. Ilan, am, are sot al:Moira w.44:1.00.-- I.alstwes ereerbranan at trite tin atetprtamylotailiostrothytto.sahisluivismr. tho tooth coma fo - this elitist As . Ante i snippy an all • pone. liveatitheati nu inelara-Otaall thz ash sal **Tot esslo'plukiAttamtniposts wilhatcograyllan 6 ,1 a t 111=1r iNZ 0 1 iy . r a t kt i ts :tile : Way 0101 latr• "opt:Wile :Ole MUM. *, Ind I" - Vt tat Aittm Priotit. Li. 4•101 , 14 , 01 4 Volliois • ex 6 Unrik a. ante ceite %neat= Ina t - , nevi& sat4Agetotstriotiato to -ma COMPTMILT - eta toil 11...L;'='!--.2:41)-...10r , „Lugs 05.1 tra y u.....k.a...__. : -,% . ow. kt•PsjIII/th '04 4 :: tbs %Wig:Yawata OE ,- •t*: tbsTtr Re tb*„ o 47 o'l4 l 4glitmlll. Oiltt 12a11811W 1, ,': a. Satre. be . anAgeoint lanthartntst . Oat& ~.•.,. , *hind old ohloot scioo to. tto soose4. toot ot.tes ,:r., '..,;1 mortal - ThisAssitommossotorsontota otoodotsodol '...,,.. ... mot 4=l,otphY,O3, lolholo szotoogustss , so4m , e• +....1 3 noirlodto si po 'mm40.0414 lima sail try ettata tt renal, ertetri , re le Ware% tour le oer e h 4111(4. toottsiPi DA ICIr OW 10 ,Vkkr` .• - .i 4 4s. ohms co tot ortoriashatt owns tos t re f oh ,„4* tot so mollikot,ts_ii_sb...= tm. v. h,6 1...4t . ~, ,-..-.., 1 =fm.t..l....modt4maoathootem:, Tab Iturtrai. , '-' 'J C- Ilt. Wattle Wattle datth Oat( Ulla the gal ' intt elliall4twenasimbinweata,stami• 4. " s ' t Stay 4.. lostisohot, , M4O ll i„..1i,..1 ; t i g P oli g istrola t ip : 4 4ormettS , dm:tbs. OA at"' i'4:7•,,, , 1t <VMS* VI; SM. On hlshrt. pile 14-I.oi ~ i' '' I latarlea asp 'ft - sia 04. thatTratta of a 4 lablpit47 4 * -'4. . 1'. ;...'" ' ' , -Tietinprlc• el l 'ip t i. itte.SPetilaste. ,taut •iterkaiii te, '• - --'; . 1 - alaillisitie etKluant. 04 has 00 ~,toemt f o I bat loWtt oril. 1 . 4 Asia toward the Wool. .L , ~., :. ~, . tit btatIMIL I* It .-Sy. spostilottlE - 14 . .1 lattaa, ilori*Nl., *tv,.:lJPft, U4aw. '..." . 1 - Ilrottpy B*,yilllFllftiiitilltegairStoev. iggpaila IhrttaMaass' Galas. 4 t Pgrapazia. Ottatar 22-ns menet la Ott ' ,•. 1_ . tnnulltibtol6ll,,,,,TairigteltP • - ;41 1 0 114 *a* 1 o .. , r , w pinup: Ent Pri T. l, 4 l Caa 110 1414011.1aart Trar, „ .`„ mints DM IllatilmitoamitNlemoTNlTlTlMailhllLaplo ,` l , , /,~ goid4 4 llllo hIITToTior thus visite tbs lad dsy or . ; *Oh /101°Nrrlinil_ ~,. ~. 144410 4. APIA • - •tonErluorssetiaiUlErb.,azaualiEETEnotesuir; '!. t .• -' ...^ Aram" runt Enst. ul-lel .. ' *O9 toasttbSllTO at 60414 .tr tat$3 - 11t°411;41 1- I (=Tidos , vidlorlktrilxr *lona tett.. ' • :-. Mosby, Oot SW Bsttr4skes! SM. , , trEattrot. ' ' 1 11 1 'F -=,- - 1itbataiLuee...............,.............1 1%1 ' ,i ~,,C3,0 . 1 . * Z . . ....... 0 ,..,J1,4,.t.,. .... _ pi t ',..;7', . : .*"..114. I t__,:,„;.,...,...5.-7„.,,,,.,inr„.:_,,. A mak, a nom. .=--..... 12 ..., --- scCilsOods... .._,t3i l ~--, 1re...-4,,, , .......,4- - ----v,• - ) . 4-- -- - . .; ',.. '. i ~ - -,,,.-..__.„.......,-,.,...z=--v-.,-T , • i 4.0.„ 4131.... 4:,•:: SrldLa.N 4 ' ..,.. ....r......t., 4 /IKbOg"4:.+4h. *l..' "...' ' - '''-• .:a4 ; -0/011P.t... , ....' ..... ;itt 4 f . i- , ... 0.`.... , , : i' ' Ainour-AIEMatIO In fitottila Ellatetts I - Z,„ '',.- yTiM fol*frer iwilA ' 44 ' 2 4t I ' l4 . ' ni 4ffitl i TT * X l, . 1 j voca,",„. Writ, la Chlespo ni Ilibottap:Oinue ST, 1861. -,",' .. , , - .•:1 4 . - k....1.4 . *a will'pAbltz V 2 -47RT1P 150004-14130- yi • '-:-, .*. . " ~4 . , ;. •. . -' . .-,.. ;. ~„a. - . 0i,,,,,ft.w.k. 4c,,rod-vgiz7,e,,,...,r-0,,,v44i1e ), ~:k v. eat h .; .------ ,,,,, stra •''' l tEarDs , Ens• I& -. 5 4' t!'.• , r.: , ' 1 ErP' w , aol: lfr ‘ no, 40 .....••:v- 4ev 'fr iztok: fr . -fr--. "' O;M N e ,' I°-- ;*: - ..arT fitr- e , - --,, •t. a r t ...y,v......,...10:44.4t.txf, i..--v , ..3P:siac ~ .y..+---,-,----------- , 4P,411046414"3" 441- 4 0 - , L -- t , .' Thiooocetliovollil l co m tg ( 2 4, • Ind it- aut44: ig...349.*Tar nook. 4...ti0, .antrep tt t sfr -.PEEE,T0t.,., 60,011**1 „ . 4 M 4 . 4 . 60 ' cis sad The ittfsh . thaTTOMoOmthitid... therib to. annutottnutrm V 1 1 1 5 npVaciziltrA nt l: , I :: r al t e!, l Virjr:y Lo i t l iks s skoslity iota. ' Timothy id to ti. es . t a l s b r er or ot -0 rash. .1 itas4o..PerAtritiee,l druitti etil PS 2 , 0 ticks lac e 4.4 4 ots I.' /list sett tOmm St Ol 1titM1!,.131115,51e14113A?0.17r -, , - gt"'' •.•:1 r t r , i...,1. ... 7 - ,luvaan ... ~e -.:..........,..-- :. _..,-3.,,,..,..i.:- . 2 .4„7.., ...... t‘Tistitlk G re4at a F•r,1%..u. Oct -bar 21>, Ass lorr nk •tatb La. ;tut e'uo Itus •Yt blab obbr• iutnigti ty an) uu fallt bi to tUlakul %rattly at tp etu Vale. is masparci srfk tbore whit! tura, irructed U for T.D. due, thus bu bout az law... went, and en•l tyke , Weald, 1100 11/011.11, tb•llidter door at Matt an net my hes teal, Lc Inca ea ra ter...oh The (enamel. fleatoardeof 6; the ne66 of rad p. 60,413 tags etaltoost ietfy auk to • , intt4.. •0-1 tte eptechelles Lain, watch preysll.l hese tio•• urtra the fitter tOf the laotose au Stases com p heel, cotelded. At all erste, ti c proor•Py cooceded ra all beads, that then 1011 bo nottdai.hwa ;Mu o `.r the yet eittenthel 'eldatioa • tad tba. eyrhtlmo wl )••••7 likely be d•lobal alvoretber to .yellltise." Oa/UN—'. here le ao Improesel deereeted Cbc whose, and, with light •reopts aorta Iltalledatoca..l6. at , riot may ...he quoted Ora ea previa.. rate-I,'i tom for 14 axed *hate. Ow • firm bat areesesags sof car, oo tack, at 1130 esti mail fish • aces • on as SUM. Bader t. lam lottlt rota oroobto from 'woo at !Al SaimMog ad 1,6 r• fir GM." Cott.; if doll me d rattan; 001. of carpi iota aid .11,0 We titer el emend tote of afiew care Retina, bat a far, bare bun onsid• t • Isar, of on, rake Atria. suir-Ctflrd finoWi*:s 4l ' of I us? pltdelfrp at 2 POO& pot- . —Tee 6 Mead la !haat aa4 altsawiteer local, peci • ate oteadyl axed tally Itesalar nim of Tom Family Ott 10A0410.13 i t Dol. Bunn.— Mks Los tato lbw ad ior prime UV, end -Oa towkat I. arm • ellen ads* oe, Woo of to t. t rot to, in lota, at 40•43 Mfr blew Sohay, CO packed I:oo6—tirm, with • hlr desaaad sod light receipts. W. wateette soli:iota ea SO Peres.' ,_: OHNeldlltahallearilitid Iltarther•idiutend the do mar.d dte• t appear to ba blitz( ff ties awn. We tote • sale of ICO Dobai; to arch., at, $9.00 Per bestial I==al • • WCONWRZger 1LT:18...40a alma ton—drst ot tba 4,20 fairlisuad 7 . a cond. CSEISZ— bat otauSy afth talt,,or ala at Za %I for Western Bosom , sad lioniburg..4 El for Goatore. aItiBBLBBIII2I-14dia at 114. ttlDl for alintonil asd 11640 t cmitiostod. tOTATOltd—,reat point., are to mod oapply and corydall, rims "Jo oar." Nona offer. frosty at 5.0 per tint kn. at .liennannocke and “Proon Inoue at 9 and it por 11iPL129-4900d gloei , lor may Do go tol Bandy at .1101 per OD7, wbW oorron xn and i.farlor aro abbots oroabooblo. colitiang.4.—Brady trillistla at I par int.. LAlD—Primoolty mortared l• rolling al IS cant., in tiaras. Pittsburgh Petroleum Wierket. Oct 29—There L. • continued lair demand for Prude, both for limn* u aadehipmeat, era as market may be tilloted steady vrt.thrprices are without matatlal on the spot, and Had bar, ale Includad We nets ad. t tea barrels et Mk barreW teturneor,OLO do at 19, and Ixo do .I . ratillin Of at 30 Belated In .. .bond babies but arm, and prime are well muLained; en .note usaLe of 1029 barrels ' brand, preawat eryiat, Mai net; iit Intrk• Me. Oaf. dna - with itir linters, dams d, sod prime city Maude outy be quoted at 14•76; aale of 100 barrel. at 14. Neptha is quiet and dna and 1,, the abates of Wet, may be dinoted at 180, In bond, 18.40, free. Saddam. i. still qcotwidrut ai $6.6p Ptt 'be jeldp1:1,o1 Glad/ er the Atlegteaa rlrer abaci car hag resort are ea follow.: John too-- —...181!J0t W —353 ea.... 0111 Pen. seal 00. JOnli WAN York Petroleum Market. SptilsiDtspistob to to. Ptttedmrigh Omens. View' Toe*, October YO—The mutat fOr (blade can neries dun but prism anrusebaneml-44c, to the scot. Yotkepusd t ln bead, taste lea moderato demand bo t peas ire a shade lower, rotes an tts spot at to. fres On is desdilbough a trial lowa. dosing st SOssets. NapeboisiAtres sink r fan maned ut GO P. r Mind. Newyork Mock and. , Money ,Ilkerket. Elpeciel Idivelett co the PlCtidno Ihutle. • Sr" Yirrp 7 ke. Octobit ti—Tha oaszkot' for nillemal trictik 04,13134111V - Me co• ctomp—pladAp* • Tort Watnihi ltT ~ tlnesaidlt Ptatanni l / 4 103. si4erooo •Oititciii rat"; V BEltioolllls T. Cattaidel Cr 2 ).;• Emma .SUtntr, Tin Vrenthijorsloo4o6 101WOoldlib6rausd. cicdrxe, Ibli*Sepa . o • New Irortantter - anti Ctiesle ffirkr,. 0.. r. MI-Bettie Is hail, ma. t at Itelao for poor to pHs • tat% sad 34401. tor Instant per It, Mem =Attar lo ratterettodetestrd at 14•214, the Wt.r for claim, per mind. Th. w.ek's Minns in batter .12 eve., neetrn M. W. • Oa, Tolley, thr-2 : - . . i 4 42 ....- 23 The •rort'• trttiftr Mutat optimal' Nth • alitt , e man annum, tarlEgtrob Owl at as. It Voli. od waft Wa nda* satiate frail th• Clallforahemum baste, out war Ettrittyl et cri adrantaa in rota ern. gatoteig fatoakt bribe tiabarstrea of bait • W. Dote Wes ot. peat Emery loofa t of too SW* delft. tar Galitanate,*4so perttora; •Earttratf thippers sae itillloaaaptair test um Ca lawket, till , mama mutat Leas Like.-1. 4Y cat . of rocs for their trade, gam:o our Istnia-ang 'll3l:7 rgv.r. thov • gpod dam nd for as marina a• iltkilla gamin:, g mots aol daira most/ I on guns to bof• haat thelt etc , * tar price. Os amid* l•a§atat• roguish:. !nail's the &road as consatgattoil sod gatosant ragoppUed,whi , •4b• stocks°, blitiZ • Owls to segagianda. alenshotif IS .../ dnt , Y r -iota. Ite•holgtortNer parltat I. nnn - n. - U71.4. 7 I • co do , ubtartl . l= o ; rit 3l , l7no d0r;;%.!a . ;: r 7.7. • their Ifiateaktditwfithaatits imarsac• Ll 7 the T 1 1; 4 :f tv.. r.. 2 .l=Stto "iteer:==,.; - aterey in! far." - ot batbear . dre.inv In prlza jmt ma 8001:1 as the strrk Is moved; kugaSt orlon 1411.... arty tho ,be la lead:led by bxg, .toat theft. flay - a I t of bats. wait thr oot. • Mire ..tatbet atoll rasa getatTrr.l o Fern • smolt of fresh pall hat . , arrc.a lb. new tocelrers at- that stoat ea gat th• 7 'feu* 'COS or good huts'. wok ar ,, o r p.ozia . tx ' ...bated. Ales pactages ears earefolltatarool et Ws ',broths groat te seactowahlterg. Ras .4...eg0 C to 41. roe. th• aorta dams grits aoaroie 1, , img wrta . tradtacy 'Wagerer palm. atscraceet- Or. age sato • eseer, froth; pall. pit Ts_7. IWO tale otAtionuoglagots, too, OW per to -....4505 We, artier", letior-l-... —......--...-...,....4L411 Eta% WS token tape, per 1t!.,.... ~, ...-.........,45.50 4 4. tido, Viet th'Cter lb.. —...„-,.-- 4Ottils Watt= At .lelrow. ix rib4------.soz • NEL+3 l, ' ' taa4, .Ilig.aa. isi•ti 'jrnt•i•ti ,1.17.4,, . St•raelklni."'frreb ..:.............; —.--.. —46.50 Wttown tlttka, 15ta110r.:..,........—*---.—sruao mat. sag viNsteri It. .Vrir, Mull colott-..---. 3B tX ... . . nut& d for this. In the'vealy part of tt• greet . ' go cpsitebte Teior taaportOadralf •• • ototheaota• of ' t un ,tsirotot. coo trot gagtodiott ••••••ao• le 'the . •• -. utt• tg etrataroa. U•rod th• .." too, lso*. - , etoir'ths I properoset weStiat , ,sard ttl , losetn - dott od - tigrnt et pries- fthassoct as Ms ag•ar.- t truer/ ' •- telteffsiz Ord aßtstial, 11.0tuaratarl - g ; . vlll. Um a , .lanatrf: groprietet• - et Ow.. fACtortfa, burin . tluttai hod, irmaut•arsatterabl• warty fa' CV , * adritOt .721* tsadaticy , tg gar.' triter 1 14. 4 . 24 to . - 'ti qtatil a bbteL • We. qatstsr - • , t tali deb lc - full:Ty tardy f1ee_...._..-.-. ltlan , Stat. knew, mad*, lot to gwl---...... 19 .at/ Etat. d t, , rztts troalit7-.......--,.....- 11 . 24 at* MO i5.,...dr to g cd ----......16.111 • -.Wow, Itaellti; 'good to J0r1t0t.:...--...------.1.55111 it frft7 - .E.bstl) drx, Wee 41.311• .. • . . ..._ a • - rintisinati'PialLtoo Markst. , ~o-t TS.—thrry has beensairasSsrial cli*betill FApra. 'thialirahrhat ahaassarrialifsliailar gado" at aprkad, zaeataarasalliatasSaaqabyttrea p". 1.. ataStbairioW I. faith rairmed. Them has beet rda dammed what.. _ha matt, and city brand. arcarld not easmand ova IRSaPB,SO, hosah beklas• ale pretty 11 mat it h etch ~fall, ; Lard has bola la fair demand throoghoor tha . Sod ups add ep I.4oothrosa; apardag a z ism r .ag wick,. .clatag pally Ono arlOWto. Kairffilhas be. la - -or d d.d .d for warder. &ash, and .haul all la tbs elltitti•-1 era takaa deal g the weak at 4550L10. Y,. , I,Saakierildbar 1.4 la aaar .hastadri. put..t las* la rtadd ia lan t Messrs owl, sad prl ,a'rania him It to • , h.Na• fcrh rime, .d I tal.So for yallair satraohltar 8t.. , , htalt Ironer p dui, and prloas nomlaal at It t o la,. p. ta,terall . &mi. uzlis=tlltagia hold tatchr t . ..d.a ul at b fri n' 't te m , ,sit i 4 . 171- ".. 'th 0 177 7 m i,, ~= 4 •Tat , ! oven g ! Cie cr, Aia-t Vdr:SOf lallar Wit , _ i a:-.14,a4 t r iyailta ah ha STA, bsSat „ratbat -iawat • ,press.7la& . .• a.. kft 1.4464...teep0 Who". o bola shoa - . :,ets at lurtaleiT,ylag:, l asidts ara uillas al 1054,4 ,y4.farathohld• Cl,-; it fdaa, WO liahallrh,,,That • isladaWitanarallerhliator haaredfq• daiivary with arhal.lsCO haul .11W tar light wimps, and Vgalf,to . AY:p.=lMo! ..1 h.. . rag. aso., de lune' Mb lauds, Iferi early bforesabor di ivory 11%allio eat are tta bast Mrs, sad Masada's &Menlo would oat baths • ,e.rlasiti cu. Extra Weal Samar aad damn at 51.7114 1t46 ph err barna., Welidiy dati at VAAL TO, - the latter Ping the mesa pram. lershaaga •. N.. Ohilllall st. per to W.lClO,prgalara Inrib.e.p.ool 1.-1416 •% PTunhas 9,111ng tri, bialmiki. 015teliasaria halikp. , Tertwreashitmr ..: .riquitrit - .6.4. 20 L 10 .i . . ter,aWma sa X' I. Maw srackar t.- . . !!!!!!MIIIIIIIIIII3 114 nfsocard—, „ . ~. .., • • - P#rt. Pick:tag ay.l4:ol4vlttes: _. .... • Ition bids dtoldpd, all idPW 1 4 8,1 4, -41 i tit Port of ',aim Ci ousthail. bapsotoiost, toucan , ow or zoravi thapenk. biatelat.LmorlUt; ttlattFolt *Pit r ,a 4,11 ; lag vorksallolitt lokiatiltO4 at anal. Taw -Moon awidvad - fed thishl,that twat 0 4 the tenttellta ;plea neniwili ait robe* dwayad .tliena' ars ttaosti ' a certain gaudily at hoganatarally seek *parkin third. PISA Dot ti*lll lottelootal tor tat totstozotat to Int -1 lad reek. V* Tory mach doatet Ow worm t tab ' rad bus - 4 he '1 ° ma .as t propriety of tha *notarial .. More thaw quationabls. La retard ha eupplythg the away with toythiog that is waled. and - erptedada with prittilDth. We fear wr7 certain that the cavern...t will Dad this the moan topto,hrt plan it could adopt. Plit. Ilt4 enterprits will do tho ooninew bal.ter and . ' alga pea peat b. dont In tat way pro paeon,-- . • -. - `'' s ' Imports - by Blarbitat ,•,..A**Pa z z , ' 8719,01 .'' - voubli” P."Sq" b," 461' I,lgarlists • }I lreitalibiddi; 1 • bbli alai 4,,plitt, - :,tippOirgro Cobitti tcbtal .pp10.,,0-Stottlar,t. ptgor .7aroduitt, /SI- &karmic! oE4oqt - do' do, t, ormtuisu .gs .. ; 182 bbffigyplii, 4 *.eys A Beionidy; Id bbto balari acdeffer:l6 do 60ill Jritis:Wdbagni•-• , sr , W. , M , an: • mart dco tit ItOes Ortiz 10 do doi !lath It ltaldidi akt fla aeqbAyriefTarntitoo, 3 ate .. d,, Valliant : iloolit4 tinkolitoz, It Minor: • 5., 4111. bream.? .1 , P Illtchislieil iidie:' W Oariht; II bait', wool.ithtorrow; 1.941.04150:ff5i4tmiq.., - " '''''. ' CisitLasot toritsotan. Putt goon; eelobfrol— .lo -Vas solid, Adams 4 so; 70 billat iron, away, ~ I F ertra w;rl7o blosesa,.dertenao: 11,,b0a a... „ , -..,.,,PMPP/101, rr Intim Ash Chtaeao it 13..00t, za... .. ... .. it tem tug= bandits. brElroy a co; l car awrca, latthrle* Plitt I Pia rite, gel .11, lielagar;S kav bat. rig.,-TAR.olenli Ins; 4yA, • d ~ Ts deb Dickey; . We s p. .-Ink.d.o.cider. Watt t WI a ..; 2 1012 ‘112 , 451 . , GS bb e isli.CVPllo,l7l:Untl." b it b !.:/ 91,1" ;i b ::: " ; ' \'',:.; 14 1 itt , '-' ii . ' "7-''''''''-- ' rE4Dorts by niter: - 1 . I ..oFkz7* Psi gritt .-46 ' 1 A 4.944,4 aur.m., '.:2 li 44m 101,40 , Zia 4 ; i 4 hilyr, liws .13,1.4e4 , " ; 11... Mali dott,*Grintot a...Thotou;-40,.rolls•totittio, II . ! bale: bay.Jarepi a, non tite riti td.ditooopoNitt to Inite, i tv.rt I ro;llsll.latitrooti Aziella <Or 3 ' txt1i 4,0 4," 1 lop Fl.,o311.4110;140401t, °Wray • I etarlt:46ll , a ' MO a. L apt ~lAoi S , ,o V v teL7. 7art:tt t i o S t a da t dq i . n . : F o I t L i o t a o tslVot dotlt,i .1 1 Ito: rs 1 t 4, trvolOolnoarboot•ozd).do do, a tial , .r , i-aktzlf.rdhbbife;ifilo,ltX:clstard. •,, , ..; ; ; - ir .... Ircric C.l :IPr Mom Ore Muntenia! Lint, Oct b.) 'll rials...— . the mpt far lreall elle put 1...0 a tys tad 0. , a, pelt. .0011•, dosotlaten cad tk• wads oporaousi Treat', and prier..04..1 , 0 up 1.0 so pee weed over tipe• marreaf 01l Tamils; .la,t. T • strr,atutt a an Itadarstaud. las leopte bred, 00 prellellt , we .tsitt VP ()opts Of ear. time% ; dome Sod the tot t let Imp rMi. Slam et 7.M...1 wsilleoloaeotl/11 oars.' rams to fad, • It WA dole Inn at* coteldtteb • lost to Atte am ,A.O - The On e obtelsed for U. ttergoo. sad 1110 am loollierd balm are 'tot allowed to Are tem.. hot .0 " 60 . ...Hod car Wallas. t. conlbrro mas ream. bs to prenat ealustama. , r,.. astao—eal two.lolras on spec .l.o+oo add on r.tht:d to lb. trade—aae 6,011 way ale Ire Tillwasa,•, • oo do per, J• le, 4 ou/ d .. per A A. 1 r. Art CO, of • arb noels ), 5 807 do. pa 0. 131 s. di, et d, 3,190 do Ter Somata.. 9 :WO do per, %nal 10 p r Ostapasmro. t•• 0 do. p. Thor, 59/ 4.. per Jai XV, 903 .e.o per P. O. Warwick, 25:.02 de la ,toe per loradtik• and 3 .77 do. par ri11.4 ul Mo. t .01 Im .0001, to a 7,014 Imps BO haw* la-e. woo ...0 from ..m..05 baud igniting a total olt the fbna dap of o.d las thait 10.020) lea. Th• .40.0 sales Or. (.0 h.p .eovarti. msot Jews el 480 ; 770 Ittaraoslbo, part 89; 21 , hate ii:C4, rik; and 7 Jalstara, .17 es“. cud di 0001 Er c• to Boger—led • en sard the Trade hare co:Ahmed to boy D cup f ray of •ew Id. co our loot, .ad the mom leDosser sad slant ba/f 00001 hither, lair ' , newt I c l og sow quoted at 16%0)1144 , Goad do. t•TIVOITc, Sew dreg ry 17)408117%0, and 0 o• do. 'Mat /4 0-- '0 3 •• Milord for the hut two bolus Irmular, and shown*. wider randy than 0.04. h. load le M 6%4 &mak, cod i be •••• to oroutherrare to the elbout of p Odd*- , to e, Ottb little or do:tick , or) bed; We dad. tallar , than divot.', 2550 to. Hard, 945484451 to ,of. 1•111* era 9.7514421% for Yellow. whine re tildear. Tb. ..too of Bawer. 1650 Dltds. Cob* at 14,l405o; 94 , 9 Okarlo.4 .do , 9.1€1.We. mostly at its hold. - Awe 140. Nita ,zuc..,3Tuitno; 66 flaw Draft., 230; 0,898 hove U. roes, 15 1 / 4 424c ; sad 9 021 bap 51.14, 16. V,;. 4 meo., or a dardartmt ttp cash iltlasaret—There bat cou.loord an dotty. laseaot for home on, wl. 0 some sproulaUve Inquiry, sad ths star t., clam Kiang—any fon polar. being reafted. The al, sloclude t7b hb4. Barboda. a: pan at 61.99 goy 25 et Cleft 90. 505 Port , Elm, 11.100;—tee hater rue foe chore; 10 .Trdo 81; 40 ei...4 cab.. ....ur , o. • wAssilus.Vart lit; - 113 bhde sod 16 to tin doi 03. ; 047 bbd., ST tee and 121001, Oohs Iltassorado; 70•83;5311 hods, 225 tre sad lla Ohl, Cloyed Atha sot low prods ° Ol7O 11 1:bro9t do. put en apeculattor, 60 and 1200000 Few Orharia 111 05st 15, 4 mar, m• far the lotto, II l 1 tat 16 crab By suction, 100 bbla New Or.osoado d at 73%,•711 eta 60 tea Momonds, TraT3, 4 maa., sad 1.5 Obit to-bolted Nsw ori dun, 4394,•1)4,0aah. 871tto—I hen bantams iondaine Orme o 0 11. t betlite Ilketlet is graenll7 arm, sod p lon era well road*. tad. W. roofed GO csol• at d 2,000 roan Ownat 75010; 60 ' • • Bans add Mean Mort, net% 110 do Pimen to, at; 200ee 6 hoppers Pappar,,l77s4; 1W do tiumstra,67; 950 tube Cl , •• pert to lots 40•60; 41 oases Bacot part $1 St; wed 6,400 me Butmede, 41 60.176,101. Moe—There Water dement, both for house .6=4 ws. pot t, and vs • tin nits of I,o7o begs largo.% at Ma 13 *l6O da Paton VI 40;25040 la ho o d on prteat• tarsal and 20 NM Para; $l4lO. matt. imports - by HISM norrsarri PIM TOWS Osoes-132 tons metal. 4, 0. Loonds ; 80 • e Obis& abodes; 3 884 oil, 15 can rosp, 81;t1v. • Lassiv, 10 d 4010 nbi• On, J d Dllsrseth • Ch., Jobs, P Hoots; Y 6 pass furniture. Bad sr • linnk. When er ; 4 pks sondrise, Geo B MO. Bo arben, 4Om farnlture, gots.; 1 811•11, 5 this hominy, 11, Bershans 7 otos* plates. 17 Answs • sons; 118 kildrs A. II ; 50 a.. I.rd, I. goners • Co ; 8 pkgs fora hues, Bake. 1 Pears I 00, lot ran• Wes, Pmorylvsnls Ps t Oo ; 12 toles, W.11.1:14.;;; 1111,01 bbl., J Boner; 3 Wm so Ass, Bolt Walls's; 14 do do, C•7l. 0. W. Bstelsolot• ; 30 b•se• gvdenaseds, A. I Itershsto lot moving !amber, If Bebsoldt. Lemmas ;n.01114.-11 hbds obabso, 80D bbla .bit. 87, BO do flour, 150 bgs Clark 100 13 884 3 to. bum, W. • D Btshart; Ido 'do, L. Dshavol 7 bons {Ousel's, B. Waiter •Oo •, I co.r—toureo, B L W. Jently Son;9ollbblslLtar Graham Thorns+, 11/0 odo g, B. r,,seh; beo 4..„.4lsAnswrer*Lehlitrt, 150 do do S Lindsay Jr &Co ; 17 baleuddte trees, Dry /1 Bay. gr.; {Tsang mod:dors, W, Masan bblo lard at J.WIII 0164;4 crstss lead kegs, B 1.. 7elmeslont. • 00.; 2 bbls thaw, B lot sundelss. Dynan ISZ Alld CHIXICS. fkince,LEß & wThr4 iso IKPROTBD FLEILY SEWING riIACHINEIL CRUDEST !ICBMS IN TR6 WORLD 1150.1.1152 IT 1 THS SM. o.n 1ti.,C90 of tbas Madan hats , boas Isc44. OTO ~97) are to Wirt. rittallnil Gild Italia,. THEM SALES ARE GREATER air Oilier, Combined. =II THE STITOFI" ammuyou only barest, th• amebas of tans Wad fa wed by th. 0116.111 YTITCH Ho ow elobakl bay •fiy•rtrylla.atb. wall they haw anyalsed tibrod tb. WHICIAB 1H1L4017 Thai arbwirrimbbl tbrsor vagas• INFITRUCIIOII Pima utazsocra, No. I? 11111:11 ST 11111. ws. sxritrEilt al 004 Aft . eZpllertipo'sastianm tor ROA Irholna... sad SI "SR CH.MXT TAILORS. BI . BIEGIXT BLOCK. W. H. MaGEE. "10 ST. CLAM STREET, Ww.ld tall Ms attest:low of Darin to kb Dazed al a0212L It ka• tom motoetad with groat oms, as eta alas •13 Oa mania ogler of pods to tow focal la ent -i•cf Wm. Ovals addling& let of alodur made to An, Ira ammo eall sad omen. On goods Woo. Ala% • tett ma omplot• mat a ramie:fang Goods. IL EL gcGIEIL ilardrast Raelor. 0;11; , 111. Mate NO MOM F.OI3:IOISAULB DESIRABLE GOODS GENT'S & TOM'S CURSING ner-JuDic To oittnas, R. B. NORRIB, IDEBaLLB2' .IAILOIN 79 FRD PRICKS lINDIJORD TO OCaT TEL rtniot We are nn► &Mae at Itedneed Prices oT PALL errocz 01, CI OTEEINGF i rmAtgl cmu , "., - bd tp-aoope• la .ftju MINGO , 00A1.4 WMP&NI (I a p i t a' Stock ;it 100.000 12,000 MARE& LT sls' MO, Tlystoser—JOTlVOS 4 VT•Tx , JAINIEB O CEDO Bulb -4. Dr.oOIIBIL • PIIIKUT OIIII a 40E13 011/1% . • WIC gent& 3.llA%nnebtto J. MAX, dops.JA/4410i1.0011, cm& Je r Oi l Oit, J. P. MIS, Ihipels.mbodest, ht. Owwood cads ths mood goal. db. ..Mingo ( tad, Watts,. togstlas via! Itto • “litisal P.m sdiotalad. sad oottlattitog. Is siboolk 710 wog' Tad 50.d...17 oftastad oastionortatdi 1131. onosgsbols irWor, stata oss ”d aslt orlon a Skdir giosoogshls My. to tas tbird voct,o or IRA odd .fta.tMdl adorer dasbtagbasts., Eters botows. stops; go., togither atta • salasyreselsg atlas rim wild statatead .sad sit sisoodstal • vriagioataltE tor The coal: The ir Iwo odfilresdyoproof , dradzisd intlistUtsud 'sad to good worlodagWaite falba. as d I,o*olldOotod. sal Alt , toillskoloy workled tlgtity. Mous boadrod ma,tda cdol Is will kaosnt to td dtblortralbeiadwitttl. Tbs IMO . Isdlosal Ita osi of the most vilasbl6 cold lordlier to tad branongsbets 5b 6 00:6061III10,6 ProPor to Incases their Mel.. , obi too ; aping tyr tab obusttattisa st iddstiosial nil sad booms *fad 1btd,0619 dasb.latiatd pap tsss: st asotsedlstar Itadwieutt sod pr. :01114 s. (ALIN; capital do 60 tem psics tos otuAlati. WWI fscllO to bkb Outman, will p0 , 06d1, Jai Dines. coalldontb . boats tenlb. "Mingo". all; mat to I. Scott the Mel lad pimps 'h Ms. etas Gelb“,v°47:l*OM, , . rONEMNILINNIT: 3— DOODU•O 4 'ivy Mu. Oalobimis; qb bb4.lsm7 blreet Potazol... 6 bbrrals II barnbr Bathed (11a; . GO bisebobo Tam%bog • ZS Lak. Ilwrlfirr • , • a flit.. Avila Batt..l 60 .11s.rireso tbistrwiesisacek, in +RON %ell fat'oe.4 t' /MANI Y (mimes, . corner of eadtbfkAdsltd-Vtist PEAS. 6 . Dealer in Prnnon, .-.e'l'artrpornss.4.„4tr..ll., !IMMO :T .G4r # , A U " ,O t ,vils=gpslll/41:-Ettntlinta. __,, , , , latNui tm. kturrowA. Um% r ant.ture ants& !Hernia or Rupture ew*d. Rada OT Ensnare sued. Sonia or liaptOro oared. Benda or gupture med. Rends or Upton eared. Sends or Rupture oared. Hernia or Rupture wand; Matak's Radical Clara Trams Ritter's Patent Truss. neon•. Supporter Truss. De1144111412a Tram l'Uo Drops, for the rapport and our of Ides Killlltie IBM CIPS, for weak knee joints. LAW Wapportera, for weak kites Katt& Biagensirry Bandages. tSelf-lideoting owl ovary other kind of Brines. Rard Rubber SyrinireL Dr. Banning's Lace or Be Bras, for ,e ours of Prolapsus tveri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal %Unseats Dr. IL D. nab's Silver Plate Sup porter. DL Sirrssz will give his remould at• tendon to the application of ?rouses in *dolts and children, and he is satisfied that, with an experience of twenty years, be will be enabled to OTO satisfaction. ifir Office it his Drug Store, Na 140 Worm gram, Eigeof the Golden Karatz. Perseus writing for Trusses should sand the number of inches around the body brueedistaly over the rupture. Twenty Years Standing. Maw b 41.4 • antilleate trom =it at tn. cat rop•,4•01.• gti••u • wrriv total:4 b. rugari I. Dr. lisysares Lukesar• slats Seamkor Stu DoctgoN otrtfloalas ars ottids noclic.sol so • and be dovand la mud to ah prneratloast t P.. Irmitr: I bens. aellotad ..Ith yb .anti nn n 4 P.. M.. awl won mi. Ums woo Rini mann N. as In amain as wry lairn. no osell on al thus am In wan EN Inv Vont. Saw nEns I ins 113 dal Ma I <mkt Eat do sayllates on monad of Own they cams gull as so ea tarp as • brawl =l. 1 boa lld • anal &al or macaw Or than. I mad to b mud tato vlasonsr I ooal4l bear el of mod of to ctroo- on tea pusrphlott that hoitl to o7U. bst I wan not pt earsd I tantrtim• tangy wand dot so mut pal 6 • ittU• vtlllo. DO !Mr.:ft CPI watt rttorn vela ao bad aa era. I *too applied to two Dootoo, who 010. Mod *so di to tom* and goo yr 11000 owOotoo. bat a IRADAI Rai do, I would pot to *al. OM • par ago I rot o adortlocoons a mu Lbubtay &BOA dowtotwo, sod**, youtott. Who root* le sa yo told as ow Raub ovoid woos. m.o.* that s 7 trVsat Mam woad 1... to bo mood by tlao IRA S.*** beam I got aull I Ought or botulo od took It b lett* ay sod sad It of:moan so row anal:tom l a thes caned too* you solo, whoa 700 old I coat, sot espial mob tosoli bogs mu built 1 tonal .I, coo Wats ot St nub anall bad cud ass tottba Mts. tab gasman I hod bus mob 1 ass sating, woo of tbs Ptltu Oust bat tortasta MOW Mau yssolo Loam tautassta basal b talsonsb sail ss wan as mall to w postal bt sSaid su sp. Ulna UM Tres plat lbw's bast valour bit all wombs, sag than to tat. smear sou rotors of Strauss , I coo tto afithlal o OWN, work ma altawn taw Pau usalaz bows ad busing ma Ima rasa bay, stoop good, 1111, to ao sea MA of out Whitt. !SAM Crud to awl as. Wtta lame sea year Mood assubse 1 WI ea WOK sull 1 sal 'nasal wal. lcoadarr uC4 iota Is su as ago knolro It 120 waren llor Use of athas alto UM to Elleattteito 1 yak and 40 DO Mum las ram of yea sidtaba. You sma Inaba tat,. tf Ma 1 rte IS Wittleslowastab sal was Is gourd sitlstysay sr of las MO atMb aitalcsts easy STRUT. Alieshani. " MAIM DAWIL lbassaarlb ea ..Loci oss Do Ur mono of Dr. 0101601 H. KIT. Otis Ow wow at Dr bolla polo& ow. eara No Mr kid Map s tta U.O Dtator lissiqp on 1:10 .4,41Na:0w& to provost ben talpfed apco fro Mottoes oireala olDat to tow sub& ar Hold try the Navistar, No. 140 Wood Sires% sid by Elmo Jamorrecal oonta Routh sad Smithfield stmts. GRIM 611 LOAN. 47 OLAIO MEM JP, ED Fr • r Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia shred. Hoptare sr Hernia eared. Rupture or Rends cured Rupture or Renate oared. Raptor* or Hornla owed. Rupture 9r Hernia owed. Rupture or Hernia oared: 6 WIIUD! BL Z. MODALS'S OATAKBH REMEDY It morrow to du my ..el Of alb terrible dim" exteretb. lll It, wadi and baduth, brew. De. OCIDALIB be Ow WM tad ottly poem whawmackt 11 world (Ma Oeterria may waw-erher• tt Saratamed— mod WWI whin &O W% , Dr. 000011.11 . ttealgot aillthtfoold bettllati UV " tar aim% eitillitolldte secret wintetil aid Ea ttag --10 1111 1 to 110 vette the Mot tlat WM/. PM*. Ma, for Mr% dated lbw earal Rad metre' d slew ma sad bettheni to the oteretry aid to Mara" Ma rem ha med.-With Os Mall Innen! tortalltj that .WWIII I OI gallows OW. Tbreleetad 110 1 11,1 Uhl emy Maw* eon Is TM, bars teet porckumal qtr ,4 by DIY 60011k1,1'8 OAT* BIM 11111 VDT, WI how Ostia b to the wort cementite{ lull Of Vast. 010 el ou no.nnffl M Cl 7. DI ma MUM rkV • P1 12 0 )11 Devised ate prepared by B. GOODL.L II ,, IL D., Dee lett. HOUTON /I 00.. Ms &Mt% Ell Ombra,. flri Torl. DR. GEO. IL SEVIER amp 6:-.#13.1 s., tp,iroork orzfraT, eitubtio. NORTONV OINTIltgliT, , tot BALI enzus snorms. • j; rine/unity can. Tettor, 6.6 - 1114.4, alnprenas, all Lwow* 6.2 1 U Barclay SIM - Wl' lthollogi of Thbo'llnatniaddloiteiinlete tkui th , IliryNerir tame u from w ,etab breascli tc. taa th e 9ps,Uo. l l s thAlellTm , lb* p:111 1, 413 Lb e dl.auf nP,^L44, 5i4:11,91 puede el 11 I • 1.4..1010?5meb th• PO* COI Ando ad taw dhow" sok 01411011 e. Um tub} Wire mats WW,*)l*,* fkowdm, w, 101%, itro43r iv, spat. Al c orrd i G LAD AEwel rex, + . ll rervesronAlry, THE LAIR VOMITS TOR DISCOVERED ;1 Lill OREROKEE REMEDY MID 0111311.011K8 IIt.TUOTION 4..espnexide. ?MI" 110.34, Il.rk• LAMM. annum as 1111.1 DY, th• 'mud Isaac Dtandle, most-all Mamr of the urinary arena, each as loam thwee of the firth% I agamthetion of the 11lectda. In. awn.“los of Ina !Maar,. et.. In nu lllutdar, atria. tank Orval, 01.0, Gasorattsa, and b supeobay roam. wooded In Wu cum of Mow MD= (or WWI. to dojos,l whore all tO old atedlolosa WY fib• tor - prirpsred t• • e1e.17 conanarstecl farm Co don Wait 6om oat t*Mo te...l*.acalm W. time tor It le ilareetlo and alterative la lia aettoa—puttettia wad aleaashts the blood. cawing It to flor la all tla prig_ RAI parity sad rtgar,thts renzoviug te.o 0/soma 011 pernlolooo muse* iroklk Lan Wooed Our. lecticoal lotende4 as u Any or %Arista:a Remedy. and slaonbi be rued In Gad uno: mdlatna Is own of Gkamorboo.ol..n. Clasrote• to the Cherokee tice with that M., ALDAN . tiding. Itself.% ars Dealing, Fdthing and asnanalant; monolog ski scalding, twat, okardes and pain, instmd of tile Darning and almost nnecicus. bin pain. dint la experianaid uttb marts ail **cluing quack injections. By the tow of the CHEW KU aLECBDY and OBS OKTB LliJlCllolS—tbe two tood.Ortase et Me time—ell Improper climbersu an removed, sad vestal:ad organs an. speedily restored to Mil visor strength. Tor toll partiootoro, got onr povenplat from say on n the conatry, or write to Oh sad we ill Coro, to •a 7 ~far.., • fall treathoo th rr nw ice t. , to CH . lilt ea, 0 , 1 5. L1 lIIIIIDT, II per bottls, Pr•-. cIEISHOILLT. INJZOTION. II par trAtl• ibre. bottler far $B. Pent by &apnea. Ito any widreo. an /be realpt of price. 131.1.1 by 4,11 D.girpts overywbarr DB. W. S. USIIWIN k 00. Pd. Proprioupra, No 59 mat, .treat. Neer Twit. Par fele to Pittsbcoqh by N. mcousaften 1 CO., error of Diamond and !taxless street. tab 17:Lasedimeo• 19 ELLXIR I ELIXIR i opt. WlllOllllO5 ILILIIIVERATIMI ELEKLE I 0., 121510 4 31 Of 1.1111. Prepuod trom rnts Tsvtable lhawla, sashimi Isdnflogia to 111, masa Tbe &Wensling EMU la Um mmalt IS m wood.* t lb. neetabie kingdom. Wag en new ama atoned method et attre, inenoctin ed oil .ad wore-pet mama Tele teedines b been mend by the mod medical mon ot the day, sea by b.. pralownoed ow. at tb. groats& m• h& dtwornme at the up. One bottle WTI onto Clean! Dabtlity. • fro dame awn linnets to male. Ow bents came Pelylimfelan af the Howl I My dame redone the mimed of pnaratios. , rem as to We bottles noble' the woodier. inn elpe Of youth. 1 bar ohms nouns the appetite. Tian* battles acne the want one of impotency. • mew &Pie Ino Cm low nitrite& On bottle Mk... motel WM,. • Ow Pew Pimp lin row to fhe non. Tbe medicine rectors. M moan liner end reboil linith the poor, deblittatml, wore-down and des Mg Peons at mescal phoonn. am =lin. eannted path, the anr-tonted mas in badocsk lb...imam at sem. depretrico. or Ind Pei mitering base Panel debility, to from moth Mof o dente ell tool timmidtsee mown nth( by Pe en at Ode /liter or i d ate WO. Prim di pro bets* or arab bouls. tor iS, • at meson). le 4row. WM 07 all drairewta •7•77.0... DS W. 11. 11.11111 W LB W. 7hag7Wwilh. Litarty slauft, M boat felrmala to Plbsbarib h s. 0.60LA.0.R&8 11 to raw el t&. Meng awl guar worm, CHEROKIIII lIEEDICENILh. CHEROKEE PILLS SIICIAI4OOATID IMMIX 11:0131,11 OwLI AND Rini For Is Haseava et Oban.W.s sed she Imam - 11egatign1 in Um naerreaas of dm lionslity Naiads. lhay cure er obviate than ;tumorous tilwia• that Wag item irregularity. by naming OW traveler ty They rare euppreraul, Zs:min anti Painful ma. math. riasy aat•Orom Mamma (CanloradM "try coo lfarvoas loaf aphid hdlatkol, Palm la Had cad Wlllf pita of the Hedy, Elafolar If attga es Wahl araftlos. Palpltayam at gat Saul lama" at eptrtes, Brawls, Molt Ilfadaoha, aldltarl. ha. la .ant, by .ally the formula:nu WY nada. Ul ammo, sad mita It ad lb* affooto Oaf ryttair from coormod of ilia& oragoutdo ortYaddo. nal =Maas azdfllog &Waldo= to say aoanoltatfoo. ammo don. Mt% Mgr Mallon Wu tr gaboUtflo th rli fta voltam. tadPalll sod, War of lees owe be at l 7 newt ea nu ego. ma al ea, Ae Am =ea% elateilloe•lnorpees astaltas . aeto. It their =OM Woad telellll.4 prevese peScoollar• In woriag or srlirlos erl2 be ProlPin• may Noe dleeseetly aorwered. rea ltlesetkes iceoolosat mob boa. pee Down Oosee dial II lesa. Dr go poslagili as eeedersi Woe • • • 101 l 11 ell 1,11 1711. va SIMMS Bole SloVeleleelk 110. 511 41:berty Amu , flee , MIL rot ale te. Pittibargb inr IlleakellgAil t CO. coma wigwam& esti lestes smear mist! _ CEMOKBH CURB TUN GHAT INDIAN MEDICINE om ptemet Sion Boots, 7 bail 214Telli All Csfifllloi otro for flponsustarlttes mammoth liortianol. Salintlems mid all &mom dm b 7 egf.pollution. nob so Lem of llemory, Calms LAM WM Pinto ta Um Hook. Dhows. TIM" 916 &. Diffaulty Of Erma. ITrstobtfog; Watehrtmo, Immerst oat no, 'sway, Ckossuntloa, mad afl thr f mem emovlstrda csardi try Mroarttst tram tha•path. of nava. me mottles to •rtroMs Meted. • &rot, mod oN b sll MP talf.lo alta. tommrod to oar prodigal at WV, •ttn tbeivantli sesame. U. baa ma to s deft. .Inl luso*. tl v• tee , milkiest le OR fiFtorl OftT tUs mat gabber 13 e Tones* who his* IN flrd wed dude cordertotlon, 11l they WO thesurles by reselp Om or moves .103, siro toot ea. D.Pitr blithe Care sit rano* yore health wit rigor, sod all rose eater, us . r. red Ordeals , * De a *traitor, San* •01 ptnrr to tivi emigre); ailertte tOe proprietor. who *Oil mall tree sr say GO density{ the same, • tall malts to prantAll.. erred. pri. theme bottbe tOr la. 5.1 tf." w wieby opree. part. all at - 1116'46dd Bola t'y rapectibl. tfireggintaVreri - Liberty street. Nsur Tort. /01 ale ID -14 tstratary 11. 114 4 Al 4 ak ll -. 1 ,1 tater 9!i ice 11,01 at It tairfir rirra yr rot rots., iv. ittlt=2=l L A:cito Cbatto. Pa. Din-MIDGE a 00., IRON, MAILS AND SPINEL Primintl pats subjat to • tango. of the mlrbL 1411 W 0 coma. Liwiluida Oa, Pi. DUQU ktiN aammair a CB.AVIPOTiD, tiostdooto.n ot 1111,0 r0r1.7 d WO" DRABSFIOBK roILa PLIDISDIED MAN OE GAS ITTBS, MACHINISTS. AND OOPPEAortIPto. ITHASSABELHOS.,_ of dsortptiona, mods to on tbr. S BOAT MOBIL, !MUM AND GAUT/- TIDO, awl lIIPILIIITHF=PDI Att up .dr.l Porticol. ottratido to fitting EITINIIIIII3 TOB GOAL AND OAS ON 0118. Also, t!.., Apo. for the Wiotoro Ototrtet of hansyl r . Taub, for tao alb of HARSH. LA ITADZI.L 00:0 PATZNT STPTION PIMP, the Mt orro Lurvated.. Boring ea relwo It to tot liable to pt cr. of ord., And •01 throw sOOO ...tor Duo soy prop of Miro Ito oho. aoIS S.•cw~u._._~..-- •. MS. SS IRON. CITY WORKS. liii/10111117'01111, LIMIIPIIII. .1. • 00, SOONDIDIS son ILLIIIIIIIiEfiI. Oorpor of Pik* sad o'llv., nasl afro CU, C..tar Worts.) Uannfacturons of rtstSonas7 and other INGIITIIM, LOLLING NUJ. CIAPTLINGS and tfLAOIII.IOIIIY, of W Muds, and general bAboas. 14-.42,0 attention Om to en;alting Iy COLLISO KILL doSCh RUBERTH' BARNES a CO, ■o. I. Third IR, Plhabarg TIE ADD 198151 . 180 W08E313111. J.A.Y.A_NNIEJJ TIN WA-SE. We are now traituturnting and tun on toad Babe lug Apparatue or all kinds, 'toilet W., la gotta Water Oceiees l / 2 5 .. leilarte' 'tea aa d (Judders, Club and liplaa bier Wedmore, Bpittoolia, do get A larp =led •&.• lot rate low. ou .11 shies and Wawa., Ma laograg, Cknadootore, and all Matte of Job bing Work douse° ado:. pA.TkINTED OCTOBEE 8, 1861 OVAL utrittz:vicies. XX •LIXT Ol•US The., Obtmotxt are tstastded lor the lot Wu, hest tog ail port. ot ths ew or D sitt, dos. ootIDOZ, ots It to wanking. R. DITWW Tort Pitt Mu Works. WeshWWWo Wrort• Pittsborsh. Nook. BLACK DIAMOND fiTKEL WOlllO, PARE, CROMER 0 CO., DINT PILLF.ITT ILIIIIFED GAM ISIXILL. edam% flat and Ootatau, of .11 atom Warranted Kent to any Imparted or atennteetand la Ude oxcatre. sir thea. uut ....hoom4Nos. Ita aa rthOr sa 4 13.0 and 142 81COOND STURM Plttsbuesh. 441.10 ALLEN IFCX)RMICK CO.. VALLI! FOSIRIZI. Plusboxilio, Pa. nn LrBZDTT Ilmantocruren of 0001 E, PA BIM% MIMEO TOTTS, PARLOII AND KITOEU GHAT= HOD. LOW:WARS, roe. Mad and Glom Moulds, ItoMILI Goa, Wear, sad artlsou SW Inca, Dog Ironalrooro Box" Saw Nortloo, - Z ll lZct * t ' d =o 4. = a 4= Oar. Posooted PoriaDla MID. oda &Mao or ELMO -•• • • a Jac M. ESTEEN, te WIXOM • GAS asta Drum ramen. Pim-mentor ottentteo gild to the d t weed repotting or Oil. QIVUiIH tel. All Mods of BEL&Ell AND LIWS 000E5 made to order. 1.. b. MUM 4.182115118 , , toi .1 Linde, mode el abortrot tattoo owl ardor* lett al Sas 31 d3l W &TDB NTH= Yd I.l4eny, .111 be promptly isloo4 .1 to. • iletbe trombone , mi. aro Was ot many root caissrlesaa Is aba , Salaams mat to• eta* eaOva ssztolictloa lo swary rms.= W. ars also wool. II:m.001UL Garrisaa Oa.'s MAX PUMP. for promptag grocer, Ors& and FLO mei Otto Ay gage PENN MACHIN B WORKS AND rOUNDZT. n. W7MYT MAN a CO, =GUM BC ILDISS AHD MAOHII4IBI%, Lawn firmrse, tommea federaLmadAlanda 22 7 , ALLISOHEIT OM. Pd. IlanzasetmenadVlCOlTll/CHVPATINT POI/TAME OSCILLATIISO OTIAJO C14441513.121a100, Plabsyt, to. Repatrted of eli kinds attended to. i• 111 AS. FtJ W N (Imo et _the flrm of Fcac... • Ilittloy.) JOHN B. HILLIMON (tato lithe.l.ll, Hama • RON FOUIDERS SOO STOVE 1111111FACTURERS Ms-. Put, Pind.wir., P. Joan D. IM MO!' QD. captip W ELLS, RIDDLE- Ac CO., No. = 4 .115 Liberty stavot, ovarosits euw Pittabarga, odanolactamd of WIDITPEI LASITI69 and BWIIIO/1- 1M end .^7 doet.iptioa . of MUTE= !MUD= wen'. (Wk. solicited front Oa trade, dad rxds neld:4 4 / 7 • si • - _ - SSEVERANCE, Na 53 Way= ST. . Ploatmogh enconbotaor of WELSH RIVETS EOCORT SPIKES, oononon and rallsoid., of onry oretyttem. Portloolor dose or stowed BMW and lug. ger c.a. nub& to ardor uAbort notbx.= toortnent coartoativ on !an& inrilecro n • W WN BTEONNN Nm ano nafsottcr O e O n O o ED NASH& NE. and Wombat= AI No. TA MIS BIEDICE2. entabarEt. BILVICA PEILILL CROMPTON & 00 SOT Liberty •t+w% Sae Trzywkw.“ and rtasaUcrtarers be WArsima rim. Obranta. Obt, Intitem, llllswis and libroarl. On. manutpatnren of • atpuiat utiots al Pem. German. Olive and Roan Soap, .)1 oat MY= FLAL 110A7, venal vs autadae. sally nceametal OA baler kW pastel lasaug attar theme the pane, Amid to bone la Wad tam =tame Nes&44, Moe at 110.111. Of ea, ottesesobeteace tom mesatiatete which der stalak orb:due the Oast tie bac.. lutmas sad Wooden. mesh& Inidod.etat mu , Vat= o i r Lit °totter woad alth , ALA robbing. Odes et emote eartet= tsaa Hamm Orr" Mt, Tot...e. Sistut Mare backs, and the trona Belie Visogr Malan hotleaWl, 4thatigth im : i erreXmnposir= win= It • belb•hee - to theti bm ineelltin Ignswellse ibletb•p sat Meal uee ele•alag burble and doer ttl• It bas so nea— rer thbieat l wtbethift ebasapmant. MYNA P W.LEICLIPti • 0,1 haw. Is • mete , ite hare ttieb Ite mortar geolltbes. u the beelastdlstamy of the ypre TA= &tad IF= all mho my labaselid indet• tau, 1114 1 4 iney ova IrM reh md the prim et del Imo aolM hdi be a s= irbst in deem Oru. tf old eetatetea td Ove glut llarehrete item abed vtll bei wen lo Gamma • 00. a tan, DOT Law* MIA ofccitie Pmeatrinhe Dap,* gebreetre- aLI han2LIZVINI calm jo trabrimil—ar6 810114... by *wad gap -mama BLANDY'S POICTLOLB ' STEAM SAW MILLS rant =MOM istratod Portable BUM : filAzcoreOlniorta• Wang SaasolO it = 01,d/041115Pratit tiatldadWatti, Smart. 0. Mak mai anixanfol ta tba Tart& rid& Mad= ; atm, aaldbillan, at State tad tfatlanal !airs Pan 'teat! tvnitlind tatnnaratina. Out drat VW lty at lam. Wt. W. B- Mews, Vtlbanst , Pa., aart,t so , l : oo teat to aratifb.atba caning Oday,B4, lactading tba *ban twat whoa, iwrain IttaLlant,Lonol,lol4 Psalm oat aatigo 4.4 of. to t. nua zuntba. to .1 saw .1.564 IPOJXO tad saki Stint dant 4000 laat ea. Prtala4 tdAtrontinda and ancrand groand itsa he OM and Urn. and tit ttlanastad ettat.. Slab dantliddana VW amnia a op.: 444tH _ H. h-F..BLANDT, . at ZOM•4II 2 k or newark;Obia. Otdet. eta. ..1 ettt.lttadszta totklnd. anlltam ____—.--.-------------•—""--- DOCTUR JAMES KING, Di. 11. W. 11111WI9 • ($.1., SolfProprl.tars, lasautseturen at rtkis ak.a4 Walnut litrelMO, DITTIBIDO l'l3 PATENT i'VrfOROBOZI, PA. ALLZOBIEIST sTaslstr 'WOMBS , Lyn lA-1/07 110/Is. SW= PEAOL SOAP so .:07 TOIJETII STRUT,. OweHS the PTGI/03i B.Tirelari; Saikeho ua44l:a ,llvis COK N MEAL juet reeeivel put y up fn..ms4 awls, for quaily 4,4 og. tor sa/411 ;OA lit 144 NitalT liiromi 1114 re of JOUS 4. slimuvr. 311.1borty.e44134isi sosts. gatn- 6tH ) pi Hott Union lin ~ ,r e gat turte.i 1. B. 017t..!;1140, GROCE LES. PROroUCE, itt f r o„,.. L iteCLELLAND, (ftssmar livOistlaad t Divraa) GUMUAL 00111L11 2310 S 111311•Wr LS Flour, &rafts and Provigions. 07/Wrmcoo,hee wee to the rote= 1111fi i LSD ItSlllll.O 11/. M 0.4 woor OVUM. Pltteuek. ," ". /6634 F B. F 41 LAIBY & GO., Commission Merchant& 80. 100 suLITH W &Till ST, ICIAGO. Cif ..p JNalltra to,pare.Al■4l /lour, Gratin, Prortartans. IC. . IP. ItIITTNIIT...----- --GEO. 2. &BOW!, mb&l.7 tyriiirwALLAos Commission Merchant, No. US EMITS WAXES M. CHICAGO. WU. aLteso4a. Petri to El Hag ...dam hat BEIGEriVII973, FiWTIBIOIIIIS, 111:11711 • menu J. a. &SIM MTAI.CE ANJER, COM M I 311 ON XI.IIIOHAITTS MO &W." lc Viotti., Grain Lad Prod.:toot t 4 gIOOND BT., ben e. Wood di amithStald, P0MZ....-RT2I I ))'1 ER AIKEN Lk SHEPARD, Qom 0: 1 15s.lon Dental:a. and Deal«, in toralta and Da creek FRUITS, fl.,OUlt, BrTTRE.. OHEE.II, EGGS, F• TATOES, an d Produce gederalll, So. 160 Liberty e..J L et, appollte Reams eT D•ipot. Pplablb. • Beferwecer: S. r.rumerth aOo Moans a Ooflla, Outp & Shepard, a tooll, Lee a Oco, Jobe Ocular, Plthrbargh; Seism McDowell Fee Brunt 06,,Shdada.; Tramalatt & dommeora, St Louis; Sinclllr I Stant, Seer Tea Stantord L Laa.S, Oleclanati m7d.17 UL i g i JA FRANK VAN Produce and Commiasicm Merchant, Ho. 10 EIhfITSTIILD SIBLET, or 11rst. I "C. - JOIMS SILTS LAW), In )'CODS. scr• - - C" ESE, PURR, DRIED AD F au noof P' t 4 c7srecla cLancoa co conolimanto. fell CUIARLES C BALSLgY, Produce and Commission Kerchent. IifYILCHAZMI9II BIZOILB, /Lad elael.f Iu ell kLuta of OCIIINTIIT PDADOOII, No. ITO LISIETT STEXIIT 'of tee Isv erm of D. a D. X POldtrargh. a Co., Wo/1..•111a, Oh M' DO N ALD Wholesale ()mows, Produce and a:omission Hatch. ts, ...dew. COYTTS, X. 0. IDJO&B and MOLARSV3, t 2D BUOAEB &lID BTypyB. MODS, DADOD V DAC 0, TEAL 1110 X, 011XXSX, BICIDS, Nan- X mad 114 Wood, Woos, PI ttabdash. Lotto, SHRIVES di LAZRAR, QZOCERS &I'D COMMISSION MILBGHABIS. Boa. 27 sad 29 ISMITHYLILD ST., oor.•EsmeZ 110;4 OBARLEE B. LEECH, FLotrz um GRAM Nei rice°. AIM OCIKIMAIMI lissoistr fat tbs salt of fIItAIN, MD% allid3B. ?BODO= Ace mid agent for the lebrat:l Uniontown Cll:2l3Wf, 1.16 Ekoood sad 166 Mint West., balms: Wood o i Itsalibeeld. Pittsburgh. isss TIFAD & MET . 2OAR, Grocers and Cora l-A tram SOU u.rchunia, and dealer. he 611 kflute of Country Produce and Pittntourieb Pianufactures, Ito. 1119 !Abort et net, oppoeite hoed of Wood arm; rot. an. aptly Aji i ',EBB & WILKINSON, Commnm ai T Slarthasts, Wholes's ae.lnr. ucTressans ai- SLSOi C4II,iC3L, MILD Mini% HOTELS. LAOS, GISAINS, and produce rally. AWN LZATEDIS. 01Did, OILS, du., So. IV Libarti stmt. Pittsburgh. acra.b .backozecenta made. Couatauttuubi• Kak , t , ut 1.114. d \MK P. BECK &W., No. 165 Liberty Suva, Eitubargh, Pa, Wildcats Gras" Con liembants, ad dater. COUNTRY,PECS , PROVISION& BACON - LAUD 111712= taco, CURDY,riga, ImoDcrds, rums, 6111.01 , t, GBEILOI AliD DRIED TIMM haf,.. BALT and LIME. Lyle Ter - RN B. CAN C....massiaN &ND rt.4.1t2 , 11.1 Illancantre and wholesale dealer tn wrsTPILN assairrE cairssX. BrrrEll, bATIA PC UK, DACOII, FLOUR, TIM POT AND Pladru., A nti gg, gALERATITH, LEFSZYD AND LARD OCIA DRIED YIWIT, and Produce generally, Naafi and 140 Fr:nt street, Pittetrargh. od A. Lrrn.S. irs.—..--.................--JAlms num.. t s I .ITTLE & TRIMBLE Wholesale Gro LI too. .od Ostutulsehm He _its, dealers to PRA. 11:4CPE'LlItledit,BlEfer C 'itill.lircoAlljrVll TARNS, and Pittsburgh sasztessisenn generally, US and 114 Bssoud street .Pittaburgh. RSTMICIL.I.. IMTVILZ... D. %WM= IIQ , EIMER BROTHERS, (tmoceseorre ta Rey.. a Lneara.,) Wtolgeogs Dbalers min. ZION TILITITS, KVI9 AND BYTOM colirscrnotr. REY , BUOLII.B, TIM FOWLS. 40. Noo-02 11 .ta 142 Wood t, /Mb, Pituburgll. A• • TTEON !ALMON, • " RS ---- F 0021711N9109 mraccauarra FUME AHD GRAIN. and general PUMA= &slam Da II WOOD SIDRXDT, PLUabaratk. tti 1: . • Al" : : • ' : OOLLINS, Forward:ad and Coodenbodod Haab= and dealer to OH13:811, HUTTIE, LIOLIFISH, sat Poodace poerally, Ho. 911 Wood sWoodo War., icobodigk 'kkr2 Z.)171.7 P'LOYD tr, CO., — Wholesale G ' ra.. oourmimion Merchant% Nos. MI Wood anA IC3 Libert7 roved. Pittabaniat.. /05 CH A RI .F 4 4 L CALDWELL, (ffueeessor to James Holmes I 0.,) POUR PAMIS. and &art txt Pll.oPll3.loWoonar of lEasbrt and heath draft, Pittot,argt, 0111 LP & §HE P P. D i _ Ccrianazuo's • . senora wed &Was ba irioua,anAta A. 15) PIioDUCT., No. 547 Liberty otoWto Pittobtaiiik- Moire broods of Flour ter Baker audlliaily ms ml dandy calmed ' Partiertior ottemiton pd.; to Mar; Ihrcbasulto T a VOI GT k CO. 'imams= to L. u., T?m Lip mum= mu.. CELANTS, 44 Libaty stmt. Pittabargis. ROBERT isle Grans, Comadalca sad roman:Uzi IlErs obaata. and &des Pratue• sad fittabUrsh cum alsourea, Lible4 itrel4. Pitabanik I) WALLACE ssi , Comm ion hierchan_t, xo. • sad Who La MOUS t:1111,1 Priam!: Depa, Maori% ?a. awn* Wan hoer, co,OT II oaf 'Ad Tem Warta. ro17:13 smarxr, BRUTON & CIO., Mica& 1-I eak Oman wad hafts, Drama. 11.. I With area. hrobtrlX Jill I WAD DICKEY s CO., Wholesale Ckanianka Narelazas. sad deadars tr reoever., lie. to Wator dust sad to laws hares, Paaaaaln. • aIITNIAIIiaL* IRKPATRICK. & BEATHOSA Zircaroctilia. c s..l% ukk amty llu gset moms O.IIIOIOR RIO COFFl3l3—Jcust reoeived • tma los ar ettale. lUD Wein ego Floe Intim lir roars otpala &dm foe Woo *alb* waft cioe eall gulf? al - JOHN L. 10116114 W. bey tamer Maly tad Hand Amts. JT AMES DALZSLL SON, Mamma c.v., LARD OIL . sad Oausiahakea Ma thaata far Qui pareliain sal Ws of uauOl AIM UMW) PETROLMIL like. SI sad •TO Velat a. a. araperra — 301t11 LERTUT T B. LIGGETT & _CIITY rJ • ENO IIILLe; i•Diat - Lnarty lYia gut OM* Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1111111PVQ•city, 40D barn& Par eiss. II KROLLT. 41211 QCHO rW G Oircestos Irtolseatir dada" in enuncs. a; . H. =Lae sas _ WA`4T "4"IY ti Wholesale Gro• T I .014_03illireetbeCtn ainanta. deakests /m .pd ingraidaro. No. 161 tart, ars.l.;:ttubotei. . tea LE DRAY .Is. it BRO. Who Lula said 1 - o.a.un catocriits,rwou odo vim:ma=id.. Alfr pberty irtoml. Pittaburgh *LW, liDGERVIN &ownrn Whplesal". GROOMS MID ctamaciamna, utt sew* stmt. Vit'ainFmis 691, 313E9 'prig TOM 4 11011 . :SE Ea,_Whcasals GRO. V. +ABB AND COILIitiSION - 111.13DILL=, corner W►ur waft. ritb24,UX - _ ILL la. auo p 13).GALEI, Waotssm.s NOll.lB at 41 10 Nicol itroct. Pit Sits NATAI.I. PAPEES—ACITUSIN OF 1564. o• tesatifo a a PT/7:kt .1 an stftt• end eD . 7107 ‘. Ter t♦'e 17 i kl 7 W.P naustutta. WWI,. lA. )itTS.M.Eltiti IIEADQUADTKIO, 1 . .3 WOOD SIDADT, • ; *:" I_l ..k IL‘' BcYCV.eNI .iaTlt,l the attantft., t4-.41:11111G *IA CIE=I to eVl.dfd eve.. at DUES; SIVIAS; UM - 00 VA CIFSOLS, GPIS FUG& PoWDIR' ITASE,3, SliVt oetTB tad rounask -tame 1111.4.1101.—atta. 0 enttim al every thtd. IIL atcak d tls Is.rztzt *ea Dt oilt b till suk* R4llLite.iDA. TSAI u.—ancrt &VAG.: ..a • LI , et:jig ~. masa esitroAci (40. CA.i. 1w n Ts, Dirt so TAle•••1 'mut; 'Ma atoutIEIODSITOII IhF 'I. Iwo ;Le rr."-ava NAV.* Irgrati 0 , ..d17.` 3110 • ;.k.' :1-,4;-1 N .11 Ettatten;'Jbasa . .4;t PtiP•6l9 ll .. aat csakhai telet aava tlon fur Eta Vora a Plllatbi4pols. tas 4rrimovrar tS.tIL Pt! 9 4a-•s 4.33Nsa m a (nava erar..4”,) • VOA , • iteppms at prt.r.4.l irrattons, am :calm_ Ricrrivturg . w 114.111 ,-ma imiNV•lit , h;* lea and T.*rta 'MIM . 11,01111CONIS 1M131159 S tval P.I.L.C.PONL;mt, pzinetpidraticrea, au to ars. 11,:t1;1:.“ Laf leo, and tor lbw Tort vtartlll....44phle att Th. NAST LIEN Nam to* or-aaa data amp Ota ttsy) at t:3 m.. itapptag only at crlsolk_7ll;ttan, trozaataK a Barham= art' woad*. ' tor, •li Tea amp of : atath at rtrlO l 4 lll . NW TOLL aocuauttinaTroa =use Om &Mama ataamaLstlaz. Tram Maar tan Oak . rIdtIMOD 11; 1 - c“. otail 4 oB at an 81114443 r. lanCill Occar-osib. • - Iflrot iteccmgt.a3p. Trab. tot Wary of toll.toma • deli Waal Ealdar) al aeXt a. a. • dead TislXl ha Ws:TipMs; karst • tcalct Sunday) at 11:413 a... • ttbd aocatosaaaor TaLta Wars , l7ll.s;_ 1:1 tams URI (map B=day) .1.3:50 It Poortuo..Trata talrairo 2 40LICIONTS paeapf enia) WOO p: Th. Riaraik at Stra• Stattol am* Sta . M. , at 1:c05 a. in.; r•Oztat.i, Inns . tram ft nruncro vagml 4=op. a UM a is Itn a a.. 1201 a. a. - ••IMI , • .••. .•T 11;.1••••••--.. Raglan L0c01nannnain........... MD a. a. ea= V rani enial:Ulna niconniOdalina-...- 111.54. 'Mind Wail% BUSS= da=nnsloaaldw a —;-: Tonna Wall% Mad= Ananareadaank---. aa. . 1341thenn• bons *1:1 'salve miah Plaliakipada *L ama n Lt.6o e. na Zeadar& ' . '• - Lad batogactatriettitEhltilloll Ist.nnod:We 1021 act=ne-abn Anenad.d.-Nan and Sam ?tab Waned vita Li- • ar:nr. raped ant/ Jannannaa somonnalatka Woe Trona dca gliipsbun =amid sl Orman with Ina s Minim and Mad Tata Wa, and *Oa Tama* daisar. inodailea and limo ram • - - - - I== TARE . • . To osoo T^rt a no To 1340535553:-...-.3 13 al To PUN& 03jTo Loom .13 To Ex5503.311_ • 5••• To dltoot 114 . obook 7 t l to . 0n55.50. am ttOotol lllo3o Ow 103 ll.oozotd, an 3 to Ptalsael;kaa, Stalttevire ant Niro Yolk. Todpown readouts: Mum. to Ow oats VW Vidltso soot., Itocoolto4 LtroOtotostoo trirMOdo " o Ltotittitto , titot.“.l7‘ torn , liZttloorqben the 0315021:0 boo Ito ostesa. 120TIOL—In coo of lots, the Ctarpeay 'ILI thatooffio nopooslblo for tonsoitil itsepto me tor an aotattot sot ozosolts.s oho. H. Oasalboa latme.2.o hsa ratploid tooarroy gammas p aredl.Vr Coot tbo Dm:god • ' amt. not otots. mat ososoo Donna Tor Wirt, .??71 70 1. EiTNW ~t naOroad p.a= ilor="o"a”.%;,..ra. oet A A LLEIOIIENI,-.: 1 ., TALLEY ILSILIMAD --MAME 07 11:111L-01. and eta 1100 DAT, 154 WI • . of aralaa tata athsta • 171MTILLE11..—Lawnal PIIISIRSOI tAo s it = dvtag lr t5. ,, MOP a. al. /AIM s.W 4:00p. M., srs:1 , es a* Plitaborea 41 0110.22 TR.I-44ra , 1f6ta4114 at alel areareas aa ai M ak.. Pftadamit. as 401 a. W. LW Ptuitarip cap erglit os altasamtas .1 ta. 2.OOO2IOIODATUW 111.1.13—Lasslaloga 'l4l =z= ;1 . Mete= Tetz ir = I:Cry ea waianT. Istailtateedisr. • r==l:3 priissuEGß, Fit WATIM k OBICAGIO LA ID ADD °Lin LADD II ermantrzav RASMAD. a:a:as. - , Ic=oLti ILLL4O4 •-■••••• LID .. Es.l 0:10 a. a. 14%0 4. EL. 2:1004444 VW p. aMb V. ie. ACAS p. ft, 'Ulna..—. 8.00 p tn. ma . _... 400 s:l4 LAO 0. 11. Tor — lleir Canis zadtt444 44... L. in. • . 4,44.4 44 Mtittarib—P.n•shw.•-to •. 44., 3 ID p. EL, 7 LB p m., WO L. 44. ad 410 p. is, o.a• B d, 110 L. la, 3:45 p. 04.,0.1407.40.. t , sOOOnistODATIOV TWITS—Z4OI.4 46.114. Tv tr.. B.iintes. v.. Be. Casa. T04.134.4b42441 N(0 a. 16. LAO p. 44. ',-6:4 0 p:l4. II 00 la. 4 N , L. 44. ' 6 M p. 00. . _ ltrilys at /1.11,01. 10. Istsnl, 7;so s. pa., EZls. sm.. lAD t. so. *ad 445 p. g. • - • 0.• P 5Y...1003.m • kirs4 .. alitllGE PARS S. TU:11 .: Dattoo Ptmores esosson.Pl ; L. Q. (1165ZEBEISZTAIsluny aelts; V. B. Mirrns G..I.PrMr4. Lott. __lt o N LLai FOREIGN EMIGRATION AGENCVI . Cheap&nage from th !, Uli. AII.OLIT.y Dv the lird elan DIVA bat arms t! ol Dr Lheto pool sad Lorshavdeny Boys! ULU* oi. Mows 1 \ Filbershox .............VOO ums. V ~,Slo. .....—. Sem z 0,..., __axe .... r.:7111,,i.4,1 100 a Darowoi..--VM h to ... me. W., :5am....---.141100b 1e. hoosioss--IXO toiv. ftl.Dife. l —vvi TSeee Demers here Livery .. rimy It tosehbog at leasiceidem for the Isla Scat& p. Bearers cod the =lb. and have itoorirpred mouse& halm do pose.yere Wars Crow LlVerpool or TAM dooderry to Bev Toriv, sus- • • Moo. Oy TADBODDra LINN of . sieldirseel Wedifeli WIK - hess. Moving Ltverzool Dr Dew Mat= • woes, &swum •vle tiro of .....oov. P0k.4.4 kola. LCILIACM for Moe Wort army tea dafa Isphotti. WISP pica liaossayries the fa/4mhz 11 •• .* Tam Vest k . tarlytt Gladly • *pro 1 Coastallslam - lionatab of ea Boa—VeulaMcgit - Dreskattcat---- 3 . 550 Anion —a---11,1501= NoCanaba...JUXl. arora—L--- lao IttuaiData. . Vangasrd-----VCO • late, ta ourromy, to Bar Ttalt. woo: Plttatattb. 1141.dx Nataxamabooladttoecato to 44= at tam 'Rotator Galatia vats raquatti otimila tottsliva_Tort tar Litariaattratry tryali in the ogoS , rard vets`. are Ift:a 14 wv . arysllTC. bolo Hfrw - ierk to Werpool.s2o. aIGHT DIIMII3 ea all pasta at,pavaps lot Ws 4.• at lomat rata. - .lXO9llltMa '117147 Eroabia t° Carcaal• W t l*. itttp i r s = nu • at se anteasrai aptc. TEAM wgzia,T To: I.liVEN•ja NJ TOOl4 Ww.h.hcosCIITIZNOTOWNACcItBM radar.) Milne vonrs Swam cri Ltorpubt, New Yak 124 Slamokip Datous Or op mu UM:ratzsg 17..8. IttoPs, aro Wok* to efli lan OP Ker. U. Amdemy mocialui esoutlicp.Oncoo. Vas Eft Nara arm- - :. Nam as risme i r a w. b ca,ar ta sidnimO. ll oln.arr I ltalCebtl..,-110 00 twerp —ph . m mo um:4:6.- 66 60 • 60 LonSes ....... SI • to P1et8.,....--- 166 • 66 Pill& IR • 168106606Q6-.... 6Q-00 , • '6O-11600003 a lhaseecars elm lorinede to am, Snesno.-. lONS j, au.. A. Am-oksiuna ID* mum rem tram Ltrol oritaintaws Ito acct , - pi, tux illaaap, so. , Ilices.wb3 Id& topira Web Moab cam Iv tkUts basal era rata Ilts Straw hitormairoo apt! al Co m xi Mei. e a r. . z0.4954e . i ••• se ta r M62l l: 6 'l"'''' ...6-4 111.14 , • 11111011... wisox, caw —arisa . Ca, (tor nab. bar 4 a.,) • weelegauraure m imolai:m*sdr Daum= 1,11. GOODS, 3 1 / 4 11i Wool stmt. t 1.14 boom fawn Mem& VATON M.A.CRUMA CO. Wholesale and . rA soon &aim aorerseriaro4 simarresenre axe DST GOOTS, of aver/ diraigtaigh as rr sea ea fifth dna. MAMMA k GLYD_&. Who'fedi atia, AYA -1010 Deslos IA DADDY AND MAMA tar GMOS, IT.INKENGS. la Nodal ectiA. Alt wean Duomaskt mai fourth. 11481911X - ' • - DiCa3 'll aa44rTaa t. W 900= °A' 84 .Wffr"C°l'.lr' . smuninaLD, . IB4onn ;Thaler 0TA.P1J1.,1150 - 1' D 1131; 009139,21atarnst Min*, and . f1y0011,4., - MOH lIORN - E__Vrbacepileandltetail -Dealer b on Ida& aI"F m'ontr6osl, DEI Wl* so H4.,17 fad,79.ktutpt dips*. 'W.'II.ABILIDB.& Dealers . mad. pairskoote.'sca: Mad , " 4 . 14 . h i * inea Thted lroarthainabctab. pve4 , Asa-w I GARDINER COFFIN, Agent for the Uv 4 rmukluk,'ThuastAtu NADA. , " lanzari.. Cozpwates. Wadi re toms - Wood az.; Third do. VST P. JONES, Ageok for North A.mericr4, . Etei ot LEA asT4: Ol ix , ts" l-1 . Chispa,a3o. ET 'iraisr at ' - . Q.AIRIEL Sair dray c2i4as! .arum Cmrm. writ/. lutt sad Wsykr cts. 14 - 1 GOADONStinctarl :Wester/2 - 1: • gannet 06terto,11:41Miter enrol. • 1r GJfiTS. QIIION JOILN-PrOlq; Viis.akt. in PURE 1.4 Duecs AND 'me:kw...k etro-Nugo svarb, r&mtt 111.111 orttir.lly prime ridalki.' - whfalibil; oiltril al la ;eV* Varna, Ilmllls&WsiL.l ' "• - " , ..Pi1t•" 6 4i11. Ff....AMOS gal0111_,:, OLIIPPLIT6I4 , Ilaborgra, Pewit". DRY 800 8. arc. lrreax.a. -c 44gE•11`.21‘ n FAVNESTVICIZ. t WI-UTZ ,• a aL .St • • '.:..~
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