Vitißturgh Matzttit SOMDAY MORNClifib:=l:::ol72. 29,1: : RIM AND MEM DAZD9 OP BtOCBB AND BONDS, ANICUI=I:. Wan ICA TIM rrennutog awn" I soBINSON, maws" ac MtOnk and Exchanse /3rouer a. sa ni rocrimi.grazar. who 107:iiiaggit gm arb. Beek. fem. PC% 0 7 17 Par, ci.. Blarma guul Woods. Oonaluiumt marl' Ur at an 1606•112 bai34. Orit4Aket • Div'd 5761106 Etats ers-16-155M, 16N - • gni" = mgr . 06 , A, 7 T. 7 l' r a 11 7 —L ra U Wise Gas. J CD 10 ay 6 ik ct IT, • . ..,1 16 • kr 4 , 4, s ' • " I St 4066 6 7 - ZITSI . sa,co orwaguira 5 5 " 5 56 7 SA nirowniero,,- 12 ' Z • Yo%: 1O to • 50 34 00 P'lttitctrgt=..'-:.... a as mg gin 07 • July 3,00 t 1334 6,03 .0 45 • c -14 1 4 . 03556‘ - St .nuys ant. Mad 'oo " .5 , • BO 1640066.10 15% 05 - 156666055466--,—,r. myth cc er • amts.„ =um= _ 60.441egcny Iralloy.' , lo' ' .—c- , --- 100 Part 11raMr......:;—..; at 03 qw•lrdyi Vick 100 Ctincland..l.—... .... o 3 Oa ...... 1r c"24"110, t1 . . .:—;.• - 77 ), alf • ' • —. &a PHU iltenbesmille— 131 60 ItcoanoculUx.4 Intl.co4,- .-.--.. —. .60 Mii‘o4 dr 10.1cclast... - 6 0 • - 60 - a 131;cedr.gicam -- 61% JO cAtlams ........... DS' • .... 5 .•• :r• ; . — ....Lasti.;.•'-: 50. natal At"— my. IP Karen!!..._._._—. SDC4tisecs—_-- C 9 -- . 60 2179/bursh-- --- 60 alectualcs— --- 60 Iran My -- 6 1 3 60 Nerchle Ficaafect9a. Cl• I:2lman Trutt -- 101:1 TIM 21114=11—........ I E1t0ctd; , 1 1 1....11 0 Third 11 —.199 1 11991 th . 1 too ittr,,t vet Antgtii ,410. 60 Naschader 8 OLQa . 7 '' -. du. itatcesco.. . —2/ .67412 51cent 10 North Swertmc_;...., , 9' ' 10 199192*......—. Sttc, Bept IS ct 20 Accac..........-- r.,..... 10 -, IVisa unr ..tlitts..... _— ic% /opt 2117 coat 1:1991991694.—.....—..... 77 I Ohl* Riney .-- —1% 5.11anCity.............— . . 1 7 ' is was —-43 f, -1 5 isdaral 1 .S /471019ta --. —,.. -- 4.1219ti1y /Mak —..— 1 a story—,, -- — CI rlcatttlial;s 7 sarca. V " / 129912 SAS 1 1M1711:... ' tt , *V 73 10 11ematm—t....—...... 7 . 10 MM. attlel=9l7sl;.: 011 Been .................../-1. Retchantee. - ..••.:. 17169rad0.—«—... --,. LiMen *.-----:—" .- - - 7 Ilm 01/Cc--.—. 1% ---- _ - =.77 - 7 35 1 Pitts &Hada. 0 0 17 . , xstl mil .V 0 Borth red= ..-. ;" -•-• «IA US Telearffh •••••••-• — 7. - '''' ' reama,bo sts, 1844 beak market without aulumfdrAn, Bat Yaw dealings at board to-day and thoraiVonliond antlesli to ilavern moat& &We w a at um ckamata 44 9 534. VD was bid for Lawrence Count* CHI hoots) CO fn Bailor lio; lO PIA tramtabattuaaa; lido . • gaga Pllithergh & ilisuber.ville olierediliThimankatioree' firm; GO bld'Oor Cltlnnur, fl for PI "%fog Alla .oli docks Itwsai 'tam awed at Se& dlieghwer& Pllistnagli,loXLoll Basin, 7 51; rta Gatuals crated, ' elid—Pew York rates, 91103] Pittsburgh, 218. the dry gear market, ways thaPhlisdalphlayedgw. , lobo Outlier four weeks igideeilleedin prices very nes . Sartlily, but radar a ergoroueliett cf hokters medmen mtticturees uholialfaliagr. 'fpigg . lieldrat toake - She gold smart, gold was ad.:toed from 125 to 207, or. rather, cameo!, wee cher matta dopy" of that dlifsrence, of plias was obarked, and r.dlekiip - it .ba:Traio:.tuala .Ssocrtred. It3i'd;; sw - e*d tandienßy of 014 has again weakened Xork AuctLo stet: Boy ars soy cones fors - urn a'owly, and tots are lees frignent• Mted, atoning u cant of tenth:Moue f& talk tars Its roomy market I,F teltheut chang", sod the aunty or Maley Is dope al my sn4sram• rams. so aunted am bush:mg inessatosarare obliellone, little paperit undo, wa4 opals lialila rmlemmli rmllortbo omen no On ettak-Shebunksgusty man Mat is battabla that lesdered - Thera ts More cooliducce to Onnetanete thou of lee; but the prebutarnitturn telf cntlficotro of todebtekbrees prereata the rater from dislialeg, as hry no notlet otrerolst The comparative deliver:ea of all grains at tidowatm by ths grit, crlitallmviies43lloria: tram Um %lel .- Ing of romigall:n to the 14th of Pouter, for the Pnerut and grad= two years: 04 WilK04" Biploy / Apra 00 . That, 5.31.,600 772,603 Wheoo, 14 213,120 12,374400 G0).,1,0d98,900 .3,7d1,2t0 , • 1,110,0a0 -§,wo Oats,_-.---_ 3,494,110 6,170,100 0,1155,900 , 000,700 323,612 - Ina tallttg off lli tbariospu of tour, wheat hod corn' fa awl marked. - "Tho &creme las, • are ID mann ter. of • flasecommodities tor oaportacion, though it by unclean, Itaylint that wa shall bare any sow citylordontrrelo son. gureptioo. tr:r that we Mall batiriher Met prima that - some prairt, during the Winter. all aonou,ra from Zurape fed:tate that tne crops them will be reactant for supplying the British machete without any, largo de, Orme 'or Mae loon brantittorr ; sad prim being there 111 lint awtaa averaga rata to rearchtettnarkrt ..brood, &saw will sr> tor fp. mum tar high quotation, here. Whore seam. however. todoel maxi . fOr:afpilebandl4 that prince, in the Emil, ittlfgate." may-bre Zeroed cop taints auent h rut - to - wag back of orators lit toe Weer— Ts* Western crepe have hese, open the'SrhAra gad; but the recent pale in the Mest.liaa. dunked tea , •iworipts M the Lake perm; whliiit theamostimegt hal failed la eamp•l"ep-cvl•ter.ln gren to ma. The Cast- Wird ehlputroM of rot:tarp thosonsvented from made fo tae chati4 selitti: and the traiht w W ho that we 110111 Lays to dilperld 1.111 . vat watts r supply up Wm, rodelpta by 'AM • This will keep the *astern stoat light and pries, gams what bights . than if the shipmeeta, duringlhe,m4. Ucattalaaa, bad tot hos tainagerAeLt •-•• ' - Tao neelpie of &RC atalikaititiliamgo,dirilfg , present MU lf). ZlMpattl favorably with thoso of Lei peal but inners tintro isulargeadeonems. , Tbs tallow:ng are tiler retina of fbnr, whoa gad own at Cfbicetto, tone September 1 to October 22; InG4c , , inn 1,211,d1a5 Dec 130,515 ghost, tmen.......9 1it.,703 9,170,657 In: 120,176 Cbr0,ba5h........121,tfidarr25,1119.087 — lotald,O7r,Ses Th.owaorie from glafocliocrAtwingthoothrcutpaHod are, Ansa:bpi tbeaa attierdchit Jhati..tke 4P:abs. ea - mlii" riggear data ths col:owing mingeliabili" strf V2i7 fitZ' I :L. •, • • samtertW , ft; piports. - Mow. 967, 2,51. Wheat, twan--, - D,141,10t.• trA ls., Var '161,410 Oar ,n bah- -...—.311,4,•V•72 )1,tt3:460 ...1114:330 Was largo dm:coati ImporteVrora , podi idiOwa tna orlon . to wh'ob &year ut trp144.414 at Crolowto pi . ..a rue "—Et Y•Coomma:G 4 :•• • f , She Chicago as•iiii.rWiiiitiot flrrid•y.••Ti. The money Rumba. I. wnliod lairiilStaritt vuistlan. the me's %Lats./ ar lirsue4ll. amity at 111 id cont. Advantai are meta, hoirflir.•lt epAr With wAtTost degree of caufSte. bu ttio buns azd nrawsz tardar ou tman= too t fair extent Advandas on "'UMW &dam an nude. bat at wide margins. The puking SAM I. onounateit•ii fairly, and Eon 40 on in way 'oak kw a aFmo:of IF"; noun boo aotomnn asd CUlaiiir Uwe. astd:"akpanteas in thik, noon looks Ina lo pnwp - ttis -•• •.• • .tin • a eorLt.t):ln regard ' ihailatare c-tre c D, ettMn3 t. healetal earths Om, samor.4 of tte• .11004 exkletuatla all skaaelOtetai • ' ()pent.; ..t are . ..n=tr i tsr ) an tnet d** Pisadeut.lielciateat.; rarathat,aeral. gazalla te;e i hraale ini tei tt. „ 4 = ‘ ,. t . l etxl4 L tz t d. R ad with are doneallof the ellxa capital It somata ni ehal Sit tort be lot In the heath= Ochtoderacy. A ; leo& at war cannot lose the Capital of their feet without beteg alegraoed fa tne eyes at the whole &amid world.' as vitlraate m. ct=t u nkhrova . w t . bet "6 ack.7to u tOol tot a pexhA raralatioh In oanexptretal 4 3 , • 6t."lsotus Market d ;'• . - Oae.2ll—lotra'oro—Lower on all grad a; the &Clint on! 7,* • ' 111$1 Wag Crow 304750 ter 103 pattods. 0/Trlng, 93 ti• allg la bbds of reedy factor; lag, at 3,7039,30, at ant ,.Cl arta do 91003.75; woman. ?Spying loaf 13,25118; ma : dbigi_i_lo.o7,locl gad andidne do 21.35; common and F' • se, ''"' m.250:``'.170115, 1c a!,A 31 , 7,5 ; soDs, a., at 333. ... . ~ 4 3f105,-6 edges were 4234 brirottp mattes vast with -- 1' . .1 1 , matesofirtgr-allse at 1,15; do 'at 613 dellrered ; extra ii , , likeable bead 4 load, anneolad and &Orem:l at 9,50; {•,,,. algrable extra at 9;45 t-1400 barrels do do on Ovate ...,.-: arstn—W at: B'ar:9l.337.sarter. nukes i lover n, wise was it 1,70; 9.50 sae he lotrat 1,135; ato do In k,, i i i, 91 1.8 k l2OO do In 1.11 '1,90. GM to at 1,94 RV V 93; 700 do at 2 • 05 1 sad da. Part to a 11.1 s a o • do at I .ntra, at 1 101. Oarn—ttalre of abate at ,55; mlaviat 1,153; ' , Cow xn at 11,60 Oats quiet; taltglagete 357.5 Halt In lota, at ~, 4 ,40 arts. Barbi; &deb of Ell nets at 2.15 to az il dreg 400 dal alattg at $0 Wirprvn 43 do gcod fall Le ' Iskpi-finks or fa N*804,71 . .. • , . _ • • New Yoik Wool Mar et. S.C.A'be garersinoss of the market far Domestic 1 de fins, end though Was Is patsy, rather:a ore IO4E II . ultra test week tinsels to general ectleity. tone ref, n to eatenald ens Wiest SI for grotto:on. ditionrd Shore, confide , tin the bell,f that Wool le des- A.; - ?;;' , # Asa to co =itch IletTet, , thank-no Micro lots, mold • pnbehly be g te.for Man leftist potent. The lineman& - onderem.l to ham garottes, the soli streams roes to MOM scsnnitotarersto moms operations to some at- g'Sent;thotriet. the Glffita: l, S Isnot likely tole la7y.oser -1•N come for some socks The popular opinion Inns to be gist tbstienk of wool in tonoafeatarere . hunt tee be. • - woe end when the tine emcee to ehiTO the lOU totheir foil reveries, - ;Ulf .1,1 i *lnt k 'nest in"tba /IMO, Wes ineiside .75a100,0 Ch 12171 41734492344 with emel Pr.. (cab trot h tn.,* nelvettiele:trenne, and 25,00.e11e Plated, .6416%n0. imwtirs. There. nu keen wen inSniry for [doubt :deseriptiems, but As on lbegs , the slaws otboWcrt , , ; • . IPTTISBIIRGII JIAJILICHTS. Pamir. Oct ,ber 03, 1861 With ths mention of the wet patty trade , ctiorn which mar mar, day, budtta wee at • complete piyd .till today , Then woe no atermatent vitiate= In any of leading eztlo'o4 of produce, and tomtit,- mending the gold market Is arpertettlx Limetith an upward tendency, there tooo .P,U ' attsv Wing, Prid, as we have above acticod, busty:as to entirely restromd to tha want, cf the home trade. GRAIN—Thor, to but very Halm Wheat olLring. and, •In tbe absence of sales, we cantinas to quote at I ea for rutll.l 1,0543 for White, Oats 1, lair demand And MP bat anetteiteed;:ialeog ICC • bustle to Infs. 00 01 C,r; r" 4—Pale 1 car nailed, on track. et 1,46, and email sales! from store at the renal ad , ~0, . barter is erantsd .. 1,00 for Sprit& and 1,45 tor striadY Prime ...ildAnt—Market steady bat very inlet, the drienl B . lo lt meitiitt - Peatirely to the reaoM Vie 100 al trade We intal ode of 50-barrel. ~ d tar of the Wen' at 141„1.0—to Me Made—and email mks at 1110, 5 / a 10,71; ORD( EILIES—TI-cre La no no a feature to 001160 either as retard to prnen or de need, the market Ming gore; and rm. wt,tent alammt JIM p odor to umiak. hoverer, that Own 0. no dleposition manliest. ad by Adders to form males, erblls thl other hand, Inlet' an bolding back la sathdprelon of lower MYTTIPIEL—There was oonsldarable itaqtdry for ohm E,,ll4.tter, to dry, and while: the nterket, ett the whoba Is firmer, panes-are , utothlniked to 403 Co. Lair to prime' Packed Batter Is needy with rouse In - (miry from tits nett y.ooS—The &mud Is Lair sod the market steady with molartale. at 280 per damn. ORWl:ol.—iltwedy but aneed We aestlutte to quota at ifita2:l f-r Walden &.11e Hantmrt, and fer Oratten 4:IB3SSTNVES—Ia active &mood oud higher. Wee of 460 /rubel. at 4,60 per bushel, and mall sake at PAL (;(111.15 ILBILL—EaIea of 40 bosh at 160 per bath. PUTAIIISIS-1141es " Neshanurilts" "' Peach 11101" ,036 And Et-par butt. s.anai rota are carrdsllsl6 the tmat at is ow:apiary glutted. Prime later's" am now sailing at 56 per bbi. HAT—Sleady with Ilea teoelp• .6 a fair demand at Irma 536 to 40 Per too • 11.1110-12 quiet but Wady with an occasional ask of pans city at =0 ..2PYLEs—Cicard rt.:minim to large ebed tame. tow/ :with a tab demand - as Iral mina walls common and inferior aril vary slowly. •' quotrd 514 per bbl for common and 515 for cultivated. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Ocr. ZS—The Petroleum market. for ISOIIr meson or Shu t renuelooszeniurbehly qubet,-eml ...potbelly to fist: Mita to regard to Refined. °rode I. needy, though the drmand Is by no means active, and priers are folly 11119 • tarried, good gravity, (nay from 40 to 13) being fairly .crnetablit at 29c, bbinns caned ; madSlllsarrele Tl4eslee reported were: 60 bble 0; 160 at 31, and CO tittle .14an011n 'CU at 30, 41,1 s returned. For Refined to bond, tture I. some considerable inqairy from tbatutAnCtba Wren's, lisle of holders has • ten dency tel retarCF cperations. On the spat, prl.e city brands are told at 05e, while buyer. do not stem arillio7 to take bold at over 62.53. Flew Oil I. steady vitt, fair .astern demand at 76c, and mall tote of 10 .d 20 barrels lote at We, Raptbo quiet and raflutr hut pricio are aunties':Ted, the lest sales reported Ceiag -- Hay &V ma, Ti% " 5 " • 71 " 8 70 " f 63 " " 5 57 Atli 6 VI cnit. " 11,75 at IS crab, In becd, acd asasu cents, free. Ilesidnuns may Da Quoted nem at 0,60 pot barred—soma holders asking morn. t ss There hes tot bonze lie eddival dr Orudisloceour laid repot; ta,f6h Irsa ,co doubt , to the high urbade 'weed provided n all dos. Now York Pair°hum Market. Dtspateh to lb, Pittaburgb Osten.. IhreYdnz, October ys— the motet for Crude!. dull sad prieta are a mina] at tl to 45 oa the Kvol, noticed ba Loud I flan and prime have still further adr.rad, cluing at Efa67. Brea 011 Is Am arltb a fair desand at 814,82 a. liaptha Is steady at 49a50, free. NLW Torn' Meek and Iloney Market Bpeetr.l Dlipatch Co the Pittabsirgh °matte, Na. Tama, October 28—The market for stub Earaaer and • etude bliher—Plataburgb a Fort Wkrk,lol; Clareland a Pittaturgh,lo3 Gmernmoms ea% Wm: lainster; 5i..., 1681, 1M3110.3%; Om Tom fkralf, 92%; 8e,.. s, 1 , 8%; Tire Tmentlm, 1.00110174.' Gold rimed a .bade lower, 21a%. - 7 - , 4 . 0 2 6 71 _ • lapi s . Evavt PlLLla?elptila IgtoclC Market trutheTlttobartt, 6scats. Putkansimmu, Glauber 28—The market for ell stock• mark. nee !team and dim, but prime • rsopni•r. The riming antes sere La : !trret, 2!-„ ; Rio. Inertly, 6X; btory I.roa, ri; Maple btrade, 19X; Hall Creak, 4X: kloOlinteck, OX; Noble @ Delumator, 13; 4 4; Olmst lot, 2%; Corn Planter, 644. Ocr. 2l—tatter---A .bade cur active La the Lake flopericr trade, pat to materiel charge la prima. Held at $6017 mite for 'Write= Ileaerve ; Mat mute far OentraL 17becto , —Narkot Wet at IE4IB cents dor good Watt. ern &verve Wry; 20 orrtlr for choler .elected an I Nam to rg. heat—Merket firm and a emir bat for for ti .I rod Nalco 2 cars No SI red from rune atM, I car oa Mark at lON /. car do at got g a.. No I from *tore at 1 . 9+Y, lgot door traekat 1.661 ago fir 7 red ff. Gtt boos dat 1,9 t clueing firm. Con—Market gales .rd nomiaal. No Wm re port.. Ottft-4tearip and uncharged. Bales -Sear. from *tore st 754;3,-car do at 7Go. Itlec—Paul do from atom So talc, , I Milwaukee latrke. Ccr. near. quiet. Grata—V.'s.l4 receipts, 111.000 blab. Market salve Lot reclined Sisk. Edo. sot* mo Tiles , 68,620 bee No l arias is store at 1,7361,76; 146:Y 2.13 No 2 (I: at 1,71. ales 21,..00 On No 1 buyers in, buye optton neat meek. at 1,76e1 77; TMtt' O o IPrrlos in stare .11,70. laarltes this ovortOts active endlt , gltor., Cialet slam '0 anirietsOD On No I. epring at 1 70%‘1.19; aloslas Tact tba Nesite/1 Noes, at L Ito 7 a1,.71. Otte lower. Nal. strrObastat's No Ito v7otr. at F'. Gore unchang I B Ire 500.0 &livered el 1,52 Dario steely. awes MI. No 2in .tore et 7,65; MO bn So 1 5t.1,10. Parll69MC.i 74 Warm* aao Darcaoto ft CI, Oct. 28— . 3 tors osti, Limit Col Onva; 090 bag. tssisy, Jostios Madan 123 01l bbl, lman. Wileive-, 9 bb'. ap,le•, 1 ob; cw.4B eta raga At 'Octisurt., bmitb a w, 144 note /LAM Macke/an a Liahsrl.; 100 do do, sb metes a [Apr. 0 caplimeat,J 9 Liggett & oo 3bb h 00(01, Ceps Jai P 0 a. ElyttaralCo PriTarratia,. Hata Boaz, October .13- 19i1ki oats; ID stag con, & 1 Dagen; 31 dP - osta, D itittraidd; Si do do, & Dot.); 8 sorb rags, DbtD 9 ./ Clark; 10 bb l sll.air. W II Wallas*, 74 bre cheese, J D Csatleld; drada Dorderyi pkgs tax:bee, Feder ' & tiro strop/ ;es terAey. Ppeocas a EtV IC . ay; 20 b ads charm, BeshrO or a Voskartip; /Sao do, 01..44 1 0 Pair VW( barley, 02 boo chasm. 5 FloAeoo a co; 15 dodo, Lll li.igt A co; 23 bdlo p.Wr, gingery & Myer; 9 capicorn, Dan Walloos; 2i9 et. 0.111 to d. 61apson a bleoz; 1(0 bills dour, oho:peter a Laos; 106Apdo,Gro4ato & booms; 23 doa Comm!. bhonaskor Larg;"lo9 bids spud tibsperd a 001 10 ba”tsroh. J lleritk}s9al Ilro - 12 do do, Little & Trimb l e 6 berrole dim Canadd; £4 pads deo ; Wm Ustlage; 108 bbis Lroo, 'that, Jonstt & co; ;600 .k. oats, PLi Floyd. Ataxecwri !karma, Weber 28-19 akB Intatoon. 7do cep. talradir,23.lwakats .epotte. • Hohi hem; , T.kgattradrlds, J W tarabotter, H Lenz; 18 pkge produce, Wflle7 • Weaver; do d a 11 lillatek 11 ea -1 car lumber. AL 0111:e7; lotikete ware,ll bra GbliN.B * MA; 49 bags flu seed,rantr t Hsweltek; 10 bile them, M.P.:grail:l hotter, ,VHaelal 11 whirs prodeoe. liet.laffer; 8 du do. A. 1E0..4 4 do do, J W Hue; 1.82 lailitapplee. Owen, I Heneedy; 169satka wheat. Noble. &Angel; 18 1&p produce, A Lippe, t; 1 car wheat, Lou. nay it Bro. Zaszsams.. rte ltass-8 bbd, tobacco. 460 bbl. dant, 6 kegs butter, 8 eke sonars. s. 14 bbl, eggs,l bell .beep slips, P. boo mdse, 1 keg ell, It Sala apples. Clarks A co; bbt btato•, 1 k g eo, 4 bal. sags, Fetzer A Lrmstcoogi .74 Ws' , 4PPI , a, 7 do do, Icedeu Holllstss A oo; 210 all lebit, Arden* OH or; 4 Orb oft, Mae V imatoa: 1 boa buttoi, r I/augur:as, 10 star s, bbl butter, °Passel 60 salipeauada 8i lk tabs; 43 de ds, H Will/son; 10 bassiredlos. 10 do - P - Alp; flan 8,614d0s 103 bbis so uk.; J Hirbort; 30 bkgsautaxieS, oatices, 7 ebb eggs, I bbls trtater, - 14 NO1131 , 111; I tub baler, 4,1 E Richards, a bid Odes, Id/its frenW; .1.6?0 tot lumber, LET ' WOLIBAND IPOSTBIIIOIITS P r .Wran..-71ta tem Woman Jams Forth, Oapt. .4. Ea Zr=r; tea to aed latarteedlato ports entry IttOtIDAY, at ANA Par trelgtit alms opFdy ma bead or to tateLltitte CO, &gotta. , Shirt Poattaamr Idtmotoptioda VOa "gt.IiNSVILIJUI CAIRO Oat . &DT. Lotna..LT66 duo gteamer 011- IZEN,Cityt. iltentc.4 . vlll. lan fur she *bap acei traiaailata pcatCoalll . l.s 141 T, the £3 loamy la .4 o'clock., p, m. ' • --lac Might ac t AO btaird ar to. N' JU oat .1; D. 001..LPICIWOOD.I 1. A M tL Certio, MEMI'EIIt3 ANDI 6 Mit_ 4; BILK OED.IiLaaI3...-Ttte Ins now Iron rtesmer TAISILIWIPAI3, Capt r own. win= ILOACEDAT, Nov.i 6thi at 4 eclat.% p. lar tostight a r paumu,Au a bA s kl g i t . o ods. J. 17. 00 1108, ts. I- J. D. LLINGWOODI Agtoi comox eater QUAltetEtiel ormrdamn chto, Oat. 17, le% PROPOSALS ABE iNVITED BY THE lIDDZDJIMED, wag ILTESDAY, Non eab.r 100864, at 19 rielota be the laesnodiste Whom to atte Department, el— AIIBPLANCIIM--Wlmeling Pattern, Einonidiot w • sien may to teen at the Govern:maul In specd.n Tvl, corner iightb on Treeman streets, tandisnatL Obto. To be detinned free of charge, at the U. S. innAstion Tare in tbis city, with the name or the party furnlab• in, distinctly masked on each Ambulance. .Parika ant* ambulannee noun dittleet'y elate la nude Ma Abe number they proms to farolth. the prim, and Maker delivery; and mutt gasman. that 'the Anamlancel shall, In ifTl3l7 respect. equal to Arrar etandurd,othentlie the prop, at Vlll not Sc /maidens& stguarludy, rood by two respnollble penman, moat accompany each laid, gusavannoing that the oldder will supply gis'Ambalanaessirartbd to him tinder OS pen. veal be opened on TrAtday. Novamber lat. unit,at lio'ckuk N., at this take, end bidders are request• ad to Lemma. Avads will be made on Weinosday, Nov. Pd, 1081. Donde will to required that the contract Ric be P2llll3ad. Ttirgraces rend inPramg to proposals will net be noticed. Blink toill3/.1 ual, Connecta end Bonds mO7 be obtained nt ihII oaks• The reit to relict any bid doomed unreasonable la suremd. IneatiOuvelapes . PrOpusal for amho ' aoe.e," cad addling • Col. Irld VI. PULLIN, c apes Qgutectonster Chnclubati Depot. flues. C MELLOR, Dealer le PidNoa, lJ =MODEMS, 60.. Mu 81 Wood Aron, Whom' berth start sad glismosid Pittsburgh. Cleve Lucid Market. limporta by Railroad. Imports by River. STF.CMBO477I. PROPOSALS. MEDICAL. GLAD NEWBt TUB MB titres:war/ft IXF 1.050 NOWT FOR DiSCOVERED IT un CHEROKEE REMEDY 011K1101011 1261JHOTIOR Cr.OfwoorloS from Boob, Buts and Lunt CRXIBPaIIi B.IIIOL I. the gnat Izatom Dtanas, Wes SU diimmeses of as artruay =Mr WhY DIM 12.8 1111.&lor. emzst*tias of therlUdarm SUM m OS Mader, Blab. Ws. prima. 01.,10, Ganontais. and Is IrCNlCialtr necas• =AO In Wow emu of Flour Arbil, (or Whited In tamakilj lama gal tb old ustuwas =Salmi bill • sm.& Ls IL proaral b b!Lbli oosteautra tad form. Ma dam bin; from cradle two teaspoontsalls Moe than pot n Is Ataractic sad Altman la 116 ibo and dariltig the bbod. c*.thla tt lola* hi an Itt aid Purley sad vigor Alma ramoitreg from them*. idiseekdoide ua•+ which have thawed disease. • Otuttotaete Injoattre. I. Intended o. as ally or aatlltee. to the aharakeallemedy, end &odd be need to eenjonel flan artah that mallchoelll all pun at Gmentbea,Glart, Pius; lalbm or White. 'lta sited ue beettoy, inothion and; removing all Fulang, heat, ohm*. and pen, Instead of the burning and al.mat nneadma• ble palest that U eSparlentad lath nearly .11 itto cheap cruel. lnlectlone. By the nee of the CHEIIOHILIC ZEIHKELY and OHM OHLI IfilLOTlOS—the two medicines at the tikte—all improper dimbargee are emoted, and weakened organ. are speedily restored to fall vigor strength. Tor fail particulars, get oar pa mplat from any ore in the conotry,ar write to W, and we di free, to my .ddroo, a toll trestles. Price, CIIZROKSZ UZIENDIE, 51 per bottle, tbreo bottles for U. Prf, CHEBOKIII 175.r60r10N, 51 per bottle or three bottles 11>r , $5. Beat b 7 express, Ito enes address, au the receipt of price. bcld by all Draggles orarymberm DR. W. 11. 11./BWIN 1 00. /ale Proprbstaes, So. Ea Marty street, Maw York. For tale in Plltabargb by N. kIoOLA.IIII.III lb 00 cornea of Dimond and blarkot groat. ert , 17:1mmlamaomF ELIXIR I gLIXIB I flu. WRIGIITF/I EJIIVEHATING ELIEI3 Or, 1=111001" 07 LITA. Prepar.l Crsr.; Para bgetabis Ixtracia. ant. 1.14 Lull:Apes to the moil The Sepresnating 1111:4 Is t.M malt at >wedge In tbs vilotakte ki.rdam. 1 . 1 .6 ...v.barus =dud at oar., tnwimwth. NA uldinatn-out ristesos. Tide trundition has been fantod by the met medical pea of the day, iota by SUM probococed one of the greaten =Cod dbcotretr of the ma One bottle will can Omani 0.111111. ♦ Mr dew mane tinted= to to ale On. bottle name Palpitation al lb. Heal A ant data. regime. the organ. of gecustallar, one to three bottLee restores GU rcp Ova of yoctit. g fort doses teetotal, the nyystita. Three totike coin the trcrat ones of Impoteaey. Icat aconevnitb. lato intend fiu bottle natans mental palm. dot* ►[togs the row to the Masi. The set:Mite reatoree to mealy vigor and natal health lbw too.. dailltated. ttoro•doern and f tag Wylie, of tars:mai placate. Stu Helm, enerratadioyll4 tba or.r.t.cted may =bums, tb. ristbel or carrcerfa../ 1 ....b.. or WI QrJ co.Y.riar tram pmeng oietdalty. of TrcoO rook EOM oft 10.740. onus, 1.111 all sal tourreilist• caveat raid by lb. O. CS Ws 1111ar1s or I p tot Ye.* fl per bottle, or Mrs. Mitts. b. 15, ■ nread by .s.proa, on r. 0.11,1 or morel, to bra WI by .11 &anise. erveryytur.. DB. W. EL nr.11W.13 a 00-,, Pr0yr......, U lawny sorsa, 81.• Ton. los solo to Pittoktrtoritg t-y a, E1e01411110 9 aal came of tbs blazoned eadebnotall otruts. CHEROKEE MEDICINES.. CHEROKEE PILLS 13170A11-00ATIED 1117 f /MR znatria CIIITAIN AID BAIIII tor CU llockoroal of Obstnsollona and lb. hoorosof of Sagalaxity In Oa noun.. of the Moably reglad& • The, cure or obvtithit: thou nimerous &Wow that plat from fiVetatatity, dy removing the invertilar. Cy hash. They care Elappraited, Saccades sad Pained Lisa tradicat. Shay evx•Oriem Mammas (Momls.) They Bow. sae 871=1 Afectlses, Pans to Ilack and bqral parts c the Bogy, Swine= Palliros ea dlgta eist blob, Palpflalts a! the Raul Laram of Epfsita, Hystorla, Blot 1450, Piddhao. aa. la wool, by nountieg the froOrft. May ecomoll am& coa atilt It eB CM affects that wing trail dmpased of dmple Metablo azfracto, they ontais nothing debtarloas lo W Ocemiltution, tonna. dell. cab), tbdr tanalon Yelni b rabatitafa stranilt toy weakatze, which. whoa 171.P1r1l 04 , they al." to de, lEW7 my b middy coed at sal ap, and as Lay •Nowt Awl.. A. /tea dorlskariol.hirpri A. emfailtog =Wm N Wetr motion vsmld IntsUbly prow, prorw.w. AD latter" ',Watt tedermatlee Of dila* yin to On:aptly, trimly sari diwrodly immoral. • vI Wrectloai weempasi mob boy. Mom pu Ws, or Ca batiste it Sal by Mn• fr....CMOS% q. rftWO W rim OW by an raccets.bis Drama. DI. W. B. ILIDIWID a co, ed•Proprtotem OD. G lAlsixty um , , dew tark. PooD 4 olt , DI a. #10 , 3426../tßa.ti I CO. =men . teranscnond and Karin , . nnen.ta. CELEBADKEZ MHZ INDIAN MEDICINE.: Onspemee Erma not.% ilgs Long fda emfallialf can for Plperzatorthes, Sabina Weakness, Docturnal I:missions, and all 'Mamma can .1 by sell-pollutica. suck as Lessor ifferatory, Mani , Lassitude, Patns la the Baal, Dimness. Premature Oh Aga. Weak Soma, Difficulty of Meath og„ Trembling, Wake:blame, Eruptions as the ram Yale Comte:unlace. loasulty, Oonsymtiou, cad aff the direful complaints caused by &periled from the path Of FAIAXVIT. • • 'lbis medicine 14 • 'Maple vegetably extract, and on on h .if rely,as has been nerd in ciir prrutics or years, and with &bonne& treats!. It has cat In • single Innate°. I potimare tire wars avid so bear snificient to gain victory °Tar thi tacit Itobbor a case. To theca who base trilled with Um* etuttUtelati, as tit Umy think than: wives !aloud reach the of. :Malice said, es Woad say, Donate .of l the Oberolma Orlis ern rigors your health and atter, and attar ell float oetarehar. for rtll puticalars got a ofroaler from any'.Drag BtOn to Ms =tare, or write the proprietor, w ho wN gme to soy ope gearing the rams, &tall treatise tripulphls lona. MOM rrar Weis, or thn* mtw. I.* R, luid:for warded by (apron pots', WI of Übe world • bold b 1 all nwpfttable Inapt everywhere. j DU. IL W. Iszawrs A OM: Bola Proriztora, No. 69 I.ll:erty divot, Nov Irnrit_ ltar ago In PI teboxpby s. lioGLAllatal' 1- X CDIC-0 L.. HERNIA OE EUPTEE.B. Ramis Of Rupture owed. Hands or Rupture cured. Hernia or Raptor," cured. Hernia or Rapture cured. Ronda or Rupture oared. Bernie or Rupture cured. • Berea or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared: Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Range owed, Raptors or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Harnia cured Rupture or Rauh cured. Rupture or Remia owed: Harah's itadioal Ours bun Bitter's Patent Tram Fitoh'e Supporter Tract. Self-Adjusting Trail. File Drops, for the rapport sod our of Piles. Mastic Mace Claps, for croak km Ankle Anpporters, for weak knee joints Sttspenaory Bandages. Self-Injecting and every other Lind of Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. , • Dr. Berining's Loos o: Dc -112 &sue, for the mire of Prolocums Lori, Piles, Abdominal snAlEipinal Weaknesses. Dr. 3. 3. Pitch': Silver Plato Sup porter. KNIMBI. will give his Personal at• tuition to the application of Trassu in adults and children, and he is satieSed that, with en experience of 'twenty years, he will be enabled to give satLsfaotion. Ser (Mos al his Dnig Store, No. 140 Wow Braun, Alga of the Golden Mortar. Pemions writing for Trauma should Read the number of inches around the body immediately over the !upturn ea per, Twenty Years Stekndina. CURED! 15.40 w will b.• kcal • crrtillcala Ctn 9 oas of Ow earl nasportable clawal o tavestl; marl to Dr. Ile Tose% Landsars Mood !W.W.I. s. Dooturh cerCDostas aro otttUn nu/ eo • • U. Zama . 1 baes.aa a.l2llaLed with pll. abraM Meaty poly am sad every rear May wan parW.llit arm*, go aa is troabia ov Wary =Ch. ,eu ettcr.l 014 two ato call an ;CT wort. Baia 1221.1 I MS vra bad that I could aoi le •aytbla., oa account of tbe Ito, aims mg os ca u tart• .. a dlotart not. I bad Vaal • treat deal at Wlmu tot Qom. I mod ta bat old tale rirtZterer I weld hear of or mad of In etch aro and pomplasto Coat doll La nay ••• , bat 1 ovoid .4 114 =nod 1 •artradixoes they aoatd do me •®. c.c.! kO • WU. 'Lim, Diu aliongranis MO .0144 14+41 a bad as ee.w. I slop applied Is two Doctors. who .b. Ltad a» st ray Sono madame sae mobs otedlotto. Ws a., oodd aa. •I oo *to rot as edeonisoootat of vow Lindsay .Blood destehav, siVw. by yoorsatt. Wbso 7.a .014 to ma yea told so ans foul. woof .t so. nos 0•, and tool m 7 wsrae "foam would bola to be veneered b 7 do sedlotos tato. I VI •all. I bought no bottle and toot It toms with ay sod soot tt according to yaw &actions I then inlet toss. yoo again, rhea yoa odd 1 soarlsot .apse boob beselt Woo coo bats/o. LIAM/eat L. tv bottle J tit time, anal I had and ft. baths. Arta thb gitantby had tool rood. I our sunnily wall of the PON, whla► hollortered ma tor meaty yaws. Le other nopectaray hoalth I. laprond, sod I au as so ovoid 0. so. pixid for ose of evy R•, bal•S .tai yaws prat. I bow wall now Dor sta months, sad than b no Moat cow totem of tit Como. I can do LOY ILbol bronor work sow without Mb rm. analog donna and borittng sena. I can piles hay, chop wood. lltt, ov do goy kind II work which before toad to burl ros. MPS pod oat roc. Blood Boarchar I Lot on taking wall I pt satbaly wall. 1 vonsidar It my Oa to asa nay 00000 to the 000dstsy for lb. watt of alms Who any b. safferbS lo I woo. and to not tram tho Woo of To= Iradlotal. Mot rasy publish Mil If yaw till. I It,. to Wtildru township, sad 0111 to ping I. ontlejaity one of Um troth of thl. Orraldost. Minh to 0.11 oo tits. ELLIOTT DATIL Docenterftho eir Loth oat far Ms ham. of D. GLOM; El. EXT. ess in Cho yam of the batik and posted ov oothi too for his Amp as lb. V. 11.4 Oto.too.thmi. co the op of the tote* to prrothi Wog hapo.oi non b 7 • moth= artioio whica I. la lb. math. Er 13c1d by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Street, and by Snaox Jonmnran Comer Fourth and Smithfield street,. CATARRII I BIL 8.. GOODALte OATAaRH REMEDY It murrain to the vary mat of We tame& Mama, and eaterailwas It, root mut toeumb, Poles, Dr. OODILLII Is trot lbsl and may person who aver told lb amid Want Wart may wan—whare II tommutoot— met what woad mom It. Dr. 000DA9,! boa Irma • littibb• In bat/bet tol* hit ttleast, triplottng It. pant =Dumb and ass. king known to the world the Pot that Oatarrh, total has, tor year,. coned the ablo and 10.00010 of 11024311 use and ►atborl In 1011 0019107 and In 02 , 00., 000 WV be owed. toe e►mo cladlona artalatt Mal IDOrnitig Mb= night. Thomsen& who bare triep wren known comb vale. ban bean permanently ethell by Dr. GOODALre OLTADIIII 111ttIrD7, sad boW prates 11 to t h e may ortravapaat tonna of proles. Call at oar named as Of, or ,end a stamp la a pamphlet. Devised and prepared by B. GOODALII, AL 11, Dow Tort, Itl4l4ord Patented Portable Mama Engines. aracrpre buss. Zigine Works, Ibuseerille, Onto. OLUNDIPO Newark Machine Works, Newark, 0. The In the world. Pint preiniam every exhiblton, Bunts end Nauon.l Palm Per. g,afi emrpronlitor operation. Oat ant guellty of lam bff.Win. It liegbea, W timbre. Pa, out 1,i60 00u foot in seven mouths...ding iday, lent, Including t h e short dare if winter . Janie. 0. kioCilurs i Lewisburg, Penna oot teo,ooo Peet of oaii In th roe moil — , in Juno, 1804, litk,ooo fest oak; 8910 of Jane 141,000 feet oek. DR. 1380. H. KEYSER. I M Print.d Instructions sad engraved ground rum IN .dioltloll al 00., Bola Aram, 6111 Itsvadirsy, Sew Tort. EN LW WOOD STBEEZ Pittibwei N OILTON , B OINTMBENT, PUB BS= BRION LSD auaoinna4 Peraseasatly vane 'fetter, Scald Head, Itlagenmste, WI Itching aad Barnlag Bates road Craptivae of eh. Mtn. Tki. °lnman penetrates lei the buts of the din eme•—vee in tie me etess ae—azl ems it trm thi emelt beneath in the aft as the nem them the pots eels of the dlegam apward. and 'Mr 'pinkie ai It I • Imeliesge4 tbreaah the rate I the Well et the alien% ere arperlel two Cie Leapt ttialapeatly, taus °lab roe •u_Ttllt 19 004 CU Um , AVM 116 II 40 WOOD Wr, agent. X.,4JII7IP4CTUTLICIRR. Cie. l i ewtaNcEisox wouars, .ffta, Castie. Pa. t0112133.1a.................M :131300311AL IL D. W. ariTINS, TIL DITHEITeiIE & CO., MON, NAILS AND SPIKES. Promolt pt,. eubjoat to < hasps of the osarkaL )s.lO NSW osarr,z, LAII•21100 00, Pi DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & OBAWFORD, 11...u.d.....,, of ovary variety cf 11.baug BRASS WORK YOB PLUMBERS, ETHAN OR GAB TITERS% MACHINISTS. AND OOPPEnnitiTtin. SHAM OASTIP7OB, of doensiptions, roads to or. or. BTTAYIBOAT WORE, nsAna. AND GAMY?. TIRO, and IIItPASHLIS 0, promptly attended to. Para:lllu attention {{++M to fitting up EX7111111113 TOE GOAL AHD ()ARBON OILS. M.., Bola Agent!. for the Wetter/1 District of Pennsyl vania for the ale of HARSH, LAVEIDILL A 00.13 PATITIST SYPHON PUNT, the beat onto invent e d. Haring no valves It is not liable to gat out of order, and trill throw more water than any pomp of tattoo It. Elm V.P.01017•11. IRON CI T I WORKS. itscum/Toss', uiravrau...L. a Go., SOUND74IIB UM NA0131318111. Oorner of Pike cut o , llara, Rod F Eta Illld Walnut, &U.•w Mau City G•tor WoricYJ 6011Cla 1 , 0117.8....-401131 POrrKii, AIK EN Ir. SHEP iltD, Corn .1 11[11.11:011 klarclat ta and Donlon. to Torolko .0 Do attack Fla: ITS, FLOG D, BUTTE/I, 011ZEalt, POTATOES, and Produce generally, No. IMO Liberty .vent, opirsito Pasoan or repot, Pittablikt. Elfereva. : J. S. titta oral a Oo , Mesta R 001270, Culp & Shepard, (Jo., John - Ciracler, Pittab-mgh; Solear tu. , !lc lapc.ll,,Van lircint Co., Philada.; Trecolott bitunoto, St. Loui. Sinclair 4 Grant, Near York; TIN LIND BREIT LEON woazza.a, I tit.ofi.rd .0 Lavell, °Winton/1. otylely Illanofsetaron of aollsnou7 =al other KNOIIIM, BOLLING BULL CASTINGS and BiLONINEET, of all kinds, end poen! jobb.... Prompt ottoutlon givou co repairing r.omana HILL MACH uvrmi. dorhly ROBERBARRE:3 CO., TS, Po. 5 Third It., Pllteberg., And Ittanatacturero of JAPANNED 'env w A.R. E. W. on taw manufacturing and ham, on hand liath. ir.g Apparatus or a/I Made. Toiled Was. to Srl V., Water k's, Gran re' Tea and (Vim Ostistorn,l3aah and Spice Boa, Tumbler Dralurrs, tipittoona, so., an. A Large lot o . f bird Cee. nu' sale Oil Cane of all aims and patterns, Tin Monne, Oonductors, and all kind. of Job bing Work dons to order. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1851 nirn is snare PATTirt OVAL LA-01, Mk' CG WAIN incts I=l Ai Vail': AlGSil These Chimney no. toroark , l *cc the net nacos heat, Dv .9 parte of the eats equity, doomnot tart. to cracking. L D. DITRIIIDOZ. Putt Pitt Mass Warta, Wrobington Weal. • • I 7 Plitabnott, Penna. BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL WOMB, Pt MB .711011, PA PA= BROTH:KR 6 00.. gait QUALITT ELIITINIID Cliff 6T*rn, Square, ►4t sad Octagon, of all Wm. Warranted egad to an, tatpurted or mannfortared In Ws ocadard. our Of and varattonda, Hoe. 119 .d 1.51 TLEIST and ED and SNOOND sr uDIETa. Pit.banch. ALLEN IeCOR3IIOE tr. 00.. VALLE" roantau, "Mahal*. Wa.vhonse, Al L TT ETIMIT, Ra.aertarer. of 000 K, ARLOB IND SRAM° if:roma, 'ARGOS AHD [ITCHES ORATI23, HOG. LOW W 117.2, ota., Ravel mod GU. Xlmatils, Sontag Omatinta. ROI Ocazixa,.Chas. Wows sad ArChaa Plpa, bad Ina. Logarr v a r arana Ban 0-ar Rattles. I Z. n" Zacs n iettbing ad=za o:thap re: r.s...ted Forum, mai. met% Su.= nor. "twat. R 11. lir STE:EN, Baum lt.ntwasks . Gee met , braes I'l-resat Particular atasoi paid to tk.s tttrol.p aoi revstriaa of Oil, HE PT NKB 113. k Wets ol 13 GASS AND I RON MOVIES coeds to order LW (EAU LearlitGa, of tit Wad.. =de at the ehorWrl notice. need order. telt at No. PI sad 34 W&TZE STELE= p.l 1114rt7, wall t paardAly attended to. 44. - Tae onus. aide dela being readeeed nesaleoa. la cl =any years' *enact... In thalz buslaame .ms to "Ws sedletattlatt W mn r 1911.1. W. .o. Idltt as-.r tot, Galld, Garrison ► Co..' MAXI Prig P. wow; ersulearpi 8. 0 wd 011.. dnikly PENN SSACiUII W 013,KS AND U.CliDlitY. 11. %/.. OFITZIA.I 00.. L'.67 tili I.IIIP-171.11.5 AHD (THIPIL97I3, La... - a brawn, totmeo• fotetral ond Bandially, 11.14 l IZCVY CITY, PA. tiarinflotc-••• 0f'1711.1117111A IM.7IIENIPO UTABLZ tT Wri /MO Iffigi. elastting. itep.tring . • .:1 Itholt •tandwl to. 3.1.17 tho arta of }."‘" ji c l V B. azucoN C.t• letir.:=ll6 ROI 10UNDIRS AOO STOVE 11A6UFACTIMERS ALLICUEIMIT airs= Ste.: W•rd, Tttlatnagh, P.. antly .10021 0 Li UMW! & 00. WELLS, KIDDIE Ss GO., Na 215 VchwYthronf of W by ;f1PrV6112.5 wfd h'UrVt 0, nod soori thocriptioo of LLATHLR 1511ASDZD VOILE. Ordoso holkOted from tho trade. and goo promptly slotppod sO Ato thatroctiatut. tokly Q SEVERANCE, No. 53 W LT= ST. I.J.Pittabotrei Learrtftt terra of BOLLIS ETTLTh Ii11004:111? &bin, miasma and railroad, of ovary do. Prtico!. red ar .Li* MX= and tory or mall, sods to odor at dual Wks.= asoortroont mootontly on Lod. o, to D.R W. BENNET T Maw:Achim" of WAITI no CDITIA .4 CRUX ODLOS. co WMII. Otte sod Voodoo:no at Da It IMPTH eo FITREPT, trnbszt hlikly SILV&B MARL iiLlar. ORIIISIPTON & 00.. PST I.lfruly Woe'. Sole rnlnieicas sad Illaaafikettazzi eer Wfoil•1111 Rao. tytwanlis, Ohio, Inasas, Mud, sad Alm, manntioiczm of • Fume= 1.3 flat at Palm., Gonna, Olin and Roth Soap. 001/4111/ MID VAllUir SOAPS. Of oar !OLT= MILL 8062, whleb ire =Mee. efhtly ripcootroaad betterthr moral are than Roy other before the patio, itwahl b horse ht calnd has What Potash, eat, Lithe or Buda, or ehy other =beano, to fte mentitectrue which au shrtok orteture the Oniet brio. Monett sad Wattage wan eraihmel with kw of p ithwa ofa or th. rubbl es 1 ng, which came wins weer .. 0 hou. ISEL I VER FEABI SOAP Bosom Oremit, DM, Tobstro Sten, Ihiritoro . Smoke, and the wont Balsa Wstre Btolooluisordlatadr. Virsi, l Wta tth aat ru i ngr: Zs erol b rda at Pu l °'4U4 aloy. tlt tmatta a brilliancy to Plata, Jerairt, Clissmare, naune4 Paintin;nr and Pnterti Loath. imm•Ahrilnly /1.3 tor clerolon cootie and floor inn It nu ncinal.— Ir. {Es Math, nod particularly ha enarnpooolng, T YRABL. SOA • prniect Icznry, to a who hat. KW It. metier qualities, actoos It the itrestoot discover; of ttol ma. it& Otuottaut a trfal from •11 oho or. tommed to Wog lksp, cad mry ma/ will reittud tha pia of ths sam abotdd it Sal to Ma what to da for tt, mad smaidsu to our s m i L asta pout abroad 14111 do Well to ere 0110141PTON 00. a oall, 1611,0410 M Meek moans Pamlyirerde SattroodPeasompr Dopet. ear Bryan of sil latitattom t nose mMa tmtes heoriod aor trsdatostt-81LV1IX auxu ) — ) sword lrg Mama] Orpfright. oduttr BLANDY'S POETABLB STEAM SAW MILLS 11l end Elegize. Pend For LllcatraSol circular, wttL duicriptlone azd porta of operators. /edam' a 8c F. BLANDT, ' at Eanarrille, or tray art, Olilo. Orders, victim alzleorrrapozdatco moilcitcd. aotl:9m SO/41 1611171 DOCTOR JAMBS KING, H0:97 FOURTH OTRZIT, Opposite the Provost Marshes: Mao."' ootoso W MITE COEN MEAL justreeeired put. S r .p for .amtly are, or tor de by it,. bat bd,e the femur Growl Errors of JOE ti I.IIMHAW. ar Lt orty col Mond omit.. - - 600 pip Soft Galena in eon) and for is'A by /. 4 "AtIFLILD. GROCERIES, PRODUCE, NC THOS. L bIoCrIAMILAND, OWP.LL 00aNIEISION 11268611111 rt a Hoar, Grabs and Previews*. OBV!al stteafloo "Ivor to Ms mob.. and sob Of E &LID n.triaa.r., rrraulawki. No. ID WOOD EMELT, Putabarch, Pa, jatkla B. F. QULM.BY ek CO., Flow, Grain, Provisions, lf c., B. P. QUIMBY m 6.417 _ ENRY WALLAtI Commission Merchant. No. ISO aouTa WAIT= BT., OHICLEJ3O, =no Partied. attention paid to fill(*[ meats Ica' eionwrxra, PROVISIONS, FLOUR • mkal:mn, •L u. YTaft....._ ............... ~Z'na~~ ~ asr~ Awl dro/on In inonr, Grain and Prodissof 12411E0021D St., below.% Woad A 6rattblteld, priLANK VAN CORDER, oduce and Commis , inn Merchant, 80. IC BEIITTIFI am= Fist. Doolerl rLor a. DITTI 14, 6r.,...0318, SEEDS, LAIID, it I, POUF, ULIRD L ' , ll=l TILIGITS, sod prattler From - idly. Lat.r•J crat. advances on ronn.,.anents. kit cuLRLEs C. B3I..'iLEY, Produce , and C arania: ion X erchant. And de-11, In ed t. Ind, of i . :l 7151111 C PEODUCR, No. 17c, LIIILLT7 sTaarr. DV.. • VD. • /No. •11.1117r.5., 'of the Isle furs of D. ft D. itl'Doosid Pittsburgh. A Go.,We:brill, Ohio.) 'DON AL D AR IMCKL ' ES, Wholesale .LYJ. G to, crs Produce and Clattotealort Unruh .% Jobb," .n Gomm, N. D. SUOMI sod MOLAItSiiS, hill NLD I'I.IALLe AND ltr Pg. FLOOD, DAWN, SL DSO n. TGAIi, MCC, f UEE9E, NEEDS, An., Not. ill and tt4 Wee., tens.. PI ttsburgh. Siißi V ER a LAZE.A_R; GROCILBS AHD OVELMICSIOD CIVIL-CHAN, Boa. 47 .11 te 541ITUPTELD ST., Dor. l!oveaut J•G;II ITTT9B. ( RL}H. LESCII, FLotru (hunt Fnuvux Ant, Carranntrun Millell.o7 Lor th• fade of ON A 11, hI:LPS, Er.sE, PRODUCE, dn., end pmt fur the r.. 141,1 4 ,441 Cemcta.n CWIHNT. Nos. Ilt tweed lard 146 First rtrecta, between Wood and enartAllnnt, trituntrtrgh. sod MN. 4. VI EAll k METZGAR., Grooare and Com- Merchants, and dealers la all binds of toot: trPr-Awe Plttaborgh Manufacture., N. US Mart 7 street, opports• bead of Wood West, Pitta. bunts. af4:l7 WEBB & WTI% INSON, Commission V Alerebanm, ithcleealc dealer. In WTSTBRII ILE SE LIVE CIIEE.,E. DRIED TRU ITS, BUTTER, WA' LS, GRAIN!? wd prodate gentataLly. Also, LEATHER, OILS. k, So. 117 Libeell PLusbargh. IF/rUtala advancement. made. Coax:game= saLlatecl leltxad r% T. , BE , CK o. 1 0 8.5 Liberty ratinlm 31.,-berara, ~d CIorbITILT PRO. DUCt, Pll ,, ItilONS, L.IED, arfTEIL DU4.41, ours:3c. rig% PI3PDCCE, FLOUR, (ILA IN, G 61IS AND DRIED FHLTI.S. /to.. !LILT .1.4 LI MI C. i 716 LI OIIN It. UA N I ELL), Comnssi.o.7 Lop res., err,. II sAcr., , •ffholoaale Malor le WFSTEILS !.ISER , 6 4 E.Ra L. BUTr6P., LA RD, YOUR. FLA , I,It, FiNII, POT AND PEARL Allal CS. SAL ARATCS, LLYSRED AND LARD DELIS, Dal RD FRUIT'. and Prout,oe and 146 Trutt strvrt, oc:1 'ISO. WTI-, Om. T ITTIR TRIM L - I>LE, \\ olt,aolo ILIIIIII. I cer. ..144 I. gnu tall., 11.5.001 i, C 1 , 16130&1111Oh GNU Ln Ell Oft, lILV,N, 24 , OLASS , 0TT11.5 1( EIN,, scd Plltsburrt generally. tll alvi id .m.l .Nttstmrso. ET3I Eti A. BRA H ERA, (succespora to 1.1.1.D75er a Aadeca, a holeage Dealers t I - 1)h XI ON PRI: DT: 4 NUTS AND 9P1C29, CON TECTTON. EMT, SVGA at , . ring WUR. ,ta, Ho., 126 sad 152 NV esd nab. Pittsburgh. 17V17 pd " .] '1 fi RAW h. A nitaisl, «1)tII ISSIOU tIInCUANTS, CLCEIII AND GAAIII, 16nd geroor..l PHODOOI dca.Lons. Li. I WOOD BTDIRT. YU. Ccrirty ahl -Iv IIIEE B W A REHO ITME, —HEN Y S.- , Jrc.rwardlaK sod Commiastas Idreshist Burnt% LAKainsn, Nadu:oerrvarsay, No.:0 Weed Kno.d.abow• LPlttabarxia. MOT I+ ........... MY. d WIN FLOYD & Pau:lmile Gro- V.*" and Guroodosiost ilercholus, N. In Wood sod 2 Liberty strost, Pittsburgh. roH CIIARLSS L CA_LDWELL (snaeoggor to Jarmo. Rams A 0o.,) POUR reoKEand aftiv lc PROVISIONS. octant or Scant and Arcata arena, littsbarga. 1•11 etL'IP t 811EPHARD, COSENISSION Infocammo healer. YLOOI3.,GRAnt AHD PRODUCT.. No. HT Liberty drool, Pltarglr. (Itolco brands of now for Bakers and 'orally Me ova oroatty ooltartd. Par-13ml. ortaattoo skid to filling areas fbr North/mass ,ronorally. . certify you,: H. VOIGT & CO., eraoccessors to L G. 1-A. Graff, 2110DITCY 2.2rD 0012111121011 Hse MIAMI?, 247 Liberty meet, Pltiabstrib. ROBERT DALZELL lc CO., Whole. sale Oreara, Onnuntrolon and Furvnardlag Mar chants, earn Galen In Prodo. and Plrtaboriph man. plhanr.., Liberty nernrt, Plttsboritr. n WALLACE, Commission Merchant, 1.. f• sac WlLelea.le Dealer In FLOUR md GUAM No.= Liberty street, eppeetre Peansylveara B. B. Passearer Depot, Pittsbareb, P. Storage Wan. bows, comer Wane and Penn stseets, eaMly ITI= MUT tallES4--.1.1211 1111111T011-.........11. f/LUAJI. .A.MBERT, 81:1 I PTON & CO., Whole -1-J Jgab Grocers and Prodocs A:eters, No. El Sixth • t, Pittaborgb. Jae I . I3ALkH DICKEY d CO., Wholesale J. Groom. Oomalaid= BUM:ma% cut &Won in PRODUCTS, No. BO Waist, .trap awl GB Frost Amt. Pittorwls. 1117.1%,11C1- JOS. EnizawriiiiiiniTlitommr ` Bao !pserr_rs _Brows larkpatlicks, OLL pALLso 191 sad 1.90 Liberty Ayala, rta - 010 E RIO COFP.l3l7ast received • Croak lot o! choice Rio Oodoo; •dhlbk reorra •od old Jaya 0.114.4. Tor dale .1 Hoe tarNII7 Nal 44,0 Of JOHN &. HtEFSHaW. owoer Liberty em 4 H.L. 40.012. J -- AMISS DALZEILL &SUN, Mena= toren of LAUD OIL, and Ootatnistiona Net chants for the punt.. and Wm of OBODD AID REFINED PSTROLZI7II, Noe. 60 and TO Water etrtot, Pittsbatth. Advance. made on nonolznmenta. ..,LOO., Jelin LI.S.OII•T a l - S. LIGOWIt - i . CO., CITY ELM& .IFO MILLS, corner Liberty Ms. and Amu, Pittsburgh. Ps. grinlorrecity. WO Durres In dul. .... I. tale QCFION A glra LANG, 5...1 11 mousers and ethyl/sale dealers In I=OOEll - osAlli, P SODOM, Ga, Ba'.L.9 Liberty areal. Pittaburgb. eeLldly Pootsmar to tioaalomutt A Dartsj Commission Merchants, GaICIACIO. Give rp attention to probating E=l T. 11110W19 CAS ulastozr zazaciasars. IdItUgH6ICDIEE WATT tc . WILSON, Wholetale Oro- T V oers. Omar:Anion ILerciasuts, cud dealers in Prs dues and Pittsburgh resuatthicturts, Efo. 158 Littsrg street Pittsburgh. Ju2l kLINDSAY JR. & BRO., Whole/Isla sad outo (moons, 'moult Asti P)QDUUID nip f2l, AST Liberty Minot. gittokrusti. strew EOGERTON /a STY:WART, Wholesale 01100E718 001111 4 111.8105 111116011AtIVI. yo.l Wood stlent. PittobrlN. WA" ZOO...res TO HN I. lIOVKIt - & CO.Wholeaain ORO. u ieeima A& tW M t,tc 1 s.9Sa 1042 i .P I6E tt‘ S t C uIrLgL ir IITS. earrxr NiVtLIAM BAGALET, W11012.18,1a .txrrat. No. 18 wi Waxl atm; Pitts le2l WALL PAPHHB-AUTUMN OF 11164. A e^meets mr.rtant of beantßol PAPAS 11 A /HMOS of ail gtyleo soul oil colors. For N. 6F 0017 W. P. IVAUSIIALL. Woad et. SPORTEpIENS HEADQUA.B.TERS, 130 WOOD OTBDITC. 1150W1V :triter ISa otteatton of Itortnnst sod others to 6 sol,rdld stroll of OPNP, 111FLT13, B.FrOLVra dlbTaLti, GAME OLOP. POWDER 11.5..61id, MOT PLIZA 6n4 KO UFA 1rd431 trudflUS, sad add. murdthz of nerd kind. Hit sunk l 7 tho Iszpst sw bccebt to thii =Mel. , 1829: FRANKLIN FIN INUILMT OMANI PHILADELPHIA: Aar•Ls 02 Jannr7 1, ISCA, 1N1.4. 67 ,5 49 INS. 4=d Inrt roe al ma=ma fbr t:=--: 300,000 Lan AM .1.. ii,-:.--Zasooo Th 1121,126•1 wd Tvmpararl Fakes w Ilbezal tan= Mario. N. Bucher, Lmso Leo, Teams Warw., Ldvrozd C. Dal; Ihmouol Grant, Oeo. r.., hovb IL Smith Alind 71000. o*. W. 111c.h.Ala Tru. W. 1...0.8, IL D. CHAIM= . DANCES'', Prmideat, EDWARD 0. DALE, Vim Preldant.. JAN. W. IicALLISTEN, Deo. Pm Tem. J. a. 00717_13, wont. - '.. corner Wood and Third atrago. INBDRAN(As, IN FIRE AND LAND Insurance Co. of North America. PHILADELPHIA ~b„_..._... __...._...._.~,,x0,0e0. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. illirProtection elm >. coved 1a Lta above risaall wad rettabls oompull-ft. W. P. lONBS, Lam, Rezalees Bradt:" SY Watar ems!, pEOPI.E4 INSURANCE 001EPANYI Office H. X corner Wood 6 Fifth EJ. FIRS AND ELLBISIE INIIT3s A3Cr.. =ZII 4.mein D. ismer, dept. John L. IThands, Samuel D. s.o.rirar, . • Wm. B. Bays, Jeha t. Parks, CtLarlas B.lltmetl Wm. Tsa Kirk. PIELLLIPI3, Pow/ g. WATT, Viol rma,..L. %%U. I.Gl,ll.Dlirlat. CITIZEN'S INKIRANCE COM - PINT pr PITTIOMIGEL OM% thane , liarkat Water streets, mond floor. WEL ISAGIALST. Pradeal. BA)IUEL ILEA, Frordray. insossa Straznlnnta °mtg.*. It anans aparat ton and damp m the Of the Bontbefas and Western Myers, lA= at Barns, and the aaviaalfon of the Sera Insure+ agattat los .o 4 dAtaatsa by b., 13. 5.1 m, John 51.1;Ma, Jamm 11. Ocapm, T. (lead a• = b ir. Sohn a. Dillm.rat, Wm. L. Rodgma. dc.Wolid Jas. &CI, W.Ci. Johnston. R. 7. &as, Hoene Ovens. lion. T. M. Bows. Derr-lay Prnoton, &Kari Elinetem. A LLEGHICNY TNHITRANCE 0014 PANT or PITTEDUBG M.--0111.4 No.M Tlttb meet, Butt Block. Imam ag-NDlsca kinds of TI,. .41 Mart. Edda. DiAlO J0N1.% Prvaidart, JOHN D. WOOED, Vim Prof/kat D. M. BOOZ, &c ramp. - - - Jabs D, 11-Word, ptapt edam 'scats, B. B. l3tarlisat, thwt.. W. Dam, B. EloGnr, gcbt. 11. Davis. =V= 0. 0. Mus', Bar> cu .. O bs irate, a. D. L. name...h. WEErIERNt: INSURANCE COI PA; air or PITINEIIIILGII, B. EILLIB. Jr. ZWAB.O. I. M. GOBDOII, diarttyy. Moo, S 9. 92 W•barstmt,sl;•=l /kW.% W•r• - b00.. , ay stem 2199abargh. Will bare ayars a 0 kW, of ltro and Illarlos 1113s1s, Bear baboatioa osempala by Directors byre trod bayou Is t 2 comaadmay, oyl ildss-calssads Sa sad lasslsLiko, lo bisoisracor labook Lily boas OW*" Oa blot bro who dairy la le tared. Andr.r Alma:Aar Daird Loa& Etas J. Tborcmg, Hey. P. /Lama'. John R. 11.0 mum. II BMW, J. haues2icdul.7, fisthsaisl Ho ate. Ktml.k., Ovarg. Dard% ChaipteU Harr., Cl W. Ilidets.. strao B.4!..VACA. DIME SAVINGS I SIII ri lON, Nu no sn ITH FIELD giatErr convasito Uwe O. tom 13,..0.ft.) Olustertd by tits Leollatcre. CMEM W. II smith, ' Josh. libotles, Tb... D. o.ntim, Alm.. Bradley, PTIM , I9 Fliers, A. lininentan, Jtitir T. J , toingt, Josiah Elm& Th... P. 11lair, 8. H. Hartman, He try Lloyd, T. Balm, inimiTtits: James purt, .Ir,r. IleD. °roman, IL D. Cimhrsit, D. L. Long. B. EL Smyth , W. A. Heed, I.r /we thitothcm, Q. Iftliansmits W. EL rbtitai A. EL b. d, . S . Li. b.. alcliuMny i Lon, .w. Dilworth, S. S. fowler. 0. a rwa.... Km. 2...ith. 1.111 Horn., Jamb Stooksao4 J. W. Wpodwirlil, I B. T. Jones, Al/red Mack. f 1.0. Schmarts, O. H. WAHL Bit mut Treamr•r—D. LH' ICINLEY Orr. Ault), p Alto.datoads, emotes, Rose t aided, Delasite received of cos dime end clrearda Dividends declared In Door:mice sod Jame of omen Dividends allowed to remain stn Axed to the anal el the derpeertor as prtocinsl, asdanar interest, duo conspounsflng 1, Boots esataintelig XtosstarjEty-Lana fangand et the tier' Thulnstitstion atm. atinssialf fo them M oons .base earnings ore sea the oppostrady am& amino., by eaull deposits, laxity sand, • 103011•MCA Will DO • resource erten needed, their maney not ookr Foto; safe, tat baring Ignorant. instead of ansaixdaz oprodextiva nips nOLLAII BANTNOB BANK, NO. 64 lava= Basin. CHAUfIUD 121 1664 Opes dafirtrozo 9to oselcck. sad Pattoday erratum fro. May LrtN oo nbaellh frost I to 9 &clock. and taco Iforamber Ist to Kay Lt frosa e toe &clock_ Deposita remind of all lama sot las than Oil Dot -164 had a dividend of the proiata declared War= lo hnts and Daremter. baron has bast irvaissariall , Ina* and Deoemtar, rtnorthe Bank sae at the not, of as par sails yver. Intorvirt II not drawn Otth b niesod to Ur Mal of WordiZottsr fittsapea. sad bears the pas leterarl vein Mat days alone aid Pocetaber. ries • year althoot trontng the deptiithor vra so le eard ha yam book . At Mr nth =toy IrM &ribs law than twain yearn. Booby conudnlng as Chart r, Byassis, Item sod 14 1 0 . 11, ebM f.n 2 k ) . 4 (tutu, as 149 1 kaikos at the drat i . iSSIDINT-0110 4 13 /LIMA= Jamas B. D. iforts, Ism Wm. V i l m e l ‘soxiort., Jam MD", Joba B. Maiddia. Jam G. Bankatea. Jame Nahale7. John B. Btlocabsem J. Hemimsn. Peter A- Madeira, Wits= J. Andieiow, 6. B. Palma, M. D., 4 nes. 'raiserY. nicsilmll. John On, Robert Bobb, s Bear 7 L. Alexastear Spew, Akmazdar Times, Wrateen Vaakne base Whlttleze, Wen Y. Vreyman, Cterhatan OHM. L. COLTON 0.1•12 Adsici. /oho Mmrrta,4 Obarhe d Colton. IV, Jo J. 64Y.pla, WlMem Havea, Peat L. Ilstoksz, YfAa.d 11..T5, ha. D. Rat* astarrani • it MINIX/ COL. LOOMPANI Capital Stock $lBO,OOO 12,000 SHARES AT $l5 E&CIL P.uantsr—JOßS ORM%, JAMEO GORDON. Tzsasrmes—J. S, MOUS& DULIZOTOSS i 101113 MUTT, J. R Ble01:1119, Ye et. 11zE. NZ, I% TA WOLTr. (rerf.s.) J. U. LYDAY. %Pt. JLEI. GonDo3., J. r..stdITEL ono. lir.liMlT/1. Emparstettaszt. Oosernag owns the proper! known thr " Hine, Cott %nen," together wit the " Seen. gam. adjoining. and coolaining la all &beat 710 wee. The proper*. In Minuted . the meat bent Aria Monongahela rise; about one .4 a halt neli t al.eleg Monongahela City, la the "thtrd pool." on ertioh I se nitnatieltd mbeere dwelling butoto. sure h.aan, shops. ga, together With a rallany running to the rivet oath = g ahntatent and .02 noreastry. arrangontenta ter The rinse an already openal, drained and "mutilated ani En good gorging order. with 1112.1.11111 drhrem, and rooms them& and ell - ..osseary taelliras tor working eighty to one hundred mon, and the coal la known to he of the .`,7 tat g.lltr. The ' , Mingo" Intatered to he one or thu renst , ralmble coal Foga - tans In the Ilanontothela Veiny. The 0e0111!7 toe proposer to inerease lhdr teal. e„, w , gluing by the construction of . additional rollnay..d Love it &post 630 000 in nth for the pen , wee et naki-4 co.teahlstso Wpm - comae and riding a escridog capital to the now orgin-kation. With hoill'ice which the Cho:pate will worm, the blrreton...ATl , . believe that the Mingo . gill penes in be ~40}1:the noel inbatemUla end Z=.11,111. the stall in thlitotnntry. sera - C ri a s am E 11.G74S LTT prim p . (ea 1t0t,112 sad Sang Arcot. It.lllZßOalllls. •MI • frill•, TEL I B. EL—wintes. Aiar-nrcrarr. —nun DAVI.Ar TZLINd . On NO saw kIODDLI, EspUsravt. 6 . 1 b: lawn cl-e Depot 61 Mows Q e VEe.l.+can AIKITALBIOIO.IITION vianussr• Li. poo.a.g. s a d daL , r. (sarrp - Fl:alsy.) 6:50 la la. , gocaral sada Maws= Comma Ittlabcts and ftEadarids, sad caUak dirra occramtbas /NM York Prilado`e 4 s- TM, 711ECIIIIGH HAIL 2 adlil lowa GU kaaararia Clack. ever 7 m0>=1 . 7..t111f.) r ° 2l.oa ll i r t tarrigtacm S27l7a4c.traefamate t-.4.ase fr.H.r York rta nos YEW= EXERZE5 rb Y=tms dsity k - ad p...s.rtopcdagoalyas palactpslaratkes, mak Mott c0.....1.1 at Harrisbak far Balttecora saa km, and ta Irsm Tat vto PP and Llitcktria. Mu rem Lass tarnaramatstioa 4.17( emt , dap f 1.3.5 rtautna csal t;,ratcreal emanscrtag slEarrisbrow Ithr Hatt t N as alVraahlegt aria • ItLoca Mazza or can ; aka at k.10.1* Elm York. FEB PILTO/L L aCTOOMIIODAT/03 SELIUNII Salaam= zaocanomacaTeste laisaolan, avalcr_da) a 8.-03 s 4 a. aerppag tl all •IllaLlaj ass mamas at ler r Clacawsk. Bina easair-alalon Train br WalIN !Raja MIMI (rapt lad 7) 'JCS" &caul aaamaiallat Ttua Aar Wars Witi.lanes Sallyjesarpt Sandal/A LIAD in at. Skald Tramt Waal Etas brae CaZ ik a:VZ=TiZit; wars nation ism taapt Ella.lay) fal3 p. ftseamak Tana =TIM Wert &alai sand a MIS s. ca. atanat.g, arni Ellabarylt of • - Raz:rani Tata arra. al Plttabergi al !Wails Dattmars Swan 00 p. 1 ha sh. Tqua - - Thad Wart &Lam L-snann.-_ &L d Wedra dnOiasa Lcoacamodanca....- Mad . Wen Edenlage :Lett IF•11% • Belt=ll.lbnamie .111 szeirenrllla 11dIllectade pais al 11aCO a... cm Mim.dlon T.b e tealioseeille end Indlenae,..:Ldal , AdzkeYola hd e reignoe .rlO Ya.-east LeennanaLdanataLdlont Ucommandeaana end IdarentiLta Zia and eaa-Bel tlLLlOcesin end Jonrusewn alsosesmcodalUt Yes 'Med. tar Dm ebaale emannotartOresala .114 UM* Dab. and ldsll7aeta yrno.serdartrb 11=441211eaCi• =dation nad ILnent 'ILL ILL BALLO To Hem 113 CoF , LILL en•--4. 110 00 To Ptdhelettdds...... 11 co Lanceenr...-:-. 10 CO lisartabcc - d--,..' 8 10.2 a T yeciap -enacted in 4 get Culla= as w a erninlirar-bli atanta . aillanne4. end to Ytd.ladelAga,llalitmere and L'enr Tart. ParseipTs r... ImOnOr.g Vast; en LL oats neM L =4len emcee., seonedbagto ilLthaen. acartedal, m CalbsttsCan ream, ce•pt tnam cl=onaleinme LLEMaI La Coe otnt. — ease of IL; the Oantinea, ^trl6.Q rd Lionnabea LPL:di& r'-'r a7F 3 21 &tma Onnememotenn , Oce 100. H. Y.—La 01001b00 LtneAtal boor emtl,l•Pbenave7 peserneera end w and Erma tho Dip; al • Owe. not taw n - .. 1 711 eente, fir tub peewee* mad Limn Yee thatete aryl/ to J. 6TH p. a.kv* . _ di IL rea.9lruallo-_..lll.llrosi on Mart, en.l Oren: LeenL AI.4EGHENY-..,—,_-,.4...c,i 3 .Ga. V LIMY PALLEOAD ~ .-...7.-.„-,...,_ ii,. OT 71112.-oa. -dm.... ?,....-.'......' .I ma 110 , i1DAT, &fay lath, 1a614 tha. "rd? •" .. . lof Mat= *lll Mks each. ‘ , TELAICL- Lana Pietebargb AIM 1 1.= : etvilig.a.l aleteattag et lndlla. m. Leant u.Wg.OX.,..r.rties at PI/U.:.g. at 7p4 like_ -Leans B.latmealag at MIS ate artreled7a7. Pltabargh a: tl:Sa S. es. Leaved eittapemi at LSO p. ea, orthrlmi at 11.1ttsaalo7 al Ta/ I.CODWEIODMELON TILLES-Cans Sods Week 5.% H,C , S. m- =e.t.a/ at Pitubmqb at Tl4B S. to.. Lobe Move n, h at L-00 p. et e anivtag at 155.14 Warm Li:Cp m =IS 7. analfT. temettaeteadidat. o NEuadis FOREIGN 11111131tAtION Amery Pittabnegtt, Penna. Meg. /awe from th gi OIL Ammirki Ui. dm Clyde bol faionsoro of tbli U' pool sad Lordloodon7 BOJal elltdoo pfolO9n i ItThreat= .-3,500 tons. P. Oikot.r. kqx.1:01:11, Ras _..........,.-4,830 too. ler-ttitatt.........02A 0 em Doooors.--SX 6 toes. tia:Altoo---SPOta U. tosterlutt---1.9: 0 too. E. 1311. nom. Aomori kora LirorpTEINVLIt 'outdo& ot Lotolcaton f.' = 1b.... m. .. 1 / o .h . . 4 5. r.= mot the Moll', .ad haro mph Tare eves a Tit •ri oci * r - low dotoSorryll: OrTroPE. it.lotoot TAPOO KIM of cel•brat'd SaMlig Pookott, horiog Lintarot for Now lork a = a work, sal to.. ..Z." Lao of ..orodcat ridolto, keit* Loolloo for Sow York every ten d. inincolli 74=0! pad Lles•compthmat... folloartlK Wpc ~ - • ?Cell. .-- . NV:. Tarm.13..........219:13M5en&1 Lb '...»,;.-'.IP3 Grata? Varixe -,:.... 01 BoolaA. • tuiazos..-2,0D0 Atausa*.• ....1........-.3.003 thohnlnitar --2,CQD U. Biskly.— -L—...2,603 Mamma of the ees-5,01 3 1 Chn.ox. 0....0 Dna4aagto t... 0 Iletaq --. -,.....404 Ill aibk4 --*"..,"V1EW".1 • Tarr, trt clumsy, to, sitir Tart, ; UMW . Ptittatueti fa W. • bootact thrortgb to my port of tbri e AW ft fttaVa " thistadaa rho. respotra. •Tort d mi terra York for Lfrerpacl a. wed 'Araotittarl aft Its =roar! voyage are kraut enrylittlig. Frva trom Sew York to Urorpool SICIRT MUSTS aII parts of Borrotte ma ttrila olowart rates. 147/41 to • Levan Olutttatcle Haan, Irtfitt Wont; tvlf se etroithliald meet, Pllttatrantt. SSTEAMSTKELKLY TO LIVENS" pew, to ,r la tstrog 16; QOZTESTOWII. aprbor.) Tb• ,rat larva tummirs V1A7704 nr Tort std rt.iltdrephrt SrmitzttiT h Oulsta=u• arm Litt) rarryt4 the 11. B. that; m so, E. GMT Or ati.lso/11:11111s---..—woosrani.Hat. Olt! Or TAIEDOE....=don Nov. U. Lao qmr7 szoarodithi ImturtLab as womy i:Ttopklgir Horth 81=4 ALM Of 1 , 1111:1111 I Parath h gat GT agaratuat la canals" flat CO Ititern• -...—........ 0 489 to 1.94190--- 95 CO " 10 Landau .4....1111 98 ODD " to Pucia......... 90 • to Porti---- to Prrobarg..— 110 ,y waSmncrT., ,:. rasseagern srer% paw. trwardoll lo gam. Ilnoo.l, HAP dos, Xe llo.,equolty Ice Ws& ram toxia2towcl or Qrmanstoirac Ist OZt the I tkro.4 cl iv ' Eaaa u tlcksti ben d o:r i ntat. ° To Lather totacomMi itoly Ortcol. 16 JOIUR UNA, lito=ll. raaeto D. 0' paol iszsi amt. lt=tit CUNARD LIND.--fitsam in fra i n LITZSPOOL AHD tit f=1810111"3. IM3 La gold, or tits etchakni =OIL VW TORS. s3h ozrgeter. Saul ottry vett ,Arpty to THOMAS BLITICIAII. Ageot. tr emus stead, Liguria LI pit IA NM:Ws 9tatlugt6 MACEKRELL a JOHNSON, A.I297OMUCTS-J111N&AL1111, Ma U. B. LIMBED ISOLDDOLT CLAIM Lamm. lloalMtoo Woitualoi Spate= Cotlowtwl 16 Mu tea o twenty dopt. ClTOehoo, 80. 1110BAWI I MEM 04 with *whim and no ith* JA.MICB LAITERTY, AirrouvrEY-AT4kAltr. All Legal Burman promptly attsmtled Miss, fts. ICS POITATIL EITSZEt, near oar; rats. Ours*. 44$1garaisa NOAH W. SHAFKB., ArrosiNgraT-law, 11144 MOS IPMk Strut. Muter/Ay re. Clatras tar r!3ffio'~, E01784T, num Komi El,ita,itgarassty prareata. • latklr• DRY GOODS, 4kg, sans O N, --norm cus—.—imatto lecumel. WILSON, AE .3; Oa, ode mu" Para (b.d. Wholes& &aka in roams LED DOILI9II.O m = aoops, 5c6.11 Woc4 crest, third boas stsrn sag. Pitbburei. • SiPdg EVATON. MACRITM & CO., Vi'Weeds and Beall De.larz MINIMINGO,LEIMOIDIStie DST 1100=rery dxsetipttok Nis. IT and IA mist, Pt MdOetrit k GLItE, Whotein and Retail Deals= In FANCY AND MAPLD DRY 000D8, La., No. IS Idattat mod, bet wean Diamond and Foutth.ntibargh.; RH. PA.L.,I' Na 84 WoidStreet; Dealer DinINETS, 17NrS, MUM TM& 147INGS pad STEMW GOODS geners3l7, T IL BUT of EELD Whig' male and U . Deal Daalmr 1 awls aco ,faxua DIT GOODS, Northeast amier Soarth saA 11..tr2“ Meet% Plitsbrugh. JOSEPH HORNE, Wholesalo Beta nt..a. In an tines .`M.MGS„ DBT GOODS, lica. T 7 sad 7I) Idasicat meat. j W. BARKER & CO Deakrs is aA 0 • tir.d. al DRY GOODS, AL*4 AIDA, %s -wam Tbtrd gad ILarth. P - prn RT., Mill-30 =As in dab and fox talo b 7 J. 11-01111111:4D. i.Asuit-etrreE 46EXIVI. T GARDETKR. COFFIN L Agent for ibet u • Trask!lu, Pl:tibiae/We 11114 Belieges Ism rize Nareperdea. Northeast col= Weed setail Third sta. P. JONES, Agent for North Amerbnt, r . Ettata of Permaybrsala. an4. l lax:dan I Tuarws o=iyar_lee, ET Water street QiIIITEL REA, Bearitary Wiese& In -1.-3 Wren. Oamoimi. °arum . 111.4ataa0.Wasr W. aL GORDON,Scere.tAry of Weak= ki • "Thnco ckmr ,o 4 , est Wstee Etzeto., smirPidre. ATTORMBr&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers