THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 20, 1 ( 12 $1.00 A YEAR CIRCUILLTION ALWAYS COUNTS—OUR ADS BRING >» \ MEDIUM Obiuary THE ROAD WHH WE ALL MUSI TRAVEL SOJER OR LATER Some Well Knox People From Our | Neighborhoodlave Passed to the the Great Beyondince Our Last Issue Mrs. Joseph Mf of York, ly of Marietta, dead Margaret Rid Kehr of near Harrisburg, forerly of Columbia, died James dent in her 65tlyear, H. Woen, formerly the Colubia Baking died at Harrisbw in his 65th year. David Cover lied at Elizabeth- town, died on Fday aged 65 years. Mrs. Edward Rder and Mrs. Bert Reeder, are daghters the ceased. presi- of Co., of de- Abram Witmg abethtown, diedit buried at Stauff’s Church, lzabethtown onMonday. $5 years old. formerly of Eliz and was a E- was Altoona € near He C—O ORS: Miss Cathrine Pancake Mis Catharin/Pankate died Monday Home, mate three She was born Salunga. 4 on been an in- tonsilitis. and was of where se had ves, from in he 93rd in vear and raisd the vieinity Mrs. manda Dyer Man- pneu- aged Deceased a daughte of the late Mr. Shaffer this place. William [anning of this place, Mrs. Reim monia Amand died at Monday fternoon 6 Dyer from years. was Mrs, Mrs. is anc John of a sister Mrs Anna Faus Anna of Henry Faus ofRapho township, died last at her daughter, Ars. Samuel Hollinger ur Faus widow the late Tuesday right the home of of near Hossle!s church. She is s vived by a sonand three daughters: Saturday morring at with interme:t CEM ETRY Mastersonville, | in the adjoling | Lyda Donaghy Lydia, widow of the late High Constable Willam Donaghy, died at the home of Ir. Frank Schroll on Mount Joy stret on Thursday night, aged 77 years She leaves one son, John Donaghy of this place and two daughters, Ms. Grant Earnest of York, Mrs. fugustus Braman, of Lancaster anl Mrs. Lucy Stoler of town, The fineral services were held yesterdiy afternoon at two o'clock from ier late home. Inter- ment was male in the Henry Eberle Cemetery. Ama S. Eppley Anna S., infant daughter of Charles and Ada Eppley, who reside a short distance east of town, was found dead in its crib by its par- ents early Swinday morning. Deputy Coroner B. 5. Dillinger and his physician Dr. J. J. Newpher held an investigation and found that the child died from capillary bronchitis: It was aged five months. The funer- al was held yesterday afternoon with services and interment at Cross Roads. Charles K. Bennett { Charles K. Bennett, one of the most successful business men in this town, died shortly before midnight Wednesday, the eve of his birthday, aged 41 years. Mr. Bennett carried on butchering quite extensively in this place for a number of years. He was also a drover and shipped many fat cattle to the city markets. Several years ago he purchased a large farm near Florin, which he has been con- ducting quite successfully. The deceased was a member of Ostego Tribe No. 59, Improved Order Red Men and also of Cove Lodge No. 301, Knights of Pythias of this place. His wife and two sons, Charles and Thomas, both at home, and one brother, Edward Bennett, survive. former- at theOreville Mennonite | Albert B. Fau, Mrs. Daniel Miller Mrs. Hollingerand Miss Susan Faus all of Rapho. The funeral was held | | EDUCATIONAL TRAIN Here on Friday | | | The Pennsylvania School of Agri- | —— [culture and Experiment Station in | Who and Where They Have Visited— Pennsylvania State College is | Many Strangers Here Over Suo {devoted to the advancement of day—Were You Among Them? Agriculture. It has a large faculty —— of scientists and many students Mr. James Glatfelter spent Sun are enrolled in the two and four |day at Columbia. | vears' courses in Agriculture. 1 Mr. Paul E. Getz went to Balti- | owns 600 acres of land and all vis- | more today on business, itors to the Station know something Mrs. Harry Shaffer of Columbia of the results that have been obtains | Was in town on Monday. ed in practical farming and in exe Mr. A. S. Meck of Strasburg, was periments, This institution teaches |here on a visit to friends. students and at the same time Miss Mary Longenecker west of practices what it preaches. town, spent Tuesday at Lancaster. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com- Mr. and Mrs. Eli Helman of Har- pany is interested in the material | risburg, spent Saturday in town with welfare of the people it serves. It |[riends. cannot prosper unless its patrons do. | Miss Alice Klugh has returned Interests necessarily are mutual in from a two week's visit to friends at many ways. The Pennsylvania A Harrisburg. Railroad has placed a special train Messrs Clayton Keller and Carl at the disposal of the School of | Bube spent Sunday in the City of | Agriculture and Experiment Station ' Brotherly Love. in order that lectures may be given Mrs. Jack Hamilton of Enola, | Will Be at the Old P. R. R. Station on agricultural subjects at as many Stations along its line as Two coaches will be used as rooms. Two lectures will be de livered in each coach |stop of fifty minutes’ duration a station. The of the wil be dairying, soil fertility, corn, beef cattle, swine, management gardening, alfalfa, and pastures. Such reputable men as Alva R.L. Watts, W. A { Van Norman, Charles N. S. McDowell will speakers. The special car will bethtown 20 each subjects lecture orchard market lime meadows Agee Cochel, H. E F. Noll be among be from P.R. 10.35 at N R a. 15 invited Friday 10 the old 9.45 [andisville on On from LC 9 a. m., ing here to and at from 10 a. m, Everbody is present. rr — ee Motorists Elect Officers the Lancaster by the Reports presented and committees of Automobile Club at its annual meet- | ing on Friday evening, March 15 in the rooms of that organiza- tion to be in a flourishing condition numerically and financially, Secretary Rider reported eighty-four members having been elected during the year and increased balance in the treasury compared with last year. The election of officers follows: William A. Wolf, Mus. Doc., [Lancaster first vice jresident, Aaron B. Landis, Rohrerstown; second vice president, J. H. Hoober, Lancaster; treasurer, Dr. W., H. Trout, Lancas- ter; secretary, Henry B. Howell, Lan- directors, George B. Kafroth, Charles M. Reiling, of Commerce showed an caster: Honey Brook; Lancaster; ville, The club was consider the advisability of changing the name of the club and of securing a charter. The new by-laws were adopted. mmm ttf Gf mecenms estes Both Creeks Were High Owing the heavy rain of Thurs- day and all day Friday, both and Little Chickies creeks siderably swollen. At Till the road was covered and covered bridge, on the Man- legal instructed to t 1 Eliza- ) sid- officers the Lancaster Chamber possible. lecture during the and | the resulted as | Dr. D. C. Martin, Landis- | committee of the | Ben- | | March heim road, the water was over to the | old blacksmith shop. As far as we could learn there was not much damage done along these streams. rr atl A Talk to Children. Miss Viola Hershey, a Missionary from India, will give a room of the Church of God on Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock. All the children of the cieties in the town, are cordially in. vited to attend. eA lee <i Wouldn't Pay His Board Mr. S. | procured from Miss Stella Vogle aft- returned {charge consists of Irvin talk to children in the Sunday School | C. different Junior So- | | tended to by Mr. C. H. Zeller of this E. Mack of this place, was | arrested by Constable Price just as | he boarded Joy at Lancaster last Friday even- ing. He was charged with defraud- ing Mr. Harry Wintermyer, with whom he was living, out of a board The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the Presby- | terian church, with interment in the | Mount Joy cemetery . | —— ee Spray Your Trees | Mr. Frank Conrad, of this place, | is prepared to spray all kinds of | trees on short notice and in a man- | mer that will positively destroy scale and germs. Prices are very reason- |! able. Drop him a card and he will! eall to see you. MA en te ll Rees { Our Home Markets. | Today Merchant H. E. Ebersole pays as follows: Butter 33c, eggs] 19¢, lard 1le, Rotatoes $1.25. Today Brandt{ & Stehman pay as follows: Wheat | $1.00, corn 73c. { | | Petersburg. oats Bée, will b jin the bill. justed. SS Romezzi to Hang Antonio Romezzi, convicted of murdering a fellow countryman near Neffsville, was refused a new trial by the Supreme Court and un- less the Board of Pardons interferes, |he will be hanged. ee A Orr Sale of Hotel Andrew H. Snavely has _sbld on private terms to William Keyler, of | Atglen, the Black Horse/Hotel, East gy =. etl eee A New Grocery umored that a mew grocery ened in the Eberle building ar future. TtNjs a trolley car for Mount | The matter was amicably ad- | | | be Personals FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK was here visiting friends and tives yesterday. Cora Miss Moyer spent a few days with Mr. and B. KF. ! Misses Sophia, Ma Rahm it to return on Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Robert Greenawalt. ‘egaret Marietta ra hiked and Kuhn gone to Harrisburg where they will future. Aaron Gibble Hoffman Monday Philadelphia William Saturday) his brother. reside in the and and Messrs. spent vester day in Mr, | City, here with Mr town, of Ricker spent and Sunday Sunday here son, Mr. H. RE. Mrs. Charles spent as their Mr Klugh. B. and Shank Millersville, spent a few days in town | Washington House Helman funeral of stopped at the Mr. and Mrs. Manheim, attended Bennett in this place Saturday. Mr. George Missemer Harrison the K is here on a visit his parents He to ten years abroad. is now located in China Mrs. Joseph Breneman and son of Lancaster, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Mann- ing vesterday. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Haines and two children will leave today for | Philadelphia, where they expect to spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eby, daughters Katie and Bessie and son Walter, of attended the funeral of Bennett Saturday Amos B. Richerly and daughter Geraldine, Mrs. Anna M. Myers of Lancaster and Mr. Miles Sherrick of Middletown, spent Mon- day in the family of Dr. H. H. Bear west of town. Mr. J. H. Keener, the hustling marble and granite dealer, who conducts the People’s Marble and Granite Works with shops at May- town and Elizabethtown, was in town today. Lemoyne, Charles K, Mrs. etl eee Bee will Buzz at Florin The Florin Hall Association will hold a grand spelling bee in the Hall at Florin, Saturday evening, 30. There will be two spell- general information four valuable prizes to each The program will be in- terspered with dialogues, recitations vocal music. The admissionwill 20cents. Tickets can be on and with class. ing a class and and March 20. The committee in B. Kraybill, Brandt and er A. Wiley, Miss Sue Miss Stella Vogel. DG re Charlie Gets the Business The business of all the fire insur ance companies represented here by S. Ricker, will hereafter be at- \ A. The companies are the Boston Insurance Company, German American Insurance Company, Gir- ard Fire and Marine Insurance Com- parv and the Lebanon Mutual In- sur.nce Company. —— er eee place. Roast Pig and Saur Kraut Mr. J. M. Backenstoe, of the Ex- change Hotel, will hold a roast pig anc saur kraut supper on Saturday evening to which the public is mest cordially invited. The Foresters’ Band will furnish music for the oc- casion. Foot Causing Troubid ~~ Mr. Oscar Stout had His foot burned while -on duty at the Grey Iron some time ago. Now he is on a vacation on account of it causing him much pain and trouble. ee A A On \ [/ Resigns as J. P. M . A. Ricker sent his resigna- tion a% Justice of the Peace of the West Ward to Governor Tener on THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR rela- of Selinsgrove Mrs. and Cla- and | have Fisher of Mahanoy | and Mrs. Jesse Klugh of May- guests of of | C after spending z Y rp ri FEY & r 1 » TL TYPE TY 1 ren \ r | AO \ v 1 RESULTS—THATS WHY MERCHANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING MOK T Y IN " | IR Ny BRICK THRU A WINDOW | = ri N S WS | WANTS FARM BACK | cal Notes 1. V. Fegley's Jewelry Store Was | Rapho Township Resident Claims he —————— Robbed Last Wednesday Night | HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY Vil. Was Cheated With Stocks MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF AGE WEST OF HERE 3 _— GENERAL INTEREST A bold thief smashed the plate | i ae Alleging that he was cheated out Le Mt | glass Ww : I Joglev'a | ond p— 1 is arn St > \ p § nt 4 i 3 § Blas vindow of R. V Fegley’s | {geal and Personal Briefs That Have | Of his farm, Samuel N. Brubaker on | j.ief Local Happenings Gathered as « +] re early T ay 'n- |! " Si YF ile ¢ i i quity i hi {Jewelry store early Thursday morn Occurred Since Our Last Issue in Saturday filed a bill in equity they Occur With the Whirl of the ny 8 y \ swelr ¢ AQ - : ve age st sary T's Wr ‘laws > 2 : IT] [1ng, snatched some jewelry and es Our Hustling and Wide Awake | 5ainst Henry M. Walters, Clawson World for Quick Reading Within | caped Neighbor Village. Florin. | Bachman, J, T. Hayden and Lewis the Past Few Days. R. V. Fegley has a jewelry on — Burkhart, trading as Bachman and | Main street, in the business section Mr. W. M. Comstock of Lancaster | “ompany, and Martin H. Baer, jr, Ildward Roberson, aged 79 years, the 1 y resides i y Qe 3 ¢ ( (Charles S Fon oer : = of the tonw. He resides in the same spent Monday in town, nd We 2 Foaser, died at Marietta on Thursday. milding Thursds ming . . "he plaintiff in his bi ‘ites ¢ : i! aiding hursday morning about Mr. Oscar Young spent Sunday at [he 1 ; id Fy . Slee at | our krout Will be served at the y'el and y fegle re y : rad | he 18 a resident of Rapho ar Wns | t {1 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Fegley were Elizabethtown with friends. I : den 9 1p g pid : I | Farmers’ Inn on Saturday evening. a iene a eras falling glass Nr : a larm there on May 9, 1¢ y he | \ j awakens d a crash of falling glass. Mr. EB, S. Moore made a business | | Ww Wal : \ Buel © | For Sale—A lot of soft bricks Neighbors are als sturbed, ¢ claims that alters anc achman, | ; ‘ hor vere also disturbed, and trip to Lancaster on Monday. is : B b g y Call on Michael Detwiler, Mt. Joy.2t me up looking out of & stairs . representing Bachman & Company,, A p : one : bon looking out of an upstairs Communion services will be held I , ny Mien he Bl \s far as we can learn there is wi lov Si { ‘ . ing ¢ av . Co red 10 cnea I 01 0 81. . a Vindow Saw 8 man Funlilg away! Sunday morning and evening. 3 ; : . but one vacant house in town this from in front of the store. He turned | : ; : farm by getting the farm in ex-l. . °° 1 4 Excl Hotel ‘ Mr. Oscar Young made a business | 4... ro 900 hares of the pre- | VTing aroun the xchange 3, : x | "ilk i “ Sle 8 > - nm ‘ + EAT, 3 rouny ¢ change ou ANC trip to Elizabethtown on Monday. er . I'he Coateville School Board is disappeared | ’ ferred stock of the Bay State Invest- . Mr. J. M. Sheaffer of Philadelphia . planning a 16-room school house to Mr. Fegley arose and dressing | t Frid in t ith friend { ment Company cost $50,000 : spent Friday in wn w nds ne.» . . ml, Null . went down stairs to investigate He | 7 a) own Ire It was represented that the stock Wi > 20 y sec i . A saur kraut lunch will be serv- ‘ . te than & . shay anted—§$200 well secured in found that the thief Bad hurled a Was worth more than $10 per. share, t Add B t oO g x Tnmd 1. nd raw} . + : . own property ddress care oO brick through the wiwfow. smashing d at the Florin Inn on Saturday | that it paid dividends at the rate of blog y : : night " yy 3 re « Bulletin, Mt. Joy 2t. the glass into smyg pieces. A lot of | "2" }¢ per cent per annum and that 4 d m y ewelry was [dis ayed in the window Mr. and Mrs, George Stoll of Har- | they were selling treasury stock of Telephone Operator Wanted. Ap- ’ » Ih ’ : . i : | ne 3 > y oe » y a - \mong the [arficles missing are two 'iSburg, spent Sunday in town with | the company. The time the exchange 3 at py ou Bell Telephone 5» Fria > | was ade > fap . . change, Mt, Joy. diamond ripfas, two bracelets and friends. | Was made the farm was worth $2,- H 2 K y by M Minni v . . lar andio i 5 is . 4 amr wor done YY rs. 1 e several watches, The loss is about Mr. Clarence Musselman is con- oid, oii i s ® one hundred dollars. It was im- fined to the house with an attack of The claim is made that the repre- | Ifuhrman, corner Delta and Marietta ; : i iene soni x vo. tales 3 wearv hay. | Street, Mount Joy mar.20-4t. possible to secure a description of | Sickness. |Sentations Were false in every par. | Will 1M I ” the bold thief, but it is believed he | Mr. G. C. Brenner of Mechanics | tic ular and that the stock received | i bur el } sryim, AnSaRter { : 3 i xchange ras 1 ros ur . tensive s y alers, are r - was a stranger. The police of Lan- | burg, made a business trip to town [ID exchange was not treasury stock h ens 208 dea ers, are new af : . Np iHAAY : at i as arke ralue. | vertisers in this issue. caster, Columbia and other places last Friday. ind that it has no market value. Nicht. Watcl ted: 'W ; 3 op . ] : " wae The hill sets h the alters 3 Nigh atchman wanted. ages have been notified of the theft, and Mr. Charles Stephan of Elizabeth- I'he hill sets forth that Walters is a Shit : : Tam Rol g : . ; : fugitive ¢ he Jachms : »J.00 per week. Apply to ollman will be on the lookout for the stolen [town called on friends in the village | I W81HIV¢ nd that. Bachman was J ; . Pl ° tSwoley i Mendes { compelled to resign as president of Manufacturing Co. mar20-tf jewelr ( Monday. _- : - — Mr. H Wittle i i ly ill {the Bay State Investment Company lhe sale of Dr. H. H. Bear was Se r. enry ittle is seriously ill | ane : sic eo . . ; y € eriousy. 7 lor fraud. Plaintiff avers that | largely attended and all things Epidemic of Mumps at Bainbridge at this writing with an attack of | : ; hy ; i : : : | neither Baer nor Yeager were know- | brought very good prices. Dr. J. I. Mowery, medical inspect- | pneumonia. | ‘ ‘ or , : 1 t Ti Mr. Bert Tl M \ | ingly parties to the fraud, and that Supervisor A. B. Welsh repaired or of lancaster county, spent Thurs- | Mr. Bert Thomas and Mrs. yer | : : bi 4 : | : Hise Y. 5 } " : : / ! *eYer | the Bachman firm should not he [the leak in the water main in front | day Investigating ¢ attac of | were 1 > >: "Ce eo shi . ; A s x ( Ve ae a o { Were uni ed into church fellowship | confused with the firm of H I, | of the post office on Saturday. mumps at ainbridge, in Conoy | on Sunday. { . . ; wh TI . : I { ) i 1 { Bachman & Co., of Philadelphia. lost—Ablack covered memoran- township ere are, it is estimated, Japtismal services wi > y | wm ae ‘ . rs dof o ere € is | , ptismal services will be held on | Fhe plaintiff asks the court for [dum book. Will satisfy party who about twenty-five cases in ar about | S ay ‘ming i ) nite \ i : : J 0 Cn ( nd abo unday Mons in the 1 hited | ,, order on Walters to reconvey the | will return to this office at once. {the town imspected te remises Jrethren C re : m > D 4 yo 2 en Pre X : Brethren Church. { farm to him, and to have the mort- lhe personal property sale of S. and four that the disease existec Mr an Shelle rger ! | tof . = ’ 1 1h ! 2 e disease ¢ | Ir. Iva hellenberger of Mount satisfied and the judgment re- (A. Ricker, trustee to sell, on Satur- there 0 ( sense seemed i be | Joy and Mr. Stephen ILeisey spent i leased. lay afternoon, was well attended. ttered through the town and in! av i arris ‘or ] y : . . el o : I 2 : { Monday at Harrisburg. —— \ flock of about thirty wild ducks t neighborhood u t falmonth. iss tle Groff heems ¢ x ‘ : y ¢ m : jhe eighbo 0 p lo | Miss Myrtle Groff of Rheems and | Engle's Auction Sale lew over town Thursday noon, going | le Inspection has not been complet- isa tell: "achste Sy De act | 3 . mi : : oy . J pec ” Ss a : ] € : Miss Stella Wachstetter spent last ) By a full nage ad in this issue | Dorth. This is a sure sign of Spring ef vet. he 2radec schools o sdnesdav . acter \ ; . ~ : ; 3 Ye Aa Wednesday at Lancaster. [may be seen that D. H. Engle will Mr Herbert Frank will leave | Bainbridge are in the district affect- | Iris c Pe ilv ancas.- | : . 4 . i ] ; Dr. Brison and family of Lancas- i sell the balance of his large furni April 1 for Stevens School, where he ef | ter spe 3 : i i 0 | F ‘ . : : To era ter spent Sunday in town with Mr. | ture stock at public auction every |P25sed a very creditable examina- { "ey and Mrs. Jacob Hostetter. | .~ ltion | j { . | afternoon at 2.30 and every evening |“ Potatoes! Potatoes! | 3 ay sc 3 ay at 9.45, 1" * 2 | : ) Ss t Sunday school on Sunday at 9.45. lat 7.30 until the entire stock is | Mr. Joseph Haines caught seven- | \7 ave Q sacks p ice | Pre: ine ¢ a ior OC DR atl , » ; : Nd 3 1ave 0 cks of choice I reaching at 10.30, Junior C. E. at soll. The auction Will besin Sata: een fine suckers in the Chickies { ‘ S yf which we. are 211i 3.10 & ‘eaching 7.2 RS ? x best bagi x S42) : ; rotates: left which we. are selling | 6.1 ind preaching at 7.30. fav nttoriiotn Don't Tal Li 1 creek east of town in a few hours {from our residence north of town at | An automobile party of Lancaste | : ol } read | on Monday i onton a scan er oR g ie : Ss : bad : {the big ad and learn particulars and ic 33.20 a sack or $1.25 a bushel. This were pleasantly entertained at the her on atiehi if Som want Lie) Mr. Wm A Davis of Beaver v . . 3 . : | the { ) Wi 2 ar- : [1s an extra fine lot of potatoes of Florin Inn on Monday evening. : 45 in Mg: has Springs, Pa., an expert printer, was z00d quality and any person in need Mr. Abram Butzer moved hig; 520 added to the Bulletin’s nforce last 4 - vq \ uv r aq ‘ : - ret re etl A Gree Ns of potatoes best buy now as potatoes family and household effects to the Friday. will be considerable higher in g Oscar Donovan farm near Mount Attention Sir Mechanics The family of the late Mrs. Dona- wy reaks rice o i, a | Mra a op ar . : > 3 few weeks. Prices are liable to ad Joy. Sirs and Bros At our regular )ohy take this means of thanking all vance any time without notice. Mt and Mrs. ©. 8. Wachstotter meeting Wednesday evening, March who in any way assisted during their Bell Phone C. Frank & Bro. . . 20, 1912, there will be held a meet- | pepe ‘reav and daughter Stella spent Sunday at |: 1 7 . recent bereavement. ee eel ER o y Fx-0 y : anciati os Nb be : ; Mount Joy in the family of Ei |28 of the Ex-councilors Association Mrs. Etta M. Bennett is the ad- Anniversary of Great Blizzard _/| qc 1tz0r. of Lancaster county. We should | ministratrix of the estate of Charles Last Tuesday marked the tw wy- Young | Brothers. oir = citensive like to have all the members, es- | K. Bennett, deceased. The legal fourth anniversary of the gregt bliz- wagon and auto dealers are repair- fostalls the ex-councilors who are | notice may be found in another zard of Marc 2, 1888 : s : ; entitled to membership in the asso- |. zard of March 12, ! ye on there ing Dr. Brison’s large touring car |’. I column. was so great a precipitat¥on of snow of Lancaster. ciation. Rufus Grosh, one of the oldest that all traffic on the Pennsylvania Mrs. Julia Savage returned to her Ch Yours in H. 1. & S. engineers in the county, had a bad Railroad yas block uple : a >. H. Zeller, Rec. Sec. 0. U. A. M. | ¢; : 2 gi ill & 2a ad . lo o for a So. home at Dauphin, Pa., after spend- fall at the silk mill at Marietta on of days, and heavy damage resulted |. : : : TT. Se rday as sev y imj ny : Ct g ing some time here with her cousin Saturday. He was severely imjured 0 trees, wires, etc, i Z ‘hange Y . ress ? Mrs. Georze Howard il You Change Your Address? : i : Mr. Stephen Leisey and family ubscribers of the Bulletin, ex intrance Examination : i ecting to move this spring s 0 akin : of Denver are spending several |! hh 0 ve this spring should I'he Mt. Joy township high school : . notify us that they want their ad- i ; 3 days with the former’s parents Mr. entrance examination will be held iM I Lei dresses changed. Always be sure to 0 i : and Mrs. Lemon Leisey. : a : Saturday, March 23, in the high y ne " 1Y 1 give their former address, and if on 1d ; Mr. anc rs. Emanuel Young anc h . school building at Milton Grove. a r om fh by a rural route, give number of samg r : : 9 7 Mrs. illman antz were very . . : Work begins at 8.30. Norman E. rs 2 : and post office address. This will be ~ $d pleasantly entertained by the for- : a3 is Garber, principal. ] a great convenience and will insure mer’s son, Mr, Henry Young on 3; : —- Said prompt delivery of the paper. 3 & Sunday. Business Property Sold > . : rere filers | PIT jis Re 1d to Dr Miss Eva Schneider celebrated her Joseph K. Landis has solc ; . Neact Avain Ts M. J hb? : Uti NY a busi Sth birthday on Monday and wishes Please Avoid Trouble M. J. Evans, of Utica, N. Y., a busi- to thank all who so kindly remem- The person who took a fountain ness roperty in Centre Square, : : »n, ink pencil : a pair of glasses De i Ror 3 . : are, bered her. She received 22 handker- | Pen, ink pencil and a pair of glasses lize wn, / modern p r S Arawer of ot i bet owWr ; g chiefs and quite a few post cards. from the drawer of a desk at S. A. store will be opened on April 1 by } Ricker’s sale on Saturday, is known, ; cro EE A 5 . the new owner. and can avoid prosecution by re- The Star Course The last number of the Star Course, the Trier Concert and Opera Quintette, undoubtedly the best =D Gece ee them turning promptly. Seeks New Polling Place petition presented to We A was the Rumor is Not True court asking for the change of the J ’ yp lohards wishes 3 atin. i is number of the course, will appear in Dr. Richards wishes to emphatic polling place at Eas ters oe ALY cveniti +: Marek. 20 ally deny the widely circulated from the hotel to the building erect- | the hall Friday evening, March 29. fat He i : 5 : > : : PY 8 3 D¢ r o y is rE as ey There are two pairs of twins in ramor t a 1e is leavin town this ed by the fire company o at Dace: Ho corm v which is Very unusual, | SPrIng.' The Doctor had been offer The petition was ordered filed the company wii : . ih i i e pe as . : : as ed inducements to leave which all the members being from one —— A ace S " . I > . . ba : t family. The program consists of wccounts for the rumor. ®e Ror » Tree i 13 etl A eee $200 For One : a val. | Quartets, duets, solos, violin selec, Sonlat ie : se > b ral- | : te Eas : , : Poplar is pos Sno a te > ¢ | tions, readings. Don't fail to attend Maimed for Dife uable wood, but erman Long, Ot | ,;s number. For full details watch Harry Bennett, colored, was near Landisville, realized $200 from crushed at Billmyer by a freight these columns next week. one tree that he just cut down. It train last Wednesday, He tried to measured 94 feet and yielded 4,000 Ty get on while the train was in mo- feet, besides a lot of cordwood. Settlement Day tion and fell beneath. His leg was —_— mea —- First of April is the annual settle- amputated at a Columbia hospital. Ebersole—Shank ment day of this community. In Sa ne Johnson O. Ebersole of Elizabeth- | making out your Ht of odligations Inspector Appointed town and Carrie R. Shank of Mount | Which you want to discharge, think St 2p : of the Bulletin. If you find that you Daniel B. Ginder has resigned as , y i y i in insnecior af porting Hi Jo wen, res Boies Rev. | are in arrears, then include the pub ng. bhai PL Jacob N. Brubaker at his home in |lisher in your list for payment. If The SORT ins Spittal Terman 2 Rapho township. it is only a small amount jt will be Shelley to fill the vacancy s . appreciated. Dollars are beginning {’ : Se to look “awfully” big to us when = —-5--- This Will be Interesting Rev. I. H. Kern, pastor of Trinity Deeds Recorded Adam Koehler to William Eppley, bills stare us in the face as settle- ment day approaches. Evangelical Lutheran ehurch will 10 lots in East Donegal, $1050. give a talk on his trip through NS M. G. Shindte to the P. R. R. Yellowstone Park on Monday even- It's Hard to Beat Company, strip of land in Mount- ing, March 25th at 8 o’clock, in the Mount Joy is WE some to« | ville, $1.000. Sunday School Room. Come and |pacco centre. ny of the largest FT Po, : bring your friends. shipments ever\, nade from this ——-- Eee town was on Monday when two Closed for the Season An Inspector Appointed Lancaster dealers loaded seven The malt house here closed a very large cars of tobacco at the Penn- successful season on Saturday. Railroad freight statien In court on Tuesday Daniel B. Ginder resigned as inspector of the 3 —— - sylvania Monday. } \ \ internally. A valuable Mr. Prank was killed in dog owned by of this place, “cut” by a train town Monday beagle Carson, the end of in the west afternoon. Mrs, William Ricker, while here on a visit, took ill and was taken to the General Hospital at Lancaster for treatment by Dr. F. L. Richards vesterday. —- Eee Two Good Shows The Jail Breakers, a show playing towns about the size of ours, held the boards in Mount Joy Hall Friday and Saturday evenings. The production what was expected and some of the most mystifying escapes were made from straight jackets, mail pouches, hand cuffs and shackles. Only a fair house saw the initial performance but Saturday night’s receipts were far in excess of expectations. Exposing the tricks at- tracted many Saturday might and the management made good.} was beyond cages, Ba Many Quail Perish & One of the lamentable results ‘of the bitter weather has been the freezing of the quail, and farmers from all parts report finding whole coveys of the birds frozen. About ten a very cold winter virtually out the quail in many sections and sportsmen stock- ed the fields and wood lots with the birds imported from other states, and it is the belief of many sports- men that the next quail seasom will poor one. i —— years ago wiped be a H. Ho Zerphey & Sons Mr. H. H. Zerphey, foreman at E. L. Nissley & Sons tobacco ware- house at Florin, will move from his property two miles north of this place this Spring. He will take his sons in as partners and will embark in the painting busi ness. A fine wagon for his new business is now being turned out by Florin to Sporting Hill district of Rapho town- | Over $10,000 was paid out by one Wanted at Once Young Bros. ~The firm will soon be ship, and Herman M. Shelly wgs ap- |of these dealers for the weed that 12 operators. Apply at Flori: ready for Business. They have the pointed in his place. y dav. Shirt Factory, Florin, Pa tt | Bell Telephone.
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