[rAILL aniv.ag CO ON & STONEHOUSE WOULD res pectfuy . inform the public that they have 0,/ nil I at Chair atori ra nit, on the south.west corner of the Diamond, in Waynes boro', a large and we selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, nardurare and Cutlery, • hoti, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware; Shoes, Cat pets, Oil Goths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and ail' kind of Goods kept in a well reguluted store. Our goods are al new and fresh and have been bought for cash et the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long experi once in business, and a determination to sell goods at smal profits, we shall be able to offer unusual' inducements to a !Myers who desire to Bove mons ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and we assorted stock • of sta. ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Conts,Deri rms, Stripes, Checks, Gingham's, Linin and Cotton Table Diapers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes, Detains, A {pacer's, FANCY DRESS GOODS, Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtings, Tickings; Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds 0; country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Egpi Dried Fruit, Rags, N0v..3 —IB7J. ANTIETAM IVOCLEN EMORY. MIRE under-i4ned rerretfuily snnntince to their 1. cu s tomers and the public gi nelady thit:they have now on hand a full stock of WOOLEN GOODS, S CAS If ETS, COVERLETS, &e., ell or %%In ,ing sal at reduced places. t,erpetirg, hot w001..n and cotton, made to or• der at abort notice, and oh other cu -iota wcrk at _toiled to promptly. The lughyst markt - t f r WOO% ' Persons wanting anything in 'keit I no are iuci teel to c:11 tud axami , v.thtir stock r f goi; la. The. I hankl of the fi.m are tenth r,..1 tlya---putrtie for p Ist patron age and the hol, entertain° that the3—m-q—be-cnald-otl-to-rnerit eontinwnwe of such 1 iv • J. W. BA vet 20 tf I'LTI3LIC TUE subs, OLT will sell nt I ti'dic sale,• nt Lis . rye hlenre in l'iltcsvellv, OW-Monday, the ith of November, 1870, the following T r; 4141 p ovsrty, to•wit TWO - HEAVY NAUGHT-MARES, I good two horse %Vagon, 1 one anti twe.ti irse spring Wagon, I cart, 1 1:(1W, 2 FAT 11(4675,, STIOATS, I Gap Plow, I Jon ,w, I single and I di. obit , shovel plow, double_and_single tees, 2 ii;tt breerbbrands, 1 p a ir clip, k 'ea, connrs, bii Les and halti.rs, brans t and log c pains, 1 new spred, and tnlny_iartit lea not recess try to the nti :ink to camtnence at 10 o'elecl , on said day when n credo of fide months will be given of all sums of live ti. Pars and upw init.. hi furchnsers giving their totes ith approvt da, clarity. D. 11. HA liTl 6. V, Mom), nuet COACH -VIKING. .HE subscriber n :mat ces to his fri , nds and the publie. stint he has purchased the Coach Factory f.rin .rly owned by Israel lie•ei, and is now engsged in thr above bu : dness, on M a i n s tree t, at the Eist end of Waynesboro'. Having a knowl cd.re of the business, and emylnying none but prie.iesl workmen, and by stria attention to !nisi. nes3 he h )pes t r merit a share of pstronset:. All kinds of new work on hand and orders filled von - truly. jan I i if • Lumber, &c. THE subscri'ier has for site Clie . tnut Shingles, Paitings, l'histeriitg Laths Shingling Laths, Pine Lumber from a half to one inch, All other sizes of Lumber furnished to order Also Oak, Pine and Chestnut IVood by the load for sale on the pround. lie has also IC E rot sale. 2.3—ti] A 'S. MONK. PUIVtTE SALE. TiTE su . bseriber Pliers st private w'e T*4 0 A• CRES OF I.IIPROVED LAND, E•ut a t c a bout half a mi'e from Wayne , :horo', on the Ring g 1.1 ro .d. which will be divided or s .11 t. ether to bull purchasers. JWIN H.Mll.l,Eft. ort 27-4 w Farm for Sale. THE heirs el George Wiles, deceased, will f. el I at private sa!o the FAR3I of said dem. e I tither in pircela or the whole. Enquire of tl e un dersioned, on the pre nfses, t j miles from Wayt es• •o',nn the flagt rstown Turni No, oct27 if JOHN . WILES. 1111 DES WAN rum , . subscriber will pay the highest mar ket price for LH DES delivered at the Hardware store of Gtiser & Rinehart in Way nerboro', Pa. 'Always on hand finished LEATuRrt of al kinds - such as Harness, Bridle, Fair Skirting . Fair Golf skin, Upper, K ips, Calfskin e, Spanish .Ni..ughter and Hemlock, Sole, Linings, &c. Saddlers and Shoemakers will find it to their in terest to give him a call. oct27-tf GEORGE MIDDOUR. BARK WANTED! FORNEY & SONS Will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tan. ne , v in Waynesboro'. Ma c e and Skins rant in and weighed • a t th e f it of G. Ruthes Shoe Store, for which the high. t market p ice will be paid. 11, 21-1870 WALL PAPER. A great variety of Ptv terns Style and Price of Well and• Celli ig Paper. Mao, Wind.'w Paper and Oil Blinds, at june 241 AMBERSON,BENEDICT 4‘. CO'S THOS. J. FILBERT, DIERCUANT TAILOR, AND AMINT, Fait SINGE 11; SE wi I :G MACH :NE NCIPTICIILI. NTEVAING to ictire (rim the Miling busincas, be subscriber request; all per )na in Mood to to , bole Jr bcok account to c dl . and In Ikt int ll.ll InNli.te et tflz•ne9t. pcl27 St JP. NE IT' /ILI S. .. . s, eh aro be CEO. B. HAWKER NOTICE. at Di '0 V/ „;i MEMINIFIIII CI 0 We ore now rcceising our first epply of FALL GUDS nt tOtrer priced than they bare' been for severs! years, to which ws call the attention of all who wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. -- A full a••ortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, a &r., for Men and Boys wear at A. B. & Co's. A full assortment of Dtlains and al: kinds of sum met guuds for Ladies at A B.& Co's. 13l ached and Brovin Muslina selling IoW at A. B. & Co 's. A heavy stork of Ingrain, raporte.L Rag,:enti all kinds of Carpet at A. B. dr.Co.'s. Cit. Cloths and Mattings a largo lot at A. 8.& Co. a. Wall and Window Paper in great variety nt A. Is. di Co.'s. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at , A. B. & Co.'s. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Queenswaro, Ilan:ware, and (;ro ernes to which we call your attention and feel eon fident ilia twe con give you fall sEtitliction in re to price and quality. fli''Give us a call.A3 AMBEIOON„ BENEDICT & CO. Frpt 20-1870.. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Sinai! Property.. IIIE Heirs of Ilrnry Corloil, Igo of ‘Vsshine.- ton eve/141)in, t?ec'd, wit' sell on SATURDAY 771 E STII OP .1% 0 rE3IBEE next, Ili.) l u llov,ing [teal Est Ate, v z: TW TY.ONE ACRES of Improred Land, najoiling the farm of Dr. Frant at the toot of the south Mout: tain, with a LT Douse, Log Burn, and ether out-buildings erected thereon. with a %Veil of Water near the house, and chriice fruit on the lin mises. Also, on the same day, A MOUNTAIN LOT, Cont doing six an I a half acres, within a half mile of the °foresail premises. The two tracts will be sold together or separate to suit purchasers. Sale to com mence on saio day at 10 o'clock, when the terms will be made known by THE HEIRS of oct 13 to Dewy Carden, deed. JOSEPH DOUGLAS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Waynesboro', Pa., . pRIViTICES in•the several courts of Franklin and adjacent counties. N. D. Heil &Alta leased and sold and Fire insurance effected oq reasonable terms. dee 10 WAYNESBORO' SELECT SCHOOL :S l it T t b h ez n t e i d te b m y b c l4 r " ' s o; i t t E r ' L I T; 10 F 11 13 N O tiOUn- pits. Having engaged rooms with every convenience for the comfort of her scholars, she bore to receive the patronage of htr friends. The course of edu cation will be thorough, such as to quilifyi her pia• pits for the active entice; of life. Private it.struc. Hans given on the Plana if desired. aug 18-1870-Gm PRIVATE SALE, ce HE Elaine? ibr r rs at private sale his House IA and Lot of Ground on Mechanic street, Way. nebboro'. 11 not sold privntoty on or before the 2.1 day of January, 1871, it wtll be sold at public sale on that clay at 2 o'clock. P. .M. Possession will be given on the let day of Apri', 187 . 1. ror further particulars apply to John W. Coon. oct 13ts J. it. OR SALE.—A seem:id-band Morn— F tus Glory Stave and two iron kettles Oew ) Call on (cc 27) W. A. likcp: D B DII:10CLG NEW FIRM D. B. RUSSELL & SON nt the sign 01 the Dig Re I Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a urge assortment of 'Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVES! (warrantea to give satisfaction•) nrrare Iron Ware, Bressware, Japanned Ware, nouse Furnishing Goods Tubi,• Buckets, Irtrrnq, Knives and forks Sii4mns, Ladles. 143rge iron and Copper-kettlei-, An 1 other It=erul nrtteleg nt the sign et the 11W It - gtrfirviri, — Waytiesbiro , where u r g e ne- I•orintrot of COOli." STOVES, NINE PLATE STOVE,S I'.llti3O;L STOVE,S COAL STOVES ,t of the Weit improvernont., the very hest in the market, at Lhe Cheap arpf stove Store et D._ll. 1:118SELL-& SON.- -KVERYBODY COME A-N-D SEE TUjII, IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE BURN EU, told at Retai I tiv D. B. RUSSELL & SON, iSign of the ilia Red horn, Wnyncsboro', TINVETAIVE made of the best Tin in tho market, and warranted at the sign of the 4 6 X 331.0 IEI. C 3 cl. .171 c, men. . " P. il. Ittlif,Sl3l.l, keeps constantly on hand • a largo assortment of Howie Furnishing Goods Mr sdlecheap. Pure No. I Kcrostße Oil and a large assortment of .Lamps. Washing Made . Easy ! by calling at the sign of the "Rig Red Horn" and gening the brat Close Wringer ever made. Personb ip want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can got full value for their money by cal.ing. on D. & SON, Sign of the"BIG RED HORN • Waynesbore', -- Ps --- SAVE • YOUR FRUIT I L K. OELLIG DRY HOUSE, PATEN COD J 11II111Y 2IST, 1868. Thin the best Dry llouse ever offered to the public ; It dries Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniformly and perfectly. TLe Fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily mana;efl. ' It B3VCII It is durable and portable. It has 24 feet of drying surface. Cull and see them at the sign if the BIG RED 110/tK anti leaveyour (+niers (or them• March 24, 1810, THE MORNING GLORY. FOR '69. JOhN U. itusgat For sale nt W. A, TUTTLE'S new Stove and Tin tore De has on hand a large stock of the above' stoves, atl of the late imF roved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good !taker. You can heat Irons. Doke, Boil, Ilnast, stew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor stove. In rsgirJ to the West of some S'ove Peelers, wtily that their particular stove takes lees coil and gives more heat than the Morning Glory. you C3ll put that kind of talk down as a Blow•well, as the Morning (II try has been cold (in this part of the country) for four years, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of them, and never hail to Like one back becauge it would not do its work or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other stave ever offered in this mar Let. Th.., is the proof Which is the stove. 1 ha_ve other styles _or_beating—stoves for coal—or wood. Beating Furnaces put up and warranted )13 , (Jookr.tquves are of Ilie best in market for'eoal er wood, all warranted good B ikers. Also a new Parlor .Cook Move, something that can't be excel!. ed. Call rind see mo. You will find my stock of Tin cqteet4ron - and - other wares or the best kinds, and to low rates. On hand, the beat Cloaca Wringer in market.— Also a good and cheep Washing Machine. • Roofing an I Spouting done of the best stock and nt - notice. - Job work of all kinds in my line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get. your copper work done,-being the only smith in the place. Oct 1] I'ATIENTED SEPT. 211, 1569. a 61 E 4 Ei The merits of this Machine consist. in part, in the ntblehnornt of curved knives to the arms of the cut t ittg._whcel. the shearing cut across the mouth-piere, the great power and directness of the blow, by which trel le the volume of material is cut, with less pow er thin is required by any- other Machine; those combined with its durability and simplicity of con struction, command public attention. Nothing lia ble to get out of order, hut what a boy could remedy with n pocket wrench. Persons in want of machines of this description will do well hyiealling upon or addressing the un dersigned. Good end responsible agents wanted to sell mad - duce and territory. The above Machine ig now on exhibition at the office of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Company l'ersons interested should call and examine it, for it is what every farmer should have. 11. C. GILBERT, ' Proprietor, Waynesboro', Pa. BENJ. F. STOUFFRIt, Agent duty 14—try ALLEN 151. GOOD FACTORY AND MILLS GOOD & METCAL Who are prepared to furnish and make to order, We are also prepared to do POST BORING, a nd in short anything in our line of business.— Wiohing to enjoy the success and sustain the rep utation of the former proprietor. we will try to sell or mike anything far you, you want or need in our lint; make i I as well as we can, and sell it as cheap t.s we can, with justice to you and us. Address • GOOD & 111 /ITCA Waynesboro', Pa. Factory 1} miles South of Waynesboro', Pa.. Feb. 17, 18711. N. O. MOLASsa - -The subscrihers havejust received a priino lot of New Orleans Islolas es Ipf the flulidays PRICE Sr. HOEFLICU W. A. TRITLE. ANTIETAM A NEW FIRM Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Brackets, Stairing, Moulding, Scrolling, Flooring, Mantles, 5t . 7., &c. —ALSO— Sawing, Plaining, Turning and Grinding. 'WAYNESBORO' iIiITUAL FIRE INSURA NCE r, MPNY, WAYNESBOL,,,°, I'A., X .1 4 -1 IS TJ Mi. MI ES AGAINST LOSS Olt I . : WWII:I IJV 1E: JR: IML-M. _TAM On all safe class propotty at rcaspnable rates OVFICERS: W. S. A M BER Prebident. Sown Idunto,t, Vice President. -- Jugt. - 11ormAl, i4ecretarr; - J.B. %V. Mitaxn, Tremlitrer. D I 1.1, E (1 l' 0 II 9 : %V.. S. Arrthe mon , Sim ni Le^ron, Lewis S. Form y,. Jacob Oa r . .t.tii.;ll, Jos. linugltw, Jits. Pike, 111111.. r,. . Ter, lien] F. Funk, .1) 11. litts , ttll Lwl irandcrs, .1 ieult S. loud. DANIEL SNIVFLY, Agent, June 10,'70] %Vtlynt sburo', OMNIBUS LINE! rirHE s ti4criber informs the public lb he is n tiroprictorof the Buns bite running drily be tween Waynesboro' arid Greencastle. heretvfort.• run by Wolfersburger :Stoner. With good biases and n first•class four horse Omnibus ho is enabled to convey passenters to and fro with contort tnd convenience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro' at GI A. M., arriving at Greencastle at El, making quick lime and sure connection with the first l'as4enger train at t.q A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. AI., ar riving at Waynesboro' at f 45. lie is himself l'ro. prietor, ("ontractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle. All E. press matter expressed tho s"ine morning n n d through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishingtiStai - el goodTlT - I.xpress will it r well by giving him a call— l't•raotat tvlbtut:g to go to liagentowa should take this route. The leaves nt 9 t e making connection with the Waell ington County Railrontd. • wig 20 if J J it WOLFERSBEIWEIt. BRAN ISHOLTS, .D E-N T I ST, -* • --TV.I- 1 A WA YN ESBORO', PA., Can be found at all times at Lis office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis io used end nt ryes to suit the limps. Teeth eXtricte, tvithani pain by dm use of elib , rofen, out her, ni trous oai le gas or the freezing process, in a manner: surpassed by none. VTE the uniersigneJ being actpainted whit A. K. Branisholta for the past }err, can recom mend him to the public generaly to be a Dentif.t well qualifi2d to perform all operations helongieg to Dentistry in the rno4 skillful mann( r. Drs. J. D. A AIBERSI 'IN, I. N. SNIV El. 1 1 - , E. A. Ii ER J -- Irt;111P19.13, J. .1. 0EL1.161, A. BOAEIJIIAICE, Sept 29 1 . 1 T. D. PREM.:J-1. NEW STORE! RINGGOLD, Md ILLIA VI-STEWART has been to the CitiL and laid iu a large supply of Ladi. s, Misses and Childron's Shoes, of the most fashionable styles. Men and Boy's Shoes, both coarse and line, Alen'e Congress Gaiters; also straw /lats. The public tire generally invited to come and xamine for them selvgs, All wl o will buy of him will receive satis faction, as ho will sew all rips gratis. lie also keeps sugar, coffee, tnolasses and sirup, pepper, alspice and etnam in, mackerel, latter paper, t nvelopes, steel pens,pen holders, kerosene, &c., &c. A lot of die best leather on hand Work manu factured to order at short notice and upon reason able terms. lie,rettirns thanks, to the Kline for past pat r o n . ego and hopes to be ablo to tnorit a continuance of the same. Inn 5, 1870. FEATHEZRSiM:ENOV:ATED! IIIE subscriber would inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and neighborhood that he basso cured the services t John H. Herr to operate his Feather Renovator during his al Bence. l'ersms desiring feathers renovated will please call at the room iii the rear of Iluths' Boot and Shoo,store or at the residence of "Mr. H. Sal izfactiun,is guaran teed in all cases. aug I 1-tf ADAM FORNEY. PRIVATE SALE!. Ilf: subscriber offt.rs for sale n House and Lot ta , of Oro'und on North street, Waynesboro'. There is on the lot a well of good water par ly completed. Also Et Building Lots on Broad strevt and 12 ern West Main street. On one of the jolter there is a I hue Ki'n and good Stone Quarry. Money cm be made upon this lot by Lime Burning. P lto 6 Out Lots ranging in size from I+ to 4 acres. If it is desired purclisinqs of Building Lots can get ponsessiln of then) this Fall. sep 8-tf .DENTISTAT! nll. J. M. PEDDICORD, late of San Francisco, 11Cal., has loclted in ‘Vcyncsboro', and will ar. tend to all the branches of the prufcs-ion. in a thin , °uglily practical manlier. Teeth extracted without pain 1w Nitrous Oxide Gas, or a highly improted freezing process. 01lice two doors west of the Village Record Of fice. aug 1 1-tf CENTRAL MARKET ! T AVING secured the services of a first-class _ILL Butcher, Air. Chas. Dicke?, who takes great pfeasureln pleating customers, the subscri•ters an. flounce to their customers ant) the public that they now occupy the Cellar on the corner, next door to the Town Ball, where fresh Beef, Pork, Lamb and Veal can be had on Monday, Wednesday and Sat• urday, evenings and morninge. Sausage and Pud ding furnished regularly on Wednesday evening of each week. Persons can rely on gettin4 the choicest meats as none but the best stock will he slaughtrred ' Flt ZslK. WEAGLEY, oc 6-It JOB. P. KURTZ. BUTCHERING! The subscribers nnnounce to their friends and the public that they have resumed the Butchering busi ness and wi:i continue to tarnish choice articles of Beef, Veal and Mutt in the Basement next door to the Waynesboro' Ilotfl on Monday and Thurs day of es en week during the season. They return thanks for past patronage and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. may IZ-0 1100 V.E i p d HEItT3IA Wm. STE WA HT ALEX. HAMILTON - .•• I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For Diseases of tho Throw* and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before In the ivhole history of medicine, has any thing won so a it'hely mid so deeply upon the comidence of tonnklittl, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Ihrouph along' series of yearS, 1111(1 roaring of Lilo races Of 1111.11 it has IEOII higher and nightie in their esti:nal ion, as it has become better known.. Its uniform character and power to elite - the va rious infections of the bingo taut throat, hake made it known as tt reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young 01111111. cm, it is at lie same time the most caectual remedy that can be ghcn for incip tent Coll6lllllption rind the dam:mous a:tedious of the throat and'hings. As a provition against sudden attacks of Cramp• it dumb] be kept on hand in every family, and imiced as ell are some -111110.13 /Ali/feet to colds and congits, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although Fettled Cotrroutption 18 thought in -curable, still great numbers et' cures-whore the diseme seemed settled, have been 'completely --t•in-ed, and tho patient restored to round bealdi by the Cherry l'ertaral. Eo compicte is its matte' y over the disorders of the Lungs and Threat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, tinder no , Chrprir J'ecturat they subride antliitsappear. Singers and Public Speakers Hatt great protection from it. Asthma Is ulc ays relieved and often wholly Cured by it. Bronchitis Is generally cured by tithing the Cherry l'erforai in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues 'mown, that Ivo need not unbind) the certilkates of them here, or do more than as•mtre the public that its qualities are fully,untintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Foyer, Remittent Foyer, Dumb .A.gue, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., raid indeed 01l the affections which Eris() from mularious, march, or miasmatic! poisons. As Its name implies, It does C[: re, and doeg not fail. Co:naming neither Ail mar, Qninine, Ns. Zhie, liar any other mineral or poisonous ['abstain e n ll:lever, it in 1101V4 e injures any pn- Vent. The manlier :Lad importance of its cures In Mental° dish iets, are liter idly beyond account, find ne believe without a ricrahrl in the history of A gutLuitql b•irle.-04re-in4de--is-gratiPed - by the "aeknowliqg - inents we receive of the radical cures attested in ob , itimitc eases, and where other rem edie hail wholly hided. Unaecli am ten per-ons, either lesident` in, or travelling'travelling'tiwongh matte loeuldies, will be 14Titeettsf liv taking the AG UE CURE' daily. for Lircr romt,lerfitt.+, arising from torpid ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimu lating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders arid Liver tlompfaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines had - Prepared by Dm J. C. ATEn Br, Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, 11.1a.5., - and bold all round the world. PRICE, $l.OO PEIt BOTTLE. A. P. MIN ElI U 1K U, 1) - - PrW4 STOVER (Si WOLF'S Froit r, Eist Main Stri.cl, Mrylesboro', (-4-0 - 0 S AS LOW /IS ELSEWHERE. Just IreeeffeTiTa fine asnronent oP LADIEi' AND GEN rs' ( Li e. l , !Q 6. C! , - 1 LEJ s ZI trsT ' lit Greatly Ite..luce(l Prices All Good-i k Stotf to the IA 'west Pikes ul the day Prints from G to 12 , 3. Ctl:tts for the boo, and tl iSU a+ (2,0101.8 13 - rown 11u51ins, 1 yard wide, at 12,1 Ups., and :11 other Guuds aceJrcliu‘ , ly ,:}Rap. Xutvite Inspection, may 5, IS7O URSINUS COLLEGE, Located at Freeland, Montgom ery county, Pa. The A cit dem Depa?tmcnt: [FGR3IER.LrZREELIND A First-',;lass liciwAtical and Classical BoarclingSchool for Y4YOrlidi4 MEN AND BOYS, Linder the innneeliate Tuition and .allanage. mod of the jiicully of the Catlve. TERMS MODERATE. rFAII necesca,y XreflSC.9, including Tuition, Boa rdiutr, aslung, Books, tVo., not 4. ceding' $230 year. E COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Wi'l he distinct firm Cie Academic and will afforgl all the advantages of a full College course in thu usuaLhighurAgratiches , -f-btady,-under-the-directi.at of n Faculty 01 six Professing 1 . 17 . 1" hi: Academic Yelr fey both Departmentg will be divided int , ) the following three term , : —Tho tiehnol Opening with the Fall 'term, tieptember 6, 1870 to Deco - alum Winter Term Junnnry 4, 1871 to April 5. Spring Term, Apra 12, to July 7,1871. or For furihel int.)vr.n lir n apply to JZt.v. J. 11. A. 1;() 1).D., ProUdent ..1 Crsinus Col eg.., FuEludotu, AIut , I9'GIIIELIY COUNTY, PA July :10-tr.] IVAIMUBOIIO' iiihhitY AND CONPECT.IONART THE subscribers announce to the public that they have opened a Bakery end Confectionary on Main 'street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Bow den House", where persois at all times can be sup, plied wish fresh Bread, Itt,tls, Pretz.ls. ell kinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply Candies, Nuts, Friths, etc., always on hand. ICE CBE.% M regularly eupplied daring the season. Having erected at colv.idern!,:e exr ease u first class Hake House they feel confident that in this department of their business they can give general satisfiction. racy therefore solicit a share of a - Ii c patronage pay 5 tf SLEASMAN & MORT. SPRING GOODS! Brown & Walter, MT. HOPE, rrAITE just receivcd and opened a large rock of Spring Goods, bought at lowest gold premium priers an. will Ns sold-as low us +hey curs los putetwse.l nap% lure. Call arul•e.sunino .utrt etud: elsewhere. KUM. es. .s IL It. Mt. hive, May s—tr. SOLD Etedsa ced sToVER & WOLFF.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers