J PAGE 8 THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. 912 ’ i , ‘ * ) J 0 OO —— THE FIGHT FOR PRESIDENT MASTERSONVILLE . » Ny | Mr. Groundhog seems vd be a very | PARI ) ! A V u \ \ Cleaner | ® Tart has 135 Delcgulon, Roosevelt 15 good weather prophet this year but - = | : " HAVE YOu TRIED and the Merry Race Goes on— | previously he made some grand mis | : : $ Jw ’ | 4 - - Table of Delegates Elected So Far, takes Bargai Y rice 10 — Mr, Bishop says that 18 of hi | Te ) | I 8a 1 0 is ” - The race for the Republican | best Rhode Island Red chickens laid | THE DOMESTIC JUNIOR is a wn ® Presidential nomination between the | 19 eggs in one day. Who can beat vas Sle th . will do more . . wor Ian man i - ” m various aspirants is in progress all | that? : : ers and m D5 eet Sced clan. we m Over the country and will continue | Springtime is near. The signs are cleaner of an equal price. - » until the Republican National Con- | such, Last week a mole built her It looks like a carpet sweeper - a onion meets in June next at |pathway near the surface of the Works Hke a carpet IWespak put 1h tina . oe | : : a . a vacuum cleaner-—a cleaner that F Chicago. Up to date 130 delegates | earth in front of Fralich's cigar ‘leans " ! cleg your pets and r . ® Lave been elected in the interest of | shop and throug! : ugs rough wu B President Taft, fifteen for ex-Presi- N. S. Cinder now informs us that » - ® dent Roosevelt, and two for Senator | he is the chalmpian pork raiser His . = m Cummins of Jowa, as set forth in | porker weighed over 400 pounds, F od ” m the following table. The progress of | beating Mr, Guistwite who previous- Absolutely Pure = o the contest will be given in our ly held that record 1 : $ columns weekly. The politicans are all shov ” = If not will youtry thetrial size = PAV es showing FOR TAFT | their colors, the Republican sentim 1 . ~ Bi Autor ten a re ian SU Ce aE inite. TeLte: tt yor Economizes Butter, Flour, 1 ft t h t d ? Alabama (seven districts and six | ment in this vicinity leans toward wu e a you ouse (oO ay w delegates at large)... .20 | Roosevelt, while the Democratic Eggs: makes the food more ~ ® District of Columbia. 2 sympathies favor Wilson . ! a : L ; am [Morida Chk niet 12 N. E. Ginder has installed a new appetizing and wholesome » There 1s nothing to equal it a Georgia (nine districts and | saw mill and wishes to purchase four delegates-at-large) 22 [some good old fashioned apple a a . Indiana (two districts) . ... 4 | trunks. Anybody wishing to sell same The only Baking Powder made . i FOR CLEA NING CLOTHING 8 yown (three districts) 6 | apply to N. E. Ginder’s office from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar or - ® ’ ® | Michigan (one district).... 9 | Who is the man in our town who = » 8 | Missouri (two districts)........ 4 | smokes the pipe day and night? Five re . of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors New Mexico (five of the six dele- | dollars reward to any person who EEE TB = ates) ... he 5 | sees this man without his pipe . cs = . RK) w 1 he te ! : » on Men's or Ladies Coats i Oklahoma (two districts)...... a} Samuel Becker and family enter- " | Philippines Chet 9 [tained the following visitors at Six Will Graduate i Will Turn Farmer » a South Carolina (six districts { their home on Sunday: Monroe Hol- East Hempfield High School Com- | Jay M. Reich of Marietta, late | B Itis soon time for house cleaning and if and four delegates-at-large)..22 |linger and family, Ephraim Shelly mencement exercises will be held in manager of the Elizabethtown elec- This he & i ¥ — |and wife, John Heisey and wife, the Lutheran church at Landisville tric light company, with his wife | 3ir¢ whic I o ou Sols 3 a A . we . HCl Domestic | you want to clean the woodwork or Total for Taft. ..... ......, 1g5 | Charles G. Becker and son Charles on Thursday evening, April 4, There and child, left for Philadelphia last | from a carpe hich looked ea & : .. . . : FOR ROOSEVELT | Emerson. will be six graduates as follows: Friday. From there they go to All we ask of any housewife is a brighten up the furniture tise a Iew Menten... ............... 1 | On account of unfavorable weath- James Miller, Phares Stehman, Sugan | Buffalo and Hamilton, Ontario. | that she give it one fair trial—pick E little of the trial size I left you so that i Oklahoma (two districts and | er the Keystone Literary Society was Nissley Samuel Swarr, Elizabeth After a short visit with friends, the) | ow the : : earpet i the house 5 you will be eonvineed that there | ten delegates-at-large) ...... 14 | unable to render a program on Fri- Peifer, and Helen Miller. James Will start for their final destination [ji 1, grils A : — | day night. The program as it was to Miller will be the valedictorian and [in the Canadian Northwest, where [the an dirt you got out of is. nothing better. Total for Roosevelt..........15 Pe given will be given next Friday Samuel Swarr the salutatorian. Rev. |Mr. Reich, with several others, | You arp or rug which you FOR CUMMINS evening. The new officers will be in- | Waltenmyer will preach the Bacca-|have taken up a large traet of land | thous y ean. F H Cl i ows (ohe district). ........... 2 | augurated. They Pre Howard Mer- | laureate sermon to the graduates on and will engage in farming, His | HY Ld . us Mab oily or ouse eaning . | Key, pregident; Miss Naomi Stauffer, Sunday morning, March 31st, in the many friends wish him success in his | is sold to | with the guarantee to Total for Commins... ....... ... 9 | secretary; Clayton Shearer, editor: Lutheran church. new undertaking | be perfect atisfactory in every re- We can sell any quantity you want mar20-1t and Elmer Witmer, critic. The ques- —- | a ———— | spect or vill refund your money. > | tion will be Resolved, “That l.ee was Drop card for circular and demon- reasonable figure. ii oe i . at a very reas 8 [a more able general than Grant,” \ x Y , 2 | stration . LANCASTER JUNCTION | will be discussed. ive It a Trial ue | 5 Miss Elizabeth Paul of Manheim, | —-A i vy Gi e a ria = | spent Monday with J. K. Palm and | SALUNGA 1 | B. F, PE FFFER wife ! Will Bortzfield and family were 4 \ { \ Agent BGS HS SHAN SS NSN S SENG NSN NLS HLRLELLLNLLLLLLLLLSS Mrs. Henry lL... Myers spent Sun- | Sunday visitors at her home at Lan- s / Sl 3 day at Lancaster visiting her son, | caster. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. John B. Myers and family. Norman Miller is the owner of a A ————— : E Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter motor cycle. Somebody is going to ECE a 2 | eh . er, A dm yele. § 5 going f foymiks | AnElEE | = | Stella, spent Sdnday at East Peters- | get dusted, vou bet House Cleaning will reveal ® e e | @ ® = burg and attended church services. Mary Kendig expects to spend a ; / T B! Isanc Walborn, wife and daughier | week or two at Manheim with her - Alter 101 Are hrou h ®m | l.eona May, visited John Rambler cle Dr Cendig that new Carpets are need- | g uncle Dr. John Kendig. and family at White Oak on Sun- Miss Mary Musselma 3 o . . . J 111 1 1 o Rat Wi $ J i 3 os net o Suse. ed it ili pay to an- Experimenting with The = y. ) 2, a a Visitor le none oO E | Henry L. Buch and Jonas Snavely | pp Kendieg on Saturday | ¥ . i | spent Sunday ot Etzohathtown. Hen- Frank Strickler's sale was held on ticipate youruwants and buy JUS: as= -liood- Kind 3 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. =| L Myers spent Monday at the Tuesday. We will chronicle the lead- | 8 | same place. ing events at the next writing { § 3 * | BUICK » Be Mr. and Mrs. John Hartranft and Root and Baker on Piosdas ship- liberally at these prices for i AEG 30 0 ew | randdson, and Mrs. James Berger oq come of their "i hosed xoods i > : | LUGCOMOBILE a : = = spent Sunday at Lititz with Mrs. Su- from the Kendig warehouse on a limited time. AUTOCAR AND 1 EE —— E11 111 p+ san Hollinger. Tuesday : - i - = Mrs. Christ Rothfus and daugh- rr " A ———————— BUICK TRUC Mr. and Mrs. J Roland and \ TUCKS @m ters, Mary and Helen, were visiting son Nelson and 1 snl Yo whan 3 \ 4 . \ | 3 a er aunt, Mrs. Catharine Ritter and [00 “CON ind Ren, 3 Rugs, Brussels gx12, $15 | 50¢ Ingrain Carpets,a yd. 40c | v on thelr: nierit i. as . : oo : no spe $ a) Jlmer tolanc 4 : - . | y. ak Lael i Ins fan P.t Manheim on Saturday and family at Rhicotis at. ee a, $10 coc Ingi rain Carpets, special. | £ ‘rn oo : 5 v . : ” ! -| Afternoon oo Mr. Eli Shelly is moving today to 1.0t of Axminster and Vel- a yd. 35¢c ~~ -—— Rohrerstown. We are sorry that , > pes NCA 2 . 1 ¢ vet Rugs, 27x54 in., $2 | 35¢ Jute Carpets, a vy . = o BACK RUN convenience to work necessitated ® 7234 ui Je Ji te Carpets, : ye -25¢ New 1912 Cars Now Here | I John Hossler and wife visited 'the change as we are sorry to lose at... $1. 50 50¢ Rag Carpets, a yd. : 45c . 8 | fferman Snyder and family on Sun- | go good neighbors, 75C Ingre in Ce arpets, ay d l60c Rag Carpet a vd.. 5223¢ maa | | day. Among the sick ones of our ac-| 1 r = | ¢ | COW . i, =| Mr. Wittle and wife of Milton | quaintances are Henry Bender, Mrs. iif be : 60c | Soe Oi] Shades, at 40c { I i | ! Hn ’ . . \ \ | . a Grove, spent Sunday with Andrew | Hartranft and Mrs. A .B. Kreider. 6oc Ingrain Carpets, a | 30C Oil Shades, at... 22e¢ All { NP) nome )| f 0, The way to have a Bank account is to start one. Felker and family We learned later that Elizabeth yd. 50c| 1oc Paper Shades, at...... 8c \RAGE NEVER CLOSED = . . . . Misses Anna Sheetz, Mary Sheetz, 'peifer was in the invalid corps. { : ) 8 You will find it easy enough to keep it growing after | Fanny Baker and Edna Ellinger vis- | Elias Hornberger reached his 38 EE —— 230.238 W. King St., " ou once be >in | ited Jonas Sheetz and family on | pile stone on Thursday and his LANCASTES oi PENNA. = y gin. | Sunday. : | wife had a handkerchief surprise = —-— u ro . x { On Saturday W. S. Shenk’s large | for him. He received 59 handker- { i a J B We invite all to join our Savings Department g|sale will be held. Don’t fail to come | chtefs and a lot of other gifts. The lurfest and only strictly fist | | ‘ firenroof AT 8 . . > ; : . jaround. He can show you anything Catharine Pancake, one of Salun- * ° 4 £1: EE ae amd repals 8 which will open March 1st, 19122 Begin with one dol- | you are looking for en's Bldest residents. died at ‘the shop iu Jancaster City of County. 2 3 . | Albert T. Rettew, of Groton, South | i oy i + PAcet {3H sos ———SE—Te————ca— > ; $ ; 20 En : 2 3 Mennonite Home, Oreville on Mon- OS|iE Ost Jt x : 2 lar and we will give you a pass book; you can deposit | Dakota, writes that they have had | day. The old lady had lived for a Opp > f Ce, Mount Joy. es 9) Bally Bs : * | Hino Tl i % She i : ¥ t \ y BE as often as youlgysh Your money will draw interest m|&°0d sleighing since the ninth of | yymper of years in our town but her - Te = | October. That would suit some of friends induced her to enter the € for every full mé6nth deposited at rate of 3 and 6-10 = |our young men. * home where she died at the ripe age : he Mt Jo . and coltronnded # gr ot] Coie EE lof 93 vears and some days. | gs . Y rr: 1m ac 1deq every 12 0 18. om ; . \ | rm —— A Wma oie = per anpnun P y Acting under orders from “May- ! | 8 nd ask for rules and regulations. = [or Kugle, of Marietta, on Tuesday PLEASANT HILL Ca ta ¥ C 2 =m 8 at noon all the manufacturing es-| William Rhea and David Book | Bos ta or ourse tablishments blew their whistles for | were callers at the fort last week. | | : : ¥ \ NE ! Yharla Ry . r ia vig. ! « ° five minutes and the church and ; Charles Baylor of Lehenon, is vis | i911-1912 fit : town hall bells were rung for the ting his uncle George Ulrich near i | same length of time, in commemora- | tion of the one hundreth anniversary Marietta as a borough. monthly evening it was shown ‘“Mayor’’'was time, as the | of i regular ! on Thuesday by the minutes that the days behind i D101 1 0 OO =m E just six Ti m OO i minutes of the meeting are dated tl lL mm Maveh 6, 1812. a To Mothers—And Others Bucklen’s Arnica of eczema, scaly and can use eure children tetter, chafings, humors, as well as their accidental injuries,—cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles it has no equal. 25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co. mer A lla ciesicssinic: You = | Salve to | rashes, crusted Automobile Buyers! Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone Columbus, Velie, Oakland. Spelling Bee at Florin On Saturday evening, March 30, {the Florin Hall Association will hold a grand spelling hall in Florin. There will be three classes and 4 prizes to each class. Admission 15 and 20 cents. Full particulars in these columns next week. | eet eee We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and { Mrs. Miller Grove, residing at the carry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fail to look them over. western end of “the town, on the Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the =! Engle farm, is wonfined to the house, suffering from @ badly sprain- county. ed left wrist. She fell Qn the board- a : g = b Bb = a We have just closed a contract for oil which enables us to sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons ang ® Walk. Dr. George R. Rely ich is attend- upward. We have been using this oil for four years amd know = ing her. \ it to be good. Your patronage solicited. » A a A statistician avers that) ene-tenth 2 2 of t° people in New \York are Landis Bros., Rheems. 7 im via "ue “ules ome more of them he’ll change that esti- Ee ERT TRL Rye. | ate. bee in the | here. At the ! meeting of Council : Milton Boll, after a three month's seige with a sprained foot, is conva- lescing again We came in conjunction with our of Sample Work and Dress Shoes Friday, March 29, 1912 ‘old time friend Charley Tressler of | New Germantown, down at his 7 000 P : £ E di J h C ’ $1RINI SISTERS CONCERT AND , brother Sam’s last Friday. He “y air ol n icott 0 nson 0. § PRR TERT a ow anted by Wis ERA QUINTETTE cane Gown. mecombihler Sy Solid Leather Shoes bought at a big discount. We are selling then bright young daughter Goldie, last Vii 1 : . bo at the following big reductions: \d i 30 week to see a Lancaster county sale. 3 dmission ......... 3( ~ David Book, another distinguished Men’s $2 50 Sample Shoes at $1.98 a Pair Reserved Seats: ©... LL 5c. Extrs £: r of net aine, ITY - mn : ‘hart at Garber's > S farmer o hear Blaine Pe oo These include shoes for farm and all out-door wear. Medium and Chart at Garber's Drug Store r. was also ¢ c ant at the sale. |, : Lid Cee Posters ty, w 3g BiSo an altenuent a © Sale. ont weight, black and tan leathers. Tip and plain toe. Over 15 kinds See Posters and town papers Davy is as bright and cheerful as he '. oe . — a in this lot alone to select from. Therure also different styles of light was years ago, when he used to per- _ . ,. ress sh in this lot : : welg dress shoes Ss ‘ TE Y "a rT VTE ambulate apass his home up along ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE CC trtils np Sh iver Estate of Charles K. Bennett, late the sunney banks of the Sherman Estate of Char A. Bb ’ 7 8 $2.75 SHOES AT $2.20 $3.00 SHOES AT $2.50 I That gentleman up at Middletown Heayy Soule Suled * work shoes Chrome soled shoes, the newest | Co., Penna sceased. hasn’t got all the old coins. Harry made of soft, tough stock that will| water proof of any thing made Letters adm ration on said Rutt can show a gold dollar coined not harden after being wet Double wear in every pair. . h z beer ranted to the in 1836, one in 1854, a dime in 1835 ’ al ersons indebted a penny in 1786, one in 1804 sid BOYS $2.50 SHOES AT $1.98 H $2.00 SHOES AT $1.44 req ed to make im- one in 1826 and various other coins! Solid leather, heavy shoes for Savy shoes for work in plain mediate payment and those havin of different dates that are away work. Light shoes for dress. The toe or tip. Also some light weight cI 3 ( mands against the same back standing. Also a fine collection | best line of Boys’ shoes made dress shoes. em without delay for ¢ . n " do . . oli 16 the 1 sig of old stamps that would cause old We have a great line of ladies LADIES’ SHOES TA ” iy dealers to scratch ° their heads if jain toe shoes for dress or everys| 9Scto $4.00 a pair, in all t! A ENN once seen. hl . . Vag g Mount Joy, Pa. pL day wear, broad, roomy lasts from |popular styles. Children’s sho i ini 3 Mrs. Anna Williams came near! gq o- °K o's 4 Hensel, Atty. Administratrix ! il $1.25 to $2.50. 5c to $2.00 putting a finish to herself last week mar20-6t when she tripped on a plece of iron $1.50 WORK SHOES—Size 7 and 8 only at 98ec. and done some acrobatic stunts com- y 1 t 1 ; f . 3 S SPnlve tnd . ma ou wi miss some grea bargains if you fail te come in and look ing down the stairs injuring her side =" : a] Fug] (oF 9 RF NTS and back causing a little soreness 3 : but at this writing she looks good - and manipulates as gently as if not- thing transpired, which pleases wus Cr to mention. Oh, there are some WILBUR & i | A RTIN SH C DS) strange things happen over at the L { a CO. fort sometimes and this is one of T ' ou wo of our est them. Thats all. WwW 3 mn : . = 4 est Kin St.. Lanc he Manheim Sentinel is in | ee a —e ite 67th vear: the Elizabethtown] Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin THE HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES Chroricle is in ite 43rd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers