entilll tiJt . it 1 —44 a) :ATMIDAY MORAINGIutr.:OOr. W, 1864 k C 121" _X YD 6718171111.4. N. °Zeta! Total* of the County—The Hem and the Boletters' Cote. The lett= Judges mat et Court House yesterAiy- morning, parstmat to adjoin:moat, for ilte - ,narposa :of neraring and extanterating the vote of Au epistlers, and Kinking oat the official tots& Returns wore received frog ono hundred and, eight afferent hospitals, mope, barracks, mitopanles, !attain, ko. The tot• lowing are the Wilda Agues 0: 1 10121,--21110 MUM. Moo:bead, Q.EO-111•Tat5....0,1537 - -Beidlgers•vote.—.. 04.--11453 arliL ow _...„ WiSlis!ns, U.—Uom Inns 5,546 ,-• ... 190 Mil-1;664 actantz,,Q—llom• vote 2 7723 6516.5 me 7.11 2,756 WLUbsue magi saps tty W arastr... mos Maw. /tote 3 ; 0011 : 1 1#13,-.6.,—z.ne==... -- • M -17 . 03 3 . settees yote.-- 193 auzu y. Glaa9.ll•ll,9me 10.104 .BMW Tote97i-17 079 1 3...ficone veht,-.. mut. 1741069` Tote. 1.004-171798 a 1, 11.--Ifonts 10,1 as ' Bothers' 1,024-17,179 Black, 11—Bcmo Tote— 16,148 Pol,lteho' Tote, —...--... 1 019-17,138 Obadidek,_l7;‘lrome 16475 Poldfore --.. 4012-17187 NoSee, B.—noose 16,121 Eoldlera 7 Tote—. 1 0 24-17,118 Gnome. 111--Bome 9,719 Bolditee otee---- 78— 9,791 IteoTemy, vote.--- 9,70 Poldkce. 77 9,793 Beckham. Or—lloms Tob---....—.-- 9,731 434dlare. 79 9 811 &ram, C—lftmet esti 9,702 77 9,779 ISLUer„ 0.-11 m re 9,7126 , itiLdkre 78— 9 791 bg. o.;—saosvot.... %we - &lOW 7B— 9,774 Mune Dem nibly major on Ima ticket, 7,351. .17.07MONCYDAI, *W U, 17.,4, 10,177 / 21 1 ,X2l"o4B=vcrtst,,e"------- 6061" " 321dta1a" 72 2,723 8 Wattles I Writ warn coat:mons. Palm, I:l.—Hont 16,108 808 Er -18 066 viesl, 0.-Roma 7 " U M ? IroLf. VII I : ;A Pillow's Olarscrn, 15,0“ • Soling& 16,196 Bob* Cl—Eams,vate 9 ,017 • 63 1V14.1 7,053 - . 10011 D 11120191. 13.—Itacts0,053 &Mere vote O.RHnma tote: 729 o,r/8 amt • 'e ASOlame. 159-- 5.830 DaaL• neceuttik- est ng= of the Twenty Inch . _ . We have alreadfbeen adviseet,by telegraph of •. ~ t! the trial of th e tweitrinelgtodutaii gin at Port .. f .. :IS Hamilton, New .tork,.fon -Wadiesdisy. ' Major .- 1 4 . , J. 8. Rodmaxiithn inventor tbsgan, had the ..-..‘ ,1 i-± general dixectiOn;ind gnu isabited by Charles ' .. [I Raab Evil SPropriaiir;ind Wgri.blitealf,Erg., -:. • ;::'"-A Superintendent of the Hort PittWorb of this oil 7, whern - thigunlias cast. The New York •J 41 of the testis : -"•,:, 4e How of Timisds, glen the following aieCrust . ' .• • ......',.4 ge:: "At the b oar announced,l2 °Weak, for this Agit loattlng'or the headier pLeoe of ordnance In ''.• '-;J thle world, thalgapets of the -Fen wem.hreng• .'f.l ad .. with distinguished officers and Idle:sand gen '. '' l an ellen:bras to. witness trial e l lfag L great gun.: Goutidenblelalay w as s et perieced • in the proper arilastment . - of th e piece, as it.was ..,: ..:,,',+ not until half past' tikeirtalr4 the Intdboharge, •••t; f... 1 -11 blank' cartridge , of zee hundred pormds of ,7,./.il powder, was fired. The Co.llolllldOn following the discharge wu slight, and the recoil of the gem_ such loss than was anticipated. The piece was next loaded with a °barge of '"gs,i.: fifty pconds of powder and a thousand pound ' ' ,'.,,.+' shell. The' dee taken in loading was about 4 '; , , , i' honr. The second trial was aa suceass , 1 tel t he drat S Uphill, In conseqnence of eon '''. ' gide:rah!o dopmulen of the ' gun, striking the .- - 4 „..1 water at a quarto or a iau..4touit, rintiolung :. toned uatea.-Tiie on. on' maremation, Wag • ~ . ., : 4 I o hafeTremived, no strain, preparations .‘..4 were esalle forth, linaltast. • r 1. , - ...-... - t. At 5 o eloO t tile :piece hundredpo wa un il d i r l :f pOwder and '...- aded ' ' ?: .E " ‘ " 16 e bt a lletbleg one thourand and eighty'pariads —one of the 'largest ordnance prcicetllee .. eser . eas Owing ti.thenathette . prorapid Sammy „ mints for rat:tailor Vali, '.lt-wne found. t, 'S: anything but Aliens, tesk to adjast it. 1 i , ,. at the hour mentioned,' de pieta ~ was • -,.'...,.,',”, loaded, and everybody stood'dot? :for. the_ last grand trial. The gn i was rased - to as darn ..,,i lion of twenty•ftre degrees, cedilla dim:barge was desisting. , Thu- toll " nos tsreatf tour ~, Seconds twee . air - and fall at ties' distance of -.11 about three. =log and li kilk - Gan,gdan6/0 a?' Itiplansefolloised the fail saog, - and -all conmeited '''... ; .1411n the nianarmintef trio plecn were warmly ''...,t.41c°2/!ifolAeritutahagittendlog:' titis: , ..losizireelisi weight ' ' a iitstat , ,go nioelyia-itCinschantim adjuted that ''....• t men can do the entire gents*, loading, '9,4::, traveralng,elavating,erto. , - ,-:, ~ ' • '' The trial of this gra: iiiiit yet dnishiul; but 1 Y.,..,:...freas the meats so lar;zoeas doable- that ft.fir ...."b's complete rocessg. le- kb beenalaietenedthe " '''4 4 : ,.. P.Brotiter JonstliAir." , •, ,- -P, , - ;arnion Ifses:Sfeetinjula.anaysrdeit ro On Thursday evening the Hilow . elthels o ~;;Rf A pperßk. Clair and Snowden towliohly, held a - *: golass meeting Bethel, &adorn", in:Snowdon ~: lo w a ship , atij oi a tajo444okirtAalt,...iihtisatito., :.:;alng was tugs, - arAvaitcanthardarss wits mud- TheiraldstabiliaofikilitHairif ,,fitztaitsdr mut fear large watch Bias Wear bath bi __ •4lanln g 1 11 4 3 .r.' w !49 1 ';.,.fi . 1 5' 11 4 44.11/aiisir;: ql h - omidtag ammtryrsi milis most; an z st was owned with prayer, r by Bev. Gao. Mar ,...R.tILBV, D. D., after which:con' molitarif Ogitaks' , Q ;he . 4) . %zstion was perfrte r a 1 . 7 .„ -bkflent—Col. Hiram Halt*. Vios Prwidento.,. G. alarm, let& Dr: WM.' • •: •• 'AO=Oll4 lad David fittaffar,o4 Upper .11t. kan and J anw.nrsHiinui;,Ziaset:Rin,U.,,L. giarsball, Ba nktn ,- snd , Jamea.Digibl o of c.:;nowden township. Beartaties—D; Higb,yand B. McCort e. Colonel Hails, on takitriftWOhiiii,inad;a•DiW' ..v.. - *oprfate remarks; and rlatrodnoed to: thy, Astitsaas, Hon. John M. KlrlEPatifek, who de• 1::11?pared at eloquent steoLuilketlea tiddrosE- The • antleman spokafer tww.tertwe,aplot half,aad grestod wittiThaThia-if iiproaroucapplotwe. "Ath A ocanuntee of tan was appointed'to dealt • I FOT3OIIIII of resointions,:whloh Wen adopted maw- The meeting &Outfitted at a - late hoaii wit/ sue emu Mee toethe_Gaion wandidatea. Upper Eit, ebb' sad Ettiowdejt will do theft. y on the 4th of November. - - - Ceio/10V triLk 6l: .ilighleld. . ' _,_ .The lila Peamlyliatiiii'LitagiHani,...Cial. rk, 'Photo teinief service' szpisa473 - the 27t2f, h i were expotkd to arriee ill alliflillirll'itih . 8 . 1710 8 9. iltatli" be4 / 1 2°#414.4 ,b 7 thir- - i :.....- zda to t tup thews Siting ranptioli. A, lattar :4-•: ,, , gm, war rer•brad laApagliatry )7**4•7',. , '• ; •Y.,Ja a lumbar or taviiiiiir 1:1; atitkiied ail IR'. t: : . : .lston, Dalawart, tiatiagibirraels*-:Di:: eat had raiairtil iheia'sitriiiiC.ka isioiilif: - -, a ty thirtY dell 191401; or.le vows lo iooos-, .;:t3 , to zeoall a regiment trout' the front to. Jake . r•::' rims. The writer states that thextlimrs '' . 6l limn ;roil:pity anteded to - thenqamt; ota 1 snivel herawill thaTotems:prohory b L d s . ''... ad for another month. ',llia rogisaant la dlr. howted throughout - the Aasierci_pa c t-, of thu i and • porTojigil Ilislawarsi 'zit -warm 1, „6,. Tory mEriopt sarript'la - exabilas rail-._ ' ' W ao. '" ' • '-- - • - Raver : 11 4 1 t•••11eett-.TAbm-t! I • , _ yon have int;:tlitiO:jOUX,lttioroiihoro ill •••• find GO Pratt - A . ( 4'ora jut roosirod. kat oloO.oninlonnooltookotilstr,„— undr. ! ins and ot Trk i tliliolitl#l ! ..... l4B maw witi not torgoitortilioi load thotriordoro _ . Favor y i ttoor - toctti'lotr_pidii• • • Atf • 's, alboutio ',ond:oteWinfiy, dud. - Oda= I. of Li neea;;Etedellin; rBlletrearre B#B*- lad PlitioNdepot oppo, 's post 021611 . t, 'Woir r y,!tiplootr o r for l isatatio.,. - Ftroop. The 'Almond it so that It yd•i - din'fliiin.' won't' tot any: •Ittook'e ; pooketlitbeter; follot and lake, ; carepaion-aongstemltte Ltneolni on'a politico %blotto, Tribnootimiton,• ' oraftf, at...Pittooleo. , Oadov, ; and the!he Norontber m U ! a tern ; all she .la 4 • d reading rentter 'at Pitt:lel% I " earlen.—The MlxeeHaatlil have opeared seen The Uncle nt, NeyMelia% Penni' di aro Prganred t to receive a few =ere If appllenlicerfe—mathe - 1115011; — ln ease :coast° rpirdentt a Allegheny, chicon OP forznea at the sehooliat lliee'Bogge I:Denis. Private flu/mean, upeg galieeine, Lr tier !sous .Grant , a Army. OALP 100TIF Rao. PIIIIItTLYAIII4 VOL. Ban Bourg &DI R. R. Vs. October 24th, 1884. /Mora Gen*..—Blnce our hut was written, .a movement has usurred towards the left, and In close !matfett, to the Beath Bide Railroad. Concerning this you have already been well ,informed, u t elographic operations are mach more speedy than the Blow protege of letter writing. Our object now In addressing you is not to mimeafeate anything new, or Important, but merely to give some outline of IN and holdout, as they exist here at the present time. In the frot plum, oar army wee never In better epirit or condition tine the beginning of this great struggle for the emproutecy of tree liberty and national greatness. Iteinforatmente have been eteadlly pouring Infer tome time, and troop' continue to ooze, and MI) and n i ght are wild with enthusiasm at their coming. ell this genres ultimate success, when, what we may ta ll the Anal straggle In Virginia shall come. By the final straggle, we mean, In.chort, nothing - Mere or less than a battle which will Involve-the fate of the rebellion, not only here in Vjrginia , but wherever treason uproars Its horrid form. By effeatually crashing Lee and hie army, we ensure the immediate and over luting overthrow of all the armies of the enemy. In few, the army of Lee Is the only one mar. Wag the name, and all ether. are mere detach ments, acting In concert with, and depending solely upon it for hope, energy and vitality. Even a mere maze h appening: to Lee at this moment, without actually amotating to sheer defeat, would well nigh annihilate every other rebel organisation in the dud. Much more may this be expected to mar In the errant of ide entire defeat, end the utter demoralludon of hie anny. That all this will error, and at no distant Period, Is jut as certain as natural laws, in con junction with phyeidel carom can make It. /lowly and surely Giant b hemmingi in his an tsgonlit, with hie long, glittering line, of brht• ling bayonets, that in triple and quadruple niers ere approaching tearer end nearer to the sorely Pressed and hopeless viotioc. Line upon line of heavy impregnable earthworks, with their forts, Gewalt g with gone of the heaviest calibre, already (Inchon the doomed capital of the trai tor. Thu, day by day and all through the night eve% Grant le et his work in many a way and the coun unknown to tie foe—unknown even to the army try at large. Be going forward calmly, sandy and deliberately, ma one who sees the end from the beginning. We cal I In the outset that there Is gross battle pending, and we have endeavored to show that we are ea , ;eating and preparing for it. When this shall occur, we can oder no conjecture. One thing we ,predict, which is, that if stacceszful, we will at that time, occupy both Petersburg and Rich mond. . The retail of the dottier's give, great setts thfacUanentir to all Pcnrarylvautau, and we may say e e may. It le a noble triumph of the people over treason and malignt princie, In taeth North. We Icellnlnitinely at the rdeo • Con of Abraham Lincoln is certain. Indeed, how could It be possible for a change to (mar to the Administration at this time, without the in ference that past efforts and pastpolley had been error? By a unanimous divenlon that the present admit:dr tration its right and most be e..sted, the loyal element to the North will be united, pails that-which Is latent In the Beath will be encouraged; and at the same time aow .ardlypeason in the North will dis,and the rut 'perk-rebel of hope be extinguished in the Lemke of the amble. No One can isingine how It delights air sob. dim, to watch the min approaching,mberahle dorm of, the Copparteada "61 id, ow. yeast. With them, then, there b no more time meet for repantanee. Their votes have berm deliberately cast; met against the moldier., cut against toe Administration, cast in favor of treason and the triumph of Booth= arrogance and all Its Altered principles. Their theme is now !adora ble; no ablution can wash It cad; their heads am dallied with the blood of their !allele men, and they than hare an inhaitantat of awn° to all Asir posterity. 0 the The health of our troops is excellses, and all machinery of the army Is in dal 131001 ad. nimble running atm • We hare a railroad rna alai to the mamas front, while . moss excellent eirderoy ?cads milord lab and - speedy tranipor tation to a/IN:time et our extensive lines. It Ix surprislog. horsiest air Oise inbirovemento spring up with as. - Miles of railroad span the earth in a mingle day or night; whole forests we felled in a few boars, end aka lying in lope is a deleting lines of road, over which insatturable teems pan to and fro in Their busy rash of suet plying our armies. Italy this 110002 d the abode ui some:Magic power,able with a tonoh,to make all things insalwervient to its will .We have extended our Letter to rather an no wsuentable length, but we hope to be excused this time Leith* meantime we remain Tery truly yours, Hosacre B. Desire. The Bomalns of Cot Tame, a. Coleman. • Tbe following dinvateh Imo reeetved pasta/. day by Copt. P. B. Hill: Now Yon'. Oot. 28, 188 i. 11. The 'XL - mains of yonr old friend, dol. Janos Oolattultn, will hairs htro this' evening and Jon to morrow. noon. His father re " turned liana d unable to aooompantr the remains. all that is `aft of th e galllnt boy is now in your tend/ and tithe disposal of his old Wends there. • • To Capt. Pi. R. Pittsburgh. fort& Bather. Tie dlaelaigel members of the 102 d Penn eyhanla Reghneat, wilt meet at the Mayor's ..1200 ads evening, to take aelion in regard to the ftmeraL A Bair Chance Ivor investment. Norm idarebants & Co. , et Richmond, in -dims, are exhibiting' the tribe Fanning the Hat of which they own for Pinitcylvania. The Union L the Garton] gist will dean wheat anfilelentki eleir for 'owing of griadhis, thgr• oeghlt jkiveirtbAr it' all Of rat dirt, chaff, smut, ate. =, staa tea met via sondtaini mean in the Willi calm &opined orrery invention for the ttrveuk ever' bstrotneed. It II alto the only mill In me 'UM! will legerite eats teem .wheat or Mover LtOta liaothy. The milt Is dm sham ong emi.thumble, not liable to get oat of order, dif really a fanntt's bland. Pavane desirous af Wresting in a cafe and profitable 1111sanfactitrfag beelarre will do well to call at the foot of Path street to, Liberty, utter* the mill een be leen ba working order. Tau LW? Bizutzetust Russ Oasi.--ThLa eels ea:opted the attention of the Court of Quartos fhtsskop yeitarlay, lad will be eontlanod to. Green intuits! Ls mislead to the trtat, the eourtgooze Wag crowded throughout the de/ 'lty the Montle of the pantos imitated. There_ ors ilLifltO Itutabg of irittliglat to be examined, Eat the cue irin probably te.etttettiod to day. The triLl of ;Martin ' - Biswdy, Jr., for the mar -1 -der Of Ames Begun, (which was the oetrastott of thelf o o l, lll horeoututimeol en Medan, Arnetarsaira Reinza.—Knatin C , IW. pseiy,t, fondant of Webster s tr eet, In Mb eitp, was. stubbed •few slights data, on atoll ta New Yorkiol k,boo, gc.was lopPed aS ths "bonze of an *old ae4nallitanav named Patriot, conlan and la Um morablidliootored hlsloiu. o.nlaa ' bas Wien arrested- on a abarga al com mitting', the robber, inn As/ for trial. Pat ent Colas= las lie, beeri aiwasted on iinplo- Nona of the miming- aunmy kat bean town& GRADUATE/Chl iilG rAl4teintlliVollege, Pats burgh,- Milli= NlZia,./talitertue, 0 ; John Oalbralll,Lefristown,PalJohlt42,A. rarthilf, LoganiO4 Jetta B. Caldweil, Paliskl, Pa., all atarbola paned an honorable - eltaintnatlon and who will no doobt, hereafter sonata the lo ng - establialutd - reputatlon Grin popolar Institution. Ihy their picdelesei la ba,taols. Tsit h itrkigtOis -7iaizazdad thatlegantkitladio ihiacgtoge, whioh will - prove a passport so tho ooi S /sacs a Jashailoasoen h all gluten. Putnam &large =Mbar of the mutablee of ftlikdorttikr 'hiring failed to mate .thtdr prOper:riltanza to Court, Judge Stotts gel . tunfsy, - ordsisd premium to - twinned splart• iltilltrieltrof them. , Ofilierrwhobtare not mil" .gage aisle rettuss, may oars tleumelres trouble audtrizeutir II). defogs. Immedletely. • the. tee4geaeral desire 011ie. LighttllP =areas patlants is this elty, he hu coneladad • prolont'hfa aisle tratirliatarday evening, NOT:l2th, dierlog which ti lateen beeoneulted tit fhe Bt. Marisa hotel, on deafaties, catarrh sad ditaues of the , ear, throatiad tdi pi:eager. TALIIIII.B BGuie A. 7 raze alisnoo .to prucliaaa gt od boob, of all kinds,' photo :graph alluint,, is °fond at Pratt's martialua sala,norriaklng plaait at the Com. Peet Room & fd Fifth street. Aluation Ictiqtlekt. and at private sala.today. • AT. Low trafiase.A-faill ciortniont of Ph oto grsph.tabima &mil:Huila for nett year; ago, eszonalgt model's and Ono for. 'as ae Brank Cased Dept, Canalolo -Banding, Bile street. Mrs On. 84 niers...ltropa of Vonaago county 'end Wait Vizglafs and Onto Oil roglone for rale at /hank Oaso's Book sod NOM Depot. . . SPECIAL Lopes Norio • 'HO U/ W. P4tar , pftialli elate Reefer, and dealer he danerieety Slate, of various c , l.sra obce at Maunder Laughlin's, near tho Water Works, Plttsbutgh, Pe. Residenes, No. 7 Pito street Ordcre promptly attended to. MI week wannhted water-pre Rot alrlng cone at the shortest notice. No demo !sr repatre, provided the z't is not abused After ft Is pet on. Jur with boas Outdn a DT o W hvo u e t r oou b tltd Snit, eau apply on croemont and safe remedy ruingßeeirm s Dteneldal Vette& We hale tiled the artille, at 4 eau Lately remoutttetAthen, eetee of thrt , ctihithtton. r;b:-.rs amd Gr.ukerd they are of gnu mina, I fa; R.) Cmaticr. -•-.. . Tea OILLAT Parrc.—Perhaps all oar rootlets are net aware that In this easn, et the protein time, exists the grosbeak panlo In the boot cad shoe trade, which has been known for years Goods are being sold for leas than ball the cost of manufacture. Garillierr,ut Concert Hall Shoe Store, as usual, was an hand to "gobble ap" the bargains, and with cash in hand, has laid bt mock of boots and shoos, at prices that will astonish the world. He is actually ceiling boob and. shoes lower than ].fo re as war. Mei's heavy boots for $1 60; men's calf boot; fot S 3 00; woman's heavy winter oboes for 80 cants. Those things are flab's to be brought to a close any day, so that albs la emphatically the time to ray in your winter supply. Although this is not in• tended as an adrertisement for Mr. Gardner, yot It was from him this information came, and if you want to coo tam, his place of laminas is No. 02, nett door to tbs Express office. Tea first effect of abillons climate upon the Inman system is to produce a torpor and Ione• tivity of the Liver, thereby preventing the natural and free diseharge of Idle. All knot/ the lurking nature of the polo n that produces Fever and Agee and Ito kindred diseases. A tallow complexion capricious appetite, and mi ca/lanai pain In the aide, are often the only eymptoms to warn of impending danger. The operation 0 408000D'8 INDIA °HOLM:4O43DR is to counteract this =diurnal inflnance, b 7 pro, dualist activity of the binary organs, and a healthy natant discharge of bile from the eye. N Bold by sil dniggitta and medicine d calen Sew 000D11 PLC bred et the Merchant Tailoring eatablhihment of Graham dr. McOand• less,( 313reithfied street. We would most re spectfully theattention bland, and the public In general to oar new etoek of fag and winter goods. They consist of all the very West styles of English, French and Arnerlnan clothe, eareintEree and vesting', all of the finest quality, and Rebated with the tof care. Genle men desiring bailie le and well made cloth t ing Woolf do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewherti Every gar warranted to give full satisfaction in both pro.v. Merchant TailorsGlow' & hdrollaroasse, . No. t 3 Smithfield 'moot. 13rzoiat Nonni.—The attention emir read. en Ls directed to the brilliant assortment of Pail and Winter Goods Jul reocdved by our blend IKr. John Water, No. 128 Federal Meet, Allegheny. Me stook comprises a great variety of Fancy French, &Wish, Liootth and American Canltneres and Cloths, and Dna Silk and Gas shun Vestingt,—all of wilsh will be made op to entre in the latest styles and In the best man ner. A choice relettion of Furnishing Goods also, a hand and for sale, together with a' full nor': of Ready Made Clothing, wall and lash. lesr.bly made. OHArt Ai les and pre al 111101/. Tim fragrt Eesodont Z is rolentidoa composition of the paran est sad choicest ingredients of the Oriental vegetable kingdom. Retry ingredient Is wall known to have a benefimel effect on the teeth and gams. It removes all disagreeable odors, even that of tobeeen. It speedily removes these ravages which children sustain In their teeth, owing to improper ace of sweet and acid arti cles, which imperceptibly destroy them. Sold by druggist!. Orrnaob and, calls will be taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day or alight. Allarders left at the above °Alas will be promptly attended to. All calls mast be raid In dvance. %MAR 19,1 E : 14 OARDISE 1 3—.1019E13.—.0o Thom*, evening, Oo• tsbrr 186 S, by Itsv. Smirk Jobaron. asolatad by Roy. Dr. 5, J. Wilson, J. O. IiIoOANDILL32, B. D., and =did, esnibter of Iwo. Jones. Bp. OOLCHAII..-11fIled. at the b the of Ckda Cheek, whlltilet ding Ws nenneent to • gallant chug*, Lint, Col. JAB. U. 0 0 hgltiff. aged 30 nom Ms ;Mena aN taka plans from the naidena of apt. P. to. 11111. No.AO Wear antra; Allegheny 'An. on Earn; 00th but , at I eatect p. ta. The blonde of the Wain end of tln.lool leednent. an noon. telly leaned to attend. ' 3 VL_ , 9. - R,JK3EIYTE3 Mew Tort Warket FIR r..., Ort 1.1.--Cottos without derided &env; 1 =a 60 ftralfidllnag. Naar—tuts end Weetern terve a far l better; 1 SW 70 for 14 ncs 85.., 10 DIM I Entra H 0, 10 05.13 td ,braulds; the Mellen gitnt with po .11,1 at the Ittaltl• To:tatto. sldepp~b e.. 481/61 73.1 TN far Writer°. clany .1 11. Wbset 11.0 r better, with . limited etwy end . telt demand.: 63.1 MX for Winter Ned Western, Kai. nieur; 1 3:41 G 1 34 far Western. 1112. „ 6,tor Ilterd Western, clostors at Oste doll; pd toe Western. Wool active and le high,. arra,- drat; NJ for N O , 143i.183a far Coto lruecorado fi ft .r Clarlflot do; Penned higher; n 3 far Jar llarde: sgogi tar godi yelper; 2+34al I ier Belt White. ..las f. le danand. trolem Pe n u data; Ilkfge Credo. Ed for /leaned to Bead. 112 do ers. Port drum end not very active; ;Wall for mono rIs.AV for towel.% for cub so d la regular Say ; StAO for priest. And 42.60 for p - Ur/Men ; also l,! able ay. M-vo, et tater.' option, unto Novlroner 13. at CVO ; 6CO OH de no.. option. Bovonbar Rad m.re rade, and levy flue at about previous yre.a. Beef haw in rod Canaan wadi Am; to .rrha as tot meats lc talr agct itt at tellao. ehotadere rtetCa Lard Ana *edict coed demand at ZoteN. Butt r acd fat, demand; LOatOe ter Madero. end 39•48 tot Ste e ( hews In tate requedt. atd drat aa HAW.. New Ytrk Stock alitt Illlozey Marko.. troac. Oct 2 1 L—Zowty bean ao4 steadyat Etatltos Lintel at 100%. Ci,41.1 Arm Abd steady; opeeteg at X .t,}4 fl 4 taaciaa ; de.:l.th a to 2/Zji, aod.ckstag at twtarccront ttockt Armt. Etta, sitady I Gold lid; 01 & /rt 5-20 . 4 verlstent. HP : Wm 11111 coupons. 106; 5-20 conotict. 10734 : boa. toy 7-30's /CO ; 6 B. 10-40 t•.;.4.... pui ; 11 8 6 ' e Ott Yen ' • 1,05%; Panto }NO, 315 ;S. T. 0., no; Ztls,t7;: Hudson, kg% fltot6lci, 12 . 354 ;Ms Chasm', 11211; ; Idlalg. Oscan; laW/‘ ; alictOtro. &maws, a% • ,Sott Vairces ,- 423: IDo Pteltrrect, 17X, : /Lek hunk /.2Z%; Ft. Ways.. 67%. Chicago Market Osicato, Oct 14.—Tkror Om. V battOrm tr.dlstdrancad 24 Salto at 51,77 for 80. 1, 1 711 tarifa 11. Coon ...di; 1 2 ..Pia1A S.. N. a - Oats gala a 4 614d.t... Provhdoos quitt. .16 hi, koy 1.... it ado Roctfpts—rt..WO far, What, 111,0t0 both; 001% ; GUNN do. p gpmippnautp— 11.600 bbl. Mast, 01,000 bosh gm, 61,000412; cats, 116A0 ea. • Philo&lrda Market. rarmanreo. Oct VI —Plans sand, ; seat anise,. ‘ fiant • Rat.. Bo 60; Mgt. ramily, So. 7 5610 wbent Era; deaths., 12 650160; White, 668 170 Cam trin ; Yellow,sentes ; Bed, tl CC ; Whit*, 01 70 rat Mama at it stand sti I; Oracle, S&; Wined to Boa& Moan ; to. Fri*, Stn. Vadat/ Mad,, as =l77®t la. Baltimore Dlark4. • BALIIMCW, Oct. 23.—Thor advanced l 7 0. W.oat admlprtm White. V 607 ftGO ora Arm and serer: old Wtho, 61 7597 TI. o so= g til t l d4 ofd luny?, at in TT. B. ITER INTELLIGENCE The maker 001:11.41Uel cloud/,w .4 oarttie4 erft, thaws. of ado, w hi te nu rata at Shia p. lot hst Dot, oppanDrily, undergone any chant* 11.0.1 OUT WI import. Our rlep r2Oll, are pretty Don. 1/ D.:4 cf • .611 anti U than dumb! b. no mei MI mail amitallyeltsYr tG record V the Julie from ZazenfLie, Wahl ailde frolll the Molar picket., then not et' adagio 'fisputiats.The Flue Grove nom Cloallitilliita 'boat doe, sod will probebly arrirnso., M' Theo was nothlordana at • Ilindiog yestord.l lb way of bloslorm, owing partly to the loolesmat moo. Al e te fat w *thee. hot prfocfpally to the fact that the •is tethieg to do. The offemoge of freight tenth:toe toil light sad lb. remipt• ma extremely I oiled. Copt Keller. met Allegheny ricer :what, the La than No 2, le completed and he now iyi eg at the Alta ghat - , wharf ready to common. Puiltvw, wt.e.a•tir then. ii venter eti ugh lo the Allegheny ea admit of it. Theis■ re-yr dry arid etatioM tooting c oft, and the war, we helm noidotibr, prom *vary 'slosh!, and pep. War • - mmlort to the msdo Tb 4 Cltl.m , c•pt gismo; r Itinehart, clerk , .111 lean for et Louis thli afterocon. The Julio. Copt Oehleob, tar lad o nova,, be the megulai whet for Vanerrifla to-day, lowing promptly AU 4 o'clock. • DUTCH BULBOUS BOOT* Wean now riwostrlng Who Willa and beat ism* cent of linported 17istaning Bulbs, Ever brousht to Ws mutat, tooludtog HYACINTHS TULIPS, MOUSY& lIAH' USW YIIII 30 N4 010 .• - , hNOW MUM, ANNHORSA Ake, HYACINTH GLASIIP, ot !ulna§ pater:A Perna, wliblog to maim would do wall to call Loon end mob thou. solettLatt. J. ECNOX. NO. CD flPi II BUTEIST MIES/03 OTRYAN, au. not IVALSIIT afIIZET, PHILA, Han Aut rob:44nd a limp sod hanctsonos atoortmort of Prench alillinery, To •11:b the attention Cf tee • icular Can - free to order.. fr'lodl6B4. OPENING—.On BAI29IDAT, 20th inntan • immix..o u• - ••Timout of Pstt•rn Uonnott, Ladle. , and Chlldrea,s [late. All the newest styles. A very largtstoct Jnti rexfrod at attotly red.:tad pd... lira, 123 I YDEII tL BT.. Alle.g3rny frt )i.stIM.PS AND PRUNUS. in I.t. ar d 0 Lox. , it• Gnu at Prate. In ne., nub t.rralo b 1 7509.127 par 12! Wood Strict. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELBORLPH4 OFFICIAL BULLETIN. DISPATCH FROM GDN. GRANT. An Advance by Gen. Warren and HANCOCK ATTACKED BY THE REBELS Enemy Sivaalls Repulsed. THE PURPOSE OP OUR ADVANCE AOCOEPLISEHD. Our Troops Withdrawn to their Former Position. THE UNION CASUALTIES SMALL. Rebel Gen Dearing Billed FROM GEN. SHER&AN Threatening Demonstration Against Tennessee. BHERMAN AND THOMAS PREPARED: The Defeat Of Price Confirmed MMI 16;ental Western amebae Pres Dkpated. WannuttrrOn, Oct. 28.-9 p. Gras.Jvo. A. Dix...—Dispatchei frcm General Grant received this evening, informs the Department that an advance was made yesterday by Warren and Hancock In force for the purpose of ro"on no mom ,In the evening the enemy attacked Hancock vigorously, bet were repaired. The porpose being accourmlleha d, the troops wero withdrawn from the eivenoet positions to which they bad been panto d to, morer to their line of former occupation. Telegrams of General Gant give all the details reoolved. City Pont. 9 p us.—Tb E M Stanton, Soo: 0,/ War:—l have just returned from the crossing of Y. Boydeon plank road at Haulm's Creek. Oar 'lino now extends from 14 former left to Arm strong 's Mill thence by the south bank of Hach. en's Creek to the point above lamed. Al every point the enemy was found to be entrcrnoSed and hie works manned. No snook wu made doting the day further than to drive the pickets and cavalry belle of their main works Onr camaltleo he been light, probabless than two hundred to killed, wounded and miss- log. The same is probably true of the enemy. Sife =IMMO scum loaded connect, on their way from Stone's Creek, about a dozen beef rattle, traveling barge, and from seventy five to one hundred prisoners on our right. Hotter hos extended hie lines around well to wards the Yorktown toad, without fiudirg point unguarded. We shall keep our creeps out when they are until towarie noon to mar. taw, In hopes of inviting an attack. (glazed) C. 8. Or -tar, Llvtot. General. at, Plaint, Oct. 28.—T0 Hon. E. It Staaroo 'll4 attack-on Gan. lianeeek, now that a report has bola received, proves to have been a decided so. case, Ile repulsed the etiemroindrensaLied in his golden, bolding paseession of the told Unit midnight, when he commenced withdraw. leg. Orders bad been given for th. withdrawal the .2d Corgi before the EGA was mad.. We Het zo prisoners except the anal stragglers, who an always pinked lap. Ou raptures for the day, 01 the Boa h Side, foot op 910. The rebel General Deariug is reported killed. 'Gan Meade, In his official report, mays: I am Induced to believe that the 111101.111 of the opera tint!, which was most deeded, was mainly dne to the personal exert* a of Mei. Gee. Hancock, and the conspirmou gallantry of Brig, Gen. Hager:. (Signed,) 11 . 8. GaatT, Lt. Gen. Reports fr. m Gen. Bhenaart's Department to 6 o'cook this evening, lndint, that the rebel are, Is again making threat-Meg demon, re. Itch. LgaLn,t Ter a1e..., Lot Ilore IS oa reamn to dude that Sharman and Themes will be baud prspared for whatever movement may take pi Oa. It porta fr. m Missouri and Arkaasas cetera is atailus the defeat of Price with heavy Lose. M. Brumes, Bee. of War. TEST NEW ORLEANS RUCK Enrolment of Ile Louisiana Minna 12 11111 A MI LECIIIITCPE AED A CHEER YlO9 Or HOST. LiTIES. Coirespondenee Between Gene. Grant and Lee. • Sm., to. Nwor You, Oet. 28.—Now Orisons dates to Guild ata received by the steamer Stets Ha A kilt has been Introduced In the Louisiana Logithature for • loan of a million of dollars, in order to enrol the Loslatena Wilda AU per. sons between the ages of !eighteen and Wks Ire are Raids to military duty. A Member of the Alobania Lagtsbature intro daoed anisolullon offering concilistory terms to the Portends, and demanding a caustlon of hostilities, which coined math dismission. The Logielattu had adjourned, rooting to suede to the Guenter's call for aid to etrongtheti the de louse of the Stets. eirreepandenoe has passed between Centr als Grant sod Lao °anointing the condition of phonate on both rides, and It hat been agreed upon to allow supplies to be forwarded to the primates on oath side. The mod. will be adopt ed forthwith. The Herold learns from high military author., try that the reports of the critical situation of Sherman'e army In Georgia are totally unfound .4. Atlanta bas nosily three months' supplies ke its p - risons. Alatoona Is well supplied. Chattanooga Is Shama% present bus, and Is alio will supplied. New You, Oct. 21.—The Richmond papas of tho 251.6 tontines to wail onr ELltj'il defeat, and de , and his upentedure by Johnston. Thatjtuain has Issued a papa on the Nailed States Indebtedneis ' endeavoring to convince Xuroplan capitalism that our national sororities are theiworst of Instruments. . The itemiser Port as Prince luu anirod with Rut( fibs to the lit Inst. Pneeldent Geffrard has tithed a proton:Lotion to the people, which he tolls them that though', three instureotiou Lad broken out •Ithla the past sin months, they an now all qulladj and order is completed, restored. The president has also at the gotta:Halloo of General h lip Pero: contented to commute the daub s, cloaca on those oonvlotod of treason in the Cope Rotten rebellion of July last. Preeticat o , ffrard's proolantatioa Is • well wisdom hied dignified doonmen,, in.t °moot a !el with esturnissioa of his faith In the perman ency of the Rutin republic. Naw Ton Oot. 28.—The Cluseacelof Aden. goer states : It is mortals' that Grant Winded • move shout this time, and may have made It. lie would be more likely to may. hie left than his tight wing, u • sausufal advance of Ile former Would render the fall of Petersbent in event lba:vond the power of Lea to prevent. A Charleston dlspitah reports that the bloat ed* ?minor Florence, frotn Num; was chased ashore and sunk on Thursday night last, Tie Fedorate fired 128 shots at the wreak on the 28d; one.of the crew was wounded. The cargo wee mostly on the rebel government account. The Pat's Washington Special rays ; It Is ruo mend apt Governor Seymour has malls a in quisition' for Colonel North, now la 0:d Cepitol • prison. E. Ricketts continues to improve. Secretary Stanton b 3. recovered. Oen. Franklin is in Baltimore. A New York Beate &sent has arrived from Bkeriden'a army with the veto of the New York soiolats. Se gees home to•nlght. Stork mad Morey Market. Epteial Western hosee'ated Prey Dbipatish, NEW YO/11, Oat. 28.—The market showed a decided iriprovameat this morning, with a 'strong apoculatlee feeling, many criers beihg giving:7 eatildo Peals. Railroad list very active throughoul, especially the Reading, Michigan Borttbern,plalsgo, and North WI:OAm. Gov aramant. sleeks stronger; State stooks more active; bank storks, more demand; mining etfieks partially ',aerated. Mowry market cordintlei eaay. , Poreign Ow ehdage firm—more active. Tho gold market opened strong, and the teedent7 wan gradually upwards. There wen tome nufarorable rumors anneunclog that G.naral Grant had mat with a reverse, which enured a alight inereate: It we afterwards rumored that tbo Ewith Side R. De had Lest captured, which antacid a daoliwo. Et• frame fleetti•ttenr, about three per'oeni. Quo. tellers et evening maahaage. 10 p. m : 2111; 'Sew York Cori trai 121 ; Erin ; 1! od. 0 is, iii;.„ Reading, Michi;so Central, 127 ; Ckurrai, 1293 ; oral If es tarn, all; Wa)ta, Hancock New You, Oat. 28.—The following arier was issued to-day, by 4 3er.aral Dix: Nee, Yorh Oity, Oct. 28tA, 186( —ff o ,d 7uo - r . kr*, Deparbonit o/ the Scat—Gener.4 Order No. SO.—Satisfactory information has bean received by the Major (central commanding, that rebel agents in Canada, design to send into the United States and eoloniso at dire:rent palette, largo numberil of refugees deletion and enemies of the government, with II view to vote at the approaching hutidantlal eleetion, and It is not unlikely when the service to the rebel cause boa boo performed that they may be organised for the purpose of shooting down peaceable citizens and plundering private property as in the recant predatory Luctusions on the Detroit river and at St. Albans. ;Against these mitigated outrages on the purity of the election !remade*, and then nefarious sots of robbery, inetandlarism and murder, it is the intention of the Major Gams oral Commanding to guard by emery possible prate:Mon, and to visit ott the perpetrators if they thall he detected, Ls most signal miry punishment. 1 All the classes of person' enamorated, whether eillsens of the Insurgent States who have been In the rebel lorvioo, or ongegod la acts of hoe. • tiiity to the Government. deserter, from the military farcical, of the United States, or man drafted, or are subject t, draft, who have fled to avoid their duty to their country, and are liable to punishment for the crimes they have already committed—and no effort will be spared to meet tholes for this purpose. All Provost Marshals and their deputies within this department are commanded to czercite all possible vigilance, and adopt snob 01141.171.1 as rosy be necessary to curvet for pence's coming into the United States for the purplee of volunteering or of cum. milting depredations on prince property, and to prevent their escape ; and it is earnestly rec ommended to the election Gators of the State in this department to take within their election Olutriois snob measures an may be reqnired for their own security, and aid the military au thorities In frustrating the designs of the rebel agents and emisearies, or In bringing the per. petratera to punistupent. Should any of them mole:adore introsed in perpetrating their crime., effective aeasuree will be given, and enitable guard/ for the froutier either to re. caption ail person ' from the insurgent States now within the department or who may come 1 within It on nr before the third of November, to report thou:maw for re gistry en or be fore that day; and all snob parsons coming within the department otter that day will re port immediately on their arrival Thai who fail to empty with Ulla nquirament, will le regerded as Ineurgents. The reelleitm in thb oily will be at the head quarters of Meier General John J. Beak, almond to command in; the department, at No. 37 Meeker street, and in all other pities,. mat of the city at the caeca of the nearest Provost Mar shal. The reglatry will contain a complete de scription of the person. reporting and else their pl. oes of re•idence, which most net k• changed without notice at the place .4 registry. By command of J. Gin DI X . D. 7. VAs Brams, Asafatant Adjutant Chea 'ROM GRANT'S ARMY The Enemy Massine on Our Lett YILLOW FEVER ABATING IN NORTH CAROLINA. FROM BATON ROUGE. Bebele Engaged in Bunine Cotton. THE CROPS ENTIRELY DESTROYED. Rebel Press Extraots HOOD'S ASOVAMEIHTB A MYSTEERT 0t dal Wtstero Asecclatal Prow Dinrect. Ni. Yosz, Oe. 28 —,-Tbe fisvoirs s:h aorta rix.,al, of the 25th , tan: oontrahend who coma 41 to day, confirm, the stamystrets of r•synt deserters, that the •teroy le largely sisesod oppcslte our left, Lashing preparattona to resl.t any attempt oo the South aide ItaUresd. Tes enemy evidently anticipate car ot it more wilt he in that tirsetlon. The ?r•^lrl, of the 25.2., says: Ho demonstration of any hind lets oecza• rid along th. lines of thls corp., rimes war bit terly. drove ttus rebel ranboats up the river : The parapet it the rebel Per.. 6ltme , time di:defy opposite You Harrison, Is Crowded daily ty visitors from Bachatend, taoledtns many la• Ths ihnold's Barbet, Monroe correspondent, dated the 26. b, soy,: Ths yellow lever on the moat of North Carolina is reported slating. The health of cur tqoadron b exeellent; notions owe of yells, freer Is reported among them. The cargo of the blockade ranter Hope tea ebb of machinery of all nth for boats and the mangfaciure of small emu. . One Imodred. prisoners captured en blotted* Ruiners dtuitig :this nmetb, mimed at Potful Monroe from off. Wlthringtes. Tazu papers any the ,yellow lam has ap e/Red at Gaireetos, and avenge .12 deaths daily. Gen. Hanoi, commending at. Galveston, is . mad order, prohibiting ail ousels suitable for bay or river serene from engaging In blockade reining. The Baton Realm correspondent of the New Orleans Pimps/ says: The rebels burned large quantities of cotton In that witleley, detarmthed to permit non. to come tato fedenu hands. The same cierrospondant anscanom the cotton crop almost entirely destroyed. he Richmond knoorierr of the 25th tap: Great Is now walled in by fogy 1140/ of rev doubt!, redact and ride pits, each Hoe stronger than the one , I n front of It. Most of his it La posted In the Inner line. Theism. eerier, in referring to good's more. meat, stye they are threaded to mystery, and displays considerable anxiety afloat Atlanta. Intelligence has been - rscelsod that relators*. moot are ball i gataarad tram all cliaartara.lor the deliveran of Georgia. ' • Tbo /hoar says General Vaughon's force, In east Tennentee, is keeping close Witch ore, the Tonkel ntovements in the quarter. Aft thfUe nett Buirsßep la predicted. reettenel Currency -14e Rodman Con —Anibal of the North Ater, ate. New Ton, got. 28 —New freotionet curreney is to be turned to take the place of teat which has been counterfeited dnotbet teat of the Seeman guu took plead yeetrlday Itt charge el one hundred •end twenty tiro pond, powdre, with the hell-ton ball. The bag itcaolacied beautitua.T. • The Stith tarp brought half a milliou gold. /37 the arrival of the North Star we hare Panama dates:of the 17th. Thit latest &deices from Central &merles contain no nese of Inter. est. l Ey the interruption of eommunioation, no nowilme been peceleed from Humidor fair nearly a month. TheAirst attempt to coLleet the tonnage duty of 60. parr cent. eat mined, and sailing papers refused by theft:lsms authorities. The Pana ma Nagroad and Steam Ship Coinpanp's steamer applied for papers to the 17. S. Consul, got them, ind wont to pa. The authorities hays taken no further steps In the matter. Investlgntlon of Election Frauds. Beivitoss, Oot.. 28.—Thu reinter/ commie. Lion to tevertlcsta the alleged fraud, la the ta king of the vote of the soldiers from New York, was resumed fo , day. D. Monroe was • brought into Cant 'boat ono o'clock; he tiattno cannel, bat proceeded In his owe behetf, to objeot to the jarisdlotirn of the Court. The prisonor plead gcilty o 1 hi. having aignod certaio bleak, with the name of C, S. Yortrtne, Capt.'A. D. C., end pujain of other's, end as it did not appear that he was an officer of the State of New York or of the United Stelae, there wee, he contended, no ettne. Pew' von 0014 Market. Fair Year, Oot. 29.—The gold market is without excitement. Thar* Le a steady demand for export and cadenza, which haps up the pries seder • market otherwise weak. The price opened at 21814, and advanced to 2154 by coon In the afternoon, rumors that tha Heath Side Rath-ewe had been eaptured pat dory the Rico to 21151,4. Train Thrown'. it the Track by Guerrillas CILLITASCCG4 Orl. 22.—Tbe guerrillas threw a train off the lurk, throe atl'et below 41strs. title, yonerday, lulling one Wan animater:log eliiht. TED vier.: harine rattled, the enemy were dfeett rll without inskall any Ivitty..9 of wIll , 11(14 01 , f ty, The rood is etsepleted to AtiautA. Tr%ID/ loft this cscruing ft,r that rota:. IVORTANT ORGEF FROM OE4. 01X. 1111011 THE ARK OF TOE POUT Betel! Oolonisine from Canada. 144,) ELECTIONOII7ETV AT THE Provost Mariners to Exercise all Pot Bible Vigilance. ata n , he Tits Entire Army in .lotion SIX OATS' RATIONS AXID 1111,11.11111101 CSHRIED. apt Western A...lodated Prep Dlapatek. New Toes, Oat. IL—A Tribe... epeeist from the Army of the Potomac, dated Oat. 27th nye : This morning the entire arm, is In motion, with az den' rations end ammunition for any emer- PncT. The me►ement is towards the leftdank, end en the extreme left Gregg's cavalry la swinging around towards the loath Side liattl Road and the Appomatoa. The Immediate oh- jeetl►e po!nt of the movement to the S. S R. R. and the Appomatox rt►er, In 'the circle of the existing fortified Line. The Weetcl'. Washington Epeeist ny • e General Mead. to 6. removed WORE') CAPTURE OF PADUCAH. TUBER FIRED Bli BY GUBBRIIdII The Exprtu Compel:the and the Corn missioner of Internal Revenue OWENSBORO CAPTURED EIT QUERRILLAS Locruvrtan, Oot. 28.—A street minor of the capture of Paducah, by • rebel fares, has been prevalent all day. It is tradable to no authsin. tic court,,, and doubtless arose from what had leaked out coneerning our military movement, the transmission of which Is oontraband. Passengers from Owensboro' say that about four hundred men, claiming to be Confederate soldiers, are encamped Just bark of Uniontown, and that the whole country in that vicinity, and along the Ohio river, I, filled with bands of guerrillas. The Owensboro' Regime- says: On Wednesday 101110 twenty-Are well armed men, calling them /elves Louizians guerrillae, robbed sheriff War • neon and carried him off, but inbsoquently reharsd Oa Thursday noon thirteens Confederate col dest', moiety °fleets. took possession of wane bore', and Just before the mire! of the steamer Morning Scar, were Joined by two hundred of their comrades, under Major Anderson. When the Star hove In sight, they endeavored to draw her to the shore, but, falling in that, they Bred forty or fifty shots at her, only one of which toothed the boat, doing no damage, At the suggestion of the Commisiloner of In fernal Revenue, our oolleators commuted so a postponement of the cases against the express companies, which wars let for trial yesterday. When these &meanie. pay all taxes on their past transactioaa, end ante of prosecution, It Is presumed the case WU be demisted. Since the occupation of Owensboro by the confederates the conduct of the troop, has been good. Capt. Steabsian triton= to that theft Instrac blow were to recruit, chummy the government stoma and respect private property. except when absolutely mammy ler Immediate wants. BMW have been pressed rather extremely, and some beats and clothing taken, bat we presume these things were for linmedsete want. They deny all connection with those who drat visited We notice that nearly ail the eocantande that have soma to our ally are new roornite, doubt tete the pT041:10t of Me lug goreriunent draft, a are =ratty from °maths of Ilaralng, IrL, , odo mad Baneoek. Rorraltlng hu been gang on briskly In the enwty, and tome few turn enlisted from the VIOLATING THE BLOOKAHE Ambulances for the Potomac Army 41 .• &4 5 -. &a. gpeclet Wwtare associated Press btspatcb. Wesurserros, Oct. sB.—The sohooner Coquetts, of Baltimore, laden with tobacco and wheat. arrived here to-day, having boon crapturei by the Potomac flotilla dawn .ho river. Bh. is charged with violating the blecksda. The 'cap tain and .1. of th• crew was committed to the old capital. The beard et of:tears oritred last week have D of the new plan of constrazing am bulances Invented by Dr. B. Howard, and a number to them hart boon ordered for th• army of the Potomac Early this a. m. there was • ran storm with a strong wind. This was preceded by clear wavhar, with an oamislonal still bonne. Thv mail boat Cessna, from City Point, anelusred for several hours down Mariam' GI a matter of irafs• ty. This detained her arrival at Washington. Now Ton, Qat. 28.—Judah 11.:Beajainin'e tenni oiroalar attempts to *osmium foreign capitalists dot the rah.' loan is • moot 'better investment than the fedaril loan. It is ad. dressed to tbe rebel agents abroad. The Soldier Vote Valverde* * . *roils' Western Associated Pram Dialyse SOU • ALlelY, Ont. 20.—A telegram from Wsthing• invest, fildetted Lore to•day, • y. that the that* Agency and Medical Department ere welkin operation, but that the voting commissionan rooms are still under guard. Mason, who is implicated by Ferri. te hi, tionfeasion about the eoldisrs Voting treads to Beldam*, 1, here, and publish., a cord, in which he gays abseils had not been in Baltimore for two 'weeks baton Ferris' arrest, and that there is not a word of troth in his statement as far as he 1.1 concerned. Cbcv. Seymomi Ir still absent In the western Part of the State. The following letters are apart of the oridence as the Sheriff is aloe, Albany E. Amazon, Eng Babrntotts—Hec r Sir:— Tour Lelia I= of the 10th inst., and also your lettere of the 10th and 11th duet., caw to hand in &nicotine of time. I answered your telegram by sending Ed. Nowcomb,lnd you of comesgot the gnawer before th is time. How do you like It I' I saw Mr. Cogger and /bowed him your telegram. He does not want to open Barney. - 11 you want more help I will send isomo 00,4 - As to reading the minima you had better send than by Mr. Wulaoe ; be ,alwaya calls thitfirate Agency when coaling this way. 'Solid them Al fait ea you can get them Int to Me. Alltrwall bere,and we ere eamilident of complete snout, Is is unneoemary to say that all have haves's, tire couldentio in yore skill and abetting and hope yotewill like your help. Pious keep Me adrired and I remain Yours, &r., • • II• etiompa4c. Nlls - Tole, Oat. 28 —fo Bitoori Dona lee; Fee.. Dear 9 4--IttfoLased in - this peakageviou and tickets, oleo ■ Met of tames of the to • ttul taapoAdoata of oohambla county, tere,mom• bare of the Mb regiment. • ley beat Imhof for your entiolee. I remain , Jae. A- Patazu., CozomfUeg eshe Thie Guerrilla am Anderson gilled. 8r Lotus, Oat. 28—An official dispatob Put recel , cd as boedquarters from fit Joseph ear The guerri Sand, Bill Anderson, wad saran of Manua Taro killed ye/today at Albany, Bay tawny. Ste men ere to bo shot here tomorrow after noon, it retaliation for the meads? of Major Wilton and his el: men. Election in Virginia. Ti WHILILTIO, Oat. 2R —The •100tiOti alfoll,ololll State ;asunder, potoed of qaletly. l : Tim, entire Unica ticket be:leicd to have boon elected. Governor A. J. Bortruin,had no oppoeilion, and warra elaetad,, receiving a heavy Tote. nein= front mix *outages ' give Habbud, the Union candidata for Oangresa, over 1,200 mojorl ty. Legialatare and local (Mons largely Onion. ALNUREJFIEJr'rI. PITTSBURGH WCUTRZ. Irsiafe .ad • flea set Trapify and three act Drama WILLI Gar lIESDEBEAN u the Dole or Mater. Tau (Fooorday) XVXI9IIIO, Rill b. prraentad.l3l2altopearve OV. rot tragedy of BIOIIARD ; or. Tin Borri.a go &swum /Ma Blamed, Dote of alostar.--ina. aandozwoo, nigta.cd To cooolodo JAME BHILPPAI/D. I Tar Eloaey, ia7ii..LLen. tears L GllyJpti .....Client OMR GALLOWAI CAW. " _ EOM Mom MID OttBAITMITLL PAINTERS, liu. 23 GBAET szararz, neat 1111 b. FOR FALL. 4 rery handsome Baggily 01 Om latest atyla sad malt' la offered' atr tale at US yard attached b the PLUM DHSS HOTZL. ita=ond. Pittiburcth. T p .1?) 1 Ky lane 10 of itAbon octal articles Jen re. nod tr tlo lata 80. epot, blin. 05 ncl t. 5 tn. Glair itmot, by • J. 1 II L 173. aMt. ro. Alleghany enumtY SIc4 S 4cDD)(I3.E3ARR EL rillOTiu I : t.ti 1“tt. : 1,., ib' arsz zows,ualtVaoze4 JIIRDIG4fIL. DR LIGHTBILL% OS SMI UU OS MM. Lwarzumr, 84 It. Mark's Place, Jrese York, PITTSBURGH, AWD WILL MULLIN AT 1:112N St. Charles Hotel, Where he Mal bo consulted ontn Saturday Evening, November 12th, DEAFNESS, CATARRH, . Dlseharges from the Ear, NOISES IN THE4/LEAD, 4WD ALL TEO V. 5.11101173 ACUTE dB CAMINIC DIBABIS EAR AND THROAT., Da. LIGHTHILL Is induced to mats this ;Isit on aockunt of anmerotto applications from parties residing in Pittsburgh and vicinity, who an tumble to oome to New York for the indispensable personal examination rendered necessary from the impossibility of precorThing with benefit to the patient without it • . "07.0 or • DIU 61022.—1.002.1220•12420121,*04 Loue= ;art of ap, twro Galway, caste to ail ty when he WM *boot two years 6.20 eta 11.*. living tem he ern [Aiwa Sick sod bit hie heartag. 137 rdwpws he tom. guy &stead then du alt. Par now ly tan yam he wee a twe e aaahlo to bear Du bonds* ycdoe, or to err tlettlete • word. about one year woo be lie b I Us partmla la the heads of Dr. LIMIT. BILL, who has to ter nacceeirdta zawartay to hha his loto maws Of katrto.B and aldwardos that Data= lat• Tens wlto Mom who eosak ttr !dm detlactly sad de• I.lbwately. During th• put tour 02 en Man= D.lll. twin nada. the :Dillon of Kr. 134Dasotte. aad tuctotate twaddcrable'proem ho reading sad einflunnio.^ Ewan' teas soprolled with the balls edam. wo tab tber in wave:ad the matter, sad dacoennes that pawl. one to calling ea Dr. !ALUM las yoittlet cow wed coneidered torpehen, end ha wan for two years wo b awls of a Deaf sod Dumb Asylum. Ms Dee John tfort, D. D , Proksaar la Usloa Collets, achttuatady, ta • sahltthed utter, tandearbla gratitade to Dr. MD for treethognmentant hb.222 dotfhwa 71•01. B. Jewel/. Prof:mar of the Stat. Dom. I Mewl at allow, Also Wald. to h, this heeta cored of atterrh. Dr. motto pomace othw teettarnobb sadte. to his Wart from rows of the wealthkw twat pm:awn WI le•pected *alum% 2 '2 , 41 12.7 2* . 2 01 cn application.. It would be QM:DII. to eptald tat urns of posies of Ids treatment, fa the awe a aa7 of thew Many proofs and Lute taltllytag to hie encoolo• D. LIGaTtiLLL tc I revisit Pittsburgh at regular intervals, according to the require. manta of thepatienta under. his cilium The business i n New York does nal suffer any interruption from this visit, as one a Use firm is One in constant attendance. Tr.STllllOlliJ[O3. [ham tha Boma /annul, Jana alh./ In her, balsas of prohnian, Waal la harj dm hasat or theca co skill. haft h no ah as. kwledged haul ...Me ono veto 'stands us oat ea sash bold rallat amen hh Wham, at a ant of hodar. ths ihadj and treahaah ahht swan, hearth, as special Wawa a. Dr. B. 1.1911111114 nal cSty, =spies Jut lb* paitean heels deemdluL disbud/saki tsars of tabu to 1010 Spaciallis, and 1. bow IN Obi ea rs• laud of Us Indasts7, The edliallaltalshas of Hui Sri . bah, of. rush dah v bear althea ta tb Daolotr sae. ha In ehla 4 dapartnakt inalidna qua* Um Vans/rub From Rem PrgL 8. Jewell, Professor of the 81ate ?formal School, .klhany, Row York. Zr.Lisktica; D. Boa Duda daft of Much 14, I.econ. You Ous el statunent of my cue, tta favor trea/covot, 017 allure to clash; vk li stfal Its th at :atrectioci, My - mart to Tom toostment boulehil ninths. / Is bun h tba L Wlnter rd the year 1111„ rah, kot l o skient pesiodkal attwfts of Claturli, coached by mums. forcible worpionia Want aantatien of, the sumbratur of the =Mot of f the hem, acilompa cdidths find stage, lola weary tholarge faun tail, ncerAnbatpuently becoming acrid and yerlow,and toward kw *km of the attack, quotient scut bloody, Tamar, tacks produced a mgt species of eadache. a:sunk& periodically each day for • pork& Weiling Dem OTO to three wrote, mauls • wo violent u to c pecitots f beaten and conks us to nu bed. At time. attsodut Ingaminetion weal I extend to, the meth, product:4 tecithscas or to the throat:woo. siccing boanteuess mud pert:Lai km of soda.: and trim • ithin thslast hurauralt. haft an oftictad tit* kit op, fa to coal. m 600? weeks, too darkened roam I bad tiled oudlchons and - app/Icatkill of .outOlt.. mad., snob and other cation - hal propuotafs. Of some half a doses kinds Wino/motor camphor. stager and hot rconentatioas of Mains lambi end In connection with, them Um mud tomakto or oath ant , * employ ed. to Indnortountat wa ft . Dot not . of Uwe hd lastanceo prodnord sa y pormatutut Improvement, and. Quo w w temporal rabid wad _affr4od It 'vas Ur/spews of to awe nova af 10 l o t,.a art - 4nonitteshauttaL Under thus choomstancrail wail ; ut, though with feltsoanoe, Dom tin earciowel boar. Dl Ity of the Maim, to tura crial leoor iihmhatwals' .1.1 it note beyend tan my hopes, roachMg dtuaos . tt hut .leteutilea maw] Mama autt ant. is tyro pteena to ea extant which Iliad mummer, Impassible, At Matteis Igm you. my kerma cortills ,40.;whIto did sot assued of • camodetO Mites I halkobtalned • malaria cella druplyrepald.„ for 7 trial of lam tustmant r and 0111.0 ••UtOatta• that that tru , ftent waa Es; eirecthre at to was thaplo uu ohilcarphical • tabotamtlak maw tract my old .tt.a. of worth, for the ammeoadoated pa:WA! truty half a par. aad tilt la FDA) 8.1 scrim wow, name of Maui which would bare formerly readors4 such an attack Inevitable. was, to titsiwoot of an lat. - portant B . CSAML It Is pow stri months okra I sent you that steels:mot It ti wayLu aat to topaz Mu con/Mindy.' and to-sty Paoli hulls ths. tt Items to' who aldt of m lattleo yonnolf, and to bow nal ho gaff cn as I was, to add that I am not oat, at roll, gond: • •• to the Mit, and odimey of your mathod of treating colarch u vas Ma monthsago, but lam now of the besot that It theta I. .ash• Oars aa • one fa altJala worth. toy ca. • trabattattal core has boot stroatad. conioc 5414.. I fLIDEIIZOK B. JEWEL. • • Irma Hon. D. IL Cole, Senator troto he wanly-Matt District. • . nr.a.or,Joo.son. Imot. . Do. Tonal= .--71 to with root latis*. Sion that' Commintrats to loci the etlitces thentota. cloth you tato too, on my andloatban to yott, for &ho ofa r510..4 yourdircotious, acid am bap. py to state that 1 ma nov so for tuatara after unazn• toot appliestives as to - Mel gotta °outdo:it that I tun Iron god,ball not turd to Ne maned forth my dins itr, or, necessity aboold mar*. I thoold act bat Uwe to pls. toyed( ardor your unto hurls. Yours with raped, - g. 011.1„ &Mo. Orkin' unuttii H. T. Remarkable Cure. or Deafness. 'rota the her. Joseph M. Clarke, Rector . of fit. Zeroes Cherelt../ • geoettree, February lath, latt, I heee her. dent In or. ear Were, wer to CLlleg., mma heresy yearn sok By the 4.44,4 I, ...„LiehthtU, Pe Fearing arts entirely zed ..d.ley test rv , tr I hear ttil ,, e bath cry earcend I dad net t caa au Lay teleo with teeth craze ease ace eel:tiers that before. • 4.1.1,1!.... MiUM 18 NOW IN wet its eetterrhd ng ettieezt le pilitinamt. of tem en ontlew, boteeeAte, sae: tt It bey&oboe ktod of Boob ead noes qt ems to told at Wm t 0.., car Wanted et Wootton b< au tit teed • Rival botailt. illat tees= ire ara theonly cosee Mal can IMAM tIA puler vide salted - to fhlo peculiar 1228; atA maim 7 , .ftm, art so math Mater lbr tb.t !nee, for all trade. At COMMAS UA.Ty BA,A3 711121Maam palmy • • Alem's !to-Ai limy WhArrAcc4a ?I - " ana evarithtsg do In mnnetf*: 'BlSt DOOA TO magma O?7W •, OLD 18 FALLING.—The reallv of Sap dassment m bi nausea ar call:ar, NcOlhitoeVe !few Shoe Stoie, - 98 IEDIEBAL 6 T r A4Oa. ; When an wstexubs asentosxmi of Id a ail% ORE% - Borth, Shoes, Baltaoraksta: Gidtfirs; cm b. farad. at great/ mimed vost• tor its =watt= gni o.lllr ftoo4lol Reff - Doal !exist Use pai, YLDIEULL EC. B°('m MUM) AT. THE MEET RATES HI THE eirir, jeints ROBB, 89 market . Street, BELLS TICS lliat • s 1 •7 dna 1, 2 wis tha BOO'S =AO,NW hts .. • inntibuccaTur, aft - / Na ra:Mß WC= Ege 4ced ran.% Babsorsig Oiled 'Z. ChtldreN Goat and EM Sins anode ntadate oar speatalatdatie Y!odd anted anecaalledenstala stark. = dflEiitaf/L • BIBMIELL'S ELCOO/C. 10 ST. CLAD, gTg WocLi c.tt Cho stseetba of boon b tdiO 'okit, Inds. It boo b oa ooilood id% put was, butt] ens comp obbi el ebb t* tiAlo ri ale 6091:11. ORM Mgt Cktbal wade 1 1 1 *dm, irni demo aboofte oar pear Wm Wigs fall sad coetplobook of . • - ANlXSZialdnor 60041 • - W. if. Roan, motior‘i'; 11WW fro. TO Bt. ala4oObalftWft. FIXIIIONAELS DESIRABLE GOODS, GENT'S & Terra's ctommtr MADE 033,z1 IE THE BEST gnu . AHD Raft R.D. MORRIS. 'IS FSDRELLt. BMA? P RI CES taanYCIEDI. TO sun VIZ mums! We are aciar Belling at itedaeediiriee# ors raw; 4rroci or_cymEcrwa t , rc, th Dr• 'Ws" ot meow.. *4011114 , GRAY 41t, - itmawsensue 10181101,11770 MV, E :liir. .11X8LIMON OF PARTNIERSHIL:.;. -• 13 ..h c putnersh. of L12 7 / 3 1013na Oleo, ursby thy day, by , =mut Do bottom ot the Ana will be wooad op by thobsase_:. ;•• - • • -• • • arses. LIZI/0002 a HitrilANUT.t. by..lrhOli 40/•••••••-•:•• CCabasta sad ob4sumt will beast, eawho - 441nm ea P thod. 4 thWet the atom to * ale thr Gaut .• ; to the nett ' LIPI2SO3TS 00 sae to me Ms aeon af that Den emeot of oar baslairs. In ro ow we r o thhts. batho:ouseed our' earceserk LIPP/Ow= ~ PillS2E • LIN to the IA mo s s of our fetes*. +.l ; , ;;:v.,. 11t WIL4:LIFEMPO OOLLEPFLIIOOr. .•• Pttstursti,„Ottaber IS . pit; •- - • ; -414 irirPrireirrr. d fa. s.ottetewrx.' . 3 scar auoa. zuteiroth,.th , taw. zeisrett, COTT lidEt ELL- ha .•If a 1 N the ithawfactory so a troaktfuremr. tat/ * ' =Moos to thooldhetare Laws, leu their .PROTALA, Alai as bartafccro.. • The am Its rir. ~ rt' i on b goat ilth.thelounitofLlPPlXOUTZl.,-i, ace Y thelr owe& tosrk.-. sae collate the sorthelo- h= mos or the Were gametic the tote minexwAslza PAM copairmirciAtte, .11Lazullatrara ...__,. • wpriz LEAD 'LED zuso Par= AID ooplts:._ • of Inn derep°o4,;;;-::.. ~, -',..., -.• •• ~.., r,..,..r.,, ,, •,-.,, , ) ' : _DST tarnkl . l:llollED, It 011.. : .- • - ,-: -..,.. -, 4 ... s..=.r EtuncnEweiTzn. is:ET/mu° Paityst,.'‘. , „:::- .., .1 , ",* • - - -: -: 'A. ~, :1;,...!....tt, Barverwarzn Goma Poi . Plltls, 0012%0114 air . :, . - 4 . :•:,-: 1; .:%tt. • seszrays narsoidn ir , ',_ -.,:,. ..:' , g' , •'''''', - . • .. , ..,_ ~:: .....T....i --1.1.4,f2r • - General Acant, ss Ewan xsia,liat talk ..? ':•• -', ,!--, .• mamma -LP :4•F•1:- 11Q1411.0K H'IEMOINIC 8.,—A.: choice' lot of -'..! , ."-- * 4 =l ';' - ... 1', wesalisoTos HO mu5.4ati.....: .. A --'• ; r ra. rig Jost ncetted. and forcible, bw rates, br- , -,. - - - „...., .; 2.., r 111 ' !' ' _, - mut, e: LiTossi '''-' -. • ..' .-5 1 , , , • dl' 1/4501024•II6 ilaititittralg-:. .;%.-..:..' ................._„„_,................._..........,........................... '', .... 1 nOMECTOWS SALE" OF 'RE 1,0.irE6.!;•.: - .- . .".. ,,,, '>1. , ,,1,:-. ...'"usx,wm b. sold at AWL,. Anotkal. AN the i:::.,* _.,. i d,i'" . ;random. on Ms OTH DAY Or ZIOTIIX %Mk 113 4 ' ' ''''' Ito Totatto Iranttra..tallag Wiroboork %44 4 %14 401 --;.' 11. 6ornat oryfoat meet and 1 st - a11ay,44,41+a 541 - : • •, - 1 - 9; - • of Allonhtfir/illogrona county, Pa. - ' • ~.., , _,::, -_-,:,) Sh , %Wilding ta or t0ick.201%.% front by 62 dprt darh ,;• .i, 4 , f; -.% two Mena 24fr. nn4 la amtki on lamed o*l bfor. ..-, "'„, -..: .4 4Ti red abota %%Mu lean to tun. at a voondnnt, of ILPir -7.. Per 4 4% 404%. Pk. toes% and taa nab% to tru bion4l; ..!„; Z 0 t, , i- th wrd to Ord toodatr: . , _, _ _. -, - • ,- •.r .:, r - I' , 5- "" .. - Mantua! aa Rs . arty of co*. 213'4 ta=" - ' ...„ „, 'Ol,l r 1: r PaPard Plato Borer 11, Taxa'. due inn -, - , ',., : _ -........, , Dl,' . 67 ataltorttn or warrant Lon trm Croliontor of taw 23d1 fl O , "Made; Ps. - • •. Terms cult. lawful money or 114 parted &are% ' l ' ''' , , ._,...,..,- 4,„ oclstd ' . • 4 . Mr r. Ltfaxsza r . a 4 t i 0 . 4601 ' 21 'C' ,'' '.:::: ..- , $7,1 ,} -, , --., ~.v.::t• 'llX fa OT/0/I—A BAYMADE;ciboat _LI maw 441, 14X tliadeblib,itorpgtod gain. bo sold at Pob , lo VoWoo. at Jailor:es WEB eT eta. We. BittrdDar, Octal:lt Mb, at Noma. o'ttgrAt ra -., to pa ellooPo. moues premccoy idogial6 ,G.L a 41=IIIZI LOBO. Mot of Pcltoe. - • 0e47:3t Ot pr , perq holaera on Butt- • .k !et , • met, fifth ere.* tato zettew Ott tho 81,411 h: heti tvelett by Mesh ar,eard, nth esh b 1 .1 11113 , t , h • te ~t ht heet raltrg 733, WI Pahl Et , eel , kr.tait.ll4.ESDAY. the 31 hey at C. ble3llll/0(. letengee MEM soars .s.rn mow HIGHLY IMPORT.&KT. I _ . 000• more do ye clirdsido ttrargonao"..eo =TO or .PP , SI IV our cilia:is ac nu ui aurrou I commerce irn ca. ld OM CITY IN Flfi Gaiters, and ~+~tm►4raiy, BO LAND'S, 98 Balmer &wand deo. horn Filth itteit; sus /MUST ilSridg• gad the isoar Dtaraskai asccanni OEM ALUM, BON* ye.' • We. XlDAiZzrz, W. H. rerola.EE. morizaurr.TAridm ---4% ~. ~ , -, 4 1 .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers