Page 14 - SUSQUEHANNA TIMES Q In our Teen Owl-e 3 days only $4.00 off special group of BIG TOPS We just received a new shipment of JEANS & SPRING SLACKS / Sizes 5—15 \ / Come buy your spring merchandise Nile the selection is at its peak! [rohee Owl Phone 653-5512 15 Marietta Ave., Mount Joy Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat.-9:30 to 5:00 Wed.-9:30 to 12:00, Friday-9:30 to 9:00 L re 4 D DAHLBERG ELECTRONICS customized ur ALL-IN-THE-EAR HEARING AID y emi Individually made to fit the shape of your ear...and the shape of your hearing loss. Entire unit fits in the natural contours of your ear as shown above. Discover how much “Contour” may help you hear and understand. Our “ear-resistable’” offer... No Rental Charge. 0 No Dispensing Fee. No Earmold Cost. You may return “Contour” in 30 days for full refund. 100% Money Back Guarantee COME IN OR CALL FOR MORE DETAILS: 393-6921 {Senior Citizens receive a special discount). IF YOU CAN'T COME IN... SEND THIS COUPON. ag Wo ERR RE IR BUCKBEE HEARING AID CENTER 2 Please send me Free "Contour Brochure B.. : ee iru wien ¥ i ove = tem eee enti B Cry... ene mL i # State __. ie I ee 8 ee eee mmm BUCKBEE HEARING AID CENTER 213 West Orange Street Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 Births Mr. and Mrs. Westley Heiney (Barbara Jo Bender) 31 New Haven Street, Mount Joy, a daughter at General Hospital, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Yohe (Colette Vogel) 704 East Market Street, Mari- ette, a daughter at St. Joseph Hospital, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Espenshade (Kathy Lynn Groff) Mount Joy R.D. #2, a son at General Hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gillette (Deborah McCauley) Mount Joy R.D. #2, a son at St. Joseph Hospital, Tuesday. April registration for fall kindergarten in Donegal schools Kindergarten registration for the Donegal School District will be held as follows: Grandview School, April S; Maytown School, April 6; Riverview School, April 7; Seiler School, April 8. Registration hours will be between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Parents should register their child at the school nearest to their home. It is not necessary to bring the child to the registration center. In order to be eligible for fall enrollment, the child must be five years old on or before September 8, 1976. Documents proving birth- dates and immunization records should be taken to the registration centers. Parents wishing to enroll a child in first grade who has had no previous kindergar- ten experience should con- tact Gene Newcomer at Riverview School or Seiler School. Additional information concerning kindergarten will be available at the registration centers. Tests March 17-19 for Kraybill kindergarten Testing will be held March 17—19 for children who plan to attend Kinder- garten at Kraybill Mennon- ite School next school year. Interested persons should call the school (653-5236) for an appointment. Children who are five years old on or before September 1, 1976 are eligible. The child’s birth certifi- cate or proof of birth shall be presented at the time of testing. State law requires that every child be immunized against diptheria, tetanus, polio, measles and rubella prior to admission to school for the first time. The child’s immunization record shall be presented at the time of testing. Children who have not attended Kindergarten are eligible to take the Grade 1 entrance test if they are six years old on or before September 1, 1976. This entrance test will be given May 8. Children wanting to transfer into Grade 1 should also call for an appointment for this test. Registration at all other grade levels are open. Application can be initiated by calling the school office. Sduferd LBERT M All cars inspected, tuned up, and serviced by us. 1973 Plymouth Duster, 2 dr., 6 cyl. auto., R.H., P.S. ORS oT RL NGL re he Ad Ne 2 0 0 0 le te te Pe Te Te eB 5 seh as 8 tak . - = - ta. a a - - A » - 1973 Plymouth Satellite, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., air 1973 Chevrolet Impala, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S. air auto., R.H., P.S., 1970 Pontiac LeMans, 2 dr., V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., air 1969 Chevrolet Station Wagon, V-8 auto., R.H., P.S., 9 passenger These cars are above average and are guaranteed by us. Ma town, Pa. 426-3604 “a tan 1971 Buick Skylark, 4 dr., Sedan, V-8, Financing available to qualified buyers March 10, 1976 Right now we have special buys on Jes, fresh cut flowers, 0 : bouquets, and » AH 8 fos VP af CEN <$ deh So FEE N gd pb , pO \ J YP ’ : green plants. L 0) EE AN 3 ~ To PAS hb) o 7 Eh 7 & h 2 2 vd TAX = I AYES £5 Lil 3 2 N i Cs J atk BRE MWC Remember to wear the green on St. Patrick’s Day! RUHL'S FLOWERS OPPOSITE BEAHM JR. HIGH MOUNT JOY PHONE 653-4006 SHARP’S DISTRIBUTORS Beer & Ale Porter & Soft Drinks 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 March 15 BANK ST. AQUARIUM 13 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA ® Tropical Fish and Supplies ® Dog and Cat Supplies ® Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rats and Guinea Pigs ® Reptiles and Birds (SOON) Roomier Store Convenient New Hours Noon to 8 Mon. - Fri. Sat.10-35 Phone 426-1669 De a i NERS AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY - 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 “3% Pra a. { § { { { : { 1 1 f § { ET TE, TT mmo. rm) Oh os a Ra at
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