MEI ~. ~raj: 3,~'r ~': el••••7:1 5 le Ni lieittrillirl‘ 16. - miner- , I , , , ~,- ,16g, & - -.,.-4 • ~., ' ,Aliglit t g .l 44"?' ',' , ______„,_,_„•,..,"Tt t,..- ;,,,, 4,t a ja Op " 'Afro P4II44tPT" )2!`•`"' Yoo-RAfil', 0iiiAm 0L,,,...... ‘ ,•" 441 ~,,im =wars* , 1 , 7 grow.- ,to&I.- * ion rigettimptiot. 'lnue." that°s2tiagm oir IttrlN*4 6 :4l, ;,441.- Y mt.' quW` f . °ll ,viiii it y4o,l4 , ',, d t - edbiii U.* ----, una,,,a- -4 T 2, ,4;l_ i n rah ake of &Vl* i 5.,,, s tcsl oohal . t :04.ribut. tan oitittilifit+th EsPasto t 0r 4 1. 46 , " e r , i,4 1 1 , 4 Itillt hill:. '''/IGIVAP, a• maws the Val slim thit'gro 1 E vm oil' ' Lel " 2 *M. pm (214Pd'arititt VDU:MC 31 7 daily LIFInPa- vo will ,ssi. , reat -,ni09110,311., 4.4 " Is tr linitt iew : AM& c a ".'"- fidrAtP44l4 th d,M114 Absr4 - FAult' ... judge iht.. the • I ha" r il ' . iibtr' artiAlekter Ori • •P" • Elie *bat , 1 *Ws twist ' :4.1"r Goll'Or iIIt V I T6IIS iAlea.kill . , lieltiol P,6 ad Itt e te a „,„,„ edid ''.lllllld ..--71.1....• dtair./1 K t' "t 4,k61161.' the Vie. -- - twos is, bar" ay ' ..Rion** rito tersva b tto , t ' iiik aisTV at el 4"1"16 tura tityptitt ' l ' , is Saesdot: IkVttabsEt Itt::::1; 1-1 ' ` zhg ciez,z,V4l%ll.°l•ttly.ra .l. Tatciar 0 . 4str, 1 Imo,/ g ee 7 , ~,, T1,..* Le It2"1 4101 "gtiattrft q - 414 it - N , . • la ql Oa fonftx- jut6lm I f i ge/d l 4 , . Is Unlike* . „0.,a.., pit. Peadletois ii !Mr 4 . **** , ll4t, .._ i e'b UnadlratAlr. .iltirite tt-.‘ I ! X Mr. 'Pendleton . Gm:smut e. NI do, la I .t ult .hi ka it .ramiliagalkod. toe z mit, *mania ••••.„ 0 „4 .04,00,0---- „du 4 4}lcla MO Wan kis_ wibuoasiam 1 biorth has too ine 5 I 410r.-_-111,44._ hi.. I , ?;rich " ii Oil — I — iiiiiiirt l ;lliitse L irein. tr. 7. strestes.A. BroW" 211 * IA Ematanms, N. J„ Oetolier 27, t o theardtor, ottlelreav York. Tisa i -,-, " 5. - ' ~: kit : You unaware that I em ohne those.. Pouring of go Government who ware 9P. ' . ,,,-‘ed to , ttii it omliation- at -Idr, Ida cola. for. roleetiou, and anstalnettthe nomination of ijarria Frriout: Grarra Y.finieAf.itaihrif tleirawn, - there there; only two candidate:tin t? &Jim:4l7oin forced 4.9'altials4Utllitat' otdaidates et Beldame and these orc.o. i.'3o. As the elmloi between Meseta virtually_. bate betwieti Union atai - DieunlvitOtitet on ai I Onion. rain; and opposed to anysow. amiss or armistice with rebels, I y thremgley our isoleunns,llOenok t Olinda' as q i s_airiqualiivagait - 11 1-16 i mail* . Ipsii imy ]k room and attent7the Us, I 'shall Nate* ~ott.ter the. Baltimore nvention.. ..kow it Vole for I peals' gate for-this *arias 9t me too much forme to boirMing.ltsisudd / 441:04 ea tili the rebellion ft pot down, and Mutsu 31 .: 'f.. '..1 tY tint el:ado:sty Of- iforstuniunt:.vini. rated. Whatever rosy be .tei,,eptien „of . '.• -. rr - latioolnii - shall; in only 'alternitive ' r't roa„..veto..,for‘iht , ihr..lte.lis urged to continue war till the 'Union 13 toriii,.,aviLlatoir*l4re Xo OA Nim r , ery respectfully,lmre tibilent savant, -'I ,,T :, - O. A. lisowssoz. t an old wsk, i gi" *la Olditm fins LontsvW° ' M r: ea Ai 6 F Ct zoi *her ,i/nila nialatlY w %ith bra of talll9f- fond - 'intY. K6L144 1 - 17t. IN° " ka° ,,d ir st r ei!i . mt them f'?1""/ tato% goals ,I,l**.iniatiAiltraeintigStr "6a elan °4ll" pee =dills hod ' t ‘ 001010 s. Ilia . `.. ,11414ei belt - acessaPtilbed hi helan ahugia il lin g t .„ he was 4t.u.1.n,.,. Be f on, their mat', 1- I` - ja baize .4 40.0. -)-- - 1 b u t Baia, 4,,,7%-,l,llolo.dithp law.. to T it i ".. , eskoslsa...4hAll'es;ll, Auld lite_... , '1 mousywflTlll;4 ,g th q- r ..ri7atd'bi ia band the :,. " t a ii i iiapeasker da l '.„ go amoitutlaa -.•,t r , ch . Andro . a ..- 21° .. 41/21 .4. 6 , 1 7d fiend 111.0,...thene is i he t554bae15yK0.,,,,,560.1.4...-7.,,tur. " 14 , ~;.'- t„, i for the payment , ti.lbOt Of 9 M - 4 I la. . ,tx 4 P , stamped . The r bitortie. q lnl—sPrvil/21 ittl'otlilatlltic*.:ll,lklLt4rPrerillikbatinirt:4"P":,--tkar* ~ ~"-.,--t.d sad fine. 's.''" L • ,•` ii ti eenssis 1,015. • °moors, arc. w :. .I- Same ralunteez 8 .., un 0 New f 14°W aof 00•011/01. "yritteeeltlil. '' , ''' it 4 411 6 P- 8 f ed tiro hull NeW •-• ris i , t u t he INS% rent them to the to ti at n i t ( blank, an d cenirel Columittetkap ' q c o n tl i :. Suds Dearxrati° amen straPt ir w ork of .Uth. ~ b r itt l in t,`". d . r the wiamd._„d„.., hoIVA It'll' ' 7- ireA fiiiiiii.sadm having' 1.”. ilarti t_____ , T heln athe i terk traneta _. ticuirsalawar gtantoes !mt . ; "et onus It mc bed Bare_ ‘ erroran. ferbtdpisi a at , mi of rTeMiggStg".trith, ex:eit 011111Ing tailed into the 11. 54Uq". tonal f regularly m .. m o n e Oita MAU eirMe united litasi•" r&-lildeN •';'orvkc°4lt-tbi.° hued-100 lAr° irk4rikcioycie.. `• , m..%"enlslewplai..ea.*, titt --ca. i , pad i au ' the originators *".'"?. I";u.multed Paa' rtgairan tharl m........u. t0 I rw 4., it i mpt„..... Tra Bh. -n , 1 ,1 Itar. . - i C TorligilkilitaT4•l4.VNl4 2 .4 o4 . 7 t aks . c i nt, 43221kluak.f3t4triami..4.40,40,4et.,ziania, ithht Ann of elto istavionsistadfiett -4 1titortV-' g bathed in , ths Belf I. no, Lai f, , It r g to a Itst ,yst sit en • - ..., •- , .is sixty-Wes: Of then thirtPare Sr. now ha. Om illtke*l.' 5-tWilar AIM loft alt , ; • ...r.listths ..'ssentlY3sll:,' ,- Terenttpostrentot tits -:,,,,- • el WS fez :';[.707!4 bailor -ereassion e itips, gni annum on-for bask : b : ohs, finhonstifatorttwonrithreltootisor, sad : '‘;',..-'• ,;. • aim Lnro forint:lg* nzobst onifonproi• 3 tioglinlittOtif kineitthantilif La Ulu his 2 ' • eleta.g• onointatiortrfanstml, :. heisitnfoth= " i 4 mind elealf,_,' Or' - , t sassed, twontytton", ars `,Ristereortoso,. nettptitres hlllsookolistliiinahintoss Siam ~-' .Unman Os tan insitoini in on Ilan= is n sw.—lfs lean nit tits= ensidiont sad Kn. '4l ° Coil-hare returned to their queen at tits , •"- ' :nutlet. amnion for the cold lesson. flodoit pan month etpol lights him frequently '• i ,s.. istit'lnsolitlishtiditrAtilts -;;.....,, , ires gone. sna various dramas:tow with., the :knowing* of no argon.! onthoritios - lea thsyneonsifrientis of lir: Lincoln -to , :!iktystiOttotrioti..lo,l4l4:l 3 4, 6ol !iniwArocipilwy voihistrir so ninon Isms 410 My. no axe risibly to* won consortia talk bit hi noshed st the ban of his hinds - seta rs sa at the flouts until es Ist g cool no d. ths stestikor hot indueed.hituto =ill WWI tO tilIM-•-Wilflq** , _ . : , :, '-v ~Its _ . . . . . , - Josnagius ,or ilantstlon &spool satalcustl 4 orgies ass puska as politiosi Dm "Row. oisoYSlsaillers assoatillad fail& salloideirtwr iNOW Lcusdifat-Ildger co. v. , . tm-04,144 --,. .. - Caused/ma aTet or, twat* I T LTA tiliiif iiiifk so . ' i:WoWeffirf l iYil d &dad opr,.“Kladrer stns is hers u if ten twd'e L W 4-ir g e t e l e ,fr. l 4 4 3k Pe tq l4 r 3 Unionist -- is gin jolt $l,OOO U pat delft to • . „BMW's•_VESslott .‘ - -;-.,-,•,,:- swot the 001 r dens -therlitakiag ors join ir to gel right tore am the spot." , - : !..-'• 4 . Woodrl Pealforn_, „„,,,,,, ~,_ '-a, DitSroriiiiiisksitlalf l 4: ibiltate Ms irciti,tiaced is .-4htraote: 'r , -0 6 ,111swd sad snow towl.. It gust.sustacataigh ' -• ' Valois/ oftolsonws l Worrst 4l,lo s o ll g ani "- '''-,' '. : ' egoerclostialWeSistrif,usif IS tinitti balatot; annin:4A sidoUsr, a swot lo waist In Its ."-71dossostion of this an/5417 was.„,_ : . . • to. lb* mord of WriorinS lll Sl - ••:- r''' Par. St ° C° 2 11"" 4 5 0 4 197 ?Afr .... klims rasertan, vAokdi irost.,3l4c. a w ay loud essol -- w_ biS . _Ai lot K r ' i•-•-lesalletros eqsaily togow - grith ws.Woo4 sad •• lair• ii r r"'” d W!'" .•,AThoofforlso.foorg - A ,1, 1 . . .: ~.........a.a: r....:gtag, , •. • -.. . 11., _ Tossoeslotoro of Ablasitursessitfaitif Wog. k•-b o rsfs its Ckantadotigdr. 4, Asaldrigstwitits Ur I'figuit adjoussisa, - ulna outit.p.daztt , , , .. , . -Ns tor th• :Bork thormOt doggie of Ewa. 1 :i -1 1 1112 .0M 4 th ilt.14 d i lls4l r= irilad in gi- thi i.thil (M . ' 'ft ' tia4itthaoso.orlable"to snmaa ' •,;- °i tem to drag bins. Moos a* oaks Wag 1211 • .. ,' 7 4011, ALd , &nand to, assagot4, gto ,s letter F ri . -'• ?I,la t o Mobilo Negri iirailWtiiritiktizkot their ,-"; owa gables for akivilusl2o - j air's" stemma from Haw itissts arrived - / F ivi ‘- iiiiill7 --- sl - .7 - thla , post.. Thai bring but little Tyres, - Wray W. Aga, the =bad florornor of L oo mgoos t _ss patting lab afroor, Ws Masa ad ',vise to Stomata ficagdosi of Warts arm, a- 4 , 1 lost* soltiar.of 41 1 .1 1 4 in within thM 2 ;: lig lin a .s. agusaict iti'lot asirsitry itesseptieties "4, e the oWo.ity of Boot GOO% lbsnrilla Porisb; ir- 1 al. s s , ,of were tato& The no -1,?, ~.."1 in theVACßUM'Arlftgralliltibit izat, , meth aimi t-w oris aftwr i p i tt o cirj jri-; 12 "''''' ... - . ' ;-0,..!:.:112_,,,r4 s e ,ate .Ilv, - .'' • . -- '-, , -..----"'-'," --- r -7-, ~ 7 1 ; Tel Paoross LAW 44&• - SIMWO "A-Olf. - ", ''' lifts WealaVitothistrafadanisPws-ire dart -•'•' ofßous is Yam ssfst, oo Am s cr a gs_thi nt lad A , . • ,';'-' UPI. , P,1 41 4 2 0 ,tri t C t astilSitaihrillia 1.11130:-UWai trill.,*43ihitifit.epite, .".i'j PS lea *OW -lat4ll3aittigiiA *4X 1 e , V611/1 .„ e ideeitb 7 itoolaUr#o4- 4 4ACEIXsaf' . pa rd - 611111 ii iil Vali =Ugh, '; Ilea rob° a*-- i ' the I - voglos,of Illirtgruli . .,',:i : ' f id e krriletaf"l6446ol2ll/:, Ho rig wasted t" ngir - Stono is WOO, - . '.• ' ----•- ••,,:,4 °e ve .. ~....' . . -- , . • .. I. • . . . tr ft ... . "*.."l lEn .. ;op le lk ! 141140 Atiljitittiii:Bottiiies!—Xitait thi rip:ortitol Ito 84 /ohms outings Sitttlis Cowl. W bstororptittli tabors= ottrestsd to Goolsorbt. .gueolliobs Wait bassi .thstobtooro pn.ttioslty 'sibalts that Bailors lld Wei folios:nod .0 f tso ' bbiritaki: . knit ot,liartitotititii tit lid. bo tot ,iptittrotittitothfirrotsot,,tho .sl4otsts,yesoli losopttpro Xiits sootrasts.fiiiststssaino mitts 1, pintos":ti:ti -,coporq7tbist Sonars trod 'rote to . 1.140 t Caaseto, awl woo at 13Tobbirsatist with .., ; tbi pErtd'ltsitg,!qiissoglitg ; thott,O outs"— elist ' s4.-:TOtlit &Skit& Int 4 ,11 r oTior written - by ilbimstat,Dotiglas : -.4 'l,ll.losow.ot no mode to whist a toyst stem A ds"- se wan . itosiottotratooliti obsirotttit is bit _ . otantry as by c itri t iL ettbit ilti ItliWilis .13`Osirtits ' dolt sat tibs 13 lositoz.ll3lt3l l 3l l :**bsth sad ":14stor Start A ' tios. ttdstdlga - tit party ...Pattibbo apsbfl all sosslissitty-st boom aftl iiiitelk4. ,Vokettictreimt tine Wati toss sou not be s Salto Dostsittst. .ostots U . 114141%1 rt . . .. _ . - • _ ?kilt Aretnetit AvoleOki_em lest tilt Irt I~ia tout our tntorwalos p tartty WAIN , teat : Jelk-riltott, Bagi dotmtitt j (telktlitirtiattet ttra 6ineersl Land is aptaibteit It. Ott tittetitosal 16. 43144, WO, fit 1004 to 'us Andictestdp,rt thaTrapley YtOtto ari a; titenia'pleftwat, tad At! both 4001titnet *it MOW.wuilt.aaaagaltmoaac OA= • ' 'TWO&W,A.Wedc VotArtsit, ,, :Patt , tfieto loft Total cwt. t'trtsg AA ! ttAidtat ` , outlaw.% titt Irtibfrit vat sitbila. tram ibt ileet Wit relstd kat , . the Vitatat tkitaawto Itettattatglitea, Ts Dk.r..0., dplq to' *AIM ti,tt titlyeeitor. Its ww44l Ntas tilletttßif *Am tsit toot tt Ate. Ulf Talt tkt-ttat osttlaii kt i ttti Stalitta totes EvellostiVtlVAilsoorktk v. tamp amt. c.3zatlang ts._QoAssa , •-tWoL tArea." /taotravos'a 'Beene Vente.—Dr. O.' A. poison tattart in, robtict; i'card in the Nreirotk. Medi that B.Oenuose•Qoseterfirffe. sit/ oilseed to exist trlttr - tho- nntebef thst-fip:. ,pnrf.d on the let of the present toonttt. env norther, rill appear, at .the 'htleith of the slitter does not peinitt him a oott. atins iA.l# • Fltorsocon TO as Guam —Orlon hairs b,sn receive at Medical Dirooto ia asitelpht d s, to the foglogittallioldioroeroalno IA atm ho.pltalt Wthat dl,tdot belottglogoW.l3lolopd,. Matzo, Wisoottsin,Mloblitailhlowei. Moots, /rev liimpabtrolatd Countotitiat:: .fiteloltetti sal tooftend to a period' of tirostlAns! . ; AT • ploughing ruddy some labour ete et/Utah g behind a party at larilestrhatebi tr nnete calf r. crtnallurklandated-thita Irian slating - what to piss toward. . Pnekof them enplaned the could not see the loam plough.. .01 ao a not." Matted one of hie eomuanions,eard adOed ttgnitioantly, "oho can lee throtiglia aro- AT the spiedterst etanyetitign of Vanden. Prince, holy held. saPhorAtte fer pictertog, wee eartis4 cif bye racing' wo"man twenty years of hie—the trial taking place with allow &awn Wear Snunr:,- - VheroompetibtriDf , a s t . ctethat' Sex wan namergus._ . • ; . . tarn Jr= 4 , ..,Pgsat 400 4 ..4-4 1 i** datettatotiiilso4 gap that, nadir awary.aam laaliticaatif ainwoulasoarirktiaatarrfill , baheld , tad, 11' the army rota la al arm irwall j TradOwat Iliwarin will triumphaatly malaria& „: • •2 , Wutilnitten Park. Pr:midst* last Mot% dai, a man welshing HO - pottedit.'anihitteelt"to rot !round the mile mak In sixteen ideates, `4l 2 Bllint ulklr Insignaggs - runag;# V&A' wu gamed smile Etas 770 pouridit,',ll,e, cciPliall&the.6loo2.4:l4,l!#s7 semi. • eity.aßD - sußwm AN. the arcane- County -,. 011 -Iteffipn--The prodeetbilNelle and theWeller#Pro. gresis.-Encltelnellt 0)04 Xeril,tr.y; etc. . ' 4mintallisrat tat lanais: gisottimiti et Ws riti4be.ttall34ifelluli-01!:teora" s. pro - spsoltag - . toir--throogb-the oil',region . 11; Dordrard :- kind - . W 4 kilif%fiell4 filreitte conntls gins nu m. * in rating rants In regard to the,e4Wiallati In . . . ' tbaa foesliti, Which . we shall submit far the losuistit of oar realm. ;Mean - rowan san Whitely_ . . , ~ ____ erooki a Wank of 'Joni* thirty_milacalong the 4/oicatgabela river, flare are ball ordain wells . , . aininr Wag Olt d•tro..2looma the tin . d wells att4h boa yet been - prepeend ter. , thislooallty; fitatifiardm;•li;lk few roIIM &boys Mate- libibarosri.altsen- denials op, wi th -engine, on ogroturdi enellhelartiss - are either opera- 1 de orAddrat "bah.•to begin. There are tan Aber dialaitenerthe ground, and ready -to , WI essetede, nalring_twonty-lwa- nen vans, - nit of ..' ts)dolerill -tow be to oraessenf bortag. ' - 'Jo the *llk tarsi, the Br-Clair sentil pomp, log} atoll It is Wired that this. frfll. 'Ur-7 161 d . largely irgeoparly worked., It has already ono . dosed Woe bettered barrels. Within - a stouts mat far Affray moll known is We Karoo era% ,ynniptaga - twill but regular satiate, and glair: 1111 boat. fon barrels per day. I Wlthin ..bal. ' 46 *do. A[ol4_ fit Air. WWI= vs% .wb. lilt predated as blab is eighty barrels per day. oe4raittoerteranoef suspended; in otinaselastosi of i re 'WADS Awiaglagsti.tato `the owl, bat' ( 1 ! SI wilt 6011-11_1sklindllla-afslf dojo. The Blatws.growiaitior distance below, eon meted - *Arms - stont dew stnne, -or-tbe frreting - at the tubing 'i operations hire ataied for the freasent. Mama feu OM the emly' -producing wells Irettilarigloakaadij lif:efortby , of to thid nisso his the walla vtilottliave Mar saftelliniffldielyi ift,ttieelidaVarecolr o Awbbtsintiti'gresi y -1104:, . *TheEte k - ', 'M in well WU PiMuik."beeer thsuabirr kind ,rottikemrdari;.faithe'prisioiPli id ' , tote . a .riweiww.l4-fillibles,lfllLnohtlakitdaspit . at I.,,,Waivi latsw4bovireri:no. bora a,' . 'q16341"14.14-4j.ragleYilt 41wAhilftsaint . 1. , . itbitiiii!. --' tatintir:ollVOliiitayi - I oft to eityeitsts-wto tangllo. - ellia halleraf. tag no • • , land-ge'read' PIO ORA eatai baringl-lles.: W ' ILOWillftftillur; 061 4TlliiWitildc , ' • • tfICAPP -4- 00 - 44:omm tooov.mortlmand. , en . . lisisiggebetarmitt sari awns* Perk, Jr..ft„ •.i• - in fallepotallon: - olliovoll'otablr .t.sinil44loesd ashen". - ... fairytale: 'lrak: la Aelfa ihnsti a 44 013 ti-'44wWroicAr'bialireut 44-*,Nic Proflgfrolg4.o4llltftWaisimlidsrompm si Wftdmadtdmothiettrit , Es tentrea•miumidfilmmdesslf o otiffiletio ll ,fee 1•,. '4 extmd• XwollfoCligilmusr. bly r 1h111 t a ,„..., d 4 1 -. P ...0 4 7.7 )1' s r' lD4 /: o il l tliqr ej l .,TZ. , wit of Dankard.andlildtify ermtrtr , • flegOideitteitifititAdittWormiototuf it trud•ttfthotoviltlyirmt•C- Ctpumd. fro SW York. Ilitladsiptda,_ Aoldglief lent= ci KO flooklag thlthar,laltrief*Ditiog IV ' o with oar ova parobasees; Van is a eo stream of " sonars" to and from :Alm ximlompad_. O. eft arti#4llo44 , * stream •ilf. Wi n ' sie d.l . lAll amig o ou ' ,mwk idurfo ba doiri_ taz to ,iik oredi be : IBM My than Is mnsidarable szottammt la nod titiond thevanneolaapreadlagtsoiny.. tunrliani4. - bat whotter with= IM MIN 'Trfal moults remains to bosew. Suprema Court. , I • • anti`Oit.ddi.44:tedind, Cl.f Illation . 1 W. • • nat. and; ages Thompteed3troug, noel sib . gtortr.ra'ool::7l.-.1 11W.W4.:1 l a g ''M it ..D pay's AttadaletrahW". Appal t Alhighny. o. vielivitififila iintlnrOftis - 41.. I Opt ailifeits;Ww..x 4 . ' .. - ~....; diPli'afelbia 6 ,44.4:Qzeliairii: au &Job . f R I..:iottooris, Eq , duly Math -114 4 qui/4 44 1 43.tilellja tgo...4Oirt. ' • - ..% Kit 14 Wotmaniiad, Anntroug, lin las . .-$440 014 W.g_Stimantated.wo. ,1,:, ~. ' zat,..VA:OlO7 sr u t raamossogdargo.. t ,g g minty. _Judgment of emetr.a. a 4..7 U. ; Ifortelsou; ou moan - of D. End, loid y fargbautinCrtere 114,1 41 r 14 40 44 . •;itat orforTO obeineuterati & nit'of wealtu -4105 044 4 #44,4W.. 4 4#4 1 • 41 : 44 te1e t a nibt0 dm Wadlondailtlit.- ' - te - ONTO. Detiaiio, , 40441W15t Alingsk 4 .M. Beal far ininin In - inor iA. L. Jo ea, eon . : koza l - ~ .. , ,-.— -,. treltp*L• ''Caisbrui. - motion " by lifi.•; Ite• f ora raW to show cane why the appal In Abnitillllloo44*F/ILlEVlSstfird 4, ; o,:, ` 1 . C wan: Caldmidl. &MUM& Submit: WI y Goldewitelvillatiftta 4 ,cal Bugg. Crobris Co. vt. Tomb and ottam6 Indliiii, &Add by Cloak and Itopelki for:1118W 131 drroV did by Thomprounaltindlowntra. . Court pc gouge* . !Sainted& ITl.#4i*litliii,f; Oct. 31.-"PnirtjaMl , Yr /34181.111::• - t , -T , i..:': aJort.ltlbit.laat: of tit', lkoaistoini fiat.- I au :Ina a tosladmsdlograiildliiirii 'VIA -4 81/111111~1101:110aatoa &Brown, I " . /11:0144710.ft#01.1.2.: Lead. TimlafT. 'lb ;iid-itagla-DitiftErcaotgutitmatl , At t Jofia. : Gall It pp, and fooosuatiatliiti to 1 Uni. ergo' a ihe amt. -. ' . : ': , :"1' Ton plaid ;anti to a dam: of ,lllttgat 1 - 111 lamas. lad was toattated to . tar a doe ette - dollars sad" croatt. , ' , ..q- 1 2 • I:lbittiot Attataortua'allll4l . op tklot rats of flaada* ppm , Hilo; agabut diem taf me . Thr defendant keeps a piano ,fa. Iftstritwiliaditaadt, *mita slit 1 .sa if Hoar Olkshe following 13undaye- 81h of 1 i!liii i ,,nek . or'llerptembor i 'and 9th of Oatabef... 1iii . :0 4 1 4. 10 1 , 17 , e l ~,Pt :ll,l4T 4rl ' Iqe4 o 9 l #• • •,...--,E. T p;;velot--15E); 0.. - lir*Lb Wad, pad-:. ; gidltj.to3iltnt Ilftwathanlna;:aad sataaataa l'od uttijii 1.114-00.!Atvigosztv.ousc4. r.l, :._. - .7 .. . - ..;....----,. .1,41 , —z g., , , r , L"..' . 4 - .' -. 3; 'l 4 ; ir 4* . - .. t ‘1:1: , a i ` ,n,,,;~; , Illettnittay Ace!debt , , . Attoi loaii ,l4 Ift.ottlint itatimoi at tatioyilfrosa Ot'd. eolu.cvlU. os the bank ,„ of Qs Alleglisoy 1134 , o 1 tie toot of Wept . 161ot:tidbit . netted ilk Oa 40101 or:ft:moo Go ogloitzt,lib ti wit o ploys i lit gto at a snow thto{ trio crane broorao do • hard, and Ur- Grogbotoo •weal to &Afoot tt, 'btu it tell Input tam, Watts; bit toolt,ood arm and horribly mistilallb frog *bunted to bit ratidotelt; 14..111 !trylito Wog. , Mara Ito did to o idiot% limo Tht Mount Ina s well buoys rains. durri asjgs.. Um rope• till= of Wet it good Inediblebal i.. lode.. Ulm mu, As tete:Li-styli! be tea m{ lb* bob: tatitt (4 l l tViOk OA Ai tic.% eattaidatttllts sealant tail Ito Rate, *Wm,odetlvais4 41444 . did did <l4l a, at CIA /MOW. Mata 44 gralia taad.l* Iva. lath ea fit* arm* *WM• tkm vttl matte datleVtlie remit watt 'lad Vita at tido:4l4Ra t ita Manned to caps Male% ilinald int tail td Woad. tar. ,Knos trbyt 41lNts lacotit. twat" diterlai tlte Ilatiat eta, al Tadfrattaa. CO sad toe %kph trainee , * ev rtontetneL very . em ot Pptildont Lincoln hoe 571 t 4.. by p litu dt : Otr i : t&t a a; t oZo b o of de Proddant volmes's! 110111: IgiST MERKUR TELEGROIS OROIIII:Cit*Ora,.ARIViY.. IpeOlilit OP TnE EECNIT1)15111XSTIIITION en, Enfler's Forms Engaged with !snip?, Epee,esis. , Orlf. TROOPS WITHDRAWN TO 1 THEM ORIOLISM. POSITION. . . . Tbantsgivingllat;Appointid by ItErfavis. THE 'COLORED TROOPS A • THORN IN siephens' Pence Propositions Renewed. . . . par Tons, 'Oot. 3l.—Trut Taloa'. Emmet farm the Ann, of the Tames, d ea d , the '29th, . u7s of the demonstiatioa made by.. Butler's fifes s .. ,Ortheral Terry moved the 10thIttorps 'On t in 'dunce 'hf oar extrema right, and began es capybg the - 06min along the stens Mtn* night ot Ithe lath instartt,and.from. eat - point en'the Darbytown road northers:ay tethaehirlse City . road 'Outride:able , dasneoxy` Adair oatured here daring the daii,stillteni althea atria than to s how the enemy's etraigth, •. • • ... -• • The3Bth ertrpernainwhire,•aacompittiad by , KelltV ' mmahl, MOYdd eat lined the WU.: liernibure, road' " - and - flare. migeffedt the nr.inaj; lee in tha" aftermooe, with waryieg • one. cat. Kota:lea brigade of c•doniii reaps sae aededin nurying one of thrien s rodsabta and capturing the ganir, -- while' V shed? and dil, - Ili Ni brigade, warisiongtdfliandledllitadeiv o gto take a tangbaltionlaid by theatemy, • cut on the WiWarttanurg. road; in the:Leigh itor cod of Seven Pillo4. . Paikll•lllll , Cliatilit'toli 'ittion to pe rmit at to lestill_ontreiretof.eryadragage g ained. by the . . capture of thi redoubt in the enemy's left, and Mil:roost were ordered to return, which they did at eaditght, and take 'a !air fur again . sent • • The teaslt on. the other side of the James, ho ever, led Gen. Grant to direct the withdrawal n il par faces lather-Wiener position. ~ Nears haw reamed thee edgiest gent hero: . - The Irises of the_l9ll, army. carpeted aloud .to spur 800 men or thereat/14.4 1 A the 12 h Corps to shoat doable that amount. Hail •of them, however, have been raptured by the ate - , &gen' g the heat robe raweraptir Azirats, is a moohonation by Jeff Deer, naming the Pith 1 - efillarember, is a national thanksgiving day in ids Aominions. ,i In -this document Jeff., while claiming- that thanks are doe for the many agile victoria with which overarm. hare been crowned, for the frnientnesaftretternicharir lend hai barn bless ed end for the unimpaired energy with which , the'apirits of the rebels have • been impaired, at the lsame erne achnonladges thatthe anew have malted and secrins& greases shasetemeat for - which the soldiers alibi Union can wash, sae that large lasalitles rof the eountry have been swept tier and held by ' the • armies. of the --• rt the colored' troops are a thornln Zel • Da is' sidels shown by has statement, that with llealehisaidlsnike the passions of strange Illa bole beau aroused by their lees. - ' .. • • TM Charleston Memo, r eviews at length the Inesinshronaltions of A: U. Stephens, the rebel Vlci hisident„. and Us. read- Carryout:lan Brices. In the coons of -lb , erldeisla rusty f=. 4 hly mime: hart the panic of fished° n nye nities , a desiotftinf Chat . the rebel Oitestitallos Ire bearniolntad ISt thii rebel Congress In rho iselttelf ed. dire tarre,lndthaitheisblietaub , has bend 0091pailifilli the holden of • 9ibel atirremeraelserUlt egtiltra alt. ' UtT late milifsft ' tit says t hiriene eettreried. the:* gehetlieththiehe eo. rale!, ibelr 7ti1,., . rebel sesoembrif - Mint% - late wan an combed tri 111 i terrible Onion for in Ulla and, iree44ol;•:yelelle ilia rebel loss Is pat tilderttEr or tfiliteitainead Dialog ii in+ JEFF'S - SIDE. , . Prbbolde Sainte on Battatlar. OE fiiiii , StNT TO WEST VIRGINIA, ... ~ pr": =Refugees I+7l7l,Dig, ... ._ , -ILI Icitllo2o)l2arplll.2EDA AND LINO ' Ji1t18E02.02... --.... 1 3 ) sr l' ' 2.. 6,W ' "'' - at z i r k at i„ 1..1 1 ' , o i. 0 k rat i o ar oto g that Mao to the dtrootfott of Bhatittseo wail board on Eistordoy otorting, &iota 11 - rit d iti pristiotjo orot s kootri.. To d15p601164 %idol; made hy Skean of the Of at cotzunsods tositellotatitorentt of bla Ism them kb vigils:Los and bb ormaratliins to tlittitel bunny/ Oloortiitig, -.., .1 s,- • 0 SW, we ate_ iiformot, kis botio, - orOaroil to at Virgbilifosimpirtaatilltroloo,"trliTok Is tfoo likely to chitak.atty 4114,as Bottkoortigo au ham of 'soillq 'through' frasellitt Iso m i• 1.5 ., 3-7?.r71:1 0 2,000 raf tgou htro come Into oar Una sla tholgtfrotaMar,lostro4f thoothrttig , fros Ith thom snob, of, poir,proprtt 4 ita qv E . ..,, ~...,.....tiiti. bstit:slllDite. , - ds4 .tootilasa of • too tobotrioAho Valtirvbr Lox t, lad that zotiltratottrotolishr rota. ' 44. front-Df001114020,,,,1rt W:k5...1.41, - - . le rgt from' he•Polomne, raly. •-•-- - - • •TM TitoopzirquilLo:44Apipsi , L ,•-..,,..,, ...,...:—. : ;"7 ,, , , , , ,,1 r f .,; Atte iittliiirget -W2'1 • 14111664 Bartlitd • r ---, HlliwyHtt*iii AziWWiisti 4 , rii . itii,lbei: ''. IStlMid ; .. owai .titamili to, kw old: tpuistsW foi do. .ISottlo, !of impootoxof lowpotwoL _ rav At 0 , IL soarliSk the TO) mareeir lo thullidM!fi bit d l4 not , do pools dup . 1 %•• OW . 140_ .11U*14&,:ittnipti to aioxie,,. A i m but toudud lOW boon lost, fir 88 annular& oin - fossi l iiintisidoo. FgaVliiitrrtit tbs ltuet o, t hilted wand The well dtviston, it Is- tbought, ion about two 1 •134 , lon if the sumilg burn u uy 011:141 ilia *Vit. W liMirgekelollllllillitrlAViiiio ii*'.! on' 41444.4)01111.4gat,.. „ :-.. i,-.... c- • itc RAnY ON, II Vinr.t.. P• i us a the Altagers._. Frusef.afidf 017100trill , ..r14 1 1 11 : 11 s .- AM In l IDA: _ --,--"" Ittirrtiwi 0 et:3o.;-Tttity LIVWI pstiollai bj 7 its wlntioitiailiiii:tokot.fotos-lattedl4.:, cowitanto. twawttatttlioAirtellulabba • traik;i' jng voting* but It tittAxlit tho*Wipt wain ot go wattorlttos sa Oa fact tbAdVio BOOM , wall on an- latatAlalt Alto-laiwrit If Muria , llldWoll,fluteowit -tho-totdoreplaasi - -- i — . A lumbar of trairplotow venous haw avilbti to tows Within WA/Ift; tkpril .hrtiottlatott to* dal OM noloiti r!"PtIV I A nit sod vutoiltadi lot Oita -111:tutiliPirksittlai -,Thate WM, eyitts Co b• states to ,par.);” o,l , teppito . sits , ' '' -e !. AU •', 7 : : l ';‘''' . ; - .: ... g,. ; ta.i:., ..,.... Z. e.:: ' k i HOU TENSEISBE. BTEANBB AND BARGE NNE BY OURRRILIati. Rebels attacked and Driven DISPATCILES, Th OAt OF,TI. SHMIAN. Itioroments of Forrest's Forces REBEL DASH ON .JOHNSOLIVILLE Rnmeitid 131716416 i. of Atlanta • Contradioted. • OA. 31.—Tbei 'JoAreal says: A sparlyromeired at the :headquarters. In .Naak. llle, from Olarktiille, states that Litat. Ootonal Ertt, at Port Donelron, report. that a part of reat's command, with three pleats of ardl sunk a itotm.r ate large, loaded with aim; clothing, at Fort Berman, on the Tinges see river. on Tuesday morning. , ;TittirarnadlißatifitnetToni het cipti - c,ouir, With 4tiotitj floe mei, on the same day attacked akd drove 'across the river sixty of 04. Malone'. tribal cavalry. killing two and wounaiag oigkt. ,It Is numered , thar.3o6 rabeis thy:amanita= attack on Pine MIA on the Tenn 00000 0 on Sat urday. ;The Dcaocfor 'rums tit)lt onl:/en. Earedith'e reiturn to Paducah on Wedneillay, he received dfspatcheelmin fien. Shames sad ftont,Cplutn• has, Stating thatr arrest was littinding an at tack on Paducah and menacing Coltoribas. ' Smuts and deserters report that large numbers of reboil were pining Dresden, Linton Lexing ton, Shady Grove and MoLellorrille! sit the latter place•hcary amount of supplies were being accumnlatedj all withlikflity miles of Mayslield. if 'rest 'nest also ls known to bare been at Jackson ' If l inen thousand men, and danger being on Wedneeday ntght, the cavalry was My withdrawn from Mayetield the sae, night. be busineu men went ordered to peak up their oks and place them aboard of steamers which ' wino detained for that pawls. l'en the fhb our soonts reported the rebel fore. wlihin sixteen miles of the city, duos which :time no intelligence of their movement has ' bean received. Brad busintet home Is closed and 'ths•goods ' removed to a plane it sifety. Bushmen of all kinds Is enspendsd, and ilviry. - . , tal,cg-prepared to give Forma • warm mop- • ti ters Is no doubt bat that General Meredith Will be.ableto bold the place If attacked. Buford*dmejgoarters are:at Shady Grove. He lias a g ht regiments, three battalion,' and a bat- tat Datimob•guni. - • • Ardenwas lamed for a concentration of the rip as on the Tenuous* line and prepare to , march on Paducah. Forrest, Chalmers and Buford are all In command. OW Maras' , a dash was tilde one Johnson vlife, and Mat, bead of cattle were captured. Yesterday's Nashville Naos oontaists the fol lowing : A tumor was In eine:dation yesterday lh4t detleatithad heap ataaaated. Wa lets Last• thoeisod to :deny the absurd ptatentant. The platedeteterten to the striattall danget. • Thar. era be Ilttladonnt pf lbs Uni that Uotkre •2 wail a day of twos befitting la is w TWasee'l47' riret, :but the rebel Inadertailtates to attempt • cross ing. The news C1,01:6611 t . hrongh refugees, and I. way contridietiity and '4:anti:tot' From Europa. Mina, 0ttt.29....41•Citi0f Manchester bee ay:1,84 • It le rumored there will be • wasting biitween ~thelCalrOf Banta and the , Emizeror !Wolin ,ahottly .114 14014. _ CAsh pialeatoluvo been ansperuied by the bank of Brasil. War haw been declared by Brain against Uragua. J. y Clobap a yyssanger by the (lily of Manchester. siviridre Jammu:Argo. fl t r & wiLsor, IKPILOVED 7/041.7 S Fon rim MACHINES. CIIPAPEST RUM IR ?DB WORLD arosttsa IS ts Tim mar Over MN= ethos moonier Ran biro rat. OM . r ari ate to a to Pittsburge anti tithing. TE(EIR SALES ARE GREATEB Othirs Cambia:3. THE "LOOK ISTITOW • odd • magma= ad, ono-balt Lb. =oast at tbrool Ono* mod ba• KUM it acautoz, No dm alumlll bay d • tb, Yawl ltoot too tea aLIAOll hoy Imo tad Pabe a mo aarstard for • ram A A . I I I I Jr/BIC/Lf I. TALLOWY. 111361 . 112.11 WA Olt: -.- - • • ~ 1 W. FL, .1)/aGEE. t : 11.0! ST. CL STREET, 1114 GO dm dtpradi , d/ tddid,fii Ile "leek d dia. li kr boa irftkiddi aim odor 110 i di km iiniitiottios goods idhi kdad la MI .idambiza Gsdo deteddesdAte * Or, itall : , stades WO Zty iiii©. OW saD dada - .. • + Furateht goods. Iv. B. litnahast War. , is,rd o.lo St. Matta* Mirk I ill.. INBT&U 1941.11:4800/4 WR. 111111 terasnoile•llallemir an , D SIB A EitLaE GOODS ' rtH O &TO 'S _CLOTHING ;•.! •• • • inaryir. LP OFWIELEI. :;.1 gj THE BEST tit) NAME! • R.: - B. ORRIS. I $1041:,(Ait464.024 iiirmEELIL, 81 lalo l--- oss amput; i ris . ...• .r- 1 TO SUIT praz Timm! 'Wotan now 804 at Redneed Prior ' --' boa A lPiiib itOiNi or ' ? • . : crig."lollErMaCh . ; ' , re, veetti 4 env on wiatorgemse, imeaßwA el t • tattr ttylatat Wows. - : : .. , 1 ' i I GRAY el ftLOGAN, . ',' «a ' 11:11'LLTII tram. DWIDE#D& 7: .• - 0747; Irthem;o4;llCeti; ; OsseciT,l; amber IT, ISO E PRESID I VI DIARGIfO its. sown mil *I3'IIWOMPAILY Or iABb this da. Weed ea sussetwat el Om see ohm as the Oeptial Mo. settee sew mar - ektba dogebehtitetellse kaIFWVAT• III . d 3 L T biztoi r listie 10 tee lessozer !TODAY, the Od et Itaelaber, Is• Odedsnee Mt deb. eesStoestwiders pueeesi to News. J. W.OL &Slol_llkstos, , SUM ILIIOIII6 1.e.4 , , . _ . „ . - „ , ~ . , . . . ~ f"' ' ,_„"? 1 , 411 "4"4ll ofttag, 3l Wia lrig34 , _ _ • : , aBigiDBNIT -. AIiD,DISRO roan . a finif•11111110e 7 WISIIIVCOMP.iII 141kia' -jib 404natt. icalissliamal 4 Ow tigattgAsitPo, tto Cigna WI:kola Mk amitliv .bp . .0, ItTo of timbal** 1111111SDATilhe Usti Ail at at the 1•2018 .oar d .le rdna le so s.. ,.. _Tir, rar oeturfinaati.nllol,4lB -- j tp “"Rua. . ".arjrnriM ort ir g Barn* si muss eica or ilatr igaZ i nftum umb, ''44o.tioss ;t' , : ftftlistiOi Treistrek , T.--..• , NOY On MONDAY, October 24th. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. GERA ., EST GREATEST GIREATERT 00 311(esr73et Mt., l er Country Merchants will find gran harpies in everything they need. oiszker BARE - AMB I PRESENT PANIC PRICES TiMillNo9, IMIEWIDERI RIBBONS, BUNCHES, • Babsaral sod Map aides dares's, SAM as Tubas Bate; elcs Grary listetias Ws; IttrukaiS stsaia; Smug% Watoa=fr i tb u ti ;pada; Ida", Lava and las cakes; Mad-Dramas raw, 19test .04 to BgaMardllds Laap trimattou.sigl OnsussalsOanatS ds Vie ear the above and ninny other artier I ota boti army soderate pion, and we schen Wholesale and Retail Purchasers. to ersicazo ear So*, whirl .111 be item! LALLOS •aD •TTILAOT LYRA. Da SPECIAL NOTICE. ovroilisz Itt, 1864*, PR140333p TDOTTIsTI i 93 il !' e[BC ROM IN OUR Wholesale and Retail Departmen if.. Mn nm44l 4 , .t etel le ellkorvi *I LEHI TAO THE PRESEAT POlO BOBS hawtstastiakt to MORI OUT MB WHIMS IMO& belbee liee /WWI 0/ .12,1101424, ene elger 800Clitil Bargains from this ft . 1 • - JOlEg f Pli IiaILNIS*CIO o.4 vi AlDra mAissrr num 01:11=1 'on wags nPnl • 11 0-0 1 41 120 : Bala irk•••:ma4 Mr alftwowir C1L9410 10i.D!FiHAWU3, Allegheny. DR r (woos. wait 911t35! WILL OPBNI PEON AUCTION PROM AUCTION PROM AucnoN BARG AINB BARGAINS ISLRG AI NI OF THD dEASON, AT J. W. MEM & CO.'S, 007D5 1501:10UT AS MACRUE & GLYN. No. 78 Market Street. Masao sad 114511 Deshn ha HOSIERY, GLOVER, Furnishing Goods and Notions, A. ,BA 'EB', 211rtIFTEC ASBORTIE:EZIT OF nw Alto i4Ull t " H B tilt% xsRDI; - .1.: tID VW" " DI 11.1111LAJL BAIEN NO. =IBM OE6OO 'PIIIO3 - 1 I'llth street. B, „ " 1 SELLING AT AA' )gri 6i4gctiFl4l.o° OP , • Al of of BalFOO tqlotrigN at 'Olt; / 6 OPRdirtfi lOW.* dye= at AIM rifoop.Bklits; itliffstl-1 Breit Goods; s' liirgiljt#Ortmajd: -:Barred Thuuogs. • Cdey Trued )3tey isatiO ios oon. iconrro u ozup, suuure. an. 1r Now,: noon, SHOELV&O.iI • LAza`iils6ivai` . - I Ia U *Tit ri RB! is THE 1/11.03 EGION cOZ . 71 '!EY* INL I unb , - Mfr. trAT 1,1 elriffollitilk I CIO • 3 . IMII111111:13 • • - BO,Ts41l ) VWCWARA E 9 1 / PhOttilittetOlib l akiniDanY. TOOT 01/Bili. $4.'8 1 1101% eu„,ll3.ooBLur REFlldl7PATiliim I. ?sato. 2:4 Tao Ciro IA 019 co, do. 251311AVR1L81 . 2515121, 800 Toil: . . _ .101.^.. Z. - Z11Z1331.. WALLACE & " Ct . itTES; Commission 'rider , le d deestik CIINDE & REFINID PETROL-Z-05. /1119VNIVAND JAIBRIOATING OILS. F.. ISt SOUTH marn3, itrzADruisia ow. fume tapaclty (ted.r sem%) f r 16.01:01aira4. Alo escriliss pendia tor WWI,/ to &Tarnow, aad !mug D p i a ,a rts. at , : t ur a llit th• Sam *in 11.17, JAMES 1111011 MB MID DIALIII I CRUDE AND RIMMED OM. PZEUT num, Dinall29l errnisvaaa, PL R r Ppocial atlas:dime.. to Ma li&L.l LSD 81112 &NT of Patrolman and Ha product.. Coonferianaita fcu7 nollctlact. or Pitobwatt Agana, far VIIIIMOO OIL AND TRAHOPORP , AVIS COMPANY, mealy POW! OM= BOX la. RICHARDSON, HARLEY A 00, oaumsataa a TOUWABDIEG Crude and Bailed Petroleum, 11c..10 1:11W13 MUM, PITTSBURGH. MT Übe=ll Orb 1111TZUNIS CRI eoapsanaat• to Pttts. innt, or &stern alarksti. Kona 1. 8. Dinor anh th • Co. aHarb, non. Ba, •sq, Prtit. Oacnasectal Daal mbitntak O.ITY OIL WOMB LYDAY a CHORPENNING, nsanlaseasas lust CIAIUIOII OIL. MM. AHD LITSBICILTING Onelt ese eaabee ta CRITDI6II l'iZ a riieol•2o: l l l2 . Weteit *Wee eurpitnt. caw, 210. IN lUZD splLetta Yrr1131711.41, ry B BEWSB BUBSB a 00,. CIONNIBSION 1389HA1111, agl:sdiat its ta.ovis. ream° AND MEM OIL wosrm I 12nral oaf advaaces mde at azesliasekaa d Refined or Crude Petroleum. our. pIAUDEN3 PAT a HABOWIL era. rusiapasa, P OM V. ICU= fp WOODVILLE oth DELYMERY. GEO. W. HOEDSHIP & CO.. - 1100searers 0 1111113130 AHD LIIIIIIIO/1: TING OIL. Ewe lanateatty es baud the very bed 00. It, af MININO OIL, dad efttend eo:or ; boo deo, • LIIIIIMILTOII, pare WUIBZ SOLI sad OA 4311311311. ST All cedes lea 0 Ho.-135 MYTH IMMO% Seas Bkr.k. Moroi tea, dILI be orgabtly 010d to eddl ROBERT ABILWOUTB, Mal R. CLUB vs. ' , Mrs:l=9m Pam arding Q Commission Merchant LOD MILL= Xi 0114. ma- miaIIITHLTING.LMSZOIATING,MWDini . uU = Lower ks., oonstssui as haus sad ter sale LS eAA = prism Orsosivuomis and cadors Kaki Lsd. .one 14. 4. • &SIBS W &BING k USG, _ . . . C07111E5103 Petroleum tusd Us Products, a./ or Ws te Ba.lates lissortals. tam ILLBILIEr 6T. • . .. TAMES lawn, 011 of Vitriol and - ttaus Ammonia. git= i trt Mba r % Val a 011.12dr. Wawa ...amil earallos I QUINT UM WORM& • DUMAN, DII/ItILP a c 441.; Pan White Rettual Cuban Ous, 11111. I. ak mum, orison DRr. GOODS, Su Ana' 1n5aai......n0 ir • * CUrEp3ON, O&M & 00, • T y t ub, w f w... —a cb.a ve.saa.e.ast. is row= IND Dow= max 00014 Magi Wood itnet, *lnt bawl 'UT llboom Poolborgb. BIAOHIJM & CO.,,Wholesals JJ WWI Doi. b iItDOILIT 018,1131121201M1180 11 and RBI 04= 0„ eary . dacatpttalt, lits. Oil A. 111th strait, fiollllll. -41031,1rD4 , Wholtlsels%' - tai ,s. lll v aetalDailins la . ZJl s ar r D .114 a m .1%11 Ins Tinasositil sad nue , , Paltettl* !P.11":14.1*: : 84 Wood 'Ble iv. Dealer ts Salylßllll/ 'Pam , 111340 irbd 11111A11,0001:6 J. 4 I i id- nZW/11.1431:018A tell GOO cgthimi coryit,GGVGA, MI Xll,filfintre TOSSPILWM% Vitta_usis and Retaa U %air is asi userst PRIVOODS,- rldrd sew►. pEkee =ski to sticnjOi: OBSSLTrh Js :t 130 N, airsoassiugam-zavar, Abs ILI. immix= • • cbar4 same, 14(tlishrli6isiBW. • •id 61061311 1 . t..unirot r . ,) • 4. 4. . • t • =0 • • r i44 - 104,414' alr•Jr.viadolisfir, • r fl•Mit ta4 l. H . ' -4as-rm. Z.AT`LAW. BA • r==e3 )1114F4FFM,P Agent for the sad Malmo Isianuate , • SortimaiS Mood asJ rts: VA 443141 .:. 31 1 newer Pone °cow** a W Secretary- Crittituse:,lll - 'Kota instinkkeftlL: tr unm, .Rltk o REDO iftiti4ll3 pgrimpsiMmMilAvarta, 1111122=1= I'1" '7 17 . N 'lll' .: •ON JOHN MOB MID 4.llraumwm_ manankftiwi abesmimmapmm IstimmadmvuqPigim atialmbolus IX) NVUONISTO • sifsettirs OrWEDrril / 3 " , Woo a d tad yr . al stilytk . . ; AL F.:' rruxeds, ern talswiaa, exclow 1 FRAAIc4r MAW CORM P H I I; .4.110 E'L UMW CM &wan to.sertj t2,10,115t usi r • A . A r . J I=="g== I=l Lcip Ppatino n • • • ••° °° o ll b..*4l , : r 'Burma.iimde • • ' Jacob B.: Smith 3ifF•4 JrUlsr. " Irma, N. Venriff,lr. OBAILLIZ .04.00Kga, kreodezt. ' ( 10YWARD 0. RATA Fief Pn•MlePt. WdbinALLIBVIN. Tao. • , J. G. 00111-0 dal •• - oaraiTiroild ttSe , Ttala rtrutt: -- - ,IN RIBS ANA LA.ND it►snrance Co. of. North imerlas. ~H~i~anatraia, Mulford Fire LannyLae Clumpany. ,r 4633. rlntectlms on 'b. mow:edit C. shot • [aria gal rcbale cOmpiudes. landly Esirelses Saadi:no, 81 W. 4,7 Knot PEOPLES INSITILLMIE COMPANY Once, N. E. corn's: Wooli & Eitth E.a. FIRE AND ELARLEE INEUBAN'OE. Wm. Fhlll.lpo, John Wait, S r = R. Bays, John Z. Parks. Obarlee &Mrs% Yo. Tan Kirk, am. ■.aeanssa. Crrizaws INSUR&N COSIPAiIt V 07 PTITIMMOH. corrre Narita sair Wear Meets, woad tom Wl[. 8e013.214-74seisi ILLIITTEL,RIL, Branest inp. a 1 . t 1 I Ste b nsets amoats Led lasso agalamo lose asel Some to the toorlgeilleacht the Southern sad When Blom Ws up! 4ayialle, ea Os nortgotion of the Sego . . beats goblet les ea damoys by Ds. u. ha. w... idkasios. B. T awn. Ham Wm. 4.V.tfotrik, }Warr Proiam, BlAlt4g2. A LIAM:MY 11 , 413111UNCE . 011 ff ICA PANT 01` PITTISNDIIGN.TIONoN &X rob Wee, Dank OWL Dn.m. What ID Mods of Mini sod libidos NOM 18a10 JONES, Pnialog, ZORN D. NVORD. Yia. Pniast. D a. BOO& Seant.D Mimic Jahn D. eCor.i. Capt. Adam Jacqba, B. B. Iterilag, OsAlfm. 71.1..."Xcemr, Bob.. U. Dais. halo lack, C. 0. Ils= Ilarsat Cava 11, Cl. Glaq, Join Ines, ls'a B. L. takes Vats, WESTERN • LN - SU RANCE COAPA. V Int or errrestacau. B. 30334,113, h., Prates... 1..1- WELDON, derwary. • Mae. No. 93 Wlitez ctreet,Bpang iriztbocie, a l p Rain, Plitsboxich. • SU Umaq oparl di ef Mrs aidl AWN MA; A Homo butßatilo. wawa b Direastore Aeon ma bow ansomft, awl eh sr+ fklawilmol, b prceplsit sal 1.10.4111), to whoa. thodlorecinr idieb 6111 f !me eigmo4. Aft*. As b 4.1 premegbi be bra IL !Carr, Jr, ht.& NeAcklay. liethaaki Halms 4 4.1 ft • .131:1 TIME PINGS INKriTtITION, Na .1.-• 110 SDI STEraac= •Um es. tom Hamm) t... by Um OrD/HACS3. • • .e. /0.1115. Wm. IL nal SU. D. er. Truett , John 1. Jumbags, Rom. L Egon Llark . -- -- . Italia Pa*, 4.. 7. 7747. cirman. It D. Cochran, In., D. L. ..... 0.4 3.1L lbaylk. W. A. Diad. i Tr Jon 11. ToCaostra, . W. IL ..1 , 3 = 7, A. 8. WI. ' 'O. RID. D. D. . Jan. Illthrortb, IS. 8. Yowls+, 0. 81 hobos. - 2 WonJ &0b.% , J. I. J. Demo. Jacob Btactoatb, J. 'W. Woodlrs B. Y. Jam Albsl.,llaot. It. 0, , DD. WoM Eastotro and 17, IL, 41031111. . . Cgcs &IV, II a. la. to 1 Aio,liatatilay motto! .II to I o'clock. . . ,::. *1 popodts Dtttboub dotistal la Dacsatot sat Jana of ark 7 Titttealb al4nrol to roasts al/. biota to rev cant Z i .o lt=t i r OP pr . bide . "l, mot boat tato*, *M. FbarbsOlpLinmatwitkeliald WrThli owe, egiatlar to .thaw Pit .- Asa whom art ILA the oppartanty to awe; mutate, 10 Altstaella, lam110"-mondi it amia stacle off& to a moms !rims acorlad.'thole papa so/ far Wag milk hit Doubt. o,....ltutect'at ems - ' . 1.213=2 . , .. . .. , TIOLLAR: BLITINUEI - BANO4 NO. •64 a '. r sumi llawrzatiail • ix . une.. - . Opp lally Dana to I o'doet, 'lsom leaftiOil sea tam NO Id to Ilessarbseld. tor MreeraMicaa Novombse lot to Nola boas tto d. Dspatlasestolair of all lain ail tai Lisa Oars Doki, tar : sail a dtdelladit lair pada illeelsesd Mc= fa lams and I ,lalonat boo:beat saal4na la Jaw and Dsoombor, dame! Deqk was at t ill rob of etea d osalA Mt. . b rui . • . ......o. to ehis mad at DO ortmagel; gad JUNIN taro rem fast aft= sat •Daicatar, asmaleDa- ail was Isar • eroaldtair tat ispoittar to cal; tr 11111 plilgtocir.- WI tedasafi re _, 1 1. 1* .6 ra 4 ti ra , =. l i .' DfNa3 l ; sal ' VIP ° . " -I4' i . !..1-tc _At :7;7. 0r . . ~. . - c-1.- •,,,' t 3. . '. i ' ' iiiviLMlNYl'Vattibi. --• • . 1 1; -, irA111:0111113611:011n51.1 t 2, 1 if ..., ; JUIPIN I t4C: 40 ,1 r1M4 IL ~.7 . -..•-.,... IltirLai ) Aft 1 4 ligidale , , a.. X D.,./oh&CLDeaDsko..., ar ash* • -•-,, >; ,-- trao=th ''- - • km a ,_ idea Waits?. siota., - - .Jobs Om t • - atpoaar ,JunseaDeMilo - ,- ••, • nue inumay,, .; , we'. ' = ll 2 . ........ Deans M ail GB FL O I UIBI BLIaBBri - L Ce; 013 R 'i ) iiiiii 'OP litnrige. i ' F . 1..C11 FOR POLES. i ---. _or itruas.- 1 • ' ' - `` i .. t 0 . PRINTED FLACS. . wi0 , ...,ritz.... co wassainamdatio. , . - It a. - 1 ; - 1: - BILK PLAas, --. 'An.ii..,..ific.,;iitt.......a. , . ' "VOVIT/94 1 . Liarnin, int itsi.n.Ai ilia,. vrtfl erttstwm same of auselr, Ur illsJlLlaltkom ea 41'i illeireise lilai l a iltitiAriAliiA L ... • leZ: bi ; 1,003,303 seemly i sots PFLlartdows motto' ‘tatolSvalrkutPses .f..-zi ....:,-.,-. -I k •,. -1 , ,:"...0 , .'.:.•::: ."“ -UhIQUAITERB:z FOIL zniPARII '1201li• liitinWit News Depot, - fal:a -• . ; ::. ~, , e . t. , 4: • ir 3 1 , C) • 101 ft a . CI" "-T I •!.."::,..I.l9egi*Kl " " enwaa,d) 1101333 T. 11113211 • nt for North Antolin i ' , oott mann% loonntro" oflteistera • ' *`) I g c° tc 4 artfis D P I Elbows' ss ,3 1> To X 4 Wel Vitiatut,VsA.T +43 tlln I Au. eur& find knout', came a neurrarreg 4431 zn wigwam*. Irreg ( . 1 1!1•/./C 1b A 3.• ffit W.P. JONES, &mire, onancril 1 tin:L. RI ~404 a. BastnerP. Mahe*, George P.Joant 0. Ilathesk Lon, Marks ArawAt. *nThiStS, WATT, MO ;401.43! e 11. lIVEler, -- - John Shiptami /mos N. Wept, 7, =it Loma. rithrAh Wm. Al. lkolviN. deldlii • .. 8121EMIS I Ludas Adair', 41.1mandar Dalvd IL Long. Bien J. Tim m% Deal. P. Bakens% John IL Know E. GORDON. fignon. I IMAMS. . IJohns1 Johns Mods, Alex. Bradley. A. Bedneausa. Josiah Slag, & EL H. a. P. Ware. raw= 1 - - MUM Fell AI ra•Ethitikau OR WILY,. A VALVAiItt: rAlles Tn. oazeiiiadlarr;"irTii; it,: iT.4 . • ta-IM•late Ih•PCbb.rty of 4.1241 114obby, ~ • ••••41. Wter ..14 BUMP Fitrepik• &bomb too= the 14, la Pular bmitib4isat • Mralys,..tile,.••••••y• a — Ma My.= .4. • acpector an. brlek throLli or tromp, • fluzle Dote and ear, w4o•••ei • irpor.ort fts•••3olnotb/W4,1 1 a .f 4k land posoh cor,hard of the t.rot grated =o 14:411.• In • hlgh Ewa of elltrratl3n, a.d umbou t• t.," Donal b atS Llghtorr, Inq ,) one of the nat deulned• 1004 MI country I.llfailiala Irleledtp atChistlyk baler IMF 44 boom by snarl ros3l.,sod t0••••3.444 4.4043.1.31/40 .o.hboaload. coninatlst . to . tho #14•14 14363,,'1313144 •0110014, obprobet, to. • • - r, apply to 12.113 #4l. orydonf.,„maik. &net, or to tho I I No. 43 11•414 L.4•17/114 •t . Tyit 11.1,5Intodallmrt Neat 17/3rn ; 1.4 54.4.. ,13013 BALE. •3.'114:1'. 3 -- VALUABLE paLti4sTiir. , • ht.e co. da - stgrAd ogee be thdani. teowittuili 4. 1 ... beLonging to Le seats oft ilati Sobel Oak_ A ,WI , -' , .? . ..1' , 1 :t la& to aLL. Tn. of Land situate Iti-istiptai idalliba, Ails' A. otrt.t3, skouut II sone! Erltfigbilidtr il et a. A sAmpie AaidAdten; A ffil , 0 . i 'EI PDIIIIO &LSD liiNXTT-lEEt amp, ace ._1 Itsprornments ars • double LOAILIVIILLIIIC,HAILatitt L r. -n, ytt-b .M. 4,6 root, ea , .-', r• • ,„ , „.,,, _••• -' 1 Lot of Groand •n ta. Oaf of £1 of het on Lamaa are. anliTedraill ‘ll4 Ail Itte.t. Tbers L. etectad tberatoi do arbtla•uli, Hallos cn tarock sloa.ti •atinrragi*HAlad MUMS. Ilk Lot cf Grontadia. tbesELLlp of -411.adatny,lbontLag V hat on N0b1aw . mt.,t,„fm,,.44 bhaispaal a Eranat 1 . :f me t= o n - aeilLbatell. t a bodraltn Tilldi t de Ito sp on rpplication to glares 01 , h...=.,r, ..,:„.„„.„.,,,BArt luele.* p , orsefimever • ,-30A5J448.7:14 .110. 6 L Allegbeny, 1 at84,1:R14,0 ,- nwcEvaL4 , 1 13 4, „ .% - ettvar nitrrrarr LA hit Leant!!Oily dna. .._, not OnrroX•dprOterty/Xuatior cm HUI; Os Ime meg , Va n U. bar brmta, b Do. og•rol.rf.: ..b , " Yi n 61 ‘St , 1I o. EDI etat. a c 4po 6oti LAI GS Fa tor emote.. - t t., 0.0.F044,_ kkgcl• raw* Dwaine Ail ti • Of tratri froom• Tang ball, good cellar. be , h.. rto,, eltth-oorotootroodroi 1 ,1 •4 • hotoiltol-Croli • 3 - 1 to tont, •WO abbe. • oboloo 'Arbor or Witt, awl . . ex - lest *ohm •nrivproprt7 fia bare rrotantlr Lae . :41 , . vat' gi.l be dix,orod of me...taloa: in aactlaMOllo ..1) cc ( a chem• •el yen Mrril terse, Ilm pho of tb• • vs gamed. ein be •••• nit my cram. ' I ) icee b abo al. belmbrobl W." O lot. f...nZ i ra. ballet UM °abet etrewir; Isear Ib.-Cirmbol sm 14.41• leg Deliotota egoelleat bowls* for torAgeen gm; -I do tonere. or fro thee, io ranger Ws a3921$ xt • Q e Seel m !s l t 7 ab 4 ' . g i 0 jmoiorace of .1 ~,• , .;,: Butlerstroet LaereaMNl - o tor rOR SALE —A 'te ,, ryie 4.11 se, ti.nt teirvank,w.,, , Pa., - '4,gf i r i g if • Tc 4 id"..lorinAmkiis , l) .... .-.1 skrml. of, iotri or &ma al ~,,,...Linti.fir ~4. . , of Illyaboth, Allegheny camati , n, loth 12 nummmuuivevelotorgb . eirwaie '' 4' 1:1t-abeth ea try LW foot. II V 9 . 71,3 Maga rams 01 2CD 60111 CB. in narli44 t i = rii Cutrt 11.4 4 tirW e'- a;1 sz 4r 74 ""a" ora liggyiLQX-14:11P204 " 11 t.tirWAWIP C 100 &PAM% or Ili Acrms.,ia.Drce7WwArwilli , 1' :W oVacrakr. AN , * I= ' °•ll ' d ? li n r' h° 3hapi1,,,1 - JI/Aill/ l : e.:L1. 1 .4 e - , .tri f, as ~:o!1i.1, Acdisozik twiecv.Vs,.-ft '(J L',QSA3.•J ,F,AI kto ' l ki.. A L 7iia i ' t ioliti'i..ii. sr .., si I , 11 Viatiia4restaieriyisriiiniiisirdtivaki ,:..a . gotr 11%ritIV.I. F =V a iLl e.nrm,i,..- a il , , 7 a,st fa ttisCbrchallivit•OtalicadAttAtili fallast a 4. =z 1, 1 24. 30%0 1 1 1 = hrige=i AV , ,L. gni:ilea of Lir ••• 2 101 , WIC ti:Me 4'•l II 4 Val aid isocinecointrj.,••• Wag nipitt ~, 41 by 0( sii magus • wined...out 01l ....., 0 Mag. Anirrill.peliteli Ai At, ,, ,b4 , lffe )1 , 4 all asair *Width rf•tr 06We ir: .1111,6•41.itydocia•r4ag .fpgs Wu:kW-viz i _ _ ... _•••61 i.. 1.7 • zed an iliciervilm the latratlon et venous button anitahretto awl" t., :Appro.: .*"..,. tit *ab 6 . P. V 3 I-A* 0 sptrth pro.t,, P•40370_ - Fah SAILE. DEBIRABLE•BITLIMING I,OTB. " ' bay of Ara sexes of cai.lthin the Wreath , - Id strittrta . , anotruag -.AJ/eshee7 ea?: Irotert-ift a blend, tear tie Onter Depot pr of , u•'l;_ tel IsevnirepatNi Of the indrbil, • O,iltH tav tear. UZI VIET ,LCISR. We ;report] le I . lell, wally The motto* 950191W,- fury toot of LS Is 'Millais , kir ttlditg pits pste 1 . ¢3 las 1.1 • !Malay hero it. matt 11$011111N a"M _ P ei f ß r Er s =lik: MAIM Uniti A von 59 Iterth gnat. Bpicea 111451555: LAX e 3 LE —l. One Dern .13tesea Cots:Uoto • 2 I! Is itch eyttoo.e,l to toot %till . * a9trior.Tytipr, - ,. , Ow II nth. cznutn'. DO 131 a, KL - PT 9 . , .. 9 . 1 : * **,- ' ~S e " eset .19 t., or toad Re rm. - t " • OTo T bd. -. 9D ' '• tmh et-r.;tv, 7., . . ....; , ••• • • Li. Cts. • _ • ...•i ~ imoustroter es to.Ato=4 - to ....I'm!. ,'• 4 • •-•-. i m Itr" Te. stria ;-_,: • ' 'ornm: • . i l l -, •••-.- ,••-: • • ....,:3, /LW, Vas pete e bate; Toes, fee Cll,Wele. f : ,1.1 Ginn tat ealh. Saone of H. ed. 214.* i l , sew .-• • ,•• -• r.y Inver Mak. sayer rent. ' , 1 ~ UDE SALE-4. FARM OF'165103:!:CIN ---'; &lif t, X 'en Big , duos Wks -Doom tho Wiz= . ; s} otatton, "oil Im Price Up Wool. • .55 AUBE I II co 611bact,V)ivillosfroto= - , dole BLOM 011 Soh • a Orb% Mal, Btoro, D • 'Ol Bats. and rot Isotootomonto. PllO4, POW. 16 Utak LODO, tot Wavatout 111..14 illlnPitiOlitpele/4 ' , . . a " ...-"" I'. dooms mord, ilitoltoni. VOUZ LODZ cm Mingo; at ettotols Stadoo, coo. haulm do to ton ecru. Ms As by J. T. ILON.PLV, Bog Dotal. Ettoloot..4 -., e. sr rodoral stmt. AliorttotOt. 't UOR tALB. noun um= OP L&ND, , • Os inapt; Om s tss•tarr .ton•-=;:aa . a tafsbt, tar room. ball sad Iratelwa. A r ,clord of-ISO baring salt tnimi ; alltts Isommu7 ea. IslOillngs, ea a good win et Fos safer. at 811;• dorm 1 a) ISICIAR I as Sh• %Walston Sarnia", six miles ham Pltt4torgs, ci;•axtls from sat fistobaltr ~, I,! from Os• plastrstad. rot p•MeLlam .0124 ,1, as smskts tss 9,04 CisEralita Hurl:4r ar Ntv•ipisiondoif I.PO:Parilu; • es$111•11•ST F 0 B BA : - STEADS SLW liir Kllslo , _,: :„, t MID OIL • + ..• ” Ir.rhe ose-lialf t h at dad On liaidar -. ill Nraortgillsa toul , ...,-; allo w of : Ili stnatineg cad on i oi lia , 4 , aclllicese titlitiLverteaonast. is V* Ar*OMI .... • sire mad 4,- Y.E. IL, is t a t i n * isio. Tim Balows, ~,, !bra szvof aret3ens build: turf Mal ts Id Visa . 434,ard., ma Is reit et amok inosiON -, L ! 4 Ibmi , 11 to }be Km. Good talx Waft 4. rir parttrarsdita cm dmicadentrid.. ) , • , '1 • , I ' _MAT *4O golcir • -': 4 i Si: 61) Einad street: Iri Tlttgbia :Thi jk VOR - BALS,' 3- ' - ' - • ken in, OP 711. =IV 'lrma ta. lo bato n = u „,ll=-... 120 , macat• Ea. SEIS 111b742111111. t 1 0 ' 18 ° 14 ' 100 40/11011 0/Is *Milo... • Cki tDa Ltitle Newt tterelt.l two Istlectsoooww.ll. - J Todri. Tbi, laud Is dhididlatilatt to salt ragtime . < 0 , 1, 7 will.saukupery fan/ mid fityollo/ ti l ~.11 r a los tr r " ‘"iff1 . 1 914. ?-liumuktri . _Party,., • • IMlla` tiv:!3 t • ORyfiAL.l4 _II2IB :3130ALIMilts 7 OICawiiiv tam PROPSEXT-41. 113114 sostatsks AMPS, Stated soar limisstra t Post* • esstsri •ra rampssair won srdirsr4 401 WS lOW reillsiff- • sastratiosi. 'l'l4 bagnrirearels on a soot Tamig.4 Basogoil law , wi i tiotuo..o l. 47 Calbraii sit • t 7 `z:! , .. AL Taman QM 14.0.01 1 / 2 , Trf frarlmOSl MS trr 4 I 'Oa bac rat Ws fang ; ui„ Ps PS was 111Wssora's 09 v. tar übwa " 6 * , 4.l*.rsda Ago., sup ti g e Alba . • _ , , r " ; BALE,rkt-: Aladdis ua t ) I 3:-rrini =Mk kiztas ,44-ilos gabisi l xsair.' - idis'ii sseissii *gin Owlet OE4 turob.ssa .usal.garar-• ata nrw _is; , ga d s,st . 14t i lc -= a elost.d2s 1 ) 43 '1 W.13=156166 of Oisl; fscossussisssfassiv tra.r.abbercaatria** l -1- 6,1 ••• mai mid mama NA Oth. L.V.Veraeati 11:004474it0 of ardarPa.g....o3lll , tl t liplt 4 tald wrz NAB= t. IMMO , WI TM • Gna area. VOX, SALE—Ono of tit mast Aptirdilis - > al • .i.; . iruitnrsci urn I Oa itilia'd, prati&a. Lr'' '' ' • tut al 441401ratilmilltid cce-TaltasUi4aptenti 1.1 Mats " ca ",Pmi lhatis t. U rtroolt " PW 44 Z 9l3 44 mt o r.k. , 1 .... , fr ,,,,...„k,,„.. ; ,.. x ,,,,th.,,,,,b..-...t, ~.. ~,,...,,,.,_0 - 4 ,, „..,,..toba.a.,4„, a Alb 1.. , 1 PALE-18m '.PhAstAtrigti ge504.+4,_,,,,i, , 14g CI was. 120 Naii4lolo itikarell NE ''. .1.374 itral.ww•l4,VG, 4 Wm, • 40 lag4ssValV",_ ilea. ta?„, ,"1. , =t44.1( WM' ADVinsettilll.l^,vl . ti." 4Amrsdi lit IstRA L 2... , i Is_ , ti lz WD on. WrilLtrir vair 41.4,e-A— -., . - <.4 viLbl ''; tea . 6441' "?'", „ . abd ma ~„ . se c nz,i.l iSS pi , HMCO wale mrs.wins,* 100 ,4 2 0 ' 4 :gr 11,66.-21.4177% 1" ,A3=er-2.; illt.‘4t* i 401, i 4 . 4 .. l , i ii V it=rditrt "4 ' - - - ~ .3 1 / ti TAM •11q.“11141 EMU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers