SUSQUEHANNA Vol. 76 No. 9 March 3, 1976 Twenty residents fight 10-unit development Daniel C. Gohn, borough engineer and surveyor for Jones and Zink, developers, requested a variance on a setback requirement on a 2.3 acre tract of land east of North Jacob and Chestnut Streets and North of Apple Tree Alley, from the Mount Joy Zoning Hearing Board. Residents from Park Ave- nue, adjacent to the area, objected to the proposed plans and cited a water problem now in that area. Pictures of the rear yards of some residents showed wa- ter bubbling up from a storm drain. The residents said this happens even after a heavy summer rain. Other objections were to the overcrowding of land and overpopulation caused by the planned ten-unit, single-family, semi-detach- ed homes. A tavern now stands on the ground. Gohn said the lease for the tavern will expire in the next two and one half to three years. Plans call for no renewal of the lease, Gohn said. The building is to be renovated for residental use, he said. The twenty residents who voiced their objections to the three-member board do not oppose all development in the area. They assured the board they would not object Kids, moms in Joycee The Mount Joy Joycee- ettes are holding a card party and fashion show at the Mount Joy Legion from 8-11 p.m. on March 1S. Joycee-ettes and their children will model fashions from the Trudi-K shop in Manheim. Door prizes will be items handmade by the Joycee-ettes. Desert and coffee will be served. Admission is $2.25. Re- served seats only are avail- able. For tickets, call Mrs. Robert Hoffer at 653-5958. Scottie Ney wears a Leisure Look denim outfit by New Guy. Aime McCurdy wears a hand-smocked peach dress by Polly Flinders. The Joycee-ettes fashion show features clothing for all ages, modeled by the Joycee-ettes and their children. Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Builetin MARIETTA & MOUNT JOY, PA. if certain conditions, such as The the water run-off, were met, and the number of units was reduced. decision. Wrestlers 3d in AA sectionals; Cagers beat LCHS 83-77, 68-70 lose to Camp Hill The Donegal High School wrestlers posted 44 points to capture 3d place in the Class AA Sectional wrestling championships at Hempfield last week. Donegal had two champions; Jerry Garner and Tim Howell; and one runner-up; George Mohr. Photos on page 8. The Donegal basketball ended its AA playoff career Mon. night when Camp Hill came from behind to defeat the Indians by 2 points. Last week, the Indian cagers defeated Lancaster Catholic 83-77. Indian center Bob Barto didn’t see much action in either game because of an injured ankle. Junior Kevin Bradley, substituting for Barto, shot spectacularly well. The Indians’ defense suffered, however, without Barto’s height and skill. More on page 8. -ettes fashion show Models at the Joycee-ettes fashion show will include Jodi Nolt (top), Stacy Gingrich (middle) and Missy Wetzel (bottom). Zoning Hearing Board has 4S days to reach a Radph M, De. 2 shy do R, Mi FIFTEEN CENTS Steve Enc practices a school cheer in *‘Cheaper by the Dozen.’ photo by Cork Flick Cheaper by the Dozen at Donegal this week “Cheaper by the Dozen,’”’ the Junior Class play at Donegal High, will be performed Friday and Saturday, March S and 6, at the high school auditorium. A special free matinee for senior citizens will be shown on Thursday, March 4, at 1 p.m.. The breezy comedy stars Susan Miller, Daniel Strechm, Phillip Geod, Jay Behling, Gail Madara, Cynthia Emenheiser, Randy McCoy, Brent Becker, Thomas Dalkiewicz, Eileen Jones, Cynthia Charles, Cynthia Erb, Mark Weidman, Steve Eno, Sharon Bryant and John Hayman. School custodians to vote on union Custodial and mainten- ance persennel employed by the Donegal School District are scheduled to vote next month on the question of collective bargaining repre- sentatienin anelection to be conducted by the Pennsyl- vania Labor Relations Beard. PLRB Executive Director Abe Belsky said the eligible employees will have twe choices on the election ballot: the Donegal School Service Personnel Associa- tion, PSEA; or No Repre- sentative. Included in the proposed collective bargaining unit would be all full-time custodial and maintenance employees. A total of 11 employees in those classifi- cations are on the voting eligibility list. Part-time workers are specifically ex- cluded. Alse excluded are any supervisory, cenfiden- tial or management level employees. Late last year the service personnel association filed with the PLRB a petition for representation seeking the vote among the employees. Prior te ordering the elec- tion, the PLRB cenducted a hearing on the petition with representatives of the school district and the association. Labor board agents will conduct the balloting March 4, from 3 to 4 p.m. in the district's high school near Mount Joy.
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