It.; ok 1 l' ENINII2: NOV. 1,1844. TOESDAT "LUXOR!, AND 0011EB011116 gums OW mmolut AND' BONDS, OSPONE O 80111 MI 419 7TArt9999 ilMinnrs 80111161130br, 1115CILLI7 Co.. • Mot& will iiimaullase 10r0/0000. 11110 5 0 7 881 6„ ,00,4 0834°5a° ma 74. f 4 1 4 04 110 0 , r a l geoe.***4443l3,ll66ooBl4ooolthscia, 435555561555 &sewn 54 iftEr)lterbs.,:. 0.;-.3.47,-.7a .1.1 d,.. 't".,,Veira. .5% r. , ,, ._.,;.•• ..... ...=-O_6 • LI Vstail 511.15%5-' 640 .IPiimil.. t ' 1 0 SAID . .. - -1.4.,:. 'lO3 i04,0v.„1n1iAt.,,_114.,.„. 4 0 4310 7 2 11, 1 : W..-...: . Tr : 7 7.. •, , , MOM* Eh ............ IS ---: ilkeelyea?7,l7.---U. _ 44 re ......... 56 10 SYbemil Ta a rs-._ 11:01 a15886061/06 8 11 Vs..- 33 84 - 1181384171001 11 65.......... —.- 'SiltUM* , Olt gst* .............. --... 16% /thy 6* at SO fils ui 25 1111302,402 -.1......... SI 11E4e 6 y i .. 41 00 r 8d1603140 ......... ax, 6 1 3 L Jan 1316916W1L 55153m5555.L..... 5 0 3 i ho Kw 55 Weasat" -- .... 64 KO SP 6 0 1=1#.14.02..V.(01,.1..). 66 37 , ti i .,,,. . 7... ~...„ in, _. ..... tw A r.....r..: -45 96 ralir VG 911 r .1„. ...."" 4- , 7 -0 4 ., NC . ! , ... , ,r.• -.-07 La ea V lw..... P -...43.0 -49.,..t. .....) V.. a: n 0. 0....... .. 't t.f. -712004 7 41• ' A _!4•:: -..; ••:. 30 .1045* cont. so 10550551n0w , -.;.«....... so nactuuds. 884r4%...... -. 4 . 443 , 6' ,^' o v -= - -- , -1 / 4 . 85 saps a ... Al 11=11.114,F,P-41 I , WI 41Are:: ",,:z , la 1114r651:: -'703i' i•- 4 -' •'' ' - LL I . 14.=.----- —12 , -?Zryllita , ,wow ~„„,*, Utast. 11 s. 13 , , ........... iat Plitraistimblaillw.------1044 -- 130 61320004106 4 104- SO Ausader'i Venda% 60 ea 41% .. . ..- • SO MUGS .................. 16 ‘" '-'' '1.1 1 4 1 / 1 ! . • - , .il Allikbcollik.....--... STA - 1 - T XV 6 1 r Ol , ire 4:=r..c. . .. —. -'' T 1 . . , Go pitubc r 0.............. 70 G 9 . " -60 Lacti rjo .-- 464 -. PI -• . . - J6 O ITITOIG - iirTrait .......... -. ST in y 15 ond. I.IX Mist tiact0013........... - 10000 0 . 0,00 .4.... 4 " " Itis4 ," 4 7 ••••••" 10 -- - 001 2,0621b,,,,_,.!,,,Tm .""., _ •- 61:0 IlsaistAlA / ...US , SO Itsmrtarearßairtup-,--t - „ _ 0161. SS ' 1100555air.......-.. -- ix solpstv up zo 515055 .....4. —., -552._ E-1 1A 5 8 .* 1 + ..0i1=.4.-*- ~.+10 % , . . &TAMS 0965 , SO 09 ......, 73 -- 0 ... .... 0 010 0 5 118 7 •*--, —I . liNi, " i .. • ' - 1.: - 6 I 6 Mara ••••••••••••••••• OSt e....,, , N.A.. II ICW.* = *'"*"* Tr .. '-'". 4-1:...”..7.7.6..-, ~ . , ........ I .4. 24e3642100 1, 11 , 1 -1-1:-4.4 - ' - E4pllllstt' I tt rmarAW2t=•.. "- ‘.47,* _-_': ..- i. ' ,,_ '- i' ;' '" .' -."._, - ;:irn5e.:: 33 01 11 2 . : ......7(....7 4 -... - 1 ' I " 04_14 frts .:::::*—:....:--- - • SOPS 4.150 111083016.C0 , . 1 1 10 . 4 4 . It 4 . , 1000000 2l ,4 : , - .. ---', 65 . i '' '. P °oi a 6 '' liamratic r ..,--4:-. --... 6 .. 1 . 3 ` . ' .' 1 a ; 1 16 . ?Snip .119S0910: . - . •••"'"'" 99: TiweregViferee.i.e::...-tr- , i t 'l tr . . - F ,'"- i L. - • ,-,--- - . ,--,-- 11101)0,; Oct 51, 3.531 3 64 old . '.aid3l,Vir. 3knir 2 Tolitibis 'Wlenrilap 4. (....„...1. .. , yawed took tecuii*en, . sp 1 / 44 ...ittia, i. ...a. ed ...kilo...hi! 4SEttadonr. ' Sales ei Pletstrecr* - -.. iloateldfliftf - 13 rtaihtt,Wilitott3 Meier* eitanln - . - - - -derna Sato ir,ilWeAtt ts.., ' - Et wk ibletii ' oat ladeudireiftrfati to report . -le Moiety -oliggriliiiiinft,"liie or rsoaraooop oco. 2 It olatrutaxeOttdmatb 4.l3brobwallia 'attend at 31550195345753.0,75.15515... .' - . , , Li NOIIIIO/07-allitlall.. 210 Wei +Aboard Oa WED. ,r el or 1504.139. the atm; JE7r33llps offered at 7%, no 1 elyere.e-5 1 C /felt at -vismodonk Warm. cpa e ret i u at mgrs.: upatlatt irioult gnaw,. wt ' abaft.. a , fasroar , “Thao:ps wt. nut? up pi. gold. ‘ The ablareadle all aped. Ao-day, (ails tier !lei Task Eseddel ilaier day,) baste eta esder4 6 H , toskleg fat ," Cis widb-'573t 148 , ,J 3 bls demi i etnesidefeble iterate) WV. 43."Pqa-P1,61.12 of taikl"fP W PrATIA aa*.s:. ',.....;,-. Gan twebelin:. st derail:idiot siarrirbeetary. Isa , ' is islist`plara fa cergeterala*rts, sesfeted by - sidled' t ',.,* trel epee fa our Capetian orueparel Ow meal Warns., .V.. 2 !i .-2 ., ' tliFOlk a Pitil 1.-i I- : k,..,....r...44.2.0........ dense aftalums- ~ , i .- k 'Th O 454tart i p adl ar "Wt` .4.11 !' 6 , " 14 0 .. rt. leo9-07ditAlesitiactAnis ol dila. anal, ail Wait . , t - ---' quo aka, ase &Deadest tow =E rect -wateat spot tbat Ifews ' Theis is CU mantra will to I flew tad felts.' tonne by Mel atikeldend3be watt alto) eld'dtata alt. sasloe. at peels. It Is la dos.riy WU - taut caridreee, reed opinions drifts 'Seely as to wbat lure II may Wm. •J "Ster Seam bolding of kw It, I arida: atd - a leiriettin. ~ r , '. -esabelditagatefirebistwa.oner, sad resat!. fa andelracr „,'',7.- All.. resellsw larelle alearaf 5e.4 1 . 11 ..... 3 . 1 r 4 Ow"- --_-_,- lattatrws a yetriserrild areas. ay alloy Cl try:ft:gal g ala. ratr. Alitgarti, tau . r. _,.. . .4.4.44 - gpop,-0; . .0.11014b0n killm - vaidat La. a *tail ia llama la t 5. ea 05 9.5,e . 743 , It Is 3‘.__301.41.4.0 they a1.1,41..*75.1115ea sore, _II 'V bad Am, laud that Cede exported prod Or wilt bat l rsed tateerearitisa teen's . 310 eaters. dose IU duty Al. 11111.45.14.a5t5.e....1tes CM Omni, ba• tbre . power is - s•-•• ps .• et-tbreira.C.. l . s 4 vriddi PICAr 40-tha.2l/94440rthq OPAlakr 4 er 0. 1, . 9*.t. t eje t -94 , .4.14 4 . RCP* 0.0.791.241ibeeei all ki d._ • b tlnd a Weida ` — in.ii.;aftlaiy izilaogn: Teem low raw MISES haiatillaididomialfa sea ey ostle, Tea musuisar Pt isaelcsmaadeWp wadi:lrate is rebweblr -oath*, beater erpOy irrheeririe..ilia. , limb laity, y tato ei the Venezia barrens marl °lrma as the earre:f. rate of Tv tie • est deal of e11atimi= 4. 5 .,,b4 7 002,40.0 7... mai ea wi 'co ' d s prom as xtOr l. and 1 elloosnsa 4 tofillwisldsonlee , ell Ilw.erglosa w sw. tal prat. dioqind mar Article If com.dt• *fit ragakv.a xi s ; ,t, C.O cdig.6.4o44!ii:-..:ilida RePoll .117 .. , Co' libeethseeteaa a telrelsealsod be Tlvar, sad qv gotta ono • dude lama. Snits Idtator Patna tan eri09.75a11,5D0w Maga it 9 came, Swim Eaters 1135.615..75. sad cleat 8eDed1..05 4 .W.4 0 . iitwat Was la avant revisit - by eresslltore,sa =an ew canna, ti do)d _OP pastas . =Pm*" . 2 .p 1 444, With aalairalipaitpataatrosi,g7.,= ona 1t.," = VI Sea dall'at i =rl l l: 17 rAckserpolpe , 2, sad da2Ziaarldlar , igiataaritaa:. 4 ,-- _:_. __' Ow wra4et 53r,9).plWaellfilblit Vadat wei.ll3pci spasmNd tars —dlaualcsti,flok nrdrso-fioarestsakiwa eiro-441..Tittiaik, ° T a l ° 14445°64 - , , , .,.1,1,F0T5edv01e. - emit:. ...30....... , ' - .;"o.lDiotif * 4 b .I.lrall idai tad ,!aa L la, _ . o_ la a ~ r _ 114 Vtl;jlolo44tica• - q." , /;;i " old ad 401,043% 1 n stair. -. a lbg*"..-..... _ f-Pitikirtliaaal44l.... , . %WOW SC teellt.tX , V. Freda' de.* auhadarwarramd' ad sca rs . dr two tot defray as 11111 ginkgo: dasla ima• &Jima asalasavaL -- . 1. 1 - fiiiiiY6iilfisaltiiiiirc. 73l . ,:, ...! ! : Ulf 0.-lbw le tailor two Inquiry for &mutt° sad tbs esulus,..l._,p_iws to - Ifninotoilly Plata; Oit• gm , Maltl -' 15. -44.7111:111S, 00 orsotfttip rMe doportroot of bode, al Ow olodo - an ilialeglia" !Mai Sig Caldsilaql ta to Ufhl, sod fbotobsOoto ors vesistis masted to bill Cow of WOW arbor thou of Woof prim. .Jrt, to Mb in It iiihsg, U.* MOO the =OA oi_proefotgootivir. sod ewe lo very Illfolv4i, elloarrof-lor .I. l Taf Plow 0.14C00 lb. on o lac o folio) punts doom. Ye ftiocoislo.lg, lu moli,:z . a 2 : . t u a dr ilo mt . .. Ztl, %Vito= lit I poisto sairisasii Ott " 190144 Is Wu . mic& r rt rod SS se aropsii iota Woks.' Of !Waft sitar if blis wine goy DOastat is ritelon a Erna . 4 1111)4 ttoAmor, oM 2.5 for SO, maw uumpated ma ion", Cla ► n ra Wes WAWA. Gs Was ZS tgalln d s la ."' ' " r - . , . . CRIW , t. 0 04 1 3-- - ;,-,.:= V 311alialajlati . itiirizawin -, knew 4.4bit,llll6 .1...:e . Inodlit l. gam IS Of anal at 211210 tar plata" t. .'...._' Atai atartaarli VS bait - Wks at 21o; and stoat= at 0 , :„,..- - ,_, MAK% oattk--• astao• ar to par ID . - , , ,_.,.., . tiara Ilastr-Tbs .4raosall It Ilial:drotrWton' lL _' .?; „vat _atm fa lomat'sad db. to as Wool: 'JOAO' , F . L . ,. . •,, . pat& Oaltor la lastly Ic at ItX,o,tialt-4 ovum ,1,---- of go.' . - i' '':;' ' rtetar4l4:6s-414•3•5100.2"alotltViraim.laiZ:"'."1 t ha aot ia .with aelAnt ' t" ' mar,: Bales of 850 btlx a steam --0,d,-esa .4:. .. • 61-111‘,=1,11rit;-1,P,4 Zizta-Pilotrall- ' ' M" . .-Illetlea.WrairitsllttlatorgrUittoesril ,01/oolti rtiii' ..- .., _ se. trrlitlitti.ollolotttr Plquid at stow Al I# 40.60. ; la tir!itatyiplp:kla ],.,at'aNtt/a,:ciashasts‘' ' , Sawn maw cr gm Porttat 24234 .1.1 la " rd i ml,li 7. .., „.... , : /It4l ""1- OFT. - ‘ i itirip_XOPlLDltalLSlttils t.-;.--....5.".. ' Oars #l.4"ar mato rare den WillitilriitriA l 4 '' 1•10•••10 18a. 11MW sa also tomtits aat pion WP 111311••••14. Sta, aim In raga du has bum reets.4 resaiall plum. .1 3,w.3" w. Boum •fiLle OW maw Of VS Ire my Wm, 11.1.80. 2 tax, tor at. :,..6•6014441t0r=11 41 0 Pla tim . blier...Magrwrr la , - Kir 'Pi. bail ralreta taw* at 11,754 10; WM i - .... . -So MOM' Wm , 04 - led wow 41=44 do um= MAIM 111 1/49 4 .W ° ' . - " .' ' -' -1 n° lol 11631 i..& tililit ' ttinni Uri * .. linuareurry A... ittl. FIRE PRCDUCU .... _ 4.0.0,41,0:14A1Pedi tollttlia milli antes Orton atua aw an apal attor_troata Ituttr.-),larr onset ..11 at IP tikta Whoa 10112grall 0r:114414%.,...ttibbc4„1121,,10,- - tor Ow Tottr, Vol lit to II .891 *Mr droorlptlata, ritual !fa fa p mt , ["LTD FrpstaFi " b ''''''''''" ' . -.: . WIPPV4 WIVE, A** Vi a Olt witar. wis um,. or.) rWaytiolb. -, :. .... - 5. 0 P. 031 . 1 . It Wettl ttaa 4011.44tarair•146 7/1;i14.941:4 Iticallti :Ms 110(6" CiIeSUILSIStI= A•••11110•06 and g""it Ono to all ',at uiratak-'-'Thml imittrOrfaio WWII& Man; : Plr=Btltorrootr-HaLl a firma . * shelf roma wo w o r tb tliotta , at* or ifflOf 0113261/ 0 1a4 : . WA. - di r 011, Ilatoilal • sok, I . °Moll OD nff-PtPdtiltittlithltaftdag. altlitollar- nowt 6ON dui 'Ma # c,„ WAS ramegiar •e a -:1:PTY.4401: ' I .:, 1 .:.. 1 i • -__.L.,!,_, ti to-4a, all ' ( Oita •• • har i ait t *lN 4 1 •• s fn.*: "MI oat be tar/ a=bout os, et it has tot oppzet. ansptd , maly. Taus Is Ito motsintat iiitstorni • - totem any of the lading artiolse of pradues, and the sin mwd mutate erettleas quiet and deal. Mow" the tirfiter eamearaillaalariaana ...IMMO 9Al:sr foiling ea the pint othelders. It dose seen es though edam Is to be • pond ettipedulon at bewln eutil o • the eltetiern, and whettarar sr th ere will bs an pram-mutt area them, Id= alone will develop. VlllRgArranclici pa* 144aiii.16 aionali:Rata.Z • !Mem le ruse to tedhlng dolls. Meal van of eat Qom wagon at 1,0340 far B d and Wale. sad 'l. DS tor spring end 1.11 Barley. Uses easy tu 3 tad dem at nose by the Der load, and 85487 for ',ball tot. fn. star. Bern quiet and molmemeet. Ws .4190 eats bow emp.folltiabOrrdell/. 2 ' Pm Lents. " 01.6—There hes ben ...len lenßm*moom.: In the •fpts of Mes Maur during th e pest fees due b mob by rail d rim. and wit* only • madmen demand, the mer. . 00 I. ~,,,,,t .d flaw. des, shoes): hold,. en One ' d prices an fed y imetelekod. We Dote Wes In lot. Mien • Ofe Mee foryjr44lralrilwito 10,74 . per bbl, as to gain. t " " IBLOOB—The stork of Shoed ti and•Stdes le Owed r- tad, while the supply of nun l. sanumally larq. We moon of the year sad curtild.rably In nom of t demand. We ate mall M. at Shoulder. el 19 t. e s tA, ..yiC ••- rratua erf ion to thrall/le, atS3is per p kmd, sad small easy at ee { 168._ WrIT.II--Ttee demand for prime 801 l Butter I. only , though the =mat pay be quoted firm at 400 Bat is le qdry foe Packed Fula with a demand fully mud to the supply r at des 1 1 . e _• , V• 40 11 10 hut iiiitdiA Ifidi ff Western lid ilintbetre, =Bator 1/iab.U. 1111D—Strasly with an oauselonal cm .11 eats of prime WM. AT—But Mho:Baring and few Wes le . ooatoquenc. q at Dom 95 to 540 per ton (means-Tem= I. to ktrevetneat to the &mend co . le a aware eadreato ma:At abOne a IMO aeasett , 4s • bbl On feta Jetty's. • BABSEBBIES—StId quoted et 514 per bb: for Dm , and 6111 for enleteeted , LT-81sady with mall sates es 13,00 pa bbl an lb spot. sod 3.10 1 0 3 ,1 1 s • *leered 3,1161 of Ire yip '43•1000" at lbe pee pound. I I •'o.o;lo.PecrieTtn6 JihraCte., ~ • -; out; iltrAllnen'erva aillytft tariAtarhattY iii th: u t.' tor crude to day, and, while thane was mono a* al ty manlhated, prime, m compared with gaturday, 'ha undergone no =modal change-2940, barrel@ .. Tr. , . and 31.55,barrch talbdat. We ante elm in ilo of 7 19 bands at to; QBO do a 30 ; a 2 a s 4; ..a ma tof bulk, to ant., at 29% or 110o—wo went =abbe t° W l go.- th.,ri..t. ale. ?Nuotiorolculagin f. , ,iigtx-7300. latiisd , •De. aping aiSstadlap. . 1 41 prima We nolo a rale of 200 Darrel, an the . , at 54; 203 on the vat, at 65; and 1500 burets, at" brand, for lkomabn delver?, at 600, tree an cam hero Tree 011 le quiet but lima at VA ma lotieptyylmonary &Matti. ad Elo far 10 ea= ba4rel lots. Nothing doing to dater Narhs or Red data, and, In the absence cf Wes, we omit <potation. The rootlpts of Crude trinco oar loot report are aa folt,mo: J. id avpluney*...l2)ol EY 1rgeity,..........„,,,,,,00 n i ta a - ftwo--.--..51X 3 1. 1 i. w ilittae*,..-003 A Davit ----ant 111 Ashworth --....-106 i~vi_.._.._.~._.__ __..r ~.—......5um _ i New York Petroleum Market. et, rot Dispatch too-me Pittibstsgb Gallelft. • Kw Toni, October St— TII.• market for Crude csna -4•• doll and the nominal price on itba spot t. 14. Ty tempt. of Deilasd in bond and and • tinetad 49antl. have produced • dull market ; seas at G 6 on tanspot. soe,Ter,lor.:Aerarobor.,M l . terry, rem CM to el bL eded combis) it ti,'on the spot. hispth• Ls Linn si • lair dsmnd at 50. boo. Stack Market. epthill Dispatch to the Pittatonti, eastota. rjuliblirfix4 OCtober 81—The market ho oil stocks t wee those satin to-day hat prices woe Knombat cashier. The 'dodge mks wen as foams*: Maple abide, SIM; Corn Plantar. 7; Noble it Delasoator.W.; ,Ehltst; z 34; Dig Taak, Olzastead, 13i; Deadararre. Ir utact. Dnttt a „ 63(0 'Brairvv{,./. ,* ow Yank Meek and Nonni market • Disgeotch to the PiteshargbOastite. Toss, October 111— stocks grow and • • • e higher; Pittsburgh h Port Wayne, 100%; Otero • a Pittsburgh, 11:04,Poieruiheibirtstiarlfut with. Oo4luctsblechtsge; 1 3 8 tua,a, 1881, my.; O. Tear ttk.WP -St : 4 11 Kti 7 1e.t.Tirecttise , Malu4rrt. #4I4FA *PP., July 48 IR share " 'w,ektirtteTtitir<iiiiriii Tort keiri r A • , ,- - . -,-, •-•A-4uii 'itiiker: • • _ . .. ,_ , ileirla tar the PLttoberbaO moitt.. . . T ai; Oct. - 29'1884. i Ttu t ro.akatdsobsgileiroikliia term irragelar. sad 410. bats flactualad ormaldarably Tba =oat of all Lamb to Ilea. and thong!: tb• Masao= for =port 1..1.0 Vol, Olean tot= bud., tot . comae tha maartelo be' lune nce yet mareielad tit doing aco Drains Oro In part el' Mr wok, 'themeLA lilli teOle4 dal sad • piltl: docileitl tatlariali. bbi Milian= la Laid co s ir . . 4 0 ,...51,.a1 i 5ial for madras= in prim, net the totaled 'stentqweLty tea • doll met parr', aad (beta Olt yotb*Lit bet - gibralLtaibobt pee Atoboa. L =rim testa= la l oalle tos= 1.. daros.Lbut ,as tab to ~ vied= by WI batter lila= of aisles ma avaelso of, !arahars, tbri •=jl 'tiat . =Rolla ; Ulm a- arrikotabLa forAithat &ebb ma= that= air aat elan= "lane 4..thir•orint.kfter'itiribter,tskiag ea bald In' The 01 a tor tr...q. cnioselsontitanslianzu latalli ea Ito =at ea from 47W =err 144. bat la - olerbatmoror Eng =Tao fort trftuabor at 4* t 6 td ,1''ute.P01.....0...,T84: rai"Pt ~•?tatiar,4o-....en et. , ; Teo La ialemathogroosbor; at 1.4 e . ,.•• •.. . • . 1 ~.f t Stead labtraL tba miletereLlloC4barrob., ,yaratly V 4" 74 ;" -. A * rn i i *C73Clet Indtollag or.. - hi Yr( . rer at 70ot . thoolag Mallet Ink, • . '..,1n treat= at are OM bare= at 80.83; of ale= nnn, de.frilleletaber et Si bgmai *L IM =ebb' with ,ia. . iia a..... 4 it 60a. .., ,---: . .., • Bated naptba the taloa us aboat 1130barrola at , ill to te for tOaal, tree and b7M9l7tt bond; chain al it. eta= promo • - . , . - i . .i.;,,Claireldiktt- Market.. ~. ~• : ' --, :i rc.....16-Vour-ddirtatene deterebeolvadelsrr . , • ..., trwlttii-Toi-Aridilii Intisti: lettsida e awl Ira trod • d 1000 bst.b Soil ttd tive,cattmtd at ,041 catC, : Tia ttd en tist•tit 114-'llllllo , Atileen IWO em• MC _Mina 110 II rea fres an boa d a, 19%1 cars No I ral ..t i c t store all". ~ trate sales. Had at 2;38.2;38.199 ti.19 far Oland from yora. ,„,011 4 - o n odd .444.91:8L Ott 'TAM' from store, '78.7 ce Mai. -_ II e-Dral ana aamtaal al I,4)tret Cara ... , .D ay-No Plat tacarte '' - - - , T t_t„ . , , e , IDlVOrtli DPlialUtOtaa "- ' .' ' TD..1 7 / I .IEI ar i ; Ornbati 1-14 , 00t. 3 1... p is r =ar7; it qv 'mew,' iiirudiaq ill All t s t bt(/' lace /I natektEbsctironE 2 ' ob,3 z tiav ;slill l li4o s•b• .11d . 18 & t kti tna• -ter;. ,01:tdaft24,, ;ir Wel 3Ar j . "-tu es Ittrkjetttelt ' , We; Vbl4o , terrltto•r IP' ' 1 ; Orr er: II betiaodesiDliqooiibilta WWI' WU , qtro.l 5 Ors fitTolictaBc4Bl4:ll•ol3s Vattittioli 1' , ifp pOnkluttiB.l'botedxl•do ah , 'll 'Stag d ' oat Lint Mt Ono; 00 bbla higlitrizet, bai • r. ODI / 40^1t14 WAIL= Kaaba= MAW/ OW .. i Pgrurnsis. Edts nits, October 14tt.c , * ant boast, • Sudan!) bat s ; 10 btlialtrar. ld. dam, .11tatell, Lset & ea; VI bats &Wm, a IL Leen SS baba+ ' NTs' 1 059,0qillaq /0, 00'. knock Atdietta,Qll.oot A& ..-dit lositii„,"Mpt i gllt=cotAillstypta &Sent I : 3, D. TWO halftaaa4o4r, ,C 4 ZIA 4 ~ .'. ' 1 1 2 , . rt,,,,,,rk0iberint70,......9,_ a _ flowgtasucx. 0; 11 .10 by 4 St=i3ll ;aka. , a z 4,, Ta lt Pat ;Da AIM 4°L4 Xi ale9ll,C9:l34l,firagDS. WaloarftLaat ". qo • .1017+4:._4411:bb4.159.0a kra . us looks . . 1 4.1 pea* t0..4w . abwrs. 11 M:foigt laierda,Caekdrit '-33 , &pa brooms 3' AY 0 lib bellill h • • t Mays4ler a oorn_ptti'ore ... • and •War.trcenaelartat. ~3. o Oratia;l* in V lor td• it sr , armed; 3 , WAD +010,1* . 1291t0 fanipmatali.D4ratitatl ID *ado. , +//k ittabra , gal ~,,,,,, 1 , 3,) 1,1 ,-,,, -Ts*pal* Wm. • so taw taw* bis grprlPThWatltsPrrlialub !OWL Owl* Pier Ulf Pam , 6 Wils Amid im.' Marl earn, raw* a ariMPSI al/ ihigelaid ladedft /04 alba ek - 4.- fa', btab Telsllltblit 11 libisltosS,lWsksilotir UK t t °1R511=4`47.444111:0 Ibi"÷ . olnerluagtiAlo Host, - Al a ig - Amigh .0; . w t tuAra 0 W Wm. -, itittlsis p Itsit, titi a Wo: t P stoistutatill,l4 ttaLstser tit At tsts:l WI 1, &teal Wilicepasili p ar c gi t t Pridel r s e . : . inat 1/1116"ftiliZ;1010.15 WatlaMt.j-if . wi t truzam P W Utispos l 4 4 ati iNO WW6 11 43 2 as. I rip tpd Slaw Indlar, Isr tr i ll. ll rejt . Wig, SWI-WW4-114t lumnabtal pap data oppra Allonrs - I G all Elpf 10101sksto,Ws1ArilletrtnIsIttasit.1101:1016L- -...0 — 717-4irrmitanoArg, .. ', 7, 1 ' c01044T. libtint -0011 - 0. m.- az tMI ra - dilsistitsl **1.800011.11021 (bp. LE . wasp". tbe sbarsAsst tilltat rt. 1 ..4... D I NVIVIDU Ist, at 4p.a. - - -, , , froWhi 62 WWII ati boudoir Its' + •• REElitiiiktALTXPOlang4 pornmom riattr.. , - Itiegtab utesant mot remicaus. Jg Ottoniad Inteassagto reta aro ncIAWILT, 44 Winattif mein rollOa 1i.004 . IGt SP A ft ; :, , JANw Oubillts CO. Moe toOntiow IliontoOlbas . • B.olao. 31242193113 D . it OIL o r korArANAU kir" OgPt" NASIIIIDAYMaY,_. 64I 4 , WW:=4 O 4: lastsstitit #401416114,6111A1ia1'',' -- 4,4140 a, ._ 4" , I ' ja4 . o9Z,Lit pri? T. ("TIFIRTh. - collualsilat intim% k, flrettislag (set. _...r......ittP.Cz1Q.A" ,-l~et+T .. ~lß~.- ti ' .. ' .. O r DUET BALI .-{im 1 in. 111 • ay. al IN 0 2 180 Mt; i•so• et . •••• . • - • &Mg Saggsw.. ma. lig IPIAL atzeig, by =bat e MO l . ~ .. .. Omit. tha fallowing Impend . . . , halamelag to natal or Ital rang& roba Imadr, Wei • Imp let ea Wale ai Liberty alma msit Ittiair• 4 4 . . _..- , ;lig • Ito Whir . • '•- orggtitettle - Or ,+ 51a5+111551+ +.6551,1 5 14 " ipCrgitolf 5•555, carats of 8 115 m. sad Mural snap. etotiUm7oB Yu so eitarm tr. altar rr with the stamp earth of stoat 60 bd. aft 'Mid a tbros *yr 111114 Billay,_ S SW ..Aii Boamh a tOWII.n.- , oql. k plitr - ` b i.4 'wn .7 4 u :"". :lll.Urkiritir_ _Ago 11=414 .1*1 L. 55055.wAniz. Light. ALUABLE 13TOCK.-Chk TUESDAT 1'611141140. Nov. lit, u TH 64 o'7llth cloolf. Tlll to solif, At Oillidlddal Oaks BOOM, WWI . 1 1,.. 1161665 es A o lso!vol 11414 1 1 1 1; • • . ~ 6 , do , rllOONstiolial B 4 ook, Afligbioy; 6: ate. trgratann T r St a ocr: *4 Clity of Omni 00=lidso Bond; - NO &Am Nock Omni 011 r o l t /4=l, a rtddllbilrea - 66?; ISID do Mooing A Blood 011 0.6; IWO so Walla do; NO da Ilmoir .'", ' ""i do; 4' . l 103 do ado ihr - - ,- ••••'6,0 , - • 660 do Too, Story A Marry 800 Oil Oo; dm oo Boob* . 0b0v.4 lion 011 0 ; $1 do Bono NveliAll, Odd. , NO do Ohio 11.1164 ,- . , doi . - , v- , WO do Moan 40: dl A. 1101 W AINZ. Loot's. • 89/GNEE SALE OF it SEVENTH • WARD LOT.-0a 111117 DAT 11•1111(10., ibf Ifor, baaolt,aritta r al Astagatt:-AT uoto _Roma Elko ZOoooo,f+lrlftlgoteobl, Woe woiltbW r 141,014 lot cm Ovarblll strait, Wog Sao wooed lot (two Chinn Mono, now tba radiance of Gan. J 1L Mos, bon& Sbo lot Dentate, NA to OwAlll Wtwtro• 4lo,. tong. bork to loat,.oßiao sutn, Iniolr...lho reit to tbo wall of whiab otolog inl c en to pnrchaml on Womb!. toomu, b 1101MMWI Rdo PM. tr.stoti—Ono boll eat. tho 1:lonoo In eapar, lola t, socotrod 47 toed sad . . , A-L=4M kers p. OOD FURNITURE-AND NEW OAR., b PILE £T AZIOTIOS.—MTDEMIDAT MORS ITO. Ilcry. 111, 010 o'oloop.Vll. Wal NI Nola. at MAUD' , " Eal Almilmg•ltto *Pk ea aasoft- , atopt of wall MO mist Vozaf tan, Carpath WIT" ito.,fittaprlflag Moo Ilatossup Boa- Marble Top TAW *a aada, Rabat &Ca SW atm 'ltafgLot not Walnut Ottomans, =bowl War WO Tablet, elagaat loco* Sad. MaUl ltia. sat WO% ISMOMOIR k Swap latol'aaa L stf Tooalkdataida, ?tattoo Itpakfast, Dining afd Eltthon Tablas tout Ma e. , Loons, VlinattJan Minds, P4l. Ifet . oitto f pfaaa Ckrato, Loolt*; Giros, (Wawa. 7. Abb2Zl.ol4 Impala sail Mgr Carpool, con T. A. 11.01.1ILLAIID. Montootor. APllkilti On vzorart; Ns. ithanionoN IN PRIORS I Garrett, &Ad by al Dcnyyttd oynyvbeer DEL W. IL 1100W1111 a CO. Thordstots, 190. fa Warty dna, lbw Tat. !or to nada,* ay a 17404813.110 • 00.. • I candela Mama sad Kota Myst. A p t the New Carpet Store. abitu,daii.v7 Oil "Cloths, inEndow..Bhades, mca.aniain) a anms, No& 7i and 72 Fifth Street, Vat tomato Itifool.4 .I:7laa am Druggets and Crumb Cloths, WI toys loot nothvd soce What, am and very bloats plateau Wpolen Druggets, Medallion Centres, LOA RIIIMC. MaPAILIAND & COLLINS. Ike, 11 asap Mill trait kat tlCiorit•i•sse ammo isavaii spar g; 0 VET la O. EET CARPETS AT LESS THAN COST. FALL STOCK .ell all on 'Ws on nod, (purchase' d Woo tbs late admons) comadszabls big tbas . , ILIIIITICTIMERV ELMER, I AT IWCALLUNLII. ARPET EIT,OBE. Ve:S? 101:01722 STEM. MU GO WAL COMPAIii Clppital StocX 81804000 12,000 ARABES AT 115 EACH ruziscri—JOHX G8417,_ Bgazay.arr—Ospt 001121011 1110.§.111111.5a-4 -fa. MIAMI& IDEBXSMOI4 .t..z.xennno Fai. alt scm — • -sraavragre,lnal..) . Qapi.4 l l-awlaus• me, eicsartatesaw • time, .. , h , le AsaWM/ Alts ;meta , Seim . the Alia Ocett,Worlas"-Issethee all 1 thee-Nieesse i , mactlslah lasi. sestWat.l2 ,ma AIMS 710 Jasietepettaft taMtia se the weet bask sla s utatallbeismiese.shesS saw aid s bat saki heese l'o .to tW lltlra peel." esittteit-sse o=o IC-. Ill" illkaill 7-.... e.- --ASS litti ll' M' ti 1 sad sa esamiltaS SIMIMMI.Isr eau. the idols an &beady amid, areteallaslalaltatala saa ~te goal sa erdef, lath entries atm. sae 1 ,00 4 11 Mr Si ss o. , Main beams St sortie" elmhos tom we. sea the sal hi sea Imowe to ta ad the 7m7lllVjaalts. 12•4•111sesr it tsiuma p ow .to eta at the Ms tamable • coil asertalstk am IS TOM it' .r. -..'"1 Ww.lllattaltiouttmlittMet .%kiell „OW _,1141411.111.3be" et si: . rail Wo , taamettast tee paw., sad pra .-Iv Valle iiiit4 tearis .7 llaS' ' Ida = , • F3Po sistaiWOMS WI taalm Mlf ase, 1 I Ter:Wks la smala. se P • ' UMW M. IeILARSI/. '<MAK= LND GAZZ .-• sozaersop-or ,- • ,- - - . • ..,i i , , 1. 4 ,,-- --- ; ; ',' ..,< -; WANARATENTiti. Ax4d zi-4T,ORIITPVI3I;A:rI,I4A3V. GILLUM STREET; Pittabirgh LioOrsED 00VERSUNST TO COLIAIO2 wirr in • timixolm slog TAT d al otba ll 011 'NAV 6 nava a* Tsai! anew . , ncrwo.nelsw kr4tlinrY. Ai% n ....411•1 .40Petiti 1 . 4 lir (nautili fitialmagrazirr, . , . •'' I szisin''' - trottecotraT — Atltitac i'-, xii ernatilizrzmuovs maw Y b ....sia tramroxigtor o oolcrogi". tow Mann. Moots' Omit, 50eit Tbulltio: 1 10 .• amp sad ill allsotlovs d its West sad . No Nab by Proygill4 Gaboard Dept" 0 "Id _ slaxeVbsalnsgallca. . , , DIA.R.B.IiCEA, • Atlibiatonal mei aria tag ono ricornimast DB., a: FM A111.1.00E101.11L•1 11 1T 11 • 110 tit• ago remedy tor ploartusitaad Dponotory. It to • lastiott•lr•strtapitts, iteorboara; littronitr.t. sadothok out to woorontad to Abet - acm it. ter o ka y memo hob 111.1.1. i Drees's. Gong Depot, iltiot fourth strootMool ooo ttl. CP. - ••• ~,' • .. • - ATEICICCAND'S PILE REMEDY: - . . • - 4 eilviniir.iire. ribs: sums .Itai met , tete tbe mat' mina sad . Elan% v0r.,......111 immakte , v 1•10, owl est* • PallUir. Sig wunistal to wow. Pfl i g r nixe.• impute - Oleteest Levy II ENV ..rri: ferffinAllt* i f el)lllg Y e, • Skti. c.l /No OWlttelollet WWI lygest Leolgtettearg.Bereettetwoit Vet. toes WOW, to 0•0 ItAtVe•Co Tee& Jo. Illpik‘tge*, tabloperstfoo, hoe _ freeti, sthebotet Hewn Owe . lb! ortroto o *Woo Odra I.,tt awaseolt am te' wittrotated to *Ow Ditlit• 4lllo4 A. 0010•Litt14 8 le,ufrosolb ittntek, tt•etbkeett o .- , . , Toit'tsto by rib. Oto. 1111T8111 1:61111r , bt Wadt 'wet! Oa, sod R. SUOMI! •0, cr d• sea Bawer i sirc a VlttebstWO I ehtt by: it AIM .1111. Lb - 80. TT stmt. MBDIC4L. faLAI? NItIVB I t r. , ,tt tam ussearmasift um tont,/ as maps iTun cIaEROKEE REMEDY OREROKER INJEOTWH OeMp.ed.3d etowlloot.,Batica ade (tarn. 0131120N318.161SSIDTAbe geese ):Was Dterada, coxes ill Orem of the ierfmoryergam, 6.:*.ettairdn6 laaasaisifoie of the ai l a saftaa of tha =Was, Rom In the fllaiLlat. Sada. 2.20.22.e5, am/ if apaisll7 MRCS. .4,4144 to tames.. of thaw Atha (Or Whltelia bpi dap.) . Shari ell th old ammo= weilablai here attad• ritOrtil 1n b.tear aonantt•!M tam Oil doi lift tan: sta• totwO issiponians tiros &wisps ext. Is discreet/8 sad scent.. to Ita ectioa—poitehob esei eldiediali the blood, mesas it a tene 1a e/d ltd adt.edelpitriquadvtgoe,thes remolded peed flagpole ill wtdob tan 40* &ink ct4l4,te Isoxtiartkialesdke.acen ally ex ablatead Co tbe °tartans Bezosty, sad should be wed Is earjaael Ilea 4110 that beedledu b all eats of Ckabortua:Cbiet, 7144,:aitse a; *La. lad:ea ars Mina& bootbing dimmodear, resortag en manor, beat, .bards awl Pooh im 4 of tin barbing and almost 1310Billifir , ble'peta, Itai Le expeelsaced. with seerV afl Oa clap quick ftdootleda; *thaixwortde =Rom alildni and CM Oliltilltiltallo7s—tbo two coldtolos at the tirto-431 ttoprocor dloctrompo 1011IVId, sad voi4ono4 intim an opoedEly rootond to toil rigor deoFkgth. - Tor toll palladia", get ow partnplot terra any de In thi corrato, or artito to gh and no ill Itoq tc; am *Ono, a tafl trona.. Pflory antsomiza SWUM P Pr bail; throw WINN Oar U. Prim, 011C1111EXII LELJZIIIIOS, i, per battLe or three bottles kw 44 Sint by wore" po •°7 a:boo, so IS. rooolpt ot prka EL aft I BLOM I D. Wa1011.9,1 RETUTENLYING =CM • 0:. 1:210=1 01 14:11. el? I ir 4 b.=rur. Taalibb ZOO" .outs Wartoo to tas noel The Zit embalm 11:Writ the molt atm atatrThe ta the ameba", Ilat•ate. het& •• abo , sad ehtiasot method at oatedynoptettreal old hod & veripatoloyetems. Shy` bodkins bee boob emoted by the own mewl mob of the day, leta by than pacesattaaal aro d the gemSagt thecnartes al the um Oho tails ®owe Qom& Detain& &hair dam met gritty's"' to bebetel. ON botlie omit l'apthathlti et the Hort Lis ere rattan the arras et ttaterestab. hoot as to time bottles not the stattbmilt t all 'lgor of 7oetb. Libra dant etrtaTet the impolite. Threbbottlor term the wont cue of tmobeatl. IMAM& ears the bre Cybrltsd. ON bottle natant motet pewee. li.hrtralamthrtoge the we to the gbeelt. Mew lidares b sasty algae end fob bairn the poor. dadaist.% wat•-•01,11 and be lei bevetwafeessael ylenest• - Tao ttotlee& mamboe ran , . the •••••&•••• It&& • bpsplia% taw viaila al wow etereedalt. so and deal wallittag tom most hooltA or Ina wet weal • dodo argosy rill an mad taanalas• mast Mb& by the elm at lab bider II arm LH& male 101 pet bottle, or gale bathe to gs, ...tied by am" as reottpt a! mew, to ale & bold by .fl drayessa mrywtms. DB. W. D. !MEWLS • (X).. bob Troysion" 110. co Marty (Mai WM VA- Ilirt Ole Ls itnabarbb by Z. row aOl - of to Iblaaand rad illsetailaysety. tras".4rwere ODIROKI3B MEDIOINEB. CHEROKEE PILLS• go7CIALODITIED WALD tiOtrUt GLIB AID Skill /or re grovel et ObOtneoLlom sad Oa Ismsoos o • MettWU" to.chs namolool• at • ;Tirf at* K iAntai those anmstoss dimmas. that Ptig,l,l,llf4l,2iii.Y4 ,t7t a vAMl *!l' ,cen , li4pstsiil4 , Namelts isil.P•lntal MS- 003.1600,01141C454 - ittnolfr! ..,"°94,f a4 . 1 ) 4 f 1a F 4 MAIM , palace Os Both Eistritlin 11111,0 t 68 4 6 4 Mr". 'Nig ta vs by zesaTbit emus 134 a a iti. scii» ob . i, c4tAi ltoal cb+rod..4.o? r pubui.tnati.taktmusi sotaffig itigtMearsvto asi Oessttadas, boom" dw siss,lbste tersatlos OWBS costuld• *mu. in0,;.,!1 6441 , ,,t 0 n 1 41 10-rs. t a! d i wow 61 'fon .t sea+ dory A. JIM Uri* lartgripa,impot the infarli4 la OM! Orr ALII WWI orldnik tedormaga at emir+. Irt to dlrsetkoss samoalliml sub MI. pm box, or dr Mai ea W. es ma, ttm of postalp, as iscetll of by all napadable Orgies*. DIL. W.l ARID 00., .iiIS" 7114•Iioptisom, ; I gip. a Us:* Maw. ZoIL toe,sals to Plttstargb 074: ilsaUllin a 00. ea/ onotamma lists and. --r - . CLOSIMARE CUM Trea,cuqua 4NDIAN BiE.PjPINE: .1 11 rompoossed, iroot4. , r . An I mat cm for Ilp,rmatorrhes, ilicaddasse, Nocturnal IndolOo, end in Cauca@ au Idly! adApollatloa. non ea Ice of ldronary, Nom , =as. plemo2 lbs 44414 Disaiki% 114c1. Old Ago, Weak Seem Dltdolity of Brrall• diriontaM WaturNOol l . NM/ Nona aft Ms aladeruntrostum. Wont% OcOolcatlon, arud. qatseck camplatntr awaidla CCDSKI4 Occo alc c rO; mU ruallotna tr • dupla vaptabla aniclud, Old co *a . b bus tuna used Is our prertkif or yaws, and . w ithtboorando enati4U VOW' to • doer Instuan. I potions tlr• Inn avail bur adliakat to Ws 'Woo on: Os scobbirs , ark .• , , IM thaw, wba Mil* with Ahdr =AMON:4 I m IMAyMok Mask= bmaaAl ..wk Um of =aka ilia MOM Pgpidr eat th• Mara= eare we year tuatUf - aad tine; U alorm qua nos { On partm Pt a afradar Croat Om DTI/ its tbe aural. a 11111* thw itoPri•tar. who ;mg tria mly mat =MC CA• As= •MI tmatha la,magarlitam— • Mies Qtr bott3s. or throe bettlia ter 10 4 and:s* iriera by coreis ot itu'iraitt • 2ol4btatt=Pedals Maid , wrirrrtrs. Ili: Rims IP s at ! ai t ri„ stectutimet a y exle"bleca7g4,4* : , ' s itiairtr PL4 WOll. MUSIC. tiv. /4104 , SOLI einamorta. , • Arabi, • di bottomaeker- 6tloi.f• - c rg 9 tUß g• 7 ! f) :lM i F 4 ' ?: • icirr• timrrla_as 130.1:31 Unerteast Organsina ifelodeons, 80. 13 BISSELL'S BLO fit. CLAM Oz. IP* takaptaisare rsessite to to• di thole vb. Sem rims/ tame isstrta PDtKatti. irlatut • /Debar! Bald, It.q., I Juba Qatzta. Dad.. sah., I yr. hots gams% Bst., W eb. 11d61. /. P. Szattly • Was Bet Dt.0.11.8. Blaattsgra, 0-4,1),,54 Gnat Bt. Utak EDwial.l.1 10 IP D. 11.500 Ms. D. n. tustaw. mt. J. - baarAfirlia. Ps, • DDlatrtat - us Pelts/Slaty, Toattgates•a:Ps Elea Bush //aDaPttarast Lthartp. Daps. J. B. Deems,. BarteluiPsat. ELstaaLltaelitoklay. • Dar. D. eabs/kTc.:Ap v. 7C 11=9/Att BtlatDool, rEPI /Lueshou v , oll7 . • t: • Atka iltastat., ea. 111.111 K Esq.. da. Dr./. B Etcollptook, Bast itterty. Ulm lE4l'l2l4=i • Ali Plano" stay watrsated ter Ms pasts. limedtalatireend.balut Mama tot oda wed Mt. DIU HoyFm,F.2l, apiarx k 00.. es inown sscruasat, t , .D3C,KEN'S PIANOS. le • 811DI)LE, No. 183 exrinrriao dr. .L 3 • 'Plana and Engles' lastratternts, tells cannon ' ill on nand s dna ansartntest of HIM MHOS. TIOLIEB. GII/TAR B cl e mutraa t. Iota! for iow taloa. liBAB178;PIANOS. rinse 138015. rislioa.--a : ootenditt onmrtwwwe Of Ow., oixtritraUed Pito4, wttl•ti w'U bi sold at riductkm of book Wty tounnty tin dollars Ism &boa lootory pie* iliomro lug Wall. of roam 4'.atiose:Alb of otostliemo tram nolbert.litrookoo o h and G. SaLlar. Alm tram some of U. moot ambustt rmAsson sumaan Obi acaotry. Clltooloti seta by soa lOU OBABIArra /11.9 4, is fifth street. PROPOS4LB. pROPINAD3 FOR RA.TIONS. Otieavrorterrea's OmSo, 9. & M. Ormrs,l Wmsursem., Met October, 1164 VALID PILOPOnALS will be reoeivod at thte o ;mill e'ekek P. NI, of the 15.. h day of November . apt, ferrelnalrbtas the United Buttes Martha, !OUP followe 'rutroe ear Oa )ear' itat via 7 emit, Now : Charlestown, lilmencht. wear =p amt 4. . 1. 1. sahington City Dietrict of Columbia ; Garver, near Nerlstb, Moab rail= no onirtri ai r thareborthe of o pond of pat or bowie or One sad a tiarah pond of tre.b or eallebeed; oatieros of loyal Or dear, or twelve' , error of bard bro., or ente salt af mute pooh of emu meal t owl s 1 the IMP to one beam& ramps of sight worts oftemas ; or, la Heathrow; tea Prinar albs; ov, It:l3'4W thormt, Mho_ wait„ tun& mot 04 matt* Of itta prtatio,' sad ono Modest P r omo dratted vissetablie • spoofs of Oar., or, to halt ae „Mot and eels& peed. of Om; Mesa patch" Cl Wax ; time quarts of 'Paw; ono , crud clitoris PeMeit, cow net ons f=orth yowls o oda. ttebtites eitofew e, vr onsin4 a tat' booths oi t o r ; ad puska., stop and or, sults Of salt,' Ur *Amp to be &Homed Clew: the .order or the Ombrimunimer OMOIC "or metlm did &ore boil, oi bah Ili. 04. raters. of goad qu a lity *la at eclat pOltortlefi.o . the ?ore ted_hin4 ots lees mete wad Warp, tsar, e 5.411.4: ths pert, Me 1, pa idle WNW 'phi PO 11360, 'kW" ampullae; tits coif vat ; tee sow. 'rod hew oiloads, usequie • lent; end thr Amor, beans, pedlar, map, mi, ao, be be of Food 4111,01t7 all eotivet to Ineom.lon All b d. mast be arc moulted to the following isarsoty. • prOind Olf 4:10 Warn% Tto rails of Ms Stan of ---,Le donated here by inanatia nw is am. In for plat bit of —..—... for rsGrata, Mato'. dararlinaL. besaorptab hoar It 7 Irian bra dais attar tb.. nottptofin. natran at the pod ran aamoS, ...cuts the coatrect tar as em. with rani and WO:lent tidatillas; an nu as Iht gel tonna Into oactraot, ahmaald, vs gasman* to matt anad Mien". bet awn Las that ad VIA& nay to aomparall. •. B. Guanaco. , G. B. Onartalot. Witottoo t LE M I Washy malty that the shore camel Itnova 1p ma es sines! prom ty, social:Soto sumo good bar guaranty. Tit be afpsd bribe Mired State. Dietrirt Judge, Vol. 1.01 Moto Dtattial /Mather, ear Oallacrtor. No proposal artll b. mondani tanking, aahomphethel tto tbsoloo gaarootr. rliesaPopero matzoth. ad to publLb lha above will mad Igo paper coutaltalug slut In t looerUos to this adios for osstalhatioti: ropos/a to be esdonted ..Nroprosts for Balm for V tot I I psi ogdaood to oho underslorsd. W 1°114.011., NW suegurtste sewer. E2=l:l • 01/11011 WIMP QClattlllllll arra a, (.8381..11aTt, Ohlo, 04. 11, 1101 PEOPOSALIA ABS INVITED BY THE MIIDIB8111111111), IoW TpItDAI. llovembte let, - 14/4.01 12 odook 1,, tar the lameltate Pelletal, to ihti Petattneint, 4111017411M---Wlsollag Pattern, SW*" of 1 east be men at the Goetrassent soma Ilighth aed Irmalan, street.. Obto. • To top Ofttys..d tn. of Amoy, st tr IP 8. 12. ,, ^ 48 ^. Tare to 101. eq. al* Pm name of the potty Water ea total Atabalsaa atelredaamo lawn datlieetet Mato 15 thdr Mat tam atunbte the prop.* to .81111144 161 VII% MP testa &Men ; ant 'sod inerantee taut tb• **Naimoli *4 1 4 taimetr* Lust Itatletd,otberelie the mitt al,apu nothe tostelltorel. .nallantats, ftaildf 11 two veep double peanut mit fleetp e ri6l4 gnaeanloslog that the oldter .11.1 tha Labalanateallietel Elm luster Igo Imo. penal , - ' • • Alta lett be oteleed on Itatedey. Plowman 14,1111. O'clock 11, as th'e Moe, sad bleolere ass nom* `2 , b , snout. • r Al he nods es trolnsaday, Noe • . 11, DEL te .sittalred that the matron sit as WV/ tattlist. -Inlettatat telittlatil to - 4=ll PSI pot ba Staal tonna at Perposala, Mott sat 3012411 igo,7 ottated at O on*. t zjg nod 10:10.4 1- Ja7 PI& deusid tganloonable .011°R0.!1:1#0, ablrattotai^•sa6 adze/ ' • Ott VIE lit„lfeltle; 041161- Otaatilltatt papa. • 1116410,:la,adatl, I,ANte -SW OP , -I, ll a/MAiinna ranTalli , a 04 • • la CAsra Qll lantaaa sad llama WAS a ta rZlna iga at laiessay ,Varal bad paw aubtrallaglaidansot "Ma Ala Ilaaaola. Men lam/Zama eMbarkipastWol al tegrallasa. , go• lamp asiemaMe WOW, la i lak ui llomaiall man& et aostay. O. Salem no r WWI Fa laada ,is alt sboalaaai aaaarala, "Mat .al pow trade& Ow Madam Ilassakel.aela le add ,r mow m ipsoatalts to in al ntense. *Wan areal] oft, J. IL gIISTEL As. Plaallala.wid.ll=3=7. w ll..?=, con t Wand , 11.1130 TOWS MLR Or KRAL ES. aXf." ll tit bo lanai MOM Loolt%r Obi toy Abo NTH PLY CIit,NOYMAIDS If ek ( 1. Matottwo llainrs-tedng WozobOtwO, dtaa ow lb. at Wirt Woof Iwa Mtn! alla, So Oho Call of bay, ►.v omen I'IO. • befitting lots bts:ll. tOloot toot by MI US asp, toy two owl folwootoMowissoof viand. boo. 17:1 g t l l t=pars to ows. at a cooltdroot of MAO par TINY% , VII botaki sail tfto - rtattf to tho too" ortn oddibiotblw ',^ - , ---, -•- ' ' ' ft& firttiOrirra"....,,,..t,ram.....4sorsuatol, b= by falba tty .4inartlyt ,los Oa 510 tot of Oa IC/ 'lr. too oak WOW lambs of The Cabot biota. foto WTI oda Oar at 10 dolga . se: • -, 0f1340, . , , it Ifollbflittlt. noway °Argot, k 4 O4 -41514 't ' - " . . . , trn 00 A.M. ==l . , II" ore Maths Was& Wok Mufti air toessoliwa pares. „Out be ftnAbel. rm.* semi Mated; 'MB be waled iftekr or. Wirt. CILSETTII 01111101. **11105t0P04.4: 3 ),,* . tv..k. - :'00AV. 41 04- I .**' l ot, ii ue 14.0 „ 'Paid Elabert, Vlttli. Pa, ,e=l.trammo, to me g: ,ealead and 716;x11171 sat lavagligostilmb Pusili= i g l . ll av 0.WWUN.1 1 11 11 4: 1 :9 , Amy, • Meenittet and ftio _ , Alo Tad= .ChavolglLllSPoq lag .71rir mown. Oa HlNSiar, n=4l a cum, ZOO WWI OBZUECIptiI, ruirnaus p.m 443 . 17' , ..0. ,alrl :$ Blam - •, 3 ` ll `„Tzlikurnarlsit CA*IP *Wax FOFtriP 101 c 1 fOlrF* IIIIMBEIDDVD: ; - . . 001 i kcco Illmftitteca ..74 . stout 00 , 394. 0, vat 111 tb*ltlnd ever Oblisbed. • Litett. sal bat. - iSliels U c then. In tie It) motto. 01 eatoole4 ganerkrit; 13 ibtatticas. Rios 81.4 /0r tali Dr' .. ~ . .„ 2.4. tr 4 2 1,18 rourth Site d '' .. . Nett (tlxrr to Ins City Hatt`. ! RAD—/00 pig. No. z 1. Soft agleam Lea swiz a.gassasiii ACTO •+ iaz RuiN imam, .flip nuns. Pa. • nrrnimat a 00., rt.mbatarn, a DION, NAILS AND SPIKES., Presmat pet. nreitial tallsave of the mrleef— ..Ank ISITA:011ITI.11, L v 61131 (b., PA. nIIQUESNE BRAES WORKS, OADMAB & (MAW ORD, Iliarallettosered me, t 7 0l imbhea BIAS) WO= mos vraiinams, MANI aAe TITIBBI3, MACEDI2IIIrDA ADD OOPPlraollrlm. awe CIABSUMB,of &LI dreottotteee, mike ea or. deg. STIFAICBOAT-WOII B . I =AII'AND - GASITY . eadiLDPIM Malan =MOM ta. hrtkela Wan te MIL ILEPTIMIES TOBAXIAL AND Ohl QM& - Airrt, hole Atoottetor the WertersDtetrtet d rearnt• veal. ar e the Ws of IIADAROADBDDLa , 00 . 1 / PATEICIITIIION 'PIMP; the best" erer bototed. Haelee ¢o tt le oot Ileble.to4st out of order, and *ID throw more velar thou erg pomp of War lte dm. IVN CITY 'WOMa raournosia, aiiimtu. j. & 00. rait-/miss Omar of Film wad CVlllany tad • Plt. aat Wslautsgtriels, guar ORy Visa Worko LII G I it,trm'olari=l3 .1 d=V a l sism)graar=vpillxl4 ROLUSG te30:17 RQBERT9, Mint! a CO., Mk Ile Third it.flittibltre,, riß amp mar: utois mamma. &of lloatfo:otulsof of J W A23J •.We en now insintaCenerl __ bent ion nerd DOI. on!Alwrgtmg, ;1 , 1 W p tollet Ware bLett: 1 ; 1 1:: Ido il teNnlnbler Inedners, Splttoont, &large , Ibt et Bled Owe tor mile 01.1 Oen, di MN and t3TATtltnrerWr"'"l'vbalso''. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DLIMISIDUrti PeTl.57 OVAL L. *MP XX IPSIIIT •sAS Mere allausays are totuaded Ourttul Sat Sarah haat. logiall parte of ip. Om equally, does nal expoee It to coatklas, IL D. DITEIDID9D. het Pistehar Warta, Vratlllgitaa Wm% Plttebantb, • BLACK. DIAMOND 131T,EL'WORICA rixtunen, FLEX., QTKEB ft CO.. 211 . 12121) QUIT 22233. weltrara inst _ ail stew. Warranted d ea any tenpostei C cr=tegenuird be tide country. Ger Mae i d trareinweigos. taloa 1.21 71252 sad kW bud 122 EICWBi)6TE2JettI. Pittsburgh. belttrd A I ,LL3'.N M'CORktICH & 00., Vann •Mtie TOrrnalte. Pitaboasb i lir MlTTPsrabose, 131 TT Praia? • • • IFZof 000 s, &man Alri, Eauirtia Lo r ka& .4 l l :Z it stt l aM E TA lA Migli M Ossztog,_oo, Wake sod "Masan r i l l , Ikerr=goo Boar, tzsr Heraos, • ril 14 .1 obtase, sad 7=liettop= r " Ow P•bat Portable Mill, wall Stem or If ' wrTi Power: • artlimd, I . Its IL hINTSfiN, _ dasmi rocrsonas ' U Claws. 5.11.111 imam Flute:der attartsa• : weii Co tbo Wank , Te sod nuLtrame of ou. nntruS lh. An kbeda or BRASS Via =ON OCIOHB al to ester. , Alm BRASS Ork.STlVela of all k1. , • 3 • a lb. aborteat nottea. am% order. ban st Flaw/41 teak It Wr•Til It IMP= .d , l, Marty, will be prceobtly ittoodee to. 10 ' ,1 1 17.4 pa i r :al= ttotr len l b " ,wr• will ha , aura to give aatislaction to essay Mgt.& We ass atm agents t0r.0.1121. Gorelsoo • Oa v Tri4ll PIM', pr warople4 Water, °rode and Ito.ord Oils. A et daStrtr MACHINE WOMB LND H. CO., I:lslraz innmtunis AHD iumunns. 140 x. Bairn, Demean laderal dialdruky, iLLIVIDIST OM, PA. 11,3tatupsneri onfrawnikirs PATTSTPOSTABLI ONITIA ACING num MINTZ, IThadlag, 14 9 .trtus of m Ulla atmaa j VAR FOWNEI3, (late of the Arta of VI Tomagy a Eilalay,) JOILI; B. EMS= (We of ttlocoao, lianas 10o..) RON FOONVENS 100 STOVE MANUFACTURERS EliSibanh,,Brj . Ray Joy a. Eamon a 00. WI32&fLIDDLNidt. & 00., No. 216 ,t r i ' stma. jw "MI WEilen, ittl dscrtptiolk oissz u sa V', • loikits . Ctkiendlli sat war SIMPLVICE, .63—WAsxs 435.: ••• •• • t tailidtsturir BOTLIS a• • .IrVIT IKlllS.cospakeis mai narcollof mates• rt • •- firticono nixed or Owed 15178X5 .ad oe made to oresid start exam= yoo-tielutt ossusaistO cla bind. -t • =Mutt , Wk BENNEIT, Mariarsetiutrrs of -1M)1911 GOMA sad saws taoscrs. , p = t ril Waimea ai TI MTH MIME • OWS, BIFT3 17.arIA SOAP: CRIIMPTON & 004 'rsNLnprrty Street. w.t.r. rm onto, bbeig.a, mai anammed. 'AUL, ° ;u l antoasuffirs at mark( so aS Palin.-Garmsa. Olin and Eosin Soap, =Mil Tows" AND Pm= slum: mom IMHT*II ITAIM 110A25 into ot costato*. thin' Iscolosilid is Wats osmium *sissy abet = _ th.- 134i4tZtor bia lltiVall "17. assas , iftldts' ass sten! sagalsre ' the Root fir , kb% Itsatoti - sad Wogris crabs lisatod wit! *if moiety . at Otttos rff.Uses. Ostlissmobie with lb* Salfli MOW SW do sot Wain az bad Os ?Olds& WA od Immo spros ti Visfs4 NIS bilEr. ~ . , . - &awes avesse." .*l.ltadmatt'lltlitgeit' lig Smola, rad the war Sifts Wow .01 issionststr, i f .111.1d1U midst liposp.intsUres ad Sol. , Ws s t to Mat, deribsOlostroals Stossoltsl sod Mast UMW. t .alt sod fbr dials; turf& sad Soar 111. it bog Trr otold.- Pre elm llatb, sod partlesisrli Om Infolop Al* •q. P ^: 1 Pre Br. to • ralut win*. ,In •—•-nri.. .. ~,,.., irs. . nod U. npatior golitare, sokortry it tiu, r111111101W11111110.V... TVs Ossiitint . s trlsi Om sti 1121/. 1 1 SON 11 1111111 dos si i m s • wml, ars will Wood it* trios of thi Mae, id : 11kLISS =snot les &Mt be it. Viol - idsraissti fedi skill VIII _a• .441 - ie, gin .CraggirtoN' b 00. a WI, fra = stail4; oltrga IF ri= of al I=cs _TA W /ite m' all i toriot.wast rANDIrEt PORTAPLB - •• s , . . ,TEAVE - SAW MILLS . sod =Line refssisS Purishrs obis Intryiss intanDr • ifLanDrOe esta insisaltsto Wats. Essisvuu. Ows , • ftireffs&n..sw, nom*. to %to nne.' inns pewit= tlos. exhitakalk.ia pur Stet. Natlol* Paha , oa us% pat tit q 4 ,4 34 g o ! rieveZz ittl="4%.l"ugtidttlyrg= aus wow. Jams mu k. Tess% ists art Mast %vial mesa. Kaiv" llfiai MOOD lomat zioth Weis 14(Oliestork „, d a , Prtirted lastrodloas and giciirrau4 111=k . :1 10 " itifilkotilicrirorasta itttl? dasall+si , EL a P. MANDY; - - •• • -itimitaftworsinnatiobb. orth.s. vErtts and gortara6loll* 'ORM& n9CTO ' JAMF23 VOZST , pOQETH 4:llHa the Prayed Menthe e: ?flee. - • ISAD— 600 pigs Boa Genus in store ' km Ott? J. IL onnirrimp. . WA Dealer .In, Puns, M CL = onona; so.oze. in Wood seme;bovir INsinonot ant vusai .mgriuteancic ` „ j~..~cmaQam.~.►~n.~► MISICIULL ODIFILMSION ettEEKIEWIT 4001 gr, ' Grata ana Prtovistostt: inxercinu:ist. rim 44, D. • F. QUIMBY & GO. , 7J. 430Mthirg10n nerchar% E" too wins watril i .aicA ' au. Din .p stlaatlon ID vorthaltnit Roar, Grain, provisions, ffe4 QVIIV 3I mails wevAcH Commission, Minima, to. 19080019 liflaNa 4:IIIMGA. !Ms Piatbagar attatitioa paid to tlillig ardirn tar /681$161:11, vsovistotra, nous • , comtusator masoluirrs, And debars In Fiona., Orals and Pe*dyne*, I,ISOOND betweez Wad ecklatlield, nrrsstritoti. iciras sy ra,.,,,J0m Avux......esnil‘a-sasaturn DUTjEH AMEN & SHEPARD Corn mlafdon .chi.a. and Deign Neelgisad D. 1314;0,17MM, 7101113., MUM, 011/ICDI= 3 . 'PDX krOl.frolia•Prodzio. Parini, !To. 115! otreet'appealt. Ruse{; Depot, - . lir Once and Commisatan fro. 10 mmincio 04/132, • iMtip 11 811 M.T 1 '..a writw-h mostiguaints. Ell eII4ELEB 0. B,USLEY; Produce and Commiceiou EUrchout. ==Mq . Dt l33 !3B01:13, ♦c4 baler in &I ktnna of ODIXSTILT PBODUCI3. B. IT9 LIBIZESTI MAXI! attrlas dcrru aracranca,--P." • no. amaalD..4 in r th eists dna of It. &M. Irpopaid. P i t • 01,1, Ohlo3 An 'DON ALD ARMICK,LVAWhoI , rde pr.t.m. and Oneunimaian 1.6' anbasca to OMUTA' H. O.SIKILIC and KO SUGAIII LOD HYRUM FLOM= ISIL AW d 1 LC4 TA t ß on U naZ, O H t M at S& g h M . K"Dolt OK• WI:RIVER & LAZILIR, !-) ;rhou.a. We r 179 AND cinustos *ca. 27 awl zs 51117111127XLD BT„ cote eemael. 12227 Trrsntrsat4 a LEECH, Fious Amp Guar. 1 0 1 4 , / e : 'ltia3 T 25 .7 1 1 AND ooh NZIXINM/11 , 14 Ito sae: of OBAX/1, '812D13, 'MUM, . rsonual. Ac... and agooo lbr colebTsted llolontoVra'ClUMNT, N. 116 Second sad 146 Mot Moot% botvelot Wood god godOollold..nollodeu orastif. tran—;.-26.---..........e505aa =NAM T_PDAD b METZGAR, Grocers ead Com 1-losblioni&mita, nal dealers fa 'ell Ma of Ooscotry • Prolace load fittsberib ktsatfteares, Ng Laiff stmt. onalaa leadof Woodwind, 11138- 14segb. *Aix WEBB & WILKINSON, Commission We b, Wholesale dealer. la WICEMWIIII 811- 11:101VE MOM DEM TWITS, BOTTLE, Eal3B, emuss, voodoos saowally, rilkSHlgn, EIDVISOI !cam`-. 1117 lelbostls street, Plttsbelo. marlYssh.soada.ooetqwwwassalidted. lelg-tod • '• -r . r .1; Inc ....inn BECK.,* 41 - .)., — ttitClB.t - Liberty NVl l ,Liltreet, UMW:alb. P....Nanleen, Own rt.tneot Iferchants, and dederi ri ODUIirRY PRO DUCT. PEOVISIORS. BACON, LAUD. DVIITEB. clisrsz, PRODUCT. FLOSTB. REAI3I; STEM GUSB•01 pp DU= TRIMS% An, TAIT and 1.41117 - • ' Opz,, S U JFID ; Cannon= mai awl!missals deasr aserrmr - asoraes OICLESZ BUTTER, LARD roni, BACON, moua, rum, PDT AHD PE.A.B. AvD ES, EALED,VIDD, LIDDIED AND ILLIED - OLLS, DE) ED TIMIS, mad Praia. geusszlly, Basin asul 14D Teas street, Pittsburg!, . . . LITTLE & TRIM Wholesale Gm I na ten and Oa=hest. Ile at., Amara Is PBO• DUCE, FLOUR, BACON, 0 I, 1418130A880N Ale YARD OM, PBON, N GLASS VOTION TAMP, end Pittsburgh luau geuseullg, 111 and 114 Seemed street ,Pittehurgi, I,IIL. D. WM= frit i tarrt itffititlOCCElßol l3 Rams. d daderson,) Wholes.* era la roh NIGH - IBMS, MIS AND INPICES J COMMOTION IMT , BUGLES, MS WORKS, dos, Has.. 1.53 sad 131 woie wen, go.* 11116. Maw* , -. triska7 rerrEasoir& ODIOSISSION lizacaurre, moos ass GIULLB, and gosabil TECODIICO 66161, ns a woos aurae.. PSSthen:S. es, " 1 tDA:1:Q1: : look dealer 132 081.1:9,1d, /ft 4. um:TIM sat rd'r t A4o. 46 Wood oirod.alono Wow, r E - jOHY FLOYD & CO; Wholesale, Grco Ocamatoles liseeksata, 8e5.1711 Wcod sad TZS Liberty .tea t. namborgh. Jetii OH ARLES OALD " DRII,L&s. Immo? to C',ea>oo.,) PO= .W PA .- sod &lair. I. PAO9IIIIOIIB. Gomm of Karket "a 4 Trutikstreeta, PituLargb) _ - CH H HA R ILIUM 1 844.14171b0t. AZal Claim bruit of nor Banes and nosily sie ern ROMA" atund. Itattlearpo atentka poll ta -Kam teems nr Nerotandia. someally. - ocitery T EL . VOIGT & 00: L. EL witarucci - Aihr coinetaor, pap. Tipi M FIAT 73mr, & -Ga t , wb o i e . I,A, al, °reign, Omentsice sad lot warafts Men abpat.,' sad.&Om to Predoce one Elttsboolkla war. WALL&OE, _Ctommissuax • Lt. sad Rholsois mow ts YLOIII'mad C hie 7 l o NM 153 Ltbcaty mane Pagmirtillalk B. B. liklomoter Depot, - a nd P e nn, Ts. pow, Warr bur, corner Ways* and Penn stiveta; ' ,ziorfai AMBRECT; 013:1065N GO., ,Vilugo ge. oevem add Paeddc• pried, No.o, Stub 1[8.&11J1 DICKEY & 00., Wholesale o...o4oacmisdai and-4 6111 a to no= so. SO Wats dime fed - E6 - twat , dress ELIMPATRIOC - BROTILEA__gao. TJ • °dm , la &Mai a LaallParalal.' WAtutal . atilt 030012 a, Eas. 1111 &Malty stroill„ na. mos RIO 00F11111-44st recniTed • Wadi Illiatcbcdc• Ige (Masi setaialdleir gams sat oldie's OW,. he We &Sibs Waftsai• oas stm . • • -- JOIll /1. liTada &W. 026 muss Ltbaty sad Hand str . ads. . T A AsEtl ,ALLZELL SONS Mamma LARD Olt% Ou121012•01 , .. ata cesnia as the • - • ma We of OBUO2 LIED TI3:LIGGETr & CO., orrr - FLOUR!. . Dia lOW, =sat Mort" aft:lied drab. 4011Apheltr.11 0 0tazeslabor 46: .... • • • - 'CIOHOMAKIER - LANG; Coximunag 14.:7 lad gikdamds oksJort la GRICKEI3I- . IZIS, noun, GISTS, PRODtral, /aal.. Ha. ddl Marty dead .Plitsbants. '11d3417 on IMP/ ATT , / & VaLSON, Oomnina literennh an Orin lin• din Pinbugh unutM. Iles. - 1138 Mat, Bl,l, , Vlrobsale sad GIUMI.9„,IOInt 17114PIADZIOID 74.1. Idbsrtf stmt. Pittabtanti. , MIDGERTON a STEWART, Wholesale XJ DUMPS AND DONNIESMILIDIBMIANIN. No. IDI Vic 44 ftripi. Mme.: ^.,. ,.,4 yotty MI 3. J i OHN VEOUHB meCtUft , Amatimrammumm;mnqg '4,4asiummirmargemairaum,—.. WEEFILAM Ba.PALInt, ga alto®.- Vac la ma laliatiot.. - - WALL PA.PRESAMTEIniNA)P - 1 864 . •I A anoplate wertseulat V bonollgol CHM NO NOIEG6 of filll albs sad oft colon. War by . moll W. P. szausaktau IP Vast 14. sPOIXTEKEENTS TOLIDQUArrip.' 12$ ROOD CM= JA.IXLMS 130W2 1 1., eaki o - i24.ettntia or ertaffaa th een tot Amaze AIM narratiliotrarnsiASZ caw , ' , :t.) itittedle' tittle of GUNS, BU LM EXYCYL9It6 3 &1531111 got alltitotatuntstoet oa thartnodat,_, P115301k, GLIM BAGS. POWDER tlJ. EN HMI MI metro let at So. 43 COVGBEASTUZZO. ^ otid mummy Daus mum , Itut t own fivaivya.. or at mows Wallrar.ret s C 0. 4 ,4 reptiets a sari km& 114,..ap0ka ffts s ay it? azat. "111 pranaul•s'ill - Vastit thil —.'Au • w i ' vt • • • 1 136 E irrataletni• - ' . . . 111.1111 K CCM ..-- 21/11. R. 11....101.16 :3 . ,- _ Co fiS tgr IV Sfraknlfforatostor 1114 , ;:tiLi - Isortti MITI *IO:4IPAVL. Clii2ll3l_ ,-- - - .., -- • v poo • , MWW wr-aasueitMoDiksioz rams.. to Ammar tllatfaa'ftily. Csargefraidg.l l4o IL Ilk. ; es. • flan 'Uo .0 . bot Tok - PtUatmigt ni sad sooklog ttroa-mszkootYin far in rk. 7312.33 trine flierAlfr. livg , fafttaa ova loodooroops motatomemoo 11.••=. I= 2 4V. et 000t.cofierligilwoolifriloraifolAfulte""511641:.'14h71,' ' ThrOXIMODIEF IMPZlESTUALtionikeoltpdfd 6 2 pao.orraistavarfllof FM:44 rtstiao; tooklacalawil occOrlooddriailiaoligoomfooalettemas isialloabor -- Sts sad fra=mmingelt= . ~, iky) of ILZSgoso.. , otopiothi *VI ,rtf poltdiPot baortootbag oiligantb=pforlak4llslodat.., • • WS. Othoci SUM # " F .; a. st. rtaite,doe. lit - .11(or VA. - • I .. tfaUforflorsAsocmaartoramortrao2orrof Wig - ..) - &COP: o 4 o4 lrift IS sit Ottlifskafor , - Attomaxekess Trafsfar VAlrslififioi if4l - . , ,a.tilisideloql. c.. , : 4,,.,....,.... o„,,7,,Wallt#Smaaimia ssi , Ay Ai l iVir ifir* itjtiii*iif --; iroartaaa=miltwareiiiini ~, = i.V.. ar.u="hritagr scam - 1 ' .''''' .'-- ' c' ' ..p..1 o. ro.ifo,rialsg. bons' 't r.a !kil '' s. J damn. , Mop. 81. • Rtahasphio, - • um ah, osi ,_: /•=llf &Elena^ , MM.* , . ' - foromoaroilltrol:—..-..--'111:01•0‘.' 7 ~11=rWO 13tatko , CUI a. oi. - ' IViaratolks aleallanakt 405 6 , - . 6 ~. TWA Voir. •,1144cooArnar. , ToisrUalrferktusraors ilhazacioroforfaa-4 Nap, ok. Itattoors =ow; irMiorrfra - fefk _ Ifs• , ~, remoorta= l ; 64 , o t,skomec tuferomUos-wfth.Tlcroaer,tomoomilOcor.lobOloloft ....17 Alstocarorolatifq sod Mxprosolzatlf TlieflOLutat Mk ~,,, do:4l:mm sioa.Johnoson_fumosiO 4l4l or IRIS :, : Trawl* , liidogbaralamassoloillkomitiotikllopmf , : IspooliliKawrisiorwasomeirtkr , "„ „. .. —.,................,„ ,•,, , • ::. :. . ~...: ,: • _ ~.„ Turas T00k...'........ Pi ro - we. 5v...--416 I* ..3 1.-ne.w0u...... , ua. r.z.....;—. to ea . : ,T........--4 • to Alwar.s-;.---- -111. s _. Mair a ct i tt ball yaws AR i vi's-- 1 47. raid., sal . to. R h /4 1 Patzlrf i OA ,_ I . ......,roll+ Pll= s ilettlel to liii von irk kV ::1 to Cos ettos r, arircil ta=tbn ratio. al:9 1 fro, 544'P r ni ll - Pat cbmpialr_bao it coro t'o •' 4 - :1;;„ /1011 L M- k.• Ow -orel-bolit I itulminan Trozioale b t Secima 11117.111111... . De NILDIO)Dt. ortszciadthgli= ... :1 , ,, - - ~ .. 1 ' N. Z.,-laa Oisiztkla-14D , Massa 1151glIrligia cane; _ . , poloortro and bottori to oaal tram Col DoPffi. 101 l chirp ea Oa Mood ID Mt% Ibr o Vrifigrrt .... - a.t. 41vesitelirsabi Omani Eidbcsll4l= , -'. ror Mom and Mau scrods ~ ' al. A 'LliNalitNit - AcL must' aim= " • -MASON OP • • • : ad dud ZONDAT. 1104 03 1X1A, as " litMlarEAS. • itt alEli Tabs - Levu lEdadat i j i stra " linataliPtacardig , tat oria.- - 1,47 - Mang • a ?a i m= lataaaa m a . • eg=saKn Plasaaar'ids. Loa pcop. cialaNr el.l4ak Vat: LAFICOZIEL Opataada& • • ftrizArillnAta PA. ce WLWAY ADD rcalgalt CL ;AHD a PITTESIMEW 11117.12019. n , IMPULTI PrOs1"1. 1 :0 10111 : D M as Annan, IKE . • r. 4.01116.0 tw.Lbs.` Far Sr ONO* melds &Ma. Labe selitLibuna—Vri.T.lo.ll4g*.le O. 350 p. 5.,7:45 p.m.. TO*. 5a.44:16:60 pas. • O. P. It.a. Mx , st., US go. 10. 4 11.p0e.n.. foloolsoneamprnmllM—TAkik Ansighaty. anr Beititep.lor • ilerw 0.414. itar swam* :* axo 6:40 p. : 6:40 p. Lto3 • 430 s. ID: OOP. al. oSolaki. I . ! • Arrtre at 01401417— VP. Y. 'W. a *wpm, I* is; sad IL . V. VAL, /OAS s. Ss: • • '`!.• ' • - osmium Puma; 2ut rtui t i q l pits Pumper Maim. L. Q. GAESILLSZSRp.',2Ir.kat - oats V. B. MI MS Omni lick* Prat. 0 NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRITIGN AGERTV/ rittsburgav Petinlb ' . - ..; Cheat bungs from lh 1, 41 .ountru-, , ay Sheens dam Glgtlate Hansom dribs Uv foal ala7.s24=am Zola ULU efialeSs I Emend= .....--71,933 tom lf tlatitt Loa a w 5...1,120 to.. Irti/li 'ai.., LAVIN' - D.s.te 1 --. 0 tom 1212plo,itifav N. Amorken-- 1 . 111 : 0 tout Ba l i , -..t01112 , Shaw atiement Lavelimp v i'LI Siftriall/L1 - - toluttog ea lawkativerf for 31. Ma Latch Nisi _ ives cut the atalis, veld UV* solilmelliold IMMINISOi - t. faltioaa kw propeg. Yen hoz. Weird al kw . . &Wary iie Rey Turk. Ps. Maker TAIVCCITIII LINII of selibottal Clippee , • &Mu N -IL,tvevbg Lavemval Le He, Tack hem . • eles,eaa She .2. of -.maw Peallvveribi , tavilloo fallow Vat erg Iva itaj‘lettan • pal MISI:111101118 the rinn , . _v it a c' WA. Tolvottarllna---?----Maf ; Cfritttr ........:010oadafbgaavelaahve Ltexamberc. • tfavair---e—A=1 3 . 11114 . - .. e1e5ta......1g0 Gaverale - • Iheadeatvibt... so Thom, —..., -) Ano._ --1,2 o) anima PloWatio....An M0Xa5........-..AE 90 Ilatlitlignai...ol. l " , lam la eurream ,Illa I'M :bee.„,0114 is ibureittife iiartri'lit 74 .: oartaterwava naotrea.:• - wee of Lms • . York bet ined INLOTIPM' . f - rlitlapetricat w Teti to ILL r .,,,,,i ee boat tavaleritte& •, , ' ' heal Ne -- ~ • , _ ~ ..1. OM DUMP, , ~ iposc4mtiero* `!irs;•, --,- , .. Blaibig Catonsdir' Inalk Wert, •'': ; , - • :„, -10 14/01,Aantibritit lama , iliselm.)_ n8,1,613.1¢ 4 47= 114511 iiiiiinamir 'rim Tait sad iltilsem lhomaddp-Oospri ca. aixa Ups.) surrytag the 17. 14111. eft Mimeo tol bengaly 4 - Of lusatima, Niat,ll* . • CITT.O7 iaa maga Aanialli 'MAMA 11:0Aa. Teoss Thr "VILA A AM, ir KetnAA bmew I irtrOodes. .• aee • tee ts a A . * batienbazA-- ICI • a lictimelatA..... A to we ro Sen. lAssma„ Isib • k0.,..4 wet, roes Tareafrota at= 15041414=fletal masa saw rash . r i i i iol3%!.= 1 • . ..; ARD rali!,3eT*#,-61)31S * am; sf . -riscia. • ---, • wr. ci-- • •-• , yams ie!r:l c ll4- Pita" 2 " ll l. vs*. 14;01 r - 4 THOU'S aisetti roma lot ow r;.aa &ay °Ai si as lEiMiiii 'tikrga liscorramin 11.a!"4 UQA. aft, • - r, Vt. M. !rt.& %Ira egatatied fa a. tcre- ' • -•- ' mat Ilsagarou to Its I:6:lstim sisat:7 .• • cam catof their bolsro by stMeinbityrigligelate. • , ' aAjd of sil - watUaloslo224s 6l . • D r pe. in A i g = r 4L. POI 111 WOW .0 11:11531 4 68 1.. $ 24. Ha1 l IMThma T P. SC/017 4 111 1 Wiltesill "Lih ' 21 I na =igisdi AnegUsiClSM _ •4! TTICCO oNcirm SHIPPLAr MEE , . JAL WOO Oprildadh' thitafirrit. MM . * . 1LX1X,0 1 25 I.llloarthater... . . . i'Y: _~.'~s
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