gat ~,~- ;.,, ,~ . YOLUNIE LX:XVIE---N0.,, .271 atsbutAlt Olzettt, Matter from Szturaars Dentag Gazette. !AT - 4 AID IN tiiet rid Dui rand Ever Known in Pot ties. Ml'=2:sll * Variational, ?hared , Oot tr, iget. ;.en. Double/IWe Cloud, w oh was ordered to 't: , timore,this ammting, eon nava tie Setae .'. me at le a. m. k. preliminary ristainatto MU had of pa ;a, envelopes, ballots; Man , etc., which had ,a ;dud. Also a *ample Het of all soldiers tick have been synt7frork Net rotklinee the Famoooomont of the war, Gelded. from official Cie to the State Adjutant-Grafton OEM. i!ht extant to. Whitt these frauds have been . , riedis notysi ggeertained.. It b1itA 1166 51. 6 ., Kt eisti thourild line been prepared and ;14 already tent off to New York. '.,: wt. Prildradill , fitly ware examined "to- day. i - ;!ward'Doashus, jr... pleaded not guilty to the r•ritnii=tlitli:OPliddications. lie deoleditheir at to try him separate from his confade.ates ; filed the right to try him by military tribunal, 1;1 demanded catteseL In short, he was the ,;nest specimen of Wand blitootatie thilleide of New York confidence operation,. foe next man called was If. J. Furey, a yen iGrie looking men, who for two year' past her . ra the New York SUM Agent- n I'4h* al , Y end womided midi= in andationd-31air , re. Ile Untied labeling under groat &rpm's 4n, and so heartily ashamed of the crime of ..lot- he stood charged. andin which he was so Pxtricaldp-implicktedodten after. bdoirtinelt , " . rifer oitslodisi r tir made a fal7,lbilfk and' I nferred reelession of the whole thing. f r 111 1 41; ooxiirizos. :kfter the frojantownf of the Comer Mr-Perry • tide the following full oonfeeslon : ;I. do not recollect the time when the first Paters coo forged, but it was in the presence of 0. K. eiliii -- of Clinton counts ; it was dime in my i 1 .a, No. 85 Fayette street, Baltimore; I am, !,•d have 'been for the rat two year, the Agent . . ; _ • the State of New, York, appoint:ad by Gov. . .. 'mane. to look after the slot and wamided mi lers of New I , 4*kt-first saw Wood on Wednes - -y of keg ersek,.at my °Ohs-rite Oahe and rep. • tented binned elan agent of the Central Clorti cable of hbraituity to look attar Ito loos' tlaket ; 1 r talked about the wayln which voter muld be . r 'ken. It was agreed ski we stiottld'elf6 the l' Noce of golden( led elicit', and then mend ;em home to have the local tickets filled in; I • i'ade out mail . papers; I wigged the. C l',.inel of soldiers on gaits a number of , ees ; I cannot tall what, DINIIII3 we signed; the • 'pore are now in •the , bundle on the Sable • I I'd not sign names of officers, but Donal:us Etned 647 .elastitley all them i Aker. fraels`birl/ 1 " , -iehage ef , taase pagan; loft with me whir& I ' Ed:rayed; that package contained over 200 ; :shati slimed them all; the Idea of forging A,' 'see papers was flretruggested by. man nomad :4phan lassos; hr ti from the western part of • i , ,,a Steno( New York ; I do not know from s ;:hat county 1., he is Orlin, the service; he le a ,atte oglint4 &Otis:tot Joky at whit time is woo &ft ptepteed to forge these payer. • it au al. ed two waltz Igo; ;.. do cot think then lap-, be, ty prniktkatt-zAdidate - and mytelt when" ,. - .ason fiat propoeitil to/orge the pigpen; them ire aitan named Brandy in lay gam; he tanner . -Ns Toth; abie, km= aimed it ifiewmcob; 1 ' c'riev saw - bin - he add thirst he is.ia Dwyer In Albany_; put, of the timed' pepers ,ere modelle my officer, and part inn begged, :3: :!5e... ; Alter isiere Losally brought In a Intrale ' -•- , , 'lell op ;I do not know erhe Woo ght thin:Wl - Mal • ' 4 ,, , :c rotten from Peter Cigger, except whet - i - " ',tele blind in my din f I never knew of any ...., , rf.rreepocinnee on. this subj.:Tat witheaci. Farrell; ' '' - ..-f:ie Co mmbrsary of eubsistenee, except the pack , : $l• whtah- ynif have the fmakago oontstioo a: - • • • -- hit of uttilvorroolopro and power of attorney, 1 - 41 th a letter , from, General Farrell, marked - -Foonfidential, • • whir& contained a lint of the '. . ; Pyles of : the mi49l/tcot o.lAmbivaasinty ;I, , ;4.d not lit any one know I destroyed the forged %spin leffrwith me, - but toll my modems that 41.1: 1 43!„-WfliMsent them to different parties in the State to eiroledr o a r young man came f l irt Wubington .1 h Friday Saturday last,,,M gif 1.1m4 any •• . • , .;„ ~ ,'tare bleats to sehdltime an to -Washifigtown I ...,..;;;.- -._ '?'vnot certain that he di tor did not say any - I, ling about there being twenty men over there ~,,,.• ..,'!„-,,,.` Alio coot- ,acrend to - these matters; I do not ' .2 . . - r..'. , , rn. ow harfaani forged papal ware rant dr, bat '' :,•,'. . - :llheard them eay they sent them from Washlag ,L,:. ...; {On by the dry goods boatel ; I Lb. not recollect ..,,:. Z:4-.aring , them talk disparagingly, but they talked -:,/ , i.. - ;: , .." '.",c„ldte, jubilantly and confidently ; I seat • peek ,' f forgot - pagers to Gen. Itarrell with the :;.41 .., , .-, , , 43" ° - ~,(i i .:,:: •' ~;lowing letter: '.:*:,..- •::., “Batntroxe, Eittarday, Oct, 22,185 i. , i-, , , ..,„ , ~ ril nit you are 'enermitle you will be able to ' ... - .,'l L .''' ' ' .:r et the within votes all arranged for the 8h of ~ j , :• .-- -. ~ ,,f ;wombat. I should have done more to them ~,,,'., La - • '., . :: . fat I have needle"; they're al t on the 'gears, r"'- - .--!--* Aii fame ae the Blies' got theirs. Saliba • ...;-'-. ~, . ;ioold bear close scrutiny. EC Donohue said . •;:. -1 ,... . ' - ' ttf,nd this onge you, and I have dome tt .p:;;: , ~ i, - ; ro "ute truly, .. - • - Den - virtay. if .P. B.—They are all enldlers ; amp Nay and i•tginient- All O. K The mot I have nothing I.' - ' 4 . : ' 15 r ay. If,you ite sno Es! tqr them nnifitheet 1-eah- - " M. 7. hair, ...•O ..i .No. 85 West layetteet., Baltimore." .';'..l ', : .ii It Is stated that seven dry goodskozes ot rotor :, , : 7- '-' s. ;• 4- , ,r the Deemobile-Nationel• and fitabilibmid ...,.;- 1 ,, ...: 1 . Nes tune been forwarded here by alarm. 801.- 3 F.* :`-al packagfAit , thiiVteitedforged shills are ~ ~.. :ci the tends of the Oommleeloo with letters, 1,k.. - ~ ..,., , • e., Involtriries - biNew,Yo . 4. 1 ' Important additional 4:Suleiman are expeefed • ..•.;•.- '-- ' .morrow. Some lett-n and domunests will be , `:4 f lanced of mat lactico. I; is Indy:stood ~ • •., 1 " I;vet the trend was verstt by wifilin;ocOonit• ,s-.... 4 - .:e Agent or the Mr it C6mmittii;wiii celled z .4 f...::,.., ' , rpm: Perry to make clertebt -inquiries. Barry ...,-,'-',-, ,-- '4Bl.stook bit poiltied character and dbmittred ,....l;',•;.: ~, ....Ant mattaigidr9 When tile iattablaga.fad., : • --;---,„- • .;;;,,, '-,isowledge Of the fide, • 'madam:Limited the , - . - 4 , r . ',5. 7l.qatter to Gen. Ratan, when the-parttes won -';,`,..::: :-:.'lA Gen le videllan Under Atm/ lfdl. 'N G, e. semi MaCellmi has been amarestVidl 4 - ; . -:;-.4. '::, i . :ron Bissell, of lowa, of having tilted of ray. •' , ,: , " , !7 , -' , -..., ,, ' , ; , . ,:- derfng his entire army, and of suogliVind 04' , 1 , .,,,• ,, , ' , .. 5 ; ': ' • Confederacy, while on a burn 'fulfil' radii 4:1;4- : s'.' -' ' elver. While not ; anxious to scoop; this rod -'--;;`i,-.:. ~..5. .- 'Zeno*, we mum tiVallfilitlitiliirenPintlbleraship4 , I: ,!'; .:2 ,fi r ' •••• ij . a n n te . re .fr.rtf Vilit b °„alcedttssehtihTe=irt r-r,-;- . '`.., :-.4, surrender was common at the time of the S ~1 , ' 4:,: ,'!".-A;r,..'.. /sat Sinew , on the James. General Kearney t, , i,, i -.:', . .• :1 yled theyedeatiram *rampa rt. he n os, ) ' 1 .F:-: . , '-' .I:)wardloir ceVitikiott." 'ldi.`BTo lit o b i . r.,.. ,; -...,.'.. ,-• •: , Tiacintiati, boldly aimusee,Geaual.hdociellempf .! ~', ~... , .-'; , .4 *csioyalty, and monde alight 'entwine - of - tee. -...,..... 2 ; :,.-:-. 'mon' , on the euldcot,_4l., J. II,: Yell% id.o-. 4*:' , '. :!..',..;...4, jellan s phfiliisite 'beforiPtite , Mkt, rdilkilarifts ---.--- , t- , ~- as a Stains flights_Demeorat, esonoratim - ..f• -: 1.. - '::-..' , : South.' ' 2 ETW kirpetitionNi to thitiener ."-'',:7:: f : - .- .; .:-:.; 's feelihr in ell Tuned_ Palm 4=64124 - • - ••,1-... • 1',..... • h, X heard - of - bis elevation tolherhaad:fifAisci. . -f. , 14 .; imy , I was greatly astonished; and feared for • -... .. ' lemmas of` the asese.. • =IN. P, Ferris siffrad that after the ertng,mt. e firt Sande; 9 11 11trangfa, iftliftefOrmi ,Sloe, n 1 aopo4 ' hilt ,- nal - t 'Ur ....Qghts." Col. Leonidu kleteelf, having said la • •f..,esesee of lif albino dun Jefferson Davis was , . ,f 2; sockti74 l %tor, titeffifetati :.•'-- 1: rtraightentO Ili qaffekly." aallield r F-1 de mann yost:that you an mistake'. Jeff • - : ..' . . ‘ll::,evb is a getfees gentleman, and will not do ; --; -• f , .:;,by thin unbecoming a gentleman." , cloi Diet r -- .- ' ', who voted the aftrisokidifigg, - eigs : 1 .1 pre ', ,•• - ',,- ', ''': - eined that, sooner or later, Gen. illoOlailan 4- . ibuld show the nlettentept,:i Oflfox#4s, l 4voos• :".',: • - ' '.'" tit' glom from aYainti - Mtedle led the caporgig ifllone) Simplep, of the Oonie of Bordoirfafalk , kr thirty.tstiAinnritsfildierillittela !gap, regarding thavinteniiiiittlietifeik e 'X 1 •', , , ‘ - =,,,, Go. Idopoollon'satalfiliodoloot. Ffotalvab b, r :,.., , ,!• , ':! ~ : oolio Unica itocordoolovflorsixfpgqd Vor • , 1.41 Pio , Inrois-ook interview enttoontr . • • . • 11 0,111 . P . ,,. - I•"'' .. rffik4l3 e . i •,;.,,,: forgot two.= ouronto the sagest iilooppozAtba.teinatifol4 this vorpoosoomak the point lthrellAbillatenteetwas lend. - - - ~ , , ' • z":•errible Condition of Ilelaurel Union VA letter front Annapolis say': Thum steamers arrived ola fl•WI) Ono letr lkainkinsto t'y ou t tw Head of our In OM prtiono. They cart! lees;' the M South, Andrevotorille, Beranneh, `Ostrom), DanvineepoMehtittotte. ttiose arrived on bet Friday in the flag of.trnos ,;,at, &.w York, about two hundred were tine . • t. to walk, and were token to the bitspital on niey..geritkritkaila dawor4.7 owerre- Th a AU tilithatonsfaratdijurlthelftreat • • by the rebels, and report thot_within the st IcTeD MODULI over twelve thirtitand of our F - ;,lon soldiers lis y myllndost,A,,,v„„,,,,,,,ip„lnti pi,rt it fully chtiYfenoir ISY'Others who salved there leie ; ewp; n left ,icamond, tbey having been removed, to c , e 0 1 itiviM tifta oitayetticisatoirlit e kat , •,:, , ,Eihorman• • i t. ;3....1•0 died on4lin„CitlOilew,YotketrAine City Point nrcifet %op', att . /home few of f %.;:, they wore tsken to the hospital,gag ever dynasts of the condition of thelecken , till fee them' carried from the post living shah., gyukbear from,theLv oere2llpi Omit tit' e . , E 4 , er soocertrt. Fel-soy:sr.—V. stiarne:Vhi: Rocs the nearing away of the timber ' tbn Oitipt,a . AßO - 4tererolzil lititrealiand ,'1 optiofi if. tbe 'plan of sending oat rebel •:-;tepatltisere op the trate at a safety gaud -,"-;17,'/: In Aeohtlzitocearred mad pot 5 sloAla ..I. t rilla bee fiscal lI4•Xt OD the tied" o'nteroad.:.! TICmLy _ PI SEURG )• .(qAZETT F • 41. escriv anal Irma "ico'. • tve .‘• 0 '114411 . "Arsoidate yotnueleas, 0 ye people, and ye skill be broken in ;Mow; glidymaselvee, and ye shall be broken inyteoes. MA! counsel, and it shell auto to stitkletif speak the *raid, and it shall net stand—for God is with we. Her the Lord spade thee to me with a strong band, and -Inetruded me that I should not wale in the way of this people: saying, icy ye not A Cosraaaa• Lot; to all them to whom tale people snail say A 0 0 nAeseanyl: Neithq fear yip their fear, her be ye afraid. 0 0 'When they shill say unto yob. Beek unto them that have familiar spirits, -and unto wizard. that peep and mutter, should Dot a people soak unto their God—ln the living to the dead—to the iltw and the testimony 7 II they speak not according to this Word, it is be• caws there is no light in thero.—Aoiah ei.:: 'Be not still; )dad p PO!, Id; Mita emaUllei mate a tumult, aid they that hate thee have hiked up the head. They have taken crafty courted against thy people, sad ea malud agki net the hidden pies. Teey have eald,Oome, onts let no oat them off from bet, g • nation; that the name of Israel may be ...0 more in re meMbresce. For they hae^ oottealted together with one consent; they are 0011/aDllllll against thee, .Thm.tabertymplad of, B tout and ilea-lobe - .. _ msitittieed ondoette hod the llngaredeit Gebel, Mad Ammon and Araalek; the Pnillstinee, with thoi Inhabltamm of Tyre. Aseur Is aloe joked VA' them. They kw, holpoto the ellildrect of Lok. Let theta be tiottfoundeL—Bala Imexiii .4 , Plitte oompaueth them abtht as a ottath i (totems carrerth them as er garment. Tau are codkupt and *peak wickedly eoncernint oppros • &ion—they speak . loudly. They set their mow h agathetkbet•Elteemi, and their tongue -welkett thr ugh the earth. Barely thou diddt set them in, ppery places ; thou casteth them down Into doe ..,,, °Goo. Bow are they bronfht law demote tic in a moment I—Baler Lei. —' NEW YOEL Just trent 111plimond. Lent John B Hay, of Johnstown, who was captured with a number of , olden belonging to trYpreie Lewo?exer oaceese.T, be. , theektzettre on Tire pal init., at Rectortown, Va., surmised his trial de by "wed king in" a few daya ago. He in forser_ the Mar of tbi , 76tiiittlwe Prifremi that ,the party were at ones taken to Richmond. many 'of them beteg compelled to walk part of the trey barifteted, their boots having been appropriated by the,treldialtnni•llitabff. - - TO, walked over ninety mile, in three days. Arrived at Rich mond, they were een.igned to the tender mercies Of the keepers of Libby prison ' end compelled to enbalit on its salmis bill of fare. But their stay:wee a brief one. On the eighth day of their imprisonment, all of the party, except Lieut. Hay and Private John H. Smith, were taken south, probably to- Andersonville, Georgia. Hay . and Smith were paroced andatint to estop Parole at Annapolis, where the latter now is. The Lieutenant came home on a thirty dip' fur lough. Wttila in -Libby prime, Ltout. nay and Owe wlthlim had an opportunity of comparing reb,l micas with those which prevail in that portion of the Valor, which M loyal to the deg. A ten dolls: greenback wee tent out end exchen god for screwy dollars in-rebel =frame,. With this sup ply or rage a number of articles of necessity were pc:rebuild daring their eight dive tztearne. retlon, of the prime paid for 'retch the following will give the reader as impression: Per a nee dle, fifty anti; for three Aline of common black thread, one dollar; for (oar or live onions, Ave dollen; for six.applen, one, dollar. for • loaf of bromism laryartiterkilliccip, eite ' dotht; fir e: toirapapar, arty cents. Lit those who are burying themeeivel in the vain attempt Wane einem tie rope of the worthies of the &i,. haul rurreaoy, take . It nets of this. Richmond' pricer, and harrtrtheir header for 'hams, if each se the luso* what shame A. sfecieuan as the Candidate of the Re- ' " fresh viatorlee crown our arms, and the peace party, it there be slosh at the North, eon elect its candidate." Soon are the words of Jeff. Dads to the rebels in his lest speech. "Murrell for McClellan r Sash was the my 'front Haters .eoldisrre is the late attack on Helms. So the arch-rebel Invokes fiercer light to help the thiintgoitemlnee, and so the rebel sank and file shout his name as their battle Dry. - ill's there erer snob a thing before? A baiter eummaning his followers to fresh via. tories in the,name of a loyal. man, and rebels plunging Into the fight with that name for their watchword. Hew comes it? Is Jeff. Delll4 repenting 2. His speeches never coos tattled more emphatic assertions that the Cm folierticy nee and will gain its independence then during - Ms last Southern 'tour. Els re -verets, instead of inclining him to submis sion, tan only goaded tam to new defiance. Thereis no change in Jeff Diets that prom ote him to hail the prospects of McCledan. lie does it without taking one step towards the flex—bay, he dote it when impelling his co horts le a yetinore desperate charge to bring that flog to the duet. There can b 3 but one explanation—it is, that what helps the ohea Lion of the Chicago nominee, helps rebel in dependence—N. Y. Tones. An El. phalli and Bull Wight. Whop tie elephant wee brought to the Plane lee Tattoos, a dory young boll was turned tot. nit b 11 adear cologainit bit terrible adrertsay wl born the dightett feu. lie ;stump' ed to fisnk him t In oilier to wowed him; but the els phant,szbibill eg an equal agility - to his motlonni no.! safer him to approach. Focally the bull etttackeid himiti trent phut; every where reentrant. ed by the terlible tneke e übiob interposed an impregnate', barrier he did not corned ha Wounding him At last, in one of the assaults, She bull enoweeded in thrasting hie head beneath - the - puke ; but before he could pectentete the agh aide of the elephant he fell to the earth. The spectators illy, saw . the tdepkantihand bas bead slightly aedreet the extremities of hie oaths, which bad been pinned ; upon the bark of ;he boll. Veen that moment the bull was Sore do eoolol, loud when they afterwards killed hi n It -ttaa Mad that three rib. were °emplace!, trashed tba t tm oat imperoentibLe lIOVILLI , IIt the den ;hard made in.holdlng ilins z wlth hll tatter . . • . ' , Friend'' , of The Soldiers. ` Ibe Elettysburg Stor says o Daring the re. option bf our gallant veteranaet she 8701 Pa. Itegimeht, on Wedielidit seranteg Of - test areal; and while the company verb being entatudaed 3o.ibs lian of the' Loyal treion League, thelled 7 . parbezdo got hold of the Uoton banners and sat ' , n ain g lattd thsm *soh 4114111 T dm:Amy-. moot tie need. 'The Ulmer, had been placed Joe lowl,roookoreflall tlat ebldter, ii. = per ,4 riking the collatlonAiregifed, - foT Abbot by the ladt Id' the 'fooot - Shore. Can any ono roncatre Of a =mist a;A:iiiorio dascanikp cot t, r .TA",initb,le,tio °Opp, cibikOrant so rbspinep Ai the manner In Which Abe live been eating -that = they melt hire inns" to 143 " liab!",4l, to dondli4uki-tals. ... . . . , AEn D iirAY tar Desna/um P,arsingsn -.•.- 1 - 111‘ EL Louis Dowetros tells this.ibtenittleg ' , dry' of the was In Missouri. !qt disputa toerwr; eepttured hit iniessed`bj'a petty of tlisirnn't Weldon ,le..39 . g4b.ingtori,ootutty come t eeive-diys ego, arrived In the ally yesterday moraine For ffl -, n/dOlt tea. twobsions . sresmit the name. 8. - was sent with deepatohas . fog Ihrosial Bor rams atlit. T. entering* generet Brrnbotajwllint , tbe latter and his intoraindnf cereiry listriffoted - Onbn, da r .Onewlerd l onnsili obtr i tayrfritif liiiiitoreinfortnAngestion,-- !itje on City. When the messenger bed noshed Point designated ea Oreenttlitorsato Weal:lion county, be was tired ippon,, and d 4• covered himself Id tbe , eltilifil br Neuf. are m•natrd ebelpi ., ~,,Efejltsd.beek.disolisrginglis ' &witch ' from the fiiriid - Of Ids pistol, that-, eeLralga tIY IllingskespinlitheninrrenderetL 1 Tao Bar' orr Juan= CA7:4U 0 rr.—The mil= .itary authorities at Isullimpolls continua-ft arrest ;largenwz•bits ofliOunty jumpen. One hundred a guml .twa-Mx in ell-havis •been errasted and mt . :IL d um vile Those semindrels hays swarmed Gm t• - • Emt, arld'have b• 1111 dohs • of lap& Milbusiness' in the swindle of filling 4Goiaiitilp quotas.- Remand Carrington Wm air nounoed i an order that he will net assign am* mew .1o . ; y resigteht 'of Indium volunteers. i i n ,11us: are woziKV pt - rt. A Deft he r wit; tarn over to U. 'DisletkihMtuandpc • anl•and alse othors in • chile 4,4 fistietal Shaman for. him action., It* 41101ilor On robbing rtIV- .. Tim bo4tor Inipired by the gix,if %hi? Ara-' ilia 1 51,345,thet tent - s - b,Or.sllt A1 5 , - AP4i 14 .4 1 .7.:1r day elf"gtblnii at Tteei aid l'eoltteti .IT ,ItkiO4i l off the nellrbonied dead - ( it'd')Tio'reiplit It ' cz been ypsdt ' ,Bbyrybd2aV time Ist lheollitUt a freed Jeit a v , SSIMS- 'De eb tile l bet T. szd 0 0 =ILO leaders b &yellows:in the blackness trf , than, ig4r i to the sold ere! grasu In Tennessee, 6 eerght-sad - pint-gists, nd fed themselisi fit iy 4 m i t . t hi,a__ *., liven totre vs, Tortierolllelteld la the bandied the sacred; dead, Item Union to Dlitbiten.—"A. Y. Tribune. . 1- ' A • Cooe.u,! be private Captor., wbo latoty failed Ab+ldi dd ad , mos 'tb &Cie grief raiciet• Ills ablitive are pa 97472.aled.idditi.ofd.d, bad, and IpdiffiJaio ! rtl . 2i,a77 08i Theeationoas the dcfani - adlt not sit our blrondv °aut.+. on tbo . dollairdf l O a ltlaisid,Okt.d7, 0 87 bet.. tteg n int e - be found , be in aV tail b. void Fight: *lts on Noof Yo kt tbo anoldolt . qt.4 . ldt3 404, erbleb- prated . ..riot Ybaa Conrad want Chicago a riiiaitarO "d —.2.t.00,10 cra p wptet be borrowed tram 'a rota are. _ . , , bll4 isTreaNi °ems. y44tierilay bieeri,tbe uitary C mr&estprurhtell the Isadore et the Sere; et aVertt. ftTadiiantolt., grooveVy interesilie f IG.eq. , potted the laza thee the .eened :area ecke 111.11.4{0Srilt Orylar Wal to eniet the grantee revelation in Tedhaa. Ind Mb. pa ri;thardook 0 Terrier Norlen, AL - divan Lcipattgliste2 1C dlita Morgan. SUBUBBAN. Camp R9noida This rendezvous, which has been forums time • der the command of Liens Kant Colonel p, V. M. Been, V.B. A., to new b exosiletiktindlilan. Tee Colonel ia alleys Yorker, and • graduate of Weat Point. He has been thirty years in the army, and his large experience enables him to attend to all the details of a camp, is he Is not only aware of what b requisite for the health 9 comfort of the men, but le prompt to hen iTerytitlng furnished of the right kind and at iltatroper time. The discipline of the camp Is oxen lent, and geed order and military dseerum err , everywhere apparent. A portion of the I Fists of the camp hay, been Mansismiseti, and Isom are engaged In covering the esaubsiag In Da with broken stone. By thLi . Meant, the ' , Ala Dad lend (about .whlot there were ;Minus ootapisdnut lest winter) will be, to a great meat • oft, avoided. Thaw are bat few men in the asap now, aside from the permanent garrison, and all are well quartered and oomfortaele. The hospital, under the ohergs tot Surgeon S. G. Minutiae, Z. A., Is ayludrably keptc and L • modal for neatness and comfort. VW. are now &boat Silty patients In the Ward, moat of sham are suffering from fevers. The prinelpt I Mumma are bilious, interuotsanuand typhoid . Many of tame bad. were Tanned . eariDg !betting when the camp was so densely mooned with volunteer* and dratted men nn sr the last call. All the patients are well atcend.d to,end provided with everything neussary for alb comfort and convenience. The food Is ex. millet, and is prepared in such a manner all to render Ii most wholesema sad nourishing. There it ►bountifel supply of medicines, Minors tog Sr.r with those little home datiou ' les so ors ful to the slob. The beds scrupulously neat An d clean; and, in tact, all the ail:bunt STAMM:allot the hospital are kept in the molt tidy and cleanly manner. The Christian Commission has an agency In tamp, In charge of Mr. 11. J. Welkin., whole uniform klnciness to the patients to the hcapital is highly creditable to kiln as a midland a Christian. He encourages the stet moldier by kind word., writes letters for him, tithe, charge of hi, effects, sad keeps br gbt the chain which binds him to his home. The Com mission fannshas the tinniest with many ern. ales not larnished by the Government—barrels of appose, boxes of twitchers, preservedfruits, meets, nu., all of which are very acceptable to the nth. The ladies of /twines], and vicinity bins been very sttentiee to the wont§ of the spi cier, L timer past, and still pay oensioual visits to the hoepitaL The Swissvale Sewing Circle are doing s good work in making up hoe. ;Mal clothing, sling., bandages, no., for the Chrietise Ociminission. In the latter part of September a number of tore one warm rrdered to report at o.o:ip Bey. noidt ; and on th, dch lost , • Board of Dupe lore ens formed tor the panne@ of ensualaing all recruit, sent to camp, wish a view to reject each a§ wen WA/ for 11OfT1015. Ttl3 Board Is Countltatad al follows: , Liwsc Col. I. V. D. Beers, S. A. Crm mandin;l A. A. Burg, A. G. laments's, C. 8. A ; A. A. Barg. EL.SbrAbot.l" A. A Barg. T. A. Downs, and A. A. Sorg. A. H. Raskin. Board ton been engaged !any sinew its or gazurrtnon, balite remit of Ito LOOTS has not yet been made public. We undentsud, however, that quite s numbers, of tactrattai paned by our Entraining Burgeoni, htWe Ines l',lected. ft wilt &Gra but .readers Omuta, to learn thst the ittalib - it thh camp are is run a Lear. , chit condition ; and therwis to fear tint. ender the present efleient management, the complaints et last winter will he revived. Teaed•ra' ksioelatloa. The Attodatiou held its regular monthly mast. mg to-dAy at the Fourth Ward ColtooL—Prof. Maids In the Chair. Thrf prooevilage were opened with prayer by Her. W. Gray, follow•d by - a tong from Prof. gherrat--"Our Country.•• Hay. Mr. Heed then delivered a most enter. salting sad profitable address to . the Mashers. Re observed that many pubilo Rooker, chose for their subject some favorite general, and he itortrded to follow in the same track by speak leg of :General Instrootion. Be showed that if education had, boon more gotooral, this we,- leaver wo odd h all broken oat; and we are to fay* the country from any scab mite i 0 the 'mere, me most cc neut.. we meet diffuse koowtedge through the .rd Be wished else teacher. to teach their thole?. poli.eness, which h. defined to be "It ioda tot re," consideration far tee familiar of other. ; to teach them to labor; that no •eolnencri iv ever attained without work. He thousand the ease of • boy at college who was idle, yet will:tied to be ste•t. He moats to Fleury Clay, being to grant a man, to advise him what to do. A letteroaso• from Henry . Cloy containing those words, "Div dtv : tire ." He tnforeed the neoessity of urging content. ward with our lot in life, ea a neesseity to to. h.ppinees of one people ; that meth misery would be thereby avoided. H. spoke of the moral had religious teacher as a good to the world. B. urged all teachers to be inateat In this duty. Be commended the statooto of war -.envy, and blessed Hod that the B hie was rood I oar tetooLs ; that the &trefoil of Prance rose I o= the , ;oe.reeept of rtligien vend rtilieTl3.l ••sehing,sed cupid that the eaeltaion of A sun a would/Hist frith the teaching of the &Vino moths to the ethotag people of the republic. Prefj Beard thou announced toot the A 1•071.1. t ion forithe In/true:ion of the News Bay. of Pitt,- : burgle had been IDOONIVAI in preemies three toothed. and now were prepared to reotave the volunteer service of three more; that this work et rasing wad. ens% tut the prospect moot snonostente , .• • • air. buns thanopensd , ow the subjast n! lon. teems. He *hewed that the old definition that eel:arises Is a "thought exprers•d to worts" wee Ineomplele, Inaemuch .e the term that.yhr fe of to indefiaite a , be that plods 'tonal derive ept oder eineeplor l sad It le a goof prtholpite to sot upon, that nothing ehould be presenti l d to • pupil which the pupil cannot om• acerstse . This lasportaist stthjeat la nonneetion iwitlythe study of gramcsr, was tented in the most lucid and eatisfeetory manner, and coma meo&ddtiel to the studant of gram Mer el a fai.hfol exposition of the orthodox elver of the eCIEDeiII, Mr. Shona& then sang the highly pat. Motto rites, eown_poted ear the stitinoteß Of Hid. Andrespto star Mayor o 4 Bsitfilora, rospissUng him to Nod hi toe the remains of the hlismola. to is soldier., , •Laying thorn out cordially and floating thorn tenderly." • -It mod attics sten tiatid her the slater was portlettliuly imeassfal, or Ws* the eubjent went how to,tho hearts of may of the anditiou, for lb* sensation that foltoisod."the inutile was - still and deep. - .. Thothanks of the Association wont tendered to the Rosehts. Rood. and the AssocLation ad .Joutned. CoL Cialopo's BoglononL' A otarfispoudoet. writing trots Reetor!.4m4Y a., an the 21st Inst., gives the tollairlig inform.. P?ItLIA r4s!Al to th• Fifth H.. 7 i tr uuso, , , Th. Mist bittallon. idsjot B. Morton. opslst, , ir g of ootariqusiti - A,-(trept.' gbp.,) %I:4We P , l , D•gin,) p. cqup. A.rorthab,) Auld Captain 7fiko)it,SSAAßO.4o4lfop„ KO, 0,, g m ' s , cossistio it woratoules It, (Oapt. Additstut,)%,', iCapt.. - 4a ti)taudAtai o etpA Z•tetart,) . IS Akwo ~Plvki 0016 $. 0 ) be t :lois i. :Of 144 Moir battaliol bl ploidt• OJOug ,as rah' :Ood;.tt•-- "kki th 011 . . t eipi todatcatoin4 Comps*, F. I, perfamlng Om same duty batsman bora and &lam. • th ird bsoAtlon !Pig tadotouslastr, sou po of CoutrpireLds Be. ' o3spt.. BA idlest} 0, (Capt. R s,) It (Capt. Eillat.) and El, (Captain Alsood,Paril-Chtloted' It 'Piedmont: :Butt Is the dlrpoSttloo, dr iltuatind ' of the Fifth Penn. Bina* my 1 ` setiba~reg(meot his bees tally gip ped 'lrit,tialUthingli•mbedllll;imreptlng,len* sacks, for theditsS littilice, to ra lime.rato• Rim lost sn gi -and Von ' ais, t i r il lisid ofire g ts-13 I, l eft . Gallops d Lieut. Cot. Brosoos-:4tApaYLOg due attention to drilling. No opportunity for this 'slated Pi1M10 , 11,14 shill dun a, we ware Oon: swab on the Mtvis....lastallitdivtoit•titiAlgui , Ispd, olhot atttil• f ,Cloo unwpotty,,hom, , Am host It •Ratrue oopotrohd ~Using coustant., .012 duty. OA& ,fithi ciao at the want ttruo, aud . yott rdef judge that we are in reality doing Vie editittcr doneaticaloe.' ' " • • • • ,Cspt. ]pp.. B. Z adios, of Company[, Alb , • tlcer or kt.e vfgb•,t,, ft tow , td. Id•ttrn:d• • slurry' except) isoMtantrig bill ...• L12'101.6 li ohm *scat tbs. las,and bad. almost immolated his - Jitty- in this reepordt wheults came to oltenntut tram.: An boar would elapse beforiltdiA; and ' § baSirig bit three or far posts to vtiltb thought 'ld 'irculdl devout a few moments to tbering ' cfbeikpir. , ; lie clhoybad, the troo p bat ad hello 'op in it but w hip dialsradte when alien brae ; ps•Olpiostto g Moo' to the g• wand. Jl,o.tuß ,sloo at twe L tyjlisie rest, a gtrst6s ‘4150.! Alb - lAA/. a.. 4, shou:dats., Fattonstelylra II ortithel no Bailout ',jury, an d will be able-to command big company IS a. low day: __,-- Lr TerzY °alma P.kaort orp,nirlite, bloody. of Ohloj Colo.f of at 0 :AO reit( moat for cows tione,ebet one of the hro.oo, of the ItrmAtot 'the. Ortrobt-land, atii preseh to the [Aborts, •treet. M. E. cbareb, to moroo• (Ion:144) .rsi,.•! 7% ...loos. Cot Moody le at p3polor a.p tether tp al, ea on the platform. tlorittill2litg one of the molt a early. repe.aore ti the Whe to too well ken., to noel say thing ameottnee Lis appointment. •• dsr rtcrium Itninyr--who em h twatha icittp i tioareeneesi cough, or waxen of.the - root, van exrply . ea excellent and date tieing Et-olreiritronchitel Troches. We tiara tried ebeeftledie; and Men safely recommend the A 01.081111 , Of throat initatton. .To etagere arid ons'4o i , Llscra they bra cf grebe rclees (.o,,mr. ` PITISBUTU,H, Another Tens of the Bono st, Gua Arra I.lfar teat Of the great rinraman tly•a tj•lacil 100, mounted at. Fort Hamilton, leek place pas terday. The roosting o( off ter this purpose woe appointed at the aloes of the first day's firing, ha} In order to .vela as primate, of a crowd et spretarorr, and .11ow of-uninterrupted and more scortrato cheers's...nue, no poblie troth* was given of the second test. The trial, like the former one, was oondooted by Mrjer Redraft. A number of prominent onleers interested in the 'abject of ordnenee, Were present. Thee. Included General Dyer and Captain Wt.*, Chief. of Ordnance of pi Woo and Neer Departments; Goner al Ramsey, foepeotor of Forts; tisneral Hors, CaL Thorn ton, Meier Same, of the Reglower Carpet Cspt• B. Crlepin, Captain genet, Mr. Knapp, of the Sort Pktg.Fountiry, and otheit;personte The perry reukted Fort lismltton se half past two o'clock, mod it wee half en bout later before the work Val fairly berm. The lan discharge on Wednesdny, when one hundred pounds of powder were Wee, and the noun% of the gun given the great elevation of twenty-Ire degrees, wee oonsidered • eeinclustly satisfactory test of it. kind, though there wan no way of a.eettsin• leg with certainty the dielanoe the shot was thrown. The gun was fired twiee yesterday —ea both templatet at sere, or point. bank !sage ; nod the only object of *rye rlm•nis was to asaartalo the Protean on the bora of the cannon. A ohs ge of one hundred p rants of Mammoth lipowder was let need, with tt bet ton ball the shot touched the weer at s oomph: ati•ely short deems from toe there and ricocheting beet ti.ully WSJ lost for oat 1n the by The seat charge was the hundred scd twenty• live petty:de e the powder; and the ball that was n. ad weighed a thensand and eighty podnds. he ficleg of this immense charge was "fey sustained by the gut. The ricocheting was bat ter .ben that ..f toe first shot, some of the m ho: end. extending, wording to the estimates of the I 111,ers, more than tyrolre hundred yards. Te bell lett the water six or wets times before it rank. Thin it the Itotned'ate trial of the gun referred to in our report of yesterday; bat aaother, to teat the range and acouraoy of the gun, and the tcometuruna of the ablt, will ho male o soon at a taltable target ie made. That target will, It is aLderetood,rtrprettat a laotion afarstroageet int u-olado; nod the trial 1. looked forward to wttb great intarer N F. Ey. rang f'er. LAinrs ANT , GITIoIatIVII —With much pleasure we announce to our young friends the return to our o ty of the sooomplished tosoh • •rs of Light Gymnastics-411e 611111c8 IlsfkilL It will be yen by refoenoe to cur sivortis its columns, that they here re-opened their c'of s rooms to Neville Nall. Too mach cannot be said in favor of the very Becsible theory in it.:di:iced by Dr Dio Lewis. nod teatht by these ladies, that pllTtlerld culture and development is essential to health and !tappings.. Their sys tem of instruction is so simple, and yet so ben •r gel and entertaining that it meets with the appr,al of the highest medical authorities to our land. The Wass. refer to their lot Mar scholars and patrons, all of-whom will teotliy to the bench received under their tuition. Enron Pi reetwo tr tut 9acirses WARD —re. I. Feat poritical gathering bud in the B••euth tt rd during the campaign, conceited +a the 8: hot) acute, Lut time arab tau one et axonal intetut. The meeting was prrestded ova by Jam. Robb, E with C Me. Oattby. Erre., .t Surstaty. Ray. John DJugles, D D., made one of lb. but speech. of the matt sign, occupying 11b0111. one hoer and • half to its rulivery. Th. Doctor was attantisr•ly Ile• toted to and vigerouly applauded. Ile Itai fol- Icwed by J Ludwig Ko•thrter, Ere., to • good opeecit, which wu received. ACCIMISTAL Daum.—Mr. Stwer.rt Miller, of Straban township, Aflame ortluty, oval to endue■ sod melancholy loath, on Friday week. The, with hie wife, had jort returned from a visit to his father, at Whlteetown, and whilst tekiag e loaded goo nut of the buggy, the piece by ae• eideot went r the <Marge entering hie body, sod killing him instancy. lilt age wee t erectly reveo years, and he beares a rite and child to Inn en Cis sudzirtO departure. _ raer* 51,1.14 Dteretce llT.—Thin Court ttal forted to ley, the button for the term ha•ing tern dttoomod of. We **knowledge oar Icd•otalrcre ft S C Mr":•ndlter, the den C.0./telly •nd ettentle• for many prof..- .• l•rore do, tr g t.h• It II • rd•uort I Jo b0,11:1011. with inch • rtolitil 11114 netoinmo- G g tea.:. s Cr nits at. C• err —This Coart 1. ttl , l eri • Rap•.. In the mu rf the Bresratto we rio eve, to Ora rt;Crtlld. t l tie c.nosel closed their vg. it• 04 al soon, smi the Coast took eraxte 1112:11 two O'CloCk, st which time the ebsrrt et the Court ace delivered sod the Jory retired to their 'rota. Ns• —lt I. stated that one of the •nd beat )ielding walls of the season hat b ro ..• , -k at..o•• Clari,n, on on• etaslos tiv•r. I oat is loud news for the lower oil reglona I . 10 , 11.11 an.: carriage calls will be takan at the ~..L.,`“As eel.. No. 410 roan .areet e or atght. All eruert left at th• above ode* •111 b• r- , mptly ettended to. All calla Malt be Nadia a I'r Detame s an i drawers, h,elery, g10w... k a , to eta., et BleClolland's Amnion Hoare, 55 Fitik street. F Less nu, Balmoral telrts, and domestic, 'code, ebksp az LoOt r olazd'e, Auction. Boors and show, et McClelland's Aa3Uca /1 0.0, 55 Fifth etiset. Laws lot at caatoet mad. boot/ &ad lama to atriae Lbl day at VA Faders.' meet, Allaglaany, CALL UN, TO nor and avoid the refit foto b, Ct. gni!toes st IN'tleral etroot. Ds e.t.a,. and e.n tbli day a, 99 Federal street. AlleiLeny. Isotu am; Pasno. —" We have sun 'sapl•s of permonora oculotag irM thla penoll. ward r•nno% 14 'nobs! oat"—Haro• Jooroof. 8;1! •l Kys•r% 140 Wood mac D RDIOLT 10 31.—.11111 WSW 01010111 atIOTWIL St G I tt•WIAD, Was dod oats i on Sondaylonc-11. , ght holerond Bishop Dsmoona, of thU city, omolat• nog. 1 ETTERB RiMAINIPJ ONCLA/MED le the Pat cake at anegtwey,tiMm of Peat/aryl. .carte, the . .!Dth day of Octet., IVY. To obtain eay of UKse lettets thv applicant ItiooteaU f odrertoel letter., give 5114'44441 of fhb llm, wad ye) • ce et for salvertlileg. gel mlied for within one moat., They .111 b. taa 1. lb. deal letter aalmb /. &livery of lint.,, by mrticra, at itte neldwoca A esteem, eney be secured I.ol..relne the =Dv ruler. 1 Dim. tete. plainly so the street number so "al . the peat al. and State 2. Bed ktton with the welters poet oft. iad Stater, ere l end Dumber, rip thorn platuky with, ea math atd repuert that mammy. directed wooordlugly. 4.Lku.n to stump,* ert Dumont la. lowa o. rtt , , vitoolipmdasttaaMl.ll34o:ll•vrelmowst. Itheald tn . . lied, to the lower loft-lured corner with the rd ••tretelent.” ' the rewlso wimp on the epipeimkii-han4 between thy and ¬ion Without interfering with the Writing. et lor thp ro tors of I letter to tha d within SO day. or ter, written at her'. na m e, pat at end State • 4 =4 of the =metope, on the We Owl with at the anantpre.pniti Theo t e e letter la &livered ta the law o 1 I}d3 Ilevikeleian 'llene V. ere Franklin vvvnivaise toe. Otmle . ■ .era an, and Wye • OAN. m AAA rlglng mi. , water laclstro 'printioa with tho K•••• tba loft • .fee, yill b. tom of ;maw maids •rt•er.---ker.. ifsttt , ..‘ E A41...c.,b a.. Chug.. 311611 b G.. 7 Jan. qkqd /at. 0 Goblat M., tbvimir 0.41' Mr G. Is bitchel Itimtaza ran y Oro:ne et HAW lt Oben ch. bs 11 .11ITLL1 11.... Unassur blixa mn.t...g,v , tl II Stc•re Whorl". Pasta Ad Pasta /(1.1. ;; NtcAtidts CI ,I3A • mapll4th'io• Bat• EPAdild &nen= Itizt. Batt. Odd radt Ro:ant • 14.11 s 110.1 man Otphd 1141¢m.• Jam 'ESHdodt:IA 1 Pei Mary Weal nta tic Lwfml,Aw2l 8.. 14 WWW rtifislloslllJ kWeP Pntabitti n..ct Ella P . uo.r.rd 14416 . I LI ward 0 Harm loo arab 0 ant/Watt-4J ' Wra , artt EA - Hat r • o. Jobla, Hatt Jana Hail Fancy I HoakLao Otto V.tainlai K Krodal le is I K.:sr./0014 K tr. Nanr; E li add tort Pot r hlogrbn y J 1. I,,n,Onct 114"1.• lAts• Moab • lir.rtLa nr 1:0 rap V •• 11..rptinu Jvhu IAW Mary I.cgen Ic 11 0 C—nk eeve tharul4.ol Ist bra C ok Cook ..7Att D Oses , ./1111•0 Ckidaraa e 1 .' nth Owl. Ede". a P 00111131411 A I,aza lols, 7 Js• Gro,k. Jocoa Calvlat J"4111 at 04.111. 80,1 c ' t1,1711 ' 1 1 7: , Guiert F 0. co. V onijni Corey Daulq) G D, qad•levu Slit.' irsnelvise • Vl\ Id Augl4 t. Endl.e Anil° A. 111.11 J A SI Nvlog 71.4 g... rhea kllubeth ,rl. Tli , was . Von 114.0 , 7,....u , LI, to F. r /a" 11111er 81. k• a c , ittarstbis Nam, It.rto• Wm Iloyen • Wm 11.,rinet Sarah A Mx. 51(-0 - min eobt blch , ig4t ,tn r.•..t. I , mint Ybi maid rinl4 L Pro,nr str r or Fouott, II cL .so y • 1 , 1 •; , ian Jus, tit rtialn loni‘s CAL., tL• N I, • Iftavr .1•. • 2. W)NDAY, OOTOBER 3f. 1864 I.II}VE FRi►!4 GRANT 7he L•.ne Looked for Advance Taken Pla&3. REBEL WOBI CDARGO &iD CigitED. The Fiebel.e ralllng Back. OUR ADVARCX AT CRE:9 RUN Mi•V4C AAAAA !LILT P 0 1 .0114.11, to t,. 11111.31, October 17-0 p. m. —2 co long looked for ad • T.:ICC a tha armist operettas stool Rmh m.nd, hoe it hut taken place . Y surrqby the iral vy•paiuots yen the wltll dratt4 Of 40 gresisr Dolton of the Army oldie Po imaxo hole the trenohexand noeseingie is the reat,teady_ for the move. The let ditrisioa of the 2donrpnoottli part of the 5:0 and 9th oorpo,hold the bottle Mi. from the Appomattox on the right to woe three miles but of the Wllderneu rell road'on_tiao lett. All bakgsg*, 'ravine, at., Wm lent to tU nor, Wt 'MY Point. , At ItibtVeleag Oar morning: G. U enC1.001 . 14 threstionnt and thtrd Ortetone cattle a3rps, moved Mott 4.11e - Venghn road, nabbing tenth ...l, 'tidbit. grossing Thatcher's' ran, found the Tebile satrenehed to newly map works. General Hatoonli at onra charged them On the e ink and &tee them oat, taking_ some twenty pr.ronerr. The Sib corps toqk the sqllrmal Level road sou found the rebels ported at it. ftoonm with the Duncan road, smash au north from the Vaughn road to the Boynton reed. From tole they .are driven by our ekirmishere with eon. lone, the first division having •boat forty men w, Th. al dielslonof this corps took the adranoe, and crossing Thatcher's Ran, acttnec.ted with the 2d ocrps. th. meantime Hanoook •dranced along • 1.3 -road, driving the rebels before him until they reached Boynton'. plank road, when the column b. tad .nd formed in line of battle, the left te,ching MD. dictates we t of the road, and th• r.ght extending to • think woods on th. right. 7h• dth norm bad also formed and adranoed thr .ugh the woods two miles, bet the left of the ❑re filled to connect with the right of the 2d Corp.. The rebate fall back as we advanced until tlwllne reaahed Chita RCM. IMPORTINT FROM lEN, 6RtNT‘ Another Grand Movement. THE WHOLE ARMY MOVING, The Danville Railroad Threatened SKIRMISHISO ALREADY COMMENCED Na• You, Oct. 21.—T10 friOone't corm poodeat at Worrenl Statics, on the 29t.1a oars Thtil morning the entire army is in mitten, with six dep . rations aid tie I:tuition for any emerge/ley. The movement e e left flank, and on the .x•rame left. Oregg's *►vary I swing • log erornd towards the Booth Side rellroad •ad the Appomattox river. Then comet the 11. h corps In martial arr&y the lost division lapping the cavaley lath rattling artillery, apt the other divisions extending to tha 11th earttr, neon lh• third, and right division of whioh, upon a pivot, the revolving line Ia corning, white the two fielsions of the seeond wipe me Iteeplog time with the movement es a reserve. The limmedhate obJ.ctt•e point of the move ment Is the South Sloe railroad and the Appo. mewl river, In a circle of existing fort led Una. Oar line being one• extended to the river, with iistural ba.-rier between et re and the mete rebel army, it will be • very easy matter, n. will seep by reference to tb• map, to keep th• Li..ovile railroad, on the eoeth ride of the Ap , it.mattol, tbastanity eat by vanity void. It L. In:pos.l4la to ton.. at whet p+;pt the mtv.tovot will •top, bat 1 de not thins 'bet oh• rise is to ....and the meroment party dart] at lb., time farther than to the Appomattox. The tenrlii• asilrned, south of the Appomettna, r.!t caters:ly be tb• next vbj teary point of ettect. 0.0. Grant has jut artivad from City Point will taur ardarlles sod for da)'• ratio.. of dirtobre, ha. H• yeatorday fact atl hit body fond of cavalry to jots Gina'. °miry oa the sa tr•Dao :ail. rtirmisblog horarroorly coarotoood as th- tt.'b trot boars tbla Loaves for Ctty PoLot. EXTRACTS FROM REBEL PAPERS Barb iddstsits His Past/lid bidisn RR N4EIMITI TO REMO PalSONßifi WITH FROM 101. ALABAMA KIWI A DISBANDED Nov Tosa. oat. 29.—Tbe Richmond of as late as Wean, clay, .re neweived. Givers% Rudy Ito Lathed an addros to his Neither, on their late defeat by Sheridan, In •blob he tells thorn that It was ceased by thelr dl•Sreecful propensity for plunder. The Richmond Scetiect manna the report that an arraugemett has lon completed by which the N tonal Government will ho►llowed to feed its soldiers in robot primona,and the rebel g...veroutent their men in our hands. The menage went to the Alabama Leglainure by the Governor, midis% the members because they intend to male appropriations for the &t. tense of the State, wee returned to tdm is • Intact envelope. The militia of Alain°. Is vir tually disbanded. Senator Rill, et Georgia, has written o leiter, In 'hub be minimise Jer, Davis' assertion that tee.ittirds of the rebel Wily he.. deserted. The rebel Genera Anther in dead. Th. papers kaye raports tram flootri army, bet ao• of ILI late dates ma ere hays. Their re• p~itr ar• very logo, and amnia{ t aothiag. 1 ATEST FROM MISSOURI. Price's forces near Carthage. MIME ITTICHD sr GUEBlll4hil Dispatches from Gen. Sherman. REBEL ATTACK ON PADUCAH EXPECTED Br. Loots, Oat. 29.—Tbe 'abut soommts put Prim. nom Cartilage, Gaspar county, tdlasoltd, otill ekadaddlibs, with oar &salary In hot par fait ilnaral Plesaantoh was nightly Ward by lalllag (ram his horse: The steamer 8.11. of St. Lottle was Attack:4 by guerrilla', whits lylpgai Randolph, cm Thar'. day night. Paymaatars Ballet sad Boalth vim sod esraral of elm crow mounded. • ifeoormlek MOE*. D 4 tieStatul £Pet JoI 0 Oliver Jou Z .P Pastly 4 J s rn 0 P Pius G Perk DIII Piper Gov 00., !maids. Ylw L Powers /no I Denstid Meredith, 64 .Padacmh, ay, finalised dirpatolms from General kerFull, on:Weinto day, that Forrest Intended tD All.Mak that place yes terday. Stints mportad that large number* of rebels were paeelog Damien, Trenton, Ler - ington, Shady Drove, and MeLernotisfille—all within fifty miles of May field—Marge amotint of supplies being nectimulated at tdoLornontrille. ?be rebel Gummi Buford had eight regiment,, three battalions,. and a battery of Dahlgren guns, at Shady Graf.. Orders were Issued for the ooncentration of Our Notts on the Tennessee line, preparatory for a march on Paducah. ' Derlest, Chair:mere and Bolordare In command. All hoeing., le onepended in Pedacen, sod the geode urn being removed to *plate of Safety. livery preparation bee been made for the attack. Mal orell Ch.. E tialisaa Eliza 1/Inimitylil Mai tin .4a ►h AtICI Rail& Joha EWA !op 11391-la Joe Udsch Th., itich.rds T tst at, 21 los Pcsner A Ice eat v K. m el evi Chau II •el Prbooors or Wir A apecial 'Mathlngton dispatmh to the Mini says ••lt trill glo.Men the whole oonntry pad dirty joy cod heart': rap to handsel, of thousands of b„. O to learn that an arrangstarat bat been -made whereby those - who Linger to I , otherle places will henceforth reocre misquote sop plies of food and clothing. In the impossibility of • general .x,hs•go Oh i,Ylaonera, it la a matter of ttinleitg that the t eseartost will he elm' far atterlated, ko4 they males as nomfortable melt it pearibletfor men in captiviry to be. The agreement,. looking to tilts 6.3,16 wet end, one jetttcen caroftbled botarven‘lenersis t. 4-1 • aed Lee, and only 11.. M., th• ratttantent of pra,..,xl neteila to tea • ILlwl , ;. g; W ;It Hest,r e,oaao BophLs 2 4111.01 B • 1 flak/ Jun. null., J. Aoola la. - , Immin Art Ire', T... Moil llborutrone Alory r pi.taa tvr: P/ W.rd W [1:14.a 19 .4.11 rs. b rg. T. x' m lam • W•lah Joo rr Id Nu, gery—Veralct Foumd. DALT:IIOU, Olt. :9 —A.was (Quad la tte et panics elarged with forgieg soiSisrs' votes, imt It Melt Pfret he pasta am Is) ;Its Frio Ides bt tore bal..; wade pnbllc. Court thee c aret d. V ii• // lno A ICI rni !ln 14 rria . A EMEZEI 1!ENIMIII Iltipatetk from O.n. Fa- droaso, 04. 2A.—A e r. l bare this evening, from Juan A. 1. 1 ! eorsti, Coacdo. no, Ocarina of Ordnance, states that it for u the oonte-sioa of M. J. Ferry, contsined in the morrdeg paper', refers to him, or in any respect oonneotnig him wit h the &rigged trends with ref erence I. soldiers' Totes, la an nasaltigstad fele. hood : he ttttt received Icy letter or paper' from him, and tele, heard of hirc until ha raw the confession in print. Tb. PresMeet's Rnny— lit Massactiu. .eu■ Cavalry Now Tana, Oat. 29.—The Cb=rsereare Wash• ington spoon! ray.: The Pre-tdest and !sadly have eetutoed hone the Adler.' Hone to the White ;loose. Tlg►4 sun it. hnoe been mean froze Co* to time nee, the Beale, oat Kr. Lin - oc to eu refused to Isere. Omagh atzongly urged to de to. The Ist Iffsfsseltuttta ciaeals-y rrvsd trout tD• front to-day. The sou. of ifberj—restamooy of as Cttatznen, oe. 29.—J I Bitihern, editar of the lodianspqite Snaieei. testified before the Minter, Coseteigeoh, at Indianapolis yeeterday, in the oz. of Dodd awed others, oonercelog the teetta.ohy of ether NW:tosses Re to the tresuousble purpf tee of the Boat ef Liberty. I.d'll V n..ttJr ca 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE LNSURANCR COMPANY ME= PHILADELPHIA. Ames. on Jaactry 1.1864, 11,487,840 M. -.271,C00 I overt...l Prrmloent._—.—. Unser%led .... Income for 1804----. Los. Paid doors . Rospitual and Tomponu7 Otal • atom WAral ter= haw, Le. Ot.rW H. Banckar, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, J.roe R. Banda, Geo. W. Blatant., CILAIILIES EDWARD JAB. W. IatufaLLIZTILE, I17!I,I M=a2 Pnt. W. loeseti, D. D. . Be SICK Mt, President, DALA vice Prelldesd. . • Pee. tern. . CYJTVIN A Affect, Wood cad Mint Maori NSURAN OH, IN FIRS AND LAND Insurance Co. of North- imerlea Hartford Fire laeuraace Company, liel — Prosactton can Do warm In lb. atm* rasmi sad nthabla companion. W. F. JONES, AGM" her 11, B.P I •Y. It allAtnis, 67 W.A. aim& pEoPLEs INSURANCE COMPAN'Y' Oflee, N. B. corner Wood * Fifth Ea FIRE AID MARINE lESURANOE. IS3MMI Wen Maps, John W... Was. P. Hays, JO= K. Parks, Maxim & Mash, Wm. Iran &Irk, =ES= wu PHILLI.Pd, Prortd.a. JOHN WATT, via , Redd.... wit T. GAILDST.U, tiecretery. ju11:14 IN'AURANCK CQMPLNY • or fqllllß ItO Et. CoMat, toe - 1w Market sad er Arrow eadonel Root. WM OSI.JII. Peatteel. hANIULL a&i. decrotartt thet - . Stettzebaste sad Comma fn,, , , wan. , ht. And desehge to the!Levitation 4 tlte Bevalhero 'and W....fr0 Ithres, lath. tdtd D•fo'dh awl tt, nertgatton of the Per. I qtrethe tAhdort Io and damage b 7 • 11111.1 , 211. wia. Wapiti, 8. ii. Mho J .... Part. Jr, , John 861wtolt, . 6 Johnstra, James M. Coate; a f. Jkons. B. Hsrbsurh B wee il/wwwry J. 0•10••11, Jr" rlwt. T. M. How% Jrha &Dilworth, Barris,Prt.woo, him. A. Roden". iiwwvw &toe... datrktpt A I.I.FGHISNY INISUFANCE C. .hi PANT OP PITTEISUDGC—GfIos, /94.37 IlfL st , nrt. Bank Dl.k. 1.." against an kinds of Fire .4 Marine lab. 13110 JO/47.4, Pal !'Wit D rum 11.. n 7001 S, Jahn D, McCord, CYO. &data Jaeuee B B Burling, apt Wro. Dmn, It L. Iloo , oror, H. D.•la. 12==11 0 nosey, liar., Chad; Oast G ,rsy, Jobs Irylst...Jr, B. L. Tab Bess cb., WEST Ett.N IN UAAhGIS MAYA TV TT OF eirrspußzat, B. IMAM, Jr., Prystissi If. R. GORDON, tooretarv. C. No. 02 Water street, Bpaaj 20000.10ovat t up ttatro. Pittobottl oototth. lit 2 rosy op al2 tad, of M. awl armor Mal* firma timr.ngtoor deed try Dirtotoroto loan goal boom t. tie ottaantmb, owl oti an lotertohoot, b rots tooo ItbottAttp, to motateio Otagansear =WA Obey low mood,. ea** doe boo prosiloo Ao them Ws iotdrrlo Ito mood Andrew Acts, Aieznador Bps:. Digtd IL Long, Row J. Thomas, Lamy. P. Elekamil, Jahn il.. IrthEr► a. MOW, Jr., hugt.a 21cBukry, 21.tlaute1 Holman A 1.,.. titml.k, Clourge a sT a ptiti B. Ramos, B.4IJrACS. TIME sAVUCOS INSTItTrIION, No. 110 8111TUVIELD 811111==to s h oats. tura Home.) Mortared ta the OJTIQIR !odrs Molds, Ala. Br ale% L. Ardowaron. JodAh Mu& B. H. Hartssorn, T. 11•1104 ram., home. Purl, Jr., 1 . lioD. warm,. IL D. Oixttroa, D. 1.. Long. D. alma. W. L. Bead, Lr 1......0rb0r5, Y. Tatou Ws If. H. A. B. Bell, o. Zug D. Illooloy, . IL Dilworth, 8. 8. fowler. O H Wm. Ilardth. .Y Haman, Jacob .1. W. Ww.twolh B. A10•411180AL 11.. liollararvi, 10. H. Wall; borworep ad Thaerer.—D. E IPSINLIGT. Wm. 11. &MM. Th.*, L. Masalet, Fnu.caa Sella" Jobe F. Joeallna, Mo. 8. u:ar, i yd .4:/pan duly, Tam 9 • to. to fp. p. Lino, Saturday wallatag, from • to 9 detect -Deplane. Ittihad et etre Cate anti apwarda Ditidetkle declared la Mama. and Jue of awl Divide& anoes4 to remain .re planed to On crellt of the deor•ltor at prf.rlpil, sad hdar IntarreL, that goroputanding It. Boobs containing Sharter, 81-Law• 34, ttralshod the taw. Mr This It:oratorios •fibra. sopeolidly In thous pr am 'hos water we Will, thlowartinitzy IS me mutate, by man - 441*a% son: Anred, whlclr will bi resource wit= beerfal; thdtr loom •at Indy Wag We, bat hearing Interest, Instead of raeralsang _nprodttetivta indlOrSti TIOLLAR E aVINUEI BANE, NO, 64 Salami COLtirriaDD 13 WA Opel tun, ttrea I ton °Wort, sheen Medreedad and Saturday amminp, *Ma SW Ist to tiormabow Mon I to 0 !dotlllllll treus Slovedded Ist, to ltdy Ut tram to a °Wong. .end=s retwitad of all sans not Wit thlin One DOD lar, addend at the preeta &dared rea m = In Jona and Deem:abet. Intertin 11l been in lon. to , lona and Ds:mu; Moths 11031 was organ at the ram of eta on end* reg. tote d, te t,r dawn out, to plated to tag arodll d the as rather*, and ham FL Edna horst -ore t tharday• of Inns and December, omorwainflug wipe a yew without tanutding the &palter, to ..11. am to prment Ida paw book- At thia rate roomy wilt d h. than twelve yam Doubt, °ordaining the Chart r, 13y-twers, Osage wed raulationo, forraed "mt.% on application at the uMre. Plum orme—GLOGII &L. 311.12. rlcs rnsamerra : /sloe, T.l. D. W tx3 • IT-mac rneyack, J.eone u. illc/•.1.1.a, PA. 0. 0.401•11, .14 , ,iit1/: • fosnestic Jong IL obccckbrcit. , Jsmes L. PITH A. rels/lelco, William J. B ane.soo. lg. Pollock, K. D. Brim S. by,tb, Jobn Kan]. Pis.lsm P. Els:211.11, Job. Orrl ' Hebert Itobb.,- Remy L.2.111.6ei1t, • William I. Ackunerm. ilcsamaler peu. Alficsaav wb Wm. W.jmas.. Mrtztt. CeslTts Adatt•L Jobe 0. Binall - sy, ric a l : AL.., A C•rriti Mar'Le L. (v4l-15 John Rum., IcyJ. Oltkaex, (Dm., P*ter h.., Weird 13. Dr. 1.. e. D. Kritt. Emt.friAlY 1.7-1,11,44.• CZUNDBIES. ion bolts peat 4 W. IL ^haw; f. lb to 1 Ertl; as; UIDO. 0 BILLSLIST. ro 179 Lattrty 'treat. KO MA.. C.:tr. so •• Willie is ..... tt r trde by OLLA. Ike. I BOhltk.A.) WADS/1008E OP Phenix Warehousing Comma,. /OM or SALVO a HATIBBION ffa.,I3IIOOSLYB REFINED P gTROLEUN, 1. Tua. .ad Barnli. [sr Oho r.I o Ho, Be BtiagkETSIMT, How Teri 1.....1111 MN MIT 1311 WALLA di a cuiffigs, Commission Max. CRUDE & IMFIHRD PETROLEUM., BYFEINE LAD LI7IIIIIOATING 011.11 s. 134 DOCTLI WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA 11111.84orag• opacity fonder room,/ for 15 COO barrels. Sic ...Moot Moll Moe for orkipprog to Ll:urban sad 7 ,, re1g0 Pont. 51 cur whorl ea Orr Schallkill star lb° platlon of [ter P. B. IL ortr:ly JAMES WILKINS, DEOIND AHD DELLS! LH CRUDE AHD REFINED OEL, PIIBUT BLOCK, DCQUILCI4B Wk.!, apmfid Ltuation en to u. imam &BD SHIr ZVI of Pttrai.nm aad its pradacts. Oomlanmonte rrapacthdly solletled. war P 1114022142 Akumey Vl2ll/1.8410 OIL 8.12 D TRAIiMPOETB,TIOII OOMPALTT, POST 01/1/1014 BOX 142, RICHARD N, HARLEY s CO., OonausslON a roswer.Drisn ass=E&9sk Crude and Relined Petroleum, Ito 19 12M - 119 erasri. O Liberal Purl advances on Pltta• ocrgh or LAsterst tiarksta. u_i, J. 8. DLl•rarth A Oa, Beringer 13a.rbaagh, My, Mammon Ball. Onlistendsll3m92. nahlOtata 'Bo:4 uITY OIL WORKS LYDAY a CHORMINNINIL Illsautaatarsrs and Bas... of 11111.0011 OIL, BIM MHZ AND LUBRICATING OILS, and daaLles II Crci.lJ I) .E.EVT It CI LatZTJ7XL I=l Oen., MN RI RIND IMO= - 41,800,GC0. BREWER, BURKS di 00. COMMISSION 13:1111.0EAM/i, Agento or as cmoun, PAOITIO kHD ISTIEETY OIL WORE& Laws' ash adralsor made as ocantgamoli Refined or erode Petro/cunt. ma. =lmola WT nem= esis, no 1L61412117 W OOD VI LLE OIL REFINERY. . . GEC. W. HEILDSHIP-4a CO., lisonfocrocforo of BLIHNTHO OIL AHD LITHEIOA. TING OIL. Hoop odanastly am hand tics To boos crud. Itp of HIIHNITHO OIL, clear awl without °star , Lao, • yyvod CeII L IN3r. AtOrt, pan WHITE lIIHHOLI sod O ear Ali rolors loft st Ho. N 111TH @MEET, Do Oboe/. 1,..00d door, will to , promptly sttoofO 4 mkt! r•OBIZELT I=ll Fort- trcing t Oommission llim3hant ADD DAUM 15 01115. i L 13 lELIM TT 30,0EVCVII PL. TILOIAL kl OILS, M., artrawisly Go halal Gaul km •Lk. 1y torsi mutat pets. Owaskraramato .ad avian apT:exa we - Am° a Ewa, • COM11:95103 Petroleums grad its Products, Jail to Itiestai Intuit*. =2llll !i .1 J KARIM !T. ilitabara. J T !.:ii.6B IBWIN, CU of Tittiol nil Lana Lintgazda: oartmis_Npi Mai Aartattell Cb.4l Oars, I came AND MOT grams, rto Lu am OIL WORICK MOAN, DUNLAP N.. Pars 'Whits Rand Carina On.. air a. in mummy ..agar c.a.sarirra. Oil morns, Na ReDUCTION IN PRIDES T Carpets, At the . New Carpet Store. NePARLAND aIIOLLINS, Nos. Ti 'mg 111 !Mb Itcoet. Etas booso to net Oflvy ,s loot. Druggels and Crumb Wo hots 'tut loottood sees satiety aim sad Nn batdootoo pular= Woolen Drugets, Nedallion Centres, AT YIEBT LOW P&WIS, NerARLAND & COLLI2f a... n LID 13 Firm intamek ms sat um. t• Aa me t rend tali 0 R T B TR - E CIAIIPZIII LT LESS THAN COST. Provieestek median ace FALL STOCK .01:n povoi Bind. (PareSM ol Was the Isto adrenal* st emsodisibls: kmlta Bumnamtrany - 'MEL ATA L 17.3NEL . ARPET ST - 611 51..81 roan= 11E4VP11 N. 11. IeWM. MOMAgrEII AND GAZZA-M, CLAIMS AND PATENTS, And A.'X' • TAA: 98 GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh Lrorson BY. GOVIIIMIS ENT TO COLLECIT .tormas, • PraS. lONS, And n 9 other. Enuniatanb &vat' mita)) niFAlnst the UnttedAtatey . , • OISICRi DECO Ditit&BA, duo - 87141yr, dash ‘rg. ed oR wonada remind la baits. poltottad lusted oGai. pra.11.t . 913 QaANT EITLIET.T. far (Weirs of 1=321 Prrascrss, 1.1. os:=:0 Oil Olathe, Window Shades, EOLICITOILS Of et&M PIT, Opp • it: the Oalbcdre FOR SALZ. A VALUABLE! PAWL The oodirretered rani tor .sale tta ;*. l r fresobie Tell. lose the ro,orsy of And wew swoon on true Boller Ifarddrild laid" Sheet mown iles from tn• •Ify, In nat..' erwaship.oind orontlaing shrew lor • C arc •m wren, Tow loopecreectwola e • 1.c,), lor talo tm IA dwelling lame, . fame burs or en use bons., • two glory frame 401011 gPM).•.II apple are pa...IL orchard of lb . belt greeted &kilt TLS 1444 I. In s b , gb sta. otortinvalint. ind the 111111}1M1 fa gro.l order non farm (foramig by Lwow Lightner. II•rn )b ono of LI. last datrablo alter her country ~.Ixooo to Lb. vicinity of tlie city, ldwg eery of arrow by good needs, end lemtal ow ezeofloat .o,bhoghonh rro.raiser to Lbw pltetk rud e Witco)", rhumb., /c. yyde ,noie sooty to Tdre. ItlO3XT,tretang. pro tome, or to u. wodersigned. frmai Pr 13 look tome. foleigheay flyeeor. , •4)toT Benz Rite Sonionstou FOB HALE. VALUABLE REAL JEE-r4T1,1 Tb• onto algood offer fur Wu t 6. fdPftlflAi &at Na tutu belorglag to td.• state of tholottli NUM. Bratt.te. ourstd, to wit A. tofl av d •11babt to Qloptol. titt.al2, pty , t. , at 1. mile. trots 10 ell. Oloh tbsd• f A ',tapir sod otbOIS, e=nta4b4 9 Eilltibtatl) ADD Li.fiEll-312 11.01 Ms. horboulitt b• laprovomeat• are • doubts /dui n Ts et, with shingle roof. ' " • Lot a °mann to the Lltty 'of 6.lllrgbecny , is bet Latstet oustst sad rialibtog taintletigh LO 64.1 etre... 1 horn watched then® Ma arta Er terseting sn Lawnt wrest, and g Frahm llos• rmattmi oa e on 141..1 . .. • . . Lot ef Ortond In the CU, of I ftontbal foot at 10010.00 1.0.01, slrl.o s scud nhbf Beam. Tb. •b. vs property Tlll be a+.ld •1 •• to. Terms Ins de ►no an • pptication to .11.1 toe of (1. 01 9 IV ILL I EnaTT, 4 1.11011,111 Ms:CT; 80. 60 , Ansflure t cebbltadaeT A 34114.1 -- - - Lek EALIC--8U81J1113A31, - , MSS 'MID VILLItC/C WTI% Km Io allSon.--,Th• ER dantigned, lltzsentor• of th• notate of !ODA InknOtt, data ofer for pk • nnatbar of LOU, from ake- half SO NS acre. at.* altuatott new Tort Elarran. istd.withha LUIS taunts. .alt of tae tomato= ol the Eltlatnalt o lt nersttil• Pawn.. 11.11 way, Th• go,* we bettotthttly located tar private texttlenerts. Also, • atuntet of mall lAna to that litltta M =my. rifla, etonoto4 on the Pamenstr —Uttr'lt 1 0 dike ntat front mad trout an• to tyro Istuutral;bst deep /or tutotrootoolo coot:aro of dtbor 'of alf • • • Mr W. A. ECESZON OlvrtAi P. Clout Ira. S. airßA-019, 101326 D. lIIIIBON. S. 0. ELLIMOD. F. J. 01011/08 ittoadOOL FOR SALE. farms awl Parmaralp LIMAN. I have t:r ale very to.. number 7;anai tad ?teddy of Land, nifabla festal purpoest, thYSIVI'II 000 b TY, all witiata o sardarate 012.1.0* tom the ato tendon of the 0.-susollsoUlo Senn., ISvcral tin pram* tannin.. Bend or the land Übroprro!rod. sad trade, leases expiring In the spring, sad ths - ndoaLtdor la d goal tloo of timber .4 mild land, is a Wraith- Id and improving car.trp, Dom Wag csedlo derrelopad by the railroad, and the illoco.erha Al oil lade:alb= . moms of ohm. Berm! part.. 1.8.110. bads; $2l 011 wad. r md fair Or.Piwil , toe WO* , van be Lob at prior, vargolg trom $ 3 to ria edree ard are domerviss the-stsratiors, prrarms oieldelf kesthrs may.s4atto man. 4 indp to ccte a. B. 8E11.115r, gp resirth -lent Tittikirt: 'I COR SALD=-"LAWRENCEVILLE I. PROTZD reonarri.—ithst beiscalfnUy attn. tad and Imprared property !roan. onllttl, °marital Maar •tnata, I. Dan offered tar ale Malaita Croat o Kill aunt of ion Vet.sted ca ea:La Watt of 401 . tiarele erected t flefia'rmaa B. of Mei. roan. hip bell. pad 'Win,' fas bases, a., alt to compat:emded, wttb n beaandal pp, In front. • large Oat., • chola null of Wt. sal , elm teat vat.. Tbb propeet7 Lai beat tintany labif eat, and trill be Macaw! at as • • holeP Inasetla. tan t obateaCon very Utetril tersaL . •The gas alike stnn pram& caatau man at naf omcu _ The. d fa alio • fen beantlitilly .pasted late Matta' ca Dialler and Qatar streets, now tent-drupes Pi pa Italinay Depot, an encellaat knelt. Par-badaela ts pleats bona. Sot fm tear latormatfon apply at 1141 Intafe Lassa Ix. COM al OP B. TIM IM== VOA PALS —A very valuable FARM . I I Derry ttossishilh Westmoreland mom), Ps., ace. talultay shoat 165 pc:m..ll improvotl. azal In • hldif state of ordt.hatlon. • 1 Also . tract of lend of .bans amps ad dabs' the Gemmel of llfrab.h, illechroy manty, Pi Also, 14 81711.1 , 11ifl LAM laths Ixeor gla Of, ft) by 120 Art. Int„ a re BE at WO !MI% I.& f'sleteld totem., slip, Westmoreland c 5.0017, Ps, la praessosnts good. The lend b as h. .t gealtly, Coal 'and limarione ?a sollrad•lClL. . •• LB 150 ACere, In ?Aad torsublv. • sexy des z eh , . lora' L.l. &Ito, TABLI OF 111 AOB , B, la:gy m Westamols•4 • MAI. Pa., tnueerllttoll - A.117= the P••••• 11••• Is P.. 1 1 -1•1. for hartl.l pats ul•r• • dvaro of G. El TAY . i., lkA Rotate kgms. FUE. SALE. DESIRABLE BITILDqG LOTS. A body of On eons of grocced with's Also toroogb Mancbtster, eillniheue Ceti, fronting on Weed Lem. one Its Ont.} IVrit 'one of the Inge tropreving pais of do nborbi, 78 07/lIIED 7. a EALL *Ur Low 'fb/s bre wirriby E olio* of esplini. rri.7 it Jo similnblo lot building par` Pc^. :zid Wlln altuetty •bsnt it mutt ~O be In °amend. apply f r particular. to brat., mi LOA. £g 1 1 ocil7 6P rostrib rm.; BMW. Buildbic. • TDB SALE Otte new Efteam Enda, Au_ Watt oiltufm; OD !nob straw, cm Inn Us fel balsam mho Win= Chu 1.1 fa& ultutor, 10 huh Maita.m oolo - 11 114 mat oral bo as good ow sunr. Owo°UMW. 1M Loth cMclu, um. Chu " • 15 • ." Tiro CyLtodar Edam, MI fm. ChM.. eV Om bag Thug 50 " 31:1 " Two Wesag.7; inn Off BE GEM. LW, Thsse yet. of Buts" Took, for Off WM. Cheap ter aawb. ruder of awn . minim, swot Bant.nwa Paw& FOR BALE—A FARM Of 16 ACRE. to Big &Maley. elms =En boon am ammo, x.ll nourorod. Moo $6O moon. • 6& ACRE II AIM on Ellbuck. ElKakflao from Elm. dale Stollen on ortolan s • Orin Etore, Dinah; Bono, and good Improronurats. Moo r ah,600. T LOTS 63 Troroont anCtramont throat% FOILEVA ert g lEflonek. it Maas Bistitoo, tow tatotogea to tan arson Fur• ale Ay J. I. IPE?, Etat Zotgo Bookie, eel W Fr Waal Anis; £I I7. TEO= ADDICT OV DM, , . Oa maid. Lbw la a aim two-mar, imam armt, Wm , ladatai bar tonna. ball aml kitchen. -A pan w ebs rd at DO Wain Pl 4 tomo; all tEmatcammy on- -. 11. 1 .. aa1. a v aood .bli Z i ot t pals A% at dam. pitubmga, ot" tmiss =Wm tom a ß a l m DTaoatl,E rr ..p n m UO a ut b,O parlacala_ 417e14. ,t a n i t d a i s t Do. 4 Diamond, at J. AUBLILIT,AI lt , ; w . . _ 101 ACHES Or PPR 444130,9 th. 1.11.11, 8.. i Orsldt, lbw idPis fries WM: terry. Tbp land la &Tidal tub lott to Fan ITMINIIIIAk Throe an marly musk sad flogilt; ror ihrfl{r particulars.* twos tapah+4l , I col fetw LULL B•aws Srldge, Mk." BALE OR lxcrEtiacinvrtie OnT igurargry , -n •70111 L. emsontaz WA '— tet. Cli tot k rto d oT r e2n n ra t otri r r i gOod otVii onitegni, Zl. knennsons. ara •• Eon anon .; En" now DO% Bon,, good nada, Ind I Inn,6, Tor Minns pinintlin end, tcr lan. G. .4.l3.oll,lormift.Cate • Alliy•NO Ckrtnt.6l4l4 or oddnis SOX 02 4 4, littatonik ;WU. F0R:84,14 . • ' • '-. • , . A 7.4.11011: pm MUMS, . trt fl tor , tki rt l 7. l %it - ;fail fAd 4•12 1 - W Bola 17118., btdo. flak -. Osa n.. . mt af NAA•ova's 011 204 - ~,,n, pr.q. ars Brulgs *a Ow /4.1~11.111rai., fa priokim, nupel.r. af __Z i aIAIDIENDW it t s . .__ - ' . The awe iroakt Aszt!Al94o 4ieVARP.9I II /011 1 t alb. AIL von' BALE—bie of the rio t 4oßtrot:a2 =two son 1 the sixth :Ward, ocessaead kat as sualloaaoilf,ottasttd 041 005420 1 / 1 1/. Maul, I , pp*lti the mega or St eines. kTuAr a Imam faltent agraota (33 OM 4 % t lig ."N a " la ' tosataig back IC* feet Sean 11 , 1 •79 lot way tootreati._,.4 onstaw. ' No. a 4 7, Lteetir etaart. Foit iukl4.-41 Wallis Oil I Works 113 GEMS OIL _ • • t. price ardor. A:lst; ACATlmernetA!tria,lol * gip O F 464, trait n A ue gp... Airier st au,. . LADDIN OIL CO., ruR • 841X-P - Eys - 'ortrsr PROP' ERTY.--Ite ttramthoolttlak'Dwatffsc. aamtolt• ths tam moms, Ho. 16 Pato otrooti u; - t, h i e", A fttnal •0 fsos • tattoo, naming Incit HO hoot to D. .totr- affoo. its ALS:antisacoeffont Soli ."r4 " %th waVlirsLikCiag=l°,l44 . FOK SALE— .ISQ .440,150 sans of tr, as me ta V , lo4:tao ors tract* nal mai rallaasal atotather Ws rid widur tk, .d.u. lo iootqlo.1; ows tint tat....„lloollo*q rs-nr sali Ocasellsallto =rest ' . - Wiraili WA®, , , WI trat glajr tram 711th;05 Chao [Gold' . . • 'wit' SAL KOOK .VARtf 7 .o)iit frd'2ls -erre; 120 cleared, 20 4 €211464 is =WA ..., mcadire i tal ono . pd. •• V age= dinalair berm: tsesat deem awn 40 try_po, Cop pardLarateelld., : . feld.„&bltzetod tolroldp„ Watraiwia• • odety; offsree ea bands .Appll ' 11•141:12 d 01./ 410111 Tooth stood VOR finle-Lot Ao 48; etzwit,7 re.e immi by 79 baok—on 99994 911 errata ► Lin trrainn” dirlnk - Ben„., son Wang CM ran& and Donnie,' attic. i , le• 11 00 4. • •••:- vaalta of 80911003 0493:14r 14a. 49 Oblo itrrat, allnnanr. • - • 1y OR fr.) bzlA .T. 121 !roam 19. 187 Finer stn rt 'Warred 111 s m, i omen • Maar I Watt. sairasa , !WWII OS Bhr pzeatsene. at of 11, 3:111:18. Ma/ GC ,. . 1111.13:= .\ ~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers