1912. Wednesday, March 2 PA 'HE MOUNT v/ fo sJofoodoedenoedoroofoutoedoedosdoofesfoadecdondondeod BULLETIN, JOY. eolenfeafiofeafosfeodeoloofoodeofooleodoadodondesdoogeofocdoofodonfeodoofeofeafrefeofofosdoofonesdondeeofeofeofeofode 3 ofosderoo a wfeedesleatesde Joeloeleeforfoedsafoedseleolod ood Fv. Re TY Ferm ES AS VB \d W tt & Q §7 ¢ oy al Diladll . Je 3 bag” “Nom | WOMEN AS POULTRY RAISER Square & E. King St, Lancaster, Attention Is Drawn to Pleasure and | Profit In This Industry on | —————————————— ear GET TH EWN AT tome Any Farm, [ like to draw the attention of farm | girls to poultry culture, says a w riter in Michigan Farmer. While many girls | are called, I have no doubt, to be | teachers, I am sure that if some other girls knew the pleasure and profit de- | rived from poultry culture, they might Two Thousand Styles - Beautiful Cotton KIEENEBER'S Reduced During the ' onth of March Jooestonfosforesfocfosfosfocfesferfocforiorforesectostoctortontortoctodtortotonte stead te 2 5 3 5 5 a TTT EEE tetris | ; : 's H h les’ | f Men's Dress Shoes Men's Heavy Shoes !| Ladies’ Dress Shoes | D ; $3.50. ia Wers 350, ais | ress uUoods [or x Ware $4.40 now. ......... $3.00 Were $3.50, now ........ $2.70 ee $3.00, now ........ $2.47 | ” Were $3.00 y Were $2.50, now ........ ( ’ : Were 33.50, now ........ 2.70 Vere $3.00, now 2.25 ow 2.17 ) Were $2.25, now 1 79 Were $2.00, now .....,.. 1 70 [ . Were $3.00, now ........ 2.95 aw . ' Were 31 7 ’ aU 1 ) ) l y )& rn a Wer: Zi | > 00 Were $2.00, now 1.48 vere $1.70, now ........ 1.30 J ere 42.75, now ........ ; , ' . re 75 Leena r Were $1.20, El vive seis | ¥ Were $1.75, now 1.3% ere now 1.00 * { That is to say you could select more than two thousand dresses * Brown Leghorn Cockerel. | here and have no two alike. We buy in such quantities as very few 3 | Other houses in the State could handle, not only securing earliest de- 1 $ remain with their mothers: the life of | liveries, and therefore being first to show the new styles, but being in a E x . ! Lie Iotacr on Re fam, igh al her | position to carry complete lines of designs in each of the many hundreds > 3 ; The Leghorns are the best laying | weaves. + oe : breed, as the Jersey cows are the best | Te : ae YG a z Vere tac IRE FYRRTES + % 3 dairy breed. You will find more good | Youre I'HAN THREE HUNDRED STYLES DRESS GINGHAMS AT + . k layers among Leghorns, just as you | 12-1-2¢ A YARD. * ¥ 3 Will find more good milkers among | MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED STYLES DRESS GINGHAMS AP + + on Jerseys. For years I have kept an ac- |25¢ A YARD = * 3 count with my hens, and I can board |=" ’ : 3 > 3 them for 60 cents a year aplece. I was MORE THAN TWENTY STYLES OF DRESS GINGHAMS AT 15e 3 3 oe much delighted when the Utah Experi- | A YARD. . ge CY oo ‘te ment station brought out a report in | . L 3 % x which it was stated that they were MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED STYLES PRINTED PERCALES AT ¥ + x boarding hens for 6014 cents. The |!2-1-2¢ A YARD. 3 ¥ x RS rpeninenl im MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY STYLES PRINTED ¥ * > the larger ones for 98 to 103 cents [law XS, 5¢ TO 12-1.2c A YARD, + I . x I do not doubt the stories of the MORE THAN FIFTY STYLES OF GALATEA AT 15¢ A YARD. 5 x : ~ oI hen reaching 200 eggs a year. I did a iS eames sty iat : 3 5 ’r J Girls Shoes i personally know of one flock of hens, MORE THAN SIXTY STYLES OF EGYPTIAN TISSUE AT 25¢ A * Boys These Shoes + fed almost entirely on table scraps, | YARD. oo Were $1.60 . tha é & ¢ ggS apiece B . . y 7 TARITEVEY NAF STYRENE ru AE 3 Were 22.08 tow. $1.98 iq “Were $1.60, now ........ $1.40 * Hist jai Shout N ext see MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE STYLES OF KINDERGARTEN 7 + Xx. rE ; IS vere Ls nose large recor tx AT ' / % Were $2.00. now ........ 1 68 Were $1.50, now ........ 1.3 i belong to the people who have a few | CTOTH AT 15¢ A YARD. ® Were $1.75, now ........ 1 59 Were $1.25, now ........ 1.00 3 pei5 or those Whe are running poultry MORE THAN FIFTY STYLES SEA ISLAND TISSUE AT 12-1-2 ¢ % J Le 2 . I) arms and making a very extensive A YARD. 3 Wer 1.56, now ..,..... 1.10 | Were $1.00, now JY study of the business. 1 have always ¥ —— an ou a ma —— 5 5 had housekeeping or something else MORE THAN FORTY STYLES IRISH DIMITIES AT 25¢ A YARD. * : en $0 do and never hat more than 200 MORE THAN FIFTY STYLES IMPORTED VOILES AT 25c. * % be to 600 hens. I have )t from them 90 i oo y - - ). Bn = > eggs each per year to 145 Think what this means to thousands of women who desire to make I > 1 Y > 1 B, X % re ; hy + 8 > A election of materials for their own and their children’s Summer hi o£ i 1 ge —— nr , 3 3 : : : i : i ¥ \N 1 | i 4 5 “ \ 3 . Jha Frocks, with careful discriminationand the exercise of individual fancy. 5 eS : Pe AX 4 RB % REARS IY | { RIA RE Bf + 3 3 Eid 3 | \ IH 8B jut these are only a few of the different lines we now have in oe nh i . o~ 5 OCK 5 oo fr fain x § - - - + 3 West idlll Street, 3 Everything in Cotton Goods is here, from the sturdy fabrics for 3 & House Dresses to the dainty French Organdies, lovely embroidered shofeoforfofoofooforiecferorfarior ios fonfosforfoofosfosforforfuntesfecfoefecforfocferorfesfecforfucforfenfeofeofestsforfocfusfoofosfocfoofofocesenfosferfoforte fosfo Jerforter] suffer from overeating ag ses, and beautiful Silk and Cotton Weaves, to say nothing of the TEA LAOS ce a — EE A as from half starving great array of Real Linen D 3 [fabrics so popular this season. WILI KE {EN CELEBRATED ry WSK YOUR NEIGHBOR Charcoal pounded fine and I pt in Fas? sy 0 | 0 the drinking pans will keep the oung Take a hurried look at these sug sestions, but you’ll not want to : by Hundreds of Mount Joy Citizens C and old birds in good conditior hurry when you find yourself amang the Cotton Dress Fabrics in this a : RAY ods of ount Joy Citizens Can 3 E ndition : . v B ‘adding Stamps 2h | , Take care of all the chicky when |store 2 | Tell You All About It ake care of all the chicks when ore ( pT they come. They will be valuable LARS WORTH OF COAL PUR \ Sk ” yp summer : " . . - —-— B'S WOR 4 [OE Home endorsement, the public ex- Tate Sus summer and next fall and i y mE AS AT {ES vin lebrbidededbdeieleieieddeldedieddododrieieielododduoiofofepiniieidb defied ddd CHASED FOR CASH AT (lla pression of Mount Joy people, should y j 4 ip Corn is a good feed, the year t F H B k 3 | |be evidence lgyond Site 0 vay around, provided the birds have plenty * # J 3 | Mt. Joy reader, of the merit o oan’s of green stuff during the warm | U t d St t j 3 t 3 1 i d er S [Kidney Pills. Surely the experience months * ni ce a es ec ric 3: ! {of friends and neighbors, cheerfully A tablespoonful of baking soda * 1? COAL and given by them, will carry more placed in the drinking water two or & . . 3 ; weight than the utterances of three times a week will prevent bowel 3 SH 0 epairit 0g Co. 2 $y LUMBER YARDS |strangers residing in far-away places. trouble. 3 & 4 {Read the following: i eve close hs door of me poultry 3 e 3: ft | Mrs. C. Gillums, Main St., Mt. Joy [Ouse during the summer. Use wire + 3 & ; creens to kee § * ] Mount Joy, Penna A take Iv. tat 1% says: “I can add nothing to the Sor She to Sop Shims out and to leg + + : = ; a A lady is apt to feel lonely, bu | tn irs oad t ! 5 . 4 3 Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand she i % public statement I gave in favor o Anyone knows that an old horse % ® ° . . » 2 she is carrying one of our watches see HR i go Wy WW * Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. etic’ will igri De sure of 3lWavs Doan’s Kidney Pills in October 1907, ' gan’t as a rule, do as much as a young | hile You ait 5 Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate being accurate iu Ler sprointents except to say that the cure I then de- ome. Then why expect an old hen to 4 On Short Notice 2 mstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material Ww 1 d > the tt ‘|scribed has been permanent. A | lay as well as one in her prime? |% < 2 Telephone No. 8323. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot c are natura y bloud-o 9 tme- member of my family had attacks of Give all the spare skim milk to & 4 keeping qualities of our elegant gold kidney complaint for years and com- JOung and old chickens. It is just the 4 $ .-. - = ~ and silver watches, as well as of the 1lined a great deal of a dull pain in Xind of food to make young chickens x & {dainty and artistic designs, and the th small of the back. This person SY and the kind to make hens lay. ([® 3 beautiful workmanship throughout. | '* POOTIS wn felt all out of Goris | pe made 8 te Semominsl *3 You can get your shoes repaired for a small sum I Our Jewelry bears the reputation of . yr Ve - in 4 'being “ever best.” Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured from | ghow beyond a doubt that hens lay & doh ; i : 4 ; Garber’s Drug Store, brought relief better when kept away from the + @ 00d job at that, work that is guaranteed, on very 3 i Please Remember I Also : + b and whenever they have been used | males. | . : . : 3 I Repair Watches, Clocks{and Jewelry since they have had a good effect.” | When the little chicks begin to ap |} short notice. For every fifteen minutes disappoint- | For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Pear drowsy and refuse to eat, look 4 . y : Very Promptly cents. Foster-Milburn Co. New ut for head lice. Kerosene and sweet * ment we will pay $5.00 Try us and be convinced. You will not be disappointed time York : its Tor the United | ofl in equal parts applied daily twe | & TK, sole agents ! 1 11 kill | oe 1 1 OUR STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING IS COMPLETE. and again if you bring your repair or three times w ce. Je i : x ; = A an | States. | © Many people say turkeys should be!X New and modern machinery installed Jan 17, rora. Here you will ind Hats for all Men and for all tastes. 5 Remember the name-—Doan’s— | restricted in thelr ratke, but we de|3 mo larger stock in the city from which to select, and none better for aT and take no other. | bot belfeve it. We have raised many | & | ar lA) Assisi: | turkeys and have always found 2 the price. R V FEGLE | | the wider the range the better they | & » ’ Y | Boxing on Thursday Night | thrive. 13 YY vi z : | The wind-up of the Lancaster| mithy drinking vessels are the | a y Oo ono t East Main Street, MT. JOY, PA.| athletic club’s shows on next Thurs- | cause of many serious ailments of ¥ x day night, will be between Charley | fowls; continued drinking of impure | oo Wingert & Haas 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. Seed Potatoes HERE All Varieties Write For Price List BUY YOUR N. W. Cor. 2nd & Dock Sts. . | Bel d 18- Both Phones: Rot dodhera 13:33 Ph THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST ESTABLISHEI' 1897 WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicag o| Board of Trade) BRO ERS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnft and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHHA STOCHS-BONDS- [INVESTMENTS { 80 SECONDS 2 MINUTES Yo Chicago Board of Trade. lo any Grain Market in America Lancaster Branch 220-326 Woolworth Bldg. JOHN KIENZLE iladelphia. "of East Donegal Township, Lancas- | W. U. Hensel, Atty. Collins, of Columbia, and Kid Grif- | fo, of Shenandoah. The latter has | met a number of the same men that | ollins has. He is a good boy, and | t should be quite a bout. The | pthers are Johnny Greiner vs. | ommy Broderick of Philadelphia; | young Russel vs. Young Morris; | 'im Droney vs. Al Strosser, and Joe Reich vs. Young Otto. These pre- | liminaries are far ahead of any seen | in Lancaster, for there is a bitter | rivalry between three pair of boys | which dates back from other match- | es. Morris has improved so rapidly | that he thinks he can do something | Russel. Strosser and Droney when pitted against each other, | know nothing but fight, once when | hey met both were exhausted in the ourth round and it was necessary | o stop them. Young Otto showed in ia recent match that he is one of the | with EXECUTOR'S NOTIC Estate of Rebecca N. Nissley, late | gamest lads in this city and he has a strong man to meet as Reich, ter County, Pa., deceased. i Letters Testamentary on said es-| tate having been granted to the un- | dersigned, all persons indebted there| Pennsylvania Railroad Tickets to | to are requested to make immediate | ROCkYy Mountains, Pacific Coast, | payment, and those having claims or | Western Canada, Mexico and South- | demands against the same will pre-| Western points on sale daily Mar. 1 | sent them without delay for settle-|t® Apr. 14 inclusive at reduced fares. | ment to the undersigned. | Consult nearest Ticket Agent, or A. | JOHN G. SNYDER, Mt. JoylC- Weile, D.P. A. Reading, Pa. f HENRY G. SHELLY, Florin | feb. 21-4t | Executors. | -_-........ | mar 6-6t.' \ . Joy Bulletin. / A ———a— Low Rates to the West Read the } ( water will produce what is commonly | DONAVEN'’S OLD STAND termed cholera and the flock is soon wiped out. With poultry, as with other anf! mals, the faster they are made ” Re » L to | grow while they are young the more | 4 profit there is in the business. Rush | 3 the cockerels for market and the pub | d lets for laying.. ! It is not possible for all to give | m— their chicks unlimited range and in | such cases the feeder will have to | make up the deficiency by feeding | bone forming elements. The best of | these is green cut bone. { A small spray pump at this season | will soon pay for itself for whitewash | ing and disinfecting the he and coops. With a small sprayer you can go over the surface ten times as | . fast as you can with a brush | reductions are made on lines and styles If many chicks are raised, it is a& | good plan to keep a large kettle near the poultry house, in which the drinks | Ing vessels can he boiled at least once & week. A handful of common soda | thrown in the water will help. o- a TTY om appeal to that mense lots: Lot No. 1---$ DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 530-532 Woolworth Building : Lancaster, Pa. | Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, | Sunday and Other Hours By Appointment Both Phones Bell Lan., 994 | SS S——————————— Ind. 1877 Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |18 North Qugen Street, Don’f Forget The Place, Donovan's Old Stand price concessions on our winter stock Our sense of economy, we'll let you in on some shoe values for a few more days that you’ll be anxious to snap up when you see them. The round wear, regular $4, $5 and $6 goods, all leathers, all sizes, two im ~N CL 3.00 Lot No. 2---$2.85 the pair SHAUE & CO. BOOTS, SEOES, “UBBERS and HOSIERY MOUNT JOY, PENNA. sm —— are suitable for year g- the pair LANCASTER, PENNA
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