76 ler- Vr. er, nd- rs. #6, SUSQUEHANNA TTMES Vol. 76 No. 11 March 17, 1976 Barbara Landis won the Grand Championship at the Donegal Science Fair for her diffusion analysis of copper. Sixteen year-old Barbara is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William B. Landis of R.D. 1, Columbia. photo by Corky Flick photo by Corky Flick Gregory Lindemuth, a 17 year-old junior, won the physics award for his tubular evacuated solar collector. Greg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lindemuth of Maytown. Susquehanna Times & The Mount J MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, i. Phillip Landis, an 8th grader at Beahm, won the Jr. High Grand Championchip award at the Donegal Science Fair. Phillip, the 13 year-old brother of senior high champion Barbara Landis, investigated perpetual motion machines for his science project. The 1976 Donegal High School Science Fair was held on Thursday, March 11, in the high school gym. The senior high and junior photo by Corky Flick ‘Barb & Phil Landis are 1st in science fair high grand champions were sister and brother. Barbara Landis won the grand championship, and Phillip Landis won the ir. high grand championshi-.. Continued on page 2) Winners at the 1976 Donegal Science Fair were: Grand Champions: Senior High School-Bar- bara Landis, grade 11 Junior High School-Philip Landis, grade 8 Grade 7: Ist place-Cindy Peifer; 2nd place-Bill Livelsberger; 3rd place-Kevin Dishart; 4th place-Bonnie Drace; and Sth place-Jon Horst. Grade 8: Ist place-Philip Landis; 2nd place-Donald Armold; 3rd place-Dennis Ebersole; 4th place-Gary Eshleman; and Sth place-Sam Clark. Grade 9: Ist place-Dean Bricker; 2nd place-Deborah Heis- tand; 3rd place-Wendy Hawn; 4th place-Curtis Thompson; Sth place-Jona- than Ruhl; and 6th place- Russell Knight. Biology: Ist place-Eileen Penyak; grade 10; 2nd place-Grant Markley, grade 11; 3rd place-Cheryl Felty, grade 12; 4th place-Greta Weid- ner, grade 12; Sth place- Mimi Ginder, grade 10; and 6th place-Peg Shenk, grade 12, Chemistry: Ist place-Jacob Shirk, grade 11; 2nd place-Deanna Grimm, grade 12; 3rd place- Mark Weidman, grade 11, 4th place-Steven Shope grade 12; Sth place-Karer Greider, grade 12; and 6th place-Mitchell Nissley. Physics: Ist place-Gregory Linde- muth, grade 11; 2nd place- John Fellenbaum, grade 12: 3rd place-Ted Hershey, grade 12; 4th place-David Engle, gradc 10; Sth place- Joe Meszaros, grade 12; and 6th place-Kevin Milligan, grade 12. Ralph t Mount ny pa {153] Letter: FIFTEEN CENTS Chief Kline asks citizens to avoid fire & accident scenes It has come to my atten- tion that in the past few months, that in emergency situations such as fires and accidents where emergency vehicles must respond to the scenes, they have been hampered severely by the amount of public citizens and vehicles that are re- sponding. This is hampering the emergency vehicles and working personnel at the scene, and in getting to the scene. | realize that this is the age of the CB radio and monitor, however, if used properly they would be a benefit instead of a hazard. I am asking your coopera- tion in eliminating this situation, by not following the emergency vehicles to the scene of such emergen- cies. However, if this should continue I will take further steps to eliminate this hazard. Furthermore 1 wish to advise the public that when the Fire Co. is dispatched to the scene of any emergency. the fire police have full police powers and 1 will request thatif anybody fails to comply to a lawful order by them at the scene of such an emergency I will request that they take proper action. Therefore I will again ask your cooperation in this matter and request that you stay away from such emer- gencies. Respectfully, J. Bruce Kline Police Chief Marietta boro council reports Marietta Borough Council voted to close a portion of Cherry Alley at its March meeting. The alley will be clesed between the Railroad House and the Jerry Martin pro- perty. The borough retained a right of way on the alley, which is impassable for vehicles, because a brick storm sewer arch runs under the road. The Bicentennial commit- tee got permission to close Market St. from the Com- munity House to the Mari- etta Theater on Sat. and Sun., September 18 and 19. A craft demonstration and flea market will be held on those days. No parking will be allow- ed after midnight Friday or after 7 a.m. Sunday. The street will be open to traffic Saturday night only. Policing and cleaning up the street will be financed by the bicentennial commit- tee. An insertion requiring one sturdy handrail on all stairways was added to the housing ordinance. Stair- ways having a rise of 4 feet or more than 3 steps must have a sturdy hand railing. State regulations for dwel- lings also require a hand railing. 39 ordinance violations were reported. Ten persons were prosecuted for various offenses. Council will file for available state funds for street repairs and snow removal. Specifications for a new borough truck will be advertised. Earth to be moved for E. Don. ballfield At last week's meeting the E. Donegal Supervisors awarded a $13,515 contract to B.R. Kreider and Son, Inc. to move ground for a 2d baseball diamond in the township park. The state is paying 1/2 the cost of the park improvements, so the con- tract had to be approved by the Dept. of Community Affairs in Harrisburg. Ap- proval came through last week. Work will start as soon as the weather permits.
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