Page 16- SUSQUEHANNA TIME:S MAYTOWN, PA. ARNOLD 1975 Oldsmobile Starfire, 4 speed 1974 Pontiac Catalina Sedan 1973 Oldsmobile Royale Sedan 1973 Pontiac LeMans Sedan 1973 Pontiac LeMans Coupe 1972 Pontiac Grand Prix 1971 Oldsmobile 98 Sedan 1971 Pontiac Firebird 1970 VW 1969 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan 1969 Oldsmobile Tornado PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE BERCEEERRR CERN CLEAR EONARRIBR NRRL IREACIREIRAR ANAS RAOR EATON RORRREMRERRRRRRARRINCANES 8 Did You Know..... where Hanes support panty hose and Hanes tummy control panty hose are sold at in Columbia? Did You Know..... where Country Custom '2 dresses are sold at in Columbia? Did You Know..... where junior sizes of sportswear, namely, ‘Everything is Jake’, is sold at in Columbia? Did You Know..... where 2 sized cotton dresses up to size 24" are sold at in Columbia? Did You Know..... where authentic paper shell necklaces directly from Hawaii are sold at in Col- umbia? sized All of the above questions can be answered by visiting the New Heineman’s Department Store at 245 Locust St. in Columbia. Se HEINEMAN’S Penny Lynn Coyle and Bruce Curtis Robinson Penny Lynn Coyle to wed B. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Arnold, R.D. #1, Marietta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Penny Lynn Coyle, R.D. #1, Marietta, to Bruce Curtis Robinson, 60 E. Orange St., Elizabethtown. The bride-elect will grad- uate from Donegal High School in June, 1976, and also attends the Food Trade Course at Mount Joy Vo- Tech. She is employed by Byers Pasteries, R.D. #1, Marietta. PP&L exec. warns against con artists Spring is the season for birds, flowers and con men. Don’t be fooled into parting with hard-earned money by someone posing as a Penn- sylvania Power & Light Company employee, warns Arch G. Knisely, PP&L’s community affairs manager. “If someone claiming to be a PP&L employee rings your doorbell and offers to perform some service for which you will pay him on the spot, be suspicious and ask to check his or her Company identification,” Knisely said. PP&L employees would not solicit immediate pay- ment for work done at a residence. Paper drive Donegal High School stu- dents are having a paper drive on March 20. If you have old papers you want to dispose of they can be taken to the front of the high school between 8 and 11 a.m. on March 20. Robinson Mr. Bruce Curtis Robin- son is the son of Mr. Bruce Calvin Robinson, 60 East Orange St., Elizabethtown. He is also the son of Madeline M. Robinson, 80 Hanover St., Middletown. He graduated from Eliza- bethtown Area High School in 1974 and is now at Naval Basic training in Great Lakes, Ill. Before entering the service he was employed by Armstrong Ceiling Plant, Marietta. No date has been set for the wedding. March 10, 1976 Deborah Jo Gainer to wed John Swarr Deborah Jo Gainer Mrs. Betty Gainer of S59 Marietta Street, Mount Joy, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Deborah Jo Gainer, to John Lloyd Swarr, Mount Joy. She is also the daughter of Mr. James Gainer, Lancas- ter. The bride-elect is a senior at Donegal High School and is employed by Dutchland Farms, Rheems. Mr. Swarr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swarr, R.D. #1, Mount Joy. John was a 1974 graduate of Manheim Central High School and Willow Street Vo-Tech. He is employed by Wilton Brass Company, Mount Joy. <HOSTETTER - “Dining Service, inc. —_—— - "VY > . \ ls } 7 = a A Rade MOUNT JOY, PA. We offer the finest facilities for: 1 RECEPTIONS 1 BANQUETS 2 A&E" PARTIES “1 € 529 > ho BUSINESS MEETINGS ¢ "TOUR GROUPS We specialize in bridal receptions. & Brides, call us for a consultation on any reception problem. 653-5911 PEE na
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