Wednesday, 0i2 Ma H THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. [. D. Berneman’s DEPARTMENT STORE J East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. ti 0 1 HAVE YOU TRIED MAGIC LEENER If not will youtry thetrial size left at yotir house today There is nothing to equal it FOR CLEANING CLOTHING of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors on Men’s or Ladies’ Coats I OO It is soon time for house cleaning and if you want to elean the woodwork or brighten up the furniture tse a little of the trial size I left yod so that you wiill be convineed that there is nothing better, For House Cleaning We can sell any quantity you want at a very reasonable figure. Give It a Trial FN NR NNN PN NAN NN NAIA Sai i i \ East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. ' Salil, (1 TT coool 0 Tg The Ideal Solvent and Paint Thinner Tur=-min=tine has the same boiling point, the same flash point, the same evapor- ating qualities as turpentine— at a fraction of the cost. Tur-min-tine is better than ber 2 lence and in perfect safet cheaper, because, ug In it costs more, it loses little from ev aporation. Tur-min-tine is guaranteed, Ask your dealer or write direct. WAVERLY OIL WORKS COMPANY independent Oil Refiners, PITTSBURGH, PA. Free Bookiet—‘‘Tells Why"’ = EO 1 IR. aE 1! alwavs have on hand anything the line of Smoked Meats, Han oloena, Dried Reef, Lard, Ete Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork a ron Prices always right “ iA H H. ALL Main Streei, Opp. Bani UNT JON A I] Telepht - B add 3 HP HOE Ww, v B a Weare Always Prepared to serve 4 . % a 8 Pure 2 2% Spring ¥ EB % p = water ml XFS BM 4 IN ANY QUANTITY at Vers a > Moderate Charges. gS 4 Don’t fail to see us before plac- = < ing your order this year. 4 I en = ® J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Nig 2 / n Ba Mount Joy, Penn » Ay 0 i @ &% » / > z eft Lv a rs 2 SHAS ll. AELLER = a REAL ESTATE AND & INSURANCE Main St. alling and Clerking of Public Settlement of Estates Collection of Rents. Surveying and Conve Plants for Sale vancing flower, pepper, tomato, egg plan redbeet and lettuce plants offer for sale very reasonable. E. B. Hostetter Mount Jo Sale I have a fine lot of cabbage, cauli- t, which I MOUNT d0Y, PA. al growth is very extensive, ranging fror Newfoundland to South Da- kota south through Western Nebra to Texas. White Elm reaches its best development on deep fertile ground, moderately well drained but it can be grown on most any kind of soil, being a hardy tree and able to endure great extremes | of temperature and moisture. Tt is i a fairly rapid growing tree and often e but naturally { when poor ground the | raidity and length of lifef | rapidity of growth and length of life | | | reaches a great ag planted of growth in Economic Uses The wood of the White Elm is | strong, tough, fibrous and difficult to | split. It is in growing uemand as a 2 | : : i | slack cooperage material and its use Imitation Rubber Buggy Harness, $10, $12, bas 316 Genuine Rubber Buggy Harness, $17, $19, $21.75 & $28 Fancy Rubber and Gold Monnted Driving de ® 5, $27 3 i S29 wo < 2 P35 2 50, $30 1nd Come and inspect olir stock; every set scld is guaranteed F. B. GROFF North MarKet St., efeefosfosfosfedenfoobefeofostofenfoofosfefusfoofotonfesfoofoonfocfonforfnforfode ofeefesfoorfodonfeofeofocfoefesfnfocnfeofeoferfods Mount Joy, Pa, ofooforfecforfosfocfoetecforfocfocfocfortocfocfentecfoctocfostosferioctociontecfoctocfocfosfociecdese % CARPETS & RIGS {in this industry has resulted in a | rapid increase in the stumpage value. The timber is also used for | { flooring, wheel stock, ship building | | and in the manufacture of agri- | cultural implements. Its hardiness | and its indifference to soil conditions | make it a very suitable tree for pro- | tective planting. For ornamental | | planting the suitability of the White | Bln n is widely recognized every- | where. It is without the least doubt { the most desirable of all our hard | wood trees for such use. Such are Watt & Shand are free to the pupils of County. A tree that will enhance and beautify hamlet where the mouth piece in re- | the trees Messrs. | giving away [ Lancaster | without doubt any town, village it is planted, and as of the community side we feel it to go further and ac | generous gentlemen for a value will increase and beauty or which we upon in thank those gift whose with the great incumbent us | real be evermore a and satisfaction. years cource of FOLLOWS ACCIDENT Light Causing t SUIT Electric Company Charge t With Man's Death | Suit has been entered in commol | pleas court by Myrtle May McFar land against the Elizabethtown and Marietta Electric Light Company, $10,000 damages. Severa John McFarland, jr., killed in the stable o to recover months ago was instantly the Marietta bottling works as he went to turn on an electric ligh switch. The allegation is that 2 wire of the defendant company wa responsible for the accident. i TE _— Spelling Bee at Florin On Saturday evening, March 30 the Florin Hall Association will hold a grand spelling bee in the hall in Florin. There will be three classes and. 4 prizes to each class. Admission 15 and 20 cents. Full particulars in these columns next week. ree GO Dupler—Bradley Clayton M, Dupler, of Dauphin county, near Elizabethtown, and Miss Emma E. Bradley, daughter of Mr. John $8. Bradley, of near Old; Line, Rapho township, were united in marriage on Saturday by Rev. S| 8. Daugherty at the URB. parsonage, Elizabethtown. The} ere unat- tended. House Cleaning will reveal that new Carpets are need- ed it pay ticipate your wantsand buy liberally at these prices for will to an- a limited time anon ram ——— soc Ingrain Carpets,a yd. 40c¢ soc Ingrain Carpets, special. | a yd. 35¢c 35¢ Jute Carpets, a yd...25¢ | 50c Rag Carpets, a yd...45c 6oc Rag Carpet, a yd...5213e¢ soc Oil Shades, at -40¢ 3oc Oil Shades, at. .. .22¢ { toc Paper Shades, 8c Rugs, Brussels gx12, $15 ema $10 I.ot of Axminster and Vel- th A ersole fice, Mount Joy. 111 URE STYLES ME, or re-furnishing or filling up the vacant places in your OLD HOME this Spring, it will pay you to examine this truly wonderful assortment. It has no parallel in size, variety or beauty. Our great volume" of business and our cheap loca- tion enables us to offer extremely low prices at this time. DINING ROOM FURNITURE We have purchased from several of our regular makers, among the bast in the country, the pick of their surplus stoek, at a bargain. These are now offered at a saving to you of from 10 to 30 per cent. CARPETS ANDRUGS Savings of from 15 to 25 per cent. gmaranteed on all standard makes, in all desirable styles and patterns. Don’t buy floor coverings until you see what we can save you. . Headquarters for Carpet Cijpnine and Re-laying. WE se 10 = Westernbe: rgoyr, Maley & Mvers 3 125-131 East King S LANCASTER, PA. RT ERE - EE 1 { | A el E101 vs 3 | 3 i ¥ 3 : | PAGY 8 ' | » - ) : — ———— - oc pm EOLICIILILD A Birthday Party [TREES TO LANCASTER COUNTY Vac z eee cea celled Mrs, R. V. Fegley was agreeably SCHOOL CHILDREN A Vacuun Cleaner urprised on Wednesday evening - - qd gS eo 0 hen she returned home and found | Watt and Shand, Lancasters' Fore: | Bai gainPr 1CEe $10 ft that a large number of her friends most Merchants, Repeat a Gener- | jo y had gathered at her home in honor ous Gift THE possfrc JUNIOR is a @ 0) of her birthday Games and music vacuum cleanerihat will do more were indulged In and at a late hour | A treat Is in store for he betel work than man high priced clean- 0] a legant refreshments were served. | children of Lancaster Co ers and much ore than any other elegan 3 8 . . his BHsLEtow : cleaner of an eual price. eo The following were present. Misses | Watt and Stand, Lasts wre’ ore : o of ee, tpi Mary Shank, Maud Weldman and | Ost merchants, Will fu vaesf | ) works like a capet sweeper—but is . Q Alice Heilman of Elizabethtown, | Promise made to the teachers of the | a vacuum cleagr-—a cleaner that * Viola Baker, Sadle Murray, Anna | Lancaster County schools at the last A) &Byo cleans your carpts and rugs through arc o Kramer, Mary Krall Clara Arnts, | County Institute, viz: by giving away | : ‘Absolutely ai < (R00 Yreugy 0) Ruth Shiffer, Margaret Stokes, Olive 120,000 two year old American Elm TH o o Shiffer, Ruth Stokes, Anna Dearbeck, Trees. Their idea being to give one | \ ® Is Red Letter Day Ten Q | Mary Hoffer, Caroline Frank, Mary Sve Bi every ed ' Selina] ri | . iar. KX vn Gingric Co ine | Who will agree to plant and nurture Miller, Kathryn Gingrich, Katherine | "™ . . Y Q . o Kauffman, Anna Hoffmaster, Grace it W honor of gatos Day. : Where the finest biscuit, { : 1 3 pr 2d w ‘ Rn this way, they hope to engender | m W | Stokes; Messrs. Edwin Brandt, El- An ) Sta Ps ill be Given o wood Millard. Edwin Shires, Levi |@ love of nature in the hearts of the cake, hot-breads, crusts Q Hofman, Earl Derr, Haman Cunn- | school children, to teach them in a | or puddings are required Q REE T E ch Customer Q ingham., Walter Mease, Howard | practical way the true meaning of | Spullar A 0 da Barnhart, Christ Walters, Clayton |the day and its observance, to make | Royal 1S indispensable. ® : Q Hoffman. Albert Walters, Christ them realize a closer personal in- | a Wittle, John Young, Samuel Bend- | terest in one great county and help | ran y : . preserve the beauty of a community : 0 i er, William Walters, Paul Brandt, |! Y ) 4 : y Royal 1S equally valuable 1 t P @ Walter Brandt, Allen Morton, and |that is truly named Fhe Garden - : f 1 ¥ i cn, € re omg 0 ay % Mr, and Mrs. Fred Sheaffer, Mr | Spot of the World.” The custom of mn the preparation O Pp ain, Q 66 Q and Mrs. Jack Davis, Mr. and Mrs | each petson planting B ree on ars substantial, every- day R di Th Ad” ye Christ Barto, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel | PO! Day has largely grown of late : @ You For ca ing IS @ Derr and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fegley | Years, and it isa beautiful one foods, for all occasions. 0) and son Veuurd Many cities are waking up to the ® . R —r —»--Cu pe ¢ beautifying their Every man who reads this v HT . I Sal are tyke meas to . 4 Q y onegal SpENES | sh. this object alons th The only baking powder made : . . M James Burrier moved from . ® ad and then cuts it out PO) here to the Mumma farm, near Mil ne art 1 in the from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar This shows t} ant. of 20d AW d . t t t SE {on Grove. on Friday D aere 1h A dirt which the Dc Junior took an brings 1 Oo our S ore 0) Mr facob Zoo sold a valuable ! Elm igely 2 from a carpet which looked clean. 0) o . ay hor to Mr. Johnston Mavtown n, 1 lar ociet ive been /¢ No Alum — No Lime Phosphates All we asl of housewife is e can have any suit in the J » 1 ed or t ( purp( of A that sne rive it «¢ + ‘tal—pick A . - rowin SO here 3 out the clean n t house , y » Ah} RNAS and run this ner over e) store at | 0 pel cent dis- ossible. Whol venues ol it—then open tl look at . i rowing in the amo out of @ count. roads on both s of vour camet or which you | e) ] he A Social Gathering Elizabeth Glatfelter, Anna Webb, hou { . x : h I he ( w Er \ social gathering was held at the Pearl Schaeffer, Mae Hawthorne, ‘1 ) rtul little e [{ you get a plo Su it, yO S AVY E $1 CO home of Mr. Leroy Engle, in this Mabel Carson, Hilda Johnson, Marie I hi > 9) : 4 t W y hea lace ( Saturday evening when a Carson, Alta Gingrich, Alice Way, | he perfectly sati avard te : 7 get a HIS su vou & 1 ! ant to hear I rday ening when a Cail A f ’ ) every Te. O)] i you 8 hr ~ AVE $1 -50 1 Wa é han evening was spent by Ella Cunningham, James Garber, ect or will * money. e If vou get a $20 SAVE $2.00 t W 1 that in attendance follows: John Greiner, Truman Sprout, Roy I 1 lemon- 2 1 nd that is g [ 1 Coc Lill Barto, Jay Pennell, John Gainor Q . . 1 » not only Dor y He i Mumina M ,. CY t Hershey, Herbert We make this unusual offer 1n order e by the wood re’ | D Johnson, Be Haw- Tyndall, John John Germer, | — r por. yu @ , Vonst sions for wha stele Tebleman. Mitre Paul Stark, Peter Zorohey, Clans B3- FF. PPP =k A to test the value otnewspaper advertis- : St timb : Ella Child Mertha Heolsos ; thor 1 Yarwoy Engle Avis Sd i 7 1 ity Ir nericana Ida Greenawalt, Hilda Schneider, \nna Brubalkei @ ing. We know that an opportunity to & mn : ri 2 nawalt, Hilda hn ina Bi OLN SOV. PLNNA save fr 4 1 £1 « a1 Took: ond a III EE - mses ® save from $1 to $2.50 will look good to eq Q 1 10 SPI II PR ISdinibdid addled sjsefosfoefenfocfesgocfuefonoreofocfortocfererfecte any mi: ho reads this ad” and we £1 3 any man who reads this yd i A of re % x r { 5¥ h RE iu: ; os o is so HOW ABOUT THAT SET OF NEW HARNESS ? J are willing to pay out the necessary hoRgh AL te aiaone 1 ] . ( hard wood tree » Q ¢ to learn the value of newspaper mous : > y pal he open, the trunl - It will pay you ten fold to buy of a practical saddler or har @ advertising \ ibly divides a short distance man. That man in this sectionis FF. B. Groff, the North Market c 1S1ng ; " « ; \ e th base, forming a wide, street saddler. He will sell you a set of harness as low as $10 anc Don’t fail to ask for Green Trading Stamps 1 spreading erown. lis natur- good 55 the best tude anywhere, OBILE AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS New 1912 Cars Now Here Lancaster Automobile (. GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., T.ANCASTER "ete PENNA. The largest and only strictly first fireproof garage and repair shop in Lancaster City of County. class Star Course 1911-1912 Mt. Joy Eall Friday, March 29, 1912 FRIER SISTERS CONCERT AND OPERA QUINTETTE General Admission ........ 30 Reserved Seats .........5c. Extra Chart at Garber’s Drug Store See Posters and town papers ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Charles K, Bennett, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster Co., Penna., Deceased. Letters of administration on said having been granted to the all persons indebted thereto requested to make im- mediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for estate undersigned, are settlement to the undersigned, ETTA M. BENNETT, Mount Joy, Pa. W. U. Hensel, Atty. Administratrix mar20-6t VTV{23 EATING A al Two of our Oldest The Manheim Sentinel is in its 67th year; the Elizabethtown Chronicle is in Js 43rd.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers