VOL. X. NO, 4D $1.00 A YEAR CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR Personals THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK Who and Where They Have Visited Many Strangers Here Over Sun. day-—Were You Among Them? Mr. Jacob Brown went to Harris- burg yesterday. Walter Meshey west tomorrow Miss Mary Stoll is visiting friends fa Philadelphia. Miss Anna Kramer day at Lancaster. Miss Myrtle Wenger aunt over Sunday. Mrs. Eli Shank was town on Saturday. Mrs. David Shonk day at Lancaster. Ivan Shellenberger made a trip to Florin on Monday. Miss Edna Martin entertained her mother on Sunday. Miss Marguerite Herr will spend Waster at her home. Mrs. Addison Flowers spent sev- eral days at Reading. Miss Elva Webb and friend spent Sunday at Lancaster. Mr. Monroe Kramer was at Land- is Valley on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Beamesderfer were Manheim on Sunday. Miss Anna Kraybill Baster at Walnut Lane. Mr. Ben Groff attended epera house on Thursday. Miss Mary Newpher was visiting her parents over Sunday. Mr. Alvin Gingrich spent Wednes- day iwth Mr. C. S. Gingrich. Miss Gladys Flowers attended the home talent play at Maytown. Miss Anna Jackson left for her Rome at Hagerstown on Thursday. Misses Bitner and Wendell Lancaster, spent Sunday in town. Misg Viola Runkel of Lancaster, visited Miss Ethel Shank on Sunday. Mr. Samuel Bechtold of Iowa is visiting the family of David Shonk. Frank left Monday for Industrial school, Lancas- will leave for the spent Satur- was with her at Elizabeth- spending the is in will spend Fulton of Herbert Steven's ter. Mrs. C. Owen Brandt was in Lan- caster yesterday seeking Easter sup- | plies. Mr. Creek was week, Mrs. Elsie Enola. Mr. spent friends. Miss Jackson of Peters town James in a and daughter, Easter at J... H. intend Miller spending Howard town and Mrs Sunday in Mabel Donovan will county. Miss Mabel Donovan spent Satur- day in Lancaster seeking her Easter bonnet, Mr. Walter Baker Hanover visited the tin Garber. Miss Lucy ‘day and Sunday at her Lancaster. Mrs. her grand-daughter Hawthorne. Mr. Edward vebterday ‘visiting James Way. Mrs. Estella ter Martha, in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marietta in with relatives. Mr. Martha Nissley Sunday. Edna Martin at her and bride family of Mar- Satur- at Gibbons spent home Mrs. H. P, town Mrs. Jackson was in his sister, Bucher and spent Monday Hawthorne of Sunday C. were town on Breneman and Mr. Jay took a spin to Peters- burg on wiil spend her home near Miss Easter acation Chesinnut level Mr. Mather, a the School, today. representative of Beechwood Jenkintown, was in town Messrs. Ray Keller, I le evening. Misses Kathrerine Kathryn Gingrich spent Sunday with Jen Groff and Eng were at Maytown on Carson Saturday Kaufman and friends. Broadmax among Maytown Mr. etta in town on Sunday. Mrs. Jol Everitt fF Jersey Mr Mari- friends Eugene of was circulating In City, and oM.M 3rubaker. Mrs. Elvin Baker and children of visiting her parents, Eli Gres some R. wife Dillsburg, Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Ella spending Mrs. I. Dyer, are and El tsville, time with her Kraybill. is daughter Mr. E. S ert, Mr day. Mr. Chestnut Rob- of Fri- and son the npbell were guests Al. Cai Ol and on William Chandler of Saturday and Mr. W. D. Mrs. Level and spent Sunday with their son, Chandler Mi Sewing the Long's Ruth Circle at Stoll attended at Miss Anna home Iandisville, afternoon Mr. C. S. Gingrich Alta spent Paul Sload Mrs. daughters Emily Sunday as guests of Mrs and at Rheems. few days last | Peifer | among ! spend | Paster at her home, at Delta, York of | | station { jured. Elizabeth Shelley is visiting daugh- | evening | Saturday and business man- Intelligencer, Miss Mr ager George Shelly, the spent Sunday Mary Shelly J. B phia graduation Lancaster with his sister, of Longenecker was at Philadel witness the Martin N. Saturday to of his L.ongenecker Mrs, C. F Apartments, with on son Front- will Miss Heverin of the Philadelphia, her cousin, enac spend Easter Rebecca Shay. Clar- year Zerphey and spent a Messrs. Elias ence Greenawalt, who on the Pacific Coast, expect to home by the middle of May. Ivan R. Shellenberger will hold a birthday party, to celebrate his 24 birthday anniversary at a place where he not yet mentioned. Among those from town who at- tended the spelling bee at Florin on Saturday evening are Misses Elsie Shonk and Mary Cunninghkam. Miss Anna Dennis of Norristown and Misses Sheaffer of Elizabeth- town visited the family of Mrs. M. B. Eshleman on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell and family were the guests of Mrs. Frederick Schaeffer in Lancaster on Sunday. Martin Longenecker, a son of J. E. Longenecker west of town, finish- ed a three years course at William- son’s Free Trade School on Satur- day, March 30. Miss Nellie Morton, a domestic in the home of W. S. Krady near Lan- caster, accompanied by her friend Mr. Harry Leib of Lancaster, spent Sunday with friends at Florin. Misses Genevieve Kenna and Mary Bear, teachers in New Jersey, are spending a week's vacation at the latter's home. In New Jersey the week is called ‘“Moving Week” | and the schools are closed The following students are spend- ing their vacations in town: Clar- j ence Newcomer and Joseph Brene- | man from Pennsylvania Military | School, Chestel, James Newpher, Harry Carpenter, Bysshe Heilig, Arthur Schock, and Ray Keller from Franklin and Marshall Acad- emy, and Walter ireiner from Williamson Industrial School. - ——- Ce be has They Are Organized Monday evening, April 1, the School class consisting of 12 girls met at the home of their teacher, Mrs. H. G. Longenecker, for the purpose of being organized Rev. Mr. Spangler present, and Miss Grace Dietz president, the following officers were elected: Pres—Ruth Brubaker. Vice Pres.—Ruth Webb. Sec’y—Cora Webb. The class has now taken the name of “The King's Daughters.” ————— — A Bad Wreck A wreck occurred Thursday after- noon at Bainbridge, just west of the the Pennsylvania Rail- which man was in- The accident resulted thru an east-bound freight train, crash- ing into CD local, three cars and the train being wrecked and were entirely on Sunday with as on road, in one latter fire cabin of These caught consumed. ———— A A Wind Storm. wind storm passed It A violent over this community last night began with a rain storm about six o’clock season of lights morning. | which followed by a [ calm. until | About to rage and continued ———-- A aws There three were eno street this the until midnight o'clock nine o'clock storm began A Large Issue Owing to the large amount of ad- vertising and to the diligenee of our staff increased the this to ten We hope that our many sub- efforts new we have size of issue from eight pages. scribers will appreciate our ! : ’ give them a big, newsy paper. SS A \ New Green Grocery 0. Newcomer of Harrisburg at Main holesale to Mr. 1 is making Eberle where improvements property on E: he Green will open a and retail Grocery Store, bananas a specialty. meester Still on the Job sold 35 head of for Ed. Ream on brough Charlie Squire Zeller hor- Sat- rood prices. a a a a Commencement at Maytown an®ual sment, exer- ence Hich school, comn Central vhen a class » graduated . DE a —A-RERED.® pointed Guardian, it Company Bennett in the es ite Bennett. et -n— Faster Bonnets all latest Getz Bros., $1.00 For men in the and sha) $3.50 es at | 7.15 ‘ | | Living Among the | Theme, jer. attendance the | St. | | fant of styles to | ADS BRING | SERVICES IN OUR CHURCHES ON SUNDAY. Report of the Come in Our Local and Houses Worship——Sun- A Complete ing Services Nearby of day Schools, Ete. celebrated in Sunday at will be church High Mass the Catholic on Methodist for Easter a. Sunday School; Communion; gS pp l.eague, 7 p. Easter W. Dungan, opal Sunday: 9.30 10.30 a. m. m, Epworth sermon. Pastor. Ep Services m. m. G. Church of God Theme, ‘‘Seeking the Dead.” Evening Messenger from the Morning “A Dead.” Special Easter music at all of the services during the day. United Brethren Services on Sunday as follows: Sunday School, 9 a. m. Holy Com- munion, 10.15 a. m. Y.P. 8. C. B. 6.30 p. m. Evening Worship, 1.15 p. m. There will be special Easter music at both the morning and evening service, Presbyterian Church Services next Sabbath at Donegal in the morning and at Mount Joy in the evening. 10 a. m. at Donegal. Communion and reception of new The pastor will preacn a sermon. 7.30 p. m. members. special Easter at Mount Joy. Easter service with sermon “The Emmaus Brethren.” on United Evangelical 9.30 a. m. Sunday School. officer, teacher and scholar urged to be present. Special Easter singing, also the distribution of Easter gifts. 10.30 a. m., Public Worship. Ser- mon Theme, “Christ's Resurrection” 7.30, Evening Worship. Subject, “Immortality.” Misses Hilda and Dorothy Johnson, will sing an East- er duet. Everybody invited to attend these special Easter services. Be- ginning with Sunday evening, April 14, the pastor will preach the first sermon of a series of six, on “The Second Coming of Christ.” All are welcome. Rev. I. E. Johnson, pastor. vetdE v whp| oS PD ep is Every St. Luke's Episcopal Services for Holy Week and East- -7.30 A, M. Service Thursday: 7.30 p. m, Maundy Holy Communion. with address, meditation. yood Friday: 4.15 p. m., conclud- ing service of children’s catechism nad distribution of rewards. 7.30 p. m., Service and meditation. Saturday, 7.30 P. M.:—Service meditation. Easter Sunday:- Eucharist. 10.30 a. m. Holy ist and sermon. 7.30 p. m. Special Children’s Service of Carols, address and distribution of gifts. A special offering will be received on Easter for the reduction of the debt on Everybody is wel- E. Berghaus, and m. Holy Euchar- 6.30 a. Day the Parish Rev House. Chas. come. Rector. Notes confirmed Church were Lutheran The following in hé Lutheran Mrs. Elmer Sunday | Schlegel- | Schlegel- | church on Sarah Myers Schleg- Ellsworth Henderson Klugh, L. Hauenstein | morning: elmilch, milech, Frank nilgh, Fannie Marie Mamie Jennie Matilda present Klugh, Wilma hundred The decorated Witmer, and Frank. at was | Over three were the beautifully church with on 2 services. palms. | The sermon was based Tim. 3: 14. The School had the best its offering Sunday were | to in- | in history. 188 The After Sunday child Mr. was bapti ent amounted 29.00 pre the Clayton School of and Mrs \pp The ery pasto conducting services evening during the week with evening 7.45 t each With turday top- the | le + ening, in the Pre nesday evening Holy Com- The | “The | the | Com- | congrega- | tered. 5° evening Holy Lutheran , and his pulpit | of Hemsath at Philter. Markets. E Butter 33¢ H Ebersole and ESULTS | than | surprised | Mr. | Milton [ Genevieve i ni 19¢ THATS Obituary THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER Some Well Known People From Our Neighborhood Have Passed to the Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue WHY ME KE THIS ; 'S ADVERTISING JITUM Vib Mrs. Mina Moeller, wife of John Philadelphia on The de- at 0 [4 died aged Moeller, Monday, years of Services ceased is a sister George B. held on Thursday at 2 her Fach will be late residence Mrs, Katherine Watson, formerly resided at Florin, tacked by a slight stroke, and at the home of son, March She as 76 years old and is survived by two children, both residing at Steelton. Services were held in the Florin U, B. church on Friday afternoon at 2 Interment was made in the Florin cemetery. who was at- on 217. John Rohrer aged 82, died at the daughter, Mrs. Emma Nissley, Monday morning, April 1, at two Funeral services were held this morning at 9 o'clock at the house and 10 o'clock at the Peters- burg church, where interment was made. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Emma Nissley, Mrs. Noah Getz and several grand- children. William ness home a former nephew of Mr, Landisville, home of her on Mrs. of o'clock. M. Rettew, after an ill- of some months, died at his in Norfolk, Va. Mr. Rettew Lancastrian, and is a William Manning of town. The funeral will be held to- morrow morning from the Pennsyl- vania Railroad depot at Lancaster. Interment will be made in the Green cemetery. re A A i was wood The Star Course The last of the Star Course was given on Friday evening by ‘‘The Sisters.” The pro- gram with solos, duets and quartets as well as a very number Trier was interspersed pleasing recitation. A play was al- very produced . The closing feature, Medley of >atriotic pleasing both on account of the appropriate costumes the pleasing way in which it rendered. The committee in Star Course deserves well “A was very SO Songs” and was charge of the a great deal of credit for the splen- did of entertainments which they have given during the year. The community owes great deal of gratitude to them for their untir- ing efforts. eel A ee class a A Prosperous First of April The volume of business transact- by the First National Bank ov- April larger than any former and order to handle the business, had to secure the ser- The First of a new and plans this new April ed er first was year in extra man. the and likely order vices of an National building for feels need more more will secured that the started by same be coming in building 1st, 1913. The Bank yedr may be Mount Joy business National brisker Union also reports ever. i OC Birthday Surprise H. Miller Monday evening his pleasantly the birthday. Mr. S. was OC- thirtieth Mr, Mrs and casion being were and Mr. Dietz Those present Roy. Gainer; and Brosey: Mr. Mrs. Elias Strickler: Miller Mrs. Winfield Mrs, -S. A .Bear, Misses Erle Kenna and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Thome and Mrs. Mary Klizabeth Mrs. A. M re child- M. B. Bear; and ren Dell: and \nna Brosey: and amusements we all Various and returned home well [ pleased. , a Chicken with Three Legs 3 tt be b Mad for ecca the chicken Arthur T. in nging out > chickens, ‘ee perfect iveliest o —al OA Mus $17.00. 1 in cl that othin tore-1 Pl: Improveme smok at the Farm&-'s fersh A new e stack ted Flam and Subscribe for the } Joy Bulletin died | her son, Jacob Wat- | o'clock. | Mrs. Mr. | and | Kolp. | indulged | our townsman | o'clock from | Reading left to right the Miriam Kendig, Engle, Mary week's stati rom Elmer Blocher, Catharine the Bulletin Eshlenian, of as follows This the Exchange Issue is Editors, Messrs Messrs. Roy Notes, Eshleman. Locals Frances Bailer Church Local Notes SHORT NEWS [ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST MANY OP Brief Local Happenings Gathered as They Occur With the Whirl of the World for Quick Reading Withiy the Past Few Days. Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Garden and flower seeds at Dona- ven's. on Monday. [.. O. Musser [pase his barn. has begun to re- The Public Schools will have a va- cation on The “hikers” Hosiery Friday. country-side was overflowing with on Sunday. in all shades Hie. Easter to for at Getz Bros. 15¢ Ralph from Miss Eshleman is recovering sickness. Mumma attack of Matilda ing from a spell of sickness. Mr. Alvin Shonk taught the sixth room several days last week. Mr. David the interior Mrs. Eli from a severe spell of sickness. Silk Hosiery in colors at Getz Bros. 39c¢ and an 18 recover- Wagenr is home. recovering of his new Ebersole is plain Guaranteed and Carson sold their mules to E. L.. Weaver of Florin Brandt & Stehman are making ex- repairs at their flour mill. Elizabeth Eshlman again teaching school after a few days ab- Engle tensive Miss is sence. Lost—A small Reward for black ful nelk- piece its office Mr. fine Heisey purchased a Ed. Ream's Elmer horse at sale Saturday. A large willow tree was down last night on Mr farm. Jecause Joseph Kray- bill's rains Dell, of Chiques creek high. Lefevre heavy the was un- at usually Mr of the William Mr possession Mr. has taken Farmers’ Inn, vacated by H. Gantz. David Wagner at is making ex- tensive repairs his new residence West Main Misses Mary the street Webb E telephone opera- jon and sie Her- new Bell Charles hey are Exchange. deliv his evening +1 | tor ¢ the Rev Hicks ered a | very interesting sermon con- tion on: Sunday ‘anted A the state that root over SO moon-light walkers vould not get wet when it rains. Wanted—Stone to pike Park St., Klizabethtown, : an automobile stuck in the mud Saturd: night. the y 1 Lost utton, between upper church (George Geyer’s. pleas return to this of- Finder line, | £1 m Harry Elme [.onzenecker, Misses Mr. Amos Engle began concreting | remodeling return to this | on | blown | the | the class as follows Roy Bailer Senior hers of are Greiner, Longenecker, Shire Frances is edited by the Class of the r RBlocher, Harry Greiner. Engle, Hoawrd Ar Catharine Carson ‘artha Strickler, The following people have chang- ed residences the past week: Mount Joy. Shirk moved into the heuse vacated by William Frank. Paniel Derr into the erty vacated by Samuel Shrite. Michael Detwiler moved into house vacated by Prof. Kraybill John Darrenkamp moved into {house vacated by Reuben Myers. | William Gantz into Eckhart property on St. Mr. T. M. Brenneman moved into | his property vacated by Dr. Thome into the Michael Detwiler. moved into the Darrenkamp. moved from property to the Hostetter N. Barbara St, Wagenr moved Jay moved prop- the the the moved Lumber Reuben Myers moved house vacated William Frank vacated by John R. Kraybill by house Prof. 1. the Lytle property on David Manning property to his home on W. Main St. formerly by Seward Ricker, from the occupied Florin and Community Ed. Mann moved into the Lytle property Walters moved to the property vacated Ed. Mann John Gainer moved from the Niss- by Peter Peter by | ley farm to that vacated | Walters. Mr. William to the Shelley [.eedom Wintermyer moved farm vacated by Har- ry | Harry | Shelley | the by LLeedom moved from farm to that Benjamin Brubaker. Dr. H. H. Bear moved {Annes Myers property into cated Mrs. Lindemuth. Mrs. Andrew Sumpman | from Lancaster Junction | property vacated by Dr, | Benjamin Brubaker [the Benjamin Musser i vacated from the that va- by moved into the Bear, moved farm purchased from to the place he recently near [ Milton rove. | —— Gr A Worthy Cause | A Sociable will be held in Jtown hall, Friday evening, April 12., the Auxiliary. Sand- wiches, cream and cake The rendered Music Solo— Mr (Vira) By Duet the by Hospital coffee, ice served following will Instrumental Vocal Chorus Drill Vocal Johnson. will be pro- gram be Orchestra Cassel Quartet Charles Ladies’ children Hilda and Dorothy Recitation Miss Caroline Frank Men's Chorus Mr. John 1M Instrumental Music Root Orche SE Monologue Made a Pennsvl Raise The anv ania Railroad are rai The new and tl town OW1 are higher eir object is the lives of the taller en the top of the ¢ The 8S ar omnlete Alley, Jacob and PB Licked” James Personals, Shire This Week's Editorial Staff of The Mount Joy Bulletin Strickler, tz, Carson l.uey Gibbons, \ Kendig, Howard ocal High School ersonnel of Misses dig, Mary Obituary, Misse aiey Gibbons, School Notes Mirianu ntz Kendig. HE BUSY VIik- OF HERE tAPPENINGS IN | \GE WEST hat Have Occurred Since Our Last Issue im Our Hustling and Wide Awake Neighbor Village. Florin. Toeal and Personal Briefs Mr. a few John Mille; days in eelton spent town he at Eby's Preaching was d church on Sunday Myrtle Groff of Saturday in town. Stella Vogel about again after a severe spell of sickness. Bertha Eby and Kreider spent Sunday at Eby’s. Mr. Charles Winters of Manheim, spent Tuesday with his parents. Watson and family feo Steelton spent se ! days in town, Dr. had his antomohile Bros. Mr. of Rheems Mrs, Rheems spent Miss is Misses Eva Jacob Bryson ol ncaster Young and wife repawed by Mey spent S John with Gish. Miss Joy spent near Mem! town with Ethel Frank Saturday in friends. Mr. David Maytown, of near with his Raffensberger spent Sunday brother. Miller after of Steelton spending Katie home town, Bryson spent Miss re- turned many days in Dr caster, and family of Lan- Monday with Mrs. Bayson’s parents. A. R. Garber and daughter Esther spent Monday and Tuesday at Blaine, Perry County. Messrs. Joe Gingrich and Enos , Wachstetter took a bicycle trip to ‘Lancaster on Sunday Mr. Amos Shickle accepted the with Mount Joy I agon position Young Mrs. Ha pleasantly ent Mr. Nehemia and Mrs. | Sur painter Mr Were 1aker Sun- and dav bv Mi Yor! of of ank spent nest Mrs. Irvin and E 1g Mr K family Sunday i \ a Mr. ( property Wats lic Sale on Win the secker 1d is of The goods Mrs. on days nr Con mer Sq Florin, Toe Welf hin ¢ Ie onary
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