El ! te,lll 4 . L • •=Mum mtustaigazn=o:4lo,. *4. CITY Ali' - ITUBURBAJI im Grand It , yla Allegheny: ,-- atddliglage - an untunally spirited and en % tbeWastio ruirleln . g "mita hide DU.. ' pond, Allegiuney ' Wag: The organintlan tese:ei follows t 't „ -RobertlsAletianr,. Esq.;ldoClurebi ' P.'-'9l.:4Pitisidsztts—Capt. 1 , W. Wilsithei;of sanity of thettrabalands ro t = George_ Wetly,' o f. Mershon townilip t ,ifon. John -.Brown, of- township t . Alen . Steen. sad War. B . •of Allegheny; Booretaties .-.B.sporters of she as. •-• . The chairman Ithes .introditoed the' gm Col. sasseeilla Wood"; of - Ohlo,. who wseE di re n d with hearty sippietunt = Es had not ipo 'long what his solos gave wsy, but• - 11 01 1 ,1 g thilgbadniltipi he entertained the salines for halt sa honk the roost mosptablensannor, and at the cohisksion wag complimented with`.; ehrectousing awn. His speech - was a vary_ abie Apad. indoor ons, - endelkitedths warmest Thaeles Clablerastitianallet4 fared wider Who .teederstaft Of Trof.l3lsok, - tams! the in.' Chaos with the.litertipangled.idettnnip ma c h!: was tendered with dattetToot. , ~., .-- ~,, Le dnes.,yessisik, *sham eras - called; bat ned waded S. rPesoh- until JPW. -F. White, -. litsq.i(whe Issitans voricanted. trete ideal , dastuentaa odurtad 'hirtaard. If; after that. thasitteethlui 'should attire, list ere. teutplundsiettosay at Sew words. - . - - ' .--, Mr. W warthentintrodurediuddelitered, 6 raid Uarnaitiind eloquent address, erring; . d Istath4.49 ersti-sonte-ielibut brustdddes - into: Us Poppadums tanks.: lie ussuattioolesty se.. , latretworthiCtoppttlead lisedirre, lad was op.: leosettaislitreintitthilSYfitior ofesiutieseete ettaittiktielho.*ltteitie Paid :u high. tribiitorto as Mai aid OUltn of .the clergy, - who irerestanding tip sehoidly and tainfogy in daises, of Wok oonniri, and .of the 'pease at turiasitli . 44 - 1 01 46:-.11 , alluded toils abase which hadjaen. heaped upon the-ministers . by the Copperhead *pokers's:ld 'sa rajatin ad se. - stunted forit - trour.the few' that note single minister bad been found to raise his yotoe in ' anyportof this thlestellatforni:- - Bet us do' notlisten& tellisrfirest. a trynotits,ef the lid= drew. - Edifice &to t. say that ail !rho heard him was unasbet(esPi his ;ssislk- --," After mother song from - -the weir Mahone Chaim= introduced -110.' Ka - Within, of the Ptiediedlst Wpiso opal.' Church,' Iholollrered . a most vigorous and telling ;lima. Se deolarel bbriel -u f uncoroprimi singly tslinguish. Lutasor of the °ova.. • fry z , and Weed-nava his right le peaknapt:ad t sraddnips)iu• .--Illeostred with hearty_ep in'itsbehei pktes6' ' ' cal,:7lrtiddyThlite role did' PriPosiii. three ohassilur-diestsreEdndy,,.Which were given with ' the !Widest tatidabssus.:-Thellolostal thin be to rilata libiclifiicarvi; vraitalligaii with his tabled; spoke for perhaps. half an hoar: , • Thome at: , 214;11alt,- En s ballot howl oh' served in - the.ridroo.ii, *WV called upon,' and albowed`hia lay Witte stend...lo4o had - bit' bees ...down si hie Meted, listening 6;6hour:to.; mints toshirtuippahautepeakers GaAs stela on the ottarend oi-the-Incase; and? - went orto re.;, late hit ' t.uipaienee"--teillstewhat lie-tad heard;lieW the utteraziets affected him, ate. This partuthiespesoh. =tem humeretu, aid provokeilaaunantal-degree of merrionmt. - Eft then gnaw& tspon-the ' -discorstion'Uf "Arterinseri. :sus matter s,-asd eras driving the , truth hems to She tuarte.sadsoonsolitiote gee eadhutos. when Apra lett the 'tend.- L The meeting was Tory large; and sash was the Intorsit .thatstures et ladies reaidied stanfing Na the Wilt Right Altana serssmstilths bier pf adjounanant, which wasubsutiten o'clock. I ~,,, — • Saatsttg=lat3oaeert A Dirife r :lfitioFtAtikeilarig ra4matreci cotuto,.. ~.lf liar . and wiiirripifaiiiiiY•• GP.n lb • ,„ , , yobatkiiit'of the folls*Arygistrat; Ri4alsiont. Dr: James Ring. Vie.Priddan,trii4fOrlira J. Elelehe°l4-X,'Ail°loll; disdrri`lialtwouder,'. and Ira Dittlns, of,,lfastftton.oeltall ; ;Soars* larl e)- AeSPSlYlU l Li4 l3 l4 l PP!!!Alkiles•Pailli:- Dr.illpkrbii Viking ^ itie.4siir; • tesdnotoly rinuirkei and'oincitidod ; y Introduces tug Bev. James Priestley. D. D. Dr. Pseattay, 45'111d:1g, was mood with enthrals/acanthus'. theb. began snisinnivarblah oosuplad ever two film Ito Its deltveq . ;It : Was; imiciprithen. five la Its scope, elate alefantdalts sad logicalpufstiontittivisand ward throagh 7 ones' Is absullia sontlrucati' of a highly patriotdcrabaraells, -*bleb ware socialved with the loudast;damanotrationaof applaute- .While the Doctor:was epoating r .e ma opetn theaudieeo. passod:nj. - a Ccisifsprfte. Oa &Abu bill to the p'atforni, which was-handed to this Speaker, who, aiter - inabliiielome remarks as to its wcithiesa chum:lei, placed It upon the desk which was esv , tha-zustlonal dos. lie was about to resting, speaking, when soma one in the asidienoe cried - ont, "'Tote Waif the hog Tot" remark seemed to 'loony) , the andisnoo. and ais the. Doctor lifted Ate 'rebel sag from ants national • oollsaaSke kallrpng with the wildnEaboinitand ahoera iDattorakin oaks/ seat hallo:rut& do with' the. objeetiosiii piece. or paper. when. same Stffened - DM 111 aboard' trmitylyk , • tinder foit:' • 110"dealthisd to teourkrolA/KloSiSlt .fiat btu of-the•kint - than - Ateerabiakictailtaelconeluded tin - Spoil& the I..tuitrassts•-alsi4bab..."undec thiloder.hip Nei ailiefills!ti:4444d.Pfti; Bett ,l Phtield*lgieli.fita,tllll2l:Biliimateile to atilreasilhitansictinf.bat he wu notaresont;- hie blifThililieressfesitainaellney -hist from-the,-, city, and as the • einisitof 'Warta attuned& Mai meeittilraejesisned : i rryti,tbresr,rousirs,ablasn Sot thissywartertr • ; - - F.ki.Wrte (tomes t! n.. • and em to lip, Omit fear rellatinnsthel airy, en the ParrleillePliatrsod, wet etesaged, on three &Om .or ruellisAr Ague, crit„.frenpf... • pfe4litunnotrairsoreterenden)reehAerge ee percitioraf. tkkinAel,Ur‘theatettel Oterti andan4444:eitimpllsatuninsief - ttarq 4 telYht' theeorretylail. Hs Toh Io id liihneetr6 inga.batesl Ana sequltted:Lhi4he Joy and artheii.te pay the eon& " der :ept;, 'keeptng sairtinihkrinntee :was -"lnt - eganurthler„.-ba.thers net: beteg tel Meat • ago:wont* seni-pentArereirterettrstre -- , IDlstrteltUte*ififilieartweeteides trlyttetettJ Judge EttOkij reeetelthetleenieertheUrrit" and maiilistrairobista*' tavertFltrinfOrithht furt.'4Pro4.4V4**Sih depoe'llaeltriensilegihe Wappagret that, DleQrw 074,411.11!,.__ ,a we 44egratelstethe , •Imilltuwawmitp .nft.r#A4cgaßrsinaik "A* /Werth , Itreennaneres.irelletelftltlieler way of • drew oft nuke ; aka others It -Ow ed to hive been conuntrted dates the Breedi •rlot In Sest Binateghslis; fiiTsiy lut. iThe eeta . tree net easeteder sr idlettrenent. •ef flea $- , -ThlsztiorthatclifarylindlrfteefT Th. C°2 4 lll . 2 tiri;4leledli:ths: Coneetatfon - .deusisasAitutotistitilm t born :Salk; did by a .atifiiiiAll4.:iiisif iiii•;" int -13 i oftme of ay on of G manor BM ford, le tut Mulati:-Wf Whuland. Thts Ls a ,Aoble aef. itylr a Matho tildfros„ from the old men totsuM.Aattathalinitttaof the gun o the kulp no_ It. wee" • .4_l••••‘.—w... I • 6llll'enttl thspririkvbigghttanoxastillel lOrT• - • 410 Wof usassloalton were doomed inurVe , * dettd.r.Ustatlykthem tart oindlWriU exywel and a, long U. had to elapse before thy, we InUOTAtr friVildiridt" toes etb idiot ne AiiadnntasloskslateAs tads. SO) WA ho war Wig • "(sitars. • We nodersund Slat on. iitand r %scoregi- bo , And Lo,dity liestet t olthorwrl, 'MUD Ili;WlßSOlZtreoffitaidii . ‘l; %AL ads of ofitiiiiish loud daastagte dm number num , aho were, on' a- onalkitii mow , what bade Wu disroeeted, onefeedal In stub' it ti thaeltort• It was is te tersolt ds ocmpoud, and bildspousatly.bcfabl the water •tor mend *eat. The. - deseasod tras latroat toeq Pats old, and van dressed la light cud imam clothes.. An huusteres held on the body, sae a wart of .foFitt dattraerf retorned, lassitn voSonou sop it stitsd dist r ch u bs Asbuslosoti SwF; ottlitiP Silty; with- his Orril litowalq, handout*/ the liondsomi gum g of coo avosnd dollars towiwds. the caution of . I Blissful% Buildings b AlexustfriuEgspi, lo 606' meotlon with tbs_fluited Piosbitarion Chinon, of I,„J its Dietslam Bztestast.:6l96 viderstsed , the. yx.v. E. lft.l.You Douses.. D. D. hat leatidat Its raegnativnisr• vberßsectaz nt - thatit. - Palara' 'Char o „of 04;31th - to di - vestry.. Tha • ,Da nen tat bean seceptol. - - tsom /rip that Dr. Van Davison lois it. ofiTsd a oil! tan ohozsitlh lltlaa, How: York. itsroxiCaiLlto...wciti street; !U.*, my !,t sssor went of work' 9 . , 1 handp and those of Ei car daunt. whb ltalqahpart taint 14rolt ' rot prootsiton an Thu:play_ ntaht,vronn do area • " .-Pso3o/ , - , CbstictalWnig ll 4 l ;• apse jut rsactv44s lame lot ft :; t . ;Mlowing prican . genns orlhni7DpimuA M.osai Ban Dl92l')3t,lnaas; Slepstatii . ; .0 -,thrs, $13,60; 381nohrs t -445; hat blowy, : sip 60., .;4 32 Inches, IF, 34 4333114.1 , 29 J,, tritPi;': im se atinglanaWd/asteraplagat., , Pieatitißiaue Bomar; and war add:moat blf,smr,bogultid fellow clammy Hon. John 'Di:: Kirkpstriok and" -;" Tsulnu. , 7; -4 tag inn , oiletaitor etuiisiket 12- as PLY of)3yffrlaiiwgins.'.llis. , Wilkflet , it ADIT• OfAe setrilseifin Atn . nologi:matd ,p•koie'E IA tho betas 04114: itleeeag ef'City - Coetric -- •3: kko rigahr soonikb , taitd4 of the City ganciL 11114 heldAti Kollitkplanlag,oo. fist, 11111. Presanf.4fitint; Allen; terdear, — lake WNlXispenVelintakitiChlst, Thompsa, Rees: - Rad, and:.Pleitdent __Absah—lfaistsßrownA•• Morrow, Phillips, Reed,'w.us, and roar. • The minutes of ths previous regolar.lasSes !al mating" wee raised approved. Dr.:. P. Reed panted a petition from Sam nel Biddle, asking the Ommedis to lids hint for damages sostslaed to his property by tie al teration of the grade on Pans sheet. • Riad and arena to the Ideate, hereafter to be appoint. ed. 8 petitions from Pinhead Dontmes and Jonathan B. Riddle were read, and referred to the viewers. Mn. J. R. Reed presented &petition front Reb ore mina, asking Conells to appropriate Mee 1710? damages sostehied to bis property by tke breaking of the sear on_Pansylvania Avenue. Read and referred to Street Committee. A sim ile:petition from Thema Devine- was read and Warred to anus oortmittes. Er. D. Bad offered the following, which Irgli 'read three times and passed: Resolved, That onehandred dollars be allow ed to the Amasser of Water Rents, ea tidditfonal Compensation for services tor the yearanding January lit, DM. • Mr. Allen offered a 'resolution authorising the 'Controller to tratafer $l,OOO from Appropriation No. 18 to Appropriation No. 7, which was adop. fed. Mr. Qehan °fared a resolation dire:Ging the 00truzdture on Gas to bore OW gas lamp on Row errant, near the earner of High, replaced, it her. ing been removed by the exaavatiorui for the • Tann& Adopted., , Mr. Allem, from the Committee on Widen offered a !etiolation atithorising the Controller to catifY war:auto= the Trawnra on 111110011111 i at laying water plpei, se follower 8111 At Co. 8469 .:Ti Penneylvania M 8.. Co., $lOOOl Polley, Raton & Co. $6O; VIM= idarlit's heirs, $72,74, end Time. Brett's k5in,.5144,111. Adopted. 8. Reed, preiadted • the 'report of. the &fedi Committee, coming the of the viewers to aster/ dimagea and benefit, exiting frdm, the opening of Webers, street.' Report setapted i andreport of Thl l / 1 119 Igrpgirrad. - • The re,o,ntion„ pused - la Common' Candi, Oct. 13, appoint:tog Viewers to sum damps Installed by the property of J. Bowler, by the chimp of grade en Penn street, was taken op 8 C. and non.oonaorred in. blr. D. Itemissorved to nand by appointing Messrs. Wm. Halmos, John H.Balstac and Wm. /Mader viewers to appals' the damages of the petitioner, and all others who may been =stain ed damages by thstgrading of Penn strait, and to make assersmenta therefor. The amen eat wee adopted. Not reseed to 0.0. Do Medan sajoisined.. Jo Oman. Couocii—lizesent: Mears. Ardray; 'anonyms, Beck, Cola, Colvin*, Davis, Di/A eon, Pryor, Hay", Jones, ' Leonard, Markey, Mtptirmn•TV. McCandleviMoOlodland, McGow an. O'Halloran, Ilebtonn, and Steel, President, . The mantas* of the last regular and special meetings ware mad and approved. , Mr. Cohrilde presented a petition from Mesas. Bier, Poster and Kier, asking the privilege of erecting bake ovens to tea, Ninth ward. The petition was referred to the members of Connell" from the ward. • • ilti; tit:Candles' presented a petition from property *mre on Conpass street, between Panpsylvania menu and Analtlin street, prey ing ter the emotion et a, are ping ea the vast side or eald street, Ist She tau at.the/tart Pitt GitsiWorks. Itsierred.to Committee on Water. Mr. McCandless puented • gargles' from citizens of the Flint's wad i protesting against wine for the culvert musing Crawford stmt. iteferatitterCoolinitres on Streets. Mr. hieCoadiess called up , the following rase. lanai:10011th ..had .boon offered at a previous meetialandlaid aver . , .ftereared# That the Ott) Coritrolier be requested to fog COdUellsjohy he eertillod wamlzeht fag mere than 'a tnt picas.' Adopted. No The:followini kiln.., from Select Conan optgrorredin : -- Itrrordlnationntianglni tha name, oftlzit portion of - Washington Street lying bete(Oii 41barly attoot and the Allegheny rime to fling stree6 UM aims. of ,lituler street, beinterrliberay •nal Tann, to Mechanic' street. Marina 'ordinal:me for the grading and paring of 'Webster iitrost. 9zos!i6tigisiiiohetnied„ , , , . . Gaisa - 'roltezzacart Taieetnea.--w. woon-refer.ourisoderi to tor adrer'.trtrgaol amne for lb, parttaulars of the mull Union do• in Obit/ 11 0.On Web win take pliroo on Monday irr Onitig. All the arrangements him boon 0041 r tlotod j and cue dame majaillttpate one of teit that gimp y's ervargatien op 10 the Welters TIM Prmsramais Glas Mts.—This sualleat or,isolsonon, winch has boon doing good woke Cluirtzg thetoosonsign, hiTOTOCI 111 hat night with • henutnoill/ifela&N, Their sonp are wall um Nowt", and Si. rendered In a bigh4 otyio seuturas t moths& Nonons TROYER - W. - P=llY, prietiOLl EIStO 11.10fet and nailer In - Mirada& Slate, of • vedloo4 OCieSi:CAS.lO.llOit Laushlla's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. -iternlenoe, lie 78 Pike green Orders - promo/4 attended to. All work -warrentetLeratirr-proot. -Repairing &toe at the therteet notice. No okarie !Jr repaire.provided thti roof inlet abated. after It to pat on. . . St.atif fitst r tesefeett, at the m•rea•as - Tsuoting astabliaittora.Of .Graham k liseand hos/ E Smilblied street. Ws would most re -es,..ctfolly Invite the ottetstioa Gloss Mends sod thopubito fa - genera to onritor stook of &flood .trintar goods. Them constat of all the very totem styles of &WWI, Ihttatob pad Amato= cloths, CWISIMITSO *ad viathipl, AU At MA Malt iiAintb sad oolsartad with Um gimbal of ears. ' um:Ws. iotadMtin_faltdoaablo wad well made cdothlag diqrstl toldtA tot treat bottom paroltiodag -sloiwkara. .4rory pgassat Is wanaatod giro fail eatlstrodiaa in Sod pries and - •: • • • • eagasat Jk 800 Jitrad;rat Tailors. No. pi.Etmlilalsldateset. . _ . . . . ' ILiews—The siteatleas °Lear tea& 'no lo pi ootol the WHIMS snoneselll sK 2 Fan sta,Wintei'lloode jastanedirsa 'nu ;ernsd.-Afr:Joha - Wskr, go. In - Faecal , Iflifitotainanireis gresevarbey of iseseyfeneb; Z 1411814 deollismiltateloss . tC11411321•14111 lOC Clotho, and drii Bilk and Car !skaffa gootlago f —ak-ot man wllt - br made. ap to order In Nona, gal s°4 Ia Wit base °ma-. ;Dal ' - 'lk Shales' Salaams 'or_Faratchlai l aw co . gaud AM' for:4l4li; Sonsheraitles tall Met of Lessete 'Mien Clocking, , sad. bah _ Osoooris Cirenciaotrveldati tat plug: "rgical liktettWin ef:grazoloi ~ l ver_sttit +tam lliothartfilatisairs44ll2.W.MPileani b 7 a Pb 7 1 161 1 1004 le tits Agatha ma aztan. our ptSattilloSlloll,lll/111U1111.11 Mt= OUSILIHL noisoitho IV:Batt tbaziOvii;ex son it.. ,ottilm t - #speffi as . - farther_ PIP 4 1, 1 1 , of nil Okat Inglis. mud *Wilk an ihs ImalapirtatauokliagrOrikeiltlaM dlessiss , mappaators slob Wet Boa by all dingestivi4;wedlat „ . app. totdafi ulnj,tate,SatpirirATeiasl. 30 i p aidib ,tilvfns ,prepomittoego the Writ, tUttlWlLF•Psia&ii4r- "Sosodost.!' , So, tool mid Sldseysetolistilaliitpu magi sad /844 bintsts end invigoritss' the Pail; &Si GTO sod ltsids4 tabs - to the brostti, "clausss, iesoldriticad jussarwths-tostN -imadT„sirrsst• 3 4 LtDnuists.. .. . _Sims AIrD Vann Goon ay Awry:lL-4W, rroinrirst74. li - see*k, Alf MVlstlaad'alialas itikr:OF-EltthopeaV,will bio eta aleseltinsas a:1404 elAdi;Attu-- ladisirntre irtida;yl t c. tott&A - -..a/a. ° /40.istFiDliztlitir - B, :nem - ! Atilt tdpo#liollll. 016E4211/01:- " A 4 4tP/ 2 0 0 4 9 ; weirie amt, • F "LucAra , . 1883, has jolt ~ beee-r.ralfrwlind Irrr ist• by,W: g OH. 4w. Eif4t-tuve-t. wadi •suli at VEGOtellsafilt Auottun Iteatu.ls atief; %Sou firagg 4 : (7 1fiec490 . - jw-Airersow...lVadnaiday &Mang cecica k, at WM*11.04'4,65 ,Fifkkltivis.. Tialisemernx, " _ , 1 1 ' 661 ii sfn&VP Pa._" 4 . :_aueit, ludteal itipsl.29,tent„t.r,e' "ittiv siadebtsd - to - Prol Bola ors copy of ha 11. O. Maatlunicritor 1842.1* ' ' akaitatent --- • Sit Boadsy mato& Oet: .rin4utt4,.." f boraddeposof - Lavnitt. - .0781r tArstildp *184:111% .111 01:44L0.1UTE11100:8.11X ,101zur. 7, -1 oiodisoei—au Irobthiu'Llot. - 31i41664,b464.0 *rif 0141.50e410ca, TROMMKOZOGIIIICIAI7; lb* B.t Ipntid Tll tit,14E 4 :14 IrIfgPIDAT: 600, 4 Nov it4l l i*g4fs, l 4 - 0.0/ 1 1es /at* rei. l4 o l c4 .4 . 1 *lfs itiviii: r juiKaleVaiztss. , '.B9- proceed ill Bt:—Tbaldsadaisol-thei* of. the hal ir whivtitfidaistead;::: • 0 1 ,7118E01,E1M're. . ~1•W, M 144 13 1 1 04 - . T.il:lLialla . lILIIDXIIBOIII. `'rind .141,1 i * of Qs ig7eZrlcilito 4:ital. IN OA .)PrAtaan. w ) •• .PPrilf hi bre sql•tbrtil-perno.is. MO 4r Elk Wenn V twig Itenatak" with al! oifiglaat,toudr, LET INAZINLI,ING. P!..441:1•044.110....;....- - .. • —.llntes Witter. CLio al anzipaly aLI appeu •:'` mite; MT?, 471fare;1 - 14. l!uibt. Ep. N'or• L.M. 1 kni,Xll, kW) OW*101: - , , THE LATEST NEWS j TELECIRAiRi I. HIE ELECLION 'MILL OF COL. NORTH. iceavy. Cannonading Heard In Gen. • Butler's front. LATE SOIITNERN . NEWS. The. Conscription Law Enforced. SirICRY AVAILABLII BRING CONISCHIPIpE:D Gen. Lee Reinforoed. GEN. SHERMAN TO HOLD. ATLANTA. £O.. la. le New Ton, Oat. 111--The Comosercid NV. Wadilnstall special says: The trial of Col. Werth, the New York State Agintosharged with complicity In the reoently-dlicovere4 election hands, eemtnetioed today bsforws military oom mission. /nap Porter, Wm. Hely, arid Wm. P. Allen, commlalonen appaliliod by Governor Soya= to Investigate the *Won of the Gov ernment, axe to seta= fat - Willard 's lioteL The Pat'. special says they ore to have an In 'Perim with the li:wide:A this &Rani= or to.. morrow. . Goma et the dive holden in lower Maryland are holding their slaves to try the question of emancipation in this mute. The steamer Keyport arrived here early this • mooning, having on board Maj. Gen. Ralleak, chief of staff, and Generals Barnard and Rae aid CeL Cuts, who have been to the front. The Daniel Webster reports that load cannon ading was heard yerterday morning at General Butlefe front, before Ms left The Webster brought up, forty rebel aflame from Colonel Down, who were delivered to the Provost Idershal,•iat Washington. A gentleman, who, for twelve months has been attempting to get away from the Smith, sue: seeded several days ego, In ebbing oar lines, and is now in this city. Ihrootaplada responds hie position under ander the Confederate government, and bad abundant opportunities for learning the red ooadition of of ems in that sullen. He re presents that the conserrition is actually pro. mine, and that person, between sixteen and are being sent to the army. Telegraph. en, express men, and railroad employees, con, flame exempt from military duty. The rebel authorities are sating every effort to get every available man into the army. About 30,000 of the new levies have been rent to rein. MU Lae, Rood's army numbers about 30,000. There are a tow troops Wafts these two armies and they are scattered over Me Caulk and there are only fo am y men as provost irtimd at /Pride. riehitars. Then appears to be a euMcienoy of imbstantial food; and Inzutiu can, at many places be purchase& . This gentle= says thou sands of the soldiers would if they ciould, escape from service; and in some 1110101:01. it 1141 oppor. Melly were offered, Union feeling would em phatically manifest Viten. „Rs bought somegold before be left Richmond; Tindal s2sln Coded. erste =hey for one dollar lx coin. - Alter Ear. b'e defeat MAU Valley, a dollar In gold could not be bought for lest thin thirty dollars In pi , pit. Re says no one opt of the Coefederaey can have • correct 'ldea of the metal effects of the eat ages of war both In agricaltare and-trade. Michael W:Chuilmyi formerly Post Meoter of the Rouse of Representatives, - bag' recovered from the wounds he recalved-in hassle, and her berm elected member of the Rotel Congress from the Mensplili district ' Nur You, Oct. 31.--. The Richmond Es faro of Friday cantshiathe followlogr • area tea butt' received of an shack by BleellbY upona heavily guarded wagon trate of the unruly, near Busker in which, al though unable to bring off - any booty illed on a account nnt on e G of theen heer yeral guard which Warid eede k d it, he killed sad endu red others, and made good his rutted. Oar readers will remember that ,Gsn. Donis I was <repotted aid seen alive and well afterward 1 by a prisoner, who escaped. If dud, es the above rebel dispatch essaet‘he eat murdered la mid blood. Th. Richmond papers gays oat a f*w days Niece, that Hamby would hwevaila atratch any Yankee prisoners whom ha might tat*, In n• Inflation .for the murder of several of 64 own men. Grzeral DION, vas though of Par. Dr. Defile the eminent Preebyterhst divine o: Detroit: and entered the Bernell at the 'outbreak of me rebellion. FROM T:1: POTOMAC ARMY. Recent Operations of• our Army. FROM BUTLER'S HEADQUARTEILS Gen. Lee Acting on the Defensive. 13,11111156 qllll7 WITH BHEBIBiII. • i e EneXay at _ Milford. BJ01115110IIINkilkiiTOWOODSTOON; I F‘, r i7gAtirfileliedbY Lairitrati. - le.. ad. " , dinotal waders im•sitnkon moat* . :Irkw.rasz, 00,51.--Ine fforid'edtaty Drib, Potomac spooled me , of tits' meat' Opendbnia Oiniitiorbg thasmistef the moremant and . th• gotabar ef mita earned, thenemet Peryilitfn gyhibig. • Biamanoion was stect'.hyadthoraitin datil et the time of ilia, foriaid - ia of oar' the of WIN when its , pland:egoacal . fman bides in position for Aka parpostot.ahaliins the wtooda,whichadllfatavened botwaon mar forest iad:tbe tamer, work*. The.taoloa lonO, wan toted prirtiothily was -that the woods were ill thdik and amuse to Wangle. himinibis. Allay car batteries apeman tbe rebels won not 'wig In reatyloge bat bound - in grapes cumnietor .aao Shell gam imely. • .•.1% loci the entire kont,.betwoon oar skirmith ,Pa eland am mum, shows ma aloe r•Tatlitso bit.; ea the former inbred tho 'Woods; er oh siparsted the opposing .matte; *try mar allitne - M9:,artsir-Stme. ,Llke..tors. sonde* . 11,Wery, „ Ilea nelithef edit llin tenth' of-Min,wineser oat eF hailabiltndrifet tbriabola Troia r.'dirbiat . ..bna Milos bag aattitta!o:widoe thwiaritorlst"' .tionist vidett if &Mt', mModeitleritb - normaask . ion along oar frosty idatasti. if intrtiltitt .0 ., giro g artbMiii bffrobt 4f Petersburg. .. ' . :, Thn Earold'a tripodal from liallat'afloadotu; 'tam patad than& allytillela 'want 'doe Lea _woo, . belly on ,tha.,.4efoatiro. -Gmbltatior . hoeing ainOrtaintaiihaT war* otmagibtadolf IS leir:4tothos-aboit &bubo tinuo alma ! ths. withannoatel Or wake sod by dareirOsity' 'the that. fame kid fillip beet to lb. at¢elqkpl i ,,. sin. 4 40 Iliad la roiesrabiabrd goneloivrazd.eo , UN: dis original final ;1 , , -, , • . . Ti. nous of the Patentor; Ointment Ito. 4 1., o . eatnety . On!anr.' on. q. ft1 , ,,:t? . a 00,11 1 . .rave debt .or ..tke-isti`rot. ins. iaraei, 'bola _... _ em y dernbstrativav -t.: , ... ..- -,•• ,' --,._ ~, - '. , e--S , 'Plme,llercatiki venial dated incolsostlit Mt,' lath, opt Up to ad, 41720 illyyleY thlatillidlett. lathe 'boot haft iridesea fift.„Tho enemy' fall: 'hilitord.mi thanight Ada hold OW goad. ..r ,:mei The ?fibre& se frosi:Ceder Cretarptatitd , the Mb, says:: 1516011001111114)W301rdtid. - Kook by the cavalry two deli Igo mint the bade: Ad Middle road taper) that a pony also went toward Witt - Royal and Wp f . gm" Leroy - Tailor lb. atm day of the latter; emulating of a So. tookteent of Vol. Powell's cavalry, and towed • noisidwaide body of dismonoteleerotrylol/4 ing the Pam road at Milford, &boot hill way to Lar4.. After a attio, skirmishing par. male , ,raterned,:aatt, brought. the- Information that '.Ea lea late. army ts:riorgaziaing at Now VW. - het, barb& ben rohafreood by two division a! Ofatitry:: Lomietteat,te - pesitivelv said to be la' conaziaand„lorint actersode lEs ly.'" ' , i.. TtielixKiWaialigtaw'speolat , sirit lofor4_ maitto..ftwptaw Moiled Oat Alia:- DWI, woe r, mordeted by tkossertillis fibs esptraml him. ' Ildw Tozr.;Oot:^3l - spools{ Wei Om maro4r r Adientaiyieleval ' ari'otitatilned that :I.Eicumersigronej wh7 war tondo il MI, the late engages ent in th i s P.14y,M111. safer sm.. potation of an terms if , q ben. Benno', Gott, (frant'anatar of staff, is la the clay to :day. .: ... - ..., . ,--si:-.. re 4tie President said afternoon that he tai " tioetved no taws or impottegroe t _to:Sel, lin - thatiEhmannt, at Ifni hint *dr, oak I aid .11.• 'mild hold Atlanta . ''' - - ' `''' ;Prnsident Lincoln addieued the 421 Maus. .chnsette regiment en returning home in • briar and itteettril sped& 10 day.' - 11 e. *naiad - tei the ante to Maryland lion the Mt Manaohu• nits' regiment passel through on their May 'home, and said they would have It. /addiction of pessitig , ficroash fen Illaryised. ' . .- • ' e4sylvttWii Election—Solders ' —oFriaist, , „ , V42.11;111741; 06t. HI —The otattol itoldiors 1 itiEved Os 'l3•crots.li ^fiu tip to, rata. data. u taunt Union. ITAIT; D4toopitic, DitiergiNoxitz.l.3.6_sch ;FROM ATLANTA. ELMS TO EE EKOILINGED ! 86thern Press on Earl's Battle& TUE REBEL Rem - A.LBENABLIS. The Ptace Theories of A. H. Stephens. MMIIM2I Walter IB epaulet Arsodols Pies Daps* J Now You, Coot. SL—The 1t..,, NuhyWe letter we that Oen. Slocum has enough rip plies ht Allan to to keep him all winter, whUe nearly a million rations have been lodged et Chattanooga during the progress of the raid. • gonna Monroe latter to the Philadelphia Haleirer rays that a fleet of !titan steamers is now at Fortress Monroe, preparing to take 10,000 rebels for exchange hear Savannah. Two of the largest are loading at Point Lookout, aid the whole Ant will sail in • week in charge of LL Col. Mulford. The Charionsville Clessicis has an &tetanal et rarly's battle with Sheridan, and eves the fol lodes statement t The rebel force of Wharton was on the right, then Mefford's brigade of Ker. shine's division, then Pepam's reaching anon the tplke, then Kamen's, then Kershaw, and then Gorda, with Rounder to the left, with gap of a stile between them. After their smote in the morning, the men wont to plundering, when the enemy suddenly attacked Gordon,Bantseur and Kershaw. Gor don'. division brake first, RIIIICRIS and Ker. shew's next, and coon afterwards Pepsin's and Wharton's task the pante. One brigade of Pee gram's Cristo* stood as rear guard, but was dully rooted by Outar. The .14111101 ,Inefederats states, that the ram Liberman, ran out on the feud On the 4th and destroyed the °rutin* light house, then pat back through the enemy 's lee; and rushed her del linen= safely. The Charletton Mowry reviews at length the pesos theories of A. K. Stephens and the rebel coagreuman Boyce, and says that the people of rebeldont live under a despetista'- the rebel con. stilution , has been violated by the rebel Con gress in levying 'direct taxes; and the pdTUe filth has beta forfeited by eompelling the hold en of rebel onneney to eamilleenne-third of It. Of the late military disasters it says they have ennuraged the Mcoonstruetionists to raise their heads. The London Lute= 14,000 bales of Southern cotton was reoeivei at England In the mate of September. Fire thousaud - balei of It osum from kletareorso. . MOVEMENTS OF OAVALRY. Foiioi Brigidti of the EMU Encountered. LINE OF BREASTWORKS CARRIED. Sporisl Westen% Associated Pram MMus's. Haw You,Oeb 31.—Ths Herchre (pedal with ths savelry nye z The cavalry moved to. wards theßeath Bid. Railroad, and to the left of the anoy. a little past daylight, on the r/th, and teloonntand font brigades of the satiny's cavalry wider Wads Hamptoa. The brigadu wan emonmaded by Gem Barringer, lona& Las and Ratite. The Met formidable militate. =date our adman* rat at Small thiek, in the vicinity 'al the mUltary. telegraph reed, when the enemy had • strong line of brsastworke covering the bridge. Tb. hI Meta. regimsnt, armed with 'lateen-shooting rills, curled the link by assault after bolding tht petition until lett la the day the *weary 101 l back, by orders, to brigade position. iljsbal Seim New You, Oot. 84-13: the of the mail via fortress Monroe, is have North Caro lina dittos of the 27th Inst. The Jets haste hail, naturally obaoked thi yellow fewer, whleb is abating. the medical ahthefities tar it will got balite toepmties tzrretoss who have not been elsoteti to ;aver, awn =ld weather esti In perms. • The reported .death of Cachet Heston sad . son, U intarteot, at both have meowed. The aumbei of deaths from lever will no►os toed 2,000, consisting mostly of eitliese sad Masses. The toter originated from a flip at the fob& of Crimea street, In fitiobers t =bleb war filled op leis Jane by Captain Braise,. with Emanate wad barrel* of rotten atom Seam paws appear to bar unanimous to Wm of arming the bisakr Th. editor of the Smithy= Om/aerate, wri. Ong to his paper from Itiohmond, says the prate. ars brotight upon the =Amides hers Mooring tha armiag of the blanks. has been too atroog id nisi it. biriuSl if iz Lib gratitade that I am obi., to stoup, officially. that arrangement' aro no• bolas roads to arm them for the Orin cam paign, making 3,000,6011 dares, whom-humors mato be oompanaanad 07 the Confadartte gov ernment. Ttnrehtmie thus armed, are to ham their freodtm audits" auras of andeaeb, wblob iraures theta permanent homes In the South. New York Stout ‘ll4 Tfosey Marks!. BpetUd Waiters Batdiated Pm" stmems. Nrw Tote; Oet emolr renrksit le tilted sod mottled from vide= mums The resent raOrmisallt of ,drant's .arity still eon strusel safsvorshiii cad the Math constantly 1411 of =UM.' The hoisted opisstios haw bees for smirsl drys isbaring for • elm, sulk yoailnitod Asir effWfs Armagh the Want army Meet sets. tame persofts.yredlot a' speedy fall. =day that the blasted. am -premiss foe • struts treraward tars. Durts.bsestsbas The, stook market opies4 Immo virsuisitt sto b' tests at are aative.listforieW n troii cent try bulls= ors istreedag. itsitrad altos an idea:ming with lserus,d strength. '^ mi. tempts! "gasket kas , Mum impromassebk 'sou 118 :4 11 , Cohn& : r ."1 4 14.- Mosepastu we. ..sttreoriog more &Matteis. The tidies troubles as (Depletes . latetug se 61104, - 401 salpmfaur tram steesettagl tsrstsrd nsgslesty- Tnu 13011itte a Wlthia Or "Mkt to es4bel, ssu Amens on the du - W. ' trotelthlthe LIT lids, geld Witt sip greet P 1 3 lhe..opetdes twine tat: 17 110 . 014101 PrLa. - ‘'.,- z" The toss market uylsorszetsg, oases" a bass amount taconite! lairatteg Witham, the rural ratsfs Tsar ostni4.lutt largo balsam , hats been loosed it - • Foriip endings is In tube gessug, at tks, irett.r Pri 4 3 ,en. Los to Gon..Graili la ) , egor4 4 as Wiseman{ Ai Pelaosevt. Sretki Wegere immolate Paws Dispatch, _ I.'s! , Oct. leittlast:Osa c iiLseMrets. to Gomm, Orsatioomplalubdot 0. total tfatleise . pliglis 061 prikinerl tow it. la isislistlon tor rebel. peados - OMM sot , . • 0 Akitas , to pie inalitatr; 1111 . 6 peitesdsSiattnh length tai show that It karat • mop 'Oita that imitate of lieu ' s ei, wiped to their arm whait rsediptudid. Items so Wen the Coastltatlam: et las Mittel Store so site after um woofillttitsud'Pl/t4t nod yirdsminitybt Shift, taro luso , chic coo *distillate, were asptmed'ihsly ovum coati ELtc them, mad they; had bleu "stilt obololl Ileatltes.Us, usr►tLw;emirhouriey deism GlidielfoliTs - effibifithilrom - iiiibt exposed •eidllon sad sent Asa to ths ism: . Gm. Gtant o' reply inionnsd Gan Leo thst shims prisoners of 'War listing belays:Douse% from thole expend r•bel prilinnora bed slut bean rsuieued. VI. 61 , ...enol bl t •st 11•4 66• Si 4 .• . -sit 4.. Litaillialary.lpes...... 401 id to *num G•nend Lea's atignatant, bat he and him that though hoerould regret to. tooestilfrittenetee'S.`,/kg .tht9 , Pta , o r ev ,prisiserir tistskttaiitedualOdly. too7soidd; 4s. • mask, erosional spat sa2 sent "umber of pritosers. _4214 Pietuse 1191 4 - ti r, IL Gishear'SlMlGle.-She' ' Steamier ; .-- ,-.-Ilutatiorotp,, Refused Supplies mud or-7 ••Autzed tolewre ivory - fib P ort-The tint 1-4-09 a Miter to glaltonotut colutodipteit. N Tax - , Sailist * iiitylog tote " repo tooptaking,ont Thuds, luta Olt• palm* Ma to, is elms of the pirate Tatham's. Au •oth sone! .roports that the mould ,i3tsto • outdoor Tiooiderogo yhii,d. the British Watt ,lodia Wood of Groulkoa the 22d ult., tot a supply of imal;buntisititticitltiss would not let her iseo li t esd Orden& bet to lout ths P9 ll . doordise to the StetZletd - EXIIIIM/T. the tut goo Ittef ID Gist • eityast- onsmiptsd the other d.y. tasdsatt•ettort--to itst hued, of the Quids lines, but vas oaptirod cot loot to dude Thotdot. Hebei eympubousu: Etatipl Wotan Atroctata row Dlossilit WILIMIOIOII, Oot. 31,4. , H. Dadby, Antere 'ken Count st Liverpool:lei written to Senate* gew4rd that Henr7..De Iloogbton, leader to Al _pout ortaibirpeoplip-of-ths Onkel Eltatettront Ike roes of. Great Britian, la a meenher , of the 'Bollterti- Indelendanoe Atioalstles, orpothed toe tit hi, brihistattbotit dui reoo . nylon of 1.0 Con dersogo, : l.ady 14910 ton In ,eolneve. ontal,V, to l 0 'Lteerponl fair, to tali* fonds for 'the vibe L. ookoroo4ore Joseph B, Hell Is ordered Wilke opiut. ... ocir the PhiradOputA Nsv Tut,. ~ Appoldinient by the =President. f, NiggriraTONJ Oat. 31e,Ttlesibil bee the fol. ferrite erehisa t The President hu appeintee dielesei anniest VsidVilet (U. 8. Querterassur set She run of .biew Kars) nt*TlPt hd6.:llu an. 'Pella, the twit*: 'env toe. fetibiniapd ethidal knit/0111; .:17 s 4118 Haw T A ,0,7 a. ' NSW 1,464, VOL Time. carrorpoad iat with Betlet'a way !Ahab hew Awe of our ►dgadu fell Into- rebel trap on Theriot'' , lut. Wien General Welted mashed dostriGhwastarg read he found amide open spites eadredaabis ea either eldi the highway. Thst place sewed Wearable for a demonstration, and the work" us cured. They were feebly mounted, the enemy using tut ono gun In the redoubt to the right of the road. General Weitzel deemed It advisable to eepture these works, and therefore sent Par. field's brigade to : autompllek the work. The troop' advaneed . garlantly with • sheer to within • few hundred yards of the work on the right where suddenly the other work appeared and e deadly emu fire of grape and ambler poured Into them, and wars in • trap hum which there was little °haulm of escape. Nearly the whole number of the brigades were made prisoner'. TII• Bt. ,Albaus Raiders. klonveatt, Oat. sl.—The Confederate mana gers In the case of the 81. Albans raiders, in the event of a deedden being given by the Canadian Cknart to surrender up the raiders, intend appeal ing to the Judicial Comremitte of the Privy Council In England. It is reported that the Washington government bat aotiged Hag. bad of iite intention to themes their arma ment on the lakee for the purpose of protecting the frontier. Setalleiloa for tiring' tato Government Transporte—Realdences used se Har bors for Rebel Sympathizers sod Guer rillas Destroyed. Irlllll2OTOl, Oct, ft -A Hasa' spatial Says: Government transport§ haring been Ared into on the Potomac, an 'expedltioa was sent down to the 'vicinity of Hyoacitts Wet mid landed, and all the residua' knorin as kitbag for rebel sympathilers end glerillas were destroyed The Bear Gilgit and the Gold Bartel. Haw You, Out. 31.—The bear ellepte in gold are said to control from 15,000,000 to $1,000,45e la gold. Their operations Domini:need ddo mon /11 by throwing one million east In gold on the market, said to ha** been borrowed from the Treasury. This happened. homer. to come In the face of a large export demand, aided by Wong bull operations, and the abet on the mar ket was semoely appealable. The pita opened at P 23. Death of Gen. pannom. No Yota , Oat. 3t —Brie. Gen. T. E. G. Ran gy soar, commanding the ilia army, corps in Saar- Mimeo army, died at Some, Ga., on Saturday last of dylontary. 31LA,XZ,ICEITS: MOW Yofk Market. Nan Tam, Oct. 111.. -puttee maw active ander the Mat Iln Gold, hat eLuthig Vary arm at 11.1411,85 loo Middlin • Moni--Phst• and Wanton; 10e high.; 19,110N10 for Eld 1 •• Vats; 110,834111 he intr. a H. G., and rajas 1144 for Trodiclirands, the market Gloving with the *d estine not eat d. Included In the, maim are 1,000 htdl Entra Mate kn. Wit half of novena., and Denant• boo at VO,NL Whisky fauna buyer.; Waiter& $ 1 .ne1 1 . 7 2. Wheat I@2o better snd Is very moderato d , mwool I k$V Por M g ood No. No. 2 Chicago Bpriag , 11,13(11 2 ,d 2 0. mber 0)0 firma at 11,63G1145. Orm quitted inlet and deed to better; 51,Gl for Mewl Western. nod g• for Primo Whit. Oalg bury and kin.; 60e tor Waiter. Medi Ann and advancing. -. Ode. quiet and firm. ; Bogor 344%. bettor; Cobs 1044124 ' Molars active and Prater . ; Porto Eine 84490; Onto 11311•Grado da@ssa Petroleum dall and hum; 414441 for Crud., 48c;fer Land to Boyd and 80,1111 c for molt.; Pre, lint lower; 1R04400. for Vim, 142,711490 lin New illn aod' , rads , way, Ohoetna at the Inside price: MS§ 42,40 Mr Prima, aad 51.1 for Rem. Mot, also 1,800 bbillNew Mee, dativetablesellsre option, at 1132. And firmer; 18.313 for Coon. M.. 1131118,50 for La lied Hat, and stagdd La Intro Hue. Leaf H one firm at Zs. , Ont Nests quiet ; 15)italaiis for Shoulder., and I Th.i 0214 for 1L... , Lard firmer at 2 2 012,1 * 5 2 . Mutter ffllll ltrogGlet ; 130342 c for West to, &al 3811 Nett mats. • .me to geed demand at 140=1. Saw York Stuck an Money Market. Nam vb.. Oct. 19,-Honey - calm quiet add es. at 7 ,par *alt. (or call loons. efarllna quistatad staadv atlOOX, epuigold. COM once ed srd decldidly Mahe r tsg at 12,11, drat mug to M 7)(...,• &slitting to VAX and doting el /17. Gewrromsnt Rocks mars alive and drum; VIGO GOopons,;1r8; Otis Tear CS mineasca, 05S Stocks better i Qll 11. 1....................103 Boded. _________uax ,Q B. IPQ,...____ll7 Pending.. —AMU Terre Ciente__ —BO Illelttgan Pending.... ._.._ ~.P., rt. a. & 0_..._-14.0. 11 1111ehlasos 11.1atisra- 74 a. 4 N. V-- ._ 441410 di PG-...................a07 . all. li. W. roilktrad, 8`...X1Q Ocklitrot -...- 3 •1 Mitch C.23111..............1.1) 'New Tort Gemini — ki3!Li caados..-.-._—_..... , 85 10 a H Orridlcaten- 08 rillialdelpilla Illiirket. 1 PlitLans - Grsts Oct 11 -Fleur rims with bat hula tarots r einead ; Intro rsaa, 11144! 1,00. *Wh " • "....d; ..oth.d. / 2 . 00 ; Whip, hed at 12,78 et2.,150, . 0 , • arm and se trek.; Tot ow, 51,00. ... ;0100, rt. Ten o'.uni vest ; 0...dc, ll'r , Illtine 1 In Gond, 0.-4 64; 1r.., ioelsx. ;WI. .Ite Coil, Ohio .11,78 Boltlnaorn Market. Dannv 00, rot n.-riot? firm.; Bosnia .t-set datertlns 1111.00. nu Go.i mt.a and adrancel 0310 c , Ltnetnern Whit., p CV; Pasioel White, 11,80. . ' Mom y Sall and heavy. 111 I +lty Axil. • thrwago -Maritsa. • Intwroo, Om. 61.-Floor In good demand .1.12/ 134140 better; 19,74it0,n fee. No. 1 eseirrg, 110,0011.0 60 for Med liS Inter, I lik7t4;10110 sat iradvs, sad iu. 6 4.11 ,1 4 5 Ikr lonbls Extra. Whom firm nod .1.447 and in good decovod; No. 1 aldls4o Pactiog, II lot se. II de, M. 02. CI:. ' r; ;••••,, c,4, -got. ' , RtVEll eNTELLIGELIP6B The river needed huh throe Mehra derlag the teen le•.• mdled lea metes, at what time It wee antrently t • etald•riCA . letrai het ilia ihishe In Ms haled by the - neigh ha males. The weather * Celitleinee cloudy and hasettbid, with arahleas , shwas TON vas a .apOnonalegnood Aollott7 lomitattd lin leen yeetorday, andullb toproont unapt. then iintelett Inpmenroosat Is the oblosouts. I poly wriest eptitoon 10 sood la tho goon Ore - bon liaanet4o, ~ pee 3.... PoVoll hum Gallopc , had 6t irni.d sibia`iie WI CO edidaliat eaudoei,' Moab le wee nomenterllp exploded. 'lnte. trarktom. Oland lta^ Loldnille tot enatage Jib a good faded trip spear V pasagess. --- 111.17,11. and lactalre Ite I won prapotas to too. 111, qn City tun onto, and bodied lbws mooed to uo Ws Wee.. _ _ .• , _ . . - ...- , Ili Seta Whine add Ira's odlei.' [roes Cdoolonatl nil Plant du bere, an Oxen one Mbar boirirlaim • • • Hawn ) as% kw. elin to oda& . lb entreat* 11l Ural/ era Voila taat from thte " q ' 1 .:Wl 4o 4 ll l l ,4tfkAito. Alf AO yodad on Ow day. Ouiledead -deer to &Mos, 1110 kw Una Ono t l ir • no osa Os On% bit • rtee nay now be upon .l tbatatne lil wtrsbostLerbkit Plata id lasonsiednatte• 9 tams Offbeat; (to tntata. e iltili. none tai ISsinvflia :447 at 4 p IN so Milan, Os)ons tenni, this LO - Gni.poiss. y 4 'ow: natinadtote aidoydateld sldusinelor. LI 1 auselnelch." 0.0 II iltateldon, io 11.11 mo tar a I we; end as leffl to Min try lid, .0. la 1 .. 1 . 14 ead r • ox Ws proalag. 4 ow nos otoanor 'hosanna, %Oa!" Provo. va.a,olund to too itd , lbw Wane alnet, as the .1.1. • tionootur—cottlaionlat o . . • . M 'T'P NEW . MAPS OF .. .. . . .. . . OIL 'REGIONS. NOW 'MOP.' I of West. Ilrglinin and Ohio . Tltso Inches. 'rrle• il. In pocket falall 64 , 11.4 sad 94.r01.h,k I of TeEuiogo Co. 011 geglons, 14.011 tears. idttoiriliit gobsoliman. P.m Le puked Onm wt. aouted sad ow 7 . 2 .7. rotriti titrarr, Publistiei, rtrra trr. !felon° eaLL. Oao - gala Coalman Jointed. Ida • .Cl4-143RE*11401F. bOMB PIANOS• . • -TILST . ICA Weber's Pianos; 12 RADO D- AT ITTITOOZD Otild's Pianos, • AZATIO‘D BATTS. Billies's Pianos; ' • . AT lIEZICKTCD Embraces Pianos, • ' ".• ILVDCOILD Cabloot, Orgass, AT REDUCIII LLATZt. *elpilpoi?e;, 1 !•T / 1 1 1 mtrP! 1 °1!4'0 5 :, sap op And irpiatAt 4.***.pArobliingil*Pwbero :, - • J E I CIII AS: C. - 211ELLOlt, - - ea:warm alarms MNASTICS 7 . . OTILItaitTIO la saw Dort at 191IVILLII WILL. It lettopat that all who Lt tat d to iota tla ass sill do es at dam tads ad Pr taro, 21arday ata friday, at 3 a. to. aIIIII res. ?Padua*, pat daturas,. it 3 p. Seamy rto lard Pr az erealag ohm. Ibp, togas' ta arta their ohtldrae la Altrrhear t atll ;and 011.111101 at Mar. WOOS' 80E1004 !WOK, 1411.1111.11 Oases% and Mtg. D►UV flatiOClL, Oanatt et TtMtai star t .ad Vitae i Mt o r .ca tuercettia iqrasi to sardla' sad fratrthp, Teca TACK PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL 1500,000, DIVIDED INTO 100,000 811UkRE9; SUBSCRIPTION PRICE TO STOW $3 PER SHARE. csan' wonima CAPITAL, 620.000. TSUI PEOPIIITT 07 Taal 013XPLITT 00.NPRISTS, ID L1&.6 AND VIM 11111.PLE, ABOUT Two Huard and Seventy-five Adzelli 01 the rbolcoet Politer, les Wade= Vizgird. *ad Southern Obto. trpoo Ode property ars the two treat T A.O IC "V 7" 3ELLS, Together with ether walla befog rapidly praeorn tad, and with cra' preepeot of entana .inepresent produetion of the property will pay a dividend of Two Per Cent. a Month on the Par ►aloe Of the stook, and • mach larger yield Ii shortly er. tested. Fifteen Thousand Shares of this Stock, All Mal nal ba °Dann at ententplins pion in Pitt. (tea ba/anos baying boon t. In Nen Tart ar.o Pblladel; )ma i b had If applied tbr halal. attly. the aloe of MINIAII73IIOIIOI/I.IILIT A 00.. No. 19 Into and. Irlusi prawn= igil7 alga to alb anablit HEIM G. HALE k CO., NEROHART TAILORS, Northitett cot.. PERU and lit. Clair Streets, An %or• roosPeng OW" second sarissl of FALL &i. WINTER GOODS, Neat, choltwol awlactLwa and Otte e quality, to gotta, trutt fair genet bead bought eban raid wan at Ma Witte dim* toe .11 now Fagan. to meta ttp and thing is-tlter &taw ost awl podw and 4 floe elm atylw Ba.trend ittooka to that, [timee and tat pot. Pr I.r Ore Urea. and Woldnd by ok atfuntion Ittw:ttow to dome • 111:wtal patrattag• dttr iha fear. ccdi you CAN ALWAYS PROMO lialgtaaP. mat imarlaso o Mogigata PIM WiAbsn'e Pb.. Tree Tar Liaa•ars Improve! Blaatialauratar. Bookoad'aillarcasa flit.... Sawa'. 8 stbarg. Part Wlaa. Pacaral aulp4lta of Masa. st Ceutrul Drug !Store. quer OEM mad radars! ctneta. Allnlacay GIZOILOI A. lECLLT A 00 tu. ou tuna some non L. hut. .ae MA NT UFACTUREUS—Aparty hat tqg Ka. re.ca ) ..l lll . o to rt mss tb.lx-he .1. lota. to kno M b Poste good WY p..b.bla mos tartaring oo gaolorrid) to arbour Wain airodag ottli taapirOdias loonisaaufo= guna airway -.CroataidaboL Saba The at ,ortiaer boa hop booptosa szpollowitri and and asthma of dam to amp of ter Issartal sad part al On atm No late promo rood applor oasool dorabli a row:molds wooed*" at Ur gapital mobil gar ea &AM ilpub • boa of boo god Whale boa Itoombhalloalltd ttu ausodootertog be wpm& - If lb= sot wag twos lb ralboarbred, satidactkog vta Do ncoSiodr Aidm DOS 1115, - P.* Vat • AMPRI•eiNEW-Ost. dasvanar, I2gki NJ' •budiaiss almstanat !inflows Iffiltatil, Lad • leirtslul Bats, 4.11 the *mat 01710. vorpsroislallt IteliTva at greatly Woad prices. T- • Mtn. E. mrsautni, • , odta - • - irnimitiss re.;•Anissii.,faity. , 1387,TEIS' TWO(' .."13111-.11y144.12k0 pia., inn= or,SURA, =au asies imps porbody inn 4 we, bona Of Mgr Alliiddsr Use pronnallo mein vok14,111•414 bands wbri ass 444.45044,... 1 / 4 44144f1dl dtrect44 Reps, 4 . 10 FPF Cc8 !P r FP 41 2;1 .- ?. ' ;',, veraer emdtkllsid sad Tatra strain. arc of or euuthoth a s b aasruaar I a th .. thth, rCb .. TOABSESSON th B A i DAMSTA M AL LA (teal Dat.—llethaileAusitrigths Ihth Cllsiththir I›.9llthes IbulltSs ere ter nuft fir ithaviryt The topro.ksipth of the few ...With' Mae Barka to b... to ths=r oath bi the ant all Jam., IL t. win be thithjlid. - - - , , • ' " 'Pi ittreettha of•Couty Clothtethdonere, ' .4.14641.1thr1f HIM II LAMM Z„ Ooatrollth. 3 SSAL MEM' AND ENGRAVING MINIMALLY. Room 6, 26 Fifth Street. adillm J. a BBYZOORI fro AICCHANCM-FOR A Z ./A.Rld or . 4. sem GOMA, rani, isaallsommomsA U rmolu ismer the aim I cOsper-of 'I s U lowwlms prebend. A toad loghso 1:1Ity. barks lb ma final og be ru gs n rooossroote d *mos 'I Os Idols MOS for IM per' imam& for Ihrths paItIC'SOI sedrem, AOC AU Vitinza CURS Ankaitia=m3lW % albsaitt.lant if 4iiiikarlikAllartmemoutle - thereto. Mama is Hi 'WM MIX 1Tt4111^0173. is al ILaysdlie Etatke. Mtn aatUoiWae Plitatargly an tlia PUtavalgt, ItaLlKasa• art 40how !mai IL. Obi* Wm. -It adadtstto '44.111m0d tor • re ga l LW gal rt Tar t =ia Dew auDlealbar 1111 11• MIDS. Gif 24l f Eld ßlO; - tnnt tto fffroureat claim " ' . No. Ni HAT Ora l% mar Has. Ilnortnn at WiLO'FINENT: atbro. snorvataßops, Meg 11LOOKI orlA, lopirsanirs INININci MOM; 111700Torlth s etia ta "l i g," 0 11" , 0 :ROW.= FOIM)RY. MINA Eli DAVIS, - frOimierty tarmeous 1411.adovoo*FlitItikoV micros Ms Orlsoo. •od the public gon_eralky • Us/ arm& & Tonflir the aver of Thlld YANA lad %soma .boo, oppostOr Tahoe. 'Boo ltouttly.• :rot Up pow!! oasanhatartag MGM 1140H111111.1 PAErniato GUM -110M.D3,tEULUITIL 1 . 7•!••!oo, ottoothoo sips fe,Ploshoeloorto mvtike • resmovrD uirtur sztaT n irllOlll2W% ham PIM? ha. traturpgaN far arnataih What': fty sad gram fa negiagegal Laid fat mg wilt It bag ,71S. ha starylleittdcrubtUtjr rucllnv. It aged N SOT othx ,stusp - machltuatintafors te . ths Imbue, so d isiep onl7w ba ado to b., Nl:gadded It rrlll •" 5.09, Mk of Ch al ax 4 noinbsrtrra vesettlgvserialad, INa . fs'll3hlr tg, aryda4ll,2a gdl:4o 1 1 0;13ALP.-=ii, LAM:IR:BAT DR .01,1' A: TIOTIS3 — or DLL AIM., good tst tinnitv Trots pi Wu, oe 6llallf the *Will. r•• • , r r. sear, a co.i • • odttt, • i*. US /dimly West, I CVBON'OIIZ-2tlo bbls prime Whit/ „idol, J. a. WSELILD, .~Dm a ~ a ~ . ',,,,,,....~,...e .yt MIMI:114N - .: or WE 17Zi or Dll3. LXIIISTLA= • • 34 OS. Ararat's rime, ..rres rork, ID liow Is PITTSBUBOU, LBW WILL EWILLM! AT TEM Si. Charles Hotel, Where he ann be oonsulted gaga Saturday Evening, November 12th, DEAFNESS, CATARRH, Dlsetuurgps from the Ear, NOISES IN THE HEAD. AHD ALI. TEA TALLOW! ACUTE OD cumin DISELIKI EAR AND THROAT. DE. LIGHTELLLE Is indnoed to makirthis visit on seeount of numerous applications from parties residing in Pinxburgh and vicinity, who aro unable to some to &yr York for the indispensable personal examination rendered nocesssay from the-impoesibility of prescribing with benefit to the paaent without it. "No ON • Du" Ilsfro—Loot Zocrwhisttain. s Souttewa yawn of sp. bon in Clammy, mine to dila otty when Os was.boat two Deus old. 50721 afro* an rims' tare ke we tam sick and lost hie ballad. By &vets ta Osamu did &stand than damp. War mar ty to less b. .r • mute. usably to Mar the looms% mire, or to to skalds • word. About ono Isar aidO bob wva paced ft 7 his parents in ths haada of Dr. 14.47115-1311.1., 1311.1., whohas so bar mcomobad in motoring to 01111 he. Dad pours of lasting sad ottanume that ho rato Soo vela with dims who task to him &tautly and dr literately. Daring the past boar or free maths he his teen aadd the tuition of Yr. Senoras. sad Ms malt ismaideratilw prep..sin mauling sad arttlunatto.” loving been supplied with Ms s *dared. ther to • onfgatad the mud, and ihmormsd thaprod. one to mad on Dr. Dm path . . mass was concidsi ed. boparea, sad hoot Mt two dears an to tems of • Deal sot Dumb Ulna. Sb Bs, John Nod, D. D ; Professor is Dafou Collzds, Echansetadd, to a published lathe, tepees lifs meta* to Dr. Llskt- Mli for tresting moomfally hit ems of &d aft Vat. Trod. /dealt. Ppeassur at ttot Etats UMW Sthoot .1 Albans, .ben tutUks Tiag bainamd of catarrh. Dr. LlstrthlLl ranommi other tardmosials mod tractile to his talent from some of tam untattlalat and mod modem* sad inspected atheism which my se mon It would to. didionit to malt n say bat .spool., of kb itnatment, to the ems of thug many proofs sad fres tedgffrig to hbo looms. Its lacurrmtt will revisit Pittsburgh at regular intervals, according-to the require• Lents or the patients under his charge. The business In New York does not suffer any interruption from this visit, as one of the firm is there in eoustruit attendareia • ruarnmoiii/Lts. [ham the !tuft hanad,lasiii4l4l la mu boalwom of probaaksa, biting to IMllry de. pUtMen 01 NW= at skill, lbws to always toms aw• newitdpd twell—erne ow wbe atad. eat at • tottd swag bb ikUoies, as a sort et bodes; la tba . at* sad troantwat et &aft aad tatialb. on roast dame O,Dr. 11. LIG I / 1 1041,, er. cittoroottploa poot tbo Faith* oboe. flawelbod... Babb' &Med lean et Wax to Obi rtectallt_b and to mew twin the . ward of Watley. • The adttadal mkt** of thsl f. 'l:cott k or &goat doh taavrltawa la Ibit i rr w r i e s or t. ; Irrlab SIM /AWOL &Jewell, Prefenorot ttte State Normal School. AJbany, Sew Iterti• Da. axis Maier WI of Nara 11.1 mot yoa aim. ai dausecas IS7:aaas. la' fn.'s, irssasksak a 7 atlas as studs iii In that :dLrlEaanoal, prod 'oar uaatasaat lad Ito baailbstat -. • , 1 tams boa Dalai tha lirlata-at the rid , MOW jort la *Ada parleacal stints of Want. mast t 7 ' 'smug lanialarraphsass, aloha taasaaualsis al Um` Loh auaabrin• of tha catlast el the lassa, mamas. awl is lbw Ma 'taps, by a vsatary eassarp eras at. ilmnpac boos:lag amid asilyaas , isokad lowanS , Ms shoal lb* attack; palace tad imam Mama& • 5 . 611 Favahosa s =sit adrwist sPsaso at haadaehs. °miasma aaskalleally awls #O7 [1 • AAod , 7.y he7 tr.:anima* slaw maks. immoillao a• to Sa— o p shays awl r beams sad Imam 11101 Os ma bad. st slams (0. sltandsat , tstilaalaalca atallaalasa the meth, prodaatialasahlatta t at tar the shresal ow& awaits boaammeas awl partial Ono a/ sass and Was stash lb• ha b. 7.10 11 has 11,3 sakaast Da /allot aa tow:dna as. aewoduk.fos disband nom. I had bled asallslaar Ma' appllattods al min kbaL, math sal othar maischaa assaaaltaarat hall • Gum Wadi{ scpliatubtotholowil•touopsor,., stays awl hollaamausasu Of 1111Gataa SW,: had la • mascara: wilt Ora Claimant awake at eitlaalar ta . al Man dotlas., , Saai row at Shwa • 6211 ems: it7taiimees- laattimileapona add ins sZbedad it the IsaPosa of so.saaoh streasaa ala IS biota ai • frothy sahamataL Unalar alms ancasaasassis I Ina lad W041'11114 Mao osas. Ikaa the aappanni Imam of, atsitami, laaskas sada poar , tasatiasKii I sa).„ maw baacad maarasi.laspor nadibt Out re:W.oas a hat,aarrat hat' mama Orley sae Wed, Wag ansalsos to aavataaS UAlap i kailsippgisoll tapas ass tam/ imam akitataarostah, ;boa. WWI, sea Owl auscralat gooptaatairq r , 1241Wibutood. a, arniiiclig IrldorampOzapsid teal of juoriadatiattiusamtdoit - oll.lo4ati Lbw .shah.lavanisaaa.aa.alhaaaiwaso i rataleurphiest — Sliwitia,tta lava.trasoaarad - • of catarrh, .11Ce4ba'stapasarlastalk lob& al WIC that fnoWta ib Wa cons, Mum ittervosua hays' haisisal - soh Sat Saadi hathalsls, vas, scrrs4 partata7aassma,l LI" IC 050 ar =het flu*. It ,test wrArat: ltMukapta, sad, - U•br 'oar ID appear ass asostsatlly as*: 1a'.0.10 &VINO bekril flu snattiojt• ems' to.= g. marts ot4l - a3. Inaba tv.loareolt, attill sous thar.nosy be 1111011108 IM I sas,to 1.414 liss-1-ank not otirstitatriettiled at to tr.e,ntatqaadeCle ;s7 at Pal arhoaar Smith*: astarsl44l vas Mx saGnas *so, Las l.a now t of Day. beast dud Is than Is sash sasaast aa a am for shroais, Wan*, II m7.W.robstia k . s4 .01. , 005plan's!! r.Km .cl.. • ram twecgtoni , IlltllDE4Clit B. JEWII4%, utast I S • 7 41.1 . ..!./ k ,P L 4-I FsF.. -• , • kraal; tilt. srg t 'l3k" DB:;..i.t3l.lanninusl••"lt tiala greet •Atialgo." 410 n inns, ennunnotuts loan tby anba et Ufa ann.' Mei yen me, on ay sYylkaan'aigai Int Ada , tin bath. ClAlairA yam' Malam, nal am li t a t .g:2 nay tha I • intaysua ca tnat l as vat ad apDi awl na qt not,an feel die- etandrftrann, am ►• sanna, denrya, It- a.easlitontla--agetroi tau:4ld not baMairice - malt linea toir.mken h alo. Yarn vrtill mac; 4 .1 D. EL OOLI. Berns! . Mk- Cure, or, De4fam ~_...__, . . pprom , t.o am Joseph .11:riub ftfietof : 'of is Tatcles• Ctiiietu • M ta. tra:, gl anm lie bateLetaOnekr r o ear Ta ems Le ries Teel me. Dy. tee et it. Lie!tie.l4. beeeteig wee. eatiew4 nieLerget="..lB., VI SA inquagrar. la jmeetere eve Wore . ulaM2l )oilarX Us Zdkail.*, aoOirD't o U' , j 7. :7. :::' '•''.l T.A4Et'T ~~:, w.~~u~. t: ~; t. Gurai reorr nottrum 81108 TitAlliiiiCZ snots FRU 10 CUTS 9,R1l ' AT CONCERT HALL 8H01,1,8 04 . 1 milk mut, Next Doer to the . arriewotatii, vs. , • FOLD IS SALM:MR-4U re 5144.10111 trr amid as SeClinteekt New nee Os 71DICIAL , Atlteurp Uth Wimp sa adamst. anortartut arlke. Inese. sun' sal Cligdannr— • Boats, Shoes, Balmoral' and Gaga: eas be knead at grotty emetund picas: et ft. Mei warditor Iss sow Una say caber ime MOM" i*Dos't bpi the Wm•. mt. az.An B°° Gallen, and neautorf►,ll - . THE LOWSET wins IN CITY BOBL&HD'S, 98 HAELIT Br, Sxend deer fres nom .tent:'.' F'" • .'1 WANTICD—For service in the ammem quatleie. pepww.,u.smad,,,im, Tteemes; Libman, O=M •• viamlliatfand WU; E.Z.a altareas ; =Sid *or maks. 1,500 Laborers' Warns $45 per meth sad rebbols:' 5,000 lesaseastsne Weer. its pee weft sad AU*. Teu tremportaibarte "awe otd.dtutlwaaifi4lt. Y IL Loeb It konoreftdbeharied boa minima 50•54 sibewlxrdlett van sft WA be ewebodo s JOB' L. wasimar 4 :: ; Oeptate sad Aalltaat Qesstecouterell. s4s a , . Tor Suitor totormatbsw of J. T. ISAISPLIS sa mow Aniosist • . Or one 14e. 40 Weedegion meow balms zoo* , ut& En Ems%Loa* Ea. 4EKEig 3. We OLAZI., Gael 0ve414E114.."; W AMMI Soo.har. a. ails. But !Oat, -; . too Womble 011, 0 • - 460 Delsell M i Atlstisa: FIB ELLIIII.-1:50 sham Loom, 0,11 ON • . 20 Hatotazhass Qom Cle4 7L5 Allagtoxi lossunimo Gois • We balhod sal Nooks of .11 Ida& to this mai" ' sad to bey 'fork. Batts oad PhilsOolpkb. 80121310012. MoMall 017./i No. TA Nor th stemeik • WAITTED--Nginato to sell two atw StoQI • , sztr.ritts d - ABRAHAM USCOLI Aig ULISSUS S. MIT' SLOCI. ?rook is to. Llbaal 4 Meas. addriaa Oro pallthar, 131311%.111. a 4eClaw 7ZB 6.6.91:11 gave, Plds4aPda. • , 'WASTED. ". T THREE GOOD TmL *T , Sb heal coat with =wham warm Apply albs •• - Coat Tore, ca OW lam, raw tea Derr Depot, /ew -I oaithat at heap a 11011L124, WAISTED -8. sitnaticai BO Foreman or &Tenn:indent, In any ont4oar Inviable, by coo ate ham tral etnnid.r- - atabla avatar...La awrds:a waking of ma. bon of rd.r.no• 41Tink Adam. T, Gazarri Orrtcr„ or !Sax ‘33; TYR' ° Om ea,AUtabony Caty. ; onlentif ,"" WANTED. -- • -- coaz maims. 11ellible Loam to •go to the Leech Wotha. Voris abort Lock So. h.) Good boom, Goody =ewe meat sad proGEt. ' t r i m . WOOD Dri *Jr at Oa t . torkt, ar at o. adrav Plcwt. w4NTED. ' TEN GOOD MAYAS/ U& .. .. • To to lb. Ilbtory - c• I fte Ilitewtt Wgr, (bort felegj tip, ..• il lemstera .-0161. Woottledl Illoldites mut Tombs imeic , l , ,t fernid..Por Iona; torattnqr, 410., apply YS{{ to Ibit' - •- 0 Gement Ars; • • J. 11. nmreurt, • .! - ,, ?- 1 WWI. . • . • • •NM lirliailegba.l%-,f,,,-. WANTED--A BILLLNEL—A seecinbitti 2iLitzad mi st==.z me - tamsei:VO pod roxamartuSattcas. - t. &aamensaa.:-'. Lower az& awn BSI ANTED—S.I6O per Idorktner•We vim* 4 TV nibble Clunaper tinhC ied .0044C-.7%' we QM mem etwiag Illeo pee sholayortlib w .., Fore an doobliftgaipibiraf.- - - . ' Men to a, sous 113019 • rafts . Ctiedast Atte, FOR EALE. A rery Hands:ova. BUCtlfs of to isles! addle sad maks, la Mined Ibt dqc ld .04: 21 rut attached ea Um _ _ ICI L BEM Illorldry . V , - .. .: .2 tatacadd,iittkaddlgt; . ~. , WMIT&D. cARpEN*Eav . Waatel iii;a3ll..gittrabOT 414 eattombs I znagolb Obt al to miessilliadir a» Gr? 41 nP7inantalalblibegt .vbein Ispobllce varlaaso. by spplytig a" taw imp= .4blb . Ibbfwanor . tbs . lbowaSble. an", °WON YIP= 4§lll9l.l7gair • VANTED:=4A good, B semi= 114 Ines: OM ve *11461 ' .:- '' ' • 4 L am= On XIVANTED— 40 Gx2plNattted. icagi, cr. V_± Maar Sands Cps MMUS( .4 mew SIVISEDI • 1864. -Kt PBEBIDVJ TI 1L OdfPAI L AGM MO CONYENti; • I rra OF 1211 LOINSE-BEE111,; 01 • - - ngt Alitaw -:' , ll42tht f , l tin or Westin orebuitiOnottdo' • , t0. , 3 wit& aNdkir 3PCI9E;trr lox , , . 3 1 ,?.1. • -•- • -* -- irlitsloirirEs•oinrrostattnilurizia&u.:,r .onatiIOUVICZT wain. ne-4 - tioNosar f ltk Stit a" ""DATAIO CtiinGad :•••• fsd 0tec , 4.63 Eh. gert. of the £ll.xteharNagtlrZaik toed. vbimia pedal Trate - wet Urea:metale moor 7,4.,31 doh 01.1.0tt , 4 1 :AMIta LULU ugthaaa?4thalt , ' Mc* try the'liitidtri •; 11 11PreetitTS. ' gal had tt 3Lsfgnrta.f livllacutiall hr.. sad fis ' Weasel A. B. ZITISL27I/LP . _ . • 4 _9' • O U P 'luttc.lvgAls*„, • . 1; r . '• • 1 --• 7.: 7>a TYI. o:f•-• -, 7• 4) UHT. tiET.:PANY::-IslcXL".recrtz''',,.l • •! ! •.• • It E • li-4'ktri" - t ct q CLOS ISTILIErn ALLlttinner..*.- r F0ti4341.X. , ,;„•,„ sT A usiciraki nnt i : " lt ,- liisen4itilisrar,Y 3 '; aaseme4 for botisilOpappli.tell --• a,l,LicatEssa, ivg MHO* MIMIC . ! ~.~~~ ~;~<`. IMEEEM REZESEI ^Ol-.44v11.9 • ,:nearvi4 ".1 ti 4,13i3 - fa, F ; <; I' t. 1 - 6..4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers