76 March 10, 1976 Friendship Fire Co.’s 1975 report; 120 calls by Frank Good In 1975 Friendship Fire Company responded to 120 calls. Sixty one of these calls were from Mount Joy Borough, 37 from Rapho Township, 3 from East Donegal Township, 6 from Mount Joy Township, 1 from West Hempfield Township, 1 from Elizabeth- 4,925 feet of 3 inch hose was used. 1,250 feet of 2 1/8 inch hose was used. 3,900 feet of 1 1/2 inch hose was used. 2,200 feet of 1 inch hose was also used last year. The 3/4 inch hose was not used at all. The ladders were raised 284 times and extinguishers were used 8 times in 1975. The fire company re- sponded to many types of calls including S accidental false calls, 5 assist calls, 2 calls to barns, 2 to business- were public service calls, 4 rescue calls, 1 search party call, 6 stand-bys at acci- dents, 4 stand-bys for other fire companies, and 2 fires at trash piles. In Mount Joy Borough $643,000.00 worth of pro- perty was endangered last year. $19,585.00 of actual damage was done to pro- perty and the Friendship Fire Company saved $623,415.00 worth of pro- perty. Of the other townships perty. The Friendship Fire Co. No. 1 would like to thank Mount Joy and surrounding townships for their patron- age throughout the year. Chief Frank Good stated he and the department hope to provide the best in fire prevention and suppression in 1976. Services requested by individuals not pertain- ing to emergencies such as pump jobs, fire inspections, filling poels and other services are also done. rT TT I I ER SUSQUEHANNA TIMES - Page 15 OF ELIZABETHTOWN Pat Morgart’s BRIDAL SHOP “Special Group” Bridal Gowns Origsa0s._ ¥25 to *125 I | AL Central Penna’s Largest Selection g 9 Ibberson’s CARPET FOR HOME & CAR 1660 S. MARKET ST. CRARAFARARAAARRAARARAAS town Borough, 1 from es, 5S to cars, 1 to a corn combined the property en- As always, Friendship ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. 17022 ; Rheems, 8 from Marietta picker, 1 to a covered dangered totaled maintains an open door Opn gio 5:30 Creative $347,000.00. $21,700.00 of pelicy for inspection of the yf Carpetry Borough, and 2 from Man- heim Borough. A totalg of 2,080 men responded to the calls of last year and they spent a total of 123 hours and 54 minutes in service. A total of 46l miles were traveled last year. bridge, 1 te a church, 11 to dwellings, 1 that was false and malicious, and 1 to a garage. They also answered 3 ° calls to industrial fires, 2 to ‘mobile homes, 6 to natural cover fires, 1 to an oil spill, 2 to P P & L lines, 54 that actual damage was done and the fire company saved $325,300.00 worth of pro- station and conversation with the officers. Mon., Thurs.. Fri. Qt0 9 | Jeff Boulton selected © for civics seminar gain first-hand insight into the operation of government on the State level, the importance of the individual citizen in State government, and the challenges offered by service in governmental agencies and politics as a worthy and challenging Christian vocation. One of the major high- lights of the week will be an interview with Lieutenant Governor Ernest Kline on Tuesday Afternoon. Jeff Boulton of Mount Joy is one of 100 high school age United Presbyterians from across Pennsylvania who has been selected to attend the thirteenth Annual Youth and Government Seminar from February 27 to March 3, 1976, in Harrisburg. The event is sponsored by the United Presbyterian Synod of The Trinity. During the fivg-day Semi- nar, the young people will Free tests at Sloan’s nounced today. Free tests will be provid- ed at Sloan’s Pharmacy, 61 E. Main St., Mount Joy on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 2 to 4 p.m. The April schedule of free blood pressure clinics spon- sored by the American Heart Association, Lancas- ter, Pa. Chapter was an- Large or Small J Inside or Out & If you need cash to fix up, re-paint or remodel your home, make plans to see us first. Mifflin Press, Jn. OFFSET — LETTERPRESS Wedding —Hnnouncements e Job Printing ® Publications i Playhouse courtesy of John Buffenmyer e Bulletins e Programs eo Custom Labels e Perfect Binding Zach depositor insured to $40 000 J FDIE UNION NATIONAL Rh MOUNT JOY BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. 17552 | THE 0 "HOMETOWN BANK" L] 336 Locust St. Columbia, Pa. Phone 684-2253
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