r . y. µ • 4 . • . 4 - . • 1 111. , ..__. . . .. ...- _ .„ _„.!-.Z___._____________ . . .. :! • - '''''''' ' ' ' '.: . / BB frUBLIEM MOWER ji4VIIIDAY., OM 29, 1864 1111101NAL UNION NONDIATIONS. ARRAHAIS LIACOEN, of 'Wads. Pal TIM( PrIZIMMIT I ANDREW JOHNSON. of TellZiesset. vonfonui. • morrow trourtnim, T 1306: CIMMIGEIIII. Berra pa PHlS'p er ,'i. I soB=B4 22 : 11 oeinsoncorzta, S. BIDEVEDAIIf, 4. 1111.1,1 N )I.ISEII2 ' 5 2 1 2122011 H. 22=2 2. enemas K. was 7. 801111121 PIAZILZ, i t WILLIAM TA21013, V. JO A. A. unsung" i 10. n a. oos 11. A a DV/1514.D.1 n 7 1.• 112 CRAMS P. W. AZAD' nub W Ham s. 4 MIMI. H wands, 16 DAVI 11, 15. DAVID Ifc(ottauotrr 1?. DAVID W. WOODS , MAOI. DESIO/7 ' ID. TOHS TTON. M. 2221vEL D. DICK, 21. TrallAßD 22. MIR P. PENNEY septszis atomism Ix. Jou,* W. B.L2Non2ap. The Meting To-night. By all means go to tho meeting at Concert to-night. The opportunity to bear two Ruth orators as JOHN CESSNA and Col. Ga..c.a- Trunt Mon' doea not often occur. Concert an should be crowded to hear them. All Tho go Till hear the truth most forcibly and T'oguently put. ..The Great Election. It is hardly possible to exaggerate the pertains of the approaching election, or the momentous interests involved in it. It will decade whether this war is a triumph or a fail tire—whether we are a conquered or a rioter. . - ions people—whether this Union shall be pre served or hocken ap—whether we are to hare a permanent and honorable peace, or inter - :rateable war and anarchy—whether loyal seen or traitors 'hall hereafter rule this nation ' whether slavery ehall be reinstated as the - ruling power to domineer over us, or whether it shall pariah with the rebellion - which it ern . ! gendered and =ant/tined with nob °bathe:my ' and dmeporition. This election ICI determine the question whether: ell the peel:dens blood which but been • I shed in the present War hes been poured out In vain; or whether it shall yield a Flab harvest of bleselege,and be the inestimable price paid for the salvation - of a great nation. The wholecivilized world Is looking for the 'result with a more intense interest and - anxiety than they ever before awaited any • aunt. The people of Europe are divided -upon the question IS math as we are. The republican; the friends of liberty and pro ms; such men as Genre:emu and Join Barony, with their millions of brave and II ,generous followers, are hoping' and praying forth°. emcees of Artnituar Inserter; while the aristoartso . of Great, Britain, and the -haughty patrons of the rebellion,who are repre • - Butted by the London now; Napoleon and • - -hie set, in France,-. with the enemies of free dom and preplan of every elms, are anxious for the success of Genoa , B. bleGrazzair. England is so closely divided that it is doubt fed which candidate would get its rote if it • - - had a vote. Of the popular sentiment of Steno. e we have no means of Judging; bat .seenral of the great representative mon of the liberal or democratic party have written .earnestly and eloquently on the side of Liu , voice and the Upton. The Germans are al most unanimous for Ltscour;_d*inepite of their wretched political system; there are no truer votaries of liberty than they. This electien_willreact upon Europe with tremendous power, let it terminate as it may. Should bleCiazzas be-elected, every tyrant there will feel that he has a new lettee of • • power; while-they *lll exult in the failure of _ the grandest experiment of popular govern -Meat the world aver Ise,. It will set back the Mlles Of liberty , end progr.rs in Earopo tarp generation at least, and eheko the con fide:l4e of all her people In the theory of pop. niter government. Bat, on the other hand, should these loyal Elates proclaim, by the -election of daunts Lamour, that they are resolved to maintain their great Union, their free institution; their ratchleas constitution, , and to abolish only one inoongruoue and &derbies elementin their great imolai eye - tem, it would shake every throne% Europe, ex cept; these of the beloved Venous and that progreeerive abolitionist, the Czar of Bugle. Ett political event that ever - happened eine° We - were upon- the earth would give each en - Im pt ft o e jo the cause of liberty throughout oho worm as the ,F;:,-election of delemaer Lta cone in the very crisis of the nsmt trete , en ; - lone civil war that has mari:i an d sta ined :with blood the history,il tble warring ! reel 0 - To hand a little bit of ;paper, .with a fenr anouse printed upon it, throng' a window _ Mame not to best .- fiery great `aot in itself; btit me! tell yeti, 'friends, that the lot of doodling youtelmlinte An the Bth of Nevem. • bets will be tlus,r'.greattet aht styttuz Per once the American citizen will be loves. e l7- with a fewer Oat- will_be felt to the re. litotes!. regions, St, 4artit,--fall la t valise of the Emperor and the amass of the Veseant—felt centuries after the voter shatilleeii lathe dust—iadiell; finiharioe, Is that tuilincnoritsky rort! the diseem4 *died BPehaiCeita perfect or, pine in 'everlasting banal* . .. To vote that iday Is both a duty aid s • privilege more alma. imperative aidglorions than ;le ever likely to be yours again, or of your demand for many generations. Rarely, Indeed, sae-?men placed fa the position you nosnity, tit this.; ; moment; and old. men tliatiVe/9.1 13 E-titrir..: children of the third and loortlt S generation i: that amid the fire of the OresOtebelliati they 'voted hi Ainunix Ltieozi it3d4roted that Lib ..NY and Union should; be maintained, and that Mahal blot or . sloiery shindi be wiped _from, their nethinel ., eiontateeni and as those ,s..lnesterabio men afiel . on the shores of One; fewer end_felier'fit inlntnif., the homage of generations .noti unbent will be paid to thenii . futonis Iris patio `the last surritlng !Ilitore of the Deelmatjen 'sof Independence. • A Charsieteriatto -/Si _,Prand. The 'CrAaarr men haring no hope of ni "Inng by fair ndrann, hare resolved to try - -,what they can do by.frard.- prombrestr ChiSerhoatl. of this county Preblared 0: 0 0 :Liaisons and doarsor eaveloper, in this City (having the portraits esnalidabie Men); with the de. alge, - rfottbtless, of fililag , them with Copper. Iteid doctorial tickets and aeadlng them to rinfinsoldiere, inl:lJc de loyal appear— ranee of the envelo pes to decolye those who cheat. risen them. , • Thisle le fraud ieluerooterietiolf Copper ,'kea,thr; - - None ;buil i2en who AP! 41111o:test • aid false to'their country would tako,pert In such tti vilia'sous ohos¢ - - Welie hive: °Arlo° all le blends in the army toltantion them airalut: iniel trick/ se am's; theta on tholo:golul a ga i ns t u m 111w2li igfemPfe tb°4TTni bo slide to mislead Pow- And let eterymalfatitome be on hie &nerd. - Anoolo of eiforio.riefrood sod Re; cant watch as thpoitithi 'Whet a lreaolterons enemy tho 4 .: teverio (lea' with. : ' J. •,. autte, PUBLISHND By Pea Mll=l7 Vition Maio Electoral Ticket. ,3211 GREAT VILL&INY. lvmarticircir, Oot. 26, 1864.—LotanndIng discoveries him ben made by the Govern. melt of latenifed freide in regard to eolliere votes. The grormdS of, the confidence of leading Democrats ellbeing able to carry New York are now undeterbcd. systemaGo and wide-spread oonsplruoy hash= llrooght to light, carried on by agents here, at Baltimore, Harper's Ferry, and in 'the Army of the Potomac, under the imme. ate ettperviSion and direction of the party a :that Statei Several of these agents have . been arrestediand are now in jail, and ' others will be arreetid as fast as proof can be col lestedfand pro Per Provision be made for their Men now In analogy have been sollettly gaged In this business for viola; and, as one of the partieslnvolved declares , forged bal. lota of thin kind have been forwarded in dry goods boxes.fnil to Nea York-and Albany. Judgethe Ju ige-d.dr oc ate General, hoe bad the-papers hid before him, and has prepared a brief report on the 'abject. Hs pronounces the aims thus en:emitted to be one of-the most serious character, and it will be dealtwith as sunk by the Government. A Military eCoramiseion has already been ordered, and will meet tomorrow morning in Baltimore, under the Presidency of General Doublday, for the trial of two of the leading 'actors in this conspiracy, who are known to have been indirect and constant communica tion with leading members of the party. The testimony In their oases, which I hays Men and read, to full, direct and conclusive. It will leave not the slightest room for doubt that a gigantic ;conspiracy has been at work for months In maturing and executing a plan for defrauding the soldiers of their votes, and for 'overwhelming the saffreios of citizene at home, by the forged votes of thousands and lens of thous's& of soldiers who have fallen In battle or died in the hospitals, or who have never existed. In lone eases eealed envel opes containing "Lincoln" ballots have been opened and ( (McClellan" ballots have been enheiltuted; but-the main reliance of the con spirators has been [in the forgery of signa tures of, pretended soldiers to papers trans • milting "McClellan and Seymour" votes. The court.maitial which meets to-morrow for the purpose of trying the parties already arrested will make Short work of the case, and the Government will not Imitate to tarry into effect whatever eentence they may pro nounce. Other parties Implicit* will bo cent before them as rapidly as pceelltia; and all the agenb In the affair arq under the vigilant surveil lance of the Government. Youmtist net be surprised if these Cub- , elm and 'arrest: should toad some persons . high inpoliticalsnthority. Among other things discovered in this oily, was the teadquerters of a set of gentlemen husGrengaged in filling up commissions of agents, signed In blank, and some., of the partite Involved themeeleee hold commissions. The& New Vert Pram The history of shallot& frauds in tide &ha iry eamr.ctrthotr a parallel to the gigantic freed attempted by tho Copperhead &Rents of the Governor of New York. It is a deliberate seandle upon the soldiers of that State yet le:the , field, and an oltrageoas attempt to vote thousands of ballots in the names of the gal. lent dead. And all this In the interest of M'Cirtiara I If there are any honest men left In 'the D emouratiopariy,this exposure must bring the blush of shame to their cheeks. The set 7 theaght of being affiliated with men who thui ds'ibesately plan to poll Mei:mends upon thcns Inds of fraudulent votes, and to swindle the soldiers out of their rotes, by 'substituting hl er.smos for Linceim tickets in the Sol diers' proxies, meet crimson the time of any true man who finds himself In that ileac. anent. AU the evidence goes to show that this is not an individual, bat an organized, frond. Tho men engaged in it are the appointees of Ho lt/SW SLIMOIIn, and it is plain, from all the oireumetannee, that the puler has undertaken this vile job. To unders'and the facts thoroughly, it must be remembered that the New York soldiers do not vote In the field, as ours do, but each sol dier sends home his proxy, to some friend, to vote for him. Agents were Bent out by Gov. Barn( on (Copperheads, cf course,) blanks, end these men (being provided only with Electoral tickets, and the eleo:iou is New York for Congress, local tioke's, So., being at the some time al the Presiden tial eitetioe,) cunningly advieed the Soldiers, In distributing the envelopes, to put In an Electoral ticket along with the proxy, but to leave the envelopes open, so that their friends at home could put in the local tickets. The envelopes thus temptingly left open, were entrusted to theee agents to take home, and the developments chow that ther . hare eh strutted the Luroots Electoral tickets and substituted lioCnsttas tickets foe them. Bat the fraud does not end here. Thee, agents hare gathered up the names of deal soldiere, pr'srn. re, S. , and forged their names to proxies, filling the envelopes with McCtstr...ss tickets. Haw many thousands of theta forged proxies have boon found, does not yet aeprar ; bat tithkaless enough to carry New York for MoCtsta..th, if the fraud bad not been eirond.' Of this last groat villainy the Now York Tribune says: The Democratic party is doomed to go out like a... Chinese fire• work, to be followed not only by atter deli hullo and nothingnesa, but by an intolerably bad smell It le not only dead, but It already etinketh. In desperate attempe to prolong its existenee it resorts to frauds, props itself up with lies, attempts to obtain possession of the Government by vii. kinks hitherto unknown in any political can. vase, and failing In that, proposes by oonepL. soy end insurrection to involve the whole land ins new and bloody civil war. The latest development will be found in dispatehes from Washington, published this morning. The BleClellanites have, for days past, been in en witurcug:y jubilant and confident state of mind. Gold has risen rapidly without visible cause; bets on the election hero been offered freely; and all the signs of renewed confi dence in a falling sae e bare been apparent or d striking. It wee clear that there was some influence at work known only to the fa vored few, eons new and stapendans fraud, it was o , njectured, on which the eon spinsters relied to defeat the Votes of honest men end to put themselves Into power. Baffled hitherto in everything else; the preparations for insurrection discovered and guarded spinet; State elections lest by the unswerving loyalty of the people; measures taken every. where to defeat a fraudulent home vote; the Copperberde have now played their last card, Which they hoped and believed would be a tramp. Is le a fitting tad of all their schemes that the enemy in the rear should attempt to cheat the soldiers at the front out of their rotes. The Government has the ohm to this whole bad and hue business—the theft of soldieraf letters and the substitution of Ml. Cleltan for Union ballots; the forgery of sol diers' names the voting tor the overthro if of the Union in the nemesia these who had laid down their iiTeE tc preserve the heart, ries that the arts cf theft and fo , griy could supply to make the vote of our brave men in the field mem so be that which it is no No wonder the conspirators were jubilant! The plea is se ingenious es iris villainous, and had ft not been detected in time night have work ed infinite mischief. But it is discovered in gord season, slid its discovery is its defeat. Why Donn He Reergu e MoCusltan Lange on to his commission lenaoionsiyay,Judge WOODWARD held on to his, lug year. that is another point on which hie views and those of the Judge agree. The Judge knew he wouldn't be elected, Co he held on to the bird in the hand; and ldcOnkc,- Lan, with a like premonition, holds on to his place in the army with an eagerness that argure but little confidence in his ohs:lees for the Prosideney. Keep 1 tall Eyes on the Ping, Boyar. , These j►g» the dying words of the gallant Disney. Hi's last a:t was to TOW the Linton deireb and his het iro7 d 5 are a fitting oorol. lary to that Oct. Let every patriotic 1:0111 do Ad piney did-vole the Union ticket ne • most snored duly-:-and iteaeure his dying advice. "%rep your rye: on th e flag, kg:? _ ~ __ t .Lock tui f O'oulsrr. A (elegem in the zooming's paper apelike of rebel refugi at and deoorters being treat ere? from Canada and colonized la visions parte of the coon ir y, lh order to Tote Cite 31c 1:3u Luis ticket. We Ire informed that there are come of those gentry now in Allegheny City, where, doubtless, they will attempt to Tote. Look out for them. Traitors care nothing for oaths,. as our country his found to 113 oteL It the Richmond Beathed is to be ore ditel, Gen. Hood's army must be In a low enough condition of discipline That paper says. 'lf all who ought to bo at the front wero there, Sherman would hardly be able to make his escape from Georgia." Desertions incii. rate discontent; and dhmontont is a disease more fatal to military bbdies than fever, and quite as contagious." Talking of fever, we notke that the runners have Carried one very bad bargain blockado to Charleston from Nassau and other Infected ports. The pehtllence to said to be upon the increase, especially "around the ar.. 'Posh" W, are Forty to learn that it itspe °lolly affec the ohildreo, rho are thus made j tie , lotlme of par;trrl .tins and British on 0.. e le especially reminded by this inteTlig , nee of the relief which 1198,1 to ho sent from the North to the fever-strlekoo oldie of the South. Wo wonder if bereared Reels crtr think if it7—of Lb, Northern dcotcrs and Curses who lost tbier lives in Norfolk not mot y rers ago.—.N. F. Tabun,., • We see it stated in ("kern pavers that Congree: roan Voorhees's election is to be test ed on there lucre from Stillivan ProoiooL It has been arortained, by taking the affidavit/ of the Union men who ?Wed, that ono half the Union Totes were not counted by the Demo critic jedgeß. In some other Precinot in the District eimtlar frauds were perpetrated. In some et• er instances the jtt lgr e took the bal lot boxes home with them it night,overhauled them at their leisure, and returned to obo place of voting the next day to omit out the ?Wm WIN, oan:atay in a party that dotaal cheer when NIEEIDAN wine ♦io.ories' -118 Aro (111,-ISTIAN CiITTIiCH, AL- Lto, etu EX cE/41..,a nAL L. c..ru, of Seretan Pedund et 10 tu :d34 ca. halm PreyJostra Erna, In. sltettn EDNESDAT EVEN and p. The pctioLt.. an, co t. rd/41 ; 1y 'wetted. x 44.1,. THE ‘C ENzi LOYAL, IA &1.4 •", Irfti tai••l On SATURDAY ISEST, , Lo„ber 23, at !c'cl.k pU. uppar Moro OITY !UAW.. A (el , attend.. a [ha cuotula.ra la ructsaftenl. eO . ULBEETIMN RUN till, call b.cab., to tills o..copsoy are re/meted to at poy te• &moot trf fedi- Itubtorlptepo ot °coo, at tte Oltlca of Leo Comps: y, AT Ft Z eT. to2Elele JUL/et% S. ripoury,Secruter . ~ .1 4o Trcat.—Ftibeeribers to the Bose o , inpany 104. rereested to per tia reAt Reek so r b t-oteutter ad, so a , litabteriptlotte te• Maiming at polo • ter teat date will oe tor t. Hal 717 etder of the bowel. ROBT. WD AY, 7r , Jetreetary. iWNOTICE.—Tte friends of the 1024 High:nen , Poona Volnatints, tootling in Pitta otion n TIIIS DAY, .t o'clock p.m., at WILLI=HALL , )gip moot. inst. azotogrozionto to • tTen I Ito ftinatal of tb• Into Urea. Cod. J. H. COLIMA H. • fr --c*THIRD WARD, ARLRGHENY.- ....C.` e anise. HOURyore phire mooed.] tc meet othe Nanoon kOEY C/S4HQ. Warr 3lst, at 7 v'cl:rk, to tato Inch drip* in may tat dttinttthameraiy fn the prenchret to have a tarp dole petltt item the tart I. tr• Torah-Light Pro a elan 11.11 'Mt War terrain. A amoral - attendance of the 119 "4 " o7 ler . b et "' mainiffsw=ti :550N, Chairman of TA. cdtars Ocatnittee. TTEN T 1 ONI BUTCIIERS -A awe deg try the Daubers Plttatoargh, thorny end tick try unit be bent ol the El d POLMON /LOURS, In the C . /maned, at JO o'clock nu ISATMIDA Y, to complete the arreneements for the Tortranght Pro conic, Ey trder a (mar anatinte ce 22:11 0. W. EVM. NOIIOE --The Ftocklio'ders of tho Plunk Road G. Tempe:r to c. villa and lirc.bhiloorn Taroptks ing ode hereby 11. Wed duet the e u natal tins for p election of Offl.ere to terve tx the rtce geec. will be held at the othee of J. 3. 11.331.. aLIA La., 133 Liberty etreet, 230/IDAY, N.. 7th, L3C4, between the boors of land 3 c'Olock p. aa. caldh.Ttecd rig order. M. E. BROWN, heel. lALLEGITEDIY CITY , (PA) COM PROLUAL BONDB.—lleldere of do Oompro• .1. Beads 1..4 by the City of allegbany, la re- Jeaptina of U. Bailee:id istaca, a. *elided that pro irsels will be received by the andertlyted for the lay 'astatine to 4 isoode of tbe !Math g road for year 1104, of 01 Pecembar Ist, 1841. A ddry as JUMP ATWELL, Maim. Plasm v. o..coiliee, c eTbidel Plitebargb. Pay PFIT TOWNSHIP—RALLY FOR 17.117 TON( 11-LIGHT —A reet, f the robe /Woe. of Pitt tomoehlp he h eld ' at tee Allard Public School lloos on eA :71 RDA I' STEW. I AG, at 7 o'clock. (ar lbe porp,eo of 11. t. lag ...ram, r ewe tor IN GUARD TORCII•LIGR? r I ISoB 10S p, hick I. to tote p aoo oa 'MIMI/AY iLI7:IIT. Rte. IC e• 0.7 Velem et - ter In tho Wereeh l p attend. W. A Ets, Mgr man rf lExt.alro Om. of O ea ct los so nehlp. t 011:1c. WL.Trtll raaaaa.} Patabarih, M IS 1r eN ELE(iTiuli AIR lilkszo ['ORS DT 71118 cOMPALST till ba bell at It. all., Fo. 92 Tager atilfge., cn SO[eo.T , loralaber 810, 1.008, bAllitaz Lbs, bum GI t and 3 p oca7t:d 1. M. GOUDOI, "Jacreary. PLANE ROAD BLEW tION.-7ho meta Ilectlon cf the time mill 9.11.1 Pleat r l / 4 61 O Oapany be held t tbs. tate o. W. AU. LAIIB, Third bard, e be, bby on the Sian MONDAY c r SOVZHII•e N/ ET, Letelssa mei ck p m., (For 70, leci.) • oebttd JAS. WA.7lOi, Praddact. OZWILAN rarer asp Unroll Banal I FOR 24th, 1854. AN ELECTION FOR NINE DM C.- ••,•€, TORS 07 1 818 BAH /X, to reefs tea one tear, .Dl be held at Itee Yanking DO6”. 7/11:17.8DAY, the 31 day of brommbar next, bettteen the 11.11 • of 10 ..'Cock S. as and 2 o'clock p. m °diet,' 01.01407 A. REDLY, ,natile.. . likactuace altalfeetrfstrchates Bt, fletsgoree, um. Slit, UM, O..A_N ELECTION FOR DIBECTOL 0 of this Book will be held at the Lisaktost Bones tIONDAY, ebe clot day of November raki, betimes the hoer, 0:10 a. no. mod 9 p to. no sotto Pleettek of the Stockholders .111 be held od TVISPAT, tho Orottlay of Tiorywnsber. at 11 o'clock •m. (uaLtd) JOHN 80OTT, Jr. , Oa•hker. TES Isox Orrr Beak or PITMI9II4MI. hex ELECTION FO DIRECT ORS of Ole Amok will be bald at the Sinking Hoare so PIONDAT, the ftlet dav f fforamber asst, between the hoarse' and S o'elock p m. - The •mseatfraeting of the Stockholders 1•111 be held no TUILSDAT, the Drefdaj of Borman sent, at 11 t , 'clr.ck m. • J. lieaorns. ..abta ItrcarsFor 'Our or Pm:unman, 04.20, MIL .0..A.N ELECTION FOR TH.IRTEEN DERZOTOIIa of Mt. Sauk, to rim tOr 0.1 rt c„r ar, welt tor et Lillainktg Boor mosa, d p la m. 4, 4 bowl of .lorro ro. • Mr Aktmal Matte( of Stack holder. Irllt tate pion TrIZSDAY, Litoreautor 14, at star. a. m. cc 20.20 H. al. EIVIRDAY, Outlier. bOtaba, Dm. October latb. tata O•AN ELINTION FOR DLENOTOSS Cl Mfg 13.22 Ida $ teedel at lb. Banking acmes on the MI cd november meal, between tne hour. of 10 Voket a. le and 2 etock p m. bo Annual 1 1 / 1 11010tt of Lae Moothobtere of tbe Bank wOl be bold on the Ist day of november, at 10 o'clock at. tolb.to J. W. 0006,Cmbler. - -- kfloaaalm Baas or Pirmanaco, t October t 11-..--AN ELECTION FOR D no IRECTORS on af ale Hoak allt ks kali at Ote Bodkin Hass MOSIDAY, the Rd da of bloyclater oast, Name dm koala of ltd llork 0. al. and II o'clock. p. = old of day. ?be Alimeal Ifteding of Ore Stockholder], of tho Saab be held ori tbe La day of No•rmbt. at 111 o'clock o m itIIIIU e.4l:lne thetfar. 10 . 1 4 i0T/Ok.--Too Btockholdere of the Drinkard Oteek Union Oil Company . Wilt mMt to ustaz i "ficu ^l, MONDAY, Nov. Mb. at 4 °Pella p. m In 71411PLIIIrd HALL, north gtreet, ova, tits Dollar Flattop Beek. .11 thus eisiroa l of larestlos la this 04apany .old do well to tail early at 00. TS 121)11rii romp irrlisar, at the atibrotiption Book wID soot bs closod. OcY63sr DINACNANIN AND MANDY ACTONIII. DANN Plistbtugh, Oot. 22, 111111. 0.2 l GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS or TITIB HANK will be hold et the Dept lug 110131”, OD MONDAY, tho Slat day of Novembei Mat at 11 otloot a. m.. to consider and lecide whether this. Dank @hal become an anoolatien ter Cut boodnas of BaSkinr, under tiM law/ of the UMW Stated, and • bather it stud/ exercise the pow" conferred by the nod of tto Legielatore of tele dtate, entitled "An Act maabling the Banta of tilla ftainmen • woaltb to became ate cietkme for Banking under the lan of the Unitod Sham." anDrotad 23 / Annul, 1804; and to tattoo, farther nation that may ba ,natemary. • By onlor of Board of Directors. 0e21.1.m JOHN SCUTT, Jr., Cathlor. pressszwer. IV. Warms* od. 8 H. Om= 01 TYR elsoarvanv • BON PittabotO. Ottebee eu. 144 0•NOTIOR, TO DHOLDBER=-- 'he otennent modifying this /test and Mooed mouss e . el this Clotersny hellbent, termented•br the Praldent and Tremtnee. leader the Deed of Tenet, sad band:Mao of emit agreement to too attached to each bond nom ready, tiondholders Inky prsones thole toles od this etSoe L z at the Oonersny The a ter Agency, Whitlow, ler A Om., No Mt itrect, lien Twit , and ban. the egneemeert attached thereto. °rte., malty tend 43 either of the above named plew a tai deteriptlon end the Canhor ct the!r bta.is,. whoa the oc Witted tot *green:sent will bands. scat t.c. be to the bondholder 10. pl blhe Bann W. 4 HAII/Sra. !confer?. BPECAZ , L irer, _ - p•GLOBE MUTUAL Lin INSITII extm COMPear, or lia-v Yowo. PLI/A PRZLN&N. PUsiteiiT. Lana Nonattrialting Ckazialoa LIN sad Endow. moot Policia. Also, Pollalca on .1 other pope. pl.. No other kind of Policy can offer rqtud security. WOCite. fierwral Agent, 015 c. 116 roam" smart _su27:ly iok PURE WINE VLNECIAR. F. & /IL HOLMIUM, GXBILARY, NALL= d 00 , Bordealm) Th. oat/ Vtnryar smardiel alih a Prix, Medal, of sixty exhibit... as the Lateritatioatl Exhibition. Lortdoa, mod for sale by . w. orssaP.n no, ,clato Mniongor tor Lippincott k Oo.) o. D. nooni(lnto of Gym Hnbtmrd 4t Go-) BA INV. •. a -i-- PrITSBITROit SAW WORKS, HUBBARDS da LONG, Nannfmtursr• of PATIN'S GNOITED GIRODLAES wercauteri SLUT BTICAIL BA Wll, of on-try doszription. kith, Malay, Q. Cast, Gana md atiorbor varieties All kinds of HMI - NS I &L INOS...is from Sbra Oast Stool; Matra Nrflord GDAPIB ADD ROWING, ECNITIM, An. Wareham. and Work., nor. WATIals SHOUT STB , Pittsburgh. Particular attention gissm li,etooothing, Gumming and Eltr.ightmeing Oiroular Sesra; 4 "aiso repairs of all kind. Smelling and print.' done at ra&usnaols rata. ap2s:l, . --- „7W 1 31. BAILEIRILL at Ca. Bon.= 211,A SAO AHD SHILAT /MOH WOHEie ICU, Penn 6t ., Hog 1 0. 22, 24 and Dd. Darin as orr4 • largo 'ant and fteruletted ft with the moat Att• ',coed rnechttery, ee aro prrpared to ecoodulaotera erswy dram ytt. of norr-sm, to the beat matter. dab an: A ...o t l to any mad. In the oouutry. 011121• SEI-8, BEICHSN. 2111 E DEDEI, 212.4.12 P4PSS. Ler...IIOTITM BOIL GM, CONDENSERS. 84RT PANS. TA tt s, OIL b TILLS, AOH2ATOBS, 62"2- 7L INO PANS. BOILER/ IRON 131t1D0112, SUGA R I ANN, and sole Agooterharora 02 DALISHILLD rAT4INT Duller/IL livedrtrug dons oo the od.orteal uot dellktl • AKE BIIPREIOB COPPRA MILL A B...K.XLTING WORSE, Pmerosax. McCt r itCY 6o CO., Ll.ntactar7r. of 813EATIIINO, t!itAZIL:aS` AHD JOLT t . oPPCI PIIES,LT COPPrE 130170A1N, ELAISVID HILL fl TlONfl , SPA LTZ.I/ SOLDS:II. &j.„ iwpvrtera audderalert la 111.:A LA, TIN PLAT, rET LRCM, fa. CvrAtantly un nand, TIN [ILLS' El-WEI-YEA ANL TOOL& W>nAat coo, ISo. 60 1 - IEI 2 .1 i=esCOND lITEZETB, rltactm rg A, Ps. tipNrial order. of evrca• crta co say derclredd my29:lydAser THIS 0 0AP138131098 ABD EX. FELILIKEKM Ol AN urremp, yebhfittal to the bon•ti,•nd •• a warning and caution to young men woo .arlor from Herron, p.bulty, Primoturn Denny or nh.bohd. the time, Qs meow. tatr C[llol. By on. who ha. nand hbasoll .der Wag pat to treat capon. and InJut7 t h ‘ohltb:moalhol b.= too and qoantery. By enclogiug • part-pald addraned emitedam dagie copies may Da txul of the .L or, PIATBANUIL DLL Yr/Ala, ICK_, bedlard. !Lhasa ooant7, N. T. TO KERVOUB SUPPERKEtS Op bO2ll 1119.W1.--A rano:sod gentleman keno been tutored to health to Lee day; situ an a` anal rontlm and expeatire male at tree talent. without niccems, cr.suidere 11 WY tame:lll.p commordoeto to his .Meted fellow oteettiree the MILDJ of coal.. Theme, on the receipt of ea seldreteed .". I .e, he wN send, Jr.., sow of the prescript]. um& Direel to Dr. ,10121 DAINIALL. 181 role too etre.% N. T. mhildyd..T WIC 0. 000110 10 4 04...........0100. 0. L011.11X01..-..—.IOESEL ROBINSON, REA & 00., (mots 1..11 IC, Donaaoa , MICA a lamaass,) WAt3llll4O - 'WORM, ToiTsoaka a MAcconers, PlDabarell. Manahazer.r. ti BOA? AND STATIONTB? B TEAM ENGINES, LAST ENGINES, MILL lIA OGINEBT, GEARING, BHA ?TING, CASTINGS, al A/I:bealejiplloas ; OIL TANSJ3 A STILLS BOLLZB AND ADMIT IRON ROBE. Agents for CLEPTA RIPS PATENT TS /*OTOS ron TEET/LINCI MI LENS. urna.....-nr. D. 1D15131.-. DUDS". LA BELLE STEEL WOR WRITER Ag Co., Soceosoors Ic Hritar, Hartman A C/o, omooouotorora o °Apr STNEL OWNING, PLOW AND DLDEITID b - rral ; 8P811905, AILED. OIIOWDABS, be. nusT WAND, Minium, Olt,. r. O. Addroos, Nrrtalcrion. Pi. bac', .iN'U.IIRLI°G.LI7 AND B DtM 8" O S" B D ILLS 4 1 112 2 UCIASIGE, CEBTIPICATEB 07 DEPOSIT, LUIS NUMB AHD SPECIE, St. 67 21.4118.1:1 BIM= Pftbanugh, Pa. WO- Ooneatinta mcdo KU prtnetral attic. opt the United But* f LK ET WNItY SCHIVEIOIS PRIVATE INITITUTE4 Pm tmatemal of DISCAOLA ON TOM OHM AND BINARY OBOADS, IM &mod Arm., N. Volt. Daum of emmalmAloa tram 3 to $ o'clock p. .9D.2tod COCHRAS & BRO., Blair alactusere et IP.ON AAIUN% tau S VAUL'S 45D VAULT DOONn, WINDOW SHUTT:WA WIN. DOW GUARDS, de., Nos. VI SEOOND .4 NI lII= brlizicr, bet. Wood and Varlet. Elan m band • " :idly of my Patterns, fanny and p.la , ettltable for D I.lrpmes. Partlentar attentten card to snettetng Oran Leds Jobbing don, at short mike. ir - DIBEAS.I3B OF TIES NERVOUS uaniAltir UM UZI:1U; 80- 11318—nsv crestetent•-la Report. of Lb* Firnrard Assoctuu,.. Ant by maLl atealed Wine sombre, fr.a of aw.. Adiu.' ma D. J. SKILLED 1101701ITON, [toward dasOCLOall, No. BBorlll Math mart, Ptasdo4pbts, P.. By 1c(n.„02.411,13:ihi1k11 1790 AHD oommaannr MDBOITADR .14 ebalockla daal.a m 177113111. norm, BEIDS, warn, .a prod.* sul Mini. 11.. td , WOOD in Pllttbeintb. P. da uerrodr INJULAUL - - A RG E Atli]) ELEGANT GC/LTA:OI7ON or T.tiin ArlD IItrAITTIPOL est same LT A 0071011-oostmenchnion WED/IE3OAT svalt. )NCI. October Mitt, at 7 % clock, at Mammas Hall Anew tic, 'Seems as Pilch stmt. will he withecet •erve, flfsr omea..wt of . recent shipment fitted from London, Annierll—of some of Memos' splendid • 11/..AJEiILNI essaiatais, • ever before offered, with varloaa other natural corbel tick comprieng ing .I.)olthiriA aussos, So., t onaln of over 1,C0) specimens. he pall°. sari ladle. lei partionlare, are invited to tte pl. of this magnificent assortment of rarioaltlea Lem the dominion 'Old ..fifeptnne.” • &ate provided for the ladle.. T. 11012011, T. A. MoIIIJILLARD, Acct. Atnerlato agent rev (konpany. anti Ir • - - (MP - ROVER CITY . PROPEEkTY AT unPBA56' aILY—OrtTONIIMAY ay& II LNG, Nor /id, it Tx ceclaar., wn: be told, Y ann teerrlal Salo Dodos. be. 54 WIRIt meet, b 7 order of elpbanetleart, too following raltreble Improved alt property, belonging to .slat. of Nabob* lwe y rsh,dee'dt Ow large tot on corner of Mort, doled and litraw• berry alloy, Prorate% 66 toot on Litany etmet and rem. nine beet to Chord, eihry, whereon It emoted the tour etc.', Berk Won/novo, Oe. 8 12 ant 2.11; subject to 878 irt cost gn uoand One Was lot m roar of • ove, o. rue, et Ettnw• berry and Charon alloys. bantling 87 loot ea &raw. born) aoy , lien the &range deptb of about 60 tee; whereon are mental • Unseat ory brink Ontalts 110swa, • !acre Homey • Stable, and double Dereinnit. Tants-.o2.thred cash, belanee and two yen with totereit, mamma by bond and martens. iderraWARTN. Akita% A BSIONEE SALE OF A. SEVENTH Zell WARD LOT.—Ou =ODA! Z41L1511N6, Nov. ht, at tii o'clock, will be ao!d, by altar of Awfance, at Ootoraroolal Eel. Ileovee. 64 Fifth Meet, th at elealbty located Let on overbill genet., Wag net wood lot treat Centre Avinztut , over lb e welleuce of 0E43. K. Near. beat The let treats 00 Get rle Overbill Want, auds. k.uy e took the num telith log flat, agiotztleg I two. story Nick, the tight to the well of which might be purcluurcd cu favorable Serum, to improving thly prop ert l ay. aaa—Orte heir gab, Ob. brlattre to mu year, with otowet, secured by bond and mortgage. 047 A. ilfolLealarent, intr.. ROOKS AT AUCTION.—EVERY EVE_ NLNO ?RIB WIER, at the Onamercld Balm Bosom 64 Fifth arose, PBATTS MR ANNUAL Lug or BOORS of all kind. , POOTOGB AL. BDMB ine TAIIIILY BIBLES. Commercial NOVI IPAP ro /M Mora. , ERVELOPE,S, GOLD ern, do.,pb cow and &ot Malabo,' Gock at prima. Nabs IMArydaf at Alto. reu.. A. MoILW Akocrr. PRATT BROTBEBS. Sa/mmeo.. ocZI GZZ All LOTS IN PITT TOWNSHIP. —On aAII/1111a r AST I II7IOOIS, Octobar nth, at a delook, viii be a old , on tb. premier, 14 PRI t p .. by order a Truotae. oeromenbing at corner of Pennel rani& armee aad Wady bMI, Um lob In flabarbem War of Qty Dlitrf i 4 rataditoo ...rb pat ; Warm la one mad tiab yern, Elb latenwti ebbared by baud WI laarlaNCL for plaoa sad Information apply to Wis. 111. Shim, Eta .117 loarta stmt. or . _ __ oda DOCTOR'S BUGGY AND FAMILY et SATURDAY MORNING, Oo• toner 101 h, et II oclock, will be sold, M thr Ootnnterriel Peke boat c booms, 61 P lo 6P lo 6etzsei, one cargant BMW, In the very ondition, leather top end cloth thud, roads In style for Doctor's me. Also, a I,OCd Calk6ullsll tam. tly Mrcuctles entirely am, 104 Of met,o make. oc2ll A. A101L , 61/At2l kl, Altters IRON SAFE.—On SATURDAY MORN. _A Lao Oct 20th, al II a clock, will he at :be Cbrazatr‘fal bake Room., 64 sire.{ ; • Pse Iron Pas. octS ProtrAVAIND, Pool% N 1 . 51 t 7 10701M1) /I P. M. BOELIS A 14, WI.I M ant &au, Of tt• Fettling rampart. Torche• win ettertdect Nolo, char=., on apptlestlet to N. tubterstintee, al Vekt Oreilqatr ere /unlit eirret ooden. see rrqueuted to report hatustlistoly, by I tter or otherwise, tt• utiaor of tt robs. they will require. tech dirtriel sill be erp•atod torusk* Its o•ro ten. mount. nod select • Marshal, who will be as slatail to l b. Chief If sobs!. u- II N.M. Ottelninah. .11 al LIB ti IL L t becretat7. C. W. BATOR/MOO, Jeri! II rust. Jdtj 8. BROWN, oat Ocusrut ore of At rsopmente. 1864...........................................1861. A GLIM) usioN MASS COAVENTiI Of Armstrong, Allegheny, Butler and Westmoreland Countl, ON TUESDAY NEXT, NOV. IST. 0171.91 11 its CIS lON KSY will awe, OP P1TT813112.013. AND ALLZ ti OONOB at at Lift/d Fifth street, on 717K6DAT tle a 1111961. 9a' loc k and premed loth. Depot 41 the Allegheny V•IDT Ball• them I i malt whale • •pee;al Train ern] p,omded to convey the Peleiattrt,mport. A Baked Bralo accompany Ticket. Mr the ronad tee, PIPIT OEIITS. Oak be had at lltadgcartam. WILKINS HALL, and at the Moe of A. Li DOBLELPIRLD, no. 66 Water street, Allegluny. ,27 THE UNION FOREVEg No Compromise with Traitors. LINCOLN & JOHNSON. The War a Failure. is it P The EARLY bird has got his PRILL Tb• UNION DISH OF PITTSBURGH and vicinity 111 mt•t at CONCERT HALL. Saturday, Oct. 29th, at 7 o'clock p. m . • lion. JO ti S C ESSell A, or r ectorroteola , and Col. Gn SA VILLE SJG• y, or °bro. A UNION MAPS CONVENTION OF TEE LOYAL FE 'PIA OF Allegheny and Butler ()miles, On et., Perryl.lll. sad Enlixopla Plank Band, 120. Ono. Warr...l:total, IN MARSHALL TOWNSHIP, On Saturday, Nov. 5, at 12 m. n o meet - big will be .d droned tly 'no& AL ALLIISHALL, MAJor A. AL MAID Dot- JOUR U. TITOUPEIM Oa m Ja= MULL ad others. Nra GEBRAN KAMA IN RIDiERVR 'FP sp,. ! • • 11l to • Crsnd Onion 8011, ho RESERVE TOWNSHIP. Ai Ltrn WALTZ'S mud., torn!: of Mastoid aleet and Pprtni. Garden Bond, on Saturday livening, Oct. 89, at 7 o'clock. tb• minding YBl M addxszeol by H. P. I IBELLBB, inn, IttiPBBB H. Int, 8 . 54 , •nd dear Chem= .piker.. • Brae Band win na atlen47-scla aid GEBILtI: RALLY IN A1.1.R1311831Y Than erl I be a onto itatint ned at THE HOUSE OF E. F. A. FAULHABEH Ca/MilIT Mart ALLA:OH:EBY 0171 r, Saturday Evening, Oct. 29, at 7 o'clock. TI. =erns erlil be adetreaell by gliSit. 2l 4 ' . l =fa . ,.. , PI 4. Hon. TUGS I. BIGHAn, othow. oat! NION B • LY IN Aldan: MY Ib.. will b. a grand UNION MASS MEETING IN THE DIAMOND, ALLEGHENY CITY Monday, Oct 31st, at 7 p. lIL lik• meting win be addrieval by DAULIEL BASOLVI, aad otbara UNION RALLY AT CONCERT HALL. Thant plll be • toratiog of tha Mouth of LINCOLN AND 'JOHNSON, AT CONCERT HALL Monday Evening Oot. 31,. at 7 o'cloak. The moan VIII be 'kidnaped by Bon. lIIONAB WILLIAM, Be,. ware PRIZTLET, end otbara. THERE WILL BE A GRAND UNION RAILY I AT DRAVOSEiIIRG. /IS BarrLlN TOWNEIIIP, On Saturday, October 29th, at 7 p. m. XXXXXX A. U. DROWN, E N . Seq., [ln Gernan, oat A UNION MARTINO will be hold at PERRYSVILLE, This Evening, Oct. 29th, at 7 o'clock. Addretwo will b eltllreced by A. M BHOWS , rAill.• H. 0. If AOKHILL, rag, 001 7A1117 ! 8. 7111. gl l / 8 , east ethers. ON AND LIB BETE • gym. Auer*. EVEUOREEN SCHOOL lIO6SE, IN lIOSS TOWNSIMIT, ay Etraniag„ Oct. 29th, Han. LiVIS L. 0 a rfkm wsf. 0 EDAM La ND, • D M. ROOK Hearetar7 of Allegheny In • mance nozwarl, D 7 rift. raves POLITICAL A orrice. GIUIiD UNION Jußiiila THE LOYAL MEN OF ALLEGHENY CO. WILL OXLIEDRATE THY GLORIOUS VICTORIES ACHIEVED UNION PARTY.AT THE POLLS, In Vermont, Main• Indiana, Ohio, Penn. avreanta, blare.land, atto the SPLUDID FUCCESSIS 01 OH HIT I RAVI, GRAND TORCII-LIGHT PROCESSION, And Pyrotewhnio Display, ON THURSDAY EVENING, Nov. 3d AT PITTSESITRGEL conyland. In ZACII ILLIITION DLSTRIOT a the ty ate Invited to mend a IDelt,Tation :0 Tltpoot pate In this the hut Groat Union Dernonsir<cdon PBESID:e.NTIAL CAMPAIGN. OF TEE LOYAL MEN HILL BE, 11SLD AT ASMSTRONG COUNTY, 111=1:1 WILL B YIELD AT JOHN FINDI.EVS. BOBS TOSTOEHIP, ADDEI2EIB2B AT .4" ADiriliarasz.reoz-v-rs. GRlthati BCOI T, MOS OUT INATOR WORKS, On.xuate • nrl 01110, Mr' rCr. Gra., &.•eatS Sts., Tit. WAISTEXt. TrlttlEE GOOD TEALNISTUDDt Tr Ma' cool telth t Meer wago•e Apply al Yard, nit Ohio Lave, mar the Outer Depot, at the gamy aty. of sue non:el MAPS OF THE OIL REGIONS. YEIIA_3OO COUNTY, OHIO AND WNS7 VEMOINIA Poi d• by oc9 QTEINWAY PIA NOS -A hj 'cry emporiar clock of the inhattab:e I u STEINWAY PIANOS. /hit received for the Fall trade, and for We by H. KLEDEII b BILQ., U 2 Wood Bt. !cis Azontu f Stetnway.. Phnom CALENBIIIIO'B P I AN 081 —A troth sapply a tai.. tagLl papaw .td mash admind g V I CALENBEEG N. Y. PIANOS, .1.1 W awed. Qaallty, rtB.S °Laid Pelt., ROD ERA lE. H. 1.1.1C13118 .11 DEO., 110 10ood , coVAlt Vol. Amu for Oolonbooto Pianos STOLVS—Froa the stable of Dr. Qr.. VAN, of °Raton, a:leg-any Co., two NARII. ae • olnall grey, coder At eAI hind., ab, ct tight yew, • peter; the o th er • brown, VS band.high, •lxot Ca pare old, lao, a:me 0000E1 end 7 DIRTY DOLLARS IN 110 e LY, nom toe drj goods store of Ws. AI:MOLT, In the gene place. A Ilbotal rteratd •111 la/ given to Loy ;ere-a giving la t met,.n of the wheretbcra re of the 'tale., propee, , ,, rot the ;ere .ine 9ttle,th•T e.aged to tad. robbery. COMPARE CAREIAFIT , B Harmoniums and Melodeons with CL.. ofany elkmr rneker le fhli aml•ry, wad . T 21.87 Er P1111(.111T erl/1 ar.to be apper.ot. Wer renfol or Hat, TORE end Dt18.A.811./ ass .It othe.s. 11. K Lie BE.IC 111 =NE:EM IttN.A STIOI. THIS GYSINA.BTIC INSTITUTE 1 tow nNo at SEVILLE HALL. It la hope I tits all who'll teed to Join cla 1./1 a 11l ro a./ at once. I ata ad I/3 Irra, Ineada3 sad Yrlday, at 3 p. tn. </hilt rec, Hada/oda, and Fatarday. at S p. a. Hemp at nlred for an enaolng claw. 1 boar wlaLlog as, their chiltrao la BOOM, 74 ease. at Mtn 80 , 308 . StIIIOOL BOOM, .62 y Wane; aed SC.3OOL, tom.: of //clan. are, t and Water cllay. F./ Irt/Ito 'detroctlan glean m achcol/ and familial, apcn appl 'cat/on. oc2clar A FINE AFEORTISENT OF ORPHANS' COE ET SALE—On SA C UNDO?, Nov lioh, 1114. st 10 o'clock n. ro , 1, BANK idmlnntr al or of the emsts of YOUNO, late of the Borough of Marcelport, rested, 001 impee to We on the petals. the 1.01,0 n/ tog dwatib, d lot or Amend, to wit; An tbAtcer..to lot lo mid borough, Atkoherg comity, Pa , bonded nod &merited at 03P./re, Begionftg at • paait to the Agate road, sad imbuing nubee uoribmardly by lee Ha 25/ mte Muidred sad forty sta feet, gee sod • half loan to loom. rtreet; thence try .fornote .tweet, wenn:art B trty tat four and elesen/gloteenihi !actin to • ;cat; tiaras by • Hoe through the milddla or tot No. te, sot:lbw/to 144 Hat 43 boom to ;mid Stele rood; tt coca by the tame eattraroly AA feet Off looben, to, plsoe of brgloaloy, being the esetaro half of let N. 14, according to Om o' lets oat by -Almg Miler, enigma of Hobert glacial; deeeesel, Tametoads known at tasair SHOOS PILITS.R.SON, oerneter? Adm'r of Rlillam Young, dee . d. All the Magazines and Newspapers, ! Eirmns NEW MAP. of PIIOTOGRaPIi ALB UMS, DIARIES FOR 1865 PACKET BO DNA, CAMPAIGN MEDALS AND PINS, CIAII BB HAD AT FR A.lit K CASE'S Book and Newa Depot. canotucte nertansb, suth n. CLOTH CLOAKS, Silk Cloaks, Velvet Cloaks; Sone rtta sty lea, for nab at low prices, by WRITE, OR a dr. CO., N. 25 TITTH STIIBVT O.&NTON FLANNEL. WMIISO, FRISLAWD, WOOL AND BILE UNDERGARMENTS White Shirts, Trimmings, Hosiery, ao AT REDUCED PRICRR, AT 1100B1LBAD, DRUMM & C 0.% 81 MAIMS? I=Bol2. T. c..rxiiiticat Commissioa Straw k Purchasing igen FLOUR RAVI!, CHEESE, DRIED ARD CREEK FRUITS AND ALL FARM PRODUCTS Clash Mal k , t dl learaaaaha, Pittabargh meas. farttani Padnad Ma. at &Was mad ruantaata ri • pita, No. MO LIBLEITP emu% (mods. W:4l Pittthaagh. Pa Adrian= WO, sad procapt at temtloa Was to all acadirraftents 6:4 ccaTmaradartaa. • .C , l•swas”—tiall • !bear . Law • Pisa Wm. Oa., Notssald • mammal.% Paha I. Holm It oa, HailOa. A, A. Fahnartak iloa. Oa. seltlyttkar, LUBRICATING OIL 80 BBL& PM DUCK 08,7:1C5. OIL, Zn stare end kr sib by _JAMMiI u DILZ 7O CL w L .tw it 808, SWEET POTATOE6. 200 bble. prime Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Arriving and instate and for vain by «2&U gum fixer, • CO, 3 11 Ilbar.ll I ►ALL PAPER —Fix up for Win , and buy WAIL PAPER et lower psi sa, at oatt W. P. WAIUMALEs 87 Wood street. RUFF AND GREEN WINDOW CUR TT►iHB. OIL CLOTH and Pyrist.itepoeu2s. ICTROLBUM-140 bbls. for ago bj oats HIBBY If. 017LII. lIBRIOATING OIL-50 We. a eape wor sat. by Blum H. man .Di 3 M 5 a I LHAD-100 'pigs No. 1 Soft Galena Load ooS 9 taterar H:001.16133. 'LABTIOI-.100 bble. Calcined °• 2 BENET ;IL COLUMN. laLALO ANINLATA ICNBIONS, BOUNTIES. . J. & HALL PATTERSON. Army and Na' RD. 144 FOURTH MEET. PPITSIIIRDitI PlNBlONBsroenred ; 1 30171111 V, HUTS PAY and Pb 1 1 1019ZY, sod 00 /111IITATION 01 1LL170115 of reJoseed priooners =Mooted. Pal' OP PILISORZ mother..Wl can be dyiwn by Melo wieweer widowed een WOLINDRD BOLDLREkt WlThushaW as. OUTIDID BOLDIBLIN, b Taw Doh/ pll4 ." made sul3lll we amass b =Zoete& DAT. liTsoad tlu D . 1 3..eonramci. U. =MA abed, - dike/ bahre W.ClabodaL 033,211= 0100 8013111 TY SOLDIKIW MAMA BFKINTIZEI, PREZIIRES APRI ARRELLES 'O/ PM rragmtty rite:q.td to ty, ••18089 • SIDDXUN k steed. Mgmegt. re., MTIPITARYMADER:, • ROLINTIER, BERIONS, BACH PA and gILITABT. CLAIMS mry Accrtptlon eollstal by the au. Krihee, et the folloertag wee, rti: Peztems ;10 00, ell other sterna ;3 GO. 0. 0. 71 T1,013, attczntlya<lam, So. 'l3 (hut atm; Pittsburgh. N. 11. B. Uo charges cre mlas tio data dam 001 sosl.. tad. Ltd talbscustior, grail% fahly .4"E ir DrIERVISIC.7 Z. 4 TX - I:=1 NI s'l .6.6P—OLli-AN GIFT BOOK STORE, Tuesday. Nov. lst. 1864, lITHO 1 HopKrsa. No. 63 FIFTH STREET, OPPO*ItE AD AMP ZX PI EBB OPPIOIa TAO L. &be largstalld moat tibtually medal:taro.- tabllob moos Won ot r.. Took.. At tuts establbhoorot pat con Lot any took you ul.y Boot,. In eta., pun 01 Lactutionn And you Wm, the air t.:Laws of re. sllh to h book that you buy. RAYS 00ZIPANY, 65 Wood street A HANDSOME PRESENT I womb from PIPIT OEMS to 0711 tfI7IIDBITD Dot, LA Be, vhb b le • Ith cacti book AU books an eold at pabllahere. Rice% add you cad select Ikon the largest stook ow all !o city, ladled/1n al the Standen! Work., all d scrlettode of notograyb Albxzr. all atyhe or Bible, nod P are, Booze, all the Late publlcattrem all the warletboa of Glft Boake, i..ttor. of PortMlse, Boot. for all Gilt , •7:frt nil I:remember lo everytha et) t le of lo medley, ani le end.. venety. bock. at the pueelusida Metropolitan Gift Book Store, You pay no sore than you wrachl at any o htr @stab libbnatut, and ha.. the uthantago 611/1 VALUABLE L. /R. IC Id v. zr .1' With each beck that Ton bay. Ono trial erlll oenetnee DOOR Hazels tbat the place to make their piaci:wee is at Phlegmy!" Albums, Bibl s A Prayer Book I. lb. lamest In tee alb:, and 1,111 be =ld nt i e. LO w nr PO IBLObrllaa b' PU udn, .an 1, pit with ran pentane varying from 017 anti to one I enamel MA- W". Dcrorlatice Cataloam" mailed Ircc, to Kay ad tree. npen application. I=l CHICKERING a SONS PfANO.S. Weber's Pianos., Guild's Pianos, Miller's Pia* 06v Emerson's Pianos, Cabinet Orgat 8, Iffelodcat s, SZP - Cgell ard examine before petrebastcg e!sesrhiCe. OIL REGIONS. Map of West Virginia and Ohio Bile, ILIIM) lushes. PrkakEt In pocket fcrm (LSO. Mounted wad Varnish.. t 2150. Map of Venting° Co. Olt Be,gions 6 /"."." b..b... LLb 4 arm bed by W. achnahmaxt. Pricy ta./0. Ls pocket &cm P. bombed uk.l nu , obbld IWO. JOHN E 1317 HT, Publisher wr Clomprtent %moms vaattd. TO EXCHANGE FOR A FARR or 2 arm Ofk ADEN LAND, with motto ImprorcactrA ~ .r the on?, to id"Ltdrotornabep probrrod. A rood 01 EDEII Yldzraort I In Allnherq frity. ftsvtog thtsadmelllng hooka soda at ea room credid then= Us who's rents for isin pro umerct. tuft., prtiestlarsdialr dddxso, 1:04. 881 PLttabargb. atdOd w - - - ANTED—For service in the gutter. muse. Npart.ent, at Biubville, attstlar.o3o and .IW:unman* 'hennas. atlawa,-Gaargia other va.ll's shad sad Little Boca , Araucania ; Ltd at rests, 3,800 Laborers, Wag., 145 per booth aztll rarioaL 3,0 0 0 81768 u iters Warw. 345 per cantii and rettoes. Tree trsortortatfoo to plats of datinottoss. aid bank to et Louts If boawats from sorslo Smithy abW•Booled well CV. s. be roodeel. :wig L. WooD.k Osittato and Assistant Qoartsnosstar, U. 8. A. Tor further ittformortort lupin of J. T. SABI PLI, 85 reamed 84,, Vlsetsay: Or over No. 40 Wiablsgtxs &MEL bawl= north ad 111th strosts. Kt- Louts, Ito. oat am J. W. CLARK. etcaltien't *vat WANTED,IOO shams IL • N. Bank Stork iOO " Oolasablis Oil " 60 Banal " 1175 • ktalllhaar" " Citaasslaninsasa" YOB 2.4112 1 260 00 shana Lassos 021 (kg 20 " •Inatisay Binstaghaas Gu 04s; " lasaes 06, Ws boy sad sellittooks of .11 klada t nus his sitarist, aad bh. York, Baotou sad Ohnikklplda. stosuasox, nolIOZ•14 /SOO., °dß 80. 74 Stara !treat. WANTELL - -A situation as Foreman ar Supenntomient, Yu asp out-dtat bet foam by me who, btu kul mails a:pedalos/a matzo' sad working id scum.. The but of tetra:um given Addrto W. T., Gaza!! entry or 134 483, Putt Mlb: l 4 Ailuilbubi MY. r adtlit _ _ WANTED. • COAL' Ifll.lllCBll. • &U We Rimy, to go.to the Leech Work,. (and worts &boat Lock Ho. S) Good boom , stood: ateptoy. jaent and Rotes savant of wort • PI r pay at-the godly or so No. tS WOOD ItTaNlffi. tsbargh. ; cleEtto• • _ _ WEE GOOD OADVABEEDW. - • • . To omit,. Mem, setae Renal War, (but tanuot,) to Pester. Ohio . Wornewl 9d ter. and Torrebeto pre. heed. Par ..rare, territory. aolapplyatartee to the General berm.. H. B.e gWallT, rankle, New Wilmtogiaa, Pa . • . - - ANTED/ . CARPENTERS' treated to calk ininabot O I3 I76IPIESITISS, hat at tionateg& Bsidgy to We 'city, to whom otostr. .saglogasoal sod Itlgloot- wigs or&J ko paid tor good mertzsen. sppleog to tail *man eseating the dap over ea gtogoogagolo rtow. tcl&1111 PIPER • ennui% U7TED-;450 per Monts. We want • ralialc.Zzon In wry, tetra end Entsagailn omit month. withal v• pm* to any donbtloyippll Aaron. JOH= 118011111 &AR . 600Maga at am; 'WAN TED-4.A MELER—A second MR- I I ler wanted at llts Plagargb My BUM. 10.200 aced apply ankm • ampetant sad 'hamlet maw droner, Mt goo 4 recommcndaocon. 40. LIOOII2 00.. Marty and Aftondrags. witrrra—e good It NeMICIIII wants a Mandan. Cut gin the hart tearsacas. Addles .1 IL, Guar, Ornaa. • _ _ . WANTED-10 Coopers Wanted to males Eau Aural' frca .u.111...aaa Sunni LOU • 21. T. ICIENNEDY a axe. DIFTDE.X7DS. - Oritcs SonsCitrii Wixom Closparr, Pit ber 11, LIM TEPRESIDENT D Octo DIREOTOELS eTtb. zrOWITI CLIPS WHIM 00WPAZIT OP SUCHIGIAN hansthls day Lined an assominsal of Oos Dollar per shoos on Ohl Capita] Stock. as ths amse map bs seattekd at ths dose Channels ma PATIISSAY, 19th icy of Normans oars, ;nab to ths Tswana on WEDS'S:MALY, to MA day of Nonnober, with to. tarsal solitsit aner that date. Manna atom win Was maks. s parcow to Mona. J. W. CLASH • co. Sortogy MICA. It. HOW!, caftan= _ Seastary at 4 Tnavozer. omon Arrotcar Dam Contrafff,ll Pittsburgh., Octaba MUSA PRE73IDRNT AND DEEMOrO S Ws., Kunio .w Immo ooss.s.wr bus Ulla day Nand ansavaatneat of On. Dolby par alum at Ita Oanttal Stock, LI tb• coma may be te a, tdo at Ina etas a tunas on daTOROAT. the le day of Nattaber nut. payable loan Than, on WIDNID. DAT, the 11d day of Doyentby, wilt Warta atdof after th at date. Zoltan anockhtlfas Will =Asc . aunt to DUET A. JOEISBOD D• 0 8e0r.... itioB. N. sows, garsars fat Trannsr. WILL 01.111 ON AAA t. permansnly locaud .t PlTtEißilacia. 63 VIFTII SWEt SST CPS 81001 E OP W. L. FOSTER & CO &T 11EDC;ED nerre AT REDUCED BATES AT TISDUCTP HATL3. AT ELSDUCTED NATSS. 4T EZDUOED DATIO AT lI.EDCGTD RAM ex BLDUCrED ILITZS CHAS. C. MELLOR, 6I WOCIT STBEIIT NOW RZADY 011 Regions, /mu rtesoixo A'. XIS. CLOABB AND BRAWL/3, 4 Ai, miw en Lulu ABSORDINNT or ESAWIA ~ ' i rims, - , taniaxt 4 I R Id DUCE D •• = z DipmEm. odsulas. . 11/115203M13. 1 No. rg.?Ass AneBILL*I43I L it. Buiplimurs. Er= lEarip, CLOAK% 811 W aria Long Shawls, tare f3b arrh3,. ha BhawL3' 4- Long Blank l'hfbatt Satire ! Jlo6ll.4"Lrog nftais titroarti in,r,r, sisoarisFre Every Description ofDress Goods; ITIMT4NU T COB. etz . enn rtS , lnucs ems= Di -GOLD REDUCED pitopontiosairm rtkoumoN ... .......,. . -tbe • - in tu reels eflan ar gadiCtiOst=gle_. Imes% pllOl fe rs us o 1121 OAS s_raactoa issy axe Ds *mos& ...wog. should tumors fats shassice et women . [ • P ' 0 'PEafIGSEIS= tml u rOrg u n I sr ' 'rot i l mtat, t EATON, MACRON it CO; .__i ff., 17 AHD 19 YAW grArif QC .8 --A lot of TANN.EIIS . SORAFfi 10 In slare:asta far sale byk ..c; ell A, PLLZ/ML DR r GOODS. WILL WILL OPENI WILL °PIM! On IIONDIY, October 241 b. NEW GOODS. NEV GOODa NEW GOODS. MON AUCTION Fit= ADVTIQN FROM AUCTION nemasuts T G EATESr GREATEST GREATEST OP THE dEASON, AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, una *taxls..et Veit - Country Merchants will Bad grim bargause in everythlng the 7 need. °eau BAN.GMNB G0D15.1 DOTTORT AS PRESENT' PANTO FEIOESL MACRUM & GLYPE, 78 Market Street. wtoieeakaa . ti Retail Drain Is MUMMA , MOIDEMIS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DitIBBONA, RIISCIIEN:' Furnishing - anode and Notions. .. : Etalaanw .1 1tc* . 1111.112 ; eantoata, Bain/ -- ; Tartwa Hal m SU.Oral S.afttlas Yam; net I &mil.; Eittbiat.&.i..4Bl. W. 1.4, await 6111- Cket , Chtts ; Nana, Lavin and lEmttettlttartd EU:WI:at. ablate: 1 1 00-Desing, Sir, Etta and let 13 / 4 - ;04:111. . Draw Trimallagi ao4 Oisumwiti 3 Octtots, to. WI ottor SOrd tot% 0 , :or esti obi ki Oor 1 , the, II vory P . . . Wholesaled :Retail Purohaseis -.1 To imuolzio goz:g4t, wirtett 'al Da Smog ' 1 LAUQL ALISm, •TTRAOTIVEL oat SPECIAL Nurit:kc. ouroln 181 9 1864'i; PRIMES 3:1017P-INTI mc =tam Erroax otra Wholesale and Retail DepzutraeX Hu !sea marked . at.nra NA V cdend at LEES MU Tu 4131 SENT PANIC RIM havAdateralnat taaGaitil • NIUMTA ISOM Lem .117114trOF db. Bsesial Bazgaini from this 7 08/Enr,IIORNI &CO: alara N/LBSIZE IMBUE A. BATES', 21 ZerprrEC BT. 3Z!3 GOODS. PRICES 1 Filth Street. =NO AND NOTIONS IPltiael BAIIGAiris BARGAIN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers