Vat-PO -4.i vonatte. OBLIBm By AIM MEM NOOLITIOL 11061/43. OCT. 31, 1864 ILITIOUL umok Nous Anon. sox riaszomt *WUHAN LINCOLN. of lllluota. PO2 MCI PILISIDIOI7 JOllllBOll, of Teutons. ;I:talon Mato Electoral Ticket, • mainum. NORIFON CITAXINOTI/124.13aaver Oe. sarlitumnys. mut e. lase; 11.••(4iirovaisna apnea, 41,*1711:11111 . D11/414, • Al-13,111145, WILLIMIAT•I7I.O7* • JOEla A HIASTAA,. 10 111011,6D11. COATaIDr" ADWAIIII H aLtDori-, "wAiLSir EtZA3, Sa Mao!, Y.l. [Charge * • 14 011119:171111A1111., • IS .701114 171.7 AR, •I.'"DAVID Me' .07.71a1t 17. D.,10 W WOODS, IL If ekGBELir ON, 19;APIIIPPVLION. , 91:1 1 Alltrn P. Mr, Pr. .32,4011 E P. PENIPET. -21.1C11111116ZIErlderireEIS. 41, JOgal W. 51.4.NOHARD. The Hear of Danger., The blended the Unionists at thin moment etnoompted with danger. The very air ileums burdturd with news of Fraud—Fraud in Bellmore Ind Washington, Fraud in New Teak. Fried In Ohio, Fraud In Penneylva lib, Ffetari everywhere- Fraud so abundant qI&L the soul grows WA at contemplating it. The remi of , the Dicer/144w men to whole- Ile her!, at all points, if evidence that they have ricileope except In the success et their *lauds.' They ht ow the public will is sitarist tem. , Thele only trust ii in subverting it. ~' The plentifulness of these Timings am eiernierthese villainies should remind every ie that the great iliffilliS approaching. The teres , s of the country r' quire that every in who loves it should be at his post, pro-- tared to do tie duty. The danger which ow threatens he not in the front, but In the iow lr. The object of the 4111emies of the goy. surneutis to carry the Presidential election. o uroinpllah tbfe purpose they are bending very lett.., And nrldbl they forge soldiers' oten ttlf!tin York by es tens of thousands, bet ailbig friends in front aro etudes to so • .tAililleelt as to'. prima 61,11'16 of onnelltinin . tud9bio, who are requital to to or‘Um day of the elecelon at *heti rt. .. • Lilt naps, from iieidelaa that right. Of Okfrauds and Some?les already reser to; %V . Ibijntitieo Of tarrying New York, ; or restless - Mt nyears:_ Ent; not"con= twiCiblit; have,ns we are apprised. by an 10504.',Order,ivetted by flea. Du; sr. ranged for a , foray;lnto, New York, on;gestlon day. *tithe , rebels, refugees and deserters In Olio, a' grand Elem. of double voting has also been organlecd, and in Penstijleauta, wherever they can control plejorlii'lit the Bairn Judge a, they Intend tD thrOotaut . lNl told vole. . . . , • itlldieee:Things admonish tut to w etchfol item adt. - 40ittilatteit to . guard against all 'these de l tktiato reeorii4 a desperate sooty. titteeplices vigilance in Wt.:Mita of OTOTy Union rain from now nail the election.' It is an old t4log that uelleatingneWerprosperet" and gre,Oin saalit I trne. , Cy promptly enpoe tog and guarding OgOnst ,the ol!este and Acetate. , - -• l llifsanfis In Peanayllyaala; The broCaritas men la PrativiTaala are but a arlAt bchitd tba r cheating, a wiad4ug brethren in New York. Thyioled in rib& ti_4l.m . ...fixsolllter • the right, fo l iF 4'144 tiaillicutitfid, W tilt; t , s . ie4 l 4# ', 9.:*iii4 - tiatt.. irot bf. 4411.004 *; hetitshe rettruCtindges:enee In -Bratet4l ;I - a - debt, Friday iset; ! thitlie'iro'ni Bra soldiers' VrotelaVoio'fiorirri, the Union oeodidetnfor,colgrere, enkla 4ft= oma ty, the -threw ont .128 army ioees-fer the uaaoirsndtdrta The reason - even f,r this yr * Oeidtitolt("i's: „fineitritty-in the return!. It is not pretendtd, that the attune were rot genuine, thr that. the votes 'vivre not east; nor that there was• - auiy hood or wring in • roothrlng the • vottoq tut the return ther4pelvelt loohtd cint trifling fort:l43h end. they were thrown ottt: Tie ob)eot of this act simply was to eleot •V„,estsorti, the'Copperhead candidate for Con _ petit, kp dcirkving near)), two hundred mot. Can of ll:oil...ire:es, legally oak. is &bare faced eviAls, and we twist that the Governor, Who haw ifiChnsti aanvisstng of tiro votes, wilt c show thesenwindicia that they cannot eillainotuspnrposes, ,Soiars ia lege fifilj EISCIisd,AND . as Auto NOT ne ._aararro out . i#lo4est. - The Nov York Wand. - Wixom leaked of repactietiog ;tbe , forgeries- petpet oted by. r bireNtsberats the partarrot pelibg6ol?9ofroodident votes to New Yeeit;aika the teat h ie owe and ghee hie otreldaretlon , to tiattie kberoi Aqua of Frienty roortdem which rase be ap pend %oak the sentiments-o! Gov. - 13se- WOOX,Wilin WRIT. &Maus is absent, mai he will desist of Pregaegt Ltialn'the Of those saris of -Abe Slote,wed Ito tokens-of 10010 * tired tithetetatilailla;sndlf tee .Arlotbdetestlar„spW k i West - acepl tie allernsttve,JA So da l dertq qoi rililvitspA the retard _', of the fagot Will be? Mr-stela him _ to tryt ; he to th solitiiiiiaiTe.tlereal°l4lt*!` gorged votes di'e not eat ail the base wilA. Woo wbo trrettlaiithfil iiigoltiiiiitottons of erklupinev, tholpvirouSent is • utidinbtedij peepers* for It. If Zamora threatens there:erfrll be no stternatlys .for, the edoriniej drstion: A errl hive to serest the estatteda; 41ii pat 149,1ilt"it 14111011 of tetaptillon. Fart WlTial le aot ye - Intl; ' Tie Okto-rfatitin Butte Ezeontiie tloonnli-t -tee has betif;ltieiittt #iipiiigii tiatioribi, waren that acopyerheade in sernal- lea ehtee el the ltiaKeihiritlteleretin nialoritY; fetterd to perp.trate immense' *sada' althe -emirs election. ~ T helellan la to tote early in the day in iliiiiiii deile :and then at a later btu! dont &lel flees' leniforio and a amp ,1 Ala itto the bit lot box oat:Aber vett% either at the tame oi a e Ojelaing poll, • under the . ' - costrol of the - friends,This . information coxes no:11 . r a eat/I.4litre been in the ene. any'a camp to beard dirwriste operandi iv plidreel -and, dlionned. I.er6'atrdiers are Among to be so acsoinuntely for LISCOLII Oda all !iptrOlpste no interference with their A g en s trill llxdort cbarescpere at the polls. Get'ems Every Vote. Li Elob election ,distrlot should be blocked of:fiend tome stirring , Union man made re• teesale for sett) , rote within Ma section. Lean be each i dots If' earnestly under. a. When le 4184191 Is 'dui bloaked out, 'veli . dn 3:3 , 12 etlothits urged to eat, tarty. if : liOrfais deg bAftbosonghli igen/id to, the ,agetiwEll be carried befste 12 cleleot I Tiers . le seem! soy innebledoiatfparly to the morn ing. Tbe most bole tomes are generelly reason. ably so dtili le tbe fool - toms. Those, therefire, the are ealeymt by it crow d , by voting ties!). , coo acid It .• . , I . I he EON Ps Candidate u lleClellan'a election on the Ciiiosip.plah. forli;"mcpc' thepiscilaton Moicity, :J11111111: lend b peace and VIP independence." 1 ' Oar mere/ Jtt battle," nape the Cite?i . ton aerie, iiaguree the octoclip cif IC&Itoti; our lea' to hie defeat." Ws commend these two Viet quotations, from two leading organs of the rebellion, to thdattentlon of any loyal Democrats, if any there be, wheaLli think of - voting the Mc. Clinzats ticket. What the Mercury sive true, for it will be utterly impounds to re• Store the Union, if the people endorse the Chicago 'Walton; by dewing hicOnztnas. It is independence, and not • restored Union; independence, and not fresh guarantees for slaver} ; ttdependence, and not a compromise of any kind, however humiliating and de. grading to the North, that will alone sitletf3r the Booth; and it la indepencleacaead nothing abort of it, that they expect to result kom MeCt.n.tner's election. And if its is ' elated g w y yin get it; for It would instantly paralyse the arm of the nation, now:uplifted to give thefleisking blow In the rebellion. Now look at the seoind paragraph. There is a treat deal of truth in that, too, although P 9 ,14 net ead9rto , it altogether; for we could. beat McCurtzne even if the Reb els ware to gaii a tattle or two; still we know that a few vietotien won by them wenid help him very much. We al'-rrebels, copperheads and felted, of the Union—know that. Now look hire, you men who are hurrahing ter blue/antes, and. intend to rote for him, ire you not ashamed of yrursolves ? Well, per hope not; but we tell yen that if you are not ashamed now, yen will be; sad your ohils dart, to the third and foe rth generation, will Le ailtfitt ed of you. Whati voting and &dog all you tan far a mah whose eleothn le pall that tetbeeded to enab'e the rebth to breakup file Us inn , mud 8.111 pretend to be s demo crat I 'You, who pretend to be followers of JAI ZION, who swore that the Union elould be !reserved, potiog to aid the lisotples of Joust C. CA1.1100.3 in doing that Inch/at K 9,1 would not allow their matter to do! Out tti on . t u h bareneee at d byp 'cribs t I Mcl6l kibLUri.oll We bare a few oBiotsl returns of .he eh c don se old,' up by the R:turn Judgts on Fiidiy loot. it, total vote, home, end eel.. M ere , is in the first two columns, .and the EC:Ultra' rote alone in the other two: t Lent's,. Colon. Cop Caton. Cop ..... —.467 375(....—. 4.0 1 . 6 Atkin heat' .- . Ufa Po*, BLIZOOII, it will be seen, has sent a cot:mission to VasMagian to demand the sue. retder sit the forged soldiers' ballots, eo that they oil be voted. The imp:dents° thus evineed,ilathas openly taking sides with fraud, is islusiding. The claim that the billets are genuine, is admitted by those who got them • up, to bit fergeries, could only be setup 17 ibi wig who au degraded enough to preside Ova' ihri Mb:up Convention. M. AEC, J. Tufo, Bocaorrow's Asedetont U. S. int:Mgt:lß Rt. New York, and who Win UPI in office by Mr. LINCOLN until a low - week" binge, ' beads a call 'for a 4.l.oCcunAz meeting ietiutt city, in •bioh he opesitt of the"iunatar committed by PreeidentLrocona." One Of lb vastest ertontLwas in keeping onch Men no CIECO in °Mee. tkit aukad nolo, although the elect fluent eiglit,days Of, anti let It bp: uue e fixed rceelYo Vote ut the 'meant passible hoer 'pn tburueruing of eleotiob, and then bo lorepared to :wool all day for the cause. st f ßi t otta bn .k.mpac, vo k in behalf or th VAlark - ratit. Only eight days mat. Close ii,i.e, prepare be .1,134 4: tht tle, a .41 , 141.60 jar the end elhaue . oa be : it lei , Naterfer. . • , • elOba Indiana 'Crosson Trial. ; ki, altellraordinary development in thee i f . - el .. Fluk Indians Treason Trial, octoorred • 40frd by the appear/ices ocilheintand; itl le,, r iti ,ofJ. J iringbent. This Mr. Bit:1- 'ra hid:been a pris sr at the her. He wets 3 raczabm of the Sots of Ltterty. Re wee eilS Ctiodrreen of the. Democratic - State Con tzett. Committee. Bo was-at the same time ei:tito chief ' rof the lnlieneßd is Sentinel, the dietsown at Demooratie party. He was Arnett at the recce time with Bowie., Bolt i l i Lett, hi lipn, sod ether& Concluding that burly ow, let u'dn't Fay, he fol:o wed th e ex .ample f Benison, &re - retell of the Order, and t used State. . evidence. Yesterday he tee fled, end in 'lowlier plane -we print his. _statement. Re tally co Arco a the testimcny of other witnesses, as to the tresseneble purpose of the tilers of L booty, and pats it beyond the power o f the cepperhead press no }eager deoeive the pie ple cn the entjnat. BISOSAII tells ell shoot the revelation/ivy plot which was to be car ried ontiin August; the plan to assassicate Ocrrornat binsens; en-ttherates --rebel prison. emit. nine Government property at Lots. vine etc." And, it, will be observed, that tele plot woe known to thelenidertiof theDem ocratio party, including hicDovann, before the meet:Wing of the Chicago ConventkiVind yet Beam the Chief Commander,,, an stettre man in the conspiracy, wai Sent bthitCon ti, irentlin ' arsenn imporktanisentott there, and war in cdd . felfoitehice With the men who homing d ideCtranas, la el w,6filfiestit . falter; lit is Seeti'for ' ilia people to emember the pc sitive denials, e t poken sull.prild hed, bywds4on dd. giissani. ithit backers to Fatty, of the existence of this con • sp racy i the bitter dentutaliknuf by thit itenz setentatives cf the Domooretto .party Of the suers otthe conspirateis, and the seizure of he soma imported into Indiana fort/tens, et,- . 1 the nation. These arrests tend Waste's were • drntrariso as a violation of, the constitotloaal. -retie ofl cdtlierts; aid the "military despot.. 1en0r..., is ens of the principal,yeints in the, Cidengo b tl a etforafgailfettheitdinielsiciaiiird --- Telt the dere knew the sharpoterlapdAieltl `tit the'' . une_ . piracy ; tliejicitewAhe intention '°1:t"11. gen wi t t "f i rr a g enlflr. l'get attrtopt oyertltrailler oremment, and to eld.litet4othectozbellitin„, .'.:: €t •FeA l': «... " kid new lianire, of all, thlon,asis As 'WWI thini 6 X-tatgiltittawrii:baan rapport ' ng the .notnoorptleppanyreetest they wan az. pen for then ettoitry,ltphis Party,. Thiel' is -h lrehmedSOf entspirstors, shltild sound in the allproaehing election! The obj4et of these leaden it clearly enough, ,tp make the rebellion :1 -- eneeess. Their sympathies are 'entirely with the tiontio; And lagansA Wilk ninny. I Binghasn'i testimony tikes away weary hob of ground upon, which an honest man oetdd base even • d_enbt rip,en this enb• je at :LD,d babe thin inented, ills tditekist form, by the.Chalmnan of ,the u ;adie Demo -antic Central enorolitest, ,th e ; mombeforane peoplerfor their ierdlot: It can no finger be crashed *Odell" a itepnbllonile, or an Ad ministration nation. It does 'got rest upon the ,evideinof detectives, of Union men or of 'Plot tanpatithe testimony of their:tn. ed lender, of the ladles's' Democracy.—ain. Gantt., , - - . =M= The following from the New York rfaill” la jot as applicable to Pennsylvania so t* New York: - .'Men like Bertnonr dent lel, as kale geld to bate been betting on for throe weeks past, without being In posseeslon of ba ton:talon which give, them assnranoe of win ning. Until the 'meritorious and tresionab!et fraud whisk McClellan managers see repos. ed their hopea is lui'y developed, the Union. late throughout New Yerk mast doublet their guards. Wiehout the lore of another day. she does, of =soiling the towns and wards BIUS r be per/mime& Vigilance Cemmitlere, composed of men of nerve and familiar with their DLstriet, malt be Immediately organised all over the State. E MUST BE PREPARED TO SUPPRESS FRAUDS. Friend', we may be ergots( in !soled is. amity on a calm. Tara ont—double your guards. Call the roll—unman Cie &Neat —demand the sick—galeanise Q. Gargan— o& Avery Tata; into the ranks, did thee drive IbleTarty .of Forgery and Perjury tato their last Md. •atea4olag fiTan4 '....4/1 all.. the (Okuda' - ewer maeurftel 'Lillie ' Wilted &hies, QM jolt dilated at the,Offloe of tie New •York State agent in. Baltimore is ti ll it:l a city, by all cd daa most etarttlug All iimisiontiefforts In ' line eiak into les,g -• Seance before this Ismail: swindle, for the numterof votes forged la estimated eves as ' high se sixty thoutand. Por some time past we have been punfied to account for the extra er.inary ocnfidenoe with whioh the copper basis spoke of the prospect of their carrying Ike State of New Yeek. But at length the murder is out. Trey bragged high because they 'mulled to theme stnpendone frauds. It ileums that the wretches set o went engaged in this nefarious attempt to cheat the eoldters of their votes, had gone to their original master rods and copied off the names of all the No w York soldiele, deed or alive, and forged pa pers for thane as well as votes. Thousaids of the pliant men who now eleep in far a way "baLtie deldt; thou lode of others 'who languish in Eituthern prisons and thousands more who have beenditcherged la ill health or crippled, have had votes for McClellan pelted gestuit enely for them by thins .New York agents, who have diligently torg4:all the papers to match. The men whodid this were appointed by Governor, eepuour, whole himself a condi, date at this elteuon. Toe traudn eat votes arenow in New York State and hie Se RI), p is, in ahem desperation, seek to tome these mete Into the atooont far MO Saws of Now York by rep eeentieg that the expoeure la ao effort to soup, mss the Bold ere' votes hematite tl e: tr. f r McClellan I Can I lap esible I at men claiming oredit • for integrity and lumen, intend to ped revile desteherrible ent raps upon the right of euliser, and meek to profit by thruc Surely th re. might to to virtue, enough in tee Democratic party to theta itself loose from ouch rdlontee. lo nay rams, we moat our 1, ',DIAS to Sew Y irk will take every stop opt ta to [COM to 1111.SOI tbtir i ights. '•A FAILURE! ..,hll !olltile: • They Tht re has Men no Nina-41434'0 at the petit. in Neenah, ! I hit Rorer ecioneotel th the et my by the deed ur el on •he lat tle vied wilb the army by ihe tuff tiny, Eightieth hit serer thematag pa note en he I etch , R, dare hilt by hie tee attti•i , y or kr" n!g•em, the reepnueie.lay of Wine in the Ntiveteher port of .be greenlet' for Fretdere 7 I.s Con era .hemfor. shot the Neer Ram l shire 114uhlicAr s,a•r• r e . u t e .o tee arc, a•.e he h 1 , sing fir ore. ea the ',toll or heir re,er! ....vs. If ihsl tints, et r h iota rot :nchfl the soldier's tote : I .t.^.40 P••t.o%•nl fo...rport. d The number of Noe Lissopshire is the field most be almost ten thousand, ono bell of whom are voters, and wilt be lase to Tote ten to one for Lincoln. PUBLIC Jroriend Ir ---- . ..P131WCR18R1 , 8 TO TM.; tiGE AND BLOOD lAII 1 (AL (10Ite&FY vill, plaza make tmmeata - a paymoat to MO P•muerer, W. i 8 grill 1%, oc.31:11 No rite areet. FO.FlEatir WARD, PliatißrlßA7H. INerl sties ho desires to Its eh* ob.') CI el .hcd, too the Colon oust s o_ ad Is tspst is fto bpsetrot st ths Onion 0 ob, Stll7l (Vostds, ) ¢P. H. Boy. alst, at the :CllOO. 174/71).X. of 7 u'otoos. co31:1. M. E. 1107071111, S•crettsi. 11:-CONGERT, or VOCAL AIM 13111VIIOUNORTA.L 1110510, • TO ZS 0.. Jar Tna EOLITH TITTGBUft U BIPTIBI . ()octavo, TUESDO EllEsllG, IST, 18E4. Prcele6..l testa& of ttio </mob. . ct. 2 :St W d. DILBT.Jr , [I.UULBERTEON HUN 011, Ot.) —ThO .atactibers to tb. Octopaap ar. Piworded to coil d pa) the amoot thatr .aboorlptt at once, at ti a o.aca of 44. Oompany, WOOD aTkIZIGT. cab: t ,106 f tf. Et 00111 CT. Itocretary, a :.NUTICE.--Futocribera o the finss en 0,12, drs req armed W p.. o. tardr r befnrs Edw.:ober ad ma a 1 tea erlytionr rd• =sluing a: &mid Vary lbw date vrall w fr• f tre 4 r, By order of the tau& cell tt aver. wbAr, h , .1,-rdary. WARD, ALLEti 13 ENT.— we. 3 'Me citizen. cf the • ,, 0•1. ward• re requested to meet at . the retool H oa on latitH DAY f net .0 Ostoter 3.h it 7 o'cl I. to take cut littpr e. m. 7 b• item. d ne«map In the pr. ml ei to trim tarts del.- gs• n frwa the • atd to I. orch Light rt, a atop on at Ihr Way evening. A piled** attindsnc. of tbs. Uttton citizen. I. writ ey r-qtvettod. By osier of .7117,11111? Illttg • 1980 H, pair" 21 t belt-men of L.• rattle Oomaittes. if ICE-1 he Ftoekho'dera or the •-•- • ,xer.erece Mlle and Broblantoern Tamplle or Plark Bout h. or:pony eve hereby n tided that the • Uhl &Ivo tins for olvctlon of Ufa too to verve for Ms Au t.' Ins ye.. will he Wel at the LIBoo of 1, L 31 tar 88 rarly 13) ty lomat, ot MOabaT Nov. 7:h, NG!, toe boom ut 1 on! 3 o'cOvoi v. ro orMr:3ll,d By ord.. b. B. Bs rICS, emit i . L.ALLEGITENTY CITY (PA) COM- P ItOSlta BONDS —Holdora the Oompro woe Bonita 'saved by 11:0 Clt7 of a Brit:any, to v.- Oe.• vth a of IL. Ballo.ll Loran. are *otter.] that pro , e•la al I be fehereed by the clade,yoed for trm La trot Lt, told t-or. of 11 e d• 1008 imuifor ths year 1364 at 11l kormatmer I.t, lOU .101113 Orrlct Wpita. Itstrami - Os CIRAR, P.ttslttrpb, Oct lAN, 484. .Alti ELECTI rN to:4i DI :sac wits Of TON 01 Pat NY crate hell at Ott 0. 44 Water ctrott, 11.118ti•T. Pon c. SM. [Pig. bra, WO tb• Pout. of t •to D p a. if at fa 0 taLlo .4,,e•arr. t" . . , PLAN hOAD EL BO ) —0 he t aeon. Mewl.a of U.. r. •All V.11.r Pinar aaiai romp .14 laiolwal-.4 Ise • 111-• vr W. it U. V'7.11 Kb. Tblrd ware. • 114 b sal Li% MOM 22 , •rraolt r 11(11E1111321 "MIT. lowan:. I sad I o. c.l cit p m , (sov Yth, 18611.) o JA'a. WATEIf.I3, frooadniviL . • Grasux tam . 14‘.1011142../ 11,buigh. 641. Xlth, 1564. r - zz , ELI CTION FOR SIN DIR TOES OP 1/118 BAHL foe me limar, .011...h01d tbot.thag EM. DO 1410 /1.11)&2,.tta 1I dry of bo.rtabor, betwooo tb. h o • 0110 ..'o'ak 2. to .d 2 o'clock p. GIEUOC.2. A. 113DLY, ,aahlo 11114C11.11 AND 15A1,1,07171t..11 Pn.1•1011101 vas. 1114, lea{. AN ELECTION FOR DIRECTO of Ml* Bask sill bs bold at lb. B•at lin Hoar .• MOD DAT. lb Mg day ot Boreabei st,,beturna the boors or 10 s. se Alai 1;0 ilk. ATIMILIO 1111.•tieg of the Staabogler• 16-14 on 117117 DAT, am that day of Plommobor. int 11 o'aloet • a. ("31314) -JOBS BOWIT, Jr. rsiiitai. Us Imam Chrr }Writ tie firma - tan, t o dloodbot WL labi. uNAN ELECTION , FOR DIEROTO of Oda Sauk oral babeld dim Borittai Mao o aODDIT, tbd lads deo of Normans sat, Memo ioo Mani et l bad 3 *We k p m. } be /loam! Ilhattng of the Mookbeion vill be bold Is TVISDAT, lb. trot goy ad lorsaiDar awn. ea 11 J. BlABOttlli, Otatitoo. adielad Itakutos BAN. Twomemar, O. 20. talk . BLEUTION FOB THIRTECN , D111301'01 , 8 of tble Baalt,.to wee oos etre . „, irell be halo at Ma Itatlstng Boma OR MOND aT , treatator flat, Mt. aspect no boas ot eleatt a, m. as emo.p to. - 11 a l almost Breath.' of Ittotk bolder/ mill take tam 17121DAir, ttomfettar tat, d •tettll a. m. eats. 9 6 nOBiAT, Oasktne. assonr. Baas. Gigabit tail 1164. .41N ELUTION .FOR DIR1i(ITOR8 of .hl4 Mask will b. bald at lit tanking flow. as lb. Mg day of Houtibin mg. Wines Ma nogg of Itztlock a. go sad necnick p lbal.annal lamina of bas atookhollana . t Om Baal vtl.b. W bold oil tkli Ist dig of Nanning, at it *cloak fai Nan 14 J. tagfas. aIICSAINN Saar or Porintinana,l B Ootonar ttm, Wt. f I. 1118CTION FOR DIRECTO of tair Rant gall b. bald at the Daololog lima on bliniDAT, lb* tat day of tiootnabse mat. banns ab. Man of 10 *lnd a. a and II o'cick p. of Oda day. Tba Mama iffeetlog CI the fitocklioldars of Mt Bank nib bb bad gaytbnha 'day of Mantua or. at 11 dolga ► MO. G. o rder andOian • rtrG 4 n%Li. flames& It It It. Ow, tte sea elscierewr Pittabs_ aWbar Oth. lex .Ir - N(11T1011 TO BONDHOLDERS.— to Ottvelovent incelltitag the ./Itrol wet 1140=1 WG> Idasigegre of this Comm, lase Wee vizested to the Ptotid.S. sod TOOldete. 021 4 4 tho Med of Trash Nod I a rideino or each mr• mast to be ettachtd to each boon be oow natl. Mosdboldert may Feast theft to.d. 4 thorn oSes i foO k 1 07r474 4 . r0500h0 A rlo'rra r orbelve the serom:Ol o ttached or ;my ROY tend to tither of OP above mud phase a tad de cad the so ober a deer bonds, mhos the eirresee at tel brat to the ' bondholder to be by id shod to the bonds. oohing A.ll. imam. &mem". IWICOMOB.—Tho Etockholders of tho Dunkin d Creek Union Oil Company Wd' met Lx orgizilsation c AMWAY, Nov. 14th, at 4 o'clock p. at , la TiIIPL/Wal ant, roust, stmt. ow alto Dollar flovlegt Honk. All Mos &Arm of twrwt att Is Ws 0 topsoy wroli do atoll to psll early at Fa TESIPErbFOLLo taftller ai Um sato triad** Hook pill 11(412 b. alma. oddity Waist. Asp If Am:coatroom Dan, rlimbergb, On. MA. cA GENEBAL usertbila OP TIE vrooKnowasa of van DANE wilt b. hold at the Beat Mg Nom.. on WAWA T. the Um day if November vat at 11 o clock a a. to emdbor sad fades whether thb But IMAM bwortie os . • ...le•tra for the bselson of Dash fur, seder the lowa of the Bo IF d Mame, sod a Who It shah .ants the p Poore roe& reed by lb* Are rf toe Larilletme of tot. Stows ratitted "An Sot enabling IN Desks er tale bosons smith to brim. allasloas far 1411Miting ...pee la. hme of the Vatted lit.te." approved ell Ararat, Mg; awl to t.k. eel farther rriloo bet may Is tumn►r/. By order of the Do.od of Director. maim sous soo'. ACS...: -TOTICZB. '.:Lon iiryTtrAL Lux nratra- ANON OCIIIPALUT, Lt , Nalr Tina, PLOT IMIIKAII. PaninsexT. Emu Nos-hortettiag Oommoa Ulf sad bads.. art Aglaia Ain, Nada.. al aide porPer p&... No other ktri id Polley ea odor tgrasl weauity. 7. WOODS; General Aprat. 110.0dloo, Ili FOURTH trlitiliT. 11;•PUIIE WINE INEGAR. E. K BOLLKAII, GERMANY. (lama,/ bIALLYS • 00.. likede.m.) TSI osly Ylnetar awartlixt vttlia Prlge Nedal, of gtxty orik.bitata, at t 4. tvt.matlosal 43Calbitlas, Load., .o 0 far ea.• IV, . eartaft&,(l.ll, Eutaw for Lipp(6.4l& 00.1 fftrww.o,(latrraf Ow, Hubbard t Oa) n •. rota. C .1 .-. PITTSBI73,IIH SAW WORKS HUBRAR ` DS at LONG, PI rtfAc-tv-,r. PATENT 4R(HI D Ul INTO LA HP woommtal OAST IT= BARB, of MEI lmortstioa, ■tit. Nola, Om. OutiL, Gang and @Roam rootottm. All kinds of IC1III9&BPRIN98, mad. from lbs. shot Steel I Intro Rano" 1111718 LSD ■OWIBG, 6.1511721. lon Worsham and Amts. me. AIMS ir BROST BIBL, Patabsoila Pullmans , ottoatlos Botocoiniss, amounts' .■a Strafghtoonsi atomism Boons IaDD forpotro of al larda. Puothtsug sad DraLtna dons at maannablo ratan aptkly O f vll9ll. BARNIEC6I, & CO., Bomar `•-• MAILIPS AID barn Lan WOE[. lOW Pea et, NaL SO, is St sad EL north' MP ••••• • Emg• 7w sad foroisPod It.lth Ur soss ha ymow! martdresrp, aro propand to __.eaten rn d.criptur of HOLMIUM Le the Ent =oar. dna usrractsdequl c atly nub Ls Os country. CLEUELA- Mg, Raz , HIM ET/All PLPIZI, 1.,,,,C,r11 VIL buil..., ~ ,D6tiSIGUN, PALA, Ti TI. OIL lITILLB, AOVIATirRZ, MET. 'CLING pAreL, 11011-PCI: 1O BIL/POLN, iOatti " lIA HI LL*ll eATENT BOIL ILDI.. dose .12 ollunact 4 - 40, WL 8 11 . 0 ERIOR UOTTIME Wu:IA.7INQ WOURS, PirearnaL mect4RDY et CO., nanvh<tul... tlH66sulcui, licicS' ILIAD BOLT Ct. PC/;11, PILL3SI.I, OOP PEII bvrTutir. B.M.SLD 6T1.1. 130T1V.116. bP•LTE.II 13011,Elit. Ipportarr avAlosioss 10 hi :A.L4, TIE PLANS !lurk' 111011. Oonetently De nand, ?PIC sus , ht w 01311211.15 &Job Ttkage. \N•rehotta. No. 130 Pit MT s ISIOMMOOND STUITTS. P. Spe•l.l elders et renet cal le eel daatrodd pastern. y%h:l ytievrT • _ THE CaNYMISIONIS AND &X -PERINI :S Or tab LW/ a LID. yyttattod 'Or M. bobcat and MA 5 , 12b1ir .1141 woo mato. bow Nano. Dablllty, Broottato. Decay .1 Manhood, tott,lytag. .1 the Immo dna. du boor era/ aura. By ono ono to. oared tattaattl attar Nana pot to grist airout. tad Wary Month dtalictal ban bag and quactory. By obriattog a poot•rbld bl4rosaa.l otatralobs. stadia =Vett =7 b. bad of the sottun s 11.1a1L111, Eng.. o.lfont, E.t.a county, B. B. - TO 31/1/3.1r0138 BIII 9 PRILTLEB 0 601 a tIEXI2.-A raveread pntl.mao 1.•:12 bon foam! to !math tam day., elm trndenwiPt vsxml moatlns satt Impast •zpouiva mod. of treatrosat. Without swam. =yid., 11 till nand dzty 0156119[11•I c... to bill 013.44 Idles. e.,slares nsa•b• Of Inn. Henna s on no rvolpt. of az estdraa••• envelops, be will sand, five, • copy of tba prowripttoo hood. Dtroot to Do. MEDII D.lOti•LL., fbl IV too sineet, 111 I. wRoBINS,QII, WEA It CO., (suogus Norm to Soomos, Emu . WANDIIIO. TON 4OOSES, Iromono s iIICEMMIBIII. blooolootorres BOAT AND STATION - LSI WMA /ENGINES, LAS? ENGINES, KILL 21A- V/ILNIMY, GIAIIING, 111117TMO, OASTMOS, of IW:dm:rip:hos ; nTL TANKS /1 CTRS!! BIALYS ANT , eUE¢T TEAS WOl2l. Loeb for 0177LHP'S PLTRNY lILIZOTO3 YOU DINO BOILIT-9. vio;....Var..nva. v.v aeoILBIA.IL LA BELLE STITES. WORKS REUTER 40. CO., d. ,•••• • :lm, HArttma euxulactonia. e CAS TEL, MEILING, PLOW AND GLINT= 57.751 LL SNELL NGS, &ELM, NIVWBAR.B. an. Wort., WIGHT WAND, falegt.say Olty. . O. &Lena. PISTIABLINGEI Ps. 4.14:1, . _ 11. H0L23313 & 80318_, r0 u,i,i2. 4 ANN) 01,811,74 C DI 1.L.6 07 LA Co ANOE, ULII7'It7,:A TKO OF DEPOSIT, ILt1(21 NOTM NS` SPI./.1.1. No. .1.7 ESAIIEIT aTILF.EI fit trbolgh, sa. li' ootacturs min. en al OA prtv:l7a/ throat' Ott lb. DLittd ttoto HxtixY 64.1.1 Pit IV•11L 1.11/1711TUTA For t►o trosisunt oI Dial:dial OF Till W&l9 &OD CL iiteul OkAlshol, 104 iooorO srastor, Now iorri. Boon a. coospikoclic I. cm: I to t o'clock p_ at. onto Bake 0.1311 COCHRAN & BRO.,MS fV" atotorrst ot !Wulf LtAILIbtI.UALIO ILOIIII3 &ND VAULT DOOELS., WINDOW Ali =LW. Wl. DOW 01:411111. Jot. Dm al 11100111 , itad 66 TIMID W (KA C. d HATA.. Hats .k bawl • ... tltty of mm. Pottorm f.OOl .ma p ...b. tot ALI pttrotoa waltl to oottic.tagaxis. GOAL Jobblod Strinrl Doti... ao3 rr:4 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS MI ANAL, 0613 A DT ADD Ai 1113 AL Mb. TtEld—bv• sad ratiable triatbabat—lb lil•portbof btu absurd Amottothrb. Elaat by mail lb seated Uttar a...1 0 M P.. at iiiiiaspa Adds's. D. 3. OILILLIN HOOGHTOD, Howard Association. Do. 11 &nab Blnj► street, Philadelphia, P. Windy [c" . • HENRY H. COLLIN& Point= LNG AND GONNIIOIIOI9 INNEWELLIN .mi...i. Esau h. MEM, BUTIIEB, EZEDP. MB..d predges garairrally. 118. Id woon W 2 Pe orAirrs. WANTED. TIMED GOOD Ti•A.IIIITZGIi f To hoof cool vit% cool:tom wow. ApplT at the ft a! Tare, co bblo Lazo, rm, flu °e'er Dope!, ado- Oen, VIII, a ua 11130 • 110PKTIEl. T SAY, los Siam V. k Y. Bulk 8tc.121 100 " ( mazes. Of ••• Laken " • 216 ^ Jcll.ay' " • 100 " 1 ir11.611 1.• *rust . Pen 1A.1112.460 slam lame. 0o; • 20 ••Bumlaaeac Q ON '26 " Liken!) 12onnur. U. Ir• bay od Stecka a( .11 Wad. 01, ttll.2mrset on.: la 01W tortkOlortewead flltadaptia. Eontsson ticoLßAs • oo , ons '3O. TI Totrto NVer T$D--49, sitstaPtat as Parraion or rtoprrititondTut, . To say ol4m•Andinedf, by oa• ins dd.:wad. arable damnedoe la oon‘rot sad meeting of mon. %be boo at tr.t. room Olen MMus W. S. Wowed Oman. of Doc 483 PPM 1N1C1,4011110.117 QV. • cAlkilt WANTED. COAL ROIRRS. Ilabla pluan, to go to the Lomb Works, (OM tooth about bock No. a.) Good house; ataadg aota44.. maul tug Vow pt pt moot of lowa Nlt ppa argh. 09y at tho Work., or at No. IS WOOD 111411111, abl:lLor WANTED, T 63 GIODD nairvikssirus, nell the Meng o f tb• Prows' Wilt, (bed inwt. l .) Luken Obto.. Wcsnend noldnirn W Tanen= pm. forted. Poi. ulna., Penton. Als.itivly_iin nmin to Ow Onion! •imns, , E. WritWAlll. cal9likw lb, Wilmington, Pa W ED. CARPENTER!. Wooed to emp!ct, h amber of 0111PISTI1111, to work at fraostrir•Bdkto to tog dg. .to •km• sue! ent.tolpmetal ead he* rheas out Ote paid for goof wrriwoo, • y oupiouo m , o• bnm.o Otottag toi balifgo ante the Elonothatels •••thlos 'merit • swirnAlt. WANTED -415 U per Mont.—We ward • reliable OLOWitat In In , et tome sad email We We wan °WU% •10.3 per month, able& ere pmee to any daaidall aboalmli• A • pl den.% 70111111 R 110711111.8 • 00., oln Ptoladallabla. WANTED—A 7411.1.11 R.-41 second Mil- Mr ir•atot st tb. Pktakirg% Clit7 a W. . g o " and apply sob se . aurorae, sod touirgb flans gross, vitt* {Odd mom° adottroi. J. s. Idatilirt*ol). oelEott Lfb•ror .at *dams ate.** WM:TIM—A good ENGINBER wants • Awoke. 0.• 1 1.• the Nisi of rAnvecoa. Iddrui J 8., il•mrs ntsw. eagil WANTKD—io Cooms Wonted to nuke vv .loam Bomb trace •..w 4.1 a..m., edlitt IL T. 8161511D7 a allO. FOR FALB. 4. fiery IlarsefeoeneßlegTv, Of the tAtert style awl oasis, ts Ansi lbe salt at ths Turd stutobsa to Um HL .1011[ HItB BOTIL, a. rit 1 tormat t tttsbusi. IPatilwriCaZ .4 - 071 - e ES Urn BOLO TUB lump - 1..80x s 71 08111). ARE BRAVE SOLDIERS DISFattNCHI*ED? Si Liberty to be Dethroned 1 SEE THE NEW YORK FRAUDS! THE HON. SAlfil GALLOWAY, OF 01110, t b. , dlttintruSttod erstor atti elta.npfnet of Justin., 0M... UN, y till With.., Itt. layal matt of Plits• t a rgh .11 vtebtlty,.t CONCERT HALL, On TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. lit, O'CLOCK ot 31 ND UNION JUBILER THE L OYAL MEN. OF ALLEGHEHY CO. WILL (MLLE RATE Tall GLORIOUS VICTORIES ACIIIEITED BB 888 UNION PARTY AT THE POLLS, In Vermont, Plain. Indiana, Ohio, POlllO - Is • telw, sksseylonst r tam OYU!' DID IRCESSIS DY Ott ARE WAIT, BY A GRAND TORCH-LIGHT PROCESSION, And Pyrotechnic; Display, ON TEITNBDAY EVENING, Nov. & AT PITTSBURGH. O•r Mimes In LOCH 'AMMON DIsT MU? of the 'octet an Relied to seal • Deßecellow .o tneticl pste Is ate tb• lash Great Ulll.lOll Drinonitr. .l pyt 01 IL. 1 . ..M0e 1... W V, Torobn will rovided In. or roar, , sop sallow w Lb. mean-Bond, at an Ins Ifvorts Ihicx•tl, on As 11 go. tad to L ..port ha.snliatsly, by Itn. or otherwin, sum'ln of rotas 5017 nil esquire. tact enttrke •111 be fiGl•O44 to make Its w own an .so cans., Si A select s Marshal, .ho b• m *S es. tJ ohs Chief elstsbwl ht Al, K. vLBBH antreasn. At MBA MILL r B , tleavtary. 0. W. DAVI/31RM,, JOHN R ITS 011, JOB N B. BROWN, of t Comalttee d ictraumntants. 1864. 1864. PRESID}NTIAL CARPAIErN. A GRAND UNION MASS CONMTION OF THE LOYAL MEN °I irmalrong, Allegheny, Butler and Weslmoreland Countto, 3E'R. M Eli I,oC).Ft.yr, ARM ST BONG Cu CI STY ON TUESDAY hEXT, NOV. IST. T/ • UNION WIN Or PITTSBUILOH AND ALLZ• 011 E., Oorrn7 gralap. , I-at 'Aar flkIA, •n I Wier; 1.1(.1:.INIMG • at o'cloct, s nd tb• Drp tea • I.,teny 1.11 y tali ,a 4. stre.a • pecsal Tram be p 0.25.1 b noarii rn.port. s t../.(.1,6 D ttt u •111 ac.lopaoy tbr NA tat. 0. . . • !c11.., H r tbe mood te ••TTY ONSTS. 0.1 be Lad at U . qtathe• WILe Ida NA &PA tb• et ce DI e. N NOB 13 YIELD tip 65 Water eirml, 0 I: IN MAFS ?ALE AT C TO N, OA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER sth, AT 12 O'CLOCK, P., /OEM On9L se. D. D.. N.. T. IN. EMILE. J Ib9 RI. 11 1 11,1!. P rlllO4 , .ea A W A.Udni3oll. 1.1. ton LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. Th. wat M . graa d Onion Kau tasting at MONROEVILLE, Patton Tp., Wednettiq, Hov 2d, at 2 o clock p. m. allowleg diatinguiatal nhamniona of am Pstri 4, ea wtrill address lb. matting Dot. J. C. Noaaßvin, 1110blai B. NaBobIALL, It.o /obli n, Elx [ PetxlOt, JbON O. N0601.113.1[44 ..0 others. lit .11 ♦ho .. ha favor of • otioross proionblon 114 , ~r fat.. 41 03/ UNION PALLY IN ALLEGHENY. There gill by . grand UNION BLABS MEETING IN IHE DIAMOND, ALLEGHENY CITY, Monday. Cot. Slot, at 7 p. m. rt. steellniv.lll be soldremd by DA lb LITJ B&BILAY, J. NY. M. .11.111.1111101 Y J. P. 1. V LINLOLN AND JOHNrON. Mtn •111 be s Won Nan Worth% WM lit plat - Elie RUN, Duquesne Boro, On Wednesday, !Weather 1, at 7 p, m. She math g will lu addrmod bP Ron.•ADIIIIL A PIIIIMILNEM, e IRO& ■. BAT N/, `11... JOB>f McGAW, sad oaten. sal pi UM TOWNSHIP, ATTENTIONI i ies Tbs • will b• . Ilblo Kt hg told .1 BAREFOOT, ne r New Texas, ' , Lunn; amp, Tuesday Evening, v. 1, at 7 o'olook. Sh icreelsig will be addrearird by A E war fit lrp , W/11. E. Hui If/TT, rub . and otbars. inn UNION RALLY A.TIOONCIHRT HALL Thom .111 b.. olostr of Um May of I; LINCOLN AN JOHNSON, AT CHIMER HALL. Monday Evening 0 t. 31, at 7 o'olook. 711. lowing will be addrood•A by Urn. 7 nonas VIILLI A UN, ria, JAIIIS IIiZSTLii. and .tb.n. CLOAKS, I SHAWLS. E.l, Ttl" SS coons, port 3KW STYLES LT 1411 isle O, foe nolo by WHITE, i'lln & CO., 0c81:111 Tik lo vino ensue 14 =TRH TtiAhl NR—By maim me pueblo MIMPIITYS 0 1.111114 Gunny y v b. ler poellootiy foe say of tlas Ti. ol4do Woo. poooorma r yawl. ta nobly to moor broeh . Lb. lobo. an now oo he 0010. what dlriotloos W. on. by MINOS ;On H. °raged. snot toartb direst'. INSBED OIL—. 3) pure jest re- SLI ovlrcel ad la eats b 7 I. e. E aft s Sat ra-T, It t4eol T. rimy MIT 111,111 1 1 ,Aroari, • koc PM.) 0.1,1• t cr. Orsag A A/•••-tata Au., ”1i , AbotTlA._ ANTED—Agante to sell two tto Eteo! • • 2r gAtortags of 1 9AAAAM LING. LI RIO ULISSUS S. U*JT$ IN**. a. o, 1,, 0 . , Av.. Gddna lb. pubtlabar, it .11 111T115, 11 •sAsyr tore, PAIIAA•IO,-1. BAER. • CONFORMABLE 1:10C§161, Of tar room. and lot if feat, oat a slaty foot .treat. Good amter. nod tovrythlos coataolent. famedi oat?. Rot ram. nogly t JO•IPII PARE. No. 77 faiaral Ore.. Allmta nj ; or of T 110316.1 LIARPSR. W ago n !bop, Beaver anat. la. diode,. o,'"J•tt Q:rOL3,IC-Fr t , t u the stable Dr. Rin. it .:1 ea., of OLloton Allog/ray Co., TWO lia.lll, ens • small geoy, under ntodo boons, .b yet eight yeans old, • pone ; the oihoe • • broom, le% usoCO n.dbe ab at . yews old, • b., nOOO 0001.11 end IEI 'STY DOLLARS IN No IT, from tn. dry goods and. of WM. nein JL O, to tn• "tee plane. n noes' nwud •111 Do gtvon t • sly pone. Owing to ruation of the whe,,,u.• •toleu vopo.ty. or of tat., errs na Immerged to It• r•bbery ealtdoltler T 4 H. WILLIAMS' elateleal and Commercial Fehool, To to IT CLAIB STRCLT, 111111.0 =TORT Trrins 511 ye/ shol.r p•r emu - tarot II Weeds, In •1- r. ra Tunwn fromn a. n 3.11111 p. m. 11006-I.ILEPIIIO AND PIEarIfAMIETP. A. •of 840 k 6 ..10.i uad Peannaship. La 0 tn.l) rI , from onr own knowl.ige, h. tun .n H•r.LILS N UMW', La • - , ul an play. A. J. LX Uf 00. pt .111koda•T hAAC, CRAIG OUTLET SAW MILL 11.4110 E r. 4 R D (MAIO CITIU6I77'. •1.L.C.317ENT. ,1•)-. A • COCRT BALL P.. Ittu ; v 1 an order of th. nrp •.•. AA =WI q, I • , 111 expo,* abkle •• thi hey. TWO CE• Thshr LOTS OP 011011140 aittata ft Ps; . bare. • he 11n. of l•• e.r.nlb Warn of 01 , 1 Pltsa 4 erg , , each ca heft g ILO ',I on Seaters Wert by 12 I a 4. a;.. laad CL, sane ..t.llOl rvo .4 number te,6,3/14 la C.I. a he , g. ea pima; of .t.b letOon tr , Mh e 0 ise,o.• tolraf olan, he , 114 111 f blab Sean Nmrf., lazely dare, . fa d T. Tana cash, "4 capon. of conneyateclen. /091 PH IL DIIEWSZN, frn•id la, fEt lac r calldfraa el Ivan Ila'aff, Clamed 02=1221 I U.N FLAM ILL itIBINO, fiIITLA.BD. WCOL AND SILN UNFARRUARIILVAITA White Bhirta, Trimmings, Hosiery, de , AT RRDCC?:D PRICES, AT 1001111PID, DEIMICOS & CO.'S, H uNrb NSW MAPd OF OIL RECION&. NOW READY, I. Nap or West Virginia and Ohio Oil Kt glens, s:se, "MCA !ache. Price li. In poctel 4.1-13: II 50. Ylkrnla , .e... II Map of Venango Co. 011 Regions -4.33 Inches. bet by W. Mb...b.. , i• :.. P.K.. Ir. pea.. tam O. awnietod . var. dab. JOHN P HUNT, PiOlisher, YTTTEI KT., NAB° 310 ;Lt.:4. aksr oolar.t.n 1 C.owsnere an .d. o 53 CLOAKS AND aeAwi A. BATES', 21 "FrITF'II"I3 NEW AHD LARGE ASSORTZEWr OF 1==1! REDUCED 13=1 IMEMIIII PRICES E=l! A. BATES, No. 21 Filth Stmt. 1► LTIt OPOL ITA N CIFT BOOK STORE, Tuesday, Nov. Ist. 1864. dad La paratanaally located .t No. 63 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, OPPOSIVEI /11)4\17.1,1LIIPHICI1110VPIOE Tat , h tbs turd and most Ilbeaally ceadeats7 tabtlabl,st Wen nl t .as lark, it tam aststli haaat lta esa 04 say hack you sty Antra ilvoks la snag van of L.tsaatara gad gam ha., the advantaged ah t sly , itth nh boot that Tae boy, A HAN DSOME PRESENT ! Worth hum Yli i CMS $. OWL HMS= DOL- L* an, h sites with snob tools ail weal ol publistossi peas; ud Toy ton Delta emu Ins taigas stock tow °note fa taff. Slt4f Leda taf a 1 tin afeaciani -Worth, eh Sahiptkosi of inotsimb Albums . stolail of Mho and P yar 800., an inio Ist, publications, all tb. tatistlin wit ant Koala, on patterns of Pardon% lisots hit 11l .at j. cgs, ta.w q dl h of Maio& and is tattoo sandy. Swamies that in pasonaala4 • - tool. u th• Metropolitan Gift Book Store, D•Y nu •MA then yOs Irodd lit say hot AAA :IAD:ant, DO him she wham ap reoarlsg • V AN.L U.A.13 Lill ERIGSBINT With each book that you by. Or trial will 4:031211401 Baron that the Aloe to make their pustwatti vat 63 vivre ovate.% OUP ROOK OP Pholegniph Alberni, Biblts A Prayer Ilooki Is th• Wyss Is W. airy , gaol Pm t• said at lb. Nat POISLIBEIZ.b . PAWLS, sad a tilt with oak a:ch.. warns d ty amt. to no lon/tad dal. ar N. cripthe estalosees malted tree bay od iron open nppamtloa. W. L. POSTER & CO. 1!=21 IMO 11110. 4 ......-. ....... . ........... 4011•11M111 RENU di -OFICINd, COAL AND LIALIZI. Maas and Yard, Okla laanii. none r.. vs. Rai W.ll. Shops. A alhands. r.z.aorsis r on r. J \11.6.13L123 JA. UALD WILL, visocanar to M Holman II Gos rO/11 r•oti4 Drew ID IM.oo llrdtim FOXIA3 MS= BAUM OBBLIMEILIer aID MST VIVIZETik Peressmas. r.. Mtn/ Orr ca MUIR Orannamata op as 021. ri an, Oclolb.r x 1.1311. 'Tx) AERFENOF43 AND A W SMANT 8181)8 • .—volic• t. hereby tins Um.* tb•lrazA Dupliostra .or 1111 aro Dow nadp for aallM~. lb. proOdoes it,• 1.. rquirtn theft Bps*o tip b pip• wimti to Oa pm.r oille• by Pa int of laaltAry etrlotly co'ore.d. 91 dinotank 401 0151,1 Mow litlemaz , Gelb:SW.ld tirt !Mai LAYBBBC. Oottnaltr. -Cr sr aL r6K r ts sem 2.4 T I 1111... - JACK PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000, DIVIDED INTO 100,000 SHARES; S 5 ICA CFL !' ÜBSCRIPTION PRICE TO STOCK, r,,C'ii PER SHARE t AbII WOUHING CAPITAL, ,'20,000 lilt PLOP'S-TY Or TIITB 00M PINT 0061 P MIMS, 19 LIA.:101 AND TDI 31111PLZ, ABBY Two Hundred and Seventy-Svc Acres O' •h• ehwltt•t trrritrrr Ia R.•L:n 'Virginia •ad th nttkra Ot le. rpon thta pnp•rty •n th• two great T _A_ CIK "577" 3g3 1., I_, S, Togott, with .1. otho• Wog rapl Ily pr.ercro. LA. raid, WWI Tety proopoot of mozooro Too proloal p 3 01. don of the propel ty • 1.1 pay • dlttd•nd of Two Per feet. a !tenth ea the Par Value Of Ito Hoak, aed a ua:ca hrs., )1614 I. allactly et ec ted Fifteen 'Thousand Shares of this Stock, 111 that mill ba olaared at rolimag?ttos peal is Pit , . tarsi, (Um balmate ballad bras . t.a In law /ark d PhlladalOata ) may b bad u appllad far hamoll. stay, at h. oflal of 11 :JUST DOI% HLIILZ7 t 00., No. 19 ball staaat, •h.n proapectea may adao ~, 0. oc3l:dtr CIEChESINO ar. SUNS PIANOS. &T REDO .ED SATE, Weter's Pianos, Lt BIIDZIOSID BATES. 11.1DUCJD RAM. Miller's Fianna, AT BLDUCZD ILaTil Emerson's Pianos ♦T SIDUCIID EATI3. Cabinet Organ e, AT SIDOCW) HAM X elodeot s, AT lIIDUCED SAILS C=l ClllB. O. MELLOR. DLICI EsULBOLIS ROOTS.< acr• recwOrlag the tartar end bat yr out Lf Imported Fbatrering Btabs, Inc bronght to Ltd. mut., tnamih'S H 7 ItIL IPS, oeocs►a. Sal 1.6111‘ 20151/61.1... D 1 6 ,0 PB, •211111,01 Zs ar 0. H ?ALM H GI LAS 'al 'seam pater-. “4.1“ ►6Llog to oartbote mould do well to call ac. - n sod tasks their o•MotLmt J 'KNOX. D RY GOODS BOOTS SEMES, &4m, A LA3OII 11100/L AT IleClttland's Auction House, Ha Lb Fir 111 0111.14 HT. GYIfOASTII3I3. TILEI GYEINJUITIO IarrITUTCL 11. co. °vat at NIRLLZ MILL It Is appal that .01.11 a LI teed to Jain dal. NM de a , ES ant.. I .ea. na Wis.; Toads, and 1111 day. a 3 p. m. R tk. ma. Wedneedar waa Sntanday, at 3 p. m. Roam in wind far so mmahar elam. 'I hoe vitals/ to and thalr catabso 1a alloglatai i .111 dad o u at Mat HOGOr 130300. L POO aaadvalty suss% sad KW Dh.71.4' 60.800 L, 03111•41 , 0 7.da, al tort sad Warm allay. 141Tatt inmeactLm bees to schools and lhastltes, ap• n oppl acßare j ullSE4 OTRYAN, 10. ULT WALISIII7 exam PHILA.. Bus pat referred • lens i d basolexpereedetrue: of French Jffinincry, To ebkla tee attention of Um feeble b Ward. Per. OrENlNfi—On amint - Da, 29th but= • bsaukcia• amostaint of i=c:== Ladles. and CliCimiraa , a Hats, 111 the •event etvlea. 4 very laziestockjui nation at molly ',Awed 11.. MClTCatir •.1710 123 MCDYII,I, at. , LEngbany O'ty. meavrers SUPERIOR .CrEACK.B.BB atioscat 80. GI toms rum= *oral rid ma ',madam e• MAO OW= =prey tem mods wail ct les loutalas. 1.11. 11141.1012111. 80. a !mak MM. NOVILIBL—The property 'botherv . ea But kr • me, Tifti wait will tato totlot tea putts( sat Texts liv= z % weft& awl ant Ot sow at (be otlet lb* _ Serdster, 211 Pat dat, ut.IIISOI3DIT, Iraq of Illomabst. 11400WEIN, boarding Sagalift, Pltbbanit Oa. S an. odua TO EXCHANGE FOE A FARE or 25 sans GAUDIN LAND. •Itli Moo Dear the dtv a MIL= torn4Up SIMI tltOrGarr to Olty. hrth i cb.rp dystling haw= Ad. at n 0301011111MItld Marian W witoh. mix kw Gazieu, For • raft. parties's. isildrais, 11104 641 PUsabigegti. Lea,t4talr LUBRICATING OIL 80 IBIS. PUNA DOCK CRUX OIL is Kor• alui for aide by .111111:15 8319, "Mist CI sad 70 Witte mat. WrITER 61111 E POS BALI{ —Sena and or loaf raw of Irad. with Or Pararabiata throce, %rent r tb. raTra coat Try b SayssOl• Floral, bridle arm beim IN cm Ur Pisa roar rod Wayne oil Clb tags IL It s errs aaa• Oro Lbw. I. rateably raper Pr a Warr C m se. orao HMI fia, at what. narrow la. arta o f fIL P. 1 as SiibNall.l.ET room* arra, Ma. kip Lb. afllo warm as Sonora. Urn 1117117011 D I 1 3 / 1 1BER.-8,000 feet inch plank now 69°1 ' ° Ta ti nni: r uil ls alty stmt. A PP,LES-20 bbls. choice Bellflowers; en Blob blaatfiroukinr; ittr liazabont 041 * WI &or ial• R. KW:MI, 1 ;01 no,l3ll4errir DA r lOOODa Lt a. tolo f WILL DPW WILL- OFFS i• On MONDATi October 14111. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. PEON AUCTION FROM AUCTION ROM AUCTION 1333331111 AARG /.11, 0:331E13:1 OF THE SEASON, AT J. W. BABEER & CO.'BI 50 SM:;- g Country AI eribents srM Ina great !, bargains in every thing they nand. ; 8LE.0.t.t5.•13 I , 607 D~ • ": • ft,JUGE."Y ' PRESENT PANIC PRICFESt . ..,', ACRUM & GLYOE. No. 78 Market Street. WI-Wank aml Baton Deakrs to TRIMMINGS, • EMBROIDERIIN HOSIER!, ~G.OVEI3, HIBISONS, i .RUNCH I* Porde:Lin Goods wilt Notions. Balmoral sod Hoop liktrta gotot.lP. Bona. Mit Two., Hata .0 Blsm Grey Islttlos Taro; anialtdaid . Oho.!.; Nablus, Boatiga, trains, Staterva, MON , CMS.; Limo, Lona Mti Logooklarad Itaadino. ' *hies; Hod•Dremaa, Hata, Pima mat .lat Balt;:aalitli. • • Them Trimmings sod Oramimita,,Ommeti. ha. . , . Wa offsr aboas mte -. 4litrY °elf UMW t&Oli . a, at 'try moderato pokoo, mil ma alien - • noleaale and Retail Bedouin: asamltta oar KoclOrticl .W Da Boca LAIIGINI &BD 41I.TILACITIVI.; cca ' SPECIAL NOTICK. 00TOBER,151, OOP., ; PRICES•. ,DCYVTZTI - TEL =TIER aro= Id OUR Wholesale and 1 lal D mutates. Ram buns aasatad o.orla ad ts and at . . LESS TH KB PBEItIIT PkRlO • a... Rana.t. b.At..OL 101 4 0 , 1407 IMO= sltes UkUT " _ • Special &maks from thick;i rossPEL" HORNE o co T 1! M•RW cram.: 007 CLOAKS AND 813-17 . 9116 - - • 3. at. BtfLiCHFIELD'& EASTKBN. 1114U:#3 CLOMCEI, assrerrr.a. Long Shawls, Fanare Shawls, Brosha Shawls,: ', , I ong Black Tlulett Shav i as, &mare moun.r.r.ra passe #ooDs. • PULL •IMMILNT cos Every Deeerlptied of Dzeu floods. sormaass cols isa muss* erasers bcl2l DEMME Eh 130LE1; TRIERNOS . AND NOTIONS . REDUCED PRIOR ; Cem.n.g it, inll4. sada PROPOSTIORATEf REDVOTION : Ix the Wes at all ow srxds.. thought all e• impost price ter taw TAU kr anflif raistliad. ad • mats Tosiitbi aW Mai be Plodmulii: mall! theulbts tat atruhast tbs P.40‘.W . P0 =I tire= tte: anis*l; d a r e tierati pctrardag atienem, EATON, Ileolincl•tett. oaf 110. 17 AID 211 Mirle BALMORAL BBIBTB, BELLING. AT EGST J. M. BURCHFIELD'S: A lot of Balmoral Skirts, at cost! Hoop Bkirta , newest ityto lot of soiled• Hoop Skirt', at oOlit Bross Goods, a large assortment. Barred PlatmeLs. Grey Swilled Grey 'Lope Flannels. Eon:awn ova. roam &HD SULU EN . - VARBON OIL.--200 . bbl, prime Whit* kalstoPit 4.RGAII BARGAIN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers