• i , . . ._ "cMiMr,4 , a- : . . fb i ce . , . iir-+ . > . 41., „ .. - : ~ ~._ . ........ -,, '.,,,,,. • . . ... . , . ~.. , --....- , .-.. .., I. -.4. bLIJk E LXXVII- -- 1 . f! V'si..lnntllos'nuttt. .„9: t,tegGazette., _ 'lug Ea . Pt Pig filika.._ aut Gam it -INTELLIGENCE. . q NeW 4 ' Y, t': • 111 entitle , "Very Dangerous Morality te.delicatply Taught." The writing of F,icffe•was caused by the stortlimg Pal' lsumed by Archbishop ITGloakeYs re' .7.' . . ilirtalled in, piece of Anshbishop 1/..5, on thealstesion of• two ladies taking doh veil, before entering upon the ia- Pe toile, and mysteries of 'miseries of a i'•••••7 in New Torii. sometime Mace. Ds 'r y were offered op a living sacrifice to - .7.70ch of a cruaTenstrun, the !Archbishop, so talarging upon the completeness of the her they were stew cella tipten.torallke :?;.'tzeires, said: "You are the children ;.lowers of Dray, ss well t l tte bride of . • . s;• -- Et_tit,„.iletut- the first example of MIL, • •` , ":y--S's Mother and tan a virgin. You re. l:i., not ixely . ..the world's pines:tree' but f.,?ionnce yourselves. Yon give op your • 1 : 1; to the ' beiffs of your auperioress as 3 ' TO it ap into the hands of Rod." Row 'r . .t . y this tracking is to the spirit of .t4suity. Every intelligent alai/den will .t.c -is.glance that this doctrine requires a "woman to take upon A:itself virginity pr• example of one whofretaa ce mother,: ..11 a virgin; end this yours g women Mint lder her will to the Bnperloress of the 11 Lae tglled, Such &doctrine lean offeffse i - t kant morair, end fittictio unaermine TAndations of domestic pears and virtue. ? . .leiteg the sentiment of surrendering '. - -ietlom of will to another, a human be. '1! to God, and by so doing the oaptire thiabinif to anything that the one in . cityi commands. This is the vital prin. 1 'I the order of the Jeaulks. The editor The two pang ladies took the black. I 1,4 It was e d i t ing - color. The oath was 'l. rho Charge' of the Archbishop was • f z The doctrine they "professed wee .:, The Ufa to which they are. consigned irk. The system that erne' e ouch a ..s ‘3 is Mark. It is degrading to the am 'iord.." finelrisiMmolation is one of Roe :tt and strangest of . All the phenomena • • jean experience, for women to divest tires of the right to defend and preserve 1 • c...ettlikel of thei r own virtue, so that • ~,,,,s ' 'IEI surrendered into the hands of a 4 or man shalt be‘ickbpr. as Lk:l4M of •:.: 1 This is duo doctrine of every Roman rio woulati..in the world. The article - `'.ltls t it plat . est "against into Snot dame •••'• • :sion of rArobbishop , MCloaltey ~ss a., : ~r of i maritref: Such' teaeldngs - bring .;.-'-' - Ify,ittgl, devilish. It puts es Bail .:.•:-. ... , .. r ,st% in , „. ~.I.ltntleitlity3 ltifiolta a d." _i 7: - .1 -n 141110fiblif, to , note theta reform • .11 Cunerilethasbetil ininguretti *flew - - , , . . - . that of 141114 th e funerE cervices an . El,,y•Aternion appointed, and the next mans- L . ......,- 4 ,tle Teresina are cinietly.conveyed, with' . •". • • • •'Th ' i'encb attendanle is Moose to toffee, to ' ' l. ''t'leitil IA the, cemetery. This ammo was 7,: '. .t..''od in '.espetorto - the lite and much in -:: *:,",.:•: • e 4d Rev. BM Potts; 4 distinguished Pres :: •:-.. : ' ' i"u ll minister ef.N. Y.. This arrangement ' 4 "'`'' '• r a a •,....,:,..:, l ull a vaosteges., an prevents the crowd --the funeral serTices cad barial in to slow 'le antlyequiring a rate pi speed in going 4. • 41; . emptery, that is revoling to the tender .. s .-,• ; : .. „,....ii Of mourners and to e in g friends, and ~.,.....,..., . tirming, Ina high de ,to thesolesanity .:.. ~..; • .i."l coCstion. This thane will hare a .... ''S ''l ~ 4 1a1 effect also instep .t to funerals on -:,— 1- •'-' 4 bisth. The funer al emcee may be toted on„,,tianday : after 'on or evening, :: !._,..' ':ftarlal deferred unt il onday morning. . :.. ..; • ;.- - gs plan a larger number if friends will ,•• - ;,:.•,'1el their sympathy with the bereaved, ' t. " f : . .,. '171„, Delve the spiritual instruction of the on 's, 't.,, , ,•, •:. , '-':, while the funeral cortege, at another • .. ''.! •,' dln a more quiet manner, and more ' ......11:11,..mitItordir.srily., bo ottruird only • •,-- Immediate frande anti relatives of the 'lstd. •• ;' 4 f Dr. Logge, i who has .been an English .....,.: :-_ lottery at Hong Kong (in China) for ." .s. :i... h. years, took .with him there' In 1843 cL. ,,, ••••...• .....iChinera CbtiMMas. ' Thiv, his 'church Ni:'::•""411eir families , - zalmbar three bun '''* - - 4•''' lonia. In anotkorylepartinent, thereon) ( pi:ed .- souls: 4 The NorthWatern Chriricat Adroccua es la ••••::‘':, v :•".tjesiversily of the Cumberland Pfeabyter• : ,.. .7 ?... i:: '‘,. ,•,. •••'t,n Tennessee, wasVitali bitrued by 4 4, ,-• • •_Z • .: 1- • the rebel General Wheeler. ''''". s atat is estimtid_yona -reports made at .. ..L . .•t• ~ •, , ,neral Aseocation, that not less than : •''' . '.''',"•:,-''.l•peraons have been hopefully converted ~:,. ‘, ;"'' ‘' 4 .4..„ several counties in. rielr.D.amitshirc) '•-•;,, 1`.4,. ~ ,Illt is •itittoirlterrittsil Testament ' 1 ... : 11 ' Jet° tram the final Coramiltoe of the Am" , ''''' e• ible Union, willio issued abbot the lii 11 4 0 ember. q.A 1,1:,.n..,1 mebscly)ta made a caloultition,upon .:;,'..:..-'::';';:::.:`flathority We knew not, that the grand i * ft':V,;* Protetrniit-missiteritii:ogeratione in ,•, i-I'.. :I.Nrld le 48 cot:talcs, 0,415 agents, 817,000 '').'ti members, 285,000 pitplle, and a awn ' r ' i•I income of $4,48,1 1 000. ,The American ,:.:•,.: Garay sooletiei ireseisteen In number, •' :''agents, 59,000 church members, 21000 !•' ' Ty, with an intlOndttof 151,100,060. is t. : • , The United States General Convention gilversallatamet-ini3outerd, N. ii., CF?fo.; - • \ ..' •iD‘bi• and continued in sAilerilbieedaye ', 1 :IA eighty milliliters composed tith'uottvira ,--' ; 4.1 ''-i :11 -• -• rt ... • . • 1. -The - funeral oriCleut. moody, son of 1 ;Istranvllle Bloody, Ist Aid on the staff of 1 ti General ire., Neg'ey, 1/.13„-A., tea 1 reeentlycitPirlui, ChM. Gen. Negley : • . ‘r .. „ to following telegram to Vol. (Rev.) q y: We shore to your eorrow. StrewMa:4 kilts Bud forgot me 110t8, in my name, on ' • • :•er of the yonieg hero. ...", ...:; .*The report of. the proceedings of the linden of the diocese of PerucsYliaids ' - • V, in that elate two tititeir iiB4'twit, ....i.ed and thirty ether clergy. Of church Te..,, t 224; parsonages, 69; couurinninants, i 1; , ,, The number of bspbsms during the ~ I w ee 8,043 i roarztages,,l, 2Bo ; fanecale,. 1., Bundsty'Sobbele; 285; teachers,' 2728: 4 t'ff5,2, 532. • ; The annual. tqll'actss meeting of the ti pal Church hlizsionar,f §eciety, woe -1;',13a Deaton'inei witch.. Bay. Dr. Henry ,-, of New Verk-faracerly of Pittalmrgh, ";;;J„be fifth annual report, from which it ITirs there were twenty-eight missionaries ':•,:l2, now there axe .forty,,. .T . b . , toll itt. for theyear tram' elnieltes, ilidleidials, • - , * am ount to 1it31,053,.. Expenditures do., ;'3, leaves *piano° la hand of 56,233, irr -'1 rig the trust fund. Dre. Ting and Dyer' r :s#Lted tr eubjeot of the appeal from • -••=, pia IDltitltO of five was appointed. ? ',net ff, eof the Boefely re erected. tk o 6 mel e e , fall „ deoupsion. et the cane of . • 'Charles „Peocier, by the E3fBl North r. X ,-_, VleggtittEla Conferetto held Infferebury. is'giassachusettsprei thop.tyt- it: wo . 4 .:._ to withlaig'ill_tellowship with the f ', town dough, eras, ng eil lir:S. Bll n d kir _ -• • , e . . tor 05 its pastei.,--It-tratustertedned by ,mutes appeietad fur „the purpose, that , of the merhbers disalaircedreceiving C==x• -.."D-eober'e peculiar views on pre-es. . • . • -= eel:Mantel &some Wee delivered L.EI,") -2 •J THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. by Bev. Dr. CubMg, of the Bechoiter Univer sity, on " Education Bo the Baptist Dattomina tion," at the Strong Place Baptist Church Brooklyn, Oct. Sunday, 16th. Test; 7th verso of 82d chapter of Deuteronomy. .--Prom 1800 to 1806, upwards of -4,000 persons have been disowned by the Friends of the United Kingdom for marrying contrary W their laws. Mr. Cessna, of the Episcopal —Bev. Church, Cbsiesburgb, Illinois, having shown decided loyal ornaments in hls sermons, gave %offence to some of his parishioners. litshop Whitehouse, of the Diocese of Illinois, advises be dismissal of the lOyal rector. Two peen s, rays the Western Christian Advocate, eststin the case: First, two.thirds of the church wish Mr. Craeraft U. continue his s ministrationst-second, Bishop WhitehOngq the gentleman who did the praying at the recent Chicago Coneentien. establishment of the new Lutheran Theological University in Philadelphia, is a prod and sign of Om esiatenee of a contro versy, in the Lutheran Church in this coun try, eel ids thrgaiess, says the Presbyter on, to ben one more violent than it has been, and may ehd In a division of the church. The in structions in the new institution are to bo throughout in conformity with the doctrines of the Pssionostion, els confessed at the Diet of Augsburg to 1580, and after wards in the eymbeis of the Lutheran Church. --Dr. Loomis, Pr.siient of Allogbany College, Meadville, Pa-, has outmoded in scour ing for the College Prof. Ilalderni;n's Sae Cab inet and Library. The dbinet is rich in min ers!, forTs and arils; and the Library om traces every fine cilloction of witeatifto works. Dose I:310MA become the proper , y of Alle gheny College by the action cf ffi•firal tend lib- L oral friend cf' that institution, who has dons ted sdditionalty twenty-five titmeanol dollars. Richmond In a PIIIIIC. [Corruplr..Cenee at the Mobile ltdrxrtht r, it luttool, Octobarl I Truly, thorn hag been a week of attpreesdeuted siciteuttnt in the Confederate capitaL What with Early's retreat down the valley, and Die sturdy stand at Brown's .Gap-the lineal ean none°. 4n Wednesday night-the passage of the large hotly of the enemy to the North etde of tha Jentes-the °spears of Port Fintitehh. (the key of Clusffia's, which I, the key of Drewry 's) -oar vale attempt to capture back this Important work, and to 472a/teed fight In the middle line of defences-we have bad such a time as we never had before,eince the .war began, and lush es, I trust, we shall never have again. We are emmatented to long and foolish bell-ringing (kept up, I believe, out of Caere mischief) slid we are used to the general turnout of chicane, clerks, sad Government employees ; but the in content thunder of big gams, only three miles from Owe, te a new thing to no entire:. Richmond le certainly In great danpr-great er, perhaps, th an ever before; bat the people do not realise it. 111 - either difi the people of Vieks ' burg or Atlanta realise their dagger, alter they become aced to the noire of battle aetheir doors. Vle Divine hand may again Interpose in em be half, as It has so often done herstaforne but this present state of affairimakes me With more bears rely' that the eavermstent stores, the =hives, the esathinifyla material of war were safely away..'-Ttie lots of Richmond would be a hard . moral bloir, hat we meld bear It well enough if our.mechinerfand munitions were saved. Bat tll.6occiitr so enormeue,ned our transportation so limited, that there Is little or n• chance of get. ting then:tarry. Brant dinner time until dirk, the houses to tie ruhttrts of the city, furthest from the scene of sotion,, have literally been shaken by the tioncesilon coNbeary artillery, which tooted and reverberated under }he. . dr.M. canopy. of,beary Mond. As I eat listening to the tasroer, I wit l ileMlolo3l4dAd of the openinglines to Taney etna'sli ores D'Arthur : "'eli h des set th e mite of battle read lams the masetalo. by the winter see" [ end Oyer cid men, 04 sa moment of eteondeneY would cella me, I thought of what ' Ring Arthur said to bold Sir Bedirere : . ••I ea ratted by. Ibtspoopie what, I mere " Never was the floung materiel of the oily s o thoroughly got together. Yesterday tbirgerarda spared neither ago nor condition. ( r ..i .1 :nest tempted to . add sex. and to-day thery.have forood their Mil lino the 'ambling belle which in times like the present, h ave always been the private hieing pieces of skedkeri. This evening, when Cho firing was at its hotteet, I found bg lam crowds upon the hilltops and honma, only four white men; three of whom sore over fifty, and the other su invalid, the rest were children and steppes. 1 One of the group of little girls, who were seeded on al house-top, with shawls overtheir Leads to pioteet them from the rain, was asked by a playmate, on another bones-top, where her father was. ' , lint eight he sent ne werijae iiithrens soil? from town,in line of nettle, in 1110 - tr.:lO2lM, rah the little maiden's reply. And in thafe trenehes are all the eble.bodied lather', eons, and brothers of Ifii-hmond, with title heavy', autumn rein pouring down upset them-the bud 'haircut, mattress, the sky their -tv coverlet.. __.—..-.-.----•-...- Sheridan"' Work. Tbe meths of Sheridan's essipsigu aro dm' aoromid up , : t W Pascseps captured ahachestss %TOO PliYttersyyptseed aschesty. (.‘tatulest) -- 160,0 Prissymeaptured at 'Other's ,i/CO Pr/DOW. CD/ Wed sotto mashau'alas, 1 NO and before the 000 Prhesners csythsed at Ueda, 11, Total-- L 8,600 Cutgooo captalod ct alarttasttra 2 Clau twft eaptotal ottttro 6 Citattswcaptuied itene• 25 Cara. MI anomie-0 ill ceLval,y ...... ...... Cannon captuted at Cada, 61 Atal ltsts.mtured at Wlncheater.—;....,..--- 6,030 6EOOI tow cattarea et Ilabea's DUI MOO email alas capturad 140 We) Omit 6,00) —.19,100 }Colool4l7ol4lotd at Winchaster,....*** 4 Cana= opted at Tlabea if CidisMatpttited at . thdar • • RIS 10•0a4 captuipd at Warp% 160 WlELol,looPtlll(htci.=----•••—..._.100 _ _ -..---.-. 160 fincri - trildopos la the fduawfng, wolunteediid' by ► veteran aohlierp la not ran: "On the advance tram rli Wier'. Rill I talked reitie • rebel captain. He stated, to tee that the -arty hype of the rebels to gain their Indepen dance we in the elsaticat of general' MolMolten; . 4 .kt-dist intent, he will be randosed-pawaleas , by.suth naiads Boy mour,_Woda, ll and the mnf e arho'oield oonstittito Llifeelsinet,„ ere , el 'toted that nu Oise wadi be dicta. red the bloioksidertir ralsodi sad we /Yanks' wisuld hare tb go north of tho Itappahennaok. .England will flood the - Sloth With har pods, and th,s, • e can fly to you . Yaukt—Resognise oar • adionalpenition and gireassistiot winityottroot 'front he; oterdil fight you four yenta more.' find this to he tbligeneral opinion of the rebel pritotars. • "4:"Creart: A 138. h. Pant O 11,1 , A CC.IIIIf POIcPUT of ins London Beta, writing nrilimtraal, fernlike, important infornuitton rune etieg the disposition of the sobal ' , exile'? irk t il de toward , a peace. While - emote of them an °mall for and say that the Confedaracy • IoP AO/ Tor Alti 7L* ll / 4 , to , (Mete nigti la the Cdrßeette•" of t i the; 73.1ohatondliovarnateat eon. Sam peat a day!aiiy come when the &rash, froto gni et 'Min and anpplies, will A e 'sateen? to make • peace .feomprointteeitheivith Linage or id'etelisst. gb• phn • 0 arringeatrit to be itilictilietittent Soulhera, ezeetitlvc. based a,f en aliane, ofienolvV, Ad' defe•slec n' tlle &keret , doctsitte, the Wselligton'Osbtaet to` decide whethen it balinn.enforead in Merlin cm, CanietaTind a tree tariff ander erldeli thClSlalt England Biatee Vasa have a loaded prefer sum 6•41 England and Fran<PD in the ` cotton • UunGonsmt.LA.s Wtuentn.--Ch=leiton, WM Virginia, Oci, 26 —CoL Vritettar'S gang of "I' ll freebooters, numbering, armording to the stelae meut.of pzie °nem, 425 men, made an 'AMA on Winfield 'Dolor/ daylight thia morning. One nompuny of the 76h West Virginia Cavalry, Capt. Reynolds, numbering seventy -Bee men, intrenehed, were waiting fele CoL Viltchei: The felielat'lnade three delve/ate obArgee ilitt.llo[ll `each time hendtomely - retrained ertrh cealig,",,, l c. ue bin Lou. The otorio guerrilla' Phil. Ttini =an, who Imo aa_ tenor' to the people of west Virginia fell Into our hands mortally wounded, And sa since died,. A . Inothai• of as I Thurman'e,emn Ity darmerate, Le in our bends li-I ptisozet. 0 101 l le one man • missing. .oe,r cavalry are In of parpuit.ntViritoher; and bli nbonees for etespe ate CILm. - PAttatooD—The worm of yesterday states tbat Mr. Lineala declared .at'llt Sanitary ger ta.,thiladelphlk: . 4 I only oak tor bur rive mom to ,abasti slavery 'in *very oue- of the Southern States:" liothingsrreerliire thU `tree uttered by gr. Lincoln, as =roan strict vapor:a fortify.. We &aliens. the World tb ttu) proof. I'ollns thia,ttoa Wert,/ ebould, In de. cur .q; retract tie orror,jurt as it withdrou or retreated th e Wetiater forgery, srbialt e, up to the present dab, biretta favorite esgumtnt or Deroccratio Speallors..—Phila. Prat. :::ice ~;7~:~ ¢` k" _atfg's~;.~; .. _. A IFeer Questions WWI AMMER. Who wrote the second resolution of the Chicago platform, which declares the war a failure, and demands cessation of hostilities and negotiations or other peaceable measures? hir. Vallaudigham asserts that be did. Who approves of this and the other Made. lions which form the Chicago platform ? The World says General McClellan is now "their recognized exponent," and adds, that with "thole great principles of publio policy an nounced at Chicago," "no word or out of hits life is in conflict." The World is the special organ of Gen. McClellan. Do Vallandigham and McClellan therefore agree? Yea, for Vallandighato made a plea term "with which no word or sot of hieCiel lan's is in contact," according to his urges; Vaitandigham supporta McClellan, and his Influence doubtless prevalcd upon the Con vention to nominate his "own familiar friend," 'Pendleton, far the Vice Presidency. Wlll Vallendigahm have any tenon:um the adminisMatitio, if Mee:ellen stn Dandle: ton ehMild be 'elected? Certainly; as the leader of the Contention, the author of the principal resolution, khe member who Moved to make McClellan's nomination unanimous, the "own fcmillor friend" of the Vice Presi, dent, and the meet powerful will aid but in tallect in his party, he would be sure to have prepouderatinglntinence in the admhastra- I le n, H the McClellan-Pendleton ticket should be elected. • What is the beet thing to help the elootion of McClellan and Pendleton? Jett Davis said at Augusts: "We moot beat Sherman, we must march into Tenn Asee—thece we will draw from twenty thousand to thirty thons%nd to our standard, and so strengthened, we muit push the enemy back to the t ante of the Ohio. and thus aloe the. pence party of the North an accretion no puny ed,torlal Son give." lie said, a few dart later, at Macon: "1 believe it is in the power of the men of the Clonfederday to plant our banners on the banks of the Ohio, where we may say to the 1 Tankets"Be quiet, OT we shall teach y 05 anoth er Within the next thirty dye much is to be done, for upon our some.* much de pends. Within the next thirty daye, for',there let all who ace absentee-, or who ought to bs in the army, go promptly to their ranks Let Treat V B crown our arms, and the peace party, it these be such at the North, can elect its candidate. Bat whether a peace candidate is elected or not, Yankee instinct will teach him that it is better Mend the war, and leave us to the enjoyment of our own rights. Mr. Boy e.,!of Soo th Caroltna, wrote, too, the other day : , •Tour only hope of prone is to the ascend• envy of the conservative tarty North. Fortify that pa rty if yon can, by victories." im. the hicClellan-Pendleton leaders to fa. Tor of foreign intervention? Lord Lyons wrote, in Fotanarj,lo l2 , offielally to his g re eminent, that several of the democratic leaders" assured him privately, In Bennet In • terviews, that ' , if their own party , was in power they would acrsept an offer of Medialion . ." These ere the words of the British ministers official report. What will be the infenntee of foreign gnr. err -runty if McClellan and Pendleton are elected? ' That they may safely interfere In our sffairs, as the Prennit Emperor has inter vent(' in lilexioe, and that they will have the conntenahoe, openly or secretly, of the kio- Cledian•Pendleton leadenly , Joel as Napoleon bad the countenance' of Aluionle and the treacherous reactionary poolansuf Malice in his piratical schemes. ' Dees the Chicago platform say anything against foteign intervention? No. Does it ,say anything againat "the right of secession?' No. Are the Chicago end MeClellsn-Pendleton leaders cemmitted against the principle of se cession? No. Many of the ohief and most influential persons amonget them, so Vallan diFbam 9Dd Wood and Peodleton, have so tmeted Chit right, and many others have justi fied the repels.—N T. Eve. Post Towsevill.—The YoungsWinn (Ohio) Brest" it a: Next to tho earning election, the m sac ab at; b'ng topic o' discussion it the mate. Of th:a favorite esculent there will be an lututsnse art p,and great ...zloty Is for test ro • shoald Lae it by the tot. We have hoard divers La:niers relate theft own. experiancla With some the, we rotting badly, ni hailer, partially, Teo w ctltcre stillcherare Bound as yo The d is h sere, where It has afpeared, seems to elf eet team V Brieliell more than otO . ss, and solnothint prob ably may in due tothe toil aud time of pleating and digging. As only a pertion ef the crop U yet lifted, it is too soon to tell with certainty whether the balk of the crop will be coand, or whetter we shall loos It. .. ..ruin St mum Paton. wite lund.tringeund turning the hennas al hilau h cturi p Unionists, her ' sapped hit aytnpattelsera in favor or SVC:hol ism seldtere on nick et before Sietteson rryiont cheers for peace and M'Ciellanr rebel t Sierra confidently declare that an artnistlo• will bring on recognition of the Confederacy; the friends of the TO be La Wort that hl'olellatife ticn wiJiliprtv• the failure of the war an 1 the trionoptrof the Beath: Attder U. Stephens favor" the Otteagn.platto,o; and .de ff erovie Da vie. who Noatte the idea of Union and tvooletans• doe, yore that the hip, of the Conledernal la the elastic nuf Presc "BALI OP Tall COLuIIIIIIIOI I B. Cover, cin Betordsy, cold a, the Exchange meta booms the foe ship Mao aroline Staten., seven btrodyed end thirteen tone borthon. the procerty of the Maryland Colonisation Society. She was ptirobaeed by Wm. Nett, Etq., of Now . Took. for $30,000, cash. This fine vestal yea bollt In this ;city by ISfeast's. Abrahams & Aett• croft, of the choicest materials and to Mee very best toionerri expressly to berry freight sad eof trod etolgrahts to Litsorla,the'fitads for the pun posirbsytng bean gonerontly given by tbb bits 'Mr. htetens. of Talbot ooanty, Two votaansri auctions ennostee,st s bsngaet, D. which the principal article of f o od , t. b. horseflesh. The Organise:ref the enter tainment stale adst the us. of thst most would bin:4llM *assumption mom than lorti taillton titegrammesof most, whit& tbop Mulder jut re good es *oat more - 1/11151106132 11 thedi pork, and three times cheaper than anybatehim's nitat. The Member of dolmas is, limited to, ono }Andrea. ant. tweirtgele rho' Imbedded at tan trews easel. TO= men last moisth were gathering Pun in Media, Thaneeorhen the lightning strut& the Mishima killed one man on the spot, as else a dog stencting near him. The other two mon who were an the taros ware knocked down by the shook; and unitained for Vl= time on the; ground insensible. Os , einsmhlhig one of thed a,en impression of the Insulate and foliage on of he veer IVA Rai focaill.diltinetly printed his breast. , . ---- d d oeoldslitied objeatla* bay bead mggested o to the nto ptMod lagettitgo - t ot the .IKtag pt :Greets. lberutodat.Eisteen ettottzViohlbtt tosuicaouy be weep e,sistet twl,bet.b;othet,tt - tii 4 e f oljoircia otly,tt-P,lifoore Darter become, the rife" 3S me beetattari ?Ikon of, [Mario, his elate r; the Gmodotritiletieta blteiolotikt. 18'6,1 eanuot tug MO Sidg cf Cletteo— Ins Warbingron correspondent of Use Tritsme fi t SW: An ant i e committee from Now luny ere terre,llllooll engaged inpsoffingnfter ibse l t t Union Tows ,E 2 Old nista :AAUP§ cann meals Ousts sr =Mile ezmanffort, the electoral soleof Er4w.limsey trill be,aorteinitorll oo oln , ma spina th i •'Jerrey eine:" Taxproo , s4tion of the King or Pionpttns I.Bof took place recently at the Ilailes-Zen• tralei, :Pay% *lilt the natal oeretnettlal- Its velglltb oaefmcdred and , thirtyestrron We svirn, audits largest ahem:dem= ten feet ens inch. It - lees groan in the valley of the Loire, knd 0o d . fon one hundred and eight into* ItratiltkEtCal , OP A 00110113/11111.—Ilen Ilse- Ty O. Stebbins, member of Con/roes from ths Drat Congressional clkstrla!,,ot, New York, h., sent his reele„Watlon' td CIO , . Seymour. Hu reasons nre, that rn a war man, he dose ot reverent the ..pesoo principles of those who elsotrA Wk. A DemonUr Walked through ono of tho !trash . of Conan:him Ottio, tho t day r eleon, with hie ihiet b nor ettering tho bracre,afte that being hir - tatty article of apparel, while behind hint teethed • Republican earning his clothes. The paean:kazoo was • wager of kbet upon the *Wolin. of .Bunse t" flow. arKOll2O Dadra or ors lima Gal Ltttle Rook (Ark..) Dcanocroa fay. -there w a a [apart 1 towu, owalng from two memo, one of them entitled to erwilt, that the rebel Cwo,,Talan bad been kilted to I dual by Gal. Notbasikkr. •Bltrirtoduko to a hilaaou3 on. Itionmsa Taoars Sousa Souvu —The Seventh Fatted States infantry rogimsnt, non encamp:l at Fort Sohayler, to under orders to go to the front, and eriß embark for Janos River tu• tnorrotr.—N• Y. Eco. Fut. Ore of the veletas. netuittr found only In nor latrty died in Isenna, ion:it.; to, .hoes, 14,W 1n n •nnotot r0.,W1 10 Fitha I. I tact. of one million pound. ;twang. CITY 41W SUBLRBAN. it 7 rawandeelon of Roney by mail. The postal Money order system Is to be put filto operation at many designated points, throughout the country. on the first of isrovem• her. It le intended to promote public contra. Dionne by affording • sheep, immediate and safe agency for the transmlethon through the mails et 'mall gums of money for which bank drafts eannotresidlly be procured. The mods by which safety is secured oonalsti in leaving cat of the orders the name of the pry sear party for Whom the money it Intended. In thls respect a money order differs from snort diPare bank draft' or aheek. When a money or.' dex Is applied for, the postmaster will faraish the spends:Art* a printed farm of appiloa• tine, in whideo the latter will enter all the par tial:tiara of amount, name, •ddrese, , regolt• ed to be stated In the money' order and advia Trona the Items contained thermnob application the ruithromitey Will fill op oney order and also the cones form of advt.:). The order, when completed, Is handed to th e UPPlielnt, upon payfillent of the nun awn themeth and of the fee chargeable thereon, which lee Must Lovartably be paid In money, postage stamps not being meelrable therefor. By the Meal immediately following the UVue of a money ceder, the postMastet tram:mite the oonsapond big advice to the pastmastor at the oftloo upon 7thich it indrawn. The :attar Is thee furnished, before theotderlitself can be presented, with all teeestery informaldon to detect frond, It any sticulAbe attempted. Any officer may draw upon any other officer In the list of money order offices tor • snro, noon one order, from one dollar to thirty dollars. But when a larger sum then the latter Is required, ad ditional orders to make ap mast be obtained. Rates of commission charged for money or dent On order. not exoeadingsl o 10 oents;avar :2 0 and up to 530 20 cent. No monoy will bo received for orders e loop `. ease, finned Soon notes, or notes pof the Na thins! banks, and order. eacnot be aid to any other CarranCT. A money order is rendered o ?Ulla 1161 a. It is presented to the pada:m. o : ,ra whom it is draws: ninety den from Its date; but the Postmaster General eon lams rew order on the appliention of the pay. upon the payment of a nand fee. the tame tonna I, to be pia .ed in ease the order is lost. In Idle esce the payee is to furnish • statement, under oath, that the ceder has been loet or ods.txtyed,aacompantad by the certificate of the pos. matter that to tom not heen paid, and will not be paid if taaroalter presented. The payee may trensfer his order to lutattax parson by endoreing it upon t cobs.. . Periluns, Lac.rars, • ocher than these desiccated in the lief of money order ea en con avail themetives of the edvantsges of this system, but an order cannot be 01:140.0i i Nee. to can:Menet. g the operation of the It hoe bean deemed expedient to bogie with the larger penances only. The toted nom her of money order efficea in the United litatea IS one LlU:Sated and natty nine. Snood' otr. Clana,CaLia. valTant, the number will ...tiny be altercated. P upremo Court. retner, Oet 28.—Prescat, Chief Judea W Fodwerd,snd Jai gee 7hompaon, Btroag,l3.aad and Agnew. Commisalnaara of Allegheny county vs. Wart. 4111 Panniyleaula DaPpital; D. C. Argued;y Carnahan for plaint:Pl In error, ‘kel, contra. Glidden we Streppler and wife ; error to Sas queharena on. [Noland that this oue be pat down for te-argament in the Eastern District. Birmingham Borough U. Anderson; 1). C. Submitted bye/rail:tante; plaintiff in eoror, sad Acheson, contra- Palirtss and others vs. Afriena M. E. Church; . 0. P. Argued by Ballwin for plointil in error, had Shinn, contra. Commouweelth Inc Co. vs. Same; D. 0. Oa motion of attorney Watson, for defendant is error, judgments of agape , . were antlered. Adjourned till Monday. Onohar 31, at tine o'cLck, when the oases of t< esuettoreLand, Anne etrons, Indiana and Cambrin will be teems tip. The cuss fined for beeriest in this Court on the fourth washed the present session (for if loth beton, Fayette, Drente, Bauer. Butler, ger- Lawrenee, Vanangt, Clarion, Jefferson, EA ..d Forest) ere bat few, end sunhat if election ak many of the attosueys sabnit their on nite paper books and w i ll at home fo• :Doti. The business remaining for oral tent will ennuquettly be no rale thee It r anted the Court cam easily dispose of i i at o M ender, No e . l'ete. The Oonrt therefire, - ao that dry, and dir•ets that soy of th-ee ' the feat oh week me 3 he eubmlttent at tween this cod Nevem ear 7-h. Coun that sel transmit Va! ;Apar no - Iss to the Pr., ....ery at loon as they hare them ready, and ~baps deoiel. a may he had In name of their ...see al the present 'arm. Where the Counsel yre'er, the Court will bear arguments in way st those cues at the nut January Term at Philadelphia. Eau st ldl Opernt lOas The last number of the Ftalklin Nan, con. 38'. 31,3 following Bin. Oar lest, a new well has been ctraok on the ereseville property, op. pc oie the $t over wells. It has not been fu'lr t.cted yet, bat promises to yield largely. ` We fpr me s•cte one-thud interest in the hoover Isi‘ed, on whiela the beer well was straek, at $l OO . OOO . Several other sale. of river property have been ottlAts, or are being negotiated at astonishing r eel. Territory is being take% up for nearly t. cuty miles below this pcsos o ruld will soon be ti crtughly tested by boring. The excitement is seemingly on the incr.... 4spectiallyin regard to river territory. The hi eKimiek & hicOertalek property, on French Creek, to being thoroughly derelepsd. Three wells are now ca smceasfal c perstion, sad producing the best of lubricating oil. This is probably one o' the mo3t valuable roparties iu this ilainixy, and must soon pay I trxe dtvidsnds. IS wells are being put in tmeessful operation in this boraigh which Will undoubtedly prove highly remunerative. almaltica in the Blot itegltuent. Th. following tee list of the killed and woun ded in the tier rogimont Penntylressia Vole., et the battle of Ceder break, on the llith inst. t CaptJ TY Taylor, Oo D., commanding regiment, M d. edd Sohn Barna. Co 8., title d.I Lteut John W bledliab_Co C., leg. . Sargeant idsior3 Idurpidr, sheet, Cod. Sergeast DlJlpststy, CO 13 towels dled. Tunas Moßberson, Co At, scalp, allibt. Pater-Star - 4, Co A., both dago. 'Thomas Bogen, Co. A., thigh. Noah Berens, 0o 8., leg. Newton Phillips, Co 8., leg. CI rue Adsti Co 0 , hip. • George W dtalth, Co Induce of thigh. Nutley Lanham, Co D.. contusion of old& John B. hioNabo,Clo D., heed audaide. Gee W Dowton, Co D , oontoslon o shoulder woherd N. Morrie, Co D., leg. Chitties Bertett, Co E., Woad. DISXVISIID rum Cifulee.--A few days ago, while Mr. Hatter, a resident of -Ailegheny, we boliero, Was addressing a Sabbath school at Coolistrion, Payette_lioaustira he w i lgrosalf la. tolled by the Caperhotendisnt; Yoe Ring , who , being wreak Copperhead, took n rage at 110CMI remarks which Stilton= bad made. king acted in a very disorderly end angentiomanly =sand, sul4 4bsoqueoly insiitatad. Olautore on the wtuk.st. He was tried on Friday last, ander lite disciiiine oi the M. B. Church,' fortnd tut sy mentor and term, end dismissed the et meta fa It passible for a men to be a traitor aLd • obrististi Bono FOR OIL AT Usionrows.—The Stand• and LW: "A Oompll7 cemiNUtedni earns tour oxlips gentlemen of Columbus, Ohlo, and blesus. Jerre k Usury B. BISMIOD of this plass, Ire pre petint, Ind be ready in •bisr days, tenons mimeo boring for oil at Beason's hint, west end OLiown. Te rouldnery for boring is attached to the water h wheel of the mill, and will be dolly. en by water power. Bbonld seams attend this enterprise, Ftedetofie creek will be perforated with dilutes Uom one end to the other." • Von or roe flouotzto to Cam? Come Heim- TAL tldoy • vote wez taken moo; the (ol dies to the Hotpital at Osmp Curtin with the follonlag result: Her Lincoln 59 McClellan . 4 lSf •krity for Lincoln 6 Ther Abr eoldters will roll op • tremendous rots for Batheaham on the Bth of November. - - DAN Rice, tto famous clown, le about *rooting a monument at Girard, Sae eounty. hla plan of residence, to the memory of the militias% from Silt county who hire fallen la battle. Upon it . wilt to inscribed those wordt: "I; memory of the Ofamyl and Soldiers tram Erie Coanky who bare algid Ia citionou of their country,. - - Bncv.—Sergeant Loofa, a mamba of the Pro vost Guard of ptla city, on cpcslal duty near DiGnongsto Is City, wee accidentally allot by ono O f his co n,sdos, wt,lla firing at wild dints on Vigoott crank. oo Saturday of last week, The ball entered kir thigh, eansing a BOYOSO wound. Bouseu,—On f•ststrday last, a little threo years eld, of Ttfomas Redd, of Allen township, Wasbingteu county, mu eo badly burned by her clothes taking fire as to lire only stew bony. aswrt.unal cbo has had considerable expo siene4 in the control and working of men. desires erunrion loranen or superintendent td ',tut outdoor ho loo's. See advertisement. Ora Att,T EcOrasirw..—So Lg MeMb:ADA, ID elllr g the rhest,eat loots and ilia.. la tho two 0 :lie, at 9 6 Fedora ittcat,Allegtteny. LATEST FROM SHERIDAN. Strong Rebel Forea Still In the Valley. EXPEDITION TO FRONT ROYAL. ibe Rebate Encountered and Routed BRILLIART WON CAVALRY DASH. Import not 120: .tion Gained NaW Nottr, Oot. 28.—The Hercarre Virinohes ter oorympondent, of the 27th, says: The enemy has mill a rely strong force in the Valley, sod it Is reliably reported to be reorganising. The enemy has a strong form) of cavalry in the Lu ray Valley. Under cover of the present still. nem movements are being made by the enemy of an eminently important character. At the time when the late battle of the 19th took place, the enemy ha' Motioned three brig ades of cavalry near Milford Creek, in the Luray vs Ile y, and when tho 1, mem' rebet movement was made, this force advanced to Unction ford, on the Shenandoah river, and thence to Front Royal. In the movement muted, they were met by Powell's division of cavalry, and checked, nod when the rebels met with defeat they retreated to Milford. A reconnoitering party, about 300 strong, woe riot out on the 20th, from Powell's division, to the neighborhood of Front Boys'. The on. pelitton was or , mmandod by Mejor Otbson ' who to E„ellat fly distinguiehed himself in the Averill notion at Moo:hold, in July Ima. During the earlier part of the morning of the 24 0, Mejor Gibroo moved his command 1 -,,,,s loth bray-Mrs of the SisenandoLh d oriver, a• d moving throngh Flout Royal, passen to. wards Milford and the Lars) Valley. Before daylight he came upon the enemy's picket, and doors them in, mptruing one or two. Be then passed rapidly toff/it'd to Milford o,e k. On the way up he met the enemy in line of bottle with two pieces of laptillery, and al- though his force did no: exoeed three hundred, be ceyloy Is& in tine of battle Without any re ceive Lod Massed them The enemy, perhaps remembering our other late amohin cavalry optrattfus, did r.othing more than nis fire g one vol ley and break. sibronicentinned the plailitt as rapidly Le it woo possible for him to moos forward in the dark• nese. The enemy kept his artillery on the pike and after firing tee rotted limbered up and made •LI to thereat. 0 slog to athletes Inferior force he could sot flank the enemy and get at his ar d - l ry enemy the to the reand kept the cavalry sent on the right and loft of the road to rover its getting off. In the general charge whioh Gibson first made, he captured one battle flag. By °outlining to preen on, Gibson at length droyelhe enemy over theereak and upon the line °film rebels. In front of this berelertlibe n halt• ad bat to feel the enemy's position, take • few priscrome and to mantis the reliele strength, and then frotirod, reachlog • safe position in the flirtation oftred, the Shenandoah by daylight. The 11L4141 finding at last that the bird had ' flown set out after himat atrot, bu t lid o not I e. e feed to overtaking him, as Olbson reahed the Union lines in safety and without Mary lose. i The affair looked uon as nate • brilliant ' cavalry deth is . The ide p a of 260 men almost renting 3,000 mounted rebele, and driving them fo their fortilioations, and oapoiring one if their battle Sags, betides nearly capturing their two pieces of artillery, I.s indeed emceeing and inter testing. In the course of the rats:fanciest:mos and from prisoners, information was gained of high lin• romance to the interests of the army. Yeeterday cannonading wee heard. It en• otared to be in the direction of Front Royal, and tr. probably another cavalry fight. And= MI,. ISM ALL WOOL 00' . 314T1D TO OS IB cam:roma 011ADID TO BOIT TUN rtAfiliflT. Our acquaint ance with tassturnotoren II entenslTlN DUD of as having Inca to the Wool trade for more than tan yearn.We flat, by ocedurring bnetnesa In the two Inrinel marrAts rim country, we rSr to consignor , I:mac:ill Lena Mos r brhostag Mani, Viol to the notice of the blot trade la ism Neer Cogiand and Riddle Statee Oar contimiwitri nor willing it Oen Oast rws rocas, and On ra one. ON at.s •311 LAW.; Bonbon, an I a(' ;tarn for "Han Walla ; baOrl d thte nnr. total pea.. ~nb od 12 odd I Oen. Thbi includes a CIOAIt nI, TEE anall salts wbittirs for Garb ur on Ouse oust or are .loat s adltrig to ontlefiwto aettlenont tw o-Amu nortorod, at ourrent rate. for money. Wo aim " c"t 111. 7.EIALLOWALL. Baotou. Two Thousand prison and Eta-versa BA LLOVIALL blew To , It. Thousand Stan of ATM Captured. I_Ik.,NEI G. HALE & CO., OPERATIONS AGAINST PRIOE, Dliicial Dispatch from Dm pitasassea rEirt,'S ABM 1011PLETF.LY DHORILIZED Fern IaNDELD REBEL WSGONS BCILNED Se. Louie, Oct. 28 --Meet dispatches from (Jr r. Pleasanton glee the following further in to.e salon in regard to his operations spinet p. Ile marched ninety-two miles in two de's, and fought the enemy the last thirty-two tortes. Ills form was less than 0,000, while we. lolly 2.5,000. Price has hut one gun lett, end no ammunition, he having blown up hit trete, er.d also burned tour hundred wagons to nave them from capture. We have 2,000 Prlionere and several thousand stand of arms. Gen. Fagan is resorted killed. Prleta's army Is completely disorgenisid and Geeing to air directions. Additional foreign News. NIT Yost, Oct. 28.—We have the following addition:Li newt by the stossner Canada: it appears thee is souse probability of the present Dodds lies of kings being changed by the pending pease negotiations. Prince Frei. ey.o4 of Hesse would be hobs to the throne, and not Christian eds. Lewvisoot, Oct. 15.--Theauthorities report that flour has • declining tendency. Wheat insotive, with a decline of Id. minedve, with • dcolista lid(gied ; 27. ' . 54(g1 2 / 1 ed. Beef dull; prises easier. Pork quips and steady., Bacon steady. Lard firm and steady. Battu pardon% for fine qualities. Bugar doll and steady. Coffee doll, with doWnward tens done,. American stocks eteadyi WWI States 5 24's 44X . a 44X, extra dividend. Soto:dog Eareing— Cotton quiet sad smoking. Pa t Breadirmlis quiet. Provisions dull. Pa trol:sum quiet. Crude 41%; lanai ChcatrsibOyj • 51% discount. The St. /Malts Dalders—PriSoners Moirsiud., 06. il3.—The proceedings in the care of the 13,Alta0s raiders has been trans. ferrid .to Montreal. The seprisoner arrivval ed bete butt night t and are ;Di lajall. T remo was made secretly toavoid excitement. One coition was was taken yesterday. bat further pro - peen') gs aril postponed math nest week, on ao., coant of the 'Atha& holidays. Senator Feuenden's Successor. Bolero', Oot. 213.—80 y. Corr, hes sppointed Pathan• A. 'Farwell, of Bliektand,to fill the un expired term of Secretary Feseaudet to the Binate• irarlyand Democratic Coral tiALTfiIORS, Got. 22,—Tho Damoaratio !Data Convention have nominated for Caron:tor, iudgo E. Y. Chamber, Lieutenant Ovvern or, ()Da Howie. Canadian Conference. C/cztics, Oct. 28..-Tbit Conference aimed Its tahcre het night. Tbe Weirdos left. on west ern tocr. Cold on Iloirsday. Nov Yost, 04. IT, P. c—told Tao:light ti RA' Frixe dB 4 OBLIfrES. V V - HE - ILIR & WEU302.4 1:1 ruPßovu r Amcor' SEWING FAACHIINES GWENT MACHINE IN YES WONLD nzoL/1131 IT 18 TIII I BE= 160,000 of thor• artscbtacf bars bora szLI. OTC 140/0 are in 6» ina rittfalilnal and flolaity. THEIS SALES ARE GREATER xli Others Combined. THE " LOOK STITOH" and eonimmea ody on•-balf the . anocurt of Weise that is azed by Un OHAlli BrIT01:1 et 6.oalra, one aboold b9sl • •••flur aleoblwanatil they tree ermined slat tertod tke WIICSLICIII a WILSON They are •armated VA. Wee Teal, INSTRUCTION VROH BILS3LO.IOII, na•Arr 117773 IirTFEST. SITIEHRO eg CO., Agepty • P.a . I:er_a-fabarivrr far sale Nrigessle sad 3 f C' *L solrrimiw cAotrirrs. OIL czorErs. 4 4 ; R - Knuoriox LN Flu cEs T CarP€lB, Oil Cloths, At the New Carpet Store, MOPABLAND & COLLINS, Fos. 71 and 78 rthh t. 29eat boys to Post 0.1900, woad floor Dragnets and Crumb Cloths. W. to .5 jot nDeired antra =dray agnr .d nry b.adsoma pdtezzs Woolen Druggeta, Nedallion Centres, AS VIBE LOW PELIOES. McFARLAND & COLLINS, Nog. 71 Lap TS nrra 81-aarT. lint boas to Post O. axone t DOT. FOURTH STREE ! cm - tem AT LESS THAN COST Pronto. to Tenoning cen 112 FALL STOCKI • .111 Toll 01l gro•I rn band, (Par.U •nd 1 a ben tt ia late advances) st conendierably . ~... se le than C7 RASUFACTURERS' A T El'O A LLII CARPET STORE. 80. Ti TOUBTII STEM'. U.SILIPU auusur ■ M dUkETE I3, A-ND GAZZ AM, r. rurn. CLAIMS AND PATENTS, Anti AT TORN EC - - A.W BS GRANT STREET,Ptttsburgt LICENSED BY GOVERNMENT TO COLLECT DONNPIIN, PLOSIONS. LILO& P&P And all nth.: MILITARY OR NATAL OIakIMB against Ole Illattad Buick Oti 6 11016 DEED DILL/01 6 , da• 9,ldiers d.utbseg. eel sce , ant woanA. raostrel b.ttle, cobected lammettatay. mar 0.11 .t 913 91111.15 T STREET, ttP. RALLow-Etti.,l /3.A.L1.0 WELL BROS. WOOL, I TID€II4.I. 13TZLET, 15 15 BOLDWAT 13015t011, 81111214 MERCHANT TAILORS, orthwent eor. Penn and St. Clair %trate, Are wa. roceds . ng their second srrisel of FALL dg. WINTER GOODS, A blob, In chaleo al selection .and beat of quality, to thr with fah prima Wag bought when gold wet at ha to titers th ey u• now prapatal to mato up at thtng in their flue on abort halm and in NM nines otyln. Be uro log thanks to tbeir friends wad tor polo twitt'ort. anol hordnit by okras attouticno to lottOness to shoo . lam al patrotrag• for the tutura cote pLUUBINO, ass and Ste Fitting, In all Itn !annals, oaten, nunnnna m, ni nnAnann• •14, pnictk.l workmen. A lbw annortasend GAB TIX ni TIISTA 61:i tiall saowia BLTIIII,_AnITTS, werat 011 HYDRLISTB, Cconsantly nab asnd and mane to an:kr. 196. 69 TZDERALL erszwr, Athwhazon am IST Loam nava, Pltlaborilb pawrruits C aSS •ID WOOD oII•LII wHozastaa wi glaz.m. IT doe ocoreba ctr.A. cese. I. La Ags, sad 11l Tax* stroA romp a; O, 'wan t. Bats, Uapa and Straw Goods, Him now b. don Ms largest and moil somplste Cocl of /Pais in L.sr offor.3 b. the leen. CleroSsuts are req-sortei T. W i and imatalm oar stock, whlch TM be told et TM kir fttia. - norrminiNNTß-- 500, Mule Ten Zia Clabbsp; ES Ws Jeasry Minot Poistasi barrels tggr.. S bunts MIAS OSiary eO busbelx Tarsi Dr. 15 11 res. Anas Sat' 50 baso -- Appf: alsßishosarx9m. fa WI SuS tosses!rt /DAHL VAN Golt.Dsn., . ft corner of Bml3il.td sad 31.1ssaszeou. NEW" CONPIONKENTS or PRODUCE 100 bsp pow Timothy Soseg 10 do Myer Swat KO t alb_ Lar d oes. Ontosor, 10 bbtx. 0009 Crotattentotq 20 do 7 weot Polatolit 26 bop w 11 Dairy Bator; 2013 later prim* Chomro; • 40 DUB. Grout Apples( 10 do pa. WM Yineisr, 6 WA roved* &salty Lod TObwtoot 36 bbt.. troth An; 1: 20 ' inollg'PlWldr• Soy 11'61'1..1" 4n pole bi L. Q. TORT? CRAB. W. tp.IVELLE .4 00., arsaaars •ad ponsiarrr • ...Ay To® ( htedio• sad itspatete4. froop,) ff la so snorz from rush Etna to Diropow2 eller WNW Woos street, Ittetserlis. Butetsrs' Ohms. asetr, v... Straw tad ight.g; lints% Oupesterie, airasuniV"re n . e.alm' 1121 " 41611t . a i Alfpbethi 1. to Isti atm:ATI • ISIVILLZW. Went rimAlkshens,tororspityottsn6.34 selh•mr•Wo T ORR & 00., IT M. 18X9 N EW BOOM. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. ebb new Wawa% by the waft= of ^ Amos; tbe Ptow," In =Wan el ISYC mild•llin, and can hardly ly made as tan as the Mani tont In tot ts entase• ad tail of inatectal. mat napattant to owl Gan Wink nand ts , =blte attain, ninnary polia4=l. band.' We tug aa tnervezbly attranthe and abasrbing in :natant and awry es the author. other boot. 12-mo, ninth. ri 110. Window Shades, A new novel, "%arm , end (teen—eare to make s hit limo, elotb, tinted paper• $1 75. • wor sod yr... 1,114 rothot I,d Lo eborcolsog wort of Md.- 12foo, cloth, thosed ow, 111 W. TEE AM OF OONVERSATION, 6 epleadla book, that oven one ought I* ova. Lit= cloth.. it CO. FOLICITOILS 07 Opp+dte th. at .d&. *ew York. TATE A SEVILLA Mine Off AO =NM MOM SAL W. W ODWES.2. IS.V . .B.Lri E, r3A.L.EM ill Irmo& et. X.X. PINE TAR tenor we** frr ASTMS. Twee tenor iron bound EVCSL - 11. try thseuma kud buret" eslv.a. Oflk., 80.10 Min STALE% Pittibm, apirAza .1300K.8. aILBUffS, tic. VICTOIRE QUEST. The .4/abansa and frnster. A Tbrid .ad pietcritmgne hlatory of Msnare oats at Owe two famous Uorsfrificate e Pogniatio appL.DAdoo *dill= of U. privata Journsia, o Bcaumes al ALB nalcorA Two yob. Lot o n IStrow dodo. $2 03. ECM= entVel, Tut. wo rt. h 7 the author of "Green !I: Ulm Bop," 'May than.," kshaen." U cloth. 111 60. OBN GUILDERSTBING'S SIN, An Worm .41 par lonsto tha 555 A Ayr, Myth Mao, cloth, doted papa. 51 60. Darkness and Daylight. ■,.. ilollaa . new Rove. Ltoo. elotb. l!I 0. Tell=s YELOaI. TIM OrEJLAS, in. plots of all th. opera; In the ohne df aorta 12=0, cloth, 61 60. 108 DLLS BI HENRY MINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST GET THE BEST WIBSTILIC6 NSW ILLCIEITELATI-D ROVal quarto DiCliOriarjh OfiLBILID 3I :D nser 3,C00 ❑lnatrettrts Its most complsta work. of Me bud seer I.obltabsd. Latest and best. rugs all olien ha hs Tarnalozy. Or casesSed sapertertt: la de:mules.. Fries 512. Tor sale bi J. L. it.T.A.II, TS Iltrtcrth =not. Salt Awe to Inni Ott. 13.. k. OILS, Ric._ BONDEDARROUSE OF Phenix Wavehonsing Company. TOJT 01 BALTIC I 111,1311113011 HEO4Lint 12= RUINED PETROLEUM, I. T.*. srel Barrels. pee Olre °Glee, If o. 95 BEANsaltrrinarr, Blew Test. ALIA. 4 OR di CURT Commission !der tad floaters In CRUDE & DEFINED PETROLEVIE DSTIZINS AND LITEMUCIA.TI HO Olt 8. No. 134 BO CRT W1E..4 6 FES, PHIL .C)JIL PELL 22 r Bt.M• o.l.zity Modos ear-r,) tor barrels, &be exuellent sactlities for el:4or. co s.Aeerizen aud rozelp pules, et curVaati the &buena' HMIS, few the glestorto of the P. A. IL j ilsiES WI . g i/ ..8 , lIBOHER Mao DEALS= LS CRUDE AND REFITED FIX= HUCK, D1N111151911 Wei, YT Bpeetal attendee given to tile MLR AIM SHIP ZE"r of Petroleum and tts vendetta Oonatmuneuta respectfully esdloited. TlM "rl : lslo.llbTu.S A' fbloAlo%tlt po istilar sT V O ME NT7(M 7 Bo7l7 sl . oh 1y RICEURDSON, ELABLEY .1c 00. 1 001111M165 4 rouwenromo .4 1: • : Crude and &Dried Petroleum. 112.19 13W13 exams, ITTERnataH. war Liberal o_h seingwes coadvauals tor rutr bomb or Umtata 11.sebta. raTistaKat aznasmill I MAWR 3. a. D thleria a OS.. =1.012 8e11,144.,%qr75t. Onsztursial Was: IRON CITY OIL WOBICII, LIMY it 01101111MINGs Maandecianot sod Italnars of otaivin OIL, CU. EON 6121) unnuawarra orrA :ma balsa . La crEtuula picrnowercuist Watt', opposite Ehsnib..l. 012 a., Ho. 9 PLED MEM 'AL BREWIIM, BIIIOLE & 00., coinurain ism:owns. Mint' Of OS (101311, MIRO am innorrir OIL wont% Mad owl allows cokao ea corptaOszta of JRCASCIS or Crude Petroleum. COB. mole= MOS • ELLIMXKPL ems. PIPPIPThoI. Pa. WYOODNILLB OlLaindlaar. GEM W. BOLDSUTh j GO., tl =siker-1m al BIIIINTHO 01112:11D =sum , 11110 gifisWonstantty ea IMAM& seri tad qc* , ty of dear,saPoithaat corgi LIMIONIVE, Wialla I . I ZEZO L S WIGS:WM • dilrial oda" left at. Se. SZI! TITER MUM Bus Block. mead Icor, will be =Mal attecol*"°. ROBERT AtIEriVORTBI t ea. °Luz es. rnessica. Ircrrearding Cominisilon lierohtuit • AHD Dzara at,lons.. • wir rwymnseaviomierm_ L a immrs. THOLLII73 OILS, 3s.cm Uwe cost Ix se Ulm Ismst =aka prim. CooptiPullmti int ardr.26 oallataL WirdTG oonmewoa Emictams. anea Petroleum and its Products, uaso to Vattntaig i tactl l l;4 , M. ES ILIARELT Pty' AIDES ERWIN OU of Vitidcd and Acita Lances. grrrx,&thirsztrit a avi wu or. came 14401.101 l j ,171an'a OTh WORM D ums, MOW a ea, gmaßairrin Pero Whit. Edo* Carlin GM, 09x• fa IM -±qvalr mi E a I MEDI ADAMS, I Darrtisi, Cenneill tvilidtat, =set al Dlammull .at nal lamws: Pitt.targh. kgrossol—Dc. SAL Poilca, Voodoo SAWS* /Ogg itniti. ton Admix—roa FOR SALK. A VALVABLII FARM The undersigned ottrre Asti that :writ &Mktg* Waal, late the property of Andmor Meta, Copia on the old Buller 3111a91301 Bade * Wen eel" Cron tee ray, In Phila. twastap, 52 4 ofniggalt , bout 164 er3lelll.colictatesentat. Tee texprovalitisie 11l • • eoperlor lame be IA derellieit house, a fate toil . ' end Devine borm, tar esory freaLtMen% balm. Sde a pple cod peecb orchard of the breLgoetted fret. bed le In • hlgh ewe of iv:attention, awl .b. PAS.D.P. to !cod order. Tner Lam (larcoraly trerisCll hy /NM Llabtrwr, I'm b on. attic 1.4 deetdebia albs fa *.• opinitry redietes/ tle• vicinity of tha oft:y.l.bn smy vv,.. by gOOd resd.. end located 16'80 evreeilidii erdetbarboact. convenient to Use pleat cad, schwa, tit cusbel, d. ies .nly to lire. RIO 111, widow, am ',a P""l""'"u'tl'"'"u"i'P tiw latras BIOWLII, cradihreodatter T ' Pc. 43 Bank Lao" ielegissay 18,0/33AL2S —A Very Iralnable -Fe • Data - y township, WeststonnaaA4 PL,I WATT add aboct Ist, ttg.sokl, and Sa•AlSt onto Taccalttrattan. _ Also a tact rd land of elont SIT inred aahlth=l47 44 benyant sf T.llllwaholla,AllB4hBo/ b 811217.1 lhaa, BUnDusa WinS t. tnd harnlit TT. ww• SD by 1911 fast. Also, •73DH 07 SCO A0H13,. redirla AVM! Llp alta tounfaraland manly, Pa: I pransterdtsito.d. tbn quality, 0.1 sad ustottos. stands.. s nhi lc* A 014.123, 111 1814 Stanatd!liTY L ran dadvala Also, a YLIIII OP tl4 A 01315, DORI toviiildpi Wana..talaad °mat", P. lannualintaly'an the WM ON tha P.m tvaale law bather pardcalang Oqa4r• at • 0. IL TO , n, Baal Dania Azte: l 4. Nn seabooth asst.. VOR SAL'ErLiSAVRENCRVILLE YEOrT.O PBOBZDTT.—) bat manfully littna nd and Improved rroyarty frosting,. lllCantir and Butler atretta..l. en offend f d sale, Ming trout Watt bf TOO feet std on stmt.° , QS rest, oa 10We...bank eranad a largs nem Driedllaig Boum of tr dee rem% lens ball, good ceaen Bd. l‘outa, am, dein comylatecridor, stn COM In front, • le, ge en., a dean varlet, of 3n130 1 ate . ZOO Milt water. Tbl. property bat bean recetel. to out. end •In be Weineed al ea •hala or Lemotlonl nit reueltnena,oa very lltoral tanna. fflen plan arta. snore ge..C.11 0= be am at My OM. Its •Is deo fay mentally stt.ted lon fiertnuff in moon aad Onter dram, rear that:Ulnas N.M. ger unway Depot,. ernernat lowan rot betelletia. prints boots. roe Weber belorsanlnn apply in On Berl swats and lemurs... aka of BUtlO2 gtres 0. B. ra_l:llll2h .. .13 t. Lamannetee..._ FOR SALR. Tem= amid Ir•rocatig I ben far stla mike • amber arrived% of Lend, r•ltabfe for farmtnir parfelm, Al t a COVET, all within • moderate Motatc• frnitahe sr, • Imam of the GerniellseCtle 11.11rtiol, beyond Ita tormlam Saito of the limit la improved, 111$7= leeeee ooPittoe In the mint, end the renteinfte b vartoro quill:UM at tbaterr sad land. fit • Meter. tut .d Muer tne, ocuotry, new being rap by (be Tafel:ad. end As Otmeorettee of of on.oie than, em rat p a nto! an noirbinfai htn oil mutir kora, ant with Gar p ore, lads WM be cote et ark= Tar ,Ing por rod us desecntog_tbo ottootbao of venom sok-ft • lontion oonyontelit to emtkot. pill oae ff. ARIAN, fourth (MM. IV:WO. ls HALE— tiCIBUBBAN BITES um iVILILLGI LOW, %au Tore Binatic—T lBs scl , oleasigned, Ilcentors or the estate of J aos Henna, beet *Gs t, late et number al tam aneBhedf to Let *CI. each, touted near Ton InGsta tett minutia vitt of the tenant , of the It EU =mai Pawpaw GallwiT. Tha a/ant telt i netted - to pinta reddertes. • hial, • neoster.of snag Lots La as l:080 al low& Tlllo,froatioz on the Powouga Ital/ww7—th.tr4 to deli Not tont sal tram ono to two hundred feet Leg , Toe Intonosema recedes of tabor al tree tabs , li:= .L. of W. L. STItLOII, Meek's' Onlaa WWI WW incalitair. .70:21 j.i l um . Eassoi. l6.,,,w:t,xi., . IL G. ELEGION, • 1 leltan r at slux. DESIRABLE 1313ILDLEG ZOTIL A body of Mn sues of ground within thc - boroagb NantDeebra u!Jcialog Lllesbuy OUT, `trantlas on Wend Leh% veer the Dot= Devoe 0r.. - o[ tne moo rapidly Uncut. 4 puts of cbs iroburby. fe 0117WIED YOB MLLE PERT Loop. • • This propertr wen ...thy qui wads of capttal. tato, sa weary toot of it is Ayala' far Winton par. poses, sal has to 6 lace vbers It mttl3 s.ion Wti dsmsr.d. aptly h r ruutLminrs to ! - B. O. MITT f, Broker and InSaigant, es.rt 5D Foorth stmt. Bezkol.Boltagt. Os SALE One new Masigt• - . l3nglne Wash cry' r, SO toot Arch., va ficayreota , . beleace raft. C° 7o7 '.:. Cs= Is tort sittsoer. SO Inch etrokk elashi4Ofhf. rear wlll bar trod se cart. Our 7 trot W der,PD torb One 0 ° 0 SO ° • t Two Oyllador Boilers, SS to. fasa., gate; ivy •• ° Tsro Wracp: Onsk Oil Balls. "- 6.1a0, Tbs. net& of Borlug Toes, for CU WWII, Map L•z• cash. togotre of 57.011. &MN sip ialethroo Hiver,Bara. DM' Use Me& 0. - - . Aix— Awd 0F.165 AGE on Els Bewickby, tbs. edict tbob774* ,A eaten, veil LtAtio•AA =W Wits frosa Glia. AIL A ACRE. / ADD 0 Cal. Static*. co crLieb *a Grist 11#0cre.-Dittabgt Iltra, and good boyrorscsati. Prior, ,82:600. TWESTY WV, Ga riAlliollt MIA VP2091.A2.43.• ' - Boma yard, Misgbeny. FOUR LOTB ca HiloorlL at Girt:0818,8480274 OM. tainlog ris to too sem. For ...18 by a. T. Selina, Bos nista Broke,. •-* 87 ram* NOV.-, ..CbcoT• PIYTHBVSGII, P 4. Frn., EATX. , I T AOl IXII or WIND. On width taw b a Oa tratetarr atoboom; eati al:lng Aar sows. hall and Intrhart, L mow or attatoi Itel Nabs vat taw ; all tba wwwiry oat - bodage, Lad a arA wall arras attar at the tloar. timmtti .. th , Wablatica L9l sae,as. alai AcTa Au.trargh, t. as mils from Itta.theld,Alt La:R.6J 1 age tram tha phut road. tar immolate awire as the prealart,W the ohaar, Ontlnerlilllß aura, .2. at lio. 4 Itastra, at J. J. • t. D Uffr ' lTE. _ ott:Ststme lat ----- 0 11 BALE. falielti . BAN KEE& .I.: AND 01:1 BursisT.-mis OfdlaMal Of tddd aisle of sa 011 When ad Stem Viar/601,at she Gael telloeme a 'mead; an ablalda:COoi cad on dolly. allthapaa sal tet,a• mated. ideals Oaths . sad A. V. B. B. ls.:4lrada it= Indite sal of =dare /WM - Sve tun ti tl Spa. lh/Orlac sal 11 vall d • cast small ton n to ttu afro. Good l btaldls; 600454) Tar pattfOOLU . ll cell o i c , litl v ,i t a i ls..”.„ m , slAti / I° ' 52 /25'1'___tast. ttdadadi. I_AW 100 eosins or oil . D• . IWO KIWI &RIZ BMWS% Ahe the Tel ttb 13estar t = t4 id on tan D fem. Tte land b d three well' ere aeed7 ami ror D.rlDu O nft . 2ll" az ! l 44 rat t ittilar. Utah Betty' *MCI. Oh* FO ----- It SALE, OR ZXQIIANGII, FOR ern Psoprarr—A 'wawa. Oantaitilti ICS ACIISS, a:WSW roar ll r ezrabOON'Tirdl e rw. Ms mat te well watered, maol la sped arari - dl calthailos. Teti Improftitgati SA 6 WWII/ UM" nor S ant Bar a, teal foe*, treit alk A ice lurita.....sri a 7 tr u : iiersl.4 ",,... ADVS ComAr ix & or Wien BOX iniEhrebarsb. n':misMMPA• FOR EaLS. . . Itt fest Wag, _SX) •14.7 MS dam t.• 111,24 1 1 1111, at. Bulk On Can to urn st 'min on MM. Eibinsburt ICA KS% area AWa teiti ' Pifer 40., =oars or 111:11/1. • Mitt, itind- - !, Ito lam dea. wont! int" • 11049:1 11 ; BUD.* Il*bilt off F oR BiLH, . ... ... moo. TIM 02 irii.iiwip vOll3. .011 mss eusi erprn.wha rea tt Iva CM aollili . Ho. =I PUIli Alt. Vita it.100 , -..1 loin STORM WOW, ja icounissla imsaZtasigkentso DVA gersig, cat sang Iramoiy /Oa . FDRFaaat.-Chla Of 340 MOO 444arga. OILDEMI LOTH in too Math Ward, tni an =atm% list. alluded Ottlfalltalit, Elam!' • • I Maul) oppoidt• the 1601:101 of OXIIPOO lan" =WM . flora =Tan= idratt or 3 hat 434 toabßa er, amdfsclialel.o o feat toga 114'. • • sormnp,•t• !r•Fdto !t u t? tratnarti . - •- r 0.30 uturty.ams.. - VW: SALE•At Akialia,ou 4;- is - pit= cra. Drr4,115 - pleas B•laCh tad , tzoa TfU j avy. Apply 114 the otko ot Dm °woo, • sittd Nanctsterr.l% 40 . • 11 1 11 1 ".1 , 4,• 1 • .Z. 41 A LARGO OIL *ARAN . wort BALE.— •ni STREET „PAM. r trinataki mtg.% the owes swami So.llPmi otrott,‘lth lot; • • front of 90 toot 6 inch* rottang be* 110 Sod to Irles Rho Mayo Is in, cooglocal Wage* 211 VOA BALE-150 iicies of OA also 1U ACCIs efts:stunt Its pea lie.% abo.dvi cad 'slut Warm!'&sal otbstr •••TIon• tt Itt. l :d %raw. tsz test lava Ite.l; oast:act az ea rogosognins, sVer and Cm rte¢ IWO ILtd.A.S W sae first tzar trim ritts am Gest, Cm& oy. tzALF,.& SD PAllla,tontairr log =mires, of ithi:ll la ow =admit, Worms pito • View:, Cool &mollTS-Ms% L-4 " fsslisilstipo. Sans 40 try et, ism orchard; waist miry tot& fltasih dix Banat izotoll2. WaStostsm"' load , ootitty. Is clme&sta Dupla Apply to -= -• cell( It. zmaLta 1550.102 north Woo, • , • FOR PALE—Zot .110 48 .1 3 gpl-ar Btrei3 imfr,..tmr—to feet frout.by 15 back—oil which Is erected • tr.: tro-dory Efir..it gots* ccntal•baS et% Tv= entantA attic. as,.lZll d.ri• CO l' WL ackt..of • _ 3.5. 11.081710 1 # odkair 2 1 !).0 0 Polo /11.atiati• . • to= 6,13'..161 vrarrferv. '3 huarawar VOit YarKr•-•41i.. 5,Zl' - Otdor 02,4ur Mid= Wste .1= vr.-otreon ths pitalieciti at 31p, 1,11 --1.414 11 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers