10110ilishitr,git tiazdtt. PUBLISH= = KUM ?WIN 13800111011. strstiebsi. itov. I. is&& atil'l3Nlol 1101WICIOM -. ?pa rillnkir 4itillAHAßl W 1100.1511. of minds. Boa figs sunimm: alirtrazir JOHN: ,of MINIZSINi. Swazi state tarn' Illeket, MM. CUBMIOn giil ~ .. r ''' . l: RORER? L • :e, 1..0.,. RORILBOS RPM , .11. RORY WOKE " - Liam is R. Ur, „Ai DAIMON Ha s Lo L mamma X. it ali. ' T. 10101? PARK A WILLI/RI TAT P., R. MAO A. UILOTAR D. It Eitel •RD a coSTILL, -U. =WARD 0 ALIDAT, • IA CRALIXisr, RIAD. • U. !LIAR W. SAL -;I6. ORAL R .5111113 Ra, AS AWN wing& , fa. LAUD Re 0010087, ,17. PATIO W WOODS. , :Is. Ts•ACI Mimes, ' • - 19.4oniff P6TTPO !it iT l3 44 l3l BD l Viaii, • :0..40RA p. pZeitiT, • :,2&_,ERISEBIet UL IN, . - -: u. Joan WAILLIWEisst.. buiptuf*as impadente. Staten In every-State In whist' eleotlone Vitt - hold, Ond more signally beaten en the eTtisy. note, the hteCtstamt party re. Ototts`to a system of wholemale fraud and tor', ttionsie a ettfßoient amebae of fraud. silent itial beans votes to give, at lear, the vote a the State'of Kew York to MoCrattain. .Ataty thineaud of thine fraudulent proxies _last been' prepared, and were ready to be 111:1q.43° bioadestet crier that veil, State, when the villettione - peceteding WU happily diaaoy , Fieteahe evidence educed on the trial of entoteeof the agents as ia►e been arrested, and especially by the confeasiono of the culprits themselves, it appear* that three distinct undo:tot Trend wore re orted to. .ths itabstitution of ticemmain for Lm ooze isnota lathe envelopes of genuine proz.- Rs; Intirtisted by -V ow York !oldie's to thee° a..enot appointed bj Gseernor Seymour to re ,innye 2.:ProZios forged , In the name of deoettee4 , liteditrVand of soldiers not now in onion,. .1. 'Pieties made out in the mama of per. wonswho never eibtted. • The eatrindrel . Thinarroz, on his trail, put In. the plea that hefted Committed 'no briery In seteliag indrenics in todtions names. .With all:evidences of complicity In s deMnable oonspireoy to cheat hratre men out of Wis _eoiee,' and tarn'them against the tsetse for.whielt - they are imperilling' their llTee to eanolti or the gravei of berms' Agin: ii their country's defence, and Anise , them up again to do thing which, if livingTthefitronld hive abhorred, and which no earthly power conl have made them do ; sad ter attempt to overwhelm and defeat the suffrages of living* men, both citizens and sioldiees, with liogaCproxicatyr. - „idiitiorra has the audacity to appoint a zemzilsidon to proceed to Washington, to 'faltdrei into ;the .eaves of ths wrest of there_ainses,of his, nand, tathe'esinis time, - to see that any attempt on the par/of any person - to prevent_ the eoldiers from toting, or to der theater their votes, or toceesoe their set on In Toting ' , or to detain trialtettlia 'rota airendj. nist by them bet pored and.prmisbed." _ It4i these things hate been: done, and well done. , 3Ttofiaode arc folly preen' by the con. tende of the genty pstt:ito; and it Atilt re. traite Something Monet - tan impudietie, tied the assumptirn of injarid'iritettoence, to free the et it ts of that prince: of , ocipertentie •of the bad cdor which is uow upon than, or to re. snore form the' minds of men the conviction iliac his finger was in this neraeloue brininess.. ; inpudeace, :however shiounding L aaasaity, tiortefer er,li not atm his tuna The World irtoo old to - beicaltd in that "erey, e'oe thexqh such audacity may nun- and:bewilder slMple Minded foe I+. tipt I e Freed and Wiel.nco-1 - 17 — ) „Oaly..Jitop e MEN=E The 31',Cssztan leaders lave given' up all tapes a ettCieess upon a fair meths vote. They know that the people ate sisinst tketti;` and that thealna,y is against thettn ant if they did it/flit:Os it before late heelrtlitlinns • they hive bleu eenvineed of it aim: . nett' heivn'eit4:ll their all on thi; ear- eese ICtlifiAtV4zalotihi' 'far: the Denderlii6 jiety,if beaten new; and the *pledger!•in ea Aderate bends,the rep sent forefsn b Mew merchente and Srisiat~rste r ynd A 16 ° gn i PrAs 24l 7 weed Wale iru&irris ei 4ebels, hays, sand** . 4 , 4111 4 phanosot niationi I Bat" cannot.ineseed ths people- and. iltasi4 *Xi clearly against m-bow isither messed? By ftaud and violentre, and in that way on and is that priy They hare Aetennisad to rliy It. Is no leaser a grind= of rote& a: ma— jeritiesglitt-whsther thoy esit ionnptihe haf:: lat bates indAstnie We overawe the Totem. They Ilvfirteld - out - their plans for the sad we wont be prep ;aredio met them.r • The bandstitlisti por k Mirk. 1 17 P Wiltd;- t- t a rl ell ' 6f i l At leith r i t g f trithae - Stata :The f tics StGanLiiii . :l l oniti = dioirs title. We ed9PtAgilkitsuMwailows; Utike_face or 44111 10 1 eig 0163 .4 3 4 : f" 0 411016 ;h* 1.4031001044";W,:z",. • litirs*er f" o " c f,P i Prl aidbaun". suss fait i othik i x & iiiitzithwiandii4b i , igfiented4zeterbereatitifeitiizeiVe' (seee.i s zter- teertkeli, ,Every, MO , bgenaltrazolinalleir eititittge gest, will be tried. We meet mate ep our ff Was lento fiindarew,rtilAtiaitenfy, in dfierAlloc.%tras 1 , 1'5 <Wet trelieres 110 ', 4 1 602 _ _40 ,1 4 1111 44g ; ' 7,. xelenteeti filmset:cod: We know eask 1110ofakipa. liefeat and -subjection, tbnongle took - Oleo:ea efetbovs, deter.. Wrist riadetariciAolliite :platters against 114 eler7_lun erd far own ---f!'-' . 1 16 a !Cililt:l th e safety of tiltisist flit'', Its ,. -- - , says; OP sagaberam, tle- wel t 44- ' 4OOl , 14041. ..,„..,`k, sr iliail'lA "ilia. In their the.,"".^.4!', m ik e i- elm aiej,-4i4 m e a t . ,- J . , doter#l.' z". , '' - „. -- mt., ..- 0024;efetwiel Gallowaysdai our .T. ,6 , ,,.. " - eloquent ilitaktr w g t ,„, , It o - le one Of , 1 ' .''' it tOti6l 4". - III& these 4 60 t(0,310,1 ^ In"ii‘i ILIU4nt , Let , h 6 ~,i_orito II slob treat- , Abe 'fit.. ~ m- Ailey it,,,,t • f 7 le i ' 31-",,,,3slfidi,fti. "el' The be given to'nlea. '947- -Ash iiii t ittat - fi! A wren It. _ ..., • -IttFiS 'old: Ittieve:l7 1 .- id. ra Ismrtr; • " .0 au ,tlPlL,f•'' uttis4 ,-, 4 t• ~. • jot en .it'lleattaltut it i/iatitt*t4l I"4, o 4r _ .. _itlft ii4diew-it '*l4tir 'av,, flicir*!:44:algr iklii-74i7 tmer ~ ....- ik - 4.7., 4- 0,1114bs site' s t ri°- 67,11 m,;, Dicrl'irltli kali 19 04;i46-- ti* A' d on eldl• val that 101 l - _man utatt4latilet ,„,,•-• eve r y trawl' *°ll-- - ` ialrightlalut_ 1 '‘. ..- VievbeittlftettNi*"4 '3"- , 16V-s 4l ' I * -1 te...1 4 1° ISMAIL" . .°lrft ialadOtsiiititli 'ilk, bat ayiarsuplpi•*ple we apt ,ttion— clods tb,A botgus* elitf( ears low o4B A - , Quer is po! - G*4-ics. vat*: ,tio'itot et your Pligtha" Ut " 7 : o4t4 tiPetft l sl6 . j. - (Tha r Afbibi At 9". Ge s . azniosll4-0.1158. arm The atddlen ware voting by lane ef-thou., sands for ilfalltutrin and Surnotrn,Ariteu the Administration seised the ballots and tm• prisoned the agent,. :The osokessions of Gov. earloset adepts at the trial Baltimore, show that those stens of thousands" were Minim yet hire ie tbs - Gorertets paper setting op the olabir that the confusedly Kurd ballots are gin dine I This shows that this Governor is a pu t, to the infamous fraud, and determined to tarry it aut. That these agents, wire were appointed by Governor Szvecten to repair to this army and obtain the proxies of the soldiers, were mole nth, and that they were bat doing the work of principals more vile and wicked than them. seine, is tame beyond a doubt. The work was too genital*, too stupendous, to admit of any other eenolulon , and lbis conclusion Is greatly etrangthaned by the ambiguous notes seized in the daces of thgeo_ agents, in which Anises only used b? limas were freely used. Is Governor Simons one of three principals? Were those agents appoint. ed expressly to perpetrate them enormous frauds? Wes the thing deliberatoly contriv ed by the leaden of the ideGiatisa prey, as soon an it was ascertained that New York could be carried for hicOrattss in no other nay 7 It would ?eclair:, an over-strained ex ertion of charity to come to any other con clusion. They that are not For us are- Against as. There are some hesitating people who say they like MoChishh62l but dislike the Chicago platform, and therefore re.olvo not to vote at all. They cannot esoape responsibility in this way. A man cannot ran away from hie political responsibilities by not voting, any mote than be can run sway from his moral and religious reepont thilities by not going to church. if be disapproves of the Chicago platform, and does not vote at all, his non vote is a half vote for it. Those who are not for 'Ascots ore praottcally against, even thoLgh they may not vote for bin antagonist. Only O. ?rook But one week remains for work. 0.. e week hence the decisive battle comes oft. Arc you reedy for it 7 Have you dono all that a pat. riotic Onion-loving man should do? Let every man answer for himself. And he that tele that he has a duty yet to discharge. let [IF do It at once. It by We tlionld. Worn. The national existence is threatened by wealthy, powerful, determined anl an• sernpulons enemies. Tin work steadily, sleepless/y; and ws intuit work as vigilantly aithe7. This is the hour of the nation's "exhrsmity, and the imminent peril of the country scot prompt no to firm, decisive, energetic action. The Soldiers , Vote swindle. - the discovery of the conspiracy to falsi4 . _ the suffrage of the soldiers puts the last brand of Unfairly on the brow of Horatio Seymour. HIS connivance with the mob that undertook to Laity cur Legislatent* from the election of' loyal United States Senator, diatom:Tel him. lie did so connive, for when the Assembly solicited him fo r protect it, he refused. His loMenting and countenancing the inearree don which for dews went through these streets, pillaging, burning, mutibsting and murdering; disgraced him. lie did so foment, by.his letters and epee:died against the draft, cod he did so countenance by his hailing the Miscreants on the of Latham of the second day of their work as "friend'," and by his assur ance that he had seat hie Adjutant General co Washington to ask the President to stop the draft. Bat his plotting to reveres, by frend, tb ',votes of living soldiers, and to forge the 'Mese deed soldiers, antes the supreme ~ gom, He did 80 plat, Cra the work was d ae by agents be ommlasitrord. re Boy mat it In the lest ',well:de stigma, I,r titre can be notblog lower than Ilia wring to the living sod, dead heroes wag have devoted themselves to their country. As !'the living; if there bo soy asoredn•es in tee ft enabler, it attsches to their 'nee. Al that as hold dear In the iitatetbay ariebletd ,ing. Without them rebellion'would triomp l / 2 , nod, in its train, would surely came anarchy .. o 'despotiem. 'lt is to insure to no end ozr tiO , ldrra the billet-bit, that they shad their b cad. The gre tiiitde' which, Horatio Say mo or li.ei for all this, wee lira - to' deny them the ti -, ;.10t.b0x, sod now is to swindie them to their nee of it. Not neatest eriAt...thrts de. ' trending the Using he mutt outrage even the vases of the dead. . , With his infernal aril= . -fiiilt, he mast Crate- lying phantasms of our heroes in their hie' Bleep, to give him velea *Mob, if living men; they - : would cot rent even e.. save him from perdition. Wo toad' • to, *hetes, of our rebel enemtefti prorating iteirelostnesit one fallen 'braiesi: but ouch ,ribpl IsMien is decency compared foible blisi. , nen of asing,those 'stalls-at doad'ioimlie their owe name; to Weekee their own Memories,. . _to bolster up a cause which, when fn life they . , .v.htbried as nolotteritialitiamnable treason. : Teel oast is 04V.Incilgaier only. to the body, *lda per shes, the other to aphis,!ha :lifbtek; -- "'.lk /I iliale 'Mita some all ?Ojai men to a letteritonprhinstonot thichsenoter.of, these or ii imi ibou a tile teinsag:' - theis ccanit,- slim imedniztlicriltsienthAutioniNdoset rah- • lie Denies can eihrt.,, Witb le,,ltreit many E°aa..•-•lll.o2l4l.::}difigTllol43:iti.Aht, aloud'', .C.T.Weiiii ,, .;01cien;- . 4n•-ids ..-seeesd..•erstien•• - 4,l*tert,Cetilinty,noOdplettur orlitel this Mk cultyT , ll6ll44"l,teeentod the' nottoi,settelefet , prcifii Irmo_ conepirsoy. Castilla; In his eenstortsl robes, talked of. Uut 'slats he - hid - In the prosperity of . the Conunottereslth; , ind , '14410 of the Senate' not .'l4il , i,hist,listny in 'l),. tibrini ~.e ifeitithint ihieltdrie•-estri. in his 'T7•T,jodieit.' ,, ,And very esoellentT pongees won't& rotrine It at all, until he wee sendelly it' the Ha if. ISt , army. Ineniolar Roasitetth. doe mid-inter& -It eros-tho Opened Wainer, . ' it bellerheetr,in. the - froeth. this Toff. Doyle, -.evil Ithv confitientei,Aeizi• intently :Unifiers' •ind - __- , puriddts , -' that '.t , Slttitalll - On 44 'itttlkiTtioid - ,-, , ; • %1101%'tthi5 , ;.4 : :: needed ! . Pd .. OUT ;•itiltieTei • - ....alvealites , o In this (Old. oriste of the r•.• -country ' - there -3 49 - be no beTed PniTecat WO ti nt! .,' 110, ',' N 0 `nsesit iliaii4erikinifit we i to 'remember that eternal Helena Is device of libettlet. ?The 'wont painClaiiiii-the-halm soul are st Iro c r r it splint- tur a •Ifastli; ea well ; as eoulh. 11 , se erellot, the* see ma The In reidlet. ! - Ad 4 rule it ' rain, Jbei are polithdane of Ifs ' ode te feitniekte,leoltniethil they- have Ole gone' f far - sliditttheiedountry that no to.rn to Inthlfoxintldrnee Is possible, sod '• SI - r , IttpyPrlttbiffi far cry pil‘l".. 'Zilt p-t 3t , “,..i....:,,..,,i.-.. ,-..,.:: = , ..t:V.ZO at ,iris afoot : . 'Vista *sea sham - 'AS nisei gen I foreelorleVirKl-070031 or hilt il'i 04 strike ; Been lifiLieas dunaltkkeeptes : and ward sgWetit it. , If-our aoTerlltOska is; . .:to`be essed eim . .iittiled.TdFai bt , i..offlitiAt'' -....f, F. slaw., -, , Poluintratila Election. , ; -- --. 1 1 ,QAMBRIA.-1101iNTY: - EIIMI,P1120; PL; Oct: 2.21:::. a following le the official voted Cambrin , wint!ty, inoludlog ixdb. hams end _woldlore voto,for. Calf 'Mgt., : - JObigliol3;l(DAl2.) , . :Barker, (lifalon,) .Totvisog'ilasjoliit ',, A 812 List yew tho Democratic wiefority far GO. aims was 886. How aro. you %zeal Doi* 'Ostia °Shia." Toe eoldierit vote etsogilhow':: I I; Barker, (Untoo) - ; . . . 29A .Tobisow, (Dela ) . . • . . A 64 pitittes majority. 241 IV* soldiers vote u . figbi, and the y Bilitsolaly." • • ' I Corinriaroar, Tbis vote in thisootmty stands as folio ra:_ Wilaon(11ep:). 90t, itoldisrlf Tote, 8 too,. 984. now ratemdisht.(PP 881; aoldierif vote, 1; total, GM -Wilso n. majority, 402. ' - ientblitiost to note, 'ecdeir were 0141* the army for - Luso Benton, imposing him to be thi Republican mulidata In thin -diatrioki -and Pao for ilienid W. Bobodeld. Be Rai 'runt theaoldiati:vole studs Reptibliuu,loit. De:nutored, Tali weed as7l4, - -4 Tha labile, of Goiirna arseniern in the camel ban been Et eranlean, Ike Vat.. orlhe Soldiers sew Yerkiltate,agents Jost returned froze: the armies before Blehmend sid to the ma: ley, report the most gistifyinglesnlttfor the Union muss among the solettere. Theralaim, from actual observation, that the Union Pres idential ticket WIII have from threafentiksto. four-tlfths of the army vote, I talie for Mr. Penton for Gonda the proportion to mill more flattering. McClellan" principal strength with New York soldiers seems to lie with the dismotmtsd cavalry tad heavy "mil levy regiments. who appear to find fault with the present Administratton Nature Generals is the field, owing to exigencies of service, have thought proper to use them as infantry. Every Indication from the army point' to very heavy 1:11.i011 0 1 0Yeeltil r linlefla the Op position should succeed in the lately exposed attempts to manufacture frnudalecit votes with which to staff ballot-bola on the day of election. The following votes of New York. =lidera are reported: The sixty.fourth Infantry, be• fore Petersburg, Union, 861; Damn:ratio, 72. The old organised= of the regiment voted solid for Lincoln, whfle the Copperlaid votes were given by those lately j dieing the regi ment, who were either &steed men or =bed twee What wu left, of the old Ninety-fourth New York Volunteers, lately consolidated with an Eastern regiment, voted with the following r.euit: Union, 74; Democratic, 7. The rote of the One htindred and Ninth Regiment New Ycrk Voluntrem has been re turn, d and Is unanimous for Lincoln end Fe .tun. The following ivies of New York Regiments are reported et the Union agency tit-dayt— Seventy-sixth Infantry, an old regiment U 1131411, 291 i Dppooratto, 12 One linudred mad Eighty-fifth, new terriment—Onion, 319; Demneratie, 43L Tenth Casoilry—Unlon' 884; Dement atic, 48. One Nundied and Forty.. eighth Regiment, old—Union, 205; Demist. at -97 —l , l Y. 74108 2 'PUBLIC Aroricas. n -- . 7-14UPFCRIBKRE3 TO THE CHERRY 14.11 en/ littitt. t 11. marsh! sib piste mete itotontla • tit, meat to tte .ist, W. II 8 ,fittEß rh, 0c31.11 ft 31 • PSI Sees, {c9l:llLilliti.Tt ttUN OIL. CO —The mbaaftber• to thin o.laptoty att , torrattot to call at d pa) tto woottat f tilt& su.olptato .tore., Et Do OM. of t. Ocropaoy, V WOOD srearr. ootalttat JO LI oft n, BUOlSZT.Boeetary. Lr.j..Nt u bee ri ter* to the Ross C•darotly sr. radneeted to per to *ell tt,t on • r t•eee Foramner M. aeailiekhdnipdoro rea eleJntor n. paid a t•r that date trill to tort. Hat 14 hater of the cloud. ortt YOST. Kh AY, Jr.. ilernatary. NO ICE —'rho Ftoetho'dert of the Totaieranc rills sod NoLhotoon Tarapike F.: at Y flood La mossy an beseby o UMW that the P [mot 614a-tbag for altalloa OM en to tam tor to. tea)tar, 1411 ba baba at lb. ofsce of J. L aft. Mi n e L 4139 labe.ty 1111JADAY, sow. 7tb. Ito*, balloon M. boors of 1 and 3 U . OlOck p. m. .Mateed 137 order. M. P. BILOWN. Posit • WALLE,OHRNY CITY (PA) COM mans' BONDS —Helder* of the Oornpro. 'Wee Bands turned by the Oily of /Allegheny, In re duce ptien of Ice Railroad Issues , are ootified ► OW pr. pools till be received by the sudetelened I the tn. veremmt In eal4 Bones of tbe 01010 g Fated for the year MA, at tal Dedeohbor let. lee. Address /OHII ATWELL, , Chairman rinse v CLotialetee, tattdel Pittsburgh, P., Orr= Warm* lareti.voi 001RPLIT, t Pituburgh, Oct. 11th, Wt. f t.AN ELECTIvN NOR Dittscroas 0/ TRIEI I.OIIIPLNT will be holt it tte onto, Be. all Water etteet., os TIIVEIO&T, llotenttew next, between the bonze of I ana Pp at. cetlnd II GORDO', estrotary. P.L.Abli ROAD ELECO HON.—Tho honnti Ileenton of the 44,• sill Yeller Mut Wed Compar.raln be told •t tan'. ea es W. H. %V .1.8 Tlard ward, elle& ny teg, on lb. Plan tiOnY tltto9lllll3li. ISErt. between I awl 4 wet et p m , (Nov Tth, 1444.) glad WATBOU, Freethanh. em ig:Pa n ge". Utt. Da lan l etr‘. ELECTION FOB NINE DI R TOSS OF TSle BASK, to aorta rat eta yaw, arL I Da head at Oa Eat king Sant at TIM SWAT, the ad day of Hwang* /amt. Damara Lea laov• of 10 0'044 a. to sad I o'clock p. m .aead ISZWItiII L. /SOLT, Co.hfs•. 71104CILarrIl /LiD itlMMl,Crearlia Balm, I Ptimbargb. Vol tiat, WIC J ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS of Ibis Bank .111 be bell at tbot Banking Haat. . itiOBBAL tba Ma; dap at Noramber taxi, Maarten 1.4 e boar. et 10 a. m. and 2 p tn. Lamm , Ilaaticg of the gunk boilers 1.111 M b•ld 0, Tr ESDA 7, tba ntat 41.3 of No•o.. bat, at 11 o'skai at. incll-30 AMP 'BCOTT. as_ var.far. 10. CONCERT, or Vuo&T, AND INSTILVISILITAL .1111:11110, tOUTB PIITISIII/11611 1111'118T UrrinlCll, TUESOLI EII,ENLVC, 11711. ISt, 1864. rm.. trim . bartatkof it. Clonal. ocPat W2d. PIGIST, Jr , Director. Tom Loa Cm taxa Or Pmotaaan, Oncobtr 1:0tb. 1,411 ELECTION NON DIRECTokS of tot. Dank Intl be !Hid at aba 11.ntinc /Iwo D 1031 DAY, the 11/as la• Howanlber note, tallre4l to. hour. of 1 and l o'aio k p n. DO eanral Idootfaii of the Stockkedon ler b. b Id on TI2IIIDAIf. eta ern day Of l‘orena Nor a..a. at 11 c'thek • na. J. kIAGOFPI9s.,OsobIor. Exca►rnt B.m or PToll=l6a. t.;rt FOR TIIIRTEZN DIRWILebb al Ms flask, to seen tar ors y • sr, slat b heft the 13.11tInie Rams "0 110tilD •nab-r ;tat,lllG4.l.iikoes 4,4ls:oars et ~A .m . A. 0.. *.f . ;In .1 sans! 1111.4ttale of Stara holders wilt Lsks slaos ter cre.Det, Zioseeetree Ist, at slsrzet .40 tat H 41. lIIILILAT,,CashIser: Ma imam BAIL October I#‘b er ELECTION FOR •IHRICCTOM or We Dagt Irta he em et the eenitne Haws Stet eel of erov.o.ber sex t, behreei tam noun 10 o'clock .. re sad 2 e • mlck p b• be Ahead !leer/at of IIP• tlextMtJe. rtthe %Mt sIIT be held co the Ist dip or2lovr alba., at .9.votait m. • .151 -td W.-000140.atitm , s Orlobarr AN ELEtTIONIOII._DIREffraIia Of Aldo lasak all/by bold at Oa llosklng ouIfIODDAT, tbo last day of $0.19ft 4 f 7 .04 Osamu b boars of 10.A:fork .ra and I o'olook si. as. of 0.1.1 Sty. , Tb. Abound Ifesalatof fhb librakboldei of the goat to hotel co the la doy of blossmb r.ot It o'clock ,faSO ' 110.8.111 0 I, -ATTENTION.- BUTCHERS —4ll Bade* or ,Pubbamb znalsmApclab. vb. Istoott-trlots bribe tare tea va Slundlayffeategoormtmi 4nO our ausAllt g) 414 Sall as wb.llhtrte , 1.111. 4 , cells till . prnowlideprit6 Ald Nut Mau PE t. aled-BON• Aga:, glib Blue ewe dal d eat br.lars • ant : °pa Optchsnidai Woo oas WAS isdrtdpildpl ol 7# l 7 , Educe • - --- ... ! 1 -Ittal Mt NV Itaineisir 4_, 111.41.41). wall 040stor ... r i C3f•NOTICE TO BONDHOLDIUM-- e ilia - IMt 7ial.escond la.st td o m =pooarrat fw bonilrualset Wadi 'Patsissa Tanta% MON las lbws Istl•Mii. 'MS te , I, • striatum of mum ma sr. ma rOs Is L towns .uosr marls, lionaboldwit ma - Fen 4 quilt %Wft 1,,,,,5s 4 Mx •Sft•Fja -11? l i r kt ir 4,1 laansk romh.VisslaV.,•saw 15”. Tart, LA Dom Ow mmompat m l Om may sialliwable of **slum . _ _lk iti 4mSdiMage. mg*, sap . Easy •Zutr_. •,0, 4 Cr; 04 sirtmowlitmal be egaiLto Its Ixt so tam attrili t P . ool ,l . 4t - tmouniii.,thielealii: ' - o.larriaEL.:;lll'"E`ficiiiolders - or the Dnaliard Crilek %don . WI f n al AA, Mow, 14th, at 4 delta! R. , sln 4 Tziiiiims aux. etatth Arse, Ores the Dollar Ifitetris e.oe. .1.11 Miro &ghat' It Umftng Is•thin Odspatry goad de 4.lii to mew!, At ISO 13 111111Tblf IR4O CLlllet, at the inbtOtioties itook!wiltexte Mork. ,' . tdfdlif licoAstro alt 3 Nanturronsi Dm, MIL . A ONVIIRAL MRETING OP TIE Ir e?' OTOOKBOLDISS IYI IBM Balit , trata - um et the Haab Mil Bono, oa of Notelabor .It at It o dacha, to. to 100114/ft sad the Ado whether Cida-liaolt obeli boom as yettlellin for the talents at audit "Ito Imre of the 'Vulva Stasi, sod • briber it ahattezerchlo the 1t , " , 0n cookirsit bf the dm of too LeAbletore Of $ll,l ante, entitlel "AD Ant enabllei Ms Janke*: Ude Oommou wealth to be ore as claims for Venting soder tho jaw el the [WWI Ilutis.”sopreind Anon; 11 4 4 sad to t•ks a. 7 tinter .ritoa that may I. zwereary. tty ardor of the Eksrd of Dlnatoni. orGim /OHS Boum at., ammo'. AT A _MEET ) OP- TBB beet andletenenthersof th , , 102 d welment Nu t ., wilted:b. Yoltoteere. hgU n the idefeet wet% elalar die:230.1664, the fabowins end re•tiWww.webeefrated - • Pitmans tWheallet Who Pound an teRICO 10-Siki tremolo fetid one friewd and nonetfitig Ilejoi-Jewne B.aotrstt. . dr=_that wWle we bow with totattiot to glue tbe emit dim:we of *nate. we wand Unmet ,the keetatonewholueestewed blown' toutbehhe cky date I.loCealg 41:4111i-alrigelmht bovlL , 'Branal cr • Ow brow , le,Viletwie pet Ishehtlesbt4iii meters ones! aide, beldsof tidaawnedt. - 7'41 Obqk 'that wild. cosemits., Jan 21.4 wwfoetreg tbetnelanehtly duty Of..eepteednig wet seg.,. ,eper, et tb, kw of ottr friend "entoeterneetbettitithig b Prorlisttilathreir.PAStitedltioatitiley heeTet oral irbVit bans. . 11 .°5 10 47:42 , 14. SKlViatlet of k.nritai;isito,to•K ; ••• ; 7s l .:l l • l2 o: l klllat.3flgto.Vials• flith.Thefetil ;Om Di rib 5.12,41;.(i.th5:2.27 ili f z t a t cm brink I. .ifie Umlaut - • - Chetah die PUTtwOOD' ; - ; ' JOIIN Wife *LAM .0 203221 ; Ontetnitteh Peet. 110111111 ,11. - 1,9011 T, eLIiTIAW 110da P. 2, LOLL, ,Its= - a. Swvi. 20. BPACCA.CL- 1 . 1 „ irozwir,b. WOLOBE nruTuel. LIFE msu- LHm 0021,1117, ar llcw TO= • PLENT MICIOLILII. Panumn. Loom Nam -hslitttag , fie. Ll* am End». sleettPalkin. 61.0, PaltabeartiO caw popiecr No other kind of Policy au eller equal soccult,. i. W 007311, Osoust aent. sir Ctlys,,ll6 11 . 01111113 ErfllßEr. •anas O.PGIIIi WINS VINEGAR. a. & ffi. Bouzior, GERMANY, pore 21.3.1,L1CT 11 00., Dordmsuz.) Tie only IfLangar'snardoill with a Peso Nodal, of Enty exhibitory a Liao lutenist/anal Iles Lorton, and for tale by V. RI. ROLLIE AI, Gla2=*^l ilc - Xl/ST PUBLISHED, by Dr; Pon- SALIN, a popithr Small/ace DUMMY OT TDB MADDER i.also, one on 811/10T OEM OP TRI PRITHIMA, and-oba on NINIVOOIS nintrart—eh came eura. 1211 m cis 'ant by mall for DO maga Addrao Dr. MUM )OBTAIN A No. TIO Broschray, New Talk. WIDOW . v. AvEnLaajiatee RI.AgAr ibr lAppistoott t Os.► . ntraaAnA.(latAal Gaga, Hubbard 1 0o.) AA AVIA A. Wm. l'r , y-PTrTSBURO,R SAW WORKS, HIUBOARDS & LONG, bliounhvotarers of P6TEI'X dDOOID OIROTILAUB warranted OduT STrilM UAW& of every deeorliatkei. BIM, Alvin,. 070.11 Oen, Gime and allotber varieties MI kinds of KETPI:IS d6PIIIHOB, made from Base Oast 8.4 , 1 i Tatra Refined RNA PLR AHD MOWING, PUPILS, ah. NY arab:ll.v and Work., cur. W &TSB BIGHT UTB., Pittsburgh. Particular attention given Bsoxgrilkiisz. Gana log and Bit dghteabik (BMW Satre; aka repairs of all Ueda Putiolliwg and Drilling dope 4k2.3,1, ;; ,..V/Ef. BAR NHILL & Bondi NAN ERB AND BERET IRON WORK, AO, Non 61, Nos, 03, Et, £4 and IA Basin /le. molt • Iwo to end forsdaNed tteritt the motet tor roOs4 Emma:lima), vte an prepared to assontootos es , s-i deteriptten of BOILERS. to the best maw. clan tottraoted eqeml to an) =ado to the oosostry. CHUA- N Nye, BRILLIES, 1111 E BEDS, SWUM MRS, LISCOMOTIVR 1101LRES, CONIGENSERR, UST }A 8. TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR RANB„ And sok, ussuotoactoreat of 11411NRILL'a PA- nn BOMML Ileeeirtes sum rm thashadist ttetios: ARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL a a11211.T010 WOILITA Prosonval. PARK., McCURDY al CO, Iloaorooscow* of SEIZATE4IIIO, BILLZIEUB' LflD BOLT GOPPril, PAILYAILD OUPPIIIS bUTTO2IB,, RAISED rrILL norrous, bpeUria BOLDLY. Ai., Importers tadd.nl O In 011L'AIS3, no PLATY fin SIT tam, GIBE, to. Ou‘oloouy oa alma, VS ti BIAGRINES MIX' sitsrebous., Su 10 rtf9T a 1278 LOAD PTSCIGTa, Pittsburgh. Pt. brutal orders of Copps, cut hi say destrodi psbesesi., tayggilrlsel (0 - TES IMSPROSIONS MID EX. mussop 64 LiEVA.LID, PAW.' ea the banedit suet at • irarang awl maim to young Will inro gaffer from Nem= D.CnIV. Prertastat• Decay .t elmobnityillg, at MD intaattras, rim Or esti nom By atte litn tug oared !dwell .Qr baths put so peat moons sad =AO Ooh and quackary. B • aciastag • poi•-yst4 .QCtmed m'dop•. !latli copumpay to hot at tA. nerammtr, ICIATTAIR nylllydret B.llbrd. Klux costal. 8. I TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS 0 BOTH 111.111.1X5.—a nmecod graelmsne luvls Dena rimilarso 10 lowa*, to • taw thqs. Ina crawAdzi mat mattes and trrlCEu•ce 6ymah Rod ce w.f....L.11b= amen, =udders LI his soamd dat7 o.procrolcilla $o LIU ID Dotal tallow a:Wane 13ls wain of can. Ilea., cm la• r•c•fpf of mg sdiromoi ouToloyo, tto P. 0.. • an 7 of lb. PnwePam 1.4 Dtr•et to Dr. 01:11 DAGINALL. 124 Iral• to. Wad. D. 1. fattll:l7d.er t[7 .,) ?"'""ItOBIli8011. CZ& & CO., (raceme on.). to llonsoos, 1:11ou OE. .1.431%) A. 5 Hl2lO. TOY WOK! s. ToDisoaso A 111Aaatsotrs, Pittsburgh. Ustutootersrs 0 , BOAT AHD STATION - EILY 137 1114111 LAST LZGINE .MILL MA. 71211 T, GILUIViI, PLITTIM, omrrOgnS. a! .(1:4,...1114105.5; OIL TAltilli3 A lITLLLii BOILIZB a: Mt= ICON WOOS. jests h. GITPANI)I3 PALTINT 11111070:1 ron 1 801LL.138. I ‘ar. Int—.... ar0.1.1111.6 L 3-. LArrs. BELLE STEM WORKS It =TRU is CO.. D, ...lch to ilartassa a 00., cosnaf. , neve• MUM, FLOW 69D 171.1111191 El 7.6 L . ISPILLVOS, •XLIT. CidOW7l6l[9. ke. Fcria. FIRST 11.61:0, 61.:esitsa1 P. 0. alld,dict. PTITADrIOD. 178. EtOLIRI3.& SORB., Duusas tz •••-- routes - Aro DOELEI7IO SILLS OP 111 ch,A.EGz. czarina /au OP Drivart, BANE sAD STREIT, So. 67 ES ERSIXT STREIT Pits.burgh, OrAleMl-^m made ria ail tl. petaarAd ltEle 114 , 43 E maths Vaned AWL .JoBH COCHRAN & BRO., if tn. laot.eas uf IldlLlSig, LILLIS s•ULTS ri VAULTDOOIIB, WOIDOW 1011127158. WM , D 099 OILLIIIM. iros. 41 ETAJOND la SO THUM INTESST, bet. wool and Marc..:. Elan as band • v. rta.iof ass Pattsr9s, isa , s7 sat pals, ss WsDIPs for WI ivrvoists Pciticsisr stuatlas Paid to Amaloastat firsys Laois Itabbtas doss at short nodes. .9 -DABIIB Or 'THE Nnvous DEILIII IV 4I44 PAiPAIL , ADD taitlLL Ms. 762/21—on. •a 4 rultalge tertenet—te Deport:not Ur Hut Sat Ay man Le rad Ws =lv pa. tree of duns. bliner D. I. SIMMS ,lInrOEITON, Havarti inookstiopi, No. S EoaY Iltna Pb1104.101+4 Pb. ulittay EMMY CUM & FOILW42O 130 AND 00E11116510111121011/JIT sal Ifttgoak dleiaar la, Aljrna. 111011, sad imam: tisasitts, Ss. WOOD raimisest. ro el ATRIAL Jr9Titcl4l. POLITIOAr...;-"trisOodnii of 'do, Unio - o 6llls•ris tk• Ildra wriall uIB b• boll al OA oil of "anion • Mims, ea ritib abut. as TEM Maws Qs), :AMMO, u Tirotock. Clow ass, coni•All. • • pp Ile A. M. BU /51, Osstrissa. • LINUOLN AND JOUNEON. .;11!.A"? PI 1 1 . 1 q 4 , 1110,0, 1 /.14 at tairriventlielfuticteane Soto. , 0 Widnurlay, Mamba I, at 7p. 74""mitrICV11.1411620iwi by Zen. FAIIIVIL 1. - ernrirnaroz. ri c ir r. 1141 n, Eptil T 019141111", AItENTIOii I c Then inn be amnion Eat sibaji , . near NOW Te=en, PLIWTOW/SEPP. • , • F usiday Evening, Nov. k at 7 o'clock. r ow! by _ 4a, 111"34 AND .iyi,INDDN. , 1 1..EK0ND0Ev IL iLil,)Priitt r od • IrednAtility. 'Nov 20. olAtick p. -m. thiseu.o4l pungalgoi obatiptio . i et t,tio ws aro. sdartai - Chi i ' ,• 'Bon. J. K. BOOBUZIO, :az: , ' 801111.11 11. 'Minn/ILL, raq., is Ann JOIN tl. iitacraorkiros • • - pouf U. meow:as:set ovasevOnaiii.-- Laid who sit fa am of 0 7tgo . r3OO 1r ,0 1, 7 u. 0 the wpr stand U lON MASS Ammo AT CLINTON, ON OATONOAY, AT 12 CVOLOOK, Ado:mi.+ I Porfilgvl l7 o.l72.:z , 47, OTL I • nor. J TOEUX. D. OVD, OLAB, D. D.. Via.'. D JOHN IL. 1111Le4 MOE, Apo ou:Rk W aoEilasollatl“ , con OTOLEN—From the stable of Dr. Bus- Y 7. MX, et opera. enessev. "r" O4 lW w . fine linrOare Mira , Oink • rbe *eft • Tv, 34 heads I. IxAsui ran old. M/140. scot 000D11 .adTIMM DOLLARS 111 120 pin, Ilan Me dri itcr:4•!acltc; TX. Aga np. nos. A Mend nerd war fill gins is avy wen itylag Inkraistion of ti. gpmaboots of MR doh:Lyn:. path _bra Mtn /0. *WNW& Lithe f••• 11/.. NollUR—?he , prpperty Aicaciers 04-But. Ars' mt. Filfliiirard, — will" tato OR4lO* (hit tb• gridisi and I•••4tbelqw• antes d,sadtp bosom" NS Woollies of ib••zwarralog Revelator, ge. rasa ItuaS auto2l3lll4oll:nallkdry ilkfraiabir. KIMPYIN. BOCCCIIM Rvaistor. rittasUlA OW% Rib% Ppidtiti, 4 fortos GIIAND UNkON'ICITIII,III THE LOYAL MEI OF ALLEGHENY CO. WILL 013.11881 TE rill GLORIOUS VICTORIES ROI:REVD UNION PARTY, THE POLLS L Vermont. Maims, Indiana. Ohl*. Penn.. plants. diarylaaa4, and the BPLBIDID FURORS 01 01111 kill AID Riff, GRAD TORCH-LICHT PROCESSION, And Pyroteahnio Display, ON THIIESIDAY EVENING, No 3d AT PITTSBUREtH The procession rill be coarspnad of Massa Gram! I Malone, as toiloara 131. ?ha afa• Wa•d• vat Me Cllty of Pittliburtb:. Drximma—Lawnr.oevino, .ad Dis.ricts b.,. ma t!, Sinn. 2d. 1%. tau Wed• vf tk. City et Allagbonay—lla , ovsll..d District• on th. Monk db. of tie alum, WI sl • Batotsza. U. . U. Bon - .los .td DistrL7l.. th. 11.utb dd. the atm. IrLKOT /311'113102.J. that Ward, Plttstairati. viii fora is Water, the right Mathis on Wo muss. EmOne Want, fltlabargb, will fora on 71st exist, mahe inrallts on Libral drat I bird Will, Prtte burgh, will tam on Swim.: stream, Hint matted an Warty .tract. fooph Ward, /Inaba gla sill [ma on Third strmt. flint mama on laWort7 masa lull Ward, netatoirgh. sill Lem on Meant. stall, ton log on Liberty .tenet ELLIto Ward. Pit .bash, sill toss an llith ousel, right gratingoa Worry. Earn& a and flghth Ward!, Plttstrirgh. sill form Me wituttew, right resting on Liborti .trod. I Lath Arra, Pltt.barnb , sill form on Liken, strut, fight adwiln <et tuna arm. Dlspson. Philiburgh. num an &Tenth strait, fight Nolan on-Liberty arrist. Other DelegartJas from between tno Bh.n , sill form na Peas run; right resting oa Band .trail, tSIECON D DIV LIMICIN 'Yard, =MIMI. farm cm Bathroom, right rent. m a . rd.. 8, di Pa. • Ilighasy, dam . Tadotal, right rest ing Go hotdaarn mow, 11.4 Ward. Ali. gh.y, form cm LI neck, right vastiag on Tam •I ern., . Thar. Mvd, ellogtort,4 form . 8. Common, (fast,) sight rahlaga ttkd.sal word. 211.1,,ard. ham de a Comm., (Amid) Ilea twang a fedora: wood D0,11.•12*.r0< on larionl right melog o. a- Ail dbar rolegat , .• from Nor.h of the Wirer, foes lo right rorttog on If.daral Argot dd . ea. Id al.l .hrm to Tod rat. rtght setting a Chip Q7OOOO,—CHEAP WATCHES A.ND JIWILL,SI AS Wiltli,d3Al.l.—.s.L. I .1., oratry7ls. (lon . er4L n and g. natal iredan trptin at loom. bargatnt list-b. and Jatrairy w. 7 dratitnian, In any pattern o , evallty, and la qrantlly, coratratly on hand and alsda.to tetra. tainatte of any drat ut work Wattled. Goat ma m. ti, etras •antad. I.t.ltaa and nail daticriktions It. , S. EL tratlfill/10, ne nratdraY. t.•+ Trot. oatizitsla* ua oat, rode o , du Rites will Ism on o,anon it, I . I • II2OLUCE 001\HI0NMENTS,' Dow in Ilea wa CCU= and lit Bridge. TS lIID DIVISION ORDER OF rnorEssios 02 kt Illar.lial and Bits. atte• . f •rnhavansat.a. Das& Ward. nit tars.. el i Ina tlt .. 1 - tam . - : .. ...., litteh Meese. Leineacevtlle. Last Llb.rsy. Other De'egatlvas from betters the Elvers. MN. lbrut Ward; itleiktny Ho- vita I. ruseth lioschestar Dorazik. Duque mks Serena. e Otkaz Delneallor thas son! sidu Batt!. .Etlraingbaut Ikea PUlabargh. Allaseassiels Set - W.d 11164=0 end Trogarsoredant. LI. other ireligstri tem Os loath A& Cret4Lerehei to wear Bed tom. tolltdot WELL t wear Sloe trash. Armistead to woo Witte Itoata., 08121111111.10111 L; • ': • VIEORGE 117cCOOS, M. D. ,Tabk BUmazt, /ohm R bar•. t,t M Parr•. Vfe p ui . . 3 rin;r:: '" 7.m. Gal ffloam. JrAii 81:011•7, noif Blcbarbov. J tin 130917. r.. V. ilavitis..or, J. V. Ohm., Oserp Ire* Ws. Woods, IL W. Woolson John F. Moro. Pr 4strion erill be ready fa ISM 417)4 n'elohk dieleuetkos mut be cn the second stneetul I. Men 111 ULU uno, irktE FIRE COMPANIES ..Rlll Iced Mt dealt.: tout et-thee, respective wards Whoa lbws Ss atm than me company to tM ems erred; Lam the Meat anew .W tale the .10.4. threealllle ea di•ytat of ltrewarka oath Its PACININ NUS oaten e=ithlele wawa. ROUTE OF PROCESSION At .811110 eon:. Comer of 11(t4er and Wood Strects. l',7p Way teembtflott ant to MIS Se locos& iv 'wood ilo Ctouti Grob% to floosoth; dogs &vontfr to- PottWIWI - 'lmp Plottlegott So' 71114' I°oolll%lo' /0110001101 woe, to waren_ dam, Provo WM.= along Post tf:4l. Claft slats PS. Mir 1 . IMP; PM , D 0 110; 111 ,011111110 01101 okmi Obit !ascii 4540 of, toot 010014 avetutt ltd 6 10 Korth Ocean I lent to 114111/1 0011 110101 10 (1010 ; 4=l_olllo to 10to al Ono. alms gait* lumi s Oa M 41 0 40 le Attain owl e• &Wood., WON N. WWWIR Menus. abliftli N 11.1.1111 iWwW,ry, -O. W. SlNNaltral. - - , Jortlil R. Ilk% .104111 StISOWiI, -.. analswiot Aniaparlii. art: rr- At. rucier_is midis AA re.; - - - - 84.1 D low prime Malay Bay liol. it I. k Picsbmcfa IL 1:7 L. EL PUNT • W. PAR COVN-534 bush. Ear Oorn now track .t Penna. IL IL Co at , alTar., aala L. a VOIGT a 0../. ILYLN BERNI.Kts --Juskreceirodis supply obotce. hirer eranterrfea, , or ..M by tL. I,rcel 111 rOtidl, at the ram Stonene- JOIAS A.axneat.l e - yet corner Lardy and Had miasma. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOC/ tt.-41. sup ply of pot= llocklatal Root just notlyod, pot trp to 12, Wyatt YO lb tack., Ibr finely too, far sou by JOHN L. RICIOILI. to. .1 toonto. Liberty sad Ilotol toted.. NEWNO. 1 211 APICEBE L. —23 kit e ar a Haft kW extto lute No. I il.etcrel, loot to calved ; elso for We by the pestad of the Totally Or car" lined 3010 S 1. HINSHAW, nol moots Lfbertv and Hand stmt. TAMSDIATE etIEISESSION--Div•lhns , Boma Ibr sale, No. St Poplar still t. tamer tack street, Alleibooy Olt sae cellar tam lots of aroead eat! tereaty-Sve teat frau: la. SO deep. Price $l,OOO DPI 6 aCTIIIIMIT SIMS, :Al Market at. 36 FRANKLIN STREET FOB SALK—. A oast veil b,Ut def t. g boom, of halt anon fooom bath SOOl9, tea o Data, gas Up .1141 r datteae, .611 patulad sod impend; lama Ford. Prks sago. .01 0. 0112111111111 T a BMA. al tiara. at. ViIt&WORICSI FIREWORIEBI-6. large -I: and da• autonomist el Plain and Goland WA., O. 6.tnn mdse.! for ttks Grand Ckalsbrarlanon 'Man d •-•nlog text, and for Web, Ettlaillt I BIOS., nolk3t Haa. ISt and MS Wood Gnat. VPR NALR—A lot of ground 57 by .50 f et, es whit* u mated . urge two stay track et use, adtade f I • warehouse or msontsetto•y. salu ted en Thad street, tedurn /Inv.{ and Tarry streets. For terns spply en lb. iambs, to •41:1. JOHN LUNDY. BODIN AT ADCIION.—PRATrB 27 . 111 abIIUA la BALI 07 YALUABLE 11006.3, t0 ovary at pa. *meat e Ldt•ratatu, &boo. and rt la kit tY BIBLIIb, aplau , l6 PbOTOGILA PEI Air U,IIS, Oclttlatnelal Ita7l PAPER, INVZICEPVir GOLD PIPS. he., ovary .reels %ht. vert. at tbs macesdal Bar Aroma, P 4 Flirt Karoo, and at pol o.- oat. sway day ...Gout 40 tar Lana. Woo lb* Pat listen plum. A epTLWAIHI , knot% =PEAT? hILOTP 82.15, ealevannu. eel poranthib 111)6TUILY OF THE GREAT RERELLIOR, from loon to WA By Edward Iflcni mon. Fur cols by rpti GRAND TORCHLMEIT PROCEi72- AL SION —The Aide to the Citirf Weratial, sal the Mantis!ct asa• aapsrat• "Natation. 0111 pl , nse o t ha I htet Marshal of the Palo, rchluert Pro• • lan at ike alike. I Oaptnia 0 W. Satabtiot. la the Ortruseteflrma, Pl:tabargh. oa WINN tSDaY, Nor. td at I o'clock. for the prrpose of prrlintlng the are Paactvla , taw sear ill earl.ll3 Ily .rder. GIORGI Woe° 1., ODIN WerelaL WILL SK ADDED TO THE LDiT 43/ o , roaoly od toothed. to t'. oat oa Trloll, DAT tYII2III 0, Noromber lot • o'dor, et MAD jo,I.I damn flo-pm 04 Plt h otroet : 10 sir nor Dtato'll'<ttoleata Uo; fn. do Tajo:Ma Olt 0o; • ..Irt) do Sou 0N 01 • A. MALIN/LINE, Abort. ( 4 F.J .Et lAltht BALE —The andersi nod IV offers for asela a farm. aliases to Salem toertahlp, lreetnecereand meaty, eta mile annth.aast a Derr al enthdria. reentalnlas 164 acres, Oval 00 threw of wench •re alearad, the nu:Wader 0.11 tththarsd, adjoth tag the wide of A- Etteksalooyes, Andrew if eothaney, lheryarst °nig. and others. Th• Lotheavataanth an • Math diralltag both.. log dwelling hour, bank bars, sada., Tba laud Is nail watered, tad thatatho ethi add Itaesstene, and canthenlent to chute:hem, school. sod eolith Yoe farther.. pattthalan apply on the pun. an by hates to Grathttheng P.O. aoklibiatther AthEPEI FILBSIIST. ORPHASb' COURT SALE.—By virtue of WI outer of the Orptals . Court of Alleeway c nary, I will arpore toyublic Bale, at lb. 001ICT 1101:133k ha Ut. at, of rht. ~Th. Oix Satlazda,y Bev 90th, Ant 10 o'clock a. Inn Those TWO ClibTATIg LanOP 011.01115 D alttott Plta Sp., sa lb. linen/ tho Eloyeatta Ward of Oily of 1 4 . 1P;relr ." sa b dtle a g bet e lots*out flea.,. d. nnlnta t tZ ec tf and 1.1. Ueilt.rd.e. plan of ash ilotato• of lot to In AL 0 Bond's Osted plan, no., nen of Which Z.. Nnrw, latoly 41.4, 1.1. Tana conk, and expends of conewyaeolnd. JOSZPO C. D 1209 040,114 n of taint, eblldninol bean 1.10. els, dared. Oclllten4 nas 1861. IS)4. IDll4lllEti OF EVERY vAnIETY, ford. by W. B. EITLII, Ostlonsr, oil .11 wrterol WV tlatd Shia , rtresta. FOR. SALL 100 bbla. Cut Smoking Tobacco, T. toatooky clock, noll pat up, nod la good .0 d.6ur, addleis 8C2,3177, trOolba.Avbest Naar; bazar W. B take tterra A Kin. .•00 ea P. Inaba Pobas,ar; o'bta. Jem7 eir.AS " 100,6662. Thnotl22 06.5 ; -“.12 1112226.1; tobblo, Ire. I 22.T.5s WI; 01.• 1%1 p. 021 Mater; trirsts Roll Hutu, .72. b 221Vd Cra.6162407 .114 . .1 22bbts Wastmosits22 re. Por do by .aUNGE BAN PIT tr OF PITTSBURGH. - Weber 61, WA. • !Ane awl Dhcounta— 51,116,5191 ndol Zotito— . 60,000.00 Golf and Sther teu,tirr 00 ; Clicksbna Note. a other 8ank1.... Mtn TT ..1328.. Legal 'Nader Botts--- —.: 376.665 00 Thlited *Ws Tnorrory rotog7 6.1011 c 10 MD 00 Ibtito4 Sala, Oertolobte, 6 LAW 000 06 PeortiyhsolalM3,ooo CIO Die by other 154.640 03 Capita/ Block . Note. to Cbctilii7Z...... as.iszsr Das 15 . 0t1ur65,631 SS ...- Coptingenat To 54 Tarsdav,--- 41.1,S 1S italla,6o 55 The above statement la .estneet to Um Met of my lartmlodts belle. H. M. 11111118.LT.OsataLse. GMMMM!M TEOPOLITAII GIFT 00l STORE, Tge,day. Nov. lzt.' 1864; No* 03,wirtu STREET' P1T221311121117., , OPENDRIIIMI ADISILVIAXVILIIIIIIOP9IOIa. VW" Is the luialsl awl lb.* Marini co asteei tabliolbaset Ads e ore tork. At this "doll aqua fes distal 'Wawa 'ea is., assets, - edgy part at Litmestarii ladies Own thosavistiviolis. awl& attlitesit basalt's% Iv*. bin ; • A iIIAttAiONE w.ll. Vlfll swirls worm auntlito 1. 181t. ":11:ea 6;4 ••a 11 b• tat goo aloaa aser *easel ta sL. any, lactagni • I tha =dant Wadi; all CLOPOrlinfolla Of. floftrath 4110aDO:111 NAN 'Alfilio4a P ere Boma, VI th e We pabliettle*.lal s th mbar of 9151 pool:4A patina Of Berardi'', Saab Off an alapse., upon an 'Weal; n ortr7 Oslo of Wades& ate imuy, outaay. Ingainbaf . Ibis b, fillOnaianall naalni al ~~ ._. ~1..~~ - Metropolitan BM Book Store, r Yen laws mote atiu roe tto.td Witt e Lee eat 1 4= 0 2 OA IV, the khremage el eseetetag • , v tuA:a3 P 11131 SIG N'r -2 *hp each bock that rya buy' One trial will amities Boas l7ue thal the, plaor - to mite thole parch's., t. M as surrg - , Phoioinith Ithumi, 111614 ii ftiyet Books . Is tIIS format Is lbscllT in ti sin b. sad stilts LOW 187 11311.1103111.6. ig e gift rub aseh M saustsystitag Cuss site mutt b 4 , 010 t =tire dol. trsisrDialptive Ottasstass slatted cm_ aurae, atts,nplo appllostlca. ' ' •• ' LUBRICATING OIL -- so Isrts.otriulistlo.lolllk ort. 2 • EME=tMI A i ! k...11.3-.10 MAL oboicaßeittlowers; ' abotalataigtAistAarl "“, Amato* t 'has old 1 :14 1,1 1 U. amotak . , v at • ' l76.l4l.laerty imet f UR I 001 1 1 . 1POW1:41 ' 13 - L . 111110011 W., „, Of Star TVOUS, oft 4 lot Si fiat, oa o itzty OM Weft. Good vtri t otaf eta, Was otatialaa. Pottoulai V. , Wad MAY to JUtltPB PASTE. Waft P.li Watt afrjMots ce a saunas titans', !Not test, taw gunk gat *NW. Data pilol OSAL.9 FOR SUPPLIVA. I:Vetrsttatiriat • Orin.; 0. E. S (41 'e WoOdo‘ton, October V. left. 19 kOO rook 0 est . i.pitrato , l'e wlll 1. roceired at this eke. wad I get:dock p. mi. of the La DAT OF 11111 Balk sett. fa Watseka so the ratted pieta "ult. Oarpe, attic' the year 1645, toe fethrtrin tallaythoe, to be lirtred at ths 101214 o p Qs tialowas Qurdrams. ' S 104 Ogarm. 1T0,4,40,t0, ErronOlwoo,Or*of cmp to tkaa Maas, lo n o, q ,,,,a31, 1 1 as mu hoot atm to tiros S. naudred a O7clEB 110. 1. MCC° yards of Phi 800 Kamp, oil wool, hop Irma ker. 54 loam wide. to Weigh 22 °moo to the yard, Ondtett e 614 7 2&) GAD ydstalor. wtsl. 6 ter eitra tae, 66 ins*. wide. to wetetrt =Wm tots yard, it 0121.12001.14144 • , kr , o bar do au% Lae TwMll4 • Moth, an iroti, coon, (bongo wooi•diod,) 61 Inches aut., to waigh 22 otmowirer yard. 140 yard. of firatht Cloth, 611 wool, (cat& NI 47tE) at tomes wide, to weigh 16 emcee per par& CLAES NO 2. 6,000 yards of 64 Dark Bk.. Moat for orioloorko, all wook (Indigo wool.dyea,) 64 laths. wife. to wetth 111 onto* ter rat4l. 15.61:4 yard. of 14 Vert Itos 7teonel, to 'hilts, or carol, (14di0o wr01.4.6,) tf blob a eyrie , 10 weigh seiL oortooi par lord. mop DryUsoksb. 411 wrol. to weigh Soar paartt4s; rub, to te 7 bet bang and 6 teat wtert, &Ili hos tromi groom 7,606 pars elf Wockeo Fork; three Sites, properly oasis of taxi doom wool, with d.ble sod routed yarn, to into Woo ponaos par dose, pairs, am frost groom CLAM HO. 8. Tito yards Abdo Van, for pools, LT Inaba, arida, volgb_l3 cllinan par yard. 11,0 CC yards {attn. Lbasz. fLr Saida. 3 1 3 136411 vac. wwetgb 11 mom per raid. . • 11,000 yore. canton Mabel, Oar !radius, 23 dacha cddo, to cro4rb 7 cameo par yard. SW yards Oottoo Tickfag. for bad sadoi: ALAI! NO. 4. I Old Uallords Cap, «ample. (¢e-pt pompous.) 1,200 Pompom; rod worsrad, 6.11 MN*, 6 01. 01120 drearahronco. Oft' Tattgue ago. (wi th cocoa.) to 6. aide of bur cloth, lad•iro arm dyad, 1,4C0 Stook.. EWEED3 con. - Wood .n 1 Tbird •Irsets 0LA.139 NO. fk. 10,W) fumy DooL, (mr►4try p►ttrn.) MiMI She shore manttoted aralclea suit analarta, /a all waspacia, lb* KY* afandard Path rah thak Cake of the Qaart - Master Marine C. pi, Karla* fhartants. We/Marton, k 0 ; amnesia Quarharoaatates edam, Hu no therm Sprain stnat r Pikliaddpihs ; and at Ow flhalaa asatkaa Brooklyn , as Zak, sal llow• tot, If asasehtsatta, aftn they out So azatalood. - Sod whatever ;be artteha named above,. any nor. tiro of thaw, shall be co. allerafria hot fally costars init., ample,, limy will be ralected,aull the oontraotar will he ballad to fitraish mho= of the regehed alm.l at. taco, EIT able Clnartorthaaher wIU anepty Una ailcleiley at .be harems of efatractar. Patina lt wlll be mate epos to. t000•Phal d. 17. of tha obit. gnastiq witia easy from lima to Va. ba dated,altitholalag to per oat from atm payment of waxnat readarea gad. ant Gran mitll mama order 1. Dila& sad tan per oast. from aceonnt raudaral toyer oat:Wr wadi third fluky IS di ed, and la on tEnot ear. tali la compktaal. prey. ad out to Photon. shied by thaf•Ocrwhig aataraitty. • TOEBI 87 GOABA.3I"Y. She undsragoad. - of In tho State of -- n oad - in the Mats hereby guaranty that In taw the fanning tdd of for tombs, as .boas •eacetbod, as:opted. he or they vsla vithio ten days of or the receipt of tho. coatrant at the p.st olbp 11.1.1120 tae 00:11WIlet for the same. via r d and clout osto.ritleA and to cans the said - shall tall to enter la* contrast as atm sato, vs guaranty to narks good the &tram. o.tvtoo the odor of the said ant that which tray boa. entat. d B . titutnator. BOX LW% Oloontsed, Obi, EIM;!M!3MSLIEM i.. 4 thel armesuty. • G. H. T 6 be slimed by tile United litotes birth: Inds", O o itrd In Markt Attorney. or OoPsotoz. Pe proposal, will be considered =LA s.,...nnagiusled Os above gam slaty. • lti.spapsre satbonisd to pnbilab tbs Mere srlll send tL tdPer Ootitalsdna the, dna hostel. to tba Oka or canto esti. Vie ;bidder's btoileoes, or esasitfactsuin tabilsbaunt, mews n 1110414 Assad La the pro pawl) • _ Proposals to be asdomed to OA ert r iera ''Proparals fax Sc asa ps AP , /Z.= ood Majar Wit 11. i4IOL, . Q erartazatiater Iffarlao C=ep, • nal lavdw • • Wasbindtan. 30 bk tals Wks, Timm; PO Cca 033.34 P• 304.; 630 bratt.'.33l.3 Pemba; ND ", • " 41 , 3134 Chautzutli 60 Wkluatc 130 0,10•33 g; • tel but 061: a 31; t!: 13 rifir; 123 IN.llmswia; mat, Hlglndws VOIC3f k CA $4,199,666 SS F•'i 013 trots or W. L. FOSTER & 00 , - OULU NO. 5. ctO gram Omit Itultaun POW.) 150 gram Janata Button% (Doe* 100 bran Veit Donau, ( 5 .11 1 54 LIXV pain Yellow Seta thementonni Rate &mpg.= 160 mt. Zpount•Dulllon tor arrests and corporal.. I,tt a mu 11{angst Ball= for prtnitse. 7511.4 Wmmod a•Maa. 41AM • wcto Value Biala'. 4.000 7. rd. al test Gad. 10. eltrirea for wafture, 60 Swords for Markdama D 2114011. (0 nurd cousin , to. 10 tram 151/ tattm Lam IffaCa 100 Bun. Drum Howls. 100 Drum Gad. 60 eats of Dram Pas.. llosw Goa • IS" Mo.. bo,,Mr. Dram Bricks. CLASS O. 1. 1,200 Outtidge Do,a, wthoal 312.gazIna. 1,200 Sayotet testAstda, wllh 61,20 attacked 1000 Perm idov Oap P..vohet. • Cartrlryte Box 11.114. I,ao 8,1. t 13.21 , 5. 1,200 Walt 1,0 b•rord Legs. CLAIM NO. O. 1.400 Tic llaulateas tor cart:ay bore% kr per utopia OLA6B NO.ll 1.4(0 irtapnbekt. OLAES 30. II °LASS 110. U. for n:.Lltg tad Vizor:an tr.. N.loalnig a.rt:atel. Watch east; Uniform Ma.. tar arrgoar , .. a. 1 0 , 1 6. Mid Liam __mg pm. es ; nes , . for sorgoluts, corporals, mnsiVar., *ad Woolen Paulo in servant% *urn% mustalass sad privates ; Lb.= Panto for earysaala, corporals, iiffidans sad ptivaks; ablrta, Limn !MIAs Pravon, ..lrbemoi Fmk; Elul and Mao /bars tar bum Bodame...l. 0. V., Guarantor 1961 12E3=1:1 O 9 EZOIVG..-011 THURSDAY, No 3D, • wry bamboos •••0•083110: . , • Pattern. Bonnets and lit/tl4 Of ito em-y lent Wflit• A lam c0:02 ' fostvirdlid, As en Sand Intent pion. Also, Oa my Man wino of 1310QUip And MOANS. IN HERO!. 124,71M121.01• rut*. . , imam." 4LE OF SHELLS, &a. TIPS WE S Cartmottetaz MONDAY 1111131340. Octsbai at o'clock. sad ontlantagyLL friday, wOl b. WA, vitbilitemremt, at Karate Mal Lictios Wm" we. 55 nth eit. IsrmpthasS ised sollaaikaz at Zit MOLLS AND: FAN OS .G 0 0.D3 sou Wu* firced *- this city. Inandist ebi; Car 1111'21VA 4 4 7. 600 . Amps, -Mlmst.Bas Holm Ulae idea. Biatinumn ilost.,l Lukas" re.r4 Eeddatesr'ead armlet% &alt. be. ../c. ISKILILWI4 iiircL .7290Tt011.A.t.at - .tae Chn.1447. -041 160 LICE NOTIOZ-.. • 'PA =ECM Alit Gtrrnsa4Ta. ointor4 bt proanfir minds *s aw of Pfttaboostmor booby wafted to pot Ms foot tam ottlitolttlatot theft toopoottio MO to cool stew font whlt..ocooltnistiot or Oita utioPifigt tit* , th. irdloaapt hutoomtlottls otloloot toom to Ur mantra trrooribod by law. • „ t • Alto. Tb. 000etosta animai on litio4nblto trtnotto aro sotttott to mails Stott tbot pwmMa and gator. to be k.pt dam, se lb* siltyoodmanv abate 811031 , ,•111 beleattesb. . e.ftliebesed. • • , POOL ritthmo; oOtoci. . . Dora, Dgcrimsm.o.so4l - .. , • TRIMENGS-AND - NOTIONr; REDUCED IN ORlCief Oietreg Pio tlup pis, et egketeb, PitOPORTIONATE BEEIIICTION .elee woo et est ear gaata II le gramma Cab the lowed peke win aas an bias cosessa. tau • reserea op owe be opeebet, - I . , bitheesee NW Ma:4m bake adematice et tbe imett bait gas theft teesetimee' ite ataiattatir wee owes weal el lb liasible• Or eke* bit? • - EATOL ifILUEIT_IE*_CC4I eel•stes; WIND It Erni .11p411? DtPreitiallisiiPte BOOTS. . We an smw nab*" 110,billivq. , Nat INag Imported Flowertor Bulb*, Enir brought to thlimatill.taahallag 112•0 1 = - . • - - inier , Bll3 • -1/ILO. • 40311 • "" • how istirs. wBTACISTEi 1:11% evarlacq paws. c - Tomos stating ito• Voila wirer !Week lo srAit W maks that: .- • 1, •, - _ . . vike grim reirser. CL , 0 4 10 ;: - • BITAW I . 9 . ' • ' DRE.SS'.GOODI, ann !LW MUD LT LOW PiriTS: be site by `MUTE, OUR & CO., . • «sta • ' io;ss sura nun. L.inatattle.-8, 1 300 feet inch pisztk now 4.4eitot, Itrast att.% eat sale by %111 a. gawk iss stow. .TI LDI C4L. HOMEOPATHIC. nnarsesys , 'ECIFIC HOMEOPATMEMEDIE alma andantrily at Um laid at SeasitEal 111111111 r -- tb. cm et the people. Stumm, ellha reettaathald II .41,.. paiscaras, daagsmas. lad rs ;cm id aackpir or Old Waal practice; tits ;won of vataritta or the ir laiate gad perpleatag • setts am Efasteolpdhle Wake sad • - Ctaatithtit of its pis 'pedant for the mks, dbeasid he Oak thes le m a t i a..peitap to the brat al amp* attar leleta , sad praparad at thige4/4 /AI 2 1 6*.deatattag twin gusting. do are thetaady aid of tbe.welkarai n gad the aoa lled et the ocamplabitaigad layeiht,., l= sec thaw paeans adtuttateet Tart et ta Alm, tax arta, best that wt. Ila ..I,o l ,—sto slam Ircom :Wall tett. awl how I tate tt. • They ere easvaatettl—yag tea arts eb...,, ; Mgr Mt at g ageaaat's warglngorafeeat teearnitii or dela, , 2las in aellaetat ; is ammo& al aim dloasas la aclulecti ciN sAti itissitiguL axe! Vie old Pnetratios a r 64.'11' IM=5ll 1-43arail alaVenli , Mg . fir. Ma sad Minimum ; sad tbii tad sous thilascostorf avaaal AVIMIII""al. • , No. 11- 1 4Soscs Torall7rier, Wool Odin Ilia Una II aropt.tti, Wades tarns& Pries, SS asests. Ba i—Ottne Pala Tusidat, d, sari. ,Wabdel sum Sow Growth lull lhoblgsmii /kkalsr ists coall • Ha {-Cora MMus. of litatts t Chaim Watts. awl Bum= OsuaWain Psis SS Nat. 4 rad 6 cla a3otnersoaro94 abroolaDianhori as 14.430ng Dighton or 'Ski* Irlos. 0;4 plop, Bilious Cothi. Brits s e . T:„43.rin mot* 00161. noorratis. 464mihigY Warm sad BM mow. Pria4l4 Edo ont No. lame toll to oar* AM worn ord unha. 11-4:km Tooth-who. ragetdsho. aptimimiNN and Sla Delon= Adams SD cts.;; . 80. 11-13 art lioa&aolto. Met 1:6;41r-66;T/it* Ilia of Riad to no Hord. Prim ZS coda' - In WU:With with 30. 14. It tone adb bNW As omit bintorsto mot. -;•, • • - • .1- lla .• to—orres I:l74>mds, Well £d& or Aft 13tottorit. Ooostlpotion, Lhor 00] , tolelgol, at lo water' Iltraisasta I:wallowed. Week MD:Lion ma =ow cksgastata. 80. 11-oar. Illippreeed 3lLowisa, ler aeurty, Ifiskk u DaLsytair„ Grua !Ulnas. 111 Dino,. No. 1.1--Ottm Letscorrhai orllthips,llearthg,ini: is Mt=*sum II obit= : • "..". t " •.! 21 . 4.13-*ChTM 0100. OM( 01907 Oostsh, op ptsand Dructltter„. mita. • Ne.l4-417stras get Shrum. WhlltichAmaita Inc 'Scald liana, Zarban• Itch, pap:oz.:wit • no. /6—Carasnlanzestina. Pablitsfeasek as In Ms Chat, Back. SWAM' • or acistio.: 18 arida. • IT—Oars latettal eti Zetereel. ELM , hittethet„ Baptist or Chantey' token= Vet paiedy kw eared eednedittel w letealiced: Bw 11—Chave - OpedhahatS. *re or trilkLi rialtos or Waal. eigirt.-11.1 anti. IS may slirsTs to nave 14: 2 4., taT accis, • - g o. o. rommi bou. oo nadi toiro. ialltenaa to so. to—ctoroi,lni , rti4 ainti, oiketao4o4iaa tom' it. o. soon- qoadio coact. ocean. It isao.rmay)kaitalvap idleresgsal aura Illz-Oirmi • Ae.fts,Ommrsid6Dlill=dt, BrektAg. 0212th and Itivmctsthem. ' thooanailitra boa caul b 3 • • -." Ilol2l.—Ogiss &sofa.la. Stmt.:modGismis, sal Tempi IlvraEltogs .24.014.1area5. E 0 coats. . Hai carol Cu wars% meta. • Er, 911-07anis Gexest Debtlim rhyglail• or West:am. 60 amts. Damo7.lllniti. eacertanilsfacts. ?semi' Bendl.thip, irttlf3conty eacrostiar.s.::m Imola. . ges•i!SrAMISI, 11 . ctitrekes. "Vicar. +4, BoXf--4lonotlrteary/raadoaa Cllzadaloa Woolf DLICUIS ar Palatal 13rloactoo. 6:1 env all bl4mos Of ' _ eauteal larkIlq1:11!. tirloral i rof=. Maw' gl The saost. alleloat moot Imolai, !MAX* itoflOo )colOar: Koala of' tialsetch; Mall of Malta of MlL:am tad aim Zama aid ~mulls,: Ilopraat imam. otata, at Chum 01016 flo„,lo,—Carla PataltalthasamillmyPnrara,Cilaigh 4 ra,as Prue itcalac, and 1, tlaactlamNav si A— 1$ acts Cis • au= t `' • Ho. 8:1 Oozy IS.ming is Masse. of Lilb, lodor, numb= of resliatlan. sad seraDlmmemil to Heirs.. SI OM .2 , Iso..ll3—Cdssi era= and On'tillitenk ZPUPSF 1 ; Gimes or 131 VISTa• pima; mt.. w r ili t s gar i .v, Hysteria. a 2.. • ISo-St—CicrorDlpseirii Vlooritia arEifkinist U futraly ass— Mail, cash eV , MMIZI:=3 PONIrB EFUELCT ittP manna Torsatts. ecadt, Bffiblik-Oolvot raiosor j e iretbubt " ll soft ia:attea GO oc k lia llr TOO Goa, exppiltd aklGei Turl - °int araumuis . -0 lulu --, . _ " - Lon avve Lbw LW. mato_ . tip i;golue al irbot Irist rib, aro"' ea latelost Co statant . hi a =mud Ms at. Stun% by :isattbo oty ibadnes,liad•tbobesttbeet ali bi duly Itibamid . by mil sit Awl% VW I/ 111.11% ' ',,,A:.q!4',;r*t)i:,4;l;'!. iMctistrassieAfttilis_ba , f . • - • emstamarbasomeike-rassonsh oaa mbehma•imargeletiisitat 'ma lie f pr. TEM. ..- HAIR fP) MEI , • COMAIVEIT . C 0114314. leg IMO:, S t nI FT" I' Vn : Y f9UMMTM ; 4 Snag sid oas ta.: mar gia err era oirm e afte giro. intka II *dos exams able. MOP . , zirstrt aae titaut L;t:..:rf.t. - :: 12122102 24 BERi r t , ~t f~S .~ naEd r ii =ft s a Xi"r ia t m . I' : r S . , 6 0 I . •,, :ti'r.t ' 1 tr ~ .4 4 se I riliCOOSieNfkir s eialitialt-.]:i• 4- ' 4 i.;- a: „0.,:.....1 1 :i , 1 1,- , ' "A ' 14-, ,tt. ~_,, 7:.,..1 1 -qt.: ', ..:;-.:1:7: "'Lida retallanattp l. tt ,12 w , Watt retalaisilitt =mu . - -L, ~, .... Am 'sap slithr73esatt = M -3 ott: -. 4i 1 .1 ~ JUPI a nub" spa ..t ow* •' , Tar dimmest it..l.- ,- ,- , - , :, ,,, z.-..' ' = t, **dins samraWaiir,-- -- - - --- - "-, rord*Plinwildetilit. 1 ,- , ~• -.11, ~ . ..1. , 7 ..., . 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